#op latest
o0kawaii0o · 7 months
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Wet cheese
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ratfest · 9 months
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my heartbeat sounds funny!
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henkeboy · 3 months
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"Brothers" - Work in progress
OP is so fucking good, I need to do more fanart of my fav moments!
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to-the-all-blue · 4 months
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How's a guy supposed to function...?
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skcirthinq · 10 months
Soooo. @xxtc-96xx 's Mewtwos' have been having. An absolutely excellent time.
No trauma or badass entrances or uh. Additional? Traumas? At all.
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No but seriously, if you're into Pokemon, or even just fun storytelling, and amazing art, check out xxtc-96xx's work. They're all linked in their pinned post! The tone is more comedic and slice of life than what I've drawn here, but like. Can't resist some drama. So.
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Image (1) Pigment, a Mewtwo, comes out of the shadows holding a purification stone. She's less than thrilled. Rendered. (2) sketch of Huey, another Mewtwo, laid out on the ground after getting beaten by his possessed uncle. He's reaching for something, and pretty unconscious. (3) Huey's mom, Newt, another another Mewtwo, who is injured and looking through the window as the dust clouds settle from battle. (4) Scarfy, you guessed it, a Mewtwo, in his mega form, who is being controlled by the giant crystal lodged in his shoulder. He looks. Great. I'm sure he's fine. (5) The sketch of the above-mentioned render of Pigment.
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puppydolled · 5 months
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posters seen in canberra, australia. may 25th 2023
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moongothic · 11 months
You know I was wondering if Crocodile ever did have any kind of involvement with the Revolutionary Army in secret (lest the Government finds out and revokes his Shichibukai status), what kind of involvement would that even have been
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And now, with both the Vegapunk/Ohara flashback and Kuma's flashback, it's being made very clear to us that the Revolutionary Army was broke as hell 22 years ago. Like the fact that this has been brought up twice now in a relatively short span of time is interesting to me, that's usually a sign it's not an unimportant plotpoint
But you know who would have had money to help fund the Army
A funny little warlord who would eventually go and build a fucking casino to run for funsies. A warlord who had to give the Government some of his Pirating Income to keep his warlord-status
Like Crocodile hated the Government anyways so why not help fund the Revolutionary Army in secret, out of spite if for no other reason
Vaguely related, but I keep on remembering this scene (post-Enies Lobby), which at first glance just seems like a basic Lore Dump
But then there's the
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(Or "however", she says "no ni" in Japanese and you could translate that in many ways, I would probably have gone with "however" but that wouldn't have fit into the speechbubble)
Mind you, the conversation just kind of ends there, next we see Garp realize he probably shouldn't have mentioned Dragon infront of such a massive audience, so wherever that "yet" was going to lead to we will never find out, because Oda conveniently changed the subject before we got to it
And you know. Like yes, Robin could be just expressing her shock over finding out that the leader of the Revolutionary Army had a child with someone
But also, Robin was a part of an organization that was trying to overthrow one of the founding countries of the World Government in an explicit attempt to go against said Government (compared to like, Blackbeard, who currently wants to make Fullalead into a "pirate country" that's a part OF the World Government)
Like you don't have to be a genius to look at Crocodile's ultimate goals and compare that to what Dragon is doing and find a few similarities here and there maybe
(Also like, Crocodile's equivalent in Romancing SaGa 2 is meant to be Wagnas, the queer-coded leader of the Seven Heroes (whom the OG Shichibukai are based on) who "hoped to help the world". You know, an interesting detail and all.)
Not to mention, during the time Robin spent with Baroque Works, if Crocodile was ever in contact with the Revolutionary Army at all, considdering she has the ability to easily spy on people and that she didn't trust Crocodile one bit, it wouldn't be unsurprising if she ever spied on Crocodile and/or just overheard a phone call or knew about Crocodile having secret spending habits or something
(Mind you, I'm not saying "she knew" Crocodile was involved with the Revolutionaries, more that she might've been Suspecting Things, that "yet" being about her connecting the dots while unsure if her conclusion was right or not)
Of course Crocodile's plans can't have been Dragon Approved by any means, especially considdering the Army had been looking for Robin for over 10 years (pre-timeskip)
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Four years of which were with Crocodile. Like if he was FULLY allied with the Army and KNEW they were looking for Robin, surely he would've called Dragon and been like "hey I found the kid from Ohara, wanna come hang out" or something. But no, he had bigger plans and kept Robin a secret from the Revolutionaries and the Government alike
Also like, I have seen people question why the Revolutionaries weren't involved with Alabasta's rebellion at all, and "Oda hadn't come up with the Revolutionaries yet at the time of writing" (/"OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point so there would've been no reason to introduce the subplot at that point") aside Between Baroque Works being a secret organization working undercover (thus the Army might not have been aware of the civil war being manufactured), the framing of the King making him look bad and very much the type of monarch that deserved to be overthrown in the Army's eyes, and Crocodile maybe lying through his teeth about what was happening in the country... Yeah, the Army's lack of involvement with Alabasta suddenly makes sense
EDIT Minor addition: Just realized that because Crocodile was technically working for the Government, if the Revs ever did send forces to participate in Alabasta's civil army and taking down the throne, the Government could've easily ordered Crocodile to step in to stop the rebellion and take down the Revolutionaries, right? Because he was supposed to be on the Government's side, right? And surely the Army wouldn't have wanted to fight against Crocodile if they were secretly allied (Croc's secret betrayal aside), and if Crocodile refused to fight the Revs the Government could've seen that as a reason to revoke his Shichibukai rights (which wouldn't be great if they wanted to keep Crocodile in a position where he could fund the Army?). So it could've also been a case of it being for the best for everyone's sake to let this one play out "naturally"
But my point is
I'm just deeply intriqued by these little details and wonder if I'm Actually Masterfully Connecting The Dots Like a True Genius or just seeing a pattern where there's none. Like this is far from confirming the theory, I'm just saying, the pieces do kinda fit together do they not
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raprockcity · 5 months
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i was super super super busy today but im back yippee
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ksksksrahrah · 7 months
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bambayah · 2 months
The latest episode of One Piece 🫡
While watching the bamfness of Shanks (👌🏽), my thoughts were just:
‘Wow. How spectacular of a man Mihawk must be to be able to make such a powerful man simp for him 🔥🔥🔥
‘Wow. Such power couple.’
and yes I get why mihawk would be attracted to shanks… 🤪 (even though he might look like someone who doesn’t take a bath daily 🫠)
on another note, the bird of prey symbolism for both of them 👌🏽 peak soulmatism ✨
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o0kawaii0o · 7 months
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silversoulstardust · 11 months
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i know he's not weak but we must protect this himbo at all cost 🤍
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micahdotgov · 1 month
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me right now
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to-the-all-blue · 10 months
On my walk home from the cafe I was thinking about Sanji (as one does) and how every influence in his life for 19 years screamed at him to hunker down, stay silent, and never appear weak.
As much as I love Zeff and know he loved Sanji, it's clear he has such a straight-laced and unflinching view of masculinity and what it means to be a man. The environment on the Baratie was an extension of that.
It was a machismo world where affection was hidden behind kicks to the head and insults. The kind of environment where cutting your hand or something gets a response of "what? You call that an injury? Don't cry over nothing". Where outright kindness has to be dragged out of people, and then immediately covered up with a half-baked insult.
Throw into that environmemt a little boy who is desperate to prove he's not the failure he was told he was, and out pops a man who wears his heart on his sleeve for "acceptable manly emotions" but who hides real emotions behind anger, and hides pain (physical or emotional) altogether so as not to seem weak.
Tack onto that the idea that the only surefire way to show love is through self sacrifice (his mom + Zeff), then of course Sanji will be all sorts of jacked up.
We see throughout the series how Sanji is so unwilling to be vulnerable or to even admit he's feeling hurt at all. Plaster a smile on, make some comment about loving women, and voila! He's the man's man everyone expects. No need to worry about him. After all: he's strong.
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apparently-artless · 6 months
Sousou no Frieren line footage of second anime opening
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brawltogethernow · 2 years
Do you remember when subbers used to get "fancy"? I remember watching a Naruto Fansub and when he used Rasengan the subtitles swelled when he called the attack name. And at least one time they spun too. Some people are just that extra.
It's basically a meme to poke fun at fansubs now, but at the end of the day, while encompassing pretty much the entire spectrum of competence, amateur teams are definitionally going to give more of a shit than professionals actually being compensated for their time. Anyway I had to track down and download the old Lunar fansubs of Ouran because I tried to watch the Funimation ones once and had an allergic reaction to them not matching the fonts of the text on the screen.
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...Just opening the episode at the top of the folder to a random point to grab the first decent examples I ran into I was decadently coddled by the subbing team approximately once every three seconds. Why would I NOT want to live like this. EVERYTHING labeled is captioned next to where the text actually is on the screen in the same color and a font with the same vibe as long as there's space to do that legibly. Twists at the ends of sentences with pointed pauses in them fill in when the characters actually say them so you can't read ahead and lose the comedic/dramatic timing. The opening theme has a translation of the lyrics AND a phonetic transliteration, AND the transliteration fills in to full visibility as each syllable is reached like a sing-along video to make it easier to follow along--which wasn't even weird! That was sort of industry standard before faster official releases started outmoding fansubs, except I'm not sure if you can technically call free guerilla translations made by volunteers an industry!
You also got plenty of Millennium Tin Sticks, but it's not like I can watch twenty consecutive minutes of subtitled TV through friends' Crunchyroll subscriptions without hitting at least one moment of "lmao WHY", except those don't even make good memes. They just make me either vaguely concerned about worker conditions or disappointed depending on what flavor of stupid they represent.
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