#oooooooooooooh shit
separatist-apologist · 5 months
I once went to one of their inbox to tell them to please stop tagging elucien if their posts is just about bashing elriel and they basically told me to f*ck off and they can "do what they want" or whatever. I swear, these are the same little sh*ts that would complain about Elriels tagging elucien.
It's the fact that it's always the same 5 people that have literally no hobbies but complain about Elriels. They're lurking in the gwynriel tag too. They're covering the sweet content we're looking for with their bullshit posts.
I don't want to see the hurtful stuff they say about Lucien and Elucien, nor do I care about their theories and Interpretation. I blocked the elriel tag and some elriels so that I won't have to see their posts. Heck, I'm avoiding acotar content on Tik tok and Twitter just so I won't see anything elriel and anti elucien related. If I wanted to see anti elriel content, I'd go to the anti elriel tag. It's that simple.
The thing is, I also tried to be more open to the Elriel ship. I'm very confident in Elucien, but should Elriel be endgame then I want to be okay with it. However, these little shits that constantly shove statements from toxic elriels to my face make it very difficult for me. It brings me back to "Elriels are so toxic" thoughts.
Sry for the long rant. It just angers me.
Babe, I once told people to stop taking the bait and they told me to get off my high horse so I feel you on that. Is it getting on a high horse to say that not everything on the internet is made in good faith and by answering obvious trolls...you give them the fight they want? Wow you sure showed them.
But at its core, LB said it best. It's not a bipartisan system and you actually can't tell anything about a person based on the ship they like. If some folks had any self awareness they'd realize they are literally no better than the people they claim to hate and for every one person hyping them up, 8 others feel discouraged and burned out from all the negativity. A fandom can't sustain itself on pure spite- you need people who passionately love the series enough to draw art, write fic, create headcanons etc etc, and to that end you have to let go of the utter boring obsession with what is and is not canon.
I took screenshots of that post, and one person said "the author wrote it that way for a reason???" and to that I'd say, she wrote enough to make elriel a very popular ship, too. Are we picking and choosing? Are we saying you're not allowed to ship something if it isn't canon? No more Neris, no Rhysta, no Casslain, no Azris? And who gets to decide what is and is not canon? Someone on that post was discussing what "true" eluciens are, which excludes me along with a vast swath of other people.
I didn't elect any of these people to decide what I was allowed to write about or commission art for- Like the cherry picking so people can be faux outraged and then take screenshots of one of the most popular artists in the fandom, with a VERY distinct style to create a victim narrative that allows them to feel good about bullying is just overdone and boring at this point.
Anyway, I'll always advocate for blocking people and creating spaces that feel good. And I'll continue saying that if you hate something that much, you should stop engaging with it. No one is ever going to change my mind about elucien, I'm confident in my choices and even if SJM doesn't go that direction, I'll still be writing elucien like idgaf. The constant looking each other up to talk shit reeks of insecurity and boredom. Couldn't be me.
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godblooded · 1 year
good morning little gay people in my phone.
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queenofbaws · 4 months
i've said it before but i'm finally getting to it in the fic so i'll say it again:
my #1 motivation behind repeatedly screaming 'BUT WHAT IF THE FIDDLERS AND HACKETTS WERE RELATED THO' is the mental image of caleb and kaylee slowly but surely wearing down jack's crusty heart with their big ol' eyes and their total nonchalance towards violence, eventually winning him over enough that he (begrudgingly) wears the ridiculous t-shirts they gift him at every holiday, and you guys have GOT to view the whole au through that very, very specific lens to get the most out of the reading experience
he's not just their weird uncle - they've already got two (2) of those - he's THE WEIRDEST uncle of all time, and they are GOING to get him heelys, by god
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I cant choose between 39, 36 and 32 so I'll let you decide! (from the soft prompts)
39. There should be a word for a threat that is also a promise.  Because that is what I want you to hold me down and do. (I love you)
“If I were to leave one of these days, without telling you, what would you do?”
“Mmm... what?”
It wasn’t a fair question, and it doubly wasn’t an appropriate moment to ask it, but Faye didn’t care. This question always haunted her too late in the night, when her eyes should be heavy but she was wide awake, restless in her own head.
She wasn’t trying to test him. She used to want to, given their natures, as if she actually needed some greater proof of his love or loyalty. That was years ago, when they were younger and more foolish. More reckless.
Now? She was just curious. Scared, but willing to accept whatever answer he gave.
Because she thought about it sometimes. When she got tired and restless, itching for some new thing, any new thing, she thought about picking up where she left off and running away. It wasn’t like there was nothing for her here, it’s just here was too comfortable sometimes.
She loved comfort, but she could feel some piece of herself slipping away, sharp edges of her identity jabbing and aching as they left without her.
“If I left, Spike... what would you do?”
There was no good answer. No right way to make her feel better or worse. If he said nothing, he’d be damned. If he opened his mouth, she might cry.
Spike thought quietly in the darkness, his arm wrapped around her comforting and suffocating.
“I would miss you, but I wouldn’t stop you.”
His breath on her forehead felt like home. Her last home was currently a pile of ash and rubble.
“Whatever you need to do for yourself is your choice to make. I’m not going to stop you leaving, if that’s what you need. If I see you again, I can’t promise what kind of person I’ll be, either, but I won’t hate you for it.”
Spike’s arm retreated and he moved back slightly, just enough to take her face in his hands and wipe the tears from her cheeks. “I’m not going to ask if you’re leaving. I won’t ask you to stay, either. I don’t know what this is about, but if you need to go, there’s no stopping you. There’s never been a person in the whole universe who could stop you if you wanted something.”
Faye hiccuped, trying to blink away more tears. “I think about it sometimes,” she confessed. “What if there was? What if I need to be stopped?”
Spike smiled, a warm and firm smile. “I trust you too much to stop you.”
After a moment, he kissed her forehead. “If you asked me to chase you, I would. In a heartbeat, I would. But don’t ask me to stop you.”
Faye buried her face in his chest, allowing herself to be re-enveloped in his arms. “I don’t want to be stopped.“
“I know.”
“Would you really chase me?”
“In a heartbeat. But you would have to ask. I’m not a mind-reader, Faye; if you leave without a word, I won’t follow you. I trust you to do what you need to do. If you want to be followed, you have to give me something to know.”
“... Would you really not follow me if I didn’t say anything?”
“... No. But trust me, you don’t need to know that.”
Faye smiled to herself, the pressure finally easing from her chest.
Trust... it almost feels like like a threat, more than a promise. But this threat has no knives. Only heartbeats that are free.
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forgetmenotsystem · 5 months
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lovphobic · 2 years
lord that was a good pilot. and also the first time i cried over sarah
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negan comforting the reader after they go through a breakup,, fluff turned to smut? hehe
oooooooooooooh, good req. Fitting given the circs we find ourselves in
Requests are: OPEN
Distraction (18+ ONLY)
Negan x Reader (she/her pronouns)
CW: breakups, smut, choking, oral fixation (if you squint)
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There was only one place in the Sanctuary that was private enough to let yourself have a little cry. Only one, and you thought you were the only one who knew about it.
Turns out, you weren't.
"My, oh my," you heard a familiar voice call out, getting closer with every second. "What do we have here?"
You wiped at the lone tear that had been busily making its way down your cheek, plastered on a smile and turned around. Of course, it was Negan. You'd recognise that voice anywhere.
Oh- shit, it's Negan. You quickly dropped to your knees, lowering your eyes to the ground. You'd seen what the man had done to workers who disobeyed. You were decidedly not keen to follow in their footsteps.
"Oh, baby-" Negan's gloved right hand came down to turn your chin upwards, his expression rife with mock pity. "Are you cryin'? I know I'm a bad guy, but I'm not that bad."
You stifled a laugh, trying your damndest to not shy away from his touch.
"It's not you, Negan. It's-" you chewed into your lip. "My partner and I. We broke up."
Negan's mock-pity morphed into something that looked disturbingly like actual concern. Something not many saw from him.
"Honey, are you- shit, do you need to talk about it or somethin'? I'm not the best listener, but I can try." Negan lowers his hand from your chin and looks around in that decidedly Negan-esque fashion. "I don't see anyone else coming to your rescue. Come on, up now. A thing so pretty as you doesn't need to be in the mud."
You rose, dusting off your knees as best you could.
"I, uh. I don't need to talk about it, thanks." You reply with a tight smile. "Just maybe need a bit of a distraction."
Negan's gaze flits between your eyes for a moment, considering your words carefully. Considering the meaning behind them.
"Good thing for you, then," he says, leaning in a little closer, his voice dropping a little lower. "I like distractions."
It takes barely a second before your eyes are dilating at the thought of what this man could do to you. You'd never lie and say you hadn't thought about it. Or lie and say you'd never touched yourself to the thought of him in the dead of night when your now ex-partner was out. Negan was attractive. Shit, he was downright gorgeous.
"I- okay," you whisper. No point in dragging it out. You knew you wanted it. He knew you wanted it.
"Well, okay then." Negan's voice appears by the shell of your ear, his tongue flicking out to lightly brush the underside of your lobe. You suck in a breath, almost let out a whimper.
Negan chuckles darkly, knowing exactly what he's done. What he's started.
Suddenly, Negan's gloved hand is resting on your bottom lip. Just his pointer and middle finger. Your gaze flickers to his, lips opening to take his fingers in. His grin widens. If that's possible.
"Would you be so kind as to remove that for me?" He drawls, other hand brushing up your side.
Your teeth close around the glove, tugging slowly and tentatively at first. His eyes are trained on the action, tongue swiping unconsciously over his bottom lip.
You bite down a little harder as he slides his fingers from the glove. As soon as his hand is free from the leather confines, his hand is on your throat. Not pressing, just holding.
You gasp in surprise and the glove falls to the grass in front of you, forgotten. He chuckles a little louder this time, having discovered something you like.
"Oh, my dirty girl. You like that, huh?"
You struggle to nod as he holds just a bit tighter, your airways only slightly constricting. Predatorily, he pushes you back until you hit a wall.
Negan's left hand comes down to rub at you through your panties, light enough to feel but not hard enough to get any real relief.
You whimper, pressing down onto his fingers.
Negan tuts and roughly pushes you back into the wall so you can't move.
"Don't you want to be good for me, darling?" He asks, eyebrows pulling down in mock concern. You try your best to nod. "Mm, I thought so. Be a good girl for me."
You stop trying to rub yourself against his fingers and he grins. A wide-toothed wolf's grin.
"That's better."
You bite on your bottom lip hard enough to feel the pressure as he continues to tease you. This goes on for a few more minutes, him whispering filthy things into your ear. Fingers flexing against your throat.
It must be once you let out a frustrated whimper that he decides to have mercy on you. His fingers move in tight circles, pressing against you in earnest where you need it. He lets out a real laugh then, dark and hoarse.
Despite his fingers rubbing against you in a way that is so effective, you would think it would only come from someone else with a clit, it's not enough.
You're getting closer but it's just... not enough.
"Greedy baby, huh?" He asks, nipping at your ear. "That's okay. We have time."
Negan readjusts his fingers on you and without preamble shoves two fingers inside, delighting at the open-mouthed shameless moan that climbs its way out of your mouth. His thumb continues his assault on your clit.
"Now, I'm a patient man," he says, voice lifting for effect. "But you? I know you want it, darling. I know you want to cum for me."
Your eyes crack back open to find him watching you intently, eyes glinting. His fingers curl suddenly, making you choke out a whimper.
"Negan-I-" your voice cuts off in another moan when his thumb changes pace.
"Yeeees?" He asks, knowing damn well what you were about to say. His fingers slow down just to draw it out a little more.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum-" you rush out, hips starting to buck uncontrollably.
"Yes you are," he replies. "You are gonna cum all over my hands, aren't you?"
You can't even nod your agreement. His fingers tighten around your throat to all but cut off your air supply, his fingers piston your slick cunt, thumb grinding against your clit mercilessly.
"Cum for me, right now-" he growls. "Or not at all."
With that, the coil in your gut snaps, heat pulsing around his fingers. You realise in the haze that he's let go of your throat, allowing air back into your lungs. He laughs as you greedily suck air back in, moaning against him.
It's another minute or two before you come down, hips spasming.
"Now that," he chuckles, sucking air in through his teeth. "Is what I call a distraction."
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 7: "You know what you did!"
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Dipper POV
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There he is. My whole reason for breathing......fuck he looks just how I imagine. His skin is dark and tan, his hair golden with a mixture of brown, his body...tone and shaped, God his lips...and his one eye. I chuckle at the eye patch over his left eye. I begin walking towards Bill but stop mid step.
"Dipper no! Stay away from him!" I hear grunkle Ford shout.
I roll my eyes, turning around to meet his disapproving glare. I chuckle. "Of course, my joy has to be ruined by Mr. Killjoy himself." I joke.
Bill laughs and holds a thumbs up while spinning his cane with his free hand. "Good one, pinetree!"
I glance at Bill, smiling brightly for once. "Thank you, Bill. I learn from the best." I wink.
"D-Dipper....how could you?...D-Did you really kill Pacifica?"
"And Robbie?! Dipper, why would you kill my husband?!"
Bill and I both burst into fits of laughter. "Wow, redhead, you're more stupid than I thought! But what can you expect from a meatsack like you?"
My laughter calms as I look at the two hysterical women. "My my Wendy. Robbie must have fucked a few of your brain cells out. He was cheating on you. And with Tembry. I still have no idea how you miss that one." I chuckle.
Wendy shakes her head in disbelief. "Robbie would not cheat on me!"
I roll my eyes and look at Bill. "Mind showing her some proof then."
"Sure, pinetree!" Bill said as a hologram screen appears on the ground in front of everyone.
It showed Robbie making out with Tembry. I smirk, noticing myself behind the tree near them. "Ah yes... here's my favorite part." I said while watching myself kill them.
Mable and Wendy are sobbing messes while Stan and Ford stand in disbelief. I can't help but laugh at this beautiful sight of misery.
Mable starts walking towards me, but both Stan and Ford stop her. "Wh-why Dipper?! Why would you do something like this?! You're my brother! We're supposed to always be there for each other! How could you betray your family like this?! H-How could you betray me like this?!"
My bright smile quickly turns into a dark frown. Bill senses the anger rolling off of me in waves. He places a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down, but I shrug him off. Bill sighs, "You've done it now shooting star." He said while taking a few steps back from me.
"How could I? Supposed to always be there for each other?! That's rich coming from you, you know that?! Ever since we left gravity falls and gotten into high school, you completely changed! Your friends were more important! Boys that would always treat you like shit were more important! You would always get upset with me whenever I tried to protect you! And that day....oh God that day....I will never forgive you. You let him take me. Y-you let him do those things to me! You let him harass me! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME MABLE!" I place my hands on my face as my body begins to tremble. "I-If it wasn't for Bill....he would've raped me. Hehe...but its fine! It's all perfect! Because I killed him. Oooooooooooooh, the sound of his screams. The way he begged! You should've seen it, Mable! I bet you wouldn't want to be with him after knowing how much of a coward he was!" I laugh. "You've always been mom and dad's favorite, you know? I did everything I could to get them to notice how great of a son they had. Never failed a test. Passed all of my classes. Straight A's.....and yet...they couldn't look past the fact that their only son didn't like spots, never had a girlfriend, and to top it all off! -is gay. But it's whatever. I killed them, too."
Mable mouth dropped in shock. "Y-you....you what?" She whispers, barely audible to hear.
"Huh? What was that? You're normally loud and cheerful, Mable....I wonder where all of that went." I chuckle darkly. "Besides, you're useless to me. I don't need you, Mable. All I need is Bill... he's all I ever needed." I smile widely as I pull out my pistol and aim it at her. "I want you to deny everything I said... go ahead. Do it. Lie to them. Lie to the only friends and family you have left! Please do it...I've been dying to get your blood on my hands...."
Stan, Ford, and Wendy quickly stand in front of Mable protectively, and I laugh. "Oh, how could I almost forget?! You're their favorite, too! You've always been everyone's favorite! I'll kill you...I'll kill each and every one of you..."
Bill steps in between everyone with a smile. "now now as much as I'm enjoying this little show, these meatsacks could be of some use to us pinetree. Especially sixxter over there." He leans to whisper in my ear. "You forgot the rift pinetree. And the equation." He points out.
I look at him and sigh loudly. "Right....The two key components..." I put my pistol back inside my bag and pick it up. "Let's go, Bill." I said, turning my back to everyone.
"D-Dipper!....please I'm sorry!" Mable cries.
I turn my head. "I think you're a little late for that. Burn in hell with the rest of them." I said as Bill places a hand on my shoulder.
"Well, that was a great show, but it's time for us to go! Remember, reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold, bye!!" And with that, the two of us disappear into my secret place within the forest.
I sigh heavily, walking towards the first tree I see. I drop my bag to the ground as I begin punching it. My knuckles are now bloody, but I don't care. Any physical pain is better than the storm inside my mind and heart. "Stupid... stupid stupid...STUPID-"
I'm interrupted by Bill. He grabs my hands and turns me around so that I'm facing him. "Whoa there! As much as I enjoy the sight of pain and suffering,...witnessing yours is a bit...dull??" He said as if questioning his own emotions.
I roll my eyes and pull away from him. "Jee, thanks for your kind words, Bill."
"Why are you mad at me? I can't help that I find your pain a little.... boring? What words do you meatsacks use?....uughhhh!" He groans in frustration.
"Since you're struggling with using words, use actions, Bill. You're a idiot sometimes." I said while staring down at my blood knuckles.
Bill frowns and gently grabs my hands. He pulls them up to his face and slowly licks the blood from my knuckles. "Enough action for you, pinetree?" He chuckles.
My face quickly heats up with blush as I open my mouth, trying to speak, but no words come out. I can't help but watch him....and get a little turned on.
Bill stops and snaps his fingers, making bandages appear around my wounds. He smiles wickedly and spins around on his cane. "So pinetree! Any plans on how we're going to get the rift?"
I shake my head to rid myself out of my daze. I cough to clear my throat, looking away from him. "Simple. We trick Mable again."
"Tricking shooting star for the second time? How are we going to do that?" He questions with a playful frown.
I smile, sitting down on the flower filled ground. I pull out my journal and point to the instructions. "Mable is completely heartbroken. She'll do anything to get her old life back. Simply offer Mable land again, but this time, offer her to see the loved ones I killed."
"Not bad, pinetree, not bad at all!" He cheers.
"Of course, it's not a bad plan. I thought of it. So once you take control over Mable's body, you use this code to get into Ford's lab. It's located on the far end to the right. It isn't hard to miss. We need to hurry. And if things go south, I have a backup plan."
"Which is my nerdy pinetree?"
"I remember when I almost got myself killed by clones of well... myself when I was twelve.....I rather not tell you why I-"
"It was for the red head, wasn't it?" He questions with shock in his tone, which he's faking.
I glare at him. "Shut it. I was stupid. Anyways, I could clone myself and create a distraction for Mable and everyone else. I'm sure Ford had left over unicorn hair from the first time. And if he already placed it around the shack, then you might not be able to go inside. Even with being inside Mable's body. The spell blocks out magic of any kind, so..." I said while reading over the plans I had set for years now.
Bill loses his balance from standing on top of his cane and falls on top of me. He looks at me with a devilish smirk, leaning to close to my face. "My bad pinetree. I'm still getting used to this form."
I blush heavily, looking away from me. "I-Its fine, just get off s-so we can discuss more plans....." I said harshly.
"Enough about these plans! We're going to get the rift, but not right now. Let's do something fun first."
I raise an eyebrow. You never know with Bill when it comes to his definition of 'fun'. "Uh....what kind of fun?"
He leans in closer to my lips. "I want to...try what Those meatsacks were doing in the woods, you know... before you killed them."
My eyes widen as I shake my head. "N-not now, Bill! As much as I want to...w-we can't. We have important th-things to do-....mmmm!.....mhhmmm~"
Bill cuts me off with his sweet, plum lips. He pulls away, still itches from my lips. "You think too much. Think a little less. I do it all the time, and I turned out fine!"
I look at him blankly. "I doubt that -....aahh~" I moan as Bill creases my half harden length over my clothes.
"Such sass...and a smart mouth." He hums, sliding his tongue into my mouth and sworls it around mine.
I whimper as I move my hips, wanting more friction with his hand. He bites my bottom lip, holding my waist in place. "I decided when you're allowed to move." He growls with his teeth tugging at my bottom lip.
I moan as a response, and he smiles, sliding his tongue back into my mouth. His taste is so sweet...for a murdering dream demon. I wrap my tongue around his, feeling him pin my arms above my head. He pulls away, giving me air to breathe.
"B-Bill...." I whine, wanting so badly to move my hips against his.
"Yes, pinetree?" He hums against my neck before biting down, sucking against my skin.
"Aaahhhh~ bill... I want you..." I beg, moaning at the feeling of his lips against my neck.
"You already have me." He whispers into my ear, using his free hand to rub against my newly formed hickey. "Now everyone will know that you belong to me. Understood?" He said before biting and fanning his breath into my ear.
I whimper, nodding my head. "Yes, Bill.."
He pulls away, jumping up to his feet with a smile. He holds his hand out, his cane floating to him. He grabs it, leaning forward with his hands. "Now.....what was that plan again?" He asks innocently with a playful smirk.
I sit up with a frown, blush covering my whole face. I glare at him, kicking his cane out of his hands, enjoying him falling flat on his face. I stand up and kick him over, placing my foot on his chest.
"Bill...if you ever tease me like that again, I swear I'll -"
"You'll what pinetree?" He mocks, his smirk taunting me.
I lean down, grabbing him by his tie and pulling him itches away from my face. "I'll make you regret placing that mark on me. I know everything about you Bill....do you seriously want to take my words lightly? I don't make threats. I deliver promises."
He yelps and quickly nods his head. "Ok, ok! No more teasing."
"Now that's a good little dream, demon." I said before kissing his forehead, letting go of his tie and throwing him back to the ground. "Enough time wasting. Let's go give our final goodbyes to 'the pines family'."
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ohno-the-sun · 5 months
Guess what? >:D I didn't realised that you updated the luca fic since last time I visited, sooo... here we go :3
‘Wh– bah! Where are you going?’
I love how he unconsciously switched to "mind communication" ♡♡
Precious baby
‘You were trying to drown me!’
Oh you sweet, innocent baby you!🥺🥺🥺🥺
I also like how Moon was like "I will kill this bi-" and then after he actually arrived, he was all worry, and no anger "shit, this dumbass will kill himself. I will cure him. I should help."
Love the paralell, that Moon hates his human form and disgusted by it, meanwhile Sun do the same for his siren form.🥺🥺🥺 my poor babies. They need someone to tell them, both is ok.
‘I don’t think being a siren is an infection. It sucks sometimes–’
😭😭😭😭😭my babyyy. He is so pure. They are both so pure. Moon got some answers Sun slipped...he wants to relate to him. And he is so concerned about Sun's well being😭😭🥺🥺
There is so much they have to talk about.
But in the same time, I can imagine Bright pacing in the kitchen. Hearing this strange noises and warbling as they speak with eachother😭😭 I am so glad this communication is mind-bounded, because if Bright hears any of this out of context...
“Hey Sun are you guys done in here ‘cause I have to get dressed and–”
Oh no.... here we go...
–"only to notice the very obvious fact that I was stuck in the bathtub– as a siren– who couldn’t talk."
Oooooooooooooh :000
Now I feel dumb. I thought they could speak still human too, but chose not to.
“I’m naked"
The laugh I just let out😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 Oh nuuuu😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
‘I mean yeah– we need to suck it to breathe.
Ba dam css! 🥁😂😂
I love their banters♡
‘What’s family for?’
😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺♡ the way I melted🥺🥺🥺🥺
I imagine Bright watching Moon walk out without a word, like "wtf??? Where is my partner, what did you do to himmm!! >:(" and then wanting to give Sun a bit time to recover (which gives Sun time to soak in the water and get dry)
I am still interested tho how Moon got there :3 ... did he... really stole a car? He knows how to drive??
(Next chapter)
"Sun had suggested taking the car to the bank, but considering it was just a block down the road, I figured walking was better"
Oh no😰😰😰
Oh ok. Sun is smart about it. Or as smart as he can be without saying no to Bright ^^
"Alright, Mr. Fredrickson..."
Freddy got a new job?
Or this is a reference for another freddy👀👀
Not the glamrock one?👀👀
"My heart sank at the thought. Maybe I had been too pushy asking about Moon? Or maybe I was being annoying, or maybe he didn’t love me anymore–"
No no no Bright😭😭😭 don't internalise it!!! It is not your fault darling🥺🥺 this is not a healty for you...
"But before he could, a horn blared as a giant truck rushed past us. A wave of dirty street water filled my vision."
IT IS HAPPENING.... khm... I mean its very sad :(
You got me good...
With the glasses...
You! >:( /pos
“Sun I am not in the mood for a performance right now. Could you please just use your words and help me dry my glasses?”
Oh dear... if he could, he would have done so🥺
"The rest of the evening was spent ordering out dinner and watching an old sitcom on the television. We laughed and joked into the night."
This is the dream :,) ♡ man... what I would give for such a peaceful night...
It’s fine.
I’m fine.
I’m Sun.
Her Sunshine.There’s no rain on sunny days.
just bawling my eyes out😭😭😭😭
I, as a doctor, prescribe Sun a platonic cuddle session with Bright🥺
Waaaa entyter aaaawawaaawa!!
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I always love your thoughts you noticed so many little detail ough waa im so happy!!
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pink-lightsabre · 1 month
c3 105 thoughts dump
when... are we getting new opening titles... please i wanna see more of dorian in the beginning credits...
oooooooooooooh she's gonna broadcast downfall. "it'll harm everyone." while that is true. i dont think yall can hoard that information. personally.
we really didn't do any check about that. wow. that feels ill advised!!!!!!!!
a mass poisoning???????? perhaps a little like molaesmyr?????
it could be a trap! that's true! which is why IMOGEN NEEDED TO DO A CHECK ABOUT IT!!!!!!
do not. try to bargain with fearne's bio dad. please.
oooooooooh what IS ira doing. that's a great question.
"i thought we would have A plan and now it seems like we have A LOT of plans." dorian that's so relatable
man i wish the silken squall was at this meeting. i understand that theyre not bc they're very isolationist but. i want to see dorian interacting with his parents SO bad
the judicators are still so fucking creepy. and the fact that aeor had their own arcane version FUCKS me up.
"it's pretty low... 24." LMAO
i hope someone gave vex advanced warning that dragons were gonna be there. otherwise her favored enemy ranger sense gotta be going BANANAS.
braius flirting with dorian. absolutely hilarious. 12/10 sam i love it.
"i've got my faith in you. and my finger." // "it's a pretty big finger." // "dont underestimate me." ROBBIE
pie dice!!!!!!!! i love that.
oooooooooooooooooooh who is there. WHO IS THERE!!!!!!
fearne being poly is so special to me. i love it.
robbie cosplaying as dorian with the deep necklines of his shirts. is chefs kiss.
braius sticking his nose EVERYWHERE. way to go sam.
DORIAN'S DAD IS THERE?????????????????????????
i need to run laps around my house. i cant handle this.
oh no cyrus looked like their mom. D;
"i'll shake it off."
FIRE ASHARI!!!!!!!!!! robbie gets to know the feeling of a character he voiced being there! i love this for him.
related to that. i cannot w a i t for the robbie daymond c4 permanent cast member announcement.
zone of truth cast by a fucking dragon!!!!!!!! my god that's so cool. but jesus christ what is the DC on that. 20 apparently!
robbie calling himself the rizzler. hate that. LMAO.
it's not bolo. and that is a TRAGEDY. LONG LIVE BOLO.
people being upset that vm gets to take down the malleus key and m9 gets to take down the weave mind while bh takes down ludinus. understandable i suppose but COULD NOT be me. i love how interconnected c3 is to everything and i love the other heroes getting to take other shit down.
"time is short." // "and so am i."
"ash. just for a few minutes. lock it up." THAT'S RIGHT DORIAN.
ashton i swear to god... do not blow this...
PHEW thank god braius can lie. my god. SPECTACULAR work braius. way to fucking go.
saint graham... sam what the hell
travis peer pressuring his wife into using her abilities. i fucken love it.
LOVE the contingent from the matron's temple supporting laudna. absolutely wonderful.
i want. the first thing. that dorian's father says to him. to be about dorian wearing gold.
ashton going to talk and EVERYONE going "no no nonononono!!!!!" hugely relatable
okay okay that wasn't bad actually!!!! way to go ash!
magical girl fearne in her titan transformation. amazing.
a bard with performance anxiety! truly i love that so much. robbie ur mind. absolutely genius.
orym can you step up and talk about all dorian has to offer
"orym totally blue screens" oh so relatable. a HUGE mood. i've also been that horny.
chetney reminding everyone that he's old... old as balls...
all the speeches were so good. i am. of course. absolutely biased towards dorian's.
does chetney have A KID
liam GLARING at matt while he's playing dorian's dad. EXTREMELY relatable.
"word of cyrus's passing has reached us." O U G H E "we wanted to make sure you were properly aware." excuse me whilst i sob on the floor.
oh no. oh no this is not how i thought this was gonna go. oh no i'm gonna cry. dorian "locks up with physical affection" storm. my favorite for a reason.
OH NO SAM WEARING THE FRIDA HOODIE. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. frida still doesn't know what happened to fcg....
aaaaaaaaaaand there's the other shoe dropping! "those willing and capable" because you think dorian ISN'T?
y e a h this is more how i thought this was gonna go. oughe my heart.
there's dorian's anger! oh it is so precious to me.
i'm gonna throw up dude. oh my god. matt and robbie i love you. IS THE ZONE OF TRUTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a deeply revealing question!
"a smile and a look in his eyes you've been chasing your entire life. pride." O U G H E
"you made my favorite toys growing up." HAHA I KNEW IT.
THE C-POPPERS!!!!!!! chetney has a fan club this is so great.
"can i get a painty." m a t t h e w
chet calling imogen his assistant. what a throw back to dorian and imogen at the masque in jrusar.
braius you silver tongued motherfucker.... god that's so good
that's so funny. oh my god.
HOW MUCH HE LOVES DORIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liam obrien i am kissing you on the mouth
dorian and orym having so many conversations AROUND how much they love each other. never actually saying it. or talking to each other about it directly. makes me want to chew concrete.
oh ashton....................... i love u. i really do.
"i think what she said was trustworthy" AGAIN YOU WOULD HAVE A BETTER IDEA IF YOU DID A CHECK ABOUT IT
imogen and keyleth... kiki saying imogen reminds her of a younger her... saying she's gonna need to convince the rest of vm to do this malleus key mission... oh i am sick
matthew.......... why the random d20 roll
oh if we're going back to nana morri does that mean SOMEONE will FINALLY ask orym about his not new anymore magic and how/why/where it came from. or if there's a conversation between orym and nana morri about the state of his deal since fcg died.
chetney you dumbass. that was NEVER gonna happen. HER CALLING HIM A YOUNGIN. amazing.
the BQILF lmao
y'all simply HAVE to be more careful with ashton and the worshippers of the luxon. this is how people get kidnapped and experimented on in underground layers.
oh the tragedy of ashton only getting to be okay and not in pain when he's in the titan form. ugh that makes me so sad.
god i love callowmoore so much!!!
chetney is so excited about having a fan. i love this for travis so much LMAO.
"he made me a beautiful toy boat! i gave it to a street urchin." LMAO
this is truly so funny. i relate to this man so much.
"this is the room you're gonna die in." // "i'm okay with that."
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serendertothesquad · 4 months
Seren's Studies: The Odd Squad UK Gadget-Making Competition Video
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I was originally going to make this into a longer post where I discuss Odd Squad UK more in-depth, but to keep things simple (and to avoid frying my brain), I'm going to keep this and another post separated. They will be linked, though, so keep an eye out for an edit and a reblog in the coming months.
We got a first taste of OSUK a little over a week ago, and with it came quite a few things to dissect. Because Season 2 can't be the only season that gets something UK-exclusive that never made its way to the States and never will. Curl up, try to cry, cry anyway.
Join me below the break as I make a Thanksgiving feast out of mere crumbs. Or try to, anyway.
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Those of you who have been in the loop might have seen the BTS photos of the UK Headquarters on Instagram. This is what I can safely assume is the bullpen, going by the seal, the desk on the right with some kind of a green form, and...well I mean fuckin' look at it.
As you can see, it's an incredibly stark difference from the Headquarters seen in the past three seasons, though this one looks similar to S1 and S2's, for, y'know, obvious reasons. It actually looks more like something you'd see in some kind of a government building, like your local city hall or the DMV, than anything else.
There's not even any sliding doors either! Which is...well, I mean I watched Season 3, this surprises me next to none.
Take it all in...take it in...
...You took it in? Goood, goooooood. Moving on.
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-- The CBBC, probably, maybe
Anyway, this is our first look at a living, moving, breathing Captain Oooooooooooooh whoa what the FUCK is at the end of her ropes? Are...are those knitting needles? Stabby-stabs?
I'm...what even are those?
Okay, okay, someone else can answer that. I'm moreso interested in the smartwatch she's wearing, because Oprah and other Directors in the past haven't worn smartwatches. That, combined with how nautical she looks, donning upper clothing usually reserved for male Directors, and having a unique title, makes her have a rather unique appearance.
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"Orwell, I am giving a speech. What do you want."
"Someone stole your copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."
"Damn it!"
Jokes aside, we now get to the second newly-debuted living breathing moving character of this very short video: Orwell, a Security agent who's about as cheerful as someone whose entire family got run over by Cybertrucks. I don't know if I ever made this joke in any public form before, but in promotional images, he reminds me of Fin Tutuola and...well, with this video, the comparison just launched itself outta my head. Just a lil'. Not a whole lot. Only a lil'.
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Yeeeeeah...I'm starting to see how this is poorly edited. Captain O's and Orwell's voices coming through two different audio channels instead of the same one, no BGM in the beginning...this weird-ass cut to Ozzie...I mean I don't expect high quality, but come now. For one of the first promotional things for Odd Squad UK, you'd think they'd do better.
This is just a regular-ass home, isn't it. Lookit that Backrooms-esque kitchen there. Lookit the hypnosis wheel ta- no seriously, whose home is this, and if it's Ozzie's, why? And if it's Headquarters...again, why?
I do appreciate the tea set, though. The tea set is to the UK what sharing actors is to Canada. Don't do it, don't get tax credits.
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"The Mondays? In my Christian Headquarters?! Inconceivable! Blasphemous!"
No but seriously, this is the most unserious shit I have ever seen from Odd Squad as a franchise, and that is genuinely saying something. The Mondays isn't an odd disease. It's not an odd illness that will grant you extra limbs or make your blood turn blue. It's what everybody who has ever worked a paid job a single day in their life goes through.
*takes off the glasses* You're not boostin' my confidence, BBC.
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"It doesn't matter what we seem to do. We can't put a smile on his face."
(...Who the hell said McDonald's?)
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*slaps on helmet*
Mmmmmmmmmhm. Strap in, human beings. This is where the real shit gets even realer.
So as you can see, Ozzie isn't in his Investigation agent suit here. Promotional material has shown that he's in that suit pretty much all the time, and given how Orli doesn't appear in this video, it's safe to say that we can plop it into the pre-series era.
This specific department had people in the fandom theorizing for the longest time about what it was. Was it a new look for the Creature department? An updated piece of clothing from the Mobile Unit department? A new department enti- oh shit, wait, that's actually it, isn't it.
Yeah, so if you look at the wings on the hexagon symbol there, it's clear to see that this is some kind of a flight department. I'm just going to quote part of the official show synopsis here, so you folks can get a view of what I'm trying to get at:
Not to worry, brand-new agents Orli and Ozzie are on the case. Their job is to solve the toughest and oddest cases now wreaking havoc across the land, sea, and sky (and even that hard-to-reach area behind the couch cushions).
I might as well spit out a theory (one of few, believe you me) that have been spinning in my mind like a nuked rotisserie chicken clinging to life ever since Odd Squad UK was officially announced as a project.
*deep breath*
Okay. So. You guys know Captain O. Loves nautical things. Looks the part. Has assistants who look like sailors.
What if -- and hear me out for a moment -- what if she has a boat? One that can travel across the sea and across the sky?
For land, that's what the tubes are for. That's a nonissue. But for missions that involve going out onto open water or going high into the sky...that's what the boat is for. And if you have a boat that goes up into the sky, you're gonna need some agents who deal in flight matters.
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Headcanon accepted. If you hear screaming at any point this fall, assume it's me.
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*long exhale*
See, with Odd Squad, child actors can be hit-or-miss. Some, like Dalila Bela and Millie Davis, knock their roles right outta the park, sometimes even going beyond their abilities and really getting into character (for those two specifically, Olive and Oprah are relatable to their personalities as actors, so it makes things easier). Some are okay -- they're neither good nor bad. And some just don't have the range.
The kid playing Orwell here...is on the latter end.
I get it. It's a video out of a twelve "testing the waters for another season or series" episodes of a UK-based spinoff series in a franchise that keeps going nose-down. I shouldn't go in expecting top-notch quality. I'm setting the bar low, as are a host of other people. And I have absolutely no disrespect against the kid who plays Orwell, because for God sakes, I have standards. But twelve episodes of stiff, the-script-might-as-well-be-in-the-damn-hands-when-filming acting like this is gonna be really hard to stomach, especially since Orwell is a main character.
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Getting back to gooder things: this "yeeeeeeah, obviously" bit made me laugh harder than it should've. There is no customer service persona for Orwell here. Concept is foreign to him.
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Onom is, unfortunately, not in this episode. However, I do appreciate that the Lab is just as eccentric as he is. Not even Precinct 13579's Lab was this crazy!
(And if you're wondering who Onom is: he's the brother of the Pokemon Snom.)
(...No, I'm kidding. He's our Science man for this series. The gods are returning to their roots.)
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this video is about viewers making a gadget
orwell grabs a gadget for absolutely no reason other than by proxy
If this is giving a hint to contest entrants, they sure are being vague as hell about it.
If this is not giving a hint to contest entrants, Orwell's taking the gadget like it's the thing that made Onom go vamoosh in the first place.
Hold up-
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Wake up? Drank.
Feel sad? Drank.
Go to work? Drank.
Get paid jack shit? Drank.
Take a shower? Drank (with the tea bag you showered yourself with).
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Last season, they didn't commit enough to a whole entire newspaper page and had to use Lorem ipsum text.
This series, they have someone write words on a paper that are actually read.
I don't know, guys, that says a hell of a lot of things quality-wise.
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I see Onom's leaning real damn hard into the Oona archetype, because you can bet your damn asses she would pull this shit on Olympia, Otis, and Oprah with absolutely no remorse.
...No, let me correct myself: she has pulled this shit on them with absolutely no remorse. And fuck it, she'll do it again.
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They were probably expecting people to react like Captain O here.
In reality, my body folded in on itself so hard the local urgent care place became a 24/7 business.
...I'm starting to realize what that one person said about OSUK making references to past seasons/series now. I laughed it off. I said "in 12 episodes, that'll never happen."
But it did.
And it will haunt me so.
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The Emergency Un-Monday Protocol is the Odd Squad version of workplaces telling you "we're like a family".
It's an unneeded red flag that fucks people over royally.
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0/10, sweet summer child didn't even try.
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Let's be honest here: if Ozzie encapsulates the reaction you should have when listening to this left-audio-channel-only, bobbin-n-weavin', lip-syncing-does-not-exist bit, then that's...not really a good sign.
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Oooohoho no. I'm not the gal to turn to, kiddos. Not when I get the Mondays every goddamn day of the week.
...You're pointing at a person who feels crushing depression every time she walks into a Target, what are you doing-
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...God damn it, this eyebrow-raising makes me cackle. It's so unexpected.
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Honestly, I might be asking too much of a series that has the episode span of 70% of anime, but I want more fourth-wall-breaking moments like this. Keep the meta alive!
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"But please, no Slime-inators. I just washed my hair."
Ozzie's been to one too many Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for his liking.
That, or he's taking after Otis and his "regular hair".
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Terrible audio balancing aside...and the terrible timing of the logo bouncing...
...Oh wow, that's the other logo. The secondary one. Kinda cool!
So overall, this was...a rather disappointing first taste. Whether this sets the standard for the series remains to be seen, but I'm not all too hopeful. Maybe the September results video will see things improve.
That being said, the characters are at least pretty engaging thus far. I'll need to see them in action a little more to make any final decisions, though.
Like I said in the beginning, I'll be putting out a Seren's Study about OSUK when we get more info on it. I'm aiming for August, but it might come out in September when the results video does. We'll see.
For now, thanks for reading. If you want to see the video for yourself, it's here:
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ryuichirou · 4 months
More short ones today!
Anonymous asked:
Hii, I discovered your art for the first time on twitter a few months ago and I'd like to know how the battle to keep the account is going. Also I can't find the sfw account?? Like, it just vanished, did something happen?
P.S. : love your art style, it looks delectable
Hi Anon! Thank you for your support ❤️
The battle is still ongoing, well, we're sending appeals pretty regularly, but unfortunately no luck yet. The most difficult part is to get these people to actually reply :( It’s going to be over in a week, though, I’m tired of waiting.
There is no sfw account, but I can understand the confusion with our accounts right now...
@aoinoryush is just my super old personal account that we didn't really want to use to post art (other than that one time when we posted a FloIdi comic), so I created a new one.
@ryuichirou52622 is the new art account for both sfw and nsfw pieces, at least for the time being.
If you can't access either of them for some reason, please let me know!
Anonymous asked:
Did not realize I needed FloVil till this moment
It's how things always are with these two. You don't think of them, and then you see them, and boom... wow I needed that...
(Thank you ❤️)
Anonymous asked:
You once again got me barking at your art. Vil is just so.... UUUUUUUUUUGH he's so beautiful
Hehe thank you so much, Anon!! Barking is a very good reaction, I love it >:3
I am very happy I could draw Vil beautiful enough for this reaction...
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Anonymous asked:
Any context on the latest post?
There isn't any, to be honest; we were just in a FloVil mood, likely due to their interactions in the Playful Land event.
I guess Floyd was just feeling extra playful that day~
Anonymous asked:
U like ortho/Idia
Why not Jade/Floyd? Is it because ur highly against tops on tops?
We are not highly against it, Anon, but yes, we don't ship two characters that we consider tops together. It works both ways: their interactions don't feel shippy to us because they're tops; but at the same time they're tops because their interactions don't feel shippy to us. It's difficult to say which one is more true.
So yeah, we don't automatically ship every problematic ship just because it's problematic.
Funny enough, whenever I draw the Leech parents, they always look like just straight-up Floyd and Jade lol So maybe I am a hypocrite.
But then again, it's very difficult for us to picture Mama Leech and Papa Leech having sex... so maybe I am not a hypocrite....
Anonymous asked:
Your art made me look up the heights of Floyd and Vil, and it gave me a thought.
Cause Vil is taller than Floyd with heels, but shorter without. (183cm without, 196cm with, while Floyd is 191cm)
And I love myself a character that acts all tough until they get put in their place.
So Vil being taller than Floyd with his heels on, and he's acting all proper and like "you can't touch me" or something.
And then Floyd gets all smiley and immediately gets Vil off his high heels (bad joke), and now Vil's not so high-strung.
Plus, Floyd finally being able to look down at Vil instead of having to look up is probably something he would enjoy.
Idk. Just a thought :)
Anon! This is such a good point lol I've always wondered about Vil's height... Since he wears high heels pretty much all the time, he really should usually be about the Tweel's height or even taller... Much taller, if we consider Rook's info about his heels lengths as factual!
Floyd getting Vil off his high heels (great joke) is a very hot concept. Of course, heels or no heels, Vil won't lose his pride easily, but... what if this is only the beginning. 👀
In any case, Floyd would enjoy and probably tease him about it~
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metaladam · 5 months
He would kick down to the doors to the ballroom wearing nothing but his moo moo, sandals, sunglasses, and a single beer in his hand. Adam would look at the crowed with a shit eating grin on his face.
Looking at his date to his side the angel would waggle his eyebrows casually.
" Let's get you some punch babe! We can dance after, I've been practicing."
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs Cauldron Mu
I have been picking up a little bit of Horizon Forbidden West here and there, and got to one of my least favourite bits - Cauldrons, which they have now somehow made even more fucking daunting. But first...
Right. I think I can manage a quick rebel clear-out before I get to work.
Do I want to do it at nightfall?
Fuck yes I want to do it at nightfall. I have a Focus.
Right. Can I get a shot off before Aloy starts commenting on the base?
I can. RIGHT off his now very confused Charger. Now, off with the horn and ... Charger down. And a couple of people looking to check the place out. And you... And you.
...And you have a mask on. Well, I can double-tap; it's fine. No one's found me yet.
Off the battlements with you ... and you... And the leader's still blundering around, I guess. I'm going to need a vantage point, which means out of cover.
Yes, yes, you want my blood, yadda yadda, ARROW TO YOUR FACE.
I should probably see what happens if I only kill the leader, now that I'm beyond the "search the leader" prompt, buuuuuut... nah.
Okay, just gonna check out a few more campfires so I can move around a bit easier. Check out a few question marks and...
Huh. Black box. Under rubble. Can I use the pullcaster?
I can use the pullcaster. Black box is miiiiiiiiine.
Hmm. Cauldron. Do I have time?
Oof. It's guarded by Leaplashers. I HATE LEAPLASHERS. I will be waaaaay over here. Show me your belly, Leaplasher.
Yes. Good. Burrowers, Scroungers, and Leaplashers down. Now ... lemme have a quick Google and see what kind of thing the Cauldron's going to be, because they can be--
...Y'know what? No. No I do not have time for this I will check it out tonight sometime.
Right. Cauldron. Hooboy.
Okay, I'm in and I have climbed the vent. And... Ooh. Ropes. Cords. Whatever.
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE--ofuck Burrowers. One at a distance and thennnnnnnn... DEATH FROM ABOVE!
Okay, Death From Above was cool. Bye, Burrowers. Lemme see; where next?
Ah. The thing what I have to do with those drones, except these are sturdier. Cling and wheeeeeeeee...
Okay, now what-- Oh.
Oooooooooooooh this is gonna suck.
Okay. Across the other side. Ooh, and there's a Shellwalker and a Burrower.
Yes, I'm sure it's very nice that I can just sneak past them through the vent steam, but I WANNA SHOOT THEM.
And up we go and... Oh gods this gets WORSE.
Attempt 1 - failure. I mean, I didn't die, but I landed on one of these canister things and there's no grapple point to get me back up so I guess back to save point.
Please don't let the save point be the start of the Cauldron please please please pl-- YEEEEEEES.
Attemp 2 - failure. At least a) I go back to previous save point automatically because I fell in the purgewater or whatever the fuck it is, and b) I know where the last save point is so I'm not panicking so much. I should go even further down the sideways-clingy path, apparently.
Okay. This looks like a place where a game designer wrote "OBVIOUS DROP POINT. Here we go...
SUCCESS. Okay. Now what. Are you going to take me somewhere that I can--
Right. Right. Readyyyyyyyy ... YEET!
Aaaaaaaaaand I made it. And we haaaaaaaaaave ... Widemaws. It's okay. I can kill Widemaws.
RIGHT in the Purgewater compartments! SCORE!
Smoke bombs are win. Distance aaaaaaaaaaand...
BOOM right in the Purgewater compartment again!
Aaaand now I can override things. I mean ... I can. The question is whether I will.
Okay, you're going to yell at me until I override something, aren't you. Fine I will override the Scrounger, if it makes you happy. I shall name them Fluffy.
Oop. More Scroungers. Go get 'em, Fluffy!
...No wonder I beat you guys so handily. Fluffy, you can't attack for shit.
MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION. It's fine, Fluffy; I'll take the other two, no problem. Thank you for your honourable sacrifice. I guess.
Aaaaaaaaaand now we have Burrowers. FUCK OFF, BURROWERS.
Right. Lemme get another campfire and... Ooh, shinies over there. What's over there?
Leaplashers. Fucking hate Leaplashers.
Okay, the Leaplashers are dead, where the fuck did it drop that radar ball?!?
Oh, there it is. And there's lore. Woo!
Right. Seriously. CAMPFIRE. I am tired and-- Oooh. Longlegs. I need Longleg bits, if I remember right...
Antenna ... OFF. Concussion sac ... BOOM. Cassowary Gone Wrong Number 2? Second verse, same as the first, as @lovefrometernity says when spamming damage cantrips in D&D. And, as I was always taught to add, "A LITTLE BIT LOUDER AND A LITTLE BIT WORSE*!"
(* Worse for the Longleg, in this case. Just saying.)
There is probably green shiny around here; I could--
(Yes, I said "lo-fi Pokemon". Check out "Spirit City: Lofi Sessions" sometime.)
So yeah, that's the end of that for the night. I can scour the surrounding area for the green shiny as my pre-work faff-about tomorrow morning or something. Seriously, jumping puzzles, man. I'm surprised I did as well as I did. And it occurs that Mu was probably one of the easier ones. Heeeeeeeeeelp.
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lazitoelgato · 10 months
*does a big slide in lying on my side* Greetings. So about your art trademarks... The first thing that comes to mind is your lineart. It looks so sure, it looks like you know just what you are doing. It asserts dominance, in a way. As you said it's shapey and fast. Your special way of coloring too, the darkening everything down a bit, then adding a yellow on low opacity. You make black-grey-white drawings look glorious. I adore the way you draw animals, especially your fursona, everything about him is aesthetically pleasing, for some reason esp the "would you kick for 3€ drawing" you sent me once is stuck in my head. And no, I would not kick him, he is too precious for that. You've got top tier taste in body headcanons as well. Generally speaking your drawings have an aura of freedom about them, of a certain lightness, they look like they are fun for you, like they relax you, like you just let your hand flow like an experienced artist and like you don't get caught up on wheter it looks "right" or "wrong" too much (that is sth I struggle with), as if you know just what to do. Obviously I know not everything you do always turns out right first try, but there's just something so intuitive, flexible and yet decisive about your art. Probably because, as you say, you focus on conveying the feeling/message. I'll have to end it here. I adore everything you do (<- under time pressure)
Hah, my lineart is a "well shit I don't care about the result as long as you can recognize what I'm drawing" my current artstyle is a rebellious movement against my stupid ex-high standards. It changed with a big change in my life and I love that you see it as one of my trademarks.
I still don't know what I'm doing while coloring but it feels right I guess haha, the grey drawings are my laziness peak, my minimum effort moment, as long as I can convey feelings I'm okay with that.
I'm a furry so animals are my thing, even though I draw more humans bc I don't like unbalanced things, I can draw animals easily so I draw more humans until they get easier. Funfact about my Fursona, his colors were randomly picked, I had no idea about drawing or color theory
Cringe Laz old drawing warning:
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My body HC are an absolute threat to Level5 (most of them!) And I couldn't care less.
And oh 👉👈 well thanks,, you're right I draw for fun, I draw to communicate since god nerfed me with being ND (He actually boosted me) and I needed a way to expressing myself or die with my feelings. Sometimes I feel bad for drawing angsty things BUT I feel like I need them, sorry <3
In conclusion I don't know what's going on in my head while drawing, I just know oooooooooooooh FeiSarus
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acornwinter · 1 year
OOOOOOOOOOOOOh that's pretty great, I think u summed up why I thought they'd be a great fusion in fact. I 100% agree with everything and God they sound super entertaining to watch if they were a character! I'd also love to add they're incredibly sassy and blunt plus a schemer.
I AGREE W U MY DEAR! also endearments they’d call their friends by endearments like
“hey u piece of shit” “HEY
stuff like that yk?
also pick an emoji anon <3 for ur anon tag
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