thatgreedydude · 1 year
Little Tiny Eyes
I spied with my little tiny eyes
Flashing, flickering fireflies
Brightened my room from where I lie
I cried with my little tiny eyes
Rolled before they even dry
Stared at the ceiling from where I lie
I closed my two little tiny eyes
Wipes my tiny face dry
Hoping this'll end as I sleep tonight
I hid my two little tiny eyes
From the flickering fireflies
Hoping I can soundly sleep tonight
- thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
The City of Cold
A story was once lost, unheard as it was untold
Hearsays says there was a lost city of gold
The lord was lavishing with treasures the city hold
Until the winter came, and chaos it has unfold
The city wind blows stronger as it revolve
Along the alleys, the streets where people fold
They conjure their will, and endure the cold
Everything else demands nothing to be told
The men in cloak walk with a torch in their hold
They circle the city, the city that grows old
They shackle their ankles with soles bought with gold
The gold they took from the people that fold
The breeze rattles the walls, the walls trembles from the cold
Inside, a glutton and greedy of a lord
Behold, the bold grows bolder with his gold
And everything else was pretty much untold
Dead was the night in the city that grows old
The icy whispers that the winter's curse roared
It shivers the spines of all the people who fold
And everything else needs nothing to be told
The people needed warmth, not virtue to uphold
The winter cursed their souls, their spirit burned and sold
The once was silent city, the metropolis of gold
Chaos had ensued, and the bloodbath had unfold
Paramount of a fortress, was the lord's abode
Yet on the face of the bloodbath, it could barely hold
Still, people perished one by one, downed by the men of lord
And new dawn had arrived, washing the blood and cold
Lives were taken, frozen as their blood sprawled
Down the snowy battlefield, the gasping corpses crawled
Brittle and battered, and dead was the people who fold
The men in cloaks left all of them, whittled down and mauled
The story was lost, unheard as it was untold
Hearsays says the city was still cold
The lord and his men continues lavishing in their hold
Alas, the people whom had their bloods crawled...
Down the Styx they go,
And everything else is pretty much untold - SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
Hello, World
I awake to the sound of a morning rooster
Good morning and hello, world
Have you had a good sleep?
Oh, I forgot, you never sleep
Guess that's the reason you never function well
You must be restless this whole time
Well, I had a good night's rest
I had a cozy dream, what about you? 
Must be sad stuck in an endless nightmare
Oh well, I'm off now
Still need to live my usual day
Have strength, world
The torture will not end yet very soon
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
Killer's Mark
I've given the heaven
The stake that I've driven
against her treacherous heart
I've buried the bloodied
Cold corpse that I've carried
Towards the deadman's park
I sentenced my conscience
A life filled with silence
And bore me a hideous scar
The roses have thorns
The devils have horns
Adorned, I've the killer's mark
- thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
I see you,
Waving in a distance
I see you
But I can't even wave back at you
I hear you,
Calling my name out loud
I hear you
Yet I have no courage to speak to you
I know,
I'm hurting you everytime I ignore you
I know,
But all I can do is think about you
I love you,
From the bottom of my heart
I love you,
But I'm sorry...
I'm keeping this feelings away from you
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
The moon gaze its apocalyptic glow
Above the scarred fields of man
Cast its light, no warmth as it go
The night was an ice cold one
Had their light taken away
The time of darkness has begun
For the man only sees the value of day
Only when it has fade and gone
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
Lisah o' Lisah
Lisah o' lisah, how sharp was thy sight
Thou lurk after dusk, as day was thy night
The stomping of hooves send people in fright
Thy beast-like cries will haunt us tonight
We sent o' sons and daughters at home
For darkness is time for thee to roam
Etched was a red goat upon o' doors
Please call us not beyond o' walls
Lisah, of Vanrish, o' nighttime we offer
We plea to cease this curse of old summer
The sins of blood flames o' ancestor shoulder
Thy fate is eternal, but ours is to suffer
Lisah, o' lisah, white once was thy heart
We sinned, we tainted, thy soul of pure dark
Sad was thy wails, enveloped the night
Thy beast-like cries will haunt us tonight
- thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
Covered under the blanket of the night
An owl swayed along with the melody
Devoid of the horror, devoid of the fright
Brought by the night's dark symphony
The owl paid no heed to the shadow,
To the void, and to the silent noise
All it hears was the night's mellow
The cold yet soothing voice
Without doubt, no hesitation to make
It dances, celebrates with no refrain
Soon the night will fade, the sun will wake
The owl will make its way home again
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
You are my battery
To my dimming light
You recharge my energy everyday
And keep me go on
You are my star
To my cold night
I stare at your light
And forget the darkness that surrounds me
You are my alarm clock
From my dreadful life
You remind me that there is always tomorrow
That I can look forward to
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
If everything is gone
If nothing can be done
If you already found someone
Will you still remember me?
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
With the wind
Until when can I reach the ground
With the trees
Until when can they fall with me
For the storm's end
Until then, I have to drift and sway
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
I stared
At the scattered glitters covering the night sky
They seem beautiful at first
Until they're outshone by the city lights
I listened
To the rustling of thousands of leaves
They sounded calming at first
Until it was drowned by the urban noise
I swam
Towards the waves of the bluest seas
They felt soothing at first
Until they turned filthier by the passage of time
I thought
About what the world was once had been
It was a beautiful thought
Until I returned back to the present,
And witnessed the damage that had been dealt
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
I'm sleepless
My body is lifeless
My mind is restless
Where are you?
It's too late of a night already
Please come home
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
You cast your bait
And I can't help but bite it
I knew it was hopeless
But all was done, I was caught
Yet, you threw me back to the pond
And cast a new one after
I am confused, mocked, insulted, hurt
So, I bit the bait again
Why don't you want me?
No one else would bite your bait
Why do you keep throwing me back?
I want to be with you
- SirCophagus/ thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
You and the Night
The night is cold
But I feel the warmth
The warmth that you gave me
I couldn't embrace it enough
The night is silent
But I hear your voice
The music that you sang for me
I couldn't listen to it enough
The night is dark
But I see your smile
The color that you paint for me
I couldn't stare at it enough
The night is lonely
But I have you with me
In the coldest, silent, darkest hours of my life
And that is enough
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
I circled
Around the fire
I want to touch it
I want to feel it
The warmth
It feels soothing
I stare at it
I embrace the heat
Just a little more
Just let me feel it
Ah, it burns
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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thatgreedydude · 1 year
It tastes better
The truth of the world
For the world does face
The need to sugarcoat reality
It tastes tempting
The lies of humanity
For the man have not everything
And must sell themselves
It tastes bland
The victories we obtain
For countless battles of uncertainties
Awaits us in the future
But it tastes sweet
The memories we cherish
For that is what keeps us going
As we walk on this path of life
- SirCophagus / thatgreedydude
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