#open dw rp
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your-local-terror · 5 months ago
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Heh, one for the shrimpo lovers out there [proud]
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dandys-world-ask-blog · 6 months ago
Shrimpo, what do you think about Goob?
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(Creator 3)
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askboxten · 2 months ago
How is your relationship with the toons on the elevator?
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theshadowofthedoctor · 1 year ago
[A small child, looking about the size of a ten year old, with brown curls and blue eyes was sitting on a bench, just watching the people walk pass her.]
Well, this'll probably be quick, Mels should be able to find me pretty well.
[Helena's eyes trained on someone walking near her and the bench]
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ask-leftbehind · 6 months ago
“Hi there, welcome to my shop!”
Hey there! Welcome to my Dandy centric ask blog!! I am Raiyn and I am the artist and roleplayer behind the scenes :)
This is an AU ask blog, so not everything may be canon!
(Blog previously called @ask-dandy)
Askbox is currently: CLOSED! (Indefinitely, I’m a bit burnt out, asks wont be answered for a while.)
(I’m going to be a bit picky with the asks for a bit since I have something planned…)
I'm still not affiliated with dandy’s world in any way, this is just an rp account. 😁
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1. No NSFW, proship, or kink asks
2. Magic anons are allowed! I’m changing the max amount of asks affected to 10 since a lot of people don’t get their questions answered for them.
3. Be patient, I do go to school so I'm not free to immediately answer asks most of the day.
4. Since I get so many asks, to prevent getting burnt out I'm a bit picky with which ones I'll answer. For example, If the ask is something close to one I've answered before, or just a picture, or just too silly, I'm probably not going to answer it unfortunately. I’m also probably not going to respond to any ship asks, not because I don’t like them, but I’m trying to keep the blog ship-free so all can enjoy!
5. I know ocs and sonas are super fun, but I’d rather not have asks related to them. Unfortunately, any asks related to ocs will be deleted.
6. Please read the rules again every once in a while, since they may have changed!
7. Have fun!
(Updated 12/14/2024)
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eightandonly · 2 years ago
Fantasy AU (closed starter)
(I am writing this out of pure boredom and fun XD I like fantasy okay >:P )
Theta took a deep breathe as he hid himself from mortal vision amongst he clouds. His scales felt wonderful as the wind brushed against them and he felt the air current changing. He could hear the rumbling of thunder around his wings, his head tilting to see how bad the storm would be, as he made his decision. His dark navy scales cloaked him well against the night sky as the rain pelted him upon his decent. He would need to take on a more comfortable form upon landing. 
He noted a forest near a village as he began his rapid decent the weather taking a bad turn. His form shifted and shrank to mortal form as he landed just as lightning struck him in the back. His entire body lit up with pain as he tumbled into the foliage and undergrowth of the forest. He trembled as slowly he began to lose conscious, thankfully in human form, exhaustion took him and he passed out.
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travistravy · 2 months ago
Hi! I was wondering if you could do little!dandy hcs? :3
Little dandy headcanons!
[plus a little bit of cg Astro]
🍼🌻-Usually regresses to 3-8
🍼🌻-He likes to go outside and look at the garden or any plants around!
🍼🌻-his favorite book is the hungry caterpillar
🍼🌻-often semi verbal when 5-8 but anything younger than that he’s non verbal.
🍼🌻-usually likes to regress alone bc he’s afraid other toons will judge him.
🍼🌻-he has a big sun plushie he snuggles when sleeping!
🍼🌻-his favorite cartoons are holly and Ben and veggie tales
🍼🌻-if he does regress around someone it would be Shelly or Astro
🍼🌻-once almost got caught regressing by poppy
🍼🌻-has a caterpillar themed paci
🍼🌻-either gets super energetic or super tired when regressed
🍼🌻-Astro gives him good dreams if he’s napping while regressed!
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Sorry if this is really short☹️.i hope ya like them! Lemme know:D
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chosesun · 7 months ago
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an independent & selective portrayal of 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑. written & loved by Shane. originally founded on jedishope- established in 2019 and brought back to life in 2024. this portrayal is canon divergent and doesn't follow the TLJ storyline. original trilogy & headcanon adaptation only. minors & personals do not interact. writer is over the age of 21.
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sinner-no-5 · 6 days ago
Hhhhhhhh h h hh hi! 😊
Wonderfullllllllllllllll FLAV flavor fl ffffffff
Flavor :::::::) flavor :)))) fla
Opennnnnnnnnnn n nnnn n discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavor! Discover the flavorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ah. You are the anon who gave Yi Sang the cookbook.
... the legibility of your message makes me reluctant to open the cookbook. I shall do so tomorrow, when my colleagues are more awake and ready to fight should anything bad happen.
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rockgodklav · 4 months ago
hey did you hear your brother's pregnant? (@firstclassattorney)
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"Kristoph... Why did you tell me?!"
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dandys-world-ask-blog · 5 months ago
can ikiss Shrimp…pls…..pls pls pls PELASS smiles real wide and nicely
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(Owner 3's bs) @expectsomechange
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thedoctorfifteen · 1 year ago
DW: 15 Shades of Ingenuity (Open RP)
The TARDIS hums with the rhythmic pulse of the time vortex, and the jukebox echoes the unmistakable tunes of "Strawberry Fields" by the Beatles. The Doctor, having regenerated quite a while ago, is in a whirlwind of excitement, rifling through the TARDIS wardrobe with an infectious energy.
"Velvet! I forgot I had so much velvet laying around!" he remarked with a grin. "Look at this naughty number! Shades of burgundy, a touch of indigo? Absolute stunners, what do you reckon?."
The air is charged with anticipation as the Doctor's new companion, whose name remains a delightful mystery, enters the room.
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smiledandyworldshrimpo · 4 months ago
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Shrimpo : Hey! Stop looking at me like that?
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Shrimpo : I...I...
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askboxten · 2 months ago
So boxten, got any teammates with ya?
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theshadowofthedoctor · 11 months ago
[There's a loud snapping and crackling noise, along with the sound of a scream, and there on the ground was Helena, her blonde curls were streaked with what looked like ash. Her face was planted into the ground and her trench coat had a slash in the back, it didn't look like what ever had attacked her had gotten through the coat fully but it was damaged. Helena let out a groan, barely audible from the ground but at least it sounded like she was alive.]
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ask-leftbehind · 6 months ago
“Hey friends! Got any tapes to spare?”
(Asks open!!)
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