#ooc: not me throwing shade at you writers
billcipher-rpblog · 11 days
Bill it just so happens I killed somebody.
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buggyzwrld · 2 years
Man I love your story. It's pretty slow burn but not in a bad way where it feels like it's just done to make sure people come back for the next chapter. There is so much happening in between and it never gets boring.
And not to throw any shade at other writers but in a lot of the Henry stories on here the reader is just a dumbass incapable of thinking rationally and they just mindlessly follow Henry even when they write him as a bad guy :,) Which is also fine. There are some really great stories with that "plot" but I feel like with him it's every third story. I like that you give us a little bit more brain cells in your story <3
thank you so much! i was very very worried upon starting this fic that my pacing would be borderline horrible, i love to take my time with stories and explain things through characters, emotions, and worldbuilding, that’s why the chapters tend to be longer because i love to just… tell the story LMFAO.
having a cohesive plot for this story was quite hard bc it was planned pre Vol 2 so u can imagine now literally everything I’ve written goes against that but it’s fun!
and yeah, I wanted to give reader a personality that was quite the opposite of Henry’s—loud, more open, erratic—but yet they have a lot of similarities in the way they go through issues in terms of feeling like you have to conform or some other teenage stuff. I also kind of wanted to make Henry not like the reader at first bc, honestly, Henry is not a “ love at first sight “ type of guy I don’t think . writing him to NOT be the villain has been quite hard and sometimes I get him ooc and I apologize for that! his character in this au is heavily based on his trauma, which is borrowed from things I assumed happen in canon and my own ideas too LOL.
and ofc!!!! reader is gender neutral bc there are alot of stories with fem readers (not a problem with that at all!! im female myself so) But I just wanted one where everybody could feel included, bc readers gender is not a huge aspect of the story. i also hope i wrote reader to be race neutral as well lmfaooo bc im black and i don’t see alot of /reader stories that have language including poc.
im glad for your continued support and that there are fans of my little story!! it’s really appreciative and stuff like this keeps me motivated to write
love you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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i KNOW! ive dropped so many series or fanfics purely because one of the brothers or any other character just said or did something that im fairly sure they wouldn't think of doing or saying in canon, it just irks me in a weird way so there are only a few authors' works i read because i trust their characterization of the LIs (includes you, of course. your mammon is top tier.) and on top of that, some of the replaced mc aus even include in the WARNINGS that the characters are heavily ooc lol.
So so I have this (probably really bad) habit where the second I become active in a fandom I become really picky with the fic I read in that fandom until I eventually just stop reading them
Before I become active in a fandom (like writing fic or posting HCs) I'll read anything no matter how ooc it is. My brain's a blank slate regarding my thoughts on the characters and I can just absorb anything.
But once I become active I make my own headcanons and theories that always stick as heavily to canon as I can make them. I have a firm idea of what all the characters should be like. And after that I can't stomach anything that's ooc, everything just needs to be true to canon even in an au.
And I become super picky with the fics I read and eventually it's just too much of a bother to try to find what I'm specifically looking for
So yeah, I haven't read an OM! fic since early 2020🥲💀
A similar thing happened with the DC fandom, it's why I try my best to stay out of getting involved in fandom (why I only got involved in 2 despite all the fandoms I've read fic for) because I genuinely do enjoy reading fic and it sucks that my own weird hangups make it impossible after a while
OM's probably even worse than the DC fandom for me cause MC's up for anyone's interpretation so they can vary wildly between fic and it's very hard to find fic where MC follows general MC's personality
Also DC has an insane number of canon AUs with different creators and it comes in the form of all types of media, and the characters' personalities (with the exception of a few key points) can differ wildly across those types of media and AU. So if I find a fic that hits those key points in their personalities I can justify the rest of it not fitting because who knows which comic, game, book, movie, tv show or cartoon they're basing the characters off
I'm definitely not blaming anyone, specially not fic writers and ik despite how hard I try to make them fit my fics probably deviate from general MC's personality as well.
And yeah definitely not throwing shade at anyone, this is genuinely just a me problem
(also thank you!!!!😖)
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
It’s bonkers how Liz and Ressler can literally have sex and then still be on a last name basis with each other. Even Red calls her Elizabeth lmao. But seriously, if K—nler is endgame, is this really the writers’ idea of romance? Barely any buildup, BOOM they have sex, then these awkward, forced ‘moments’ between them? *deep sigh* Idk, maybe I’m being harsh, but I guess I feel like the least they could do (if they won’t give us Lizzington) is give us something decent to watch. What are your thoughts/theories on this mess?
Hello, dear anon!! ❤️ Firstly, omg, I know!! All the “Hey, Keen.” and “What, Ressler?” is so intensely romantic 🙄🙄🙄 The thought of Red calling Liz just “Keen” is so laughable to me. As you so rightly say, he at least calls her by her full name, which is much more telling imo than any robotic surname crap. (Plus, he would never call her “Keen” bc it’s her fake name from her fake marriage to her fake husband, but I digress.) Regardless of whether it’s Lizzie or Elizabeth or Agent Keen, it still sounds like music coming out of Red’s mouth. Whether that music is a funeral march or a symphonic poem... well, it varies 😒
ANYWAY you make such a good point!! If we’re striving to be objective (which is a pretty unobtainable goal for me at this point), there is  n o t h i n g  inherently romantic about K**nler. I’m sorry, but to me - no matter which way you slice it - there’s been absolutely NO romantic coding with these two over SEVEN SEASONS, really only a handful of scenes together at all that mostly consist of “STOP! FBI!”, and very few personal/meaningful moments. And of those VERY FEW moments, they all appear to me as platonic/work friends/colleagues. And listen, I’ve always liked Ressler and Liz as BFFs. Liz always offered a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on about Audrey in the good ol’ days and Ressler did the same about T*m, plus I’ve always loved how Ressler offered to “rough him up” in that gruff, brotherly way. There was never any jealousy between them at their respective romantic partners, like there always is with those Will They/Won’t They ships. And I think pilot!Ressler hating Liz’s guts gradually morphing into them being best buds over the ensuing seasons is super cute. But it’s never screamed “romance” to me. There’s been no anticipation, no build-up, no close calls, no nothing. My prime ship example for that sort of thing is Caskett from Castle. They spent 4 seasons building those two up with plenty of close calls and jealousy keeping them apart for as long as they physically could before they finally came together with fireworks. There has been zero of that with K**nler. (Lizzington on the other hand? Yes. Not to mention all the Lizzington suggestions FROM RESSLER: ”Sounds like someone’s jealous Uncle Red’s got a new crush”, “You in the dog house or something?” - but I’m slipping into my Lizzington googles, so I’ll stop there.) Not to mention I’ve never really liked Ressler as a character. Sorry, no shade to Diego, but it’s not exactly a dynamic character. And TPTB have a marvelous reputation of tabling characters until their designated plot lines and episodes, with no measurable growth or continuity in between, so it always feels forced to me. To just throw a long forgotten character - whose only role in the past 11 episodes has been driving around and answering phone calls to catch the weekly blacklister - in my face once a season and say, “LOOK, WE THOUGHT OF SOMETHING FOR THIS DUDE, REMEMBER HE CAN TALK?!” and expecting me to feel invested is wildly unrealistic imo.
In conclusion, anon, I don’t think you’re being harsh at all, rest assured that I have been much harsher in tags, DMs, and especially my own head about this so-called “romance”. I think you’re definitely correct that they could at least give us something decent to watch with time, a true romantic build-up, and a satisfying culmination. I mean, I know this is primarily an FBI-mystery-mythology-government-action-procedural-show but... AS SOMEONE ONCE RIGHTLY SAID, “I think it’s a love story.” and babe? ..... this ain’t it. I’m sorry, Lizzington remains the only pairing on this show that has had a veritable phone book of romantic tropes written for them, including - but certainly not limited to - tense undercover operations, dancing, jealousy at other partners, killing for each other, actual DECLARATIONS of LOVE,  T H E  L I S T  G O E S  O N, not to mention I’m of the steadfast opinion that they were the initial endgame for the show, and that’s a hill I am prepared to die on. I HAVE and WILL go down with this doomed ship until the end of my days. Amen.
As for my thoughts/theories on this mess, I am flattered that you’re interested enough to ask, and I think I probably gave you way more than you bargained for in the ^above^ rage!typing 😂 The only things I would venture to add are: 1) K**nler is a barely a ship by my admittedly high standards and, if it is indeed intended to be The Great Romance™ of the show, TPTB did a piss poor job of making it AT ALL satisfying 2) The current “plot line” is an inconsistently written, infuriating, OOC across the board, “twists” pulled out of a hat, PIECE OF CRAP mess, and I’m so over it and 3) I have genuinely no idea how they plan on digging themselves out of the sizable RED VS. LIZ hole CRATER they’ve dug themselves into and, if they plan on having even a mildly successful season 9, they had better claw their way out soon bc, by all accounts, pretty much nobody likes pathetically-evil!Liz and most are rooting for heart-of-gold-&-incredibly-sympathetic!Red in every single way. Sooooo... idk. I’m really bored by the whole RuSsIaN oPeRaTiVe arc and I wish we could fast-forward to the season finale to see if they plan on making any effort at all to improve the core relationship of the show, or if they have indeed given Liz up to mannequin-man and revenge-filled-rage-induced-mentally-unstable-out-of-left-field-evil-Kaplan-hallucinations and Red over to simply sad-lonely-romantic-tired-puppy-dog-who-deserves-better.
At any rate, thank you dearly for this ask, anon, it turns out I had a lot of negative feelings (surprise, surprise) that needed an outlet and I hope it wasn’t too painful to slog through!! Feel free to send another/more asks to keep the commiserating going!! I have dearly missed asks in what’s left of this fandom, but my ask box is still open!! 🥰 I will continue writing fic and shipping Lizzington pretty much in AU now as, unfortunately, that seems the healthiest and only remaining option 🥲 Much love to you!! ❤️❤️❤️
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
how do u think a dair + serenessa double date would go? 👀
i tried my best, but tbh i think it’d be chaotic because i feel like the kind of things serena and vanessa would do on dates vs the kind of things dan and blair would do on dates would be wildly different! so if any of these options feel ooc that’s probably why. this was a fun ask though! and i came up with 5 potential double dates so hopefully at least ONE feels correct....
under the cut, because it got long (of course it did) 
pre-date, dan & vanessa get ready together, and blair & serena get ready together. i think blair would do fishtail braids for serena or something, and serena would give blair input on what to wear, zip her dress. they'd fix each other's make-up. dan and vanessa would be doing the same thing! vanessa fixes dan's tie (she's had practice with nate's ties after discreet make-out sessions at his WASPy relatives' place, she knows how to fix a tie) and smooths down his suit. dan probably does something elaborate or fancy or pretty with her hair, braiding ribbons in or something (he grew up with jenny, he knows how to help a girl look fancy for a special occasion).
option 1:
they'd meet at a neutral location, like a park or something, and vanessa and serena would walk around slightly ahead of dan and blair, arms looped together, talking excitedly about something that dan and blair exchange puzzled looks at. dan and blair would walk around too, more leisurely, not really saying much but just enjoying each other's company? or maybe the would talk a lot because, well, they're dan and blair. eventually, blair reaches out for dan's hand and holds it and dan turns a fascinating shade of pink
they're in the park for an hour, until they either get bored or get kicked out for hanging out in the kids area because they're making the children wait lkhfdlkfgklgf. i think vanessa and serena would spend a lot of time on the merry go round while dan and blair stare at them with disappointed horrified wonder, like "how are they going so fast and not throwing up?" / "i don't know" . dan and blair would just sit on swings and not swing LKFHLKDGH.
after this, they do dinner at a posh restaurant, blair's choice. 
option 2:
art gallery date!
dan and blair are being their lovely pretentious selves, going deep into symbolism and historical context and interpretation of paintings using different frameworks and like - vanessa knows enough to join them in the debate, but like....
serena is right there staring at various pictures and saying things like "this shade of green is so calming and soothing, makes me think of peppermint" or "if i could only see one colour for the rest of my life, it'd be this violet" or "this blue feels so melancholic" and vanessa finds herself so so so curious about what serena means, and she really wants to know what her girlfriend means, so she loops an arm around serena's waist and asks all the right questions (she's not trying to ask the right questions, she genuinely wants to know), all "what do you mean by that" or "why do you think that is" or "melancholic how? could you give me another example?"
serena is touched that vanessa actually wants to hear her interpretations as opposed to being academic or whatever
meanwhile dan and blair are two seconds away from yelling or frothing at the mouth. they are looking at a picture of sisyphus and arguing about what it means.
"do we do something about that?" serena asks. "nah, they're flirting," vanessa says.
db disappear for a hot minute, and when they return, blair's lipstick smudged on dan's face, serena and vanessa do a GREAT JOB at keeping their expressions neutral
option 3:
beach date! blair hates it because of all the sand but then dan piggybacks her everywhere and she's too busy having fun to really think about the sand. until dan runs right into the waves and she's shrieking, and she's like, humphrey do you know how much these clothes cost, and he thinks she's going to cry or something, and she knows he thinks that, because the next thing he knows, she's pushing him back into the water and he's spluttering because he actually dressed up for once (yes, he dressed up for the beach, his fancy ass girlfriend is totally rubbing off on him)
serena and vanessa just look at them like why are our friends like this
serena gets a surfboard and vanessa watches her and cheers
dan and blair are both just lying on a picnic blanket (vanessa's picnic blanket, now covered in seawater, thank you very much) and laughing so hard that vanessa goes, 'hey, are you both sober? did you show up here drunk?' and that just sets them off again
option 4:
open mic! blair bullies dan into performing a poem, and he goes, i know you write too, waldorf, so you’ve got to do something as well, and she does!! she’s never really thought of herself as a writer before but at that minute, she does. 
vanessa gives serena a poem she’s written on the back of a receipt from some coffee shop, and serena goes and performs it, and dan and blair are both like, why didn’t you perform your own poem? and vanessa’s like, i wrote it for serena to perform. it’s a poem meant for serena in every possible way 
they want to tease her for being a sap but they unfortunately have no ground to do so 
after this they go to some nice, fun, extremely casual eatery in brooklyn and blair complains loudly and at every possible opportunity but once they’re actually there, she’s all smiles. she steals the salad off dan’s plate
serena talks to vanessa later, about ‘did you give me a poem to ensure i wouldn’t feel left out?’ and vanessa goes ‘no i gave you a poem because i wanted to. because i can’t stop writing poems about you and you mean so much to me’ 
option 5: 
vanessa takes all of them to a lesbian concert
blair’s initially awkward about it like ‘i don’t want people to think im a lesbian!’ and dan is like “you can just kiss me in that case” and vanessa is like, “funny, nate never complained about that”
later, blair talks to dan about how the real reason she’s iffy about this concert is her hugeass crush on serena from when they were kids, and she’s over it, but sometimes she remembers it and it always hurts
and dan, to her surprise, gives her a hug and tells her about the hugeass crush he had on vanessa, and how she took him to these concerts all the time before she left and he kept wondering what it meant, because it always felt like a date, their bodies always smushed close together because of the way the crowd would be, and he tells her that it hurt, but he wants to go to a concert with blair, to make new memories or whatev
blair is like ‘nothing about this experience sounds appealing’
dan is like, ‘give it a try before you judge it’ 
and blair does and she hates the crowd as expected so she and dan sit outside together and she feels mildly awful about making him miss the concert, but they’re near one of the doors and they can still hear the music and blair thinks the band isn’t half bad and she tells him that, and dan laughs, like, ‘see? i knew you’d like them’ and blair gives him an incredulous look and kisses him 
and keeps kissing him
serena and vanessa come out of the venue laughing, faces pink and flushed, and they look at dan and blair, who are standing there and smiling and looking sort of quiet and at peace and happy despite leaving in the middle
vanessa checks on blair, and blair smiles at her and says it’s all good, and v believes her, because she looks really happy
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refinedbuffoonery · 3 years
@improvidus​ thanks for the tag boo <3
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 14
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 106,078 
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I’ve only finished + published MacGyver fics, but I have a whole folder of other unfinished stuff, primarily for Sarah J Maas’ three book series (Throne of Glass, ACOTAR, Crescent City). 
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Riley + Sunglasses + Undercover (aka my claim to fame lol)
Quarantine Moments
Looking Through A Window 
I + Can’t + Lose + You
Fridge Meeting 
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Out of my published ones...R+S+U (unbelievable that I didn’t get cancelled for ending it the way I did lmao). But in a million years when I finally finish it, Broken Like Me won’t exactly have a happy ending (it’ll be bittersweet at best...I know because I wrote the ending first). 
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I+C+L+U has a good ending, so do all of the holiday fics I wrote last year. But I think the most satisfying happy ending will be the ending to Flawless (I already wrote this ending too). 
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? I don’t do crossovers! Honestly I don’t read them either. I think they’re off-putting and usually fairly OOC, but if the characters all exist in the same universe (or it’s just written really damn well) then a crossover is more palatable for me. 
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Hell fucking yeah I do. The emotionally charged, very plot-relevant, little-to-no cringey vocabulary kind. But not much for this fandom because the audience for it is very small. But for the fantasy romance book fandoms I (mostly) lurk in??? Definitely. 
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I always try to! Except sometimes y’all make predictions that are a little too accurate and I have to avoid responding to those comments so I don’t accidentally spoil something (yikes). 
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Nope (thank god). Which is a good thing, because I’m not actually as nice as y’all think I am, and I’d throw (virtual) hands. 
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of! On the flip side, I’ve definitely accidentally stolen lines/phrases from people. Every once in a while I’ll reread a fic and go “THAT’S WHERE I GOT THAT FROM!!!!! whoops.” 
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Does asking people to translate like 3 lines of dialogue for Flawless into French count lol? (real answer: no)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Listen. I swear to you that this pirate AU exists. We have a whole chapter written. I have a good 50% or so of the plot outlined in my head and in our shared google doc. However none of us have worked on it in months so......
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? Not to out myself as the kid who was obsessed with Percy Jackson but....PERCABETH. They really invented love. Second place is Rowaelin (from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas), and third place is MacRiley (no shade to my Team Spy Siblings friends though....tbh if the show hadn’t set them up romantically I never would’ve even considered it). 
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? That aliens fic I’ve teased for a solid year. The goal was to see if I could write an episode of the show (which I totally think I could), but I just don’t have a plot for this one. Only the resolution and some comic relief. But the basic premise is that Mac, Riley, and maybe Bozer (aka our resident nerds) get sent to examine a UFO that crash-landed in the middle of fucking nowhere, which of course sends everyone down the rabbit hole of alien theories, but the UFO ends up being something.....significantly less cool. If any of you gen writers want in on this, hit me up and we can co-write it. 
16) What are your writing strengths? DIALOGUE. FORESHADOWING. also filling in the nuances of a plot once I have the bare bones in place. 
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Brainstorming said bare bones of a plot lmao. And describing settings is the bane of my existence. 
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Super dope as long as a) the reader can understand what’s happening via context clues or brief translation in the main language (presumably English) b) it’s used to develop the plot/character(s) in some way, i.e. a spy’s helpful skill or part of someone’s cultural background. 
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? MacGyver is the first (and only) fandom I’ve finished and published fics for. Everything else (many of which I started pre-Mac) isn’t developed enough to necessarily count. 
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? FLAWLESS. But I will say that I’m far more attached to LTAW than I ever could’ve expected going into it. So.....both? 
Tagging: goddammit idk I wasn’t paying attention to who already got tagged. so if you’re reading this and you write fic consider yourself tagged. <3
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Re: the infamous (redacted) 💎 scene
Tumblr media
Don't read if you don't want my single brain cell opinions
Also, Open Heart spoilers
I didn't 100% hate it. 
Maybe 85%?
Hear me out
The dialogue leading up to the scene. Lord. So cringe.
Ethan is the most ooc he's ever been leading up to the scene 
Where MC gets the lingerie is so stupid and unbelievable lmao
Start thinking of a safeword y'all (you can type it in)
A crop jdksksksksksksksksks giddy up
Not so cringe
Dominant Ethan is... Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm weak. Depending on your choices, it's not entirely too cringe. Definitely ooc but kinda hot?
Some choices are pretty bearable but guys this is coming from a freak
There's a "harder" option vs using the safeword
Some of the Ethan dialogue towards the end is kind of hot? Again, sorry. I’m weak. 
The conversation they have after is pretty substantial for what just happened in that bedroom
Overall, it reminded me of fanfiction. Not throwing shade at FF (because hello do you know me). But as FF writers we take creative license and adapt Ethan to our HC. This is what the bearable parts of this scene felt like. 
This could have done so much better but isn’t that all of book 3?
Go into it with an open mind if you decide to do it slkjdlksajlsjdlk
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intcrpol · 3 years
🔥 the one thing that never fails to make you salty lol
Honestly, people getting a 'Holier Than Thou' attitude about NSFW and shipping- As if people who are okay with writing smut or talk a lot about their ships are just too stupid and sex-obsessed to understand what a platonic bond is. I know how to have a fulfilling relationship with someone without sex, I'm literally asexual and touch-averse due to trauma and it's balls that I even have to say something that personal to defend myself and my stance on this.
It just pisses me off cuz sometimes I just LIKE talking about my ships because I am super proud of the layers of detail that have developed between myself and my partner. And I honestly do not care enough to believe smut should only be posted on Sunday, that's dumb and frankly, really judgey of people to not only shame other writers into censoring their own content on their own blog, but then also have the gall to complain about the amount of sexual posts on said day- As if they haven't already browbeaten everyone else about it OOC...
Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head and saying you have to join in and I highly doubt it's impossible to plot with other writers without mentioning sex or shipping at all. That's not something a ton of people just spontaneously jump into, according to their own rules and even if they DO, that’s their business. So I don't understand this mentality where people feel the need to throw shade comes from.
People tag their smut and even use 'Read More's when applicable, so use tumblr savior and/or new xkit and block their NSFW tags. That's what I have to do when I am in a RPC and there's a mutual or mutuals that super enjoy a theme or ship I dislike. It's a two way street, y'know? If you're not cool with having people passive-aggressively comment on your content and police your blog, then don't do that to other writers.
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Loki Episode 3 Rewatch
First of all, the positive:
Still super happy about the Hayley Kiyoko song. Out of all the things I expected to be included in this series Lesbian Jesus was not one of them but I am not complaining
I thought the soundtrack in this one was great
Since this was my third watch I was going to skip the non-Loki scene at the beginning but Hunter C-20 is just too pretty so alas, it could not be done
I would like to point out that Loki has touched/run his hands through his hair at least once in every episode. I approve, keep up the good work sweetie.
Although the episode automatically loses points for no crying
Teleportation yayyyyy
I love the sibling dynamic between the two of them
I now have a lot of feelings about the drunk scene thanks to this post. 
I couldn’t tell if Sylvie could understand what Loki was singing? Does she know Asgardian? I can't tell from her face if she understands the words or not. She seems a little weirded out by him singing to her (understandable) and just kind of raises her eyebrows at him, but I can’t tell if this is a “what the fuck are you singing to me?” or simply a “why the fuck are you singing to me?” face (it could be both).
Loved Loki's concern for the TVA people being variants
Speaking of which, I'm very glad to see them beginning to frame the TVA as bad and calling them fascists
Once again, really, really appreciate them letting Loki verbally show concern for the people who are going to die
Nothing to see here just my boy casually stopping a giant falling building in midair
Speaking of magic, I really hope Loki gets to learn how to enchant people at some point in the series.
Overall I thought that last scene was pretty great. Excellent music, visually amazing, Loki getting to use magic and fight people (and looking lovely while doing it), just an all around good scene.
Once again I say - that was one hell of a cliffhanger
Ok, now the negative:
It was kind of weird that Loki just let Sylvie touch him at the beginning? Even if he didn't feel threatened by her, I don't think he'd just...let someone put their hands on his neck?
Imo, the scene where Loki gets them on the train by impersonating a guard is a characterization mess. I can see Loki in it but only if I squint real, real hard and it might just be a trick of the light.
I'm aware that I'm taking this one too personally and it was likely just a matter of the writers not thinking things through, but the scene where Loki missed with the dagger genuinely felt like a slap in the face. Especially with the way it was set up, with him taking aim and it seeming like it was going to be a cool moment. It felt like "oh, you thought Loki was finally going to get a badass moment? Lol think again!" I feel like we keep getting little glimpses of badass Loki and then they're ripped away from us? Anyway nothing in previous canon has indicated that Loki would ever miss a throw like that so I'm just going to chalk that up to a weird moment and continue headcanoning Loki as someone who has impeccable weapon aim even when impaired, fuck you very much
This was a confusing episode to process for me because despite the fact that Loki used more magic in this episode than all the films combined, he simultaneously felt very underpowered to me overall. It's like if he uses magic he suddenly loses dagger skill and intellect (and apparently according to the films, if he uses his mind and his knives he doesn't get to use magic). Can Loki be allowed to use magic and be smart and be good at throwing daggers all at the same time please??
I honestly really like Sylvie but it felt to me like they were using her as a foil to make Loki look inferior/incompetent and uhhhh I'm not a fan
@delyth88 as well as some others said something about Sylvie feeling more like our Loki than Loki does and unfortunately I think I agree. The way she speaks as well as her actual dialogue literally sound more Loki-like.
This is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things (and I debated even mentioning it), but I don't understand why he keeps putting his hands on his hips. I thought it looked weird in the first episode when he does it right before being arrested, and I think it looks weird now. He's never done that in the films but he’s doing it all the time in the series? I don't have any real reason to back up why I don't like it, so no shade at all to anyone who does - imo it just doesn't fit and feels like a mannerism that belongs to another character. 
I think some of my negative feels about this one come from a disappointment factor. I was, however cautiously, expecting the ooc stuff to be lessened a lot in this episode - but there were some pretty rough ooc moments in this one for me. Because of how the last one ended, I thought there would be a tonal shift in episode 3. And I now feel like that shift is going to happen in the next episode, and I hate to get my hopes up again because I kind of got burned doing that with this last one. But, ugh, it really does seem like it could happen and it would actually make more sense with episode 4 being the start of the second half of the series...so idk??
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Pinky Promises
Dedicated to: @blackgirlanimes
I urge guys to please go check out her blog. Her writing is amazing, and Merch is my favorite series by her. Plus, I wanted to give something back since she works hard on filling requests. I feel that writers sometimes need to have time to enjoy reading things too. (No matter how much I sort of cringe at my writing. Lol ^-^;)
This is my first official post to my Novice Writing blog. Whatever happens, I put this out there. As the saying goes, “Practice  shows your effort.” Well, it's just a piece I got inspired by original songs I listened to too. Although the last bit at the end with some lyrics I came up with.
Hope you enjoy the writing of the unedited version. Let me know if you guys want a part two. I apologize in advance if anyone seems OOC it’s unbeta’d while it will be re-edited sometime later.
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Summary: Leaving to visit your birth parents in America was something exciting and sad for you because there was one person you would miss more than anything. An explosive blonde with harsh words though hiding behind what he really feels. You make a promise to return to him without fail in a year, and somehow you find yourself surprised instead.
Is it possible for you to make up after an argument leaves things up in the air ?
Contains: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem! Reader
Setting: |AU Modern |
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[ Scattered Pieces ] Part One
 There you were sitting on the steps of your house you’d dreaded this day for months. While listening to your music, the song of somber feelings made you blink your eyes to stop the tears from falling. Everything around you would be all but a vision of something so far away, that left you wanting to take in the view of cloudy weather.
The light shower of rain curled your hair a little, causing you to give a brief smile. A time for reminiscing is something that came naturally during a crucial moment like this. Still, what awaited on the other side of the country was a chance to learn about the family who gave you up. Maybe hope to leave the resentful feelings of being tossed away to give you some closure, or the real understanding of why you give up for adoption clearer.
One thing seemed to cross your mind all time leading up to the days of the departure. A certain explosive little porcupine that wouldn’t take the news well of you disappearing on him. 
Bakugou Katsuki…
First of many things that troubled you, the hurt he masked into dismissal with the egotistical nonchalant attitude you’d admired. During that moment you couldn’t stand him when he acted the way he did about you leaving for a year.  Then again, you found it annoying at the same time how his temper blew up like a grenade. Only leaving a reminder of the wreckage his words left you still fresh in your mind to ruin.
“See if I care, dumbass! Go on, back where you came from and let them abandon you again!”
It was almost as if you could hear the words echoing in your mind from that incident.As if it were happening once more which you felt nothing next to numb. All except the pain that etched on your face returned while you blinked your eyes to stop the tears. Beyond the surface it wasn’t like you wanted to leave, still this was your chance to find your own answers of your past.
Your lips trembled cursing at yourself for letting the tears slip away he knew that was something hurtful. All the fears of going to meet the parents who wanted to meet you made you second guess how to approach them. The only action you did toward his comment turned around shaking your head at him not letting words fall from your lips. Instead was nothing that left your lips as you remember staying still.  Thinking back on it, somehow you doubt even now he would come to see you off something inside you was fine with it.
How dumb were you like these getting angry after the fact when the moment is over?
 Whatever the case you were glad that you had said nothing during that moment, as your hand moved to wipe the tears from eyes you took a deep breath.   Whenever you faced your biological parents face to face you would deal with what came your way whether it be disappointing, or happy at least you’d get some answers. 
After all your parents wanted you to know where you came from while taking you to explain everything when they told you the truth.Something that you would be grateful for sure you could’ve been angry about them keeping this enormous secret. Yet. you knew your parents  worried about things you couldn’t understand as a child. Even if neither one of them had a connection by blood to you. 
You couldn’t help to be happy beyond words, you could express that  you got a life full of love, and sadly most kids like you don’t have time to experience. Reality of your situation, you got to have a home with these wonderful people though sometimes you felt a disconnect when you saw other of your peers with the parents.it was your adopted parents. Still, the days passed continuously since your encounter with Katsuki. You felt happy that at least despite the harsh words he left you with you.
“Maybe it’s better that I didn’t say everything I wanted.” You stated with resolve, your eyes would express another story of regret before you pinched your right cheek to snap you out of it. Your mopy thoughts needed to take a back seat. You wanted to face your actual parents, to ask everything you felt. In the back of your mind, you wanted to have his support behind you. 
You want to move forward to well really to get there then you plan to do next. Placing Bakugou at the back of your mind would be the best thing you could do for right now.
That would be fine, you could handle it, nothing would get in the way. Especially not the explosive blonde you were probably throwing himself into a distraction to avoid thinking of you. They had made sure they packed the luggage into the car the night before and learned that your father wanted to take a later flight instead of the current one.
Sweet little broccoli is calling you~ Never knew a broccoli could blush like a tomato, like a tomatoo--Oh yeah! I love you my sweetpea fresh like chili broccoli..~
A brief buzz came from your pocket causing you to let laughter burst from your mouth. You saved this as Izuku’s ringtone, much to his flustered expression every time he heard it with an embarrassment covering his face. You didn’t think it was that bad besides you worked on creating something like this for his Mom. An early mother’s day gift, so she wanted a ringtone that fitted her beloved son. So you helped him with it much how he was shy singing it, but you did it with him. At least you could find your spirits lifting a fraction. Before you answered the call you went to work on calming down your giggles first.
“Hey, Izuku. What’s up?”You questioned, you wondered why he called suddenly out of the blue like this, yet it was nice to talk to someone either way.Still, you heard him speak on the other of the line.
“Hey, [Name] is everything all right?” Midoriya's tone was curious, as if he was trying to figure more than she’d let on. Then you as if something told he wanted to talk about something else. He was very observant, though the thoughts of your conversation with Katsuki crawled back up, but you wanted to avoid it. 
“Mhm, I’m all right, Izuku.” Your voice relaxed, giving a bit of a chuckle that escaped your lips. In the event to stop him from trying to read too much in to what you wanted to hide.You smiled thinking of your trip besides you knew your doubts and worries came out of nervousness to be honest. 
“I’m ready to face my biological parents--to get the answers to my questions.” You continued there was a bite of bitterness in your voice which he caught.  
Why did you let that tiny swirling frustration come out of you now?
“[Name], is it really about that or is it about Kacchan..?” Izuku asked, his voice cut through your voice caught in your throat when he mentioned him. Now, you stammered with your own reply.
“N-No, it's not about Bakugou.” Damn it. You cursed you weren’t trying to sound stumble with Midoriya though he knew Katsuki just and you. Yet, you wondered what he knew about his outburst, though you didn’t want to go into it.
At your obvious lie, all you heard on the other sigh of the phone was him sighing at your stubbornness. What else could you say about the subject? He knew about what transpired, though you were sure where he learned it from. Either way, you didn’t see a point in just putting it behind a shade so you came clean.
“He’ll come around as hot-headed as Katsuki is.” Midoriya said while pausing for a moment. Still, you couldn’t help but agree with him. “I know he will see you off—He will miss you everyone will [Name].” He replied, you would miss him along with all your friends.
Hoping was all you could do for the moment was that Bakugou came through to say goodbye on better terms. A negative thought was lingering inside your head like a deathly plague he might not. When trying to predict his moods like was trying to disarm a ticking time bomb even though you knew he had moments of caring. It was just obscured by the rough edges of his personality, though you saw it more than most.
“I will take your word for it,Izuku.I just hope to see him one more time...” You smiled lightly, while conversing a little more with Midoriya longer before ending the call. Drifting further away from your persistent thoughts that resurfaced, you got saved from them. Your parents returned home with some takeout from your favorite place while you saw their car pull in the driveway. 
All your unease that made you restless to hear from one person disappeared. You wanted to at least hear his voice say his common catch phrase, or the fear you held made you more concerned to call him.
You stopped up at your front door to glance down at your iPhone, glancing at the screen saver you stored secretly. It was Bakugou Katsuki in his usual stance, though he sported a splash of color dusting his face a bright pink. His scowl was clear while crimson eyes held his glare with your arms wrapped around his waist. What happened that day made your smile return, though suddenly it dimmed altogether once more.
A confession that would stay hidden with which you want to tell him. A single tear fell from your eye that splashed on the screen of your phone. You bit back the sobs that wanted to escape your throat, deciding it would be better to compose yourself. You didn’t want your folks to make a fuss about why you felt sad moment.  You wanted to just forget and enjoy their company.  While that faint melody of the song you were playing echoed its somber words when you entered your house.
Let you hear the words I want to say…
Before I disappear never again to see your face…
I love with the confession of my feelings seemed to go unanswered.
Yet, they linger only for you..
Something that when unnoticed just outside your gate was the very boy you were thinking of now. He contemplated going to your door before growling in frustration turning on his heel walking back to his home.
“Damn it...” Katsuki wasn’t sure how he’d apologize to you that didn’t stop the prickling feeling that stabbed his chest. Your sobs only dug it deeply into how his words cut you. This whole situation was shitty to him you leaving hating to admit he would miss a lot than he expressed. He didn’t want to lose you even if it was to get your answers he wished to find those shitty parents of yours to tell them that. They shouldn’t have given someone like you up even if it was for a beneficial thing for you, yet it is a grateful feeling that he met you because of it.
At least that Deku told him when you’d be departing, so he’d make sure you’d come back. A promise he wanted to deliver before you went halfway across the country to get your answers..
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I can’t believe that I finished this at 2:37 AM. Hope everyone enjoys this blurb.  All that to see if you all want to see a Part Two. I’ll probably work on making masterlist sometime tomorrow.
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missjackil · 4 years
My 15x16 Opinion
Drag Me Away (From You)
I liked this episode even though I had some real problems with it. I’ve always liked seeing young Winchesters and learning more about their childhood.  I found the story confusing but pretty creepy. It was good to see a monster we’ve never seen before. 
I felt really bad to know that Dean came across a nest full of dead children and at such a young age. That sheds some light on his overall personality. I always figured the boys have seen some terrible crap growing up.
So this MOTW seems to make children hallucinate and then kill themselves. Kinda like the curse in Werther Project, but I'm confused about the Boggle game. Did Sam or the boy see “Sam kill you now”? Did it toy with Sam too? 
This episode was written by Meghan Fitzmartin, who apparently doesn’t write for the show much, and some of the writing was just bad, even though I don’t think the episode sucked. Below the cut I will share my issues with it for anyone interested in my rantings :)
My first issue is poor casting. The girl was annoying as a kid and an adult. As a child she flirted too much with Dean and she seemed like an ass teasing him, asking if he’s sweating and is he scared and such. Of course, he is and you should be too! 
The brother (victim) as an adult was no eay several years younger than Sam, Dean and his sister. He looked older than Dean.
You Dean was a good match for other young Deans but young Sam was bad. He wasn’t cute at all and he looked pretty much the same age as Dean. 
Next, it seemed like the writer was unaware of the boys’ already established in canon history. Dean tells Sam “I was babysitting you when I was your age” to which Sam commented “I'm sure that would be illegal” as though he didn't remember such a thing (which he would) and that he didn't because it would be illegal, even though in Something Wicked shows 10 yr old Dean taking care of 6 yr old Sam 
Along with that, Sam has a book about colleges in which Dean says “You barely go to school! There’s no way a college would accept you dumbass” Now, if this was just big bro Dean busting little bros stones, ok… but he said it mean, and like he was serious. This doesnt sound like how Dean was back in those days. Sure he teased Sam but he was also very caring. Aside from 30 seconds at the end when he told Sam they make a good team, there was no brotherly closeness. Also, “You barely go to school” is bullshit. They both went to school even though the moved around a lot, and neither of them appears to have been left back at anytime, which would happen if they skipped a lot of school. In Usual Suspects we learn that despite moving around a lot, Sam maintained a straight A average, and was in college when he was 18 (The Chitters)
Now, unlike most people, when I dont like the writing, I dont only shade the writer, since I know they dont just show up on Monday and throw a script at the boys and start filming. It has to go through pretty much everyone and be approved and edited first, so everyone is responsible for bad writing IMO. 
So the grand moment of the episode I think, is of course the fight in the car. When Dean hid the text from Cass “Does Sam know yet?” I knew this wouldn’t end well. This was acted beautifully and painfully. I felt all of it. I haven’t seen Sam this mad at Dean since…. I don’t know, but he’s pissed! Now, at first, I was angry with Dean and thinking “Ok how am I supposed to believe he loves Jack and is trying when he’s willing to let him blow himself up?” Then my mind put me back in the reality of this show. Dean loves Sam more than anything and yet willingly let him jump into Hell. Sam loves Dean more than anything, and more recently, let him do the exact same thing and become a bomb to blow up Amara. This is not OOC for the Winchesters even though I don’t believe they would allow this for each other anymore. I understand that Dean still holds a justifiable grudge against Jack, how could he not? But he wasn’t willing to let Mrs Butters kill him, so I don’t think he WANTS Jack to die, but believes it’s the only way and Sam wouldn’t agree, and try another way and maybe get himself killed in the process. 
So I guess again I'm left looking at a big bro fight in which I understand both sides. *sigh*
In conclusion, the episode isn’t my favorite of the season but I did enjoy it. It will remain on my rewatch list but it could have been a lot better.
On a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon Ill give Drag Me Away (from You) a 7. 
Only 4 more left, then I won't know what to do with myself :(
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littlemisslol-fic · 3 years
Oooh 1 and 11 for the fic writing asks?
Hoho fun!!
1. What's something you've written that you know is OOC and you just don't care?
Hahaha well beyond everything I've ever written, the first thing that sticks out is Donella in Dear Fellow Traveller. I pre-plan everything, so at the time of getting the outline tweaked I didn't have as much of a grasp on her as I do now. Some people have called it "broke" or claim that I messed her up (and for some reason that was the end of the world for them, to the point of being rude as shit), but honestly I'm chalking it up to it's a goddamn fanfic and it literally doesn't matter. Would I change it if I went back and rewrote the thing? Probably. Do I care that much? Not really, because I think the fic is strong enough as-is, and I can throw out Canon if I want for the sake of a better narrative. Live and learn, right?
11. What "don't ever do this" writing rule are you guilty of constantly breaking?
Uhhhhh all of them? Nah if I had to pick one, I'd say it's that I actually love the word "said". Everyone in their first year of writer's craft loves to find 500 different words to replace said, exhaled, sighed, grinned, exhumed, the list is infinite, but I only use the fancy words when it's important. I subscribe to the philosophy of Steven King, who's book On Writing I would 100% recommend to anyone wanting to elevate their work. He basically says that "said" is the true neutral word, and should be used often in order to not distract the reader from the flow of the narrative. I agree with this take, as there's been hundreds of books I've read (Twilight comes to mind, as does 50 Shades of Grey) that take me right out of the moment with "over peppered" prose.
This is personal opinion, but I think the said hate comes from an overuse of adverbs (sadly, angrily, etc) right after. "Said sadly" is lazy writing, it's telling, not showing. Said isn't the problem here, it's the lack of expansion from description that will pin you as a novice writer.
So yeah, I use said. I love said, I will die on the "said" hill, which goes against basically every writing advice tumblr, or English teacher, and I refuse to budge lolololol
Thank you for the ask anon!! Sorry it got a bit long, I just have a lot of thoughts apparently shdhsgdgd
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jan31 · 4 years
Rambling Review Episode 31
If I came to this world 100 times, I would fall in love with you a 100 times all over again
This is what we need to remember, its a love story between two soulmates, not about Serkan getting his memories back first.
So...it was better than 30 but still some tough scenes to watch and very little time spent on the two main characters, Eda and Serkan
We see Serkan listening to the radio and its all about Eda’s surprise engagement and saying ‘is there no other news in the country’, I am hoping this is the writers throwing shade at the paps who relentlessly pursue Kerem and ask him brainless questions!
Engin, Erden and Pryl discussing the baby and doctors appointment, Erden and Engin crying about it, loved this scene!
We see Eda putting her game into action...making Serkan jealous.  She knows exactly how to do that, make it look like there is another man interested in her and sending her gifts. And it works, he keeps telling her to act professionally at work, but really its his heart reacting to her and he does not even realise it.  I loved Eda calling him out for staring at her, he is really intrigued by her.
Serkan not remembering Melos name was heartbreaking, they used to have such a close relationship.
Sirius is the star of the show and the excuse Serkan has always used when he needed to get close to Eda, which is the reason he turned up at Deniz’s cafe during the day. He just cant stay away from her and doesn’t  realise his heart is ruling him as he does not know what love feels like, he never had that with Seline. 
Eda are you happy
Eda: Serkan, you, me and Sirius we were a family  that no one could destroy.  Serkan: Did I destroy this love?  Eda: Yes you destroyed it
Tough words to hear, and ones that I am sure will haunt Serkan
The chaos that goes on at Edas house when the two sides of the family meet is always funny and this was no exception, Serkan getting slapped by Aidan, “He does nothing, only drives us crazy’ and Eda agrees! 
Its troubling Serkan why Eda never told him about Deniz...someone is jealous
‘Who’s love was better, Serkan or Deniz?” Of course we know who, but Eda says Deniz just to torment him.
Melo as usual is holding everyone together, I am worried it will all become too much for her.  Her and Ferit in the coffee lounge was special, he really is such a gentleman and still cares for Ceren even though their relationship is clearly over. Melo reveals to him about Cerens hard life and she has been taking medication for many years.  He is obviously upset as he had no idea.  Can these two please get together or can we find decent people for them to love and be loved
Ceren is spiralling downwards, has stopped taking her meds and turns up to talk to Deniz with pink hair, I’m not sure if this is how she looked when she was young and was in love with Deniz or just wanted to change her image. Deniz chucking her out of the cafe after she kissed him was harsh, she clearly has problems and he could of least called Melo or Eda and let them know or offered to drive her home.  But instead opted to release Seline from her locked office (well done Melo), he is very focussed on Eda and its worries me as she is totally unaware of his feelings for her, can someone please tell her?
Any one else think it was strange that Serkan just sat there on the boat and did not get up to help Eda, until she asked.  He has always had good manners like that and I found it ooc?
Loved that he felt very comfortable to dry off Edas boobs when he spilt water on them, he was so wide eyed and shocked when Eda called him out, while secretly enjoying his touch!  I love getting to hear about poems they learned, that they had meals on this boat many times before, all the things we did not see in any episodes.
Eda:  Serkan when you left you told me you would be back.  This is the last thing i remember.  We were unable to say goodbye to each other.  And because we didn’t have such a memory, I always think its right to ask you if you remember?
So sad for Eda, she loves him so much, this is her soulmate and he has no memories of her, how that must hurt.
He clearly did not want her to leave the boat, he is drawn to her when they have these times alone and must be wondering where this manipulative woman is that Seline described. Giving her the ring back as a necklace was his way of keeping her close, and the trouble he obviously went to, compared to choosing Selines crappy engagement ring!
Wanting to drive Eda home and then telling Seline to go and he will come later, love it!!! His face lights up when he is with Eda, they have an invisible thread that connects them, and with Seline there is no sign of affection or caring for her.  Serkan took that time on the boat once Eda left to create new memories of their time together, yip he is falling in love and he will try and fight it but its pointless, hes a goner!
Pryl crying over baby booties, those hormones can do that!
After yesterdays boat trip, I fell in love with him even more, is this normal?
My poor Eda, she is being so strong and positive, how, I do not know.  Especially when Serkan tells Farook that they will never get married, as he is marrying Seline soon.  Her face just fell, that really hurt.  and we have to tolerate Seline and her smirking at Eda, ugh i hate this woman.  
Eda opens the box from Deniz and its wedding invitations, obviously a plot created by Deniz and Seline, that why she is looking so pleased with herself.  What a nasty trick and I hope Eda calls Deniz out for it, he is supposed to be friend.
I strongly want to believe that Deniz is working with Seline, but then realises the love between Eda and Serkan is something that cannot be broken and will turn against Seline.
My other worry is this fake engagement, Seline has the recording and she will have no worries about letting Serkan hear it.  I just hope he realises Eda did it because she loves him so much and not to manipulate him.
My hopes for next episode, I am sure we have all seen the fragmans and it looks very edser centred...finally.  Seline finally realising Serkan does not love her, lets see how the pyscho bitch deals with that.  Serkan falling in love more and more with Eda, even without his memories of her returning. We saw in the fragman him saying,’ No one can touch you but me’, his heart knows what he wants and that is Eda.  
Seline is obviously on her way out and hopefully we will see that in 33, there is talk of her going off with Deniz, but hopefully not before Eda tears into her for what she has done. Whilst Serkan had memory loss and did not remember Eda, Seline could have chosen a better path and called Eda and let her know her fiance was alive, for that she needs to be roasted alive 
Enjoy the episode tomorrow, its going to be a good one xx  
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I love Milan so much! He’s portrayed as the perfect combination of ‘I’m gay and proud and I don’t have to live by heteronormative standards of relationships’ and being unbelievably sweet and wanting something like what Robbe and Sander have. He is my favorite representation in an Eskild. Gay men can be wild and soft
I gotta admit I like a lot of the Eskilds but I sorta of hate how they wrote Milan in s2. No queer adult should ever try to kiss a possible queer teen. End of period and I saw the clip again here and am sorry he def is trying to kiss Robbe.  Also that s2 writing of Milan is so OOC. The Milan we know would never do something like that. Milan jokes and he is silly but he is also highly informed on queer history and culture. I hate that s2 Milan plot and also the fact that Robbe apologized and they tried to play it off like Milan wasn’t trying to do that because probably after the fact the writers got told how icky it comes off. Also why would Robbe a minor apologize for the actions of an adult trying to touch him without his consent. Umm no! It literally made my blood boil. Especially for Milan because his character is such a fairy god papa to Robbe. Milan is so thoughtful particularly in that moment where they are sitting on the couch and Robbe ask “how do you know if someone is gay” and Milan clocks Robbe ruminating on what he is saying but he doesnt push Robbe for more information he sorta of gives him the extra minute to process his thoughts or continue asking whatever question is on his mind. Milan does that a lot for Robbe throughout s3 and when he holds his emotions in place when Robbe tells him about the attack and breaks down afterwards because he knows that Robbe has experienced a hate crime and he isnt really even fully out yet.  I am happy that in s3 they humanized Milan and then more so in wtfockdown with the cyber sex talk. 
I love this scene too because queer culture embraces hook up/free love culture a lot but at the same time you dont need to engage in that if you dont feel comfortable. Your tribe and or your people are the people that respect and appreciate your boundaries. This is also a very beautiful notion that Milan passes down to Robbe but its also funny because he is also like it can be romantic or like just fuck it do it for the camera hahahaha. An Eskild to heart truly. I just wish Milan was the one that had apologized and they actually discuss Robbe’s use of slurs in s2 it actually would have made more sense as to why Robbe uses that slur again against Sander even after Milan talks to him about it. Lastly tho Milan is def the most caretaker or papa bears of the Eskilds but the sweetest is 1000% Hans tho. Hans is such a pure soul and the fact that he takes Matteo to church to find some calm is just such a Hans thing to do. Also the fact that he sits Matteo down is like “ok let me break out the safe sex must do’s” was hilarious especially because Matteo is so shy you know he wanted to die on the chair. Flippo is also amazing because you know Marti just appears on his doorstep every two weeks with a list of questions that Flippo needs to walk him through as he is full fledge panic mode. Mika is hella bitchy but Lucas is bitchy too so they are actually perfect together. They just sit their throwing shade and reading each other to filth I can see it now.
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queen--kenobi · 4 years
.....am I lowkey thinking of some dad Joey things to request?? Abso-fucking-lutely. I hadn't even thought of Joey as a dad, and y'all have awoken something in me.
I appreciate the fact that you even write dad things for characters. Most people don't care to write that kinda stuff because it's too ooc. Like ya that's the point, and why it's like canon with a slight twist, but okay. You do you.
Anyway you're like top 5 slasher writers that write characters as parents and I kinda find you godly now lol.
I guess the only idea I have is that teething thing you did, but with Joey as the dad instead.
But hey, I never claimed to be original lol
Joey would make an excellent dad, and I’m surprised it hadn’t been sent to me before then?
The way I look at it is this. 1) Any of these characters falling in love with someone like me and not instantly murdering the person is ooc too so I might as well have fun while I’m at it. And 2) it creates a fun exercise in writing IC? Like yes they would never be in this situation, so if I can write them in this situation in a way that makes sense with their character, I can write them IC for any situation. If that makes sense
I feel like I should clarify that remark isn’t meant to throw shade. It’s just how I look at it, and I understand that everyone is going to look at it differently. And that’s good. It’s great, actually because we get a variety of fics that way. If everyone thought about things the same way, we’d have the same five fics, and it’d be boring
And gjdgfhkdhfgkd thank you!!!!! Y’all honestly have no idea how much comments like that mean to me! They mean so much oh my god
I’m gonna have to work on that one because that one would be so cute oh my god
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orlothegreat · 4 years
When you were younger, did you ever get into trouble? As in, break rules, not do something you were supposed to, etc. Did you get away with it, if not, what happened if you didn't?
ooc: omg okay is this the spanking/corporal punishment anon?  i am not throwing shade at ALL understand, i’m just enormously curious as to why you want to know how childhood Orlo was punished, and why. are you into developmental psychology? are you a fanfic writer wanting to brainstorm with another writer on a tragic backstory? if you’re not comfortable answering me that’s totally okay, i’m just really curious, i don’t usually get variations of the same ask multiple times.  dish! lol. 
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