#macgyver oneshot
paperxcrowns · 3 months
i am genuinely tweaking over the fact that macgyver (2016) practically glosses over the fact that Mac was straight up!!! Lying!!!! to bozer for YEARS.
this would have been such good material to use to explore Mac and Bozer's relationship, and how complex the situation was bc YES it feels like a betrayal but it's also Mac simply protecting Bozer from his dangerous life and still keeping him close despite the danger, despite the very real possibility of bozer accidentally finding out or simply using bozer to get to Mac.
NOT TO MENTION. Boze was Mac's only link to something not remotely related to his job!!! the only bit of normal in his chaotic life!!!!
both of them having to find their footing again after the reveal bc nothing can go back to normal. like. bozer thinking back to all the weird injuries mac returned home with from his think tank business trips, all the lies, all the secrecy, all the time. justified hurt on bozer's side as well as understanding bc if the roles were reversed wouldn't bozer also lie to keep his closest friend safe? understanding the reason doesn't make the years of lies hurt any less.
adhjfkglgl i have. so many thoughts about this. i am clawing at the walls.
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If you were to (theoretically) read a (theoretical) fic about Patricia Thornton, (in theory) would you prefer her name to be (theoretically) spelled "Patti," "Pati," or "Patty"? (all in theory of course, just a completely random poll that has nothing to do with my current wip)
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lettyfanfics · 2 months
Masterlist Principal
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Jack Dalton:
Lost in lust (Smut)
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happyimagines · 2 years
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websterss · 3 months
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ONESHOTS: ‣ Put in Harms Way. ✻
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
WHATS UPP, so I read the dreaming of you oneshot thingy on your page (Koby, smoker AND HELMEPPO) so I was wondering if you would be able to make something more of helmeppo. I read your request page and I know you might not write it but i was just curious. I’m not picky at all but since it’s helmeppo i figured it could be something like enemies to lovers.. (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT IM FINE WITH ANYTHING!!) I’ve never requested anything on tumblr so sorry if I’m doing it wrong btw. I have a playlist if you’d like that for ideas 😼 (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0q63LD9Kt49EDxlOxCCQ7m?si=cWh4kWT-SR-x2evxlXn97Q&pi=u-vige6yADR-Oe) SORRY ITS A LONG LINK 😨
Hi there! I love how enthusiastic you are about Helmeppo. Not gonna lie, I definitely felt the need to write him a one-shot after that one. I love your playlist!
Bound to the Enemy
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 5,100+
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Synopsis: Engaged in a heated battle between pirates and marines on neutral ground had the locals enact a punishment befitting the crime. Bound back to back with a marine, you come up with a plan to work together to break out of the trap and return to your crew.
Themes: Helmeppo x reader, enemies to lovers, mutual loathing, mutual pining, peril and dread, kissing, fluff, little bit of angst, bittersweet farewells.
Notes: Chef-Husband has been making me watch MacGyver. I apologise if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for, but I did have a lot of fun with it.
Tag List: @sordidmusings @nerium-lil @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @carrotsunshine @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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Slowly bobbing your head from side to side, you hummed a merry tune from your childhood to reverberate and ricochet within the damp cavern walls. Drops of water from the pointed stalactites dripped onto your head, drenching your already soaked clothes with further murkiness from the oceanic roof.
The ropes gripping your shoulders and wrists burned with a crude jolt from your companion behind you, causing you to yelp mid-word with your song. In light of his tugging, you simply laughed and sang louder. 
“The sails lay flat, the wind in her back; the ropes lay in a bind,” you yelled your tune, the echo of your voice calling back at you in a taunting mockery, “The women did wail, as the sailors set sail, leaving their seed behind-.”
“-Are you quite finished?!” His aggravated tone cut your voice off, tugging the ropes and prompting you to lull your head behind you on his shoulder. “It’s bad enough being bound to a damn pirate, let alone one that doesn’t shut up!” You laughed from your position, back to back and tied to the enemy while sitting atop a large rock and awaiting death. 
“Aww, pretty marine,” you coo at him behind you, nuzzling almost affectionately against his shoulder with a hint of teasing, “I thought my singing would bring such joy as we await our imminent doom.” He shrugged away from your head, prompting you to laugh harder as he burned you with the intensity of your ties. 
Both of your hands were bound to each other at the wrists, your companion wriggling and attempting to free himself the moment he awoke from behind you. Your crews arrived at this strange island at the same time, immediately engaging in a heated battle filled with bloodshed and chaos. The locals did not take kindly to the ruckus and immediately implored you to stick to their stance with neutrality. 
Both your crew and the marine crew surrendered and awaited adequate punishment for tainting the shore with battle and bloodshed. The punishment chosen for you was to select a member of each crew, bind them together in ropes, and place them in a cave mouth to await the tide to enter. If you managed to escape before the water choked you with its salty embrace, the marines and the pirates would be permitted to leave. If you drowned, both crews would live out the days on the island and serve the queen as her loyal slaves. 
Before your captain or the pink-haired marine captain could react and volunteer themselves, both you and the blondie stepped forward and gave yourselves up. Without further warning, both of you were injected with a local toxin to cause you to fall into a deep slumber, likely to make the journey more difficult to return to your crews. 
“These ropes are strong,” he growled, thrusting his chest forward and prompting you to arch your back up into him, “I can’t get the damn thing loose.” You simply offer him a condescending “Mm-hmm, that’s the point,” and let him keep moving your body around to wriggle free. 
“When you’re quite ready,” you offer him, wincing as he leaned forward, “I have a blade hidden in my back pocket. I can reach it, but I will need you to stop wriggling so I can get to it.” He huffed out an exasperated breath and you felt him shake his head in agitation. 
“And why are you telling me this now, pirate?” he growled at you, attempting to look at you over his shoulder to no avail, “You could’ve cut us out the whole time, and neglected to mention it?” You laughed, feeling his hands go limp to allow you to search through your pockets without a struggle. 
“You were too busy being a grumpy marine to use your mind,” you shrugged, feeling the handle of the blade with your fingertips, “Always underestimating your opponents and too hot headed to exercise your brain along with your other muscles.” You use your index and middle fingers to draw the blade closer to you, finally clutching it in your hands. 
The seaspray began to rise, the cave mouth starting to fill with the swell of water just as you readied the small knife to cut your bonds. 
“If I nick you with the blade,” you smirk, beginning to cut through the fibers, “I’m not sorry.” The man behind you began to growl at you, holding still and allowing you to work at the ropes with ease. The first few strands came loose, giving your wrists enough room to wriggle a little easier to get enough momentum to cut easier. 
“What’s your name, anyway, marine?” you asked him suddenly, feeling a little bolder and at ease now that your bonds were turning loose. He inhaled a soft breath, uttering quietly to you in response. 
“Helmeppo,” he confessed his name with a soft nod, “And you, pirate?” You giggle in response, uttering your name hastily before rolling his title over on your tongue to sample the flavor. 
“And who are you to your captain, Helmeppo?” you ask him, humming the same tune from earlier, a little quieter as you worked. He exhaled a laugh through his nose, “I am his first mate and swordsman. You?” 
“I am the navigator and blade thrower,” you nod along, the tune never ceasing as you feel one of your wrists finally come loose. You raise it to your side and give it a soft shake and breathe slowly while stretching the limb. 
Making quick work on the other side now that your wrist was free, you reach up and begin to saw at the bonds around your chest and shoulders, noticing the ties are a little more complex than you assumed they were initially. Cutting through the strands, you finally feel them come loose enough to wriggle free. 
“Well now,” you sighed in relief, beginning to stand on the large rock and look down to the icy depths of the sea, “Can you swim, first-mate? Not a devil-fruit user by any chance, are you?” You looked to the blonde man beside you as he shook his head.
“I’m not the best swimmer, unfortunately,” he confessed, looking down at the sea rising up the rock, “Not a user, though. I can stay afloat just fine.” You nod along, looking at the cave mouth and angling your chin to the side with narrow eyes. 
“That doesn’t look right to me,” you nod your forehead to the mouth of the cave, “The light is all wrong, and the swell in water is too rapid. I think it's a false entrance.” He looked to the mouth and nodded his head along. 
“You’re the navigator,” he nodded to you, testing your knowledge beneath his staring gaze, “I am electing to trust you with this. Where do you think we should start?” You hummed in thought, gazing up at the roof and narrowing your eyes at the sight of the luminescent lights surrounding the stalactites. 
“Not a swimmer, but are you a climber?” you asked him, reaching for his chin with your index finger and thumb before turning his attention to the ceiling, “We need to go up there.” He allowed you to move his face and look at the small opening in the roof wall. He sighed another huff of exasperated breath and shook his head.
“If I had my sword, it would be far easier to scale the walls,” he nodded, looking around the rock you were standing on. The surface was like an island in comparison to the other rocks surrounding the room, no way off the surface without swimming, and no way up without reaching the spherical sides to the rocky room. 
You hummed, tucking your blade back behind you and looked down into the water, noticing a faint light coming from the center beneath the rock. Widening your eyes, you stared more intentionally beneath the water, noticing the light began to travel towards you both. 
“Helmeppo?” you ask him with a small hint of panic, backing away from the water below, “I don’t think we’re alone in here.” You held onto his arm and dragged him to the center of the rock, looking up at the tiny hole in the roof before looking at your blonde, apprehensive companion. 
Darting his eyes down to the depths below, he noticed the same scaly visage beneath the surface, swirling in a circle around the rock you were marooned on. He darted his eyes back to you and drifted his eyes frantically around your features. 
“A sea beast?” He asked in a low tone, prompting you to nod in confirmation. He sucked in a hiss through his teeth and looked up to the small hole above you, “We’re going to need to find some type of raft to have us go through the water towards the walls, and pray the beast doesn’t consume us. Then climb to the top of the cave with nothing but our knuckles, aren’t we?”
You look up at the ceiling before looking at the fraying strands of rope you hacked at moments prior. Cursing under your breath, you dropped to your knees and began reweaving the strands that you cut with your dagger. 
“Fuck,” you bark at yourself, grimacing as you hastily rotate the strands and coil them back together. He looked down to your position and his eyes widened in horror as he realized what was occurring. Sniffing back your stupidity, the water continued racing in from the false cave mouth and elevating the water level higher. 
“Can you fix it before the water reaches us?” He looked to the ropes before looking towards the rapidly rising sea water. You growled, balling your hands into fists and continuing to coil the strands around each other.
“It’ll get done,” you assure him with a rumbly growl in your tone, “But it’s not going to be reinforced enough to hold both of our weight at once.” He cocked his head to the side, a perplexed expression drifting over his face. 
“What do you mean?” he asked, kneeling beside you and searching your face for hidden intentions. You huff out a shaky breath, gesturing to your back pocket and to the ends of the rope. 
“I’m going to attach the rope to the blade, throw it through the hole and wind against a stalactite,” you nod upwards, refusing to turn your eyes away from your busy hands. “Then we're going to climb through the hole and reach the surface,” you admit, finally looking up at him, “But we can’t both go at the same time. The rope is too frail and fragile.” 
His eyes widened, searching your eyes for dishonesty and ill intent. Upon finding none, he growled beneath his breath. 
“So, what then?” he huffed out, a small scoff underlying in his tone, “One of us climbs up and then the other begins the climb up after? Is that what you’re suggesting-.”
“-That’s precisely what I’m suggesting,” you cut him off with a soft snarl, “One of us will have to wait and trust the other from their position above.” You continued coiling and twisting the ropes, your hands shaking in a soft rage and lip quivering in reaction to the fear of what’s to come. 
After a soft moment of silence, you concluded your twisting and looked up at the blonde-haired marine beside you. 
“I have impeccable aim,” you reassure him, fastening the end to your blade after you retracted it from your rear pocket, “Hold the end of the rope and let me aim, please. In silence.” He nodded, eagerly taking your orders and you breathed through your concerns as the water rose over the soft edge. 
The fins of a large creature slowly flew above the surface, Helmeppo’s eyes widening as he witnessed the scaly spine of the Sea Beast below the surface. You refused to tear away your eyes from the target ahead, exhaling slowly as you aimed at the wall within the hole. 
In a swift thrust, you threw the blade within the air and the rope began to soar through the barely illuminated dome towards the stalactites. Embedding with a swift thud, the end of the rope was hanging limply within Helmeppo’s hands as he continued to search the water for the approaching beast circling below. 
Turning to him and noticing his look, you breathed out a melancholy breath of air. Hardening your resolve, you gently reached up and squeezed his shoulder to draw his attention back to you.
“Right then,” you nodded with a hasty sniff of steely determination, “Off you go. Quickly.” He turned to you, looking down in shock as you gestured for him to begin the climb. He began to speak, prompting you to shake your head and halt his thoughts. 
“Helmeppo,” you reassured him, squeezing him once more, “This is how it has to be. I am a pirate, a blade thrower and a navigator. You are the first-mate to a marine captain and a swordsman. I would not be able to help you with the rope once I got up there, if anything goes awry,” you confess, softly giving him a pat to spur him on, “You would likely not trust me to aid you anyway, and I feel like you would do the right thing if given the opportunity to do so.” 
His shock deepened, the rope feeling hot in his hands the longer he held it between his fingers. 
“Go, Helmeppo,” you tapped him once more to break him out of his frantically racing thoughts. He gave you a soft nod, gulping back his nerves and beginning a hasty climb up the ropes. He tested his weight, tugging firmly twice before throwing his entire weight into his ascension. 
You had no choice but to watch on as the rope began to bend under the strain of his weight. Looking to the water, the levels began gently rising in soft, taunting ripples as the tide began to come in. A call of your name from the blonde swordsman above the ropes redrew your attention to Helmeppo above you.
“Distract yourself,” he ordered you, straining as his arms and thighs curled around the hanging rope. “Sing your silly songs to me, talk to me about your crew, tell me anything you want.” He growled, gritting his teeth and tugging his body above the rope. You gulped back your fear and inhaled a deep lungful of air.
“I have only ever known a life of piracy,” you confessed, nodding your confirmation and solidifying your words, “Born and raised on the sea, reading the stars and charting my course.” 
Helmeppo grunted on the ropes, continuing his slow climb as the water rose around you. You continued thinking about the circumstances that brought you here to this moment. Smiling a soft smile, you look down at your toes and reminisce about your life. 
“I learned to read the stars from my mother,” you nod slowly, laughing a soft chuckle as you add, “I look like her, too. The crew says she and I are nothing alike, but I like to think we're similar. She was a noble.” You admit, looking back up to Helmeppo as he nearly reached the top. 
He huffs and pants, finally drawing his fingers up to the coarse wall and reaching for a sturdy rock to grip. Reflecting on your words, he thinks over your confessions with interest but remains too preoccupied in his task to ask you any questions. 
The water rises closer to your toes, two beady eyes glaring at you beneath the surface and waiting for the water to lap at your ankles before making its move. You pay the eyes no mind, looking up and reassuring Helmeppo as he attempts to grip the walls for a third time to no avail. 
“You're doing well,” you offer him with no malice or sarcasm in your tone, “Take your time, I'll be right here.” He scoffed out a soft laugh at your response, wedging the rope between his thighs and using your blade attached to the top to pull himself closer to the wall. 
The water caresses your toes with a soft propulsion, your heels not faring better as the water continues to rise to the peak of the small, rocky island within the damp dome. You scrunch your eyes shut, thinking about the outcome should you both fail this task. Both crews would perish on this island in servitude for the locals, your crews would mourn for you, and you would be good for the beast below the surface. 
“You can do this, Helmeppo,” you again reassure him, gulping back your shaking fear and propelling confidence in your tone. “You are a swordsman, a first-mate to your captain. You have worked hard to earn those titles, just like you're working hard now. You can do this.” 
Hearing your encouragement, his hands finally find purchase on the walls, anchoring himself against the hole in the surface and beginning his climb up. Just as he finally leans up, the dagger in the wall comes loose, the rope falling limp between his thighs and held up by his body alone. 
Your eyes widen, your shock and his igniting desperation in your pulse. He grunted through the adrenaline, groaning as he lifted himself above the hole and braced himself against the walls. The rope began to slip, his hands darting out and grasping it before it fell back down below. 
“I-I'm-...” He panted, attempting to catch his breath. Shutting his eyes and furrowing his brows, he inhaled deeply and focussed his breath, “...I'm going to have to pull you up.” His voice quivered, his lips shaking as he was overcome from momentary exhaustion at the swift climb. 
“We-...” You began, feeling your shoes begin to dampen with the rise in water lapping at your boot heels, “...We’ll wait until you're ready. Take your time.” Helmeppo looked down, noticing the sea beast had begun to circle around the slowly disappearing island and exhaled a shaky breath. 
Before he had joined the marines officially, he would've wanted nothing more than to leave you down there to drown. He would've cowered in his own fear and scampered up the hole without second thought.
But as he stared down at you, looking at the smile you had on your lips as you gazed up at him, the enemy, he was compelled to remember all he learnt from Bogard and Garp. He was a marine, a swordsman, and now the first-mate to his superior and best friend. He was no longer his father's son, a sniveling asshole with no marks on his resume to back up his superiority complex. 
He was Helmeppo: first mate to Captain Koby, and a superior sword fighter on a journey to becoming the best. 
Anchoring a few coils of rope around his waist, he gestures for you to do the same. You follow his directions, tying your hips together and wedging the strands between your legs as a makeshift harness. He extends his legs, parting his thighs and bending his knees to brace himself within the opening beneath the moonlight. Taking the rope in fistfuls, he begins to slowly draw hand after hand of rope and pool the hefty coils over his palm and elbow. 
“K-Keep talking to me,” he uttered, wincing as he felt the overexertion of his muscles burning under the weight. “Keep t-talking. Anchor your weight and tell me about yourself.” His breath hitched, his brows furrowing as he grit his teeth. 
You choose not to look down, opting only to grant him your smile as he lifts your body higher above the doom lurking below. 
“Before I left my home,” you laughed, bracing your arms against the ropes with your forearms, “I was meant to settle down and have an army of children,” you both chuckled at the notion, his hands crawling along the strands and coiling them up higher. 
“That something you want for yourself?” He winced through the strain of the ordeal, looking beneath you and noticing the rocky island was completely engulfed in water. The eyes continued to observe the two of you with interest, the creature lingering beneath the depths smiling its toothy grin.  
“Absolutely not,” you confess with a laugh, gripping the ropes further and clambering up alongside his cooking advances, “I only want the open sea, the wind in the sails, and the stars to point me to my next destination.” He snickered down, growling as his limbs began to burn. 
“T-Truly?” he responded with a taught snicker, “No desire to settle down and retire one day?” He continued tugging the rope and lifting you through the final threshold of the journey. 
“Not in my plan, no,” you retorted, finally lifting yourself between his thighs by grasping his hips and hoisting you with your arms extended. Anchoring your heels at the wall behind you, you had no choice but to fall into his chest upon ascension. 
His eyes never left your face, floating over your features and gazing up at you. Falling flat on his chest, you wriggled between his legs and drew yourself up through the partition in his thighs. You furrowed your brows as you found purchase on the wall beyond his shoulders, his eyes darting between yours and his lips parted and panting. 
“Sorry,” you muffled your apologies, leaning back and gazing into his eyes. Your breath hitched, looking over his features and finally taking a moment to breathe him in. He was handsome, one of the most handsome men you had seen in some time: almost pretty. 
His eyes focussed on your lips, momentarily forgetting the doom lingering below and taking you in for all that you were. You were beautiful, even for a pirate. 
“We-...” he began, offering his hand out to you and aiding you between his legs, “...we should begin the climb. Can't-...” his eyes darted down to your lips and lingered there a moment longer, “-We can't leave them waiting, and the water is rising.”
You looked at his face, smiling as you hastily pushed yourself up the walls and looked down at the marine first-mate beneath you. 
“Better hurry up then, blondie,” you sneered down at him before scampering throughout the walls and hovering up the small opening. He chuckled, taking a moment to catch his breath before following up the hole after you. 
The water rises further below you two, your anxieties both propelling you to use each other as anchor points to propel you further up the hole towards the surface. 
“Try to keep up, marine,” you teased him in soft snickers, his own laugh joining yours the longer you teased him. 
“Speak for yourself, pirate,” he responded in kind, his eyes staring at your body the further up the chasm you clambered. The water began to swell further beneath you, both of you praying in gratitude that you understood the false entry that drew in the tide. 
The starlight welcomed you into the night, you hoisted your torso up through the birthpoint and your eyes both met the cloudless sky above. As you exited the hole, you reached down and offered Helmeppo your arm to grip and raise through the tunnel mouth. 
With a soft smirk, he clasped his hand over your forearm and used your arm to draw himself up through the small opening. Before falling onto his back and panting, he assessed the surroundings and noticed there truly was no entry to the cave from below. You were right, and he was ever grateful you noticed the trap lingering below. 
Lying flat on your backs either side of the hole and catching your breath, you looked to the constellations and began searching through your mind for any direction towards your crewmates. 
While you were distracted by charting the stars, Helmeppo began untying the bonds circling his waist and carefully coiling the ropes for later purpose. He wound the fibers into a neat pile beside him, before crawling on his hands and knees towards you and beginning to draw his fingers against your flesh as you muttered stars to yourself. 
“The Marina Comet besides Genfry’s Belt,” you whispered, barely processing the fingers dancing over your skin and loosening the knots surrounding your pelvis. “Which means the anchor point for our vessel should be beside the Sialin Dip and Hogir Spear.” Your whispers earned you a chuckle from your blonde-haired companion as he loosened the knots of rope girdling your waist.
After uttering your final vantage point, you began to giggle. The laughter became almost overbearing as the adrenaline teetered off and lay in wake to the lethargy you were both experiencing.
The physical trial between the two of you amongst sea beasts, bondage, and trickery had each breath you took feeling like a gift to the senses. Upon loosening the final knot, Helmeppo flopped to the position beside you and chuckled into the stars. You joined him, your rambunctious laughter serenading him as you did a few hours prior with your shanties of old. 
“Any-... Any thoughts on where our crews are right now?” he offered with teetered laughter. You rolled onto your side and placed your hand on his chest and gave him a soft pat in response. 
“We have about a forty minute trek through the jungle before we reach the shore,” you giggled, leaning over him and gazing into his eyes, “And then it’ll be about an hour after that to make it to our ships.” You reached up, brushing his blonde hair from his face and gently caressing his cheek. 
His breath hitched as his eyes met with yours, wide and shocked to receive such affection from the enemy. Conflicting emotions swirled in his mind the moment his gray orbs met your half-lidded gaze. Before he could speak, you spoke for him in a soft endearing tone. 
“You know, you’re really quite pretty,” you speak as if your words contained a soft secret within. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed a dry mouthful of saliva and parted his quivering lips up to you. Giggling at his response, you go to draw yourself away from his embrace, only to have your wrist collected in his hand. 
As you knit your brows up in confusion, he immediately sat up and drew your body close to himself. His unoccupied hand cradled the back of your head in a firm grip and drew your lips up to collide with his in a soft kiss. A squeak fled your lips in shock as your eyes remained wide and staring into the furrowed brow of your enemy.
His golden hair stuck to his face in stringy, damp strands from the salty drips from the cavern roof. The stars illuminated his pale skin and allowed you to take a glimpse at the rosy blush rising against his cheeks. You finally hum into his lips, circling his waist with your unclasped wrist, and rising to sit in his lap on the grassy patch beside the hole leading down to your prior prison. 
You take his kiss as an expression of relief in reclaiming freedom, his joy at being alive and making it through the trial laid out below. Returning his kiss, you allow yourself to give in to your own relief in making it through the trial and rotate your chin to deepen the oscillation. His heart shot to this throat as he released your wrist to circle his arm around your shoulders and hold you close. 
Finally and firmly breaking you away from his lips, he gazed up at you with adoration and an unspoken fondness for you. His lips were bruised by the intensity of your kiss which prompted your hands to raise to his cheeks and run your thumb over his bottom lip. Smiling down at Helmeppo, you softly offer him a small tease in your tone.
“C’mon, pretty boy,” you narrow your eyes and scrunch up your nose with your smile, “Let’s go free our crews and get off this forsaken island.” He panted slowly caressing your hair and pressed his forehead against yours briefly. 
“You’re going to be the death of me, pirate,” he smiled in his tone, briefly closing his eyes. He broke away contact from your forehead and aided you to your feet. Returning your dagger to you, he hooked the coil of rope over his shoulder and let it lay circling his hip. 
“After all we’ve been through? I wouldn’t dream of it,” you smile in response, placing your dagger in your back pocket and readjusting your clothes, “But do try to keep up, lover. You may be strong, but I’m faster.” You began to set an easy and hasty pace trekking through the jungle towards the coastline where your crews were waiting for you.
Aiding each other through the uneven jungle floor, and sneaking in subtle touches and holds to brace each other in support, your affection for the marine swordsman only grew. His eyes only ever left your body and face to briefly glance ahead to brush away a wandering branch from blocking your path. His chivalry was a welcome change to the bruising affection you and your crew displayed to one another. 
His thoughts and emotions clouded his judgment, finally giving in to the emotion he was attempting to stifle. He was smitten with the enemy, and he knew you were likely to never see each other again after this adventure. Willing to take any touch you were permitting him to press you with, he committed the feel of your hands on his skin to memory. 
He was in love, and you were feeling much the same. You both laughed at the true tragedy of the rising emotions the moment your crews came into view with the local government. Without much thinking, you hastily press a soft kiss to his cheek before sprinting to your captain on the sandy shore without further words. 
Eyes shut and hands rose in front of him, he bid you a wordless farewell. Opening his eyes and watching your hair bounce behind you, he felt a piece of his heart leave him and join with your own. Sparing him a look over your shoulder, you shot him a soft wink and giggled in glee at witnessing his eyes still firmly fixed on your retreat. 
You were smitten with your marine swordsman, something that the crew would likely tease you about for the whole duration of your journey out to the sea. You looked to the marine ship, your hands splayed on the wooden rail as you met the gaze of Helmeppo aboard his vessel. Gifting him a soft wave and a broad grin, he returned the gesture with a bashful smile and eyes left wanting. 
Taking a mental note of the stars, you prayed that one day their soft illuminance would guide you two to meet again. 
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altschmerzes · 9 months
i would like you to know that the concept of bad blood has in fact made me fully feral (in a good way!!) so if you would ever be like. inclined to discuss it further. please know that there is at the very minimum one person (me) that would be absolutely ecstatic to learn more about it
here's some more about the relationship and background of patrick jane and james macgyver - half-brothers in this au. james is older but not by much at all. they had the same mother but different fathers and they grew up spending time together sort of on and off, there was a thing where like. patrick's dad was unreliable at the best of times, and he like, would take patrick with him to where he was travelling with the circus for work on and off, and when patrick wasn't with him, harry macgyver felt obligated to his son's half-brother and would let patrick stay with them. james and patrick never had a very good relationship, they grew up tolerating each other at best and hating each other at worst, and harry was... subpar, as a parent. he let his kid's brother hang around, fed him and clothed him and whatnot, but what we heard of his uh, approach to parenting on the show wasn't exactly. yikes.
patrick and james were never close, and it just boiled over when patrick's wife and daughter were killed and james didn't even go to the funeral. he sent a sympathy card. that was that. their relationship was Broken and they never interacted again. and even before that, james never saw fit to mention his wife or kid to patrick in the first place.
and now here we are where there's been a murder on mac's house's street, and the team that patrick is a consultant on is investigating it. (james pulled some strings. it's not phoenix jurisdiction, it's just an ordinary murder investigation, but much as he and patrick never liked each other, they both respected the other's intelligence and skills. so he wants patrick's team on this. he wants the best.)
so this becomes this opportunity to get to know the nephew he didn't know he had! got into this a bit in make of us a bridge, the oneshot i posted in this crossover a while back in mac's pov. bad blood is mostly, if not all, in patrick's. my fave part of it so far is the absolutely explosive fight that patrick gets into with james when he sees him for the first time in years and immediately eviscerates him for walking out on mac. that's been a lot of fun.
i've been watching a lot of the mentalist lately and it's been making me want to work on this one...
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chaoticcatbunny · 10 months
Multiverse_chaos AO3
Completed Works:
Growing Pains (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/45022414 Rated: G
Soulmates (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/46434328 Rated: M
Eyes on Me (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/46867267 Rated: E
My Blood, My Soul (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/48432094 Rated: G
My Omega (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/48828244 Rated: T
Cafes and Love Songs (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/48853210 Rated: T
You Saved Me from Hell (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/48914614 Rated: E
Are You Crazy?! (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49010368 Rated: M
Lazy Sunday (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49164049 Rated: G
Regret Eats the Soul (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49304356 Rated: M
Can We Try That Again? (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49349137 Rated: T
Sink Your Teeth into Something Holy (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49373233 Rated: T
Stay and Cuddle with Me (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49397203 Rated: T
To Love a Teacher (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49420009 Rated: T
Till My Last Breath (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49442767 Rated: T
The Woman in the Sea (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49465672 Rated: T
The Underworld and Spring (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49496779 Rated: T
Reminiscing the Past (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50333056 Rated: T
Don't Say It (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50469313 Rated: E
Through the Mirror (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50517694 Rated: E
Make You Mine (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50548057 Rated: E
Scent Blockers and Heat (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50577352 Rated: E
Ropes and Toys (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50602705 Rated: E
Candles Aren't Just for Decoration (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50628742 Rated: E
Long Distance Fun (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50653843 Rated: E
Feed on Lust (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50687932 Rated: E
How Long Can You Last? (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50707534 Rated: E
The Warriors and the Godking (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50740750 Rated: E
A Different Kind of Throne (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50768110 Rated: E
Knife + Adrenaline = Sex (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50842588 Rated: E
Did He Just Do That? (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50843770 Rated: E
Drive Me Insane (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50892724 Rated: E
Behave, Little Lamb (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/50945446 Rated: E
Dancing in the Living Room (MacGyver, 2016): https://archiveofourown.org/works/51182017 Rated: T
The Lust of a God (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/51526240 Rated: E
Strengthening the Alliance (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/44524090/chapters/111991342 Chapters: 12, Rated: E
Various Male Characters x Female Reader Smut (multi- fandom): https://archiveofourown.org/works/46310926/chapters/116594665 Chapters: 22, Rated: E
You're My Fate (BPWF): https://archiveofourown.org/works/48876073/chapters/123299197 Chapters: 2, Rated: M
Cartels and Omegas Don't Mix (Narcos: Mexico): https://archiveofourown.org/works/49619566/chapters/125237029 Chapters: 2, Rated: E
This is a masterlist of all of my completed works on AO3, if you have any questions or want anything specific my asks are open just please be nice. I'll do a masterlist of my AO3 WIPs soon.
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rosieblogstuff · 1 year
4, 11, and 13 for the fic game plz 👉🏻👈🏻
Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
Multi-chapter. Even if a thing COULD be a really long one-shot I nearly always break it up into chapters. This is probably partly because I personally like having a "stopping point" in a fic because I know I'll probably let myself (reading at bedtime) go to sleep if I'm tired if there is one. Also because I've just spent an awful long time working on plotting in chapter-size chunks for orig fic. I don't really like chapters being longer than about 5000 words max.
How many words do you have on AO3 (if you use that platform)
216,797 words of MacGyver fic plus probably <10k of Star Wars/Star Trek stuff from before I landed in this fandom.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, just some weird comments from people who apparently think I'm doing really badly at shipping MacRiley in my fics. 🧐
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borhapparker · 2 years
writing commissions open!
hi y'all! i am finally (for i think the first time) opening commissions! as you guys know, i love writing, and i love creating new pieces with new ideas/settings/characters! i am now opening up writing commissions for those that want to get a personalized writing piece catered to their favorite character/actor/fandom! this does not mean that i will no longer be taking regular requests, those are still open! but now, if you want a personal writing piece with tom or one of the holland boys or even a winchester brother, i can do that with your name, attributes, etc !
below is how it works! i also take payments through paypal/venmo rather than ko-fi if that makes you more comfortable!
here are the fandoms/characters/actors i will have open for writing commissions:
stranger things (steve harrington, billy hargrove, eddie munson, and their respective actors)
marvel (peter parker, bucky barnes, matt murdock, iron fist, moon knight, peter maximoff/xmen, warren worthington iii and their respective actors)
supernatural (sam and dean, castiel, jack, and their respective actors)
tom holland (his characters)/harry holland/sam holland/harrison osterfield
bohemian rhapsody (brian may, roger taylor, and their respective actors)
macgyver (lucas till/angus macgyver)
andrew garfield/tobey macguire (and their respective peter parker alternates)
matthew gray gubler/spencer reid
any and all prompts are open to me writing them! if you are curious as to what i do not accept, take a look here
i can also write for characters not mentioned but in the same fandoms! i may not have extensive knowledge but i can for sure try my best!
my standard rate for written works is $0.01 USD per word. this translates to $1.00 per each 100 words. however, I am flexible depending on the request. see the end of this post for my restrictions. 
In every commission you must: - specify prompt/fandom - specify your pairing - provide as much detail as you deem necessary, or let me know if you’re giving me free reign over a concept
✧ Blurbs and Headcanons: I have a ko-fi where you can donate a coffee directly to me without being compensated if you so choose, or where I will write a blurb or headcanons for you if you leave your request and (optional) tumblr url in the message with your coffee.  blurbs will be min. 300 and max. 450 words per coffee (they are $3.00 each so it is discounted from my rate).  you can always message me to commission a blurb if you don’t want to pay through the ko-fi site.
✧ Drabbles: message me to commission a drabble. they will be a maximum of 1,000 - 1,200 words ($10 - 12) before it becomes a oneshot.  if you’re unsure if your request will be a blurb or a drabble, let me know! i’ll try to keep it as short as I can if you’d rather only pay for a blurb.
✧ Oneshots: please message me to commission a oneshot. i ask that you allow for a minimum of 1,300 - 2,000 words ($13 - 20) or it likely won’t be long enough to fulfill your request.  if your oneshot gets longer than 3,000 words, I will discount the rate from that point on to $0.0025 per word (this translates to $0.25 per extra hundred words after 3,000).  i will always round down for you if your total includes partial cents. 
if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! send me a message in my inbox or dm me ! thank you again and i look forward to getting commission requests!
tags: @pbnjparker @madmadmilk @webstersshark @hollandroos @spiderboytotherescue @justapurrcat @ahoefortomholland @sparkingsin @darling-parker @darlingparkers @silkscream @silkholland @sunshinehollandd @blissfulparker @boohooiamthefool @softholland @pererprk @tomhollandsblog @thollandsdarling @pvarker @totheblood @sunflowertomholland @slut4holland @gingerparker @darling-im-moonstruck
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abnerkrill · 2 years
1, 2, 13, 14!
How many words have you written this year?
oh gosh, over 200,000, which as i write it feels insane!! i haven't written this much since high school. (i honestly don't keep track and i don't wanna painstakingly add it up from ao3, but it was 50k in november alone!!)
2. How many works did you publish this year?
29!! more than i expected! several oneshots but . so many multi-chapters. help.
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
the abner x reader (love should make you feel good) was started in september '21 but the most recent chapter was posted in may and at least half of its 90k words was written in 2022. if we're just talking works started in '22, where does such tenderness come from (murdoc [from macgyver] x reader), 26k words. a rare finished work from me!
...but the elendil/miriel/valandil ot3 fic is just about to overtake it and definitely will before 2023 hits, hehehe.
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
a prompt fill for kieren x simon from in the flesh, you can hear it in the silence. 463 words. i should maybe post my other tumblr fics on ao3 at some point though--some of those are way shorter!
ao3 wrapped asks
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purrgilpawkins · 4 months
Tumblr media
MacGyver (2016) Masterlist
Bubbles + Marshmallows - Mac takes a bubble bath. { 1k words, Comfortember 2020 Day 18, Mac & Jack }
Slime + Ink - Jack realized pretty early on that Mac always needed something. Whether it be something to distract him or something he needed to help finish his projects. (Or 5 times Jack is there to give Mac something he needs and 1 time he isn’t.) { 1.9k words, Comfortember 2020 Day 29, Mac & Jack }
Needle + Thread - Mac needs his wound stitched up. Unfortunately for him, he and the team are in the middle of nowhere without painkillers. { 1k words, Comfortember Day 15, Mac & Jack & Riley }
Cold + Outside - A vacation in the middle of nowhere during Winter turns out to not be as great as the team thought it’d be and now they’re stuck outside trying to stay warm. { 1.3k words, Whump Advent Calendar Day 1-3, team as family }
Kiss + Candles - Mac gets up close and personal with an old enemy and now has some new trauma because of it. { 1.3k words, Whump Advent Calendar Day 4-6, Mac & Jack }
Fire + Work - Mac tries to light some fireworks. Bozer helps clean up the mess. { 1.4k words, Whump Advent Calendar Day 13-15, Mac & Bozer }
Merry + Christmas - The team spends their Christmas Day in Phoenix med. { 1.3k words, Whump Advent Calendar Day 22-24, team as family }
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ao3feed-macgyver2016 · 10 months
0 notes
lettyfanfics · 2 months
Lost in Lust
Imagine: Imagina que te perdes numa floresta com o Jack durante uma missão e tem de sobreviver a noite. 
Avisos: Nudez, espanhola e sexo. 
Outros Masterlist
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O Mac e a Riley ficaram encarregues de pôr as engrenagens do nosso plano em marcha infiltrando-se dentro da mansão do possível traficante enquanto eu e o Jack tratamos da segurança e limpeza do terreno, mas as coisas acabam se dificultando. 
Tivemos de lutar com os seguranças, mas com o andar da situação ao voltarmos acabamos por nos perder na floresta que rodeava a mansão na montanha. 
- Eu não acredito que nos perdemos no meio deste inferno! 
- Gritares sobre o assunto não ajuda em nada Jack. 
- Se tiveres alguma ideia sou todos ouvidos, princesa! - O Jack para de andar e vira-se na minha direção à espera da minha resposta. 
- Bem, neste caso não temos muitas escolhas. Vai escurecer em breve, portanto temos de procurar abrigo e assim que amanhecer retomamos as buscas até obtermos sinal que a Riley possa usar para nos localizar. 
- Ok. Parece-me bem. Eu acho que passamos por uma gruta há bocado. 
- Ótimo, se tiver desocupado podemos usá-la. 
- Desocupada?! (T/N) estamos numa floresta e não numa selva. 
- E tu achas que os lobos moram onde?! Vamos mas é procurar o raio da gruta. 
Demoramos mais uma hora para encontrar a gruta, mas podemos usá-la sem problemas. Quando a noite cai, o frio começa a instalar-se fazendo-nos ficar mais próximos do outro. 
- Se continuamos assim vamos congelar. - O Jack tenta se encolher mais ainda. 
- Talvez devêssemos tentar usar o calor dos nossos corpos. 
- C-como assim?! Tu já estás sentada ao meu lado. 
- Vou sentar-me no teu colo, pode ser que ajude. - Eu sento-me no seu colo e o calor aumenta ligeiramente, mas a diferença é pequena. 
Passados uns minutos começo a ficar desconfortável e mexo-me sem me aperceber do que causaria. O Jack tenta ser um cavalheiro, mas não aguenta acabando por agarrar nas minhas ancas antes que fosse tarde demais. Apesar dos seus esforços eu sinto a sua ereção. 
- Desculpa (T/N). É só uma reação estúpida e vai normalizar em breve. - As palavras que ia usar morrem na minha garganta quando uma nova ideia me aparece na cabeça. 
- Bem dizem que isso é uma forma de queimar calorias, portanto não seria má ideia. - O Jack fica imóvel assimilando o que acabo de dizer. 
- O qu...tu estás a falar mesmo a sério?! Porque eu já estou à beira do precipício. 
- Não sei quanto a ti Jack, mas eu sempre tive um fraquinho por ti e gostava de ver onde isto nos leva. 
- Tu pões-me maluco desde o dia em que pus os meus olhos em ti. Acho que estamos no mesmo barco. - Antes que pudesse falar mais alguma coisa o Jack beija-me fervorosamente. 
Eu continuo a mexer as minhas ancas sobre o seu membro provocando-o mais um pouco antes de começar a trabalhar nos botões das suas calças. O Jack passa os seus beijos para o meu pescoço enquanto abre a minha blusa e se desfaz do meu sutiã. 
Ele não poupa esforços mimando os meus seios de atenção levando o seu tempo para marcar a minha pele com as suas mordidelas. O Jack deita-me no chão da caverna para poder delinear uma linha de beijos até a beira das calças antes de trabalhar nos botões. 
O Jack despacha as minhas calças para algum canto e volta a se erguer para me beijar enquanto as mãos voltam a vagar pelas curvas do meu corpo. Eu retiro a sua camisola e acabo de abrir o fecho das suas calças libertando o seu membro. 
- Vamos fazer algo diferente. - O Jack coloca o seu membro por entre os meus seios e começa a se movimentar ganhando um ritmo. 
Quando ele se perde no prazer eu agarro nos meus seios para continuar a massageá-lo até que ele solta a sua semente pelo meu peito e cara. 
- Fiz direito? - Pergunto provocantemente, mas como resposta o Jack só grunhe. 
Ele volta a beijar-me alinhando-se com a minha entrada e penetrando-me de uma só vez. O Jack estabelece um ritmo rápido e angula as suas ancas atingindo todos os pontos necessários para me enlouquecer de prazer. 
O calor da noite começa a fazer-se presente largando uma fina camada de suor nos nossos corpos, mas apesar do nó se começar a formar não paramos por aí. O Jack põe-me de quatro e volta a penetrar-me sem piedade investindo sem parar. 
O nó volta a crescer e com mais algumas investidas os nossos orgasmos rebentam. Caímos por terra cansados e ficamos sem nos mexer durante alguns minutos. 
- Uau! Isto foi... - Digo deixando a frase no ar. 
- Fantástico. 
- Devíamos nos compor antes que nos encontrem neste estado. 
- Pois, e talvez devesse voltar a fazer isto quando chegarmos à civilização. 
- Gosto das tuas ideias Jack. 
Nós voltamos a vestirmo-nos e quando o dia raia tentamos chegar ao local combinado para nos reunirmos com a nossa equipa. E quando chegamos a casa cumprimos com o que havíamos prometido.  
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miraculoussaltlove · 2 years
One shots will be posted here storys migth not
Things I'm not writing:
Pairs(only counts for romatic ships):
Juleka x Luka
any shiping with a kwami and a human<
any ships with Alix or Max
Marinette x Jagged
evry ship involving marc and a female charakter (I headcanon Marc as gay and genderfluid)
every phedophil sounding ship
evry incest ship
every ship with a charakter from the fandom I don't know
Alix (ergo no artclub)
<p>Fandoms(mostly because I don't know them):</p>
<p>everything anime</p>
<p>How I met your mother</p>
<p>two and a half man</p>
<p>gravity falls ( haven't seen it yet but I'm planning on watching it if I finished my other open series)</p>
<p>Danger force (only because I haven't seen that yet)</p>
<p>almost every cartoon if you want a cartoon charater say which one it is and from which cartoon it is I than tell you if I do it</p>
<p>Legends of Tomorrow </p>
<p>Things I write</p>
<p>You can pick a ship out of this list or ship or make your own ship now matter of the other fandom</p>
<p>https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Miraculous_Ladybug </p>
<p>Soccer Bunch (or the German name Die wilden Kerle I'll be using the german names so Kevin will be Leon, Diego will be Felix, Zoe will be Vanessa, Julian will be Juli os no big diference and Max will be Maxi so again no big difference )</p>
<p>Teen Wolf</p>
<p>everything marvel Marvel (I'll migth be using the cartoons from the x-man here and you can pick which marvel characters you want like avengers, Young avengers etc.)</p>
<p>H2O- Just add water, wolf blood (until season 2)</p>
<p>request info:</p>
<p>Fandom(s): MIracoulous and.....</p>
<p>pair (romantic or platonic):</p>
<p>salt :</p>
<p>sugar: </p>
<p>own headcanonns:</p>
<p>season setting</p>
<p>canon difference</p>
<p> </p>
<p>request example:</p>
<p>username: Maddianshipper (I used my old username from wattpad as an example)</p>
<p>Fandoms: Miracoulous and marvel </p>
<p>pair: romantic : Luka x Marinette x Peter (spidey)</p>
<p>salt </p>
<p>amost whole classsalt </p>
<p>sugar: artclub, Ayla, NIno, Sabrina, Chloe, Lila, Max, Marc</p>
<p>redemption: Chloe + Lila</p>
<p>own headcannons: mari is vegan, Luka and Juleka pescetarian, Nathaniel is jewish, Nino moslem. Luka is pan and nonbinary. Marc and Marinette are cousins (lila is a cousin here too)</p>
<p>seasnon setting: somwehre beetween seson 3 and 4</p>
<p>canon difference: Luka+Ayla already know who ladybug is + luka knows who chat is, Marc, Mari and Lila are cousins on Marinettes fathers side, LIlas fathers side and Marcs mothers side</p>
Sorry for the </p> I copied that from archiveof our own. out of the editing Version so this happend roo Lady to delet al of the </p>
If you want some oneshots write your wishes over Ask
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Through the Valley Chapter Six
Fic Summary: One of the first things Jack does when he gets back home is leave. Hoping that visiting his dad, or at least his gravestone, will fix his mental, Jack takes off toward LA. But instead of staying for just a few days, he comes across some genius kid with a past that Jack knows unfortunately too much about.
Chapter Summary: After Jack makes a decision for the betterment of the mission, he thinks about the last time he lived in LA. In the meantime, Mac grapples with the truth about his parents and meets a new friend.
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