henkeboy · 3 months
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"Overcooked" - Work in progress
Toothless: The most cat-coded dragon to ever exist
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yeebertum · 8 months
limp pleckdiidiscdsivoj3g79a7tiysotfer7gagldysfoasiyertfslaidgggggsdygakfef7te78fr83f4r38646836734
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get it??????????????>???????>??????????? LIMP plecak??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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bel-pyon · 1 year
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jackals-ships · 3 months
anyways i got like 2hrs of sleep it's Nap Time Now b4 i start getting more bitey
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dog: listen im just saying if you used your psionics to like kinda go in there and snip snip pacify my crazy ass for .5 seconds til im all soft and sweet for again .5 seconds bc we KNOW im gonna go feral again that'd be hot-
Kurlz: or you could go to therapy-
dog: and fucking expose myself like that? no. die.
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itsmenotye · 2 years
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“Joseph’s breakfast.” Henry Justice Ford “The Red Book of Animal Stories” #1899 #vintageillustration #vintageillustrator #henryjusticeford #hjf #andrewlang #vintagebooks #theredbookofanimalstories https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBfmcAOgfb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dieselpvnk · 10 months
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what is this pest
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artfennec · 1 year
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More pictures of the model on my Instagram
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holly-foster · 6 months
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“How many fish do you think you’ll catch this time?” Kristopher asked from the back seat of the Jeep. Although it’s been the vehicle that Holly has driven since she got her license nearly a decade ago, she still considered it her mom’s Jeep. They all did – it was how they had kept her alive all these years. “I don’t know buddy, hopefully a million and then I don’t have to leave again the next time I come back.” Jim Foster drawled from the front seat, catching his son's eye in the mirror and giving him a playful wink. “But you know, those fish are getting smarter, we catch less every season.” “Or ya’ll are degrading the ocean so much we just won’t have any fish left.” Holly chimed in from the driver’s seat as she turned the Jeep into the marina. “Holls, don’t start.” Her dad warned but she shot him a warm smile to assure him she was just teasing. It was how she coped with these drop offs. How she coped with everything. Humor. Stay laughing, stay smiling. She parked the Jeep in one of the empty spots and the Foster family unloaded from the vehicle. Jim was already at the backseat helping Kris get out and securing his crutches to his forearms. Jim tossed one arm around his son’s shoulder and looped his other arm through his daughter’s and together they walked from the parking lot down to the docks in silence. “I’ll see you kids in six months.” Jim finally said, the lump in his throat evident in his voice. It never got easier, in fact each season it got harder and harder to say goodbye. Kris already had tears in his eyes as he hugged his father with such a fierceness, Holly wasn’t sure she would let him go. She would be surprised by the strength of the little boy with Cerebral Palsy had he not been the strongest person she had ever known. Much stronger than her. “Take care of your sister for me.” He told Kris as they finally broke their embrace. Holly put her hand on her little brother’s back for comfort and support as Jim placed a kiss on her cheek. “Your mother would be so proud of you.” He whispered in her ear as he pulled away. He gave both his children a long once over, committing them to memory as they are now because every time he comes home they’ve always changed so much. Before his emotions could get the best of them, Jim clapped Holly on the shoulder once more before bidding both kids a farewell. “I love you both, I’ll call when I can.” “Love you, dad!” They called in unison after their father’s retreating form, waving until both he and the ship disappeared from the harbor. When the last view of it blinked off the horizon, Holly looked down at her little brother. “It’s you and me, kid. What do you think, Checker’s for dinner?”
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d-d-disgusting · 7 months
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(I've been picking at some of my older personal art as warmups while I work on commissions, and I made a design decision for Miss B that her person face can peel open to a wasp face! I like that it gives another element to pull her design away from being just Ambiguous Grub. At first I tried a realistic wasp face, but it was a lil too cute, so I brought in some elements of a skull, and decided to use her hair to imitate antennae! I'm really happy with this decision)
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ssunspotted · 1 month
((Lil preview of a piece of embroidery that Tolya's doin for a particular someone))
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henkeboy · 3 months
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WROOM WROOM goes the Chainsaw Man!
A possible print for future artist alley... hopefully I'll find some time to actually render and finish this piece.
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a-cilantro-leaf · 7 months
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jackals-ships · 4 months
my f/os come into the kitchen at 3am and im scarfing down allergens an it's very much "what's in your mouth" *chewing faster* "what's in your- NO. DROP IT BAD DROP IT-"
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kandidandi · 1 year
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i have this power called the search bar
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ourflagmeansbts · 2 years
Source (Season 1 - March 27th 2022)
sambaschutte: BTS#16: Turtle vs Crab☠️ They used a real turtle and crab, and the animal safety team made sure they were treated with love and respect. We just had to pretend we were cruel pirates🏴‍☠️ The Calico Jack episode was shot on the ship with the beautiful projected screens, and on the beach. Directed by @bertbertiedirectors, written by @alexj_sherman & Alyssa Lane and 1st AD @hogan.emily🙌🏾 We were betting fake gold and money on who would win: turtle or crab🐢🦀The beach day was the last day of filming for some of us, and it was a fun way to end this epic ride🖤✨
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