#oops i started typing and wrote a whole drabble!!!
sakanoshitaa · 7 months
you had never particularly liked sharing a bed with anyone. tolerated, sure. you shared a bed with a handful of people through college and your early twenties- hookups, situationships, partners. but you always hated cuddling while sleeping. the sensation of being touched, the sound of the other’s breathing, all too much and preventing you from drifting off.
your partners learned to accept your “no touching while sleeping” rule. you cuddled plenty in the morning, but were alone at night. when one of you went out of town you secretly relished in having the bed all to yourself.
you thought this was how it would always be. that you were just different and liked sleeping alone. that is, until you met kuroo.
in so many ways, your relationship with him was unlike anything you had ever experienced. everything was so easy, you two just fit together. you understood that he was your person. and you were surprised to find that you didn’t mind sleeping curled up against him, wrapped in his arms. his touch comforted, rather than perturbed. you had no trouble falling asleep pressed into tetsuro.
after a few months of living together, he left for a couple weeks on a jva business trip. astonishingly, when you went to lay down the night he left, you were sad to find the bed empty. you found yourself having a hard time falling asleep without him, when for so long, with anyone else, it was the opposite. a foreign feeling. welcome, but still a little hollow, especially with how long he’d be away.
each night when you go to bed, you find yourself laying there, cold and a little lonely in the big bed. turning your thoughts over and over in your head like a rounded, flat pebble. wishing you were wrapped in tetsuro’s warm, secure embrace.
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nolassolace · 2 years
I caved
Fight me
Here's the dumb little nark drabble I wrote at 4 am. I typed it all up on my phone so I really don't care if it's formatted wierd or if there's any punctuation wrong oops?
Might do a small series with it who knows.
But yeah here's one of the ways I see Nicky and Larks first kiss going down.
Lark realized he may have been in just a little bit deeper than he originally intended with one Nick Close than he had thought.
The two of them grew up together, went through tough shit, nightmares, break ups, experiments, the list goes on. Nicky was a big fan of always throwing out the good old “ Nothing brings people together like shared trauma.” quote  always through a crooked grin and a shrug of his shoulders, and you know what? He was right.
After everything, Lark could only go to Sparrow for so much. But Nicky? He could rant about his dad to him for hours on end. That's when this whole mess started, the feelings and all that other bullshit.
They were probably 16 or something. Who cares really? Lark had been ranting non stop going on almost 45 minutes (not that Nick was counting) It was when Lark was having a hard time calming his breathing and Nicky stopped him from pacing, grabbed his shoulders, gave them an affirming squeeze, looked in his eyes and barely above a whisper said “ hey, man, deep breath. You're good, I'm right here.” amber eyes searching into his with concern and reassurance, then a gentle kiss placed to his forehead before the other ruffled his hair and stated light heartedly “ it's gonna be alright song bird.”
As they got older things got a bit more complicated. Nicky started spending more time in the infernal plane, he’d visit every now and then and when he did they would stay up all night talking, laughing, having a few drinks, better judgment stalling things that could ruin a good friendship. Especially when the older of the two would do things like fidget with the brunette's hands or rest his head on his shoulders. Lark liked when Nick would do those things which just made it that much worse. He'd notice how Nick's fingers were always warm and his nails ever so slightly pointed, and his hair always smelled good, even with the addition of the infernal planes smoke.
There were a few times that were too close for Larks' comfort honestly. Like when Nick would play with his unruly locks as they watched tv together and fell into comfortable silence. Or when he would teasingly blow smoke in Larks face when they shared a smoke or even worse the way they would perfectly banter with each other through arguments when things got too competitive.
Their first kiss happened in Larks second year of university. They went to some party on campus since Nicky was visiting after who knows how long. Lark decided it was best for his mental health to not keep track ( 63 days).  Nick was quick to show his skills in Guitar Hero as soon as he saw the avatar selection screen on the tv in the living room. It didn't take long for him to start beating ass left and right at the game. As bystanders watched in awe, Lark sat nearby sipping on a solo cup tracking the half demon's expression as he played, his heart stuttering at the curve of Nick's smile, the faint glint of canines being ever so slightly too sharp. The way he bounced on his feet when he got too into the song and gave an occasional hop that made his black hair bounce on his shoulders and get in the way of his eyes which always led to him flipping it out of his face. Lark let a fond smile slip when he could see the ever so slightly visible smoke and warmth radiate off his friends fingers on the plastic frets as he tried to suppress his hellish nature. 
Nick finished his last round before he let some poor freshman take their turn to try and follow up the show he had put on, he plopped down next to the younger on the worn down couch, stole his cup and chugged whatever was left of the awful college grade concoction. Nick patted his back and noted he was going to go get them refills before standing and taking his leave to the kitchen which before Lark knew it and before his brain could scream at him to stop what he was doing he was following Nicky close behind following the sweet smell of that he carried with him.
Once in the kitchen, solo cups refilled, Nick turned around to face Lark, only a little surprised to see his friend had followed him “ ahh it too loud out there for ya songbird?” his lips curled as he got ready to make some cocky remark about lark missing him after barely 30 seconds, the younger cut him off barely above a whisper of “ Shut it Foster” practically whispering it in to Nicks lips as he closed the distance and gripped the front of the jacket that he'd been gifted by his father. Lark waited to be pushed away, for the older to separate from him and chew him out or just disappear like he had gotten so good at.
But it didn't happen, at least not how he expected. 
The ravenette pushed back just the slightest to break the kiss just for the tiniest moment. Amber eyes desperately searching Sage ones trying to find the hints of how this could be a prank or any type of deception, and when he couldn't see any, the faintest glow of blue flickered from Nicks eyes the same shade his horns seemed to give off like the center of a match and he dove back in to the kiss. He snaked his arm behind Larks neck to hold him close and it didn't take long till the cup was spilled down his friends back as they backed up into the pantry in a mess of drunken passion, open mouth kisses, tightening grips on clothes, just barely too warm fingertips brushing across scarred skin and the faintest scent of smoke.
Nick was the one who broke the kiss, panting and touching his lip with his hand after Lark had given a bit of a too confident bite. Maybe it had been too far? And of course only now he would realize this too late and he was absolutely going to beat himself up for it forever now as Nick practically rushed out of the kitchen and back into the fray of the party. Face flushed, his nose and lips the same warm shade of red. He shouldered his way past a few people and made his way to the back yard, opened a stupid portal back home to the infernal plane with his dumb flaming fingers and vanished just like that. Just like he had gotten so good at once they had gotten older. The portal closed and the smell of smoke and Nicks shampoo lingering in the air around Lark, he groaned and rubbed his face with both hands in frustration before punching the door of the pantry and leaving a significant dent in it. It didn't take long for him to grab his jacket and notify Sparrow he was going home.
Nicky didn't come around as much after that.
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jungshookz · 5 years
Idea- Jin patrols your campus parking lot and you keep parking in a no parking zone so he keeps giving you tickets but you just pay them and then continue to park in the zone. Jin gets sick of this and waits at your car so he can give you a piece of his mind but you come out and he thinks your really adorable and he just kinda stands there tongue tied
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➺ pairing; kim seokjin x reader 
➺ genre; crckhed hrz let’s be real 
➺ wordcount: 2k 
➺ what to expect; “to the asswipe who owns this mini cooper - do you know how to read signs? this is a no-parking zone. no. parking. zone. that means you are not allowed to park in this zone. DO NOT park here.”
➺ note; i’m pretty sure this was sent in a year ago because the messages this far back are all about mechanic!yoongi oOps! there is an obscene lack of jin drabbles on my masterlist and i am in a jin mood so if u have any drabble ideas lemme know and i might get back to you in one yEAR i hate myself   
                                       »»————- 🚗 ————-««
for the most part, jin can say that he loves his job as campus patrol officer
it’s pretty easy because all he has to do is check and make sure if anyone’s staying longer than they’re supposed to oR if someone’s parked where they definitely do not belong
like, a no-parking zone, for example!
he thinks it’s relatively easy to follow the law
it’s not hard to park in a no-parking zone
because it literally says no-parking
no-parking = no pARKING
but he is really, reaLLy being tested right now because this is probably the tenth or twelfth or HUNDREDTH time he’s written up a ticket for this stupid mini cooper
he just doesn’t understand how one doesn’t understand that a no parking zone means a no parking zone
it’s literally so self-explanatory!!!!!
and he can’t call the tow truck company to come and take it away because according to his boss jin has pulled the ‘the boy who cried tow truck’ act onE too many times and his privilege to make that call has been revoked
so all he can do is slap a ticket on the window and call it a day
at this point he’s convinced that the owner of this dumb mini cooper is is probably just repeating the same mistake juSt to get on his nerves
he doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve this!!
who drives mini coopers nowadays
why would someone want to drive such a dinky little car?????
just as he’s about to slip the ticket behind the windshield wiper he pauses
you know what
he has to switch things up
he can’t just keep giving you the same exact ticket each time because it’s obviously not scaring you
the law is supposed to be threatening and you appear to not give a heCK about his tickets (which is another reason why he’s so upset with you is because you’re not taking him seriously and he takes himself very seriously when he’s in patrol officer mode!!!)
he slips the ticket behind the windshield wiper and gives the hood of the car two firm pats
that should do it
jin lets out a breath of relief before moving on to his next victim
hopefully he’ll never see the mini cooper ever again
“oh my g- you know what, don’t even get me staRted on how much i pulled that essay out of my ass-“ you snort as you pull your car keys out of your backpack
“so do you think you did well on it?” hoseok hums over the phone
“i mean, i don’t think i did well but i also don’t think it was thAt bad-“ you have your phone sandwiched in between your ear and your shoulder as you dig through your bag
why is it that when you need to pull something out of your bag it suddenly becomes an endless mary poppins-esque style knapsack
your eyes light up in excitement when you feel it and you pull your keys out with a jingle
and just when you’re about to unlock your car (affectionately named cooper) you notice the familiar looking slip of paper on your window
oh come on
not aGAIN
“son of a bitch!” cooper chirps happily as you unlock him and you open the front door a little toO aggressively
“what’s wrong?”
“i got another friggin’ parking ticket.” you grumble as you take it before getting in the driver’s seat
you toss your bag next to you before setting your phone on the dashboard and hitting the speaker button
“maybe you should take this tenth parking ticket as a sign to stop parking in the no parking-“
“oh my god, i can’t believe this! hold on, let me reaD you what this person wrote!” you clear your throat before raising the note to the light “to the asswipe who owns this mini cooper - do you know how to read signs? this is a no parking zone. no. parking. zone. that means you are not allowed to park in this zone. DO NOT park here.” you let out a scoff of disbelief
how ruDE!
“again, maybe you should take this as a sign to stop parking in the no parking-“
“one more word out of you and i’ll send you riGht back to the world of commuting, hoseok.”
that effectively shuts him right up
you read the note one more time
somewhere out there there’s an officer who is too passionate about this no parking zone business
you lean over to glance up at the sign that very clearly states you shouldn’t park here and you give a little shrug
it’s not that you’re being an asshole and just ignoring the literal law
it’s just that this is a reaLLy good spot to park in
you used to have to park all the way in the back of the lot which resulted in you having to sprint to your classes
and you don’t wanna be huffing and puffing as you step into the lecture hall okay
plus it’s not like you’re hurting anyone or getting in anyone’s way!!!!!!
it’s not a big deal
you have no problem with paying off a couple of parking tickets as long as it means you don’t have to spRINt to your classes  
you shrug before opening up your glove compartment and shoving the ticket inside
jin whistles a happy tune to himself as he makes his way down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace
he had a pretty good today
had a good breakfast
got a free donut from the lunch ladies because not only is he a lady’s man, he’s also a lunch lady’s man
on a completely unrelated note
he doesn’t know why he has to wear this obnoxiously orange traffic vest
well obviously he knows it’s part of the job but like
out of all the colours in the world why did it have to be bright orange
why not like a muted purple or a navy blue??? those would be loveLy to wear
maybe not peach
he looks gross in anything peachy
anyways he-
“oH MY fuCKIGN-“ jin gasps as he rushes over to the MINI COOPER
“are you KIDDING me?!” jin groans loudly and ignores the odd glances he receives from the people walking past him
you know what
that’s it
this is the last straw
he’s just going to wait here til the owner of the car comes and then he’s going to give them a PIECE of his mind because they are making his job significantly harder
first his tickets are ignored and noW his threatening note has also been ignored?????
but seriouSLY
what kind of moron continues to park in a no parking zone???
jesus christ
he’s gonna need another donut after this
he’s going to need like teN donuts after this
“good afternoon, officer! is there a problem?”
oh you BET there’s a problem
“as a matter of fact-“ jin whips around to finally face the culprit of this continuous heinous crime of parking in the no parking zone
he’s finally going to be face to face with his faceless mortal enemy and he’s going to give you a piece of his goddAMN MIND-
jin’s mind goes blank the moment he settles his eyes on you
oh my god
woWie you’re cute
he usually says he doesn’t have a type but he suddenly has a type and that type is whatever you are  
you and your pretty eyes and pouty lips and veRy soft looking hair
a slight breeze blows in his general direction and he catches a whiff of your perfume
oh woW
he could swim in that scent all day
on top of that you’re wearing the cosiest looking sweater and for a brief second he wonders what you’d look like wearing one of his sweaters
“you- uh,..,.,.“ jin clears his throat and taps his pen against his notepad
what was he going to say again
something something car something donut something parking something something
you smile sweetly at him and tilt your head
“see, the thing is…”
you reach up to push your reading glasses up so they sit on the top of your head and you blink owlishly at jin “yes?”
the only thing in jin’s head is the sound of a fax machine beeping but make it as chaotic as possible
“oh my g- oh, i am so sorry!!!! i parked in the no-parking zone again, i am so sorry!” you let out a little groan as you rush over to unlock cooper
you never thought you’d be caught by an actual patrol officer so you don’t really have a plan of action
right now you’re just pulling the whole oblivious act and hopefully he’ll let you gO because you’re pretty good at convincing people that you only have two and a half braincells
one time you dumbed yourself out of doing your share of a group project and you still left that class with an A
…you’re a tinY bit of an asshole sometimes but that’s not the point
in the time that you’ve thrown your bag in the trunk and filled the silence with profuse apologies jin has managed to snap ouT of his trance
he’s not lady’s man jin right now
he has to be patrol officer kim
“you’ve actually-“ his voice cracks and jin clears his throat quickly “you’ve actually parked in this specific spot several times, despite me leaving you many parking tickets and-“
“were you the one who left that note on my car yesterday?” you interrupt him before narrowing your eyes suspiciously
why is hE suddenly the one being grilled
you’re the one who’s in trouble!!! 
…why is hE swEATING????
“well, i-“
“you called me an asswipe!” you gasp in offence and jin feels his face flush
o god
“you know what, uh, i was just frustrated because-“
“eh, it’s fine, i’ll forgive you. i guess i deserve it.” you let out a sigh and shake your head “tell you what, officer-“ you lean forward a little to look at his name tag “officer… asswipe.”
jin’s jaw drops slightly and now it’s his turn to let out a scoff of disbelief
you are opENLy disrespecting an officer of the law!!!!!
“it’s actually pronounced seokjin, i really don’t know how you messed up that badly-“  
“i promise i won’t park in this spot again-“
“oh, thank god-“
“if you give me your number.”
wait what
jin blinks
“so- i’m sorry, what?”
“this glorious parking spot in exchange for your number.” the corner of your lips raise in a smirk as you shake your phone at him 
…he’s into that
usually he’s the one asking for numbers but obviously not in this case
also he has to admit that was pretty smooth
what’s the opposite of a lady’s man
…a man’s lady?
that don’t sound right
(jin gets a text from you later that night telling him you’ll pick him up tomorrow afternoon at 3 - and that you’ll wait for him in the no-parking zone.)
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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Teasing Tadashi fic 😊💘💝
I swear I was writing this before chapter 9 came out! At first this was supposed to be more angsty until I remembered that I suck at writing angst and that... I don't enjoy writing it as much as reading it from someone else soooo... have fluff!!!💖💕 in the original script Scholar, Ellie, Tyler and Axel had formed an "alliance" to prank Tadashi. But after a while he started feeling like they hated him and that he was getting bullied, I almost made him cry then I was like "nope. nu-huh. I can't write this." Of course there was comfort at the end with them apologizing and Scholar explaining that the reason why she was messing with his so much was because she had a crush on him and had no idea how to deal with it.
Uhh... anyway! To brighten up I made this and I'm much more happier with it! Well you guys know the drill, last time I wrote Scholar as a he so Scholar is a she again in this one. And I realized that I'm switching only between the she/her and he/him pronouns but that's because I'm not confident in using they/them, I'm scared that if there's a group of people in my fic, it'll be confusing because the readers will think "wait, is it the group of people or is it Scholar that the narrator is talking about?" It may be a really stupid reason but this is the type of thing I'm sure I can mess up with because I'm a dummy dum 😖
Also, Layelle's super cute drabble inspired me (*cough* @arlingtonssweetheart *cough*) so this fic will have a lil bit of Japanese too. And it'll be written like this. This fic is about 2000 words long and for some reason I wasn't able to put a "read more" like usual... probably because I'm on mobile. I'm terribly sorry about that! You guys will have to scroll through all of that... 😖
edit: I added the “read more” thingy!
Okay! Enough rambling!! Please Enjoy! ✊😍🤗
When she met him, Scholar knew right away just how fun it would be to mess with the student body president. His back was always arched and he spoke in a slightly presumptuous manner. He had a very confident walk, he always knew exactly where he was going and his handshake was very solid. He was overall a really proud and level-headed person... which would make it really satisfying if he were to lose that pride even if it was just for a few seconds.
Scholar's intention wasn't to bully him, of course. At least not in a mean way. But whenever she got the chance to tease him, she took it. At first she wasn't making a conscious effort out of it but gradually, as time went by, her head started filling up and she would always think about Tadashi. It was becoming harder and harder to focus in class with the target of her affection seated right next to her. However, she at least had the decency to wait until the end of the lesson for the teasing, she didn't want him to think that she was being a bother.
"Tadashi, teach me something in Japanese."
Without any warning, Scholar whispered in his ear and as expected, he got a jolt. Tadashi would definitely be the type of person to use ASMR to fall asleep, his sense of hearing is so sharp. With how close her face was he wasn't able to look at her in the eye and answered while still looking ahead.
"What do you want to know?"
Scholar backed away from Tadashi's personal space and smiled warmly. However instead of smiling back, Tadashi got chills down his spine. He knew that this was the smile she always used before teasing him in ridiculous and sappy ways.
"Tell me how to say "you're beautiful" pretty pleaaase?"
He already knew where this was going, yet he answered anyway.
"You're beautiful"
"Aww... thank you"
He knew this was coming. He knew and yet he still blushed and became red like a beet while Scholar looked really proud of herself, as if she had just pulled off the smoothest move even though it was really absurd.
"You're being so silly right now..."
He was trying his hardest to act like he was reading through his notes, but really, he just wanted his blush to disappear as soon as possible. Lately, because of Alistair's words he had become even more self-conscious than before. His friend's remark crawled back into his mind and it wasn't leaving anytime soon.
"Dude. You obviously have a crush on her."
You obviously have a crush on her.
You obviously have a crush on her...
You have a crush on her.
As always, he wasn't able to calm down at all or to fool Scholar with his lackluster acting skills. Or more precisely, his nonexistent acting skills. Scholar crossed her arms on the desk and put her chin down on them while still gazing at him. From the corner of his eyes, Tadashi could see her still staring and it made him even more nervous.
"S-Scholar... please, stop staring at me. It's distracting me."
Scholar swiftly poked Tadashi's cheek with her finger and hid her fond smile with her other arm, she almost had her face buried in it.
"And you're the one to say that? I'm always distracted by how cute you are all the time Mister student body president."
"I-I am not cute. And please move your finger away from my cheek."
That was a complete lie. Even though he was really embarrassed about doing stuff like this in public, he loved getting teased by Scholar and most of all, physical contact. Had he not been so stuck-up and shy, he would hug Scholar the next time they would be alone together, but everytime they were he got too prideful. Or rather, he would feel really embarrassed and hurt if Scholar, for some reason, pushed him away or laughed at his open display of affection. Whenever he was with Scholar, all kinds of cheesy thoughts would fill up in his mind. I want to hug her, I want to hold her hand, I want to snuggle with her, I want to...
And the bell rang, it was time for the next and last period of the day. Scholar gently pulled on his cheek like he was a little kid and moved her hand away to pack her bag. She had to move to another classroom. Unfortunately, they did not have the last lesson of the day together.
"See you later Dashi! And you better not forget what I asked of you yesterday, okay?"
"I-I haven't forgotten! See you soon..."
That's right. It was February 14th today. It wasn't rare of Scholar to invite him to hang out after school but today was a tad bit different. He knew it was stupid to get his hopes up but he really couldn't focus on anything at all. The text message he received yesterday was stuck in his mind. It was a simple "let's meet up in front of the school entrance when the last bell rings" and thankfully, since he can't stutter through texts, he replied with a really composed "Alright, I'll be there." And yet, words couldn't express how frustarted he was the whole day. He didn't follow anything at all in class, he just took notes of random things that sounded important in between his monologues. It was like he was daydreaming 8 hours in a row.
By the end of it he didn't care anymore. He'll just ask Alistair for his notes or something, he'll figure it out. When the last bell rang, Tadashi was the first one to leave the classroom. His classmates of the business, commerce and politics department looked at him in shock. They were already whispering behind his back as he was leaving in a hurry.
"...Maybe he really wanted to go to the bathroom?"
"That must be it!"
But no. He did have butterflies in his stomach but it was not because he wanted to go to the bathroom. He rushed to the school entrance. Now that he thinks about it, this is a weird meeting spot. Usually Scholar would ask him to meet up in the garden or in the cafeteria lounge. Honestly, this was a really awkward place. In a couple of seconds, hundreds of students would rush out to go to their rooms in the dorms and drop their school bags on the ground like dumbbells. Is she going to tease him in front of all the students of this school? God please no. While Tadashi was lost in his thoughts, Scholar came out of... the garden. With a bouquet of red roses.
"You're awfully early Tadashi, did you run to get here? You do know that it's against the school rules to run in the hallways, right? You're not being a really good role model Prez."
But Tadashi didn't listen anymore. All he saw was the huge roses and Scholar holding them with a small blush on her cheeks. Was she seriously about to confess to him in this open space? How did she even have enough time to go fetch the roses? The bell just rang about 30 seconds ago! Could it be possible that she begged Dr.Lee to let her go 5 minutes earlier than usual? ...Well, no matter how she pulled that off, Tadashi was achieving new shades of reds right now. On his face of course.
"I-I apologize if I have the wrong idea but... those roses, are they for me?"
A few students started getting out of the building, and they couldn't just pass next to the scene that was unfolding before their eyes. One by one, they would slowly make a circle around them. Scholar extended her arms towards Tadashi, holding the bouquet with both hands.
"For who else would it be?"
Before Tadashi could even mutter a "thank you" and take the flowers, in a really unnatural manner, Scholar let go of it and the roses fell to the ground.
"Oops! I'm soooo sorry!"
But Tadashi was too submerged in emotion to even notice the bad acting, and so, just as planned, he got down on one knee and took the bouquet. At this point, more and more students were coming out of the school building and like all the others, they were making a circle around them. The small gathering of students soon became a herd, and all eyes were on Tadashi, kneeling down with a bouquet of roses. To make this moment last a bit longer, Scholar stepped on his left foot.
"Umm... Scholar, I have to get up. Move your foot away."
Poor little Tadashi still hadn't caught on what was happening and he looked up towards Scholar, only to see that warm smile again. The one she used when she was teasing him, and he once again got shivers down his spine. After that he looked around. And immediately regretted it. Practically half of the school was gathered around them, watching the scene in awe. That's when Tadashi finally understood what had happened. No matter how you look at it, it seemed like Tadashi was the one confessing his feelings to Scholar, even though it was supposed to be the other way around. One knee on the ground, bouquet of red roses in hand, looking up at Scholar and most of all looking mortified. Not to mention it was February 14th so of course it couldn't be taken in any other way. Tadashi was done for. Only the first few students knew that Scholar was originally the one holding the bouquet, the majority who came later had the wrong idea. And it was all according to Scholar's plan.
Tadashi cursed under his breath.
"Dammit. She got me again..."
As for the lively students, the loud whispers couldn't be stopped.
"Oh my God. I knew it, it was so obvious that Tadashi had a crush on this scholarship student."
"I see them hanging out together in the garden and in the cafeteria lounge almost everyday, do they think they're being discreet?"
"Fuck, where's my phone? I gotta film this..."
"I never thought Mister Prez was the type to pull off that kind of thing, he has balls, that's for sure."
"Duuuuude. What a show-off! I bet he's pressuring her into accepting his feelings, that's why he did it here."
"Not a surprise. The crowd will put more pressure on her and it'll be hard to refuse, Tadashi that witty bastard! Using all of his assets in this way is so not fair!"
Tadashi was mentally begging for Scholar to let him run away from here. When they got surrounded by enough people to her liking, she took the bouquet out of his hands and removed her foot which allowed him to stand up again. Of course, the crowd cheered and whistled thinking that she had just accepted the confession while it was not it at all. Scholar grabbed Tadashi's hand and ran with him to the garden by pushing through the herd of students. Someone screamed "DON'T DO ANYTHING RAUNCHY IN THE GARDEN! USE PROTECTION KIDS!"
That voice... goddammit. It was definitely Raquel. Great. Tadashi looked like he was in physical pain from thinking about what kind of reactions his friends would have after this.
Once they reached their usual spot in the garden, Scholar gave back the flowers to Tadashi. He was panting and still red as a beet. Thankfully, the crowd had the decency to not follow them but they still ran just in case.
"Agh... Scholar... I... cannot believe what you just pulled on me. I got bamboozled so hard, I'm mad at myself for letting my guard down. And here I thought that you wouldn't tease me at least in a serious moment like this."
"Haha... All according to keikaku."
"Oh my God... I can't fucking believe you would do this to me."
"I can."
Tadashi looked so drained, like 5 years just got sucked out of him in a few seconds. That embarrassement, he would remember it until the day he dies. Now everybody thinks that he has a huge crush on Scholar and that they're dating... Not that they're wrong but still!
"We... wait. Scholar, does it mean that we're dating now?"
Suddenly, Scholar looked a little bit vulnerable, she was planning this for a while now so she was mentally prepared but it was still nerve-wrecking in a way. Tadashi wasn't the most self-aware person out there. Or to be more accurate: he was dense at a unimaginable level.
"You... don't want to? You don't like me?"
"What?! N-no! Of course I like you! More than like I..."
He really wanted to say it. He really did, but using the word "love" right away, would that freak her out? He didn't want to make any missteps nor scare her away the really first day of them dating.
"N-nevermind that! Does it mean that all this time when you were teasing me, that was actually fliritng?"
There it is. The dense Tadashi. Scholar mentally facepalmed herself so hard.
"I've been trying to flirt with you for the past 5 months but thanks for noticing I guess."
Tadashi was reminded of all of the times Scholar would tirelessly pick on him, mess with him, make fun of him and borderline bully him. Had he not known the type of brilliant and kind person she really was, he could've easily mistook all of it as her messing around with him to be annoying. Thankfully, even though he was as dense as a brick, he was at least able to understand and make that distinction: she was obviously not trying to be a jerk.
"Oh... Oh... I see. But you could've been more direct! How was I supposed to understand that this was f-flirting??"
"Dashi. Sweetie. The only way for me to be more direct than that would've been yelling at the top of my lungs that I love you... You didn't like the teasing-flirting?"
Tadashi shook his head almost violently.
"N-NO! Absolutely not, I like it... I think... no uh. I definitely like it! Actually if we could, um..."
He opened his arms and looked down in shame with an obvious blush on his face.
"C-can I have a hug... please? It would make me happy..."
This was the most adorable thing Tadashi had ever done. Scholar immediately jumped in his arms, the poor boy had already been teased a whole lot today. While Scholar buried her face in his chest, Tadashi was holding her as tightly as he could. After a couple of seconds, they let go of eachother and tried to look as unfazed as they could even though there was no use hiding their feelings anymore. Scholar was the one to end the silence.
"Well... Now that we're dating, you know what we have to do, right?"
Tadashi was slightly fidgeting with the bouquet still in his hand.
"Um... We hold hands and we go back to the dorms to spend some quality time in your room?"
"Yes! And then we fuck"
The romantic atmosphere was thrown out of the window. This was obviously a joke to lighten up the mood but Tadashi did not appreciate that.
"Who taught you that?? And more importantly, stop learning Japanese just to tease me!!"
Nonetheless, they made their way back to the dorms under the curious gazes of the students while holding hands, like promised. The news already got around the school: Scholar and Tadashi are dating.
Aaaayy! It's done! *Clap👏 clap👏 clap👏* This was really fun for me since, well... I love teasing Tadashi 😂 (but who doesn't?) This is the ultimate proof that I like this blushy boi. Hope you didn't cringe! Because I'm sure I will when I read it again in a few days... On a side note, sorry if the February 14th thing was too sudden or out of nowhere, but to be fair the SE team gave us a Halloween chapter in May sooo... whatever! It was Halloween 2 days ago and now it's Valentines day! Deal with it! Also, the biggest plot hole of this fic is that Karolina didn't do shit to stop Scholar and Tadashi from their Miracle Romance🌟🌙 (Sailor moon ref 👌) but I wanted this to be a simple fic without any drama.
Aaaand that's all I had to say! Thank you for reading!!! 💖💗
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breaktimewritings · 7 years
Unseen II Chapter One
(( Alright so my Love Letters fic with Yukimura went over so well that I decided to make the premise of the lords and MC exchanging love notes a series~! I was about halfway through writing the next entry, one for Masamune, when I happened upon @rubyleeray's "Addled" staring fave tsundere Yasumasa, we got to talking about being Yasu trash aaannnd a plot bunny that was gonna be a simple drabble became 7000+ words that I'm not even done writing oops. Either way though, please enjoy~! There’s only three chapters right now, with two left to go so I thought I’d go ahead and post what I had lol. ))
Tagging by request and suggestion: @ieyasu-tacogawa, @shiranata, @bulbaqueen
Chapter One II Chapter Two II Chapter Three
The letter before her was unassuming. Innocent. It was sealed with a skilled folded pattern and was blank save for her name on it in small, short strokes. As if whoever wrote it could barely be bothered to write her name at all.
The letter before her was unassuming. Innocent. It was sealed with a skilled folded pattern and was blank save for her name on it in small, short strokes. As if whoever wrote it could barely be bothered to write her name at all.
“It was there when we got here this morning.” Umeko said, shrugging simply. “We didn’t see who delivered it.”
MC frowned, turning the letter over in her hand. The possibilities of what it was made uneasiness form in the pit of her stomach. Was she in trouble? Had Lord Ieyasu finally tired of her? No, he couldn’t have. And if he did, she was sure he would be the one to tell her. The man loved to see others squirm.
“Well? Open it!” Umeko urged.
“I’d like to see what it is too.” Matsuko added, giving them a grin. “It’s so rare that letters are delivered like that. And look at the way the outside is folded. Someone put effort into it.”
“You think so…?”
The other maids looked over her shoulder excitedly, but for the briefest of moments, she hesitated before carefully unfolding the seal. The letter inside was on another piece of parchment tucked away in the carefully folded pocket. The strokes on the paper were just as short and sharp as those that wrote her name on the front. It was the words on the page that caught her off guard.
“Is that a love note?!”
“It is?! Read it aloud let me hear!”
“H-hold on.” MC said with a nervous giggle, holding the note away. She turned so she was facing them, leaning against the counter and shielding the letter from them. She read the letter again, trying to process what she was reading.
Despite the neat writing, the ink in some parts didn’t seem fresh as other parts, as if whoever wrote it did so over a matter of days or even longer. The words and strokes were short, obviously not used to writing such things. For every complement of her hair or eyes, there was a jab calling her naive or troublesome.
“But still, I guess the most important thing is that your food is good. So thank you for that at least. You’re not completely worthless.”
MC winced at the last line, and the maids exchanged worried looks with each other.
“Did he confess his feelings?” Matsuko asked.
“I...don’t know.”
“Who’s it from?”
MC blinked, looking over the paper, flipping them over in her hands. “I don’t know. No one signed it.”
“A secret admirer? How romantic!”
“We have to discern who it is soon. The new year’s festival is coming up. Imagine finding out who it is at the fireworks show!”
As the maids giggled to themselves, MC carefully folded the letter back and put it in her sleeve. “They don’t seem the festival type.”
“Do you not want to find out who it is though?” Umeko asked. “Perhaps you could write a letter back?”
“But how would she know who to give it to?” Matsuko pointed out. “No that won’t work at all.”
“Maybe we can try and see who comes and gets the letter in reply.”
“But they could simply use another to come get it.”
MC shook her head with a laugh at the two as they plotted the best way of how exactly to find the admirer. She wondered who was getting more enjoyment out of this. Still, a slight blush formed on her cheeks as she touched the letter in her sleeve. Did she dare hope the letter was sincere? She almost let herself get caught up in the moment before someone yelled for supper and they were all in a flurry of motion. It wasn’t until later that evening, when MC was carrying a tray of strawberry daifuku to Lord Ieyasu’s chambers that she let herself think about the letter again.
“It certainly sounded like something Ieyasu would say…” She muttered to herself. “But it wasn’t his handwriting, and he’s not the kind of man to trust anyone else with that. Lord Toramatsu? No he’s never been that--”
Her thoughts were interrupted as her shoulder collided with another, and she had only a moment to stumble and keep herself from dropping the plate of sweets.
“Stupid woman.” A voice hissed at her. “Do you not have any mind of your surroundings?”
MC nearly groaned the moment she heard the voice, grimacing as she came face-to-face with Lord Yasumasa’s glare. For a moment, her body went cold. He’d never liked her, though she could never fathom why. Still, he must have been in a good mood, because his glare didn’t seem as bad as usual.
“I’m sorry Lord Yasumasa. I wasn’t paying attention.” MC said hastily, giving him a bow.
“Nothing new for you…” He muttered, turning from her and striding away.
MC huffed as he disappeared down the corridor. At the very least, she knew who her secret admirer most definitely was not! The very thought of Yasumasa treating her with anything but disdain was utterly laughable.
After delivering Lord Ieyasu’s desserts and retiring to her room, she pulled the letter out of her sleeve again. Perhaps she should reply? But when she sat down to do so, her brush only made it a few strokes before she sighed and set it down again.
“It’s not as if I know who it’s for anyway…”
And so, she merely tucked the original letter away in her drawer. It wouldn’t do any good replying if she didn’t know the recipient anyway. She’d try to find who it was, and if she wasn’t able she’d simply forget about it.
A few days later, however, she had no new leads. Though resigned to forget it all, it seemed that simply was not an option.
“Another one…” MC muttered to herself as she entered the kitchen in preparation for breakfast.
It was in identical writing to the last letter. Same short strokes spelling out her name. The pattern of folding was different, but just as intricate.
“Did another letter come?” Umeko asked as MC ran her fingers over the meticulous folds.
MC tucked it into her sleeve. “It seems so.”
“From the same sender?”
“It’s the same handwriting.”
“Aren’t you going to read it?”
MC hesitated as she tuned to get breakfast started. In truth, she did want to read it but the whole thing left her with an odd sense of unease she couldn’t explain. Did it come from not knowing the sender? Or was it the words of the other letter which had her hesitating?
“Let her be.” Matsuko chided with a wink. “Matters of the heart should be handled privately anyway.”
MC smiled, grateful for that. “I’ll let you know if there are any juicy details.”
“Please do!” Umeko beamed.
She returned the smile of the two maids, but as she moved to help prepare breakfast she couldn’t fight the uneasy feeling. In fact, she couldn’t quite get into her normal groove that day at all. Her hands seemed slower, the letter feeling almost heavy in her sleeve. She was happy when the dishes for dinner was finally over and she was able to retire for the night. As she made her way back to her chambers, she brought the letter from her sleeve to examine it again. It was an odd thought that an admirer within the Tokugawa clan would be so persistent. Or perhaps it was someone in town who one of the retainers knew? She wasn’t any closer to finding out who it was, but what if this one was signed? What if he told her his identity? What if she didn’t feel the same? Or worse, what if—?
The sudden voice from the garden startled her, and she was so taken aback that the letter tumbled from her hand. Toramatsu looked at her with concern from the garden. Beside him, Yasumasa stood, looking entirely uninterested as he lowered a wooden practice sword. Had they been sparring?
“Are you alright?” Toramatsu asked. “You haven’t seemed yourself today.”
“I-I’m fine.” She stammered. “I’m just a little tired today.”
“Ah. Well get some rest tomorrow.”
“What’s this?”
MC blinked, suddenly realizing the letter was no longer in her hand. Yasumasa had stepped closer at some point, picking up the letter. MC let out a small yelp before her body moved on its own, and the next thing she knew she was snatching the letter from his hand. Her blood ran cold as she realized what she’d done, and for a long moment Yasumasa only stared at her in disbelief, a look she was sure she mirrored. What had she just done?
“You vile—!”
“I have to go!” MC blurted before his glare could be leveled on her. “I’m sorry!”
She dashed down the corridor, not stopping until she was around the corner.it was only then that she slowed to a stop, trying to catch her breath and calm her stuttering heart.
“I hope she’s alright…” Toramatsu said. “She doesn’t seem herself.”
“I don’t know why you concern yourself with her.” Yasumasa’s voice came. “Honestly, I will never understand what you nitwits see in a simpleton like that.”
For a moment, rage bubbled in MC’s chest. She could hear the sneer in Yasumasa’s voice. Practically see it before her eyes. She clutched the letter to her chest. What if Toramatsu had written it? That thought alone made her want to march up to Yasumasa and demand he stop being so cruel, but she thought better of it. The rage was gone just as quickly as it came, and she was soon making her way back to her room.
She couldn’t sleep, which wasn’t at all surprising. The moon bathed her room in soft light, and it gave her the perfect view of the ceiling as she tried to empty her head and find sleep. With a sigh, MC sat up, her eyes drifting to the still unopened letter at her bedside. Why was she so afraid of opening it anyway?
With a sigh she slid open her door, stepping out onto the veranda and settling down in the moonlight to finally read the letter.
The ink was fresher this time, obviously written all at once. But there was still reluctance in the writing. It was short and concise, as if it were hard for them to even get this out. The content, however, made her blink. It was so different from the first one. An apology was the first thing written, followed by an admittance that this was very unlike them and that this kind of thing indeed did not come easily. It was a shorter note. With a somewhat somber tone.
“I can’t say these thing out loud, so I’m sorry if I came off as cruel. You’re very pretty for someone so plain. Please give me some time, and don’t stop smiling.”
MC’s brows furrowed. Give him time? Don’t stop smiling? So it was someone she knew? This was only more confusing.
“What’s that?”
The voice behind her made her yelp, and she couldn’t help but curse herself for losing herself so much that she’s let her guard down again. She whirled around to see the curious eyes of Tadakatsu behind her, staring intently at the note in her hand.
“L-Lord Tadakatsu! I was--”
“A love note? And you haven’t written him back yet?” His tone was teasing, and he sighed almost dreamily, “Ahh your heart might be as cold as Lord Ieyasu’s!”
Tadakatsu’s cheeks turned the odd shade of pink that they always did when their lord was brought up, and MC couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m not cold. I don’t know who it is. I wouldn’t even know how to get it to him.”
Tadakatsu’s odd lovestruck mood went as soon as it came. “I can deliver it.”
MC blinked. “You know who wrote me?”
“I know the handwriting.”
Dread bubbled in her stomach. “Er...Listen Lord Tadakatsu. I appreciate it but I’m not sure you’re really my type…”
Tadakatsu laughed, a deep hearty noise she was sure might wake the castle. “It’s not me. You know my heart and body belong to Lord Ieyasu.” He sighed again, “For him to do whatever he like to!”
“R-right. Of course.” Now she felt foolish. “I only…”
He ruffled her hair, and the gesture oddly brought her comfort. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it to your secret admirer safely. Don’t feel rushed. After all, he asked you to give him time, right?”
“Right…” She smiled. “Thank you, Lord Tadakatsu.”
Writing the letter itself was not as much of a challenge as she initially expected it to be. Her mind still wandered, having no idea who she was writing to. But she knew a few things about him. For one, he wasn’t Lord Tadakatsu, which left her at ease from ruling one person out alone. He had problems expressing himself, and that could be anyone in the castle...But he seemed as if he could also be tender and sweet if given the chance. He reminded her of Lord Ieyasu even if it wasn’t his handwriting. Still, she supposed there was no need rush things. That wouldn’t be good for either of them.
“I might not know who you are, but I’ll keep smiling at everyone so I can smile at you too.”
Tadakatsu took the letter without complaint, only giving her a knowing smile as he tucked it into his sleeve. The fatigue and uneasiness she felt in her chest melted away, and she felt much more like herself. The next day, however, there was no letter waiting for her in the kitchen. Neither was there one the day after that. And by the time a week had passed, she was starting to lose hope in getting one again.
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Merry Anniversary
A lovely anon requested: hi! I think youre doing drabbles or headcannons?? I feel so stupid cause I don’t know what difference 😩. anyqways i’d love a fix where it’s the reader and Mac’s first anniversary together and they have no idea what to get each other?? Thank you! If you’re not taking requests pls ignore this.
Pairing: Angus MacGyver x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1, 411
Tags: @coltcas
Masterlist | Christmas Drabbles | Part 2
A/N: It's a Christmas Anniversary ayeee! (kinda turned into a oneshot oops) Perhaps a part 2 for New Year's eh? *raises a Canadian eyebrow*
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Christmas is stressful enough as it is. All the dinner plans, get togethers, and the gifts—the purchasing of the gifts is enough to make you weep over your bank account, but the mere choosing of the said gifts is a process that drives you absolutely nuts.
As a matter of fact, shopping for any type of gift is a stressful process; the pressure you feel increasing as you try to find the perfect present before the deadline. Now combine Christmas with your first year anniversary that results in the insanity that is finding the perfect thing to give a certain paperclip fiddler.
You already put a pack of paperclips in his stocking as soon as he had them put up, one for every team member, and he's been using them to make the cutest ornaments. Every day before and after work, he makes one of his little sculptures and adds it to the tree in his living room. You pretty much haven't slept in your own apartment for the whole month, and since he always wakes up before you do, he'll leave the little ornament on the night table for you to hang.
All this to say, you have the world's sweetest boyfriend which only adds to the pressure of getting him the perfect present.
The traditional gift for the first anniversary of a couple is something made of paper, so you wrote him letters every day this month, but you still wanted to give him something more. Mac would be overjoyed with anything you give him, simply because as mentioned earlier, he's the sweetest, so you just give him anything. You decide that it's time to ask for advice. So you call up Riley.
Now Mac on the other hand, might actually be even more of a mess than you are.
"I'm serious, Jack, she's probably going to get me the world's best Christmas-slash-first-anniversary present and I have no idea what to get her," Mac rambles on, pacing back and forth in Jack's living room, who is currently sitting on the couch watching Mac in awe because the man who always has an idea, is stumped.
"So you mean to tell me," Jack starts, still baffled by the situation. "That you can build bombs out of pizza boxes in less than a minute, but you can't think of anything to get Y/N?"
"I can't just get her anything," He stops pacing and turns to Jack. "It's Y/N; it has to be perfect."
"You really like her don't you?" Jack smirks, never thinking he'd see Angus MacGyver fall so hard for someone.
"I love her, and this is our first anniversary— and our first Christmas as a couple."
For once, Mac is the one who's worried when he sees a light bulb being lit above Jack's head. "Well, I think I might have a few ideas."
"Oh. My. God."
"What?" You turn to Riley who's not even trying to pick her jaw off her keyboard. You practically have to shake her by the shoulders-- which you do to get her attention. "What- what did you find?!"
Riley had hacked his bank records or something else that was probably totally illegal to find out what he was getting you. Whatever it is, it must be amazing because she's just gawking at her computer. Before you get a chance to take a look at the screen she closes the top down.
"Riley, what did he get me? I need to know!"
"You'll never believe it!"
"So tell me!"
"Sorry, can't do that," she denies you with a knowing smile. "But I just know you're going to love it."
"Well that sure makes my job a whole lot easier," you deadpan shooting her a glare before slumping back in your seat.
"Come on, you know Mac better than anyone; I'm sure you can think of something."
Spinning around in the office chair, you let out a defeated sigh when something catches your eye. A yellow sticky note with a cute message is on your door from when Mac left it there weeks ago. Suddenly, it hits you. "What does Mac love more than anything?" You ask rhetorically as you stand from your seat so fast, it make Riley jump in hers.
"Uh... You?" Your cheeks warm up at the sound of Riley's answer.
You try again, "What's something Mac loves to do?"
"Uh... You?" she repeats with an eyebrow raised and cheeky grin.
You laugh, and she groans as you grab her hand and start dragging her out of her seat.
When Mac woke up on Christmas morning, you were nowhere to be found. His first instinct was to panic and pull together all the resources he could to find you, but then his phone buzzed with a cryptic message telling him to check under the Christmas tree.
There, he found the first letter you wrote to him, on the first of December, along with a sticky not bearing a clue hinting for him to go to your favorite bookstore and paperclip sculpture of your own— not that it was as expertly crafted like the ones he made, but to him it was perfect. He pocketed your masterpiece and embarked on an adventure that would take him all over the city of Los Angeles, to find the rest of the letters with puzzles he'd have to solve to get the next clues.
That's right. You made him go to 25 different locations that mean something to you and made him solve puzzles to get the next clue.
Now here he is, at the first place you met, which is where the last note told him to meet you. As he walks through the same doors he walks through every day, and although this may be where the two of you work every day, it sure as hell doesn't look the same. In fact, he's tempted to pinch himself to make sure he isn't dreaming.
There you are, standing in the middle of the room in a red dress. You're waiting for him under the mistletoe and he's pretty sure that the rest of the world has ceased to exist.
"I'm not sure whether I should say 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Anniversary'," you say as he makes his way to you. "Merry Anniversary?"
"I love you," is all he responds before his hands place themselves on your back and press you to him, pressing his lips to yours. Your heart swells with joy, and bliss, and every other cheesy noun associated with happiness and Mac is pretty sure that his grows three sizes.
But Christmas wouldn't be the same with the rest of your family, so the rest of the team runs in, crushing the both you in a cliché group hug. When the group disperses, and people start eating and conversing, Mac pulls you to the side.
"Merry Christmas," you beam at him. He takes your face in both hands and captures your lips with his in a short, but passionate kiss.
Remembering why he pulled you to the side in the first place, he reaches into his pocket to grab the little box he had kept with him all day long. Both shock and an overwhelming amount happiness laces itself in every muscle in your body. He opens the box to reveal a shiny key.
Not that you were expecting a proposal, because after all, you hadn't move in together yet— hence the key and a year wasn't really that long... Was it?
"Would you move in with me?" he asks, now a little nervous that he might have made a mistake and unsure about the next course of action is you were to tell him 'no'.
Either way, you were more than happy that he would want to live with you which was another step closer to what you may or may not be hoping for.
"Of course I'll move in with you," you smile, winding your arms around his neck and pushing yourself up on your toes to place a soft peck to his lips.
"Happy anniversary, Y/N."
Although he shouldn't, he smiles to himself at the barely noticeable hint of disappointment in your features. He knows you love that he's asking you to take the next step in your relationship, but that seeing the little black box might have sparked a hope for something more. That same something he was planning on saving for New Year's.
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I Choose You
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Requested?: No, but I wrote this drabble on my old account and then Rosie said she was interested in knowing more so this came about!
Summary: Daveed can’t recall when his feelings shifted from platonic to romantic but now he has a crush on his best friend. She also has a boyfriend. Great.
Words: 2k+
A/N: I literally wrote this whole thing yesterday but I got the green light from Ale to post it now so...ENJOY! I hope you like it!
Tags: @hamiltonwrotetheother51 @thehamiltonpost @patron-saintof-sluts @butlinislin @daveeddiggsit @nadialinett14 @librarychild @spidey-boii @me-hoy-me-trash @serkewen12 @daveedish @anthonyramosobc @autistic-alien @runnerriley @hamilsquad-writings @thegirlonhamilton
Everyone wondered how you and Daveed never went through that “crushing on your best friend” phase. Daveed would just shrug and not ponder on it, when you have a friend for so many years you only see them as a friend. You two grew up together, went to school together, and now live together in an apartment. Then one day Daveed realized that he was a sucker for your smile. He’d occasionally go out of his way to buy you your favorite snacks when he noticed you were running low but isn’t that what best friends normally do? He ignored the feeling in his chest and kept it pushing. Then one day he walked into your shared apartment to find you making out with a guy on the couch. You introduced said guy as your boyfriend and Daveed instantly hated him. That was when he knew that the crush phase was here and it was hitting him hard. He had no real basis for his hatred of your boyfriend except the fact that he was your boyfriend. He wasn’t an ugly guy; he was tall, suave and 100% your type. He never had an issue with any of your past partners so this sudden change threw him for a loop.
“Get it together, D.” Daveed rubbed his eyes, sitting up slowly in his bed.
His sheets pooled at his hips as he stretched, a few bones cracking in the process. He slowly stood up, scratching at his bare stomach as he left the room. He heard the TV down the hall and followed the noise. He found you sitting on the couch, flipping through channels as you ate a bagel.
“Y/N, is that my shirt?” Daveed crossed his arms over his chest, walking to the front of the couch.
You looked over at him, an innocent smile on your face.
“I thought it was mine!”
“I am the only person in this apartment who owns Oaklandish shirts, all the ones you claim as yours were once mine.” He pointed out, shaking his head as he sat next to you.
“Oops.” You said, biting into your bagel again.
Daveed was gonna respond when you put your bagel to his lips, he took a bite leaning back against the couch. His eyes lingered over your figure in his shirt. He would let you steal every last one of his Oaklandish shirts if it meant he could see you wearing them all day. You were so beautiful, why didn’t he make this epiphany when you were single?
“Daveed, you should go on a double date with me and Roger.”
Daveed sighed, this isn’t the first time you hinted at a double date. Each time you did he turned it down because the idea of being around you and Roger in an intimate setting was something he would rather avoid.
“No thanks.”
“Come on, I’m trying to get you laid! I know some girls who would love to sink their claws into you.” You teased, poking his stomach.
Daveed slapped your hand away.
“No one is ‘sinking their claws’ into me.” Daveed chuckled, turning his attention to the TV.
“Daveed turning down sex? I’m shocked.”
“Not turning down sex, I am turning down an evening of watching you tongue down your boyfriend. I’ve gotten enough of that in the past 2 years.” Daveed rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Like I haven’t watched you make out with a few girls. You got around in college, D.”
“Those were dark times, how dare you.” Daveed clutched his chest as if he was hurt.
“Yeah yeah yeah. Come on, we-”
You were cut off by the doorbell. You glanced behind you at the intercom and stood up, making your way over to it.
“Who is it?” You asked as you pushed the mic button.
“It’s me babe, open up.” Roger’s voice came through the speaker.
Daveed rolled his eyes as you pushed the button to unlock the front door of the building.
“Isn’t it supposed to be an us day? Movie night?” Daveed groaned, watching you walk to the front door and unlock it.
“I know. I told him that too, I don’t know why he’s here.” You shrugged, pulling the door open and hearing approaching footsteps.
“Hey babe.” Roger said, smiling at you and pecking your lips.
“Hey, what’s up? Why are you here?” You stepped back, letting your boyfriend in.
“I can’t come visit my girlfriend?”
“Of course you can but I told you today was ‘me and D’ day.” You said, locking the door and following him to the living room area.
Daveed kept his focus on the TV though he could hear Roger behind him.
“Well I got a bit bored so I thought I could hang with my girlfriend and her best friend.” Roger jumped on the couch, glancing towards Daveed.
“Am I interrupting something?” Roger raised a brow, noticing Daveed’s lack of shirt.
“I just woke up.” Daveed deadpanned, already having little patience for your boyfriend.
You noticed the tension and immediately sat between both boys.
“Babe, can we talk in the kitchen?” You turned to him, batting your eyelashes.
“Of course.” Roger stood, holding your hand as you lead him to the kitchen.
You pulled him as far in as you could and turned to face him, arms crossed over your chest.
“You could’ve texted me.” You lowered your voice, knowing Daveed was a few feet away.
“I wanted to surprise you, I missed you.” Roger whispered back, his hands on your hips.
You smiled lightly and pecked his lips.
“That’s sweet babe but you know Daveed isn’t really a fan of you. I don’t need that negative energy in my home. I live with him.”
“I know that but you should be considerate about my feelings as well. I shouldn’t have to tiptoe around your best friend. I am your boyfriend, your partner. It’s unfair. How do you think I feel when I come over and he’s shirtless and you’re wearing what is probably his shirt and no pants?” Roger responded, anger slowly dripping into his tone.
“First of all, I am wearing shorts. Second of all, me and Daveed have always been like this since we were kids. You knew our dynamic the moment you entered this house and you still asked me to be your girlfriend.” You shot back, trying to hold back any sign of irritation in your voice.
“I didn’t think it would always be him over me when I asked you out!”
“It’s never been him over you! There’s a difference between separating two people and choosing one over the other. I never canceled our dates. I came to all of your family dinners and went to your place to take care of you when you were sick. I’ve been nothing but fair and the one time I ask you to do me a favor by staying away for one day out of the month, it’s a fucking issue? You’re acting like a child!”
Your voice was slowly raising and you knew you should try to lower it but Roger was working your nerves.
“I am not acting like a child! I’m calling out your bullshit!” Roger yelled, his hand dropping from your hips.
“My bullshit? Do you hear yourself? You’re having a hissy fit over nothing!” You yelled back, pushing past him and heading for the living room.
Daveed watched you both enter the living room. He decided to stay out of it, for now.
“I am not! I have a right to feel threatened!”
“By a man who has been in my life since before I could even speak! I don’t know what you want from me, Roger!” You turned to face him again, exasperation clear in your tone.
“I want you to choose me!”
You paused, trying to make sense of what he just said.
“I’m giving you an ultimatum. Me or him. You could move in with me and we can start a new stage of life. Or you can stay here with him and lose me. It’s your choice.” Roger said, giving you an intense look.
You noticed Daveed starting to get up from the couch but you held out your hand, signaling for him to stop. He slowly sat back down, gritting his teeth.
“So that’s it? Either you or him?” You repeated, leaning against the wall near the door.
Roger nodded, “Me or him.”
You nodded slowly, walking to the door and opening it.
Roger’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
“Excuse me? You’re serious right now?” Roger said in disbelief.
“Yep. Go. Get out. I made my choice.” You opened the door wider, your voice cold.
Roger was stunned. He stood there, mouth gaping like a fish out of water. Finally, he straightened his posture and walked out with his head held high.
“Don’t call me when you-”
“Don’t worry. The last thing I’m gonna do is call you.” You cut him off, slamming the door shut in his face and locking it.
You took a deep breath, resting your head against the door. You just broke up with your boyfriend of two years.
Daveed stood up and walked over slowly, trying to find something to say but nothing felt right.
You turned around and jumped slightly when you saw how close Daveed was to you. He smiled sympathetically.
“I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to make you lose him…” Daveed spoke softly, opening his arms.
You walked closer and hugged him tightly before pulling away to look at him.
“It’s fine, I don’t need him. I have you. I’ve always had you.”
Sure, you loved Roger. It hurt to have him do this to you but if he was going to act like that then you didn’t need him. Daveed was a constant in your life that you could rely on more than anyone else you knew. Of course you would choose him.
Daveed looked at you, a smile slowly forming on his face.
“You mean that?” He asked, arms still around you.
“Of course! Us against the world, remember?” You smiled back, resting your hands on his shoulders.
Daveed felt a surge of joy that had him grinning ear to ear. You giggled and tilted your head. You can’t remember the last time you’d seen Daveed smile that big. You were going to ask what had gotten into him when suddenly Daveed’s lips were on yours. As quickly as they were on you, they were gone. Daveed’s grin replaced with a look of horror as he pulled his arms away from you.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I...I…” Daveed backed away slowly, feeling like the world around him was crumbling.
Why did he do that?
Daveed tried to find the words to save him. The words that would justify his stupid decision but nothing came up. His throat felt like it was closing on him. You were looking at him but you weren’t saying anything, just staring at him with an expression he couldn’t read.
Why won’t you say anything?
Daveed turned on his heels and retreated into his room, closing the door behind him. He needed to get out. He needed to leave. He quickly tossed on a shirt and his shoes, grabbing his keys and opening his window. He went down the fire escape and started walking down the street, his thoughts racing faster than he could comprehend.
You blinked slowly, the silence in the apartment bringing you back into the moment.
What just happened?
You walked down the hall and knocked on Daveed’s door.
“D? Daveed, please open up. I’m not mad if that’s what you think…” You wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
You didn’t know what to think about what just happened but having two men walk away from you today would be too much.
You slowly opened the door, looking around and noticing the wide open window. Your heart sank as you realized Daveed wasn’t here anymore. With a deep sigh, you closed the door and walked to your room. You were left to an empty apartment and your thoughts.
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