#oops its been awhile my bad
shyrose57 · 2 years
Rereading the With Great Power AU tag. Newest thought on my mind: Xornoth gets captured. The rulers band together, the wizards of the Crystal Cliffs coming up with a spell powerful enough to seal even his powers away.
They attempt to drag every last bit of information from him, force them to return the children he "stole," as if they were property instead of people. But he refuses to give in. No matter what they do to him, what kind of torture they inflict, he will never break. As long as his siblings are safe, he will endure. For them.
The kids are in the castle when it happens. They were told this was a big battle, and to stay in the Nether until he returned no matter what happens. The rulers' fear of the corrupted wasteland keeps them safe, the hostile mobs and pools of lava prevent anyone from coming after them.
For one week, they anxiously await news of their older brother. They know after three days that something must have gone wrong, Xornoth can teleport, and he's never been gone this long. They're getting nervous, and that nervousness is being translated into anger. With nothing else to do, they turn it on each other.
Things are tense. No amount of sparring, pranking, and explosives can help. And then, at the end of the week, a spy comes with news: Xornoth is being held in the Crystal Cliffs.
The world has never known terror like it did the day all fourteen of Xornoth's generals descended upon the overworld. The people whisper that the demon corrupted them, twisted them into nothing but cruel, empty husks in the bodies of their former princesses and princes. It's the story that truly convinced the people that they were beyond saving.
But to them, this was not about cruelty or conquering. It was about family. About their older brother, who offered them a home and acceptance with no strings attached, something their parents could never give. He'd saved all of them.
Now it was their turn to save him.
They say it started with The Jungle forest. Vines growing thorns, trees sprouting rapidly, reaching, reaching, reaching. Eating the world around it, expanding outwards, nonstop.
They say, the world stuttered when the demon was captured. Within the span of days, winter descended, frosting over lakes and creeping through gates cold enough to kill. Summer chased it, vicious, furious, heatwaves dropping guards left and right.
The beasts followed. Wolves running along the freezing night, things shaped like jungle cats prowling the burning shadows of day. Always watching, always waiting.
Always hungry.
The flowers cared not for the unhospitable environment. No, they thrived. They hunted, just as the beasts did. How many were dragged screaming into the forest? How many bones were found in bloom when it all came to an end?
And the sanctuaries. Oh, the sanctuaries.
The ocean writhed. It did not listen to its rulers, it did not listen to its people. The waters bled red, and the coral sharpened, and the fish grew teeth. The whales sung war songs, the algea grew thick and entrapping, spreading over the surface like a plague, eating away at light mercilessly.
It was safe to no one, let alone its own.
Mezalea? Mezalea rotted. The great tree withered under the merciless sun, and it called to the heir, and there was no answer but that of deadly apathy, spreading up its limbs and dropping its beloved creations.
The Cliffs faded, it's magic fracturing under the world's wrath, it's barrier giving way against the erosion of dark crawling curses and explosions without a source raging against it.
Eyes watched every death. The winds laughed in the face of their desperate prayers.
The gods had turned away.
And then the demons came.
Once, they say, they were their most beloved princesses and princes. Once, they say they were their staunchest protectors, their greatest hopes. But so twisted they had become, they were now their greatest monsters, and the Demon's wicked Generals.
Gold burned black, horns caught blood. Teeth bared, and beasts howled. Nature retook the kingdom carved into the cliffs, uncaring if those still there. Magic sang to the shaking of the earth, red and purple and wicked. Misfortune struck down the soldiers as the seer smiled, the monsterous spirits descended on twisted wings to devour their fill. Abominations in the form of children ran among the monsters, ripping and tearing into those in their path with teeth too sharp and smiles too wide. Serpents broke the surface of waters that were too small to have housed their giant forms, and tore buildings in two. The golem son danced to his own mad tune, some corruption overtaking him and spilling madness into the minds of those who caught his eyes or tried to trap his hands.
They say the world trembled when the Demon's General fell upon the world in search of their king.
Of course, they don't care much for the stories-they just came to bring their brother home.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
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newbornwhumperfly · 2 months
with a minimum of interference...
this was a very exciting project for me, so i had to make it so, so sad 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 for this @whumpmasinjuly prompt - day 28: fill a whump prompt - i chose this beautiful prompt (self-imposed sleep deprivation) by @teine-mallaichte 😍😍😍 please forgive me in advance for turning into some heartbreaking backstory material for my boy morja...💔💔💔
CW: sleep deprivation, childhood neglect, accidental parentification trauma via latchkey kid syndrome, childhood poverty, oops it's all so sad folks please proceed with emotional caution <333
title insp. by this concept art quote by jenny holzer - “when you’ve been someplace for awhile, you acquire the ability to be practically invisible. This lets you operate with a minimum of interference.”
Makuahine was supposed to be home already. 9 PM, maybe later. She said it would be at nine. I'm sorry, Morja, I hope to be back as soon as I can from work, okay? It is eleven, beaming in the dark of the kitchen, and Morja is still waiting. 
It isn’t bad that she isn’t here at ten. Sometimes…it takes longer, sometimes. That’s what jobs are like. Morja knows that the buses are long and that sometimes work is longer than Maku thinks because bosses say stuff that's different, all the time, and that's a job. 
He’s not stupid. He’s able to understand. He's smart and responsible and knows money has to happen.
And still, even with money and obeying and jobs and taking care of the apartment and of Lehua, his eyes are itchy and burning. 
In the small walls, the hum of wires is quieter, the lights off, the small space all shadows. There’s so little space to walk around, just seven steps to the wall, seven steps to the other wall, where he can touch the buzzing fridge, the cold tiny sink, the table squished into the corner. 
Walk to the door. 
The latch, closed. The lock, turned. The other chair pushed under the handle, jammed up tight, secure. 
Morja walks to the corner by the door and, quiet, slow, rearranges the toys again. The little squishy floor-mat of blue and yellow stars was folded small, the little plastic basket had every toy stacked up. But maybe the trucks should go on the bottom and the soft toys on top. 
Trucks. Then the beanbag toys, laid in a row, little bunny, little cat, little dog. No, f-o-x. The two squishy stars. The big plastic ball on top. Neat, nice. Maku will be happy the corner is clean! He swept the floor with his little broom and got all the dust, even the tiny gritty bits, in the can. 
Morja likes when it is clean too. 
Stand up, knees and shoulders making the crackle noise, sore neck, rubbing his eyes again and his back hurts from bending. Walk quiet, so quiet, to the bedroom to check on Lehua. She cried and cried and was mad that Morja wasn’t Maku. Needed to be carried, wailing, until his arms hurt too much to hold her, hearing thumps and yells from the wall behind the kitchen at very loud screams. 
Morja doesn’t scream. He could. He could scream if he wanted but he’s too old for screaming. 
Lehua’s face is pink and clean on her tiny pillow, because Morja played and played and read and read the little book with its cracking spine and bright pictures and by the time she fell asleep, her cheeks were scrubbed from the snot and tears by the washcloth, snuggly and soft, and Morja did a good job.
The light through the blinds makes orange stripes over the tiny body, snuffling, curled around her blanket. Morja is extra quiet when he kneels next to the mattress to touch her head. 
Not hot.
Morja blows out, soft, cause that’s good. This mattress is so soft, bigger than his, with springy bounce. He knows he’s small for his mattress but this one is just nicer, wider, more room for stretching. 
Morja pillows his cheek on the mattress, his nose just so close to Lehua’s balled-up fist, and her chest rises and falls. Sometimes Morja lays awake and watches, when he can’t fall asleep. Watches Maku breathe, the weird rasping wet noise it makes, like a gasp. Watches Lehua breathe, so small it’s sometimes hard to tell it’s happening. 
Morja doesn’t like that kind of breathing, the air that happens when you’re sick. 
The mattress is soft under his cheek. 
Not so scratchy. 
No, c’mon, get up. Keep watch. It’s not Morja sleep-time.
Morja wants to keep the lights on, because, well, he knows he has work. Brightness will help. But it’s so important not to keep the lights on too much cause of money. He chews his lip, thinking. The school has given him pages to practice his language skills, he thinks the tall pale man with a pale shirt and pale hair said. Pale sheets of paper in his hands and so, so many lines. 
Even when it’s dark and there’s a throb behind his eyes, Morja can still be helpful and finish these lines for tomorrow. If he shoves himself into the very corner of the wall, where the bad-wet-smell of the room is strongest, a strong streetlight pokes through slats of window-blinds. 
It’s orange and white and burns in a way that thumps the inside of his head. But it’s bright enough to see the paper. Black lines thump against his eyeballs, neck sore as it bends low to the paper, one fingertip tracing.
What is the right answer to a stranger asking “how are you?” 1. “I am good, thank you.” 2. “I am good, how are you?” 3. “I am good.”
The clock on the top of the stove beeps, red and gleaming through the grills. 
12.00 AM
Morja huffs through his teeth and rests his head against the wall. The stink and the hum makes his head throb harder but it keeps him up. Pangs shoot through his belly and his hand, sore, thumb and finger raw and indented-red from holding his pen, rubs over his stomach. Hungry is good, it keeps him- he can stay awake if he thinks about eating and how Maku will have maybe a snack from one of the late-car-places.
Dry noodles and powder rattling in a box.
Meat in strips, hard and dry and hot.
Chocolate in shiny wrapping, crunchy nuts and sweet goo and soft fluff, that is so rare.
N-e-w A-t-h-e-n-s.
Salt and sugar and butter and stuff that isn't on the list of what's allowed that Maku takes to the store.
1:00 AM.
Swimming black letters. Orange paper. Icky smell. Head hurts.
Maybe if he closed his eyes for a second.
But what if- Morja grunts and digs his fingers into the burn, sniffing hard. What if the door’s locked and Maku can’t come in? What if Lehua rolls off the bed? What if there’s a fire? 
What if something bad happened?
It’s the ache, like being hungry but worse, that keeps Morja up, more than his head hurting or his eyes itching or his butt and his legs getting sharp prickles. The what if thudding in his small chest, keeping his heart fast and his eyes watery. The worry keeps him awake, keeps him doing a good job, the worry helps.
By the time the sky gets oranger than the streetlamps and the chain rattles in return, Morja has learned how to keep the stomachache constant. By the time it is safe to lay down, he passes the hours to school with his hands over his stomach, the sharpness in his belly, in his chest, pressing, pressing, pressing. By the time he doesn’t need it anymore, it sticks. 
By the time he turns in his papers, clean and white and perfect, Morja learns more than one lesson to be perfect at.
so sincerely hope you enjoy what i've done with your excellent prompt, @teine-mallaichte!!! 😭🥰💖🥺
taglist: @much-ado-about-whumping @haro-whumps @whump-tr0pes @whumpzone @i-eat-worlds
@whumpthisway @whumping-every-day @whump-me-all-night-long @liliability @stoic-whumpee
@thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @whumpster-draganies @scoundrelwithboba @kixngiggles
@redwingedwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @straight-to-the-pain @wolfeyedwitch @tears-and-lilies
have a very merry @whumpmasinjuly everyone! 💖💖💖
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fictionfixations · 4 months
wasnt planning on making a post but im doing it now so uh
helluva boss the full moon episode (i dont remember which one it was. s2 ep8?? i think? idk)
(i just realized i said 'hazbin hotel' my bad. if i make a mistake like that uhh oops)
and yall are stolas defenders so im gonna talk about blitz (dont get me wrong i love both of them)
let me talk about it
(i dont know if i make any sense so oops)
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notice how during stolas' proposal basically (cant help but see the gem as like a wedding ring ngl) blitz's eyes are shining because he cant help but hope
and then when he goes 'ohh youre just fucking with me right? this is some roleplay shit right?'
because its so incomprehensible in his mind that this is what he truly thinks it is.
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anyway people have explained before about how stolas then proceeds to shut him out like being faced with blitz being in denial about it and taking it as a rejection
meanwhile blitz is like 'wait a second you were SERIOUS?'
and then hes like 'wAIT' because hes trying to understand. to comprehend that stolas was being real about it. that someone wants him. but then he doesnt have the time to think about it because stolas is leaving and he doesnt want stolas to leave
and yknow how blitz is hes kind of an asshole so then he defaults to being angry and frustrated. (i wonder if he feels like he'll only be heard by being angry and yelling. or if by being angry, by shutting people out and being the one to break it off makes blitz feel more in control. anyway-)
no but listen before this hes like 'what the fuck?' stolas leaves, blitz follows him in silence still in that confused and hella surprised state because it was so unexpected while stolas' talking about stuff
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hes silent for awhile (probably trying to make sense of it while half-listening)
and then stolas is like 'thats enough to know what this is' and THEN blitz gets all angry and yelling
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and inside hes just like. ..thats it? but its like. stolas is going to leave. and he doesnt want him to go. but he also doesnt know how to express that (especially with stolas having completely shut him out at this point in his own feeling, so set in the rejection without realizing that blitz hadnt actually rejected it. had been in disbelief instead of an actual no. and i get why he didnt stay to continue the conversation it just. sucks. so bad.)
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("Can I get a fucking minute to think" got stuck in my head) and then blitz gets angry and blames stolas because thats whose infront of him. someone he can yell at and get angry which is so much easier then trying to decipher his feelings, or stolas' feelings. to try to understand. to be vulnerable especially in front of someone who he may like but its also complicated considering the power imbalance, or how all royals are asses so surely stolas cant be different, how its just a transactional relationship and nothing serious.
hes also saying things he doesnt necessarily mean meanwhile stolas is taking it to heart like 'this is how he really feels about me' when that isnt true (blitz is kind of just making excuses. and instead of being 'set free' as it might seem to stolas, it seems to him like stolas is just. throwing him away. getting bored of him. hes ignoring the love confession stolas just says 'i want you' PLEASE be more blunt about it oh my god theres so many wordings that i have an issue with from stolas im going to be honest.
like LISTEn he goes 'i want you'. blitz is in denial. stolas then starts to acceptance/resignment and blitz is like 'wait a fucking second'
so blitz who thought they were going to have a sexy time. suddenly gets hit with feelings out of the blue. and he doesnt do good with those. and its so incomprehensible that he doesnt believe it. and then basically stolas rejects him right after with blitz realizing 'wait you were serious?' and then gets angry like 'what? no, it can't be over. ..well fuck YOU then!' like. he kind of feels betrayed? like 'how dare you spring this feelings bullshit on me (and then LEAVE)'
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also is he projecting? has he experienced something??? and i really dont think hes had the chance to properly process so he's just shoving it aside and focusing on the then and now. which is stolas leaving and dismissing him which blitz takes offence to and accuses him of being like all the other royal assholes. because he doesnt know how else to communicate. this is not to say that he isnt an asshole because he is, but id like to say that theres reasons to all of it.
ALSO ALSO. i think its less that blitz believes stolas to be like that but (besides reasoning to himself that stolas is just like all the others so he can distance himself and cut ties even if it hurts) that its because thats the position stolas has and so its what he turns to for insults. i had more to say about this part but i already forgot, oops.
and ive seen people talk about this too but stolas conversing through words while blitz converses through feelings. so its like for blitz youre not meant to listen to what hes saying but to listen to the feeling? meanwhile stolas being through words (thus probably feeling like 'i want you' is explanation enough while blitz needs more clarification then that)
and potentially with stolas being all horny around him cause haha my crush is here and hes hot and i love him and aaah making blitz think stolas just wants him because of what he can offer? (and maybe if hes never faced love that its unrecognizable? especially towards him?) a thought to go onto another time
also another thought to go down. you think after blitz realizes hes serious that hes trying to coomunicate. with the 'can i get a FUCKING moment to think'
and then his mouth goes on autopilot and starts insulting him trying to stall trying to get him to stay even if its with hurtful words because thats what hes used to thats what he does (also defaulting to anger)
just like yelling at him trying to get stolas to just stop walking. to stop turning his back on him.
and hes just running on anger at that point because he didnt get too long to process that stolas was serious so a part of him still thinks that its just. not real? and hes running off of that because again its so much easier than being vulnerable with someone
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blitz has. probably been very trustful of someone, only for them to betray him and hurt him and use him so ahdishfu
also probably blitz's attempt at trying to get them to actually communicate
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to get him to stop. stand still. stop leaving. stop moving. just turn around, face him, and talk. to get all their feelings out and explain. to clarify.
maybe he even wants stolas to get angry because that's what he's used to. wants him to get angry so they can get it all out there. maybe wants a part of him to feel vindicated of 'he was right, stolas was an asshole', the part of him that doesnt want to be close to anyone in fear of being hurt
..and then stolas doesn't react how blitz expects him to. (because they DONT understand each other at all! they don't interact all that much outside of sex, and stolas offering it to blitz is rejected)
blitz realizing 'wait... shit...' to wheres hes immediately brought out of his anger by stolas' words
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also it almost sounds like blitz is saying 'Stolas, wait I'm s-' as in 'im sorry'
realizing it wasnt going as he expected it to. that stolas really was serious. that stolas was hurt. that stolas was going to actually leave and blitz. doesnt. want that to happen. so then he. tries.
and then goes 'what the fuck' when he appears outside
and honestly sometimes a lot of relationships need space from each other to realize who they are without them. and also to realize how much they care about the other, yknow? to understand their feelings without anything else complicated thrown into the mix.
listen: blitz could go back into complete denial like 'no fuck stolas actually-'. realize he misses stolas, actually.
cause i feel like he really did try at the end only to get shut out (its a really complicated situation because ive also seen people talk about how blitz yelling could remind stolas of stella(?) i think the person he divorced)
and it could be seen as rejection of him trying to do feelings talk. which he could double down on his 'no one can love you, itll only bring you hurt' idea, or bringing other people hurt (as in his mother's death or fizz getting hurt)
but i feel like he also needs time to just realize things. to think things through instead of being faced with immediately having to respond because theyre talking face to face. immediately having to respond because stolas is leaving and if he doesnt say anything then that'll be it.
its complicated. honestly, though. i feel like its for the better for them to have this break. to rebuild their life without the transactional relationship. i just wonder how they'll get back together (daughter plotting time? maybe?)
i wonder if hell has therapy. (...but also. what if the therapists were corrupt and didnt hold any form of patient privacy???)
anyway i dont know if i made sense. ive just had these thoughts stuck in my head so ive just been spewing out all the ones related to this so i could stop thinking about it
a;sp a;sp o hjavej oirhfrj
holyfuck ok
also also i have more to add
okay so you know stolas' line of 'you have no obligation to touch me or to bed me'
you know what that sounded like with loona having told blitz 'hes getting tired of you'
it sounded like stolas didnt want blitz to basically touch him anymore. which is probably blitz' interpretation of it and thus his anger of 'you think you can do this shit just because im an imp and youre a royal?' or whatever (hes not even touching the fact of the gem. its 'am i not good enough? i can do better!' because the book was the only reason in his mind why he could interact with stolas. and just. aghhh)
any more thoughts im shoving here in the future before i get more brainrot over this
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chainoftalent · 2 months
Hi hi!! I adore your writing. Could I request your headcanons for yandere pregame Kokichi and/or Shuichi?? Tysm!
Actually I've been thinking about my Pregame Shuichi a lot
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Pregame Shuichi headcanons and also I got carried away and made a short prologue fic for it
I see pregame Shuichi as a person with very very bad intrusive thoughts and likely some form of undiagnosed personality disorder. To make it more clear this is my pregame shuichi im using my own personal pregame name for him, Shinichi. If you want specifically a more fanon kagehara or bonkichi send another ask specifying
Shinichi was having a normal day, people watching while writing in his notebook. He liked to watch the people go by, even if he never had the guts to talk to them. How could he when he couldn't stop thinking about all the ways he could hurt them. How easy it would be to just plunge his pencil into-
He took a deep breath and turned his pencil back to his notebook. Writing down the gory thoughts and impulses that made his fingers twitch. It was cathartic, to write them down, it felt almost like purging himself of the thoughts. Channeling them into writing a potential execution or murder for his fangan even helped make it almost feel productive. He'd been getting behind on updates.
Then he locked eyes with them for only a split second, and their mind went wild. Depraved lustful thoughts swirled in their brain, and they quickly snapped their eyes away.
With a shaking hand he fumbled for a cigarette, needing to calm his thoughts. He hated smoking, he hated everything about it, but it would shut up his brain for a few minutes. Long enough to regain his composure, frantically tugging down his face mask.
Lighting it up, he blew his thoughts out with the smoke. He could feel his body unclenching, and his mind slowed. Even in that smoke, they couldn't stop thinking about them. They had looked so...innocent, sweet, the kind of person that had his hands twitching to touch and hold and rip into and devour.
He remembered they smiled at him when they made eye contact, they hadn't originally noticed in their panic. It made him blush, no one had smiled at him in awhile. It felt...nice, to be noticed, acknowledged as existing. He wanted to run after them, to chase them down, to talk with them and maybe for once in his pathetic life not ruin a social interaction.
That would be really weird though, and he didn't want such a nice seeming person to think of him weird. So he turned back to his notebook, writing down all the information he had seen from that glimpse. A few moments later when he looked down at his notes and realized he had approximated so much as their shoe size, that he knew he might have been a bit of trouble...
Shinichi cannot stop thinking about his beloved, its a problem, hurting them or having sex with them or both quickly become one of his most prominent intrusive thoughts that plague them constantly
He's both very drawn to and repulsed by the thoughts, he thinks its pretty and aesthetic and god it would feel good but also he's a monster for that he CAN'T!!
Definitely stalking them, Shinichi probably doesn't even fully realize that they've gone beyond a normal background check on a new friend and into stalking until they've broken into their house and he takes a look at what he's doing, oops!
Constantly beating themselves up for their obsession, but can't stop himself even as he calls himself a creep and a monster, he can't stop himself from channeling his thoughts and desires into fucked up stories and gruesome drawings, its cathartic.
CLINGY if you be his friend, he's TERRIFIED of being left behind or that you'll realize he's a freak and leave him. Would die for you in a heartbeat.
Shinichi's a fussing type, the type to call you at 3 am because he had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure you're okay. This and variants of it happens twice a week minimum.
He's very self aware that he's fucked up and wrong for all this but...but...he needs it! It feels more tolerable then just rotting! Like he has a reason for living!
His parents give him terrible advice when it becomes really blatant he has a crush, telling him to be more aggressive about it and to keep pursuing them and to be a strong man they can rely on that's what people want. This does not help his intrusive thoughts at all and makes him worse, thanks mom and dad.
A sadomasochist, he doesn't mind if you slap him and boss him around as long as he gets to be near you, and likely finds the whole thing very very hot and fantasizes about it if you do.
Despite being a sadist Shinichi doesn't actually want to hurt you but if you happen to get hurt from other ways they'll absolutely sneak a picture at it to stare at when he wants to hurt them, he knows he's a monster for it, but if keeping a collection of photos of their scraped knees and papercuts makes it easier to not pin them down and see them bleed for him and eat their heart then he has to do it anyways.
Doesn't want to admit to their beloved that anything is wrong or they're obsessed but will crumple like a wet paper towel if pressed
Shockingly actually very observant and good at putting together and remembering small details when he can actually focus.
Is using their beloved as a form of self harm, using them to justify feeling worse and doing things bad for his mental health because he deserves it!
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ouiouimochi · 3 days
Well-dressed for the occasion
pairing/s: undecided (definitely putting hoshina in here), maybe various platonic and/or romance
wc: 2.7k
warning/s : violence, injuries, weapons and explosives, blood, gore, swearing, this chapter has been completed since August 12 and been marinating for awhile oop-
note/s: just had this idea literally 5 hours before I had to go to class— I definitely had enough sleep and sanity on my first day back. expect pov changes. I also don't know about locations in Japan so mb if they're inaccurate. this is only the first chapter to many I have planned
thanks to @ryescapades, this work has come to meet daylight finally
⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*
It was a pretty nice day. Pleasant weather, peaceful surroundings, lessened traffic. The perfect day to have a date on.
The bell hanging at the door of the quaint cafe chimes, signaling the arrival of new customers. My eyes flitted over, only to be disappointed when I did not recognize the face that passed through.
I sigh, taking a look at my reflection on my phone— feeling proud of the hair and makeup I did on myself. I double tapped the screen as it lit up and showcased the current time.
‘I better not have been stood up again-’
I paused as my eyes caught a couple strolling past the glass window pane overseeing the sidewalk. I blinked in disbelief at my supposed date that had his arm slung on another girl's shoulders.
‘I’m never trusting online dating apps ever now’
I massaged my temples to keep the incoming headache from forming. Someone walks up to me and I see that it was the waitress who's been waiting for me to order the whole time I was here.
I smiled at her.
“Can I have one of your specialty lattes and a slice of your artisan cake?”
She scribbled down my order on her notepad before dropping it due to an unexpected and violent ground tremor. I pulled her under the table with me in case the debris from the ceiling came crashing down.
As the tremors stopped, she brought her head up to look at me before pausing, having her eyes locked into the glass pane behind me. I followed her gaze and paused as well when I made direct eye contact with a grotesque kaiju that was looking into the cafe.
The sound notification of the emergency ping on our phones echoed throughout the cafe at the same time as the loud blaring of the kaiju alarm resonated across the whole district.
The waitress let out a shriek as I immediately had to pull her abruptly from our spot. Glass shattered as the monster tried to force its way into the establishment— the whole place filling with panicked and horrified screams. I quickly snagged my bag with all my things inside.
The other customers quickly exited the cafe, some unable to due to the kaiju blocking the way. The monster was preoccupied with the people fleeing through the front door. I turned to the waitress.
“The back door, where is it?”
She gulped down nervously before pointing at the door beyond the counter. I stood up a bit more properly.
“Everyone go to the back door now!” I directed to the remaining customers as I pointed where to go. The people quickly followed, not wanting to be killed by the kaiju while I went last since I was observing the monster’s movements. My shout and the remaining evacuating customers seemed to have alerted it.
I ran behind the crowd as a tentacle darted to where I last stood.
Everyone was able to successfully exit the building as we went back to the main street where we'd have to book it to the nearest shelter. So we ran, my heels— although they were only around an inch or two and block type— were utterly killing me. My eyes scanned the surroundings.
That seemed to be the only kaiju— but the wreck it left behind was pretty bad.
I can only deduce that the monster came from the huge hole on the ground of the road. That must've also been the cause of the tremors earlier.
More people emerged from the area, shouting. The kaiju managed to wiggle itself out of the cafe we successfully evacuated from. It stood at its full height.
“You've gotta be kidding me.” I muttered.
The monster turned out to be bigger than it seemed from the cafe.
Then a small unit of anti-kaiju officers rounded the corner, immediately shooting at the viney and octopus looking kaiju but even their bullets didn't seem to do significant damage to it. A few officers then came up to our crowd, leading the way.
Everyone else seemed more relaxed now that the anti-kaiju force arrived. However, that small moment of peace with the evacuating citizens was quickly thwarted as the body of an officer landed on a nearby car. The said officer coughed out for everyone to leave before he unceremoniously fell off the vehicle onto the floor, unconscious.
The officers who were with us immediately pointed their guns at the kaiju that was approaching quickly. They commanded us to run— and so we did.
The officers also accompanied us while trying to hold back the medium sized kaiju (according to their words as they complained how their bullets weren't able to pierce its body). I look behind and see a child left behind on the cracked road, nobody else having noticed.
I glanced at the evacuating group, noticing a woman calling out a name but unsuccessful in pushing through the panicking horde of people— only being whisked back. Not even the officers saw the kid.
I took a quick breath before sprinting to the fallen kid, knowing very well that it put me into the kaiju’s attack range. I scooped the little boy up before immediately darting to the car where the unconscious officer landed earlier. A bunch of debris went up into the air as the octopus attacked the spot where the kid last was.
The kid was still crying.
“Hey, buddy… You good? Listen to me okay? We have to be extra quiet or else the monster would notice us…” I tried to convince the kid, successful in doing so as he bit back a hiccup.
I patted the boy’s head, “What a brave kiddo.” I whispered to him.
Assessing the surroundings for anything that can help us, my eyes landed on the unconscious officer— more specifically the tactical pack attached to his suit. I rummaged through the small bag, acquiring one stun grenade and one explosive grenade.
We were out of sight from the monster but we would be crushed soon if we didn't do something and killed if we suddenly dashed away with a kid. I then checked the officer’s body, eyes lighting up at acquiring a special anti-kaiju pistol— it weighed more than the average handgun though. The man groaned, seeming to have woken up but in no condition to fight at all.
He noticed that I basically raided his supplies, about to tell me off before I interrupted him.
“We have no time, can you take this boy to safety the moment I throw this stun grenade?” The man in the specialized suit was confused as to why a civilian was ordering him, but when his suit seemed to be out of commission from an overheat— he only had to nod his head. I handed the boy over to him.
“Great. Now when I say go, immediately get away.” I instructed, tucking away the explosive grenade and pistol into my bag.
The pin of the stun grenade fell to the ground with a clink as its main body was thrown into the air.
A flash and ringing reverberated around the area.
‘I might've underestimated the JAKDF stun grenade… ‘ My ears slightly hurt, despite finding safety behind another car.
I took out the gun and inspected it, whistling.
“I didn't know they had the latest model in the force, maybe I should join…”
Well, no time to waste. I stood up and aimed the pistol at the octopus— its lone eye specifically since the officers were unable to pierce its body with their rifles— before shooting a few consecutive shots. The shots pierced through, as the kaiju shrieked.
Another pin clinked to the ground, this time an explosive grenade being thrown into its open mouth. A few seconds ticked by before the octopus imploded on itself.
Thankfully, I was behind the car— untouched by the splatters of guts and blood. Peeking out from my spot, I noticed the monster wasn't quite dead yet. However, its core was exposed and slightly damaged.
Yet again, I aimed the gun and shot at the core continuously. I had to make sure it was dead for good after all. The gun clicked as I pulled the trigger again, having run out of rounds already.
I walked out from my spot still holding the gun before approaching the corpse. I stared at it while reflecting on today's events.
‘First I got stood up, wasn't able to even eat due to waiting, and it just so happened a kaiju came in and ruined everything else. At the very least shooting it helped in cooling off my anger.’
I sighed.
‘What a pretty nice day it was indeed.’
⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ
When the other units arrived at the scene of the kaiju attack, the place was unsurprisingly wrecked. They expected the said target as they turned the corner, and their eyes were greeted with the kaiju alright.
Except, it was a corpse of the medium sized monster that laid there on the main street of Yokohama. As the platoons approached with guns still at the ready, the figure in a dress standing by the corpse became more clear.
Platoon Leader Nakanoshima signaled everyone else to stop as she approached the unknown person. Getting closer, she recognized the woman.
“(Y/n)?” she questioned, tucking away her gun as she signaled her platoon to do the same.
You jumped a bit from being deep in thought, hearing a familiar voice calling you. You turned around as Nakanoshima removed her respirator.
“Tae!” Your eyes lit up in recognition of the pinkette.
The Platoon Leader was in disbelief at how her friend was just casually standing beside a big corpse in her dress and heels.
‘Is that makeup I see?’ she thought to herself.
The pink haired woman scanned you, immediately realizing you were holding the anti-kaiju pistol issued specifically to officers of the JAKDF.
Her eyes then drift off to the corpse, assessing that it exploded judging by the mess. Nakanoshima snapped her attention back to you.
“Was this your work, (Y/n)?” she pensively asked.
You only shrugged, turning your body around to face the platoon.
“I guess you can say that,” you held out the pistol for the other woman to get, “I did borrow some of the force’s stuff— “ you paused, noticing the look your friend was giving you.
“Did I do something illegal, Tae?” You blinked rapidly, a bit of panic seeping into your voice. Nakanoshima shook her head, taking the pistol back.
“About that… I think you need to come with us… back at base.” The Platoon Leader had to inform you.
⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ
The ride back to the Tachikawa base was awkward. Imagine an armored car full of soldiers in battle suits and wielding heavy weapons… with a woman fully decked out in hair, makeup, attire, and accessories… for a date.
The walk to… wherever they were taking me was even more awkward— especially due to the stares from the people we passed by on the base. It was nerve-wracking.
They're definitely staring because of how disheveled I looked.
‘Today’s horoscope was total trash.’ I cursed to no one, internally crying at today's misfortunes.
They brought me to a normal looking office, which I'm thankful for. God knows how more nervous I'd be if I was put in an interrogation room. Nonetheless, the solemn and silent atmosphere was something I couldn't bring myself to break— only being able to nod in response to their instruction to wait as I sat on the cushioned chair in front of the large mahogany desk.
Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long as the door opened with a click. I turned my body towards it, quite surprised myself when I wasn't only greeted by the Vice Captain, but also the Captain of the Third Division herself.
⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ
You sat there awestruck before pulling yourself together and standing up to pay your respects with a bow. You then stood up straight once more.
Captain Ashiro waved her hand for the other officers aside from Vice Captain Hoshina to leave the room. The two highest ranked in the Third Division situated themselves behind the desk.
“Take a seat.” The red eyed female spoke— you had to stop yourself from gaping at her. You obediently did so. The ravenette then pulled out a device that projected a staticky video of someone in a dress—you— using the Defence Force’s weapons.
You can only wince at how the kaiju imploded— it was quite different from seeing it all as a whole picture. After all, you were hiding behind a car. The video ended there.
It was silent.
“Uhm…” you broke it, “Am I in trouble for… that?” You pointed at the projection perfectly paused as you were standing close to the corpse.
“Ignoring evacuation protocols… Raiding a defense officer’s supplies and weapons… As well as using said supplies and weapons to dangerously engage with a medium sized kaiju…” The purple haired male spoke up in a serious tone as he held up a finger for each thing he listed off. You only got nervous the more the Vice Captain added.
“Hoshina, stop making the woman restless.” Captain Ashiro interrupted, you looked at her in confusion. Before you knew it, the male’s chuckling filled the silence.
You stared at him incredulously as he threw a fanged grin at you. Hoshina couldn't help teasing you a bit since you peaked his interest. Who wouldn't be interested?
A civilian casually neutralizes a medium sized kaiju only with a stun grenade, an explosive grenade, and a defense force handgun. You weren't even wearing the specialized combat suit— heck you did it in a dress with heels. And here you were, sitting in Captain Ashiro's office, admittedly still pretty despite the minimal amount of dust and dirt that got onto you.
‘Did they even allow her to freshen up a bit?’ He mused to himself.
“Apologies, “ Hoshina started, “to answer your question, no you're not in trouble.”
⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ
A sigh of relief escaped my lips, thank the above that I didn't do anything illegal.
“Although your offenses were grave,” I froze up— okay maybe I did something illegal, “it's been pardoned since you've eliminated a threat all by yourself.”
Captain Ashiro stood up. “For that, I apologize for showcasing such an embarrassingly disorganized display by the officers under my command.”
I waved my hands around, not wanting to undermine the hard work of the defense officers.
“No need to apologize, Captain! The officers helped a lot of people in evacuating…” I justified.
She made eye contact with her vice captain before locking eyes with me.
“For that, we also thank you.” She bowed her head, I panicked even more. I stood up, not wanting for someone as cool and respected as the Captain to lower her head because of me.
The ravenette stood up again before she spoke, “Your actions greatly impressed us… the force needs more people like you.”
“I'd like to recruit you to join us.”
Captain Ashiro looked directly into my eyes, her own lit up by a fire— a fire that compelled me to agree. She offered out her hand.
I thought about it since my life was basically just on a standstill— heck it was slightly miserable because of multiple failed romantic ventures.
‘Maybe I should step away from the dating scene for a while. Oh my, I guess my so-called uncharacteristic hobby can come in handy!'
A smile broke out into my face as I felt my fingertips tingle— I was looking forward to it. My own dominant hand lifted itself to grab into the Captain’s awaiting one. She reciprocated my smile with her subtle one.
“Where do I sign up?”
⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*⁠・⁠。⁠ᴥ⁠༚˳•⁠⁠°. ☆゚⁠˖⁠*
note/s: should I stick with the Japanese format of names (last name, first name) or no?
I'm thinking of using honorifics since Reno calls Kafka senpai— even the english sub in netflix shows “senpai” on the screen. (probably will call titles as stand-alones like Captain Ashiro instead of Ashiro Taicho)
do give feedback if y'all want a specific POV more or if the POV switching is fine
also I just realize how many plot holes there are but I'll be f i n e
how I imagined the reader looked like, you're free to decide how you look tho!
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Had a realization visa V the Butterfly can do the Peacock post.
Anyone can get a familiar if an item is AKumatized and a Familiar manifested andnothing major goes wrong. The process of the Familiar fully manifesting though takes several months, let's say six on average.
In that time its being fueled and shaped by emotions and low key leeching vitality/essence from their host. But again provided all goes well this is fairly safe. Said familiars also tend to start small and grow larger to avoid taxing their human source.
Akumatized subjects, IE an Akuma with a Familiar, can get away with stronger familiars. This is because they themselves have been changed into something stronger and more extreme. But as before, the process to manifest still takes a long while.
Similarly, Butterfly Wielder Familiars are very powerful cos they can dump raw magic into them to make them stronger. This does not make them manifest faster though as magic is only one part of thee equation. It'd be like trying to grow a full person with only bones.
& this is why making kids, even just the start of one's is so bad with the Butterfly. Its essentially using the Butterfly to 'create' stepping into another Kwami's domain and compensating for the absence of raw materials, essence and vitality by using the human subjects.
A mundane comparison would be as such:
Regular Familiars receive twenty four platelet donations a year before manifesting. Butterfly children rip all twenty four platelet donations at once.
Unsurprisingly, this has disastrous effects on the person in question.
Though be it, said effects would be more subtle given Emilie did still carry said butterfly child herself. Thus they were not a 'huge' material cost compared to manifesting full person in one go as Nathalie did with Familiar-Ladybug. Hence death taking awhile to catch up to Emilie, while the ramifications on Nathalie would be more immediate.
Fortunately it can't be 'forced' on a person as their survival instincts will break the connection to the Akumatized Item and Familiar before it gets too bad. Sort of like instinctively choking & trying to cough up food when choking. So unless they are themselves forcing those instincts off, most people will be OK, though there's always a danger.
I imagine this being why Emilie died, with Nooroo not having been acknowledged, or not understood, or simply not asked the right questions, and so didn't realize their intent before it was too late.
This is also addressing my personal beef with the Sentikids plot! Not the genuine plot holes and all, but the personal opinion beef!
Which is that I don't like how the Peacock can casually create Sapient Life.
Like maybe it's the fma:b fan in me. But I want the creation of Sapient Life to be A Process™. Something that takes time and effort and a bit of danger. Whether it be intentional or accidental, mundane or magical. It should be more than just a handwave and 'oops here's a person!'.
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barrenclan · 1 year
WOOO NEW ISSUE!! i began reading this earlier, but couldn’t finish due to me rereading what i had just read and focusing on the pictures!!! so yeah, finally finished it, and GRRR GOOD ISSUE
first off, throws thrasher in the cootstorm pit too, they can share. no transphobic kitties allowed (obviously not literally, but i love how like.. natural it is? it’s just cormorantpaw’s life and what he’s been raised to think). egrettail should deck him
also egrettail!!!!!! favorite kitty therapist!!!! i assume maybe asphodelpaw asked about her being aroace, maybe brought on after daffodil was like “oh!! ur just like me and asphodelpw!!!” to pinepaw, and that made her think “wait am i into men even?” but. yeah. she just wants to help and she’s such a sweetie
shoutout to cormorantpaw for getting his 2nd issue. kinda a crime that i only bring him up now but its ok. i love the goofy early cartoons titlecard image with the literal lovebug and him just thinking it over before going “oh fk im bi” and i love how egrettail was like “it seems like it to me, but it’s up to u” bc she can’t really like. force him to think he has a crush, something about that was really gentle- back to cormorantpaw!!! now he’s a blushy mess and i love him for it. also WHAT DO U HAVE TO DO BOY. WHAT IS YOUR ANGST
yes i know daffodilpaw was hardly here but she still gets her own section bc that’s my favorite community hc collection. cormorantpaw doesn’t seem to want to be involved romantically with her, saying how she’s nice but also noting how she doesn’t tend to listen to him (which doesn’t make daffy a bad person!! just something they gotta communicate as buddies) but also mentioning how she puts her paw on his, and also in the sleeping shot cormorantpaw is staring past daffodilpaw, who sleeps next to him, and at pinepaw. i’m just. babey noooo. break out of ur toxic mindset its okkk. unless u actually do like cormorantpaw then i’m. sorry. how did i make the daffodilpaw section the longest oops
rate this issue 5 mysterious end birds out of 5!!! thank u for another great issue :3
So sorry not answering this ask for awhile! All that trouble with my account hit at a bad time. I'm glad you liked the issue, though. :)
Egrettail had the patience of a saint for not beating the absolute shit out of Thrasher when they were in Defiance, and I'm certain she gave him what for on more than one occasion after Hush Puppy died.
Yes, she and Asphodelpaw may have had a conversation about similar realizations she was going through just like Cormorantpaw, heheh. We'll get there someday.
I was so excited to finally include Seven Silvers in an issue!! When I first created her character I wasn't planning on it, but she's just too fun not to use. Hell, I'm allowed to invent magic cat hormone therapy if I want to, who's gonna stop me. Seven, Hush Puppy, and Egret are any manner of close friends you like, and found family/siblings are as good a way as any.
The POVs from other characters are not going to be very common, since Pinepaw is the protagonist in the end, but it's always nice to dip back into Cormorantpaw's thick little skull. I was pretty pleased with myself for thinking of the rubberhose style joke with "lovebug", honestly. Don't worry about his angst, I'm sure it's nothing.
Good catch on everything with Daffodilpaw in this issue! It's something I did intentionally include, and did want to draw a comparison between Corm describing her as not really listening to him with Pinepaw always listening to what he says (which as you said, doesn't mean Daff is a bad person, just that she's got her own things to work out).
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capobegone · 7 months
heelllooooo! i am currently on chapter 24 of TToF and holyyyyy this is probably one of the fastest times ive tried reading a fic. not that its working
literally has nothing to do with the plot that im on at the moment but i frekin love how you write akaza/hakuji and shinobu + hakuji’s shared disgust for douma makes me very not normal.
im gonna guess you are in hashira training arc/infinity castle arc? random shower thought but have you touched on how hakuji n giyuu have very similar guilt motives…survivor’s guilt “not being able to protect loved ones” etc etc like i just wanna know if you’ve touched on that. please and thank you i love your fics.
Hello hello!! Thank you so much for reading my fic and I am so glad you’ve been enjoying it! I am currently in one of the biggest writing slumps of my life trying to slog through infinity castle right now, so your encouragement means a lot <3
And yes you are so right!! Hakuji and Giyuu also share the special and terrible knowledge that they weren’t there when their loved ones needed them most :’( Giyuu holds a very special place in my heart as the only one who had the ability to empathize with and trust the Kamados in their most vulnerable moment. I think most of the other Hashira would not have been able to spare the two of them. He gets a bad rep for being “cold”, but he has a lot of depth to him! Add that to the list of parallels—both Giyuu and Akaza are viewed as detached and cold by their coworkers. Which would, theoretically, make Douma to Akaza what Shinobu is to Giyuu, although comparing her to Douma opens a whole other can of worms!! Oh boy. I’m supposed to be writing right now, Anon, but you’ve got me monologuing. Again. Oops! Good thing I have until Saturday to write this chapter, because I am vehemently avoiding it. Thank you for the distraction by allowing me to talk about other parts of my fic, rather than the one that is giving me such hell!
Look forward to more Giyuu in chapter 39 (Prayer)! He hadn’t been around in awhile, and I figured he deserved a little more screen time. Considering he did save Hakuji’s life.
Thank you so much for the ask!! Please feel free to bother me about TToF or Kny in general at any time <3 :D
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poppythetoppy · 2 years
[F4A][Upperbody & Foot Tickling][Femdom][Light Humiliation][Poppy's Ultimate Lee Fantasy] Your Partners Watching
Too bad sweetie, I'm not going to stop tickling you. I'm loving this far too much, and from the looks of it, so is he.
Wakey wakey Poppy... Looks like I've caught you. Don't you look cute all spread out, trapped and tied in my little web of fun here. Hehe, don't look so nervous. It's not like we're alone in here, you and I. Look around... OOH, do you see him now? There he is~ look familiar?? Hahaa! Doesn't he look so sexy standing like that in the X frame, locked over in the corner of the room.
👋 Hiya sweetie, look whose up! 👋
I know he looks a bit sweaty and um a little *EHEM* stiff over there. But thats only because my fingers had been tampering with him until you were ready to stoop up out of that slumber. So I think its somebody else's turn for some attention. And I think ALL eyes are going to be on you this time, hehehe!
So, are you going to try to tug down those outstretched arms as I'm straddling your waist? Te-he, oh oohh!! A bit flinchy when my FINGERS start to prod at those sides. Hahahaha! Mhmm, isn't this fun? That cute laugh of yours echoing off the walls.. Hmm, I think I need to count ribs and check to see if they're all there...
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. Oh wait, maybe it should be.. 2.. 4.. 6.. 8.. 10..? How many are there supposed to be, 14? I don't know, I dropped Anatomy class. Better count again, 2.. 4.. 6.. hmm hmmm.. hm hmmhhmm.~ HIP CHECK! Hehe found them, quite ticklish here too! Aww are you blushing already? Oop, looks like his face is red over there too. But thats for a completely different reason isn't it? Still kinda 'standing stiff' over there huh? You like watching me tickle her? You do? I think he does Poppy. Lets give him a show.
I'm just gonna make myself comfortable down here, and put your right foot in a bit of a head lock. Now I want you to do something. I want you to look at him, and I'm going too as well. But I don't want you to look away, no matter how BAD it tickles. Okay? One, two.. HAHAHA, Errrr!! I got your foot!~ Yeah? Hehe. Curling your toes isnt gonna work, nm-hm, not with me. Having my long sharp nails draw along these cute wrinkles. So delicately tracing each and every crevasse on your foot. Look at you two look at each others, who's enjoying this more him or YOU!? Haa!!
Don't break eye contact. Don't break eye contact. Don't bre- *nomnomnom* hehehe, aww can't handle a little toe nibbles? I didn't know you could scream that loud? *nomnomnomnom* Aww-haha, is that too much? Too bad sweetie, I'm not going to stop tickling you. I'm loving this far too much, and from the looks of it, so is he. How does this sound, I'll stop when he goes limp, okay? Hahaha, it might be awhile!
Lets see, is that neck up there ticklish? Now lets migrate up there and see, let my fingers marinate against your collarbone a bit? Mmhm, thats it, giggle for me. I can get a much better look at those tears from up here. I wouldn't take my eyes off of you either if I were him. Are your ears ticklish? Would you rather me tickle there or have me coo at them some more?
Haha, aww alright. Breath breath. I don't want to wear you out so quickly now do I? You lay and rest for a moment, I have him to keep my fingers busy. Oh yoo-hoo~ Boy Toy! Did somebody miss my fingers making them cackle like a little girl? Don't think I've forgotten about you. Those underarms have just been screaming my name since they left havent they? Hahahaha..!
Look at you dance, how precious. Ooh, theres just soo much ticklish skin to ground here. Hmm, I know. I've got a little idea. I think... I need to make a few phone calls. How do you like the sound of watching me and some friends gang tickle your partner while she's all tied up over there? Don't worry, I'll make sure someone's here to play with you too. Think she's listening over there? Haha, I think so, just look at her glistening with excitement.
Don't worry you two, I'll be back with reinforcements. Don't go anywhere!~
So I uh. I have DIED. Holy shit @prettymeredith you are a QUEEN
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Next Song
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F! Reader
Warnings: One F-bomb (I think that’s it), yearning, a little angst, fluffy (maybe?)
Word Count: 2.8k-ish
Summary: One night while on patrol, on top of a random apartment building, Matt hears the most beautiful sound and it’s coming from one of the apartments below his perch, it’s your singing voice.
A/N: So this is for my lovely Mindi @mindidjarin it’s based on her Matt thought the 1 I did change it slightly, I didn’t make the reader Matt’s neighbor, I really hope that’s ok 🤞 I also made a playlist to go along with this. I’ll put it in at the end after the tag list. I know it’s been awhile since I wrote for Matt, so I’m a little rusty, I’ve missed it. One more thing…my tag list. Because of the lack of interaction lately especially with my most recent fics for Matt, I will tag the people I think will be the most interested in it. I just don’t wanna waste anyones time if you’re not really into it.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The full moon illuminated the night sky, stars twinkled like tiny diamonds in the crisp fall air and even though he couldn’t see that the moon was full, he knew it was, he sensed it as he sat on his perch, atop your apartment building, waiting and listening for anyone that cried out for help.
The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen had a feeling about tonight although he wasn’t quite sure what that feeling was yet, was it a good one? Was it a bad one? He still wasn’t sure. It wasn’t until he heard your feet lightly hit the floor and the music start to play that he felt his own heart skip a beat as you started to sing along with the music playing.
He tilted his head, trying to listen closely as to which apartment was yours. The Devil could hear the low melody of Van Morrison’s Crazy Love coming from your apartment, that voice sounded so familiar, he’s heard it before during another one of his nightly patrols, same song, same time of night. “She can’t sleep”, he thought to himself.
And then remembered hearing screams calling out into the darkness, interrupting the serenade you didn’t know you were performing for him, he had to leave you even though his heart hurt to do so. He didn’t want to but he had to, his city needed his help and he was the only one who could protect it.
Now he was back again, on the same rooftop where he heard the most beautiful voice that’s ever weaved its way through his ears, it was your voice, and he was hoping to hear you sing the whole song before he had to leave this time. The goosebumps danced across his skin as you sang…
She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love. She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love
Was it a coincidence that he listened to the same song when he couldn’t sleep? On the rare occasions The Devil took a night off and when he just couldn’t drown out the sounds of his city, he would play that same song over and over again until his eyelids grew heavy and felt himself drift off, still feeling guilty that he didn’t go out that night but his body needed rest. He was human after all.
He had dreams also, dreams about hearing your angelic voice, he wanted to listen to it every day. Did you sing only when you couldn’t sleep? Or did you sing all the time? He wanted to know, he needed to know.
The Devil found himself taking detours on his way home from his day job, walking past your apartment building to see if you were home, and depending on the song playing he could tell what kind of mood you were in.
If you were in a playful mood, it was always some sort of Pop music, mostly Britney or one of the boy bands. The way you would move around your apartment, he could tell you were dancing too.
Oops, I did it again. I played with your heart, got lost in the game Oh baby, baby, Oops, you think I'm in love That I'm sent from above I’m not that innocent
A sly smile spread across his face, his dimple on display for people to see as they walked past him on the sidewalk. He knew people were looking at him, wondering what the devilish grin was for but he didn’t care, listening to you made him smile.
A few times he would walk by in the morning, trying to find out what time you went to work and what time you came home from work. What time did you eat dinner? What time did you go to bed? And the question he really wanted answered…Were you seeing anyone?
It was early on his patrol one evening, he approached your rooftop, he finally solved the riddle as to which apartment was yours and your window was cracked open just a little. You were talking on the phone, your voice was sad, then angry, then sad again.
The Devil knew he shouldn’t be listening to a private conversation but he wanted to know who was making you upset. And then he heard it, he heard you say “What? So you love her? Is that what you’re telling me?! So not only did you cheat on me, you’re in love with the woman you cheated on me with! Fuck you!”
You were seeing someone, obviously not anymore. He heard you hang up on whoever you were talking to and burst into tears, he sat there for hours listening to you cry your heart out and he couldn’t do anything about it.
He wanted nothing more than to wrap you in his arms and tell you “It’s ok sweetheart. I’m here, I’ve got you.” But he couldn’t. He had saved his fair share of the people of Hell’s Kitchen from the evil that is out there on his streets but he couldn’t protect you from a broken heart.
He licked his lips and tilted his head, he heard you get up from the couch and turn your speaker on. What were you going to play this time? He didn’t recognize the song but it didn’t matter, even all cried out, your voice sounded beautiful to him.
Did you really think last night would last forever. Did you really think that guy hung the moon. Right now you hate yourself 'cause you knew better. But there's no use crying over spilled perfume
Your heart was broken, he could hear it, he felt your pain and after he moved onto the fire escape, he could taste the salt from your tears. The scent of lavender floated outside past him, your window was still ajar. It was probably your body wash or shampoo he was picking up, a light scent that wasn’t overpowering for him.
A cry from a few blocks away tore him away from you once again but before leaving, he whispered “It will be alright, angel. It will get better.” And he disappeared into the night.
The nights following that one were hard for The Devil, listening to you cry and sing sad songs, some he had never heard before like The One I Gave My Heart To, You Lost Me, Cry, Storm and Let Him Fly. He didn’t understand why he felt such anger towards the man that hurt you, to the man that broke your heart, he didn’t know him but how could someone hurt you like that?
He didn’t even know your name but the feelings he had for you were something he’s never experienced before. He heard people sing all the time, day and night, on patrol or just in passing on the street. So why was he being pulled so hard towards you? He still didn’t know.
1:30 AM, there it was again. Crazy Love. Another sleepless night for you, he caught himself humming along this time, thinking about maybe that could be your song that you could slow dance to together when neither one of you can sleep.
Or while you were cooking together listening to some old Motown like Bring It On Home to Me or Signed, Sealed, Delivered. He had daydreams of listening to you sing in the shower or cleaning the apartment. Those kinds of thoughts flooded his mind constantly and it was all based on what you sounded like, your happy voice, even your sad voice, and your singing voice. He couldn’t get enough.
The Devil never imagined he could find someone to share his life with, someone that could accept him, that would accept what he did. For some reason, he felt in his heart, that that person could be you.
He could tell you were feeling better about your break-up. The songs he heard you singing were upbeat. Songs like No Diggity, It Takes Two, California Love, and Hypnotize were turned up. You sounded adorable even singing along to rap songs.
One morning on his detour to work, walking past your apartment he heard you. Your window must have been open a little more than usual, either that or you were just singing I Wanna Dance With Somebody extra loud.
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with somebody. Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody. With somebody who loves me. Oh, I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with somebody. Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody. With somebody who loves me
This made him happy, the Devil stood outside against the lamp post listening to you belt out the lyrics, he could tell you were dancing and your heartbeat sounded healthy and happy. The song ended and the you shut your music off, he thought you must be leaving for work soon. He would come back and check on you again later.
The Devil left work later than usual that night. When he stepped outside, the cool autumn air hit his face and immediately jolted him awake and he couldn’t wait to hear what you were singing tonight.
As he got closer and closer to your apartment, he heard the sounds of Elvis playing and the aroma of chili cooking on the stove. The song that he heard you singing, he just couldn’t help but smirk.
You're the devil in disguise. Oh, yes, you are, devil in disguise
You fooled me with your kisses. You cheated and you schemed. Heaven knows how you lied to me. You're not the way you seemed
The Devil in Disguise…and, unknowingly, you were his angel. An angel in disguise that makes him feel better after a hard day, an angel that listens to the same song as he does when he can’t sleep. He also found himself listening to Crazy Love at other times of the day but it was your voice he heard, not anyone else’s. Did you have any idea how beautiful your voice was? There was a reason he found his way to your rooftop that first night and why that song? Out of an extremely large catalog of songs in the world, why did you both choose that one? The Devil would love to ask his angel that question someday.
On his walk into work one morning, the Devil didn’t hear any music coming from your apartment which was strange. It was 8 AM, he knew you didn’t leave for work until at least 8:30, so why wasn’t your music on? Why weren’t you singing? He heard your heartbeat though, you were close, very close. At a steady pace, you were walking down the stairs to come outside. Oh no…But it was too early.
His heart started to race, he started to feel extremely nervous, and found it difficult to catch his breath. You were coming closer and closer, he adjusted his red tinted glasses and gripped his cane, he waited patiently to determine which direction you were headed.
Facing the front of your building, the Devil felt you open the door, take two steps and turn to his left, your right. He caught the scent of your perfume, notes of Violet Leaf, Lemon, and Cardamom hovered in the air around him, while the base notes of Musk, Cashmere Wood, and White Cedar Extract gave him the impression you enjoyed wearing cologne rather than perfume. The scent was intoxicating, sunny and cool like an early autumn morning, just like it is right now.
He followed closely behind you, one block, then two when the aroma of coffee caught his attention. The Devil stood behind you in line, listening to your heart rate beating a little faster from the walk and being in close proximity to others, luckily it wasn’t busy so it wasn’t too overwhelming for him. He listened as you ordered your coffee…”Coffee flavored coffee, light cream and one sugar, please.”
Even the way you ordered coffee was beautiful, your voice was so soothing and tender, he could tell you were smiling while placing your order, and he waited for the barista to ask for your name, time seemed to stand still for him waiting to hear it. The voice inside his head kept repeating over and over again, ask for her name, ask her. I need to know my angel’s name. The barista finally asked you…”Name please.” Here it comes…
“Oh it’s y/n.” You answered and you stepped off to the side.
The Devil finally had a name to go along with your beautiful voice, and he was so distracted by your name that he didn’t notice at first the barista asking him for his order. He gave his order and stepped aside, next to you, he noticed you were humming, his suit jacket brushing against your leather jacket. He felt your heart jump, maybe he startled you, and you went back to humming. Finally, he recognized the song.
You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey. You're as sweet as strawberry wine. You're as warm as a glass of brandy. And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time
He was resting his hands on the counter when they called out your name. Taking your coffee, he could have sworn you paused for a moment to look at him and smile. You didn’t know he could sense you were doing that, he knew you took a sip before walking out, before he had the chance to say anything to you, you were gone.
The woman behind the counter, calling out names said “Oh no, she forgot her wallet.”
The Devil somehow knew she was talking about you, she gave him his coffee and he said he’d return the wallet before you got too far away. He stepped out of the coffee shop, shut out everything around him except for your heart beat, you were at the corner and still humming Tennessee Whiskey.
He picked up his pace a little, and before he knew it, you were directly in front of him. The Devil took a deep breath before calling out your name.
“Excuse me, y/n? You forgot your wallet at the coffee shop.” And he held out your wallet for you to take. You grazed his fingers as you took it from his hands, your skin was soft and warm even on this chilly morning.
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much!” You exclaimed. “I didn’t sleep very well last night so my mind is somewhere else.”
He already knew that.
Confused, you asked “How…how did you know my name? And how…how did you know where I was if…if you can’t see me?”
With a devilish grin, he flashed his dimple at you and chuckled “They called out your name for your coffee order. And because you were humming the same song waiting for your drink.”
He could tell you were slightly embarrassed but you laughed it off. “Right…sleep deprivation is real.”
The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen just kept smiling, he was very much in love with you even though you had no idea who he was but oh he loved you. He loved your music, he loved to listen to you speak, even listening to you cry, it broke his own heart but he’s never heard anyone “cry pretty” before, like the song you played one night said…
You can pretty lie. And say it's okay. You can pretty smile. And just walk away. Pretty much fake your way through anything. But, you can't cry pretty
But to him, you did exactly that…”Cry Pretty”
He could tell you were staring at him, from his shoes, to his suit, then to the cane and to the glasses and your heart was racing. He could tell that you liked him.
It didn’t matter what you were talking about, you could be reading signs on the sides of buses for all he knew and it would still sound melodic, lovely, and calming.
You spoke again.
“Thank you again for returning this. Is there any way I can repay you Mister…?
He was finally going to tell you his name. “Murdock…My name is Matt Murdock.”
He could tell you were smiling again, you bit down on your bottom lip before replying. “Well it’s nice to meet you Matt Murdock. I’m y/f/n y/l/n, I guess we’ve been properly introduced now.”
His licked his bottom lip and tried to keep from fidgeting. “I guess we have, y/n. I guess we have. If you’d like to get a drink after work, I’m free.” He panicked a little, what if you said no?
“I’d love to.” You replied.
The Devil smiled again. “Great, because I really like the sound of your voice.” He could tell you were blushing and maybe he was too.
The Devil hoped he would be able to listen to his Angel sing many more times during the course of his life, for the rest of his life and he couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of having a life with you.
He prayed that you would never stop singing even after he was gone because he had to go before you, he just had to. He just couldn’t bear the thought of living in a world where he would never hear your beautiful voice again. He hoped that he would never have to.
Tag List: @freshabogados @skvatnavle @phoebe-danvers @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @munsonownsmyass @elgrandeavocados
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stunie · 13 days
GOAT HAHAHA NOOO ITS A DEER AND SO TRUE IT WAS TRULY ANNOYING!!! I REMEMBER WHEN THAT PATCH WAS RELEASED THEY HAD TO NERF THE DEER LOLL and yess i hope you enjoy omg !!! do share your thoughts as you continue playing hsr,, i love reading your cute posts <333 it lowkey brings back my own brainrot since lord knows i haven't opened that game in awhile ( irl responsibilities breaking my back 😞)
also don't be afraid of any possibile mischaracterization!!! knowing you, you’d definitely hit the mark no matter what <3 do it at your own pace and we WILL be awaiting and ready to devour whatever you choose to share ‼️
aand yess i like jing yuan !!!! (too much for my own sanity.. he had me doing rituals and shit back in feb for me to get him (after making me loose my 5050 AND THEN coming at like 82 something pity 💔 but thankfully i got his lc on accident at 12 pity so.. i forgave him)) but truly he's so adorable i really used to log in just to stare at him for awhile and then log out.. IT WAS BAD FOR ME HAHAHAH && yes you're right he's absolutely sweet, the sweetest of them all. his idles are so adorable too 😞 cute sparrows always around him.. he's so.. heart eyes..
have you met bailu yet? jy always goes to meet her once a year under the guise of a full body checkup which he most definitely doesn't need (bailu’s words) and brings with him the most delicious foods from all over the loufu that bailu loves 😭😭 bailu usually runs away from the commission where she’s strictly kept so this is basically her getting a whole day as a break where she can happily eat all the delicious food as much as she wants and jy also asks about how she’s doing and her health and stuff LIKEEE i swear you think you can't fall more in love with him AND THEN HE PROVES U WRONG 😭😭💔
i'm sorry for rambling too much TT
🤍🤍🤍^ ^ HIHI
ITS A DEER. OOPS. THEY ALREADY NERFED THE DEER ?? NO BC AS SOON AS I SAW “phase 2” AND THE HEALTH WENT UP I WAS LIKE nooooooo stoppp😭😭😭 ur so sweet sjsjsnmdm im glad those posts are fun!! most of my friends in uni don’t play / watch anything so i only have u all to share the chaos with🥺
EEEE AAAAA i’ve been so excited to write for them !! i’m still able to write for wind breaker… but it’s been taking me a lot longer. for hsr i literally cranked out an entire drabble in under an hour— without pausing to take a break and rewatch scenes for inspo or anything !! i had a lot of fun with that one :’) ur so sweet hsmsmsndn ughhh i love you
IM GONNA BE HONEST I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT U SAID ABOUT THE NUMBERS AND STUFF BUT LFGGG 🎉 U GOT HIM THOIGH THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS!! please you’re so cute talking about him like that :’) i have to learn his character for u anon omg. i must. THE SPARROWS SHSMMS he was so gentle with them too !!! and he looked so peaceful gardening n all. so excited. i love your love for him
BAILU? IS THAT THE DRAGON NURSE? i met her i think !!! and are you fr. that is the cutest thing i’ve read all day. an unnecessary full body check up and he brings snacks and gives her a well deserved break ): please ): i love this planet a lot. they’re all so cute
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m1ckeyb3rry · 17 days
LMAOOO nah dw abt embarrassing me it must be done….Id rather you see it than have me send it to someone who doesn’t match my freak and have them think im insane
Omg Karasu in the lead?? Guys…….Mira you’ve fr cultivated Karasu nation LMAOO but no you’re so right I remember seeing a poll awhile ago from someone and ofc there were the fan faves like Nagi Reo Kaiser as options and I was shocked to see Karasu there?? Ofc he was dead last in the results but not unexpected ig….also BAROU THIRD GUYS!!!! Barouism rising too??
No seriously Isagi would be sooo cooked if Nagi wasn’t there….trust I know that Nagi goal in u20 is gonna make him skyrocket I’m imagining all the edits to it now LMAO
It’s just the miraverse of content….new genre it’s called “would Mira watch this?” The parallels do go hard though I wasn’t expecting to find so many LOL
HAAHA SHIDOU lowk that’d be really funny….imagine like a 200k wc fic of Shidou shenanigans and sus quotes
Maybe I’ve been too desensitized because when you said too extreme I was expecting a lot more violence LMAO you got the perfect amount though I think when you said extreme I was thinking of Shidou level oops
NO FR?? Like he’s not gonna ever take the top spot but lowk I’ve grown to appreciate him….youre so right though LOLL closeted sweetheart >>> closeted asshole bro wait the grape candy scene was so cute I forgot to mention….its so funny how he kinda just gives it to her without saying anything about it like how people would do secret deals or something but no it’s just grape candy LMAOOO
THREE bro….the aura is crazy…to the dude who wanted your insta you should’ve been like “if you buy me a $50 cupcake I’ll give it to you” /j lowk investing in a bodyguard does not sound like a bad idea tho
OOOOOOH very excited for everything….also the whole masterlist layout for the oaeu>>>>>>>> the visuals look so CLEAN omg but guys look it’s aiku on Mira’s blog!!!! I saw the poll and have not touched it like wdym I’m supposed to choose???? Let’s see if I can be decisive for once but just know I was debating between tabieitaken and barou….speaking of im kinda curious to see which idea of mine will spark inspiration first LMAO take ur time tho im being so well fed with everything in the lineup so far
Im also laughing missing the cutoff is so funny to me because (unless I didn’t read something) it’s like if you didn’t safely get something in before the impending arrival of aiku you’re in for the long ride LMAOOOO
Ok actually real time update I just put them into a random generator to pick and voted LOL because there’s no way I’m deciding in time but I needed to show some opinion somehow….ok but anyways the main point I came back for was why is Nagi tied with your vote tracking option LMFAOOOOO I’m ngl I’ve never set up a poll here what’s the purpose of that…I just know that people aren’t supposed to pick it but I’m crying why does it have more votes than otoya and yuki
- Karasu anon
HAHA okay that is fair i will def keep you posted on any future typos 🤩 honestly they add to the experience though i mean what is a translator without occasional goofs (/j but also as someone who read a 1.5 million word novel translated online from korean #orv i am very used to wading through odd phrasing to get to the heart of a story so ngl sometimes my mind just skips over typos entirely and i don’t even notice)
unfortunately karasu nation has fallen…he’s in second now (w barou as a very close third) because SAE ITOSHI has a healthy lead 😭 honestly it was expected that man just has too many fans 😓 and most of the other characters on there aren’t AS popular (i’m sure there would’ve been more of a split if rin kaiser or isagi were included but honestly none of them were screaming oaeu to me…sae is kinda in the same category as them for me but he had strong oaeu potential hence why he’s included despite not being a miraverse all star like nagi karasu and barou)
I AM SOOO HYPE FOR THE EDITS PLSSS karasu and otoya edits from third selection?? nagi edits from the u20 game?? BAROU EDITS FROM THE U20 GAME 🤤⁉️ AHHH it’s going to be so good i just know those editors are going to cook up so many delicious concepts i’m actually hype (barely one more month we’re so close!!) and LMAOO no literally iirc nagi scored like four of the five goals against barou and naruhaya or something like if he hadn’t done that isagi would’ve had the naruhaya treatment and been out for good 😭 tik tok fans forgetting who the og goat of bllk was 😢 okay but honestly that’s why i love having nagi AND barou as my favs because one or the other is always up!! truly no losing there (and bllk bros automatically respect anyone who loves barou because most of them are barou glazers as if barou is ANYTHING like them 😒)
i guess part of it is also probably just kaneshiro using typical character archetypes too?? like girly dude white haired dude flirty dude etc etc the nagi dragon art was insane work though like what was the reason for that except to cater to us specifically
nah because yk i’d cook even for shidou 😭 but he would not be my first choice (or my second, or third, so on and so forth) HAHA he’s just a bit too chaotic plus like we’ve mentioned i don’t really find him too attractive even though ik some people do?? LMAOO omg idt i could ever write a character as violent as him especially not kiyora…like he’s chill for the most part just not hesitant to punch someone if needed i guess is how i interpreted it?? whereas shidou would just do it for funsies
I HAD FUN WRITING THE GRAPE CANDY SCENE IT JUST FELT SO HIM like the way he gives her a piece after she successfully swallows a pill as if she’s a dog or smth it’s just so innocent 😭 meanwhile reader is like “wow our tongues will match 😏” FBXJFKDS and him writing his number on the empty box so he doesn’t have to throw it away OR actually give her his number in person for fear of rejection…kiyora my underrated goat fr 🥹
JFNFJDDJSJ PLSSS just drop a quick “erm have i known you since you were four years old?? yeah i didn’t THINK so!!” and move on…i fear writing has made my standards very high hence why i’ve never been in a relationship but you’ll never catch me settling fr 🥱 if they’re not like bfb karasu or peregrine nagi or white butterfly hiori I DON’T WANT THEM 🤣 or ig someone like seabird sae would work too HAHA i’ll sacrifice the pining for a man w money and a sense of humor 🤩
OMG YAYYY I’M GLAD YOU LIKE IT i was inspired by those dollar store self help books as well as rom com movie covers when i was making it and i think it turned out well!! and then i saw one of the graphics accounts i follow had posted the green and purple hearts divider and i was like holy shit this is PERFECT it matches so so well w his entire aesthetic…also peep oliver and aiku being diff colors like his heterchromia 😮 LMAOO genuinely this is probably aiku’s first appearance on my blog (besides his cameo in the last part of fwtkac) but ahhh i’m trying to figure out which req to do next myself!! i have a few to choose from so there’s def a bit of variety…i’m thinking of your requests i’ll probably do chigiri?? because barou is part of the oaeu and idk if i feel connected enough to bachira to write for him yet 🙂‍↕️
NFJDBXSNK no because that’s literally what it is…after the gagamaru req my inbox was pretty stagnant in terms of new reqs so i was like ok let me just get these ones cleared out and then i’ll go back to posting my own things again as well 😭 literally the two hiori requests are from my 500 follower event so from back in JUNE like i need to wrap these up and post them 😭 but idm making the newer ones wait like they can go on the crazy oaeu ride w all of us in the meantime 😩
OMG WHO DID YOU END UP VOTING FOR (unless you want to keep it a secret because if so i understand 🫡) also omg that annoys me sm like fr a pet peeve…basically no one can see the results of a poll until they vote but that includes the creator of the poll?? so if you don’t want to skew the results you just make another option so you can keep track of the poll while it’s still open 🤩 but i absolutely HATE when people pick that option like are you seriously that desperate to know the answer that you pick the option that literally says it’s only for me?? it doesn’t matter what you put people will vote on it but it’s so annoying ughhhh i can’t stop putting it because i’m nosy and like to know what’s going on with the poll in real time but it fr irritates me that people pick it like literally just choose a random option if it’s that deep 😒 i think part of what annoys me is like it so clearly says don’t pick it…and then people still pick it…like were you all dropped on the heads as children or smth…ANYWAYS sorry i feel like i’m so chill normally but there’s random things that genuinely make me crash out for no reason 😭 ALSO POOR YUKI AND OTOYA they’re still behind the FOR MIRA ONLY OPTION (me rn: 🤬😡) atp i’m not going to do polls anymore…like damn sorry i tried to get you all involved why are you being stupid and illiterate rn
actually tbh it’s not that deep idk why it enrages me sm 😰 but uhhh i fear it does for some reason
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peacockrulz · 5 months
oougghhh its so cool to see you posting art here again.. i remember seeing your jolly art for the first time months ago when i first got into md and absolutely LOVING it!!!! and the newer art you've made recently goes even harder!!! peak is back...
I have re-read this ask throughout the week and it still kills me /pos
I've had a tumblr for awhile but I'm really bad abt not cross posting lol (even now I'm kinda neglecting my twitter oops). I never left!!! Just tend to disappear from time to time again.
Having my art remembered tho makes me stupid emotional!!!! I've been thinking abt redrawing that Jolly art for july and this ask just reminds me why ;; so yeag thanks!!!
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dyswarpia · 1 year
me in may: "i know i barely post as it is but i just wanted to let my lovely moots and followers know that i am taking a leetle break from posting and from redacted audio altogether, so i won’t be active on tumblr and discord for awhile."
ITS AUGUST AND I KIND OF FORGOT TUMBLR EXISTED lmao ive still been watching redacted this whole time oops i didnt mean to just never post again its been like 5 months o_o my bad
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fightclubgayporn · 11 months
do you have anything like a doc of information abt sdau? i think it looks really interesting and id love to know more about it + the characters :D
OH ANON YOURE SO SWEET. tbqh i should make one. but context is it was made as a collaborative effort between me and my friends like. 2.5 years ago so its not just my baby. but i really do want to get like. the basics at LEAST down so that people understand the vague plot/vibes.
tl;dr? a bunch of superpowered young adults are just so bad at having interpersonal relationships (more detailed but still basic vers under the cut)
(ps: ive written some stuff about these guys! a lot of its on my ao3, noalarmz! fair warning some of it sucks. i also wrote rubbing alcohol for a creative writing project, and i think it fucks. alcoholism tw)
the characters: (ica)rus: has wings that can burst into flame, but its not like something he can. turn off. so its basically a self-destruct button. strict moral compass, wants to stop vernon, acts as a kind of "hero" for the city. very self-destructive in their pursuit of justice, and overly self-sacrificial (vernon thinks he's selfish for this. it's a whole thing.) vernon valentine: has sound manipulation powers, also deer antlers. dead set on killing narrator and replacing her. very fucked up from his ex girlfriend (who they killed. um) and projects a lot of that + their need for control onto kan. basically he's a very awful toxic friend and also causes problems around the city to get narrator's attention narrator: a very, very old, near all powerful person, but nonetheless, she is still human. her power is complete matter manipulation, meaning she can regenerate her body, being functionally immortal. shes mega op, but she Isn't Actually a god (vernon thinks she is though) she has absorbed a intangible Presence into her mind known as Underscore, which is basically omniscience itself. it fucks her up a little bit. líf erling: a time traveler who travels non-linearly through narrator's timeline. they have a very tragic romance together, due to the fact that when underscore enters narrator's mind, she becomes aware of her own death, which puts um. a strain. on the relationship. kan komarov: he has telekinesis on any non-sentient objects, barring himself! he has. attachment issues. and latches onto vernon HARDSTYLE. is it platonic? is it romantic? is it sexual? you decide. he would basically do anything for them and is fully committed to his plan to kill narrator. kris(ten) clark: a childhood friend of kan's! her power is that she can create purple crystals from the palm of her hand but they do not have good control over it so. oops they did crystallize their friends arm once. which weighs on her. she really cares about kan, so is willing to tolerate vernon, but eventually they just cant take it anymore and leave. better at escaping the cycle than kan is printz o'harte: rus's closest friend. he has emotional telepathy, meaning he can sense everyone's emotions At All Times. which is um. a tad overwhelming. he builds robots to help rus. oops looks like kan has a crush on him (much less intense than his. Emotions for vernon but yk hes got a lil crush <3) he also has been in communication with narrator, because they understand the whole. my mind is loud all the time thing cato crux: she had electric powers! note the past tense because she is DEAD!! she's vernons aforementioned ex, and while they were together, they worked together, trying to take down narrator (kan is kind of her replacement) but uh. then narrator decided to contact cato. and cato realized that she wasnt a god. and vernon, feeling betrayed and hurt and angry, uh. killed her ass. sad! eve singh: stretchy limbs. childhood friends with kan and kris. she and kan were roommates for awhile, until kan met vernon and drifted away from her. she still resents him for this. cherry sinclair: childhood friends with eve, kan, and kris. they're the friend who lost their arm to kris. they dont blame her, but she sure blames herself. they have control over metal, which is helpful in making their own prosthetics.
oh man thats already so much. heres the basic plot beats though
rivalry between rus and vernon established, they clash
during a confrontation, kan becomes interested in printz
kris realizes how Awful her situation is, and that kan has begun to be terrible also, runs away
kan goes into a MAJOR DEPRESSION even more reliant on vernon now, his interest in printz increases cause he wants to replace kris
printz entertains this on rus's advice, so that he could collect information on vernon through kan. this works.
kan is heartbroken AGAIN. sad.
he goes into a manic episode and burns down his old elementary school (it was abandoned but still)
the climax. kan and kris reunite, he apologizes and starts to realize the hold vernon has on him (still loyal tho)
vernon thinks theyre being betrayed again and goes to attack kan
sensing this, printz stops him, giving rus a chance to swoop in snatch vernon into the air.
they decide to sacrifice themself, and his wings burst into flame, killing both himself and vernon.
somewhere in there, narrator also dies i forgot how i gotta ask eloise (she made narrator)
heres where the timeline diverges a little? but in the Good Ending kan and kris are able to heal from their fuckups and become normal friends again, and kan and printz are able to explore the idea of a relationship outside of the confines of their established roles
in the other, kan is so devestated from vernon's death that he starts hallucinating vernon's ghost, jake english/fight club style. this ghost convinces him to dig up vernon's corpse and, using some remnant of narrator, he brings them back to life. but yk. vernon is all fucked up now, dependent on kan and broken by the experience of death. eventually kan realizes that vernon a) was bad for him and b) is not the same vernon who came back and asks kris to. dispose of them. she happily obliges
if you ever saw me draw a pink haired guy w nice tits and his gamer girlboyfriend, that's aj (pink) and quinn (gamer) they're only vaguely canon to sdau and were originally escape room 2 ocs (yes, really)
in high school (pre transition) kan was a pretty popular youtube cosplayer named Kotdere (kot- from the russian word for cat and -dere from. dere tropes in anime) when he disappeared off the face of the internet there was a lot of confusion
during this time he had an online gf. that was quinn. quinn goes on to be like. the jerma of this universe and gets a hot of streamer boyfriend (aj)
eve gets a girlfriend, victoria! she made those like. true crime/unsolved mystery vids. eve helps her make one on "the disappearance of kotdere?? what REALLY happened"
narrator's story is really beautiful and crazy and i did not at ALL make it so def def def ask @/lovelyisthedawn about her <3
vernon/kan is evil yaoi and vernon/kris is evil yuri. you agree
some ship names (not necessarily rom just relationships)
vernon/kan: high and mighty kan/kris: rock kandy vernon/kris: punkrock printz/kan: palm to palm cato/vernon: tyrannicides narrator/líf: ragnarok probably missed some these are the ones i remember </3
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