donutdrawsthings · 7 months
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[✨ prev ✨] I thought it'd be fun if these guys had their own expression sheets and a unique Doctor Who logo of their own! I'm so happy with how these turned out! :oD
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startixx · 1 month
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anovertureinyellow · 3 months
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Companion-sona be upon ye
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Made another Dandy's world oc
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This is Bloodmoon, and they are kinda a demon-ish whale. Taking the title Lunar whale. She always active around night time and not many toon's know her very well. And she's the exact opposite of Astro where Astro may bring dreams or good dreams from my beliefs. Bloodmoon brings Nightmares to ensure the toon's behavior to make sure they stay nice and not being mean or a bully. She sometimes show the bad ones their consequences in their own nightmare and it worked many times.
And why she only active at night? It because she sleeps in the days to regain energy and power for chaos.
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jayd3nray · 1 month
Doing DW ship requests!!
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skunk-floof · 30 days
So I've been playing a LOT of Dandy's World recently and..
I caved and made a Shrimpo kinsona
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His name is Scaracho
I started off with Scarab and then tweaked it a bit. Y'know that rhythm heaven dj minigame where he cues by saying 'scratch-o'? His name is pronounced like that.
Only the head is shaded bc I wanted to use it for a pfp. Unedited below the cut :3
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Uuh maybe eventually I'll make a TH profile with info for him! I'm not good with stories, I just like making designs lol
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discountedsocks · 20 days
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thing i did for artfight!! Mihangel belongs to @mackmp3 and her story is here GO CHECK IT OUT IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!! (he/she, go wild)
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yinyangrii · 2 months
crazy how I regularly get 20 followers a day now like bro im at 120 followers rn 😭
ok srsy thanks guys lol?
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here’s my dandys world oc “hearty” pronounced “heart eee” and she uses she/he/they
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mixingartist · 1 month
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WOOO wip kinda but working on it! Named her Ooze and I plan on infodumping on her soon!
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brainrot-stitch · 15 days
Woah!! I finishedsomethjg for once! Wow!!
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Doodles under the cut :33
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doctorwhozzat · 8 months
ana be like "I have ꒒ꉻ꓄ꑄ of friends" and then her friend list be like two people (the doctor and shadow (@ninjastormhawkkat's oc))
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raspberry-gloaming · 7 months
I would absolutely adore a zygon companion. And I think it would be really cool both because it could keep the NuWho rule of having the companions be from modern day while having an alien and because you could like drop hints over several episodes until it's finally revealed.
Like. It starts out perfectly normal. The Doctor saves the day in... let's go for Newcastle. He picks up a new companion after the events, Erin.
Erin is from Birmingham, but she moved to Newcastle in 2013 for university, and has been living there since. She says a bunch of stuff about her life over the early episodes that could easily be construed as normal.
She moved here for uni, age 18, in 2013. She hasn't been back, but she's got a... complicated relationship with her family. But who doesn't?
She goes to a support group in Newcastle. What for? It's never specified, but you just assume it's a mental health thing. Good for her, taking care of her mental health.
She talks about her past before uni with a sort of apathy, almost like reading from a script. But it's just family issues, you know? She's had times that weren't great but she's separated from that now, she's moved on. Doesn't like to talk about it, and it's not our place to push too far.
It gets brought up offhand that she still has a strong Brummie accent despite living in Newcastle for more than ten years. She mentions in return that when she was younger she was one of those people who picked up the accent of wherever she visited but she supposes she grew out of that, because her accent has kept strong this past decade or so in Newcastle. Or perhaps it's something about the Geordies, she jokes, that her brain doesn't want to sound like.
She likes the Tudor times. Who doesn't have a favourite era of history, and the Tudors are very popular.
2015 wasn't necessary a good year for her. Family feuds, from what anyone could gather, or family friends getting into arguements that dragged in her community. She tried to stay away from all that. She'd moved up north two years before and was trying to stay away from family drama. It's already known she has that disengaged feel with mentioning her past, which is assumed to be family related. It's assumed there was just some family drama in Birmingham that year. She doesn't say why, just shrugs and jokes that it was their horoscopes.
She has a disconnect as well with gender. She uses she/her pronouns, because to her pronouns aren't a big deal but she uses them because something along the lines of "they're what this body came with." Everyone thinks it's just a jab or joke relating to the fact she's afab, so assigned she/her pronouns at birth as well. It's 2024, gender binaries and gender identities aren't so enforced or expected, you do you.
She looks slightly younger than she is. It's a thing that's pretty common, people age physically at different rates, I've got family who look or have looked decades younger than they are. But is that the real reason, or has she been miscalculating slightly how this body is supposed to age physically.
I'd like to imagine the doctor doesn't realise it either. I'm putting her with Fifteen here, I think that would be fun. And like he doesn't even realise until everything's going to pot quite a few episodes in and they've got no escape route or there's something that won't back down and oh fuck to get them out of it she's gonna have to shift and reveal herself.
Perhaps it's a 2 partner! And it's a cliffhanger, all dire situation, the credits about to roll, Erin swears under her breath and darts a look at the doctor. He won't hate her for lying, will he? She never was much involved with the politics of the hive's move and integration here, so she isn't really aware of who he is in relation to The Day of the Doctor and The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion. She quickly looks away, steels herself, and shifts.
Roll Credits!
I'd like to think Tumblr would go wild after it airs, with some people being like I TOLD YOU SO I KNEW IT MY THEORY WAS TRUE and there's other people who thought it would be cool but didn't think they would actually have a zygon companion. And some people who don't like it because all the "the companion is supposed to be like the audience's perspective/insert it doesn't work if they're not human as we can't relate to them" despite the fact Erin has been living as a "human" since 2013. And on the other hand people are disappointed because you finally get an alien companion but like "she's basically human anyway, it's not as fun as if they were more obvious alien and not living a human life it's kinda boring."
Either way I would love something like this and in writing this I've got kind of attached already to Erin, who I just made up on the spot as I wrote the post. Curious as to what her Newcastle life is now, what degree she did, the societies she joined, the job she has now. Finding yourself as someone whose always been a part of a hive before and also having to do that while pretending to not be yourself.
I'd love to see the little slip ups she makes, the comments that could easily be a normal human talking but get someone on the internet excitedly posting in caps lock with the red string meme.
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acreforrest · 6 months
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companion self insert.. who sona? doctor who oc but he’s literally just me
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made more Dandy's world oc
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today's theme, RED. And what Dragon fruit is wearing, I have that too. I'm out of idea and pick what I have in my room.
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aggressiveanon · 24 days
dandys world infected me... must make oc concept...
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his name is elios... he is the little brother of astro...
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tell me about your ocs 🫣🫣 i liste
thank you for unlocking my side quest. this is probably definitely going to be a very long post
okay, so i've got five time lord ocs, but the main one is Fox (short for foxilquinn, because of course i had to give him a weird time lord name)
so he kind of started out as the kid in a doctor/master child au type story, and hes not not that anymore, but also he's got much more lore than just that now
to start off at the beginning he was born (or loomed i should say) on earth during the third doctor's era. i still haven't figured out why or how they had a loom, but they had one. the unfortunate thing for fox is that this loom was mildly broken so that leads to some problems for him (mainly his hair color will stay the same across all regenerations (which isn't really a problem but whatever, and its also where he got his name since the hair color is about the same as the color of a red fox's coat), he doesn't have a typical injury/stress threshold for regeneration, he has to literally be dying or he can't regenerate (this ends up with him losing a leg and an eye during his first regeneration, but it doesn't kill him so he doesn't regenerate from it), and he's really time sensitive to the point that being near anything paradoxical or too out of sync with the time line just kind of makes him pass out)
(also side note, fox is trans, it isn't like a big part of anything but i just like making my characters trans)
anyway when he's like six the cia show up and are like 'hey we're going to take your kid and put him in the academy on gallifrey' and then basically kidnap him. and since he's still got two years before he's initiated into the academy they stick him in the care or brax because a) he's the doctor's brother and therefore closest available family member on gallifrey and b) i thought it would be funny to stick brax with a child, he does not seem qualified for that
fast forward a bit and he's at the academy doing academy stuff. this is mostly uneventful, he does some mischief, but nothing big happens here. he does end up being in like the same year/class as romana though because this is my story and i like romana so she can be in it if i want her to.
after graduating fox steals a tardis and runs away because hes seen what gallifreyan society is like compared to the rest of the universe and he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in that society not being able to do what he wants.
anyway he kind of just travels around for a while until he one day runs into the doctor and romana and him and romana have a fun little reunion and he travels with them for a while.
after romana returns to gallifrey fox starts sneaking in and out of gallifrey to see romana. this gets a cia agent assigned to his case because he's now a threat to security (he isn't really all that much, his main goals other than seeing romana are to not get arrested and being annoying to gallifreyan government officials that aren't romana). of course this cia agent is narvin because he's one of my favorite time lords so he goes in the story as well
anyway things happen, romana gets captured by the daleks and imprisoned on etra prime. fox goes looking for her, does not succeed but does get blown up and has a building fall on him, resulting in him losing most of his right leg and left eye (also he builds himself a futuristic prosthetic leg and also uses forearm crutches that can fold up really small (like fit in your pocket small) because that's something i desperately want to exist so i'm giving them to him and just calling it time lord technology instead of finding a way for it to make sense) (forearm crutches are so inconvenient to bring anywhere if you're not actively using them and also sometimes when you are)
after romana gets back she gets a bit concerned about fox just running around the universe and getting into dangerous situations because of the events mentioned in the previous paragraph and basically goes 'why don't you teach a class at the academy' so she can make sure hes not out there somewhere getting himself killed
he agrees and ends up teaching a small class of students that (maybe they know this through like matrix prediction or something idk) are all probably going to be renegades. the goal of this class is basically him teaching them how to not die out in the universe (the high council also make the rule that if he's going to be employed on gallifrey he needs to stay there and try to take his tardis from him, but he basically tries to fight them about it (i like to think he tries to bite one of them) and they let him keep his tardis as long as he doesn't go on any unplanned trips)
(there's other stuff about him, like he survives the time war because i don't want to kill him off and theres a few regenerations here and there, but i've already said so much about fox so i'm going to talk about my other ocs now)
the other four are all fox's students who i actually just made up to be placeholder characters for like a scene then i got attatched. they're Azdran, Ensil, Jerex, and Maxin
Az is probably the one i have the most stuff for, they're from the house of oakdown and their parents really want them to be like some kind of politician, but they just want to get off of gallifrey and live a normal life without the expectations of their house behind all their actions. they're nonverbal and use a data pad that they modified as an aac device, this data pad is pretty old and it's a miracle that it still works, but az manages to keep it functioning somehow. they're also the only one of the students that survives the time war, they fall through a rift in time and space opened by the war and end up on earth (something something that rift in cardif)
I honestly don't have much for ensil, hes arcalian (the others are all prydonian) and finds the whole time lord society thing stifling and wants to not deal with that for the rest of his life
Jerex was raised by tardis engineers and likes tardises more than people. he already is bonded to a tardis by the time he enters fox's class and would prefer to spend his days working on upgrading and fixing it rather than having to do classes. if it weren't for the time war getting in the way of things he probably would have just settled himself on a quiet planet with his tardis and helped with repairs on the tardises of renegades who stopped by. i think he still ends up as a tardis engineer/repairer during the war because its what he's good at, but he'd rather not be involved in the war
Last there's Maxin. she's the daughter of maxil and i honestly can't remember if she started out that way or if i made her design and then named her and went 'yeah that could make sense'. anyway because of that she often disregards a lot of rules because her father has like some power and can get her out of things. she also definitely breaks into his office and looks through things she shouldn't be. after the academy she ends up joining the military and pretty quickly climbs the ranks (all of them graduate pretty close to the start of the time war so the gallifreyan military is actually like a relevant thing that does stuff at this point). once the war actually starts though it doesn't take her long to figure out that she a) kind of hates rassilon and thinks he's just making everything worse in some sort of power play against the daleks and b) she can't actually do all that much of what she wants or thinks is best in the military both because of it's structure and because, even despite her rank, she isn't often taken seriously since shes pretty fresh out of the academy, so she defects and starts helping the resistance
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