#oops i did it again i forgot what i was losing my mind about kind of fits disloyal order a bit too much imo
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anyone else think it's insane that folie a deux -- which literally means "the shared delusions of two"-- opens with "I'm coming apart at the seams/Pitching myself for leads in other people's dreams"
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hils79 · 8 months ago
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 3
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Allow me to be shallow for a moment but I am enjoying how often he is wet in this drama
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It's funny because I was literally just thinking about this. Clearly Im Sol can affect what happens in the future or why would she have been sent to the past in the first place. But maybe some things can't be changed. Maybe Sunjae was always destined to become an idol and that can't be changed. Very interesting.
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Sunjae's like 'yep, definitely never saw you before you approached me at the pool that time. Definitely have not been pining over you for months'
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Look at him blowing kisses at her door like a total loser. I love him. Have I mentioned that I am a sucker for men who are complete idiots for the women they love? That's a big part of the appeal of Bridgerton for me as well
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LMAO busted!
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I'm guessing that's not going to happen because, you know, career ending injury. But she is absolutely going to lose her mind when he eventually does confess.
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I love this change in dynamic so much Him: we'll go to a nice restaurant and I'll confess my feelings Her: we'll go to a very basic cafe that serves healthy food because he's an athlete and needs to take care of his body They are both so cute!
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I love her so much! And this is before she finds out he has feelings for her. She's just happy to be on a platonic lunch date with her idol.
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He is such a dork I love him so much! Did a legit fist pump when he found out she doesn't like bad boy guitarist
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Him: I don't want to do cute poses Also him: I'm dying look at her face
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Can't tell my bias that I really need to pee. Wait do they not have toilets on coaches in Korea?
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Oh, yeah, I legit forgot about him. Oops.
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Aww I hope Im Sol arrives soon to give him a hug. OOH is she going to end up being the reason he becomes a singer? She can't tell him about the future but she can suggest he try something else, right? And bad boy (I really need to try and remember his name) is in a band so maybe he can help.
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God, this poor boy. Just found out he can never compete again and his whole family has shown up to plan his trip to the Olympics
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Oh! Somehow I missed the fact that this guy was in the idol group with Sunjae in the future
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Okay, seriously, how do you not notice the kitchen is on fire when you are standing/sitting right there. Surely they'd feel the heat if nothing else
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Aww there we go she put out the fire before her mother got burned so some things can be changed!
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Aww that's the first time he's smiled since he got the news about his shoulder
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She made him laugh. I'm definitely not crying.
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Aww he finally said it! But she's so drunk there's no way she'll remember
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Ooh that happened way sooner than I expected
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I'm kind of surprised she even remembers them listening to music together tbh
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OMG it recorded them when she stepped on it! Did not see that coming! IS SHE GOING TO HEAR THE CONFESSION?
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NOOOOOOOOO! She took out the headphones right before he confessed WHY
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nullshocked · 1 year ago
Songfic Tag Game
Pick a song to accompany each of your fics or as many as you like. This might be the fic's inspiration or just pure vibes that you'd like to share with readers. Tag as many people as fics you feature (or do as you please!)
I was tagged by @mightymizora and @chronurgy a bit ago and then drafted this post and forgot about it, oops.
Under a cut for length.
"Flood Water" by Nitzer Ebb provided the fic title. It fits the vibe to me anyway.
Say I Don't Mind You Under My Skin
"Degausser" by Brand New provided the fic title, and honestly the entire album has just been inspirational for the Acherye ship. I've had it on repeat and it's going to obliterate my spotify wrapped.
Take me, take me back to your bed I love you so much that it hurts my head Say I don't mind you under my skin I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in When we were made we were set apart But life is a test and I get bad marks Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins The storm is coming, the storm is coming in
Fire in Your Eyes and Your Head Held High
There was something in the way that the day broke Thunder rumbled in a darkened sky Wind in your hair, rain on your face Fire in your eyes with your head held high I felt no pain as you walked away I felt no pain it was no surprise And I had to say that I know there's No such thing as a free ride, yeah There's no such thing as a free ride, yeah
"Burn" by Sister Machine Gun, purely for the vibes.
What kind of fool am I To want your body next to mine I want your body next to mine I need you any time And I'm breaking down inside Oh Lord I'm breaking down inside You cover me with all your hopeless little fantasies I never had before No, I never had before And now I'm living in my own reality Cause of the things you did to me Oh, the things you did to me
I'll Burn Before You Bury Me
Instead of the obvious, gunna make the weird pull of "Very Cruel" by Poliça
When the applause dies and our hands are untied Will you believe me that I loved you? What a fool I've been To beg you again and again To believe me that I want you Now we both can't sleep I see you in my dreams There you are on the lonely screen
"Discipline" by Nine Inch Nails sorry not sorry.
And now it's starting up Feels like I'm losing touch Nothing matters to me Nothing matters as much I see you left a mark Up and down my skin, skin, skin I don't know where I end And where you begin I need your discipline I need your help I need your discipline You know once I start I cannot help myself
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umflowers · 6 months ago
hi! uh just a warning this is fairly nsfw but i don't really know where else i can vent abt this so sorry 😅 you were just kind of the first person who came to mind for telling this bc i don't rlly wanna talk to my friends or whoever about this. anwyays. all nsfw from now on! slight mention of sa btw (sorry!)
so! today i tried to get myself off for the first time in ever, i'm pretty sure. i probably tried to like, search around in that region when i was little? because i was curious as to what's down there but not sure of the language to actually google it, but i don't think that that counts. anyway! i'm just like. ok so i tried two times today technically: in and right after i got out of the shower (maybe like 6pm est? also counting those as the same time because there was a very much negligible gap between them) and about an hour and five-ten minutes ago, bc no one was home other than me and my dog.
first time: i did NAUGHT know what i was doing, anatomy wise. specifically, according the planned parenthood diagram i looked at right right after getting out of the shower (part of the negligible gap), i was going for the urethra. oops. but thanks to the mighty power of planned parenthood, i figured it out! i tried for a little bit, just experimenting, and i'm pretty sure i was getting the hang of it! at least until i had to take my dog out bc he needed to go out. but after that, i was like, THRUMMING with excitement, because well, i was excited! after i got out of the shower, i was playing 'summer' by circadian clock and baethoven, btw. not rlly relevant, just what i had playing before i went to shower, i just felt like mentioning that.
second time: i get everything rlly prepared. i put on agora hills (the doja cat song) to try and set the mood. i lie down, and i try (now with the knowledge of where the clit is), and i STILL can't do it. not even after like, 45 minutes!!!! which is honestly just ridiculous. i get myself wet a couple times, which is nice, because it means that i'm not completely fucking up (how that's the first swear word in this i have no idea but 🤷‍♂️ we move), but it's still annoying because i kept on drying up after a certain point!!! which is just soooo annoying and i'm just. it didn't WORK is my problem. like, i tried to use spit to get it going a little, but that barely worked bc i kept on having to do it, and again, I KEPT ON LOSING THE FRICKING CLIT!!!!! is it the curse of being a boy (tboy for clarification) that's making this not work?? when i ended up a boy in a girl's body, did god just say "oh well i'll just make it impossible for you to find the clit so you can have at least one part of the boy experience" ?!?!?!?!?!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!!! this might also be my punishment for not paying attention to sex ed, but in my defense i was shown porn in fourth grade because my ex bff's older sister forgot to clear her browsing history and i immediately became SUPER sex repulsed (having to lie about it to my parents, the weird shame that came with it being interesting, religion, and the fact that i'm pretty sure it was one of those stepsis/stepbro things where the guy was basically assaulting the girl did NOT help imo) and decided i would never do any of that stuff ever and thus did not need sex ed so. well that's besides the point! i think i'm just mad that i can't even get myself off. i'll admit the music kind of helped, but not really all that much, and i wasn't sure what to do with anything, and i DID try to imagine stuff but nothing actually WORKED which was really annoying and yeah. rant over. thanks!!1
hello nonnie! well first off, strange as it may sound, i'm touched that you thought of me to rant to about this bc i always hope i make people feel safe to talk about things 💜 secondly, anything i say is just my personal insights, bc i have no medical training and am def not qualified to teach sex ed :p going through everything you said, it may be a combination of things? firstly, it's great that you found some music that was helping! but if i may ask, were you trying to make everything perfect to the extent that you built up masturbating into this big thing in your head and that stressed you out about it? cuz stress and anxiety can make it hard to orgasm. if so, it's okay to be excited about trying! but maybe give yourself just a bit of a cooling off period and try to relax about giving it another try and come to just see it as a fun new thing c: masturbation can be as much about learning your body and what it and you like as it is about reaching the finish line secondly, do you happen to be neurodivergent, especially if you have adhd? i personally have a really hard time achieving orgasm (like. my husband and our [female] fwb were laughing about 'punching in for their shift' when we had a threesome bc she cums really easily, meanwhile they're like taking turns as their arms got tired trying to get me there once lol) for a variety of reasons, but one of those is in fact that i have a hard time focusing due to adhd. it's not bc i'm not enjoying myself or anything like that, but just like in all other situations in life my mind just drifts, so i've learned to kind of guide myself back and make sure i'm in the moment as a side-note to that, do you have chronic pain? often those of us who do are constantly cataloging what hurts, how badly, and why, and that can be super distracting. d'you know how many orgasms have been killed for me by my hip or calf or thigh or ass cheek or neck cramping oml x_x; so if you have chronic pain, wait for your body to be in a place where it can take some tensing muscles and you don't have to focus so hard on that
as for the anatomy, i'm glad planned parenthood once again came to the rescue! there are a lot of people who didn't get the education they deserved on their own anatomy, so that's nothing to be ashamed of <3 i used to just rub at the lips and be like 'c'monnn, do something' lol. as for losing your clit, belieeeeve me i understand. clits come in all different sizes and also swell as you get more turned on, plus if you start getting really wet that thing is like a little slip 'n' slide. one thing i found that helped was getting a hitachi wand-style vibrator, cuz the vibrating head is big, so good fuckin' luck ducking out from under that thing, clit. but also, gauge your own sensitivity bc those wands are usually pretty powerful and can be overwhelming to some people, especially when you're new to masturbating. you can start smaller, too. there are any number of sites to buy sex toys from, but the one i personally use is adam & eve (https://www.adameve.com/). try poking around on there if you like and getting a feel for what clitoral vibrators are available and what you think might work for you, if that's of interest ^^ i would definitely recommend not trying in or right after you get out of the shower - i know shower sex gets shown in movies and porn a lot, but having tried it? in practice it actually tends to dry a vagina out bc it washes away our natural lube. and also! lube! lube is your friend. even if you're not doing anything penetrative, a little dollop on the clit goes a long way to making anything you're doing feel way better. water-based lube (which a lot of lubricants are) is usually better than oil-based, and remember to never use oil-based lube with a sex toy bc it wears down the surface of the toy. as for the trauma when you were young, i'm so sorry you had to experience that :c i understand religious sexual oppression and the lingering effects it can have, as well as sexual trauma, believe me. it's possible that that's also contributing to why you couldn't orgasm, but that's also nothing to be ashamed of. it's okay to react to things, especially when you're a kid and you don't even really understand what you're experiencing. also, and you certainly don't need to tell me if you're not comfortable, but being trans, do you have any dysphoria regarding your genitals? i've known trans people across the spectrum with this, from being able to masturbate without any problem to being unable to clean up in the restroom without it affecting them mentally, and it's all valid. if you do, that of course can also affect how much you enjoy masturbating.
as for having a hard time picturing things, ooooh my god i get it. i have aphantasia, so i have a hard time picturing anything in my head, and i'm also an auralist so i'm more turned on by sound than sight, anyway. if you're unable to or uncomfortable with watching porn, you could try audio porn if it would appeal to you? there are people who just either improv or read prepared scripts, and it's only audio. you can find any number of kinks, accents, gender pairings, etc. my go-to for it is actually a subreddit called gone wild audio. all in all i'd say, wait until you know you'll have a decent amount of time to yourself so you don't have to worry about someone walking in. take the pup for a walk first if they're anywhere near due for one (and please give them a pat for me!) and just try to relax and see it as enjoyable, not something that you have to figure out or be perfect at right away. it's easier to orgasm the more you're enoying yourself, and trying to race to the finish line ends up being stressful. get some lube (i swear by astroglide, but it can be pricey and there are perfectly good cheaper options!) and, if you're able and want to, some kind of vibrator and see what that does for you, then go from there and build on your knowledge of what you enjoy (: good luck! you're always welcome to send another ask or message me if you like 💜
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j0kers-light · 2 years ago
👁️👁️ joker x yn who gets exposed for having connections with Batman
Hey hi anon! 🖤✨
I HEARD YOUR CRY! Now you didn’t specify what kind of connection sooo I took liberty of making up one on the fly. I can’t in good conscience say this is canon within His Lighthouse lol. Joker would lose the last shred of his sanity if it were. Enjoy!!
Edit: If you wish to read the full oneshot bearing the same name, here's the link! It does have a trigger warning advisory.
This was not how you wanted Joker to be angry with you. You expected him to be upset about your limited edition box set not coming out until the fall or about you hogging all the cover at night.
Not about your extremely old photo-op with the one and only Batman circulating the web again
It literally was a long story and definitely a lot more tamer than what Joker was making it out to be
So what if you had an old selfie with Gotham City’s Dark Knight floating around the web?
So what if the caped crusader was rather handsy with his hand resting wayy too low on your back or that you were licking the cowl and the caption was quite suggestive?
#Leathertastesfunny but #Ihadworse Okay so maybe it was bad. 👀
Joker stumbled across the old pic when a fan reblogged it with a comment. “Wait, does this mean Y/n is smashing Batman?” Then he scrolled and saw the most recent pic that you totally forgot about taking months ago!!
Who knew Batman was so dirty? You were walking back from an outing and almost got into a nasty situation if not for Batman swooping in to save the day
He flirted with you after saving the damsel in distress again; “the leather shouldn’t taste funny anymore”, he mentioned and you laughed and called his bluff (5/10 not bad)
You offered to take another selfie to commemorate the heroic moment. You were not expecting Batman to back you in the wall and grind his hips into yours. Your thumb slipped and oops…
#Themaskstayson okay so yeah um.. the selfie got quite the buzz. Batman was all but f__king you in the alleyway or at least that’s what the photo suggested.
Your airy smile peaking over Batman’s shoulder with your legs wrapped around his slutty little waist all but confirmed it. Yeah it looked bad
And naturally Joker. Flipped. His. Ish.
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“J-J… it happened way before you and I even met!”
Why did you say that? Like that small fact made things any better.
You saw Joker’s eye twitch. The date was right there on the post. It was two days before you and him met in Chinatown but STILL it was too close in Joker’s mind. You were his.
He saw nothing but red. You hooked up with THE Batman, his mortal enemy? Was it just a one (twice) time thing or prolonged occurrences?
“Did ya f__k him?” Joker growled.
You played with your fingers and looked away. Silence was worse than answering but J had to know.
“I won’T repeat myself, Y/n. Yes or no.”
Cue your stuttering.
“I uhh, well I mean yes but no? It wasn’t a p-in-v if that’s what you’re asking but I did consider it! I have a mask kink okay?! I was curious! I-I mean.. have you seen the man?” You winced when Joker growled.
Alright, not the best confession to say to your psychotic possessive lover, especially since Joker and Batman were bitter rivals.
It was like the ultimate betrayal in J’s eyes. You considered having sex with Batman. Can’t take that back. You started to slowly back away.
“If I were you, I’d run too bunny. Cuz when I catch ya… mmhhm. When I get my handsss on you. I’m gonna ruin you.” Joker was shaking with rage. “One.”
You squeaked in fear and bolted from the room. You tried turning the corner but your momentum made you crash into the wall.
“Two…” You panicked hearing the countdown continue and scrambled to your feet. You made it down the hallway right as Joker said, “Three.”
He casually stood to his feet and stalked your tracks straight into the bedroom.
You thought locking the door was gonna save you? How cute. He broke it open and came to a stop right in front of the closet door. He could smell fear on you and a tinge of arousal. Gods above, he loved you.
“Now I wonder…. where oh where could my little slut be?” He sang out knowing you were in shambles inside.
You were sending a quick prayer upward right as Joker ripped the doors off the hinges and dragged you out by your ankle. Your screams were music to his ears.
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softspideys · 4 years ago
The Perfect Date
summary: tom makes it his mission to take you on the perfect first date. the only problem is, you have no idea. 
warnings: none
word count: 3.6k
pairings: tom holland x reader
a/n: this was supposed to be a valentine’s day fic but then I forgot about it. oops. plz enjoy anyway
Tom had just started the last lap of Wario’s Gold Mine when he heard Zendaya ask, “Got any plans for Valentine’s Day?”
He tried not to pay attention to your answer, focusing on keeping his lead, but he couldn’t help it. His eyes flickered over to where you were sitting at the kitchen table, absently circling your finger around the rim of your wine glass.
You straightened up at her question, scoffing. “Are you kidding? When’s the last time you saw me date anybody, Z?”
“Hey,” she said, pointing at you accusingly. “Don’t even start with me. I set you up with people all the time, it’s not my fault you’re so picky.”
“It’s called having standards,” you fired back. “Sorry I’m not interested in pretentious jerks who insist on mansplaining Tarantino films to me over their venti-soy-no-foam latte with a triple shot of espresso.”
Zendaya cackled, and though he couldn’t see your face, Tom could tell you were smiling too; your words had no real bite to them.
“Seriously though,” you continued with a sigh. “I think I might just give up dating for a while. Lately it feels like my only options are either crappy blind dates or going through a sleazy hookup app for some mediocre sex. I can’t remember the last time I got properly asked out and went on, like, a nice date.”
As soon as you said that, the gears started turning in Tom’s head. And then he got an idea so good he almost forgot about the race entirely, until Harrison hit him with a red shell and passed him, sailing over the finish line in first place.
“Yes!” Harrison cheered, causing you and Zendaya to look over, startled. “Finally, I won!”
“Wow,” Zendaya said, amused. “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever lost in Mario Kart, Holland.”
“Yeah, what’s gotten into you?” you asked teasingly as Harrison got up and did a victory dance.
Tom normally hated losing, but he was too preoccupied at the moment to care. “Nothing,” he said quickly. “Just . . . a little rusty, I guess.”
You raised your eyebrows, but then Zendaya challenged Harrison to a rematch, and the two of them immediately started a new grand prix while you called dibs on the winner. With the distraction in place, Tom had plenty of time to come up with a plan.
The four of you had been friends for years, but he’d always harbored something of a crush on you. He’d never tried to push the boundaries or pursue you because he liked your relationship as it was already, and didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But this would be different. This was harmless. He was simply going to show you how you deserved to be treated, give you a good date to remember among the bad ones.
Nothing else. Right?
* * *
You eyed the huge bouquet of roses your coworker had on her desk and tried not to feel too envious. She’d made a big show of bringing them in this morning and inviting everyone who walked by to smell them, going on and on about how her girlfriend had surprised her for Valentine’s Day yesterday.
So what, you thought to yourself. I can get myself flowers whenever I want; I don’t need a holiday to have an excuse to do it. It really didn’t make you feel better though.
“Hey,” a familiar voice said, making you jump a mile. You looked up. Tom was peering over the wall of your cubicle, which was . . . unexpected. He hardly ever visited you at work.
“Oh, hi,” you said. “I didn’t even see you come in.”
“Yeah, you were totally zoned out,” Tom said. “Good thing I brought caffeine.” He placed a to-go cup from your favorite coffee shop on your desk. You saw the order written on the side; he’d gotten it exactly right.
“Wow,” you said, surprised but grateful. “Thanks.” You’d already had coffee this morning, but clearly it was shaping up to be a two-cup type of day. You took a careful sip and felt better already.
“No problem.” Tom followed your line of vision to your coworker’s desk. “Pretty flowers.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, a little quietly. You cleared your throat. “So, what’s up? Did we have plans today or something?”
“Oh, no,” he said, shifting from foot to foot, “but that’s actually kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” He seemed nervous, which in turn made you nervous.
“Okay,” you said, giving him your full attention.  
“So . . . are you doing anything this Friday night?”
It was only Monday. You thought for a second before shaking your head. “I don’t think so.”
“Would you like to have dinner? With me?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. That was it? “Oh. Sure.”
You could’ve sworn you saw his eyes widen the slightest bit. “Really? I mean, great. Cool.” He scratched his nose. “So, Friday at six o’clock, then? I’ll text you the name of the place?”
“Sounds good,” you said. He seemed excited, though you couldn’t figure out why. You got dinner with him, Harrison, and Zendaya at least once a week.
“Alrighty,” Tom said, swinging his arms a little and nodding. “Well, I’ll let you get back to work. See you Friday.”
“See you,” you said. Did he really come all the way to your office to ask you this in person instead of just texting you like he normally would? Maybe he’d been nearby or something. You watched him leave, mostly confused but also kind of endeared.
“Was that your boyfriend?” your coworker asked, subtly adjusting her flowers again.
You quickly shook your head, turning back to your computer and taking another sip of your coffee. “Oh, no. Just a friend.”
As Tom left your office, he allowed himself to do a small fist-pump. Getting you to agree was the hardest part. Now came the slightly-easier-but-still-hard part: making sure he gave you the best first date ever.
* * *
Something strange was going on with Tom. You first realized it when you brought up the dinner on Friday to Zendaya and she had no clue what you were talking about.
“Tom didn’t invite you?”
“Nope.” She popped the “p.”
“Huh.” You chewed your lip. “That’s . . . weird. Maybe he figured I’d just tell you about it. And I guess you don’t really need an invitation anyway . . . do you think he invited Harrison?”
“I don’t know.” You were on the phone, so you couldn’t see Zendaya’s face, but it kind of sounded like she was trying not to laugh. “Maybe he wants it to be just the two of you.”
“Maybe.” It was rare, but it wasn’t like you never spent time with just Tom or Harrison.  You couldn’t remember the last time you had dinner with either of them one-on-one, though. This seemed . . . different. “But I’m sure he won’t mind if you guys show up,” you said with a shrug.
Now Zendaya did laugh. “No, no, it’s fine,” she said. “I think I’m supposed to babysit my niece and nephew anyway. You guys have fun.”
Then there was Tom himself. You hadn’t seen him in person since Monday, but he’d been texting you random questions all week:
Do you prefer a casual or an elegant ambiance?
How many candles on a table is too many? Or do you think overhead lamps are better?
Oyster bars . . . yes/no?
You answered all of them with increasing bemusement, but any time you asked why he would mysteriously change the subject. You couldn’t help but feel like there was something you were missing here.
Finally, he sent you the name of the restaurant on Friday morning: Soul & Persona.
You’d never heard of it, so you decided to look it up. One glance at their website told you this place wasn’t like the casual restaurant-and-bars you and your friends usually frequented. This was fancy. Clicking over to the menu, you inhaled sharply at the prices written next to the items. Luckily, today was payday.
You arrived at the restaurant shortly before six. Another person was already standing outside, and as you got closer you realized it was Tom. Two things about that were already weird: one, he was normally notoriously late to everything; and two, he was holding a bouquet of roses in one hand that were so big they nearly obstructed his face.
He didn’t notice you approaching, busy frowning at something on his phone. “Hey,” you said at last, making him jump.  
“Oh! Hey!” He cleared his throat, shoving his phone in his pocket. “I mean—good evening.” He did a strange little bow before thrusting the flowers at you. “These are for you.”
“Wow,” you said, taking them carefully. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. You look really nice.”
You were glad you researched the restaurant in advance, because the jeans and t-shirt combo you’d originally planned on wearing would definitely not have been appropriate here.
“So do you,” you said. He did: he was wearing slacks and a nice dress shirt under a jacket, his hair neatly combed.
“Thanks. Should we go in?” he asked. You nodded, and he hurried to open the door, ushering you inside. It was crowded, which made you a little worried. How long would the wait time be?
But Tom went right up to the hostess stand. “Hi,” he said, “we have a reservation for two at six; the name is Tom?”
She looked at her book and nodded. “You can follow me right this way.” She led you to a quiet corner of the restaurant and seated you at a table by the window. “Enjoy your meal.”
“Here,” Tom said, pulling your chair out before you could sit down. Again, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
“This place is crazy nice,” you said, looking around as the hostess placed a wine list on the table.
“Yeah,” Tom agreed, a little distractedly. “Um. So. Do you prefer to work in a team or alone?”
You blinked. “What? Where’d that come from?”
He shrugged, fidgeting with his collar like he was nervous. “I—I dunno. Just making conversation.”
“Oo-kay,” you said with a laugh. “Well, I haven’t seen you since you blessed my office with your presence on Monday. How was your week? Didn’t you have to give a presentation yesterday?”
“Yes, and one of the board members literally fell asleep during it,” Tom said, wrinkling his nose.
He seemed to loosen up after that, and the conversation flowed naturally from then on as you talked about your plans for the weekend, your friends, your families, and any other random thoughts that occurred to you.
For dinner you tried a pasta dish while Tom got steak, and you each had the soup of the day for an appetizer. Your knowledge of wine was limited to whatever was cheapest when you went to the liquor store, but Tom had apparently become an expert overnight: he asked the waiter all kinds of questions about their reds vs. their whites before finally ordering a bottle for the two of you to share.
All in all, it was an enjoyable dinner. You always had fun with Tom, of course, but you rarely got to spend time with just him. And though you normally stayed away from expensive places like this one, you had to admit the food was delicious and the ambiance made you feel very sophisticated.
“Can I get either of you some coffee or dessert?” the waiter asked as he cleared your plates. You’d never been one to say no to that, but Tom jumped in before you could open your mouth.
“No thank you,” he said quickly. “Just the check please.” Then he looked at you. “I thought maybe we could walk to that bookstore you like? The one with the bakery in it? We could—we could get dessert there and browse.”
“Oh,” you said, surprised. “Yeah, that sounds great.”
“Cool.” He sounded relieved.
The waiter brought out the bill and Tom grabbed it as soon as he set it on the table. “What are you doing?” you protested. There was normally an agreement among your friends that everyone paid for their own meals when you went out to dinner.
“I’m paying,” he insisted, waving you off as you fruitlessly tried to put your own debit card down.
“At least let me Venmo you for my half.”
“Seriously, it’s fine.” He wouldn’t even let you see how much the meal cost.  
You could tell he wasn’t going to budge for whatever reason, so you had no choice but to relent. “If you’re sure,” you said, watching him smugly sign the receipt. You made sure to grab your flowers before you got up and followed him out of the restaurant.
The bookstore you liked was a few blocks away, but you didn’t mind the walk. The air was warm but balmy, refreshing on your face. “That was amazing,” Tom said.
“It was,” you agreed. “I’m convinced they put actual crack in that pasta sauce. It was otherworldly.”
He laughed before he asked, a little hesitantly, “So are you . . . having a nice time?”
You looked over at him questioningly. “Of course I am. But I always have a nice time with you.”
“Good,” he said quietly, nodding. “Good.”
“Are you?”
“Yes,” Tom said immediately. “I just wanted to make sure. So, what are some of your pet peeves?”
“What is it with you and these questions?” Thankfully, you arrived at the bookstore and were spared from answering.
One of your favorite things about hanging out with Tom was that you didn’t necessarily need to be attached at the hip or in constant conversation in order to have fun. As soon as you entered he made a beeline for the True Crime section while you went to look at the new releases.
It was nice to just browse on your own for a while, and you ended up buying a book you’d been wanting to read ever since it came out. Tom was still perusing the shelves after you checked out, so you sneakily went up to the bakery counter and bought some dessert.
He found you sitting at a table in the cafe, reading your new book. “What’s this?” He gestured to the two pieces of cake and cups of decaf coffee on the table in front of you. “You should’ve let me pay!”
You’d been anticipating this, so you merely rolled your eyes. “Cry about it. You paid for dinner; it was the least I could do.”
“That’s not how this works,” Tom objected, but he reluctantly sat down and pulled his cake towards him anyway. The two of you discussed your books while you ate, and you tried not to act like you were eyeing his slice the entire time.
He noticed, of course. “You wanna try?”
You nodded sheepishly. You expected him to push the plate towards you, but instead he scooped a piece up onto his fork and held it out. “Here.” A little surprised, you opened your mouth and allowed him to feed it to you. For some reason it felt oddly intimate.
He was watching you expectantly as you chewed. “Good?”
“Yeah,” you managed to say, swallowing. “Really good.”
It was getting late and the store was closing soon, so you left after finishing your coffees. Usually this was when you’d call it a night and go home, but this time you felt no strong desire to. So when Tom started walking along the river instead of heading back towards the restaurant, you didn’t mind at all, falling into step beside him.
The night sky was clear, giving you a breathtaking view of dozens of stars. Hardly anyone else was around, and the river below was quiet and calm. It was like you were suspended in time. You couldn’t remember ever feeling so peaceful.
Tom’s hand bumped yours as you walked. You didn’t think anything of it at first, but then it happened again, and this time he laced his fingers through yours.
For some reason that was what made everything suddenly fall into place, for you to finally put two and two together and realize what was going on.
Oh my God.
“Tom,” you said hesitantly, shattering the comfortable silence between you.
“Is this . . . a date?”
He stopped walking, forcing you to do the same. Under the soft glow of the streetlights you could see he was staring at you. “Wait,” he said slowly. “This whole time . . . you didn’t know?”
Now that he’d basically just confirmed it, everything started to make sense: coming all the way to your office just to ask you to dinner, bringing you coffee, making reservations at a fancy restaurant, paying for the meal—
You were on a date and you hadn’t even realized.
“Oh, God,” was all you could say. You almost wanted to laugh, though nothing about this was even remotely funny. It was like you’d been hit over the head with a brick.
How could you not have known? It should’ve been obvious when he paid for the meal; no, when you realized you’d be eating at such a fancy place; no, when he showed up randomly on Monday, brought you coffee, and fucking asked you to dinner.
You both seemed to realize at the same time that you were still holding hands, and he quickly dropped it and stepped back. For the first time since you’d met, the air between the two of you was awkward. “I—I’m so sorry. I thought you knew.”
“I should’ve known,” you said, shaking your head. “I’m so stupid, I just didn’t think—” You didn’t finish your sentence. You honestly couldn’t figure out why you didn’t realize it sooner.
Because he’s your friend, a voice in the back of your head reminded you. He’s your friend and he’s never expressed any interest in you before, not like this.
That was true. You’d always thought Tom was handsome, and maybe early on in your friendship you’d fantasized about him once or twice. But he always treated you normally, never outwardly showing any sign of wanting more.  
“You’re not stupid,” he said immediately. “I should’ve made it more clear.”
“I’m just confused, I guess,” you said carefully. “I mean . . . why now? And why . . . me?”
He exhaled. “I overheard you the other day when you and Z were talking, and you were saying something like . . . you hadn’t been properly asked out and taken on a nice date in a while. So I guess I just wanted to do that for you. Make you happy.”
Your brain felt like it was short-circuiting. You didn’t know what to say to that, but he seemed to take your silence as a cue to keep going.
“That’s why I came to your office, to ask you in person instead of doing it over text or whatever. And I saw you looking at those flowers your coworker had, so I bought you some. And I picked this restaurant because it was nice but also because it was near the bookstore. And I memorized some first-date questions in case our conversation got boring, but I think that probably wasn’t necessary.” He sucked in a deep breath. “And now that I’m saying all of this I realize how weird it sounds. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
“Oh,” you said dumbly. His previous words were still echoing in your head. I guess I just wanted to do that for you. Make you happy.
He’d taken the time to think about all the things you liked and used that knowledge to plan the Perfect Date. You couldn’t remember the last time anyone had done something so kind, so thoughtful, so . . . romantic. Did this mean what you thought it meant?
Of course, the only way you were able to translate all of this was with, “Wow.”
But then he added, “And—and I didn’t do all of this because I thought it would lead to a second date or anything like that. I only—”
“Wait,” you interrupted, your stomach plummeting. This conversation was giving you whiplash. “So you . . . don’t like me?”
“You did all of this . . . just because? You don’t actually want to go on a date with me?” Now you were more confused than ever, and a little hurt beneath that.
Tom’s eyes widened. “No! Well yes, but . . . no. Wait.” He took a deep breath. Now or never, right? “I do like you, but this was separate from all that. I only meant that I wasn’t expecting anything from this. I just wanted you to have a good time.”
You nodded slowly, exhaling. “Okay. So . . . what if I told you that I did have a good time, that I like you too, and I want go out with you again?”
Tom blinked at you owlishly for a second before his face split into a huge grin, one you were sure your own was mirroring. “Then . . . I’d say . . . same. To all of it.”
“Good,” you said, stepping closer. “In fact, I think this has almost been the perfect first date.”
He paused. “Wait, almost? What would make it perfect?” He furrowed his eyebrows, looking a little panicked. You laughed, reaching up and cupping his jaw.
“It has to end with a good-night kiss, doesn’t it?”
Tom relaxed, his hands finding their way to your waist. “Oh. Yes, you’re absolutely right.”
The two of you were still smiling as you kissed, and Tom lifted one of his hands to do a silent, sneaky fist-pump. 
Mission: success.
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crossroad-of-fate · 4 years ago
-Just Like a Cat-
"Leona-san! Where do I put your trousers?" You called after opening the door to his wardrobe. Hearing him shift on his mattress from behind. You looked over your shoulder at him.
He was dressed in his dorm pajamas, brown hair spread around wildly on his sheets like branches. and you could only see a thin line of green when he raised his head to look at where you are. Plopping back down when he located your figure by his dresser.
"Third drawer from the top...and be quiet will you?" He answered with a hoarse voice, now sleeping on his side. You bit your lip to stop a squeal when you saw his ears twitch.
Just like a cat.
Your fingers itch to pet them and it was getting harder and harder every day to control yourself from just slapping your hand on top of his hair and fulfill your overwhelming desire to pet his ears.
Yet, you knew better than to disturb a predator.
That doesn't stop you from repeatedly opening and closing the drawer to create a sound loud enough so his ears will twitch again though. It moved and the sleeping beast even nuzzled his cheek onto his pillow.
You wanted to Aaww so badly.
Getting back on track, you turned your back on him and placed the clean trousers neatly inside the drawer. You began to lose yourself in thought as your hands busied themselves with organizing the contents of the drawer.
How will he react if you just ask to pet his ears?
You've been lightening Ruggie's workload by taking care of Leona's wardrobe and you haven't been paid for your work at all. To be honest, you did just wanted to help the second year. The overworked ones had to stick together after all but you wouldn't mind if he paid you with something.
Or maybe Azul is just starting to rub off of you. You stopped your hands and mulled on the thought, then shaking your head in disagreement after a second.
It wouldn't hurt to try.
And besides Leona would never intentionally injure a magicless human such as yourself. Why would he prey on the weak and defenseless?
You somehow forgot that that is exactly the kind of prey predators would hunt.
So with false courage in your head, you approach the dorm leader. Kneeling on the side of his bed and coughing onto your hand to wake him up.
He didn't even stir.
"Psst! Leona-san?" You whisper as quietly as you can, poking his shoulder with your finger.
He stirred but didn't open his eyes or acknowledge your presence. You resorted to patting his shoulder and smiling in relief when your eyes fell onto his green ones.
"What do you want..?" He yawned, flexing a pair of sharp fangs right in your face.
You blink. Starting to hesitate. But one look of his ears flicking the air is all it took to persuade you again.
"I'd like to get paid for my services if you don't mind." You grinned.
The lion looked at you emptily, still not fully aware of his surroundings.
"Paid Leona. Paid. I want to get paid for it."
"Ruggie said you wanted to willingly help him. He never said anything about money-" You cut him off with a loud clap of your hands.
"I didn't say I wanted to get paid with money. Oh no no, I want something else."
Leona, now fully awake, raised an eyebrow at you telling you to continue. He was half annoyed that you woke him up for this but he was also curious.
Have the evil souls of Night Raven College finally corrupted yours? Have you become one of them? Thirsty for power and money?
You, the magicless prefect who infamously defeated countless overblots in less than a year, Leona can't help but wonder. What exactly does your little 'kind' heart desire?
"Can I pet your ears?"
The pessimism clouding his mind dissipating like smoke at your words. He looked even more confused than he was before, looking you up and down as if you just said something so wrong.
"Do I look like some stray kitten to you? No." He answered sternly, rolling his green eyes when you started frowning at him. You stopped him from turning his back-
"You won't have to move your body, no money taken out of your wallet, you can just lay your head in my lap and sleep." You counted the advantages Leona would get, convincing him with a soft smile and eager eyes.
"So please?"
Leona still looked unconvinced and he was prepared to kick you out of his room for requesting to do such a tender and intimate act to him. He stayed silent, sparing you one last chance to convince him.
"I won't tell anybody! I'll bring this to my grave!" You mimicked a zipping motion against your lips with your thumb and index finger.
Leona blinked, very weirded out by your determination. Honestly, he just wanted to sleep...
Your eyes widened the size of oranges. Your face shouting excitement. "Really?!"
Leona didn't answer and laid on his pillow properly this time, eyes already closing. You took it as a sign to scoot closer towards his bed. You didn't dare to just sit on his bed so you extended your hand towards his head, only to be stopped by a tight grip of Leona's hand around your wrist.
You almost jumped in surprise.
"If this gets to anyone's ears. I'll personally chase you down and tear your throat out, got it?" He threatened with eyes back open and glaring at you.
You fervently nodded, your shoulders relaxing the moment he released your wrist.
He laid his head onto the pillow and his scowl quickly changed into a more nonviolent expression. You waited in the silence for the atmosphere to grow less dangerous before putting your elbows on the mattress. Leaning closer to Leona's head.
You inhaled deeply and gently brushed your knuckles against the tip of his ears. Biting down your lips to stop from screaming in satisfaction. Your fingers patiently grazed his ears, careful not to make him uncomfortable.
Your palm began petting between his ears and you noticed how his body began breathing more easily. Leona was asleep already, how long has it been? 7 seconds? You took your time feeling his ears, they were much more compact than those of cats, but they were still so unbelievably soft.
You would never tell Leona about how he moved closer to your hand every time you pulled it away.
The King Of Beasts at the palm of your hands. How endearing.
Just like a cat.
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koohiikori · 4 years ago
Hello I am in love with “Belive me” the Levixreader! I was wondering if you can do a part two ,like Erwin asks you to give paperwork to Levi but when you walk into his office you see him having a coughing fit? Thanks so much!🥰✨
Say no more 👀 let us hurt ourselves with more angst! And I think this story deserves an actual ending so we can have the closure we need, even if it's not what we might've wanted *oops
Believe Me pt. 2 | Levi A.
"She's a lady, and I am just a boy."
Pairing : Hanahaki!Levi Ackerman x Reader
Warnings : ANGST! and a bit of angsty fluff, mentions of blood, regrets, I think that's it?
Word Count : 2.3k words
Part 1 Here
It's been a week and a half since you had the surgery. You felt great, physically at least. However, mentally, you felt like something was missing. That feeling bothered you, it was as if someone tore a hole in your chest.
Well someone did, but that wasn't why you felt empty. Or was it?
"Y/N, are you paying attention?"
"I'm sorry, sir. I got lost in thought."
Erwin sighed at your response. You felt yourself stiffen up, worrying the commander had finally had enough of you. Though, you felt relief wash over you as he let out a small chuckle.
"I hope you didn't regret getting the surgery. Even if it was done under Levi's command, I hope you understand why he did so."
"Of course, sir. By the way... where has Captain Levi been? I haven't seen him since the surgery. The whole squad is still here, so he couldn't possibly be on a mission."
"Most likely in his office doing paperwork. He had to fill in a lot, especially after his previous squad was almost completely wiped out."
You broke eye contact, you've been too focused on your condition that you hadn't really grieved for your comrades, your friends. You trained with them, fought with them, ate with them. They always had your back just as much as you had their backs. You missed them, and the realization that you haven't as much as shed a tear since you recovered from the surgery made you feel guilty. Had you been with them, maybe they would still be alive.
"Anyway, I was asking you why you wouldn't accept the promotion? You've been in the scouts for a while and you've proven yourself."
"I think I'm a good soldier, sir. But, I'm not a good leader. Besides, someone has to look out for the new members of the Levi squad." You smiled.
The commander returned your smile as he looked back onto the table, eyes scanning the papers laid carelessly all around the tabletop. He grabbed all of them and stacked them neatly.
"Well then, I guess I can take that as a reason to postpone your promotion. You are dismissed. Take these to Levi's office with you." He commanded. You saluted him before walking to his desk and picking up the stack of paperwork.
Each step you took put you deeper into your thoughts. Why haven't you checked his office yet? If you really were looking for him, why didn't you look for him in the most obvious place?
Could it be because you were afraid? Afraid of how empty you'd feel when you see him and not feel the butterflies in your stomach. Or how you'd be able to look him in the eyes and keep eye contact.
You wondered if Levi had been grieving on his own. The man had lost so many people in his life, yet he kept a level mind. You admired him for that. Yet you couldn't help but think about how lonely he felt after losing those closest to him all the time.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard something falling, followed by violent coughing. Without thinking, you immediately opened the door to your captain's office and stepped in. The sight you were met with was horrifying, blood splattered on the floor and on the handkerchief Levi was holding as he hunched over the side of the table. A trail of petals lined the side of the desk, along with stalks decorated with thorns that looked all too familiar to you.
"C-Captain Levi! Are you alright? What... is all this?" You said in shock, unable to thoroughly process what you've just seen. And he responded by shutting his eyes before straightening himself up.
"Is there something you need?"
"I, uh... I have these papers from Commander Erwin and- oh my God, Levi..." You continued as your eyes scanned the bloody floor.
"Did you hit your head and forgot my title? And where is the salutation?"
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but stood up straight and gave him proper greetings along with your name and business. To which he responded with a nod and you walked over to hand over the paperwork.
"Captain, please go to the infirmary and have Section Commander Hange remove the infection."
He ignored you, instead, he flipped through the papers in his hand.
"These are Erwin's paperwork. Why did he give it to me?"
"I don't know, sir."
"Take these back to him." he said as his breath hitched for a second. He cleared his throat before handing the stack of papers back, but before you could take it, he started coughing again. He lifted his arm to cover his mouth with his handkerchief, though he was too late.
Blood, thorns, and beautiful petals spewed out onto your arm, hand, and the stack of paperwork. You panicked, mostly because of the papers which were most likely important. But then as it sinks in, you threw the paperwork onto the table and dragged Levi out.
He ignored you the whole time the two of you made your way to the infirmary, though he didn't resist. When you walked in, it was empty. You reckoned it was lunchtime, and the ones tasked with guarding the infirmary were probably in the dining hall with the others. You dragged Levi onto one of the beds and made him sit while you look for a throat soothing medicine.
"I'm sorry." you started. You were once again met with silence, so you decided to continue. "I should've believed you. I wish I did, and I wish I still had my feelings. Now I'm alright while you're like this."
"Captain Levi, please respond." You pled.
"There's no use. What's done is done, your feelings are gone, and as far as I know, it's never going to come back."
"Then why not get the surgery?"
He stopped talking once again, instead, he lifted his legs onto the bed and leaned onto the wall. Eyes closing as he crossed his arms, allowing him to avoid answering the question.
He too was confused as to why he was so reluctant to tell Hange. He wondered if this feeling he had was the way you felt before you had the surgery. That even though it feels helpless, you just don't want to give up the fuzzy feeling, the little butterflies, and random thoughts. He thought he'd be alright if he postponed things, just a little, in hopes that maybe, just maybe, you'd love him again.
Had he mentioned how he truly felt, then the two of you might notice just how alike the two of you are when it comes to processing feelings. The thing is you're much more open about how you feel compared to Levi. And Levi, he knew when to shut up and just let it all play out without acting on it. Something he hoped you'd do.
"Captain, I know this is my fault, so please let Section Commander Hange-"
"No. That's final."
In a rage, you put the throat soothing medicine on the table next to the bed Levi was on before giving him a quick salute and marched out, aiming for Erwin's office. Maybe this was a good time to be promoted. Erwin had been proposing the idea of making you a section commander for a while, and if you did, then you'd have the jurisdiction to order the surgery on Levi.
"Stop." Levi called out, this time you were the one ignoring him.
"I said, stop, Y/N." He said, a little firmer.
"God, damn it. Stop right there, cadet. That's an order."
You unwillingly stopped. You were so used to being his obedient little underling, it was ridiculous. You heard him stand up, he took a step, then another. Each one made you shiver in fear. For a second, you forgot he was humanity's strongest, and your squad captain, your superior. For now, at least.
Turning around, you made sure you didn't show any kind of emotions on your face. Instead, you looked straight at the wall behind him, refusing to meet his eyes. He sighed before leaning over, losing his balance. You instinctively ran to hold him so he doesn't fall. Only then did your eyes meet once more. You didn't know it, but at that moment, Levi's heart stung. Those eyes that used to look at him with such glimmer and love now looked at him with worry and pity.
"All you had to do was believe me..." He said as his eyes glued themselves onto the floor.
"I know. I'm sorry, captain."
"You really need to stop being hot one second and then cold a second later." you joked, letting out a chuckle. While Levi simply cracked an amused smile.
"I mean it, call me Levi. I'm sorry, I was still... angry. It's just that... we could've had our happy ending." He stated, eyes glazed as he tried his best not to show how much this has been bothering him. Though it failed as another fit came and he coughed out what seemed like a whole flower head.
You couldn't hold yourself any longer, at that moment nothing seemed right or wrong. You felt the guilt weighing your body, you felt guilty for not feeling the butterflies you'd usually get when you made eye contact with the man. You felt guilty for not believing him while all he did was love you. So for once, maybe doing this may be acceptable.
You leaned in, pulling his face close, eyes landing on his lips. He was still trying to catch his breath after the fit, but he was quick enough to stop you.
"You don't have to do that. We both know you don't love me."
You ignored him, instead, you leaned in once more. Even if you didn't have those butterflies anymore, even if you didn't have feelings anymore, this was something you've wanted to do for a long time. And even if it's not as magical as it could've been for you, it was still just as magical to Levi. And so once your lips met, his resolve melted.
The kiss was full of longing, from both sides. Though you weren't sure if this was the right thing to do. You kept convincing yourself this was for Levi but were unable to completely disregard your own wish, one you still held onto just over a week ago. You tasted tears, not knowing if it was yours or his, but you didn't care. Neither did he. All the two of you wanted was to savor this kiss. Because you both knew this was the first and the last kiss the two of you will ever share.
You pulled away, mouthing another sorry before you sped walked out before he could throw another command. Each step added to your determination. If you can't love him again, then you can do this to save him.
Once you arrived, you didn't knock. You knew the act was somewhat impolite but your commander had probably gotten used to it by now. Once you walked in, both Hange's and Erwin's eyes immediately shot onto you. They seemed to be talking about something trivial since neither was in a formally serious pose, and both were somewhat smiling.
"Y/N? Is there a problem?"
"Sir, I accept the promotion offer. Please promote me to section commander as soon as possible."
"What? Y/N, what made you change your mind?" Hange asked, obviously taken aback by your sudden decision after postponing it for months.
"Please accept my decision, sir."
Erwin nodded, immediately pulling out a file from his drawer. One that he'd been hoping would finally be signed. You took every step convincing yourself you'd be able to handle the responsibilities. Once you reached Erwin's table, you looked at the paper and the pen next to it. Without letting yourself think any more, you reached for the pen and signed your name.
"Congratulations on your promotion, section commander Y/N. We'll break the news tomorrow on the morning assembly." Erwin said as he gave you a smile.
"Thank you, sir."
The next day, you were officially removed from Levi's squad and now held the spot of a section commander. The first order you gave was for Levi to get the surgery. And at that very moment, both Hange and Erwin understood why you finally took the promotion. Because even if you no longer loved him romantically, the love you had for the man never truly diminished. For when one loves truly and wholeheartedly, nothing could truly erase it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't give us the happy ending we could've had. But at least we can still stand next to each other as comrades." you whispered to Levi's unconscious body.
"Thank you, Levi. For everything." You said as you stood up, nodding to Hange before making your way out. Your horse was waiting for you, along with the two squads assigned to accompany you to your new headquarters.
The two of you might not have been destined to be together, or stand hand in hand as lovers, but this is enough. To be in the scouts and stay alive for this long is already a blessing. Being able to stand with each other is enough. At least that's what you told yourself.
"It's enough, right. Levi?" you asked the wind as you rode with your comrades under the setting sun. You felt your heart ache as you thought about what you had done to him. And soon tears followed. You thanked whatever God existed because no one could see you cry while you're here. Tear after tear dropped as you went further and further away.
"I wish I believed you."
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amorevolous-chionophile · 4 years ago
❆ Fluff ❆ 5,710 words ❆ dad!Hongjoong x babysitter!reader ❆
@soft-black-teabag​ is the precious mastermind behind this idea 💜
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"Yes I understand... Yes... Yes I will be there."  Hongjoong sighed as he hung up the call and mentally cursed. His boss called, saying that he has to jump in to fill a shift urgently to help, as his co-worker called in sick last minute, since he lacks work hours. He glanced to the living room to check up on the reason of his lacking work hours, his little princess and he couldn't help but smile as he saw her happily playing with her designer's kit for children which he somehow managed to afford for her birthday since she proclaimed that she wants to be just like her daddy. Since he was taking care of her alone, he had to miss shifts from time to time as there were instances where none of his friends could fill in for him. He prayed that this wasn't one of those times because his boss warned him that if he doesn't show up to work in two hours he will get fired and he couldn't lose that job. Hongjoong took on a great number of jobs through the years to have his little minion live a nice and happy life. He keeps each of his jobs for as long as the boss is tolerant enough of him being late or missing whole shifts. He hates that he gives them a hard time, but raising a child as a single parent isn't an easy job and he is trying his best, he really is. Hiring a babysitter was an option sure, but Hongjoong couldn't afford one and even if he could, there was no way that he would ever leave his precious child to a complete stranger. He sighed once more before tapping in the message to the group chat, there are seven of them, surely one of them is free, right?
Wooyoung was in the middle of a game when a notification rang, signaling that a message had arrived on his phone. That wouldn't have been a problem if he wasn't in class and the notification didn't echo through the classroom. The college professor gave him a threatening look from above the rim of his glasses to what Wooyoung smiled nervously and pretended to move his phone back to his pocket before muting it and proceeding to read the message as soon as the professor looked away like nothing happened seconds ago. You eyed him judgingly from the seat next to him.  "Wooyoung, you are going to get in trouble." Not that most professors at college care if you are on your phone, laptop, are you listening or not... But this one was a bit of a nitpicking pain that always says that you should respect the time which he is giving to you in order to gift you knowledge by at least listening. He always made it sound like he doesn't get any compensation for what he does, not like he gets paid. Wooyoung looked at you with the most offended face he could make.  "Don't talk in class you'll get us in trouble."  He put a finger to his lips and couldn't help but smile to what you rolled your eyes and smiled as well returning your attention to the professor as Wooyoung returned his gaze to his phone. He entered the group chat to find that everyone already responded. He scrolled to the first message to see what all that was about, just to find Hongjoong's panicked message about needing someone as fast as possible to look over his child. Wooyoung loved that child like he was her uncle, and not just him, all of the boys warmed up to that little ray of sunshine. As he scrolled he noticed that none of the other boys were available, for valid reasons and he mentally sighed as he had to tell Hongjoong that he wasn't either.  Wooyoung: "I have a makeup exam. I must retake it, it's half of my mark. I'm really sorry."  This time he audibly sighed. He had major respect for Hongjoong, the guy was torn on million sides, he sacrificed his college and his free time for the sake of his child. That's why he felt bad for not being able to do anything in this situation.  Seonghwa: "Hongjoong, could you please reconsider all that about the babysitter?"  Yunho: "Yes, please, if money is the problem we can help you with that."  Hongjoong: "I know, but even if I agree, how can I get any babysitter to come in less than an hour? No worries guys, I'll just find another job."  Wooyoung was too preoccupied with his phone and thoughts of how to help to notice the professor eyeing him suspiciously. You however noticed and nudged him to snap out of it or he won't even have the chance to take that makeup exam. He rapidly turned his head to you, his eyes widening and your face crunching from confusion. It was seconds before he returned his attention to his phone.  Wooyoung: "I am a genius. I have solved all of your problems 😇"  Yeosang: "This is gonna be good."  Hongjoong: "?"  Wooyoung: "Y/N!"  Hongjoong: "Who?"  San: "Oooh, nice!👍🏻👍🏻"  Yeosang: "I am disappointed I am not disappointed with that answer. That is your first good idea since...ever."  Jongho: "How come that idea never crossed our minds before."  Mingi: "That would be so adorable to see. Just think of that cuteness duo!😸🥰"  Hongjoong: "Guys, would you please concentrate and tell me who that is."  You had to nudge Wooyoung again, stronger this time because he was visibly testing the professor's patience.  "Wooyoung, leave that phone, the professor is giving you a death stare I think even the room temperature decreased."  You whispered almost inaudibly to what he turned off his screen, nudged the phone to the side of his desk and shifted his gaze up smiling innocently to the professor. You couldn't help but pinch the bridge of your nose letting out a breathy laugh at his carefree attitude.
Hongjoong: "Wooyoung, who's y/n?"  Seonghwa: "Seems like he's not here anymore."  Jongho: "What... who leaves in a moment like that."  San: "I think he and y/n have class with that ice drama queen professor."  Yeosang: "He probably used all of his energy to come up with that idea, his system must have shut down."  San: "Yeosang... Who hurt you young child?"  Yeosang: "Whoever ate my fried chicken the last time we hung out."  Mingi: "But why are you taking it out on Wooyoung when Yunho ate your chicken 😂"  Yunho: "He. Didn't. Know. That."  Mingi: "Oops, I didn't know that."  Yeosang: "Well, it's only important that now I know that."  Yunho: "🙃"  Hongjoong: " G U Y S. I'm kinda running out of time here."  Seonghwa: "You remember how we mentioned Wooyoung's neighbor that hung out with us probably every single time when you weren't there?"  Hongjoong: "Oh yeah, I forgot her name, so y/n... I'm not so sure, how well do you guys know her?"  Mingi: "Wooyoung knows her best since she was his neighbor and classmate from the very start of college."  Jongho: "But since he's not here, your second best options are San, Yeosang and me. Well Yeosang and me."  San: "Hey 🥺"  Yeosang: "Yes, since we attend the same college we meet quite frequently so I assure you that she is a good choice."  San: "Are you all ignoring me now 🥺"  Jongho: " I strongly agree with Yeosang, not once did she leave a bad impression."  San: "..."  Hongjoong: "Well not like I have a choice at this point anyway."  Seonghwa: "Since I sense that you are still unsure, I remember this one time when she got a call from her sister and had to leave to look after her nephews."  Yunho: "So that means she knows with children. I mean you got a winning combo here." Hongjoong: "But I don't know, what if the two of them don't get along, what if something happens"  Jongho: "I just wanna remind you that this was Wooyoung's idea to which even Yeosang agreed"  Mingi: "I think that this is the first time something like this happened 😅"  Seonghwa: "Come on Hongjoong, you know we love your child almost as much as you do. We would never propose something that would be potentially dangerous for her."  Hongjoong: "Alright... Fine"
Finally, for what seemed ten times longer than the original ten minutes it should have lasted, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. You stretched your arms, still sitting down, while Wooyoung rapidly swiped trough his phone to catch up on the conversation that he missed, hoping to run into Hongjoong's agreement. You eyed him suspiciously when he jolted up with an excited "yes". You mirrored his actions and got up as well, gathering your stuff.  "What happened, the makeup exam got postponed?"  He let out a sad whining sound before gathering his stuff as well.  "As if, not even in my dreams."  He swung his backpack on his back and typed something in his phone excitedly.  "Then what is..."  Before you could finish, he grabbed your wrist and started speed walking towards the door and into the hallway, opposite of the direction of where his exam is supposed to be.  "Wait Wooyoung, what is going on?"  But you were not graced by any kind of answer in return. When you exited the building, you were even more puzzled to see Yeosang, San and Jongho there. Before you could ask again, Wooyoung went into medical commercial narrator mode.  "So you remember how we mentioned our friend that has a rainbow sunshine pink sparkly precious child after who he looks after alone and that sometimes we fill in because he has to work and all. Well today we are all busy and if he doesn't go to work he will get fired and he really needs that job and he can't leave the child alone and so we thought that maybe, probably, eventually you could look after her because we don't have much time since he needs to go to work soon and pretty much we don't have any other option...please?"  You blinked trying to process everything you just heard as Wooyoung grabbed your hand and shook it giving you the puppy dog eyes look. You closed your eyes trying to form a coherent question in return to all that.  "Wha..."  But San interrupted you, joining Wooyoung in the hand shaking puppy dog eyes squad. "Pleeease, the child is a sweetheart I swear. I promise you two will get along perfectly, and the cuteness oh God, you two will be the cutest duo ever."  You shook your head, really trying to keep up with the both of them, looking around to find a spot to focus on in order to actually have a chance to think about the proposal, when you noticed Yeosang and Jongho standing on a greater distance from you than when they originally were, talking among themselves, pretending not to know you three. You couldn't blame them. "Wait you two, wait a second. I mean I am free now and I would love to help, but I am not sure about all this? To him I am a stranger and from what I have picked up from your stories he wouldn't leave his child with just anyone so I don't think he will agree to this. Also a child... I'm not sure, it's not the same as looking after my nephews."  Wooyoung let go of your hand in order to swipe through his phone for a brief second before showing you a message of Hongjoong's agreement, more like shoving it in your face.  "He already agreed, it's only left for you to agree so please."  You almost winced from the frequency Wooyoung's voice managed to hit. You were kinda at a dead end in that moment. You had no reasons to refuse, not like you even wanted to refuse an opportunity to help someone in a tight situation so the answer was pretty obvious.  "Okay, just tell me the address and..."  Your proclamation was interrupted with Wooyoung and San squealing and, for the sake of their souls, let's say that those were manly squeals. They ran up to Yeosang and Jongho and excitedly announced that you have agreed before Wooyoung proceeded to run back to the college entrance in his style, shouting.  "I'm late for the makeup exam, I will text you the address before I..."  Was all you managed to hear before his voice became inaudible.  "Wooyoung, I swear to God."  You whispered in your chin before joining the remaining trio in order to say goodbye.
Hongjoong was running around his apartment, grabbing his necessities before a tiny voice called out to him.  "Daddy?"  The young girl was standing underneath the notably larger doorframe, questioningly tilting her head to the side.  "You said you would stay home today."  Her face welcomed a small pout. Hongjoong quickly squatted to her eye level, one hand on her shoulder, while the other caressed the crown of her head.  "I know princess, but they called daddy to come today. I promise I will make it up to you."  He smiled, hoping to reassure her.  "I just miss you."  She proclaimed sadly before wrapping her small arms around his neck. Saying that his heart shattered into million pieces would be an understatement. He sighed heavily and wrapped his hands around her, lifting her up.  "I'm sorry it has to be this way."  He said that more to himself before the melody of the doorbell filled the house. The girl looked in her dad's eyes with newfound interest.  "Which uncle is coming today?"  Hongjoong smiled nervously, not sure how to deliver the news and more importantly not knowing what the reaction will be.  "About that..."  He hesitated as he went towards the door with her still in his arms.  "It's uncle Wooyoung's friend."  He confessed, opening the door, not sure himself what to expect. What greeted him there was a warm, smiling figure, immediately putting him at ease.  "Hello, I'm Wooyoung's classmate, y/n. It's nice to meet you Hongjoong."  You gave a little wave before grinning to the little girl.  "And this must be the princess I have heard so much about."  The girl smiled in return, resting her head on her dad's shoulder, still a bit shy.  "Hello."  Hongjoong motioned you to enter before he closed the door behind you, a faint scent of his shampoo hitting you.  "I should hurry now, thank you for coming on such short notice."  You were in the process of taking off your shoes while you replied.  "Don't worry, it's a pleasure to help."  You rose back up stretching out your arms for Hongjoong to give the girl to you.  "Oh there's no reason for that, she may be too heavy for you, besides she is daddy's big girl, she can walk."  Hongjoong went to put her down, but to his surprise he ran into the girl's resentment, as she stretched her arms out to you in return. You smiled warmly and took the child in your arms, patting her back.  "It's not a problem really."  You reassured Hongjoong as you turned to the girl.  "This way we can assist daddy together while he is getting ready for work, right?"  The girl chimed happily in response. Hongjoong didn't notice or he didn't want to notice how his brain blocked all of his actions for a brief second wanting to absorb that moment and so he continued with tying his shoelaces a moment after as if nothing happened. Hongjoong was about to exit when you noticed a phone on the cupboard next to you, so you quickly stop him. "Hongjoong, I think you forgot your phone."  He checked in all his pockets to check before he accepted the phone from you grasp and thanked you with a warm smile.  "Daddy will be back before you know it princess, be nice to y/n."  He bent down to plant a kiss on the girl's cheek, before her little hands grabbed his face and turned his head in order to do the same. The scene had you internally melting from all the cuteness. Hongjoong went out the door, and you trailed him standing on the doorframe.  "Wave to daddy."  You told the girl who shook her hand smiling from ear to ear, you copying her. There was it again, that moment that Hongjoong felt shoot through his heart and brain.
You caressed the girl's cheek before putting a blanket atop of her, snuggling her to sleep. You put the fairytale book you were reading her a bedtime story from on the shelf. You decided to leave the lamp on, just a bit more dimmed as you were not sure whether or not she was afraid of the dark. She fell asleep pretty quickly, and it was no wonder, for the whole day you were doing all kind of things together, playing pretend, fashion designer, telling stories, watching cartoons, eating. You tried to engage her in everything you could, you really gave it your all, and it was easy because she was indeed a pure angel child. You sat in the living room, lowering the volume of the tv in order to hear if she wakes up. You had time to peacefully look around the apartment which was an interesting fusion of an art and music studio, laced with the essence of a family home. You also noticed that the home was sparkly clean. You didn't know that that was Seonghwa's doing however. He was the last to babysit, just the day before you. He and the girl were playing fashion designer when Seonghwa made the grave mistake of commenting how she put too much glitter on a particular piece of clothing. Second after that he had a child proclaiming that he shouldn't question her fashion sense and glitter pretty much... everywhere. So after putting her to sleep he engaged himself in cleaning all the glitter, and cleaning glitter is not an easy job, not to mention that he himself resembled a disco ball with all the glitter he had in his hair. He somehow ended cleaning even the rest and who knows when he would have stopped if Hongjoong haven't arrived home. You basically absent mindedly gazed into the cartoon on the tv which was muted when your phone buzzed and brought you back to your senses. It was a message from an unknown number, but from the content of the message you figured it was Hongjoong.  Hongjoong: I will be back about 10 minutes.  You saved his contact before replying.  You: Thanks for giving me a notice, I will wait for you. I put her to sleep, so you have nothing to worry about.  And just like that you spent those 10 minutes watching a cartoon on mute before you heard a clatter of keys trying to unlock the door, but being unable to due the keys from the inside of the door.  "I'm coming."  You whisper-yelled, afraid not to wake the girl as you hurried to the door. You turned the keys and opened the door, smiling.  "Welcome home."  It was probably due to not having a chance to hear that often, but his heart slightly fluttered at your welcome and he couldn't help but smile a little.  "As I already mentioned, she is sound asleep..."  You trailed off as you went to pick up your belongings from the living room, not wanting to yell and as soon as you returned you started putting on your shoes.  "She is a wonderful child, you raised her very well."  You gave him a wide smile as you started putting on your coat.  "We made dinner together and left you some in the refrigerator so you can heat it up if you want. You must be tired so I will be going now."  As you took ahold of the knob, he took ahold of your forearm. You turned around, giving him a puzzled look as to which he just took out his wallet.  "No Hongjoong please, I did not do this for money. Besides, that child already repaid me with her smile, I really had a nice time today."  You shook your hands before your face in defense.  "There's no way I can let you leave without anything, you lost your whole day."  He took out his money and was handing it to you, but you were not an easy nut to crack.  "Can we make a deal then? If I happen to look after her again, I will accept, okay?"  He sighed in defeat, dropping the argument as it was leading nowhere. But that idea of you babysitting again, deep down he liked it.  "Alright, alright."  You exited the door waving at him.  "Why don't you at least let me call you a cab? It's pretty dark outside for you to be walking alone."  Shaking your head you turned to him.  "Don't worry about me, go back to that precious little child."  He nodded, closing the door.  "Hongjoong..."  He halted and looked at you expectantly.  "See you."  And like that, you parted.
Little did you know that she would want you to come look after her again and again and again. Hongjoong of course, refused her at first, not wanting to trouble you, but soon he just gave up. And you didn't mind really, that child grew onto you like on anyone she meets. This time you were just going to visit her for no particular reason, you just had free time. You knocked on the door you grew used to and the man you started to develop faint feelings for opened.  "Oh hi, come on in."  He gave you his usual smile and you obliged. Just after barely taking one shoe off you heard your name being shouted from across the hall by a little human who was running to tackle hug you.  "How's my favourite princess doing?"  She smiled from ear to ear, as she always did.  "Good! Daddy and I were just talking about you!"  You rose a brow as you shot a glance at Hongjoong who was smiling nervously.  "Daddy asked me if I would want you..."  She was unable to finish her sentence because Hongjoong interupted, cutting her mid sentence. "You know, we were just planning on going grocery shopping, so you don't have to take off your shoes if you wanna come with us."  You returned your attention to the child, whispering into her ear.  "You'll tell me later."  You smooched her cheek before raising back up nodding at Hongjoong.  "Let's go."
"Hongjoong, you forgot to get the tomatoes... How do you expect that we make the bolognese sauce without tomatoes?"  You waved in front of his face with a wooden spoon threateningly.  "Sorry, I was hindered by a certain small being that strongly wanted a package of gummy bears."  You just chuckled at his troubled expression.  "We can just improvise something then, I guess. At least she got what she wanted."  You nodded in the direction where the previously mentioned small being was eating her gummy bears, her attention on the cartoon playing on the tv.  "I have a weakness for her, what was I supposed to do."  Hongjoong gave you a troubled smile as he was growing scared of that wooden spoon in your grip. You couldn't resist the urge to ruffle his hair.  "Go rest, you were working for the whole day yesterday. Your eye bags are so big, they could be used as bowls."  He shook his head.  "I can't leave everything to you..."  You squinted your eyes and raised the wooden spoon back in his sight.  "We will all rest when we eat, how does that sound?"  You rolled your eyes at him jokingly.  "You were always a tough negotiator, have it your way."  Smiling to your agreement he let out a breathy laugh, not really sure how to react to the given situation. You were gifting him precious moments he could only dream of before. Like having someone to welcome him, see him off, look after him and his baby, make a meal for him, and all that just made him wish that he could do the same for you.
"Hongjoong, I am actually amazed at your cooking skills." You confessed as you plopped yourself on the couch, the little minion automatically manifesting on your side hugging you. Hongjoong went to sit on the other side of the couch before he was stopped by his little girl. "Daddy, I want you to sit here."  She patted the free spot next to her, and Hongjoong just obliged, placing himself next to you two.  "Now I want you two to hug me."  She giggled as if she knew exactly what she was doing. As you put your arms around the little minion and connected them on the small of Hongjoong's back, he did the same. Your head rested on his shoulder, inhaling the same scent from the first day when you met him, his head rested on your shoulder looking longingly at the one person he wished for from the first day he met you, and in-between you two, a brightly smiling child who loved both of you was seated.
And so again, you went to them, they came to you. When Hongjoong was working, you were babysitting and when he was free the three of you just casually spent time together. This one time, when Hongjoong returned from work you were still in the process of putting the minion to sleep. Hongjoong inspected you closely as you ran after the child while taking off his coat and boots and he couldn't help but smile. You halted for a minute to welcome him, while the minion was long gone from sight. As you turned back to go after her you could hear her voice from the room.  "Mommy hurry, I want you to read me a story before I fall asleep."  You froze to the spot and looked to Hongjoong wide eyed as he did the exact same thing. Your face welcomed a shade of pink as you turned around and marched forward, not being able to face him.  "C-coming princess."
"Hey Hongjoong."  You peeked inside the living room, finally mustering up the courage to face him after what happened earlier, but to your luck, or misfortune, he was asleep. You would have let him be and went home as it was that he even gave you the key to his apartment, but you couldn't leave him in such a uncomfortable position. He must have fell asleep while waiting for you. You shook him lightly by the shoulder, afraid not to startle him. Your heart fluttered the same time his tired eyes fluttered open.  "I just didn't want to leave you in an uncomfortable position, I will be leaving now. Get some rest."  You blabbered and were ready to leave.  "Could you stay... a bit longer?"  Originally, it would not have been a problem, but this time around your nerves were getting the better of you. However, not having a proper reason to refuse, you sat on the couch next to Hongjoong, sighing.  "May I?"  He was asking you to lay on your legs. Again, it wasn't the first time, but never before did he ask nor did you feel nervous while his soft features were beneath your reach. However, on instinct your fingers started playing with his hair and he momentarily relaxed. Feeling restless you just had the urge to start a talk about something, anything.  "Hongjoong, you never told me what happened to your...uhm...her real m..."  You found it quite difficult to word the sentence, luckily Hongjoong caught on and saved you the struggle.  "We had my princess when we were nineteen..."
Hongjoong and his girlfriend at the time didn't even plan marriage, a baby? Even less. But she found out she was pregnant and after a lot of negotiations and talking, they decided to keep the baby and promised that they would handle every obstacle on their way. Neither of them ever dreamed that their first and biggest obstacle were their own parents. Both sides gave them the cold shoulder, but not all hope was lost. They believed that when the baby is born, their parents would change their mind. It was a brutal strike to both of them when, even with the birth of their baby girl, nothing changed. They weren't making much and they could barely take care of even themselves. That is when the girl wavered. She was scared for her future and she insisted that they give the baby for adoption. Hongjoong however, didn't want to hear about it. He didn't want to give his precious treasure to some random stranger. He also couldn't care less about his parents rejecting him. They always treated him as if he was a nuisance, so what was the difference now. His girlfriend, however, left and he never blamed her for that. She lied to her parents that she put her child up for adoption, she split up with Hongjoong and broke off every contact with him and the baby out of fear that her parents would kick her out again. Through all that time the only person Hongjoong kept contact with was his brother. Even against Hongjoong's will his brother keeps sending him money from time to time. Hongjoong on the other hand sends him back videos and pictures of the little minion doing whatnot. This is the exact reason why Hongjoong is making sure to make her real uncle a part of her life as much as possible. The number of times the uncle burst into tears after hearing a little voice through the phone calling him to come and meet her is a large one. There was nothing he could do about that as he lived on the other side of Korea. The only thing his brother didn't tell Hongjoong is that their parents greatly regret their choices and want to see their grandchild. But Hongjoong will find out himself when and if they decide to let go of their stupid idea of pride.
"...and that's how the two of us ended up like this."  It was not until your tear fell on his face that he noticed that you were crying.  "Hey, don't cry for that."  He raised his hand in order to wipe away the watery paths that your tears left on your face.  "She now finally has a mum as she said. I can't thank you enough for playing that role for her, no let me take that back, you are not playing that role. After all this time of looking after her you can call yourself her mum."  His comment only turned on the faucet that let more tears fall.  "Thank you for saying so Hongjoong."  He rose from your legs and turned to face you.  "I didn't plan to do it like this but here it goes."  He cupped your chin and leaned into you, his only support being his other hand. Your heart went on a rampage, throwing itself randomly against your rib cage causing irregularities in your breath. Hongjoong softly smiled when he noticed your reaction, feeling reassured to carry on with his confession.  "I started attaching myself to you from the first time you stood on that door. At first I wasn't sure if that was because..."  You cut him off by placing your lips onto his in a sweet kiss unsure if your heart would be able to last through his whole speech. You pulled away shyly forcing yourself to look him in the eye. Now it was official, until now you were practically just a couple without that official stamp. It felt nice, it felt like home.  "You will tell me later, I wasn't sure if I was able to survive through it all."  You grinned and he shook his head, smiling as well before he leaned in again.
"Okay is everyone ready?"  You asked eagerly after hearing Hongjoong approach the door.  "I don't understand why we have to wear this."  Yeosang retorted, not amused in the slightest before Yunho appeared from behind him and pulled him into the room to hide like he was pulling him in a back alley to kidnap him, what made the situation more amusing was Yeosang's uninterested face.  "Come on Yeosang we don't have much time for questions."  Yunho whispered in his ear as they both disappeared into the darkness of the room. You sighed in relief as everyone was finally on their position just as you heard the keys and the door knob. And then there on the door appeared Hongjoong.  "Welcome home, come on sweetie."  You welcomed Hongjoong and guided his, no, both of your child to him.  "Daddy, mommy bought me a minion onesie, look!"  She ran up to Hongjoong and extended her arms up to him.  "It's beautiful love! What does it say here... I'm gonna be a sister..."  Hongjoong's eyes widened as his heart skipped a few beats and he would have jumped to hug you right then and there if he wasn't startled by seven men who ran at him at the same time, wearing a "I'm going to be an uncle (again)" shirts, pink shirts. Hongjoong's eyes widened again before he passed the child to Seonghwa to come and finally hug you.  "So another girl huh?"  You smiled widely back to him, nodding and he returned an even wider smile.  "What week are you?"  He caressed your still unnoticeable bump.  "The doctor said 15th, the stomach is going to start to show from here on."  He hugged you careful not to squish you too much.  "I love you, thank you for giving me everything and making me a happy man."  He pressed his forehead to yours.  "I should be the one thanking you, Joong."  Your lips met again just like they did yesterday and just like they will tomorrow.  "I want to hug with mommy and daddy too!"  And just like that your little intimate moment became a group hug of all the people you considered family.
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gryffindorcls · 4 years ago
The Surprise Guest
Hello, lovely readers!
A few months ago I was asked to write a piece for the @mlpandemicreliefzine​. It was such a fun project to be a part of, and now that it's been out for a while, I am happy to share with you the fluffy Marichat one-shot I wrote for the zine.
Happy reading!
SUMMARY: One Friday night, Chat Noir accidentally barges in on a "girl's night" sleepover happening in Marinette's room. After being encouraged to stay, Chat joins the group in a game of truth or dare during which Marinette reveals the name of the boy she loves.
LENGTH: 2972 words
Marinette’s heart stopped.
“Is someone knocking on a window?” Alya pushed herself off the ground and padded across the room.
“N-no! I...uhh...it’s probably just the wind!” Marinette sprang out of her seat and tried to pull Alya back to the circle of girls sitting in the middle of the floor. “Don’t worry about it! Mario Kart is waiting for us!”
“There it is again!” Alya stood on her tiptoes and peered out the window next to Marinette’s desk. “That’s funny I could have sworn-”
The hatch above the lofted bed swung open with a bang. All heads turned towards the sound as a mop of blond hair poked through the opening.
“Princess, are you in here? Are you okay? I was knocking, and I didn’t see...oops.” Chat Noir’s eyes scanned the room. “Hello, ladies.”
“Oh, look!” Alya locked eyes with Marinette and gestured towards the hatch. “The wind has a face.”
Marinette groaned and buried her face in her hands. “This can’t be happening.”
“Oh, but it is, and I can’t wait to hear you explain your way out of this one.”
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“Really? Because to me, it looks like one of Paris’s heroes is asking to come in, and judging by his cute little nickname for you, I’m guessing that this isn’t the first time he’s paid you a visit. How am I doing so far, Princess Marinette?”
“Unfortunately, you’re doing pretty well.”
Chat ducked behind the lip of the opening. “Did I come at a bad time?”
Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “I told you that I was busy today.”
“I forgot.”
“If he’s here, does that mean there’s an Akuma?” Rose smashed her hands against her cheeks. “Is it after one of us?”
Chat shook his head. “No Akuma tonight. Everyone is safe.”
“If there’s no Akuma, then why are you here?” Alix narrowed her eyes. “Are you two dating or something?”
“No!” Marinette raised her hands in front of her. “It’s nothing like that. He just visits sometimes.”
“Yup!” Chat chimed in, “Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday night!”
“Not helping!” Marinette hissed at the boy through gritted teeth.
He sunk further behind the ledge. “Sorry.”
“You have scheduled visits!” Alya chuckled and placed a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “Girl, I expect details.”
Chat cleared his throat. “Should I just leave the snacks and go?”
“Aha!” Alix exclaimed, pointing towards the hatch. “He brought snacks. They’re totally dating.”
“We’re not dating!” Marinette stamped her foot on the ground. “We’re just friends. I swear!”
“I don’t know. My brother always brings his girlfriend food, and he’s always talking about how in love with her he is.”
“Chat is my friend.”
Alya crossed her arms. “And tell us, how did you manage to become friends with him?”
Marinette looked at Chat, and after finding the silent look of approval in his eyes, she swallowed and took a steadying breath. “One night I was really upset, so I decided to sit out on the balcony. I may have started crying, and that’s when Chat found me. He told me he was also feeling down, so we talked for a few hours. He checked up on me the next day, and that’s when we realized that we enjoyed hanging out with each other.”
“Did you invite him to hang out with us tonight?” Mylene asked, cocking her head to the side.
Marinette sighed. “No, I did not.”
“You know, I should just go.” Chat tossed a canvas bag overflowing with snacks onto Marinette’s bed. “I’ll see you on Sunday, Princess.”
The unspoken sadness behind his words sent a pang through Marinette’s heart. “No, stay. It’s fine. Besides, I think Alya would kill me if I told you to go home before she had the chance to grill you at some point tonight.”
“You know it.” Alya chuckled and shot a finger gun in Chat’s direction.
“Wait.” He peeked the rest of his head over the ledge. “Really? I can come in?”
“Yup, and we were just about to play Mario Kart.” Marinette watched as Chat hopped onto her bed and scrambled down the ladder. “Did you want to play with us?”
“Do I?” He vibrated with excitement as she handed him a controller. “Is this what normally happens at sleepovers?”
“Have you never been to one?”
“No. I’ve only ever seen them on television and in movies, but those people are always doing each other’s hair and playing Truth or Dare.”
Alix’s eyes lit up. “Ooo, yes! We should play Truth or Dare.”
“No!” Marinette switched on her computer and loaded the game. “We are not playing Truth or Dare.”
“Ugh, lame!”
“We are playing Mario Kart, and then we are watching a movie.”
“I don’t know, Marinette. Playing Truth or Dare with a superhero sounds kind of fun.” Alya shot her a grin.
Marinette glared at her. “Video Games. Movie. Bed. That’s it.”
“You know,” Chat interjected, “I’ve never played Truth or Dare either.”
“Of course you haven’t.”
“It could be fun.”
“But you know what would be even more fun?” Marinette leaned in and flicked Chat’s bell. “Kicking your butt at Mario Kart...again.”
He chuckled. “That’s some big talk coming from someone who’s about to get crushed.”
“So says the boy who loses every time he’s played against me.”
“Oh, it’s on, Princess.”
“Jeez, if you two lovebirds are done flirting, some of us are ready to actually start playing,” Alix huffed, flopping onto the floor.
“For the last time, we are not dating.” Marinette crossed her arms and looked at Chat. “Right?”
“Yeah, we’re not.” She could have sworn that she saw his eyes dim when he spoke his confirmation, but surely it was just a trick of the light.
“See!” She said triumphantly. “We’re just friends.”
“Could have fooled me!” Alix held her stomach and laughed. “I’m just kidding. Anyway, are we playing or not?”
“Yes.” Marinette pressed start on her controller. “We are.”
As the first race began, she settled herself next to Chat Noir, accidentally brushing her knee against his. Her heart sank when she felt his body stiffen under her touch. Usually, Chat had no problem getting close to her. More often than not, they found themselves wrapped around each other under piles of blankets.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done something wrong. Maybe he was upset that she’d said no Truth or Dare. Maybe she was too harsh. Maybe she should have said yes. After all, it was his first sleepover, and playing Truth or Dare wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
Despite the internal debate that raged through her mind throughout the gaming session, Marinette came first in almost every race. After her eleventh win, she leaned over and rested her head on Chat’s shoulder.
“Better luck next time, kitty.” She looked up only to see him quickly turn his head away.
He must really be upset with her.
Alix slammed her controller onto the ground. “Ugh, can we do something else now? I’m getting bored.”
Alya rolled her eyes. “Are you sure you’re not just getting tired of losing?”
“Actually, I also wouldn’t mind doing something else.” Rose set down her controller and smiled. “Marinette, didn’t you say that we were going to watch a movie tonight?”
“A movie would be cool,” Juleka mumbled under her breath.
Marinette looked at Chat Noir. “Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and I thought that maybe we could play Truth or Dare...as long as we’re careful, that is! We’d have to promise to not ask Chat anything that could reveal his identity.”
Alix threw a celebratory fist into the air. “Yes!”
“Are you sure, girl?” Alya furrowed her brows. “You seemed pretty against it before.”
She nodded. “I’m sure. Besides, I think our surprise guest really wants to play. What kind of hostess would I be if I denied him the full sleepover experience?”
He met her gaze. His mouth rounded into a small “o” as a dusting of pink peeked out from underneath his mask.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked tentatively.
He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. I would love to play!”
The rest of the group excitedly agreed and reformed a circle in the middle of the floor. The first few rounds filled the room with laughter as Mylene did the worm and Alya showed off her best Nino impression.
Once the giggles died down after watching Alix's reaction to putting ice cubes down her shirt, Alya adjusted her glasses and smirked. “Alright, it’s your turn, Marinette. Truth or dare?”
The last thing Marinette needed was for someone to dare her to kiss Chat Noir. “Truth.”
Alix rubbed her hands together. “First truth of the night. Let’s make it a good one.”
A wave of regret washed over her. “Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes! Who do you have a crush on right now?”
“I guess I should have seen that one coming.”
A pang shot through Marinette’s chest. She lowered her head and swallowed the heartbreak that threatened to resurface.
It had only been three months since she’d made the choice to move on from Adrien, and the wound still felt fresh. She’d done her best to bury the feelings she had for him, but her heart always circled back to the selfless boy who shines brighter than the sun.
However, she learned that as long as she didn’t actively think about Adrien, the hole inside her heart wasn’t as noticeable. Chat’s visits had really helped take her mind off of everything, but now it looked like it was time to face her feelings head-on.
“Oh, I know!” Chat blurted out, “It’s Luka!”
“No, it’s not.” Juleka’s hands covered her mouth while she spoke. “Marinette turned him down when he asked her out.”
“Wait, really?” He turned to Marinette. “Isn’t he the boy you’re in love with?”
Alya shook her head. “No, they had a connection, but I think we all know who really captured her heart.”
“You mean you really don’t know? She never told you?”
Hot tears welled in the corners of Marinette’s eyes. “I’m trying to move on.”
“Do you still love him?” Rose asked quietly, "Because it's okay if you do. Feelings like that don't just disappear overnight." “Yeah, but it doesn’t matter now. He’s with someone else. I lost my chance.” The words tasted bitter on her lips.
“No, you didn’t.” Juleka shook her head. “Don’t tell anyone, but I saw Luka kissing Kagami last weekend.”
A collective gasp filled the room as Marinette’s head shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Mmhmm, he doesn’t know that I know, but she comes over a lot.”
Alya nudged Marinette’s arm. “I think you just got your second chance.”
“But he and Kagami were so close!” Marinette grabbed her pigtails. “I could have sworn that they were dating.”
“You know, I don’t remember him ever saying that they were dating.”
“I guess I just assumed. I thought I saw them kiss.”
“I don’t think they did. I know he didn’t tell Nino that he kissed her, and those two pretty much know everything about each other.”
Chat held up his hands. “I’m sorry, who are we talking about right now?”
“It’s a boy from our class. You might know him. He was in that fragrance ad that seems to be on every billboard in the city.” Alya pointed to the class picture hanging on Marinette’s wall. “His name is Adrien.”
“Hold on.” The intensity in his eyes startled Marinette. “You have a crush on Adrien Agreste?”
“Um, yeah?” She shrugged. “I thought he was dating Kagami, so I tried to make my feelings go away. It didn’t really work.”
“But why?” His voice had dropped to a whisper. “Why him?”
Marinette thought back to her encounter with Adrien in the rain–the day love became more than just a word in the dictionary. “I accused him of something when we first met, but instead of getting angry and brushing me off, he reached out to me and asked to be friends. Is he one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in my entire life? Yes, without a doubt. But it was his kindness and selflessness that made me fall for him.”
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“With all my heart.”
“Is that why you were crying that night on the balcony?”
“Yes, but you made me feel a lot better. Thank you for that.”
Chat pushed himself off the ground and began pacing around the room. “I...he made you cry! You’re so sweet and kind, and he hurt you. How are you not mad at him?”
She reached up and grabbed Chat’s hand as he passed in front of her. “It’s not his fault! I never had the courage to tell him, so he doesn’t know. He’s a wonderful person.”
“Doesn’t sound like it.”
“He broke your heart, Marinette.”
She shook her head. “No, if we’re being honest, I kind of broke my own heart. I never told him how I felt.”
He took a deep breath. “You should tell him.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if I’m not the one for him? He deserves to be happy!”
“I have a hunch that things will work out pretty well if you tell him.”
“Look, it’s not that I haven’t tried before.” Marinette buried her face in her hands. “But all of those attempts ended in disaster. How would this time be any different?”
“Easy.” Alix pointed to the cell phone on Marinette’s desk. “I dare you to text him.”
Marinette crossed her arms. “Nice try, but it’s not my turn right now. It’s Chat’s.”
“Fine. Truth or dare, Chat Noir?”
He plopped down on the ground. “Dare.”
“Excellent.” Alix grabbed the phone and handed it to Chat. “I dare you to help Marinette send a text to Adrien.”
“No!” Marinette snatched her phone out of his hands and held it against her chest. “Why?”
“Because it’ll be hilarious.”
"But it's my phone!"
"And it's his dare."
Marinette grabbed Alya’s arm. “Help.”
“No can do, girl.” She shook her head. “Alix is right. He got dared.”
With a sigh, Marinette reluctantly handed her phone over to Chat. “Please don’t do anything too embarrassing.”
“Trust me, Princess. I’ll make sure you get that date.” He took the phone and got to work.
“You may have to spell it out for him. Adrien’s a great guy, but he’s a little dense in the love department sometimes.” Alix’s laugh rang through the room.
Chat glared at her. “Rude.”
“If you knew him, you’d agree.”
“Unfortunately, I have a feeling that you’re right. Rude, but right.”
Marinette didn’t know if she should scream or run away. “Please don’t tell him that I like him in a text. That should be something I tell him to his face.”
Chat ran his fingers through his hair. “I know. All I did was write out a message asking him to meet up with you in the park tomorrow.”
“Did you already send it?”
“I...but...what if he’s not free?”
“Oh, he’s free.”
“How do you know?”
“Uhhhh.” Chat scratched the back of his head. “I read somewhere that his father is out of town for the next week. I guess I just assumed that Adrien had nothing on his schedule.”
Marinette did her best not to hyperventilate. “Okay, yeah...this is great. Goog...I mean doog...I mean...oh, no, I’m stuttering again! It’s been weeks since I’ve done that. I’m going to make a complete fool out of myself tomorrow!”
“No, you’re not.” Chat rested a hand on her shoulder.
“How do you know?”
“Because you’re amazing, Marinette, and he’d be crazy to not like you back.”
His smile melted away her fears and calmed the restless beating of her heart. It was amazing how safe he always made her feel, both in and out of the mask. Marinette knew she was lucky to have him as her partner and her friend.
“I know everyone didn’t get a turn to go, but I really don’t think we can top that round.” Alya walked over to Marinette’s computer. “How about we watch that movie now?”
“Works for me!” Marinette leaned against Chat. “Want to sit next to each other?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
While Marinette set up the movie, her guests made a cozy nest of blankets and pillows on the floor.
When she was finished, she took a seat next to Chat. She soon found herself wrapped in his arms with her face against his chest.
Although sitting like this had become a regular occurrence between them, tonight felt different. Instead of the loose hold she was accustomed to, Chat held her as if she’d slip away if he let go. To her surprise, she really enjoyed the change.
As the movie droned on, the steady beating of Chat’s heart relaxed every fiber of her being. Reflexively, she reached her arms around him, snuggled closer to his side, and reveled in his warmth.
All too soon, Marinette gave into the heaviness of her eyelids. Still vaguely aware of the world around her, the whispers of an oncoming dream beckoned her further into the depths of her subconscious.
She felt a gentle pressure against the crown of her head before a hazy voice etched its words onto her heart. “You make me happy every single day. You always have, and now it’s my turn to make you happy. You’re the perfect girl for me.”
And for the first time in months, Marinette was at peace.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow, Princess.”
That night, she had the sweetest of dreams, and the next morning, she woke up with Adrien’s response in her notifications.
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dantelionwishes · 3 years ago
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imaginary knha fandom masterpost for my big four....................
from @the-moon18
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ok my mind is blank rn of out pure fear you jist caused to every single one of us but don't think your teachers are going to be spared from shit like deku////might or deku////zawa or sato's quirk being used in a lot of smut fanfics
GOODBYE IM LOOKING AWAY FROM THE TEACHER/STUDENT FICS dude fr 100% can see people using sato's quirk as a whole ass ao3 tag in itself like oh you wanna see a character get lewded? [slaps sato's tag] this thing can contain so much explicit fics on ao3 and art on rule 34 HAHSAHJHSHRJDFJ he would be the go-to top for rule 34 artists thirsting on their fav students.......sigh
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hikari uwu soft girl ray im LOSING IT + say hello to makoto being the fic's prompt starter from her revealing someones secret leading to character A breakdown leading to character B following them and cheering them up following up with them probably adding the explicit tag on the fic following up with the entire cast probably ganging up on makoto forcing her to apologize + SATO WE ARE LOOKING AWAY + FUCK HAHHJDHRHJD THE OOPS HAHA!! SWITCHED TO MY MOTHER LANGUAGE WHILE IM SPEAKING TEEHEE
(but ok as someone who is trilingual that does happen sometimes but its not a "HAHA OH NO!! WHOOPSIE MY LANGUAGE HAHOHO" its more like a "fuck shit my bad uhm right the uh. english. whats the fuckin,,,,tip of my tongue word,,,")
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@gatortopia THE CHAT FICS IM LOSING MY MIND HAHSHAHHGHJRH I CAN SEE IT ALREADY MY MIND WOULD BREAK IF I HAD TO READ THT SHIT and maniac pixie dream GOBLIN IM YELLING HAHHRGRHJ can tell you that she does drag moa to do a bunch of stuff but I think you'd be surprised with how fun makoto is to hang out with without it being so fuckin chaotic or cringe
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@mousierat ive said it and will say it again: HES GOING TO BE AN ALMOST 100% EXPLICIT TAG ON AO3 AND RULE 34 its like the hentai mob character used to fuck random waifus but for knha
from @zedthebuggy
Sato: someone did mention the teacher X student with sato already, emboldened by his quirk, so there is that ofc, will not name anyone for pretty obvious reasons but it would definitely happen. gets the whole strict teacher persona given to him and literally nothing else outside of that hell universe. That's it, you're mean strict teacher now buh bye. "Sato's class is such a drag UGH he grades everything sOOoOOOo harshly </3"
makoto: Hyperactive, moody gamer girl who's way too touchy, gets any basic respect for personal space privileges revoked. Oh, and on those revoked privileges, no more they/them for you!! A shitty mean girl lesbian like Moa, and probably cheats on her for any moa x reader angst fics. So yeah, gets the fem grape boy treatment (forgot his name, don't care to think about it either)
miss me: Fandom does not like her uhhhhh.... just imagining the debates on if she's girl vs boy 🤢 and as with any disability, if it's not just memed on or an angst plot point, it is completely erased and irrelevant, :heart: :smile:. probably gets the hero version of queer coded villain treatment, and/or wouldn't be surprised by any Secretly the Villain fics with her.
THE DUDEBROS AND FUJOSHIS SAYING SHES A BOY I CAN SEE IT ARHGHHTHFGHJ "hes an okama which in japanese means hes a boy crossdressing as a girl!" "we love to see boys wearing skirts!!" "there's no way an anime would write a trans character!!" and im so sorry but there are ppl out there who would use her disability as a kink im literally looking away........AND FGHJHRJHJDF FROM HER VILLAIN BACKGROUND YIKESSSSSS LOOKING AWAY EVEN MORE I would love to discuss more but I dont have enough knowledge on queer coded villain treatment </3
hikari: PURE INNOCENT UWU GIRL!!!! NAGA GO AWAY!!!! LESBIANS GO HOME SHE'S HETEROSEXUAL!!!!!!!! LEAVE THE INNOCENT CINNAMON ROLL ALONE!!!!!! UwU~~~ probably gets shipped with Hoshizawa because i want to insert my oc here somewhere you still get red x blue, tall soft innocent beans, and two soft friends discovering the world and overcoming their flaws (severe anxiety little shy & autismbeing weird & sensitive) together very heterosexually!! a lot of soft profile themes with her everywhere. Literally just the purest sweetest softest uwu bean to protecc.
from an anon:
miss me? either given HYUGE HONKA HONKAS or turned into mr me, no in-between! perhaps given sexcy bikini top while at it
MAKOTO YOU BEST HAND OVER THOSE THEY/THEM PRONOUNS RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME! also another pair of besties, this time with our resident sheep girl! kawaii!
hikari?? dying?? no, no! she just faints from exertion, adds to her helpless uwu factor! also will you look at that - she's suddenly paler than her mom!
from an anon:
did you ask for fandom slander for your ocs? no? TOO BAD /lh VERY, VERY BAD TAKES AHEAD! ( i feel like i've committed sacrilege )
sato? oh you know - his quirk would be his defining (only) trait and the amount of gross fics?? oh MAN 😶 they'd turn him into this creepy ass yandere mf?? IGNORE WHATEVER GOOD QUALITIES HE HAS, HE'S NOW UNHINGED HORNBALL WITH ONLY ONE PURPOSE: TO HUMP #1 baby daddy (derogatory) material for those fic writers i AM CRYING AS I TYPE THIS
miss me? A DISABLED TRANS WOMAN FROM GERMANY. that's it. that's the character! that's how she introduces herself <3 (did i mention that she's trans and from germany?) get ready for heated discourse on how PROBLEMATIC it is to have DISABLED TRANS WOMAN be ex-villain??? (conveniently ignoring whatever character arc and growth she may have experienced, we all know any rep needs to be 100% 'good' or else you will be CANCELLED!!) discourse. discourse as far as my eyes can see.
hikari? rich crybaby! uwufy her to the point where she's constantly trembling and sobbing and y/n reader has to protect and inspire her to become a hero! (family WHO, y/n is hikari's only motivation!!) she'd make for a WONDERFUL angst fodder to fuel SOMEONE ELSES story! die tragically so they could have their big moment - and generally be robbed of any agency and personality <3 (also 'is this a pigeon?' meme because she's just SO!sheltered!!)
makoto? oh, a pest! whether they would be adored (in a 'omg so random! xD' way) or despised ('MAKOTO IS AN ABUSIVE BULLY AND HERE'S WHY (READMORE)') it all boils down to how people would (mis)interpret her mischief! OBVIOUSLY MEAN SPIRITED!!! 'MAKOTO IS THE UA TRAITOR THEORY' SHE'S EVIL WHAT HERO WOULD NAME THEMSELVES 'VIRUS'!!! cue people hc that they were created by afo or some shit and will betray their friends <3
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safertokiss · 5 years ago
There’s No One Else
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A/N: Heyooo! I loved this request so of course I had to write something for it. It’s my first MGG fic, but it was super fun to write and I plan to do more fics for his other roles. Thanks for the support and all the kind words!<3 P.S. I decided to try out 2nd person in this one.
Request: “Can you do an angst/smut with Matthew but it's the set of criminal minds and they are shooting a scene and reader likes Matthew but she is keeping it a secret? sorry if that didn't make any sense. I love your writing!!” ( @victomizedbyreginageorge )
Category: SMUT, slight angst, and of course fluff
Word Count: 5.2k
Ever since you were a child, you knew that you were destined to be on the set of a production studio, surrounded by the biggest stars the business had to offer. Granted, you had always assumed you’d be the one in front of the camera rather than behind, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers in this world.
 It’s not that you disliked being Khalia Dark’s assistant. She was a world renown celebrity, loved by all who were graced with her presence, from afar that is. Anyone who had the “honor” to get up close and personal with her, yourself included, knew she wasn’t the sweetest of the bunch. If you were to use your own words, she was a mythic bitch. Adored by millions, envied by more, which was pretty much the case for all of the A-listers out here anyway. Although you could do without the woman being in your vicinity, you didn’t mind being her servant most of the time.
More often than not you were certain she forgot about your existence all together, which usually gave you a chance to breathe for a bit. While your job brought about many positives for yourself, for example the extensive knowledge of posh coffees that you would have memorized for life, the highlight of the endeavor was without a doubt the exclusive access to the extravagant movie and TV sets that the queen bee happened to be appearing in each given week. Today, much to your excitement, was one of those days. Usually movies were more her forte so it was always a nice, refreshing change when she booked a role for the small screen. 
Her newest conquest in the industry just happened to be one of your favorite shows to have ever aired, Criminal Minds. Of course you were trying to remain professional, but it became increasingly difficult the closer you got to the studio lot’s entrance. The child in you was screaming with joy at the prospect of being there, surrounded by some of your favorite actors and actresses in the industry. You couldn’t even consider the possibility that you would get to meet Matthew Gray Gubler, the object of your affections for as long as you had been watching the show. That simply was a no go. You were positive that if at any point in time he was in your vicinity, you would simply lose consciousness, and that wouldn’t exactly be the best first impression. The further you walked onto the set, the more amazed you were. You were so familiar with it after years of watching, it just felt like a second home. After breaking out of your stupor, you quickly spun around to try and locate your boss, immediately colliding with whatever was in front of you, letting out a small “oomf”. Well. Whoever.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying atten-.”
You immediately froze mid-sentence when your eyes caught up with your actions. Fuck. This is not happening. It was him. Standing less than a foot away from you was the one and only Mr. Matthew Gray Gubler, live and in the flesh. Fucking hell.
“Hey it’s no problem, I promise. Don’t worry about it. I’m not exactly the most coordinated person on the planet either, trust me”, he said, chuckling lightly. Running a hand through his unkempt curls, he momentarily let his eyes roam your frame before seemingly snapping out of it, clearing his throat and extending one of his strong looking hands towards you.
“I’m Matthew by the way.”
You, however, were still frozen in place. Realizing how stupid you looked just standing there, openly ogling the man in front of you, you quickly met his hand, a nervous smile adorning your face. His hands were so fucking soft.
Chuckling once again, he seemed to be waiting for something.
“And you are?”
Oh shit. You hadn’t even introduced yourself yet! So much for first impressions you thought.
“O-oh right! Sorry. I'm Y/N. Ms. Dark’s assistant”, you stuttered out, entranced by the specimen in front of you. “Wow, that’s a beautiful name. Well I guess it’s fitting. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
Wait a second. Had you heard those words correctly. THE Matthew Gray Gubler just called you beautiful? You must’ve been dreaming, there was simply no other explanation. But when you glanced at him he was once again trailing his eyes all over you. Holy shit. You thought you were going to implode on the spot.
“Th-thank you”, you muttered shyly, feeling the blush spread across your features faster than a wildfire in a dry forest. After your weak excuse of an answer left your lips, the two of you just continued to stare at each other for what felt like hours. Eventually you were broken out of your trance by the director calling all of the actors to their places across the lot.
“I-um-I gotta go do a scene, but it was a pleasure to meet you Y/N. I hope I get to see more of you around here.” With a quick wink in my direction, he was off in the direction of the other actors swarming to the set from their trailers. For the third time in the last five minutes you were frozen to the spot in which you stood on the pavement. What in the actual fuck just happened? He called you beautiful. He wants to see more of you. HE WINKED AT YOU. This time you felt like you were truly about to lose consciousness so you booked it to the bathroom to calm yourself. After splashing some water on your face, you felt your body temperature returning to a somewhat normal degree and decided you should probably go to the set in case the Queen of Hearts needed anything from you. 
When you approached the scene that was being filmed, you were able to deduct fairly quickly what the plot revolved around. Apparently Khalia had been hired as the episode’s damsel in distress victim, typical. She was definitely the type to rely on others for pretty much anything. That wasn’t what was catching your eye though. Even from where you were standing you could clearly see her making eyes at Matthew. I guess you couldn’t blame her, he was gorgeous, but it still made you feel so insecure. It really just served as a reminder that people like him would never go after people like you. They want the ones who count. They want Ms. Khalia Dark. In what world would someone like him want a nobody like Y/N Y/L/N? There wasn’t one that came to mind. And while this revelation was pretty damn heartbreaking, you couldn’t say you were shocked by the cold, hard truth.
Feeling like you had lost a war that hadn’t ever really even begun, you turned back to look at Matthew, deciding to make the most of however short the time was that you’d be here. However, he was nowhere to be seen. You quickly realized that while you had been distracted, the scene had switched to something else, one where Matthew appeared to be absent.
“Hey again!”
You literally jumped off the ground and let out a little yelp at the noise, you were so startled.
“Oops, I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he got out between adorable giggles. Damn, this man was gonna be the death of you. Literally. If he scared you like that again, you might actually have a heart attack.
“Jesus Matthew! A little warning next time!” You couldn’t help but join in his giggling after a few seconds. Returning his gesture just made the two of you laugh even harder until both of your chests hurt like hell. His laugh was angelic. Perfect. Just like him. For some reason, after you guys had calmed down a bit, you noticed him once again looking you up and down, admiring your body. You even swore you saw him lick his lips. You must be imagining things. Weird. Very weird. Bringing his wandering eyes back to yours, a goofy grin was plastered across his face. You hadn’t even realized you were biting your lip until he reached towards you, dislodging your teeth from the soft skin. “Don’t do that,” he said with a much more serious expression adorning his features. Before you really had the chance to decipher what had just happened, a loud voice cut through the air directed towards you both, causing you to put a bit of space between the two of you. You were able to easily recognize the sultry voice as Shemar’s, turning towards him, a smirk on his face.
“What’s going on that’s so funny over here,” he questioned before his attention shifted to focus solely on you. “My, my. And what’s your name sugar?” You were starstruck for what felt like the thousandth time that day, standing there with your mouth awkwardly hanging open.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I work for Kahlia, her assistant actually. Nice to meet you”, you answered brightly, a polite smile gracing your lips.
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine sweetness”, he concluded with a wink. While the action was endearing, it had nowhere near the same effect on you as Matthew’s did. You had always adored Morgan on the show, but you didn’t really know Shemar well enough to have any serious opinions about the dude. Matthew, however, you knew everything there was to be known, from his haunted treehouse to his love of Halloween. You weren’t proud of your obsession, but you couldn’t deny the unbelievably strong attraction you had for the man to your left. Regardless, the interaction caused a blush to spread, though this time it was caused more by being flustered rather than speechless. 
You were about to say something else to try and salvage some of the pride you had just lost, but you were beaten to the punch by Romeo himself. 
“Nothing’s happening over here actually, Shemar. I was having a private conversation with Y/N and I’d appreciate it if you let us get back to it. Thank you.” Matthew’s voice had picked up an edge and his eyes were dark. Like really dark. Although the situation was super uncomfortable and kind of unsettling, considering how feral he looked, you couldn’t help to think about how HOT it was. How hot he was.
“Woah, sorry kid. I didn’t mean to interrupt, just thought I’d introduce myself.”
Seeming to notice his mistakes, Matthew’s eyes quickly returned to their normal color and he stuttered out an apology, with slightly labored breaths.
“No, no I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to snap like that, just been kind of on edge today”, he said, darting his eyes towards you quickly before redirecting his attention and clearing his throat.
“It’s all good Pretty Ricky, I get like that sometimes too. I’ll catch you guys later. It was nice to meet you Y/N”, he spoke before turning and retreating in the direction of the cast trailers. Shifting your focus back to Matthew, you could tell he was still a bit tense. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder to grab his attention, quietly asking if he was ok.
“Hmm what? Oh, um yeah. Yup. I’m-I’m good. All good. Like I said just a little on edge today. I haven’t had enough coffee”, he hastily responded. Before you could push further, the silence was broken by a shrill voice you were too familiar with, Khalia, unfortunately calling for your assistance at one of the most inopportune times. You turned back to him and gave a sad smile.
“See you around,” you asked, with just a little too much excitement laced in your voice.
“Y-yeah. Of course!” He seemed to have perked up a bit and gave you a wide grin. With a small wave, you were off to do whatever in God’s name the queen wanted from you now.
The week you were on set was surprisingly going by pretty damn quickly.
As much as you were anxiously awaiting the end so you could be free from Khalia for a bit of time, you couldn’t help but lament the fact that you would have to leave what felt like your second home. You would have to leave Matthew. That’s what hurt most of all. The two of you had become quite close in the short time you had been on set. Well, maybe not close per say, but comfortable? Sure. You guys were comfortable with each other, maybe a little too much on your end. Since that moment with Shemar and his outburst, the tenseness never seemed to dissipate completely. The two of you had shared some quick glances while he was filming a scene or while you were navigating the complex maze that was this sound stage. Whenever the two of you were near each other, he always appeared to go out of his way to get some kind of contact with you, whether it was his shoulder rubbing against yours or his fingers brushing yours as he passed by you. You, still in the mindset that someone as amazing and talented as him would never want anything to do you with you, didn’t really think much of his actions, simply playing them off as accidents and coincidences. 
Although you caught him staring at you on more than one occasion during your time there, you definitely spent the majority of your time ogling the fine specimen. You didn’t understand how a person could be so perfect. Seemingly no flaws. Sure, you had known pretty much every fun fact about the man when you had arrived on set a couple days ago, but now that you had spent some time with him, you were even more enamored. Matthew was an enigma and you wanted him. So fucking bad. Unfortunately, so did basically every other girl on the planet. You really shouldn’t be wasting so much time thinking about him, but at this point you were just in too deep. Watching him do his thing on the sound stage was like watching your own personal exhibition, so much talent pouring out of him he shouldn’t have even been allowed to do what he does. The world would certainly be a lot darker without his geniusness though so you supposed it was ok. As the scene you had been watching came to a close, you decided you really wanted to talk to Matthew again, missing the sound of his velvety voice as he focused on you and only you during the few conversations you’d gotten to have so far. Just as you were about to reach him, though, Khalia appeared out of nowhere directly in front of him with the same look in her eyes she had given him your first day on set. Hunger. You didn’t really know what to do now so you just kind of stood there watching the interaction. The conversation was just out of range, but you could tell she had said something that had made them both laugh. You also watched her place her hands on him in a very flirty way. And much to your dismay, he didn’t seem to be that bothered by it.
You knew that you had absolutely no right to be jealous of her advances, seeing there was nothing between the two of you, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt. You had known all along that he didn’t have those kinds of feelings for you, but the cold, hard truth being presented on a silver platter right in your face sucked. A whole hell of a lot. Deciding to leave the two of them to enjoy their moment, you turned and made your way to the snack table on the opposite side of the room. As you got closer, you noticed Shemar lingering around it, seemingly snacking on something among the array of treats presented on the table.
“Hey. Nice to see you again”, you said with a small smile, alerting him of your presence.
You had gotten a bit closer to him over the last few days, getting to know more about him, rather than just his character. He was a really nice guy. Very charming, much like his TV counterpart. 
“Y/N! Hey! How are you today?”
“I’m ok. Not one of the best, but hey I’m alive I guess”, you said with a sad smile. Worry quickly spreading across his face, he pulled you into a hug, gently caressing your back.
“Hey don’t say that babydoll. It might not be the best of days, but everyday is worth living in my eyes. We’re all so lucky to be given the chance to be here so why not say fuck it and make everyday a party.” You pulled away from him chuckling at his words, feeling slightly better than you had before. You were grateful for Shemar helping you out when you needed a mood boost.
“Thanks Shemar. You sure know how to make a girl feel better.” 
“Anytime baby girl”, he said with a wink, making you giggle again at his silly nicknames and behavior towards you. A little bit more at ease, you let your eyes survey the room real quick, eventually landing on Matthew. A very angry and annoyed looking Matthew. He was staring directly at the two of you, his hands balled into fists at his sides, his breathing heavy, his eyes as dark as could be. Less than a minute later, he turned around and stormed off in the direction of what you assumed was his trailer. Quickly focusing on Shemar again, you excused yourself and then immediately ran off in the direction he had headed just moments before.
You were able to locate the trailer simply labeled “MGG” fairly quickly and you cautiously approached the steps leading up to the entrance. Would he even want to see you? Why were you special enough to even be this close to his trailer? Before you could second guess yourself anymore, you speedily climbed the steps and knocked on the door, an action based solely on the fact he was without a doubt upset about something and apparently it was your fault to some degree.
You heard some rustling behind the door before his voice rang out.
“Who is it?”
Shit. He sounded really upset. Pushing aside the anxiety bubbling in your chest, you decided that you were curious more than anything and wanted to know what you had done to get his panties in such a twist.
“I-It’s Y/N.”
Immediately the door swung open, making you jump slightly. Without saying a word, he grabbed your arm and dragged you over the threshold, handling you like a rag-doll. Once you were inside he released your arm and began pacing around the trailer, breathing pretty heavily. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. You thought you should probably go and leave him alone for a bit so he could cool off.
“I-I shouldn’t have come here. I’ll leave you be”, you sputtered out, quickly making your way towards the exit. However, before you could even reach the door, his deep voice echoed through the trailer.
“Why did you let him touch you like that?”
You froze mid-step, unsure of how to respond. “Huh?” Wow, nice going Y/N. Really scraped the dictionaries for that one.
“Shemar. Why did you let him put his hands on you and touch you like that?” As he spoke his question, he slowly moved towards you, like a predator eyeing its prey. What was he talking about? Why did he care that you and Shemar had shared a brief hug? And most perplexing of all, why in the hell was he looking at you with such fire in his eyes.
“I-I don’t know what you mean Matthew.”
After his name fell from your lips, you saw his mouth twitch as he moved to close the gap between the two of you, leaving just enough space that your breaths intermingled, but no actual physical contact was occuring. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. You. Are. Mine.” What did he just say? Were you imagining this whole situation in some sick dream of yours? Your brain was struggling to catch up.
“What are you even talki-.”
Before you could finish your sentence, Matthew had surged forward, clashing his mouth against yours, hungrily devouring your lips like they were his favorite meal. You moaned at the contact, letting the shock envelope your entire body. He was ravenous, tongue pressing against your lips, begging for entry. Finally processing what the hell was happening, your mouth quickly opened and welcomed his needy tongue, feeling it tangle with yours as he released the most delicious moan you had ever heard in all the years you had been alive. His hands moved frantically, hastily ripping at the clothes covering your body, desperate to feel any part of you that he could. 
You couldn’t even comprehend how this was happening. Matthew wanted you? Not only did he want you, but he was acting on it too. Fuck. He had said you were his. Did he really mean that?
Breaking away from your lips to pull your blouse over your head, you could’ve sworn you heard a growl escape his throat as his eyes hungrily drank in your appearance, left only in your bra and panties. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. How are you so fucking hot?” Holy shit. The pure lust that dripped in his words made your legs feel like Jell-O, barely keeping it together as he shed his own shirt and began unbuckling his belt. Apparently that was what caused the wire in your brain to snap, your body surging forward to reconnect your lips and rake your nails down his chest.
“Please Matthew”, you whined, not even entirely sure what you wanted him to do. You just needed more.
Groaning at the desperation evident in your voice, he let his hand drift down your body, toying with the waistband of your panties. “Please what? What do you want from me, sweetheart?” His words made you whimper, grasping his hand to try and maneuver it underneath the damp fabric covering the place you needed him most.
“Uh uh uh. I want you to use your words princess. You can do that for me can’t you?”
Nodding your head fervently, you pushed aside any embarrassment you felt and answered almost immediately as the words left his mouth. “I want you to touch me! Please Matthew, I’m begging you!” As soon as you finished your desperate plea, his nimble fingers had ripped your panties down your legs and he was guiding you towards the couch conveniently located nearby. The two of you stumbled onto the cushions, Matthew hovering over you pinning you down, his large erection pressing into your thigh through his pants. You choked on a breath as one of his long, narrow fingers entered you swiftly, pumping in and out of you at a brutal pace, soon followed by two more. You were a whimpering mess as Matthew had his way with you, perfectly curling his fingers to hit your special spot over and over again. You needed him inside of you now or you were gonna explode.
“You’re so wet sweetheart. This all for me”, he questioned cockily, savoring the sounds pouring from your lips, cherishing the way your body writhed underneath his. 
“Yes Matthew! It’s all for you. Only you”, your words were accompanied by a long, drawn out moan. 
“Good girl”, he growled as his fingers picked up their pace, pushing you dangerously close to the edge. Matthew must have picked up on the fact based on the way your muscles were clenching around his digits and the way your breath was becoming more and more labored. 
“That’s it, baby. Come for me, little girl. Come all over my fingers.” His graphic words made your eyes roll back in your head as you felt your orgasm crash through your body, Matthew continuing his ministrations throughout the entirety of it. As you came down from your high and opened your eyes, you were met with the beautiful vision of Matthew sucking your juices off of himself, staring intently at you with lust-filled eyes. “Mmmm, so fucking sweet baby”, he moaned as he licked the last bit away. Realizing you simply couldn’t wait any longer, you grabbed onto his forearm, pulling him to you as close as physically possible. 
“Matthew I need you inside of me right now. Please. Please, I need you.” You felt like you were on the verge of crying, you were so damn desperate for him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes instantly darkened even more after hearing you beg him to fuck you so viscerally. 
“Baby, I really want to feel you bouncing on my cock. Can you do that? Can you ride me like a good girl, sweetheart?”
Not even bothering to answer his questioning, you mustered up all of your strength to push him up and off of you, allowing yourself to straddle him on one of the cushions. You made quick work unzipping his pants and signalling for him to lift up his hips, allowing you to hastily pull down both his slacks and boxers in one go. God, you were so fucking horny and needy for the man in front of you, you felt like you were going insane. Actually, scratch that. You were already long gone. Finally having removed the last barrier between the two of you, his strong hands grabbed your hips and positioned you over his throbbing cock, slowly letting you lower yourself down. Both of you released matching groans at the overwhelming feeling. 
“Fuck, princess. You feel so fucking amazing”, he moaned before gently grasping your hips, encouraging you to start moving. You couldn’t control the string of whimpers that escaped your mouth as you started circling your hips, gradually picking up your pace. It felt so fucking good, incomparible to anything you had ever felt before. As your speed increased and he began thrusting upwards to meet you, his hands reached behind you, finding the clasp of your bra, practically ripping the garment off of your body. Without any barrier blocking your breasts, he sat back and ogled you as they bounced in sync with your rapid movements, eventually needing more and grabbing the pillowy flesh with his wandering hands. The stimulation only made you move faster, desperate for the addicting friction that you could feel radiating throughout your whole being. You felt Matthew’s grip on your hips tighten exponentially, in order to get your undivided attention. 
“I bet you thought you looked real cute flirting with him like that, didn’t you princess”, he sputtered, his voice strained and hoarse. The sound of it made your insides quiver even more.
“I-I wasn’t f-flirting. I w-was just being n-nice”, you stammered, feeling your climax slowly building more and more with each thrust. He growled and immediately picked up the pace, speaking his next words clearly for you to understand. “That’s bullshit baby and you know it. Do you really think he could fuck you like this, sweetheart? Do you think his cock could fill you up this perfectly? Make you feel the way I do?” 
“N-Noooo! No, of course not. I only want you!” You were a moaning, whimpering mess as you gripped his shoulders trying to maintain your balance, his thrusts launching you into a whole other universe. “What was that, little girl? I couldn’t really hear you.”
“Fuck! Matthew! I only want you! There’s no one else!” You couldn’t control yourself any longer. You lost the ability to move as he wrapped his arms around your waist, slamming into you so fucking hard you swore you could see stars. 
“There better fucking not be, little girl. You are mine, sweetheart. All fucking mine. Mine!” His words make the chord in your stomach snap, your climax overtaking your body dangerously fast. “MATTHEW!” Your vision was spotty, muscles clenched incredibly tight, when you felt his cock start to twitch violently inside of you. 
“Fuck! Y/N! Oh my god!” As soon as the words left his mouth, you felt his cum fill you up completely, warmth radiating throughout your body as his dick pulsated inside of you. 
You collapsed against his sweaty frame, holding on for dear life. “Matthew, Matthew, Matthew”, you muttered as you fought to regulate your breathing. Both of you were shaking, thanks to the world-shattering orgasams you had just experienced, his hands gently rubbing your back, soothing you. “Shhhhhh, breathe little girl”, he whispered so warmly it made butterflies bloom in your stomach, a stark contrast to the way he was speaking moments ago. 
Pulling yourself upright, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his. After a few seconds had passed, a huge grin slowly formed on his beautiful face, letting out a light giggle. “Hey.”
Feeling a smile form on your own face from his silliness, you couldn’t help but fall for him even more. “Hi”, you shyly responded, reaching up to poke the dimple that was visible on his face, giggling when he playfully stuck his tongue out, trying to reach your finger with it. Completely absorbed in the moment, you had forgotten that he was still inside of you and you were probably hurting him, not that he was gonna complain. You slowly lifted yourself off of him, both of you wincing slightly at the sensation. He immediately pulled you back to him afterwards and continued to rub your back like he had before. It was so comforting, you were scared you were gonna fall asleep in his lap, which you pretty quickly concluded wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, noticing the way his eyes seemed to droop as well.
As you felt yourself starting to drift off, you heard his soothing voice near your ear. “I’m really sorry I got so rough Y/N. I didn’t mean to act like that. I just got so jealous seeing you with him and I didn’t know how to control my emotions. I didn’t know how to tell you how I felt.” He sounded genuinely sad when he spoke, the guilt evident in his quiet voice.
“Matthew, baby, don’t be sorry, ok? I really enjoyed every second of it, I promise. As for Shemar...you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I’ve only ever had eyes for you. You’re kind of stuck with me Gube.” You felt the chuckle vibrate through his body at your words and you lazily smiled against his chest.
“I know, sweetheart. I know.” You heard him hesitate and you wondered if he was going to finish his thought, hopefully before you knocked out cold. “Would you-would you maybe want to go out with me this weekend? Like on a-a date? You felt your heart swell in your chest at his question and slowly nodded against him. 
“I would love that, Matthew.”
Cherishing the feeling of holding each other in your arms, the two of you quickly succumbed to the drowsiness, falling into the most comfortable slumber you had ever experienced.
Tag List: @hopebaker​ @pastathighs​ @psychedellic-phase​ @gloryekaterina​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @racharr​ @etherealgubler​ @furiouspartyrebelhoagie​ @andiebeaword​ @liaabsurd​ @cielo1984​ @starkeybaby​ @rainsong01​ @moonlight-jukebox ​ @victomizedbyreginageorge
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years ago
I love you (not) - Chapter 13
It's only fitting that chapter 13 of this fic would be the one that's most inspired by Taylor Swift (big Fearless vibes in here)... Tackling two prompts of @marichatmay in one, Locked in and oops. Spoiler: they finally kiss! Hope you enjoy the chapter! xx
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Chapter 13: In which it's finally timeTM
“Marinette,” Chat Noir said softly, reluctantly loosening their embrace.
She hummed in response, eyes still closed, and he tucked a strand of her already damp hair behind her ear. The skies were darkening, if it was even possible, the rain turning into a thick curtain around them, yet her soft smile was like a ray of sunshine illuminating them both. He was torn between staying there, basking in her light, and bursting their bubble. The thought that she could catch a cold crossed his mind, though, and he knew where his duty lied.
“Marinette, we should find shelter, you’ll be sick,” he insisted gently.
“I’m on holiday for the next two months, I have plenty of time to be ill,” she replied. She didn’t care if it wasn’t entirely true. She needed to be operational enough to fight any Akumas that sprouted up, but at that moment, those concerns felt like they were miles away.
Chat Noir paused. Even if he didn’t like the thought of her being bedridden, she did have a point.
“But you’ll ruin your pretty dress,” he whispered in her ear.
Marinette sighed against his chest. She really wanted to answer that she didn’t care, that she’d dance with him anywhere, whatever was going on around them, whatever she was wearing, but also especially in her best dress.  She was starting to feel a little cold, though, and she couldn’t let her partner get ill himself.
“Fine.” She looked up at him, bluebell eyes wide and beautiful as a stroke of lightning lit up the sky, and Chat forgot how to breathe for a second.
The clap of thunder that swiftly followed made him gasp like he’d literally been drowning in her eyes, and he averted his gaze.
“Hang on tight,” he warned her, bending down slightly to reach behind her knees to lift her in a bridal carry.
As he strode purposefully towards the lift, Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself, and she realised that if he were to turn his head ever so slightly towards her, then there would only be a couple of centimetres between their lips. Rain streaming down her face, she was reminded of the dream she’d had about kissing Chat Noir. Would it be so bad to know what it would feel like, without the rush of an Akuma battle? She blushed at the thought, and buried her face against his shoulder to conceal her fluster.
Chat Noir had barely, tentatively, laid his head on the top of hers when the lift doors opened with a “ding”. He straightened up rigidly and walked inside, before delicately setting her down on one side of the cabin and walking to the other.
Marinette leaned back against the panel, stealing a glance at him as he pressed the restaurant button. The elevator got into motion; she pouted when he didn’t return to her side.
But maybe she’d gotten ahead of herself. Maybe the dancing, the rain, and the late night visits had gotten to her head, shining a new light on their, all in all, platonic all but in name relationship.
Before she could start dissecting why she felt disappointed, the lift stopped abruptly, making her lose her balance slightly. She tensed up, feeling that something wasn’t right.
Opposite her, Chat was also on high alert, ears perked up as he tried to pick up on any sound that could indicate the cause of the stall. When the cries for help and the crashing reached them, their gazes met, and they could read the panic in each other’s eyes at the thought that it wasn’t just the storm.
Chat pounced on the elevator button panel and punched all of them, hoping it would kickstart the machine, but unfortunately not even the alarm button responded.
“ Mince ,” they both swore under their breath.
Chat’s whipped his head towards her, and he flashed her a small smile.
“It’s okay, Marinette, don’t worry. Ladybug will get us out of here.”
“You really think so?” Marinette was trying very hard not to let her panic flood her as she looked around for any possible exit. Wasn’t there supposed to be a trap door on elevator roofs? Or could they try prying the doors open, and see where to go from there? Actually, why use force when they had a much more powerful weapon? “Can’t you maybe cataclysm the doors or something?”
“I’m afraid it doesn’t mix well with technology,” he grimaced. “I don’t want to risk hurting you. But I trust Ladybug, she’ll find a way.”
“I trust you too, Chat Noir,” she replied automatically. Her eyes widened when she realised how he could interpret her words, but Chat looked lost in his thoughts. And slightly… waxy, for some reason?
“Chat, are you-” Her question was interrupted by the lights flickering, and then turning off.
Chat’s gulp was extremely audible in the penumbra.
“Are you okay?” She asked cautiously.
“Absolutely peachy.” He might have been able to distract her from his strained voice with one of those smiles he was so good at putting on, but in the darkness, it was all she could focus on.
“Kitty.” She tried to channel all of her warning glance into her words.
“It’s nothing. I might be a tiny bit claw-strophobic, but don’t mind me.”
Marinette heard him slide down against the panel, his breathing accelerating.
“It’s alright, Chat, I’m here.” She knew he wouldn’t get exactly what she meant, and she definitely wasn’t going to clarify, but she hoped her soothing tone would be enough to help him keep calm.
Just in case, though, she scrambled to her knees and felt around so she could kneel in front of him. Her eyes were starting to be accustomed to the darkness; she saw his eyes sparkling in front of her. Leaning forward, she placed both of her hands on his shoulders, and hoped he saw her better than she saw him. She didn't care what was going on on the other side of the doors; her Chaton needed her, and he was her priority. They could figure things out later.
“I’m here, I promise it’s going to be alright,” she whispered again, and he nodded slowly, unconvinced. “I’m guessing this isn’t the first time it’s happened; what do you usually do when you’re feeling like this? Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I generally try to think happy thoughts,” he whispered back.
“Happy thoughts. Got it. Give me an example.”
“I like eating chouquettes?” He said tentatively.
“Okay… They are really good pastries. You know what, I think I saw some around at the party; think about how you can stuff your face full with them when we get out.”
“That would be nice.” He nodded a little more vigorously.
“Okay, what else?”
“I… I kind of like it when Ladybug scratches my chin,” he said almost shyly.
“You’re a real cat, you know that?” She smiled fondly. “Erm… would you like me to do that now?”
“Nah, it’s kind of a thing between me and her.”
“Okay, then.” She bit back a smile. “Keep going.”
“I really like receiving presents from you. They’re always so thoughtful.” His breathing was slowing down, his voice more assured.
“I really enjoy making them for you.” She blushed.
“Thank you.” He brought one of his hands to cover hers.
“You’re very welcome.”
Marinette stared into Chat Noir’s eyes, only averting her gaze and clearing her throat when she felt that she was getting a little too close to his face. She couldn’t help it. It was like being pulled in by gravity. “Anything else?”
He shook his head.
“Come on, Chat, there must be more good thoughts in that head of yours.” She ruffled his hair. “How does… How do the pictures of you and… Ladybug after the fight against Oblivio make you feel?” It was a daring question. She regretted it almost instantly, his lack of answer at first the most deafening of sounds.
“I used to really enjoy looking at them,” he said cautiously just when she was considering that transforming and making a break for it would be a less awkward option than being scrutinised like this.
“Used to?” She felt her heart rate pick up.
“Well, truth be told…” It was his turn to avert his gaze, although he tightened his grip on her hand ever so slightly. “I’m not sure I’d enjoy kissing Ladybug very much now.”
“Oh?” She hated that she was losing all coherence, her brain overanalysing the implicit meaning of his words, which truly couldn’t be what she thought, dreamed it could be.
“Well, see, there’s this other girl…” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, a smile gently spreading on his lips. Which she definitely wasn’t focusing on.
“Yeah?” she asked breathlessly, very aware of the short distance between them as she forced herself to hold his gaze.
“I’ve just found myself feeling closer to her, and hoping that maybe, just maybe…” His eyes flickered to her lips, and she couldn’t help it.
Her lips found their way to his like a butterfly to a flower, landing lightly at first, testing the waters. It was sweet, like apple juice.
Just as she was about to break contact, Chat’s arms came to wrap around her waist and he deepened the kiss. Her own hands moved up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck. She felt him smile against her lips, and couldn’t help but smile herself.
And then there was light.
She jumped out of Chat Noir’s arms and he scrambled to his feet just as a firefighter finished opening the door, helped by Kim. They’d been so close to a proper floor.
“I knew I’d heard people talking in there!” Kim said excitedly, helping Marinette out. “Oh, hi Chat Noir! Do you know where Ladybug is? This Akuma is not messing around.”
“I’ll go and take care of it, I’ll call LB on the way.” He replied almost sheepishly. Marinette didn’t know where to put herself. She didn’t doubt that what they’d been doing could be read all over her face. Maybe Chat would even figure everything out by just looking at her. There was no doubt that she was just as red as Ladybug’s suit.
“Go find yourself a safe hiding place, Marinette.” Chat put a hand on her shoulder, his eyes boring into hers.
“Will do.” She nodded. “Be safe out there.”
“Will do.”
He started running towards an exit, but turned around just as he was about to turn the corner. He paused, as if he was about to say something, but thought better of it and flashed her a bright smile instead.
It almost made Marinette forget that she needed to get moving too.
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bevioletskies · 4 years ago
meet me halfway (across the sky)
summary: Video calls back home were a rare treat for Apollo, considering how busy his life in Khura’in could be. Catching up with Trucy, Athena, and Phoenix was one thing. Getting a sudden call from Klavier was another. And talking to Klavier every day for hours about everything they never knew about each other was possibly the most unexpected thing of all.
word count: 12k | read on ao3
a/n: For @klapollo-week, day five of seven (prompt: "parallels"). All seven of my fics take place in the same continuity! However, each can be read as a stand-alone, with the exception of day seven being a sequel to day five.
Mild spoiler warning for Spirit of Justice, along with implied spoilers for Dual Destinies. Fic title is from the song Meet Me Half Way by Kenny Loggins.
“Uh, Mr. Wright, you’re way too close to the screen. Can you sit back a little?”
“Oops - sorry, Apollo! Still not used to this kind of technology, heh.”
“Sheesh, Daddy, you make yourself sound ancient - ”
“Ah! Did you guys start already? Attendez-moi!”
Chuckling, Apollo leaned back in his seat and waited while the three of them rearranged themselves in front of their webcam. He’d missed this, this camaraderie that he didn’t quite have with his current companions in Khura’in. There was something immensely comforting about it, about every time he managed to schedule a video call with everyone back home. It didn’t happen as often as they would’ve liked, given how busy they all were, how tricky the time difference could be, but when it did, it was the best part of Apollo’s week.
“Hey, guys,” Apollo said, waving sleepily. “What’s been going on?” He leaned closer, peering at his screen. “...Athena, why do you have a banana sticker on your forehead?”
“Why don’t you have a banana sticker on your forehead?” Athena retorted, peeling hers off with a flourish. “Anyway, everything’s been sehr gut! We’ve had, hm...I think four clients since we last talked? All acquitted, of course!”
“Anything interesting?” Apollo asked. “I’ve had twelve clients, myself.”
Phoenix frowned. “I’m...not so sure that’s a good thing. Are you getting enough sleep? I can’t imagine you having that many cases and not mixing them up. Keeping track of evidence alone must be a nightmare!”
“It’s been...a process,” Apollo said diplomatically, trying not to think about the dozens of folders he had on both his desktop and his actual desk that needed to be sorted in a way that made some semblance of sense. “Don’t worry about me, Mr. Wright, I-I’m fine!”
“Famous last words,” Trucy huffed. “Polly, you need rest! We want you back home in one piece, after all.”
“At least I’m not accepting odd jobs anymore,” Apollo chuckled. “I don’t mind helping someone set up their internet or move their couch every now and then, but I can’t do everything.” He startled suddenly at the sound of his phone going off. “Oh - sorry, one sec.” His brows knitted together when he read the call display: Klavier Gavin.
“Apollo? Is something wrong?” Athena asked, concerned.
“I - uh…” Apollo hesitated, unsure of what to do. “I’m gonna mute myself for a second, hang on.” He did just that, then answered his phone. “Gavin? Are you...wait. Did you call me by accident?”
There was a long, lingering silence. Then, “Ach, I only just realized what time it is where you are. I should’ve texted first, ja?”
“Yeah, probably,” Apollo said, laughing awkwardly. “Is this, uh, urgent? It’s just - I’m in the middle of a video call, so…”
“Nein, nein, not all!” Klavier’s voice was too loud, too sharp. Apollo didn’t need to see his face to know what that meant. “You know what? Forget I called, it’s nothing.”
“Hey, no, don’t do that,” Apollo protested, frowning. “If you wanna talk for whatever reason, we can - ”
“I have somewhere I need to be, anyway, so, er - Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Forehead.” Klavier quickly hung up before Apollo could get a word in edgewise. He stared at his phone, perplexed, before unmuting himself. The others looked as confused as he was.
“What happened?” Phoenix asked.
“...Prosecutor Gavin called me?” Apollo shook himself a little. “I’ll get back to him later, so - anyway, what were we talking about?”
Three days passed before Klavier responded to the inquiring text message Apollo had sent him after he’d finished talking to the others. He still didn’t seem ready to talk about it - whatever it was - but he did suggest they do a video call of their own, to which Apollo agreed. Something about Klavier’s behavior was bothering him, and he was more curious about it than he expected to be.
“Forehead? You’re staring, achtung. I know I’m handsome, but you should really keep those eyes of yours under control. They’re going to get you in trouble someday, I’m sure of it.”
“I - ” Apollo’s eyes narrowed. “Really, Gavin? That’s how we’re starting this?”
“It was you who started it,” Klavier said petulantly, his tone not unlike a five-year-old’s. But really, Apollo couldn’t stop staring - not because of Klavier’s looks; he’d long made peace with how attractive he thought Klavier was and how much he didn’t want Klavier to know, but because of how tired Klavier seemed. Apollo had expected him to be in his usual “uniform”, his silver jewelry and perfect makeup and impeccably styled hair. Instead, Klavier was wearing an oversized sweater, his hair up in a loose topknot, his face completely bare. He still had that lazy, slightly flirtatious smile on his face, but he was slouching quite a bit, his arms loosely wrapped around his propped-up knee. With his cracked lips, acne scars, and hunched shoulders, he looked more human than Apollo had ever thought possible.
“How’ve you been?” Apollo asked, ignoring him. “I’m surprised you called. I haven’t heard from you in, like. Three months? Four? I swear, I’m losing all sense of time here.”
“Well, it’s not like we had a habit of talking in the first place, ja?” Klavier pointed out. “But...to borrow a phrase, I’m fine, though the courts have been so boring without you here. I almost miss the ringing ears I got after every single one of our trials.”
“Har, har,” Apollo drawled. “Congratulations, you and everyone else have broken me down into exactly two personality traits: sarcastic and loud. Are you proud of yourself?”
“You forgot ‘oblivious’,” Klavier supplied helpfully.
Apollo blinked. “...to what?” He blinked again. “Wait - ”
“Too late,” Klavier interrupted gleefully, beaming. “You’ve proven my point beautifully.” Apollo glared; not five minutes in, and he was already prepared to hang up. “Anyway, I’ve been sehr gut, for the most part. Work has been keeping me busy. You?”
“I’m pretty settled here by now,” Apollo said, shrugging. “It’s rough, y’know, trying to rebuild an entire legal system as the only defense attorney in the country, but, uh...at least I’m not completely alone. And as nerdy as it sounds, I’m actually really liking the work. Not the stress - that, I could do without - but the fact that I get to be a part of this big...thing. It’s exciting, I guess.”
“It’s not that nerdy,” Klavier reasoned. “Nerdy is reading law textbooks at night, under the covers. As a child.”
“...is it weird that I actually did that?” Apollo asked, wincing.
Now it was Klavier’s turn to blink, stunned. “Wait, really? I was talking about me.”
“Oh.” Apollo shifted in his seat, surprised. “Never would’ve guessed. I mean, obviously, I know you became a prosecutor at seventeen, but I just assumed you were a musical child prodigy and...I dunno, switched career paths at some point.”
Klavier let out a soft laugh. “Again, you flatter me, Herr Forehead, but I’m not a prodigy of any kind. Just some good old-fashioned hard work, you know?” He then frowned very slightly. “Though...I’ll admit, I’m not sure how much of my standing at the prosecutor’s office also came down to good old-fashioned nepotism. After all, Kristoph…” He trailed off, unwilling to say more.
Apollo shuddered. Even after all this time, he couldn’t get his former boss’s maniacal laughter out of his head. “Right, um...oh, have you had any interesting cases lately? Athena was telling me she had a literal gravedigger as a client - no prizes for guessing where the victim’s body was discovered…”
The next hour seemed to fly by surprisingly quickly, with the two of them exchanging light-hearted anecdotes about work. As it turned out, they’d both had many interesting cases since the last time they spoke. It wasn’t until Apollo could barely keep his eyes open that he realized what time it was.
“Ach, don’t let me keep you,” Klavier said when Apollo yawned for what seemed like the hundredth time in a row. “You have work in the morning, I’m sure.”
“Wait, but - ” Apollo yawned yet again “ - but we never got around to...whatever it was you were calling about the first time. Your so-called ‘nothing’.”
Klavier’s expression sobered instantly, his mouth pulling back into a hard line. “I’m not going to bother lying to you, Apollo. But I’m not interested in telling you, either. So let’s leave it at that, ja?”
“I...oh.” Apollo nodded, feeling somewhat chastised. “Fine. Fine, we don’t have to - but if you wanna, y’know, catch up again sometime, let me know, okay? I’ve got time to talk. Er, I think.”
Klavier laughed, surprised, though his eyes were still wary. “Do you actually...miss me, Forehead?”
“You really know how to ruin a moment, Gavin,” Apollo sighed, shaking his head. “Anyway, talk to you later...maybe. Haven’t decided on whether I actually want to anymore, jerk.”
Klavier continued to grin. “Auf Wiedersehen, baby.” Apollo tried not to think about how the last word had made him shiver.
Weeks went by before Apollo heard from Klavier again, a few days after he’d had a two-hour long call with Trucy. Apollo’s voice was a bit hoarse from all the talking he’d done - not to mention how angry he’d gotten in court just yesterday after a particularly smug witness tried to take over the entire trial - but nevertheless, he was surprised at how happy he was to see Klavier, a feeling he was mostly unfamiliar with.
“Do you have a cold?” Klavier asked. “Your voice sounds a bit strained and raspy.”
“My brain feels strained and raspy,” Apollo groaned. He then paused; for some reason, the exchange sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why. “It’s nothing, I just got pissed and yelled at someone in court yesterday. Not my finest moment, I’ll admit.”
“But isn’t yelling your default?” Klavier smirked. He looked more relaxed than last time, the tension in his face less noticeable. “I hope the rest of the trial went well, at least.”
“Oh, it didn’t,” Apollo said, snorting. “But...past’s in the past. I have too many cases to deal with to bother worrying about one crappy witness. My client was acquitted, I got the real culprit, you know the deal. It’s all starting to blur together, to be honest.”
“It sounds like you need to get out more,” Klavier suggested, not unkindly. “Is there any sort of...nightlife in Khura’in? Recreational activities, maybe? Don’t make me bother Fräulein Detective and get her to drag you to a bar every now and then.”
“We go out to eat or drink sometimes,” Apollo replied, shrugging. “But...I dunno. I don’t really have the time to take up a new hobby or whatever. My free time is for eating, sleeping, and catching up with people back home.”
“Fair enough, though you really should lighten your workload,” Klavier said sagely. “It’s not like you took cases every day when you were here, ja? I know Khura’in needs your help, but what good are you to them if you’re burnt out?”
Apollo’s eyes widened slightly, stupefied. Then, he tried - and failed - to stifle a laugh. “Okay, Dad. Sheesh, you sound like Mr. Wright trying to give me a pep talk.” He sat back in his seat, loosely running his fingers through his hair. “Fine, then, question for you - when’s the last time you took a day off?”
“I went to visit my parents last Saturday,” Klavier answered after taking a moment to think. “They needed help cleaning and packing away some of...some of his things.” He visibly swallowed, though he tried to hide it with a sharp cough. After some consideration, Apollo decided not to comment on it.
“That’s hardly a day off,” Apollo retorted instead. “I mean, it’s technically not work, but - wait. Do you usually work on weekends, too?”
“Natürlich,” Klavier replied, confused. “Do you mean to say you don’t?”
“No, I - I work on weekends more than I should,” Apollo admitted. “But it’s kinda hypocritical of you to tell me to get out more when you don’t have much of a life, either, y’know. Also, are you seriously telling me you don’t have, like. Other things to do? People to see, places to be? Not that spending time with your parents is a bad thing, I-I mean, it’s cool that you do, it’s just...well.”
Klavier averted his eyes, reaching across his desk to pick up his mug of tea. He took his time with it, drinking at a leisurely pace, before finally speaking again. “Do you actually care to know, Forehead? Or are you just asking to ask?” he said evenly.
“I…” Apollo found himself caught off-guard by both the question and his own answer. “No, I actually wanna know. ‘Cos it’s just - it’s not what I imagined. I’ve seen all the headlines and photos and stuff, so…”
“Ah.” Klavier smiled ruefully. “From the early Gavinners days, I take it? Back when I had Daryan around to be my bad influence? Nein, that’s not exactly my style anymore. I already feel too old for that kind of scheisse. Now, I do these things out of obligation, you know? Work parties, family events...nothing too wild. Not when I’ve been involved in too many scandals. Better to lay low than to put myself out there again, ja?”
“I...I see.” Apollo went quiet for a moment, ruminating. He couldn’t help but notice Klavier had neatly avoided the word “friend”; he was starting to wonder how many he actually had. Honestly, he couldn’t remember the last time Klavier had ever mentioned anyone outside of people that Apollo himself already knew.
“You’re staring again, Forehead.” Klavier leaned closer, resting his chin in his hands, a wicked grin plastered across his face. “There’s no one nearly as pretty as me in Khura’in, I take it? Don’t worry, I’d be surprised if there was.” Apollo said nothing, instead lifting a hand from his own mug of honey lemon tea to flip him off. Klavier merely laughed in response, delighted.
After that, the gap between video calls went down from a few weeks to a few days. Neither of them knew why, but somehow, they’d come to a silent agreement that they were going to talk once or twice a week about nothing in particular. However, Apollo still hadn’t quite figured out why Klavier had called him the first time. Initially, he suspected it had something to do with Kristoph, given that the Gavins were finally starting to pack up his things. Maybe Klavier had visited him recently, or maybe he’d reminisced a little too long about their shared childhood, whatever that looked like. But when Apollo had asked, Klavier had simply shrugged it off.
“It’s no secret that even thinking about thinking about Kristoph puts me in a foul mood,” Klavier had replied. “But I haven’t seen him lately, nein. I’m done, I’m - I just want to move on with my life, without his shadow lurking in the darkness.”
Not all their conversations were so heavy, though; once they’d finally caught up on everything they’d missed out on over the last several months, their topics turned mundane, even silly. Apollo never expected to spend one of his precious free Saturday mornings arguing with Klavier, of all people, about breakfast, of all things, but here he was.
“Yes, I’ve had instant ramen for breakfast, what of it?!” Apollo had exclaimed defensively. “Add an egg, some bacon bits...what’s your problem?”
“My problem is your sodium intake,” Klavier had protested. “Bitte, tell me you eat actual fruits and vegetables from time to time. Tell me you have some semblance of a balanced diet and your stomach hasn’t just turned into a toxic wasteland.”
Apollo wasn’t sure why he was talking to Klavier so often, so suddenly, in all honesty. Part of him supposed it was because Klavier just happened to be there - after all, he seemed freer to talk than Phoenix, Trucy, or Athena, and he wasn’t bad company when he wasn’t not-so-stealthily insulting Apollo in court. But another part of him, the part he desperately wanted to ignore, felt oddly comforted by Klavier’s probably-fake accent and his too-wide smile. Klavier’s presence in his small, chilly Khura’inese bedroom almost made him feel like he was back home.
“Have you seen the others lately?” Apollo asked one evening, bundled up in the thickest blanket he could find. There was a draft coming in from somewhere that he had yet to take care of, and neither Datz nor Ahlbi were too interested in checking it out, either. “Or...I dunno. Watched any of Trucy’s shows?”
“I’ve only seen them around at crime scenes and the courthouse,” Klavier replied. Apollo couldn’t stop himself from sneaking a peek over Klavier’s shoulders at his surroundings in curiosity. For once, Klavier was sitting on his bed instead of at his desk or in what was presumably his home office. Unsurprisingly, he seemed to have a huge, ostentatious-looking bedroom that was probably bigger than Apollo’s office. “Things have been...busy at the Gavin estate. I don't have much time to socialize with colleagues.”
“Busy?” Apollo echoed, sitting up. “More cleaning, you mean?”
“My parents aren’t retired, but sometimes, they act like they are,” Klavier said wryly. “They want to remodel so many rooms - the kitchen, the conservatory, my old playroom...so I’ve been going home quite a bit these days, helping them with the little things. It was nostalgic, seeing all the toys I used to play with. Feels like a lifetime ago, achtung.”
“What was your thing?” Apollo asked. “Beanie Babies? Barbie Dreamhouses? Legos? Wait, let me guess - you had one of those Fisher-Price piano playmats, didn’t you? Don’t even lie to me.”
“I would never own something so tacky,” Klavier protested; he almost seemed offended. “Nein, Mama was all about wooden toys - blocks, cars, dollhouses, kitchen sets - it’s very aesthetically pleasing. With the occasional soft toy, ja, but we never had plastic.”
“Interesting,” Apollo said, humming. “Same here, no plastic for us. Only, uh - not for the same reasons. More out of...necessity.”
“Oh.” Klavier’s expression softened. “Ja, I suppose in your...situation, you wouldn’t be able to get new things easily.” He then smirked. “Now I’m trying to imagine you and Herr Sahdmadhi as children. I can’t picture either of you with dolls or teddy bears.”
“Try actual frogs and actual bunnies,” Apollo said, sinking down further into his chair. “We were outdoorsy kids, believe it or not. Scraped knees and sunburns and all. But now, uh, good luck dragging me away from air conditioning and indoor plumbing. You couldn’t pay me to abandon my weighted blanket.”
“Picky, picky,” Klavier teased, grinning. “I don’t blame you, though. I’m too comfortable with being comfortable to like change. Though...I suppose that’s not really up to us, is it? Changing?”
“How philosophical of you,” Apollo drawled, rolling his eyes. “It’s not that deep, Gavin, I’m just saying I’m not interested in sleeping outdoors again anytime soon. One instance of me waking up with ants in places that you definitely don’t want ants was enough.” He then chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. “And honestly, who does like change? It’s like when I get a new client, right, and every time, something changes on me. Evidence, circumstances, logic...hell, it’s your fault sometimes!”
“When did this become about me?” Klavier chuckled, still smiling.
“Isn’t everything?” Apollo shot back. “It’s like you have this...this uncanny ability to turn any normal conversation into an opportunity for you to wax poetic, just so you can sound cool. If you ask me, it’s more dorky than anything else.”
Klavier’s mouth dropped open. “...Apollo Justice, are you calling me a dork?”
“Maybe I am, Klavier Gavin. What are we, Prosecutor von Karma?” Apollo snorted. “Sorry, Gavin, but between you and her, I think I know which one of you is actually German.”
“I’ll have you know that I’m very German,” Klavier protested, wagging an accusing finger at his screen. “Both of my parents grew up in Germany; they only came to the States so they could get their master’s. They had me learn German by watching Janoschs Traumstunde and Die Sendung mit der Maus, and Mama taught me how to make spätzle and schupfnudeln and reibekuchen - ah, and my favorite dessert? Bienenstich.”
Apollo held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I believe you. I just think your accent’s a little...questionable. You sound like someone who got too overconfident in their dedication to Duolingo.”
“Ach,” Klavier said, laughing. “Anyway, do you mean it? Am I really...dorky?”
“Wow, you’re even more hung up on that than I thought,” Apollo teased, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing as well. “Though I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Image is a big deal to you, after all. Yes, Gavin, you’re a huge dork. How can you not be when you say shit like - like ‘tell me you share my angst, Herr Forehead’ - ”
“And you think my accent is terrible,” Klavier mused, sighing. “So sue me, I like to embellish. I like a little romance in my language - it makes life more interesting, you know? Though I suppose you wouldn’t understand, being the kind of person that you are. You wouldn’t know romance if it asked you to dinner.”
“Ugh, that reminds me.” An involuntary shudder went through Apollo’s entire body. “I had a client ask me out a few weeks ago. Like, seconds after I got him acquitted. As if that was all he was thinking about while the judge declared him not guilty.”
Klavier went still. “...really? What happened? What did you say?”
“I said no, obviously!” Apollo exclaimed, loud enough that he briefly wondered if he’d accidentally woken up his neighbors. “He wasn’t a murderer, but he was still a shitty person. Besides, shitty or not, it’s kind of an unspoken thing to not date clients and co-workers, isn’t it?”
“Ja, of course,” Klavier said, waving a hand aimlessly. “I’m just...surprised.”
“That someone was interested in me? Thanks, Gavin,” Apollo drawled, rolling his eyes.
“That someone thought it was a good idea,” Klavier corrected, mouth twisting into a slight frown. “You’re perfect...ly acceptable, Forehead. As a, ah, person to go on a date with, I mean.” He cleared his throat; it seemed to get stuck quite often these days. “Anyway - surely, he didn’t think you would agree!”
“I dunno what he was thinking, if he was thinking at all in the first place,” Apollo sighed, shivering once more. “At least Ema got a good laugh out of it.”
Klavier straightened up, his expression quickly returning to normal. “How is she, by the way? I can only imagine that Khura’in is completely covered in luminol by now.”
“She’s adjusted pretty well, though she’s used to living overseas,” Apollo shrugged. “Her Khura’inese needs some work, though. Er, not that mine’s much better, I’ve been gone for too long. It’s coming back to me...slowly. Very slowly.”
“Sometimes I forget that you speak another language, too,” Klavier remarked. “Considering your grasp of English…”
“My English is fine, thanks,” Apollo huffed; it seemed like he couldn’t go one conversation without wanting to stick his tongue out at Klavier like they were unruly children on a school playground. Or, alternatively, flipping him off like they were fighting over the last parking spot. “Just ‘cos I don’t get all fancy with it - ”
“Here we go again,” Klavier sighed, dropping his chin into his hands. “And you say I make everything about me, hm?”
“Two-way street, Gavin. Two-way street,” Apollo said, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. “Besides, that’s...it’s kind of our thing, isn’t it? Poking at each other until someone gets legitimately pissed? Usually me, but still.”
“I didn’t know we had a ‘thing’,” Klavier said, cocking his head in curiosity. “Tell me more about this ‘thing’ of ours, bitte.”
“See? There you go again!” Now Apollo’s neighbors were definitely awake; he didn’t have to look out the window to know that their lights were coming back on. “You can’t go two seconds without being...smarmy about something. It’s like a bad habit of yours, and I know a thing or two about bad habits.”
“What’s yours?”
Apollo blinked. Klavier had asked so suddenly, so immediately, that he’d barely heard what he’d said. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“Your bad habit,” Klavier elaborated. “I know you were talking about spotting other people’s tells, but I’m more curious about yours. You’d think that, since I get on your nerves so easily, I’d be able to see it myself, but…” He shrugged, still smiling. It was one of those indiscernible expressions of his that frustrated Apollo so much, the kind of bland, indifferent smile that seemed to mean anything and nothing at the same time. The kind of smile Klavier had in court as he reviewed the facts of the case, or when he ran into Apollo at a crime scene, or even when he talked about not talking about his brother.
“I...I, uh, never really thought about it.” Apollo hummed, thinking it over. “Messing with my hair, I guess? I’ve definitely, literally pulled my hair out before whenever I’m, like. Nervous. Stressed. Worried. Or, y’know, all of the above. I even had a crooked hairline in high school ‘cos I used to do it all the time.”
Klavier lifted his head from his hands, looking at Apollo in awe. He was quiet for so long that Apollo almost asked him if his internet connection had cut out, only to watch Klavier fuss with his bangs, then push them back completely, exposing his hairline, near-identical to what Apollo’s used to look like. It was only then that Apollo realized he’d never seen Klavier with his hair completely up. Of course, he’d seen Klavier do ponytails, braids, even space buns if he was feeling particularly stylish, but his bangs were always swept over his left eye. Now, he could see why.
“...oh.” Apollo wasn’t sure what to say. “I...I see. Is that, uh, recent?”
Klavier nodded shortly, then briefly turned away to grab a hair tie from his bedside table. He held the hair tie between his teeth while he gathered up his hair and twisted it into a neat knot; Apollo tried not to stare at the fullness of Klavier’s bottom lip, sticking out in a perfect pout, as he did. “Can I tell you a secret, Herr Forehead?”
“Oh - er - okay, abrupt change of topic there,” Apollo muttered, more to himself than to Klavier. “I guess so. What’s up?”
“I...haven’t decided how I feel yet about my parents remodeling our family estate.” Klavier’s tone was casual, but Apollo knew by now that it meant nothing. “I know why they’re doing it, I just don’t know why they’re doing it now. Nothing has changed, you know? They’re still working, I’m still working...Kristoph is still in prison.”
“Well, I don’t...know your parents or anything,” Apollo said carefully. “But i-it could be, like, a healing process thing. Starting fresh and all that, you know? But maybe it’s really not that deep. Maybe they literally just felt like, hey, now’s the right time to renovate. You could ask ‘em.”
“Ah - nein, I couldn’t inconvenience them like that,” Klavier said, chuckling awkwardly. He was already starting to mess with his hair once more. “If I expressed anything other than my complete support, they would stop immediately. And they’ve already sacrificed so much for me, I would never...I can’t…”
“Gavin,” Apollo said softly.
“It’s just a few rooms.” Klavier inhaled sharply. “What does it matter? It’s not like I live there. If Mama wants to turn our playroom into a crafting room, it...it makes sense.”
Their conversation, understandably, didn’t last too long after that. Apollo crawled into bed, still wrapped up in his blankets, with over a dozen trains of thought trekking through his mind, more of them about Klavier than he wanted to admit. He’d never thought of Klavier as an inherently private person - at times, he seemed almost too open to speaking his mind - but now, he could see that in some ways, he had been completely wrong.
Unlike before, a few weeks passed before they had another video call. Klavier was wearing a muscle tank this time, his hair scraped back into a messy bun, his bangs perfectly placed. Apollo found himself more than a little distracted by the broadness of Klavier’s shoulders, by the length of Klavier’s neck. “Entschuldigung for last time,” Klavier said smoothly, by way of greeting. “Let’s not have me treat our conversations like my therapy sessions, ja?”
“It’s fine, Gavin,” Apollo reassured him. “One comment about how you’re feeling is no big deal. If you wanna talk, then...talk. Honestly, I’m a huge law nerd, and I could talk about Khura’inese legal practices all day, but, uh, I could definitely use a conversation or two that’s about something completely different.”
Klavier nodded, seemingly thinking it over. “...I like your hair.”
Apollo raised an eyebrow. “...and I like your shirt. What, are we on a shitty speed date? C’mon, you can do better than that!”
“Ach, you didn’t let me finish,” Klavier protested, chuckling. “I just meant...I like your hair like this. It looks...soft. Less severe. Something that would be nice to touch, you know?”
“I...oh.” A pleasant tingle went up Apollo’s spine. Klavier’s voice was low, warm, especially through his headphones. He brushed his hair back behind his ears, ducking his head slightly so Klavier wouldn’t notice the heat rising in his cheeks. “Trucy introduced me to some new hair products a while back. Said it was stuff she uses to make her hair look extra shiny under the stage lights. Er, n-not that that’s why I’m using it, just...it’s nice to treat myself every now and then.”
Klavier suddenly perked up. “Speaking of treating yourself, that reminds me - you know the best way to help you with all that stress and tension you’re dealing with? A gut massage. Surely, there are some facilities like that in Khura’in, ja?”
Apollo fixed Klavier with a withering look. “...Gavin, we just had a revolution here, like, six months ago. Getting a massage and a facial is hardly anyone’s priority right now, believe me. It’s not like the legal system is off in its own little world, y’know? The economy, the sociopolitical order…everyone considers themselves lucky that they can go about their day-to-day lives, but luxury goods and services? Not here, not yet.”
“Shame, though I can’t fault Khura’in for having its priorities in order,” Klavier said, frowning slightly. “Well, if I ever get bored enough and feel like hopping on a plane, maybe I’ll come visit and give you a massage myself.”
“I’m not paying for your ticket,” Apollo retorted, his cheeks reddening once more. “And are you even qualified?”
“I always massage Papa’s shoulders whenever I go to my parents’ house,” Klavier mused thoughtfully. “He gets sore from all the gardening he does. You should see our estate garden; it’s like something out of a fairytale.”
Apollo’s nose twitched. “I’m, uh, I’m sure it does. Hey, so - tell me about your parents. You’ve mentioned them a bunch of times, but I don’t actually know that much about them.”
“High school sweethearts,” Klavier said with an almost dreamy smile on his face. “The old-school kind, slipping love letters into each other’s bags between classes and all that. Now, they’re both college professors at the same school. They both act like practical, no-nonsense people, but the truth is, they're both romantisch at heart.”
“And then passed that on to you,” Apollo nodded. “Makes sense. They sound adorable, actually.”
“I never had a high school sweetheart of my own,” Klavier sighed wistfully. “I can’t imagine how...all-consuming that must feel. To be so young, to be so sure that this one person, the only person you’ve ever loved, will be the only person you’ll ever love.”
“I guess that’s where we differ,” Apollo said quietly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, surprised at himself. He wasn’t sure where his comment had come from, why he’d blurted it out loud without a second thought. “I, uh, I had...something like that. Someone like that.”
“...oh.” Klavier furrowed his eyebrows, confused. “What happened?”
Apollo ducked his head, unable to look Klavier in the eye. “...you know what happened to him.”
Klavier’s eyes widened in realization. “Ach - Apollo, I’m so - ”
“Don’t, I - don’t,” Apollo insisted, a lump forming in his throat. “It’s not, uh. It’s not something I really wanna talk about.”
Klavier seemed unable to speak for a moment, his eyes shining with pity. Apollo hated it, hated how genuinely sorry Klavier looked, as if he had anything to do with it at all. Klavier opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “...I’ve written songs about my parents, actually. Not that you’ll find them on any Gavinners’ albums, just little love ballads that I played at their anniversary parties and vow renewal. They were big hits with my extended family - the one I wrote when I was ten years old is an absolute classic.”
“I’m sure it was,” Apollo chuckled, shaking himself out of his thoughts. “How about now, you write anything recently?”
“Barely a tune since the Gavinners disbanded,” Klavier admitted. “I haven’t felt all that inspired lately. Maybe someday it’ll come back to me, but right now...nothing. Nichts.”
“Good luck, I guess,” Apollo offered. “By the way, what’s with the tank top? Is it that hot over there already?”
“I’ve always been hot, Forehead, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Klavier said, grinning victoriously at the almost too obvious bait.
Apollo groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “I will hang up on you someday, Gavin, don’t think I won’t.”
The gap between video calls quickly dwindled down from a few days to no days at all. Text messages were constant, to the point where Apollo had to sheepishly ask Nahyuta how to upgrade his phone plan. Even phone calls started to increase in frequency; Apollo was starting to think he heard Klavier’s voice more often than he heard Ema’s, and they often spent entire days in each other’s presence.
“How do you feel about peaches?” Apollo asked, his phone carefully sandwiched between his ear and his shoulder as he deftly navigated his way through the farmer’s market, nearly tripping over a stray dog as he did so.
“Great emoji,” Klavier replied semi-seriously, though Apollo could tell he was trying not to laugh. “Although...Forehead, if this is your subtle way of asking me for my opinion on Call Me By Your Name, I’ll have you know I never learned how to play Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo. Now, Zion Hört Die Wächter Singen, on the other hand - ”
“Need I remind you, I only speak English, Khura’inese, and college-level Spanish?” Apollo interrupted, shaking his head. “Anyway, peaches are basically a delicacy here. Sucks for me, since I’m allergic to stone fruit.”
“Same, I can only eat them cooked. I love a good cherry pie,” Klavier hummed. “Did you remember to get kale this time?”
“Yeah, I got a huge bundle of it right here,” Apollo said, jostling his wicker basket loudly enough so Klavier could hear. A few market patrons turned to look at him strangely. “Thanks again for the tip, by the way. I’m still getting used to cooking stuff that’s not instant or frozen, so roasting vegetables is a total game-changer.”
“Glad to hear you’re eating actual fruits and vegetables now,” Klavier replied, chuckling. “So, I had a case go kaput today. Thought you might want to hear about it.”
“Obviously!” Apollo said, lighting up. “What did you do?”
“Achtung, why do you think it was my fault?” Klavier protested, his laughter warm in Apollo’s ear.
“Isn’t everything?” Apollo shot back, laughing as well. “Seriously, what happened? Can’t be as bad as...literally anything that’s happened to me.”
“Nein, not quite,” Klavier agreed. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t up against Athena or Herr Wright. Some rookie, I think; I was going to go easy on them. That is, until the defendant, apparently overcome with guilt, decided to bring their own decisive evidence to prove that they did, in fact, kill the victim.”
“No!” Apollo exclaimed. More market patrons turned in his direction, glaringly so. He shot them apologetic grimaces, then ducked behind a watermelon display. “Really? Like, are we talking fingerprints, photographs…”
“Everything, Forehead, everything. I couldn’t have convicted them better myself,” Klavier remarked. “Obviously, I take no joy in celebrating crime, especially murder, but ach, I consider that one of the highlights of my career. The only thing that would’ve made it better was if you were there. I can picture your dumbfounded expression now.”
“You’re terrible,” Apollo informed him, with no real bite behind his words. “But...not gonna lie, that’s kind of incredible. I feel bad for the defense, though. I’ve been screwed over by clients before, but usually not that badly.” He then heard a sharp wuff somewhere by his feet; he glanced down to see the dog he’d nearly tripped over before was now sitting on top of his toes, looking up at him with literal puppy-dog eyes. “...uh, hello. Did you need something?”
“What’s that?” Klavier asked.
“Oh - sorry, not you, Gavin. A stray dog just came over to say hi, I guess.” Apollo crouched down, taking care not to tip his basket. “Hey, buddy. I’m not the one to beg for food, if that’s what you’re looking for. All I can offer is, like, a belly rub.”
“Wait, switch to video, I want to see this,” Klavier pleaded, laughing again. Sighing, Apollo turned on his camera, then aimed his phone at the dog, who was now rolling over onto its back, its tail thumping enthusiastically against the cobblestone. “Ah, what an adorable hündchen! Go on, Forehead, don’t make him wait.” Sighing yet again - at Klavier, naturally, not the dog; he could never begrudge the dog - Apollo carefully set his basket down, then began rubbing the dog’s belly, smiling at the adorably goofy look the dog gave him in return, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, his eyes closing in utter bliss. “Hold still for a moment, bitte? I want to make this my contact photo for you.”
“Gavin, I swear - ”
“Uh, Apollo? What are you doing?”
Apollo startled at the sound of a new voice; his eyes widened when he looked up and realized who it belonged to. “Ema! He-e-ey, wh-what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Ema replied, raising an eyebrow. “Why are you petting a dog while video-calling Gavin at the farmer’s market?”
“...because I can?” Apollo offered meekly, straightening up. He quickly hung up on Klavier before Ema could attempt to talk to him, silently noting the need to send him an apology text later. “Hey, um - th-there’s a discount on tangyuan today, you wanna go all out and split the cost with me?”
Ema continued to eye him suspiciously. “Sure. But please don’t insult my intelligence - you can’t just distract me with snacks, you know.”
“I know, I know,” Apollo sighed, giving the dog one last pat on the head before leading Ema across the market, towards the aforementioned snack stall. “We just...we talk sometimes. What’s the big deal?”
“Nothing, if you guys just do video calls every now and then,” Ema said. “But here you are, shopping for produce and chatting with Gavin at the same time. It’s...a little domestic, don’t you think?”
“D...domestic?” Apollo echoed, scratching the back of his neck.
“I just didn’t think you and Gavin had that kind of relationship, that’s all,” Ema continued, shrugging as she popped a grape from her own basket into her mouth. “Listen, I couldn’t care less about that guy. But you’re my friend, so...I have to ask. Is something, y’know...going on there?”
“Wh - no, no, no, o-of course not!” Apollo ducked behind Ema the second he felt the glares of the market patrons turn to face him, again. He was starting to think he wasn’t going to be welcome back for a couple of weeks, at least. “I - he - we’re friends! It’s kinda new, b-but we’re friends. Just friends. He’s, like...pretty decent when he’s not being obnoxious in court. Or at a crime scene...or just in general.”
Ema snorted, reaching over to steal a strawberry from Apollo’s basket next. “I think it’s time you hop off that bicycle of yours, Apollo, because you’re obviously backpedaling.”
“Tortured metaphor, but okay,” Apollo muttered, glowering at her.
“How’d you guys end up talking in the first place, anyway?” Ema asked, chewing noisily. “I can’t imagine you were the one to initiate it.”
“It...I’m not sure, actually,” Apollo admitted, slapping her hand away before she could steal his entire carton of freshly-picked strawberries. They were probably more expensive than all the vegetables he’d purchased, combined. “Gavin called me a while back, seemed embarrassed about it, and then hung up. I asked him later what was going on, we started doing video calls and stuff, and then it turned into a thing, but…I never figured out why he called the first time. And I don’t think there’s any point in asking.”
“Fair enough, though I gotta admit, I’m still curious. For scientific purposes, of course,” Ema added, humming to herself. “Maybe he...no, there’s no way.”
“You know something I don’t?” Apollo asked, nudging her. “What happened to ‘I couldn’t care less’?”
“Believe me, I really couldn’t,” Ema retorted, elbowing him back. “Surprises me that you have enough to talk about, though. I mean, it’s Gavin.”
“Hey,” Apollo protested; suddenly, he felt weirdly defensive of Klavier. Again, it wasn’t a feeling he was too familiar with. “We have more in common than you think. It’s not all just - just guitar riffs and hair tosses with him.”
“If you say so,” Ema sighed, clearly uninterested in pursuing the topic any further. “C’mon, let’s pick our flavors already. And if you short me on black sesame, I will be taking those strawberries of yours.”
Later that evening, Apollo was cocooned in his usual plethora of blankets, poring over the evidence for three separate cases - honestly, the autopsy reports were starting to blur together, which explained why, for a moment, he thought one of the victims had somehow ended up with a bullet hole in their stomach from being stabbed with a blunt object - when his phone went off. He immediately perked up when he read the call display. “Gavin, hey. Sorry again about earlier, you know how Ema is.”
“Keine Sorge, you already apologized,” Klavier replied. “That’s not why I was calling, in any case.”
Apollo frowned slightly, putting Klavier on speakerphone and nestling his phone among his files. “Oh? I, uh, I thought you were just calling to chat.”
“Ja, we can talk about whatever we feel like after, it’s just - I had a question for you.” The deep breath Klavier took before speaking again made Apollo nervous. “Are you homesick?”
“...huh?” Apollo wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but it certainly hadn’t been that. “Well, I mean. Yeah. Yeah, obviously. Khura’in was my home once, so it’s not like I’m in a completely new place, but it’s...yeah, I miss being back home, traffic jams and heatwaves and all. Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” Klavier said innocently, in that sort of tone of voice that made Apollo want to reach through the phone and strangle him. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
“There’s either no reason, or a reason that I’ll learn soon enough. Pick one, Gavin,” Apollo drawled, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. All he got in response was warm, throaty laughter that sent pleasant tingles down his spine. “Fine, don’t tell me. So, what’re you up to?”
“Just got back from my morning run.” There was a rustling of sound on Klavier’s end that suggested he was still walking around somewhere, presumably inside his apartment. Apollo could only imagine how sweaty he still was, how his skin glistened in the mid-morning sun - and now, he realized belatedly, he wasn’t sure if it was something he should be thinking about at all. “You know, after all this time - I still hate it. Running, I mean.”
“Then why do you do it?” Apollo said, trying not to laugh. “Though to be fair, I feel the same way. Athena used to make me run laps around the agency’s neighborhood sometimes ‘cos I need to ‘improve my cardiovascular health’ or whatever. Never got any good at it.”
“I do it because it’s good for me, but achtung, I wish I actually liked it,” Klavier sighed. “The fresh air, the endorphins, it’s all gut and well, but you know what I can’t stand? Sweat-soaked hair. Sore ankles and stiff knees. Don’t get me started on the sunburns, ach.”
“Okay, old man,” Apollo chuckled. “You sound like a guy twice your age, you know that?”
“I’m not the one who once said they were starting to prefer blander foods over spicy foods - calling me an old man, mein Gott, the disrespect - ”
A few hours later, Apollo was fully curled up beneath his duvet, head resting on his pillow, eyes closed, with his phone tucked under his ear. Neither of them had spoken in a little while, though Apollo could hear Klavier humming under his breath while he worked on clearing out his email inbox. “...you really should take a day off, Gavin.”
“You first,” Klavier said without missing a beat. “Don’t trick yourself into thinking you have to take every case in the country, ja?”
“Same to you,” Apollo mumbled; he was starting to drift in and out of consciousness. “You’re working, like...stupidly long hours. It’s not like you’re the only prosecutor in the district.”
There was a long pause. “Mama said that to me the other day. She told me I should live a little.”
“And she’s right,” Apollo yawned. “Anyway, I’m not gonna get into this again. And it’s not like you have to do anything major, just...take a day off. Go get a massage or whatever. Hang out with friends, go on a date, I dunno.”
“Go on a date, right,” Klavier drawled sarcastically. “Easier said than done, ja?”
“What, is it the fame thing?” Apollo asked, eyes snapping open in curiosity.
“It’s the, ah. ‘Trusting people’ thing.” Klavier let out a quiet laugh. “After convicting mein Bruder, after convicting someone I thought was my best friend...who’s to say any future romantic partner of mine wouldn’t end up facing that same fate?”
“...oh.” Apollo’s face softened; part of him wanted to see Klavier’s expression, while another part of him had the feeling it was better this way, to only hear the slight rasp, the slight crack in Klavier’s voice as he spoke. He could only imagine the noticeable twitch in Klavier’s eyes, the forced smile on his lips, that he’d seen a surprising amount of times over the past few months. “I see. I-I get it. Not like I’m any good at trusting people, either.”
Klavier went quiet again. “Apollo?”
“I...oh. Yeah?” He couldn’t remember the last time Klavier had called him by his actual name.
“Be honest with me, ja?” Klavier murmured. “When we talk every day, when we text and chat and send each other silly things...is it something you actually like doing, or...or are you just bored?”
Apollo snorted. “Oh please, you know my schedule. I couldn’t be bored if I tried.” He nestled deeper into his pillow, yawning. “Nah, you’re...we’re friends. Talking to you is like...part of my routine now.”
“You mean it?” Klavier asked. He sounded so uncertain that it made Apollo’s heart ache.
“I don’t send stupid memes to just anybody, you know,” Apollo teased. “And look, I’m not pretending like this isn’t weird. If you asked me a year ago if I could see myself talking to you on a daily basis, I would’ve said, y’know, ‘never in a million years’. But things are different now, so...yeah. You’re not so bad, Gavin.”
“Ah, danke. What high praise, coming from you,” Klavier drawled, laughing. “But really, I’m glad to hear it. I...wasn’t sure if I was bothering you. When I called that first time, I suppose I had my answer. Then after that, I never really knew for sure.”
“Now you do,” Apollo affirmed, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from smiling too much.
“Now I do,” Klavier echoed, satisfied. “So, how about you, Forehead? Any clients ask you out again recently?”
“No, thank god,” Apollo said, shuddering. “Besides, I’m, uh. I’m not exactly looking to date right now, either. I’m...I’m pretty good with how things are going at the moment. Maybe after I get back. Thinking about thinking about dating, I mean.”
“Smart.” Klavier’s voice was so clear, so warm, that it almost sounded as if he were in Apollo’s bedroom, too. Apollo briefly wondered what it would be like to have Klavier visit, to wander the farmer’s market with him, to take evening walks along the river and watch the fireflies together, to go through an endless number of cases with him by his side. He had to admit, it didn’t sound half-bad. Better than half-bad, really, not that he was going to say so out loud. “Long-distance is never easy. The time zones, the uncertainty, the inability to truly be together...I can only imagine.”
“Right,” Apollo hummed, his eyes drifting closed once more. “I can only imagine.” When he woke up the next morning, he found a text message waiting for him - a screenshot of Klavier’s home screen; its background was a photo of Apollo and the friendly dog. sehr süß, Klavier had texted, and the hündchen isn’t so bad, either. It was too early, in Apollo’s opinion, for his heart to be racing this quickly.
Almost four months to the day since they started talking, Apollo arrived at the post office with a delivery slip in hand, visibly confused by its earlier presence on his front door. “Was this really meant for me?” he managed to ask in his steadily improving Khura’inese. “I never ordered anything from the United States. Just paying customs would make me broke!”
“It really is for you, Mr. Justice,” the receptionist replied. Apollo watched, stunned, as she dragged a crate-sized package out from behind her desk. “You must have people who really love you back home, sir.”
“I...w-wow.” Apollo didn’t know what to say. “Er, do you have someone who can help me bring this back to my office?”
Twenty minutes later, Apollo was sitting on the floor of Justice Law Offices, embarrassingly sweaty and sore from how much effort it had taken him and one of the post office employees to haul his delivery here. Groaning, he reached for his pocket knife, then carefully sliced through the tape, unwrapping the enormous package layer by layer. When he finally reached its actual contents, he sat back on his haunches, stunned by the sheer amount of items inside.
The package consisted of two sturdy boxes; one was labeled with Ema’s name, so Apollo took it out and set it aside. He then opened the one that bore his name, only to find it was packed surprisingly tight. Boxes and boxes of his favorite snacks that were too expensive to import to Khura’in, well-loved copies of his favorite manga that had clearly been taken from his apartment back home, thick stacks of the most obnoxious California-themed postcards known to humankind with handwritten notes on their backs - before Apollo knew it, his eyes started to well up with emotion. Finally, at the bottom of the box, cushioning the other items nicely, were a few of his sweaters and hoodies, some of which still had a few stray Mikeko hairs on it.
“Oh,” Apollo said faintly, wiping his eyes hastily despite being completely alone. Then, he frowned. “Wait, what is…” He pulled out the only item of clothing he didn’t recognize, an unusually large hoodie in a familiar shade of purple with an embroidered rose on its breast pocket. Stuck to its left sleeve cuff was a sticky note; Apollo peeled it off and began to read what was on it.
herr forehead,
wear this the next time you go out, just in case you run into that hündchen again. It smells just a little bit like my parents’ dog - and like me, if you’re into that sort of thing.
alles liebe, klavier
Later that day - well into the evening, really - Apollo was eating dinner at his desk, rummaging through a hefty stack of police reports, when his laptop pinged, reminding him he had a scheduled video call that was about to start. Grinning, Apollo turned on his webcam, his heart pounding in anticipation. “Hey, Gavin. So, what do you think?”
“What do I think about - oh.” Klavier’s mouth fell open. “You’re...I didn’t think you were actually going to wear it.”
“Is, uh...is that a bad thing?” Apollo asked, suddenly nervous.
“Nein, nein, not at all! You look...achtung, you look good,” Klavier said hoarsely, swallowing. He then cleared his throat; his cheeks were flushed pink, much to Apollo’s delight. “Bitte, stand up for me? I want to see how long it is on you; it’s amazing you haven’t completely disappeared inside of it.”
“Asshole,” Apollo said affectionately, getting out of his chair and taking a few steps back so Klavier could see. He smoothed out the front of the hoodie, realizing belatedly that its hem only just grazed the tops of his bare thighs. “Er, don’t mind my legs. I-I’m wearing shorts underneath, I swear!”
“I don’t mind at all,” Klavier replied, cocking his head. His eyes were darkening, shining with something that Apollo couldn’t quite identify. “Have you worn it outside yet?”
“Nah, not yet. I was actually planning on wearing it to bed since it’s kinda cold, and this thing’s the biggest thing I have,” Apollo admitted, sitting back down. At Klavier’s exaggerated eyebrow raise, he groaned. “Shut up. Don’t make it weird.”
“I said nothing,” Klavier teased, dropping his chin into his hands. “So, did you like our care package? Trucy reached out to me on the same day you ran into that hündchen and asked if I had anything to contribute. I also sent Ema some old Gavinners’ merchandise, in case you didn’t know.”
“Oh, I heard about it from her, alright,” Apollo chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “Amazing how you manage to continue torturing her from several continents away. Maybe that’s your real talent.”
“To be fair, I was also the one who got her the beaker shot glasses and the glow-in-the-dark periodic table blanket,” Klavier pointed out, laughing as well. “I think all would be forgiven if she knew that was me.”
“So she gets new stuff and I get hand-me-downs, huh? I see how it is,” Apollo said, tucking his knees into his chest and yawning. “Seriously, though, thanks. This thing smells like that cologne of yours I don’t like.”
“And the backhanded compliments continue,” Klavier said, amused. “I hope you feel a little less homesick, at least.”
“Oh, I’m more homesick than ever,” Apollo snorted. “But I appreciate the care package, really! Having all this stuff here is amazing. It’s just...well. Stuff isn’t, uh...it’s not exactly a substitute for people, y’know?”
Klavier nodded thoughtfully, his smile sympathetic. Apollo took a moment to look at Klavier, to really look at him, and see how he was doing. He looked good; his skin had a glow to it, and his eyes and hair seemed to shine a little brighter than they had the very first time they’d talked. Klavier was bare-faced more often than not - aside from his tattooed eyebrows and eyelash extensions - though he seemed to be experimenting with his hair here and there, occasionally sporting different styles of ponytails, braids, and updos. It almost made Apollo forget how sullen he’d looked four months ago.
“Is that why you’re staring again?” Klavier asked, smirking. “Are you finally ready to admit you miss me, Forehead? That you miss my charming personality and my devastatingly good looks?”
“So what if I do?” Apollo huffed. He then frowned at Klavier’s wide eyes. “...what?”
“Nichts, it’s just - you do realize you just said you actually miss me, ja?” Klavier said disbelievingly. “Do you really mean it, or...or are you just saying that?”
“I-I...well.” Apollo shot him a small smile. “Yeah, Gavin, I miss you. Thought that was, uh. Kinda obvious by now.”
Klavier grinned victoriously; he looked seconds away from pumping his fist into the air. “Achtung, I knew it!”
“And the dorkiness continues,” Apollo said mockingly, rolling his eyes. “I mean it, how did you convince an entire generation of teenagers that you were cool? You go around saying crap like ‘let’s rock with these documents’ and ‘you have to get on up in order to get on down to prosecuting’ - are you an internationally-renowned rockstar, or an awkward dad trying to connect with his teenager through the power of classic rock? What’s next, Gavin, you gonna go buy a lawnmower and some cargo shorts? Fire up the grill and wear a kitschy apron?”
“Mein Gott, you’re vicious sometimes,” Klavier sighed, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “Ich vermisse dich auch, by the way. I think I've been...a little more obvious than you.”
“Maybe,” Apollo hummed. “But hey, I’ll take it. It’s nice to feel appreciated for once.”
“When do you think you’ll be coming home?” Klavier asked.
“I’m, er...I’m not sure,” Apollo said hesitantly, leaning back in his chair. “I didn’t think I was gonna be sticking around for this long to begin with, and now it’s...it’s gonna be the rest of the year, at least. Maybe even another year on top of that.”
“You...you think so?” Klavier’s voice was small. Nothing about his expression seemed remotely cheerful now.
“It’s not like I can leave whenever I want to,” Apollo shrugged, sighing. “Khura’in needs more defense attorneys before I could even begin to consider it, and that’s not gonna happen overnight. Not with their deeply ingrained feelings towards ‘em.”
“Wait - you’re not still in danger, are you?” Klavier asked worriedly, his voice suddenly filling with urgency. “No threats, no death sentences - ”
“I-I’m fine, Gavin, don’t worry,” Apollo reassured him. “It was a little touch-and-go there for a minute, back at the beginning, but everything’s fine now. Trust me, if something was going on, you would’ve heard about it earlier.”
“Gut,” Klavier said, satisfied. “After all, if something were to happen to you…” An odd expression flitted across his face, too quickly for Apollo to catch, though he had his suspicions. “Well. Trucy would be devastated, natürlich.”
“Right...just Trucy, huh?” Apollo murmured, chewing his bottom lip thoughtfully. “What about...oh, I dunno. Athena would be upset for sure. Can’t forget Mr. Wright, either.”
“Nein, definitely not,” Klavier said, clearing his throat. He paused before speaking again. “Forehead, do you ever wonder what Herr Wright really thinks of you?”
“Sure, all the time,” Apollo admitted. “We didn’t, uh...well, let’s just say we didn’t start off on the best foot, you know that. Why?”
“Because I do, too,” Klavier confessed. “Ach, I want to go the rest of my life not thinking about mein Bruder and all the lives he ruined, all the lives I helped him ruin, but - ”
“Gavin, that’s not what happened and you know it,” Apollo said gently. “And I’m not exactly sure how Mr. Wright feels about you, but I seriously doubt he still has a problem with you. He probably just feels a little, y’know, awkward. You guys went seven years without knowing the whole truth, after all.”
“Ich weiß, ich weiß, it’s just…” Klavier laughed bitterly. “...I’d like to go at least one day without worrying about what someone else thinks of me. Just one.”
Apollo suddenly found himself wishing he could reach through the screen and pull Klavier into his arms; it wasn’t the first time, and he knew it wasn’t going to be the last. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me. You already know what I think about you.”
“Do I really?” Klavier teased, though he still looked somewhat worried.
“Yeah, sure,” Apollo replied, smirking. “You’re the most insufferable person I’ve ever met. And, uh...I wouldn't have it any other way. I think.”
Klavier laughed, shaking his head in amusement. “You have a way with words, Forehead, you really do.”
“Thanks,” Apollo drawled, chuckling. “So, today’s case went about as well as expected - meaning it didn’t go well at all…”
Khura’in was beautiful year-round, Apollo mused as he walked alongside the riverbank, but it was especially picturesque in the height of spring, during the month of May. He’d woken up unusually early today, especially given it was one of his very rare days off, not to mention the fact that he’d stayed up late last night, talking to Trucy, Athena, and Phoenix. For whatever reason, he had felt like taking his breakfast - anpan and a warm thermos of green tea - outside, while the sun was still rising. It was a peaceful backdrop for the start of what he hoped would be a peaceful day.
Yawning and stretching, Apollo dropped down to sit in the long grass, the worn-out toes of his boots grazing the water’s edge. He lifted his saddlebag off his shoulders and set it aside, raking his fingers through his hair. It was getting quite long in the back, he noted, but he didn’t care enough to cut it. Before he could take his first bite of his anpan, his phone started to ring. “...Gavin? What’s up, aren’t you going to bed soon?”
“I just wrote a song for the first time in ages, so I’m too alert to sleep at the moment,” Klavier admitted, his voice deeper and raspier than usual, sending shivers up Apollo’s spine. “I’m surprised you’re awake, too. It was only when I started calling you that I realized you were probably still in bed.”
“Felt like catching the sunrise for once.” Apollo turned on his phone camera, then switched it to the rear-facing one so Klavier could see what he was seeing. The entirety of Khura’in, it seemed, was momentarily bathed in a warm, yellow-orange glow. “Nice, isn’t it?”
“It’s wunderschön,” Klavier remarked, awed. “Almost makes me wish I was in Khura’in.”
“I wish you were here, too,” Apollo said quietly. His eyes then widened. “Er, I-I mean - ”
“...Apollo?” Groaning internally, Apollo fumbled with his phone, reluctantly switching to his front-facing camera so he could shoot Klavier a nervous smile. He could see now that Klavier had turned on his camera, too; he appeared to be sitting on his bedroom floor, leaning up against a window, his face illuminated by moonlight. Somehow, his blue eyes were even brighter in the darkness, the angles of his jaw and cheekbones sharpened by the shadows. Apollo’s breath hitched as he was momentarily rendered speechless. “Achtung, you still manage to surprise me after all this time.”
“I-I said nothing!” Apollo said hastily. “You’re - I - i-it’s early, I don’t know what I’m saying!”
“If you’re planning on staying for even longer, I really should come and visit, ja?” Klavier continued, his grin equal parts sleepy and teasing. “For one thing, I can finally make good on that massage I promised you, get all that stress and tension out of your body. I could also bring you more of my clothes, since you seem to really like that hoodie of mine.”
“What would you even do here, anyway?” Apollo asked, momentarily looking away so Klavier wouldn’t see how red his cheeks had gotten. “There’s no nightlife, barely any recreational activities...not to mention the wi-fi kinda sucks. Besides, it’s not like you’re allowed to prosecute in Khura’in.”
“Let me be your co-counsel,” Klavier offered. “After all, if Herr Blackquill can help Athena, why can’t I help you?”
“That...would be kinda interesting, actually,” Apollo admitted. “And where would you stay?”
“WIth you, natürlich,” Klavier replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “After all, if you want me there, I should be as close as possible. I’d make the perfekt roommate, you know. I can cook for you, clean for you...it’d be domestic, nein? Like I’m your stay-at-home husband or something.”
Apollo shivered again. Despite his distaste for his lyrics, Klavier certainly had a way with words. “You wouldn’t be...I dunno, bored out of your mind? Things are definitely slower here compared to California, you know.”
“The change of pace would be nice,” Klavier said diplomatically. “And I certainly wouldn’t complain about the company.”
“Well, uh, sorry to break up your super-specific fantasy, but I think I’m actually pretty close to getting out of here,” Apollo said, trying not to linger too much on his own mental picture of what Klavier had described. “Another few months, maybe? Six, at most. And since it’s sorta unknown, I wouldn’t recommend booking plane tickets anytime soon.”
“Really?” Klavier perked up. “You’re coming home? Have you told the others?”
“Yeah, I talked to ‘em last night,” Apollo said, setting his phone down by his bag so he could finally take his first bite of anpan. “It’ll be weird once I return, that’s for sure. I’ve been in Khura’in for exactly one year, right down to the day, but...well. It’s definitely grown on me, even with all my...my mixed feelings about it. Though I, um...I guess those mixed feelings are more about a person than a place, and he’s...he’s, well...you know.” He swallowed thickly, reaching for his thermos and taking a generous gulp of his tea.
“Any regrets?” Klavier asked softly.
“About Khura’in, or d’you mean in general?” Apollo asked, his sarcastic tone betrayed by his nervous laugh.
“However you’d like to interpret it,” Klavier said, gesturing aimlessly. “I can be generous sometimes.”
“Yeah, real philanthropist, you are,” Apollo retorted, chuckling. “Well, you know I’ve had days where, like. I feel like I shouldn’t have stayed behind, after all. Like I’m way in over my head, and..like I’m not...not good enough. Like I’m just winging this whole thing, which is scary, ‘cos it’s like the entire country’s future is in my hands, and I can’t just - I can’t improvise. I can’t make it up as I go along, I-I have to know it. Do it, be about it. Make it my whole life, you know?” He stopped to take a breath; the sympathetic crinkle of Klavier’s brow was more welcome this time. “But no, I don’t regret sticking around. I just wish I’d gotten some closure.”
“Closure?” Klavier echoed.
“Yeah, there’s...I’ve got stuff I wish I’d been able to do or, or say before I ended up living here for twelve months,” Apollo confessed. “It’s not like I knew I was moving here when I did, so...it’ll be nice to head back home and settle in and...and get all of that out of the way.” He took a few more bites of his anpan as they ruminated in their shared silence. “How about you? Any regrets about, well, anything?”
“Me?” Then, to Apollo’s surprise - though maybe not to his surprise, given all that had been said and done between the two of them, just the two of them - Klavier let out a bitter laugh. “Always.”
Apollo’s face softened. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Not particularly, nein,” Klavier said, visibly shuddering. “Just once, I’d like to not drag our conversation down. Ach, and I used to think you were the buzzkill. Now look at me, ja?”
“Don’t worry about it, Gavin,” Apollo insisted. “I get it, you - you feel things really intensely. I know that now, and, uh. Well, I do it, too. And we hold it all in and we don’t say anything ‘cos there’s bigger things to worry about, a-and then it’s like...like a dam breaks. Like everything just comes rushing at you all at once. There’s no way of stopping it, as much as you want to, and when it’s finally over...you never know how to feel about it. Because it’s not cut and dry, i-it’s not black-and-white, it’s just...it just is. So you move on, ‘cos there’s nothing else you can do about it, and you keep going. And then it starts all over again.” He let out an awkward laugh. “Or, uh, or maybe I’m just describing what a trial feels like.” Apollo glanced back at his phone, only to see Klavier staring at him in wonderment. “...er, too much?”
“Not at all, it’s just...you’re always full of surprises,” Klavier murmured; he almost sounded impressed. “That was incredibly astute, especially for you.”
Apollo wilted. “...thanks. Glad to know you think so highly of my intellect.” Still, Klavier’s warm laughter managed to get him to crack a smile. “So, you said something about writing a new song? How’d that go?”
“I had a burst of inspiration, you might say,” Klavier said, nodding. “Like my muse sat beside me on the piano bench and hummed a melody in my ear.”
“That sounds more creepy than anything else, but okay,” Apollo snorted. “Can I hear it?”
“Nein, not yet,” Klavier replied mysteriously. “When the time is right, ja? Besides, it’s...it’s a bit personal.”
Apollo shifted slightly in his spot. “Personal, huh?”
“It’s about...someone who means a lot to me, and something I’ve been meaning to say to them,” Klavier said carefully. “Because...I’ve been looking for closure, too. And possibly, if I do it right, I might also get a new beginning. Does that make sense?”
“It’s a little cheesy, but, uh, yeah. Makes sense.” Apollo pulled his knees into his chest, resting his chin on top of them with a quiet exhale. “Do I know this someone of yours?”
“Ja, definitely,” Klavier murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “And they’re not mine, but...I want them to be.”
“I...I see.” Apollo felt his own pulse pounding in his ears, so loudly that he could barely hear his own voice. “Hey, Gavin, I - I wanted to - there’s something I’ve been wanting to say, and...and I…”
“What is it?” Klavier asked, sitting up, hopeful.
“Well, I...no, n-never mind.” Apollo cleared his throat. “Probably should, um. I should probably save it for when we see each other in person.” Klavier leaned back, disappointed. “Anyway, you, uh, you should probably sleep now if you wanna be awake enough for work. Unless you take the day off like I did.”
“I might actually consider it,” Klavier chuckled. “And we’ll talk tomorrow, ja? Or later today for you, I suppose.”
“Definitely,” Apollo confirmed, nodding.
Something in Klavier’s eyes seemed to shift then, something Apollo couldn’t quite understand. It happened more and more with each passing day, with every conversation, and Apollo wasn’t sure if he was ready to figure out what it meant, if it meant something other than what he hoped it meant. “Du siehst wunderschön aus in diesem licht.”
Apollo blinked. “Sorry?”
“Never mind,” Klavier said, a sleepy grin stretching across his face. “Guten Morgen to you, Herr Forehead.”
“And goodnight to you, Gavin,” Apollo replied, waving briefly before ending the call. He sat in silence for a few minutes, finishing his tea and enjoying the sun’s warmth. Then, he stood, stretching his arms over his head, and smoothed out the creases in his pants and what was now his oversized purple hoodie. “Someday,” he mumbled to himself, slinging his bag over his shoulder and turning back in the direction of the bazaar. “Just...not yet.”
a/n: Welcome to my fifth entry for Klapollo Week 2021! Continuity-wise, this is the second of seven fics, but again, there is no need to read the others to follow each fic on its own. However, as I mentioned in the top notes, day seven is a sequel to this one, so look out for it! This is the second-longest fic of all my Klapollo Week fics, and for good reason - I could've easily included an endless number of random conversations and made this fic twice as long if it weren't for the posting deadline. One of my favorite things about writing Klapollo is their back-and-forth, so I love writing fics where they simply just...talk, and hang out. And I know it's definitely a concept that's been done before, but someday, I wanna write my own version of "Klavier visits Apollo in Khura'in and they fall (more) in love". That might end up being my longest Klapollo fic yet 😜
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Likes and reblogs would be much appreciated. Hoping you’re all safe and healthy and doing well ❤️
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years ago
it’s time for the dreaded s6 finale emotions
*strong regret in projecting onto ryan as much as i do because this episode h u r t s*
tyler being the one to invite ryan along?? g a e
“can’t send a man to his doom without getting drunk first” he’s trying so hard to fit in. poor bastard. and not calling the others out for excluding him? you can just tell he’s trying so hard not to ruin it for everyone, and nobody even gives a shit. and then of course he eventually snaps, he’s just spent over an hour having to watch everyone have a great time and forget about him, and then alex suddenly expects him to have bought mike a gift, and they fucking tell him to stop being so selfish and god those fucking assholes
god the conversation where may-li tells charlie about her grandad. it’s so beautifully acted, emily burnett sells the denial perfectly, it just,, ow
this episode is hard to watch when you have really strong empathy and project onto both ryan and charlie. h e l p
wow charlie really just delivered a baby in a car in the middle of the woods huh. i keep forgetting how absolutely badass that is
you know what absolutely kills me is the vague suicide subtext to ryan running away. take that goddamn phone conversation out of context and that’s what it is and that’s the worst part of all of this. and chloe saying that he’s left a note and that “i think he’s really gone for good”. o u c h
the fact that NOBODY EVEN NOTICES RYAN’S GONE EXCEPT MIKE AND CHLOE. even tyler doesn’t fucking notice. and then everyone cares more that mike’s gone to find him than that ryan even left in the first place. but we’re not meant to think about that because tracy’s here and everything’s absolutely fine right. this episode is murdering me can you tell
lily complaining about men on that facebook post. bit fruity of her, i must say *‘a day in the past’ flashbacks*
i havent watched my mum tracy beaker yet but i really need answers on how it fits timeline-wise into the tsotb/tbr/tdg canon
the fact that chloe isn’t even wrong when she says everyone would hate ryan even more if they found out mike isn’t there ‘because of him’ (read: because he quite literally had a breakdown and ran away and mike, being the only decent person in this goddamn show, went after him)
ah yes tracy, care worker of the year, really just said ‘your problems don’t fucking matter, forget that anything’s wrong because mike is getting married’. i love tracy but wow that is not the thing you say in this circumstance and the only reason it worked was because he felt bad about the cake and whatnot
this episode has such an all over the place tone. they really just went from mike freaking out to fiona figuring out he’s gone to a damn slo-mo shot of tracy and mike on a bike while ryan sprints behind them.
oh my god i forgot bailey was in this episode!! i hate him (affectionate)
this goddamn episode is so full of emotions i almost threw up oops. anyway it absolutely kills me that ryan looks like he’s about to cry pretty much the entire time. that poor kid. and then chloe really just pulls a tee and apparently loses all empathy towards him huh. love chloe but wow
i don’t think we get a chance to read what ryan wrote in that note? but i kinda wish we did. could’ve given some extra insight into everything
i have no idea if any of this is coherent, or how much of it is an actual analysis and how much is me projecting but oh well, this episode(s) is a fucking emotional trainwreck, what can you do
Oh god. I'm not prepared.
*valid regret to have, that sad queer kid with anger issues and insecurities experience hurts real bad*
Yes!! Once again proving that Tyler is the only one in the DG who actually cared about Ryan and wanted to be around him. He was pissed at Alex for not inviting Ryan like he was initally supposed to, and then took it upon himself to make Ryan feel included anyway.
That scene really pisses me off, because Alex really is going after him. You can tell, he won't let Ryan make a single joke without trying to be snarky about it, and then he purposefully tries to humiliate Ryan because he knows that Ryan couldn't possibly have known to bring a gift.
Oh yeah, I can barely ever rewatch the first part of the wedding for all of these reasons, but especially for Charlie finding out about her grandad. Emily really is way too good of an actor, that's why it's so painful.
I relate way too much to the strong empathy and projection, that shit hurts so bad.
Yeah!! Charlie did that!! Honestly, credit to her because I would not have been as calm as she was on a normal day if I had to deliver a baby in a car in the middle of nowhere, never mind after everything she had been through that day.
Okay, so you found a way to make Ryan's whole storyline of those episodes hurt way more than it already did. Thanks for that. But you are right, it does have that vague subtext to it. If this wasn't a children's show, I would've actually been worried that's where they were going to go with his storyline.
It does suck that nobody really noticed or cared that Ryan wasn't there. I wish even Tyler had shown a bit more concern, but I suppose they've only got enough time in an episode for so much.
That was definitely one of Lily's fruitiest moments, and that's saying a lot because of the aforementioned "a day in the past" flashbacks. Honestly, all of her scenes with Carmen and some with Tee are always fruity, there's nothing else to it.
Okay, so, I can kind of answer that one. My Mum Tracy Beaker definitely carries on from The Story of Tracy Beaker since it involves clips of it when Tracy sees Justine. However, it's only really connected to tbr/tdg canon through vague hints. Like, Tracy has a published book called "Who Cares?" and there's a mention of her being an ex careworker, and she wears a "T" necklace but it's slightly different from the one that she wears in the wedding episode. So, we know there are subtle references to TBR through these background details that are really just glossed over. There is a weird little moment when Tracy's daughter tells Justine that Tracy wrote a book, but Justine should already know that considering it was a big part of their reunion in Tracy Beaker Returns. At best, we can at least assume that everything that happened in TBR is canon for My Mum Tracy Beaker. I feel like, if we want to be able to make the timeline for the wedding add up with My Mum Tracy Beaker, we'd have to assume that Tracy hadn't already had Jess during the wedding. Since the wedding takes place around 2018, and Jess is 10, My Mum Tracy Beaker would have to be set in 2028 at the very least, and that would have to mean that Tracy had Jess the same year as the wedding. Either that, or she did already have Jess but just... never mentioned her because she was staying with Cam.
It really does kill me that Chloe was right about that, because you'd think at least some of them would have some sort of sympathy for Ryan. I wish Tyler did. Honestly, he had a genuine breakdown and ran away, and no one cared except Mike. Great family they are.
Yeah, that was not Tracy's best moment, but... that's just Tracy. She doesn't think, she acts on what she believes to be the best solution in that very moment. She was never exactly an aware winning care worker in all fairness skjdashd but Ryan definitely needed to hear something other than that.
I could barely be sad or stress during that episode specifically because of how chaotic it was, and ESPECIALLY because of that slow-mo that had no right being so damn hilarious.
SHFKDASJDLK "I hate him (affectionate)" well at least I'm glad the (affectionate) is there lmao. But I was screaming when I realized Baily (and Liam) were there, I was so happy!!
Oh yeah, Ryan looked so upset, he was absolutely blaming himself so badly. There was no need for Chloe to come in there "wish you'd run away for real" like fuck off. I love her. But fuck off.
I don't recall actually seeing the contents of the note now that you mention it.
Yeah, don't worry, I'm not sure most of my reply to it is coherent either. But those are episodes are some of the most fun to analyse because Drama and Angst.
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amethystpath-writes · 4 years ago
Hello!! Once you absolutely crush all of your college assignments, would you like to write this?
So the protag is a healer who works for the big superhero agency(bc capitalism) but protag is very under-appreciated there since protag isn’t a flashy superhero who saves the day. So then villain tries to convince protag to switch sides through emotional manipulation and “I’ll treat you much better than they are” promises
This was kinda confusing to read oops sorry
Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day!!
About that college thing. I’m assuming this was from when I was having problems with my sociology class, and that didn’t get resolved because my professor is...kindly put...not my favorite human on Earth. But thank you for the vote of confidence, hun! Enjoy!
Sarah’s chair slammed against the table as she jolted back. “How did you-” Her hand scrambled for a pen or- or something to defend herself with. “But the team went after you. How did you get in here?”
Colter shrugged, hands casually in his pockets as he stood in Sarah’s doorway, which he’d just knocked on to get the healer’s attention. “You know your so-called ‘team’ doesn’t even lock this place up when they leave? They leave you completely exposed.”
Finally, Sarah’s hand found an uncapped pen. She wielded it like a sword and watched as Colter raised a brow. He was right to, she knew. A pen would do nothing against him. A pen didn’t protect against flames. And healing Colter wouldn’t stop his wall of flames, but- but this pen was the only thing she had. She was helpless, except for her pen. “So, they forgot this time. How would they have known you would try to sneak in?”
“I didn’t try- I succeeded. And I didn’t sneak- I walked through the front door. If that doesn’t tell you anything, let me add on; I have been doing this every day, for three weeks.” Colter pushed himself off the door frame and took a step towards the supposed teammate in a group of heroes. He didn’t stop because he was afraid of the plastic ink pen. He stopped because Sarah was obviously scared out of her mind’s wits.
She shook her head. “What do you mean? I’d have known if you were-”
“I stood in your doorway just as I did thirty seconds ago. Only difference is I revealed myself to you this time. Go ahead, check your feed if you don’t believe me.”
Sarah swallowed. “I’m not turning my back to you. I’ve seen what you are capable of. I’m not stupid.”
“Never said you were, but I do think you’ve been blinded by your teammates. How many times have they asked how you are doing? Have they ever brought you a glass or bottle of water because they noticed you weren’t doing so well? They’ve asked about how much sleep you’re getting, right? I’m sure they have. They are your team, yeah? They-”
“Stop! Stop, stop, stop. You’re manipulating me.”
Colter gave a soft huff. “If I were lying, then maybe, but I’m not. I’m caring for you, Sarah.”
“Don’t use my name. Get out. Get out, please.” She noticed her hand was shaking and quickly hid it behind her back hopefully before Colter could notice. “Unless you are here to kidnap me or- or hold me hostage or something- I don’t know. Just, just go.”
Sitting on the floor- yes, the floor- Colter sighed. He saw Sarah shaking before she tried hiding it. This wasn’t working the way he planned, not at all. “Check your feed- because you still don’t believe I have been here the whole time.”
She didn’t respond, only stared at him without saying a word.
“Do you want me to go stand in that corner so you can watch me?”
This time she nodded, but she didn’t move otherwise until Colter stood and walked to the corner on her right like a toddler in time out. It’s what he got for being a villain, he supposed. Though, he thought he was making a good argument. Apparently, it wasn’t good enough, for he was standing in a corner while Sarah hesitantly took a seat in front of her computer.
“It’s sad, isn’t it? That they make you stay here and guard the files? You’re worth more out there, on the field. You guys might even win a fight if you were out there to help as they got hurt instead of after. A shame they keep you hidden because you don’t shoot sparks, or ice, or fly.”
Sarah tried ignoring him while she logged onto her computer, but it was difficult, especially since he was saying all the things she’d been thinking recently. All the late nights she couldn’t sleep, she thought about these things- about how she’s left behind, about how she isn’t helpful enough on the site, about how she was nothing but a pick-me-up when someone was near death, about how she only got a quick ‘Thanks’ when she poured every bit of her abilities into saving one of her teammates, about it all. Maybe she wasn’t useless, but she wasn’t-
“I would appreciate you,” Colter said. “I would make sure you didn’t over-exert yourself. I would let you fight for me. But you know what I wouldn’t do? I wouldn’t leave you at my base with every point of access open to anyone who thought of stepping in, especially when there was a villain on the prowl.”
“You’re the only villain here.”
“Maybe, but consider this for me.” Colter took a breath. “If you know what I’m capable of, and your team knows what I’m capable of, why did they leave you so vulnerable?” He took a step away from his corner without Sarah noticing. Then another, and another, until he was right beside her chair. He said softly, “I wouldn’t do that, okay? Sarah?”
She looked at him, not breathing. When- how had he gotten so close to her?
His head dipped down, gesturing to his hand, which Sarah just now realized was held out. “You think I am going to hurt you, but I’m not. Take my hand, and if it starts to burn, you can take it back.”
Sarah swallowed. “I don’t- you’re not…Why are you even here? What do you want? What is your motive?”
“My motive?” Colter kept his hand held out to Sarah, encouraging her. “I’ve seen the way you’re treated- rather discarded- and I’m offering you my hand. I can give you much more than they ever have, and I could also use a partner.” Seeing the odd look on Sarah’s face, he said, “I’m not asking for your hand in marriage. I’m asking you if you’d like to be my friend, since your team clearly hasn’t been one to you.”
Staring at his hand, Sarah considered his words, and considered her own feelings. She knew she wasn’t appreciated that much. It never felt like it, and like Colter pointed out, they never asked her how she was doing- if she ever needed caretaking- whether that was a good nap, a cup of warm tea, or anything, just anything. They returned from missions she wasn’t allowed to go on, and they asked for her help. There was never any return. Sarah might as well slip away; they wouldn’t notice until one of them was bleeding out and had to go to a hospital. She was their medic of convenience. Convenience. Not a friend. Not a teammate. Just a person who lived with them who could make a stopped heart beat again, which meant no extra bills to pay.
Her hand landed on Colter’s and she swallowed for what felt like the twentieth time since he knocked on her doorframe. Now, her hand was touching his and- “You’re cold.” Her other hand touched the opposite side of his.
“Your team turned the heat off, so it didn’t run up the bill. I guess you’re more used to it than I am.”
They turned the heat off every time they left? She didn’t know that. “That- um- explains why my feet are always so cold.” She was talking to Colter, talking to him like he was a friend, not- not the enemy. This wasn’t right, but it felt nice.
“I could warm your hands up if you wanted. I know you’re capable of doing it yourself, but I am the one with, well, heaty hands. Plus, you deserve to have someone help you. Promise I won’t catch them on fire.”
Sarah took her hands back. “N-no.” She still didn’t trust him, but…what was she supposed to do? No one ever talked to her like this, like they actually cared about her or her well-being. No one came to her room to tell her she deserved to be appreciated and recognized and acknowledged. It were these thoughts that made her say, “Not unless I know you can control it.”
He smiled at her. “Put your hands back and pull away when it becomes too hot.”
She shook her head. “I want to see you make a flame and gradually put it out again.”
“Okay. I can do that.” He was running out of time. The team would be back any minute. With that thought in mind, he created a small flame that he commanded to dance around his palm like a figure skater. He shaped it into a dolphin, let in dive into and jump out of his fingers and fingertips. The flame gathered again, hovering above the centre of his hand before slowly falling and fading away. “Go on, touch. Real fast if you’re scared to.”
And Sarah did touch quickly, as if she were testing to see if a burner on a stove was still hot. But Colter’s palm wasn’t. It was chilled just as before. She placed her hand in his once again, and as he began to warm up again, she felt herself slightly panicked, pulling away bit by bit.
As her fingertips nearly fell away entirely, Colter asked, “Lower?”
She nodded. He told her to touch for a final time.
“There,” she said, “that’s warm. That’s perfect.”
“Have your teammates offered you a cup of hot cocoa with vanilla and cinnamon?”
Sarah squinted. “No.” Of course they hadn’t. They never offered her anything.
“May I?”
This was it. This was the decision that would change Sarah’s alliance, change her life, probably. Could she side with the villain? They called him one for a reason…didn’t they? But if that was true, why was he here? Why was he being kind, offering warmth to her when Sarah’s team couldn’t even leave the heat on for her while they were out on a mission, one they’d come back bruised and battered from- while they were out on a mission, one they’d lose because Sarah wasn’t there to help them on site?
Colter asked her, not only to become his teammate, or partner, but to become his friend. He shared an intimacy with her, and still was, as her hands were still being warmed. Was it so bad that she felt comforted by him now?
“I’ll take you up on your offer.”
And so it became- Colter and Sarah, partners in crime and comfort.
( @whatwhumpcomments )
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