#ooc bailey >>
lanayru-rp-blog · 5 months
@tidewings-of-hyrule, Yohoho! Its me, Lanayru!
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My sweet Cordelia 💙💜
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thevillainsfangirl · 3 months
This is gonna ruffle a lot of feathers, I’m sure, but...
If you're going to love a fictional villain, LOVE THEM AS A VILLAIN! Stop trying to make them into some Good Person™ that they’re not. What is it that you even like about them? You think they're hot?
Quit being a pussy! THEY'RE FICTIONAL. It's not some moral dilemma if you love a villain AS A VILLAIN.
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(Remade this old post because I had some characters to add.)
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baileythebean · 4 months
Shoutout to Hungarians this pride month
We only have one gender pronoun. It’s gender-neutral. And quite literally a singular letter. May I present:
Yeah that’s it. Just ‘ő’. There you go, people outside AND inside the gender binary. You are now an ő.
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ask-olive-huchers · 3 months
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part 2
That’s right, jj is starting a story!! This took so long to finish, but there will be more!!
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I may have just binged Xiaolin Showdown- I’m not quite at the finish line yet, but I am screaming. First of all - the main four embody their elements so well!
Between Clay’s down to earth attitude, but at the same time - being a strong, hard-to-take-down opponent. As a dragon of earth, I was definitely in awe the entire time. I enjoy his character so much, and the Texan sayings he says? Count me in!
Kimiko? Her fiery attitude matches being the dragon of fire so well. She has a free-spirited energy, and can’t easily be tamed even by the wildest of evils. She has an immeasurable, headstrong way of directly taking things on. She’s grown more as a character, but because these characters are likely no older than 13 - they still have a lot more to learn.
Raimundo. Dragon of Wind. He’s the most unpredictable of all of them sometimes - he has an energy which cannot be tamed, and won’t be held down by anything (even if it almost became his door fall). Though in the end, he came back around- deciding he couldn’t abandon his friends…
And then there’s Omi. The Dragon of Water. With his strength, athleticism, and optimistic personality make him perfect for his element- his cheerful but bold attitude are a wonderful mix and I cannot wait to see more from him and the rest of the cast! Though I only got to episode 25, and I’m purring like an idiot- Omi’s characteristics are mirrored as if it were water. He almost seems to go with the flow, but in the end - like a tsunami - he will always protect the ones he cares about.
But now- I get to talk about what I was itching to focus on grrr.
Our villains…
Jack Spicer is certainly the kind of villain who serves as comic relief, but even then- he’s a genuine good fodder to the four monks that stand against him. At times, we’ll see him team up with them for a shady cause, and I find this almost charming. While he isn’t the most terrifying of villains, and he simply functions as the filler for the monks to handle, I’ve grown quite fond of his character!
but ho boy, then we have Wuya and can I just say- she might not have a physical form but even then - she makes for a great opponent. The episodes in which she gained physical form were done so well, and I found myself being drawn in more and more. Her cunning and trickery make her a hard enemy to beat- and I am curious to see where else this series takes us.
BUT there’s another character that has me frothing at the mouth: Chase Young.
Previously on the side of good, Chase Young turned evil on the promise of power and youth- he has his army of Fallen Warriors to guard him, and well, if the fact he’s immensely powerful. Not to mention, he’s incredibly strong and has been around for, say, a while (?). He’s already caught my interest and I can’t wait to see more of him… also his interest in Omi from episode 25 “The Evil Within” has my metaphorical tail wagging because holy- I’m already seeing the vision: Chase attempting to sway Omi onto the side of evil…
Also, the Fallen Warriors being cats while Chase Young has slitted golden eyes (and yes, I know that secretly the mf is reptilian-) is extremely ironic and I live for it- nonhuman Chase for the win because, well, that is what he is! I can’t wait to continue seeing more of his character-
Of course, this is hardly helping my case at all…
Xiaolin Showdown and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja would be such an interesting crossover- like, I do have a couple ideas cooking in my mind but at the same time… I need to develop this a little more! And if it happens to be influenced by the whole First Ninja and Chase Young dynamic, no it isn’t - whatever do you mean /lh
My tail is wagging
More to come soon! Because mrrr- I am ever so slightly hyperfixated…
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propertyofkylar · 11 months
I really love what you write about Whitney 😍😍 I’m not sane about him at all, especially after everything Vrel unloaded… good dad Whitney, Whitney loft event, Whitney and his plushies. I LOVE HIM SO MYCH😞😞(sorry.) he’s so real tho. Would you write anything soft about him spending time with his family? Like him, PC, and his son in their new home after skipping town. I think he would be a boy dad tbh. Sorry for my long ask 👴🏻👴🏻
eeeee anon thank u that's so nice! and no need to apologize. this is a whitney lover safe space.
i LOVE this prompt....gonna go crazy with it.
cw: not much, just mentions of previous dol canon-compliant abuse
Whitney quietly closed the door behind him, instinct telling him that someone inside was fast asleep.
He was right. The first thing he saw walking into the tiny flat was you and your son, curled up on the couch, fast asleep. The sight brought a smile to Whitney's face.
It was still such a novel concept to him. Never in a million years did he expect to have his own small family, much less enjoy it. But here he was.
It hadn't been planned, Whitney thought as he took a spot next to you on the couch. But when you told him you were pregnant and he was the father, he knew he had to make a change.
The two of you had worked hard. You took the money you had and ran. Now, you were here. Far away from that godawful town and all the horrors that resided in it.
Whitney worked in the day and took classes in the night. His free time was spent with your child. You worked odd jobs like babysitting and cleaning homes - jobs you could do with the baby - and took online courses. Life was busy and exhausting. You didn't have much, but Whitney was working towards a better future. For his family.
You stirred next to him on the couch, letting out a yawn with your eyes closed. "Thought I heard you come home."
"Morning, slut," Whitney teased. The afternoon sun was starting to set.
You weakly smacked him on the arm. "Told you not to call me that in front of the baby."
Whitney rolled his eyes. "He's asleep. He won't know."
You opened your eyes finally, just to roll them at Whitney. You handed the slumbering child over to him. "Your son has been a needy shit all day. Just like his dad."
Whitney chose not to point out the hypocrisy of your language, opting to be nice. He wrapped his free arm around your shoulders, admiring the tiny family he had.
"Got a nice tip today," he announced. "What do you say I treat my slut to a nice dinner?"
You sat up, raising an eyebrow at him. "A nice dinner?"
"Fish and chips is nice!" Whitney protested. "Whatever. Can't you just be grateful?"
"Mm, no," you said with a smile. "But I'll take the dinner anyway."
Whitney leaned back and sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I thought after all this time, you would stop being so annoying. Guess I was wrong."
Your grin grew wider. "Yeah, but you're stuck with me now."
"Guess I am," Whitney said with a smile back. Only, he didn't feel stuck.
In fact, he felt freer than he ever had.
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sunshine-knight · 1 month
@shecarnionmyval, I hope you got home safely. I'm still baffled over you getting all the way to Missouri that fast, and for baked goods alone, but you're pretty fun company. (For a kid who's twelve or whatever, anyway :p ) School's starting back up soon, so tell me how that goes! Hope your moms aren't too mad at me over you crashing here, but it was late, and I didn't want you traveling before daylight.
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tegan-baliey · 6 months
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I need money for the blueberry vanilla bath and bodywork’s set and glue.. I’m just a poor orphan girl 🙏🙏🙏
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forgottenbard · 8 months
You were in your own room,minding your own business, lucky to have been able to avoid Bailey so far. But it seems your luck is running out as you start hearing shouting from the main hall.
It sounds like someone tried to sneak in a dog again but fail this time. Bailey is absolutely ripping that orphan a new one.
You hope desperately that you leaves soon so you can sneak back out again.
But no one answers your prayers as now after the shouting as died down, you hear his heavy footsteps near your room.
This time you dont get the grace of a knock.
The door slams open and there he stands, unlit cigarette in his mouth and looking more pissed than usual.
"Hey you fucking Brat." He spits out harshly, as if trying to bite venom into your veins. "Payment is due." As he says this, he cracks his knuckles. It doesnt look like you can even bargain with him.
Arian wasn't the smartest man.
This wasn't something he denied, after all, he never really claimed to be smart in the first place. But this fact really shined through sometimes. And this was one of those times.
Staring up at Bailey from where he sat on his bed, he tried stumbling through his practiced lines, but nothing was coming out. He hadn't realized how differently it'd be once Bailey was actually in front of him, instead of just practicing his lines in a mirror.
"I uh...I don't have my uhm...my payment yet." He mumbled, completely avoiding eye contact. "I uh...forgot it was today...? I can get you money, just- just...give me a day! Yeah, uh- just a day-"
God, maybe seeing cows was not worth this actually...
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boxer-boi · 12 days
Hey so Shipping yourself with Freminet is actually really fucking weird He’s not gay and not real even then all the femle ocs shipped wit him are more normal
hm… kindly get tf off my blog and scroll!
@airiswims wanna comment on this as a ‘more normal’ fem oc x Fremi shipper? Bc I don’t think it’s okay to say this to anyone, even if the character is straight (which it doesnt say literally ANYWHERE.)
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ravarui · 5 months
//In honor of me being nearly done with all drafts:
Enjoy some puppy pics of Bailey.
Bonus: him and Lucy being dorks
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Nerin’s sweet voice calling out to Lanayru, as the latter returns to consciousness
“What is that like, waking up?”
Well, Miss Lily…it’s a bit weird, I have to say. I start out so incredibly weak, and honestly if you ask me now I don’t remember much from those first few minutes. But slowly I gain my strength, little by little, until I am back to the Lanayru you all know and love. In the days following, though…I work a little too hard. I mean, I once passed out from exhaustion in Cordelia’s arms. I just want to make up for my long absence, and I always feel so behind, you know?
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litearra · 6 months
catch,   sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
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heart had shattered in her chest, pair of skates tied across his shoulders weren’t incriminating on their own. but the hockey stick had been. sworn to her father that she would not date another hockey player, disappointed him enough as it is - did not need another disapproving lecture from him. it had hurt more, walking away from @literare than when she had woken up to caleb’s ‘we’re over’-text after her coma. barely sleeps or eats, a shell of who she had been when they first met. supposed to let go of him, proven to be impossible. driving from briar to harvard on multiple accounts, just to catch glimpses of him on the ice. upholding the promise to stay and spend time, even if it was from a relatively safe distance. an excited and lingering crowd flocks the exits of the harvard hockey arena, trying to push through - instead she stumbles into someone. arm snaking around her waist, heart leaping in her chest - the comforting smell of him that still lingers in the shirt she still wears to bed intensifying 100-fold. body recognising him before her mind does, leaning into his touch instantly - it feels like home.     ❝ ethan, ❞     she croaks, teary-eyed she gazes up at him. bottom lip quivering while fingers desperately curl into his jacket, found him and while her head may scream at her to let him go, her body simply refuses.
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baileythebean · 4 months
Reasons why you should read… Wings of Fire!!
Random LONG-ASS post but idc because this has been my favorite book series since 3rd grade and I still HEAVILY fixate on it - for anyone interested (after I explain ofc) These books are by Tui T. Sutherland and are available in audiobook, paperback, hardcover, and Kindle I think.
Reasons you might enjoy WoF and features of the books!
-creative character designs
-full plot with little to no holes and if there are any, they’re probably explained in one of the MANY side books available.
-well-written characters that can be powerful without being a “Mary Sue” and having their own personalities
-each book follows a different protagonist, sometimes with the protagonist switching up mid-book
-a prologue and epilogue in each book
-15 main books released so far with more coming!!
-STUNNING cover art
-the main characters are dragons!!
-Written like those fanfics where you read them and you forget you’re reading a fanfic but it’s still not quite written like an ‘official’ book, y’know?
-descriptive writing so you don’t have to imagine stuff in weird vague ways
-LOTS OF LGBTQIA+ rep! Including but not limited to: mlm rep, wlw rep, non-binary/non-conforming rep - and the best part about it? It’s casually brought up! It’s normalized! Not even the villains or shitty parents show an OUNCE of homophobia or transphobia!
-There are humans in these books! And POC rep!
-women in leading/strong roles :3
-different continents!
-different tribes of dragons each sharing similar traits depending on their habitat!! NOT JUST RANDOMIZED DRAGONS EVERYWHERE ALL MIXED TOGETHER WHERE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO CAN DO WHAT!!
-Each book features a map of the continent it’s set on, a description of the dragons of each tribe living on that continent (including looks, powers, diet, affiliation in war depending on the book, and current Queen) and a page for the prophecy the book fixates around (different for each arc)
-Three arcs, each solving a different conflict but STILL IN THE SAME PLOT!!
-creepy mind-control stuff!
-well-written villains
-lines that have made me CACKLE out loud multiple times
-and so much more! Read them for yourself to find out!!
THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY ARC: 1) The Dragonet Prophecy (Clay of the Mudwings)
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2) The Lost Heir (Tsunami of the Seawings)
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3) The Hidden Kingdom (Glory of the Rainwings)
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4) The Dark Secret (Starflight of the Nightwings)
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5) The Brightest Night (Sunny of the Sandwings/Nightwings)
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THE JADE MOUNTAIN ARC: 6) Moon Rising (Moonwatcher of the Nightwings)
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7) Winter Turning (Winter of the Icewings)
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8) Escaping Peril (Peril ((the one in front)) of the Skywings)
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9) Talons of Power (Turtle ((the green one)) of the Seawings)
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10) Darkness of Dragons (Qibli of the Sandwings) (MY FAV CHARACTER YIPPEE)
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THE PANTALA ARC: 11) The Lost Continent (Blue of the Silkwings)
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12) The Hive Queen (Cricket of the Hivewings)
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13) The Poison Jungle (Sundew of the Leafwings) (MY FAV BOOK YIPPEE)
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THE RETURN ARC (not sure if that’s actually what it’s called but oh well): 14) The Dangerous Gift (Snowfall ((the one on the right)) of the Icewings)
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15) The Flames of Hope (Luna ((the obvious-looking one)) of the Silkwings)
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Legends: Dragon Slayer
A Guide to the Dragon World
The Winglets Quartet
There might be more but there are also a coloring book plus an activity/storymaking book and as far as I know the fandom is pretty non-toxic and full of artists and cosplayers!! So have funnnn :33
-IRL Bailey
@toniothegammafish @thesilliestofallqueers @rebootgrimm @ask-sora-aguilar @schnozzlebozzle
@bioexorcismss @piigeonss @weirdassartist @clown-prince-of-gay @lilacquintet 
@wakatoshi-main @metal-mage @vv4loe 
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ask-olive-huchers · 3 months
just for funnies, I'm gonna do a relationship chart thingy realll quick with the characters Olive has interacted with (plus maple, Chris, Ditch, and pebble bc they technically have met but there's so roleplay for them-)
Olive and Bailey: close friends, kinda like siblings! Olive definitely sees him as a big brother, though! And (don’t tell anyone!), They definitely look up to Bailey a lot
Olive and Sora: close! Sora is like the mother of the group, so naturally Olive see's him as a role model!
Olive and Zaria: they know she helped Rowan with her plan. So. hate.
Olive and jasper: ehh, neutral (ish). Just has fun messing with him most of the time. So I guess possibly another brother figure idk
Olive and Rowan: despises. Hates. Would kill. Could kill. It’s their fault. Or, that’s what olive thinks anyway.
• Olive and Finn: neutral. Not much to say in this in, olive just doesn't really know Finn that much.
Olive and Skipp: do I even need to explain this one? ok, fine. Olive definitely "likes" Skipp. Let's put in simple terms for now, shall we?
Olive and Yuki: Dislike. Only bc bro was in a bad mood when they had met. Then again Olives kinda always in a bad mood, so..-
Olive and Ray: sorta dislike. Only because they had a bad first impression as well. But all of Olive's first impressions involve anger so..no hard feelings?
Olive and Quinn: a like for sure. I mean, her dog had already won them over! Plus she was pretty nice!
Olive and Stone: neutral. I mean, he's okay I guess.
Olive and Ditch: hate. Hate. Hate. Pure annoyance. If given the chance, Olive would stab him in the neck and stomp on his body. They'd throw his body into the ocean. Plus, Olive would tie giant rocks to his body so he'd sink to the very bottom. Where no one could find him. But he's too important to the story so that'll never happen! Perhaps in another universe...
Olive and Chris: neutral. Not practically close, but Olive does like to call him out for anything he's done wrong. They find it funny how ironically clumsy he is.
Olive and Maple: neutral. That's all I have to actually say but, I don't reallly think they'd have have a straight bond. It would probably be from their friend group, if you know what I mean.
Olive and Pebble: I guess sorta like? I mean, he must be cool if they're dating Bailey. Right? Though I think they've only met like, once..-
Olive and Calvin (their father): hate. I thought that was obvious..? But yeah. He's a pretty shitty dad who was verbally abusive and physically abusive. What was worse was it was only olive that WAS being abused, so it was favouritism for sure.
Olive and Charolette (their mother): Strong disliking. Not much as a hate, though. Their mother was fairly nice to them when they were younger. And the only golden child to appreciate. But once Their sister was born, Olives perfect little world had fallen apart.
Olive and Adi: let's get something straight. Olive hates a bunch of people. Like, a lot. But Adi takes the number one spot on the leaderboard. Olive absolutely DESPISES HER. I mean, she RUINED their life! If you were to ask olive how they ended up on the streets, they'd probably say their father. And little sister. If they could torture anyone until the end of time, Olive would 100% pick Adi. I mean, that's the whole reason they had murder their mother. To strike fear into the child, and to get the message clear for her small little mind.
And yeah! I think that's everyone? Question mark? Well, that's everyone olive met! I think? I'll probably put this is the masterpost, and it'll probably change over time as well!
Last updated : Aug 4th, 2024
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