#twdg allison
ericsonclan · 11 months
Willy: Aww you had a crush on me? That’s so embarrassing!
Allison: We’re married
Willy: Still
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lovemea-malia · 8 years
Looking for blogs to follow: 
Teen Wolf:
Malia Tate
Scott McCall
Kira Yukimura
No hating on Stalia, Stydia okay!
All the ladies <3 (Especially Erica)
The Walking Dead: 
The Walking Dead Game
Fear the Walking Dead
Must love Richonne
Game of Thrones:
Sansa Stark
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ericsonclan · 2 years
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Merry Christmas Eve! Enjoy our expertly curated TWDG gingerbread cookies to celebrate the season!
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Prisha: Violet, where's Allison?
Violet, confused: What are you talking about, she's right here. *looks at empty spot*
Prisha, panicked: WHERE'S OUR CHILD 
Violet, panicking as well: SHIT
*Both of them panics while Allison watches from afar eating ice cream*
Allison, sighing: I love my life
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Willy: I’d do anything for you!
Allison: Thanks, babe
Willy: I’d eat trash!
Allison: No, don’t do tha-
Willy: I ate trash!
Allison: See, that doesn’t really help me-
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ericsonclan · 2 years
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Decided to share how our OCs celebrate the holidays
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Perfect To Us
Summary: Allison and Willy work together to find the perfect Christmas tree.
Word Count: 1857
Read on AO3:
Allison felt a chill run up her legs as she walked down the small hallway that led to the living room. The apartment had always been shitty when it came to temperature but now that winter had rolled around it was really cold. The heat in the apartment had crapped out late last night which meant that with any luck on their side the super would get it fixed within the next few days. Allison wasn’t holding out on that luck though and instead had gone out with Willy to pick up two small portable heaters for the apartment. One was currently struggling to warm up the bedroom while the other seemed to be doing a good enough job for Bunso who was curled up on the floor. The cat snored softly as his chest slowly rose and fell with his breathing. Some hisses drew Allison’s attention over to Garbage who seemed content with the tiny Santa hat that Willy had put on the possum’s head late last night. The possum sat in her chewed-up bed, staring over blankly at Allison.
“Yeah, yeah, good morning to you too, you little shit,” Allison wandered into the kitchen and searched around, trying to remember where she had put the coffee grounds she had gotten recently. After a few minutes of searching she successfully found them and started to work on getting some coffee ready, praying that the old piece of shit coffee maker would last until after the holidays.
She stared at the coffee maker, listening to it whistle with effort as it churned out what was sure to be half-assed coffee. A loud meow made her look over to see Bunso make his way over. The gray and white cat purred loudly as he continuously tried to get on his hind legs to headbutt against Allison.
“What? You excited for coffee?” Allison asked and received a bright meow in response. Bunso continued to shower Allison with affection until he decided his paws were getting too cold and wandered back to curl by the heater. Allison shook her head goodnaturedly then worked to pour herself a cup of coffee. She looked in the fridge and took out the cartoon of half n half. Twisting off the cap, she sniffed it, pondered for a second then sniffed it again. With a shrug she poured it into her cracked Christmas mug. Eh, it smelled fresh enough for her. Just as she finished up she heard her boyfriend’s lively footsteps in the hallway. Before Allison had a chance to look his way Willy’s hyper voice appeared.
“Allie! Gooood morning!” Willy slid over in his festive green and red socks, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend’s waist as they both awkwardly spun around in the tiny kitchen. The sound of his laughter tickled Allison’s ear causing a soft smile to appear on her lips.
“Morning. Looks like you slept alright?”
“Yep! The bed is chilly without you though so I figured it was time to get up. I bet I slept in a lot!” Willy reached in his pocket and took out his phone to check the time. 6:15 AM. “Well, maybe I didn’t sleep in a lot after all.”
“You don’t have to be up, you can go back to sleep,” Allison offered as she brushed her hands along her boyfriend’s hoodie.
“Mmmm, nope, I’m up now so what do you want for breakfast?” Willy asked as he untangled his arms from his girlfriend and started to poke around the kitchen. The options were limited to put it nicely.
“I don’t care, whatever we have is fine with me. I’m gonna feed Bunso and Garbage,” Allison walked over to grab some wet cat food and other food safe for possums.
“Okay, I’ll whip us up something amazing!” Willy opened up his phone and started up some Christmas music before returning to his task. It was gonna be a killer breakfast for his killer girlfriend.
“Ta-da! Your festive breakfast!” Willy placed down a paper plate that had a few bites worth of scrambled eggs, two slices of bacon and a gingerbread flavored poptart.
“Looks great, babe, thanks,” Allison sat down and let Bunso hop up onto her lap to be a part of the family breakfast. Allison gave the cat some head scratches but paused when she saw that her boyfriend had less food than her.
“You sure that’s enough for you?”
“Hmm? Yep!” Willy grinned then took a sip of the coffee before grimacing. “Nope, still don’t like black coffee.”
“Shit, I guess I used the last of the half and half,” Allison sighed and thought for a minute. Without waiting for her boyfriend’s protests she swapped their coffee mugs then tossed over a piece of bacon onto his plate.
“It’s fine, you like bacon more than I do and I like black coffee more so it works,” She took a sip of the coffee then started to eat.
Willy knew she would be too stubborn to accept the bacon back so he happily munched on it. “Okay, but next time we fry up bacon you’re gonna have more.”
“Deal,” Allison smiled when she saw her boyfriend’s smile and so the two of them enjoyed their breakfast together. Once that was done Allison worked on the dishes only to shiver when she felt the cold water hit her hands.
“Wait, Allie, you don’t have your reindeer socks and hoodie,”
“Eh, it’s okay,” Allison shrugged but her boyfriend was already off like a shot. WIthin seconds he had returned and was putting her socks on for her.
“Can’t let you get a cold around Christmas. That would suck,” He rose to his feet and helped get the hoodie on his girlfriend.
It took Allison a few seconds to realize it was one of his.
“Oh, shit, I can keep looking for one of your hoodies.”
“No, I like yours. It’s comfy,” Allison disappeared further into the hoodie, feeling a warmth enter her heart.
“Okay, hey so I was thinking that it would be fun to get a Christmas tree soon. I know we don’t have a lot of money but…” Willy looked down at the ground and brushed his foot back and forth for a second.
“Let’s go today,” Allison smiled when she saw how her boyfriend beamed.
“Yeah, we can go now.”
“Okay!” Willy rushed around to grab their shoes, scarves and coats while Allison finished up the dishes.
After a few minutes both of them were preparing to enter the snowy world outside.
“Alright, we’re heading out guys, so don’t try to be too reckless while we’re gone,” Willy picked up Bunso and gave the cat a hug before setting him down. Immediately Bunso curled back by the heater. Garbage didn’t move from her spot at all and gave a blank stare over at Willy. That was a good enough goodbye for Willy and so he headed out hand in hand with Allison.
It wasn’t a super long walk to the nearest spot where they knew Christmas trees were sold. They had figured they’d save some money by walking. Both of them knew that the Christmas tree they could afford would be small enough that it wouldn’t be a burden to carry back to the apartment. As they walked along a happy Christmas tune left Willy’s lips as he bopped his head this way and that. Allison enjoyed watching how happy her boyfriend was and after a few minutes she gently bopped her head along to the tune.
It was a pleasant walk over to their destination, neither of them aware that they had even arrived due to how much they had been enjoying the walk. That was until Willy came screeching to a halt.
“Ooops, it’s back there, Allie!” Willy guided them back over and entered into the lot where a seemingly endless amount of Christmas trees were available for purchase. All of them were looking for the perfect home in which to spend the holidays. Willy and Allison enjoyed looking at all the different types of trees: broad ones, tall ones, odd and peculiar shaped ones. Each and every single one of them were great but their prices were always too steep for the young couple. That was until they made their way to the far back of the lot and Allison spotted a tree hidden among the larger ones.
“Willy, what about that one?” She nudged her boyfriend’s shoulder, gaining his attention. He glanced over and immediately felt a smile spark on his lips.
“It’s perfect!” Willy walked over towards the tree. It was a short, small-looking tree, definitely the runt of the pack. It only had a few flimsy branches that were filled with green pine needles. “It looks like the one in Charlie Brown!” Willy grinned as he gently picked up the little tree.
Allison nodded. It really did look like that, as if the tree had hopped out of the movie and landed right in this lot. “Let’s get it,” Allison walked forward to double check it was within their budget. A relieved smile tugged on her lips when she saw it was.
“Okay!” Willy made sure the tree was tucked safely under his arm then used his free hand to hold Allison’s. The two of them went to find the man in charge of the lot. Once they’d purchased the tree they moseyed on back to their apartment.
“Yep, it’s barely warmer in here,” Allison sighed then went to grab a blanket to make sure that Bunso and Garbage wouldn’t be too cold. While she did that Willy placed the tree in a corner and went to get the few ornaments and one strand of lights they had.
“Hey, Allie! You wanna decorate now?” Willy called out to his girlfriend who wandered back down the short hallway.
“Sure,” She made sure Bunso was happy with his new blanket then tossed the possum’s chewed up blanket over the animal who hissed softly. When that was all done she went to help her boyfriend with the tree. It took no time at all to decorate their tree with two short loops of the lights around the branches. The lights shimmered brightly in red, purple, blue and green. After that both of them took the few ornaments they had and placed them on the tree: a few little red and green orbs, a little bomb ornament that Willy had gotten from Mitch, a cat ornament Allison had gotten from her parents and a rock ornament she had painted in holiday colors. When they were all placed they then topped the tree with a chipped and cheap-looking plastic star.
“There, it’s done” Allison took a step back and looked at the tree with pride.
“Yeah, it looks amazing!” Willy hugged his girlfriend from behind, his arms securely around her shoulders. Allison placed her hands on her boyfriend’s arms and leaned back to rest her head against his chest as both of them looked down at their tree. To others it might not be anything special but to them it was. To them it was perfect.
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ericsonclan · 2 years
I tried looking and couldn't find it on your posting, but a question I like to ask in the TWDG universe. What are some of the older Ericson kids' favorite Disney animated films? I know in the game the outbreak happened in the summer of 2003, but some of the older kids have watched animated films before then or at least remember them. The world simply didn't end when they were growing up prior to the outbreak. You can include it as an alternate universe too to include AJ, Tenn, and Willy if you want.
Ooo! We love this ask! Okay, here we go!!
Clementine: Lilo and Stitch, she liked the story and also secretly wished she could have an older sister like Nani.
Louis: Lady and the Tramp, he was really rooting for the main couple and he thought the spaghetti scene was the height of romance. He also likes Fantasia but that was more for the classical music.
Violet: The Rescuers and Mulan. She likes The Rescuers because she relates to the little girl and her rough home life situation and she loves Mulan because she's a badass and it's an awesome movie.
Marlon: The Lion King because he has a mane just like a lion he really likes Simba and the storyline.
Mitch: Treasure Planet, all the way baby! He adored that movie and relates to Jim Hawkins and he loved the space pirate adventure. He was really glad it came out right before the outbreak happened so he could hold onto those memories.
Brody: The Little Mermaid she loved that Ariel want to venture out and explore a new place and she also had a little bit of a crush on Prince Eric.
Aasim: Atlantis, he felt like it was an underrated film and absolutely loved the plot and discovery of an ancient lost city. He also had a crush on both Kida and Milo.
Ruby: Oliver and Company, she really likes following the story of all these cute animals and it stuck with her.
Omar: Cinderella, everyone is surprised when he tells them this but he really likes Cinderella as a character and how hard-working and kind she is. He remembers the few times he had seen the movie that he would always cheer her on.
Sophie: Tarzan, she loves everything about it, the art, the music, Tarzan and Jane. To her it's cinema perfection. She also likes the art of Fantasia but it's too slow for her to give her full attention to.
Minnie: Robin hood, a noble fox who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. She really liked Robin Hood's energy and the other characters too. It also was awesome to see Prince JOhn get taken down.
James: Pinocchio, he related to a boy who doesn't quite fit in and who always wanted to fit in regardless. James was always scared by the island that turned mischievous boys into donkeys
Tenn: Fantasia, he would sit in the music room and listen to Louis play the music while Sophie recalled the art. He loved hearing about it and would try his best to draw some of the scenes told to him.
Willy: The Lion King, he remembered hearing about it and absolutely loved it. Later on he would reenact scenes for the others after dinner. He also liked Treasure Planet too since Mitch made it sound like the coolest movie ever.
AJ: He likes Lilo and Stitch because Clem does but he also thought that Treasure Planet sounded awesome.
And also some of our ocs!
Prisha: She absolutely adores Beauty and the Beast, she watched it a lot before the outbreak and can recall most of the movie by heart.
Allison: She was too young to see any of them but she loves when her boyfriend, Willy, reenacts The Lion King. She listened to the movies that her moms liked too. She never got as invested in Beauty and the Beast as Prisha but each time she heard Violet talk about Mulan she loved it more and more. She really liked how Violet retold the movie and was sad that she never got a chance to see it in person.
Renata: Emperor's New Groove, baby! She loves the humor and the main duo of the movie. She finds Kronk and Yzma hilarious and damn, she wished she could find a copy to watch again sometime.
Thanks for the ask, it was fun!
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ericsonclan · 2 years
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Since its Pride Month we figured it was the perfect time to share some pride icons we got commissioned by the wonderful @harveytxt​
Happy Pride Month, everyone! 
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ericsonclan · 2 years
I don't know if someone brought up or linked this idea of an AU for characters of the TWDG in with Avatar the Last Air Bender, so I am curious about an alternate universe topic. Out of the Ericson kids what element bending power/non-bending ability do each of them belong to of the 4 elements: fire, water, earth, and air from Nickelodeon's Avatar the Last Air Bender cartoon series. Can include sub-bending elements as well, like metal, sand bending, lava, lighting, blood bending, healing, spirit bending, combustion, redirection, spirit projection, temperature regulation, flight
Avatar the Last Airbender AU! Let's freaking go!!
Clementine: She's the avatar. We don't make the rules. JK she's an earthbender. She usually likes tossing boulders at people and uses rocks as shields. She's a rebel and is working to liberate the Earth Kingdom.
Louis: He's a waterbender. He comes from the Northern water tribe so he's been sheltered for a lot of his life. When he travels outside of his home he realizes how much he still has to learn but he's open-minded and dedicated in his pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
Violet: She's an earthbender and has the rarer ability to bend metal. She learned metal bending to break out of jail. She tends to be more aggressive with her bending during fights.
Marlon: He's a firebender. He can be reckless with his fire bending when he is overly emotional. This leads Marlon to rarely use his bending for fear of hurting others.
Mitch: He's a firebender as well. He's a hothead and cocky, only learning to be a bit more humble when he gets his ass handed to him by some of the others. He goes from place to place trying to find the most technologically advanced city and doesn't care much about politics.
Brody: She's a waterbender that learned the forbidden technique of blood bending. She refuses to use it but did accidentally do so once during a panic attack. It scared her deeply and she swore to never use it again. That oath she made would be tested later on.
Ruby: She's a firebender. She has a fiery temper but decides to be a healer among her people. She bonds with Brody over the fact that they are both healers.
Aasim: He's an airbender and guess what folks, he's bald! He would want to assimilate with and respect the tradition that his bending came from the most.
Omar: He is a citizen of the Earth Kingdom and a non-bender. He tends to stay out of battle and work on honing his craft of cooking. When a friend is in need though he does let them hide away with him. He also regularly gives out food to those in need.
Tenn: He's an airbender and he follows the traditions and is really respectful with a deep understanding of the spiritual aspects of airbending. He would also be a pretty proficient airbender.
Sophie: She is a waterbender. She lives in a remote village in the Southern water tribe and rides on the otter penguins. She isn't that good of bender though, she just goes with the vibes of life.
Minnie: She is also a water bender. She is proficient in her bending because she practices tirelessly. Also knows blood bending and is freaked out by it but will use it if she feels it's justified.
James: He's a swampbender. He covers himself in vines especially when he sees new people. He wants to meet them he just gets lots of social anxiety and gets nervous.
Willy: He is a non-bender in the Fire Nation. He travels alongside Mitch, his older brother. He idolizes him and spends most of his time trying to make inventions that help him mimic firebending.
AJ: He is a non-bender. He was devastated when he learned he didn't have bending abilities. So he tries to find a swordmaster who can help him become strong. He meets Piandao and he learns to incorporate different bending techniques into how he handles the sword.
And some of our ocs too since this au is really cool!
Prisha: She's a waterbender. She is in the Northern Water Tribe and she joins in the movement for equality for women. She pushes for women to be able to be fighters and not always be forced into solely being healers.
Renata: She's an airbender who is bald and rocking the look. She is more chaotic and carefree though and that didn't work well with some of the older Air Nomads so she wanders around on her own. Renata also invented the air pantsing technique.
Allison: She's an eathbender and she's a bit of a gun for hire. She goes where the jobs take her. Later on she meets Willy and settles down in one place. She eventually uses her skills for more noble, revolutionary causes for the Earth Kingdom.
Jesse: He is an earthbender but lives in the desert and is an expert on sandbending. He usually stays isolated and keeps himself out of the affairs of other groups.
Thanks for the ask! Feel free to send more for this au or any others if you want!
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Okay, this ones a bit easier I guess (or I hope so xD)
Not sure if you are familiar with the How to train your Dragon franchise, but what kind of dragon would each Ericson Kid ride? Or would they ride one at all? Maybe they still hold on to the old Vikings-bashing-Dragons ideology, who knows?
Got that idea from my sister, she was just pure as always
"You know, maybe I'll ask later what they think about a Httyd AU. What do you think about it?"
"A Screaming Death for Marlon."
"You know, because of the scream when he-"
"I know. I know that scene in and out. And you are too brutal sometimes. I can see it. But it's brutal."
YES! Love How to Train Your Dragon! Let's see well to start off we would say that the au would follow the movies' plot somewhat. Willy would be the protagonist so he would be HIccup. Makes sense since he's a lanky kid who wants to het stronger and who has a knack for inventions. That would make Allison Astrid then. The two of them would help the other Ericson kids see that dragons aren't evil. Now onto which dragons each Ericson kid gets.
Clementine: Shivertooth. She met it when it was busy pranking a hunter who thought he could outsmart it. Clementine and the dragon met eyes and it was intrigued by her so it decided to stick by her. With sharp scales and a mischievous side its a dragon you shouldn't mess with.
Louis: Light Fury, he doesn't meet his dragon for a while but he wanted to make sure whatever dragon he chooses he would be its friend for life. His dragon was cautious and skittish for a while but Louis would visit it each night with a snack and eventually, it stayed by Louis' side.
Violet: Deadly Nadder with dark blue scales and speckles of yellow and white along its body and wings. Looks similar to a starry night sky. It enjoys nighttime rides and visiting a certain inventor on the island who Violet has a crush on.
Marlon: Snafflefang, an active dragon who loves snacking on geodes. It may not look that intimidating but just wait until it's in battle. Exploding fireballs, a hard hit from its spike-like tail. It's brutal but most of the time Marlon goes on adventures with his dragon letting it frolic and play with the different dragons.
Mitch: Windwalker. A dragon that's fast can shoot fire and water blasts and uses lighting. Hell yeah! He had a really tough time earning the dragon's trust but once he did it became an unbreakable bond. Let's just not talk about how many burnt pairs of pants he got thanks to his dragon.
Brody: Raincutter with blue and purple scales on its back and wings with a pink belly. She rescued it before it got sold off and it immediately flew off. An hour later it returned with a large fish as a thanks to Brody and has stuck by her side ever since.
Aasim: Snifflehunch. People teased him and his dragon for its name but Aasim didn't care. He loves his dragon in all its fire-sneezing glory. He just has to make sure that it doesn't sneeze near anything important. Those sneezes will melt nearly anything.
Ruby: Thunderclaw, it may not be much of a flyer but damn can it fight. It's cute but feisty, perfect for Ruby. She tries to make sure it doesn't make though since it can't fly and then it gets sad when it can't play in the air with the other dragons.
Omar: Gronckle with a more brown and orange tone to its scales. It's a big chunky dragon and Omar loves it to pieces. Definitely give its treats all the time.
Sophie: Hotburple, a dragon that is lazy sleepy, and eats way too much scrap metal. It also had a tendency to nap while in flight. Funny in concept not so funny when it's nosediving towards a cave. Sophie learned that the hard way.
Minnie: Timberjack. She likes to vibe in the woods with it. Her Timberjack enjoys peace and solace and hey sometimes so does she. She doesn't pressure it into getting into fights. Sometimes it shields her from the cold with its wings. So yeah she loves her dragon.
Tenn: A little herd of terrible terrors who follow him around everywhere. They can be prickly but they are deeply fond of Tenn who doesn't mind having little dragons by his side.
AJ: Typhoomerang, a fast dragon that rotates during flight at high speeds. AJ meet the dragon when it was caught in a trap and he saved it. After a ride together and seeing the ash from its burning takeoff AJ knew he had the most badass dragon ever.
James: He also has a Timberjack his being a smokey color than Minnie's. He found it trying to run away from hunters but due to its lack of legs, it was doomed. James saved it though and the dragon bonded with him. It hates fighting but hey so does James so it works out well.
Willy: He gets a Night Fury and it follows close to how HIccup met Toothless except Willy names his dragon something else. He helps built it a back fin and they are the best of buds.
And then a few of our ocs too!
Prisha: Thornridge, a dragon that looks more intimidating than it is. It freaked out when it spotted Prisha and ended up attacking her from the shadows due to being scared. Prisha was calm and understanding with it, helping it settled down. This teal dragon is always there to help its friends and family. It likes wandering around aimlessly but always returns back to Prisha with a friendly headbutt. Sometimes it distracts Prisha from a new invention she’s working on.
Allison: Deadly Nadder, hers has a mix of purple and teal scales around its body. It tends to find rocks for Allison knowing that she likes them. It is a dragon that can't get enough exercise and loves flying so Allie is up in the skies the most.
Renata: Hobblegrunt, a dragon that changes colors depending on mood with yellow being happy, purple meaning curious, and red meaning you're in deep shit. It's known as a lucky dragon due to how sensitive it is due to the fins on head. Renata sure feels lucky having found her dragon buddy and based on the fact that her Hobblegrunt is constantly being yellow she can tell it loves being with her too.
Had a blast making this, really tempted to start writing for an au like this. Thanks again for the ask!
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Allison, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Willy, pulling out an Uno card: +4
AJ, pulling out a Pokemon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Tenn, confused: What are we playing???
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ericsonclan · 2 years
So played the new game Stray and adored it and it got us thinking about a Stray au and before we knew it we started drawing some of the Ericson kids as robots/companions.
Here’s Violet:
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She lives in the slums along with Prisha and their daughter Allison. They live in a library that has a little hideaway where their beds are at. Using a small crank Violet opens up a section of the ceiling so that she can cuddle with Prisha and stargaze whenever she wants to. Two cats live in the house as well, Sir Tubbs a chunky gray cat and Bunso a thin cat who likes to wander off and explore the area on its own.
Next up is Louis:
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He lives in Midtown and has a pretty nice place where he lives with Clem. He likes to serenade her with his keytar and go on adventurous dates with her. He can be seen rocking it out at the club where Minnie works and tends to spend most of his time with Clem, his friends or his friendly cat Brio. 
There are more that have been drawn but we’ll split them off into other posts that we might share in the future.
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ericsonclan · 2 years
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Figured it would be nice to show off all our OCs and what better way than by using a simple Until Dawn style intro!
Beautiful commissions were done by the talented  @emcdraws​
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Once a Thief….
Summary: Willy opens up to Mitch and tells him some news that shocks him.
Word Count: 2000+
Read on AO3:
Mitch stood there, unsure whether to believe this was true or not. There, standing before him, was Willy who he’d thought to be dead.
“Mitch? Hello?” Willy waved a hand in front of his older brother’s face when suddenly he was tackled with a hug. Mitch held onto him tightly, his arms clutching his brother’s back, afraid that if he loosened his hold for a single second he would disappear. Willy immediately returned the hug, embracing his brother who was now shorter than him. The pair of brothers held onto each other, letting the seconds turn into minutes before pulling apart.
“How the hell- You fucking got shot, I saw it!” MItch shook his head as he tried to figure out how this all made sense.
“Yeah, I did,” Willy lifted up his shirt with a grin, revealing a few scars from buckshot. “I wasn’t really sure how I survived either. Last thing I remember is trying my best to hold onto your hand and then nothing. I woke up in an orphanage that wouldn’t let me leave. Tried escaping a few times but never succeeded,” Willy scratched his little goatee for a second. “So I waited till I was old enough and left, searched for a while and after a few years found you,” Willy’s smile remained even though his eyes looked a bit sad recalling his tale.
“If I had known, if I had any fucking clue, I would’ve come after you,” Mitch looked into his brother’s eyes. Both sets of them seemed to hold a level of sadness.
“I know, but it's okay - I found you!” Willy clapped Mitch on the back.
Mitch immediately hooked his arm around Willy’s head, pulling it down to ruffle his hair. “You sure fucking did!” Mitch led the way outside and soon the two brothers were sitting on a bench catching up on anything and everything. Mitch immediately told a tale from his treasure hunting days. Willy was completely enraptured by the story Mitch was telling: how he woke up in the rain dangling off a mountain in the Himalayas, unsure how the hell he was going to get out of that mess. With each turn of the story Willy’s eyes grew larger and he gasped at intense parts. Before they knew it the sun had risen, its lights dancing upon the water when Mitch wrapped up his long ass story.
“So yeah, I got none of that treasure. Well, except for a few trinkets. Ended up retiring and settling down, bought a house, have two kittens, a wife-” Mitch paused, his eyes widening. “Holy shit! You gotta meet Brody! She’s the girl who was in that story. She saved my ass way too many fucking times for me to keep track off. I’ll give her a call and we can take a sick day,”
“Okay!” Willy gave a big smile and watched as Mitch dialed up Brody.
“Brodes? You’re never gonna believe this….”
Brody sat there, dumbfounded in front of an overwhelming pile of pancakes she had frantically made when she heard that her husband's dead brother was somehow alive.
She thought it would be awkward and it really was at first but quickly she bonded with Willy, completely absorbing every story he told of his and Mitch’s past. Mitch begged him to skip the embarrassing ones but it seemed to fall on deaf ears as Willy told story after story while Oreo napped on his lap. Mitch grumbled and groaned during story time as Brody’s warm laughter filled the air. He continued to act annoyed by all the tales but a smile on his lips betrayed his true feelings of how happy he was. Willy was alive and he was meeting Brody. It felt like everything was perfect.
Soon the three of them settled down to spend the day playing video games together and continuing to catch up until it was well into the night. Willy and Mitch sat outside on the front porch sipping their hot cocoas with an overabundance of marshmallows when suddenly Willy said something that made MItch nearly choke on his chocolatey drink.
“You remember the treasure of Henry Avery?”
Mitch held his burnt tongue for a moment then answered. “Yeah, it was that stupid treasure hunt that I thought got you killed. Why?” He glanced over at his younger brother, trying to study his face in the darkness of the evening.
Willy was quiet for a bit, his fingers tracing the rim of the mug of cocoa again and again until he finally responded. “I wasn’t a hundred percent truthful with you,” Willy took a deep breath. “After I got shot I woke up in the orphanage and everything was fine until I got out. Until Mary found me,”
That name sent Mitch’s heart into a tightened panic, his guard immediately going up.
“Turns out she was the one to patch me up but she had a price for it. She wanted the treasure of Henry Avery,” Willy didn’t bother to drink his cocoa. “She said I had three months to find the spot where the treasure was hidden or she’d slit my throat and she’d find you and kill you too. So I agreed and she let me go and I started researching and found this,” Willy held up a scrap of paper.
Mitch instantly took it, glancing behind his back to see if Brody could see them before studying the paper. It was an item on sale at a black market auction, the very same artifact they had hidden away from Tomas all those years ago. It was a simple crafted trinket with the words “Join me in Paradise” written in Latin. Avery’s sigil was hidden at the base.
“Willy, how the hell did you find this?” Mitch held up the scrap of paper to his brother’s face. “It doesn’t even fucking matter because the last time we found a trinket like this it was empty, no clue.”
“This one is intact though,” Willy tapped on the piece of paper, drawing Mitch’s eyes to that detail.
“Holy shit,” Mitch whispered, a small smile appeared on his face at the idea of finding pirate treasure before reality hit him. “Willy, we don’t have the funds to buy this and it’s on the fucking black market,” “I know, that's why we’re gonna steal it,” Willy gave a short smile that instantly faded away. “It’s my only shot of making it out alive. I want your help, but you have a family and-” Willy paused when he felt Mitch’s grip on his shoulder.
“You’re my family too. We’re in this together, okay?”
Willy studied Mitch’s eyes for a second then nodded. Sharing a quick smile, Mitch then tried to figure out how the hell he was going to spin this to Brody. After a few minutes he came up with a plan and opened the door. “Brodes, you won’t fucking believe this. My boss called - he got the permits for that job in Malaysia….”
Willy stared through the binoculars at the giant mansion before him. It was surrounded by the Italian landscape and a beautiful vineyard. Tons of cars filled the courtyard in front where a large marble fountain stood. One by one some of the world’s most dangerous criminals exited their vehicles. “You sure it was a good idea not to invite Brody?” Willy look over at his older brother. “You said she saved your ass a bunch,”
“Yeah, but this is too dangerous. Besides she’s a civilian now, not a treasure hunter,” Mitch unzipped his top to reach his tux and loosen his bow tie.
“So are you,” Willy pointed out, causing MItch to pause.
“Yeah, but I’m making an exception. Just keep an eye out for Tripp’s signal,” Mitch grumbled as he pulled at his bowtie.
“Okay,” Willy turned his attention back to the mansion. “Tripp sounds cool,”
“Yeah, he’s a fucking badass. You’re gonna get along great with him,” Mitch smiled at Willy who looked back and returned the gesture. After another minute of staring at the mansion he saw the flickering light one for the taller rooms.
“There it is!” Willy handed over the binoculars and Mitch took a look.
“Heh, he’s come through again. Come on, time to climb,” Mitch put away the binoculars and took out the grappling hook attached to a rope. Willy immediately followed after his brother who soon found a beam to use. “Want first dibs?”
“Yeah!” Willy snatched up the grappling hook and spun around the hook again and again. “I’m gonna  be a pro!” He exclaimed, tossing it far and completely missing the mark.
Mitch smirked at that, making Willy frown. “You were saying?”
“That was just to show you how not to throw it,”
“Mmhmm,” Mitch’s smirk remained while Willy tossed the grappling hook again. This time he successfully hooked it and with a leap swung around towards the rocks below the mansion. His fingers soon clutched onto a thin ledge-like rock and he began to shimmy towards the next one. Mitch grabbed the rope attached to the hook and swung over as well, landing roughly against the wall. With a quick tug he undid the hook and continued forward. The two brothers worked well together, making sure to time jumps and hook tosses, swinging from section to section and catching each other when there were close calls. With each jump, risk and awkward landing they made it closer and closer to the window. On the way there Willy gradually caught up with Mitch until they finally reached the window. Hopping inside, Mitch walked through the dark room when suddenly a voice appeared.
“You two sure took your goddamn time,”
A light turned on and revealed Tripp in a tux. His platinum blond hair was highlighted by it as he gave a smile. “I don’t know if I should feel happy or pissed that a big guy like me easily got in,”
“We didn’t even take that long,” Mitch grumbled and hopped on one foot as he got his jumper off that was used to keep his tux clean. After he was free he walked forward and gave Tripp a hug.
“Nice to see you again too,” Tripp let go of the hug. “This your brother?” He nodded over towards WIlly who was on the floor, struggling to get his jumper off, his body doing little circles until he was successful.
Willy stood up for a moment and stared at Tripp before speaking. “Hi,”
“Hey,” Tripp looked between the two brothers. “Well shit, how does it feel being the shorter of the Baker brothers?” Tripp ruffled Mitch’s hair with a teasing smile.
Immediately Mitch whacked his hand away. “Whatever, it's no big deal,”
“Says the sulking man,”
“Shut up,” Mitch angrily kicked the couch then stole a random collector’s coin from the desk.
“That isn’t the item we’re after,” Willy pointed out.
“I know that! I’m just stealing it because I feel like it,”
Tripp laughed at Mitch’s pouty face which made his frown deepen.
“Let’s just start this fucking job,”
“Alright, alright,” Tripp strolled forward and led the way. “Don’t gotta act like someone pissed in your oatmeal,” He led the way through the door and motioned at the auction down below. “Someone paid to switch the order which means we’re on a tighter schedule,”
“Shit,” Mitch cursed then reached for the map of the mansion in his pocket. Glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention he guided them over to a table and laid out the map. “We’re gonna have to cut the lights,”
“But that's only gonna buy us a few seconds with the backup generators this place has. We can’t grab the artifact at that time unless…” Willy’s eyes grew large when he spotted a waiter. “A waiter could get near the auction table and no one would suspect a thing,”
“Meaning we could grab the item when the lights are out. Smart thinking, kid,”
Willy beamed at Tripp’s praise.
“Alright, I’ll get a waiter’s uniform. Willy, you cut the lights,” Mitch instructed and Willy nodded.
“And what about me?” Tripp asked, looking at the treasure hunter.
“I don’t know, stand in the crowd, look pretty, or at least as pretty as an old fossil can look,” Mitch had a smug, teasing expression on his face.
“Y’know you’re still the same little shit I’ve known for all these years. Glad some things don’t change,” Tripp shook his head good naturedly. “Shit, one more thing before we split off,” Tripp held out his hand with earpieces. Quickly the brothers snagged them and placed them in their ears. “To make sure this doesn’t turn into a shitshow.”
Mitch and Willy nodded and soon they split off from Tripp. Strolling down the stairs they soon discovered the doors they needed to get through were locked. But with a simple pickpocketing that Willy was far too proud of they were able to get the doors open. It didn’t take long before the brothers split up as well. Willy gave a panicked yelp and accidentally knocked out a waiter, unintentionally helping Mitch reach his goal.
“Be careful,” Mitch locked eyes with Willy as he scampered up a wall like a tiny woodland creature.
“I will,” Willy nodded then waved goodbye and was off. Leaping from small rooftop to small rooftop in the garden courtyards, Willy slipped past the guards. His careful footwork and well -timed moves made it easy for him to slip by. Shimmying up a pipe and using another to swing across a large gap Willy was well on his way to cutting the lights. He just hoped that everything was going smoothly for the other two.
Tripp stood in the crowd, sticking out like a sore thumb due to his immense height when he suddenly spotted Mitch strolling by, yanking on his shirt collar as he struggled to pretend to be a waiter. The two shared a look then Mitch was off to get into position. Tripp watched him for a minute until a voice drew his attention.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Tripp,” Justin strode forward, a girl with dark eyes following close behind. Based on her aura it was clear to Tripp that she was a gun for hire. Her black hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and she had a tricky face to read thanks to her stoicness.
“Justin, you’re here. Haven’t seen you since you cut ties with Mitch due to that old pirate treasure,” Tripp smiled but his words caused Justin to frown.
“Yeah, he was a little bitch anyways, especially after his brother bit the bullet. Anyways, what are you doing here?” Justin looked up into Tripp’s eyes.
“I’m here to buy some stolen shit, same as you,” Tripp remained friendly as Justin’s eyes remained on him.
“No, how did you find out about the artifact?”
Tripp laughed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you had a few too many drinks and-”
“Cut the bullshit, old man!” Justin whacked the drink out of Tripp’s hand. “Where is he? Baker.” “How the hell would I know? Haven’t seen him in years,” Tripp stayed calm yet his eyes burned with annoyance.
Justin frowned at him, not fully buying his words. He whispered something to the gun for hire who looked fairly young to be here, no older than Willy. The girl nodded and soon disappeared into the crowd. Justin’s eyes wandered back to Tripp when suddenly the caller started the auction. Justin immediately stormed away, leaving Tripp with a  bad taste in his mouth.
“He’s a moody son of a bitch, huh?”
“Yep, a certified asshole,” Mitch whispered into his earpiece. “How’s it going, Willy?”
“Almost there, just gotta-” An alarmed cry appeared on Willy’s side of the line.
“Willy? Willy!” Mitch hissed, his eyes dancing with concern.
“I’m okay! Just broke a pipe and almost ripped my pants but I didn’t so that’s good.”
“It is,” Tripp gave a sigh of relief. “Are you almost at the generator, kid?”
“Yep, just buy me a few minutes,” Willy’s voice crackled in the earpieces.
“Okay,” Tripp nodded, then turned his attention to the auction. The coveted item they wanted was up for auction and Justin was viciously outbidding everyone. Tripp had to buy some time though so he raised up his auction card again and again and again, aggravating Justin. The minutes crawled by. With each one Justin grew increasingly more pissed until Willy’s voice reappeared in the earpieces.
“Okay, I’m at the generator. Ready?”
“Just about, let me ruin this little shit smear’s day first,” Tripp gave a smile and pretended to give up on the bidding, making Justin think the trinket was his. Slowly Justin walked forward with a smug air of superiority. “Now, kid,” Tripp instructed and within seconds the entire mansion went pitch black. The crowd was startled.
“Don’t worry, the backup generators will be on shortly,” The auction caller reassured. Soon enough she was proven right as the lights came back on only for the lady to gasp loudly when she realized the item up for auction had been stolen. “How the hell!?!? If everyone would remain calm, we will start the auction up again shortly.”
Justin’s eyes grew large in shock, unsure how the hell this had happened until he noticed Tripp heading towards the door. WIth a scowl he pushed his way through the crowd and after the tall man. “Fucking move, get out of my goddamn way! Stop that man!” Justin cried out but no one listened.
Chaos erupted from the crowd and soon armed men were scouring the area for the thief. Mitch tried his best to not get caught but with a rocky step he revealed his spot, dangling on the side of the building.
“There! Hey you, stop!” A guard called out and soon more were on their way.
Mitch sighed internally; of course things went to shit. Releasing his grip on the side of the building he cocked his fist back and threw a punch as he landed on the man. Guess it was time to shoot his way out of trouble… again.
As the gunfire rang out across the courtyards Willy slipped into a room that looked like some rich dude’s study. Carefully tiptoeing forward Willy reached to open the door when suddenly the doorknob turned and the door creaked open, revealing a girl with dark eyes and tanned skin.
“Who are you?” Her eyes grew suspicious.
“Me? I’m just the janitor,” Willy smiled then gestured towards his suit. “I love feeling fancy! Whelp, those toilets won’t scrub themselves. Excuse me,” He tried to slip by her but she immediately pushed him back into the room.
“Justin said to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. Did you steal the auction item?” Her stoic eyes latched onto Willy’s.
He had to play it dumb. That way he could avoid a fight. Besides, he was a gentleman so he couldn’t hit a lady. “There’s an auction happening here?!?”
His attempt at being dumb had backfire as the girl quickly closed the door, blocking it. Willy tried to think of a new idea as fast as he could when suddenly Mitch’s voice appeared in his ear surrounded by gunfire.
“Yeah, how do you like getting your asses shot at!” Mitch laughed loudly then turned his attention to another conversation. “Willy, I really need some help here. There’s so many and-” Mitch was abruptly cut off by the sound of gunfire.
“Mitch! Hey, Mitch?” Willy yelled, his worry palpable and his focus entirely on his brother’s safety.
So much so that he failed to notice the flicker in the girl’s eyes when she heard the name Mitch. If this guy was attached to that treasure hunter, then she had to stop him.
“Mitch, I’m on my way so just hold on,” Willy spoke back into the earpiece and was about to say more but couldn’t when the gun for hire kicked him in the gut and sent him tumbling over the desk. “Ow, what the hell was that for? All because I didn’t know about the auction?” Willy rubbed his backside as he got up.
“You’re going after the treasure, aren’t you?” The girl saw the movement in Willy’s eyes, that was a telltale sign that she was right. “I can’t let you leave then.”
“Wait,” Willy blocked attack after attack but soon got thrown against the bookshelf. “I can’t hit a girl!”
“Give me the auction item and you won’t have to!” The gun for hire raised her leg up and sent it crashing down towards Willy’s face. With a frantic move he crossed his arms and blocked the attack.
“I told you, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Willy backstepped and dodged another attack but soon fell into the trap of another. With a well-timed kick the girl sent him flying back, shattering a window and falling down. Her eyes shimmered with concern for a second as she heard Willy’s cry and she ran forward just in time to see Willy grab a nearby flag and safely find a bar to hold onto. The gun for hire watched him for a moment, relief appearing in her expression but soon it became clouded by her frustrations at a failed job.
“Willy! Willy! You okay?” Mitch’s frantic voice appeared in his brother’s ear.
“Holy shit! I just ran into the coolest girl! She totally kicked my ass!” Willy smiled as he swung from bar to bar.
“That’s great, now can you help me? My ass is about to be filled with lead if you don’t hurry!” “I’m on my way!” Willy swung back and forth on the bar a few times to get the height he needed for this risky jump. With a small ‘hyup’ sound he launched himself into the air and grabbed onto a flag. But his weight soon proved too much and the flag holder snapped, causing him to come zooming down and crash through a window. Willy tucked and rolled right into cover behind an overturned table. Shaking his head animatedly, little shards of glass flew everywhere.
“Holy shit! That’s one way to make a fucking entrance,” Mitch smiled over at his brother and tossed him a gun.
“Thanks! Willy made sure there was a bullet in the chamber then provided some cover fire that was sloppy at best. Still it helped Mitch out enough that he could roll into the next cover and then the next before punching a man in the gut and throwing him on top of another guard. He soon created some cover fire of his own and Willy tucked and rolled some more, finding himself in front of a guard.
Wrestling with the guard, the two struggled to get the AK-47 out of the guard’s hands until Willy sent a devastating blow to the man’s crotch and stole the gun. With a hit to the side of the head Willy then aimed up at the chandelier and shot at the chains holding it up. The bullets pierced through it at a fortunate moment and it fell just as more guards tried to advance on the Baker brothers.
Seeing the giant chandelier falling down, the guards retreated for a moment giving MItch and WIlly the opportunity to sprint outside. Both of them shared a proud smile and fist bumped until they noticed that there were more guards outside. Sliding into cover the brothers were unsure how to progress when a car barrelled down the courtyard and by the large fountain. Tripp emerged from the car, making Mitch and Willy wonder how a unit of  a man fit in that type of car before he sent out a hail of bullets to scare away the guards for a few seconds.
“It turned into a shitstorm!”
“It always does!” Mitch replied as he held his head down and ran alongside Willy.
“True! Well, I brought you a limousine to drive us to our five star hotel,” Tripp quipped as he threw a brick that shattered completely against a guard’s face. Tripp wrapped his arms around another man’s neck and squeezed to the point of making him pass out. Willy and Mitch quickly got into the car that definitely wasn't a limousine. What it was though was riddled with bullets. Once the brothers were inside Tripp sent one more line of gunfire to the guards then got in and drove off, tearing through the grassy lawn to get to a quick escape.
The gun for hire watched the car drive off, her stoic eyes studying the license plate as best she could from a distance. She stared at the car in silence until it disappeared. Suddenly the doors behind her slammed open.
“You useless piece of shit!” Justin grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. “I hired your sorry ass because you were supposed to be good at your job! One of the best! But instead you let them get away!”
“It won’t happen again,” The girl bit back her frustration and let her stoic expression remain the same.
“It better not because if you fail again, you’ll deeply regret it. I know your weakness, Allison Sumaya,” Justin leaned forward, his hot breath brushing against Allison’s ear as he spoke. “I’d hate to make you an orphan,”
Those words stung Allison’s heart but her impassivity remained the same. Still, deep within her eyes fear shone. She couldn’t mess up again; next time she would succeed. She had to.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Be Mine Valentine
Summary: Willy wants to make sure his first Valentine's Day with Allison goes well.
Word Count: 1743
Read on AO3:
Willy could feel his excitement radiating through his body. It was finally the day: Valentine’s Day. And for the first time ever he actually had a girlfriend to celebrate it with. He had spent days wracking his brain over what to do when he landed on what he thought was the perfect balance. Knowing Allison she probably wasn’t expecting anything besides maybe him telling her happy Valentine’s day, but Willy wasn’t settling for that. He had used the money from his part-time job and bought her a single red rose and her favorite chocolates. Sure, these chocolates weren’t cheap but Willy really wanted to show Allison how much he cared about her.
Putting the flower and chocolates in his bag and zipping it up, Willy went over his plan. “Okay, go to Allie’s favorite tree at lunch, hand over the chocolates and then Garbage will deliver the flower.” Willy’s eyes widened when it clicked what he was missing. “Garbage!” He looked around and soon found the possum sleeping happily on the small chewed-up pillow that acted as her bed.
“Okay, enough sleepy time, you’re coming to school with me,” Willy picked up Garbage who let out a hiss of disagreement but soon settled in his arms. “Oh, but Mom won’t let me. Hmmm…” Willy tilted his head up and closed his eyes so he could help envision a plan that would make this work. After a minute a toothy grin appeared on his lips and he looked down at his pet. “Wanna take a ride in my backpack?”
Garbage's hiss made it clear she didn’t; she wasn’t going anywhere but back to her pillow.
Willy jogged towards the school, causing Garbage to bounce in his bag. He had to find the perfect spot to hide Garbage until it was time. Using every possible second he could, Willy set out in search of a hiding place. As his spare minutes dwindled, inspiration struck Willy. The tree where he’d meet Allison had a hole in it, the perfect hidey-hole. Immediately he booked it over to the tree. Garbage hissed as Willy stuffed her body into the hole in the tree but he prevailed, desperate to get this done in time.
“Come on, Garbage, this is meant to be! Or should I say meant to tree . Get it?” Willy smiled but all he got were angry sounds in response. However, after a second the possum didn’t seem to mind the small closed-off space. It was warm and quiet so to her it was perfect. As Willy ran off she settled down for a nice, long nap with no interruptions.
That was until Willy picked her up again.
“Okay, it's showtime, Garbage!” Willy hid the possum in his hoodie then booked it outside. He sidestepped a teacher, trying to act as normal as possible.
“Hey, Willy,” Tenn gave a friendly wave over to his best friend. He paused when he noticed something wiggling around in Willy’s hoodie. “Umm, what are you hiding?”
“My Valentine’s surprise for Allie! Can’t talk now, I’ll see you after school for the club meeting!” Willy gave a wave and dashed off before Tenn could even respond. He was laser-focused on the task at hand and as soon as he got to the tree he freed Garbage. Holding the possum up to eye level, he had a serious talk with her.
“Okay, Garbage, this is a really important day for me. I wanna make it special for Allie, so you need to do me one favor,” He gently placed down the possum who seemed more confused by the new setting than anything else. Suddenly Willy stuffed a rose in Garbage’s mouth. It was a good thing he remembered to get rid of the thorns on it last night. The last thing he would want is to hurt Garbage. “Alright, as soon as Allie shows up, you’re gonna trot over and- Garbage, no!”
Willy watched in horror as his pet munched on the rose while staring blankly off into space. She was in her happy place. This wasn’t happening; Willy had worked so hard and now Garbage was thinking this was her Valentine’s gift, not Allie’s. He had to fix this before his girlfriend showed up.
Allison casually strolled down the hallway, her hood drawn up so no one would bug her. Willy had asked to meet her at her favorite tree at lunch. At first, she couldn’t figure out why until she remembered it was Valentine’s Day. It had completely slipped her mind and now she felt shitty that she didn’t have any plans besides maybe sneaking out to the park in the evening and feeding some pigeons with Willy. He’d loved it, but Allison still felt like she wasn’t being the best girlfriend. There was nothing to do about that now though. After a minute she brushed away her thoughts and refocused on making it to the tree. Before she reached it though she heard her boyfriend’s voice.
“No, Garbage, that’s Allie’s flower!”
Allison looked over to see Willy wrestling with Garbage. The possum was hissing furiously, clearly not wanting to part with the rose. But Willy wasn’t giving up. After a determined struggle he successfully freed the flower from the possum’s iron grip.
“Hey, Willy,” Allison casually strolled over and saw her boyfriend’s eyes shimmer happily when he spotted her.
“Allie!” He ran forward, sweeping her up into a hug and twirling her around for a second. After letting go he held out a chewed up, sad-looking rose with possum saliva on it. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” he beamed.  
Allison felt her heart flutter at that, a soft, warm smile pulling on the corners of her lips as she accepted the gift. Silently she got on her tiptoes and captured Willy’s lips in a tender kiss.
“Happy Valentine’s Day. Sorry, I don’t have a gift for you yet but I will,” Allison looked down at the beaten up rose then back up at her boyfriend. The dorky smile still hadn’t left his lips.
“That’s okay! I’m just happy that I get to celebrate it with you! Oh, I also got you these,” Willy knelt down and unzipped his backpack. Pulling out the chocolates he accidentally tipped over the bag, giving Garbage the perfect new hiding spot to use. “Ta-da! I got you your favorite chocolates too!”
Allison’s eyes widened at that. Taking the box of chocolates she opened it, revealing that the contents had melted.
“Oh no! Shit!” Willy groaned and tilted his head back in frustration. “They must’ve melted in my bag,”
“I like melted chocolate,” Allison’s smile grew when she saw Willy’s happiness return.
“That’s good,” He grinned, then reached out and held Allison’s hand. Immediately Willy went on and on about how he had worked on his Valentine’s plan and Allison listened quietly. Her head rested against his arm as the cool breeze rolled by. It felt amazing being with Willy.
After some time had passed lunch break was over so they went back inside.
“Hey, let’s go see a movie tonight, my treat,” Allison offered.
Willy looked over at his girlfriend with a smile. “Really? Yeah! Let’s do it!” He swung their joined hands and the couple talked excitedly about their plans. “Oh, should I pick you up?” “Nah, I’ll meet you there, still haven't told my moms that I’m dating yet so it will be easier this way,”
“Oh, okay,” Willy seemed like he wanted to say something but didn’t.
“It’s because they’ll tease me a lot. But I’ll tell them.”
“That’s okay, just tell them when you’re ready,” Willy pressed a kiss to Allison’s cheek then went his separate way to class.
The rest of the day went by really quickly and once it was done Allison immediately made her way to the parking lot where she saw Violet and Prisha waiting. The two of them were talking happily, clearly excited for their Valentine’s Day date they had been planning for a while. It wasn’t until Allison was close that they noticed her.
“Hey, Allie, good day at school?” Violet gave a soft smile over to her daughter.
“Yeah, it was nice,” Allison readjusted her backpack, causing the rose to poke out of it. That immediately caught Violet and Prisha’s attention.
“Is that a rose?” Prisha walked forward and examined it. Allison swore internally. Well, guess now was the time she was telling.
“Yeah, I got it from my boyfriend,”
“Boyfriend!” Prisha’s eyes widened with surprise, Violet’s were just as big. “When were you going to tell us this?”
Allison shrugged and moved to the car. “When I felt like it,”
“So, who is it?” Violet entered the car and looked back in the rearview mirror at her kid.
“Him,” Allison pointed over at Willy who was trying to get Tenn to hold Garbage.
“Holy shit, you’re dating Willy?” A smile appeared on Violet’s lips. “I knew you liked him,”
“Shut up,” Allison hid her face, hoping she wasn’t blushing.
“So, he gave you a rose on Valentine’s Day,” Prisha joined in, looking back at her daughter.
“Chocolates too,” Allison mumbled. T hat made her parents even more invested in this whole thing. They kept going on and on, teasing Allison and getting caught up in the excitement of everything. With each passing second, Allison’s face grew warmer and she tossed on her hood to hide.
“Alright, alright, let's give her a break,” Violet quickly turned the key in the ignition.
“Right, of course. One last question though: do you have plans for a date tonight because we would need to coordinate then,”
“I’m taking him to the movies and I can find my own ride,” Allison mumbled. She noticed the slight worry in Prisha’s eyes. “I’ll text you when I get there and when I get home so it's fine,”
“Alright,” Prisha’s shoulders relaxed.
“You know what we need to do, Prish?” Violet glanced over at her wife.
“We need to invite Willy over and have him pass a test or some shit to give him a hard time about not telling us he was dating Allison,”
“No, don’t,” Allison objected but it was too late.
“Yes, let’s do that,” Prisha smiled and soon she and Violet were stuck on this new idea, making the car ride feel like an eternity for Allison. Still, she couldn’t help but smile when she looked down at the chewed-up rose. She couldn't wait to see Willy again.
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