#oops its a giant block of words again :')
somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 13
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
TW: Kissing, dry humping, clothed sex, smokable plant usage.
WC: 3100 LOL
Taglist: @zoros-fourth-sword @cottoncandyloverrrr @nothing-but-brass
Burning Hearts Chapter 13: Accidental Dosage
— — 
“You keep dropping your shoulder, leaving yourself open for attack.”
“I’m not dropping shit, you’re nit-picking- UGH!” You were knocked backwards into a tree trunk. 
“You were saying?” Law cheekily grins from across the clearing. 
You roll your eyes while you catch your breath from the impact. 
“One of these days, Law, your mouth is going to write a check your ass can’t cash.” You sputter as you lunge towards your opponent, blade in each hand. 
Your attack is predictably blocked by Law’s giant katana and he forces you back again. 
“I have no problem putting my money where my mouth is.” 
Both of your heads snap in the direction of the sound emanating from the dark woods. 
“The fuck was that?” You turn to Law and ask. 
“Probably some sort of-“
A giant brown bear no less than 800 pounds bursts through a gap in the tree line and lumbers into the clearing, teeth bared. 
“Bear.” Law finished with an unamused expression. 
“What do we do?” You asked, heartbeat in your throat. 
“It’s fine.” Law states casually. “Room. Shambles.” 
At once, in a flash of blue, Law is right in front of the bear and rapping it harshly on the nose with his blade. The bear yelps. Before you could even comment, Law was back at your side at the edge of the clearing. 
“No need to show off.” You huff. 
Suddenly, the bear does something you don’t expect. It brings its front paws up to its nose in pain. The bear flops backwards holding its muzzle and starts to wail and cry like a toddler. 
“What’s it doing…” You cock your head, confused. 
“It’s… throwing a tantrum?” Law speculates. 
A much louder, deep sound resonates through the forest around you. 
*crash* *snap* *thump*
You notice the tops of trees being felled in the distance, but not comfortably far away. You realize what it was. 
“You fucking moron… that was the baby bear… and we just pissed off mom…” You look to your right and make eye contact with Law. 
“Oops…” Law’s eyes widen. 
With a thunderous growl, an unimaginable beast emerges into the clearing. This brown bear was no less the size of a two story building and looked ready to swallow the both of you whole. 
With shocked expressions the both of you take several steps backwards. 
“Well? Any brilliant plan here, Mr Warlord?” You snap without taking your eyes off the face of the snarling creature. 
“Unless you have any bowls of porridge on you… I think we have to fight this thing.” Law draws his blade. 
“Great.” You sigh and unsheathe your swords as well. 
“You’ll take it from the top?” Law asks. 
“Got it.” 
The massive bear growls lowly and stalks towards the two of you, readying itself to attack. 
“On my word…” Law was waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and you held yourself to his go. 
*sniff sniff* 
The bear was so close you could smell the salmon on its breath. You shuddered. 
You spring up into the air and unfurl your wings and launch an attack on the beast from above the nape of its neck. Law was working at disabling the creature from its legs and arms. The two of you fought for what seemed like ages against the hulking monster. 
During your assault on the back of the animal you hear Law groan from somewhere underneath you. You land back on the ground and see Law pinned to the dirt by one large paw, fighting off the bear’s jaws from piercing his neck. 
“Law!” You see red and your vision blurs. You find yourself no longer in control of your body and are hurtling towards the beast at an alarming rate, driving your head straight into the side of the animal. 
The giant beast groans as your slam it off of Law, leaving two gored holes in its side where you had made contact. 
“Hhaaaa!” You scream as you turn to slam your black spiked tail into the creature’s head. You don’t remember changing forms, all you knew is you had to make sure Law was safe. You sigh as you realize the mother bear was now finally unconscious. You notice the smaller one out of the corner of you eye and you let our a bellow that was far more beast than human… 
Upon hearing your cry, the baby bear retreated back into the woods. 
Your chest heaves and you finally come to your senses, looking around to find Law. He was already up on his feet and making his way towards you. He looked… shorter?
“Holy shit… look at you…” Law looks up at you. 
You look down at your feet. They weren’t yours anymore. Huge black, scaled and clawed haunches were where your normally slender tanned legs would have been. This must have been how you launched yourself at the bear so forcefully…
Your head was swimming… what ugly features… 
“Daisy? You okay?” Law’s voice sounded like he was underwater to you. 
You look over at the giant bear’s body and notice the two puncture wounds you had made in its side. You gingerly pat at the top of your head. You feel something that isn’t just your hair… two curved horns protruded from your skull.
“No…” You gasp. 
Everything goes black. 
— — 
You wake up alone in your own bed at the base. You try to process what had happened in the clearing but you felt sick thinking about it. You couldn’t help but think that this training was more than you could take. Maybe you were just naturally weak, unable to handle this powerful of a Devil Fruit ability… maybe you should renounce the pirate life and tell your crew to go on without you after the 2 years is up… 
*knock knock knock knock*
“Hiiiii bitch good morning! Just kidding good afternoon. Heard you kicked a bear’s ass into next week?” Ikkaku comes into your room without waiting for a response. She carried a pile of clothing in her arms. 
“It was way bigger than just a bear…” You sigh as you sit up in bed. 
“Well either way, the weather’s going to change soon so we need to get our tan on before we’re stuck offensively pale for the rest of the season.” 
“You want to go tanning? In the yard? I don’t have a bathing suit. I don’t exactly go swimming often…” 
“You don’t think I thought of that? That’s why I brought you some of mine to choose from. Hurry up, we’re burning daylight!” 
— — 
What incredible power she held. If only she wasn’t so afraid of it. She saved his life today. 
Law sits at his desk pouring over more books about ancient devil fruits. She could take on the world with this ability if only she would push herself to harness it. Law felt partially responsible for her stubbornness to use her abilities, he had become softer on her since… acknowledging the feelings he held for her. He battled with the idea of pushing her to harness her full strength and the thought of cultivating a romantic relationship with her. 
Law pushes back in his chair and rubs his eyes. The smell of warm baked goods hits his nose. Law sits up straighter. Man… that smelled nice…
“Captain! Daisy made brownies, come have some!” Penguin calls from outside his office door. 
How could anyone resist that luxurious aroma?
Law is brought out of his office by the smell of sweet treats like a cartoon character being drawn by a pie cooling on a windowsill. He makes his way to the main living area and finds his whole crew minus Daisy and Ikkaku shoveling chocolate brownies into their mouths. 
“Here cap, have one! I’ve already had 3! They’re so good!” Penguin hands him one as he enters the room. Law inspects the confection before taking a bite. The flavors were immaculate, even he couldn’t deny that. Daisy truly had a knack for baking. They tasted a little different from the brownies he had eaten before in his life, but they were beyond delicious. Law quickly gobbles up the rest of the square. 
“Hey you two.” Shachi approaches Law and Penguin. “Seen the garden recently?” He says with a smirk on his face, pointy teeth poking through. 
“Why?” Penguin asks. 
“I dunno. I think you should check it out, though. Sooner rather than later.” Shachi’s grin grows and he heads back to sit on the couch. 
Law’s curiosity is piqued. He turns tail quietly and heads to the back door of the base that headed straight out to the yard. 
“Wait I’m coming too!” Penguin hollers and picks up his pace to follow his captain at his heels. 
The two men exit the base through the back door and round the corner towards the garden. 
Law gasps and throws his arm out to the side to block Penguin from proceeding any further. 
“Holy shit…” Penguin breathes out heavily. 
Several yards away, seated on lounge chairs were Ikkaku and Daisy taking in the sun. 
They both held magazines and beers in their hands as they laughed about something they were reading in their gossip rags. Ikkaku wore a low cut pink one piece swimsuit while Daisy wore a black string bikini. 
This was clearly Ikkaku’s bikini, seeing as how Daisy’s breasts struggled to maintain their position in the tiny top. Law couldn’t help but notice the way they jiggled when she laughed. The small triangles holding in her supple flesh strained against her ample chest. 
Law felt the crotch of his pants tighten. He remembered he wasn’t alone. 
“we… we should go back inside.” Law mutters.
Penguin said nothing. Mouth still wide open. Law grabbed the sleeve of his jumpsuit and dragged him back inside the base. 
— — 
“The sun’s almost down. We should head back in.” You said to your friend. 
“Ugh, back to that sausage fest? I could stay out here all day.” Ikkaku lays back in her chair. 
“I almost got eaten by a bear this morning. I’m ready to eat and go to bed early. What’s with you and Peng anyway?”
“Nothing really. We hook up sometimes but it’s not serious.” Ikkaku says casually. 
“you’re hooking up???” You sit up on your elbows.
“I mean sort of! He goes down on me, that’s it.” 
“THAT’S IT? You’re getting licked and I’m just hearing about it now?” You gasp. 
“When was I supposed to tell you! You’re always playing nurse ratchet to the captain.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“Well is it good at least?” You lift your sunglasses and ask. 
“Not really… but he’s learning.” Ikkaku chuckles. 
“Men are very trainable.”
“That they are.” 
As the two of you clink your beers in agreement, Bepo stumbles out into the garden. He looked disoriented.
“Woah, what’s wrong big guy?” You rise to your feet. 
“Miss Daisy! We need your help! Quick!”
— — 
“YOU FUCKING ATE ALL OF THE BROWNIES?” You scream at the crew of white jumpsuit clad pirates in front of you. “I put a god damn note on these saying these were MY brownies and for NO ONE ELSE to eat them!”
“Yes but we just thought since you make us other stuff to eat we could have these too!” Bepo was panting and looked very nervous. 
“No way…” Ikkaku holds in a laugh.
“Are you guys that fucking stupid?! Do you have ANY idea how much herb you’ve all just ingested?!?” You continue ranting at the men. 
“I don’t really think they need yelling right now, D…” Ikkau puts her hand on your shoulder. 
You look around the room. Jean Bart was asleep in the middle of the floor, Uni and Shachi were huddled together on the couch looking terrified, other crew members were pacing the floor, Penguin was rambling to himself in the doorway. Even Bepo was having a hard time holding it together… he must have eaten a lot…
Your eyes were drawn to Law, who was seated on a singular cushion in the corner of the room with his knees pulled up to his chest and eyes bugged wide. 
“Fucking idiots…” 
“Miss Daisy what do we do… please help…” Bepo digs his claws into your shoulders. 
You rub your eyes and sigh. You clear your throat.
“EVERYBODY! Go to bed! Lay down! Turn on the TV or some music and just sit the fuck down! The sooner you go to sleep the sooner this will be over! And once this is over I can beat the shit out of you all for eating all my weed!” 
The room is silent for a moment before the group of terrified men heed your orders and head to the door. 
“Can you make sure everyone makes it to their rooms okay? I’m gonna check on your greened-out captain.” You ask Ikkaku as you nod towards Law huddled in the corner. 
“Got it.”
“I’ll come check on everyone in a bit.”
Ikkaku nods and follows everyone out of the living room. 
You approach Law and kneel down next to him slowly. 
“Hey… how’s it going?” You speak in a soft, gentle voice. You get no response. 
“Whatchya doing, pal?” You ask. 
“Breathing.” Law states, not making eye contact, still staring wide eyed at some unknown point across the room. 
“Right, right okay good! Breathing is good!” You were trying so hard to hold in your laughter. “Can you maybe come with me and we can get you into bed?” Law nods and you help him rise to his feet. He follows you wordlessly to his room and you get him seated on his bed. 
“I’m going to check on everyone else, how about you change and get into bed, okay?” You ask carefully. 
Law nods. You leave him to go do rounds in the rest of the state rooms. Most of the rooms were full of very happy or very sleepy men, but you found quite the interesting situation upon reaching Penguin and Shachi’s room. 
You open the door and find Penguin curled up like a toy poodle in Ikkaku’s lap as she strokes his hair. Shachi was peering out the windows and breathing heavily. 
“This one’s fine…” Ikkaku nods down at the man in her lap. “But the other one thinks the government is here to murder us.” She rolls her eyes at you. 
“Shachi if you don’t get your ass in bed right now I’m going to beat your ass worse than a Marine Admiral would and I MEAN that.” You growl at him. 
“They’re watching us right now! You don’t hear that?” Shachi exclaims. 
You huff and grab the mans face in your hands. 
“You’re fucking high, you idiot. If you don’t chill out I’ll make sure you’ve got bigger issues.”
Shachi, terrified, tucks himself into bed. 
You give Ikkaku a thumbs up and return to check on Law. 
After making your way back to the captain’s quarters, you find Law laying on his back in bed, shirt unbuttoned but not off, pants off, briefs on, socks and hat still on, staring at the ceiling. 
“Feeling any better?” You chirp as you quietly enter the captain’s bedroom. 
“Daisy!” Law sits up and pulls the comforter over his exposed legs and thighs. 
“It’s fine, Law, just relax. You okay?” You move to sit on the side of the bed at his hip. You look down and look into his eyes. 
To your shock, he bursts out laughing. 
“Yeah? What’s funny, huh?” You smile, seeing the normally stoic, anti-drug pirate captain high out of his fucking mind. 
“Remember when I almost got eaten by a fucking bear this morning?” Law chokes out between fits of laughter. 
“You’ve got a sick sense of humor, man, because I did NOT think that was very chill.” You couldn’t help but giggle along with him. Instinctively, you place a comforting hand on his chest. 
Law grasps at your wrist with his right hand. He strokes it gently up towards your shoulder. 
“You kicked its ass, though. Saved me.” 
“You would have been fine.” You blushed. 
Law’s hand makes its way up to your neck, pulling you closer. 
“Your skin is so soft…” Law says lazily through hooded eyes. 
You laugh. 
“You’re high.” You smile down at him. 
“And you’re hot.” Law smirks up at you. 
“Oh stop it.” You try to brush him off. 
“No seriously…” Law runs his fingers through your hair and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “When you grew those horns and those claws, you were like some sort of angel…” 
You scoff. 
“Not sure what kind of angels you read about… but I’m certainly not one of them.” You sigh and avert your gaze. 
“Let me kiss you for a little, please?” Law, while still dazed, pleads with you. 
“Ask me again after you’ve come down, you aren’t thinking right.” You move to stand up. 
“Need you now, though. Don’t wanna be alone. Please?” Law grabs your wrist as you try to stand. 
Holy shit he was hot when he begged. Every logical thought in your brain told you to leave but he was pleading for you so sweetly… you had to give in against your better judgment. 
“Fine. A few kisses and then you’re off to bed.” You hop up onto the bed and straddle his underwear clad waist. Law smirks and grips your waist with both hands. You lean down and capture his lips in a soft kiss. You feel Law groan into your lips and it sends shivers straight down your spine. 
As the kiss became more heated, you feel Law push your hips down onto his. Wait… was all of that him? Gods there was no way… 
You were just in a tank dress over your swim suit so you could feel the hardened length against your core so distinctly. You were so shocked at his sheer size that you yelp in surprise as Law pushes his tongue into your mouth. You couldn’t help but notice his kissing skill was improving.  Law grabs the back of your nape with one hand and pulls your backwards so he could plant wet, open mouthed kisses on your neck.
“Oh!” You gasp in pleasure, feeling his lips on your skin and his throbbing cock underneath your wet, bikini-clad sex. Law used his other hand to guide your hips back and forth across his clothed manhood. 
Law digs his teeth into your neck and purses his lips to suck on it. 
“Gods, Law!” You cry out. 
“Nggghh!” Law groans loudly and grips your hip impossibly tight and presses your core into his pelvis. 
Suddenly his hand on your waist loosens and he releases your flesh from his mouth. His head flops back onto the bed, hat askew. He was panting heavily. 
“Wait.. did you?” You cock your head from your position above him. 
Law covers his eyes with his arm that was just around your body. 
“Shit.. yeah… I’m sorry…” He whispers out softly. 
“Hey…” You move his arm and kiss his lips, his face stained beet red. “It’s okay. You’ll sleep better now right?” You chuckle. 
You pull his hat off his head and set it on his bedside table. You cup his face for a moment before you rise from the bed. 
“Get some shut eye. I’ve gotta check on the rest of your crew. I’ll be back to-“ You move to the archway and look back. 
Law was already snoring. 
You smile and head out. 
— — 
*Author’s Note* SORRY THIS WAS A BILLION YEARS LONG. I HAD A VISION. Omg he’s gonna be so embarrassed I can’t wait. At least he’s finally getting some sleep? Idk y’all give me some feedback here because we’re getting to the MEAT! 
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"It lives in a world where feelings cannot be defined by words. Oh, set me free from my jealousy..."
New Factor It In chapter today!
Chapter 2 - “Tree Diagram”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
It's WordGirl and Huggy vs. the mind-controlled Kid Math and an army of Tobey's robots downtown... Meanwhile, Victor and Victoria watch from a safe distance. Wow. Being a superhero sure seems like it would be the best...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Tree Diagram
.:: January 3rd - Saturday ::.
"All that is possible can be made probable once plans have been prepared."
(Ancient Hexagon proverb)
➕ ➖ ✖️ ➗
Psst! Look for the words civilian and resilient
Where we left off, WordGirl and Captain Huggyface were in the midst of a grueling fight against Tobey's robots and a mind-controlled Kid Math, courtesy of Mr. Big…
Even gentle snowflakes can feel like spikes of hail when you hurtle through them at Mach 4. They lash her cheeks and bite her eyelids. WordGirl plows through them anyway, one hand up to block at least one of her cheeks. It helps. A little. She's resilient either way.
She veers up from her comet-like charge and floats like a sparking star in the empty space. She plants herself in front of both Mr. Big and Tobey. Her whiplash arrival makes the former flail his arms in shock and the latter cry her name. WordGirl shakes her head, ignoring both, and floats a little closer to the man on the taller building.
"All right, Mr. Big! We can either do this the 'cheap and easy' way, or the 'hard and insurance paperwork' way. Now, stop mind controlling my friend and leave this city alone!"
Mr. Big takes one look at her and jabs a finger at the remote in his hand. Behind him, a bespectacled superhero kid bursts skyward with the husk of a giant robot lifted above his head. He's wearing cyan blue. White gloves. White boots. A yellow belt wraps around his waist, fastening with a hexagon buckle at his stomach. A single green light on that buckle blinks on and off.
The robot groans, flailing its limbs. One foot narrowly misses Tobey on the bakery's three-tiered roof. Its smacking hand almost whacks Mr. Big clean off the ambiguous building. Huggy shrieks, squeezing her neck. WordGirl chokes on a gasp, then steadies her balance in the air. There he is. And even from here, super-hearing or no super-hearing, she can hear Kid Math mutter the same mantra over and over under his breath: "Destroy competition. Construct new billboards. Destroy competition. Construct new billboards…"
"MY ROBOT!" Tobey wails, drawing his hands down his cheeks. "Number 14!"
"All right… Huggy, make a note: add Mr. Big to the list of villains we should never again leave Kid Math to handle alone. At… least not if we're across town instead of enjoying a conveniently placed picnic nearby with our binoculars in hand."
He squeals agreement, wrapping his arms and legs around her torso. Right. Back to business. WordGirl punches her hand into her open palm, thinning her eyes to slits.
"Okay, Kid Math! This chaos is way out of line. Your fractured reality is about to get simplified."
Does that even make sense? Math puns aren't her thing. She can define every word with the gossamer touch of a fairy princess, but that doesn't mean she understands the full complexities of equations and numbers the way he does. Her mind blurs after about 12. Kid Math stares back at her, all glaze-eyed and ghostly.
Then he arches his back and hurls the massive robot directly at her. "WHOA!" she yelps, and twists her flight pattern like a snake. Huggy squeezes with both arms and both legs. The robot (or what's left of it) cannonballs right past them. It plows through an empty parking lot outside a squid-themed restaurant- the one that doesn't serve seafood at all. WordGirl winces. Oops. Probably should have caught that… Tobey screams distress from the roof of the three-tiered bakery, clawing his fingers down his cheeks. Something about a partnership betrayed, and Mr. Big all but confirms this when he yells back from the neighboring rooftop, "My mistake, Theodore! I can't choose what he wants to throw!"
"Number 14…"
Kid Math twitches in the sky, his hands empty but his body still tense and looking for a fight. WordGirl keeps her eyes locked on his face. They can both fly at lightning-fast speed (well… thunder-fast), and dodging him will be a lot easier if he signals a move before he makes it. Thus far, she'd chased her wayward understudy - not that she'd ever tell him he was sort of like her understudy - from the bank to the park to the steakhouse and around through the loop again. Right from the start, it was obvious something was going on with him. His paths were too direct for him to pass as the real Kid Math, because this mind-controlled puppet version of her friend charged straight from Point A to Point B without taking thermal updrafts and wind resistance into the equation. Absolutely ineffective. Totally unlike him.
And of course, the Kid Math she'd come to know over the past four months wouldn't just be flying around destroying billboards and things either.
Or, uh… At least he isn't that destructive MOST of the time. WordGirl winces at the memory of a furious, flush-cheeked Kid Math punching a street sign hard enough to send it crashing through a window. He didn't mean to do that. He just didn't know his own strength yet.
Well, okay. As much as she hates admitting it, maybe she is being a little quick to grant him that benefit of the doubt… Even yesterday, Kid Math (in the guise of 8-year-old Rex Pemdas: the innocent, newly-enrolled 3rd-grade student of Woodview Elementary) had rambled to her on the way to the jewelry store that he had a plan to help the city "go green" before Earth Day rolled around in spring. His plan had involved "relocating" more than a handful of skyscrapers, and he'd been stubbornly reluctant to take "No" for an answer.
"Destroy competition. Construct new billboards. Destroy competition…"
Why she'd even escorted him to the jewelry store was another story altogether, and one that involved Invisi-Bill tackling his first solo crime since WordGirl had met him. The thin excuse to her brother TJ and tagalong Johnson had been "Rex wanted to check out the shiny doorknobs at the library and we need to run really fast to make sure we get there before it rains," to which TJ had rolled his eyes and snarked that Becky probably just wanted to get Rex hooked on Princess Triana novels. He and Johnson had wished their new friend good luck. They sprinted off, and Invisi-Bill had actually made it pretty far down the street before Kid Math had zeroed in on his whistling and-
A dot of green blinks in the center of her vision, snapping her focus back to the battle at hand. Aha! Something they can use. WordGirl blasts forward, arms extended, with her eyes locked on that little flashing dot. Now we're getting somewhere…
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lloydskywalkers · 5 years
Opinion on Misako?
Ohhhh Misako. She — hm. I am not…the biggest fan of her, to say the least.
So with Misako I often have to remind myself that a lot of her character flaws are just really, really weak writing, and that it’s not technically her fault she’s always written out of the picture and tossed back in last-minute, but at the same time, that’s the character we have, and I get all these other characters from the same writer so I have to acknowledge that the Misako in the show is the Misako we get.
And it makes me mad, because she could be a great character. There’s a million other ways they could’ve written in Misako that would’ve been fine. Trap her in a tomb somewhere, have her unable to contact Lloyd or Garmadon — they did it with Ray and Maya, it’s not that hard! Really I just wanted Padme Amidala and I didn’t get her so. Sad.
My biggest issue with her is obviously abandoning Lloyd at Darkley’s, because there’s no way around that. There’s just not, Lloyd was clearly miserable at the school, it was a school that taught him to be a villain and then kicked him out homeless when he couldn’t be genuinely bad, and even if it wasn’t awful he still! Doesn’t remember his mother at all! Which means she must’ve left him there very young, and then never had any other contact with him, leaving Lloyd with zero parental figures to go to, or really any source of love and affection at all. That’s difficult to move past, even if she does seem to genuinely regret it and Lloyd’s forgiven her.
Then there’s the whole thing with Wu, which is a complete mess and I will never understand what the writers were thinking when they chose that. It’s like if Obi-Wan and Padme had a side love plot going down right in front of Luke’s salad and I’m comparing it to star wars again rip.
It makes me sad bc I think she has a lot of potential, since she’s part of a very interesting family and she could be! The most present parent Lloyd has! Because she’s the only one not tied to destiny! And like, I can give her that out of the Wu-Garmadon-Misako-extended OG crew, she’s the only one who actively tries to change the prophecy. She’s told her son is going to kill her husband and that’s a lot. And she tries to change it, so clearly she cares enough for that.
But again. She abandoned Lloyd at Darkley’s. And I can come up with a lot of stuff to counter that, but in the end she left him at an awful school, never tried to contact him, and apparently was just — in Ninjago City and hadn’t even checked up on him when we first see her, and that’s…not great.
(that being said - I have an eternal oath to myself to never outright bash any character, and to try to understand them best I can, so I always take the gentlest approach I can to her in fics adsfdgf) 
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so-long-soldier28 · 3 years
All You Need Is Love
summary: sometime after 4x07. blaine is interrupted while studying for midterms at dalton. during a study break prompted by sebastian, the two talk and share a heartfelt moment, accompanied by the choir room’s untouched harp. 
pairing: sebastian smythe x blaine anderson
word count: ~2.5k (oops)
warnings: mentions of past klaine, but otherwise, none
@uptownseblaine for encouraging me to actually write this, instead of letting it sit and rot in my brain! it is my first fic, but was fun to write and definitely won’t be my last.
~ ❤ ~
It’s early December, and Blaine is sitting alone in the choir room, studying intently for his upcoming midterms. He had finally caught up on his missed work, after transferring back to Dalton only a month ago. The mahogany table where he sits is littered with notes from his classes, including history from the earliest times to the Renaissance, chemistry formulas he didn’t quite understand, flashcards from French class, and an essay on Macbeth for English. Blaine had been working at his essay for over an hour now, and is growing weary. As his eyes scan the pages of the Shakespearian novel for the third time, looking for instances of the themes guilt, loyalty, and fate, for his essay, he can’t help but drop the book to run his hands over his face.
A sharp chime brings Blaine out of his thoughts. Peering up, he realizes his phone is lit up by a text message. He slowly closes the book, takes a deep breath in, then reads it. The message is from Sam, his closest friend from back at McKinley. It’s simple, but still makes his heart feel heavy, hey, just checking on you and making sure you’re okay. we miss you. He groans out loud, partly because the light hits his eyes and he can feel another wave of tiredness hit him, and partly because he feels an overwhelming sense of shame for leaving his friends. He sits there for a second, pondering how to respond, or if he even should.
Blaine feels torn into two. Dalton is where he feels safe and appreciated. When he was desperate for shelter, he ran to the school with its no-tolerance bullying policy and comfortable atmosphere. His fellow students love to remind him of the legacy he left with the Warblers, and how they’re so glad to have him back. But when he fell hopelessly in love, he quickly moved to McKinley to follow the man who captured his heart. He made beautiful and unforgettable memories with Kurt, and even some with new friends he made there. The puzzle pieces started coming out of place when Kurt moved to New York for college and left him confused and alone. Feeling like Dalton was the only home he had ever known, he returned to finish his senior year. He tried to make the decision that was best for him, but he wasn’t even sure if he did that or just left on a whim, trying to escape every memory of his former love.
Even now, sitting in Dalton’s choir room, was he reminded of Kurt. It was about two years ago when he approached him gently and set a radio down beside him. Curious of the boy, yet afraid to get too close, he asked him to help practice a song he had to perform. A safe way to start any eventual friendship or relationship. They are both Warblers, after all. The boys sung the song together as snow fell outside behind them. It was picture perfect. Now it’s only a memory, as Blaine sits alone in the giant room. He feels like he could cry, but no tears come.
Blaine blinks a few times, as if trying to make the memory disappear. He refocuses his vision and tries to remember what he was doing five minutes before being ripped back into time. Macbeth, guilt, loyalty, Sam’s text message. He recalls, looking over his work space. He decides to respond to Sam later to avoid sinking back into a pool of new memories that he was trying so hard to block out of his head. So, he straightens up in his seat and picks up his book again to continue searching for scenes to cite in his essay. Though, he didn’t get far into the paragraph when a creak comes from the corner of the room. Blaine tries to ignore it, but can hear somebody come in, disturbing his silence.
“I don’t mean to bother you. I thought the room was empty.”
Blaine knows that voice. It belongs to Sebastian, the boy who was once his friend, then an enemy, and now a Blaine didn’t know what. He doesn’t know how to respond, so he just turns slightly to face him.
“I can leave.” Sebastian says, after a moment of silence between the two of them. However, it is obvious he doesn’t want to, despite turning back towards the door.
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m just studying.” Blaine finally responds.
A small smile appears on Sebastian’s face. It holds nothing menacing nor contentious, just pleasure that Blaine allowed him to stay. “Anything I can help with? I happen to be very good at French, and Nick said you were in his level III class.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows at his own comment. Blaine is well aware that the boy is fluent in the language, and in fact moved in straight from Paris two years ago.
“Yeah, I might need your help with that class. Right now, though, it’s English. The Macbeth essay on its three most important themes and how they are presented throughout the novel. I’ve been working on it for hours and just keep rereading the same paragraph.” Blaine says, moving his attention away from Sebastian, who’s come rather close to him, and instead focusing on the snow beginning to fall outside the window of the choir room.
Sebastian takes a chair from a nearby desk and moves it to sit beside Blaine. He follows his eyes to the window, also watching the white flurries fall against the dark blue sky, starting the first snowfall of the season.
“Well, in that case, maybe what you need is a break.” He says, taking the book out of Blaine’s hands and closing it with a bookmark before he can stop him.
“No, I can’t take a break. This essay is important. In fact, all of it is important. I need to get this done.” He protests, reaching for the book again.
“You can’t retain anything if you’re too tired to remember it. Just take five and get a cup of coffee, walk around the room, or watch the snow.” Sebastian tells him, pointing out the window. “I’ll even get you a cup if you want,” he adds.
Blaine knows he’s right, but rolls his eyes anyway. Again, both boys say nothing for a minute. It’s Blaine who breaks the silence with, “what are you even doing, still up at this hour?”
Sebastian gives him another genuine smile, “also studying. I was up in my room and had to come down for a break. And a coffee. I only popped in here because I saw snow and these are the best windows to look out and see it fall.”
“You came in to see the snow.”
“I did.”
“I promise I didn’t know you were in here. But if I did, I would’ve come in a lot sooner.”
There’s the Sebastian that Blaine knows so well. Although, this time it didn’t bother him. Usually when the taller boy would make his flirty comments, Blaine would anxiously wait for a rebound comment from Kurt. The absence of Kurt meant the comment never came. Another pause for silence settles in between them, until Blaine accidentally catches his eye.
“So that break you’re gonna take?” Sebastian starts.
“Okay, okay. I’ll get up, but you’re coming with me for coffee. Otherwise, I might fall asleep while I’m pouring a cup.”
“I’m right behind you, Killer, don’t worry.” He says with a wink at the mention of his old nickname for Blaine.
Blaine shakes his head, but has a visible smile on his face, as he gets up from his chair and heads towards the double doors. Sebastian grabs the door before Blaine could, opening it for him like a gentleman, and ushering him out.
The walk to the cafeteria is spent silently, with both boys thinking to themselves instead of talking out loud. Sebastian is wondering where he stands with Blaine, while Blaine wonders if he can restart his friendship with Sebastian without Kurt’s jealously getting in the way. However, the thought of Kurt still upsets him and he gets immediately swarmed with guilt at the prospect of being friends with the boy that caused so much division between himself and his now ex-boyfriend. The sudden shift in mood does not go unnoticed by Sebastian, who is now wondering what could’ve caused it. When they reach the coffee bar, he puts a hand on Blaine’s shoulder before thinking twice.
“You okay?”
Again, Blaine takes a second to respond, but it’s nowhere near as long enough as the last time. “Yeah, just… thinking.” He pours his coffee, then begins to add the syrup and sugar to his liking, “are we… friends?” He asks nervously.
“I was going to ask you, but, I hope so.” Sebastian responds, then makes his own coffee.
The two make brief eye contact, accompanied by nervous smiles. A silent agreement is made to try a second attempt at their friendship. Sebastian then finishes mixing his coffee and starts towards the door, with Blaine following close behind him.
“So, Macbeth,” Sebastian starts, “guilt is an easy one, there’s several instances of that throughout the play, y’know with all the murder and everything. Loyalty’s not too hard either. My favorite example is Banquo, who is not only faithful to his king, but also to himself. For fate, look at the three witches’ prophecies or how Macbeth struggles against pre-determined destiny.”
Blaine nods, “I’ll make a note of that, thanks.”
Upon entering the room, Blaine immediately makes his way over to the desk to jot down the ideas Sebastian gave him. He highlights the boy’s example of Banquo, which stuck out to him. Subconsciously, he feels as he could relate to the character because of his decision to remain loyal to what he believes is right, but he tells himself he was just appreciating the help from Sebastian.
When he looks up, he notices his new-old-friend didn’t follow him to the desk, and was instead gazing out the window. He watches him take a sip of his coffee, then begin to walk around the Dalton choir room. Small glances are made towards the several poinsettias decorating the room, the binder left on the stool beside the couch (probably Nick’s), and then landed on the golden harp that sat alone in the corner.
Blaine sees his eyes land on the instrument and questions, “Can anybody play that? Or is just for show? I’ve never seen it used.”
Sebastian sets his coffee down next to the lost binder and takes the seat positioned beside the harp, “I know a few teachers can play it. Some play a little for their classes if the opportunity shows itself.” He plucks a string, the sound humming throughout the room.
“Can you, play it?” Blaine asks.
“My mom taught me when I was younger. I was never serious about it, and neither was she, but it is fun to play sometimes.”
“Play something then. If you remember.”
Sebastian hesitates, looking over the instrument, and then at the work scattered on Blaine’s desk.
“For me.” He adds.
Still slightly enamored by the boy across the room, those two simple words convince Sebastian to bring his hands up to the strings and begin strumming softly, “this is one my mom taught me.” He tells him, and Blaine begins to recognize All You Need is Love, by the Beatles.
About thirty seconds in, Blaine softly joins his voice with the echoes of the harp,
There's nothing you can know that isn't known,
Nothing you can see that isn't shown,
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be,
It's easy,
He then fades into a hum similar to that of the instrument as Sebastian continues for another few seconds. By the time he pulls his fingers from the strings, Blaine is only an arm’s length away. Sebastian feels his hands meet with Blaine’s as he gently takes them and walks him back to the desk. He’s nervous by the gesture, not used to Blaine showing him physical affection, but doesn’t stop him. He stops to grab his coffee on the way, taking a sip to hide his reddening face. When they reach the table, Sebastian sits across from him, but is still close enough to reach out and touch.
“That was beautiful, Seb. I’ll have to thank your mom for that.” Blaine finally comments, making him blush harder.
He doesn’t know how to answer, except to laugh. Partly out of shyness from Blaine being impressed with him, partly from the comment mentioning his mom, and a small bit from the subtle nickname that makes his heart flutter. When he finally meets Blaine’s eyes again, they were looking right at him, causing his heart to pound even more.
“Seb, I came back to Dalton because it felt right to me. Like this is where I’m supposed to be. I guess that makes me like Banquo, staying loyal to myself and doing what I believe is necessary,” he began.
Sebastian nods, not being able to get any words out, but eager to hear what Blaine is telling him.
“I honestly have been debating if I made the right choice. Even if I think I belong here, I’ve been struggling with so much guilt for leaving behind my friends at McKinley. I know that I can still see them, but regardless, I feel bad. Before you came in tonight, one of them sent me a text and I couldn’t even reply.”
The confession causes the rosiness to leave Sebastian’s cheeks as he ponders how to answer. He finally tells him, “I don’t know the whole situation, but whatever you feel in your heart is right is what is you’re supposed to do. It’ll work out, I promise,” he hopes he sounds convincing, trying to ease the boy’s mind.
Blaine nods again, but hesitates before responding. “I think I’m right where I’m should be. Here, at this desk. Struggling over Macbeth and chemistry that I don’t even dare look at this late at night.”
Sebastian laughs once more as Blaine lightens the mood.
“No, but I’m serious. I think right here, with you, is where I’m supposed to be. It’s fate.” Blaine tells, looking directly at him.
Blush creeps its way back on the taller boy’s face. The boy who never gets shy, nor embarrassed; the one who’s only kryptonite is the one in front of him. He glances down at his lap, trying to hide his face. Blaine draws his attention back to his notes, and begins scribbling down his essay, finally understanding how to write about the themes he’s been so unsure about, until now. When Sebastian looks back up, he scoots his chair over to Blaine and begins to help him pick out which scenes to include in his paper. The two stay like that long into the night, stealing glances at each other every once in a while, faces decorated with rose-painted cheeks. After years of pining, fate would finally get its way.
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avasghost · 3 years
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after a series of very short and sparse camp nano updates for this project, i decided to write a full-length update, with more detail about what i've written so far and what the process has been like. i'll also put all the excerpts i shared in the mini updates in this one, because this is just where im dumping everything i guess?
also be warned that this update is going to be very, very long.
current wordcount: 10,101
playlist: here
like i said in the last camp update, this book was torture to write for about three weeks, then suddenly, when i reached chapter 3, it turned around and has been fun since then! i've had really bad writers block since february and it was starting to feel like writing would never be fun again, then asher and ezra appeared and solved all my problems <3
excerpts & taglist under the cut.
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wildflowers is the first vignette, which follows asher walking through a field at dawn after escaping the cult a few hours before. asher is quite stunned because! what!!
also, writing opening scenes that take place at night is a part of my brand now.
i wrote this entire vignette in one sitting, which is very uncommon for me because i write extremely slow. usually the opening scene is very hard, but this was quite easy.
the *working* first paragraph:
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Dawn cusps the valley and Asher is free. It’s liberating, the silence, the emptiness. No houses column the edges of his vision, no steeple lances the sky. No bell chimes mangle the sound, no chanted prayers rise through the dark. Just silence.
right after (cw: drowning mention)
Blue spruces lip the edge of the valley, cusp him in a dewy blue haze. The waxing gibbous moon still stings the sky, its muted glow rivalled by the sunlight that seeps through the trees ahead of him, still too low on the horizon to create a prickle of warmth. Coneflowers and columbines bristle in the grass. Asher’s suitcase snags in the overgrown foliage, beaded with dew. The suitcase has slowed him down, and he doesn’t know if he’s being followed, if someone saw him leave, and for some reason, he doesn’t care.
If they catch him, they’ll drown him. Leaving is worst sin, worse than murder. He’s known this since he was young. And now that he’s here, in a field he doesn’t recognize, under a breeze that gauzes his curls into his face, the guilt sinks to nothing. If they catch him, he can still run.
does anyone follow him? we will never know! at least not until a later update 👁👄👁
here's a line:
The world is an aquarium at this hour. Fused in blue, finches and sparrows floating through the air like fish.
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the second chapter, which is the first vignette in parkers's pov. at least, it was supposed to be a vignette, but its currently about 1.5k words so i dont think it counts as a vignette at this point oops. parker arrives in the city and it’s very overwhelming, because she’s only been in a city once before in her life.
The sun needles through her t-shirt, and a light burn grazes her arms. After walking all night, there’s something strange about the light, something unfamiliar. Maybe it’s the city, the way it’s constantly moving. The streets are a shuffle of footsteps and voices, none distinguishable and all of them shouting, laughing, talking in circles.
parker reaches a hotel to stay at and discovers her aesthetic
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The large window frames the city, and Parker shifts across to it without taking off her shoes. She trails her fingers over the glass, traces the buildings that cityscape across her vision, the buildings she’s seen from a distance and from beneath them but never from above. The ping of lights, the buzz of cars rattling down the street.
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this is a prose poem (with a bleeding title) and it’s a 336-word-long sentence. apparently giant sentences are my favourite thing to write. i don’t have an excerpt because it’s all one sentence and then i’d have to post the whole thing.
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i tried very hard but couldn’t think of a title for this chapter, and i'll probably think of a brilliant one after its too late. it's the first full length chapter, in asher’s pov. asher sits in a coffee shop and has an existential crises, has a few flashbacks, then ezra walks in and <3 his life is changed forever <3
here’s a bit of asher’s flashback to when he left the cult:
The sun hadn’t risen yet – crickets chirped in the grass, the faint gibbous moon was a stub of candle wax, alone in an navy sky. He left everything behind that morning -- his family who were only family through blood, his friends and acquaintances who never understood him, the world he grew up in, the world he knew, the chapel he knew, the bedroom he knew, the grassy hills and valleys he knew, the daffodils under balconies he knew, the fishing pond he knew, the community kitchen he knew. Everything he knew was suddenly thrust behind him, and the rest of the world had never seemed so clear.
the flashback leads up to his arrival in the city:
He arrived in the city when dawn was at breaking point, when sunlight bruised the cityscape and the drizzle of commuters and the stop signs and the traffic lights. The noise stung his ears, the constant buzzing and shouting and honking. The chaos he’d expected but didn’t fully prepare for.
and then ezra makes an iconic entrance (which literally just his existence is iconic)
At first, he thinks it’s Thomas. He has the same eyes, the same narrow mouth. But he’s taller than Thomas, darker, with wavy sable hair that tumbles over his forehead. A sleek leather jacket. His amber skin reflects the light slinking from the chandelier above Asher’s table. A cigarette tilts between his teeth, leaving a cotton of smoke drooping through the air behind him. His shoes click on the tiles as he walks towards the counter, sunglasses nestled in his hair.
ezra orders coffee, then sits down across from asher and calls him out for staring at him oops!
“What’s up?” he asks. “You’ve been watching me. Do I know you?” His eyes are a lighter shade of hazel from up close, dribbles of yellow pearling around his irises. He balances his cigarette between two fingers on the edge of the table, smoke coiling through the air.
“I’m sorry,” Asher breathes. His words clip in his throat and his voice breaks. It’s never this brittle. “You just look like someone I know.”
they talk for a bit, asher mentions the cult etc etc, then the coffee shop closes and they go outside and ezra asks if asher needs a place to stay for the night. asher accepts the offer and gets in a car with a total stranger, because he’s an idiot and ezra is too charming
(cw: death, shooting reference, mention of dismembering a body)
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Asher doesn’t know what to think, following a strange man into a slightly battered silver mustang, doesn’t know what to think when Ezra offers him chewing gum. He takes it, anyway. He doesn’t know why, but he trusts Ezra, in a way he hasn't trusted anyone else he’s met in the city so far. For all he knows, Ezra could drive him into the middle of a forest, rugged spruces looming on all sides, and shoot him in the chest. He could dismember his body and drop the pieces in a lake, to be unearthed by archaeologists years later. But Asher trusts him, and he knows he shouldn’t. He knows he should tell Ezra to pull over, so he can get out and go sit in a park and watch geese float on the water, watch the sun blink out on the horizon – safe, alone, lonely. It’s a risk, being here, but it’s a risk he finds himself willing to take.
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the second full length chapter, from parker’s pov this time. not a lot happens, most of it is just narrative summary and parker going through Things.
It’s strange, being here – the sizzle of traffic, the shouting of pedestrians, the blaring of horns – and she has a feeling she’ll never fully get used to it. The walls of the apartment shove against her, fluorescent lights fritzing over her head, faraway mountains tossing shadows across the living room floor.
lightning storms – the perfect weather for an existential crisis!
A lightning bolt craters the inky sky and blinds Parker for a second, then disappears, leaving a jagged imprint on the inside of her eyelids.
the following excerpt is a bit of 2020 but in 1994
There’s nothing to do but sleep, now. No events to miss, no catching up to do, no church to attend, no one to talk to. Just silence, jittery music from the TV speakers, rain and sunlight and wind and lightning.
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since one of the major themes in ested is fear, i decided to sprinkle in definitions of different phobias, then extend the definitions to relate to the specific characters. this one is VERy melodramatic but here it is anyway because in this house we love melodrama
(n.) an extreme fear of confined spaces.
A fear of the world closing in, the fog of unknowing rampant in the air. You will find that the world is smaller than you think, ever shrinking, shrinking, until it presses in around you like a mold. Until the edges jut against you, cracking your bones, beveling into your ribcage, impaling your stomach until you stop breathing. The world is a mold, squeezing you smaller, smaller, until you barely dot the soil, until the birds can come and pluck you up like a seed. Sure, you can slow it down, you can push it away, you can delay the collapse, but you can’t hold on forever. One day, you’ll only be a memory. One day, you’ll go back to dust.
and that’s everything ! every sun that ever died has been so much more fun to write than anything i’ve written this year, and i’m looking forward to working on it through august. if possible i’ll try to post an update once a month, but i probably won't remember that.
- ava
taglist (i just have one for all my wips – ask to be added/removed!) : @gracestowewriting @flip-phones @shaelinwrites @chewingthescenery @august-iswriting @dallonswords @wildswrites @nodeadnarrators @annlillyjose @shaonharryandpannisim @letsgetsquiggly @strangerays @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @teaandtypewriters @kahaaniyaa @coffeeandcalligraphy @47crayons @writing-is-a-martial-art @familiarvillain @bookdragonfanish @childhoodlovers @finch-goes-tweet @zoya-writes @pepperdee @oceancold @another-wannabe-novelist
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
Fields of Gold
Neville Longbottom x Reader
A/N: Emoji ask game round 2 and you picked 🌾 @nevilles-top. Enjoy, my lovely wifey! Fluffier than I thought it would be, but you know… balance and stuff. 🤷‍♀️
Warning: NSFW, 18+ only, oral f receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (be responsible, lovelies!)
Word Count: ~ 3.000 (oops)
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Your head was spinning from exhaustion. You couldn’t remember how long you had been staring at the documents sprawled out on your desk, trying to force your tired mind to make sense of the words. The project you had been working on for the better part of the week had to be done by Monday and no matter how tempting the sunlight streaming into your workspace from the open windows was, it was no use; you needed to get this done.
Blocking out the sweet chirping of the birds outside in your garden, you were doing your best to concentrate on your work, but found your thoughts straying time and time again to the beautiful summer day outside. There was nothing more you wanted than lounging in the sun, a cool glass of wine in hand.
You were so caught up in your fantasies about white wine so cold it made the glass condensate, that you didn’t notice the door to your office opening. As a result, your heart almost stopped and you jumped in shock as the strong arms of your boyfriend snaked around you from behind.
“Still at work, dear?” Neville muttered into your ear, his nose nuzzling the crook of your neck.
Breathing deeply to calm your shaking hands, you turned around in your chair to give him a mock reprimanding look. “Are you mad scaring me like that?” you asked sternly, the smile on your face betraying your serious tone, however.
Neville just grinned wickedly and looked over your shoulder at the paperwork in front of you. “Doesn’t seem like you made a lot of progress since the last time I checked,” he mused.
“I’m in a bit of a rut,” you admitted.
Neville hummed in response and pulled you off your chair. “You need a break, love, and I know just the thing for you.” He leaned in to kiss you, but you stopped him by putting a hand on his firm chest underneath his white shirt.
“Tempting, but I really need to get this done,” you sighed wistfully.
The pout Neville put on display was enough to weaken any resolve you had and he knew it. “Trust me, you’re going to like what I have in store for you,” he beamed and suddenly you weren’t so sure you had guessed his intentions correctly.
He pulled you away from your desk and tossed you a light sundress he had held hidden behind his back. “Time to change into something comfortable, daisy. We’re going out.”
“Nev, where are we going?” you asked for what felt the hundredth time.
After you had changed, Neville had apparated you to the edge of the forest a few miles from where you lived and you had been wandering under the canopy of the trees for some time now. The path in front of you was speckled with the sun breaking through the leaves and the air smelled deliciously of warm earth and wood.
But the curiosity was eating you up from the inside, giving a slight bounce to your step that you couldn’t quite hide. The satisfied smirk of Neville, who was walking beside you calm as ever, drove you insane.
“Not much further, love, you’ll see,” he reassured you as he adjusted the giant wicker basket he was carrying in the crook of his arm.
Putting his words into action, he suddenly diverted from the trail you had been following, stepping into the thicket and vanishing from sight. With a sceptically raised eyebrow, you went after him, careful not to rip your dress on the protruding twigs and branches.
You already had a complaint on your lips when the scrub suddenly cleared and you found yourself at the edge of the forest. The sight before you took your breath away.
The ground before you fell in a gentle slope to form a shallow natural valley. At the bottom of it was a gigantic wheat field, the ripe, yellow ears swaying gently in the breeze. It seemed to go on endlessly, forming a sea of gold under the deep blue sky.
“Do you like the spot?” Neville asked apprehensively at your silence, but you were to busy taking in the beauty of the place. Flashing him a radiant smile, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along beside you to the edge of the field, your excited laughter ringing in the hazy air.
Poppies and cornflowers were blooming between the wheat plants; Neville bent down, picked a poppy flower and tucked the vibrant red petal behind your ear, planting a quick kiss on your lips in the process.
“Time for a snack,” he grinned at you, making your body tingle with excitement at the prospect.
But once, again, you had apparently misjudged him. Neville turned from you and set down his basket; with a flick of his wand, it opened and a red-and-white chequered picnic blanket, an assortment of fresh fruit and a silver bucket containing a huge, deep green bottle of champagne assembled themselves in front of you.
With another wave, the bucket filled itself with sparkling ice cubes and two crystal flutes appeared in Neville’s hands. He bowed teasingly to you, beckoning to sit down on the blanket; you complied all too willingly.
“I told you, you need a break,” he smiled as he pulled you in for another sweet kiss. “I found this place while I was herb gathering; I’ve been dying to show it to you for the whole of last week.”
He just knew you like no one else did; perhaps even better than yourself. As you enjoyed your picnic with your favourite guy, you felt all of the tension the stressful week had brought with it fall from your shoulders.
The fruit Neville had brought was deliciously sweet and although it wasn’t the wine you had fantasised about earlier, the cold champagne tasted even better, cooling your throat with the gentle tingling of its bubbles.
With the sun burning down on you and your head wonderfully light from the alcohol, you lay on your back and sighed contentedly. You felt a drowsiness wash over you and closed your eyes.
Before you could drift off, however, Neville gently nudged you. You opened one eye again and saw him waving your almost empty glass at you.
“Be a good girl and drink up first, will you?” he laughed.
You propped yourself up onto your elbows and quickly emptied the contents of the delicate flute inside your mouth. You had underestimated the amount of champagne still left however, and quite a few drops of it flowed from the corners of your mouth. They slowly trickled down your chin and finally fell onto the exposed skin of your chest.
You giggled at your clumsiness, but the laughter died in your throat as you became aware of Neville’s changed expression. His gaze had followed the way of the droplets, his usually bright green eyes suddenly dark with desire.
All your weariness instantly forgotten at his salacious gaze, you turned on your side, angling your legs in just the right way to accentuate your curves. Your eyes never leaving his, you brought a hand to your chest, slowly dragging the still lingering drops of champagne across your skin in a deliberate motion.
“Oh dear,” you cooed while innocently fluttering your dark eyelashes at him, “look at the mess I made. If only I had something to clean it up.”
Your teasing whine was enough for Neville. Within the blink of an eye he was on top of you, pushing you down on your back and sealing your lips with a searing kiss. His tongue brushed over your lips but to his surprise, you denied him the entrance he wanted.
He broke away from you for a second and it was all you could do not to moan at the lost contact of your lips. But you had something else in mind.
“Wrong place, lover boy,” you purred over the pounding of your heart. “Try again.”
Neville’s swollen lips curled into a wicked smile. You could feel the heat spread from your chest into the rest of your body as he assessed your face with a wild expression in his usually calm and loving eyes; it made you yearn for his touch even more.
“Very well,” he whispered with a gravelly voice that sent a set of shivers down your spine, “you asked for this.”
You fully expected him to kiss you again, maybe trail down over your neck to find the hot skin between your breasts, but Neville did nothing of the sort. Instead, he ran his thump of the wet trail glistening on your chest with a slight pressure, prompting you to arch your back in his direction.
Ignoring your begging, he licked the champagne of his finger, all the while looking directly on your eyes. He looked so forbiddingly sinful, it made you want to scream.
He grabbed your wrists and pulled you up to get you out of the flimsy dress that was clinging to your skin by now. After he had rid himself of his shirt as well, he pushed you back to the ground, not too gently, but still making sure you didn’t hurt yourself.
He bent over to whisper in your ear, his hot breath ghosting over the sensitive spot behind your earlobe. “You think you can tease me, doll? I’ll show you who does the teasing around here.”
Your mouth went dry at his promise and you bit your lip in anticipation of what was to come.
“Close your eyes,” Neville instructed you. You did as you were told, every nerve in your body alert to the maximum. You gave a little jump as you suddenly felt his lips on your bare stomach, just above your bellybutton.
The touch was gone as quickly as it had appeared; you moaned in frustration but still kept your eyes closed, only to be rewarded with another surprising kiss at the base of your breasts. Another moan escaped your lips as Neville’s tongue traced the outlines of your chest, giving each of your erect nipples a teasing flick before disappearing from your body yet again.
You were burning with the need for his touch by now, but Neville took his time. When you didn’t feel his lips anywhere for longer that what you had expected, you started to fidget around, only to be met with a deep chuckle right beside your face.
“Is my girl growing impatient, huh?”
“Please, Nev, touch me,” you mewled, pressing your thighs together to create the friction you so desperately craved.
He gently pulled your legs apart again, however. “Just wait, darling.”
You groaned in frustration as his hands left your body altogether now. Your eyes were still closed, so you couldn’t hear what Neville was doing, but you heard a metallic clank and a rustle of some sort.
Before your mind could place the sounds, Neville came back to you. You could literally see the dirty grin on his face in front of your inner eye, as he kissed your jawline. His breath trailed down over your neck to your collarbone, where he placed another kiss; he continued that way downwards, his breath ghosting over your skin, only the occasional kiss on the places he knew you were especially sensitive at.
You sighed in relief as you felt his teeth pulling on the fabric of your positively soaked panties, eagerly lifting your hips up to let him pull them off you.
He placed lingering kiss on the inside of your thigh and you wiggled in anticipation of his skilled tongue where you needed it most. But instead, an audible gasp escaped you, as something smooth and almost painfully cold glided over the same spot Neville had just kissed.
Now you knew what the sounds from earlier had been; Neville had equipped himself with some of the ice cubes from the champagne bucket.
“You like that, doll?” he muttered against your thigh, the stubble on his cheeks deliciously scratching the sensitive skin.
The only thing you could manage was a feeble nod and another whimper that quickly turned into a breathy moan as you finally felt the tip of Neville’s tongue on your aching clit.
Good God, this man knew what he was doing; you buried one hand in his hair while the other went to your own head in the desperate need to hold onto something as Neville kitten licked your dripping folds up and down.
The coiled tension in your stomach quickly built up as he continued to lap at you, while he ran another ice cube down the insides of your thighs with the other. The mixture of the heat under your skin and the icy droplets running down your sensitive flesh were enough to drive you insane.
When the ice had melted away, your head started spinning as Neville shifted his head slightly and plunged two of his fingers into you, pumping in and out of you at a steady rhythm that made your hips buck against him. You put one of your feet onto his shoulders to give him better access and had to stifle a cry as he hooked his fingers upward to massage your sweet spot.
It didn’t take long for the knot inside you to burst into a wave of pleasure that took your breath away. Your legs were shaking against Neville’s touch as you relished the high he gave you. You covered your eyes with your hand as stars erupted behind your closed eyelids, painted red from the sun burning down on you.
As you slowly opened them again, you were met with a self-satisfied grin on Neville’s face. His chin was glistening and he casually wiped the traces of you off it with the back of hand; his gaze on you was positively scorching.
“You don’t think we’re done here, do you, flower?” he growled, as he quickly rid himself of the little clothing he had left on his body. “You look way too delicious, being totally wrecked like that by me.”
The combination of his authoritative voice and the hard cock in his hand was enough to replace any drowsiness you felt from your orgasm with the urgent desire to have him filling you up right here and now.
Still sensitive from your last high, you shuddered at the sweet pain as Neville leaned over you, teasingly circling your entrance with the tip of his cock.
“Are you ready for me, doll? Want to make me feel good?”
You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him closer for an answer; you were too breathless for any coherent words anyway.
A groan escaped Neville’s lips and his eyes fluttered close for a moment as he entered you and waited for you to adjust to him.
He started slowly rocking into you, his broad back blocking out the blinding rays of the sun. You quickly found a rhythm that suited you both; it wasn’t as fast and relentless as usual, rather slow and deliberate, but every thrust of Neville’s hips was strong and deep, shaking you to the core.
Your senses were reduced to your laboured breaths, only mixed with moans of pleasure and the feeling of his heated skin under your fingers as you dug your nails into his bare shoulders for support. The world around you started spinning as you felt your next high approach, a whirl of colours of golden wheat and blue sky.
It wouldn’t take you much longer to cum a second time and you clung your legs tighter around Neville, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Without another warning, the coil inside you snapped, flooding you with sweet agony as you trembled in his arms. You weren’t able to form any thoughts anymore, the only thing falling from your lips was Neville’s name over and over again.
The desperate sounds you made and the sensation of your muscles tightening around his cock proved to be too much for Neville as well. With a deep growl, he gripped your arm so hard it almost hurt as his own orgasm shook him; you felt his hips buck against yours as he rode out his high to the maximum.
When your eyes met again, the fire that darkened them before had died down and was replaced by a look of pure adoration and love.
Neither of you spoke for a moment; the way Neville’s lips lingered on yours as he bent down to kiss you lovingly spoke for itself.
He got off you after yet another gentle kiss, falling on his back with an exhausted but content sigh. You snuggled up to him, relishing in the feeling of ultimate closeness you shared.
The two of you lay there for a long time, watching the clouds float in the sky above you until it started turning red, the light of the setting sun igniting the sky into an explosion of orange, pink and red above the golden fields surrounding you.
You were on the verge of falling asleep in Neville’s arm when a sudden thought hit you; you jerked upright. “I got it!” you exclaimed in excitement while Neville raised a wondering eyebrow at you, “I finally know how to finish my project!”
The low chuckle he gave you as he pulled you down to him again filled you with the same explosion of butterflies that had never quite left you ever since you had met him.
“That’s good to hear,” he murmured against your hair. “I knew you just needed a proper break.”
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anxresi · 3 years
I could line my wall with all the posts Thomas has made about Chloe tonight. (around 50, by my count)
If you wanna read them, don’t bother.
I certainly won’t be sharing any of them
What would be the point?
Because basically, they amount to one thing...
Chloe is bad, and we’re bad people for liking her.
That’s it.
And for anyone thinking that he kids around a lot with his comments...
I’m pretty sure this is something he feels VERY strongly about.
Or he wouldn’t expand so much energy in constantly talking her down.
So no, I don’t think we’re going to get a Chloe redemption.
No, I don’t think she’ll be Queen Bee again. 
No, I can’t see any real change in her behavior.
She’ll just remain the same ol’ hatable Chloe, the ‘evil’ girl that young kids apparently ‘get’ that adults don’t understand...
Yep, apparently we’re ‘dumb’ for wanting her to improve and develop!
To provide a good example for bullies out there that they can be more than just abusers all their lives!
Children couldn’t possibly grasp the delicate subtleties of self-improvement as you grow up!
It’s all so clear now!
Stupid us!
Also, her merchandise doesn’t sell very well.
Another good case for her staying as a villain, I guess.
And she’s compared to a monster and a domestic abuser.
This damaged teenage girl.
Yeah, sounds about right.
And all those tender moments where she showed empathy and love were just ‘fake outs’ all along.
Makes total sense!
And anyone who wanted more from her is just ‘delusional’ and is ‘writing the show in their head’.
That’s not the way it seemed on screen at all.
When she hugged Miss Bustier
Or had a heart-to-heart with Ladybug
When she risked her life as Queen Bee
Showed genuine concern for Adrien
When she finally appreciated Jean-something
And shared moments of friendship with Sabrina
These did NOT come across as part of an elaborate plot twist
From a show which isn’t exactly known for its complex writing.
They seemed to form part of a ladder...
Which would inevitably climb to a true character shift.
Where this flawed teenage girl could take a long, hard look at her life.
And realize she didn’t HAVE to be like her awful mother.
Or as power-hungry as her father.
She could learn lessons from her favorite superhero Ladybug...
Become a better person...
And an even greater superhero.
She could still keep her sassy attitude.
Just be a bit kinder and selfless, that’s all.
But, nope.
EVERY bit of niceness we witnessed on screen...
None of it was real.
It was all influenced by ‘class’.
Even her childhood friendship with Adrien was nothing.
If he was as poor as the rest of his classmates, she would’ve bullied him too.
Straight from Thomas’s own mouth.
One of the best relationships in the show, gone just. Like. THAT.
He also said to ‘redeem’ her at this stage would be too ‘unconvincing’?
I hate to return to critical mode...
But the show ain’t exactly known for its consistent writing.
One minute Marinette is confident around Adrien...
Next she’s a nervous jumble of words.
It sets up two new ships for Mari and Adrien with great fanfare...
Only to ditch them both two eps later.
(Also, what the **** did they plan to do with Lila?!)
In other words, this isn’t a show that plays the long game
Whether this is to satisfy the networks’ demand to air the eps out of order idk.
The point is that trying to tell us that Chloe’s ‘arc’ was some grand scheme...
Where she’d have a few sympathetic moments only to emerge worst than ever afterwards....
I simply don’t believe it.
Either this is terrible, amateurish writing of the worst kind...
Or Thomas flexed his influence behind the scenes...
And put an abrupt end to Chloe’s development before it really got started.
It doesn’t really matter which reason I guess.
What DOES matter is this petty and spiteful man sees fit to bash her in around 70% of his online interactions right now.
He could just ignore the posts but nope, he goes right in there, full throttle. 
You can just tell how smart he is with his intimate psychological breakdowns of why Chloe is the way she is...
When we all know the actual reason... he just couldn’t be bothered.
Far better to create a whole new character, give her none of the depths that could make a developed Chloe such a pain to write...
And then 'reward’ her with the position of Queen Bee, for being super-sweet and as shallow as a puddle.
And oops, make her Chloe’s half-sister or whatever to further rub salt in Chloe stans’ wounds. 
Is the show even gonna tackle the angst that would arise from Mayor Andre discovering his beloved wife had an affair?
Or Chloe discovering her much-loved mother is in fact a cheat?
What about coping with the SHOCK revelation that she... GASP... has a long-lost sister?
Forget it. All that rich potential for human emotions sounds B O R I N G.
Don’t forget that if there’s a major event in this show that doesn’t include the words ‘Love Square’, the makers just don’t care.
Let’s cut straight to a giant golden Zoe (who now looks like a giant golden Chloe) trying to smoosh her now much smaller sister...
While Chloe pushes Marinette and her parents towards the beast to save herself. 
Because of course she does.
Never misses a trick to make Chloe look bad, does Thomas.
It’s a skill you can tell he’s very proud of.
Anyway, back to Zoe...
Despite my harsh words above, I harbor no ill-will towards you.
Your design is decent and you seem like a stand-up gal.
But I hate to say this...
You shouldn’t exist.
It was completely unnecessary from a storytelling POV to create a sibling for Chloe, and your mere presence will diminish the show.
I can say this with utmost confidence after looking at the situation from every conceivable angle...
Without even needing to watch your eps or know why you were created.
(Although, I have a pretty good idea)
Some people might say WELL GIVE HER A CHANCE!!!!
Hmm... no.
Everything the show needs to be successful with Chloe’s character...
It’s already right there.
She does not need a secret sibling
She does not require a sweeter counterpart
And she definitely DOESN’T need Thomas constantly bashing her to impressionable fans online like she’s the Antichrist personified!
Seriously dude, if you hate her so much why bother creating her?
And if you hate her so much... why spend so long talking about her?
Despite his repeated denials, I think something another user here said is very true...
She DOES live ‘rent free’ in his head.
It sickens him that, despite his best efforts, she still has so many fans.
Not to worry, Thomas.
From what I see, there are still plenty of sycophants who agree with everything you say (even if they actually don’t)
After all, it’s enough for some to get a reply from the ‘great man’ himself
Why jeopardize that by trying to engage with him in a meaningful debate?
Especially when we know how handsy he is with the ‘block’ button.
Anyway, this went on for about a thousand more words than I meant it to.
I guess me and Thomas have just ONE thing in common (Thank God)
This is a topic which we both feel VERY strongly about.
The differently is of course, I have far less power in the process, and preach to a much smaller audience.
Still, I won’t let that stop me ranting away like a loon.
Hey, if it’s good enough for him... ;)
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Fairy Dust
Pairing: Jimin x reader
Genre: adventure, fantasy, fluff
Word Count: 22k
(A/N): This is my first time writing anything like this and boy was it tough! Also I really didn’t mean for it to be this long so oops 😬
For BCC One Summer Night Project
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You follow Jimin away from your campsite off the beaten path on a journey guided by starlight, walking hand in hand and treading lightly so as not to disturb the wildlife around you. You weave through the wooded area of your night trail to a destination that your boyfriend has not yet disclosed to you. Shades of midnight blues and purples color what was once green and brown around you, blackening shapes at your feet that you step over with care.
“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” You fret with a chuckle, enjoying the warmth of his fingers when they squeeze yours.
“Of course, I used to come here all the time with my family. It’s right up ahead.” He points with a finger you can barely see in the dim lighting. You trust him, shrugging to yourself as you trek on. He stops you a few steps later, looking down at his feet until you do the same and come to the realization that there is a stream in your path. “I’ll go first.”
He demonstrates by stepping on a flat stone in the center of the water source, leaping to the other side gracefully before turning to offer you his hand and a smile. Your movements are a lot more unsteady than his. A hesitant step on the stone is all you can manage before you’re grasping for his hand, stumbling to his side and nearly pulling both of you down into the water, a few bugs flying up at your rough landing. It’s smooth sailing after that, avoiding a fallen log, regretfully stepping over the corpse of a poor decaying animal, and brushing past short shrubbery before you finally reach a clearing with a perfect view of the starry ceiling above you.
“Wow,” From this vantage point at your altitude in these mountains the beautiful glow of the galaxy is not clouded by pollution or artificial light. You’ve never seen so many stars in your life, all twinkling at you in clusters of white dots that form patterns and constellations above your head. Jimin pulls a purple blanket from the bag on his back, placing it in the uncut grass at the center of the meadow. You take a seat next to him, laying back to curl into his chest comfortably as his arms come to wrap around you.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He asks in a whisper, watching the environment around you come to life from your movement. Fireflies rise above the blades of green beneath you to put on a display of light for you, creating their own pictures that rival even the stars.
“It’s... perfect.” You are utterly speechless, simply thankful that he decided to share this with you. Looking up, you discover that he is no longer looking around but is focused solely on you now, and when you lock eyes, you lean in for a kiss. You could swear that the fireflies around you begin to circle around your bodies once your lips touch, your eyes now closed and a delicious scent engulfing you. It’s easy to get lost in Jimin’s kiss, so easy that you begin to lose track of time and space and lose consciousness.
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“Why did you pick them?” A voice sounds distantly, distorted oddly in your ears.
“Uhm, well, I- uh,” The timid squeak comes from much closer, and you can almost hear the nervous way the mysterious person gnaws on their lip. A loud sigh. “We’re desperate.”
“...Fine. But you couldn’t have found someone more— I don’t know— muscular than them? I mean come on, they’re both practically splinters!”
“There was no one else around... maybe we could make this a stealth mission instead?”
Your eyes start to crack open once the grogginess fades, a soft and fuzzy fabric swallowing you in its folds. Jimin is not in your immediate line of sight and everything is brighter than you remember. Your head lifts before you’ve gotten both eyes fully open, alerting the two that now accompany you.
“Oh, one of them is awake!” The timid voice whispers, and the first thing to come into view is a flawless face, features too smooth and delicate to be real. The woman’s skin sparkles as if she had been bathed in glitter, but it seems that she’s producing her own light, an supernatural glow outlining her body and... wings? Maybe your eyes were still adjusting...
“Mm, what happened?” You mumble, your mind feeling hazy. Once your eyes fully focus, you jump at her proximity.
“W-wow, I didn’t know humans were this pretty.” She gushes, earning a slap on the shoulder from the other person she’s with. Looking to the left, you find a shorter woman whose features are just as undefined as her taller counterpart, the same glow haloed around her.
“Don’t say things like that.” She scolds.
“Jimin?!” Suddenly you think of your boyfriend, who you have yet to see, and begin to search around, finally taking in your surroundings and noticing that you appear to be lost in a sea of purple, blanket-like material, its folds blocking and trapping you as you move around to find your partner. You call out to him again, this time receiving a response.
“(Y/n)?” He sounds sleepy, probably just waking up from whatever slumber you had fallen into.
“We should help.” The taller woman says, appearing behind you to grab you under your arms and lift you. Lift you? Wait, were you flying?! Your legs dangle as you rise higher above your fabric prison, the new perspective allowing you to see that you were surrounded by giant blades of grass and that you had, in fact, been on your blanket. She lowers you next to Jimin, huffing from the exertion, and you scramble to his side. What the hell was going on?
“Did you just... Fly?” He looks at you funny, then turns his attention to the two mysterious figures who have yet to introduce themselves.
“Hello, humans.” The shorter one starts awkwardly, cringing at herself. “You’ve finally awoken! That’s good.” There’s quiet— well, not really, the atmosphere is no longer muffled sounds of the forest, but now resembles a bustling town in daylight. Everything is so much louder. “W-well, my name is Alva and that’s Laila,” She nods in the other’s direction.
“What happened to us? Why did we pass out?” You question immediately, not bothering with self-introduction.
“O-oh, well, y-you both, um,” Laila starts, unable to look either of you in the eye. “What I mean to say is... you- we kind of-“
“We sprinkled you with Fairy Dust.” Alva finishes bluntly. Your jaws drop. She can’t be serious, this must be a joke. Yet you can’t bring yourself to laugh. No, she looks too serious.
“Fairy dust?” Jimin barely cracks a smile, subconsciously touching your arm to make sure this isn’t a dream.
“Y-yeah, but it appears I was a bit heavy handed. My apologies.” Laila smiles wryly, wringing her hands together nervously. “We are the fairies that live in this forest, and we need your help to save a dear comrade.” It is only then that you actually process what you’re looking at. The two of them hover in front of you, their wings fluttering gracefully like those of a hummingbird, the movement too quick for your eyes to perceive.
“Are we fairies now too?” Jimin checks his own body, then yours, inspecting you for any differences. The only thing that has changed is your size, and he sighs in relief.
“For the most part you are just tiny humans now, but we can make you wings if you so desire.” Alva deadpans, impatiently waiting for you to come to terms with the situation. She continues before you have the chance to let things sink in. “Stink bugs have infested these lands and have made their home by the water source, blocking all creatures on this side of the meadow from reaching the water’s edge. We fairies have put up a resistance to this, and in retaliation, they have kidnapped our leader. Please, we kindly ask for your help in retrieving her.”
“Why can’t you save her yourselves? Don’t you have an army?” Jimin frowns, unsure of how he feels about being this little. You may still be in shock.
“They have fortified their home with troops that protect them from land and air. In order to enter their territory, we would need to get past them, but they attack everything that they identify as being from this side of the meadow.” A chill runs up your spine. Were you willing to embark on a dangerous mission like this?
“But t-their eyesight is pretty bad, so they might not recognize you as fairies, even with wings.” Laila speaks up when she sees you wavering. “You may be able to negotiate a way in.”
“I don’t know about this.” Your boyfriend murmurs to you as he weighs your safety versus adventure. He’s always so kindhearted, so you know he wants to help them, but how far was he willing to go if danger was involved? If it was you he was worried about, you wanted to quell his fears.
“It sounds scary, honestly. But when in our lives will we get another chance to do something like this? We get to be fairies! That’ll never happen to us again.” You smile. But suddenly your eyes shoot wide, turning to the women again. “Wait, this does wear off, right? We won’t be stuck like this forever?”
“Well, there is a spell to reverse this, but the fairy you must rescue is the only one who has mastered it.” Laila offers with another apologetic look.
“Then we have to! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, we have to take advantage. These people need our help! Plus, what else are we going to do while we’re this tiny? Might as well become hero’s while we’re at it.” You chuckle, pulling a smile from him. “If it gets dangerous we’ll protect each other, promise.”
“What if something goes wrong and one of us gets hurt?” He asks. It’s uncharacteristic of him to worry like this, but this is uncharted territory so you can understand his apprehension. But as a couple you are known for your adventurous nature— hell, he’s the one who suggested going camping in the Rocky Mountains by yourselves in the first place. You won’t let him back down from this.
“What if everything goes right?” Your hand finds its way into his, squeezing in reassurance as he looks over your face. With a second more of hesitation, Jimin finally nods in agreement and the two fairies sigh in relief.
The mission they explain to you seems very much like the objective of a video game: traverse through different landscapes and hone your skills until you reach the villain’s lair, where you will then attempt to rescue the princess (or in this case, fairy leader) and defeat the villain. Of course, you will be responsible for coming up with the plan once you reach the lair because the fairies know nothing about where their leader is kept or what the stink bug king will think of you. It is entirely possible that you’ll be able to negotiate with him to release their leader and stop blocking the waterway, but it’s more exciting to think you’ll do a bit of fighting.
“We have supplies and tools for you that will be helpful for you on your journey.” Alva is kinder to you now, advising you to come along to their home to prepare for your mission.
“We don’t have wings yet...” You point out, assuming that you would fly to their abode.
“Obviously.” She rolls her eyes at you, not bothering to explain. A high pitched whistle comes from her with little effort, followed by an intense buzzing noise approaching from behind. You and Jimin turn in horror as 3 giant fireflies appear from the sky, landing weightlessly on the surface before you with a blinding flash of light. It is then that you realize that the brightness in the sky above you isn’t from sunlight, but are actually the bulbs of the fireflies you had admired before. The three in front of you dim their lights to save your eyes, peering down at you with curiously large eyes.
Laila begins to speak with them in a language of chirps and clicks, and much to your surprise, they respond energetically to her. Although you now pale in comparison to these creatures, they are still awe-inspiring; with their red upper bodies that contrast so prettily with the luminescent glow of their yellow-green rears, the hard outer wings that protect the delicate transparent wings beneath that you’ve never noticed until now. Never in your life have you expected to see any bug from this close up.
Laila lets out a laugh that brings your attention back to her. “They agreed to give us a lift home.” She seems brighter after the interaction, though she still refuses to look you in the eye. “Ah! Let me introduce you— this is Magus,” She points to the one on the right, who tilts his head down at you in what you assume to be a bow. “This is Meri,” the one on the left nods at you two as well and you nudge Jimin in his side to offer a bow back. “And this is Garnet, named for her color.” The firefly in the center lifts her wings slightly in greeting and it takes immense self control not to step back in intimidation. She is the largest of the 3 and her color is distinctly different, her body appearing as a deep shade of red mimicking that of a garnet stone, as opposed to the pinkish shade that her counterparts take on.
“Since there are two of you, you will be traveling on Garnet because she is the biggest.” Alva explains, already in the air and mounted on Magus’ back.
“Wait, you want us to ride on its back?!” Jimin seems startled as you walk ahead of him and reach your hand out to Garnet, touching her head. Normally bugs were something you feared, but you have a newfound sense of bravery that is sparked by the novelty of this experience. “(Y/n), don’t touch it!” He shouts, eyebrows furrowing cutely when your hand makes contact with the insect.
“Babe, it’s fine, stop being so wimpy.” You snicker at his distress. “She won’t hurt us, I can tell. She’s nice.” The firefly chitters at you, causing Laila to giggle.
“She says to hop on, she doesn’t bite. But if you need a nip of encouragement she’s more than willing to give you one.” Jimin shutters and takes a hesitant step forward, following your lead with a soft pat to her head. She lowers to the ground as much as she can, and the two of you hop on with Jimin in front and your arms wrapped comfortably around his waist. He can feel your smile and it gives him a little peace of mind.
“No offense, but we don’t have time for cowardice. Anything could be happening to our leader right now and the more time we waste, the more danger we put her in.” Alva cuts in sharply with a twitch of her wings.
“Grab the ropes and hold on tight.” Directing your gaze to the thin ropes seamlessly attached to the smooth surface of Garnet’s shell— by magic, you assume— you take Laila’s advice and grab onto them from behind Jimin. “I already told her where we’re going, just tap her back twice to signal when you’re ready and she’ll take off.”
“Are you ready?” Your boyfriend asks, rolling his shoulders.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” At your confirmation, he taps his hand on the hard shell and her wings open up, fluttering loudly on either side of you before you begin to lift from the ground. You rise quickly yet carefully, and you can’t help but let out an elated squeal as the earth beneath you gets farther and farther away. The footprints you left in the grass when you arrived in the meadow have somewhat disappeared as the blades slowly return to their normal standing position, but you can still see the sheer size of them compared to how small you are now. Even from high up they look enormous, each one flattening an area that would probably take you several minutes to cross on foot. But the most amazing sight of all is something that Jimin points out with a dropped jaw.
The blanket that you had both been comfortably laying on not 10 minutes prior was now unreasonably large and you struggle to comprehend the scale. If being on the back of a bug wasn’t enough, seeing your own belongings look so disproportionate compared to you is what makes you realize just how tiny you really are. It’s almost frightening being so small and fragile, the human body does not have many natural adaptations to fend off the world making this situation that much more dangerous, but having Jimin with you eases your heart significantly. He isn’t the strongest or the bravest, or even the smartest for that matter, but you know that if you work together you’ll be alright. At least that’s what you tell yourself as you cling to him on your way up into the trees, not missing the opportunity to take in the view.
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You’re taken to what looks to be a treehouse, perched on one of the thin branches at the top of a tree. It could be mistaken for a small bird’s nest from the outside, but the home is actually complexly made with a variety of materials and innovation you are unfamiliar with. Jimin grabs your hand immediately after you dismount from Garnet, glancing down from your height with a silent warning. Of course he’s weary, if either of you fell from this distance you would be dead before you were halfway down the trunk. Even a fall to the next branch down would be life threatening, but you try not to think about it as you walk carefully to the entrance of the home.
“Do not touch anything.” Alva hisses as she holds the door open for you. The inside of the abode is cozier than you expected, sheltered from the chill of the night and decorated with art and color.
“Alva, don’t be so crude to our guests.” Laila scolds, wringing her hands again. She seems to be nervous once more without the presence of her firefly companions.
“Do you live here together?” You ask, moving to inspect some items on a bookshelf. Jimin smacks your hand when you go to lift something up, reminding you of Alva’s warning.
“Y-yes.” Laila nods, turning away from you when you meet her eyes. They say no more on the matter so you don’t press it. “Anyway, you’ll need a few things for your journey. We’ll accompany you most of the way, but we won’t be able to enter once we reach the stink bug’s territory so you’ll need disguises.”
“I thought you said they won’t recognize us?” Jimin questions, walking over to where Alva is hard at work crafting something on a workbench.
“The stink bugs won’t, but they have spies everywhere. We’ll have to pass through some town centers on the way there and that’s where you’ll have the highest risk of being discovered. Also, they know that the two of us are part of the resistance so they will automatically be suspicious if we’re seen traveling together.” She murmurs. You watch as she sprinkles glowing dust onto the table, grabbing tools that glow similarly and manipulating the powder with skilled hands.
“That’s Fairy Dust.” Laila whispers to you when she sees the looks of confusion on your faces. It looks just how you imagined it would.
“So, are you saying that we’ll have to go through the town centers by ourselves?” Jimin’s question makes your heart jump with nerves.
“Yes and no. We’ll have to walk through the towns since their surveillance is stricter on air traffic, but all you have to do is follow behind us and everything will be fine. We’ll go first and lead the way while you trail a safe distance behind us. We can fly together between towns, when we’re not being watched.”
“Fly?” How would you fly if you didn’t have wings like them? You’ll probably use the fireflies again, so you don’t fret, but Alva shakes her head.
“What do you think I’m doing right now?” She asks rhetorically, rolling her eyes at your stupid question. “I’m making you wings so that you can fly with us.” Just as she says this, her workspace begins to glow red.
The Fairy Dust had somehow turned into thin sheets of glass-like material while you were looking away, inflexible and cloudy in quality but now burning a bright red color. Alva whispers something under her breath as she places her hands over the material, closing her eyes in focus. The glowing intensifies and Jimin pulls you back a few steps protectively to look on at a safer distance. Amazingly, the material transforms right before your eyes into transparent and featherlight wings that mimic those of the fairies beside you. They bend when she lifts them, they look extremely frail and delicate, so thin that you almost want to doubt their capabilities in holding you up in midair.
“Turn around.” She instructs quickly to you, using two fingers to rub more Fairy Dust on the edges of each wing. You spin for her and feel her move closer before pausing. The perplexed and irritated look on her face can be felt through the thick air and you don’t even have to see her to sense it.
“What’s wrong?” Jimin dares, eyes flicking back and forth between you.
“What covers your skin?” She asks, much to your confusion. You want to answer but you honestly have no idea what she’s referring to. Neither does Jimin.
“I believe they call them ‘clothes’”. Laila responds quietly.
“Ew, remove them.” The disgust in Alva’s voice is clear, startling you. Somehow, one small detail had escaped both you and your boyfriend this entire time: the fact that the two fairies are completely naked. Their bodies are just as undefined and nondescript as their faces and the odd light they seemed to give off acted as some sort of censor, making it difficult to tell whether or not they were wearing anything. But their reactions confirm that they, indeed, are in the nude. It makes sense, humans are the only creatures to cover themselves like this. But you’re still human and the thought of roaming naked and free in this unfamiliar landscape is uncomfortable.
“Is there a way that you could put the wings on over the clothes?” You turn to allow her to see the cringe on your cheeks. “Logically, it would make sense to keep our clothes on so that when we save your leader and return to normal size, we won’t be naked and exposed in the wilderness?” It’s phrased like a question because of the intimidating glare Alva is giving you, sucking the confidence right out of your words.
Thankfully, Laila is there to back you up. “It’s true, if they aren’t wearing their coverings when they turn back, i-it will remain our size.” Alva gives her the death glare too, but surprisingly, Laila doesn’t back down.
“Fine, but if this doesn’t work, you’re making the next pair of wings.” She points to her roommate, smoothing down your shirt to get a feel for the structure of your back before gently attaching the wings. Their attachment is joined by a ticklish sensation that makes you squirm and giggle, pulling against the small hands that attempt to hold you in place. You expected it to be painful, but the ticklish feeling fades quickly followed by nothing, your extensions successfully attached. She moves onto Jimin swiftly and you grin as the cutest giggle bubbles from his throat at the feeling. The wings really suit him, he looks like a fairy prince that has come to sweep you off your feet and fly off into the distance.
“Excellent.” Laila sighs in relief when your wings move with the motion of your shoulders, steadfast and not likely to come off. “I have prepared these for you as well.” She thrusts a bag into your hands, as well as a shiny whistle. “This Fairy Dust is essential to our mission. Fairies use it to craft things and manipulate items around them, so it is imperative that you get this to our leader to aid in her rescue and escape. This whistle is to only be used in emergencies,” Placing one in Jimin’s hands, she glares when he immediately puts it to his lips. “It will call Garnet to you in case you need a ride, but she is very busy at this time of night, so try not to use it.”
“Okay! Now we’re all set to go!” Alva rushes, practically pushing you out of her house.
Laila is the only one who has patience enough to teach you to fly, speeding through a lesson and demonstration with pressure from the other woman who looks on with annoyance. To Jimin, who is always quite graceful, flying is easy. The wings on his back move to his will and it’s as if he’s dancing in the air, lifting above you and quickly using his skills to twirl and flip. You, on the other hand, struggle immensely. As soon as your feet leave the ground, balance loses all meaning to you and you toddle unsteadily, smacking into things left and right because of the uneven flutter of your propellers. You bet you look silly right now— no, you know you do because Jimin makes sure to laugh loudly every time you struggle— but this is no time for shame. Alva concludes your lesson once it’s apparent that you won’t fall out of the sky and suggests that you’ll get the hang of it as you go, barely waiting for you before taking off from the tip of the branch.
“Now, I must warn you,” She says as you rush to keep up. “These wings do have a time limit, so it’s important that we make it to the water as fast as possible before time runs out or you’ll have to walk.”
“G-got it.” You’re still uneasy, veering off to the side occasionally and nearly smacking into Laila when the wind catches you. Just when you’re starting to get dizzy from your wacky steering, a warm hand closes around your arm. Jimin smiles at you, this time not with humor but with care, and you feel yourself relax. Pulling you closer to his body, he helps you balance in order to fly straight, offering tips and holding on tight for support. Even after you’ve gotten the hang of it, he holds your hand and stays close to you.
Traveling across the meadow takes far longer than you expected and by the time you reach the first town, you’re already tired. Alva lands several meters away from the tree line, turning abruptly to face you. “We’re about to enter the shrubs. This town is full of friendly faces so it shouldn’t be too hard to spot spies, but stay on the lookout. Laila and I have to meet up with an ally in one of the shops; once we get there, stay outside in the area and try not to look suspicious.”
“How are we supposed to do that?” Folding your arms, you wait for a response, but Alva simply shrugs and continues ahead.
“Just try not to bother anyone.” Laila says softly, avoiding your eyes as she speeds up to walk in front of you.
As soon as you enter the shrubs, hundreds of eyes zero in on the unfamiliar faces of you and Jimin. Some greet the fairies as they pass farther in front of you, but seem to burn holes in your back when you walk by, squeezing the hand of your boyfriend at the horrifying bugs that are now very close to your size. Ants and worms, caterpillars and centipedes all roam freely on the dense floor, chewing on fertile dirt and decaying leaves, carrying on with their lives all around you. None seem particularly threatening, but that doesn’t stop your hands from becoming incredibly sweaty in Jimin’s palm.
“I’ll protect you.” He whispers, though his voice shakes in uncertainty.
“How? There’s no way you can fight any of these things!” You whisper back through gritted teeth. Your eyes are so focused on trying not to lose sight of the women in front of you that you don’t notice the roots sticking up from the ground and trip noisily over one of them. Jimin reaches out with lightning fast reflexes and catches you before you come crashing to the ground, offering you a cheesy smile when your wide eyes lock on his before pulling you back up to your feet.
“I don’t need to fight them, I just need to save you from yourself.” You pout at his words, feeling your cheeks get hot at how embarrassing that fall must have looked. Even though you’re surrounded by bugs, you still have your pride.
Finally, Alva and Laila enter a shop, giving you a meaningful glance before disappearing inside. Jimin leads you just a little bit past the store before finding a spot to stand just opposite of its entrance so you can watch for their exit, pulling you against him as he leans against a mushroom. You take this time to take in your surroundings: the ceiling of this area is made of the dense leaves and vines of shrubs, yet it isn’t dark. Instead, everything is lit by glow-in-the-dark fungi that is speckled above and below you. Large mushrooms, like the one you sit beneath, grow in bundles in the darker places, their smell humid and pungent like a room full of mold. It tickles your nostrils and you sneeze, causing a movement from behind you.
“Oh!” Calls a voice that appears out of seemingly nowhere. Jimin moves you defensively away from the person, turning to confront them as they step from behind the fungus’ stem. “I wouldn’t sit under this if I were you. It’s smell can be quite intoxicating after a while and may cause hallucinations to those who aren’t used to it.” A male fairy steps forward, coated in Fairy Dust and naked just like your guides had been. The only difference is that he is covered in spores. This doesn’t seem to bother him, though. He eyes both you and Jimin up and down, smiling oddly at your appearance. “New around here?”
“Yes.” You answer hesitantly, but he seems nice enough.
“I can sense that you’re not fairies... Hmm, where are you from?” Just as you open your mouth to speak, Jimin cuts in.
“We’re just visiting. Who are you?”
“Ah, yes! I’m a mushroom fairy, the name’s Bayard.” He extends a hand and you shake it despite Jimin’s weary expression. “I work here and tend to the mushrooms that light this place. We don’t get visitors often, welcome!”
“Thank you! We’re actually heading to the water, do you have any helpful advice for us?” Alva and Laila said that this place was full of friends, so you want to take a chance. He seems kind and helpful and the two of you are absolutely clueless in your environment, so you figure it would be beneficial to get all the help you can get. The hand holding yours tightens, but you ignore it to listen to the fairy’s advice.
“Oh, I’ve never been to the water before, but I heard it’s pretty dangerous over there now. I say it’d be smart to invest in a weapon if you’re heading over that way.” He nods solemnly. “You can probably get one at the shop over there,” He points to a small stall next to the store your comrades entered and you sag.
“We don’t have any money, though.” You pout, using your charms on him.
“Money? Nah, you just need something to trade for it, that’s all. Here, since you seem so sweet I’ll give you something, wait here.” Bayard flies up to the head of the mushroom and you watch in awe as he collects something from its surface before coming back down to hand you 2 bags. “These are the hallucinogenic spores I was talking about. They’re worth a lot, so you should be able to trade it easily, but you could use it for your own benefit.”
“What do you mean?” You ask innocently, making him chuckle.
“Well, a good whiff of it might lead to a wild night, if you catch my drift.” He winks at Jimin and your face bursts into flames at the implications, and you can see that Jimin has a similar reaction. Bayard laughs heartily, clapping his hand together in a plume of spores that you wave away from your face. “I’m only pulling your leg. But seriously,” His expression drops so fast that a chill runs up your spine, all humor wiped from his eyes. “This is some powerful stuff. One bag of this is enough to knock out something 10x our size, so be careful. I gave you 2 bags in case you need to buy more stuff, but please, handle with care.”
“We will.” You nod, giving your bag for Jimin to hold. “Thank you so much, Bayard, this is very generous of you.”
He grins shyly. “Don’t mention it. If you ever need a friend, you know where to find me. Good luck on your travels, I gotta get back to work.” He waves you off as he disappears back behind the bundle of mushrooms, hidden in the deep shadows they cast.
“I think we should be more careful with who we talk to, (Y/n).” Jimin whispers, following you as you walk toward the shop. “We can’t tell everyone our business, they could be spies!”
“I know, but I could tell he wasn’t. Plus, he turned out to be really helpful, so everything worked out.”
“Yeah, but we could have just gotten lucky this time. This is real life, babe, you need to be more careful. You shouldn’t talk to everyone like that.” He argues back, tugging on your arm to stop you before you reach the stall. You turn to look him in the eyes.
“But if we didn’t talk to him, it would have been suspicious. We can’t go around looking nervous and jumpy because then people will start thinking we’re up to something (which we kinda are). I was just blending in.” The determined look in your eye makes him pause and he can no longer argue. Dammit, he’s always so weak when you look at him like that. And you’re so beautiful in this lighting, your eyes shining back at him and the structure of your face contoured perfectly with the subtle shadows. You’re right and he has no choice but to accept it, even if he does have more to say. You can see the moment he drops it, his face softening with the slight nod he gives you as if admitting defeat. But you’re also weak to him when he looks down at you like that, like he wants to kiss you senseless and make you forget about whatever you disagreed about. You decide to compromise. “But I’ll be more careful from now on to make your job a little easier.”
He cocks an eyebrow and tilts his head cutely in confusion.
“You said you would protect me, right? It would be rude of me to jump headfirst into danger when I know you’ll jump right in after me.” You try to shrug indifferently but it comes off as flirty, pulling a smug smirk from him as you continue your way to the shop.
It costs a whole bag of the spores Bayard gave you to acquire a weapon. Jimin chooses a small blade that the shopkeeper explains is made with Fairy Dust and can cut through even the toughest bindings. He advises that you should only use it for self defense in extreme situations and gives him a sheath to saddle on the belt loops of his pants. The sight perplexes the shopkeeper, but he sends you on your way without question.
“I know you said you’d be more careful, but you have a penchant for trouble so we’ll probably find ourselves in some bad situations. But at least I can protect you properly now.” You wrinkle your nose at his accusation, but end up chuckling at the way he brandishes the blade as though in a heated battle.
Alva clears her throat as she glides past the two of you with a twitch of her wings, announcing her presence subtly as Laila follows swiftly after, pointedly trying not to look at you and accidentally being the most obvious one in the group. You linger for a few more moments with an embarrassed Jimin, asking the shopkeeper one more question about your purchase before making a smooth exit in the footsteps of your comrades. You’re a good distance away from the shrubs before you begin flying again, catching up with the two who wait for you at a nearby tree.
“Oh my goodness, that was so nerve wracking.” Laila sighs, biting her lip.
“Sorry that took so long, but we got some great intel on the enemy.” Jimin reaches for your hand again when you take off even though you’re infinitely better at flying now. You act like you aren’t affected as you try to listen to Alva’s words. “We’re about to pass a carcass so we’ll need to go around, but it has a spy checkpoint on each side so we’ll have to split up when we cross them to avoid suspicion. Be on the lookout for a shady looking ant and a really chunky maggot. Laila and I will do the talking, but don’t answer any of their questions in too much detail if they ask you directly.”
The way she lists off the warnings makes you sweat. What would happen if you got caught? Yes, this was a once in a lifetime adventure, but the danger is not lost on you. Jimin is right, this is real life and you could get seriously hurt or worse if things go south. You had to rescue their leader, this had to work because she is the only one that can return you to human size, and that realization settles uncomfortably in your stomach. Separating from Jimin only makes the feeling worse.
“We’ll be traveling together,” Alva informs you once you land, instructing Laila and Jimin where to meet. Your eyebrows crease with worry and you quickly grab his arm before he leaves.
When you don’t say anything, he gives you a soft smile, reading your eyes. “What happened to all that bravery you had back there?” He teases.
“I was confident because we were together. How can we look out for each other if we’re not together?” The only thing you can think of that’s worse than you getting captured, is if he got captured without you. It’s not just about him protecting you, you want to watch over him too.
“We’ll be fine. Alva and Laila will keep us safe.” They both nod at you.
“Yes, we’ll do everything in our power to keep you two safe.” Laila adds in her timid voice, glancing up at your eyes.
“Okay...” You reluctantly let go of him and watch them start to walk away. “Please be careful!” He sends you a thumbs up as he gets farther away. The starlight above you is partially covered by the trees, making this area much darker than the meadow had been. Fireflies flicker in the distance but it still isn’t bright enough to see him clearly as he continues on.
“Come on. The faster we go through this, the sooner you’ll be reunited.” For the first time, Alva offers words of consolation, and you’re almost shocked that she has sympathy for you. She mumbles in a quieter voice than usual. “I’m not thrilled about splitting from them either, but this is the safest way. If we all went through together, that would definitely raise some red flags.”
“Why couldn’t we just follow you like we did back there?” She scoffs.
“Not many newcomers cross these parts alone. You two would never make it past the spies without being noticed. Even with us, it’s a risk. I just hope Laila’s okay.” This is the first time you’ve actually seen her worried and for the second time in a row, you’re baffled. This entire time Alva has been hardened and crude, but now she seems almost as worried as you. You can’t help but ask.
“You seem to have a soft spot for her. Do you have feelings for her?” She knows you’re teasing by the lilt in your voice, and you see her wings twitch, something you’re beginning to notice that signifies her annoyance. Her eyes roll so hard you think they’ll get stuck in her head.
“Of course I have feelings for her. In human terms, we’re dating, why do you think we live together?”
“Oh!” You chuckle nervously, feeling a bit dumb. You saw only one bed in their home but thought little of it, and now much of their decor makes sense. There’s an awkward silence for a while and you can’t for the life of you think of anything else to talk about. You wish the ground beneath you would just open up and swallow you whole. Thankfully, she breaks the silence for you.
“We learned another important detail that I didn’t mention,” She waits until you glance over at her. “We found out that the stink bug king plans to marry our leader, so it would probably be smart for you to come up with a plan to intercept this.” You sigh in thought, turning your gears to come up with a plan.
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The smell of the carcass is much worse than Jimin imagined, it hits them long before they reach the body. Laila leads him to the right side of the unidentifiable animal, a heap of fur, bones, and flesh in the middle stages of decomposition thanks to the abundance of bugs and fungi working diligently to break it down. They stop before the animal as Laila crafts 2 masks from her own bag of Fairy Dust, handing one to him to reduce the horrific smell as they trek on. He tries to ignore the sounds of the ecosystem feasting on its prey, and thankfully his partner offers a distraction.
“I know you’re worried about your girlfriend, but Alva will protect her. And I will protect you.” He notices that she easily makes eye contact with him, unlike before. “Stink bugs aren’t vicious, they’re just resilient and armored, making them tough to beat. But hopefully we won’t have to fight.”
“I know she’ll be alright, I have faith in her. She probably won’t get caught by the spy, she’s too smart for that.” His words are genuine, yet his heart still races at the possibilities. A darkness eclipses his face that she catches onto immediately.
“What’s wrong?” Her voice is so gentle that he has no problem opening up to her.
“If she gets captured or hurt it’ll be my fault. I brought her out to the meadow to have a romantic date, but instead it ended up putting her in danger. We should have stayed at the campsite.”
“No.” Laila says firmly, causing him to yank his head up in surprise. “If anything, this is my fault. I chose you because you were the only ones around that could help us, but I could have left you alone. If anything happens, I am to blame.” He says nothing to this, not quite accepting it, but she seems steadfast so he won’t argue. “I apologize for not asking sooner, but what is your name?”
“And what is hers?”
“(Y/n)~” He says your name almost dreamily compared to his own, a smile subconsciously finding its way to his lips. She grins.
“Do you love her?” Laila doesn’t seem to be the blunt type, but this is obviously amusing. Especially with the way his ears color red at that one question.
“I- I don’t know if I know what love is,” is his response.
“I think you do. I see how you look at her, how you smile when you think of her, the way that you say her name with such delicacy; I bet you don’t even realize how lovestruck you look when she’s around.” Jimin turns away from her to avoid her eyes, bringing a hand to his warming cheeks. He mumbles something under his breath. “I know because that’s how I am with Alva and I love her very much.”
“Alva? Wait, are you-?”
“Yes, she is my girlfriend.” The confirmation makes his jaw drop, some pieces falling together just as they had for you. “Never be embarrassed by your feelings, they can be a source of power at times like these. It is because you love her so much that I know you’d do anything to keep her safe, and I have no doubt that she is exactly the same way. This mission will be a success, I can feel it. You should tell her how you really feel when this is all over.”
“Oh... I don’t know about that. What if she doesn’t feel the same way...”
“She’s intelligent, compassionate, outgoing, brave, charming, and above that, so beautiful that everyone around takes notice— a woman like that can be pretty intimidating. But trust me, she loves you too. Though I haven’t known you two for long, I can see how her body language changes with you, that sparkle in her eyes whenever you interact. She’s just as lovesick for you as you are for her. But I won’t pressure you.”
Laila is a lot wiser and more perceptive than he originally expected. She hadn’t looked you in the eye much— which he now knows is because you intimidate her more than her own intense girlfriend does— but it seems she’s picked up on a lot about both of you in this short time. Maybe her observations are right and you do love him back. But this feels like an inappropriate time to confess to you, so he decides he’ll keep it in for now.
As he’s ruminating on that idea, a huge tan bug crawls in front of them, blocking their path with its large body. Upon closer inspection, Jimin comes to the conclusion that it is a maggot, and it is indeed very “chunky”. It’s at least 3x his size, towering over them and angling it’s head in their direction. He can’t see its eyes, but it apparently can see them, turning its attention to Laila.
“It’s been a while, Laila. Haven’t seen you around these parts lately.” The breath that billows out from its mouth is even more rancid than the corpse it was feasting on, the stench so pointed that it slices through the barrier of their masks. It almost brings tears to Jimin’s eyes as he tries to refrain from gagging.
“Yes, well, I’ve been busy in the meadow, so I haven’t had the time to come out this far.” She replies easily, not the slightest quiver in her voice present. The maggot hums.
“And who is this?” Turning to face Jimin, it gives an interested tilt of the head and leans in closer, its pincers coming just inches away from his face. The smell is vile, beyond sickening, and if it were to have a color, he’s sure it’s breath would be the most impure black sludge— yes, sludge, because it is too thick to be a gas— imaginable. As black as death itself. The most he can do is hold his breath.
“He is simply visiting the area. We’re just passing through.” Laila answers, but it hisses at her to hush.
“Visiting? What business do you have visiting here?” The hairs on the back of Jimin’s neck stand straight, every cell in his body telling him to run, yet he stands frozen. The pincers in front of his face are large enough to bite his head off and he gets the sense that if he doesn’t say something convincing, that’s exactly what his fate will be.
“I’m visiting my cousin.” He rasps out, his head feeling light from running out of air.
“What cousin?”
“Um, h-his name is Bayard. He’s a mushroom fairy that lives in the shrubs.” At this the maggot leans away, finally allowing Jimin to take a breath of the slightly less offensive air.
“Bayard, huh?” He nods quickly, watching nervously as the insect snaps its jaws in thought. Does it know him? If it does, there’s a chance that Jimin will be caught in his lie, that somehow it will know that Bayard does not have any visiting relatives and that he’s not who he says he is. He and Laila share a tense stare as the bug takes a few seconds to process before it bursts into laughter. “He’s a crazy bastard, isn’t he?” They sigh in relief and Jimin nods along, forcing out a laugh. “Why isn’t he showing you around? I would’ve loved if he came to visit, I don’t get to see him often.”
“Oh you know, he’s busy working. You know how he is about his mushrooms.” They laugh again and the air seems to get a bit thinner.
“Ah, well, we’ll tell him you said hello. For now, though, we must get going.” Laila interrupts, much to his relief. The hefty maggot walks forward, opening the path for them once again and nods its head at them.
“Safe travels!” It wishes them well as they pass, watching as they continue around the side of the carcass, no longer conversing with each other but making headway straight out of the area. It isn’t until they reach the rendezvous point that Laila finds the courage to speak again, holding both hands over her chest as if she were in pain.
“That was close. If it wasn’t for your quick thinking, I don’t know what would’ve happened.” Then she tilts her head and looks up at him quizzically. “How do you know of Bayard, anyway?”
“(Y/n) befriended him in the last town.” Jimin rubs the back of his neck, thinking back to how upset he was about you speaking to strangers like that and how silly he looks now. Without you, he wouldn’t have made it out of that situation. Maybe he should have more faith in your instincts— they may just be your way of protecting him.
It takes several minutes before you and Alva emerge from your side of the animal. Alva is nodding at you, looking apprehensive, but you seem determined and sure.
“Let’s not tell Jimin, though. He probably won’t approve.” You whisper to her just out of earshot before you reach them, smiling in relief when you see that they made it here safely. You didn’t encounter your spy, though you did see him interrogating someone else who was passing through, and when you tell him this he shakes his head at the rare good luck you’ve just experienced. He tells you about the Bayard lie as you wrap your arms around him briefly and you laugh in a way that says “I told you so”— and it is then that he notices the look that Laila was talking about. The one you give him when you’re hanging onto every word he says like it’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever heard. His heart flutters at the thought. Laila and Alva share a meaningful look but say nothing, coaxing you onward with your journey.
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This place has a worse atmosphere than the carcass you just passed, you can feel it. Supposedly, this is the last obstacle in your path before you reach the water, and even Alva seems on edge about what lies ahead. A fallen log stands before you, decaying and riddled with plant-life, fungus, and insects. Hostility leaks from every crevice of the black wood, the breeze itself seeming to carry a sneer as it blows past it.
“Okay, a word of advice before we continue,” Alva begins, slowing her pace in order to turn and face you as you fly. “Unlike the shrubs, this place is full of shady characters, so do not stop to talk to anyone or anything. That being said, keep your eyes peeled as we pass through, the creatures here will feast on anything that moves— and that includes you.”
“Also,” Laila casts her eyes down away from you. “Your wings will likely start to disintegrate soon. We’ll have to fly through this area because we’ll be too slow on foot, therefore putting us in more danger. The wings should last long enough to make it out of here if we fly, but it will be close, so we can’t have any interruptions or stops.” You both nod grimly, biting on your lip as a dark feeling swells within you.
It’s a gut feeling that alerts you to the danger up ahead, and you mindlessly reach for Jimin’s hand for comfort. He doesn’t seem to be as nervous aside from the warnings the two of them explain, and you wonder if you’re being paranoid.
“Why can’t we just fly over or around it?” You ask, trying to hide the tremor in your voice. Alva gives you a frustrated sigh before explaining once again how closely the skies are monitored, going against your plan to slip through undetected. But you can hardly say that this route is any safer.
It’ll be easy to stay out of trouble if you just stay off the ground though, right? Fly over the heads of everyone and make it out of this area before any real damage can be done. You cling onto that ideal as you watch Laila and Alva enter the center of the log, moving slowly until you and Jimin follow behind them.
“Please stay close to me.” You whisper to him— more like a plea because of the growing anxiety building in the pit of your stomach, your gut feeling worsening as you near the entrance.
“I will. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you.” Softly, he presses a kiss to your forehead, but even that doesn’t help you shake this feeling.
It’s dark and muggy within the rotting wood, the lack of light contrasting even with the dimness of the night sky. Glowing fungi are speckled against the walls of the log, but it is nowhere near as bright as it had been in the shrubs, leaving many areas cloaked in shadows. Jimin holds onto you tightly, his other hand feeling for the blade equipped to his pants. Your nervousness is unsettling; he can feel how cold and clammy your hands have become, the slight tremor of your body as your heart races within. He wishes he could reassure you, but you have amazing instincts and he doubts anything he says could contest against the physical reaction you’re exhibiting at this moment. All he can do is prepare himself.
The fairies in front of you seem to shine against the blackness, making them easy to follow. You execute your plan for flying as high as possible in the somewhat cramped tunnel, almost scraping your head against the ceiling in your effort to avoid the crude faces that crawl underneath. Insects hide in the crevices of the jagged walls, disturbed and squirming as you whoosh past their lairs. Something about them makes you think they’re blind, but you wouldn’t know for sure since you won’t give yourself enough time to inspect them.
Something brushes your arm when the tunnel narrows, causing you to gasp and jerk embarrassingly only to realize that it was just soft moss. You give a sheepish look to Jimin when he turns to you. “Sorry, I’m a little jumpy.” So far, you haven’t encountered anything of noteworthy danger and you’re almost halfway through the log, and you start to think that maybe you were just being paranoid.
As you move along, the wood gets denser and the pathways become smaller, only allowing one person at a time. Laila’s wings are still visible due to the waning light, but you’ll have to fly faster if you want to keep an eye on them, so Jimin flies ahead of you since he’s generally faster and better at flying than you. Reluctantly, you release his hand and follow close behind, blind to what lies in front of you and solely relying on him to guide you forward.
“You okay?” He asks quietly, unable to turn and look at you.
“Yeah, keep going.” Is your quiet response, trailing right on his heels. “Can you still see them?”
“Just barely. Let’s try to go a little faster, I don’t think our wings will last too much longer.” Jimin can sense how his body seems to feel heavier on his wings. The transparent material of them is getting thinner and he isn’t sure how much longer they’ll be able to hold him up before they become unusable.
“Okay, I can keep up.” Picking up the pace, you start to feel less weary of the life around you. Nothing seems interested in your presence as you float by and that’s exactly how you like it.
The path opens up into a hollow section, allowing you more space, and you shift to the left of Jimin in order to see around him briefly. You intended to catch a glimpse of your guides, laser focusing your eyes in front of you so intensely that your surroundings are forgotten. Jimin remains in your peripheral as you squint through the darkness, but in an instant, he zips by and leaves you behind. Confused, you turn around to see if you got snagged on something and find yourself losing your balance and landing on something sticky. Long threads form a net around you and it dawns on you that they are the cause of your immobility— so naturally, you try to shake free from them, only to find that the more you struggle, the more parts of you become stuck. You barely have any time to process what this could possibly mean before several long legs emerge from the corner of your eye.
“It looks like there’s light up ahead. We’re almost out, (Y/n)!” Jimin smiles in relief, eyes still watching for the pair of wings that flutter several centimeters ahead. But when you don’t respond, his eyebrows crease. “(Y/n)?” Before he can even turn around, a blood curdling scream rips through his ears, the voice sounding alarmingly similar to yours. He spins around and immediately notices that you are no longer right behind him. How long have you been gone?! He races backwards toward the source of the scream, fear and worry bubbling in his chest with every second it takes to reach you as you let out another deafening scream.
The first thing he sees is the underside of an enormous body with 8 hairy legs protruding menacingly from its center. They splay out methodically to walk the thin cords beneath it with the expertise of a tight rope walker, graceful, long, and elegant in the most wretched way. Next, he spots you, placed in the center of its legs, completely caged in and frozen by the sheer size of the arachnid above you and shaking in terror. Jimin’s eyes drag up to find 8 odd black orbs locked on yours, sitting just above open jaws aimed directly at you. Before he can even stop himself, he’s calling out your name.
“(Y/n)!” It’s more of a reaction of surprise, but it catches the attention of the spider, who looks up from its prey with glazed eyes. But he is not the one that’s caught in its web, so it quickly returns its interest to you.
“Jimin?!” You cry out with an unsteady voice.
“I’m here, baby! Just stay calm.”
“How?!” You can’t see him because of how your back is facing his direction, but you can hear how panicked he sounds. He knows that spiders are your weakness. You suffer from mild arachnophobia and he’s sure that encountering a spider that is many times larger than you and moments away from eating you is intensifying that fear unimaginably. He has to think fast.
The first thing he can think of is to distract it, so he breaks off a piece of wood and taps it to the web, sending vibrations that catch the attention of the previously uninterested insect. It glances over with curiosity before making its way to the other side of the web to inspect the swinging wood chip that is now attached to the threads on one end. Taking this opportunity, Jimin runs over to you and pulls out his knife, praying to everything that it is holy that it really can cut anything. If this fails, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. He tries to break one of the threads with a quick slice, but when he brings the knife down, it promptly bounces off as though he had hit a steel wire, instead sending more vibrations that bring the spider back over to you. It hisses loudly, likely upset that he’s trying to steal its dinner, and it lunges at him with its fangs, barely missing him through the web. He falls backwards, but catches himself with his wings unsteadily.
He tries the same method again and again, shaking the already stuck stick to lure the spider over, then swinging his blade at the thick bindings that refuse to release you, to no avail.
“It’s not working! And I don’t have enough time to break the web because of the spider!” He’s clearly distressed, using all his force to push down and break the web that has the integrity of metal. Spider webs break easily to a human, but it’s an entirely different monster when you’re this small. This knife, this stupid knife that cost him an entire bag of spores is doing absolutely nothing, and his frustration grows with each slice.
Wait, that’s it!
“Jimin, the spores! Do you still have them?” The words come out hurried and jumbled, but miraculously he understands.
“Yeah, why?” He looks up at you, but swiftly jumps out of the way when the spider returns. This time it won’t leave you, guarding your body from the intruder, repeatedly striking and hissing at him to leave. The wings that hold Jimin up are weakening, he has to hurry or he won’t be able to reach you from the ground.
“Throw them on the spider! Bayard said that one bag is enough to ‘knock out something 10x our size’, you can use it to buy time and cut me out!” As you’re explaining, Jimin reaches for the pouch in his pocket, opening it to look at the small particles piled up inside. He isn’t sure if it’ll work as well as you hope but he has to try, so with only a second of hesitation, he looks back up at the colossus on top of you.
“Hold your breath.” Once he hears you inhale, the bag of spores is flung straight into the face of the spider, some getting in its mouth, most of it landing on and around its head, caught in the hairs that line its body. Your eyes close as they float around you, but you can feel how the spider stumbles back in shock, trying to shake the particles from itself. Jimin immediately gets to work with the knife, trying a sawing approach this time with every bit of hope poured into his efforts. Thankfully, the string breaks with just 2 back and forth motions, loosening the integrity of the web just the slightest bit. He works fast, snapping each connection around you until you’re falling backwards into his arms and away from the staggering monster.
He grabs your arm and pulls you along as you attempt to gather yourself, flying as best you can with the few unbroken strands still stuck to your wings, but you won’t let that stop you now.
“We’re not gonna make it, our wings are-“ You try to say, but Jimin cuts you off.
“There’s light up ahead, we just have to make it there.” Fairy Dust has begun to fall from both of your wings, leaving a shimmering trail behind you as you push them to their limit. They can barely carry you an inch off the ground now, but that’s all you need as long as you make it to the light. But of course, it’s never that easy. As if on cue, the spider comes barreling through the log from behind, its eyes crossed and confused as it swerves up the sides of the tunnel in pursuit of you, its legs scraping the dead wood and causing crackling and falling pieces avalanching down.
You scream, pushing yourself even harder to escape your doom, ducking under protruding chunks and narrow openings desperately. You know the feeling when something’s chasing you and you feel like it’s just a step away at all times just teasing you, waiting to grab you, and you can swear you feel them breathing down your neck no matter how far back they are? Yeah, this is one of those situations. Except the spider actually is just a step away, and the only reason it hasn’t caught you yet is because of the spores in its lungs. It lunges forward aggressively, just barely missing you and grazing the side of your right arm— had its aim been any better, you surely would be dead. It hallucinates several versions of you flying before its eyes, your screams echoing off the walls and damaging its overwhelmed senses. It stumbles, using its front leg to reach for you and barely missing your side with the razor edge of its claws, a feature you hadn’t known existed until now. But the claws are very real and your torn shirt is proof.
The light that Jimin was talking about suddenly emerges, the dim starlight seeming as bright as the sun compared to the dark that engulfed you within this black wood, and for a moment, hope sparks in your chest. But your heart drops to your stomach when both of you suddenly fall to the floor, your wings finally giving out as they continue to disappear. You scramble to your feet and take the lead, glancing back at the spider that is squeezing his way through the tiny opening you and Jimin managed to slip through, spitting foul noises at you out of rage.
“Up here!” Shelf fungi line the walls, creating a convenient ladder up to the top of the log that you climb, finding strength you never knew you had to pull yourself up each one. Jimin is close behind, pushing at your feet when you struggle near the top, but his eyes widen at the sight of the spider with half of its body through the opening, its legs flailing and scratching to pull itself through. The mushrooms end just a body length from the ledge of the log, your freedom just fingertips away, but you can’t reach from your height and you don’t have the strength to pull yourself all the way up.
Jimin nudges you out of the way, the adrenaline pumping wildly through his veins allowing him to jump up and grab hold of the ledge and pull himself up, disappearing on the other side; and for a moment you fear that he’ll leave you here. You gasp when your eyes meet the dizzy ones of your pursuer, it’s body nearly free, and panic rises within you like never before.
“(Y/n)!” Jimin calls, and you look up to find his hands reaching down to grab you, his hair and the top of his forehead the only thing visible. Without wasting another second, you jump up and grab his hands, and with strained grunts, he helps pull you up to his level on the outside of that Hell. “Where do we go now?”
You’re high up, really high, and it’s a long way down without your wings. Honestly, you hadn’t thought this far, but now isn’t the time to stop and think, not when you hear the sound of splintering wood and hissing beneath you. Jimin follows as you run forward, looking to the end of the timber suspiciously.
“(Y/n), what’s your plan here?!” The edge is nearing alarmingly fast and it looks to him like you intend to run right off the side. He wishes he could say that he was thinking of a plan too, but his mind becomes blank with terror the moment the spider re-emerges from the opening. It takes a few seconds to find you before chasing, its speed significantly slower now thanks to the spores, but it is enough to drive you forward with no hope of turning back. Leaving the only option to jump off the side. But you couldn’t be thinking that, there’s no way, because from this height you’d both break your legs from the landing, at best.
“Do you trust me?” You ask, your eyes determined. You can’t be thinking what he thinks you are. But despite his worries, he answers without hesitation.
“Okay.” You pull out the whistle stored away in your pocket and blow, the noise barely audible over the bustle of the night. You blow into it again, this time longer, but nothing happens and the ledge is right in front of you. The skies are empty, few bugs crossing your paths as you come to a stop and look around, the creaking wood below your feet mocking you as you stand still. “Are you sure you trust me?” Jimin nods. “We need to jump.”
“Jump?!” He’s not sure he heard you right. But then again, what choice does he have? The spider seems drunk behind you, clumsily galloping toward you with eyes that look through you, and if it doesn’t eat you it’ll surely smack directly into you and push you off the cliff, spelling your doom either way. Jimin watches as you blow the whistle again and step closer to the edge, looking down at the drop with that determined look he’s seen so many times. You’re serious. But you haven’t been wrong yet, so with a deep breath, he steps up next to you. “I trust you.”
He doesn’t say this with a tone that holds doubt, it's a definitive statement. And that makes you smile. Even if you are leading him to your deaths, you know Jimin has his full faith in you, so you take his hand and pray that this works. On your count, you both jump, your lips on the whistle that you continue to blow. As air rushes past your face, you squeeze Jimin’s hand and search your surroundings during the slowest, most uncertain seconds of your life.
Suddenly, a flash of green and red appears with lightning speed and before you know it, you’re landing on the hard back of the creature with a force strong enough to drop her a couple of inches and rip your hand out of Jimin’s. He lands straight in the center of Garnet’s back, but you skid off the side, grabbing at the smooth surface of her body helplessly. But Jimin has quick reflexes and latches onto your arm, using his strength for the second time to pull you onto Garnet’s back. You secure your arms around him tightly as he holds the reins and tells her to take you to Alva and Laila, who are probably already out of the log and waiting for you. Hopefully she can understand what he’s asked. Looking up, you catch sight of the spider just as it careens off the edge of the wood, following you blindly with now uncontrolled limbs and foggy eyes, it’s body narrowly missing you as it falls all the way to the ground, crumpled into an unconscious heap. That uneasy feeling in your stomach almost immediately subsides, and you tighten your arms around your boyfriend with a sigh of relief, burying your face in his shoulder and breathing in his scent to calm your pounding heart.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt at all?” His worry is heavy and it warms you.
“I’m fine, just a little shaken up.” It’s probably just the shock, but you feel oddly at ease. You know that later— maybe tomorrow— you’ll be freaking out about your worst nightmare nearly coming true if it weren’t for Jimin. “Thank you for saving me.”
Your surroundings are serene, the night air warm and soothing. The landscape is pretty from this perspective. Full of hidden terrors and thrills, everything looking so peaceful despite you nearly losing your life moments ago.
“I said I would protect you.” He smiles cockily, and you giggle into his shirt. “But seriously, you did most of the work. We make a great team; let’s keep working together.” If Jimin was being honest, he doesn’t think he’d be able to save you if it wasn’t for your quick wit. His brain is no good in times of trial, he freezes up mentally, and though he jumps into action without a second thought, he rarely has the capacity to come up with an effective plan. You are certainly the brains of the operation, and the more he thinks about it, the more attractive your intelligence becomes. He wouldn’t want to be in this situation with anyone else in the world, and he means that with his whole heart.
When Garnet lands, Laila runs over to you, helping you and Jimin off her back with care and concern. She looks you over, gasping at the tear in your shirt. “What happened?! You disappeared toward the end and we heard screams, but Alva said we couldn’t go back. I was so worried for you! Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
You explain what happened bashfully, feeling embarrassed that you were the one to screw up the plan, but neither of the fairies seem upset by it.
“We’re just glad you made it out alright.” Alva reassures in a rare moment of sentiment.  “Do you still have the Fairy Dust?”
Thankfully, the bag remains untouched and secure around your waist. You weren’t thinking about it during that near death experience, but you’re glad that it wasn’t lost in all the action. After Laila takes the time to physically examine you to make sure you actually weren’t hurt, they lead you ahead to the last leg of your journey.
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Though they had talked at length about the stink bugs’ fortress, you were completely unprepared by the sheer number of bugs that were involved. You were forced to go the rest of the way on foot and had the chance to see the change in landscape that came as you neared the water. Where you would expect luscious plant growth you were instead met with hole riddled leaves and weeds, plants wilting with eaten roots, and scarred fruit littering the area, much different from the land closer to the meadow. Laila explains that these bugs are rapidly expanding their feeding grounds and will soon take over this side of the stream, and the thought sends a chill up your spine. But it isn’t until the water is in sight that you see the perpetrators of all this damage.
It’s almost like a swarm of bugs appears out of thin air once you cross a certain threshold, all of them crawling from under rocks and holes in the ground, flying up from plants where they were once hidden, and disgusted chills overcome you again at the sight of them. Jimin steps closer to you, putting an arm out in front of your body protectively when they form a wall in front of the 4 of you.
Laila steps forward, walking up to meet one bug that stands in the center of them all. She communicates with it for a few seconds, again amazing you with her lingual skills, and when she’s done, it turns away and flies in the opposite direction, leaving its army to stand guard. You don’t know what she said, or what is even happening right now as you seem to be standing in a stalemate, so you decide to ask.
“Was that the leader?” You whisper, as if speaking any louder would break the tension and prompt fighting with the soldiers ahead of you.
“No,” Alva answers, looking at her girlfriend’s back as she stands strong. “That’s only a messenger. I think she has asked to speak directly to the leader and the messenger agreed.”
“You think?” Jimin questions, tilting his head.
“Yeah, Alva, why don’t you know how to speak to bugs? Isn’t that a power you fairies have?” You join, blinking at her innocently.
“No it’s not some inherent power all fairies have, it’s a skill. A skill that I do not possess.”
“Well why not? I think it would be useful to learn.” You nod in agreement to Jimin’s words.
“Laila could probably teach you! Hey, babe, did you know they’re dating?” You ask excitedly, ignoring the winged woman to converse with your own significant other, but she cuts in quickly.
“This isn’t about me!” Her wings flick and you both stop talking, wordlessly returning your attention to the front where the bug returns with another creature in tow.
“Why the long look, Laila? Aren’t you glad to see me?” The voice of a man cuts through the air and you look up to find a thin fairy fluttering toward you, landing a few steps away from your comrade as she glares intensely at him. He’s colored brown similarly to the bugs he commands, but he is so twig-like that you could mistake him for a stick insect with wings. His features are as undefined as every other fairy you’ve encountered so far, but you can still tell he’s grinning by the way he opens his arms merrily.
“That’s their leader?” You whisper to your boyfriend, who looks on with the same shocked expression you wear.
“I have no desire to see your face.” Laila spits, shocking you even further. “You kidnapped Nissa, you do not deserve my kindness.”
“Is that so?” His arms drop to his sides. “Then, what brings you here, oh fair and beautiful warrior?” She visibly cringes at his words, Alva also wrinkling her face at his unwanted compliments.
“We’ve come to negotiate for our leader,” Alva speaks up, stepping closer to him to draw his attention. He scoffs, saying something about the two women not being allowed into his territory in order to negotiate, but she stands firm. “That is why we have brought ambassadors with us this time; surely, they are not banned as well?” His eyes then shift to yours, squinting at you and Jimin with a perplexed look. It’s probably the clothes that are throwing him off, you think.
“And what have they come to offer me? Will my sweet Laila finally trade herself in for her leader and become my bride?” A goofy smile crosses his lips, but it’s quickly wiped away with your next words.
“No, I will. I’ll become your bride in exchange for their leader.”
“What?” Jimin turns to you so fast that you think he’ll give himself whiplash, staring at you in disbelief. He must have heard you incorrectly, why would you say something like that? Placing his hands on your shoulders, he turns you to look at him, checking your face for any hints of a lie. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am serious, Jimin.” You say, looking back at his eyes. “If I offer myself to him, then Nissa will be free to go and there’s a chance for this place to be saved.”
“Yeah, but... we’re not even fairies. We don’t belong here. Why would you trade your own freedom for them?”
“Just because we aren’t one of them, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do everything in our power to help them. Their situation is hopeless without us, I can’t just sit here and let them suffer— not when I can do something about it.” It’s not that Jimin didn’t want to help them, it’s just that he’s not willing to give you up in exchange. And yes, all of your plans have worked so far, but this is going a little overboard.
“I want to help them too, but isn’t there another way?”
“This is the best way.” You say resolutely.
“But I can’t let you, (Y/n)! I can’t let you live with bugs for the rest of your life. Forget that, I can’t let you marry anyone else! I want to be the one you spend the rest of your life with— I love you! And I’m not willing to give you up for anything.” Your heart skips at his confession, your resolve wavering for a second. He’s never said anything like that to you before and it almost makes you dizzy with emotion. “I said I would keep you safe through all of this, and if we learned anything throughout this experience it’s that we need to work as a team, so it would be irresponsible of me to let you go through with this. Don’t forget, this is real life, no matter how surreal it seems, and you have a life to go back to after this.” His eyes are pleading, but you’ve already decided on this.
“You said you trusted me.” You say quietly, lip in a straight line.
“I do, but-“
“Do you trust me?” You ask again, his mouth left open with unspoken words. He takes a moment to answer, dropping his head.
“Then trust that I know what I’m doing. We’re still a team, babe, I can’t do this without you. Go save their leader and trust that I’ll be okay. I have a feeling that everything will turn out well in the end.” Though his heart is hurting, Jimin let’s go of your shoulders, frowning deeply with conflicting emotions swimming in his eyes. For who?, he wants to ask, but he can’t say anything more.
“Now that I look at you, you are quite pretty.” The fairy walks up to you, bowing and kissing your hand. “Hello, I’m Hix. And you are?”
“(Y/n).” You reply simply, his lips feeling ticklish on your hand like when the wings were being attached to your back.
“And what are you, exactly?” He directs the question to both you and Jimin, but Laila answers.
“Humans. From a distant land.” Her arms are crossed and she’s still giving him the most disgusted look possible, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“I’ve never seen a human before... they must be rare. Esteemed much higher than a fairy leader.” Hix thinks aloud, a finger on his chin. After a few seconds of deliberation, he comes to the conclusion that this is a worthy trade. “Come with me. We can discuss this further once we’re inside.”
“What about him?” You point to Jimin and Hix pauses, raising an eyebrow.
“What about him?” He asks incredulously.
“He should come with us. He’s my... assistant.” You say slowly, hoping the excuse works. None of this matters if Jimin isn’t welcome in the fortress with you. Hix accepts with little thought, leading you away with a short farewell to your fairy accomplices, but Alva pulls Jimin aside as he passes her.
“Don’t worry, (Y/n)’s a smart girl and she can talk her way out of almost anything. She has a plan, just make sure you get Nissa out of there.” She leaves him with that as he follows you through the army of stink bugs, each of them dispersing once you reach the fortress.
His home is nothing to brag about, it doesn’t come close to the innovation and beauty of Laila and Alva’s place, but it is structurally sound and complex, so it has a few things going for it. It’s colors are of mud and dead plants, it’s foundations rooted in the bleak gray of smooth stones, and you find it to be quite depressing.
“Do you live here alone?” You ask. You can’t imagine staying in a place like this all by yourself. Maybe that’s why he’s so desperate to find a wife.
“Yes. I also built this place by myself, so it’s very personal.” The smile on his face is proud and your eyebrows scrunch in sympathy. He leads you two to a wide room before he remembers that Jimin is with you, turning abruptly to face him.
“You may leave us now, assistant.” He commands rudely, and you reach for Jimin’s hand just as he makes his exit.
“Here. Take this to her.” You whisper, slipping the bag of Fairy Dust to him discreetly. Of course, he’s reluctant to leave you alone with this strange fairy, but you seem confident so he’ll do his best for you. Since there is no one else around, not even guard bugs, he is free to roam the fortress, and he enters a hallway to begin the search for Nissa.
The building is much more complex than he expected. The hallways wind and most lead to dead ends, leaving him confused in a maze of empty, doorless rooms. Jimin finds that the fortress isn’t completely deserted, there were a few close calls with some bugs that were monitoring certain hallways, but after searching surrounding areas he comes to the conclusion that they must be guarding something important.
Maybe I can just walk past them? He thinks, biting his plush bottom lip as he spies on the occupied corridor from around the corner. He is a guest here after all. But what would he do if they questioned him, or worse, what if they attacked? Since he knows none of their language and he isn’t sure they can understand him, he goes with a stealth tactic.
Shimmying along the brown walls, Jimin moves as slowly as possible so as not to draw any attention to himself. There’s another turn up ahead, just before the entry way that the insects keep watch over, and the plan is to slip into it and cause a distraction in the opposite direction to get them to walk away. He thinks he’s seen that in a movie somewhere, but he’s praying it’ll work in real life. The halls are wide to accommodate the girth of the shelled backs of Hix’s soldiers and Jimin feels exposed, inching his way toward the opening and hoping they don’t spot him. Of course, the bugs are low to the ground, crawling around on all fours which would make his feet very easy to spot from their vantage point, but they appear to be talking with one another, their heads so small compared to their bodies that he can’t even see their mouths. They probably wouldn’t be able to do much if they did decide to attack, but he wouldn’t risk it to find out. He continues at his painstaking pace noiselessly, holding his breath to make 2 bold leaps into the opening, so close to them that the breeze from his motion causes them to look up.
They make a noise but make no attempts to investigate, and after a few silent seconds, Jimin throws out his distraction. The only thing he has on him is the whistle Laila gave him and the bag of Fairy Dust, so he fishes the small shiny tool out of his pocket and holds it in his palm, hoping dearly that he won’t need it in the future. He isn’t even sure Nissa is behind this door, so losing important items could be costly, but he has to trust himself. You’re counting on him after all. And you’d probably come up with a silly plan like this if you were in his situation too. He tries to have a little more faith. With 2 short deep breaths, Jimin gathers his courage and throws the whistle down the hall, snatching his head back behind the cover and closing his eyes when it clinks loudly against the dry walls. Now he’s caught—he’s sure— because they have to walk right past him to reach the noise and he tenses in preparation.
But miraculously, the plan works!
The pair of stink bugs crawl swiftly to the end of the corridor, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip into the now unguarded room. Upon entering, he sees what appears to be a normal bedroom, decorated nicely with windows that overlook the water and furniture that would make for comfortable living. But oddly, the room is unoccupied. Surely this would be where Hix would keep the fairy leader, unless this is his personal bedroom and he just has very feminine taste. But she’s nowhere to be found and disappointment curls around the pit of Jimin’s stomach. As a last effort, he calls out her name, wondering if she would be hiding somewhere.
“Nissa?” A few seconds go by and nothing happens, but just as he turns to leave, motion in the corner of the room startles him. Seeming to peel right from the wall itself is a figure, invisible at first glance, but slowly morphing into a distinguished body right before his eyes. Nissa changes color as she walks up to him, eying him suspiciously with every tentative step.
“Who are you?” Her voice is high but strong, her stance so intimidating that Jimin feels as though she were here to rescue him and not the other way around. She is most definitely a warrior.
“Uhm,” He clears his throat when his voice threatens to crack. “Alva and Laila sent me and my girlfriend here to help you escape. I-if you want to.”
She lets out a hearty laugh at that, her defensive posture slacking into something more relaxed and casual, and subconsciously Jimin’s body does the same. “I’ve been planning an escape for days, I can’t wait to get out of this place.” He wants to say something else, but instead he just stands awkwardly for a few seconds. Clearly, he isn’t as good with people as you are. “So, you’re human?”
“Yes.” He tilts his head at her and she grins.
“Laila must have done a pretty good job with the spell if you’re still in one piece.” His eyes widen as she walks past him, looking through the opening of the doorway.
“Why haven’t you escaped yet? The door’s wide open.” Actually there’s no door, but those are technicalities. He watches with interest as she presses her hand to the thin air, pulling it back sharply as though she had been shocked. But he’d just entered through there, there’s no way it could be sealed off.
“Hix sealed this room with magic. Don’t worry, though, it only works on fairies so you shouldn’t be affected by the barrier. My plan was to make the room look empty so he’d think I had already escaped, then to leave once he broke the barrier; but since you’re here I can use a different strategy.” Nissa turns to Jimin abruptly, her smooth features glowing brighter with an idea. “I need materials. Can you get them for me?”
“Oh, that reminds me!” Jimin gives her the bag of Fairy Dust that he had nearly forgotten about, and the relief on her face is clear once it’s in her possession. She thanks him, thinking quickly before nodding her head.
“Okay. I need a leaf and some wood. There should be a stash of leaves somewhere on the other side of this fortress and twigs scattered outside.” Just as Jimin goes to step out of the door, the guards return, stopping in front of the doorway without even glancing inside. He ducks behind the wall just to be sure, he and Nissa sharing a brief wide-eyed look. She grabs his wrist and wordlessly pulls him to the far side of the room, opening the bag of Fairy Dust he had just given her and pulling out a fist full. Jimin watches with fascination as she manipulates it between her hands, the consistency changing right before his eyes as she displays her mastery with the medium. Soon, it’s worked into a thin film and before he can react, she holds up her palms to him and blows into it like a bubble, the film stretching over his body from head to toe until he’s completely covered. Nissa pinches off the bubble, but it doesn’t pop. Instead, it tightens around him like a second skin, leaving him glistening and shiny with the odd texture of the material. “There.” She says proudly, grinning when he gives a ticklish shiver.
“What is this?” From what he can tell, nothing has changed except for the fact that he looks like he's wrapped in plastic.
“I just made you invisible. Now, you can leave without being noticed,” She explains, turning and pushing him toward the door. “They won’t be able to see what you’re holding when you’re like this, but they can still hear you, so be as quiet as possible. Now go, time is of the essence!”
Ever so carefully, Jimin steps out of the room and around the bugs. He presses himself to the wall, hoping that he doesn’t accidentally touch one of them or make a noise— he’s known to be pretty clumsy, so he needs to be extra careful. The hallways are fairly clear, he has an easy time making it to the other side of the fortress and gathering a leaf from what looks to be a break room of sorts. Next is the wood, and his plan is to slip outside, but just as he is passing by the large room that you’re in, he hears something curious.
“Ow!” You hiss, a scowl etched into your features as Hix prods you with a wooden staff. You appear to be frozen in place, your body unnaturally rigid, and telling by the shimmering quality of your clothes and skin, Hix probably cast some sort of spell on you.
“This is very interesting,” He hums, jabbing you in the back near your shoulder blades. “You look like you should have wings. They should be right here.” He drags the staff along your back, obviously perplexed. “Is this a genetic defect of some sort? You say you’re human?”
“Are you finished?” You ask impatiently, ignoring his questioning.
“I don’t entirely trust you yet. I need to make sure you aren’t just a fairy that’s trying to trick me to help Nissa escape. Even if you are who you say you are, there’s no guarantee that I’ll let her go. Surely I’ll gain some status if I have 2 wives. One who’s powerful and one that’s exotic.” He continues to circle you. Jimin fumes at that, ready to do something, but then you speak again.
“What’s your goal here?” You seem calm, and something tells him to wait.
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you doing this? Why did you suddenly decide to kidnap Nissa and invade this area?” Hix debates whether or not he should tell you this or not, but in the end, opens up. There’s just something about you that makes people do that.
“The fairies treated me so poorly here. I was an outcast and everyone always excluded me, barely even considering me a fairy just because I had a knack for destroying things. Do you know how it feels to be rejected by your own people? Well I’ll tell you: it sucks. Most bugs didn’t even want to socialize with me, having heard rumors from the fairies about me and not even giving me a chance. I was sad and lonely and spiteful, so I decided that I’ll become powerful and gain control over this side of the water and force everyone to pay attention to me!”
“Is that what you want? Attention?”
“Yes. I want everyone to acknowledge me and see that I’m not worthless. If I control the waterway, I control everything. And if I have the fairy leader at my side as my wife, there’s no way anyone can ignore me anymore. I won’t have to be lonely or outcast, pushed to the corner where I’m out of sight and out of mind. My friends on the other side of the stream helped me realize that if I want to be happy, I need to be at the top.” He says this thoughtfully, placing his poking stick to the side and coming to stand in front of you.
“But this won’t make you happy. Sure, you’ll be married and may be able to control this area, but really, all you’ll have is a wife that doesn’t love you and a land full of people that hate you. They all know you kidnapped Nissa so she isn’t really on your side, and that your minions are destroying this place. The type of attention you’re getting from this isn’t the kind you want, trust me. It’s only confirming their thoughts about you.” He narrows his eyes at you, clearly disliking your reasoning.
“Then what do you suggest I do?” As the two of you stand face to face, Jimin decides to take this chance to creep over and steal Hix’s wooden stick. That way he won’t be able to poke you anymore and will inadvertently be aiding in his captive’s escape. Jimin hadn’t planned on staying to listen to your conversation, but what you say next makes him pause.
“What you need is to find real love and passion. I have someone that I love with my whole heart and I’ve been so happy since I met him. He’s a person that makes me feel brave, that would protect me at all costs, that takes me on adventures outside of my comfort zone, and I’ve grown so much just from being around him. On top of that, he helped me find my passion for exploration and travel, and we’ve had so many new experiences together that I wouldn’t have even dreamed of with anyone else. That’s what you need. You need someone— a lover or a friend— that challenges you and makes you happy. All of this stuff is great, but it doesn’t mean anything to you. In fact, all it does is hurt the people involved, including yourself. You’re not a bad person, you just need to branch out and find yourself. Let all of this go and find what really brings you joy.”
Was what you said true? Did you really feel that way about him? Jimin feels like his heart is about to burst at your confession. Although it wasn’t meant for him to hear, that makes it that much more sincere. He told you he loved you a little while ago and you didn’t even react, but hearing you say this eases every worry he had. Now motivated more than ever to finish this ordeal and get back to normal life with you, he snatches up the stick and hurries back to Nissa as Hix thinks over your words, his resolve looking shaken.
“You’re back!” She says as he enters, looking at him as though she can see him. She removes the spell on him, the film around him disappearing with the flick of her hand. Swiftly, she takes the leaf and staff from Jimin, moving to a table to drop the contents onto a prepared pile of dust. “Hix’s staff? Nice choice.” She giggles inspecting the wood with satisfaction before coating the items in the powder. After less than a minute she produces her finished product, the new staff glowing brightly. “Hold this.”
She thrusts it into his hands, and to his surprise, it’s quite heavy compared to the almost weightless stick he brought to her. Nissa walks over to the barrier, hands covered in dust, and places them in the center. Her palms move over the barrier independently, as if searching for something, and after a few seconds, she returns to him to take the staff back with now clean hands. He watches in awe as spots of gold seemingly float in midair as if attached to glass and the fairy walks over wielding her tool, not hesitating for a second before thrusting the blunt edge into the gold spots. Sparkles radiate out along the doorway with every strike, her technique looking like a fencing player expertly brandishing her rapier, and as soon as the last spot is pierced, the barrier flashes once and dissipates into a plume of dust. The dust lands on the stink bugs underneath, both of them falling to the floor, and the woman simply steps over their sleeping bodies without batting an eyelash.
“Come on, let’s go!” She waves him over, snapping Jimin out of his stupor as he follows her into the hall. They make their way back to you cautiously, avoiding all enemies as they navigate through the fortress.
Meanwhile, you sit with Hix on one of the benches in the center of the large room, your backs facing the entrance. You didn’t mean for this to turn into a therapy session, but somehow you ended up listening to all of his problems and sympathizing with the struggles he’s faced leading up to this, trying to help resolve this conflict peacefully.
“If you have friends on the other side of the stream, why don’t you just move there and live with them?” You ask, eyebrows furrowed in pity. “You would have a better life where they already accept you, instead of trying to force others to see your worth here.”
After giving this some thought, Hix stares out of the window in front of you. The water passes lazily outside, the other side looking several times farther away than when you were normal sized. “Maybe you’re right... but I put so much time and effort into this plan, I can’t give it up so easily.”
“You can! I know it seems like a waste of time, but the damage hasn’t been done yet. Things aren’t set in stone, you can still change your path and redirect yourself in a better direction. You haven’t married Nissa yet and your stink bugs haven’t destroyed this area, but if you continue like this, you may end up doing something irreversible and regretting it. Walk away now and start over. People don’t get many chances to do that in life.”
“But-“ He shakes his head. “They’re never going to forgive me for what I’ve done. I kidnapped their leader and threatened our home!” His head drops to his hands, and you put a hand on his back.
“They might not ever be able to forgive you, and that’s okay. But what’s important is that you never forget and use this experience to better yourself as a fairy. Look back on who you are now and tell yourself that you’ll never make the same mistakes again. I believe in you, Hix. I know you aren’t bad, you’ve just had a hard life— and I know I can’t do anything to make up for that, but I truly wish you the best in the future.” Your smile brings him to lift his eyes to look at you.
He sighs, looking at your sparkling eyes. You seem passionate about this and he can’t understand why you care so much about this. About him. You aren’t even a fairy from here, yet you’ve shown him more compassion than anyone in his entire life. And for the first time, his heart thumps wildly in his chest with warmth.
Nissa and Jimin arrive at the doorway, both peeking their heads in to see what was happening. They see you talking with Hix, your backs facing them, but the fairy looks to be in some sort of turmoil next to you, his head in his hands, looking mildly distressed. Jimin moves to interrupt, but Nissa holds her hand out in front of him, whispering to keep watching before taking action.
“I’ve had a change of heart because of you. I think it would be best if I did move to the other side of the water, away from the creatures I hurt and oppressed here. You’ve opened my eyes, (Y/n). You truly are a beautiful soul inside and out.”
He looks up at you again before suddenly lunging at you and pulling you into a hug, but from another perspective it looks as though he’s grabbing you and pulling you to him against your will. Nissa and Jimin gasp as they see your eyes wet with tears, and as soon as one slips down your cheek, they jump into action.
“I’m sorry you were treated so badly here. I wish I was born a fairy so that I could be your friend and change how things were for you.” You mumble sadly into the embrace, to which he chuckles.
“Thank you for your empathy, but you do not mean that. You have another life to live. Go be happy with your lover and tell him that you love him everyda-“
Nissa storms over from her hiding place and swings her club down, landing squarely on the back of Hix’s head. A short scream falls from your lips when he goes limp, the noise echoing in the room as he falls out of your arms and off of the bench onto his face, laying flat on the floor. Jimin pulls you up and into his arms, replacing the space where your new friend had been without a second thought. Cradling you into his chest, he misses the horrified look you have on your face.
“Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Did he touch you or make you do anything against your will?” His eyes are worried and you almost don’t have it in your heart to be angry. Almost.
“What the hell are you doing?!” You shout, looking down at his body. “Oh my god, did you kill him?” Jimin holds you as you try to go over to Hix, but you rip out of his grasp to kneel down to your new friend.
“Of course I didn’t kill him, he still needs to face the consequences of his crimes. I just knocked him unconscious.” The fairy beside Jimin says nonchalantly, looking incredibly satisfied with the sight of him lying unconscious.
“Why? He just agreed to let us go and move to the other side of the water! We resolved this peacefully!” Your eyes are flames as you look at them, and Nissa’s mouth falls open.
“Wait, he what?!” Even Jimin looks surprised. Yes, you are the most charming and persuasive person he’s ever met, but did you really sweet talk a villain in such a short amount of time?
Before you can say anything, several stink bugs enter the room, the commotion causing them to check on their leader. Their tiny eyes land on you leaning over his limp body, Nissa with a club and Jimin standing suspiciously near the scene of the crime. You try to explain— as if they would even understand you— but the wings on their backs open up and they begin to charge toward you aggressively.
There’s little time to react as Jimin grabs hold of your wrist and pulls you up, dragging you along as he follows the fleeing fairy that dashes toward the exit. You have no choice but to run with them, looking behind you only to be met with the large armored bodies of your pursuers. They close in from the left, right, and from behind as you head toward the door, close to cutting off your exit. You and Jimin sprint past Nissa when she suddenly twists around to face them, and with one swing of her club, the bugs are pushed backwards, allowing the three of you to make your escape.
Fresh air slaps you in the face once you make it outside, the humidity and guilt feeling suffocating in your lungs. In your heart you know this isn’t right. You connected with Hix, you made so much progress with him, but in the end violence was still used to get your way despite that. Yes, you and Nissa escaped, but someone else was hurt in the process. If Hix decided to go back to his original plan, you wouldn’t blame him, but you still feel horrible about how things turned out. You suppose your gut feeling was wrong after all.
“Babe, we have to keep running or they’ll catch us!” Jimin breathes exasperatedly, your feet slowing down beneath you without you noticing. A swarm of guards are now flying in from all sides, there’s no way you’ll be able to get around them. But that doesn’t mean Nissa won’t try, the fairy flying up to smack down the insects in an attempt to clear a path. But she’s just one woman and it won’t be enough, and you can’t force yourself to keep going. Just then, Alva and Laila appear, joining their warrior leader in the battle, knocking down the bugs to help you advance forward, but by now, you’ve stopped running. “(Y/n)!” Jimin pleads, tugging on your arm, but you ignore him.
Looking around, all you can see is a mess of flailing bodies and Fairy Dust, warriors attacking each other for an irrelevant cause. The sounds of buzzing and grunts fills your ears at an unsettling volume. It’s pure chaos. You hoped to avoid this— a war where others get hurt instead of solving things diplomatically and sensibly. As the appointed “diplomat”, you supposed you failed if things had to come to this.
“Alva, Laila, Nissa! Please stop!” You shout at them when one falls to the ground roughly. “You don’t need to fight, Hix has changed! He was about to let us go, there’s no need to fight unnecessarily!” They barely spare you a glance, the three of them trying to push through the blockade.
“Then why are they attacking you?” Alva points out, ducking as one bug tries to tackle her.
“You really believe he’s changed?” The leader asks, strained.
“Yes, he has. I could tell just by looking at him, he was telling the truth.” Nissa looks unconvinced, scoffing at your response.
“Then you don’t know him like I do.” She clearly doesn’t trust what you say, so you turn to your boyfriend, hoping he’ll be more understanding. Jimin looks at you and into your eyes, reading your emotions as if they were written in ink. He knows from experience that you’re a great judge of character and that you’re seldom wrong about things like this, but at the same time, you’re talking about the person who has tormented this side of the stream so much that the fairies here needed to recruit the two of you for help. It’s hard to believe that you’d be able to change him so easily. Only a few seconds pass but he feels like he’s standing there for minutes debating on if he should take your side or not. But he trusts you— you need him to trust you— so he does.
“I believe you.” He says quietly, letting go of your arm, much to your relief. You’ve always been a pacifist, so he knows you’ll take this personally if anything bad happens to any of your comrades. He calls up to the others. “If she says he’s changed, then he has! Please, stop fighting.”
“How can you be so sure?” Laila questions, looking down at the two of you briefly.
“I know my girlfriend. (Y/n) wouldn’t lie about something like this.” As he speaks, nobody notices the male exiting the fortress with a throbbing head, looking out at all of the action in front of him. “Laila, Alva, you brought us here to help save your land, and it was (Y/n) who convinced me to help you do it. The least you could do is believe her and listen to what she has to say. She cares so deeply about this place after only being here for a short time, she would never do anything to hurt you. Just please stop attacking and listen. You don’t have to believe her right now but at least stop fighting.” Jimin isn’t nearly as eloquent with his words as you are, but you can’t help but smile at his short speech. It may not mean anything that he’s taking your side, but you appreciate the support nonetheless. And to your surprise, everyone does stop fighting soon after.
The stink bugs land in an orderly pattern, standing solidly like before as Hix approaches dizzily from behind. Your three friends land as well, glaring at the man who now holds his head with a sorrowful look on his face. Without seeing him, you step forward, prepared to explain all that you have learned. You tell them of how you listened to Hix (the first time anyone has ever done that) and found that he was just a misunderstood and lonely villain of their own creation. You spoke of how he simply wanted to be acknowledged, and how all of the creatures around did everything in their power to make sure he never received that acknowledgement by spreading untrue rumors about his character. Hix isn’t evil, you explained, he’s just desperate to be one of them, and if it took him going to such extreme measures for them to finally notice him and his struggles, then the problem lies with them and not him.
“So he won your pity? Good for him. But that still doesn’t excuse what he’s done.” Alva crosses her arms, followed by Nissa, Laila staying silent.
“Yes, I know.” He finally speaks up from behind you, looking dejected and apologetic when you snap your head around to look at him. Upon seeing him, Jimin steps in front of you out of instinct, not liking how physically close the two of you were before the escape. You trust Hix, but it is still his duty to make sure that you are safe. Your hand rests on his side, but you don’t push him out of the way, simply peeking out from behind his back to watch as the fairy speaks. “I know that what I have done is unforgivable, but this human has given me a lot of insight. Enough to change my heart.”
They scoff at him, but refrain from speaking at your sharp glare. Hix approaches you, but Jimin stands firm, holding his arms out to block him— something that surprises the mud colored fairy before you.
“It’s okay, Jimin.” You say, placing a gentle hand to his shoulder in reassurance. Hix looks on in awe as you stare into each other’s eyes, communicating in an unspoken language that makes your boyfriend slowly comply and allow you to step into the open. But he still makes sure you’re right at his side. He won’t let you out of his sight again.
“I see. So this “assistant” is your lover?” Hix grins in realization, donning sparkles in his eyes. You nod. “I’ve never... known love or kindness. But seeing you like this, and having experienced the kindness you showed to me— a complete stranger— makes me want to find it on my own. Away from here.” His fingers are soft when they touch your arm, color painting his cheeks. Nissa gapes at this, not having seen the man be so tender before. She’s only seen his bitterness or the mocking, teasing persona he used when addressing Laila, whom he’s long had a crush on. He turns to them, addressing the three that stare in shock. “No amount of apologies will undo the trouble I’ve caused, but I’m willing to take whatever punishment you all decide for me. I want you to know that I plan on moving to the other side of the water, where I was more welcome there than I ever was here, and I will never bother you again. Nissa, I’m sorry I kidnapped you.” He looks down sheepishly. “It was very childish of me to think that it would solve anything, and instead it just caused more conflict and fighting. You are completely justified in knocking me out. Let this lump on the back of my head be a reminder of my wrongdoings and keep me on the right path.”
You stifle a laugh at that, biting your lip to hide your smile.
Then, Hix turns to you once more, looking between you and Jimin’s faces. “You are very wise,” You blush at this, feeling the earnestness in his compliment. “You said earlier that this person is someone you love, correct?” He asks, pointing to Jimin, to which you nod shyly. “Well, he is very lucky to have someone like you: someone so sincere and caring. Never change.” His eyes find Jimin’s. “I don’t know much about love, but she thinks of you very fondly. Please treat her with all the delicacy in the world and never let her go.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that, blushing furiously at your confession coming from the wrong mouth. You try not to look mortified when he looks down at you, your cheeks shaded prettily as well and lifted into a soft smile. He doesn’t plan on letting you go any time soon, and this whole experience has made him want to hold on to you tighter than before.
“What should we do with him?” Nissa whispers to her companions, eyeing the remorseful male that comes to stand in front of her.
“You are our leader, I think you should decide.” Alva replies. An odd look crosses Nissa’s face then, one that almost mirrors her enemy’s as they look back at each other.
“I’m your leader...” She mutters thoughtfully before standing straight. “I’m no leader. I caused everything that’s happened, everything that Hix has done. The rumors that ruined his reputation: I started them. I... I didn’t realize that my words could have so much power— that as the leader of the meadow that I had the strength to destroy someone just by giving my misguided opinion of them. No, I never liked you Hix,” He rolls his eyes at that. “But I never meant to cause you such pain. You deserve to live a normal life, so as leader I will allow you to leave without punishment.” Shocked, he bows his head in thanks.
“How noble and humble of you to admit your faults.” Laila comments quietly, her cheery attitude returning.
“Furthermore,” Nissa continues. “I’m stepping down.”
“What?! You can’t do that!” Alva protests loudly, eyebrows shooting up as she leaves the ground just slightly in her surprise. Laila also seems shocked, but she grabs her lover’s arm and tells her to calm down and let her explain.
“A real leader doesn’t slander others mindlessly. They are diplomatic and generous with a perfect balance of modesty and fierceness. I believe Laila fits that description perfectly.” Everyone turns to her then, your eyes lighting up when they meet hers for the first time this entire night. “Laila, I name you the new leader of the meadow. We can officially title you in front of everyone in the morning.”
You all clap, Alva jumping on her in a tight hug, the taller fairy spinning her girlfriend around before setting her feet back to the ground. Jimin smiles at the adorable display, his arm thoughtlessly wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his side. Your eyes are glued to him as he watches the happy couple. You’re happy he’s here with you through all of this. It’ll all feel like a crazy dream in the morning, but at least he’ll be there to recount all of your experiences with you.
“Since you’re giving up your position, whatdoya say we both start over across the water?” Hix interjects, wiggling his eyebrows at Nissa. “We could build a new place, find ourselves-“
“NO.” She cuts him off sharply, her wings twitching similarly to Alva’s.
“Well, then... I guess it’s time for me to go.” He says, pout on his lips, but it disappears when he turns to face the stream. In his eyes, you can see him envisioning his new future, the possibilities of having a new life where he doesn’t have to feel lonely and rejected anymore. You wish him the best, you truly do. He walks up to the water’s edge, dipping himself in safely and re-emerging looking clean. His real complexion is actually a dark leafy green, and you assume he colored himself brown to fit in with the stink bugs. He calls the creatures and they come flying up to him, all of them floating over the water together and dispersing into the wildlife there.
“I guess my gut feeling was right after all.” You tell Jimin, giving him a toothy grin. “Everything turned out just fine.”
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You ride Garnet back to the meadow, yawning and resting your cheek on Jimin’s back for the entirety of the trip. It’s mostly silent, the breeze whistling lullabies into your ears and combing through your hair sweetly as you fly over the terrain. The spies are gone, you notice, the highly policed skies looking empty and calm. Many creatures have already started migrating closer to the water and you presume that Hix’s fortress won’t be standing for much longer once the insects get ahold of it, tearing it down to get to the bank of the water and restore their supply. You feel proud of you and Jimin for accomplishing your outlandish mission, and you whisper as much to him in the quietness of the night.
With one stop to visit and say your goodbyes to the friendly mushroom fairy, Bayard, you’re off to Nissa’s home, which you find out is right next to Alva and Laila’s.
“Alright,” She says, guiding you and Jimin inside her abode. “Time to make that reversal spell. If I can remember it.” She mutters the last part, causing your eyebrows to scrunch, but she waves you off when you question it.
“Thank you for helping us.” Laila walks up to you, meeting your gaze for the second time. She doesn’t seem as intimidated by you anymore, which is a relief. But her cheeks still flame the longer you hold eye contact. “We couldn’t have done this without you. Both of you.” Then she turns to Jimin. “Remember what we talked about. Never be embarrassed.”
You look between the two of them as he nods, neither saying anything more than that, but you’ll let them keep their secrets. She hugs both of you and then it’s Alva’s turn to say her last few words to you.
“Thank you both. I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to pull it off, but things turned out better than I could have hoped. Really, you two are lovely, come visit us again sometime if you can. Then you’ll get to see how beautiful the meadow is in times of peace.” She pulls you both into an awkward side hug that makes you giggle, her own cheeks pink and wings flicking when you tease her about it.
“Mm, I think this is it!” Nissa chimes, scooping the now blue Fairy Dust into a bag. “Are you two ready?” At your okay, they fly you back to your purple blanket, placing you in the center where you find other bugs inspecting the odd surface. “I guess I should say thanks as well. You didn’t have to save me, but I really appreciate that you did.” She bows her head at you, taking both you and Jimin’s hands in hers to show her gratitude.
A ticklish feeling overtakes your whole body when she sprinkles the blue dust onto you, but this time you don’t faint. You watch as the waving fairies become smaller and smaller, their figures disappearing until they are nearly microscopic to you. The blades of grass around the perimeter of your blanket shrink too, as well as the trees and fireflies surrounding you, all returning to normal proportions that take a minute for your mind to process.
“We’re finally normal again.” Jimin sighs, looking at his body and the area around you. It does feel better to know that your chances of being smashed by something are significantly lower now.
“Was that... real?” It feels fake, like a pipe dream, and when you check your phone you find that only an hour has passed since you first got there. “That can’t be right.” You blink a few times, both you and him staring at the time in confusion.
“Time must move slower when you’re that tiny.” He reasons, running a hand through his hair. You take the time to reorient yourself, gazing back up at the stars above you. They twinkle invitingly, their light feeling so much brighter after experiencing the darkness of the forest floor. You look over at Jimin to find that he’s already staring at you, looking as though he’s nervous about something.
“What?” You ask, eyes wide at the expression on his face. He takes a deep breath, your heart beating a thousand times faster.
“I...” Taking his lip between his teeth, he pauses to choose his words. “(Y/n), I love you.” Your heart flutters, and this time you let it. “I meant it when I said it earlier, I really do love you. I wanted tonight to be special so I brought you out here to a place that was special to me as a kid, and I wanted to confess to you here, but I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way. But I’m not afraid to say it anymore.” His hand finds yours, fitting perfectly like it was made to be there. “This whole experience made me realize how much I need you, and how terrified I am of losing you. I was so terrified that something bad would happen to you the entire time that I have a headache right now from all the stress!” You laugh, placing your free hand on the side of his face, fingertips grazing his temple. “But even though I was scared, you taught me how to be brave and step out of my comfort zone. I wanted to protect you, but somehow you ended up protecting yourself and saving the entire meadow with your amazing instincts (which is incredibly sexy, by the way), but now I feel like a useless sidekick. So, I guess the only thing I can offer a girl that has everything, is my heart. I don’t mind being your sidekick as long as I know you love me too.”
Jimin tends to ramble when he’s nervous, word vomiting everything that’s on his mind, but it’s one of his charms that you find absolutely adorable. You can’t help but smile at his confession, the dampness of his palms melting you. “Of course I feel the same way, Jimin. Hix kinda confessed for me, but I still want to say it myself. Park Jimin, I love everything about you. You might feel like you’re my sidekick tonight, but we’ve been on so many adventures before this where you were the one who led me out of my comfort zone and taught me how to find my own courage. Do you remember our first date?” He giggles at the memory with you, looking away with fondness. “It was around Halloween and you convinced me to go to one of those haunted trails with you after I said I’d never been to one. And you pulled me along every step of the way and held me close so I wouldn’t get lost or hurt myself because I had my eyes closed the entire time.” You let out an embarrassed chuckle. You really have changed a lot since meeting him. “I think that was the day that I realized I was in love with you. Or at least that I would fall in love with you. I’ve never felt so safe and comforted in anyone’s arms before, but when you held me, it felt like home. Every time we went on an adventure, you were always the one to reassure me and make sure I was okay; that’s the reason why I slowly began to open up to the world and realize my passion for exploration. I don’t think you realize just how much of who I am today is because of you, Jimin.”
“You don’t mean that..” He says, though his love for praise starts showing in the pleased look he has in his eyes. You decide to indulge in it.
“I do! I’m only able to be brave because I know that you’re there to protect me. You saved my life twice tonight! And thank you for having my back and helping me stop the fighting. I couldn’t have saved the day without you.” His hand wraps around the wrist of your hand that still rests on his face, both of you looking into each other’s eyes lovingly.
“Of course, babe, we’re a team. Let’s always stay together.” He leans in to softly press his lips to yours, and you stay in that gentle kiss under the stars for an indeterminate amount of time, lost in each other’s embrace. When you pull away, you see shapes being drawn into the air, Fairy Dust in the shape of hearts traced above your heads, and you smile at the antics of your friends, wondering if they were listening the whole time. It’s a beautiful display that warms your heart. “I think it’s time to head back to camp.” Jimin says softly when you yawn, standing before extending a hand to you and pulling you up against his chest.
As you bend down to pick up your belongings, you feel something hard in your pocket and reach inside to pull it out. An unnaturally shimmery whistle rests between your fingers, now grown to a proportionate size as it must have been caught in the spell as well. You meet eyes with Jimin as he folds up the blanket, raising his eyebrows at you to blow it, and when you do fireflies come swirling up from the grass, synchronized and brilliant as they put on a spectacle for you. You can’t help the giggle that bubbles from your throat as you watch them perform, spelling their thanks to you and your boyfriend before one comes to land in the center of your hand.
“Thank you, Garnet. We’ll come back to visit someday.” She flutters her wings and flashes her colors at you before taking off again into the night, her light blending in against the starry sky as Jimin takes your hand to begin the trek back to your campgrounds.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
The Mystery Snack
Summary: Renata and Sophie prepare to sneak up to the surface when suddenly another merperson appears wanting to see the land dwellers again.
Word Count: 2876
Read on AO3:
Renata swam forward, her yellow tail cutting through the water with ease as she twirled amongst the seaweed. A large grin was on her face as she continued onward, not a care in the world. Her brown eyes glanced up at the waters above, noticing the small schools of fish and the warm sunlight that pierced through the surface of the ocean and highlighted the waters below. There really was no place to live like under the sea. Still, the surface was so mysterious with the land dwellers running around on things that looked like sticks and with their weird food. Renata still wasn’t over how disappointing that black block tasted.
“Stupid stale box,” Renata flicked her tail and did another small spin, instantly regaining her joy. Whatever, she was planning on meeting up with Allison today and after that she would finally go on that stealth mission that she and Sophie had been playing for ages. In fact, Renata was already forgetting sections of the three hour old plan. Her nose scrunched up in concentration as she continued forward before she shrugged it off. It couldn’t be that important if she forgot it.
With a happy, upbeat tune Renata made her way forward, dancing upon the small little pulls of the ocean below. Until her eyes caught sight of Allision; her blood red tail stuck out clearly in the water as it moved this way and that. The ends of her fins brushed against the sands of the ocean floor, moving at such an anxious pace that Renata grew curious at what could be getting her friend in such a mood. With a playful smile she swam forward and tackled Allison with a hug. “Surprise hug attack!” Renata declared loudly and spun the two of them around in the water for a few seconds.
“Renata!” Allison squirmed around in her friend’s arms for a moment. “You distracted me from the hunt!”
“Oops, sorry there. Whatcha hunting?” Renata’s eyes scanned the area and her smile faltered for a second when she saw a big shark. Without thinking twice she guided her and Allison into a hollowed out rock. “That was close! Mr. Grumpy Teeth almost saw us,”
“That's what I was hunting,” Allison mumbled, her tail flicking in anticipation of Renata’s disapproval.
“Allie, just because you got a badass shark tooth necklace doesn’t mean you won’t be this grump’s appetizer,”
Renata’s words made Allison glance down at the necklace that Renata had gifted her during their travels together before they found the place that they now called home.
“I know,”
“I mean, we snagged that off some shark that was totally dead. I’m pretty sure a whale sat on that shark or something but this one is bad news.” Renata’s tail curled around a little rock and began to whack it softly up and down.
“It could be a threat though,” Allison’s eyes watched the shark for a moment then looked over at Renata.
“It could or it could just be passing through. Best thing we can do is stay here for a little bit then head back home. If it decides to show its ugly mug in our home, then it's gonna learn what merpeople can really do!”
Allison was quiet for a moment, her hand playing with her necklace. She trusted Renata’s judgement here; she usually always listened to Renata’s decision when they revolved around things like this. Not when it came to dumbass matters though - that’s when Allison knew to not have a fin in those sort of things. Usually. “Okay, fine,”
“Wooo! Alright, I found some neato sticks so we’re playing tic-tac-toe!” Renata beamed over at Allison who nodded and took the stick.
It was an hour or so before the shark moved far away from them and off in a direction opposite to their home. Once the coast was clear Renata led the way before swimming around and around Allison. “Glad we made this a game day and not a hunting day!” Renata smiled over at her friend. The red-tailed mermaid gave a small smile in response.
“Yeah, I guess it wasn’t bad,”
“That’s the spirit! Now come on, let's get back home!” Renata grabbed Allison’s hand and pulled her forward as she swam. Soon the two friends were swimming side by side, happy and carefree. It wasn’t a long swim before they arrived back home to the giant sea stone that held dozens of caves that the merpeople had turned into a beautiful home with the help of rocks, shiny shells and the occasional hermit crab.
As Renata and Allison made their way through the entrance they spotted Oakley who was staring rather intently at a patch of seaweed. The merperson’s chestnut brown tail swayed slowly, moving with the ebb and flow of the thought process of their inner mind. After a moment or two of pondering Oakley opened their mouth with a pronounced ‘Ah’ sound and bit down on the seaweed. Chewing thoughtfully, Oakley went from a somewhat blank expression to one of disgust. With a ‘bleh’ sound, bits of seaweed swooshed away with a well-timed current. “Bad seaweed.”
Before Renata could go over and comfort her friend for their terrible loss of potentially good seaweed, a new merperson spiraled forward. His firetruck red tail stood out loudly against the softer colors of the creatures nearby him.
“Knox!” Duck moved forward, abruptly stopping and causing a small whirlwind of water with his tail nearby. “I found a new patch of seaweed that we haven’t explored yet! Wanna go?” Oakley gave a small nod which made a happy smile appear on Duck’s lips. Interlocking his pinky with Oakley’s, Duck swam forward, slowly guiding his love away. Renata and Allison watched them for a moment when suddenly a loud voice appeared nearby.
“Allie!” Willy swam forward, his hands cupped together. “I found a super cool stone!” Revealing the stone, Willy watched as awe danced around in Allison’s eyes as she studied the smooth blue rock that changed from lighter shades to darker ones. “Pretty cool, huh?”
“Yeah, really cool,” Allison carefully took the rock and examined it for a moment longer before pressing a kiss to Willy’s cheek. That romantic gesture made Willy beam with happiness and twirl in a circle a few times in a row.
“I found a whole area like this! Come on, we gotta check it out!” Willy grasped Allison’s hand. The positive smile on his face made a new smile appear on hers.
“Okay,” Allison began to swim away then looked back at Renata. “See you later,”
“Okay! See ya!” Renata gave a wave then was off like a shot after moving her tail with a strong flick.
Twirling about, Renata made her way through the merpeople’s land. As she swam by, she noticed Nurgul’s lavender tail and saw that she was making seashell necklaces with Gabe before stealing a quick kiss from him. Both of them were overwhelmed by that action and their faces only became redder when Gabe returned Nurgul’s affection with a kiss of his own. Nurgul smiled softly at that and swam around Gabe and his orange and yellow tail twice then took his hand in hers. Renata smiled at the happy couple then swayed her tail back and forth at a fast pace, propelling herself forward.
Her eyes caught sight of Ruby who was beside Aasim, her azure tail curled around his black tail that held red accents. Ruby watched Aasim with a warm smile as he tried to carve some sort of writing into stone. After a moment she caught sight of Renata and gave a small wave. Renata returned it in kind then continued forward, her gaze turning to the water above and picking up on the fact that night was fast approaching. She had to find Minnie for some quality snuggling time before she went on this top secret mission with Sophie.
Moving her fin at an alarming rate Renata cut through the water and made a beeline right towards her and Minnie’s home. There, already relaxing, was Minnie. The redhead’s eyes brightened immediately when she spotted Renata, her smokey grey tail happily swaying. “Hey there, Ren,”
“Minnow!” Renata swam forward and immediately wrapped her arms around Minnie. Peppering Minnie’s face with kisses, Renata pulled back with a warm smile. “Did you miss me?”
“Yeah, I did,” Minnie held onto the hug. “Did you have a nice time with Allison?”
“Yep! But now I want cuddles!” Renata nuzzled her face against Minnie’s. The action made MInnie’s face heat up.
“Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m down for that,”
Minnie’s answer made Renata’s smile grow and soon the two of them were cuddling up close to each other, their tails gently intertwined as Minnie gave Renata a kiss before falling asleep.
Renata’s eyes fluttered open and she gave a loud yawn, smacking her lips together for a moment. Glancing over, she saw that Minnie was fast asleep. It would be tough to sneak out now. Minnie wasn’t exactly a heavy sleeper. Giving a soft kiss to her girlfriend, Renata then got to work, wiggling and squishing her body together to slip out of Minnie’s arms. It took some awkward movements and a weird sound or two but soon Renata was free.
Giving a gentle goodbye kiss so as to not wake up Minnie, she started to swim off. Then she suddenly paused. Her eyes traveled over to Minnie and she resisted the urge to give her love another kiss. She quickly failed. Renata swam over and kissed Minnie one more time then used the end of her fin to tickle her face before leaving.
It didn’t take Renata long to spot her best friend. Sophie’s shimmery white tail swayed ecstatically with her anticipation for this secret mission. Her eyes soon found Renata and a smile appeared on her lips. “Heya, Ren! I see you succeeded in step one,” Sophie swam over to meet up with Renata.
“Yep! And I only gave Minnie two goodbye kisses so she won’t be waking up unlike last time.”
“Yeah, midnight swimming with dolphins would’ve been a blast,” Sophie’s tail stopped for a moment. “Oh well, that will be the next mission but this one first! I gotta see if this black block was really stale or if you’ve been hiding secret tasty land dweller food,” Sophie’s eyes narrowed at Renata playfully.
Renata gasped. “I would never do that to my best friend! That black block is gross but I guess we'll just have to go up to the surface to prove it to you,” She shared an excited smile with Sophie until suddenly the two mermaids heard the flick of a fin slicing through the water. Spinning around, the two of them spotted the familiar evergreen tail and the freckled chest of Louis.
“Hey, I’m here for the mission!” Louis grinned over at the two mermaids, his tail swaying excitedly.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Sophie crossed her arms and shared a secret look with Renata. “Can we trust him?”
“Hmmm, nah,” Renata answered and swam away with Sophie for a second before turning around and grabbing Louis’ hand. “Kidding! Okay, let’s go lick some weird land dweller food and see that stick lady that Louis likes!”
Louis sputtered a response but neither of his friends heard him in their excitement.
“Okay!” Sophie smiled and led the way. The three of them tried to be stealthy as they snuck out. They were less than successful. Sophie ran into a rock structure, accidentally knocking it over, and Renata got distracted by a funny looking crab while Louis tried to grab a fish in his teeth as a gift for the land dweller he was sweet on. Luckily for them though none of the merpeople woke up and so the trio soon swam up to the surface and towards the spot where Renata, Louis and Violet had run into those two weird-speaking land dwellers. Once they arrived though it was clear that the two stick folks as Renata called them and the stale black block were nowhere to be seen.
“Are they hiding?” Sophie’s face was barely above the water as she scanned the area.
“No, they love to be out and about,” Renata looked around. Louis nodded and started to speak but the fish in his mouth muffled his words. Spitting it out, Louis tried to speak again.
“Renata is right. Maybe they have a sleeping spot though. These rocks don’t look comfortable,”
“Yeah they look like real jerkfaces,” Sophie nodded in agreement to Louis’ words.
“Well if they do have cool sleeping rocks, then I wanna find them. That’s gotta be where their stash of stale food is too,” Renata dove down underwater and soon Sophie and Louis followed suit. The three of them searched around the area for a little bit before Sophie spotted a weird-looking wooden log in the sea. It had sticks poking out of it draped with strange white long seaweed. Without hesitating Renata and Sophie dashed forward, jumping and splashing into the water as they made their way forward. Meanwhile Louis was studying his fish gift.
“This is stupid, I can’t give a fish twice!” Louis frowned and tossed the fish over his shoulder. The dead fish plopped into the water then traveled along the surface’s currents. Louis thought deeply about what he wanted to give the land dweller who made him feel all warm and fuzzy. After a moment his eyes shone with the answer. “A jellyfish!” Louis jumped up in the air and dove back down into the water, determined to find the new gift.
Sophie struggled to get onto the weird floating wooden log. Her fin floundered about as she tried to get her full body onto its flat top. Once she was on the log she leaned over and helped Renata who gave herself small encouragements as she struggled along with Sophie to get onto the floating log. It took a few more moments but soon both of them were on the log and rolling about to see what they could find.
Sophie’s light blue eyes looked around for the supposed snack Renata had licked. Looking back and forth and back and forth as she rolled around, Sophie finally found it - the black block. “Heheh, found ya!” Sophie grinned then licked the shiny black item. Her smile immediately faded though and a small pout pulled on her lips. Renata was right, it was stale. Sophie continued to pout, upset by this news when suddenly she found a white, tiny three-pronged item. “Ooo! Ren! I found something!” Sophie whisper hissed over to her best friend who was currently busy sniffing a bag full of what looked like pebbles and sand. Rolling over, Renata stopped by Sophie.
“Look! Look! I think this is a tiny weapon!” Sophie held out the three pronged item.
“Ooo! Or a thing to help your hair be super smooth!”
Renata’s suggestion made Sophie’s eyes grow large and the redhead immediately began to run the three pronged item through her long red hair. She made a happy sound as she continued to brush her hair while Renata clapped along. Sophie was about to start up another round of brushing when her eyes caught sight of the bag again. “What's that?”
Renata followed her friend’s gaze and looked at the bag. “I don’t know but I hope it's tasty!” She pulled open the bag and dug around. Tossing a handful in her mouth, Renata let out a small gasp. “It’s good! It's tasty sand!”
Sophie immediately snatched some up and her tastebuds were bombarded with distinct sweet, salty and crunchy sensations. “It is tasty sand! This is amazing!” She smiled over at Renata who returned it and the two began to high five again and again and again. When suddenly they heard some sounds from inside the log and the strange dialect of the land dwellers.
“We’ve been compromised!” Renata yelled. She and Sophie began to roll over to the edge of the log. Both of them were in the middle of helping each other escape when Louis emerged from the water, a small pink jellyfish covering his eyes.
“Guys! Bad news! Jellyfish aren’t good gifts!”
“Not now, Louis! We have to get back home with the tasty sand!” Sophie jumped into the water, the food in the bag closed and secured.
“Okay! I just need help getting Mr. Jelly off my face!” Louis blindly swam forward, bonking his head on a rock a moment later. Sophie quickly pulled off the jellyfish then looked back to see that Renata had the three pronged item in her mouth. With a jump that Renata would describe as nothing short of godliness, although in actuality it was anything but that, Renata belly flopped into the sea.
“Ren!” Sophie called out to her best friend as she slowly sunk into the sea below.
“Haul ass, ladies! Back home we go!” Louis led the way back under the sea once Sophie had successfully grabbed Renata. The three of them successfully disappeared without being seen by the land dwellers. As they swam forward all three of them had one single hope: that they wouldn’t get caught sneaking back into the merpeople’s land.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
SO! I know I hoard asks. It’s a bad habit. Reasons?
I like to go look at them when I’m sad because they cheer me up.
I don’t want anyone to get annoyed that my blog is clogged up with asks, it’s a fear of mine that someone will think I'm annoying.
BUTT! My inbox is so cluttered right now, It’s hard for me to find certain requests. I saw someone else do an mass ask answering like this, and I LEARNED that if I tag it, I can look that tag up on my blog!
ALSO PSA you can also comment on my pics or message me to talk!!!!! I will never turn anyone away!!! I love you all!
ANOTHER PSA - if you want to not have to see this in the future, pls block the tag “shorkbrian answers a lot of asks”
Lets get ready to rumble!!!!!!!
These are in no particular order! Know that if you don’t see an ask you sent, it’s because I plan on writing something for it, probably like a lil Drabble cause those are my favorite (can you tell?)
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Hello! My pronouns are They/Them or He/Him! I want to like give u a big ole hug for this question, You’re super sweet!
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OOP Okay listen I’ve had a couple dreams with very unsavory happenings and each one is awful and so so scary. I hope your dream didn’t make you feel icky or anything dude. I Lub u, stay safe.
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I am speechless. This is.... wow man. This is an amazing, positive review of my work and I feel so blessed and honored that you took the time to message me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading what people think of my work, and this one made me just like. I am like so blessed dude. Speechless (in the best way possible)
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AHHHHH Thank you!!!! Look at those emojis!!!! SO bright and colorful and fun!!!!
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As a fellow Hornee person that is dumb, I would like to say...... Why stop at a chefs kiss? are you afraid to kiss me on the mouth, homie? For future reference, I like tongue. (asdaslhjkah sorry I’m stupid but Thank you for these kind words!!!! What nice descriptors man, I’m like wilting under the praise its too much!)
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Yes, reader is NOT going to have a fun time. Thanks for reading! I appreciate your support so so so much!!
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Hey, listen! Requests are “closed” so I can have time to catch up without getting overwhelmed. If one or two slip in, they won’t get deleted :)
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Bro, I recently talked to a friend with a similar experience. I’m so sorry for the things you’ve had to deal with, it sounds awful. The world is big and scary and VERY loud, and you are so amazing for navigating it. Bakugou would give you insane cuddles to help u feel better, remember dat okie?
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Maybe! I’m getting around to things babey, it might take a hot second. But I will try!
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Thank you! I try babey I try lol. I Lub u by the way thank u for msging me
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I accept this wisdom. Thank you for sharing. I pray for a time when I will be able to use it.
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You nailed it. I want this on my tombstone pls and thank u.
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omg omg thank youuuuuuuu!!!!! Honestly, I think Izuku is still so so so shy, even when it comes to doing stuff with his darling.  ugh his poor darling. Ur right tho, no one would ever believe that Izuku was doing bad stuff. But once again!!! Thank YOU for reading and taking the time to send me an ask!!!! Warms my heart
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wait wait okay I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kirishima I am his BIGGEST simp and this compliment? SENT ME TO OUTER SPACE. I squealed so hard I got like liftoff and I made it out of the atmosphere. This is the BEST thing EVER Thank you SO much my heart is POURING out love Grimm I would DIE for u no cap 
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idk? Personally, I hate being touched so I probably would politely be like “Pls dont ahah” but I would hit him with paper airplanes with cute little notes inside.
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I wish I wish with all my heart that I could turn into a small person tonight. Like, I'm crying. I am 6′0 and built like a refrigerator aint nobody able to manhandle me... *sobs in big man syndrome* I will continue to feed u tho bc it is a GIANT fantasy of mine to be manhandled and tossed around. lets goooooo
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I don’t want to be a religion, can we start a cult? I’ll be the sacrifice.
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bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk TOO LATE (Also thank ant the comment abc my humor! Inspires me and tbh enables me)
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no U 
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“hey google?”
“What can I help you with today?”
“Why do I have the SWEEEEEEETEST followers ever? How did this happen? They make me blush I can’t handle it”
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I have a SIMP???????? Come off anon u and I are going to talk and then passionately kiss. (not rlly but I do Lub you, thank you for the kind and gentle words)
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bonk bonk bonk bonk (Also this was sent to me on a Sunday? I live in America bruv)
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Pls don’t I almost peed my pants I was snorting at 2am and trying my hardest not to disturb my cat it was very hard (Repeat I almost PEED my PANST U HEATHEN)
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wait stop stop u always give me such amazing comments skid I want to give u a candle made with wax and tears of love. You are so sweet. Pls never hesitate to reach out for a chat I luv u okei
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BLACK HEART ANON I’m dedicating everything in my will to u, hope you know that. Okay, but seriously - I get being afraid of people. I don’t think you’re being hypocritical, I think you’re being kind and selfless and reaching out a helping hand to a loser like me. Black heart emojis low-key always make me think of you now and it fills my heart with warmth. Thank you for existing dude,
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What have I said about the chefs kiss? Kiss me on the mouth u cowards. Do it.
Also this ask made me SAWFT I want to gibe u like idk a candy heart necklace to show how SOFT and Ugh demonstrate my LUB
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I am glad I found YOU!!! Not everyone bothers to comment or interact or send me nice asks. They make my day man. You rock!
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YYaaaayyyyaa!!! I’m cool with all the canon characters of BNHA except for Bakubro. I adore his fanon personification, but just how he acts in the show..... that aint it chief. I totally get u
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TYSM!!!! Heart heart!! Aizawa has the potential to be so creepy and awful, he’s super interesting to try and write for! I’m glad you like my content, and thank you for telling me such!!!!!!!! LUB U
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GRIMMM STAWWWWWWP I’m like on the verge of like melting into a PUDDLE of goopy admiration how the heck do u even know my blog ur so cool and I still can’t believe I can like.... talk to you. Ur rad dude.
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BLACK HEARTTTTTTT You are never invading my privacy. Your asks are two that I hold very near and dear to my heart. I reread them over and over and they help when I’m having sucky days. Pls pls pls recognize that you’re an amazing person and you lift up my spirits and you are genuinely awesome. I love u Black Heart
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I LOVE Kiri, have I mentioned? He’s my fav. And yes!!! I am VERY open to ideas!!!! Love pretty much everything and anything that comes my way!!! thank u for sending me an ask dude, means a lot :)
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Sensitive anon, my dear dear friend if ur reading this know that I adore talking with u and I like hearing about ur day and You are so sweet and you make the world a better place by being in it
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Another beautiful baby that I always see interacting with me!!! I love you so so much and Each time your name pops up in my motifs I get so excited to see what you say!!! I’ve been holding onto this ask FOREVER because the little picture is SO CUTE and it makes me softer than melted butter man.
Okay, we’ve done it lads! I love each and every one of you!!!!!!!
33 notes · View notes
is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 22
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 9,146
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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“Alright, Elsa, you can do this! You're going to get up on that stage and you're going to wow them!"
So all that stuff about me not trying out? Total bald-faced lie. Kudos to any of you who saw right through it. Since, you know… I'm so good at the whole deception thing.
"...alright fine, maybe not wow them, per se… but you can do okay at least, right?"
This was all just for fun, after all. It's not like it was anything important, it's not like it really mattered. It was nothing, just a silly childhood dream. Just one moment, one blip in time that would be over before I knew it. No big deal.
"...passable? Surely, you can at least give me passable!"
Now if only I could convince my reflection of that.
Which, judging by the flat look she was giving me from the mirror on my vanity, was not going too hot.
"Ugh!" I huffed, tossing up my hands and turning away to pace my bedroom floor. "Just try not to fall flat on your face and I'll be happy. Can you just do that much for me? Please?" I snapped, facing my reflection once more.
She scrunched up her nose and gave me a noncommittal shrug.
My shoulders slumped and I hung my head, bracing my hands atop the vanity table. "Look, you've been practicing nonstop since yesterday. And yes, I know what basically amounts to cramming sing-alongs for almost twenty-four hours straight isn't going to make up for the lack of any sort of professional training. Or the absence of any real experience. Or the fact that besides karaoke that one night, you pretty much haven't sung in almost a decade except for maybe a personal concert in the shower once in the blue moon. I know you're going into this blind and have no idea what you're doing and others there will be way better prepared than you and-" I frowned, narrowing my eyes, "...and I had a point. Fudge, what was it again?"
My reflection looked remarkably unmoved by my rallying little speech just now.
"Ah!" I snapped my fingers, face brightening before jabbing my index up against the mirror. "The point was that none of that matters! What matters is you've done the best you could do in the time you had! So worrying about it any further is nothing more than a useless waste of time and energy! So just go on out there, have a good time and… and give it your all!" My hands closed into fists and they made weak, halfhearted thrusts into the air over my head as I gave a tiny, "Woo!"
She just drooped her eyelids at me.
I plopped down hard into my chair with a small growl. "I know I suck at pep talks. Yeesh, you don't have to be so negative!"
I don't know why I even bothered. Reflection Me was always such a downer.
Sighing, I propped my chin in my palm while I brought my other hand up to fiddle with the flower poking out of a miniature vase sitting on my vanity. It was the winter honeysuckle Lea had given me, dried out now because I'd wanted it to last. I toyed with its delicate petals, my fingers gentle so as not to break them. Somehow merely touching it seemed to sooth my frayed nerves and lighten my spirits, even if only just a little bit.
My phone buzzed and I checked it to see that it was a text from Lea telling me he'd arrived and was on his way up. I exhaled slowly. Okay, I couldn't procrastinate any longer. It was now or never. I stood up and made my way over to my bed, on top of which laid the sheet music I'd managed to hunt down after some internet searching. Gathering it up with care so as not to wrinkle any of the pages, I then headed towards my bedroom door.
"Who's a pretty, pretty princess? Daddy is! Isn't that right, jelly-belly-welly-bean?"
The dulcet tone of Rayne cooing down at her own tummy was the first sound to greet me when I walked out into the living room. I blinked, taking in the scene before me as Rayne returned her attention to the, er… "pretty, pretty princess." That is to say, her husband, whose lips were set into a grim line while his left eye gave a little tick. She had him seated in one of the kitchen chairs as she stood behind him, putting the finishing touches on the long braid she'd fashioned his hair into. It was complete with teeny butterfly barrettes, a colorful assortment of flowers weaved throughout, and a giant, frilly bow at the end holding it all together.
More practice for styling her future daughter's hair.
I'd know, since normally I'd be the one sitting in that chair instead of Riku.
Thankfully, it was now his turn to suffer hair bedazzling hell.
"Not one word, Fryse," he grumbled. "Not a single, solitary word."
I held the sheet music up to my mouth, concealing a tiny grin behind it. Then carefully schooling my features, I told him, "I was only going to comment on how masculine and rugged you look this evening."
"Damn straight," he harrumphed, crossing his arms and slouching further into his seat.
"I have the bestest, sweetest, manliest hubby in the whole wide world," Rayne declared happily, pulling his head back so she could plant an upside down smooch to his lips. This seemed to mollify him somewhat. Giggling, she then glanced my way. "You all ready for your big debut, pumpkin?"
Rubbing one elbow, I shrugged, "...as ready as I'm going to be, I suppose."
Her lips twisted sourly as she clipped another glitzy butterfly into his hair. "Still wish I was able to go and give you moral support."
"No no, it's fine," I said hastily with a shake of my head and a small, reassuring smile. "Lea's driving me so it's not like I'm stranded in need of a ride or anything. Plus you have your baby appointment to get to and I wouldn't want to make you reschedule for some silly little thing like this. Really, just don't worry about it."
"Besides," Riku tacked on, "friends and family of those trying out aren't usually allowed in to watch the auditions anyway."
Rayne's cheeks gave a little puff of annoyance. "I'd like to see them try and stop me if I showed up."
There was a knock at the door just then. Knowing it was Lea, I moved to open it and found him standing there, one shoulder propped against the doorframe. He grinned down at me, "Hey, El! Ready to go? I-" he stopped as he looked past me, blinking a couple times. Then the curl to his lips grew a touch evil, "Yo, Raindrop, who's your new gal pal? She's hella cute!"
"Cram it before I curb stomp your ass," Riku ground out through his teeth.
"Threaten me with a good time, mamacita," he purred back at him, waggling his eyebrows.
Riku sneered with a tch, grumbling under this breath, "Better pray we don't meet in a dark alley, clown, because I will crush you."
"Oof, I usually like a girl to ask me to dinner first, but I might be willing to make an exception just this once if ya keep sweet talking me like that, gorgeous," Lea winked. As Riku shot up to his feet with a black look, I ran out the door and grabbed Lea's arm. "Oops, looks like duty calls. We'll hafta continue this later, hot stuff. Call me!" he blew Riku a kiss with a snigger as I dragged him away, slamming the door shut behind me.
I started jogging down the steps, listening to Lea's footfall as he followed close behind. Shaking my head with a soft scoff, I said, "Can't believe Mr Guyliner here is making fun of a dude with flowers in his hair."
"Was only doing it cuz I knew how butthurt he'd get over it," he snerked as he appeared at my side. "Now me personally? Don't have a problem with it. I'd rock a thousand posies in my majestic mane and look damn fine doing it too."
I glanced over at him, one corner of my lips tugging up. "I might have to hold you to that."
He flung himself onto the handrail and slid down past me in a blur. Converse hitting the landing below, Lea spun around to block my way just as I caught up to him, smirking as he brought himself nose-to-nose with me. "Only if you're the one weaving all them pretty lil blossoms into my hair."
My heart spasmed.
Down, girl.
After all, it was only the empty teasing he always did.
I turned my head a little, shooting him some side-eye. "...do I get to choose the flowers?"
"I don't see why not."
"Good." I ducked under his arm to slip past him and make my way towards the next flight of stairs, "Leadwort it is then."
"Well now, that sounds ominous." I could hear the frown in his voice. "Should I be worried?"
I shot him a sly grin over my shoulder. "Depends. Very pretty. Very, very itchy. Hope you're ready to suffer for fashion."
"For you?" he beamed, hopping down the steps two at a time now to gain on me once more. "Totally worth it."
I merely rolled my eyes, electing not to dignify his comment with a response.
Soon enough we'd climbed into his car and were hitting the road. Sunset Hill Auditorium wasn't really all that far, but still a bit further than I'd rather walk. Thankfully Lea had been free and only too happy to give me a lift over, seeing as how Riku and Rayne had a prior commitment on the other end of town. Speaking of, they'd probably left immediately right after us and I idly wondered if Riku was planning on showing up at the doctor's with his hairdo still all fab like that. The image brought a little smile to my face.
It quickly faded however as I stared down at the sheet music sitting in my lap. My fingers twisted at my braid as I took in a shaky breath and blew it out slowly. Now that I'd fallen quiet, I could feel that nervous energy creeping its way back into my chest. It was actually kind of sort of a good nervous. I was a bit loathe to admit it, but a small part of me was looking forward to this.
That said, it didn't mean I wasn't also absolutely friggin' terrified.
I was actually a little relieved that friends and family weren't normally allowed into the auditions. The offer of moral support was appreciated, but ultimately I think I would have been more anxious if Riku and Rayne had been able to come and watch. Anna too, for that matter. I know my sister would have dropped everything to be here in a heartbeat, which is why I hadn't even mentioned anything about this to her. Making a fool of myself in front of strangers? Mortifying, but I'd survive - at least if I royally screwed up, I'd never have to see any of them again and could just pretend the whole big mess had never happened. Not so if people I actually cared about were there to witness me flop hard. And it wouldn't matter how kind and supportive they would have been after any sort of epic failure on my part... in fact, that might have only made me feel even worse.
Still, them not coming was only a minor comfort lost in the sea of dread filling up inside me now. My stomach burned with queasiness and my lungs felt like they were shrinking, making it harder and harder to breathe.
"Hmm," Lea's low hum broke me out of my thoughts. I glanced over at him as he pursed his lips to one side before shaking his head, "Mm-mm, nope. Too tangy. You need to be spoiled rotten with the sugary sweetness."
Feeling that cold anxiety loosen its grip and recede somewhat, I furrowed my brow for a few seconds before it clicked. "Ah. You've ruled out another ice cream flavor for me."
"Yup!" he chirped, switching his car over into the next lane.
"So which one got the boot this time?"
"Ever After."
"Huh," I fixed my eyes on the road straight ahead, squinting slightly. "Didn't you rule out a different flavor previously for being too sweet?"
One of his hands came to rest on the shoulder of my car seat. "Well yeah, but having a sweet tooth is one thing, while suicide by pure, massive sugary overdose is something else altogether. I think you know where to draw the line."
I tipped my head to one side. "Interesting."
"Interesting?" he echoed, quirking an eyebrow as he checked his side view mirror. "...am I wrong?"
"Didn't say that," I muttered, my fingers absently fiddling with the corners of the sheet music. "Just said it was interesting."
He frowned. "Crap. That's gonna bug me now."
I flashed him a half-grin. "I know."
"Cruel, cruel woman."
I just crinkled my nose at him smugly.
I knew he was trying to take my mind off the audition. And the distraction was welcome, but unfortunately brief. I could already feel that frown resurfacing, that apprehensive chill knotting tightening in my stomach once more.
Lea shifted his head slightly towards me, watching me out of his peripheral with a small downward tug at the corner of his lips. "...ya know you got absolutely nothing to worry about, right?" he asked softly. My eyes flicked over to him for a second before staring back down at my lap again. He elaborated, "It's community theater."
My eyebrows knit together. "...so?"
"So that means ya got no one to impress. Nothing to prove. No one's gonna be expecting a Julliard education from you or for you to have a few Broadway shows under your belt. This is all just for kicks. An absolutely zero pressure environment. Just a buncha goofballs who like acting and singing and dancing around in wacky costumes and so have found others who share their same brand o' crazy so they can all geek out together doing what they love in their free time. Doesn't matter to any of 'em how good or bad ya might be. They're not there to judge, they just wanna have a good time." He lightly tapped his knuckles to my shoulder, "So loosen up, will ya? You're gonna have a blast and knock 'em dead."
The knots loosened a little and a small grin found its way onto my face despite myself. "Thanks, Lea."
Surprisingly, his words helped.
For a grand total of two minutes.
Which just so happened to be right about when we were parking in front of the auditorium. Imagine that.
"Break a leg! I'll just chill in the car and you can meet me back here when you're done," Lea told me as he rolled down his window and fished his phone out of his pocket.
I barely heard him over the sound of blood rushing in my ears. Swallowing hard and finding my throat too tight for words, I simply gave a stiff nod before climbing out of the car. Hugging the sheet music to my chest, I stepped over the curb and up onto the sidewalk before pausing to stare at the auditorium's double doors, opened wide to invite people in. My bottom lip tucked in and I made a quick glance back towards Lea who grinned and gave me a thumbs up through his window. Then I looked at that doorway once more.
My eyes hardened. My hands gripped the papers more firmly. My chest puffed up and my spine snapped straight.
Let's do this.
I determinedly marched right up to the bottom of the stairs leading up to the entrance.
Then I spun one-eighty and determinedly marched straight back the way I'd come from.
Lea looked up from his phone, both eyebrows shooting up his forehead. "El? Did you forget-"
Whipping back around, I drew in a deep breath before releasing it.
Alright, let's try that again.
I stomped towards the building once more.
This time I actually made it onto the first cement step before retreating.
Expression blank, Lea said nothing as he watched me do this again (making it as far as the second step up) and yet again (third step). By my next attempt, he'd gotten out and was leaning back against his closed car door, arms folded beneath his chest, ankles crossed. Drat, only the third step again. As I returned and came to a stop in front of him, my eyes narrowed and I released a huff through my nose. He just gave me a small shrug, as if to ask what exactly I expected him to do. I whirled on my heel once more, stormed back towards the auditorium and… fudge! Third step again! Now I was just in a friggin' rut!
Beyond frustrated with myself, I walked up beside Lea this time, folded my arms atop the roof of his car, pillowed my face into them and let out a muffled yell. Then I flipped around, bracing my back against the vehicle and scowled up at the sky.
A pause.
Then Lea piped up, "Ya know you actually have to go inside the place in order to audition… right?"
I whacked him upside the head with my sheet music.
"...take that as a yes."
My shoulders sagged and I hid my face behind the papers in my hands, mumbling, "I can't do this. I'm too much of a scaredy-cat."
There was a snort from him. "You kidding? You're one of the bravest people I know."
I scoffed into the printouts, "Stop patronizing me. I don't appreciate it."
"I'm serious." I felt his hands on mine, gently pulling both them and the sheet music down so I could see him standing in front of me now, hunched down to my eye level. "Do you know what the definition of being brave is?"
"Not Elsa, that's for sure," I muttered, looking away.
"Shush," he flicked my forehead. Rude. "Being brave is not a complete and total absence of fear. No, being brave is taking action despite your fear. Remember your wedding day?"
I fixed him with a dull stare. "How could I forget? I ran away. Like a coward."
"No, a coward woulda done nothing. A coward woulda just done as she was told cuz she would be too chicken to make any waves. A coward woulda stayed, gone through with the wedding and led a miserable life she didn't want just to please her folks. Just because it was the safest, easiest route. But you didn't do that."
"No, instead I oh so bravely ran away like a warrior," I corrected my previous statement with a roll of my eyes.
He nodded, "Exactly! You were frightened, had no idea what you were gonna do, didn't have the foggiest of where to go or who to turn to, and yet you still did it. Took that leap and did the whole independent thing and guess what? You've been thriving!" His hands still cradling mine, I felt his thumbs start to trace soothing circles along my knuckles. "And sure, everything's been new and scary… finding a job, meeting new people, not caving to your family's demands… but no matter how afraid you may have got, you never hid from any of it. You've been facing your fears and meeting each new challenge head on. Now I'd call that pretty damn brave."
Wow, his pep talk game was way, way better than mine.
That said, I still eyed him dubiously. "Really?"
"Hell yeah! Shit, if I had to carry around as much fear inside of me as you do, I dunno if I'd be strong enough to do half the things you've done! You're a goddamn hero, babydoll!" he smiled big. "Now, I know this is something ya really want."
My face heated and I averted my gaze. "...how can you tell?"
"Trust me, I can read you pretty well by now," his fingers tweaked my nose. "So listen up: if you can do all that other stuff that terrified you before, if you can just grab hold and take charge of your life the way you have so far, then this one teensy-weensy audition should be a total piece of cake!"
"You really think so?" I frowned uncertainly at him.
"I know so!" he declared with a laugh. "So whaddya say? Think you're ready to do this?"
Though my chest was still tight with anxiety, I could feel that tiny glow of excitement and longing deep, deep down sparking back to life. I slowly smiled and gave a hesitant nod, "...yes, I believe so."
"Then what're you standing round here for? Go on, scoot!"
I didn't budge an inch. After a few seconds, I hung my head. "My feet won't move."
Lea blinked, then chuckled softly. "Do you need me to give ya a tow?"
I grimaced, "Maybe."
"Alright, I can help you inside, but that's as far as I'll be able to take ya. It'll be up to you to get yourself on that stage."
"Just get me through that door," I agreed quietly.
Linking his hand in mine, he turned and led the way towards the auditorium. I stumbled into a walk behind him, drawing what little strength I could from his warm, steady grip. With his help, I finally made it all the way up those daunting stairs and through that foreboding doorway.
Only to be stopped almost immediately once we stepped inside by someone standing in our way.
That someone being a tall, familiar, skinny guy with a spooky yet snappy suit.
"Elsa!" Jack flashed me what I was beginning to suspect was his signature ear-to-ear grin. "You don't know how thrilled I am to see that you could make it! Here to try out or just observe?"
"...try out?" I said, voice small. Yes, it came out just like that. Like it was a question. Like there was a right or wrong answer and I was just guessing, hoping for the best.
"Splendid, Splendid! Glad to hear it! I'll get you added to the director's list and your name will be called when it's your time to shine. For now, you can just take a seat and watch the others. Lea," he turned his gaze on him now, "good to see you too, but you know the rules. Unless you're here to audition, you're going to have to wait outside."
I unconsciously sidled closer to Lea, squeezing his hand.
Huh. Guess I actually wanted him to stick around and watch me make a fool out of myself. Shocked? I know I was.
Maybe it was because he thought I was brave. Maybe if he stayed, I could trick myself into thinking I was brave too.
Lea snuck a glance my way. Eyes crinkling, he squeezed my hand back before returning his attention to Jack with a sheepish grin and ruffled his fingers through his crimson spikes, "Aw c'mon, man, this is her first time! Could ya maybe be a pal, do me a solid and bend the rules a lil just this once?"
Jack crossed his arms, squinting at him with a flat look. Then he sighed and stepped to one side, his smile back and bigger than ever, "Alright, just this one time though! And you better be on your best behavior, bucko!"
"I will! Scout's honor!" he held up three fingers pressed together and beamed. "Thanks, man! Let's go, El." And with that, Lea was pulling me further inside.
The auditorium was larger on the inside than I expected, with rows upon rows of theater seating stretching out before us. While those seats were far from full, there were still more people here than I'd expected there would be, making me gulp. Auditions were already under way it seemed as I watched a familiar guy I recalled seeing in the food court previously - Joshua, I believe? - dip into a flamboyant bow before jumping down off the stage. Remaining up there was an old, clunky piano on wheels with Mullet Boy from the Blue Sitar seated at it.
"Setzer, you're up," came a call from someone sitting in the middle of the third row, presumably the director. All I could tell about him from the back of his head was that he had choppy, shoulder-length pink hair. Slumping lazily into the seat next to him with feet kicked up onto the chair in front of her was that blonde chick from Cinema XIII - I'd recognize that weird hairdo anywhere.
"Ah, looks like Marluxia The Douche-ah is running the show this time round," Lea whispered into my ear with a nod towards Mr Rosy-Locks as we walked down the aisle. "Not gonna be winning Personality Of The Year anytime soon, but I hear he can be a halfway decent director."
He then straightened back up, eyes scanning the people gathered here for a second before his face lit up, "Oo, let's sit with them!" His hands went to my shoulders and he steered me into a sharp turn down one of the rows. Coming to a stop next to two more faces I vaguely recognized, Lea greeted, "Ladies, mind if we join you?"
The two women looked up at us with friendly smiles, the ginger nodding, "Of course! Take a seat!"
We did just that, with the pair of them to my right and Lea to my left. He reached across in front of me to fistbump the closer of the two girls, "Sweet! Redheads of the world unite, booyah!"
I looked over with a timid grin. It was time once again for another one of my little misadventures into the world of small talk! Clearing my throat and tapping my sheep music against my knees to straighten them even though they were in no actual need of straightening, I asked, "It was Tiana and… Ariel, I believe?"
"Mm-hm!" Ariel closed her eyes as her smile grew. "Elsa, right? We haven't officially met yet, but I remember seeing you around at 7th Heaven that one night! You and Lea were amazing at karaoke! Well… really more so you. No offense, Lea," she giggled.
"None taken. I know my gal's got a beautiful pair o' lungs on her," he slung his arm around my shoulders, hugging me close and pressing a kiss into my hair.
Tiana leaned forward to look past Ariel and meet my gaze, "You really do. Do you work with a professional voice coach or anything?"
I blushed, tugging on my braid. "I, uh… no. No, nothing like that."
"Really?" Ariel's lips formed a surprised little 'o'. Then her face brightened once more, "Well, if you're looking for someone, I can put you in touch with mine if you'd like. His name is Sebastian and he's absolutely wonderful. He can be uptight and a bit of a party-pooper, but he gets results!"
Squeezing my braid harder now, I gaped at her slightly. "You actually have a voice coach?"
This was community theatre, as Lea had made a strong point of earlier. People here weren't supposed to have friggin' voice coaches!
"Yup! I'm going to be a famous singer one day and finally leave this sleepy town to tour all over the world, after all, so it's important I do my best right now! I've been practicing ever since I was-"
"Eric to the stage please," Marluxia's voice suddenly echoed throughout the room.
Ariel gasped excitedly and struck a finger up to her lips, shushing Tiana, Lea and me (despite the fact that none of us were talking) before eagerly sitting forward in her chair, practically buzzing with anticipation. That silver-haired Setzer guy - oh gosh, had he come in costume or was that crazy getup just what he normally wore? - swaggered cockily down the stairs to the right of the stage while another dude was coming up the left. The newcomer had short black hair, dimples when he smiled and I suppose what some might call Prince Charming good looks.
Ariel plonked her elbows down onto her knees and propped her chin up in both hands with a delighted sigh. "Isn't he dreamy?"
Tiana wrinkled her nose and muttered to me behind Ariel's head, "She has a bit of a crush."
"You're one to talk," Ariel snorted, elbowing her in the arm. "Naveen's should be up next. Believe me," she smirked towards me, "you haven't seen heart-eyes until you see the ones Tiana has for this guy."
"Shut up, do not!" she laughed, swatting her shoulder.
Brushing her off, Ariel suddenly pointed towards my sheet music. "May I?"
"Oh, uh… s-sure," I handed them over, freeing up both my hands to strangle my braid now. Noticing this, Lea took one of them in his own, shifting it over to the armrest between us and lacing his fingers into mine. The warmth of his palm against the back of my hand brought me some comfort and I felt a little less restless.
Ariel squinted at the papers for a second before grinning, "Oh wow, I love this song! Good choice! Although, if I remember correctly…" she flipped towards the end. "Ah, yup! A second singer does come in. They only have a couple lines though. I can go up with you and fill in for those bits if ya want, the director shouldn't mind!"
"That's really nice… thank you," I smiled, taking the pages back. Sally had said pretty much the same thing when I'd texted her to make sure the song would be okay, but that still had meant I needed to find someone to sing those few extra lines. I hadn't counted on someone finding me instead. Thank goodness for small miracles.
This was one of my most favorite songs too. One from a musical I'd watched over and over again when I was a child, so often that it'd probably driven my parents to the point of insanity. I had just identified so much with the character who sang this number and it still to this day held a very special place in my heart, even after all these years. I knew this song forwards and backwards. Knew it like the back of my hand. I figured if I had any chance of leaving any sort of good impression here today, it would be with this song.
Looking up from the music notes scrawled across the papers, I saw that that Eric person had left. He'd been replaced by a man with a newsie hat on over his wavy, dark brown hair and was singing something jazzy. The way Tiana was reddening while Ariel giggled and whispered to her, I suspected this had to be Naveen. I tried to just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Tried to banish the anxiety from my thoughts, instead focusing more on Lea's hand now toying with my fingers. On the way he lightly traced up and down their lengths, making them tingle pleasantly. Hoping that little tingle would help keep the nervousness at bay.
But it didn't.
I began to flinch slightly with each new name called, fearing it would be mine. Feeling a little relief when it wasn't, as well as a little annoyance from just wanting to get this over and done with already. A flinch for when Olette was called, who was sitting with a boy with black spiky hair held up by a headband. I idly wondered if it was that buddy of hers who hadn't been able to make it to Friday night drinks - Pence, I believe? Another flinch for when Yuna was called, some brunette with mismatched eyes who sang a pop song I was unfamiliar with. Two more flinches for each of her friends when their names were called, a perky blonde with a long ponytail full of small braids and a freaky looking goth chick in a tight, strappy leather outfit. And yet another flinch for when Rhyme was called, a girl whose sweet demeanor was at odds with the little skull on her black cap and the rap number she'd chosen to sing.
I had to keep resisting the urge to glance towards the doors in back. The ones leading to the outside world. To freedom. Not for the first time, I wondered… what if I made a run for it? You know, just straight up booked it? The idea did hold merit and was very tempting. Nay, extremely tempting.
The only drawback? I'd hate myself.
Because as much as I was dreading this, Lea hadn't been wrong. This was something I wanted. Like… really, really wanted. I'd been trying to lie to myself, pretending I didn't really care, downplaying how important it actually was to me. But this was something I'd dreamt about since I was little. Sadly, I had lost that dream somewhere along the way as I had grown older. Had misplaced and forgotten it in favor of pleasing my parents, of fulfilling their wishes and expectations for me and how I led my life. I had carelessly discarded it, giving it up for nothing more than useless childhood fantasy.
But now it had found its way back to me and I'd been given a second chance. And even if it ended up going nowhere and turned out to be nothing more than a deadend, I still had to try. I just knew that this was something that I had to do. That I needed to do. For me. For the sake of my own happiness.
...gah, just why did it have to be so scary though?!
And all these women trying out before me? Were so not helping! They were all so amazing and talented. Each one seemed better than the last. Each one had most likely been practicing for this audition for days, if not weeks. Each one had probably done this at least once before. Everyone knew everyone here and were all friends. Everyone, that is, except for me. How could I, a stranger with no real experience or training and very little preparation, possibly even hope to stand a chance?
Man, making a break for it through that back door was looking better and better by the second.
My fingers clutched the sheet music more tightly, wrinkling and creasing it after I'd tried so hard not to this whole time. I didn't really seem to care anymore. I could feel the blood draining from my face and-
"Yawn, total snoozefest," came a sudden whisper in my ear.
I jerked my head around towards it, blinking owlishly at Lea once, then twice. "...huh?"
"Her," he nodded to the current girl trying out, her long golden hair ending in curls. "That Aurora chick. She's got me just 'bout ready to hibernate over here."
My wide eyes darted back and forth between her and him. Then it happened. A tiny snerk, escaping through my nose before I could stop it. Too late I clasped a hand over my mouth. After a short pause, I lowered it to whisper back, "You don't really mean that. You're just trying to distract me."
He bobbed his shoulders and grinned. "Is it working?"
I looked away now, carefully schooling my expression as I attempted to smooth the crumples out of my sheet music. "...maybe."
Next up was Tiana. "Jeez, talk about frog in your throat," Lea murmured low out of the corner of his mouth. A mutinous little snort burst out of my nose and I tried to shush him. Then it was Ariel's turn. "Love that girl to death but I'm sorry, a warbling seagull sounds better." I bit back a soft pft and pinched his arm. I was trying not to laugh, I really was, but each remark was so ridiculous, so stupid, so obviously not true that it was hard to resist. A Snow White was called next - now that was a stage name if I ever heard one. At least, I hoped it was. She'd gotten about halfway through her audition when I heard a hushed, "Tch, who taught her to sing, a buncha tone-deaf coal miners?"
I spluttered, clamping my hand firmly over his mouth. "Okay, you need to stop now," I hissed out in a poor attempt to hide my amusement.
There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Then I felt him licking my fingers.
"Ugh, real mature," I scrunched up my face, snatching my hand back only to wipe it off on his cheek a second later.
"Psh, acting like ya don't like it," he sniggered, cupping the side of my head so he could pull me in and rub his damp cheek to mine.
I squirmed, trying to break free. "Gross! Why? Just… why?"
Grip holding me firmly in place while he still nuzzled our cheeks together, he cooed, "Consider it a good luck charm from me to you! Now you have no choice but to knock their socks off!"
"How old are you, seven?" I grunted, trying to wedge an elbow between us. "You seriously need to gro-"
"Could Elsa please step onto the stage now?"
Both Lea and I froze for a split second. Fudge, I'd all but forgotten where I was and why I was here. Now it all came crashing back to me.
What was that, you might be wondering? Oh nothing really. Just the sound of my heart plummeting to the bottom of my gut.
Before I'd even realized what I was doing, I'd sprung up onto my feet and was walking briskly towards the center aisle with all the grace and dignity I could muster. As if I couldn't still feel Lea's slobber drying on my cheek. Good luck charm, indeed. I'd show him good luck!
...that hadn't come across sounding as threatening as I would have liked.
It took a few seconds for it to really sink in. What I was doing. Where I was going. What I was about to do. I was about to audition… to sing in front of all of these people. I had to remind myself that this was something that I really, truly wanted. It was hard to remember right now in this exact second, but the desire was still there. Way deep, deep down inside of me, there was still that tiny spark valiantly burning away, smothered and small though it may be at the moment.
As each step brought me closer to that stage, I felt it again. That chilly dread pooling in the pit of my stomach. The iciness seemed to spread outward and I slowly grew numb. My mind started to feel detached and far away from the rest of my body, like I was no longer in control of it. Instead, it was more like I was only a passenger as it kept moving me forward seemingly of its own accord now, taking me up those stairs leading to my doom. That's right, my doom. I wasn't being over dramatic here at all. Not one bit.
Conceal, don't feel.
As I started crossing the stage, I was hardly even aware of Ariel out of the corner of my eye, whispering something to Marluxia before he gave a curt nod and she was scrambling up those steps after me. My ankle boots against the hardwood echoed loudly throughout the quiet theater. Too loudly, it felt like. But it paled in comparison to the thundering of my heart - oh gosh, could everyone else hear it too?
Conceal, don't feel.
All too soon, I was reaching the pianist and offering him the (rather abused at this point) sheet music with a shaky hand. He took it, looking it over briefly before setting it down on the music rack and smiling, "Just give me a nod when you're ready."
Ariel popped up then, plonking down onto the bench beside him with a grin. "I'll just sit with Demyx here and jump in for the parts you need me. Don't worry, you'll do great!"
My mouth tightened into a crude approximation of a smile before I turned to face the audience.
Big mistake.
Jeez, were there more people out there now? I could swear there were more people. Somehow, I willed my feet to move me closer to the front and center of the performance area. My fingers were running along my braid nonstop, up and down, up and down. My breathing had become so rapid and shallow. It felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen into my lungs. Could the air be thinner here on stage? You know, all the way up at this higher altitude of a whopping five feet?
Conceal, don't feel.
My eyes darted from face to unfamiliar face, not sure where to look. At the director maybe? That'd make sense, right? He'd be the one to decide my fate here, after all. I glanced down at Marluxia. At that blonde chick next to him - maybe she was his assistant director? Did community theater even have an assistant director? Well I suppose it would just depend on- focus, Elsa, focus! I squeezed my eyes shut with a grimace before opening them back up, looking to that pair once more. By their expressions, they both already seemed so remarkably unimpressed by me and I hadn't even begun yet. No, staring at them would only rattle me more.
I gripped at my braid more tightly and my gaze shifted about once more, almost desperate now, searching for what, I wasn't quite sure. But at last I seemed to find it - a face I knew. Lea's face. There, suddenly, like a beacon in the crowd. I wasn't quite sure how I'd not seen him until now. When our eyes met, he merely bobbed his head slightly and smiled at me. So small, so simple. And yet it filled me with such warmth and encouragement.
Lea thought I was brave.
And maybe, just for this one moment, I could pretend to be.
I inhaled deeply, my breath a raspy hiss through my nose. Holding it in for a couple seconds, I then puffed it out softly, releasing my braid and letting my hands fall to my sides. Finally, I gave Demyx a stiff nod over my shoulder.
Welp. This was it. No turning back now.
It was probably only a second, maybe two, but it felt like an eternity before that first piano note sounded. When at last it did, I swear it practically gave me a heart attack and my knees almost buckled. But I steadied myself, my clammy hands smoothing the nonexistent wrinkles out of my dress as I let the tune wash over me, trying to find solace in its familiarity. I kept my eyes fixed on Lea. Anywhere else and I knew I would lose my nerve completely. I could hear it coming in the music. My cue to start singing. I sucked in a breath.
"Every inch of me is trembling," oh gosh, that had never been more true than it was in this very moment, "but not from the cold. Something is familiar like a dream I can reach but not quite hold." Was I too quiet? Pretty sure I was too quiet. Licking my dry lips, I pushed my quavering voice to be louder, "I can sense you there like a friend I've always known... I'm arriving and it feels like I am hom-" I choked, my tongue stumbling over the word. My pulse flatlined, my blood turned to ice in my veins, and every atom in me was screaming at me to run, run, run.
But I resisted. I don't know how, but I did. Maybe it was Lea's reassuring gaze still holding mine. Maybe it was that spark deep down inside, flaring up obstinately to fight back against the cold fear closing in around my heart. Whatever it was, I remained rooted to the spot, clenching and unclenching my hands and eyes hard.
"I have always been a fortress," my heart hammered in my ears as I stubbornly pushed on, pretending I hadn't made a mistake, "cold secrets deep inside. You have secrets too, but you don't have to hide." Lea folded his arms atop the back of the chair in front of him, bending forward to rest his chin atop them and looking quite content. Feeling emboldened, I went into the chorus, "Show yourself, I'm dying to meet you. Show yourself, it's your turn." I think my voice was getting stronger. Perhaps it was only wishful thinking. "Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself, I'm ready to learn... Ah-ah, ah-ah!" I rang out the last bit and I heard Ariel's voice echo an answering call behind me.
"I've never felt so certain, all my life I've been torn," some of my tension was beginning to melt away and I took a tiny step forward. "But I'm here for a reason, could it be the reason I was born?" I could feel something bubbling up inside my chest… giddiness, maybe? "I have always been so different, normal rules did not apply. Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?" A smile was beginning to find its way onto my face. I couldn't believe it. A small, but actual, genuine smile of pure joy.
"Show yourself, I'm no longer trembling!" I burst out suddenly, almost triumphantly. Lea was lifting his head back up, face slack, eyes round. I had no idea what that meant. Was it a good reaction? A bad one? Either way, I was spurred on to do better. "Here I am, I've come so far! You are the answer I've waited for all of my life! Oh, show yourself, let me see who you are!" I wasn't even looking at him anymore. I was starting to forget about where I was, just getting lost in the was the only thing that mattered to me anymore in that moment.
I brought my voice back down, singing slowly, sweetly, "Come to me now, open your door, don't make me wait one moment more... Oh, come to me now," I repeated the line with more energy, "open your door, don't make me wait one moment more!"
"Where the north wind meets the sea," Ariel chimed in now and I took the moment to close my eyes, pulling in a big breath and reveling in the delightful tingle in my chest. I was entering the home stretch and there was no fear left. Only excitement. "There's a river full of memory... Come, my darling, homeward bound…"
"I am found!" I sang, putting all I had into it, letting the last word stretch and ring throughout the theater. "Show yourself, step into the power! Grow yourself into something new!"
Ariel came in one last time, "You are the one you've been waiting for…"
"All of my life!" I belted out, finishing the line she'd started. "Oh, show yourself! Ah-ah, ah-ah!" I vocalized the notes a few more times, each round louder and more confident than the last before finally ending the song in one long crescendo.
The auditorium was suddenly very quiet except for my low panting as I tried to catch my breath.
Then I heard it.
The sound of clapping. More specifically, of one single person clapping very enthusiastically, reverberating noisily around the otherwise dead silent room.
Feeling my face erupt in heat, I immediately buried it in my hands. I knew who it was, even before I parted my fingers to peek between them out into the audience. Yup. There he was. Lea, up on his feet to give me a standing ovation while everyone else remained seated, staring at him blankly.
The dork.
Ariel was at my side now, snickering as she muttered behind her hand to me, "This is why they normally don't let the boyfriends in to watch."
He didn't look like he planned on quitting any time soon either.
"Hsst!" I blew through my grit teeth at him discreetly. Well… as discreetly as I could, given I was still standing on a stage in front of a room full of people. "Stop it," I whispered, narrowing my eyes on him. I could see Jack making long, annoyed strides towards Lea. "You hear me? Stop. It."
He seemed to take 'stop it' to mean 'applaud harder and pepper it with a few shrill whistles for good measure.'
I sighed, hanging my head and pressing my fingers between my eyebrows.
"D'aw, I think it's cute," I heard Ariel laugh and I hazarded a glance up again. Lea, finally spotting Jack coming for him, had vaulted himself over some chairs into the next row and was trying to make a run for it. "Your boyfriend is your biggest fan."
"...yes," I rubbed a curled finger over my lips, eyes crinkling as I watched the little scene he was making. Sally had been waiting for him on the other end of the seats opposite of Jack. Realizing his mistake too late, she snagged him by the ear before he could backtrack and started dragging him out of the auditorium. "Yes, I suppose he is."
I still had to sing my second song, the one from Wicked itself. That one ended up being a lot less nerve-wracking. Don't get me wrong, a few jitters yet remained to wriggle about my insides, but I was still riding the endorphin high from getting through my first song, making the second one seem like a breeze in comparison. When I was done, the only acknowledgement I got from Marluxia was an impassive, "Thank you," before he was calling the next person. I hurried off the stage and had a quick word with Jack and Sally before saying my farewell and walking outside.
The sun was beginning to set by now, making the shadows stretch long. It wasn't hard to spot Lea, leaning against his car as he thumbed through his phone and waited.
My heart swelled and my feet suddenly had a mind of their own, propelling me forward.
He glanced up, pocketing his phone and grinning big at me as he used his foot to push himself up off the car. "Hey! You kicked some serious ass up th-" A surprised grunt was forced out of him as I suddenly crashed into his chest, hugging him tightly around the waist.
"...thank you for that," I muffled quietly into his shirt.
Lea was very still for a second. But then I felt a small chuckle rumbling throughout his body as his arms slowly wrapped around my shoulders, returning the embrace. "Nah, that was all you, El. I just provided the wheels that got ya here."
I loosened my grip but didn't fully let go. Just enough so I could lean back slightly to smile up at him. "Thanks for coming with me. I didn't think I'd wanted anyone here, but… it made a difference and meant more to me than I realized it would. And thank you for encouraging me to do this and…" my nose wrinkled a bit, "...and for making me get up on that karaoke stage a couple weeks ago, despite my multiple protests."
He snorted, but his face softened as he brushed some of my hair behind my ear, his thumb just barely grazing along my cheek with the gesture. "What can I say? Being a pushy, overbearing asshole is one of my many wonderful talents."
"That's not what I meant," my eyelids drooped.
"I know," he hummed a laugh as he pulled me in for another hug, squeezing me close as he rested his chin atop my head. We stayed that way for a few seconds more before he released a heavy sigh. Then he pulled back, cupped my face with both his hands, tenderly pressed his lips to my forehead, and...
...blew a goddamn raspberry.
I gasped and shoved him away, furiously scrubbing at my brow with my forearm. "Ugh, was getting more of your slobber on my face completely necessary?!"
"Oh without a doubt! I know what a huge fan of it ya are," he smirked cheekily as he made his way around his car to open the door for me. "Now then, shall we get you home, m'lady, so we can spread the good news?"
I squinted at him with a frown as I followed him over and took a seat. "...what good news?"
"That ya got the starring role, of course!" he chirped down at me.
"I did not-" I was interrupted as he shut the car door in my face. Huffing and buckling myself in, I waited until he was climbing into the driver seat to try again, "They won't even be announcing who's getting what part until next week, but I seriously doubt they're going to give me a lead."
"You're right, my mistake," he stuck his key into the ignition and twisted it, shooting me a wink. "They'll give ya two."
"Goodness, I'm getting two leads now?" I fought the upward tug I felt at one side of my mouth. "Do you even know how plays work?"
"Course! That's why I know for a fact that they're just gonna give you all the parts."
I bit back a grin. "Huh. A one-woman Wicked show. Now that'd certainly be a… choice."
"And one I have every confidence in you to pull off!" he nodded chipperly as we exited the parking lot.
I just shook my head at him. Honestly, I didn't care what part I got. I'd be honored just to be included in the chorus if they even gave me that much. But no, all that I really cared about was that I'd actually done it. Gone through with the audition and lived to tell the tale. And sure, it had scared me out of my mind, but in the end it'd been worth it. Because you know what? Turned out I'd absolutely loved singing on that stage. And I knew for sure now that this was something I wanted to do… something that I wanted to play a part in my life, no matter how big or small. And so what if I most likely wasn't going to get the lead this time around? I could just use this experience to learn the ropes and get better prepared.
Better prepared, that is, to totally crush it at the audition for the next show.
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Author's Note: And yet another scene where I included the full lyrics of a song sang by a character - again, it's not something I would normally do, but I felt this was a rare occasion where it's important enough to Elsa's character growth that again I shouldn't just gloss over it. But gosh, I feel so awkward writing detailed singing scenes! Why oh why did I have to make her want to do something with singing? This was a story decision I fast grew to regret, haha xD I hope it turned out okay tho! Anyhoo, for anyone out there who hasn't seen Frozen 2, the song she sings this chapter, Show Yourself, is from that - I suggest you give it a listen if you haven't heard it before :) Actually hearing it does it way more justice than I could ever do in writing xD And I've decided that Disney movies still exist in this AU, they're just musicals now and the characters in those musicals most likely just all have different names than their Disney movie counterparts, but the plot is otherwise unaffected xP Fun fact: The ice cream this chapter, Ever After, is named after Corona's keyblade and I imagine its description on the menu would look something like: "Let down your golden lemon soft serve! A specialty from Corona, this treat is garnished with edible flowers and served in a stack of purple waffles cones to form a tower."
So, did Elsa manage to impress the powers that be at the audition? Will she make the cut and land a part the musical? Will she get a lead, a bit part, or the boot? WAS Lea's slobber actually lucky enough to tip the scales in her favor? Find out… NOT next chapter xD No, we have something else on the horizon for next time… could that fated yet dreaded weekend with the folks finally and at long last be upon us? Stay tuned to find out!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
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heLLO i’m so sorry this took so long!! tumblr did not, in fact, eat your ask this time, i just took five years with the response T-T i did very much want to write something about Jay and Cliff (because that’s a criminally underused relationship), but unfortunately season 12 has come out since i wrote All I’m Asking For and kind of...made things...a lot angstier :’( so this leans much more on the angst side than the fluff, but!! there is some in there, i promise
It happens mid-battle, which is never a good time for anything to happen, really, other than a spontaneous victory. If it had happened at any other time, Jay would’ve gone with him. Any other time, he tells himself, he would’ve found the time to talk.
But it’s mid-battle right after Sensei Wu’s gone missing in time, and ironically enough, time is the last thing Jay has on his hands.
It’s not even the worst of battles — just some jerks who actually happen to have too much time and advanced high-grade weaponry on their hands — but it’s enough to send the city’s civilians screaming for cover as another chunk of building comes raining down toward them. Normally Cole would take this kind of thing, since Jay’s more about the agile, dynamic stuff (not because his arms are a whole lot like half-cooked spaghetti noodles next to Cole’s, not at all). But Cole’s on the other side of the city running collateral damage watch with Zane, so Jay’s the only one around to snatch the poor man out of harm’s way before a chunk of concrete squashes him.
“Whoo, that was close,” he breathes out, as dust mushrooms out from the impact nearby. Jay carefully sets the man down, coughing briefly and tugging his mask into place. “You alright?”
The man doesn’t reply, staring at Jay with wide, eerily familiar eyes. “You,” he breathes, as if Jay is some miraculous apparition — which, sure, Jay just saved his life, but like, he’s Jay. He’s a whole two or three inches shorter than this guy, he’s not super impressive.
“You’re the lightning ninja,” the man continues. “You’re — Jay?”
Caught between being pleased he’s recognized and being slightly creeped out, Jay opens his mouth to reply. Then he looks at the guy, actually looks at the guy, and immediately shuts it. And a good thing, too, because Jay’s mouth suddenly goes so dry it kinda feels like a dust vacuum.
“Y-you’re Cliff Gordon,” he manages, on a wheezing kind of whisper. “H-hi. Hi, hello, it’s—”
An honor? Jay’s half-hysterical mind throws at him. What is he supposed to say? Hello, long-lost father who gave me up as a baby, I figured that out, by the way? Does Cliff even know Jay’s his son? Does he even know his name’s Jay? Oh, why oh why has Jay put off acknowledging anything that happened with Nadakhan for this long, just because the entire thing’s a minefield worth of trauma and it makes him wildly nauseous to think about it at all, it doesn’t mean—
“Jay,” Cliff Gordon repeats, his eyes wide and shiny, and Jay’s stomach drops like he’s on a roller coaster. Because the way he says his name — it’s like he knows, it’s like he cares—
“You, uh,” Jay swallows, utterly oblivious to the exploding building two blocks back. “I think…you knew my mom?”
Alright, points for Jay for the lamest segue into this possible, but the beaming, almost-painful smile that splits Cliff’s face at least drowns part of the shame out.
“You could say that,” he murmurs, looking part-overjoyed, part-terrified. “If you know that, then — you must know I’m your — I never meant to lose—”
Cliff cuts off painfully, dragging a hand through his graying hair. Jay vaguely notes the puffs of dust that go drifting off from it, before the awkward silence gets too heavy and his mouth kicks back into action.
“Yeah, kinda…figured that out,” Jay laughs, nervously. “I don’t, um, I’m not mad…? If that’s what you’re worried about, but it’d be uh, nice to…”
“Of course,” Cliff nods fervently, as if he’s somehow psychic and can mind-read the ten thousand words’ worth of questions barraging across Jay’s brain. “Of course, we should talk, there’s so much I need to explain, I—”
Jay’s radio interrupts him in a bursting screech of static, leaving them both wincing.
“Jay, any day you wanna get back in the game, we could use a little help here!”
Kai’s voice is strained, and Jay glances from the battle to his — Cliff — with wild eyes. Cliff shakes his head, waving toward his teammates.
“Go on, go on,” he says, something like pride in his voice. “You’ve got a much more important job to do.” He pauses, his eyes bright and painfully hopeful. “But you’ll — you’ll come and visit me sometime, will you?”
“Yeah,” Jay nods, feeling oddly shaky. “Of course, I’d — I’d really like that.”
Cliff Gordon’s face splits into full smile, and Jay takes that as his cue to leave before he does something hideously embarrassing, like run his mouth or try to — to hug the guy. His eyes catch the bright flash of the Destiny’s Shadow, and he jumps up as Lloyd tilts the plane, Zane reaching a hand out to snag Jay and haul him in.
“Nice timing,” Jay gasps in thanks as he finds his seat, fumbling once with the tight squeeze. “Sorry about the wait.”
Zane simply squeezes his shoulder briefly. “I am merely glad to see you in one piece,” he says, wincing briefly as another explosion goes off. Jay cringes as his eyes rake over the smoking flames. Man, they’re gonna be stuck doing repairs here forever—
“Who was that?”
Jay startles back to himself at Lloyd’s voice, blinking rapidly. He opens his mouth, prepared to unleash a floodgate’s worth of “you’ll never believe this”—
Then stops dead as Zane and Lloyd stare curiously at him, awaiting answer. Jay shuts his mouth, and swallows.
How is he supposed to announce he’s met his father — his second, whole father, in addition to the super great one he already has — to them? To Zane, who barely got any time with his only parent before he died? To Lloyd, who's still actively grieving having lost his only dad for like, the third time? How’s that gonna go over, huh, motormouth?
So Jay shakes his head, forcing an easy laugh instead. “Just some random fan.”
He means to follow up right after. He does, really, but everything goes to hell in a handbasket so quickly Jay barely even has time to breath. First it’s the months of searching for Sensei, then it’s guarding the royal family, then they’re on the run, then they’re watching Garmadon brutalize their baby brother on live television and he’s dying on a table and the city’s being destroyed by a giant and the Bounty’s being crushed with them on it and they’re running for their lives in the First Realm and Sensei Wu’s a teenager and—
They’re kind of busy, that’s the point he’s trying to make.
Eventually, there’s a brief spot of time he could go, maybe. It’s right after they’ve returned from the First Realm, though, and that’s...not a great time.
The city’s still stumbling back to its feet, for one, and the loss of the emperor and empress doesn’t exactly help. Their little family’s left stumbling back to its feet even slower, as beaten down and utterly exhausted as they are. The four of them had their own run of it in the First Realm, but Lloyd and Nya didn’t have it any better back in Ninjago, and the whole thing’s just — just a big mess. And sure, maybe reuniting with his long-lost biological father now could like, actually benefit Jay’s half-shredded mental state, since the guy seemed pretty happy to see him, but…
But fathers.
Lloyd still wanders their apartment like a ghost at night, his eyes dull and haunted from whatever night terror he’s been graced with now. He wanders a little bit like that in the day, too, eyes glazing over and hands trembling at times. Jay knows why, of course — they all know, it’s not a secret. Not with the high-definition TV footage that keeps circulating. And they — they try to help, of course, they do their very best, but there are some things only time can fix.
Jay watches Lloyd’s eyes shutter at the mention of his father, and wonders if his entire life is enough to fix whatever’s been broken with his own.
In other words, Jay decides to be a coward.
Ironically enough, however, it ends up being Lloyd that encourages him to go. Not that he realizes that.
“Don’t bother making extra for dinner tonight, Zane,” Lloyd announces wearily, as he trudges through the kitchen. “My mom’s on the road again.”
Zane blinks at that, then frowns. “Where is she off to now?”
“Don’t know,” Lloyd says shortly, before promptly stalking off toward the rooftop exit. Jay and Zane stand there in silence for a moment, Zane still methodically stirring the rice. Then he turns to Jay, and fixes him with a look.
“Grumpy-about-parents Lloyd is normally Nya’s job, you know,” Jay huffs, but he relents, following Lloyd’s quiet footsteps to the roof. Lloyd’s curled up in his usual spot, close enough to the edge that it frightened the life out of Kai the first time they found him. Jay doesn’t exactly get why, because Lloyd’s sad, yeah, but he’s not—
Well, maybe Kai’s just scared Lloyd’ll trip and fall off the roof. That’s what Jay’s choosing to believe, for his own sake.
Either way, Lloyd looks pretty sad now, so Jay plops himself right down next to him with a huff, neatly startling Lloyd so badly he almost does trip right off the roof.
“Woah, hey, it’s just me,” Jay says quickly, throwing his hands up. Lloyd glares at him, and Jay makes a face. “Don’t give me that, you’re the one that’s supposed to have ninja reflexes.”
“Hmph,” Lloyd grumbles, wrapping his arms back around his knees, but he looks slightly less likely to zap Jay’s nervous system full of energy, so he takes that as a go-ahead.
“So, your mom, huh,” Jay starts, with all the intent of comforting Lloyd and comforting Lloyd alone. “Hey, random question, but how did, um, why’d you decide to let her back into your life, in the first place?”
“What?” Lloyd stares at him. Jay cringes. Oops, that wasn’t supposed to come out. Classic Walker, he’s brought his own issues right into the middle of it, like an absolute selfish—
Great, now he wants to throw himself off the roof.
“Sorry, sorry, forget I said that,” Jay babbles, desperately trying to re-route the conversation. “Just — forget I opened my mouth, okay? Please?”
Lloyd shakes his head, looking more concerned than sad now. He’s even unfolded from his tight little Lloyd-angst-ball, which Jay would count as a victory if it weren’t for all the wrong reasons. “Jay, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course!” Jay blusters. Lloyd stares at him. Jay gives him a bright smile back. Lloyd continues to stare.
“Okay, fine, not really, but — that’s not why I came up here,” Jay admits, cheeks flushing.
Lloyd’s eyebrows furrow in concern. “Is everything…okay with your parents?” His voice is tentative, as if he’s almost scared of Jay’s response, and Jay can’t have that.
“My parents are fine,” he replies, firmly. “But, uh, thanks for asking. I’m just…” Jay trails off, abruptly realizing that explaining this is going to require mentioning Cliff Gordon, which is going to require mentioning that he’s adopted, which is going to require explaining why he hasn’t told the rest of his team this. None of which are options Jay wants to explore at the moment, so he desperately tries to backtrack.
Lloyd, faithfully caring brother that he is to the bitter end, beats him to it. “Well, even if they are fine, um. To answer your question, I guess I…I needed to know.” He blows his breath out, glancing out over the skyline, half-broken buildings forming dark silhouettes against the setting sun. “I needed to know why she - she left me. If it was me, or if it was her, or…whatever, you know?” Lloyd bites his lip, and Jay suddenly feels like a horrible person for putting him through the mother thing right after the father thing’s been blown to smithereens.
And yet.
“Yeah, I get that,” Jay says quietly, letting it sink in. And he does, really. More than he thought he would, and this is probably a big glaring sign from the heavens, huh.
“But I don’t know,” Lloyd continues, sounding small as his hands tug on a frayed thread from a torn spot in his gi. “Maybe sometimes it’s better to cut people out entirely, too.”
He looks terribly worn when he says that, too young and too old for his age all at once, and Jay decides he hates the expression on his youngest brother.
“I’ll remember that, next time you steal the last of my coffee stash,” he says.
Lloyd gives a startled huff of laughter, before jabbing him in the side with his elbow. “That’s not what I meant,” he rolls his eyes, but there’s a smile edging his mouth now — not quite the Lloyd smile he’s used to, but it’s not as frail as it’s been, either. Lloyd doesn’t look so much like porcelain that’s been stepped on anymore, and the proud spark of joy Jay feels from that is enough to convince him that it’s a good idea.
He did promise Cliff Gordon he would, after all, and besides — knowing can’t be that bad, and Jay’s a firm believer in the wisdom of knowledge, and all that.
He’s also a firm believer of closure, but he’s stopped claiming to be one, since it probably comes off pretty hypocritical lately.
Jay doesn’t tell anyone where he’s going. He doesn’t even tell them he’s going at all, he just…waits for a convenient opportunity to slip out when no one will notice.
He wishes he had. He wishes he’d told Cole, told Nya or - or anyone he was going, and at the same time he’s glad he told no one at all. He’s not quite sure he could bear anyone else seeing whatever look’s on his face right now, on top of everything else.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” the woman at the estate tells him, her eyes teary. “Cliff Gordon passed away a month ago.”
That…doesn't make sense, at first. It takes a minute, to sink through the odd roaring noise in Jay’s ears, and finally reach his brain.
“Passed…away,” he repeats, blankly.
The lady nods, looking at him with so much pity Jay kind of wants to kick her shins. “It was his heart, poor man. He hasn’t been so well the last few years, you know.”
“Right.” Jay feels a little like he does when he’d used to jump off his dragon, except this time he’s been tossed from it and he’s free-falling to a short and sudden stop.
“Did you know him?” she asks, curiously.
Jay tries to make some form of response, like “I was his son”, except all that comes out is a whole bunch of nothing. Nothing, just like what’s left in Jay’s head. He blinks rapidly, trying to banish the image seared into his brain.
Cliff Gordon’s eyes, bright and painfully hopeful.
You’ll come visit me sometime, will you?
Jay swallows thickly. “Sorry, if you’ll, uh — excuse me, I think lunch was bad.” Then he ducks for the nearby bushes, and proceeds to be horribly sick.
He tells himself, through heaving gasps, that the hot tears are only reflexive.
And that’s that. Jay, stupid, selfish Jay, waited too long and now he’s lost his chance forever. Because he was — what, scared? Nervous?
He’s not scared now. He kind of just hates himself, which isn’t the newest thing in the world, but this time it burns like the worst of scrapes and crawls up on him in the middle of the night, screaming what-if’s into his brain until Jay’s biting down on his pillow before he starts screaming himself.
It hurts, but he’s got no one to blame but himself. Jay messed this up all his own and he sure as heck doesn’t deserve any sympathy from his team for it. So he’s not going to even give them the chance, because they’ll never know. Jay will take this secret to the grave, because imagining the looks on everyone else’s face when he tells them he ruined this makes him want to put himself in the grave.
How long did he wait for Jay, how long did he—
Jay’s just going to drive himself insane with his own stupid brain and that’s that.
Well, that’s supposed to be that. It would’ve been that, except Cole is perceptive and Cole knows him too well, and Cole spots the look on his face when he’s telling him everything he’s found out about his mother, since Jay can’t even hide that from him.
And maybe Jay’s just weak, or so desperate for some form of reassurance or - or attention that he cracks, and spills the whole sorry thing to Cole. To his undying credit, Cole doesn’t even look like he despises Jay once. Instead, he looks at him with all this sympathy and kindness and oh, if Jay was a crier—
Well, actually, Jay is a crier, and ends up bawling into Cole’s gi at two in the morning, but what else is new.
The important thing is that Cole is Jay’s very best friend and possibly favorite person in the whole entire world, and Jay is going to murder him in cold blood for dragging him to Cliff Gordon’s estate and forcing their way in.
“If he cared enough to want to meet you, he’ll have cared enough to leave you in his will,” Cole reminds him, staunchly. “He knows how busy your life was, so I’ll bet you anything he understood.”
“Stop trying to make me feel better,” Jay hisses, as Cole manhandles him down the mansion’s — the mansion’s! — hallways. “I don’t deserve it.”
“For the love of—” Cole cuts off with an exasperated huff. “It is not your fault this happened. This is not on you. How many times are we going to have to do this, Jay.”
“Until the time you let me wallow in miserable peace,” Jay mutters. What does Cole know, it’s not like he totally bailed on his parent and then let them die. Not that Jay could do anything about that last part, sure, but the rest of it.
Cole stops them in one of the massive living rooms, finally fixing Jay with one of those stares. Uh oh.
“At least read the letter,” Cole says, suddenly pleading. “You don’t have to look at anything else if you don’t want to, but please read the letter. For me?”
Oh, Jay hates him. He tells him so, even as his glare falters in the face of Cole’s stupid puppy eyes.
“Is that a yes?” Cole replies hopefully, offering the letter they were handed with the estate key. Jay gives him a last, withering glare before snatching the letter from him.
“You’re the worst,” he mutters, as he tears open the envelope with shaky fingers. He hesitates for a beat, before mustering whatever pathetic courage he has and tugging the paper out, unfolding it as his eyes find the carefully scrawled words.
My dear Jay—
He promptly bursts into tears.
“Jay wha — Jay what’s wrong, is it that bad?” Cole is frantic as he hovers over him, his hands half-caught between reaching for Jay and reaching for the letter in his hands. Jay shakes his head, trying to stifle the sudden waterfall’s worth of tears that decided to make an appearance, and clutches the paper tighter.
Cole makes an anxious sound. “Jay, you know he’s — if he’s said something bad, it’s — he doesn’t know anything, right?”
Oh no, now Jay wants to cry harder. Cole sounds desperately concerned, kind and caring and genuine like Cole always is, and Jay feels like the worst person in the world.
Stupid, Jay, he scolds himself hotly, swiping angrily at his eyes. Stupid, selfish Jay. He’s got nothing to be crying about. Zane only had one dad, and he doesn’t go around whining about it. Lloyd’s got one dad who’s died three times, and may as well be dead now ‘cause he’s such a jerk. Kai and Nya didn’t even have any parents until last year. And Cole lost his mom who he loved, he loved so much, and he’s still here supporting Jay — stupid, selfish Jay, who’s got two entire stable parents who he’s never once doubted love him, and yet here he is, crying over the one he never really knew.
“Jay,” Cole tries again, quieter this time. “Jay, you’re allowed to be sad about your dad. It’s not a contest.”
Stupid, perceptive Cole.
“He said he loves me,” Jay finally croaks, swiping at the tears all over his face. “He didn’t even know me, Cole, how was he supposed to know that?”
Cole’s eyes soften, all melty and gross. “You’re his son, Jay, he knew you.” His lips quirk up in a smile. “Besides, he talked to you once, right? You make some pretty impactful first impressions, motormouth.”
Jay can’t decide whether to be insulted or more flattered than he’s been in the last six months. He decides to punch Cole weakly in the shoulder, before crying harder. Cole doesn’t even flinch at the hit, built like a rock as he is, and simply snatches Jay’s arm and tugs him close, wrapping his arms around him tightly. And oh, Jay wants to pull away, he doesn’t want to break down in his dead father’s mansion like this, Jay doesn’t have a lot of dignity but he’s at least got his shreds, but—
Cole gives the best stupid hugs in the world, and what’s Jay gonna do, deny such instant love and comfort? The risk of hurting Cole’s feelings far outweighs Jay’s tattered dignity, he tells himself. That’s why he clings to Cole like an overgrown barnacle and wails into his shoulder like a broken faucet. That’s the only reason, obviously.
“It’s okay to cry, you big moron,” Cole says after he’s calmed down, briefly squeezing tighter. “I get it. But you really should read more than the first lines of that thing. I think…I think it’ll help.”
“This is all I’ve got, though,” Jay sniffles. “I don’t — I lost any other connection I’ve got to him.”
“Sometimes you just gotta work with what you have,” Cole says gently, a little bitter, a little sweet. “And somehow, you have to make it enough.”
Jay pauses at that, thinking back to the statue miles and miles beneath a mountain, the delicate locket Cole had turned over in his fingers. He looks back to the letter in his hands, the lines and lines of all the words his father left for him, and remembers Lloyd’s words about knowing.
His fingers tighten on the edges of his letter. Jay, he decides, is done being scared. He’s got Cole at his side — what’s he got to be afraid of, anyways?
“Okay,” he says, swiping once more at his eyes, and giving Cole a watery smile. “Okay. Help me read through the whole thing?”
“I wore my old sweatshirt for a reason,” Cole replies, making a show of wringing his sleeve out. Jay whacks him with the envelope, but the laugh he shudders out feels real, this time. He gently spreads the letter out atop his lap, focusing on the words again.
It’ll be enough. It’ll sting, but…it’ll be enough.
Like Lloyd’s tattered photograph, like Cole’s mother’s last words — it has to be.
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mymoodwriting · 4 years
Blooming Eyes
F!Reader x Poison Ivy!Suho
Genre: Poison Ivy AU
Warning: Blood, Murder, Plants, Vines, Guns, Knives, Torture
Words: 1.7K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Epilogue
Prompt: Meeting an alien is one thing, but it’s a whole other thing when such a creature seems to fancy you. There was so much you wanted to do, but one decision changes your life in a way you never could have imagined.
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“I’ve always wanted to come here!”
    You excitedly hopped out of the giant flower that had moved its petals to reveal your location, Paris. You didn’t notice you missed a step since your vines made sure you didn’t trip on your way down. You ran towards the balcony and looked up at the Eiffel Tower, seeing how tall it was and all the vines and huge flowers that decorated it.
“You’ve never been before?” Yixing asked. “I thought you would have.”
“Well… maybe? I can’t remember… everything from before Suho saved me is kinda fuzzy, and not important. What matters is I’m here now!”
“That’s right.”
    You ran into his arms, letting him pick you up and spin you around, both of you laughing, before he put you down. As of late you had been traveling with Suho and his brothers. When it all first changed you weren’t really yourself and would need a lot of care. Long hours were spent with Suho, cradled in his arms as he put the broken pieces of your mind back together, making sure you’d be happy and just as wonderful as before.
    Although even with your mind restored, you weren’t entirely there yet. You needed a little help, and guidance to be autonomous like before. All the brothers were more than happy to help, also curious about the world around them. The most exciting thing was always your vines, sometimes you could control them but for the most part they had a mind of their own. Many times they’d be playfully fighting with Baekhyun’s.
    Once you were back to your old self, well, really you were a new version of you, everything became so much more enjoyable. There was a whole world out there and it was yours. To celebrate Suho decided to travel around, to show you everything, and to see for himself just how beautiful and peaceful the world now was. His brothers were excited for it as well, having not seen the planet either, been in a deep sleep for as long as they’ve been here.
“Shall we go up?”
    A vine wrapped around your waist and carried you up to the top of the tower. You were excited as you got higher and higher, seeing more and more. Once at the top you looked everywhere, pointing out different plants and flowers that you could see.
“What’s so exciting about this?” Chen asked. “Wouldn’t you be afraid of falling?”
“It’s about being able to see so much. Take in all the beauty around you, then at night, you’re that much closer to the stars.”
“Then we should go higher.”
    Another vine grabbed you and lifted you up. At first you screamed but you knew you would be safe. You could see so much more and it was awesome. You excitedly grabbed Chen, pointing at everything and talking about it. You abruptly stopped when you felt the vine shake and looked down to see Suho waving at you and telling you to come down. Chen stuck his tongue out and the two started bickering telepathically until a decision was made. You were brought back down and Suho pulled you into his arms, making sure you were fine and had fun.
“It was really pretty, like being in a plane!”
“A plane?” Xiumin wondered. “What’s that?”
“It kinda lets people fly, but safely. Suho owns a few.”
“Yeah but I don’t have a pilot anymore now do I? Besides we don’t need a plane.”
“How about we wander the streets then, see more of this place.”
“Yeah! But I want to get some more sun! It’s really great up here.”
“Alright. A little while longer.”
    Seeing nature retake the planet, mixing and intertwining with what’s left behind, it was all so beautiful. While walking around Suho did some talking, still teaching his brothers about the world, but you got distracted. You saw something shine and were curious as to what it was, following it and stepping away from the group.
    You weren’t scared or worried the others would get mad at you since the world was practically yours. It also wasn’t so easy to get lost, you were still close enough for them to sense you and if not, Yixing could do it no problem. While looking you heard some noises and decided to investigate, going into a building, seeing it was some old restaurant. The design was beautiful and you stumbled into the main dining area and froze, you weren’t alone.
    Suddenly guns were aimed at you, three people staring at you, masks on their face, and tanks on their back. You stepped back, wanting to escape when you felt someone else come up from behind, a knife to your throat. You should have screamed when you had the chance, but now it was best to remain silent. You didn’t know there were any humans left, but then again you did know they were resourceful so this shouldn’t be as surprising.
“You’re not one of them… yet you can breathe the air. How!”
“Answer me!”
“I… I changed my… my genetic makeup… so… so-”
“You were human?”
“Huh… then maybe you can help us.”
“I… I can’t… I don’t remember… how… how I did it…”
“We’ll worry about that later, let’s go.”
“No! No let me go!”
    The plants in the room started coming to life, putting everyone on edge. They knew how to deal with it though, the knife pressed against your throat drew blood and the plants stopped.
“Easy there you green fucks, I’ll kill her.”
“What? I thought-”
“Don’t really need you alive.”
“We’re leaving, let’s go.”
    You were dragged out the way you came, feeling a bit of blood on your neck. You kept your mouth shut but the plants all around were moving, waiting for a chance to strike. Even though you knew everything about your own body, your vines still had a mind of their own. One crept up your back and carefully made its way around the arm holding the knife to your throat and pulled it away. The second you were free you ran off, not caring to know what happened.
    You were quickly snatched up onto a nearby rooftop. You hugged your knees to your chest, one of your vines wrapped softly around your throat to help your wound heal. You needed to find the others, but you were too scared to move. More plants engulfed the building to make sure those below couldn’t get to you. It wasn’t until you heard familiar voices below that you could relax a bit, but not enough to move.
“Resilient little shits aren’t you?” Tao laughed. “It’s kinda cool that some of you are still alive though.”
“Oh a real human?” Baekhyun jumped excitedly. “I thought they looked like us? Not with weird faces.”
“Those are oxygen masks.” Sehun said. “It’s the only way they can stay alive.”
“What’s the point of that though?” Kyungsoo asked. “There’s only so much clean air left on this planet for humans isn’t there? Seems like a waste.”
“It is.” Chanyeol assured. “They’re better as fertilizer. So let’s just kill them outright.”
“Oh come on that’s no fun.” Kai whined. “I thought we could do whatever we wanted here.”
    The little group of survivors were cornered, all possible exits blocked. The only weapons they had were some old guns, definitely not something that would work on them, but it was fun to see the kind of hope they had. Suho didn’t care for the violence that was about to ensue, more concerned with your safety, making his way to the rooftop. When you saw him, you stood and ran into his arms.
“Are you okay, Flower?”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to run off I just saw something and thought-”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay, I’m not mad. Just glad you’re okay.”
    You suddenly heard screaming and tightened your grip on Suho. He made no comment, checking on your cut, glad to see it’s healed, so your vine went away. He helped you down, avoiding the fight that was happening for your own sake. These types of things weren’t supposed to happen anymore, but the world was still full of surprises. He grabbed your head and you could feel the little veins form around where your skin met his.
    You closed your eyes, letting Suho into your head. You knew he messed with your memories a lot, not just to fix you, but for your own good. The world, and your life, before him was a mess and full of pain, there was no point remembering any of that. This encounter was just another bad thing on the list of things you should forget. There was no reason to fight, unless you felt like being funny with him but this wasn’t the time. You fell into his arms, passed out for a moment while the others finished their fun.
“Humans are very squishy.” Baekhyun laughed. “And gooey.”
“It’s disgusting.” Chanyeol mumbled. “The screaming is very annoying.”
“You should hear y/n scream when she and Suho are having fun in the bedroom.” Sehun chuckled. “Much more enjoyable.”
“I will put you back in the ground.” Suho threatened. “You’re lucky y/n didn’t hear that!”
“Oops, but you enjoy it. Also not fair.”
“Find your own partner.”
    Sehun just stuck his tongue out before Tao pulled him into a hug to cheer him up. When you woke up you saw some flower petals moving out of the way and your eyes landed on the Eiffel Tower before you, clearly telling you where you were. You eagerly got out of the giant flower, already running towards the great tourist attraction only to be caught up in Suho’s arms. He kissed your neck, making you giggle.
“And where are you going?”
“Come on, I though we were here to sight see?”
“We are, but promise me you won’t run off? Stay close, I want to see your reaction to all these beautiful places.”
“Okay. Now let’s go! I want to go to the top.”
    Suho let you take his hand and pull him along to the foot of the tower, his brothers following closely behind. He loved that smile and the way your eyes shined, and he’d do anything to protect it. 
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
I listened to the OUAT soundtrack at work again-- you know what that means:
Another SC/OUAT crossover bunny.
Lena is trying to get back to the city when her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. There hasn't been another car in hours, and her cell doesn't have service, so she starts walking back along the way she came, towards the town she passed on the way up. Before long it starts to rain, and when she sees a pair of headlights coming towards her, she's so relieved she forgets to be wary of strangers.
Especially when this stranger is pretty and blonde with the kind of smile that makes Lena's insides feel kind of toasty, in spite of the chill.
Though her savior is heading away from town, Lena accepts a ride to wherever she's heading, and she sits miserable and wet and sniffly in the front seat of the rusty pick up.
Not exactly the kind of steed she expected for her knight in shining armor.
At first things are normal. They get to chatting, superficial stuff at first, but then the conversation turns deeper, so naturally that Lena barely notices. They learn that they're both heading for Metropolis, Lena for home and business, Kara as the destination of a cross country road trip. They learn that they're both orphans, and more strangely that neither of them have any parents of record.
But the moment they start riding together, things start to feel a little... off. Kara's on a road trip up to Metropolis, and isn't too familiar with this area, but there's something about the road bends and mist clouds in front of the highbeams that just isn't right.
"I don't suppose you know if we've taken a wrong turn?" she asks her soaked passenger, who mutely shook her head. They haven't taken any turns since they started.
Despite their disquiet, they press on. The eerie mist melts away under the graying blue of a New England sunrise, and they each heave a sigh of relief when they see the broad welcome sign of a town.
Storybrooke, it's called.
Huh. Lena doesn't remember seeing it on the map. Still, the town is quaint when they reach it, if slightly more Derry than Pleasantville. With empty streets and a giant clock that doesn't work, it barely seems inhabited, but there's a man walking a single Dalmation, and a line of cars is parked in front of a diner further down main street. Granny's, if the neon sign on top of it is any indication.
Kara pulls in as well. "I dunno about you, but I need a strong cup of coffee after that drive. Care to join?"
Tempted, Lena nibbles her lip, but ultimately shakes her head. "I'm going to try finding an auto shop. The rental is going to need a tow."
"Okay, sure. How about I order you a cup in fifteen minutes? That way it'll be warm when you're finished."
Lena smiles. "That'd  be great. Thanks."
"My pleasure."
The grin that accompanies the pleasantry warms Lena better than any coffee as they go their separate ways. Lena finds the auto shop just a few blocks down, but its door is locked and the windows dark, with no phone number or hours in sight.
Well, if anyone is going to know how to get hold of the car guy, it'd probably be someone in the local greasy spoon.
So, she makes her way back up towards the diner, but let's her feet carry her past it and on towards the library and the massive, unmoving clock.
Within the library there's no one to interrupt her casual browse through the stacks, nor prevent her from straying towards the elevator in back. At the press of a button the doors rattle open, and Lena enters with a mind towards heading up-- the clock calls to her, like every other broken thing in need of fixing.
She expects a lock of some kind to stand between her and her goal, but none appear. She steps onto a platform and climbs the short curving stair to where the exposed guts of the clock sit still and lifeless.
Lena intends to only look, and see if maybe she could spot the problem. But before she knows it she's peeled off her still wet coat and is elbow deep in oily grease, taking cogs off and on with the help of a toolbox left on the landing.
She's just putting the last piece back in place when a voice from behind her causes her to jump.
"Who are you?"
Whirling, Lena fumbles to catch the broad cog she nearly drops. She finds a sharp-featured woman with short dark hair standing on the stairs, glaring at her.
"And what are you doing up here."
"I noticed your clock wasn't working, so I--"
"Thought you would fix a priceless historical town artifact?"
Lena grits her teeth, grimacing. "Let me guess," she drawls. "You're about to tell me the clock hasn't worked since the exact moment of the great flood and the frozen hands stand as a monument to those who died."
Marching up the last two steps, the woman surprises Lena by allowing a smile. "No. This thing hasn't worked in..." The woman frowns for a moment, thinking. "Living memory."
She seems surprised by that fact. But then she tilts her head, and pegs Lena with a hard stare. "I was going to say that you took more initiative than any of the 1,200 residents in Storybrooke." She smirks. "So, did you?"
"I have no idea," Lena answers honestly. "Im good with my hands, but to be honest I've never seen a clock quite like this. It's fascinating."
She shrugs, and slots the last cog onto its peg. They watch it for a moment, and Lena fiddles for a moment more, but nothing happens. Oh well.
Lena plucks a dusty rag from the toolbox and wipes her hands.
"I'm Lena." The hand she offers is still visibly grimy, but the woman shakes it anyway.
"Mayor Mills."
Her hand is warm and strong in Lena's, and Lena can feel the press of every finger-- the kind of handshake she's found among painters, pianists, flutists. It's the grip of someone good with their hands, and an artist besides.
"What brings you to Storybrooke?" the Mayor asks. "Despite how it looks, we're not exactly a tourist town."
"Car broke down," Lena supplies. "Caught a ride in with another driver who was kind enough to pick up a miserable woman in the rain."
"And where's she?"
Lena studies the woman. "I never said they were a woman."
"Rain or not, you don't seem the type to get in a car with a strange man."
"She's waiting for me down at Granny's," Lena concedes with a smile. She glances at her watch. Oops. Her coffee is definitely cold. "I should probably get back to her, actually-- back to meet her, I mean. Before she thinks I hitched out without her."
The mayor watches her with a scrutinous gaze as she reclaims her coat. Lena gazes back, folding her coat over one arm. "You asked what I was doing up here... is it common practice for the mayor to come up to a broken clocktower?"
A shrug answers her. "I don't know about other mayors, but I do. I spend quite a bit of time up here, actually."
That same confusion from before reappears, crinkling the woman's brow, as though it were the first time she'd ever had to think about it. "I'm not sure..." comes the soft reply. "The quiet, perhaps."
Oddly, Lena feels like she understands. As a child, she'd spent countless parties seeking shreds of solitude in shadowed corners, a habit that persisted through boarding school and then college. Even now, she'd been drawn to the quietest spot in a silent town.
The mayor seems as unsettled as Lena, who lets it go with an awkward smile. "Well, sorry again for just letting myself in, Mayor Mills. Thanks for not arresting me for trespassing."
"That would be the Sheriff's job, not mine," Mayor Mills quips as she leads the way back to the elevator. "And lucky for you, Storybrooke happens to be short a sheriff."
Lena grins. "My lucky day."
The mayor walks her all the way back to Granny's, and their conversation continues easily. For all her cool affect, Mayor Mills is magnetic, quick and astute in a way that Lena thinks would do well in a board room.
By the time they reach the diner, Lena finds herself itching to know more. Not the way she wants to know Kara better, who she wants to drink in from head to toe and savor every taste. No, Lena wants to know Mayor Mills in the same way she wanted to fix the clock-- like her story is a puzzle Lena needs to tease apart, untangling knotted threads to reveal a tapestry.
Before she can even try to bid the mayor farewell, Kara comes bounding out of the diner to meet her. Her smile seems unperturbed by the fact Lena has stood her up for a good half hour.
"I've been talking to Granny-- she owns the diner-- and she says she also has a bed and breakfast down the road. She has a room available we could take!"
Lena stares, and Kara flushes. "I mean, she has a room available, if-- if you... I didn't mean to-- actually, why don't you take it? I can camp out in my truck, no problem. Or, I mean, I could leave, if you don't need that ride--"
"For the love of god, stop talking," Mayor Mills cuts in sharply. "Any more digging and you'll find yourself halfway to China."
The words are biting, and while Lena thinks she detects a hint of amusement, Kara colors even deeper, and swallows thickly as her bright eyes dim and avert themselves to her shoes.
"Got tired of bullying citizens already, mayor?" drawls a leggy brunette with red streak in her hair. Her skirt is as short as Lena's were, once upon a time, and the blotchy rips and tears in her fishnets scream fuck you as loud as her tone. "Had to move on to the tourists?"
"Dismissing petty grievances isn't bullying, Ruby," the Mayor returns glibly. "That's just good government."
"Won't be so petty when it's your yard that spotted mutt is shitting in."
"I didn't mean to assume we would be sharing,"  Kara murmured, leaning in to speak low enough only Lena could hear. "I'm pretty sure it's a single anyway, so really, I don't mind spending the night in the truck."
Lena regarded her for a long moment, absorbing the picture of her with her scuffed boots worrying the gravel underfoot and her hands fisted in the pocket of her hoodie. Now that the sun has fully risen, Lena finds Kara all the more alluring, with the sun glinting against strands of hair that were impossibly near the same color.
Feeling crusty by comparison in her slowly drying clothes and scraggly damp hair, Lena’s a little surprised that Kara wants to spend a single second more with her.
"You're going to stay?" she asks.
"Oh, well... it didn't look like you found any help with the car, and I'm not in any rush, so I figured I'd stick around until you had a ride worked out. Unless-- if you'd rather I left..."
"No," Lena says quickly. "No, I wouldn't."
Just like that, Kara's features return to life with a giant smile to put the sun to shame. Wow.
Lena clears her throat. "And for the room, I guess I wouldn't mind, if...."
"Don't be ridiculous."
Mayor Mills turns back to their conversation as though she'd never left. Over her shoulder, Ruby saunters up the steps into the diner, throwing a blind middle finger over her shoulder. Lena struggles to keep a smile off her face.
"There's no need for anyone to share," the Mayor continues. "You're welcome to my guest room, while your..."
"Kara," Kara supplies.
"While Kara takes the room at the B&B."
Now it's Lena's turn to flush. "I couldn't impose--"
"If it were an imposition I would have offered." Somehow, it feels like a scold.
Shooting a glance towards Kara, Lena receives an unhelpful shrug in return. "All right. I'd be happy to pay for the night--"
"Provide me some decent conversation over dinner," Mayor Mills allows, "and we'll call it even. You'd be surprised how little stimulation one finds in a small town."
Lena accepts with a nod. "It would be my pleasure, then. Is Kara invited?"
The mayor's features freeze, confirming that the invitation had been meant for Lena only. But before a hollow inclusion could be offered, Kara pipes up.
"Oh, I actually have plans for tonight," she says. "I was talking to some of the locals while I was waiting, and Mary Margaret-- one of the teachers at the local K-12-- invited us over. I already accepted for me, so I guess I'll just tell her you have somewhere else to be."
"Mary Margaret," the Mayor observes, her tone edging on snide. She pinches a tight smile in Kara's direction. "Yes, I daresay you'll both be in good company."
It doesn't sound like a compliment. Before either of them can respond, the mayor continues.
"I'll show you to the house, and let you use the en suite to wash up. I might even be able to scrounge up some dry clothes for you."
Lena allows herself to be led away. "That... would be amazing. Thank you."
Shooting one last glance over her shoulder, Lena offers Kara a sorry smile, and earns a little wave good-bye in return. Looking comfy and warm, Lena's new friend looks at home in this small quiet town.
Lena thinks maybe she could be at home here too.
But first, a shower.
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mermurder · 5 years
Pretty Little Square - a Jotaro/reader fanfic
i was just a smal baby weeb when i wrote my last fan fiction but the time has come (aka i started watching jjba and hoe out for all the Joestars)
Basically reader is stuck watching Jotaro during detention and things get a little rocky. No smut or nothin��� (yet ;000) but there are some swearsies w/ one directed at the reader so theres that. like i said this is my first fan fic in many moons so is probably trash. Enjoy!
Being at school this late was really starting to creep you out. The empty hallways and classrooms had a very strange aura to them. Like you were in some horror movie. You’d usually wouldn't be here this late if it wasn’t for one of your teachers asking for your help. He had to watch over the kids in detention today but had to leave due to some sort of family emergency. At the last minute he begged you to stay and take their place and you couldn’t say no. As class president, he knew he could trust you to watch over the troublemakers. Actually just one troublemaker. Before he left he handed you a sticky note letting you know who would be coming. Jotaro Kujo was the only name written down. Would he even bother coming? You weren’t even sure what he was in detention for, this time at least. It didn’t matter, he’s done all sorts of things that landed him in hot water. Even almost gotten expelled a few times. If it wasn’t for his saint of a mother he would have been kicked out a long time ago. 
She was such a nice lady, when you and Jotaro used to pal around she treated you like her own daughter. You and Jotaro actually used to be really close. Before your parents divorced you lived in the same neighborhood as the Kujos. Even though you were children your parents teased that you and Jotaro were little lovebirds. In reality you just did the normal things kids used to do. Played in the playground and watched after school cartoons. You two stayed friends all the way until high school. That was when Jotaro changed. The normal, kind kid you grew up with turned into a cold and sometimes cruel person. Now that you were class president you denied ever even knowing him, worried your reputation would suffer if anyone knew you used to hang around with him. You’d never dare tell anyone you used to have a crush on him either.
You sighed and raised your hand to block the setting sun from getting in your eyes. You leaned against the desk in the front of the classroom, waiting. The watch on your wrist showed three fifty-nine PM. Detention started at four. If he wasn’t here by fifteen past you’d leave. You weren’t going to sit here when you could be home studying and applying for scholarships. The classroom door creaked open and you turned to look. Holy shit he actually came. Jotaro stood in the doorway. His hands in his pockets and hat pulled down to shade his eyes.
“Where’s Mr. Ishimura?” he questioned in his signature monotone. You pushed yourself off the desk. “He had something he needed to attend to. He asked me to watch you instead.” Jotaro scoffed and let out a quiet ‘whatever’ and walked over to one of the desks in the middle of the room. He plopped himself down in his seat and propped his feet up on the desk. Just an hour of babysitting and you could finally go home. 
You decided to take a seat at the teacher’s desk. Pulling a book out of your bag you cracked it open and began reading. It was a book about some female warrior destined to fight against evil and defend her people. Your friend pleaded that you read it so you could go with her to see the movie when it came out. Humoring her, you'd already gotten to about the middle. The protagonist was starting to fall in love with the bad boy who’d cast himself out of the village. He was gruff and flippant towards her. But she was drawn to his charms like a moth to a flame. Barf. Who would actually fall for his crap?
The sound of a can cracking open yanked you out of your thoughts. You peered over your book to look at Jotaro. You hoped he just opened a can of soda but this was Jotaro Kujo we’re talking about. He leisurely took a sip from his beer as his eyes darted back and forth across the pages of a book. Was it worth the effort to get up and ask him to stop? Exhaling through your nose, you got up and walked around the desk to stand in front of Jojo. He either didn’t notice you were in front of him or didn’t care. Probably the latter. “Jotaro.” you said, hands on your hips. No response. “Jojo.” Oops you didn’t mean to call him by your childhood nickname for him but it seemed to get his attention. He stared up at you past the brim of his hat. It felt like he was glaring daggers into you. “You know what I’m going to say don’t you?” There was a pleading tone in your voice. Maybe just once he would behave. To your surprise he held out the can to you loosely. You snatched it away from him and gave him a disappointed look. It was practically empty already. Turning away you intended to keep the can to throw out somewhere else, you didn’t want the janitors finding an empty can of beer and thinking you had something to do with it. There was still a small amount of liquid still in the can though. Without thinking you brought the can to your lips and chugged down what was left. Behind you a soft chuckle came from Jotaro. 
“I guess the rumors going around are true then.” He mumbled, not quite intending for you to hear but the silence of the room made it audible. You turned on your heel to face Jojo. “What do you mean?” You asked, equal parts insult and curiosity hanging off your words. He didn’t even bother looking up from his book. “Everyone knows that the senior class president isn’t as straight laced as she makes herself out to be.” Okay sure you had a habit of having a smoke or two after school. And sometimes you’d sneak your dad’s beers if you were up late studying. It wasn’t something you were proud of but it was true. There was nothing to be done about the rumors, it wasn’t the gossip that pissed you off anyway. “You’re one to talk.” Your words cut through the air like a knife. Jotaro’s shoulders tensed and finally for the first time in the past half an hour he’d been with you he looked you straight in the eye. Placing his book on the desk he stood from his seat, towering over you. He looked down at your tiny form. You’d forgotten how piercing his blue eyes were. “What's that supposed to mean.” Your words were sharp but by far his were more intimidating. What had you gotten yourself into?
A familiar heat grew on our face. It was embarrassing being called out on your words. But more than that you were angry. Bottling up how you felt about Jotaro would do you no good. He was here, he had no choice but to hear what you had to say. “I’m so sick of your attitude…” Getting the words out of your mouth was already hard enough, looking Jojo in the eye was impossible. Jotaro was silent. You had no idea what his reaction was but after a short pause you kept speaking. “I might have my own problems but you act like such a jackass!” Gaining more confidence you stepped back and looked up at Jojo. With his hands in his pockets he once again had his hat covering his face. It cast an ominous shadow over his eyes. There was no way to tell what he was thinking. But you could tell he was listening. You already called this giant man a jackass, might as well keep going. 
“You act like you’re better than everyone else, its so annoying. I hate it, everyone hates it! Everyone's too afraid to call you out because they're afraid you’re gonna kick their ass.” The hands at your side balled up into fists. “You’re just...you’re a completely different person.” The frustration you were feeling made it hard to form sentences but you kept firing off anyway. “I remember when we used to play together. You were so nice back then. You loved going to the aquarium and spending time with your mom. Now you act like a complete bastard to everyone! This tough guy act you put on isn’t cool Jojo. I used to like you…now I just wish you’d snap out of it and act right.” Barely audible you added one last thing. “I miss the old Jojo.” 
Years of hearing about Jotaro getting in trouble had manifested into anger about the person you used to know. In your freshman year together you sometimes day dreamed of what it would be like to be Mrs. Kujo. You tried to push the silly thoughts about your best friend down until eventually you didn’t have to. The two of you drifted apart. Jotaro became a delinquent. You became a good student and class president. Feelings of infatuation morphed into anger. You lost your closest friend and now he treated everyone like shit. Now is was all finally out. The impromptu vent session actually felt nice. But now you had to deal with the consequences. 
Before you knew it Jotaro was right in front of you and invading your personal space. He glared into your eyes and managed to trap you between his body and the desk next to you. He leaned down just enough to be able to be face to face to you. “Listen to me.” He growled through his teeth. “Just because our parents made us go on play dates doesn’t mean you know me like the back of your hand. I grew up, things changed. It's time for you to do the same.” He was close enough to you that you could smell the cologne and cigarette smoke on him. You were terrified but also strangely excited. “I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me. I’ll do whatever the hell I damn well please. You have no idea what I've been through or what I’m going through. So you don’t have the fucking right to chew me out about how I’ve changed.” Your eyes began to water and you closed your eyes to prevent the tears from coming, in addition to turning your head away so he wouldn't see you cry. Just like you Jojo had one final thing to say. “The last thing I need is you mouthing off at me and acting like a little bitch!” He didn’t yell at you but his raised voice echoed off the walls of the room. It was enough to finally force tears from you. One or two streamed down your cheek and you felt your lip begin to quiver. You couldn’t figure out why this hurt so bad. You didn’t care about some loser like Jojo anymore. Right?
When you opened your eyes again Jojo was still in front of you but standing straight at his normal height. He looked down on you but he didn’t look pissed like you thought he would. He actually looked kind of sad. The words he said replayed in your head over and over again. The tears came quicker and your chest began to tighten. “Just... just get out.” you mumbled between sniffles. You didn’t want to be around him anymore or for him to see you cry. Though it’s probably too late for that. Jojo collected his things and obeyed. You looked at him as he walked out the door and he gave you a look back. After waiting a moment you let the tears fall as they pleased.
Detention ended early that day. You didn’t care. After that you never saw or heard from Jojo again. He would creep into your mind from time to time but you’d quickly try to think of something else. Now that you were in college you couldn’t waste time thinking about stuff like that. Sometimes you could swear you’d saw someone who looked just like him on campus, but there was no way. A delinquent like him probably ended up on the streets or something.
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chnsfairy · 6 years
name please ? | han jisung
words ; 3,441
genre ; fluff, a bit of crack
requested ; yes, who prompt 1;iv ( @skzrequests )
warnings ; barista!reader, guitarist!jisung, like two curse words
a/n ; ok so i bent the prompt juST a lil bit but it has the same general idea and i think it turned out ok so i hope you enjoy it lovely !
m.list in bio
“you know y/n, one day you’re gonna have to learn how to make latte art properly,, ( ̄  ̄|||)” woojin complains before once again guiding your hand over the small mug which at this point is just a huge mess
“and on your own”
( ̄ε ̄@) ( ̄ε ̄@) meanie
“you’ve been what ? working here for half a year and you still dont know how-” woojin tried to continue, but unfortunately for him, his attempt to teach you how to correctly use steamed milk has come to a crashing halt as a loud bang followed by groans was heard by the front door
you turned on your heel and headed towards the front of the counter,, trying to figure out what exactly caused the ruckus in the usually peaceful coffee shop
excluding your’s and woojin’s bickering in the back
“uhhhh excuse me ???” you ask,, carefully peering over to the giant mess that was now on the floor
“you ok sir ?” (・人・)
sprawl across the floor, carrying a guitar case, it seemed as if the stranger misinterpreted both the speed he was entering the door at and the size of the case,, cause it seemed he got caught at the door ahfjksadhfkjsa poor kid (。╯︵╰。)
he came dressed in some simple ripped light jeans, white t-shirt, and light jacket, plus his fluffy brown hair messily laying atop his head as if he just got out of bed
i mean who knows maybe he did
yes he did
“aH ! im um,, so sorry im late....”
after finally collecting himself the stranger stood up and picked up his guitar case,, pink tinting his face from embarrassment and like...you know... he kinda cute (*/ω\)
no tea no shade
especially when he started messing with his already messy hair yeah there was no use trying to fix that mess but uWU LOOK AT HIS CHEEKS AND SPARKLY BROWN EYES AHHH !!!! (/▽\*)。o○♡
woah woah there cool in y/n he just walked in
it’s not your fault he just happens to be absolutely adorable
but maybe it would be best to stop staring at him,,,, 
when the boy started walking towards the counter you found yourself quickly shuffling behind woojin, who was now confused, as you pushed him up front to handle with the newcomer,,  
“hi so i was hired a couple days ago to play a few nights a week ?? this is the right place yeah ? im sure i got the address right....if n-”
woojin interrupted his ramblings before he could continue any further,, bless him
“ oh !! so thats who the boss was talking about !! yeah let me just head back to make eveything’s in order, um y/n can you get him a drink or something ?”
walking away from you he left you completely exposed,, giving the other boy across from you an awkward laugh you grabbed woojin’s shirt quickly to stop him from leaving
“woojin you didnt tell me we were getting a new guitarist !!” you whispered harshly
“ᵒʳ ᵃ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ”
“well sorry i didnt think it was important ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
“does our friendship mean nothing to you”
woojin laughs quietly as he walks through the the door leaving you alone with the cafe’s new guitarist who just so happens to be looking like a whole ass model
“so um,, ” you started nervously,, mAN who thought this one person you make you so fLUSTERED JHASKKSAFKL
“want anything to drink ?”
after staring at menu up on the wall for a couple seconds the guitarist gave you a small smile JHFJKAGJISFIJEHUIGH before nodding his head
“sure can i have an iced latte ?”
out of habit you immediately asked “name please ?”
“oh you know... just your friendly neighborhood squirrel”
(・・ ) ? (・・ ) ? (・・ ) ?
you eyed the boy who was now leaning up against the counter smiling to himself
“i- oh come on wh-”
“thats the name,, you better write it down”
sighing to yourself you carefully wrote it down,, not necessarily sure if you even need to but who cares
as the musician pulled out his wallet to pay you put up your hand to stop him
cause no way you were letting this cute boy pay for his drink
plus he’s an employee as well
“it’s on the house”
“no please let me pay for it ( `ε´ )”
so without anyone else there to help, you stepped away from the register and started prepare this strange guitarist’s drink
quietly laughing to yourself as you do so
moments later woojin walks back through the door and out from behind the counter and motions for mystery boy to follow him towards the small stage the cafe had
it was small and shoved into a corner, all wooden as most of the cafe was and it was covered with many different plants and decorated with fairy lights
vv aesthetic if you do say so yourself
then in the center of it was a stool and microphone for performer to set up with and use when they were performing
a couple months ago you had a band play here on friday’s so you had some other equipment in the back but it seemed unnecessary for a simple acoustic guitar 
you watched as the boy looked at the fairy lights and the actually quiet beautiful set up in awe
the musician started to unpack his guitar case as you finished off his drink and started walking towards the stage where woojin was showing him where everything was
“you know now that i really think about it ‘squirrel’ kinda suits you”
the sparkly eyed boy laughed as you handed him his drink,, unknowing of what you should say you ended up standing there awkwardly for a few seconds before  realizing there was another customer back at the register
“ah- i should,, probably go” you said jabbing your thumb towards the counter before awkwardly heading back
you dont even know his name....(。•́︿•̀。) (。•́︿•̀。) (。•́︿•̀。)
lil thot wont give it to you
but thats ok
if he wants to play it like this then thats fINE
you can deal with that
by the time you had finished helping out the other customer you started to hear the sweet sound of an acoustic guitar being played throughout the coffee shop
“you know he’s not half bad,,,”
woojin had returned from helping the musician get settled and soon found his regular spot on a stool in the corner
“yeah,, he’s pretty good isn’t he”
and then a few minutes later you found yourself completely absorbed in the brunette’s angelic voice filling the shop, his guitar only making it even more beautiful
your staring was soon interrupted by woojin pushing you off to the side so he could help a lady who had walked in about a minute ago,, which you hadn’t realized (>﹏<) oops
“y/n would you like to go take your break ?”
(´♡‿♡`)  (´♡‿♡`)  (´♡‿♡`)
“ can i ???”
woojin motioned you to go once again,, and as you were already so distracted it wouldn’t have made much of a difference
you found yourself sitting at an empty table in the corner,, you’ve heard some other guitarists perform many times in your life but this one takes the cake
you’re not too sure what it is about him but,,, he just looked and sounded so sincere with every word he sang ??? the guitar and him looked like they were a single creature,, knowing exactly how to work as one
it was just really beautiful
he was playing a cover of a song you’ve heard a few times before called ‘better days’ by jaie,, he also seemed to have ended up adding some extra elements to fit his voice better and overall it made an incredible impact
almost everyone else in the cafe had their eyes on the musician singing up front who looked so immersed in his music there would’ve been no time for stage fright
“i’ve had my better days, and you’ve had your better days too” he sang quietly
soon after the song had ended there was a light applause from the customers in the coffee shop,, including you who soon.... realized that you need a paycheck....
yeah ok the cute boy is gonna have to wait we gotta get that bread kids
(╥_╥) (╥_╥)
after making the short walk back to your position behind the counter where woojin found his spot once again on his stool until he had to go make up some drinks you started to hear an acoustic version of million dollar man by lana del rey flow through the cafe
it was simple and elegant and you felt kinda sad you couldnt sit and watch :(((((
there was only a couple hours left before you had to close up so you guess it wasnt that bad,, at least you got to listen to some pretty music during the normally slow and quiet closing shift
honestly at this rate you might fall asleep if the guitarist kept the atmosphere this peaceful,, i mean you weren’t complaining bUT THAT PROBABLY WOULDN’T LOOK GOOD TO THE BOSS
so instead you ended up reading for the most of the time until all the customers had all left and woojin had begun wiping down tables and sweeping floors as mystery boy packed up his guitar and papers
then after you finished cleaning up the counter and throwing all the trash out back you collected your own belongings and changed back into your own plain jeans and sweatshirt before clocking out for the day
as you headed back towards the front you saw woojin talking to the unnamed guitarist and waved at the pair before finally walking out the door and into the early spring air
“bye jinnie !! i’ll see you tomorrow !”
nodding his head woojin continued to chat with the brunette as you started heading down the block and towards your apartment
man,,, why did he have to be so cute ??! >:((((
(ノ_<、) you’ll have to get it from him tomorrow
aAAH even if it’s the last thing you have to do
ok so maybe you went to sleep thinking about the sparkly eyed boy who played beautiful guitar and had an aMAZING voice but like ajdhjsahd who wouldn’t
the next day was mainly the same,,, you had your regulars and a few newcomers who just so happened to be in the neighborhood and stopped in for a drink
and of course the guitarist walked back into the shop a little after 4,, this time slightly more put together 
his hair was styled a bit and looked even better but how the fuck is that possible,, today he was also wearing a leather jacket over a yellow hoodie and black jeans
although you hadn’t realized he’d come in yet ahjksfhasdjk
but when you finally looked up you were pleasantly surprised
“what are you a ninja ? ”
“yes y/n,, i am in fact a ninja ”
“it’s on your name tag”
“oh yeah”
you slightly pouted at the boy in front of you who had become slightly amused by your reaction,, you were cute uwu
“and what would you like today ?” you proceeded as you tried to keep the conversation going
“hmm how about a cappuccino”
he responded after a couple of seconds
you sighed once again before talking out a paper cup sharpie in hand
“and name ?”
"you said it yourself,,, im a ninja”
you laughed again before rolling your eyes as you scribbled down ‘ninja’ on the cup
“you’re funny you know that ?”
the male shrugged his shoulders and picked up his guitar case once again
he then laughs hysterically before heading back towards the lit stage,, leaving you puzzled
“heY uM woojin ????” you needed to find that man to help do the steamed milk,,, or maybe the whole drink all together
luckily he just came back from his break when you shoved the paper cup into his hands
“ninja ?”
“dont ask. pretty art. make. plEASE ? (ಥ﹏ಥ)” you had started tugging on your friends sleeve because you just really didnt want to give a cute boy a cappuccino without pretty art on it :(((
“fine fine fine,, but this is the LAST time,,, im teaching you this weekend i swear...”
“woojin i loveeeee youuuu” (´ ε ` )♡
“(¬_¬) i know”
minutes later after the musician had gotten set up and with his pretty decorated cappuccino the sweet sound of his voice and guitar filled the air,, having all other customers in the room turn their heads to find exactly where it was coming from
especially as he started doing a cover of instagram by dean,, which was yA KNOW AMAZING
he continued to play for a couple hours until you had to close up,, although every so often he ended up glancing your way,, to find that you were also watching he quickly turned away as he felt his face heat up (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) 
lucky you,, he didnt see you freak out at the exact same time
and thats basically how it went every day for a while
the still unnamed guitarist would walk in some time after 4, ordered a drink and then played for a couple hours before it was time to close up
nothing out of the ordinary
i mean maybe nOT GIVING HIS NAME 
oh why dont you ask, you question ????
“ok real name this time”
“y/n i’ve already told you”
ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ NO
“well tell me again”
“yeah i decided that it changed today”
sighing you completely gave up on this argument and motioned back to the sharpie in your hand 
“kermit the frog.” he said before crossing his arms in a fake pout
“fuck you i love kermit the frog”
“oh i didn’t know you loved me”
“nO I- HNGG T^T ....φ(・∀・*)”
you once again angrily scribbled down this boys fake name,, damn you just wanted to knoW AHHH !!! (╥﹏╥)
those were days where five minute arguments were involved with the name picking yet there were others that lasted only 30 seconds
“ __〆( ̄ー ̄ ) and name please ?”
“yeah no im just leaving this here today”
so after a couple weeks it was just a thing between the two of you
it was your bit per-say
ok maybe you have a tiny crush on the guy but like ???? who wouldn’t ???? he’s just AHhfhasjkf 
words cant properly explain it
the two of you clicked almost immediately and you dont feel as if it would be completely wrong to call him a friend
except most friends know each other’s name...so there’s that bit to work out
so after a month of random names on paper cups you had a mission today to get this cute boy’s name on his drink today >:(
“ok please please please please please please your name????” 
he gave you another one of his bright smiles before simply saying “han”
( ̄_ ̄)・・・ “han what?”
“just han”
(¯ . ¯٥) the lil liar
you know it’s a last name you’re nOT STUPID
“it’s my stage name”
“\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶// WELL THAT DOESN’T COUNT”
you pouted once again at your failed attempt to get his real name,,, the meanie,,, why does he tease you like this >:ccc
but you gotta get paid so you grumpily write down his stage name on the cup as he walked over to the stage
“get his name yet ?” woojin comes up from behind you as you hand him the cup
“no :((( bUT why cant you tell me ????”
“i’ve been sworn to secrecy”
“wHY IS KEEPING A NAME A SECRET” you argue as you watch woojin prepare the drink
“because he finds you cute when you get flustered like this”
“bECAUSE IT’S JUST A NAME LIKE- wait what (・・ ) ”
“oops that was another secret soRRy”
you turned back around and grabbed your friends shoulders and shook him probably a bit too violently
“what pact ?????”
“it was an unspoken pact.”
“thEN HOW AM I- you know what never mind i shouldn’t question your insanity” he waved you off so he could finish making ‘han’s drink leaving you both flustered and confused behind the counter as his guitar soon started filling the empty sounding coffee shop
about two hours later there only remained a few other people left so you decided to take your break for the evening as by now there probably wouldnt be much to do
soon a new song had started playing throughout the cafe and your head turned to see the guitarist giving you a shy smile
it was one you had never heard before so the gentle acoustic guitar and han’s comforting voice drew you back towards one of the shop’s tables where you then sat until all other customers ended up leaving
as the two of you were completely unaware of woojin cleaning up the shop, han continued playing and you continued listening to the mystery song before woojin shouted from the back room, forcing you to break eye contact and awkwardly smile at the guitarist
“y/n im clocking you out ok ?!” 
“ ok !!” you shouted back before once again turning towards han who was now packing up his case
“what was that last song?”
he muscician scratched the back of his neck before laughing sightly
“uhh it was an original although i haven’t actually titled it yet,, i just wanted to test it out”
“oh wow !! well it was really good, you have my approval ☆⌒(≧▽° )”
“woah really ? thank you that mean a lot...”
(・人・) (・人・) (・人・)
ok woojin it would be great if you could just walk in here and break the awkward silence by now hnNG
“sorry what ??”
“han jisung,,, thats my name”
“i think you deserve it by now”
Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°)
oh shit (o_O)
well you certainly did not mean to say that out loud
“oops sorry heheheheh”
jisung was GONE
this barista who he had been secretly pining over for a month just called him cute all his insides are just HJSADHKJAKDSA
help the poor boy
his stomach is doing flips as we speak
i mean he couldn’t just leave it as is 
“so um,, does that mean i can take you out to coffee sometime ?”
(;;;*_*) (;;;*_*)
“although unless you dont want to-”
“i get that like you kinda just learned my name”
“not too sure why that was kept a secret so long but- what?”
“jisung 1. ahhh cute name, 2. yes, i’d love to (/。\)”
jisung gave you another one of his adorable bright smiles that felt as if it could light up a whole room,, which is did as always,, although this time he looked almost even happier
and for once you went to sleep without racking your brain for ideas as to what his name could be
bonus ;
“although if you give them something other than your name i will leave”
“like did me saying ‘name please ?’ cause you to freak out or something ?? honestly i’m very curious”
“wELL when it just so happens to be someone looking very cute...yes i did,,,,”
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