#oops! many words about blorbos
anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
Ok lessee. What (assuming they had knowledge of our reality) would be their favorite fictional super *heroes*? Anime/ non conventional/ non cape answers are on the table.
What's their "i need to be fucking COSY" outfits.
What would they get the others for a bday/Crimbo situation?
oh this is some JUICY type questions thank you (putting under a cut cause I can already tell this is gonna get long LOL)
SUPERHEROES! This is funny because I think Davey is the only one who would like the actual *hero* part of the superhero equation, at least actively and consciously. I think he likes pulpy silver age type stuff and he's got a real soft spot for when it gets goofy. He *IS* the guy who actually knows Calendar Man's whole deal. I have a feeling his favorite would be Spider-Man, especially stories/serials that emphasize that he's just kind a regular nerdy loser whose focus is on protecting the folks in his community first and foremost.
Minnie... she strikes me as the type who grew up on stuff like Power Rangers, but even that she would probably lean towards liking the villains more than the heroes (read: she likes Rita Repulsa a normal amount and is not going to unpack that She Was A Baby Lesbian About It until she's in, like, her mid-20s). I think at the age she is now, she's hitting the point where she'll insist Power Rangers is Baby Stuff (even though she'll watch it whenever it's on...) and is just getting into the Edgy 90s Anti-Hero Types. You know, your Harley Quinns, your Deadpools, your Venoms. I think she's probably written off magical girl stuff as too ~*girly*~ but is maybe a year or two away from watching Madoka on a dare and getting extremely fucked up about it (and probably giving more magical girl stuff a chance in the aftermath).
Buck is, I think, the most adamantly against any and all superhero media. He just, he hates all of it. Full stop. The pulpy stuff, the grimdark stuff, the alternative stuff, he either Does Not Get It at best or finds it actively grating at worst. The only thing I can see him getting into is maybe Tiger & Bunny - I think the concept of "yeah these superheroes are actively sponsored by corporations" would be just enough to catch his interest and then the single dad stuff would lock him in before he realized what was happening. You'd still have to like, catch him by surprise with it, though. Like, if you just left it on in a room he happened to be in he'd give it a glance, but I don't think he'd sit down and watch it on purpose otherwise.
COSY OUTFITS! Buck and Minnie are very similar in that regard - I think they both gravitate towards bulky, fluffy sweaters and sweatshirts. Those two want to be Bundled Up. I think Buck in particular likes heavier materials too. That man would very much benefit from a weighted blanket, I think. Davey, by contrast, is big on light and airy materials - he likes baggy, breezy sweatpants and tank tops and the like. If it's really cold, he'll probably just steal one of Buck's sweaters.
GIFTS!! This is a very interesting one, because all three of them have very different ways of displaying affection, and Minnie and Buck are both particularly stunted in that regard. Buck's very much the type who's going to show he cares more in actions than in words or items, so I think his go-to gift would be something like that. He's the "hey we happened to have ingredients for that dinner you like" or "hey I fixed the heater since you were complaining about the noise" kind of gifter - things that aren't particularly flashy or tangible, but prove that deep down he's thinking about you and wanting you to be happy and comfortable. I think Minnie and Davey both get particularly elaborate meals on birthdays/holidays, and I get the feeling he "gifts" things to Minnie's pet rat as a way of putting in some distance and not admitting directly that he really does care about his shitty little niece.
Davey, by contrast, is both VERY outwardly affectionate and very emotionally intelligent. I think he's the type who spends like, a month before holidays and birthdays listening really closely to what you're saying and probably subtly leading you into admitting what you want so he can surprise you with something really tailored to your likes. Minnie's easy because she has a lot of more "tangible" likes and hobbies - photography, science, animals, video games... - so he can pretty easily get her something along those lines and make her day. (I also think, selfishly, he probably leans towards getting her video games since it's something they have in common and he's hoping they can play together.) That said, I think he plays it off like he's not the one gifting it, since he knows Minnie's kind of emotionally gruff and he doesn't wanna put her on the spot - just oh how did this happen someone accidentally left this refill of polaroid film in the kitchen how did that get there. With Buck, on the other hand, I think he sticks to more "practical" things since that's what Buck likes - new supplies to tinker with for the mechs, or ingredients that are a little tough to find for a recipe he's been thinking about, or a new sweater to replace the one that got ripped up last month. He's also more direct with gifting to Buck, since they've been together long enough that Buck knows and is OK with him being outwardly affectionate (at least in the privacy of their own home).
Minnie, I don't think, has caught on that she can or Should be gifting things to Buck or Davey, at least when she first starts living with them - she's from kind of a privileged background and had a cold relationship with her parents so I think the most she would have done back then is half-assing a homemade card when socially pressured to do so. I think eventually she would start catching on and being a little embarrassed about it, though, and at that point I think it starts manifesting a lot like Buck's gift-giving tendencies - she's more about action than more tangible items. Buck gets a little less back-talk on his birthday, and Davey gets a couple extra rounds of Street Fighter with her on holidays.
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smolvenger · 7 months
Dangerous Stubbornness (Caius Martius Coriolanus x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: Life as wife to Caius Martius Coriolanus has its benefits. You married him for stability, protection, and status- not to mention the delights of his bed. You expect to be no more than his dutiful wife. Yet...it seems perhaps there is something more there then all of that....
From @muddyorbsblr's request of Coriolanus with the trope "he flals first."
Word Count: 2954 (oop, she exploded from a blurb)
Warnings: There is smut, NSFW 18+ please refer to Dick-tionary (rougher sex, dirty talk I stole from Ana Huang's books, doggy style, some light dom/sub, voyeurism), a creepy sexual harasser gets what's coming to him, Caius being a grumpy angy babygirl sharko bite blorbo who actually is soft for his wife and is wrapped around her little finger, Reader uses Caius as scary dog privilege. Attempts at accuracy to Ancient Roman culture and characterization but at the end of the day it's about the wish fulfillment and the vibes. Lots of fluff. Grammar mistakes bc i just want to get. This. Shit. Done after the wild two weeks I've had.
Dick-tionary: Smut starts at "Three little words. That was all he needed." and ends at "You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm." Use to your discretion.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You were never afraid of walking through the streets of Rome because your husband walking behind you would scare all who dared to harass you. You would go about the streets, your veil fluttering on your head, smiling bright in the afternoon sunshine. Caius always had a frown and glare in his eyes that dared any fool to try to cross with you. 
The marriage was purely for status- you were a good woman from a respectable family. Yes, that was probably why it was arranged between your parents! They wanted someone with a good heart and reputation, and Caius only wanted a wife to manage his house and give him children. Why should you say no? Not that you were scared of him at all- for he never once was cruel to you. Perhaps curt and blunt on occasion, proud and stubborn- but he never bullied you. With his famous wealth, you would never go hungry. He’d be away in battles and you would be alone and be free to do as you wished for months on end. If he died in battle, you figured, the more the better! You would have his money and the freedom of a widow with the respect of his name. Besides, you weren’t in love with anyone and never thought any suitors would show interest in you. 
Such was one walk, early in your betrothal. One fellow had not heard the news or knew who you were and came upon you. Trying to touch you, invite you to dinner or the bathhouses. You kept refusing, he kept insisting.
Then, the braggart leaned over and grabbed your arm.
In about ten seconds flat was Caius, unsheathing his sword, upon the braggart, pulling him by the collar. You shoved him off and ran behind him. The man trembled as if Thanatos stood thundering before him.
“I shall be quick in work and send you to your death-do you understand, villain?”
He nodded, shaking. He already seemed to learn his lesson. You edged forward to your dragon of an intended.
“Please- don’t kill him, there are too many people out watching- just scare him!” you whispered to Caius.
Caius shoved him down. The man shook where he stood and you thought you smelled urine leaking from his bladder.
“If you ever as much as speak this lady’s name-I will kill you.” he threatened quietly.
The man, having learned his lesson, mumbled a whimpering “yes, dominae” and fled.
Since your marriage, and with your new status as a general’s wife, such incidents never happened.
As you peered about one stall in the market, admiring the fresh fruits offered, you smiled bright.
“Oh, how lovely these berries look! So ripe and fresh! Wouldn’t you agree, dear husband?” you asked.
Caius remained frowning, though eyed down the berries. The man selling them looked pale and kept eying the sheathed sword on Caius’s hip.
“They’re fine,” he said. His pride kept him from commenting further on a simple farmer’s wares. But you felt his eyes over your smile seeing them.
Caius lent his coin to buy you some. The trembling farmer scooped up some berries, and popped them into a little bag, and handed it to you. You thanked the farmer and paused to admire them.
You smiled at them, as if they were jewels in your hands. Then you tried a little handful, popping them into your mouth.
“Mhm! They’re delicious! Thank you, Caius,” you replied.
You leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blinked, and his shoulders loosened down from the feeling of your lips. You could have sworn a faint pink was on his cheeks as he continued behind you- not that he dared smile or keep his guard down in public.
You thought it would be another ordinary quiet night. But Caius Martius was many things. Quiet and ordinary were neither of them.
At home, you wanted to rest your feet from all the walking today. Your loom was coming along and weaving it felt relaxing. As you sat, you heard footsteps. Turning around, you saw Caius standing there.
You stood up. “Husband? Is something the matter?”
“...no…” he said.
“Oh…then, what…what brings you here?” you asked.
“I wish only to sit, I have…scrolls to read.”
“This is, er, not the usual room for a man,” you said, taking note of the loom and embroidery, the flowers from the garden.
“I am going to sit and read. In this room,”  he said determinately.
Letting out an exhale, you relented.
“Oh- your mother is always right! Your dangerous stubbornness- oh, you are welcome here, Caius, dull as it must be for you compared to a fight with a Volsce…” you teased.
He made no answer. But you sat and weaved. Watching how the lines all came together and became one for the latest project.
Little did you know that his eyes were more on you than on the flimsy scrolls. Seeing your profile and your eyes over the work then the dusty work.
Though as you ate dinner, His eyes were on you, the neckline of your dress, showing your shoulders.  Your tempa mesa was presented, eaten, and sent away as was the meal. He moved closer, to sit beside you. You felt him move an arm around you. Speaking to you in soft tones.
 As a slave came in to take an empty bowl, you felt him close, he held up a hand. Talking about some silly complaint with the tribunes Brutus and Sicinia. But it was useless- he only wanted to touch your hand, trace it, and bring it to his mouth as his lips ghosted a kiss onto your palm. You took in a sharp breath as he did.
You felt your breaths become shallow and saw his eyes flutter boldly to your chest. He sat beside you, one hand always lying on your thigh.
“What…is this….”
“I only want to enjoy all that is mine- my house, my meal, and my wife.”
With that, he propped you upon his lap as the slave brought more wine. You felt yourself get warm, feeling him on you. Such…intimacy sent your heart aflutter. Though…after plates were cleared before he could tighten his arms to hold you, you slid off. He let you, his blue eyes widening.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” you announced softly.
His hand was still on your skirt. As you walked away, the fabric pulled and then slid lightly off his fingers. His hand is still in the air as if still touching you.
You sat down before the vanity. Making sure your face was washed, you removed the jewelry you had. Smiling at how lovely they were. Gifts he still found to give you even though the wedding was some time ago. Gifts he still would give you.
The slaves were still around. They kept fanned cool air with peacock feathers. Played soft music on harps and little reeds and made sure there was always water for washing and kept about.
The door opened, and your heart beat hard as he got inside. You continued your nightly routine, removing the ring and necklace as well as the belt before you. Getting ready to change- and yet…here he was. A shadow in the corner. He walked up.
“Husband! My…I’m not in trouble?” you asked, slightly teasing.
The servants all shot a look, he gestured at them to stay. To continue their business.
His arms wrapped around you slowly. Then, he laid his head down, looking at you in the mirror.
“But…I didn’t say I wanted this evening to end…” he breathed, he began to pepper kisses down your neck. His hands running down your arms.
“I said I was going to bed…not to sleep…” you said. Enjoying the teasing and playfulness. How you could still hold this mighty, fearsome warrior like wet clay in your hands.
He whispered into your ear for only you to hear.
“I’m going to burst if I don’t have you now.”
You grinned.
“Then have me,” you replied.
Three little words. That was all he needed.
He tore off your veil to where it flew down, fluttering like feathers. He pulled you in and kissed you. You moaned into it. His hands grew bolder, feeling down your sides. You moaned in response as he slid his tongue inside. You pressed yourself next to him, feeling his desire prod against you.
Then he was on you like an animal starved. At once he began to kiss you, cupping your face, keeping a hand on your back to keep you close. You waved a hand through his short, dark blonde hair. His own were going down to feel all over your skin, though his firey kisses never stopped. The man had a craving for you in the bedroom like no other. Not that you complained about it.
You took his hand and led it to your breast to squeeze.
“Caius…yes…more…” you moaned.
“You want more…” he replied.
“Yes- give it to me…” you asked.
“All of it…”
“And you will take it?”
You looked into his eyes.
“...yes. I want more. Not like on our wedding night. I want it hard. And rough. I can take it. I will take it.”
At once he threw you upon the bed. Lush with blankets and pillows, rich and comfortable. He walked towards you, eyes filled with lust, his steps slow, his head tilted, but not smiling.
“When I take you, I want you to cry out. I want all of Rome, every plebian, every senator, every person, and every animal and god to know you are mine.
He was on you, feeling a hand on your leg and kissing you. You began to grind against him. The servants blushed and looked about, he gestured to them.
“Stay,” he ordered them.
They stayed.
“I don’t want you dignified. No, wife. Show your loyalty-” he moved his hands through your dress.
“Take off your clothes.”
“If you want me naked that badly- take them off yourself,” you dared.
He obliged.
You let a sound as he roughly reached into your dress and shoved down the sleeves. You began to let a sound, a gasp as it broke open. It nearly ripped it. Shaking, you helped remove his own clothes still on him. Amazed at though his chest was filled with those dark, bloodied scars, the muscles still on them. 
He smiled.
“Such a tongue you’ve grown to have on you, delicae,” he said
The music of the slaves continued, as did their fans. Though you could feel their eyes.
 Now you were naked in his room, feeling his hands explore all over you, one squeezing your breast as the other spread around your back, wrapping you in, fingers into your skin as if to mark you.
“Then shouldn’t I be punished?” you asked coyly.
He smirked as looked at you. Then he let the last of his clothes fall. Showing his impressive thighs and impressive cock so hard it dripped against his stomach,
“It was everything in me not to take you at that table…then we’ll make up for it…”
He half threw you to the study part of the room. There sat a desk.
“Lean over that desk.”
You obliged, heart beating hard.
“Spead your legs,” he ordered.
You opened your two shaking legs, your wet sex glistening before him.
“Put your hands on the edge,” he ordered in a rasp.
Two shaking hands of yours gripped the edge. He laid your hips up. Then thrust into you at once. You let out a sound. Then roughly, he began to take you. Pounding in, his large cock straining inside you. You let out a sound.
“Yes- yes keep that- you are- you’re mine, you’re mine now- now-say it-say. it.”
“I’m” you cried between his thrusts. “I’m-I’m-your-yours-you- gods!” 
He pounded into you with a fury. His own groaning increasing. It was so filthy, so depraved, and you loved it. You had to grip the edge tightly as he pounded into you. Grunting like an animal. 
The music from the slaves continued, as did the footsteps from their business. Harps continued on as Caius took you like a whore. You could feel them still watching everything. Wondering if they were frightened, aroused, amazed, disgusted, or all four at once. 
He began to growl to you between pounding you.
“So you-” 
He pulled you up by your shoulder to your ear. His voice right next to it, his cock and his voice overtaking you.
He reached a hand, finding your opening between your legs. The bud inside you, swollen and needy and overcome.  One large finger began to strum it and you let out a whimper feeling it. His large, long fingers could already play it so easily. He let you down, and you were gripping tight to keep from losing it all. You weren’t going to last long at this rate.
“Caius! Caius please-please-Caius-”
It was already crawling up, the desk thudded loudly, perhaps breaking if it weren’t so thick and sturdy. The slaves would know he was yours and you were his. That only he and you could bring each other this.
“Yes- cum, dammit, wife- cum for me, cum- just cum, cum with me-”
“Caius-caius! I- Caius-caiuscaiuscaiuscaius-” you repeated, feeling it break. Your voice gets higher until you let out a noise, as your climax hits you.
Then with a shout from him, the seed shot forth inside you. You moaned as you panted, catching your breath. He steadily pulled out. 
You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm. One wrapped around you for protection. 
“Get her something to drink now!” he barked at the servants.
They nodded their heads and ran off. Caius with one swoop got you into his arms. You felt your breath light, almost dizzy with joy- he hadn’t done that since your wedding when he brought you to this house. You could still feel his strong arms supporting you so easily. He carried you over to the bed, settling you amongst the blankets. One slave brought a cup of your drink, and you sipped at it with both hands. He made sure a blanket was draped over you for a bit of modesty.
“What kindness…I never would have guessed you would have kindness in you…” you remarked.
“I…want to be honorable…” he said quietly.
He waved a hand, and the flushed slaves left, Granting you privacy at last. You saw Caius look at you, then glance down like a shy maiden.
This wasn’t like him.
“What is it?” you asked.
“What is what?” he asked.
“You and your dangerous stubborness! Well I have some in me too. You have enjoyed me. And you wish to speak of something, I can feel it. You can tell me. Is there something you want of me? A son? I’m sure at this rate, you’ll have one…” you urged, a hand consciously at your belly.
Caius tilted his head again, his hand moving you away from yours. But touching it softly. 
“It…isn’t that. What I have…you must think it isn’t for a man to say aloud,” he said
“But you must say it! Is something wrong? Are you ill? Is your mother ill? What did Menenius try to weasel you to do? Where are they sending you now!? Caius, Why not-”
He quickly got up and cupped your face. He spoke quick, plain, and to the point.
“I love you.”
You paused your breath tight and the room spinning
“You…love me?”
“Why did I ask my mother to arrange us married?”
It struck you.
“I was…am a virtuous daughter of a respectable family-”
He looked into your eyes.
“I’ve loved you the day I met you. I wanted to have you as my wife or no one.  I couldn’t resist you if Diana herself ordered me to.”
Struck silent, you saw his face soften. The orange glow of the candlelight making him that more beautiful. 
“When…when did you know for sure…did Eros really strike the moment you saw me ”
“I…I remember it was- it was the race for the senate. All the crowd gathered to see me speak, to see the consul. I tried to ignore you there, and I could not. I was in denial all that time. But seeing you-when you looked at me, and smiled, I forgot it all. I didn’t want the seat. I wanted you. Honestly, I don’t know when it happened. But it did. And yet- all at once I-I-”
He paused.
“Maybe it was when we were betrothed. Maybe I walked with you to the markets. Or when I saw you there. Maybe it was every dull dinner and banquet I had to attend, that I still went, hoping to see you. To just see you…”
He caught himself.
“But no…I think most of all…it was each time I spoke to you. And you knew of me….and now …”
He touched your hand and you brought it to your lips, kissing it tenderly. You almost saw a tear drop despite the stillness of his face.
“I know what I am. And I thought you should hate me. Beyond whatever duty you may feel to me as your husband-”
“Caius, I don’t hate you. Not at all.”
“Then…could you-”
“I could learn to love you, and choose to love you, Caius.”
You pulled your face to his and kissed him. Then you tucked yourself into him, embracing him as you both lay on the bed. Not just as husband and wife, but as two people deeply in love.
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dropthedemiurge · 7 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #9
(okay it's not an episode number this time i just still have many details to point out oops pls let me go)
I swear. I thought I'd stop mentioning small details because I already wrote like 10 posts on Tumblr translating and explaining all the cultural stuff regarding this show and the obsession is already becoming embarrassing, but I rewatched the last episodes again and I've got tiny. Little. Details. That I can't help but point people to once again. Because damn, the amount of thought put into this show!
(trigger warning: first part talks about suicide and depression, next ones are linguistic and cultural)
The Black Suit & The Sea
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I would've asked Koreans I know about the significance of such symbolism but they are celebrating Seollal (New Year) today and I don't wanna ruin the festive mood asking about "how would people dress for suicide" x)
But after watching this scene, I recognized some strong parallels in Korean media depicting depression, suicide and one's decision to end their life. One of it is bridges and jumping (if you don't know what Bridge of Life is, ask me and I'll share, so this post wouldn't become too long) but another one is sea.
My interpretation - Koreans wear black suits to funerals, so if someone is headed to the sea in a black suit, it might mean this is the character's attempt to "have" their own funeral before finally ending their life. Why do I think this combination is somehow significant?
Because I remembered a music video one of K-pop artists I like (Kim Hanbin) made, after he experienced the downfall of career, extreme hate and rejection from the public, and severe depression. His whole album Waterfall tells Hanbin's personal story, dark thoughts and his battle to survive during the time when he was gone for 2 years, but in the music video for this album (illa illa) he is seen emerging from the sea in a black suit – metaphorically regaining his music and, most importantly, desire to live. Watch with lyrics!
If we think, this is how you depict suicidal thoughts/attempt in Korean media (of course, Love for Love's Sake was even more blunt in telling us the meaning), then Myungha wearing black suit wasn't just for the pretty or dramatic picture. More than that, we see him wearing the black suit for the whole last evening – especially when he goes to finally meet his mother.
Which tells us Myungha has already decided to disappear from this world, and was determined to do it on that day, and his mother rejecting him and pretending she doesn't know her son might not have been just the last straw... but it definitely could've been Myungha's last attempt to find anything in his life worth staying for, worth not going through with his plan.
Anyway, what a scary but beautiful symbolism.
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Let's talk about something happier! More heartwarming!
Do you remember when we talked about the carefully placed movie posters in previous episodes? I payed more attention to the background this time when in Episode 8 Yeowoon ran to the cinema searching for Myungha in his world. And what an amazing discovery! When Myungha starts existing again and calls Yeowoon, the movie poster behind Yeowoon says "Guardian" (보호자).
And I already said in another post that Myungha in previous episodes admitted himself being Yeowoon's "guardian, protector" in the exact same word. But now this word is shown next to Yeowoon! As Yeowoon is the one who changed the main mission and has now declared himself Myungha's guardian and protector and will do his best to make him (his favourite pereson/bias/blorbo) happy. They have now both become guardians for each other. This. Goddamn. Show.
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And I also want to shout out the VFX & Production team for this show – all the visual effects are very down to earth, gentle and not over the top but enhancing the series to the max. Like, maybe you wondered where on the screen does it say "Monday, August 14" and "Saturday, August 12"? Well, as expected, you see it on four monitor screens above the box office – the date, the ongoing movies (yep, still our favourite two fake movies) and available dates etc.
But when Yeowoon and Myungha agree to meet each other in the exact system time, they are facing each other without a barrier, and the screens are now counting down the time until the Game End. Instead of normally showing movies, like in the previous shot, it says "Time remaining: 3 hours, 23 minutes, 15 seconds". It was either done with VFX or practically, but still, the thought of incorporating system messages into the actual background is insane and I'm always happy to discover such details.
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I don't know how many of you have motivational stairs at your schools, we definitely didn't have this but it's quite a popular thing in Korea. They put popular and uplifting sayings for students on each stair, sometimes they even quote motivational phrases from idols, like this:
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And it's interesting that when system gets broken and Myungha is about to disappear, we see the deep cracks coming through the stairs, we see ruined school BUT at the same time the quotes in the show are so obviously in our focus. And they are already written (see screenshots above) in Korean and English, but I'll still write down: one is saying "Stay hungry, stay foolish" and "If you dream it, you can do it, you will succeed". So, perhaps... motivational quotes from sunbae?
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And the last moment isn't heavy on translation but I still want to talk about it because cool Korean culture!xD You see the gang grilling meat on the roof (it's called samgyeopsal and it's very popular to have for gatherings), and then Myungha makes a "ssam" and feeds it to Yeowoon – but Sangwon steals it.
Ssam is a wrap, you grill meat then put it on the salad leaf, add other ingredients (like mushrooms, sauces, garlic, green onions etc, there are many side dishes) and then you wrap it in this sort of salad sack and eat it. It's very tasty and unusual combination. But the thing is! There is no way to make it for someone else and leave it on their plate so if you make a ssam wrap for someone and want to give it to a person, you literally have to feed them (like Myungha does with a very fond smile). This is why it's often seen as a romantic gesture (aka feeding someone from your fork etc) and why it's hilarious that Sangwon steals this ssam from Yeowoon (because he wants and he gets Myungha's affection and he's not above being a brat about it!)
I'm sure you can already sense it anyway without me telling you about romantic/close-friend implications, but I thought you guys might wonder why are the guys fighting over the salad leaf.
Another funny thing – Sangwon mentions "There's a saying, 'Don't scold dogs while they eat'". This is a Korean proverb "밥 먹을 때는 개도 안 때린다" ("You don't hit even a dog when it eats") which means that, no matter how annoying you find someone, no matter how angry you are, you can't scold this person while they are eating. Eating is a very important cultural thing in Asia, of course, so do not have arguments at the dinner :D But it's funny how Sangwon uses old proverbs to be mischievous and steal Myungha's love without consequences xD I adore him
I swear, this gotta be my last post about all the details in Love for Love's Sake. There is one more scene with the mirror and a caption, and I'm very curious if it means something because it was seen twice, during system breaking down scene as well, but it's either in Chinese or Japanese and I can't read it.
Anyway! Hope you enjoyed your everyday magazine, I love reading all your tags and thoughts and comments, and if you want to read all my previous translations and pointed out cultural details in Love for Love's Sake, go read this tag!=)
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calcium-chan · 3 months
its time to dump a bunch of stuff i have no other place for but i want online somewhere! its a total fucking shitshow wahoo
first is an alien nine fan comic (its read right to left if it wasnt obvious, oops). this was made as a for an alien nine discord i lurk in. they had missed yuris birthday, and some discussion was had about what present is best to get her. most of the options were aliens?? anyways take this as the anti-kasumi propaganda that it is.
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next is two separate love web doodles. uh for anyone who doesnt know i have a half joke love web AU where cybermare and manon just fucking hate each other, and its just sad and awful for no good reason. im sorry shadok, i am physically unable to let blorbos be happy. second image is more of a doodle but i like it. and the first image i thiiiink was made when i was planning out a little one shot comic i never finished. for the 1 of you (oretal) who are maybe curious, i had a bunch of dialogue written out, the comic would have been a really tense conversion that culminates in a shouting match, i had this really cool idea where the comics color palette gets darker and darker as the sun goes down and their little apartment becomes so dark that its hard to see but neither of them want to bother turning on a light (many such cases). i care about these two way more than i probably should, uh thank you silly deer lady for the blorbos.
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the next one is a drawing ruru chan (you saw the alien nine bit of this post, you know what kind of fucking blog this is) i keep forgetting i made forever ago. i ended up hating it and never finishing it. i still dont want to bother finishing it but i like it enough now to post it. shinsei kamattechan is one of my favorite bands and i really like this dumb melodramatic song a lot. noko is one of the realest ones going and i hope i can draw something i actually really like one of these days to express my love properly.
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lastly i wanted to post this absolute dumb bullshit fuck ass stupid technique. i was commissioned by a friend to make some custom buckshot roulette cards (he is paying me in sandwiches), and i decided that i liked the idea enough to go whole hog at least a little bit. this is just showing the process for the rendering technique im using in krita. i will be posting the final images once theyre all done (my deadline is fucking thursday, pray for me girlie). this method of rendering is super janky but its fucking worked so far! to any aspiring item key artists, please just render shit in blender, save yourselves. looks kinda nice tho once its on a card.
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thats it, please listen to "all my little words" by magnetic fields and "cant run away" by brave little abacus. GOODBYEEE ill post my drawmegle drawings next maybe?
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stargatebarbie · 4 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious 😊
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 7 years this November
02) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a psychologist for a long time but tbh glad I didn't end up doing that I am not suited to it
03) What talent do you wish you had? It'd be cool to have an idetic memory. Or even just like, a good one. My memory is shot lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? I could really use a proper coffee rn
05) Favorite vegetable? like good cherry tomatoes. the home grown kind. Or maybe potatoes
06) What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi! I'm really enjoying the anime and decided to pick up the manga, just finished the first volume
07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer 🦀
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Yeah ears stretched a little, I think they're only 1cm & septum piercing. I haven't gotten around to getting any tattoos atp, shit's expensive, but I absolutely want them
09) Worst Habit? stealing all the cups and forks in the house
10) What is your favorite sport? not to be a stereotype but I don't really do sport. ig hockey?
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? naturally pessimistic but i really try to like. practice optimism
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. one time I was locked in a bathroom with a goat
13) Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Moon :)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary for sure. I blame my mum she hung a clown puppet in my room as a baby
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? boy howdy would I love a breast reduction
16) What color eyes do you have? grey/blue
17) Ever been arrested? No but I have been detained for like. safety reasons oop
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle i suppose? I don't really drink a lot of soft drink though
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? probably fund my move out of state
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh. or the beach when it's not too crowded or cold
21) Do you believe in ghosts? No, to almost a cartoonish degree. I saw a ghost as a child & I still don't believe in them
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? any of my 8 million art/crafts/creative hobbies (currently mostly crochet, tatting, & drawing) & binge watching tv
23) Do you swear a lot? Ohhhh yeah. not only am I Australian, I'm from mining country
24) Biggest pet peeve? People being willfully inconsiderate of others in public spaces. trolley parked across the isle, tiktoks with no headphones on the bus, talking on the phone at the cash register, that sort of garbage
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? um. weird?
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Yeah but like. I suck at it lol
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: potato bake & least: sausages
28) Do you believe in God? Nope lifelong athiest
29) What makes you happy: hanging out with my cat, rotating the blorbos in the brain microwave, finishing a project (in theory), and uhhh I'm replaying totk with my gf right now that's pretty great
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: listening to a country & folk playlist, folsom prison blues just came on shuffle
31) Favourite place to spend time: uh yeah home
32) Favourite lyric: truly i hate to choose favourites there are so many um. okay
I'll be the jester as long as you are my queen Make a fool out of me I wanna be the source of your laughter
33) Recommend a film: I almost never watch movies uhhh. I recently forced my gf to watch the Birdcage with me bc she'd never seen it, it's so good
34) Recommend a book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant my beloved. Also I'm reading Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke rn and I'm really enjoying it if you work in an office and have slack or similar then I highly recommend especially
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just SUCH a good album
36) Recommend a TV show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - great for lovers of musical theatre and/or the mentally ill 😌
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from Queensland and currently live in Tasmania. I've moved back and forth between QLD and TAS a few times, and plan on moving to Melbourne eventually
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? The aforementioned cat, I got him from a shelter & they got him from a dumpster <333
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? during a drinking game I once took a shot that included; soy sauce, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, a warhead (sour lolly), fanta, and probably some other stuff I'm not sure I was very drunk and 18 year olds should not be unsupervised with that much alcohol bc they'll invent the world's worst drinking games
40) How did you 'find' fandom? A friend of mine sat me down in front of her family computer in their bible library (not a joke, whole library of bibles & Christian religious texts) & said hey. have you heard there are people on the internet who write stories about these two guys from this one series kissing? and I was immediately hooked lol
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. work laptop (bc I am on the clock oops), personal PC, crochet project, calcifer plush, & my cat glaring at me from my computer tower bc I wouldn't let him sit on my keyboard
42) How do you style your hair? Well it was a mullet but it's super grown out now so it's more of a shag & I mostly just chuck it in a bun or something. I desperately want to shave it but it's so cold, idk maybe I'll just make a few beanies & buzz it anyway
If you want to join in please consider yourself tagged! 💖
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iantimony · 8 months
a day late because yesterday i was tooooo busy! some spoilers in here for dungeon meshi and saltburn!
listening: mostly background stuff. i still haven't played more nier: automata but the boyf got me listening to the soundtrack and it whips.
reading: more tgcf at night to soothe my frenzied brain to sleep. i finished dungeon meshi yesterday!! i did cry!!! it was so, so good, i loved it. i really liked that there was no set antagonist, per se, at least not until the very end with the fight against the winged lion, it was all just a bunch of characters with different but justifiable goals that had their aims all butting up against each other. very cool. i love kabru what a little shit
a collection of some good screenshots:
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watching: many things this week. my partner is visiting for the week and we like to have videos on while we're cooking n eating so we watched...essentially the entirety of weird history food channel, started with the trader joes one and spiraled from there.
we also watched the currently-released episodes of dungeon meshi. very charming. i cannot wait to see how they animate certain scenes.
on sunday night we did a friend dinner, so me and my boyfriend, roommate and hers, and one other friend; after dinner we movie night-ed it and watched saltburn and blazing saddles:
saltburn was insane! apparently there is shock and alarm at the sex scenes, which i am not very online about it so i have no idea what people are actually saying but imo it was not that crazy. there is a solo, uh, let's call it Moment towards the end of the film that is pretty out there, but besides that the sex scenes are the least of anyone's worries in this movie. it took me WAY too long to realize that the main character was the antagonist, i'm normally pretty savvy to those kinds of twists so that took me off guard. my roommate had seen it once (or even twice?? i think?? i have no wish to watch that movie again, good for her though) and i didn't start clocking it until immediately before felix tricked oliver into going home. as they were in the car i was like "there's no fucking way that he lied about his family to felix. right. right??" oops. some good cool symbolism in there, i had a bit of an xkcd "of course everyone knows this myth" moment when my roommate was like "huh i wonder if there's a symbolic reason for the bull-man statue in the maze at the end, or felix's angel wing costume" and i was like surprise pikachu. the minotaur, the labyrinth, icarus, hello? wdym you don't know the story of the minotaur??? much to think about with this movie. i searched it on tumblr and feel like a lot of people missed the point in favor of blorbo romance but like, fair, it is the blorbo romance website. 8.5/10.
blazing saddles was our palette cleanser after that doozy of a film. my friend said at the end "anyone who thinks this movie is racist needs better media literacy" and i'm inclined to agree. yes the n word is in there - but the people saying it are so unambiguously depicted as insanely stupid and wrong, and the leading man is a charismatic handsome black man, and tbh the smartest person in the movie? arguably more homophobic (the end scenes) than racist but even then the way 'f*ggot' is deployed hit me like modern tumblr humor.
idk. even though it's a comedy it is Very clear to me that a message from this movie is "Racism Bad". i thought it was fun, didn't find the blonde lady's musical number very good or funny, got a few chuckles out of it overall. classic mel brooks. 7/10.
playing: wizord101.
making: started experimenting with english paper piecing! i forgot to take a picture yesterday so ill try to remember and add that later today. or maybe for next week's post. also started a pair of fingerless gloves for my mom
eating: my boy made us all a budae-jjigae type object on sunday and it was so so so yummy - photo from before simmering for like 30 minutes, with pork belly, spam, tofu, and a bunch of mushrooms, grunions, and kimchi:
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before my roommate came back from a conference we did this cabbage and thin-sliced hotpot beef thing that was. so fucking good. we had it two separate nights in a row. just layering meat and napa cabbage and then cutting into ~2in strips, laying them in a pot, filling the center with mushrooms; make a broth of soy sauce/dashi/misc soup stock powder from leftover ramen, pour it over, simmer til cooked baby. delicious. this image is a little steamy bc i tried to take it right after opening the pot, lol
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misc: wough. struggling to get back into the routine a little. i need to make more spreadsheets for my agonies (apartment hunting and determining what internships/programs to apply to for this summer). and i need to start using my planner again because i keep forgetting to do shit.
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cheesy-che · 1 year
If it’s okay for me to ask what were your inspirations when creating mizuiro?
Ok, first of all, you're totally allowed to ask! Secondly, I don't think you're ready for my weaboo answer. I'm sorry in advace HAHA. I was 13 when I decided to join a Bleach Roleplaying Forum. (Yes you read that right.) I created a character, Mizuiro, who was a Shinigami. She was depressive and shy. Her sword had the power to choke people to death. It was something like "Choke, Chinmôku" (meaning "silence"). She was very dramatic HAHA. Her first design was based off Youmu Konpaku from the game Touhou. To this day… I still haven't played or don't know anything about Touhou (lol sorry). Using Gimp back then, I colored her hair pale blue because I thought it could be cool to have a whole theme with her name, Hasu Mizuiro, meaning "Pale blue lotus". I knew there was someone called Mizuiro in the Bleach series already, but I guess I didn't care oops.
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She stayed my muse for so many years, because I, too, struggled with depression for a long time. She was an escape to my emotions, I guess. During my late teenage years, I began writing with her with some friends of mine. Again, I was at a very bad place in my life. Mizuiro helped me a lot. Over the years, she kept some of her main traits : Melancholic and calm. I also developped new ones for her, like being curious to the core, creative and a daydreamer. At first, I got a lot of inspiration from my intense feelings and many expressions using the word "blue" (ie : Why so blue?; Once in a blue moon; Feeling blue; etc) During the pandemic, I began writing with her again- as an escape. (There is a pattern here, see.) I always loved the Vaporwave/Synthwave aesthetic and music. During those years, it kept me calm. I decided I would associate this type of music with her, mostly because it explores themes of escape and half-lucid dreams. In 2020, I had a lot of time and got inspiration from this music. I finally found the courage to publish some of my writings online. Because of ~life~ and how busy I am, I concentrated my energy on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) universe. It was both because I never stopped being obsessed with it and because it was better for me to focus on one coherent backstory instead of different projects. Since then, I was introduced to an online TMNT fan community and people were actually reading what I published. My main writing project with her is Space Echoes. Since I began posting, I received many drawings of her [HERE] and I'm incredibly grateful for these. The TMNT community is amazing, and every time someone reads about her or my story, it makes me teary-eyed. Honestly, I wasn't expecting any of this love. I can't express how happy it makes me that my blorbo is getting so much attention, even though I am not very quick in my writing. ;__; Here's a recent drawing of her by my friend, @sassatello. I can't thank the community enough for the support it gave me over the recent years. Mizuiro keeps evolving and it makes me want to keep going.
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Thank you so much, Anon! This ask also means the world. 💙
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nitroish · 1 year
I myself dont have much time to talk but. What are some silly headcanons you have for your favoritest blorbos? Do they have a favorite food? What are your hcs for their sexualities? Do they stim, and if so, how?
This could be zelda related or not whichever you prefer, im giving you a reason to ramble about whichever characters you like most :)
oh hell yeah lets go
im going to answer these with my legend in mind , so keep That in mind ! thank u thank u
under the cut . o7
legends favourite food is eggs on rice. a simple, easy to make meal! he only eats it A Singular Way as well oops - the way He cooks it. wild learns how to make it legends way [ its not all that hard of a feat to accomplish ] . he tries to change it up sometimes but legend absolutely notices every single time and refuses to eat it.
legend can cook but its mostly easy-to-make + overall cheap options that he can make in bulk / eat off of for awhile . goulash and curries. soups, breads, etc.
hes rly good w apples too tho, outside of those kinds of meals . his favourites are honeycrisp, and hes made or helped make wine , pies , jam , etc with the fruit in general :)
he has a damn sweet tooth and its impulsively indulged every time he passes a pastry shop or some shit. if there is an apple or cinnamon flavoured Anything he is going to try it [ not cinnamon roll, though ]
he is gay as shit !!! homosexual + somewhere under the ace spec but only thinks himself Loosely tied to the term [ he does not bother to find exactly where and i dont have much care to do that much searching either. ]
stims consist of many different things so here are some different kinds
hat fiddling, fiddling with things in general [ rings, hair, tunic, bag, blahblah ], waving weight from one foot to the other, tracing designs on things [ arm bracers, armour, swords, saddles, yadayada ], large exaggerated arm/hand movements, cracking bones [ <- stress stim ]
shine !! he will watch his rings or weapons shine in the sun, will move hands back and forth to watch the gleam of light move over the designs. he likes watching clouds move. he'll stare at the campfire for hours cos he likes to watch how the colours move.
humming, whistling [ usually random tunes he picked up from the others or towns ], clicking his tongue, mimicking accents [ NOT mocking . theres a difference . unless its twilight , then he mocks because its silly /lh ]. he likes to repeat words he hears tht r fun . yippee . . . conkcrete . . .
idk random things
warriors and legend are in a qpr [ duh ]
legend draws. wars writes.
system four my beloved
times good w magic spells. hes a quick learn, tho he doesnt rly use em
legend is more magic-able thn he lets on , understands spells and what they do / what words do that , but doesnt know how to use spells without conduits that Move the magic for him
they all know sign or are learning sign . legend doesnt like to teach, but he DOES stick around to help translate if need be
legend knows so many languages but this is common knowledge
legend has two dark world forms [ wolfos and rabbit ] <- the wolfos coloration is like a maned wolf
hyrule isnt very fond of bein in the fairy transformation , very overwhelming experience rly , but he Does enjoy the ability to sit on shoulders when he winds up in it
hyrule n legend make deez nuts jokes n warriors falls for them every time . warriors learns how to weaponize words to make his own jokes of the same caliber
twilight likes to collect bugs for agitha still . other eras have silly bugs and someone asks why hes hoarding all the damn glass bottles and when he carefully gets tghem out they each have a singular fucking bug in them
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
idk if you already guessed it but thomas is my favorite ttcc character (totally did not draw like 15 drawings of him) and mmm uhmmm uhm what is your opinion on the good ol' ottoman?
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I AM FINALLY GETTING TO THIS ASK. LET THE AUTISM BEGIN. THIS GUY BEEN ROTATING IN MY HEAD. MAYBE NOT THE WHOLE TIME BUT HOO BOY HE TAKES OVER SOMETIMES. AND U ALREADY KNOW I LIKE THIS GUY TOO. YOU AND ME. THE THOMAS WARRIORS. I MAY NOT SHOW IT A LOT BUT I CARE THOMAS A LOT. This is gonna be all over the place you will get lost here but come onto my mental illness adventure with me once more. I thought I had little to say but you opened an dven bigger tism adhd gate
I love Thomas our man SO MUCH he's literally like my second favorite blorbo in Toontown after Cathal that I can lore think about (BC HR joined Mt TTCC blorbo beasts list except he doesn't really have lore oops) I mean he's even on my phone case now, too, with other things that are important to me and he DESERVES IT
I really liked and cared about him before BUT!! this update and being able to finally see him in game myself after missing the other events... It is VERY VERY NICE and it made me like Thomas even MOREEEE
OK NOW TO ANSWER LIKE. THE OPINION QUESTION MORE DIRECTLY. He's a really fun character and as a duo with Robert he works rather well. He's ways in the background, overshadowed by his brother...(Who kind of needs him sometimes since the start of the company and YKNOW the literal guy he uh. Stands on to be level with the other Cogs. Like these guys need each other and I can elaborate on that more later) Working quietly. And yet he's quite the talker when he opens up and gets the chance to!! He's like me and a lot of people I know (I sure relate to him in this regard lol I literally state I ramble a lot in MY BIO and I DO) - more quiet and reserved people, sometimes seen as lonely... But with many things on mind, just waiting for the right people to trust to share these things with. Genuine trust or just comfort in a given situation... It's whatever but it's does also tie to another thing I wanna talk about later....or now actually
I know they state he is not befriending the Toons in the podcast - but with the way he speaks with us and his literal actions - it speaks louder than that and I think we should be allowed to make the interpretation that he is slowly gaining our trust. And I think it's a very interesting concept that the literal brother of the man behind this evil company that goes against the toons... Is befriending them. ( and literally your comic) the potential here is insane and it's more interesting than just yeah he stays true to his word he doesn't like you
It's clear that he does care - but it's true he's a very caring person in general. (then again a part of it is letting people step over him...literally. And he's aware of it and he dislikes it! Another thing I can relate to and speak from the heart about. But there's things I don't relate to and of course relatability is not all the reason why I like him... But it is a big part of it. Sorry not sorry I will project onto this man later) he does show he cares by literally closing the elevator and lying to save us from being seen... And waiting it out till the air is clear to let us in. Where he as always chats with us. Yeah they did say he just kinda puts up with it and since there's people to talk to he does ramble but... Some of the stories he tells are personal and he is aware of it. He did save you that one time and he did offer those cookies to you as well.. Even if you can't eat them. That's not even giving out the past items like some extra stock laying around he needs to get rid of...
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(also I need to see if anyone reciphered those papers, already I love solving ciphers. It's an easy ceasar cipher yeah but having to rewrite this shit is that goofy fun part I did it with the papers at chips place... Idk if these r available somewhere.)
And the sweater?? Also very personal!! And like more story based as there's technically just one but ofc there's multiple players but in this case you can imagine yourself going there alone to speak with him each time as an individual... Like....the story about the extra stuff doesn't apply here this is personal.
But it is true he probably.. Does want to get rid of it. He makes a gift from the heart and it goes under appreciated. Unwanted...yeah I wouldn't want to see it either. But someone else may want it so yknow... Cutely gives it to the toons.
Like come on you can't tell me this guy isn't trusting these toons slightly, or, story wise, the toon/toons who come see him each April toons. Of course the recent one is the freshest in my mind and I only experienced the precious ones through reading the dialogue... I may miss some details of things he rambled about... But I genuinely believe with each visit he grows to trust the toons more and oh boy that could be interesting conflict... Who knows it could be brought up later with whatever board boy HQ is gonna be...plearse let us see Robert too I'm gonna implode
Anyways BACK ONTO THOMAS. I love this guy he's really nice I'd love to just sit in a room with him and exist together and sloy dwelve into back and forth rambling about stuff and I'd totally hype up his knitting... I just AURGHH. He had things going for him and these expectations... That he didn't met up to. But his brother had a plan and Thomas being well... Thomas. Not the leader type - he followed along... Because it was the best for him as who he is even if his parents wanted him to do other things
Despite the two (Him and Robert ofc) not exactly agreeing on things alwyad there's still care between them as brothers... They really are a duo!! Even if the topic is uh. A really corrupt capitalist robot company... And with Robert being preeeetty much very much so an asshole it's still just. Aurgh. Fun. Love the dynamic. Robert could just be an ass but he still cares about Thomas by some regard... I think about the time he watered Bubby for Thomas despite his hatred for the plant a lot okay
Thomas and Robert are already the most like, lore full characters (or Cogs specifically) other than some mgrs now and Atticus and Redd - but there's still so much like... Of an mysterious aura about them. We only hear about their lives and never see it... Robert we see in action in the comics - but we see him ONCE in game in a CUTSCENE MOST PEOPLE SKIP... Thomas we see in the background of the comics only speaking like... Once, I believe?? Even if he's there he's really easy to just... Not even notice. But he appears ingame and speaks DIRECTLY TO YOU. SEVERAL TIMES. for ALMOST HALF AN HOUR STRAIGHT...and he tells you a lot about his and by extentions Robert's personal life - something the comics can't tell you, and surely not the short cutscene with Robert during the directors fight
Like... They have the most lore but a lot of things are still unclear and it makes people want more answers and ponder more and it's BRILLIANT. I love it. I mean... I could rant about how a lot of info is hardly accessible in TTCC as a genuine criticism of how the game and lore is handled... But that's maybe for another day. BACK TO THOMAS SO LIKE ANYWAY- Thank you for canon aro ace character who states his opinions directly and is not forced to do it... And for fans being respectful about his identity for the most part as I can see and not... Forcing him to be romantic for ships. I avoid the fandom, mostly, specifically for reasons like this and because people scare me... So. I don't know how it really is. But an issue with aro ace characters is that even if we have a Canon one often fans will make them involved in romance for stupid ships anyway, absolutely erasing their identity. And then they bring up the "SOME AROSPEC/ASPEC PEOPLE DO DATE"... But they do this for all characters and ignore the chunk of people who don't, who just want to see themselves represented in media...im very tired of this being taken away from us as... Yknow. An aroace person myself. Thank you thomas for your swag.
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Sooo.. How about some headcanons and personal things and me projecting because MOST HCS ARE JUST THAT!!!
Okay hey did you know I work with plants too? Yeah. (VERY SHITTY) agriculture school goer here.. Florist specifically.. Yeah I have no life plans for this but that's personal. Oh hey that sounds like someone I know. (also being around plants a lot makes me think abt thomas bc of association... And bc I'm spaces out 24/7 very likely thinking about my hyperfixation and the lore anyway to escape the moment. Uh I have problems OK?) Anyways...
Before I get to general projection stuff I wanna say my hcs!!
I think he sometimes carries gardening tools in his pockets and forgets about them. I do that. Forgets whole sharp gardening shears and then he needs to take out a pencil for someone, and instead he whips out something use able as a weapon. FUN!
I am not sure if it's stayed what his first knitting was ever... But whether or not this was his first or later knitting project doesn't matter - but I like to think that he knitted pot decorations for his plants!! Little pot sweaters, maybe!! Wouldn't even overheat the plants (some plants have veeery specific requirements but his ficuses should be fine) , I think, they don't give off heat for the sweater to insulate anyway, so it would really be just decorational....
And again, if the Cogs had cats I think he'd be a cat dad.
And now. The personal projection observation part... A reason why I think I like him so much is because I relate to him AND Robert. As someone who is a... Well. The anger issue filled, family failure shorter and younger sibling in my family... I can see myself in that. Some parts of the story really hit home... I'm not gonna get too personal here, but my relationship with my brother is... Rocky...been getting better though. He's very successful and I haven't done much in my life. He's the leader role. On the other hand, the dynamic here for Thomas and Robert is swapped... Thomas could've followed the success his parents set him up for, but he followed the lead of his brother instead - who his parents didn't see as good enough.
It's very different things, yes, but the things that are similar are what brings it a bit closer... Even if some things don't align well I can feel my heart sink when Thomas talks about it because. Ahaha yeah that ties to some of my biggest worries in life and it relates to me being the loser child in the family whoops
And just.. I AM. GOIGN TO EXPLODE. FUNNY HAHA CHAIR AND STEPPING STOOL THING ROBOTS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME. I AM GOING TO EXPLODE AGAIN. I CARE THESE BEASTS I MUCH. I THINK THIS COVERS MOST OF IT. OTHERWISE I'D REPEAT MYSELF. THERE'S PROBABLY MORE I'LL REMEMBER LATER BUT THIS IS IT FOR NOW. Thank you for giving me a place to ramble about whatever in regards to a character somewhere that isn't... Me talking to myself on my Discord server on a Toontown channel dedicated to myself only. Hope ANY OF U FOUND THIS ENTERTAINING TO READ. Even if I'm. Probably.... Wrong on some things but that's okay if anyone mean to me I explode them too ok
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I care the him
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The way you write Ingo and Akari's interactions with each other never fails to warm my heart. And after seeing how he is with Rei in oop, I'm so excited to see how Emmet interacts with Akari. And let's not forget how your Cyllene is with Rei, and how she considers him Her Boy. I just love the intergenerational relationships you have going on. Kids deserve to have good adults in their lives, especially ones like Akari and Rei who have had it so rough.
There are... a lot of things I don't like about many interpretations of Emmet in fandom, but one I especially dislike is when he's overly rude or dismissive towards the kids. You avoid that trap neatly, though that's no surprise because the way you write him is one of my all time favorites. That's maybe a bit beside the point though.
In any case, I loved the little prompt snippets you wrote yesterday about Ingo with both Akari and Rei. The one you wrote with Rei was both cool and heartbreaking with how his dedication and care was the only thing keeping him going, all so Rei might have the chance to live. And the one Akari was so sweet and heartwarming, with how gentle his love for her was. She doesn't know it, but Ingo's home isn't a place, like her it's the people he cares about, and she's included in that too now. In this au where he's so close to her, it wouldn't be complete without her there.
WAAAAH THIS IS SUCH A NICE ASK?? THANK YOU?? thank you so much... i'm gonna cry this is so sweet. thank youuuu... i uh rambled a lot about characters and relationships so i'm going to put the rest of that under. a cut i think. contd:
anyway. YEAH re: kids deserving Good Adults. tbh whenever i see a kid on their own in fiction it activates some kind of primal pack bonding instinct in me to protect them, so this is like, vicarious parenting. and i just REALLY like characters who are Good With Kids, it's like one of my fav character traits that makes me instantly love them. and i love all the different ways that can come through, like, like you said, cyllene who isn't so great at saying how she feels but has SO adopted these two. so. yes. this is primarily self indulgent. it all comes back to my love of picking apart character motivations lol
also WHO is making emmet not nice to kids. i'll fight them. i'll duel them in the street right now. why is everyone else so WRONG about my BLORBO. i think- not to Also get sidetracked, lol, but- i think emmet is someone who's extremely straightforward with everything he says, and doesn't back down, but the critical thing is that all that blunt directness and stubbornness is backed by an intense motivation to help and protect others. so that's what i'm trying to channel when he's with rei or anyone else—specifically because he doesn't try to hedge his words or anything, it is so obvious at all times that he Cares and wants to Help. which can be like, intensely validating/reassuring/trust-building. like short and direct and not good at subtlety don't have to be negative asshole-building character traits!! ...but uhh anyway what were we talking about again
ingo ficlets right. YEAHH THANK YOU... i think in comparison to emmet ingo is like. actually good with people, in the sense that he can read peoples' emotions from their words and actions much better, and is very understanding and patient. and obviously he's also driven by that same compassion. trying really hard not to just make this about comparing how i characterize them both ANYWAY. and i am giving him the Parenting Instincts, lol, which, i think he has an immediate reaction of "oh i need to help you" when he sees anyone who's lost/hurt/confused, but it's stronger with kids bc they obviously tend to have less ability to support themselves. so with akari in the adoption fic i keep gesturing towards and Not Finishing, and rei in the ficlet who got separated from his usual crew, he just adopts them very quickly lol. (there's also something to be said there for how i usually write amnesiac-ingo as having a kind of busted self-perception, as we've covered, so he's outsourcing his motivation and desire to continue living to others, which is sort of a Not Great aspect of this, but uhh that's getting sidetracked again)
anyway YEAH!! his home is his loved ones!! yessss exactly!! you have it spot on, i think in that snippet after akari brings it up he does have that thought of, all he has to judge his "home" by is a vague vibe that it was good and he misses it. what if it isn't as perfect as his non-memory thinks it is? what if it can't/won't make space for akari? in which case i think that despite how much he misses it, he would be fully prepared to walk out of it for her. because like you said, his home isn't a place, it's the people!! so if akari can't belong there, then it isn't his home, either. (not that it would ever come to that in reality)
so. yes. as you can probably tell i could go on about this subject forever. just adhd tangent after tangent about kids, and the ways they get treated, and what it says about characters, and character motivations in general, and bitching about how my blorbo gets misinterpreted. but. my point is. this was a very nice ask i am going to print it out and tape it in my diary thank you
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shastafirecracker · 1 year
for the ask meme: 3, 18, 22?
another break for writing rambles!
3 what’s one scene you always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all the setup and context it would need? I would love to write just some smutty smutty PWP of polygun all having fun with vash’s vine tentacles but I keep being hung up by my own inability to let go of canon characterization - the fact that those vines are incredibly traumatic to vash and I have such a hard time getting him in my mind to a place where he’d be okay with even manifesting them, much less railing three people at once with them. argh! it took me however many thousands of words of the VWL post-canon AU to get to a place where I think vash is fine with feathering out and having oops-accidentally-psychic sex with wolfwood and livio. do I have to do that with vash/wolfwood/meryl/milly also?? (maybe?? i’m not saying it’ll NEVER happen I’m just saying it makes me insane)
I also have a slew of AU ideas that I know would make great 100k+ epics but like, man, that’s work, that’s so hardddd whine whine whine
18 do any of your stories have alternative versions (abandoned plotlines, AUs of your own work, alternate characterizations)? again I can’t say anything about BB fic yet, though I will! probably in december I’ll make a roundup post of discards and trivia. and I don’t think I ever have alternate characterizations, because having a strong idea of the characterization through-line is usually where my fics start. but in both Trillium & Ivy and my bb fic I have thought to myself that it would be so fucking easy to make them polygun instead of vashwood. there’s a very noncanon-to-t&i wip of the wives and the bfs having a bi4bi4bi4bi weekend getaway, which… I’m gonna hold onto because there was a polygun event interest check recently and I do like the bones of this wip, it just needs a LOT of work, so. if there’s an event it might be just the thing, idk.
T&I has the most abandoned plotlines of probably anything I’ve ever written besides my old destiel AU. modern-setting AUs have so many potential ways to get sidelined, at least for me. probably the biggest thing is that according to the original outline, the final showdown was meant to take place in like a warehouse at some docks (why? what??), zazie was going to drive everyone there because elendira sent them to get her man back safely, the WHOLE crew was supposed to go (vash, nick, livio, meryl, milly, kaite, zazie) and there were going to be? whole gun fight scenes??
this is a blatant example of what is meant by “don’t be precious with your ideas” - I wrote several thousand words of outline and then looked at all of it and said what the fuck, time to put all of this in the garbage disposal and start over. don’t be precious = drawfee’s whole bit of “delete your art.” sometimes you gotta accept not even scavenging for bits to salvage, just burn it all.
the fic is MUCH better for it
22 do you reread your old works? how do you feel about them? I do! I love them! oh it’s the tea, for me, the tea for me, the tea specifically designed to kill me, etc etc! I drift off from rereading my own fics in older fandoms often because I’m just not rotating those blorbos in my head so hard anymore, but for finished fics in my current fandom, it’s like hey wow this author wrote a fic that will push every single one of my buttons with extreme precision, because this author lives in my head and is me, lol. also, when I get a review that mentions any specific thing, I have to go back and reread that bit to extract all the dopamine from seeing it through fresh eyes and imagining how the reader interpreted it or felt about it.
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nickywhoisi · 1 year
Tumblr media
It's midnight mods are asleep post chefs
That's right, we're veering off course from my usual project again as I have officially gone full batshit and dove head first into the Pizza Tower fandom. No regrets baby. I mean have you seen the shit poppin off over here rn? Buck wild. And all the cool kids make ocs, so
The dude in purple is my oc Adlin Bäkermann, he/him/ they-them sometimes, probably mid 30's, and they run a bakery just down the block from Peppino's pizzeria. It's the best in town because all of it is homemade by him. Peppino gets the pizza dough from Adlin, if he doesn't make it himself. Adlin sometimes comes by for a snack break. Sometimes Peppino comes over for a well-needed coffee break. Local businesses supporting other local businesses <3
Adlin is a very quiet guy. He rarely speaks in more than affirmative sounds or disapproving grunts, but on occasion he will use his words. And he is one cool cucumber, so instead of frantically worrying about what his friend's went through, he will just ask calmly, practically like a therapist, "What happened?" He's an honourable soul and cannot stand seeing injustice. Things like that, and other stressors (like work) can bring up his inner rage meter though, because he is not impervious to anger management issues. And he's German, so he can be scary about it. It really isn't a smart move to piss off a lad who will throw massive gauntlet hands that can crush you like a bug, or make him use his steely eyes to bore into your very being. And, strangely, he can be a tad absent-minded. If he screws up something, you will hear a quiet, ashamed, "...Sorry." There's more times than he'd care to admit that he was kneading dough while fuming, and before they realized it, the work table was fuckin shrapnel. Oops. Lil' bit of a klutz. Better watch those mitts of yours, boy! Ooo hoo hoo hoo
Now with that blurbo finished for my blorbo, I wamna discuss the pic. Specifically, I love how the colouring and effects used turned out. So close to what I was looking for! Huzzah! I'm happy with the mach speed lines and Adlin's beeg bright rocket blasts. I was also on the fence about colouring in Adlin's pants, was thinking of keeping them white, but...actually it was a really good idea. It matches the other guys, and when I designed Adlin, I really wanted to make it a point that he had things that could make him a playable character. Just like one of the cast. His hands fire little dough blasts, but because of the hole of fire he launches them out of...they come out as little cooked brioche buns. Gdsffddsggssgff This is basically a proof of concept for my jump 'n shoot baker boi. I love my child so much. My sweet bebeh. In canon, he's got that androgynous pretty swag, which makes him all the more intimidating to approach. Oh and before I forget...there isn't any shipping. Naughty children ;) I know what you're after you wanna know if my boy smooches the italian like a lot of the other ocs. Nah. These guys are literally only friends, but good friends. Which might not be so obvious with how I introduced them, but that happens in universe too. You'd think there's rivalry going on, and there is occasionaly some weird indescribable tension between them, but nope. I'm just so happy that I drew Adlin just like how I wanted and then suddenly he looks like the metal to Peppi's sonic. It just happened outta nowhere, and that's frankly amazing. Pizza Tower is the gift that keeps on giving and I am alive
And yeah this was my first try at drawing The Noise, can ya tell? He has details that aren't so correct, but I'm kinda diggin the caramel top I put on his hat. To make him look closer to a cream puff. And I wasn't sure how many teeth he was supposed to have. But there ya go I think I still captured his noisy noidy e s s e n c e . AND THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HIS BUTT NOT A BIG KOO- OKAY JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR THAnks. And the same applies to Brick, I didn't think to study his design and then draw so it was off memory. Still looks super cute though ngl
What are they racing towards? Who's gonna win? Idk I just like the stardust speedway vibes goin on look at these funky little dudes go
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ritsmew-sakunya · 1 year
can u please tell me about the blorbo ocs (xinley)
oh god them. the the .
(oops i did it again)
okay funny thing about their meeting is that it was finny trying to eat xander. yeah. he had ran away from home to uh. do something :( - not elaborating, and ran into them however finny decides to spare him and after finding out their a runaway, they also decide to take him home with them :) .
on of the main things about the two is that finny is someone who is desperate to live after dying so many times whereas xander...doesnt want to. however !!! after spending time together they get closer and xander finds himself thinking more and more about finny but doesnt want to say anything cause his last relationship ended badly he loves people to a fault. meanwhile finny. oh finny. becomes down bad very quickly and is desperate to hide it yet is convinced everyone knows (no one can tell). however because of their meeting and how xander is they become anxious and decide that just keeping him alive is enough.
until. one day they find themselves telling eachother about everything about them. and in that moment finny who had kept so much from people all this time was so happy to finally have confined in someone and xander was so happy that someone understood. but also he was entranced by the finny he saw that day, determined to protect this world that had been so cruel to them and their will to live and be happy and in that moment they confessed to them. however. finny talked about why they cant be together, after all, theyre immortal and fated to outlive him and him to grow up without them. and so they propose a deal. if the two of them can find a way for xander to become immortal - they would get married (yes these sillies became engaged before they even dated)(this and this r from this part)
and blah blah blah they are eachothers life and meaning and would do anything for the other and its hard to put in words how they are difndjsj
oh. and they r antagonists. for multiple parts of the story. at the start and after a timeskip. ( the first time they ended up making a truce w the protags(mitty, bex and lily) as they realised they had a common goal, and the second time. they uh. went off the deep end (and dragged rui down w them....) - they worked out how to uhh program the world and decide to do what they want,) here is a bit more about specifically about the timeskip
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alloutofgoddesses · 2 years
C3 E50 - It’s the middle of the semester so I have no free time ever and I’m reconsidering all of my life choices leading to this moment
Fun fact I tried watching this last night and only got about an hour and half in when I realised I was way too tired and distracted so I turned it off
Jester I miss you
NOPE vibes
Why is Liam so little
Off topic but anybody else have a grey cat? I have a nearly 11 month old grey feline and I would love to know if they’re all Like This or if mines a special (basket) case
Aahhhhhhhh oh my god I’m so happy for Imogen
Planning is an essential part of DND but guess what. I am not paying attention to a whole lot of it unless I myself am planning
RIP Silver Sun? I don’t understand why this is necessary oops
Travis bud when was the last time you got your eyes checked
Fly in studio AGAIN (why are there so many flies in the Critical Role studio)
Miss your merk
…and I guess I’m done with my tea now thanks Hermes
Gnome sinkholes
Also there’s no way they’re coming back with a better ship lol
Laura please don’t do math problems
Keyleth I love you
Nothing bad is going to happen, this plan will go as expected
Awww Fearne gave Ashton a forehead kiss
Shout out to Travis for continuing to wear the sweat bands
Oh boy oh boy
I love seeing Travis “Aabria was only scared of me” Willingham in his element
My tummy feels weird lol… idk why this isn’t very high stakes at all
Hello who are you
Scary Laura scary Laura
Okay but how “high up” is Lilliana for that to work
Oof buddies
Oh hey I own those sweatpants
Just filibuster, that’ll stop the apocalypse from happening
Don’t look at your wife like that Matt
Oh no - I feel like it’s a bad idea to run
Does Travis need the sweatbands because I think I do
Get em Laudna
How much attention do we think this combat is drawing. Also who’s hiding in the tent
Casual Lizzo ref
Bye Ashton
The warder is gonna die via electrocution!
Is it Otohan or her mom
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute
Fingers crossed fingers crossed this is a blorbo from our shows
This has to be someone very dexterous
That’s monk shit right that has to be monk shit
Me too Liam
Ashley I love you - try your absolute damndest please
That’s my second favourite Critical Role lesbian!!!!!!
That’s Beau!!
Multi-campaign crossover!!!!!!!!!
In the words of Liam AND Aabria, what’s sexier than wizards? NOTHING
Oh Caleb is so respectful I love hims
Yeah you have baby
Probably Beau 😬
I would love to see Beau and Caleb in Vasselheim
Hey it’s her!
Very excited for the people who woke up Devexian to meet FCG honestly
Awww where’s the rest of the Mighty Nein
- Who didn’t make it out? I would like to know Caleb
When is Chet gonna become small again. I feel like it’s gonna make Beau laugh
Ashton has been silent the entire time 🧐
Ashton bby speak up ask questionssss
Which of his romantic partners is he referring to
Oh shit third wizard?
Yeah Travis the meta levels are out of this world
There’s Ashton hi buddy
Ajshshsjaj BEAU
I want Ashton and Beau to be passive aggressive together PLEASE
Be careful with that fourth wall it doesn’t look super stable right now
Okay but I would prefer if we move forward with the full team here
Desperately want Beau and Caleb to meet FCG
Ah goddammit. See y’all next week
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haunted-catboy · 6 months
for the writers truth or dare game
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I handwrote some truly abysmal Homestuck lore. I feel like I have deleted it (eg, ripped it up & burned it) out of embarrassment, but if I get jump-scared by it in futuro that might be the thing to drive me over the cliff, so to speak.
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Usually original characters! I've dabbled at reader inserts but it's so hard not to make lore, so it ends up reading more like an unnamed narrator.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
(I've only been writing for an oc lately so unless you want extremely specific details on my BG3 tav, oops! to the archives I go) I think Gawain sleeps with the green girdle he received, & he holds onto the shame he feels for having "failed" [literally only you think that my guy] because it's easier to him than admitting that he thought Bertilak was dreamy. However, I think he would eventually return to "give him [the Green Knight] a piece of his mind" (read: subtly ask for affection like a cat)
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
You stuck? Put [an action] in those little square bitches and keep writing. Time skip to your fave parts. Get it all on the page because when you return to it eventually, you're gonna find new ways to link it all up.
🏜️ ⇢ what’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
"this made me laugh out loud/giggle/sensible chortle" or "[one sentence in particular] NICE!" or "I like how you characterize" like literally cannot decide I love them all. I do not get many.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Right now, the narration & dialogue in Howard's End is really speaking to me! Also omfg When We Lost Our Heads?! aaaa!!!! Otherwise, literally anything I'm reading/watching. TLT has sunk into my bones, sure, but a lotta Poe is also guiding my wrist.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
"Apollonia didn’t hug. She felt constricted by it, much preferring the approving pat on the back and vocal praise. As such, she didn’t know what to do. If their positions were reversed, her brother would openly weep, dragging a recently healed Apollonia into his arms and pressing reassuring kisses on her temples. He would be inconsolable in his joy. She, meanwhile, felt like there was a hand around her throat: relief was so potent when it finally did arrive, it made her want to scream." [subject to editing]
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Characterization/fanon that I think is overdone/underripe. I can deal with weird formatting & grammar to a certain extent but if I think my blorbos are being smoothed to fit an agenda, I'm out.
Thank you so much for asking @mattressdemon !!!!
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lenasai · 2 years
fic asks!! 23, 25, 39, 49, 50 (all/any)
oooooo thank you!!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
stories told through letters, journal entries, etc. are pretty cool! i think at one point i had an idea about niq nyong'o keeping a journal during season 24 (it's in my list of "things i want to write about")
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
i don't think i have ever passed the "write a blaseball fic without using reblase/before" test (so basically i have you to thank for making sure i don't completely fuck up things that happened on the site. thank you o7)
oh also the blaseball wiki
i just write blaseball fic so yeah
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
i can't think of anyone in particular, but i often find myself reading other people's stuff and going "wow i wish i could write stuff like that." it's too many people to list individually. all i'll say is...wow. blaseball fic writers are Good
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
oh fuck shit i'm still like 5000 words into putting the blorbos in the angst blender (which i put on hold because i got into a bunch of other creative projects recently and will probably not work on for a bit longer so i can work on [REDACTED] for the lift exchange)
yeah i can share a few lines. have some sibling dialogue
In Tokyo, the Sunbeams batter falls to its knees in the outfield, digging its fingers into the grass and watching its tears leave beads on the blades.
Out of the corner of its eye, it sees the Lift batter making a run for second, and without another thought, it takes off in a sprint.
The Lift batter doesn’t have much time to react before her sibling knocks her to the ground in a full-speed tackle.
“Out!” an umpire yells.
“Ow…” the Lift batter grumbles, rubbing the side of her head as she sits up. “What the hell was—“
“I thought you were going to die!” the Sunbeams batter wails. “You were up there forever! I was scared!”
“I…I was scared, too. I tried. I really did.”
“W-well, you should have tried harder!”
and then they hug :)
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
ooooooooo free choice! i'm gonna take question 3 because...yeah.
(3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?)
i sure do like to write about characters that are either very afraid of the future or very ashamed of their past. they all get hugs in the end because i think they deserve to be happy. i like to throw characters in the angst blender, but i write stories where it's clear people care about them and want them to be happy, too. even if it's more of a bittersweet ending, i try to give everyone at least some closure (for example, i specifically wrote the vault so parker and chorby couldn't interact with each other after the semi-centennial, but chorby does get to at least know parker's okay at the end of it all oops i just spoiled the ending lol)
basically i point at the blorbos and go "i want you to suffer but also you can have a hug"
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