#oos story
withered--s0uls · 2 months
Ok guys uhm so 👉👈 what if I told you I had this idea for an original project since I was like 15-16 but never actually went through with it fully (I struggle w/ storytelling long, ongoing stories,,, especially from scratch)
I'll put more details under the cut, please go read that and then come back up here to vote!!!
Okay so as a kid I loved this book series that I don't think has an English localization?? The first book was "Wie weckt man eine Elfe?" (How does one wake up an elf?)
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Basically the way the existence of elves, fairies, unicorns and other fantasy creatures is justified in this book series is that "If a human made it up using fantasy, then it'll become real". Due to fading belief and imagination of certain ones, they basically fell into hibernation. The protagonist girl finds out about an elf named Hummelbi (Hummel means Bumblebee) and they try to wake up Hummelbi's friends.
ANYWAYS, getting side tracked here...
I loved the concept of humans fantasy becoming reality, and paired that idea with my experience as someone who had many imaginary friends as a kid; what if those imaginary friends were real? What if they felt left behind as I grew older and stopped engaging with them? What if they felt betrayed?
It also is supposed to symbolize my own struggle of letting go from childhood fantasy, the guilt I felt for "forgetting about my friends" as I became a teenager. Something that at the time of coming up with this idea was a very big problem of mine. I didn't want to forget them and leave them behind. I felt like I was terrible for it.
The story would follow Ashley, a girl who at the time was supposed to be 16-17 -- I'll need to decide whether or not I'll change that, because it feels like these characters in my heart aged with me. But it makes more sense to have them be teens -- who used to have many imaginary friends as a kid. As she grew older, she played less and less with them. By the time of the main plot, she has friends in her school and hasn't thought of her imaginary childhood friends in ages.
Unknown to her, they weren't actually "Imaginary" at all. All those characters she made up, the floating island magic forest, all their adventures, very much were real.
And the vast majority of those friends felt severely betrayed.
They attempt to trap her in the fantasy world, and the story would have followed Ashley & her allies (who disagree with the other imaginary friends!) trying to get Ashley back into her world.
Oh also did I mention there was supposed to be a Sapphic romance going on?
Idk how much that'd be in the story if I do pick it up again, considering I'd want to mainly focus on plot. But since relationships & the individuality of the characters plays a major role in ths story, maybe there might still be room for it.
If I DO decide to work on it, I might need some help from others due to my struggle with world building from scrap and problems with ongoing long stories, let alone connecting certain scenes I like.
Back then I settled, with the help of friends at the time, on the title "Out of Sight" for the project. Back then the idea was just "oh, the island is invisible to others so she's out of other peoples sight" --- but that doesn't really feel like a good reason lmao.
I still like the title tho, and got attached to it.
I think it can also be interpreted as how she was unaware of them being real people, and lost sight of their development over the years and how they grew up and changed alongside her. It could kinda be a nod to the phrase "out of sight out of mind". Just that this phrase of blissful ignorance can't be applied to this?
Idk I had a better interpretation 5 minutes ago but already forgot 😭
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spaciebabie · 1 month
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I was terrified Hard as I tried, I couldn't see the signs Worlds fuse and collide But I know, yes I know what's deep inside.
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mathildejr · 1 year
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4 pages left to do, a whole lot of scanning and colour correcting, and 11 days to go before the deadline!
Wish me luck I really will need a rest after this
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yumethefrostypanda · 21 days
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Arthur Morgan Red Dead Redemption 2
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bonchobrick · 1 year
(angst alert !! death + slight blood tw !!)
Tim is stuck in a sticky situation and has to call a certain 'spooky' friend for help.
Jason would probably call him a dumbass for trying to do something so stupid. Well, atleast thats what Tim thinks Jason would do, he isn't for sure though, he isn't certain.
Because Jason's laying on the ground with a flat pulse and he wont be giving him any answers anytime soon.
“Don' look so weird replacement, its just anoth’r day in gotham.” His brother slurs with the slight quirk of his lips
"Jason don't fucking do this to me!" Tim hisses tears cursing his eyes
And Jason, oh that bastard—bleeding out on the pavement and in Tim’s arms sends him his classic beaming Robin Smile. 
"Love ya' little bro take care of yo'rself, kay?" he says eyes fluttering
"Jay," Tim cries, "You dick."
For all the joy and hope and belief his smile conveyed for the first time in a long time—his red blood muddled what should’ve been such a nice sight. Tim held him on the pavement with someone yelling on the comm mic on the floor that he just can’t bother trying to pay attention to. 
The pavement is cold. The air is cold. His brother is cold. It’s all so cold tonight. 
All the younger boy does close his eyes and slowly, In. Out. In. Out.
He lets himself breathe for a minute. Lets the horror wash over him. Lets himself absorb what just happened,
Then he gets back to work. 
Like a switch his brain is back online running at a hundred miles an hour–what is the best scenario, what should I do when my brother's wrist is limp and his eyes are shut, what do I do if he’s dead again, what can i do, how can I Fix. This.
Thoughts cloud his mind, whirring around his head like layers and layers of messy documents has just been dumped on his desk and he’s shuffling through them panicked trying to find the right file because its somewhere here, there is something and he just needs to sort. it. out. And–
Then it all becomes clear. 
His desk is back to clean and stationary. All of the papers are gone back into neat piles in neat manila folders, stored away in tidy filing shelves–
Everything is gone aside from one little yellow sticky note in the center of the desk.
“Well, Jay?” Tim chuckles with a cracked voice, “Second times the charm right?”
In his mind, at the center of it all, on a yellow sticky note lies the words in green ink: ‘Contact The Ghost King.’
Slowly he shifts and with a loud grunt he lifts up Jason, “Up we go!”
“--im? Why do you have Red Hood’s Comm–Tim what happened! Tim!” the comm speaker plays faintly in the background of his head, “Tim! Whatever you’re thinking off doing, don’t!” someone Tim can’t think about hisses
Tim hums absentmindedly towards the mic, almost automatically, “Don’t worry Babs, I’ve got it covered.”
Walking away from the roof he thinks to himself, I wonder where Jason would wanna wake up? Perhaps his apartment? Yea, i think that would go well by him–let’s head to the apartment.  
And just like that Tim leaves a crime scene—shuffling away with a dead body over his shoulder and a plan.
“Jay,” Tim murmurs to the corpse on his shoulder, “You’re really gonna hate this, but i’m doing this for you anyways cause I love you. So dont be too hard on me when you wake up okay asshole?”
Tim stumbles off into the stairwell making his descent and sometime as he walks away Barbara faintly catches him on the comm saying
“-Your gonna love Danny and making your lame 'im a dead guy' jokes with him man .”
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keeps-ache · 1 month
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apricot, apricot ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ !!
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frootertooter · 2 months
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Very normal about Shayera Hol (she's so cool ;v;;)
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Just finished oracle of ages!!! Good game, good game. I have Thoughts.
I actually really enjoyed the story and characters! I figured going into the oracle games that it'd be a simple, cliché story, not much nuance or depth, and with Seasons that's basically what I got: din gets fridged in a crystal at the start of the game -> go get her -> you need a set of maguffins to do so -> fight big monster.
Admittedly it was the first game, which meant less story, but even if I hadn't linked (heh) the games for extra end game content Ages just did so much more.
Unlike din, naryu has someone else willing to help her. Ralph (the twinkiest twink to ever twink) was a young man who was her devoted friend (there was a weird crush triangle thing going on with him, Link and naryu, I always felt like I was missing subtext) and, spoilers for a 20yo game?? I guess?
He was the dethroned descendant of the ancient queen Ami. His family definitely still have big money though. He was pretty clearly supposed to be a comic relief character with a twist, but I ended up really liking him! He was over enthusiastic and over confident, but not unintelligent, a decent swordsman (I think) who was incredibly loyal to his friends and held some deep rooted responsibility for the people his family used to rule. Kind, determined, good with kids and people in general, he was terrified but willing to sacrifice his very existence to save the people.
The world building was also great! I don't think I've ever played a zelda game without gorons, but hylians were in short supply. To be expected outside of hyrule, I guess? Anyway, there were also lizard people on an island (tokay!) whose entire deal was.. A bit outdated? Rude, brazen and aggressive to outsiders, they lived in crude huts, worshipped things they didn't quite understand and were generally the old Hollywood stereotype of an isolated jungle tribe.
There was also, like, zora racism? There's a zora village underwater, and one of them was like 'us sea zora are nothing like those river zora 😒' which handily solved both my question of if the river/ocean zora divide was canon or fanon and the relationships between the two. Are they even the same species?? It just makes the rito even weirder but hey lmao. In all honesty I was pretty sick of the river zora at that point too, I swear there were two of them popping up in every screen that had even a sliver of water deeper than the knees and they CONSTANTLY shot fireballs istg they were such a pain. They were literally everywhere and so hard to kill.
On the plus side mermaid suit ^u^!! A dungeon item (the mermaids cave), the item had a desc like 'the skin of the mythical beast' which raised SO many more questions than it answered. The zora were delighted to see a young mermaid! The use of 'maid' implied either a) the zora all thought link was a girl and he didn't correct them (eyo genderqueer androgeny) b) the zora don't subscribe to gender the way humans do (eyo genderqueer androgeny) or c) all fish people look like mermaids regardless of their specific gender (eyo genderqueer androgeny). It literally could have been all three who knows. Maybe one day we'll actually meet a mermaid in zelda.
Also, there's a mini game in Seasons, which I played first, the subrosian dance. It's a pretty popular part of their culture, it's got music, it's got professional dancers. In Ages, you find the gorons doing the exact same dance! Rosa, a subrosian performer you meet in Seasons, is also there, saying her people's dance is better (tbf it is), but if you go to the past you'll find the gorons actually invented the dance first, as part of their love of games and entertainment, and you can talk to two subrosians who are talking about bringing the dance home! It's so interesting to see little details like this, where the travelling subrosians visited their fellow cave dweller lava eating people centuries ago, brought it back home where it exploded in popularity and centuries later became refined as a whole folk dance with spinning and everything, with the people forgetting where it came from, where the gorons keep their dance exactly the same (having to do a rhythm game without rhythm is hard).
Actually, there was so much political fantasy drama going on in the past?? Like, you've got the childless queen taking care of her people, a budding village and a few more settlements across the kingdom. Early in her reign she tried to build a tower to act as a beacon to her fiancé lost at sea, which is a romance story all on its own, but it was cut short (maybe because of funding?). Centuries in the future, it's just ruins. You've got people living on an ACTIVE VOLCANO starting a symmetry cult around a artifact called 'tuni nut' which, presumably, stabilises the volcano? And it's entirely cut off from the outside world. The goron elder is crushed under rocks and their economy is failing. The zora king got poisoned and he's about to die without an heir because a witch turned the fairy queen into an octorock, but the man in charge of the only cure refuses to hand it over until someone passes his tests.
Most of it is solved relatively easily by link and a copious amount of time travel, but the thing with the ruling queen only gets worse. When the evil witch invades the kingdom, she possesses the oracle of ages, naryu (who's a little implied to be the Actual Creation Goddess Naryu reincarnated) and travels back to the past to bring about an age of despair in the present. She does this by slipping into the royal court and befriending the queen as a serving girl, rising up the ranks to become her closest advisor and corrupting her (pretty sure mind control magic is used a li'l). She convinces her to restart the black tower project, pouring all of her and the towns resources into it - forcibly conscripting every able bodied worker and working them to the bone, all while monsters start to circle the tower. With all the fear and resentment, it quickly becomes a beacon of dark energy, a perfect focal point to perform black magics.
Link (and Ralph) end up in the past and get hauled in front of the queen, with possessed naryu at her side, who basically jeers at them and ensures the queen won't listen to their untrustworthy lies. The townsfolk are getting increasingly stressed as their village fills with rubble and their men are worked to the point of collapse. Armed guards start to appear to keep the workers under control. Eventually, Ralph uncovers a hole in the guard rotation, and he and link sneak into the palace through a secret entrance Ralph oh so casually knows about. Link and naryu fight, but with stupendous timing the queen walks in to see naryu collapsed on the floor, Link standing over her with a sword. She calls for the guards, but before anyone can react, the witch, banished form her first vessel, leaps into the queen herself instead. Ralph shoves past the arriving guards and into naryus arms, while link moves in from of them. The queen orders the guards to attack, but naryu, reawakened, pulls them back to the present in the nick of time. In the present, the black tower is magically growing, reaching higher and higher into the sky, terrifying the people of the city.
Then! Ralph, who at this point is suspiciously invested now his actual goal is completed and naryu is safe, vows to go back into time again, away from naryu, to live under the now evil queen and bring protection and comfort to the villagers as a direct act of resistance, because the witch is feeding on their sorrow to power an unknown ritual (link knows. Link, canonically, has told nobody). So this teen in fancy robes and cape goes back to the oppressed, poverty stricken town under the thumb if someone who wants him dead and lives there for weeks if not months dedicating himself to supporting the village and bringing people's hopes and spirits back up, presumably while living out of someone else's wooden hut. In the middle of a literal depression inducing miasma that's sapping everyone's joy and will to live.
That just. Takes insane strength of character. That's a feat of pure, distilled, compassion as anarchy.
Link's off bouncing between past and present doing dungeons and solving easier issues through either sword or magic item, but Ralph is out here doing the long hard slog for little reward.
Link finally returns to the black tower completed, affecting even the people of the present, and, preparations complete, rushes to the past. Ralph is nowhere be seen. Talking to the villagers reveals several have a crush on him, but an old man saw him running for the tower, sword drawn. There's a man pacing by the entrance, who saw the kid run in, tried to stop him. He said Ralph said that he no longer cared what happened to him. That the man realised that Ralph had quietly succumbed to the same curse of despair they all were under. Link fights his way up to the top of the tower, where Ralph confronts the evil queen, sword at her heart, but every step she takes into it, he steps back. The witch laughs. She asks him if he's really willing to write himself out of existence - being the queens descendant, and all. Ralph leaps back, into links chest. He's shaking and stuttering, but he lunges, and is knocked out in one blow. The queen now asks link the same question: is he willing to erase Ralph? If he strikes her, kills her, the queen will die, childless, and he will never live. She leaves, and link rushes to Ralph. He's awake but unresponsive, defeated. With a heavy heart, Link leaves him to chase the queen. It's naryu who finds him, brings him out of the tower.
When the witch is defeated, the curse is lifted, and Ralph is once more energetic and kind. He's a little quieter now, though, sticking close to naryu. For all he was a loud and headstrong kid, I gotta say I was very impressed.
He would have made a good king.
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royalelo · 2 months
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More info on the Sicknezz AU!!!
ooo fugos being all mysterious ooo whats he gonna do nexxt oooooo find out when i decide to drop more lore ooooo
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athena-xox · 2 months
No you guys don’t understand the OBSESSION I have with cook and raven mother daughter relationship
Please someone give me a destiny that cook could have had because I have so many gk x cook hcs for them at eah together
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kibblenoodlesnail · 3 months
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Everyone meet Chip and Clip!
These two can be found in my AO3 story "Solars villain reformation au"
What if Eclipse split in two
They kinda work like TBMTs but also really don't
Also they both hate shoes and socks with a passion
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spaciebabie · 1 month
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this is what unamed looks like btw. they're the character from that animation post i did awhile back
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cyberneticnipples · 2 months
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Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.
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four-bastard-bustle · 10 months
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get prostheticed idiots
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objectstore · 5 months
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properly introducing these guys
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r7inyz · 5 months
Oscar Avila from the Hit (Not) Series Fazbear Frights
HE HAS A PLUSHTRAP 💥💥 (Which is definitely very normal)
i drew your design for him because it is very cool,,
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