#ooo I’ll put it in my car so it’ll be cold when I put it on again tonight
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browniefox · 4 years ago
@wrightfamilyweek day 1 - Pride and Joy :D
This is a sequel to my oneshot ‘Trucy and the Week Long Paranoia Game’ that you can read here.
Phoenix and Trucy talk about reasons for adopting someone.
It’s the end of a week of fear and worry and anxiety, and twenty-four hours spent on a plane. A moment of silence from all the questions rattling through her head, with Mr. Miles Edgeworth behind her, and now Trucy is back in California, back home, and her daddy is right there. The next thing to do is all too clear.
Trucy hugs her daddy and cries.
After Trucy has bawled into Daddy’s shoulder for what feels like a week and Daddy’s tears have drenched her hair, and her face has been covered in layers and layers of kisses, Daddy finally pulls away from her, a clear reluctance to the action, and grabs onto Miles’ hand. Then, with a quick and sudden yank that makes the man stumble, Daddy pulls Miles into hug too.
“God, Miles, really, thank you.” Daddy says fervently, insistently.
“Nnngh, o-of course.” Miles says. His words come out a little haltingly, but he returns the hug almost immediately.
“If… if you’re already here, you know, you should stay for a bit.” Daddy tells Miles. With them hugging like that, Trucy bets that Miles can’t see Daddy’s face, how hopeful it looks right then.
“... perhaps you’re right. It’s a long trip across the ocean, and a hard one to make in quick succession like your daughter just has. Perhaps we could meet up… tomorrow?” Miles offers.
“Well, my office-”
“Does not have nearly enough room to put up another person. I’ll see you tomorrow, Wright. Go home and… and talk to your daughter.” Miles’ eyes flicker over to her and he whispers something into Daddy’s ear. Daddy nods, looks at her too, and then nods again.
“Okay,” Daddy gives Miles a pat on the back, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Trucy sees how Daddy’s hand lingers on Miles shoulder for one, two, three seconds before he steps back to Trucy. He ruffles her hair and gives her forehead yet another kiss and squishes her face in his hands, all familiar actions from him, all things he’s done before. Something feels off about each and every one of them. She isn’t sure what makes them different. Maybe it’s him. Maybe it’s her.
It must be her. Her fault. From running away.
Trucy still feels gross from the plane ride, and there’s a brief moment where she thinks she might just throw up again. She doesn’t. What she does do is grab onto Daddy’s hand, holding onto it tightly. Her hand fits perfectly like that. Daddy squeezes her hand back just as tightly. With that, the two of them and Miles walk out of the airport.
There’s a big man waiting for them outside. She recognizes him, but only barely. His name is far more familiar to Trucy, the Detective Dick Gumshoe of Daddy’s old case files, the man who worked most of the murders that Daddy’s clients were accused of. Daddy had shown her a picture of the Detective, once, and told her that if she was ever in trouble and needed police help, she should talk to Gumshoe, because Gumshoe is a good man, and a friend, and she can trust him. Unless she’s been arrested, in which case nobody is her friend and she shouldn’t say or do anything until she’s talked to a lawyer.
(Trucy remembers right after her First Daddy disappeared how a bunch of policemen tried to talk to her about it, and her Daddy - then just Phoenix Wright, just the old boy who she’d handed off a piece of paper to and was supposed to help her First Daddy - telling her that she didn’t have to say anything, didn’t have to tell the policemen anything, even if they were being really mean or really nice or kept asking the same questions or it was going on for a really long time. He told her that just before policemen took him away so they could talk to him, too.)
“Oh good, she is okay,” Gumshoe sighs in relief, visibly slumping with emotion. He then sees Miles and his back straightens right out, “Mr. Edgeworth, sir, good to see you again!”
“Likewise, Gumshoe.” Miles says, his mouth twitching into a bare-bones smile. Despite its thin appearance, the expression has an odd kind of warmth to it that surprises Trucy. Miles had been kind throughout the entire flight, but also clearly uncomfortable, not talking to her much. He seemed to try and distract himself with anything and everything he could, but there was a tension and rigidness throughout his entire form from the moment the plane took off until it landed. He kept looking at her almost like he expected her to explode, like a bomb. Now, though, Miles looks much more in control of himself as well as his surroundings, “I’ll admit, however, that I’m surprised to find the police already on this case. I thought a missing person couldn’t be reported until twenty-four hours have passed.”
“Well, not officially, no, but I might’ve seen what I could do, you know, just with my own time.” Gumshoe says, scratching the back of his head. Daddy grins and pats Gumshoe on the back.
“Dick came running as soon as he heard. Really put up with me those first twelve hours.” Daddy says.
“Well, just because police work slow doesn’t mean we always have to! And, well, it’s your girl, we all know how much you worry about her.”
The three adults talk some more, but the sound of their voices seems to fade away as Trucy stares down at her shoes. Daddy was worried about her. Of course he was, but he’d been worried the entire time. She feels silly, now, for having run away, for having doubted him. But even then, even now, she isn’t sure what he wants from her. ‘Nothing’ is the answer, apparently, but still, still the other shoe feels like it’s hovering at eye-level, just waiting to drop.
Daddy’s still holding her hand. She gives it a squeeze, and he squeezes it back, and she tunes back into the three talking adults.
“Well, since I’m here, I can give you a ride to wherever it is you need to get to!” Gumshoe offers Miles.
“Hm, I already ordered a ride, but perhaps you could drive me by the prosecutor’s office before I head to my hotel. Wright, why don’t you take my ride.” Miles offers. Daddy stiffens slightly, in that way he does when a game looks like it’s starting to slip through his fingers, or when people on the street give him weird looks and start whispering and she gives his hand yet another squeeze.
“Miles, I really don’t-”
“Wright, it’s already been paid for. I, of course, have no issue letting such a frivolous amount of money go by, but there’s little to no reason to let something like this pass you by when you’re this far from the office at this hour of night, when most buses have already stopped working.” Miles says it with swiftness and clarity, leaving no room for argument. Daddy, however, still looks like he might try and argue anyway, so Trucy adds in her own opinion, tugging, Daddy’s arm a little and saying,
“Daddy, I wanna go home.”
The stubborn-expression that had been forming onto his face melts away almost immediately.
“Alright, let’s go home.” He says.
Daddy exchanges another hug with Miles and then one with Gumshoe. Gumshoe puts out his hand to give Trucy a handshake, but she gives him a big hug anyway and he chuckles, something that shakes through his entire chest, that she can feel when held up against it like that. It’s very nice. She might just like Gumshoe. Miles starts to go for a handshake, then aborts it halfway through, and gives her an awkward pat on the head.
“Be good for your father.” He says with a certain amount of ferventness.
“I will.” She tells him. She grabs the sleeve of his shirt and pulls on it until he catches on and kneels down to her level. Then, she gives him a pat on the head right back. He looks surprised, and Daddy laughs. Miles surprised expression morphs into a scowl, but there’s no heat behind it as he stands back up, rolling his shoulders and crossing his arms.
“I’ll be off then. I shall stop by your office tomorrow around noon. Please try and tidy it up, Maya tells me you’ve made the place into a hellscape.” He says hauntily.
“No promises.” Daddy says.
Miles and Gumshoe leave, and then she and daddy climb into a car. The stranger in the front offers them his ipad to play games on, but Daddy rejects it.  Trucy mainly stares out the window, and when she looks over, Daddy is too. His hand is out, though, still holding onto hers.
The car drops them off at the hotel across from the office, and they cross the street and climb the stairs back to home. The night is dark and quiet, and Trucy can’t help but to think it feels like a calm before a storm. She’s seen Daddy frustrated before, and get in fights with others before, but  she doesn’t think she’s ever seen him be well and truly mad. Now was probably as good a time as any, though. She wonders if it’ll be like Grandpa’s anger, all cold and silent. Maybe it’ll be like first Daddy’s, loud and raging, just barely a second away from throwing something.
“I know you’re tired, Trucy, but we need to talk.” Daddy says before Trucy can slip into her room. Slowly, she walks away from her door. He’s sitting on the couch, and he pats the spot next to him. She hops up. Daddy runs a hand over his face, feeling the stubble on his chin. He’s looking straight forward, not at her.
“Yes Daddy?” Trucy says. Daddy sighs, ending back on the couch, now looking up at the ceiling.
“... Trucy, you know I want what’s best for you, right?”
Trucy doesn’t know what to say to that at first, and the moment stretches on for far far too long. Daddy sighs again.
“I know that, but…” Trucy bites on her lip, “But isn’t there something else you want?”
“‘Something else I want’?” Daddy repeats. Trucy is avoiding looking at him. Her heart has relocated to her throat and her stomach is doing somersaults.
“I-it’s okay, I know I’m… but whatever it is you want from me, I just wanna know, okay?” Trucy swings her feet.
“Truce, why do you think I want something from you?” Daddy presses. Trucy shrugs and swings her feet harder.
“That’s what parents do. And after I… after what I…” She tries and tries and tries to say she gave him the piece of paper that got him disbarred, that she knows she did, that she’s really really sorry about it, but the words all stick to her tongue and get bungled up inside of her. Her face is getting hot, and her eyes are getting hot, and her chest feels like it’s going to explode.
“... Trucy, if you’re not happy here, you know you just have to tell me. Your happiness is what’s most important, okay?”
“But I am happy here!” Trucy wails, and just like that the flood gates give way and she starts sobbing. She turns and grabs onto her Daddy, crying into his soft gray hoodie, and he wraps her up in another hug, holding her close to him.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, hey it’s alright, I’m right here.” He says, a constant mumbling mantra. And he is right there, and he’s nice,and great, and willing to listen to her, and play with her. He’s not perfect, but he’s definitely trying, she can see that, she knows that.
“... j-j-just please, tell-tell me what you w-w-want from me! Please, Daddy!” Trucy cries, trembling, “M-Miles says you don’t want anything, b-but-but that can’t be right! You-you gotta want something! I-is it my help-help-help with poker? Is it revenge against my Daddy somehow? Is-is-is it something else! Please just t-t-t-tell me!” Trucy buries her face even more into him. He’s rubbing circles into her back, making little soothing ‘shush’ing sounds. He doesn’t say anything until she’s quieted down a bit.
“I guess I should’ve expected it was something big. Why else would you go all the way to Germany over it, huh?” He mumbles, “Truce, I didn’t have some kind of secret or evil motive behind taking you in. You were a kid, all alone. It wasn’t really a choice at all. I know what it’s like, to feel like the whole world is against you, and you’re alone and little and confused about what’s going on. I didn’t even think about how it might’ve looked to you. Or, well, I guess Miles brought it up, but I didn’t want to think about it.
“I… I am selfish, maybe, for wanting you to stay here. Trucy, you’re one of the few good things that have come to me in the past year, alright? Seeing you perform, seeing your smile, hearing your laughter… it means the world to me, okay? And if you’re not happy here - no, let me finish - if you’re not happy here, we can find somewhere where you can be, okay? I know I’m not like Zak; I don’t let you perform whenever you want, and I try to keep more track of your location, and I imagine it must be hard adjusting to my rules instead of the ones you were raised with. But I’m willing to learn and get better. And if that means starting with telling you that you matter to me, Trucy, that I love you, and that my reason for adopting you and keeping you around is just because I love you and the light you give my life, then I’ll start there, okay?”
Daddy gives her a small smile. He’s so open right now, and honest, no little tells twitching upon him.
Trucy squeezes onto his lap and lets herself be held for even longer.
Daddy isn’t Grandpa, or first Daddy, or Vallant, or anybody from the circus. He’s just Daddy, and maybe Trucy is still trying to figure out what htat means, but Daddy is trying to figure that out too.
They’re going to figure it out together.
“I love you, Daddy,” She tells him, “And I’m not going anywhere.”
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pappydaddy · 4 years ago
A Lumberjack and A Mullet (b.h.)
A/N: This was requested by a lovely Anon who wanted the reader to be like Bender from The Breakfast Club. Pronouns were not specified in the request so I went with my default pronouns (she/her) like I explain in my request rules. I hope you like it anon, this was very fun to write and it challenged me to get a bit out of my comfort-zone so thank you!! I tried to keep this a bit more light-hearted so this is not a good depiction of someone suffering through a situation such as this one. Sorry for the name, I could not for the life of me figure out what else to name it!
Disclaimer: This is an imagine that involves a very sensitive topic. This piece involves drug use (recreational), smoking, alcoholism, child abuse, violence, burns, an unhealthy home life - please read with caution. Reader’s discretion is advised. 
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader 
Show/Movie: Stranger Things
Part One - You’re here! | Part Two | Part Three 
Warnings: Mentions of drug use (recreational), smoking, alcoholism, child abuse, violence, burns, an unhealthy home life. Reader’s discretion is advised.
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Here are some resources from child abuse advocates:
- Child Maltreatment from World Health Organization   - Children Rights Organizations in Canada/some U.N.
If you or anyone you know faces the issues/treatment addressed in this imagine, please, please know that you are not alone, that someone out there can help you and understand what you are going through. Please never hesitate to reach out to organizations and advocates in your area. My DMs are always open for anyone who needs someone to talk to. Once again, please reach out to someone if you need help - there are tons of people to help. 
- not my gif - 
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  Billy Hargrove was broken. There wasn’t any way to get around that fact. He thought that he was the only one in the world who was broken, he thought he was the only one who faced the problems he did. Not once did he think that someone could relate to him on any level - let alone have it worse in any way. It wasn’t until he met Y/N that he realized that Neil was a scumbag, but someone might just have it worse than him. 
  It was Saturday detention when it dawned on him. Of course, this was far from his first Saturday detention he had served since arriving in Hawkins, but this was by far the most ground-breaking one. He had noticed Y/N before, how could he not? Y/N was in Saturday detention more often than he was - it was rare for him to be there and for her not to be.
  While he had seen her around out of detention just as much as in detention, he had never once talked to her. She mostly stuck to herself, except for when she was hanging out in the alley behind the gym with her group of friends. The most he ever heard her talk was mumbling a snarky comment under her breath. While he had never talked to her, he did find something rather intriguing about her. The teachers, and principles seemed to despise her even though he had never once seen or heard her do anything to land herself in detention other than recreational drug use with her friends or smoking a cig. So now, with them sitting alone in the spacious library of Hawkins High together, he had jumped on the chance to finally strike up a conversation with the girl. 
  “Hey, you,” Billy nudged his chin in her direction as if he could be talking to anyone else. She let out a groan of displeasure, lifting her head up off her arm just enough to look at him sitting down the table from her. “How’d you land yourself here for another weekend detention? One of your little snide comments accidentally come out louder than you had hoped?” He asked, watching as she flopped back in her chair, rubbing her tired face as she did so. 
  “I could ask you that same thing, Mouth-breather.” She snapped back, her hands falling to her jean clad thighs before resting one wrist on the table surface to fiddle with the pen she was supposed to write her detention essay with - which neither of them were actually going to do. Billy sucked in a breath through his teeth, pretending like her words had hurt him. 
  “Ooo, the girl dressed like a lumberjack bites back,” He smirked, flicking his eyes up and down her seated form quickly. She rolled her upper lip into a sneer when she caught him. “If I tell you why I’m here, you have to tell me why you’re here.” Billy bargained, leaning his elbows on the table, his tongue poking out to swipe at his lower lip, looking at her like she was a mouse and he was a cat. 
  “If it’ll get you to shut up and let me get back to sleep, then fine.” She grunted, just wanting him to get on with it. He poked his tongue into the corner of his upturned lips, trying to stop the victorious smile from stretching onto his face as his eyes lit up. 
  “All right, a teacher caught me sliding a Polaroid of my dick to Savannah Queens,” Billy spoke as if he was proud that he got caught and was boasting about it. “Your turn, Lumberjack.” He winked, earning another sneer from Y/N in return. Heaving a sigh, she gave him an annoyed look. 
  “Since you’re so interested, I got caught putting my cig out on Mr. Hanson’s car while skipping class,” She informed him, shifting in her seat as she prepared herself to fall back to sleep. “Happy now?” 
  “Not quite, Lumberjack,” He shook his head. A loud groan omitted from her as she collected herself back up to look at him. “Why are you so tired?” He asked simply. 
  “Because I am, you talking mullet,” She bit back, just wanting to sleep. “Now if you don’t want your pretty blonde mullet ripped out of your skull, I suggest you let me sleep.” With that, she dropped her head back to her extended arm and turned her back to Billy. 
  “I’m so scared, the Lumberjack is threatening me.” He tried to keep the conversation up, finding her even more intriguing, but she ceased all attempted conversations by raising her middle finger and flicking him off without daring to move any other muscles than needed. It wasn’t fear that shut him up, but it was the fact that she didn’t seem phased or even scared of him. He was used to people cowering from him, but she didn’t. He watched her, totally confused by her lack of fear towards him. He most certainly wasn’t giving up on her.
  It was past lunch when she finally woke up. Sitting up and stretching her arms and back. Billy looked over at her from his obscure doodles in blue ink on the paper in front of him. “Look who finally wakes, the Sleeping Lumberjack.” He grins, looking back down at his current drawing. 
  “Piss off, Hargrove.” She rebutted. 
  “Sheesh, I thought you were just not a morning person, but I guess you’re just a bitch around the clock, huh?” He poked at her, tempted to see how far he could push her. She turned a deadly glare at him, picking up her own pen. 
  “You would be a bitch around the clock too if you didn’t get sleep, Hargrove. So shut up and leave me alone.” She snapped, pulling her eyes from him to look at her paper. 
  “And why, pray tell, did you not sleep last night, Y/L/N?” He mused, resting his chin on his fist, his elbow digging into the hard wooden table top. “
  None of your business,” She said defensively, trying to pretend like that question hadn’t affected her, but Billy noticed the way her pen stilled for a split second as her body tensed. He pressed his lips together, inspecting her. “Not like you’d understand anyway.” 
  Billy scoffed at this, rolling his eyes. “Try me, I bet I’ll understand the deep troubles of Y/N Y/L/N better than you think.”
  It was her turn to scoff. “I can guarantee that you won’t.” 
  “Is that so,” Billy asked, his teasing mood gone. His eyes stared cold at the side of her face, his nose flaring as she dared to question how much he knew trouble - though he couldn’t even begin to guess the trouble she knew. “Is it worse than your father throwing a whiskey glass at your head simply because you came home in the middle of his show? How about having him throw you against the wall because you accidentally bumped into your step-sister? Still think I can’t understand your little sleeping problem?” 
  She turned to look at him with an eerily calm face, but her eyes were as cold as the ice when they met his flaming ones. “You won’t until you can’t sleep because your father had burned your arms all over with a lit cigarette and is drunkenly yelling while trying to open your barricaded door as you huddle in a dark corner just hoping he will pass out soon so that maybe you can get some sleep that night,” Her words were calm, matching her eerie feeling. She perked an eyebrow at him in question. “Still think you can understand my little sleeping problem?” She asked sarcastically. He gulped, taken back by the information he was just given. He had no idea someone as docile as Y/N faced something so vulgar and monstrous as that. 
  “I’m sorry, I-I had no idea, Y/N-“ 
  “Yeah, no shit, nobody does,” She interrupted his uncharacteristic apology. He was too shocked to do anything but apologize. She stood up, her chair screeching against the tiled floor. Billy didn’t even cringe at the horrible sound as he watched her with his mouth hanging open. “I have to go get a book for my essay.” She lied, slinking off towards the back of the Library. Billy watched her until she disappeared behind one of the tall bookshelves, his eyes staying in the one spot he last saw her in. 
  It had been a few hours, they only had about one hour left of detention. Y/N had her nose stuffed in a book, her pen marking the pages of it. Billy wanted to apologize again, but he knew she probably wouldn’t take it. Casting another look towards her, he spoke up. “You know, I’ve got a really good spot where no one can find you if you want to use it to escape your father.” 
  She looked up from her book to set her gaze on him. “Why would you tell me your secret spot?” She asked him as if he was stupid and to her, the suggestion was completely stupid. Giving his secret spot he used to escape people to another person? 
  Billy sighed, shifting in his seat to fully face her. “Because I might not understand your issue with sleep, but I understand shitty fathers,” He connected to her. “You don’t have to go through this alone, you know? I can help you, we can help each other.” He didn’t understand where the sudden sympathy and want to help someone came from, maybe it was her helping him already, maybe it was something else, but he did know that they could help each other with many different things. 
  She hummed, thinking it over. “Maybe we could go there together after detention, if I wait a few more hours before going home, my father will be either passed out drunk or off to some seedy motel for the weekend. Either way, it’s safer for me.” It was then that Billy had finally realized that his life sucked, but someone else could have a sucky life too. It wasn’t just him, there were other people in this world that are suffering too. 
  “Yeah, it’s a date.” He nodded, suddenly feeling like he never wanted her to go home. He felt like he wanted to help her in some way or another.
  “It’s a date.” She whispered, for once, no hostility in her voice or an eerily calm composure. It was almost warm and accepting. Just then, the library doors slammed open, revealing the principle marching in. They snapped their attention to the stern man, his dress shoes slapping against the pristine tiles. 
  “You two are free to go an hour early, apparently the Superintendent scheduled the Library’s ceiling tiles to be replaced today and tomorrow without telling anyone,” His gruff voice grumbled in displeasure. “You two will make the hour up in after-school detention on Monday, if you’re not there, it’s tacked onto another Saturday detention.” He warned them before making his exit. Billy and Y/N stood up, gathering their bags and jackets from the floor. 
  “Are you hungry? Neither of us have eaten anything so why don’t we stop for a burger and fries before heading to my spot?” Billy asked as they walked into the empty hall, slinging his bag over his shoulder as they walked.
  Y/N nodded, pulling her jacket on as she switched her bag from hand to hand to do so, finally placing it on her shoulder. Looking up at him, he could see the faintest smile playing at her lips and it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. “I could go for a burger and fries.” 
  “Great, let’s hurry then, Lumberjack.” He sped up from their leisurely stroll over so slightly, her matching his new speed instantly. Seamlessly, their hands clasped each other’s, their fingers lacing together gently. 
  “Whatever you say, Mullet.”   
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nokia75 · 5 years ago
Hi guys anyway without further a-doo let's get on with the chapter-ooo.
Chapter 9
Mme. Bustiers class was having a trip it was gonna be international since they all donated.
Marinette had already set this up but Lila took advantage of her being not here and said that she did it all.
The class could choose from these countries:
Gotham (America)
The class chose Gotham since many wanted to go to achu but Lila denied and said Gotham .
And obviously Lila knows best.
The class was leaving on Saturday.
And it was Friday so they all got excused for the day so they can pack.
Marinette and Damian walked to the car and drove to WE ( Wayne Enterprise).
When they arrived they both got off and Damian took a key from his jacket and unlocked they door.
The two went up some stairs and made it to the top garden.
They walked to this area.
Marinette was shivering from the cold and Damian must have noticed because he said.
"Are you that cold ? I could give my jacket here"
"But you'll freeze" Marinette protested .
"I'm used to the weather I'm fine"
"Are you sure"
"Ugh fine"
And with that they kept walking till they got to this cove thingy.
It had many vines and it made some like done around it and it had some very pretty flowers attached to it.
Marinette and Damian went in and it was huge from the inside.
The 2 cuddled up and watched the sun rise .
After that they decided to play 20 questions .
"Why do you have dark energy in you ?" Marinette asked.
"That's a long story Angel but I'll tell you the short version I was going to die so they put me in the Lazarus pit . It's what brought me alive even Jason has it." Damian responded.
"Well today is your lucky day because I think I can help. You see I think I can tale the dark magic out from you because if I don't it'll corrupt your mind I'll just suck it out without damaging you."
"Ok but be careful"
So Marinette took her hand and placed it on his heart she sucked up all the Lazarus dark magic and it turned to a green ball and Tikki then destroyed it.
But then Damian fell a limp so Marinette panicked and didn't know what to do so she called Bruce .
"Bruce help Damian told me about his time in Lazarus and I thought I could suck the magic out since it will corrupt him and I did it worked and I destroyed it but now he just fell a limp I don't know what to do can you ple-"
"Marinette calm down I'll get Jason wheee are you"
"Im at the gardens of WE."
"Ok he'll be there in a few minutes"
And true to his word Jason was there after a few minutes.
Jason ran to Marinette and asked what happened and she explained.
So Jason carries Damian to the manor and Alfred brought him to the bat cave .
Marinette went down after them and asked Alfred if he will be alright.
"Yes he just passed out he'll wake in a few hours"
"Oh thank gosh"
Then all the bat can excluding Damian sat i. The living room with Marinette and asked her what happened.
"Well we were playing 20 questions and I asked why does he have dark magic in him and he explained that he died and they put him in the Lazarus pit so I thought I could take it out of him because if I don't it'll corrupt his mind so I did and it worked and Tikki destroyed it but then he fell limp and I panicked"
"You think you could do it to me" Jason asked curiously.
And so she then came next to him and put her hand on his heart she then sucked out the Lazarus dark magic and Tikki came out and destroyed it.
"Wow" Jason said before he passed out too.
So then Dick put him on the couch and they all waited till the others woke up.
But then Bruce said
"There is an exchange class coming tomorrow and it has a tour of the Wayne tower on Sunday can Marinette and Tim take it ?"
"Kk" Tim responded.
"Sure" Marinette replied.
The class arrived at t Gotham that day and made it to the hotel.
The rooms were:
They all took there keys and settled in.
Hello people of Mother Earth 🌏 again hope you like this chapter . Now bye,
Lily out.
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sckyie · 4 years ago
part 19: blink
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written portion:
Akaashi woke up before you and found you clinging to his torso. He could hear your breathing and in any attempt in getting up, you began to whimper in your sleep. You were snuggled against Akaashi's chest and had your legs intertwined with his. Akaashi began to run his fingers through your hair while waiting for you to wake up.
Bokuto, being the energetic boy he is, entered Akaashi's room without knocking. The rest of his roommate stood behind him but Akaashi almost immediately gave them the death stare. Hearing the footsteps shuffling, you slowly began to wake up. Akaashi shooed the eager boys away as your eyes began to flutter open.
"What?" You mumbled. You found yourself engulfed in Akaashi's arms which almost caused you to panic. "Akaashi!"
"Well good morning to you too," He chuckled as you wiggled out of his hold to find yourself dressed in his shirt.
"Did we- No you wouldn't do that- Ow-" You groaned as your head began to pound. "What did I do last night?"
Akaashi sat up and watched as you covered your eyes with your hands. "We didn't do anything. You just cried over a movie and kept wanting to kiss or hug me."
"Did I say anything stupid?" You peeked through your fingers.
"You called Oikawa Okinawa, told Tsukishima he acts like how sparkling water tastes, and kept telling Bokuto to hoot," Akaashi explained.
You fell back on the mattress, trying to hide your face. "I hate myself," You groaned. You sat up and looked over at the door and notice shadows casting under the doorframe. You got up, tripped over yourself, but made it to the door. The second you opened it, revealed the rest of the household.
"I- Uh- Good morning Y/n," Bokuto stuttering.
"We were just- uh admiring the decorations-" Oikawa blurted.
"That wall is blank," You pointed out.
"We were listening to your conversation," Tsukishima said bluntly.
"Tsukki!" Kuroo punched his arm.
"Thanks blondie," You closed the door on the group and turned to Akaashi. "Can you drop me off? I wanna go home to shower- oh shit."
"What's wrong?" Akaashi walked up to you to fix your hair.
"I don't have pants," You pouted.
"You can borrow my old volleyball shorts," He smiled. "I washed your jacket by the way. You dropped it in a puddle when we were walking into the house."
"Thanks Akaashi," You sighed.
After getting changed and passing through his nosy roommates, Akaashi drove you to your house. "I'll call you later," You say. Akaashi turns to you and pecks your cheek. You cheeks almost immediately turned red. You turned to face him and kissed right beside his lips. "See you." You rush out of his car and sped walked to your front door.
Once inside, you find your cousin face down on the couch, Hinata holding onto Daichi and Sugawara hiding in a blanket. "Geez what happened to them?" You ask.
Kageyama heard your voice and perked up. "This is your fault!" He pointed at you. "You said that we should go out drinking!"
"No! You said yourself that you and Hinata were bored! Suga was the one who suggested drinking!" You argued.
"Hey! Leave me out of this!" Sugawara yelled. In the midst of you and your cousin arguing, Daichi wiggled out of Hinata's hold.
"Both of you shut up!" Daichi growled. The room fell silent and you began to explain what you did last night. After cleaning up and taking care of your hangover, Akaashi texted you.
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Around six, you began to get ready to go out. You pulled your hair up and got dressed. You adjusted your scarf in the mirror before hearing a knock at your door.
"Hey, do you- Oh? Where are you going?" Asahi asks as he entered the room.
"Akaashi is taking me out somewhere," You say.
"Ooo, where to?" Asahi seats himself on the bed and watches as you got ready.
"Not sure," You say. You turn to Asahi to get approval of your outfit.
"Looks good. Man, why hasn't he asked you out yet?" He asked.
"I don't know! I'm just waiting patiently," You sighed. "Y'know when I was drunk, all I could ask was why he won't ask me out."
"Maybe he'll ask you out today?" Asahi suggests. You punch his shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Getting my hopes up," You say. You see a message from Akaashi then turn to Asahi. "Get out of my room now, he's here to pick me up." Your roommate leaves the room ahead of you. You quickly grabbed you keys, said goodbye to the boys and headed outside. Akaashi unlocks the doors to his car as you approached.
“Here, it’ll help with the hangover,” He hands you a drink as you settle in the car.
“Thank you, where are we going?” You ask. 
“Somewhere,” Akaashi says. You sighed and just went with whatever he said. As he drove, some of the roads became familiar.
“Wait-” You sat up as Akaashi pulled into a back road. “Are we going to mountain point?”
“I knew you’d figure it out. Kageyama said you used to go here when you were younger,” He says, parking the car. “You ready?”
The two of you got out of the car, Akaashi carrying something behind him and hiked a little to the cliff side. To which there was a picnic set up by the benches. “Did you set this up?” You smiled. He nodded and led you to the picnic blanket. You sat down beside him as he put a basket of food between the two of you. 
You moved the cloth away from the top of the basket to reveal your favorite foods and your favorite boba drink. “I thought it’d be nice to have a little picnic as the sun sets,” Akaashi explained. You pecked his cheek before you both began to munch on your dinner. It was a nice feeling just to be with Akaashi and not to worry about any bad things in the world. 
Once it turned dark, you two moved to sit down at the back of his car with the trunk open. You sat close to him as the wind began to blow cold air against your arms. “Thank you Akaashi,” You say. “Thank you for making me happy these past few weeks. Thank you for taking care of me when I was drunk.”
“Thank you Y/n,” He responded. You sat up and looked at him. “Thank you for giving me another chance. I put you through some shitty things but I’m glad you let me back into your life. You could’ve said goodbye to me once- well you know what I’m talking about but you didn’t. And I’ll take care of you any day, drunk or not, I’ll try my best to be there for you.” Akaashi turns to reach something behind him.
“What are you getting?” You questioned. He turns back to you and holds a box.
“When you were drunk, you kept asking me a question,” He chuckled. “I guess I was just trying to figure out how to. So, Y/n, I was wondering if you’d be mine, officially?”
Akaashi hands you the box and you open it to reveal three muffins. “Are you serious?” You looked up at him. “I hate poppy seed muffins.”
“Huh?” He laughed. “Did you hear what I said?”
“Yes I did,” You leaned over and kissed his lips. Sitting back down, you pulled out the muffins. “Yes, I’d like to be yours. But next time, not poppy seed muffins.” You chuckled as you handed him one of the muffins.
“You’re something else, y’know?” Akaashi laughed. He pecks your cheek as you picked off and ate small pieces of the muffin.
“Hope you know, you’ll find a bunch of googly eyes around your room now,” You smiled. You pecked his lips once more.
a/n: one last one after this :O
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @anngelllla @kac-chowsballs @elianetsantana @ntimacy @winunk
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calpalirwin · 5 years ago
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Summary: Female reader approaches Ashton in a yoga class because he looks safer than the douchebag frat boys in the back. Spoiler alert: she was right.
Content: Stupid boys who try to press their luck, and a man and woman who are having none of it.
Word count: Have I ever told you how many words I write? Would it matter if I did? We both know you’re gonna read it anyway (I’m snarky this fine day and I make zero apologies for it.)
And away, and away we go!
You frowned as you looked around for a place to set your yoga mat down. You wanted to be near the front, but you definitely didn’t want to be in front of the group of frat guys checking out every girl’s ass as they snickered in the back. Your eyes glanced across the man sitting cross-legged on his mat with his eyes closed. He looked threatening, with his massive arms and legs, but his face looked so peaceful. He definitely seemed safer than the frat douches. “Excuse me,” you said softly, poking his shoulder to get his attention. 
He opened his eyes- a stunning mixture of green and goldish hues- and turned his head to look at you. “Hey,” he offered with a soft smile. 
“Hey,” you said back. “Is it cool if I set up my mat here? You’re not waiting for anybody are you?”
“Be my guest,” he told you, his eyes closing again.
You opened your eyes as you breathed out, noticing the frat boys behind you. They were barely in the pose at all, nodding at the girls in front of them and wiggling their eyebrows suggestively at each other. You shot one a death glare when he winked at you and made a kissy face. God, did boys ever grow up? you wondered as your gaze flicked to the man next to you. 
His eyes were closed as he raised his body on his fingertips, his heels lifting off the floor as he arched deeper in the pose.
“And exhale into upward facing dog,” the instructor said and you watched as the man moved seamlessly into the next pose. God, he moved beautifully, you thought as you followed suit, feeling your muscles stretch with your movements. You rolled your eyes at the snickered “doggy-style” jokes from the boys behind you, noticing the way the man’s jaw tensed their words.
“You always this flexible?” one of the frat douches came up to you after class, leaning a hand against the wall. 
“Go away,” you said, avoiding his gaze as you put your mat in your bag. 
“Aw, c’mon, doll. Let me see how that body moves.”
“Oh, this body’s gonna move alright,” you growled. “Gonna move my fist straight into your face if you don’t leave me alone.”
“Ooo, you’re feisty. I like it,” he said, reaching out a hand to caress your cheek. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for him to touch you, grateful it was just your face. “Hey, sweetheart, you ready?” a voice asked, as a hand rested protectively on your shoulder instead of your cheek. 
You opened your eyes to see the handsome stranger standing next to you. He kept his hand on your shoulder, but he kept it steady, not adding any more pressure to the touch than necessary. His gaze was heavy on the frat boy, his face neutral but his eyes flashing dangerously like he was daring Frat Boy to try something in his presence. “Yeah, babe,” you answered with a bright smile at Frat Boy who’s cocky grin got wiped from his face and he slunk off. “Thank you,” you whispered once the boy was gone.
“Need me to walk you to your car?”
“No, I’ll be okay. Thanks, babe,” you winked. 
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
The man was there again, in the same position he was when you found him last week. “Hey babe,” you grinned as you set up next to him. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said, opening his eyes and smiling at you. It was a cute smile that made crinkles around his eyes. Soft and unassuming. A dimple creating a small crater in his cheek. 
You both looked behind you at the frat boys who immediately averted their gaze when you both caught them eyeing your body. “What is it about men and thinking women are obligated to bend to their will?” you wondered out loud. 
“Boys, sweetheart. Men don’t think that way,” Babe corrected.
“You signing up for more classes, babe?” you asked him after the tenth and final class. You had been debating whether or not to continue yourself. While the frat boys had left you alone, you weren’t eager to repeat the experience without Babe’s protective presence. Not that you needed protection. But, unfortunately boys respected men more than they respected women. 
“Of course. Gotta protect my sweetheart,” he winked. 
Your cheeks flushed. “I don’t…”
“I know you don’t. I saw the way you almost bashed his teeth in after that first class. I only stepped in because I didn’t want you to hurt your hand.”
You smiled. You still didn’t know his name, but that didn’t stop you from feeling connected to him. “See you next week, babe.”
“Not if I see you first, sweetheart.”
It was dark as you made your way into the gym. You liked going early in the morning as it was less crowded as the world still slept, and the floor-to-ceiling windows gave a view of the sunrise that was the best damn way to start your day.
“Hey, doll,” the voice whispered close to your ear, making your blood run cold.
You squared your shoulders and kept walking.
“Hey, I’m talking to you,” he said, grabbing your arm.
“That’s nice,” you said, your skin on fire, and not in a good way.
“Not so brave without that boy of yours, huh?”
“Says the boy approaching a woman alone in the dark after she expressed her disinterest.”
“You resisting only makes this more enjoyable, doll.”
You rolled your eyes, refusing to give him the satisfaction of him knowing that he scared you. “You don’t scare me.”
“Is that why you need your bodyguard? Because I don’t scare you? C’mon, we all know he isn’t really your boyfriend.”
“The only thing I need is for you to leave me alone.”
“Nah, I don’t think so.”
“That’s a shame,” another familiar voice sounded, “but this isn’t about you, mate.” Babe’s arm snaked around your shoulder. “You good?” he whispered low enough for only you to hear as his lips barely pressed up against your cheek. Then, for Frat Boy’s benefit, “Sweetheart, you left your water in the car.”
Frat Boy muttered something under his breath and stalked off. You went weak with relief and it was a good thing Babe still had his arm around you. “Whoa,” he said, adjusting his hold to keep you from falling, immediately dropping his arms to his side when he was sure you could stand upright.
You turned into him as a frightened sob racked through your body. “Thank you,” you said, lifting you head to look up at him.
He kept his arms at his sides, fighting the urge to wrap you tightly in his arms. “Told you I’d see you first, sweetheart,” he said, hands going in the pockets of his leather jacket, the sunrise making the colors in his eyes dance wildly.
“It’s Y/N,” you told him.
“Ashton,” he answered.
“I think this is the part where the saving lead kisses the damsel in distress.”
“Nah, if I’m gonna kiss you, it’ll be when you’re a little less distraught. Maybe after a coffee date?”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years ago
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Twenty-Nine: Watermelon ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina, NaruSaku, pregnancy ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Watermelon isn’t exactly something Sasuke’s really considered when it isn’t Summer. To him, it’s a mysterious fruit that only exists when the sun is shining and the temperature is enough to melt your shoes to the sidewalk if you don’t walk quickly enough. Otherwise, it’s like a cryptid: you swear you saw it once, but only when it wants you to.
But, he’s got a bit of a dilemma on his hands. You see, Sasuke is married. Newly so...sort of. It’s been about a year and a half. And Hinata - his wife, his darling, his missing piece - is about three months pregnant.
And she is craving watermelon.
...in the dead of Winter.
At first, he gives her a confused blink. “...how am I supposed to find watermelon now? It’s too cold.”
Sipping her tea, it’s Hinata turn to look befuddled. “...I’m...pretty sure there’s imports from further south. Where do you think all the other f-fruits come from, Sasuke?.”
He then proceeds to feel like a massive idiot. A faint hint of red tinges the tips of his ears. “Er...right. I’ll just…” He gestures. “I’ll run to the store, see if I can find some.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything else you’ve been craving lately? I’ll try to get a few things in case you change your mind.”
Her lips pout. “I haven’t been that bad, have I…?”
“Not really, but if I’m gonna go…”
She sighs. “...peanut butter. Cucumber. And...pretzels.”
“...all right then. Do we need anything else?”
“Check the list on the fridge. I’ve been t-trying to keep track.”
“Got it. Text me if you think of anything else, okay?”
“I will!”
Lifting from his seat, Sasuke takes a moment to press lips to the crown of her head, making a pitstop in the kitchen for the list before heading out to the car. Thankfully the list of necessities (even counting Hinata’s goodies) isn’t too long. Shouldn’t take him too much time to zip in, cross them all off, and then head home.
Simple, right?
Pulling into the parking lot, Sasuke double checks the list. Most is written in Hinata’s bubbly, tidy handwriting, with his own scratchy scrawl adding her little addendum for pregnancy snacks. Phone, wallet, and keys in his pockets, he leaves the vehicle behind and heads in.
It’s a bit busy, but thankfully not too crowded. A cart’s grabbed, wheeling it through all the proper aisles. By now, he’s more than familiar with the place’s layout. He’s been coming here since he was a kid with his mom, after all.
Last, he hits up the produce section.
The little sprinklers give the coolers a spritz, but that’s not where Sasuke’s headed. The little pre-packaged bits of melon are stupidly expensive compared to a whole one by the pound. Sure, it’s all a bit high given the season, but he can’t not get what Hinata wants. She’s currently in the middle of letting an entire new person take up residency in her middle. The least he can do is shell out a few extra bucks to help make that a bit more bearable.
Approaching the melons in question, he flicks eyes between them all. Some are long and thin, some are stout and plump. Is there...any difference? Tentatively, he picks up one of the rounder fruits, and...gives it a tap.
...he really doesn’t know what it’s supposed to sound like, though. He just knows everyone does that.
Sasuke gives his surroundings a furtive glance. Thankfully no one is watching him… This is the last thing he needs to get, and he doesn’t want any weird looks for his attempts to find a decent melon.
“Hey! Sasuke!”
...oh, great.
Pulling up alongside his friend’s cart, none other than Naruto gives a grin. “Bit out of season for that, huh?”
“...Hinata wants one,” the Uchiha explains a bit flatly.
“Ohhh...cravings, huh?”
“Man, I know how that goes...Sakura’s been ordering me around to get her all sorts of stuff lately! It wouldn’t be so rough if she didn’t get so grumpy about it.”
Sasuke can’t help a small scoff. “Hormones making her temper even worse than usual?”
“Oh man, you have no idea!” After a pause to glance around as though fearing she’ll appear behind him, Naruto leans forward and whispers, “She went on a huge rant this morning cuz I left the toilet seat up! I’ve done that for ages, but all of a sudden it’s like I insulted her mother or something!”
The Uchiha’s nose wrinkles. “...you leave the toilet seat up?”
“I - what? Are you gonna scold me now, too?”
“...you ever try to sit on a toilet when the seat is up? Not fun. But still...yeah, the hormones can be a killer. I take it you’re on a mission to make up for it, now?”
“Ugh, yeah...that and restock on her current craving…” Reaching into his cart, Naruto pulls up a jar, looking disgusted. “Green olives. That’s so gross!”
“They’re not that bad.”
“Says you! Your favorite food is a vegetable, you can’t be trusted.”
“Technically, a tomato is a fruit.”
“Whatever!” The blond replaces the jar with a sigh. “Every time she eats some, her breath smells so rank! And if I tell her, she gets mad again! I even got her some breath mints, and she got all offended!”
“You just don’t know how to read people, Naruto. Especially women.”
“Hey man, I’m trying my best! I just can’t wait until she has this kid and goes back to normal...she might be grumpy most of the time, but nothing like this…!”
Sasuke sighs, giving his friend a sympathetic smile.
“What about you? Any disasters yet?”
“Well, she hasn’t gotten angry at anything.”
“No. But she cries at the drop of a hat. She stepped on a bug on the kitchen floor the other day and sobbed about it for like fifteen minutes.”
“I mean, Hina’s always been a softie. But it’s like Sakura’s temper: cranked up to eleven. Which hasn’t been so bad, but man...seems like every time I turn around she’s crying about something. She even sulked all day last Wednesday because I only said I loved her once before I left for work. And she was still mopey when I got home! Took me forever to get her to tell me why.”
At that, Naruto laughs out loud. “Wow, yeah...that’s pretty bad, dude. But I think I’d trade you any day of the week. Tears aren’t as bad as shouting and glaring…”
“Sorry, no exchanges on wives. I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got, tears and all. You got yourself into that temper trap.”
The Uzumaki sighs with a pout. “Yeah, yeah...I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s great. Smart, and funny, and sassy! And don’t even get me started on the se-”
“Don’t go there, please.”
“I just wish she’d chill out sometimes. But then again...I think my volume gets on her nerves. Guess we’ve all got something that drives people crazy, huh?”
Sasuke blinks. In all honesty...not much comes to mind when he tries to come up with something Hinata does that bugs him. Now he wonders if she’d say the same about him…
“Anyway, uh...guess I’ll leave you to your melon picking, huh?”
“What? Oh...yeah.”
“Here...lemme see…” Taking the fruit, Naruto puts it to his ear and thumps. “...yup! That’s a good one!”
“...how can you tell?”
“I dunno, I just...know! Trust me, she’ll love it. Better get it back to her before she starts sobbin’, huh?” The blond gives a cheeky grin before waving. “Later!”
At a bit of a loss, Sasuke glances down to the watermelon before just...putting it in the cart. Naruto better be right about this…
One stint in the check out line later, and he’s loading up the bags to head for home. Everything’s been crossed off his list, and it’s only been about half an hour. Hopefully Hinata’s all right...and her craving hasn’t changed.
“Hinata?” he calls, juggling the bags and the door handle.
“Coming!” She quickly joins him, taking a bag or two and shutting the door. “That was quick!”
“Was it?”
“Oh...ran into Naruto at the store. Stopped and had a chat.”
“Oh, that was nice! Did he know anything interesting?”
“Eh, not really...he was on craving-food duty, too.”
She makes a sound of understanding. “Poor Sakura...she’s been having really bad leg c-cramps the last few days. It’s made her a bit, um...short-tempered, seems like. I was talking to her this morning.”
“...oh yeah?”
“...you doing okay?”
“Oh, yes! I’m fine.”
“...all right. Let me know if that changes, all right?”
“Just want to be sure you’re comfortable.”
There’s a pause, and then tears well up in Hinata’s eyes, lip trembling. “Y...you’re so sweet…!”
Aw, jeez… “Look, uh...let’s get stuff put away, and I’ll cut open your watermelon.”
“Okay!” Immediately chipper again, Hinata beams, carrying said melon into the kitchen. “I’ve been looking forward to this a-all day!”
After a pause, Sasuke just snorts. So much fuss over one little melon...
     This is...super random xD I honestly was at a loss as to what to write for this one, so uh...this is very much out of thin air. idk how pregnancy cravings really work, so hopefully this isn't too unbelievable lol      Poor boys, running around keeping their ladies happy x3 But it'll all be worth it in the end, tears and tempers and all, haha!      Anyway, it's sups late and I've got stuff to do yet, so that's all from me! Thanks for reading~
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standfortheangels · 5 years ago
What song makes you feel better?what’s your favorite candle scent?what flower would you like to be given?say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).what calms you down?what’s your ideal date?how are you?what’s your comfort food?do you still love stuffed animals?what’s something you do to de-stress?hugs or hand-holding?morning, afternoon or night?what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)? [for mun
What song makes you feel better?
Ooo, this really depends on a lot of stuff. But weirdly, one song I go to a lot is Tubthumping by Chumbawumba. The names really tell you the vibe of the song >w>' it's silly- too silly to really take much seriously when you're listening to it, so it gradually cheers me up that way. But it's mostly the chorus bit that does it.
"I get knocked down, but I get up again! You are never gonna keep me down!"
Repeated over and over again with pride and happiness like a football chant.
It's the kind of mood that's just infectious, it's a crowd celebrating something, enjoying where and who they are. Pair that with the message in those lines, and, I dunno. It just really helps me~
what’s your favorite candle scent?
Oh this one is tough. My sense of smell isn't that great, usually I can smell a candle if I pick it up and sniff it, but when it's lit I don't tend to smell anything. There are very few candles I can light and smell in the room. So I tend to just pick candles based on colour tbh x'D
One thing I do love though is oil diffusers. A few drops of violet essential oil in the water, it comes out as steam, makes the place smell really nice.
What flower would you like to be given?
Aww, that's a cute one~ I'd love to be given any flower really, but if I have to pick... I'd say a sunflower. I think it'd be really funny to have someone pull this giant flower from behind their back and hand it over. X')
Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
That's six! You can't fool me there >w> buuuuut fine.
Physical: I like my eye colour, I've got a general hourglass shape that I like, and I'm told I have very comfortable shoulders to lean on? Haha
Non-physical: I'm fairly intelligent, have a lot of patience when I need it, and I'm pretty weird, which is often funny for other people x')
What calms you down?
If I'm anxious, I have a few apps on my phone I can use that usually help. 'What's Up' is a great one, it has different tools you can use like grounding exercises and retargeting your thoughts and stuff. I also have games on there like Zen Koi and Alto's Odyssey, which I find relaxing. They're not too complicated to manage but they do grab my attention and have chill music on them.
If I'm calming down from being angry.... Dogs. I find if a dog comes up to me for a hug or something, I have to relax my muscles more, I have to be gentle with them and reassure them that it's all okay, it's like a conscious effort I make for their sake. So it puts a stop to my stressing out long enough for me to just start enjoying the fact that I have a dog. ^^
What’s your ideal date?
Ooo good question...
At the minute I can't really date at all with my health being this bad, so I'd probably go for a casual date where we play a low-pressure game together at home. I'm talking battleship, tetris, any Super Mario game that has a multiplayer feature, Snipperclips, Jenga, Wii tennis, anything. Just us chilling, having a little bit of playful rivalry maybe, a few healthy snacks~ that would be awesome. Some of these games we could even play from two separate places with a video call going, which would mean I wouldn't have to push myself to host or leave the house or even force myself to shower in advance; I could even stay in bed and just prop myself up with some pillows if I really needed to, take a laptop and we could go play something online maybe.
In the future though (because I really hope I'll improve eventually and get some of my life back) I'd still love the more casual fun dates, but not stuck inside. I'd love to go minigolfing and be terrible at it so we can both laugh at my awful shots, and I'll do some hopeless ironic trash talk and then lose by a mile~
I'd like to have a dog we can walk together. We could go to a quiet beach, which will probably be cold and muddy because it's England but we'll let the dog loose and smile at how much fun they're having, maybe play fetch or something, and then at the end be so so grateful that we thought to put old towels over the back seats of the car for our very very happy, very very very wet dog~
It'd be fun to go to a theme park together, or walk around a garden centre and plan out a garden we'll probably never get around to. Or a zoo! That'd be a great date place, a zoo, or SeaWorld, both are good.
I'd like to go for ice cream and sit on some random grassy bank to eat it together. To go to an art gallery with a camera and most of my photos would just be of my date seeing something she likes~ maybe I could even take a sketchbook too, and I could draw her in the styles and/or poses of whichever pieces she wants me to, while she poses in ridiculous funny ways and makes me laugh so much that I have to stop and then we move to the next room.
I've been too ill for too long and had so much emotional crap in my life, I wouldn't choose the rigid restaurant dates with all the same rules and the pressure, or strive to try and be the most romantic couple or whatever else.
For me, what I'd value most is being able to get out of the house and enjoy the world, and having a date with a light-hearted atmosphere.
How are you?
Tired as always! X') but for real, today has actually been okay. The last few days have been really rough pain-wise, but it hasn't been quite as bad today, so hopefully it'll ease off back to normal from here~ I've also been pretty productive in the last two days so I'm very happy with myself rn ^^
What’s your comfort food?
I have a couple! Chocolate, of course, is a classic one (chocolate peanuts in particular are something I reach for for comfort). And also, a hot pasta-based meal like lasagna or, heck just pasta in a nice sauce will do. Those meals are more like the comfort of being warm and homely, the kind of thing I might love if I were really tired and feeling sorry for myself, while chocolate peanuts are the "I'm upset so I'm eating my feelings" food. X')
Do you still love stuffed animals?
Of course! I don't have tons all over my bed purely because it's inconvenient, but I do keep two huge ones- a dog and a shark- on top of my wardrobe, and my littlest childhood friend is always in my room somewhere~
His name is Scruffy, and right now he's sleeping in my crystal box (open) on top of all the empty velvet bags. ^^ I used to take him everywhere, cuddle him every night as a slept.. he usually smelled pretty gross because I never wanted to give him up to be washed, haha X) thankfully he doesn't have that problem now~
What’s something you do to de-stress?
This might sound lame but, jigsaw puzzles. It has to be real ones, at the table with some music in my headphones. If I can't do that for whatever reason, I go to the bathroom and run cold water over my wrists for a minute or two, over the veiny side. It's kind of a mini cleansing ritual. I sometimes combine that with some deep breaths and imagine the water is literally washing the stress out of me, and it really does help. It's something I can do quickly and easily, I can just do it while or after washing my hands or something and that's that~
Hugs or hand-holding?
Hmm... prolonged, I'm not a huge fan of either? Eventually if you're holding hands it's like, when do you let go? What if your hand gets warm and clammy, or sweaty? Same with like a cuddle. Once you're in it, how do you say "hey I'm kind of uncomfortable now, this physical contact has gone on too long"? You don't want to be rude, and it might be hard to explain, so you've probably got to blame on being too warm even if you're not, and then that's a lie, and.. it's just awkward.
A regular hug though, that's okay. It can last longer than usual and still not be a problem, because at least, you know, you won't be hugging for half an hour, at some point soon you'll let go. And it feels nice, you know? From someone I care about and trust anyway~ it's like a physical way of saying "I love you" and it's nice to have someone's arms holding you, to wrap yours around them and just hold them tight.. you both feel warm inside and secure and wanted. I wouldn't be keen on a hug from a stranger or an acquaintance, even a new-ish friend. But someone who's close to me? All the hugs. Give me the hugs, let me hug you back, many many hugs. X)
Morning, afternoon or night?
Night! Actually I love those really early mornings, you know when the air still has that kind of... Crispness to it. That is amazing. But I'm never awake for that anymore.
(^▽ ^;)ゞ
What reminds you of home?
Thunderstorms, loud planes overhead, chinook noises, soft hugs when I'm upset, mum's cooking, pictures of our old dog Harvey, little fluffy dogs running about.
Most of this is easy to figure out I'm sure, but I do want to talk about the first couple.
Until the age of 11 my family lived on a military air base, so there were always big planes taking off and landing, and I really do mean always. We learned the difference between some of them by sound. I could be sat at home and we'd hear one and know, that had to be a Herc landing (landing always sounded different to taking off), or a teacher would have to stop talking at school to let one go by, and everyone knew that one was a VC10. (VC10s are the LOUDEST thing I have ever heard to this day. I'd probably still recognise one now~)
We also saw and heard Chinooks a lot. Now for anyone who doesn't know, those are the weird helicopters that have two... Fan parts? I don't actually know what they're called. X') (I looked it up, they're called rotors!) They kinda look like the bit of a retro telephone that you'd pick up and hold to your face.
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Now having two rotors means that they can carry a Lot of weight, but it also means they don't sound like normal helicopters do. The two rotors are timed out so that the blades from each side can go through the same middle space without hitting each other, Left blade then right blade then left then right then left, and you can kind of hear it happening. Instead of the kind of 'Wubbubbubbubbubbub' of normal helicopters, a chinook sounds more like 'Wokka wokka wokka wokka'.
Where I am now, we only hear some small jets once a week at most when they take practice flights, and sometimes a normal police or ambulance helicopter. It took me a long time to get used to the quiet of most places, and sometimes I miss all the overhead noise we had back then.
And we got so many thunderstorms! Every single summer, usually at night. Now that I think about it the pollution from all the aircraft might have been involved in this too. >w>" But I loved it. We'd all gather in mum's room and open the curtains wide to watch. My little sister was scared of thunder back then so it was better for her to have people around and to make it fun. I was always just excited! And I still get that way if I hear thunder now~
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sassysweetstories · 6 years ago
Diamond in the Rough // 5
Summary: you’re an androgynous woman who has a rather groggy voice. due to your social anxiety and shy nature, you refuse to not let your beautiful, sexy voice free. that is until you do something that might lead you down a dangerous path.
Ship: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader, Harry Styles x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, vulgar words, fluff, fighting, smut etc.
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to the owners.
Tagged: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist@beingmadinwonderland@princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet @lachicadelamanzana
Your P.O.V
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I take the photos, gawking. There is no way someone found me.. I was so safe, so sure that nobody was following me. I look up at Andrew with a broken, ashamed expression. “Andrew- I swear I was being careful-” But before I could finish he broke out into a wide smile. 
“(Y/n), this is good! I wish you could have warned me but we can use this for publicity! This is great to talk about a relationship just when your album is close to number one! It will get so much more cover on your album. You just gotta be seen with him for a few weeks and then we can call it off, pretend your crying or something. I’ve already contacted Harry’s manager and he agreed to this!” 
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“Whoa, whoa whoa!” I hold my hands up, trying to process the information whilst distributing the pain I felt in my thighs thanks to the previous night. “Wait- You’re telling me I have to fake a relationship with Harry? Also-” Pointing at Shawn. “Why is he here?”
Shawn takes the reigns, crossing his arms as he eyes my hickies with distaste. “Because I’ve been through it; faking relationships to get promo. It works. People talk and your name has been flowing through the papers, on every website and news article. You’re already top ten on the charts but with a relationship, it’ll get more publicity.” 
It doesn’t seem like I have a choice as I sigh, slipping away from the studio to dial Harry. He answers immediately, speaking in a low, groggy voice that gave me chills the night before. 
      “Good morning, love. And yes, before you ask, my manager just told me about our little snafu. Don’t worry, I’m not mad. Surprised to wake up with a girlfriend, yes.”
I sigh, disappointed and frustrated with myself. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I was so certain I was in the clear.” Harry chuckles and I can almost see his bright smile. 
       “It’s alright, love. Besides, I rather like your company. Not like I have anything to fake. You’re great fun. How ‘bout we grab brunch? Fill our bellies and give the paps what they want?” 
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I can help but smile despite the panic I was feeling. “How are you able to make me feel at ease? You surprise me, you know that?” He chuckles and I can’t help but shiver. 
        “Thank you, love. I’ll let my manager know where we’re going. Come dressed as yourself. I’ll pick you up soon, girlfriend.”
I can’t help but laugh before slipping back into the room. Andrew, Shawn, Olive and Derek look at me with curious eyes. “Okay, it’s a go. Harry and I are grabbing brunch so the paps can get some pics, get it circulating.”
Andrew grinned from cheek to cheek, clapping me on the shoulder like a proud father would with their child. I shouldn’t hold onto the sensation that bursts in my heart. However, not really having a good father and getting the love you never had felt right, as dark as that may sound. 
        “Thatta girl. I’ll make some phone calls. Remember you have an interview at one-thirty.” I nod and let him slip past me, clearly occupied with more important things. Olive grabs my arm, smirking. “So, how was it?” I roll my eyes, nudging her arm as we make our way over to the dressing room. Shawn, Derek and Brian who’s joined the group suddenly, walk not too far behind, talking lowly.
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 “You’re terrible you know that.” I jokingly scold her before glancing over my shoulder as we slip away from the boys, giggling like school girls. The nostalgia of blushing over boys we never dreamed of getting makes my heart flutter. “So, tell me! Spill the tea!!” Olive grabs my chin, examining the dark purple hickies Harry put all over my body only a few hours ago. 
“OOO! Homeboy’s FEISTY!” I smack her arm, laughing and gawking at her vulgar language. “OLIVE!” She throws her blonde hair back, laughing outright. “Oh, come on!” She sits pretzel style on the couch, propping up her arms to rest on her knees. “Tell me!! How was he?” I can’t help but blush and smile. “He was-” Pausing to bite my lip in hopes to hide a smile at the sinful things we did the night prior. Olive squealed, laughing at my blushing state.  
She helps me find a suitable outfit for the occasion; black and white converse with black jeans, a grey shirt and a blue-jean jacket. Olive slips a purse onto my arm that’s casual and light to hold. My hands find the fold of the purse, fiddling the small contraption as nerves bubble up.
Though we were in the most intimate of settings, limbs tangled together in a messy, lustful embrace. There is something about speaking with someone you don’t know, especially a person you find attractive, downright terrifying. It’s funny to think that sitting for brunch would be more anxiety producing and intimate than having sex with them. 
But just as he pulls up in his Mustang, all that worry seems to wash away. I can’t never get over his gorgeous smile and chocolate brown eyes. He looks so casual in a white shirt, blue jeans, a dark jacket and a hat. The Rolex on his wrist shines in the sunlight. It’s strange to see someone with poise and wealth be so close to you. 
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“Morning, love! I’m looking for an androgynous dream. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?” He smiles up at me and I almost swoon. Instead, I shake my head and slip into the car. The conversation flows nicely and before we know it, the paps are outside the coffee shop taking photos of us. Most likely with the help of both our managers. “Don’t focus on them. They’ll get their winning shot. I wanna know who (Y/n) is. Not Diamond, you.” Without trying, Harry is phenomenal at being a boyfriend, fake or not. We cuddle in the warmth of one another, giggling at the overly-dramatic tweets. 
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The next few days fly by. My schedule consists of the same events everyday; breakfast, gym, shower, interview, lunch with Harry, interview, recording, interview, writing, interview, dinner, performing, sleep. The cycle continues day in and day out. I notice the more I see of Harry, the less I see of Shawn and I’m not entirely sure how to feel about that. When he sat in the studio, I thought he was like a cold sore you couldn’t get rid of. But with him gone, the studio felt empty. Some of his points made sense, not that I’d ever tell him that. 
He was touring again, or at least that’s what I’ve seen. Faking a relationship with Camilla Cabello for their new song, Señorita. However if I had to say so myself, they were not the best at faking a relationship. Funny to think Shawn was the one giving me pointers. Harry and I had, however, the world fooled. Of course there were the fair few of doubters who were hushed almost immediately with overwhelming support for us. But I don’t really care when I’m doing the one thing I love most. 
The VMAs come sooner than expected and I have to attend the venue alone, unaccompanied by my ‘boyfriend’. He was filming across the country for his new music video and another movie he was staring in. He believes wholeheartedly that I would be fine, that I would rock the event and the performance but without him, it here feels wrong and uncomfortable. I shouldn’t be getting attach, this relationship being fake and all, but I can’t help myself from getting excited at the sudden romantic validation. 
Olive helps me get fitted into a gorgeous gown, so beautiful I feel it should belong to another. But when I see it on myself, I immediately push the thought away. The dark blue and charcoal colors compliment the sparkles that shimmer all throughout the dress. No matter where I am, in the light or the dark, I look powerful, like a walking galaxy. I demand power, attention and respect. 
Without realizing it, my posture straightens; sharp like a dagger. My hair stylist and makeup artist, Delilah, beams up at me like a proud grandmother. I’m sure she is. Overjoyed at her artistry. And she should be. She made me look poise, beautiful, sharp and strong, all at once. Quickly I pull her into a tight hug and for a second I’m afraid to let go. But when I do, a small bouquet of flowers from across the room catches my eye. I thought the scent belonged to Delilah but it seems I was mistaken. 
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Blood red roses, so fresh their smell seems to force its way into my nose. I’m gonna have to give Harry a lecture about spoiling me. I laugh to myself until I see the small note attached to the green leaf. See you on the carpet. Don’t doubt yourself. You’re better than you think. Go blow them away. Shawn. I ignore the flutter inside my chest that starts to flourish, pushing away the sensation before taking route to the car. He cusses me out and then showers me with my favorite flowers? The longer I am near him, the less sense I make of him. 
Andrew smiles up at me, taking my cheek with his palm and I completely ignore my previous internal quarrel. “I’m so proud of you, (Y/n).” The statement is short but holds so much meaning. I look for a lie but I find none. Stop doubting that there are good people out there. A voice seems to scold me. Instead, I take his hand in mine and smile. We worked so hard to get here. I worked so hard to get here. Suddenly the car pulls to a stop and we’re at the venue. “You’ve got this.” 
Andrew mutters, warmly before slipping from the opposite side of the car. I wait for my cue, breathing slowly. In through the nose, out through the mouth. The flashes are bright but none of that matters when I hear a steady chant, as loud and booming as thunder across a dark sky. It demands to be heard. 
They scream over and over again, almost howl at the sight of me. Stand like you’re the queen that you are. Delilah once said to me when I first started trying on dresses. I understand the atmosphere shift now, the need and pull others have towards me. Most stare in awe, gaping or intrigued while some drift closer, hoping to catch my attention for a photo in hopes to gas up their own platform, no matter how big or small. 
The walk of the carpet goes by smoothly until I see out of my peripheral, a pair of unmistakable honey brown eyes and a smile that could make any girl swoon. I don’t want to look at him. Not when I know my heart is fragile but I’m not strong enough. The roses confuse me to no end and this is just the start of it. His smile pulls me and I know there is no going back. 
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Shawn’s warm brown eyes are already fixed on me. No matter how hard I try, I can’t find the strength to look away. His gaze is different than before as we both size the other up. But when he starts to walk towards me, I want nothing more in this world than to bolt in the opposite direction, run far from this place, from him. I can’t seem to pull my eyes away as he examines me up and down. He’s so close I can smell the cologne he chose for the event. 
“Hi..” Voice as soft as silk and warm as the honey he had in his eyes. I couldn’t help but smile softly as he took my hands. “Hi..” He shifts from side to side and I expect a snarky response but this Shawn that I’m seeing might be the one Andrew first met, that the public knows. “I see you don’t have a date by your side. Would you like to accompany me on the carpet?” 
I hesitate, looking for the cruelty in his eyes I’ve seen many times before. Slipping my hand through his arm, he pulls me close to his chest and the cameras snap with a frenzy I hadn’t noticed before. Maybe Andrew spoke to him, gave him some sort of idea to stand with me to catch more fire on both our albums. But then I thought crosses my mind. Where is Camilla? She doesn’t stand at his side but Harry is also not at my own. I suppose there is a good reason for her as much as for my dateless situation. 
“Camilla and I aren’t together. The facade is over with if that’s what you’re wondering.” He pulls me in closer and I force myself to hide the confusion. How did he know what I was thinking? Was I that obvious? Maybe he’s playing off me? Going after me now that he’s “single” for more circulation? God none of this shit makes sense. When we reach the end of the red carpet, Andrew meets with us, beaming with pride. “You guys looked great out there! Now, Diamond let’s get you ready for the performance.” 
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“Good luck.” A small voice from behind me says, softly. I don’t suspect it to belong to Shawn but it does. His honey eyes pull me back and once more I’m entranced in an enchantment I do not understand. Things move slowly as we’re both pulled from the other, separating the palpable connection that throws me into a mental frenzy. How could I possibly possess feelings for him? After he’s been so confusing? Kind and cruel? The questions are thrown from one side of my brain to the next, exploding like bombs that result in a unnecessary headache. 
Without even realizing it, Delilah and the team escort me to my changing room. The announcer’s voice booms over the speakers, echoing all throughout the large auditorium. A gender neutral outfit that has everything I could have ever wanted and, with Delilah’s handy-work, pitch black eye shadow and a touch of silver in the corner to give the dark but temping effect. When I glance in the mirror, I feel the power behind the makeup. I look like a blade, carved and unbroken. It is a sensation I hold dear to my heart. 
              “And before we announce the winners, a performance by the fastest growing sensation. An artist with a dark past that’s turned her world into a whole new light. The androgynous dream; DIAMOND!” The crowd roars to life as I climb up the stairs, not a single ounce of worry holding me back from what I have worked so hard for. 
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I sing with my whole heart, voice cracking at the hardest lyrics I’m forced to to project onto the crowd. Some even sing along or hum softly. The energy moves and flows like a current I can’t explain. It’s so strong and overwhelming, my whole body shakes with an adrenaline unlike anything I’ve ever experienced prior. Before I know it, the whole thing is over but I hold onto this memory close to my heart. The crowd, flooded with hundreds of people I’ve looked up to and adored, cheer for me. Shyly I tip my head, ready to walk off the stage but the crowd didn’t seem to be ready for me to leave as they continued to clap. 
I close my eyes and the whole world goes quiet. The sound of their cheers and claps seem to drift out and fade. This was the moment I had been waiting for my entire life. When I open my eyes again, the light shines directly in my eyes and I turn to show the rest of the band before I step back, breathing heavily. The world around me returns to its original temp. Olive and Derek hug me the minute I get behind the curtain and out of prying eyes. Andrew follows shortly after, beaming with pride again. The rest of the night flies by faster than I want it to. 
              “Hey (Y/n)!” Olive calls for me as we pack up from the show. “Shawn, his and our crew are getting together for congratulatory drinks at the studio! I’ll see you there!” 
I laugh as she practically gallops away, her Rapunzel like hair flopping in the wind. 
Once I shut the gate, it takes me all of ten minutes to arrive to the studio. But instead of immediately entering, I stop to admire the stars that twinkle and flicker above me. My cheeks feel wet the longer I look at the bright moon that compliments our galaxy. Tears trickle down my face. Whether they’re happy or sad, I appreciate the sentiment and the intimate moment. Then suddenly a dark, cold voice growls down at me from behind. 
“Better hold onto the stars cause that’s the last thing you’re gonna see, you disgusting rodent.” 
Five large men emerged from the dark shadows and my heart drops at the recognition of the middle man. 
Then, everything went dark. 
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havenoffandoms · 6 years ago
Taming the dragon
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Requested by @thewaywarddaughterblog​, based off this imagine x. Imagine Mary discovering that you, one of her boys’ wife, are a pure blood witch. The parts in bold are the sentences used in the imagine. All credits to their respective owner. Hope you enjoy it. I certainly had loads of fun writing it. xx
“Dean, do I really have to do this?”, you whined loudly, shooting your husband a puppy look that could rival Sam’s any day. 
“I know mom and you hit it off on the wrong foot”, Dean conceded diplomatically, however you interrupted him with a mocking snort. 
“That’s an understatement bordering on euphemism, darling”, you told your husband in a sarcastic tone. Dean merely sighed and closed his eyes in frustration, knowing that it would take a lot of convincing to get you to spend a day alone with his mother. Mary was no doubt a lovely woman, and you were ready to bet both your hands on it that had you been human, you two would have got on like a house on fire. Oh… maybe best to avoid using that expression around the Winchesters. 
“Look, I need my mom and my baby girl to get along, alright?” Your husband snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him so he could place a loving kiss on your temple. You tried your best to remain focused on the Bolognese sauce you were cooking, but Dean’s tender ministrations had you giggling in seconds. 
“Okay, fine”, you finally conceded, turning around so you could face the hunter and place a firm kiss on his lips, “but one word out of line, and I’m taking your beloved car for a ride until the area is clear” 
“I had a chat with her, baby” Dean’s fingers played with a strand of your hair, twirling it between his index and thumb, “She promised me she’d make an effort to be polite” 
“She better be a woman of her words” You returned to your cooking, a cocky smile on your lips, “or else, I know a very effective spell that would turn her into a toad in no time. Remember that one time Garth pissed me off?” 
“All too well, baby” Dean laughed under his breath and placed a final kiss on the crown of your head, “all too well”
You and Mary had decided to go out for coffee. The car ride from the bunker into town had been one marked by an uncomfortable silence. You could tell that Mary had no intention to be nice to you, as the glares she occasionally shot you testified. You mentally counted to ten, trying to resist the urge to stick a hex bag in her purse. Do it for Dean, you kept reminding yourself. Dean wants you to get on with his mother. That’s understandable, right? You can do this, just a couple of hours. It’ll be over soon.
You had often heard people tell you that a couple of hours felt like days, and you had never truly understood that expression until now. Coming face to face with your husband’s resuscitated mother, and spending time with her to ‘get to know her better’, made you wish you were back in hell being tortured by Crowley. You allowed your mind to drift back to the day when Dean and Sam had saved you from the claws of the King of Hell. A small smile graced your lips as you recalled the argument between the two brothers. Sam had convinced Dean not to kill you, and you had proven your goodness to Dean many a time since. You just wished his mother could see how well you had taken care of her eldest son for the past six years. 
You finished your coffees without Mary having said a single word to you. Not that you had not tried to initiate conversation, but all your attempts at breaking the ice had been met with angry silence. After a while, you had given up. You had done your part, it was not your fault that Mary was being a first-class bitch about it all. As you paid the bill and the two of you headed back to the Impala, you noticed Mary trip on the stairs out of the corner of your eyes. Reflexively, you went to grab her arm to avoid her falling. You had not counted on her yanking her arm back and pulling out her handgun to point it at you threateningly. You raised your hands in surrender, casting a quick look over your shoulder to see if someone had witnessed the display. Unfortunately for you, the town seemed deserted. 
“Touch me again, witch, and I’ll kill you”, Mary spat at you, her tone dripping with venom. You could hear the disdain she felt for you. Your blood began to boil in your veins. 
“I beg your pardon?”, you asked her, your tone indicating that you were not to be messed with, and that you would not take any more bullshit from Mary. She might be your husband’s mother, but as far as you were concerned, you had been in her son’s life longer than she had. 
“You heard me. I used to hunt things like you. I don’t know what you did to my son, but I won’t allow it anymore”
“Oh, what an utter shame! To say that the love spell was working so well until you came back into our lives”, you sassed the blonde. You could feel your magic stirring inside of you, and it took all your will power to refrain from chanting a spell that would send Mrs Winchester waltzing all the way to Alaska. 
“Don’t play games with me, witch” Mary put her gun away, but you did not lower your guard. She could be hiding an iron knife in her pockets, and you did not fancy being burnt. 
“Your son knew from the beginning, and I did nothing wrong. Mary, with all due respect. Times have changed. I’m on your sons’ sides, I’ve been working together with Castiel to keep your boys safe. Dean and I, we fell in love the conventional way. No spells, no hex bags, no potions. I only practice white magic, please you have to believe this”
You hated yourself for pleading with this despicable woman, but you knew you had to be the bigger person here. Dean would never forgive you if you hurt his mother. You took several tentative steps toward Mary, but she merely stepped away from you. You let out a defeated sigh.
“Mary, please! Dean will not thank you for this. We got married a year ago, and we’re happy together. I’m his rock, and he’s mine. Don’t be selfish…”, you tried to reason with her, but next thing you knew Mary spit disdainfully in your direction. That was the last straw for you, and in a loud huff, you turned your back on Mary and headed for the car. You drove off without Mary, leaving her behind without so much as a ‘see you ‘round’. You knew Dean would be angry, but she was his problem now. You were ready to make sacrifices for the love of your life, but you would never allow anyone to disrespect you in such a way. 
When you reached the bunker, Dean was already waiting for you outside. His mother had undoubtedly called him and told him a glorified version of the truth. You stepped out of the car, not even pretending to look apologetic. You did not regret leaving Mary behind. Not one bit. 
“Why the hell did you abandon my mom at the diner?”, Dean asked you, anger clear in his voice. You threw the keys at him and made your way to the door. 
“I tried, Dean. I don’t know what lies she told you, but I did what I could” You fiddled with your own keys and struggled to find the hole. You could feel your anger slowly being replaced by frustration. Tears started to fill your eyes when it became clear that Dean would always be on his mother’s side, no matter how horrible she was to you. 
“Funny, she told me the same thing” Dean argued back, intent on staying put until you had explained your actions to him. When you did not manage to unlock the door due to the tears flooding your vision, you spun around and let it all out on your husband. 
“And who are you going to believe, Dean? Huh? Your mother, who told me that she would kill me if I dared touch her? That same woman who pointed a gun at me in public, fully determined to use it if she felt threatened? That same despicable human being who accused me of having you under some kind of spell? Who then spat at me when I tried to reason with her?” You could see Dean’s jaw tighten as you told him what had happened, his expression unreadable. You were not able to tell whether he was upset at you or at Mary. Tears started to stream freely down your cheeks as you shook your head resignedly. “Do you know what, forget it” 
“Baby, come here”, you hear your husband whisper softly, and that was all it took for you to officially break down and run towards Dean to bury your face in the crook of his neck. The leathery smell of his jacket, mixed with the fragrance of car oil and old whiskey invaded your nostrils and you found the aroma comforting. It felt familiar, it felt like home. You could not help but sob pitifully as Dean began to rub soothing circles on your back, shushing you tenderly and placing soft kisses on your hair. 
“I’m sorry I assumed mom was telling the truth”, the hunter apologised. He put two fingers under your chin and forced you to look up at him, “I truly am. I shouldn’t have let you two go off on your own quite yet. I mean, Sam tried to warn me, and he was right”
“No”, you shook your head slowly, “no, you wanted us to get along. Dean, you did nothing wrong. It was her… it was…”
“Shh, baby girl” Dean placed a sweet kiss on your cold wet lips, wiping the rogue tears that still managed to make their way down your cheeks. “I know you tried. And I’ll talk to my mother, I promise. I won’t have anyone disrespect my amazing and devastatingly sexy wife” You giggled at the comment, and a small yelp escaped your lips as Dean smacked your ass teasingly. 
“Dean, stop that”, you chastised half-heartedly. The hunter merely grinned at you, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. 
“I love you, y/n. Don’t ever doubt that, alright? You’re my sexy little witch” 
“And I love you, my handsome, emotionally-constipated hunter with a slight tendency for self-sacrifice”, you teased your husband cheekily. Dean kissed you one more time before setting off to pick up his mother. You were not looking forward to the next couple of days, but at least, all was good between you and Dean. And really, that was all that ever mattered to you. 
Plus, he would have to make up for his mother’s bitchiness. Now, you were definitely looking forward to that.  
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thiswasasuperterribleidea · 6 years ago
I’m baaack!
And I know I’ve said this before, but this time I am “back back” like, “big mad”…but “big back”, so I am “BIG mad, and BIG back”.
The only reason I ever took my little blogging hiatus was because some stuff went down, and I promised Darren I wouldn’t let strangers in on his life choices and share and blog about it…. But then I opened my big ass mouth, broke my promise and told actual real life humans what was going on… and now he hates me for a handful of reasons soooo FUCK IT, HERE’S THE TEA!!!! (PS-Sorry for acting as if you aren’t real life humans…. You know you’re my virtual fam for life)
So while you were all out enjoying your holidays, and I was remaining silent.. I was busy having really, REALLY hot breakup sex. The kind where you can barely make it up the stairs without ripping eachother’s clothes off, driving 30 minutes away at midnight for a quickie, and fucking in the kitchen before making it to the couch or bed..,. yeah it was THAT hot.
And yet here I am, after all that hot and dying for more sex… currently eternally blocked…  for the second and fair enough… probably final time… I’m calling it my third breakup…. WITH THE SAME DUDE.
So of course me and Darren have broken up way more than 3 times. But here’s the logic I have recently created. (Which is obviously very illogical, along with almost all of my thoughts).  I never once accepted our breaking up.  Legit until about a month ago when he brought some new broad around in public and I had to watch them check into a hotel room directly next to mine, and black out and sleep with a pillow over my ears so I didn’t hear them fucking through the hotels paper thin walls…. *takes massive gasp for air after that run on sentence * That did it for me TBH.  I think that would do it for anyone TBH. But I like to think that I almost accepted him breaking up with me one time prior... Back in May –ish when I was essentially kicked out on the mean streets and living with my Nonny, Darren dumped me for what iiiii personally consider to be the first time. (He’ll for sure say it was probably the 50th time). I was so devastated, I decided I’d go out and buy a Louis Vuitton bag cause it made me feel like a boss ass bitch.  It legit made me feel sooo good though. Like I was still shopping around the mall after, and store employees and other shoppers were having me unpack the bag and pose with the bag showing them which one I got. I was strutting around Nordstrom like the boujee girl that I am while everyone “oooed and ah-ed”. It was as close as I was to being famous before this blog. (Still not close to being famous lol)  Thennnn, the other day I decided no break up can be deemed a breakup until a new Louis Vuitton is purchased. SO. Here we are, the first step in recovery… ACCEPTANCE.  While I bought hundreds of other things when Darren broke up with me at the end of August, I didn’t buy a Louis.  So now that I’m making dumb money at my job, I decided I’d backtrack and make all these breakups official. So in May I bought my first child.. and today I bought my second and third. So I had bought brown leather in May, so now it’s time for a white bag to make up for the August break up. But let’s be real. We broke up in August, but it was NOT cold turkey. Darren loves telling me “WE BROKE UP 6 MONTHS AGO YOU OBSESSIVE FUCKING WEIRDO” But let me just say, breaking up 6 months ago and having breakup sex on Christmas is not exactly a 6 month old breakup…SO third breakup is right now, present day, and I of course think I deserve another bag for that too! So I bought myself a Louis clutch as well. (Which is really the only thing I intended to buy in the first place… but I’ve been listening to my girl Ariana Grande too much lately, and 7 Rings is a verrrry dangerous song . SO therefore I was over inspired  to buy them both). And now. I have accepted my three breakups, the third of which I completely created on my own to justify retail therapy, and now just like that…I have a realistic mind set on where I’m at.
So let me stop rambling, and explain what you’re actually looking to hear. This part isn’t going to be long. Or funny. Because it’s something I want out of my head, not to talk about but I want you guys to be able to follow my mind. Darren teased me with the idea of trying again. He was very open and honest, and the whole thing was my idea.. but he agreed that if we were to continue hooking up and talk a little here and there, that we could potentially try again. Now he did let me know he was also talking to someone else, that he did have feelings for them, and that he did not have feelings for me. Dope. So my dumbass went forward with opening my legs, and arguing with him over time he spent fucking me but not talking to me. GUYS- we all know go with the flow is not my fucking thing. But the sex was toooo good. Still too good. Like better than any other sex I have had. I’m thinking it hasss to be in my head now. Like I must be ruining other experiences for myself just comparing penises… anyway besides the point. I ruined it by insecure arguing over who he was spending time with instead of me. And now I have no hot breakup sex, or communication with Darren.
But the thing is. I don’t get me... I am doing well. Really well. It’s not a front. It’s not me tricking myself. I do positive things for myself and my mind all of the time and I feel good about them and I am happy. I feel good about myself, my life, where I’m at. But for some reason… I can’t control my other thoughts. It’s like whenever I talk to Darren, (WHICH I SHOULDN’T EVER BE DOING) my mind screams out, “TELL HIM HOW SAD YOU ARE, LET YOUR DESPARTE OUT, TELL HIM HOW IN LOVE WITH HIM YOU ARE” As if my mind thinks that’s doing myself a favor, or telling him what he wants to hear.. when I know it isn’t. So let me brag to all of you people, and maybe it’ll help you guys. So here’s some more classic advice from your emotionally unstable girl.
I meditate before going to bed, and first thing in the morning. Instead of waking up and texting Darren to see if I am unblocked, or to continue an argument…. I do a 5 minute meditation. Insecurity was always something I struggled with, so I wake up and tell myself things I like about myself. It doesn’t matter if anyone else likes them about me, because what I’ve been working on is falling in love with myself. Sometimes it’s my appearance.. like my eyebrows are on fucking point. Or …my life may not be perfect, buy my eyelashes always are!!!  Or I remind myself of the freckles on my nose that I always make sure I don’t cover up with my concealer. Or my smile with my big white teeth, and disappearing top lip. I make sure to look in the mirror and be happy with what I have and to not get down on myself and pick out everything I see is wrong. Darren was a pro at comparing me to anyone else. Like how this new girl is a dime, and I am just kind of cute and that’s all I’ll ever be. What the fuck, right??? Sometimes it’s not my appearance at all… it’s how big my heart is. How despite what people have put me through, I still try to see the best in them and not let their nasty traits or actions be what I judge them for. It’s my vulnerability, that makes me a good human. Or the fact that I am good at my job. Dwight was a good mentor to me, Darren helped me from time to time. But now this is me. Or even the little details about me like how I close my eyes and lift my feet and make wishes over railroad tracks. (I NEED AT LEAST ONE OF YOU TO TELL ME YOU’VE HEARD OF THAT BEFORE BY THE WAY). I am a hopeless romantic and I love it. I am an awesome fucking person.
I started karate classes again! (I know weird flex, right?)
Well I did karate when I was a kid. Like 5 year old kid. I quit when I was 10. I did it with my family friend Zach. I would cry every time I had to go to class. It was because once I reached a certain age, we had to spar . Like put on full head pieces, equipment and fight for points. I was the only girl and I would always spar against Zach who I had a massive little kid crush on because he was like… the only boy I even knew lol. And one night sparing, he punched me in the area of what I still to this day call my non-existent boob. I was so humiliated so I went home cried and quit.
BUT NOWWW . I’m ready to get my black belt bitches. My Sensai and I did the math the other night. I haven’t been to classes in 14 years. 14 FUCKING YEARS, IT’S DAY 1  AND THIS GUY IS WORKING ME LIKE I’M STILL A PURPLE BELT AND CAN REMEMBER SHIT FROM BACK IN THE DAY WHEN I CAN BARELY EVEN REMEMBER WHAT CAR I DROVE HOME TONIGHT. It’s wild. But it’s so good for stress and honestly guys are such perverts that being single I deff need to know self defense on how to fuck a dude up. I’ve has some scary uber drivers.
Uhm uhm uhm what else do I have to report…
I have been talking to this kid. We’ve been out a bunch. He makes me really happy. He listens to me, always is so interested in my day, and is golden retriever innocent. But I’ve been trying to force it more than I should. He’s so sweet and so fun to talk to and hang out with which I love. But I just don’t feel the right sexual chemistry (ironic because he’s a science teacher ) . But like that is such a huge deal to me. Let’s be real … not all girls are comfortable saying they love sex.. But I LOVEEEE sex. No shame. It’s natural. But I am also very cautious of who I am sleeping with. I’ve told you my 3 time rule.  Anyway, the chemistry wasn’t right. And while this 2019 dating world is not something I have really ANY experience with… I decided the next move was “ghosting” . Kind of fucked up huh? I would hate that happening to me. I am such a talker, I need answers so bad. But I mean he wasn’t my boyfriend, we were just talking for a few months, I didn’t have the energy to explain myself and it was so causal like I just didn’t think I needed to. BUT THEN I MADE A ROOKIE MISTAKE. I planned to leave that night and never respond again. But as soon as I got in my car to drive home… I realized I was missing one of my hoop earrings. Mind you this was not just my 17 dollar cheap sterling silver hoop earrings…. This was my SOLID GOLD FAVORITE HOOP EARRING EVER.  I was so mad at myself. Girls literally do shit like this on purpose. They’ll leave earrings , or underwear fucking anything to prove they were there. Whether it be to make sure they have another excuse to talk to the guy again or to show any other girl that there’s someone else in his life too, it’s all an evil plot. BUT NOT ME. How could something like that happen to me by accident?!?! Just my damn luck. So I texted him and asked him to put the earring in his mailbox that way I don’t have to do a walk of shame back to my earring, and he can hopefully take the hint that was that. But no. The hint was not taken. I had to hit him with the classic Dwight line, “It’s not you, and it’s not me”. Lmao I am a bitch. It’s nothing I’m proud of honestly. But I am just truly done looking for anyone. I’m just waiting for my future husband to walk into my branch and rent a car, someone to just fall into my life. I am not searching, and I am not trying. I like being alone anyway. The only thing that I wish I had was someone to just lay with at the end of the night when I’m lonely to talk to about my day. Someone to wake up next to in the morning with their hands all over me making me late for work… Other than that I’m so busy Monday- Friday that I don’t even have time for a boyfriend. I’m finally content.
The only real problem I have is that my mind still races about blowing it with Darren. I have accepted it’s over, but I haven’t been able to cope well with the fact that I completely fucked up the only thing I wanted, which was him. But I have to be careful cause I haven’t calmed down enough for those restraining order threats to stop yet… and I don’t think they are threats any more.  I have to get better control over my emotions.
But now you guys are completely all caught up on my crazy ass life. I hope I didn’t get too boring on y’all. I’ll be back to posting regularly as soon as the next fucked up shit happens. Cause you knowwww there will be something. 
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sherpp · 8 years ago
A Disney Movie?
ASTRO AU(?) || MJ X OC || ONE SHOT || Words: 1,557 ||
Paige meets MJ in the most ridiculous of ways, and now they have to find themselves to get back home.
Chapter: 1 
“Paige!” A voice calls from downstairs. Paige groans and tightened her grip onto the body in bed next to her.
‘Wait a minute… a body?’ Paige thought. She opens her eyes to see a male in bed with her. She sits up frantically, getting as close to the wall as she possibly could.
He doesn’t move. “Is he dead? Did I kill someone?” She looks at her hands, no blood. She pokes his arm. No movement. Then his cheek. Still nothing happens.
“PAIGE! Get up!” The voice called yet again.
“I’M UP STOP YELLING!” She screams back. The male jolted awake, causing Paige to jump and hit her head against the wall.
“Where am I?” The man asked. Paige looked at him and he eyes went wide. She knew this guy. This guy, was MJ. From her favorite group ASTRO.
Paige’s eyes darted back and forth between him and the poster of him right next to her bed.
“Wait, you know English?” She asked realizing what he had said.
“No.” He responded slowly, still taking in his surroundings.
“But, you’re speaking English..”
“No, you’re speaking Korean. Do you know Korean?”
“No.. What’s going on? How did you get in my house, how’d you get in my bed?”
“I have no idea! The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the car on the way home from practice.” His eyes landed on the poster of himself. “Hey, that’s me.”
“Yea, y’all are pretty dope. I really like your music, especial-” “PAIGE WE HAVE TO GET THE BUS IN TEN MINUTES!! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED!” The voice called even louder.
“Shoot!” Paige exclaimed climbing over MJ and grabbing a pair of jeans, slipping them on over her underpants. “Close your eyes.” She instructed as she took her shirt off and grabbed a new one. ‘Bra, bra, bra where’s my bra??’ She threw clothes up in the air trying to find one.
“Uhh, Paige is it?” MJ said. She turned to meet him. He was standing now, standing really close. “This what you’re looking for?” He held up a bra by the strap.
Paige’s face grew red as she took it from him, muttering a ‘thank you’. She slipped it on under her shirt and grabbed her school bag.
“I have to go, we’ll figure this out when I get home..” She grabbed the door handle.
“Wait,” Paige sighed and turned around. “I don’t want to be here by myself all day, can I come with you?”
“What? No, someone will see you and I’ll get in so much trouble. I’m not allowed to have boys my age in here with the door closed. You’re 24!”
“I’m just as confused as you are in this situation but what if something happens because we get separated from each other?”
“Nothing’s going to happen. I have to go-”
“Paige!” The voice yelled as the owner of it opened the door. Paige and MJ froze.
Paige’s brother stood there, “Let’s go I’m not gonna be late for the bus, again, because of you.” He turned and went down the stairs.
“They can’t see me. I guess this means I can go to school with you!” MJ cheered as he skipped out of the room
“This isn’t gonna end well.” Paige announced to herself following closely behind.
She quickly ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth before darting out the door.
Paige caught up to MJ and her brother as they reached the bus stop.
“Oh it’s cold out here!” MJ said rubbing his arms.
“Maybe you should’ve worn a jacket.” She responded.
“I am wearing a jacket,” Paige’s brother said. “why aren’t you wearing one?” Paige looked down and realized he was right. She wasn’t wearing anything but a slightly oversized shirt that said “Growl like a bee” Her brother shook his head and placed his headphones over his ears.
“What’s your shirt say?”
“Growl like a bee”
“How do you growl like a bee?” MJ asked.
“I don’t know, it was weird so I bought it.” Paige turned to look for the bus. It was at the bottom of the hill picking up kids.
“Why do you take the bus, can’t you drive?” MJ asked. “I can but I chose not to, I don’t like driving five minutes after I’ve woken up.”
The breaks from the bus stopped Paige from answering anymore questions and the three of them got on. It took its usual route and picked up the last of the children.
The bus stopped outside the high school. Paige got off, followed closely by MJ.
“So where to first?” MJ asked.
“First I have Spanish.”
“Ooo a language how much do you know?” Paige shrugged her shoulders.
“I could be fluent in it but I wouldn’t know I don’t need to use Spanish in my everyday life.”
Paige and MJ walked through the halls, slowly making their way to Paige’s locker.
“What’s the number?” MJ asked tilting his head towards a locker.
“B-77” Paige replied, “it’s upstairs.” She said leading him up a stairwell.
“So, Paige?” MJ asked leaning up against the locker adjacent to Paige’s. “Who’s your favorite?”
“My favorite what?” Paige asked, completely oblivious.
“Your favorite member. Of Astro?”
“Oh!” Paige facepalmed. “I don’t know, Rocky’s great, but I wouldn’t say he’s my favorite. Maybe a close second to favorite.”
“So then who’s your favorite, is-”
“Paige!” Paige’s friend Ginny said walking up to her. “What was the homework for English? I forgot all about it until Jennie called me up and asked me what I put for number 5! Don’t tell her I didn’t do it though, I told her the answer was C.”
“Ginny! Number 5 wasn’t multiple choice!” Paige said to her friend. She reached into her bag and pulled out two papers stapled together, “Here. copy my answers, but word them differently. If you give it back by 3rd period I can help Jennie with hers too.”
“OMG! Paige, you are a saint! I love you so much!” Ginny hugged Paige and skipped off to her first class.
“You let your friends copy?” MJ asked her, a smirk forming.
“No, I wrote down how I got my answer then gave it to her. Let’s go quickly before she starts reading it and comes after me.” Paige grabbed MJ’s arm and they darted up the stairs to the third floor.
“How long is Spanish class?” He asked.
“45 minutes,” Paige sat at her table, she usually sat alone. “Sit, I’m the only one at this table.”
MJ sat next to her. Paige pulled out her homework and placed it neatly on the desk before getting up to sharpen her pencil.
Students started piling in. Paige reached her seat as the teacher turned on the over head and started class.
Paige walked with her school bag over her shoulder, clutching tightly to the straps.
“Paige let’s have some fun.” MJ said “Hey, let’s skip the rest of the day”
“Are you crazy! No!”
“Come on Paige. It’ll be fun!”
“Come on MJ. I’ll get in trouble!”
“Have a little fun will you?” The hall became empty.
“We can just-” MJ pulled the fire alarm. The sprinklers in the ceiling started spouting water and kids rushed out of their classes.
“Let’s go!” MJ said grabbing her hand and leader her the opposite direction. He lead her through the halls and out the front door.
“MJ I can’t just leave school like this.” Paige yelled at him.
“Sorry Paige,” He pulled her out the front door, “Looks like you just did.” MJ continued to hold her hand as he lead her down the street towards the McDonalds on the corner.
“We are not going to McDonalds, MJ. We don’t have money.”
“I have to go to the bathroom so you’re gonna have to live with it.” MJ pulled open the door, pushing Paige in first.
“Stay here.” He said pushing her into a seat. He ran to the bathroom.
“Paige Thomas. What are you doing at McDonald’s during school hours?” A booming voice said from behind her. She turned around to see a man in police uniform. Drinking a coffee. Her cousin, Ken, was standing behind her.
MJ came out of the bathroom to see Paige with a strange man. He jogged quickly to her.
“Hey, Who’s this?” MJ asked Paige.
“Paige you can’t skip school. I’m telling your mother and I’m messaging your principle. You’ll be in a lot of trouble for pulling the alarm, possibly suspended. Most likely suspended.” Ken said.
Paige was horrified. She never gets in trouble. She’s never skipped school and the one time she does she gets caught.
“Get up, I’m driving you home.”
“Why not just take me back to school?” Paige asked, mumbling.
“I can see you’re having a bad day, I let you go home.”
“Thank you.” Paige was grateful she had such a nice cousin. Ken put his hand on Paige’s back and lead her to his squad car. MJ ran to catch up.
Ken opened the back door. Paige stalled to let MJ climb in first by hugging her cousin.
“Thank you again.” She let go and crawled in the car.
Paige buckled herself in and put her head in her hands, closing her eyes wonder how she had gotten into this mess.
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bobkirat · 8 years ago
ਠੰਡ - cold (Tandh)
ਠੰਡ I didn't notice the sounds until I walked down that road where the construction work has been taking place since I started university. I guess, looking back, my thoughts probably traveled to how I was feeling, other than feeling the physical ਠੰਡ. The feeling of the environment around me. What was it? Was it a drill? "It was ever so," soothing. How could machinery sound so comforting? Blocking out the inhales and exhales, the languages and laughter. The silence of movement, caused by the soothing machine. It got mixed whilst I carried on this journey. Breathing system, ventilation of a building, a business, the sounds of a vacuum of some sort. And the machine drifted, the tick tock of the lady's heels took over. Momentarily, and she undertook me from the left. She was temporary comfort, just like the car, that zoomed in front of me and off to my right it went. I needed the next fix because the voices were now creeping up on me. Although it was nice that the gentlemen speaking, out of the two that walked past my left side - with hands in his pockets, just as I, was Canadian. An accent in which some comfort can be sat on, although, I do not recall the words. The next woman to pass my left with her female friend lead example of what the rest of the journey would consist of. She was American. Alas a suitcase. Rushing rushing past me. My eyes fixed on the small black trolley; if only it was heavier, like the one I use to take my washing home on the train, then I'd hear those wheels on this stone for longer. Ooo another suitcase, still small in size. Hopefully it'll drain out this silence of heavy informal movement as I get closer. Hopefully...I have hope more suitcases are to come, the sound of men's shoes is not pleasant against this British ground (doubt the stone is British. Or maybe it is soon as it surrounds the Birmingham Cathedral). There was nothing left. This abyss between familiarity and unfamiliarity was wide, perhaps not it's widest. It was on people now. The black women spoke her beautiful words of which I hoped were her mother tongue, in honesty, it sounded Chinese. The next man was British, so I thought, forget this. I crossed the road after a glance over my right shoulder. The children swinging arms behind their parents long-legged walks, spoke. "Fuck you," I thought he said. Poor boy, innocent and small. Not a word as such could leave your marshmallow tongue. This is becoming about you I said to myself. It was so ਠੰਡ. So I looked up and it said Sale...I was supposed to remember these words. I am supposed to know this. Maybe House of Fraser, or Dorothy Perkins. What's that other one? There's a posh one there...no not French Connection. I don't care, but, I was supposed to know this. This man stops and I see the orange light between his fingers cupped around his mouth and...breathe innnnnnn...walk past, walk further...breathe outttttt. Second-hand, addictive, cancer causer, no thanks. So the decision I make is to walk around the left side of the advertisement to allow the other three people, particularly that blonde lady looking at me, to walk their 'right' path easily. Yes! Good decision Bob. Could have chosen to squeeze through with them, making one of them wait, or be as ignorant as I and squeeze through too. Or could have waited, for them to walk through and I after, silly Bob. Splashing in the water at this point. What do I hold onto? The van came, but I knew it was leaving, the bus came, but I knew it was temporal. Footsteps and I. It was very ਠੰਡ. Feeling the dark but seeing the electrical lights. It was still ਠੰਡ. Which way should I walk? Should I slow down? Should I overtake? Is the light staying red? Is a bus coming? Is this person going to walk in front of me? Is that man taking the short cut? Can I get through? Should I go up the stairs too? Ahh there is space. Is that girl going to move? Does this women know I'm walking here too, will she see me? Do I move or will she? It's so ਠੰਡ. Should I cross at these lights like he did? Looked over my right shoulder to check. It's clear. Can I go? It's amber. It's too late. Gosh that car just sped up knowing I was still in the road. Gosh. That was close. I'm nearly there. But oooooo ਠੰਡ. I should have left earlier. But it is good I stayed I guess. Oh my gosh I am brining gloves next time, and wearing more layers. Boots are for winter, only boots. I should buy chocolate from the Health Food Store, oh wait, I'll do that when Herpreet gets here. We can go together. Ok good, it's red light, oh yes, it's green man, yes red light, quick quick quick. Ok. Pretty much here. Should I put the heating on when I get back? No I'll get warmer anyway indoors. Ok key, key. Ok yeah. Great. Right. Yh eat dinner, wash hair. But don't forget...don't forget...don't try and remember then you'll forget later. I sat down on my carpet and typed. ਠੰਡ 17•01•17 Walking home from university • JusKeeRut
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