unknownbirds · 1 year
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
05: The Loneliest
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Charles POV, jaeloussy, Melanie (you'll see), maybehelovesherbutheissoidiottoadmititsohepreferstoactlikehehatesher.
a/n: Hiiii!!! I hope everyone is okay and excited because today is race day!! And Lando is onpole yayyyy. Also, I hope everyone has a great start of summer :3
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The first time the Morelli family met my family was during a trip we made to Greece during summer. Our families sat close to each other during the meals in the restaurant and our parents talked with each other, making us, the kids, hang out together.
The first time I saw Dafne Morelli, she was wearing a pink summer dress with little flowers in it, with her long chocolate hair tied in two pigtails, and her tiny hand wrapped around a plushie of a cat.
At first, we were friends, as friends as you can be with someone you just met. Her sisters and my brothers were the same age, the two of us were middle kids, and somehow we understood each other. 
The first time she said she hated me was a day I was feeling completely sick, wasted. That day I woke up with a stomach ache and I tried to hide it, not wanting to worry my parents, and somehow not wanting to miss the fun of the day.
Our families went together to a beach near the hotel, planning on spending the entire day there, having lunch in a restaurant that is on the first row in front of the beach. I tried my best to seat something, but that made it worse and the nausea kept growing, making me feel anxious.
“Charlie, are you okay?” Dafne was the first one to notice that something bad was happening to me, looking at me worried.
“Yeah, don't worry” 
I barely went to the water that day, staying in the towel, sitting there alone. Until Dafne came to sit next to me.
“Are you sure you are okay?” 
I nodded, looking away and making her sigh. But she stayed there with me. For a moment I thought I was feeling better, so I got up and looked at her, reaching for her hand.
“Let's walk to those rocks, I saw a cat over there” 
She got up with a jump and grabbed my hand, walking with me and searching with her blue eyes for a cat.  And when we found it, she smiled wide. She clapped her tiny hands softly, looking at the calico cat.
“It's so cute!” she gasped, pointing her finger to the animal. “Did you know that in Japan they think that a calico cat means luck?”
“Oh really?” I smiled looking at her. 
“Yes! They think that they scare the ghosts, that's why the men that work on the ships brought them with them. To scare the ghosts” she nodded.
“How do you know that?”
“I'm a cat lover”
I laughed and she looked at me, then at the cat. 
But what happened next was what started it all.
She held my cheeks with her hands and pressed her lips on mine quickly, making me flinch and keep my eyes closed. That was my first kiss.
Maybe it was the nerves because of it, or the fact that I ate when my stomach refused to be nice, or maybe it was the smell of the sea. 
But the moment she took a step back, looking at me with a wide smile, I threw up right in front of her, coughing and gasping.
I heard her gasp and fall back, making her hurt her hands and cry. I gasped once I felt my stomach empty, looking at her, watching how her hands had blood and tiny rocks in it and her eyes full of tears.
“I hate you, Charles Leclerc!” she cried, trying to get up and running away from me. She never called me by my full name.
Dafne Morelli. My first kiss. And the one that hates me the most.
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When I started karting, my family invited her family to join us. 
Dafne never talked to me again, and somehow I felt bad because of it. It was like I didn't exist after that incident on the Greek beach. Even if I tried to explain myself, she always walked away, hugging her cat plushie.
I got confused because of that. At first I thought it was because she felt embarrassed, because I threw up just the moment after she kissed me. During all that week when our families were together for the first time, Dafne and I were stuck to each other, playing together and taking naps in the same bed.
At first I thought it was because she discovered the boys were disgusting. But then I saw her with Jules, smiling and talking with him, blushing. 
And somehow, that feeling I never knew I could feel, grew wild. Jealousy. I was jealous. But of what? Of who?
I saw her talking with other boys, smiling and laughing. And when she was near me, everything I received was a glacial gaze, with her blue eyes freezing me even on the hottest day of July.
But what I hated the most is that she started karting too. That Jules was helping her too. That sometimes she was better than me. That, no matter what, she always had her chin up and a proud smile, even if she lost a race or her engine stopped working. 
I started to hate her confidence. How people helped her. How, after she took me out of a race and I was practically sent to the mud, everyone ran to her to check if she was alright.
“Why do you hate her?” Jules asked me after I recognized, for the first time, that I hated her. “She's not bad”
“She is” I groaned. “She makes mistakes and people still congratulate her. It's because she's a girl? I'm doing better than her and no one comes to celebrate my podium like how they go to celebrate her points”
“You are jealous” he sighed. “You have to understand that girls do not always succeed in this sport. People cheer for her because she's brave and she tries. Why do you keep making it harder for her?”
Jules always knew that my career was going to be brilliant. He helped me be on the teams I liked, talked about me to the team principals. And he did the same with Dafne.
And I should feel proud that a woman I know was becoming famous, getting the credits for everything she did. 
But why couldn't I? Why did I always have to keep fighting her, teasing her? Why did I have that need of challenging her to see where her limit was? 
At some point, I forgot why I hated her. Was it because I was jealous? Or maybe because I
was afraid of who she would become if no one stops her? Maybe because people like her more. 
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The morning I woke up next to her I felt somehow familiar.
That scent, one that never changed, was next to me again, making me dream with my childhood and those beaches with crystal clear water. It was warm and soft, making me remember that little girl that always asked me to take naps with her.
But when I noticed it was her, I immediately knew that it was a mistake.
Her loud voice made my ears ring, starting a headache I would have for the rest of the day.
When she made me look around the room I understood it. I slept with her.  And our naked bodies and the clothes spread over the floor said that it wasn't only that.
The anger she held in her eyes was something I never saw and it made my heart squeeze tightly, making me swallow thickly and take a step back.
But then, again, words started to blurb without control out of my mouth, making me dissociate from my own body and not understand what was happening. Why am I insulting her? Why is she screaming? Why am I provoking her? Why… Why did she say she slept with Mick? Why, why, why?
The moment her heel hit my chest and threatened me I knew I had to leave before things started to get worse.
This time I fucked up. Big time. 
Jules would be so disappointed with me. So, so, so disappointed. And disgusted.
When I closed the door behind me I gasped, turning around and just facing the door of my own room. 
I thought it was my room. I had sex with Dafne thinking it was Melanie. 
I clench my jaw and search for the key to my room, opening it carefully. But then I found something that, somehow, I knew it could happen.
Melanie with a random guy on my bed. Of course.
“Get out” I said, standing in front of the bed and looking at them. “The two of you. Now!”
They woke up and gasped, hiding their bodies with the blanket. I scoffed, shaking my head and grabbing clean clothes, searching for my phone.
Fuck, where did I leave it? I couldn't find it last night. Where is it? Maybe in the club of the hotel.
“You better be out of this room once I come back” I told Melanie and the other guy. “And whatever that you thought that was going on between us, is done”
I groan and get dressed in the bathroom, not looking at them before walking out of the room.
My mind was spiraling, getting flashbacks from last night. The words I said about Dafne. How angry she was. How did I get to this point? Why? Why can't I stop?
When I went to the club and asked if they found a phone, I knew someone stole it when the guard said there wasn't a phone on lost objects. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I groaned, walking away and going back to the room. Thankfully, Melanie and that guy were no longer there.
I sat on the bed and sighed, looking around. Where is my phone, God damn it. 
After searching all over the room, and not finding it, I gave up and packed all my stuff to leave the room and go home. I'll have to give up the private jet and go home by car, using the GPS of the car and probably listening to the radio.
I walked out of the room with my backpack and suitcase, going to the hall and looking around to see if I could find my family. But they probably left already. Great.
I sighed, going to my car and placing my things there, starting the engine and driving out of the city, driving through the road on my way home.
Nearly four hours of silence, only with the occasional voice of the GPS. I hated it, but I started to think about everything that happened.
Did I really say that Dafne sucked dicks to get on her seat? That she doesn't deserve to be in Formula 1? Who was saying that? Me? 
Twenty years of knowing each other and I still can't understand why I hate her and why she hates me. And it feels that the only thing we know to do when we are around each other is to fight. Why can't we stop? It's so exhausting fighting with her. Why can't I go back in time and tell that little girl that I was feeling sick, that I needed to throw up and stay in bed? 
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The moment I opened the door of my apartment I felt my body heavier than ever. I was exhausted, my head was going to explode and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep until tomorrow. 
But I knew I had to do things. I had to go to the bank to cancel my account, just in case whoever stole my phone decided to give themselves a feast and use the card of the phone to buy things. I had to go to the phone company to cancel my card and ask them to give me a new one. I had to use my laptop to close all the social media on my phone.
It felt like I was isolated. Things were happening without me knowing it. People were saying things without me knowing it.
I spent most of the day out, taking care of things and even buying a new phone, assuming I wasn't going to see my old phone anymore.
At first I didn't notice it, but everyone I found in the street or people from the stores were staring at me. Not in a good way, that's what I noticed after the fourth store I walked in. The smiles and welcomes were inexistent. No one walked towards me to take pictures with me. 
When I went back to my apartment, there was another pair of shoes at the front door.
“What are you doing here” I frowned, leaving the bags on the table. “I think I left it clear that I was done with you”
“You actually don't hate her, do you?”
I frown looking at her, clenching my jaw. What is she talking about?
“It’s only a facade” she said. “Come on, it makes sense! And it's perfect for marketing. What was the fandom calling it… Oh, right! Enemies to lovers”
“What are you talking about, Melanie” I frowned.
“You know, at first I was curious when I found out about you” she nodded. “When we matched on Raya I searched for you on Instagram. And there was something that caught my attention. You like brunettes. But not only that. Brunettes with blue eyes”
I clench my jaw, listening to her. There's no way she's saying what I think she will say.
“And then I saw her” she laughed. “Your so-called enemy, Dafne Morelli. How curious, huh? Brunette and blue eyes. You clearly have a type. And that made me think… You dated girls that look like her because you can't have her? That's so ridiculous, you know?”
“Who I date is none of your business” I frowned, trying to defend myself.
“Don't worry” she laughed. “In fact, I helped you to make it more obvious that you hate her. Just so no one will suspect about you being in love with your teammate”
“You are crazy” I groaned. “Me in love with her? Don't make me laugh”
“It wasn't me who went to her room last night to fuck her” she said. “And here's your phone”
I frown and look at her, grabbing her bag and placing my phone on the table. She had it? All this time?
“You should thank me” she smiled. “I probably saved you from telling a lie in public”
“A lie?” I frown.
“Oh, yeah” she chuckled. “Your boss sent you a text asking you to apologize for the words you said last night. I mean, you know what they say about drunk people, that they always tell the truth. And yesterday you were wasted”
I clench my jaw and grab my phone. She knew my code, I told her. What the fuck did she do?
“What have you done” I frown while reading the messages. 
“What you deserve” she laughed, getting up and walking past me. “You wanted to win? I helped you. You're welcome”
Before I could say anything to her, the door of the apartment closed behind her. I grabbed my phone and read everything. The messages I didn't write, the punishment I'll receive. Then the posts on Twitter and Instagram about what happened last night. The hate towards Dafne. 
What have I done?
Days went by. My family stopped talking to me disappointed by my actions. I don't blame them, I deserve it.
I tried to talk with Dafne's sisters, but none of them texted back. 
The days I went to Maranello she wasn't there, somehow she found a way of avoiding me just by looking a t the schedule. 
Everyone in the factory was mad with me, disappointed. And it's all my fault. I reached the limit of what was acceptable. And even if I thought about going to talk with Fred and explain that I didn't write those texts, I knew he wouldn't believe me. Why would he? He knew about my rivalry with Dafne.
So I had to accept the blame. I felt ashamed of myself.
“I just don't get it, mate” Pierre sighed, sitting next to me after we went to the golf course. “I knew you and Dafne were rivals since forever, even during karting. But what you said the other Sunday… I'm sorry, but I never imagined you would say something like that”
“I guess… I guess I'm jealous” I sighed. “And I know it sounds childish, that's the worst. But somehow, whenever I see her near me I dissociate and let my body work, watching how it acts alone without me knowing what's going on”
“And why can't you try and talk with her, to explain?” he sighed.
“Believe me, I tried to do that twenty years ago” I sighed, shaking my head. “And she just ignored me, running away. And I probably made her family hate me. So… Hurray…”
I sigh and hold my head with my hands, taking a deep breath. 
“You know she's receiving hate, right?” he sighed. 
“I know… and it's my fault” I groaned. “And I can't apologize because Melanie just did the stupidest thing ever and no one will believe me”
“I told you that girl was suspicious and you never heard…” Pierre laughed weakly, patting my back. “But maybe you should find another way to apologize. I don't know… Use your imagination”
“Yeah, sure” I sighed. “Can you… Can you ask Kika to keep an eye on her? I know they are friends”
“Of course” he nodded.
When I went back to my apartment I frowned when the receptionist called me to give me a letter.
“Seems important, sir” he said. “The mailman came asking for you to give it in hand, but I told him you were out. He asked me to give it to you personally”
“Thank you” I nodded, grabbing the letter and going to my apartment.
I sighed, sitting on the couch and looking at the envelope, opening it. 
And then my breath hitched when I read what it said.
She reported me. She really reported me for defamation.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu
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goon · 2 years
no i cant imdone i keep editing tags onpolls and ruining them on accident
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cowboymaterials · 3 years
It’s international overdose awareness day (August 31st) so today is a good day to learn about your local harm reduction services! Since the beginning of the pandemic, overdose rates have skyrocketed. In Ontario where I work there has been a 79% increase in overdose related deaths, which can be largely attributed to people using alone (x). Similar figures can be found for the United States. The supply has changed too. We are seeing more frequently fentanyl cut with benzodiazepines, a combination with a significantly higher fatality rate. Those hit the hardest have been people who are homeless with 1 in 6 deaths being someone experiencing homelessness (x). If you aren’t educated on how to identify and prevent overdose deaths now is the time to learn.
Naloxone (generic) or Narcan (brand) is a fast-acting drug that temporarily reverses the effects of an overdose, restoring breathing and providing time for life saving intervention. Naloxone is used to respond to only opioid-related overdoses such as Fentanyl, Heroin, Morphine, and Codeine. Naloxone administered to someone not having an overdose has no effect and is completely harmless. It generally comes in two forms, a nasal spray and an injectable. If you can, have a naloxone kit in your home, car, bag, or workplace.
In Canada you can get naloxone at almost any pharmacy for free (or free with a prescription) provided you have a health card. The pharmacist will give you a short demonstration on how to administer naloxone as well. Multiple harm reduction agencies exist across Canada and also supply naloxone as well as other free supplies such as needles, alcohol swabs, pipes, and sometimes testing kits to verify the purity of a drug. If your province does not have free naloxone at pharmacies, majority of needle exchange and harm reduction services will have it for free.
Grande Prairie & Fort McMurray: Northreach Society
Hinton: Options HIV West Yellowhead
Edmonton: Streetworks
Red Deer: Turning Point Society
Calgary: Safeworks Harm Reduction Program
Calgary & Medicine Hat: HIV Community Link
British Columbia
I would list them all but there’s more than 1000 harm reduction programs in the province. This handy map can help you locate the one nearest to you.
Street Connections provides a list of naloxone and needle exchange programs.
The Manitoba Harm Reduction Network
New Brunswick
Fredericton, Miramichi and Bathurst: AIDS New Brunswick|SIDA Noveau-Brunswick
Saint John: Avenue B Harm Reduction
Moncton: Ensemble
Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s: AIDS Community of Newfoundland and Labrador (ACNL)
St. John’s: St. John’s Women’s Centre
Nova Scotia
Halifax: Mainline Needle Exchange
Truro: Northern Healthy Connections Society
Cape Breton: Ally Centre of Cape Breton
The Ontario Harm Reduction Network has a list of harm reduction programs.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: PEERS Alliance
Charlottetown, Montague, Souris, Summerside, O’Leary & Albertson: Needle Exchange Programs
Montreal: Cactus Montreal
Montreal: L’Association Québécoise pour la promotion de la santé des personnes utilisatrices de drogues (AQPSUD)
Saskatoon: Prairie Harm Reduction
Multiple harm reduction programs can be found across Saskatchewan here
Whitehorse: Blood Ties Four Directions Centre
This is by no means a definitive list of all the harm reduction organizations in Canada. If you can’t find a harm reduction service in your community many HIV and AIDS organizations, First Nations community and friendship centres and homeless shelters carry these supplies or can direct you to the proper organizations. As well call your local public health organization for more information.
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spoogliedoo · 3 years
Lengthy info/media thread of what happened in Trinity Bellwood's Park park in Toronto
Around 4am today (22/06/2021), hundreds of officers from the Toronto Police Service, city workers and private security descended upon a houseless encampment located in Trinity Bellwood's Park. The residents were essentially given an ultimatum that they could either pack up and leave within the hour, relinquish their belongings and be put-up in a shelter-hotel, or be detained.
Everything's going to be collapsed below, as this is going to be a lot of media.
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Residents within the neighbourhood began occupying the park immediately to prevent the residents from being evicted.
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City workers erected a blue fence which has been manned by the private security agency hired. The original group of protestors are largely trapped inside the perimeter. Press and legal observers were denied access to the interior of the park.
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As a crowd began to grow outside of the fence, TPS intentionally trampled the crowd from horseback in order to prevent the fence from being knocked over.
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The crowd grew to a couple hundred, as residents have been coming in droves to show solidarity and disrupt the operation.
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Cops armed with AR-15s are patrolled the perimeter, alongside unmarked vans who are id-ing the protestors.
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Tear gas, pepper spray and rubber munitions had all been deployed, and "several" arrests have been made. Among the arrests were a pregnant woman, and this man who's being carried from the park haphazardly and unconscious.
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Construction equipment brought in to bulldoze the camp.
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City Twitter account going on damage-control for arresting houseless people. Don't have images of them, but the TPS also deployed drones for ID-ing protestors.
The residents of the park have officially asked the community to stand-down, and are cooperating with the city. If you're local, do not head down atm, as the TPS are still doing sweeps on horseback, and you will probably be detained if you enter the park tonight.
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gothic-punk · 4 years
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Look at this stupidity
Stop being stupid
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stevemaclellan · 5 years
Overall, Sarnia had about 1.5 times more cases of AML than the national average, but the frequency of cases was even higher in the north side of the city and neighbouring Village of Point Edward.
The province of Prince Edward Island was also identified as a hot spot.
“People want to think that they’re being protected, that the government is properly regulating industrial emissions and what this study is showing is that they’re not,” MacDonald, an environmental engineer, told Global News in an interview.
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hardcorehashbrown · 5 years
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hommedeseptiles · 3 years
"In the last year of the Mike Harris Conservative Party premiership a Common Front formed in Ontario to carry out acts of economic disruption to impose a real cost on the government and its policies."  
Piece provides depth and some resistance suggestions. 
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marcdyen · 3 years
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#hawaii #stickers #onpole #stickerart #blue #white #red #black #hawaiistagram #hawaiiphotographer #hawaiiphotography (at Kailua-Kona International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CREqTcpsXCG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bouxmounir · 2 years
Tension absolue sur cette dernière étape
Tension absolue sur cette dernière étape
Deux secondes seulement séparent Remco Onpol (Quick-Step Alpha-Vinyl), l’actuel leader du classement de cette tournée au Pays basque, et son adjoint colombien Daniel Felipe Matines (Ineos Grenadiers). Tout se jouera ce samedi prochain, lors de l’étape Reine, entre Eibar et Cole d’Arte, montée mythique de la course par étapes espagnole. Pour l’instant, le Belge est distancé et a bien failli perdre…
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notfordontario-blog · 6 years
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juvenileevasion · 5 years
April Policing Updates Newsletter
April 3, 2019 — This month’s newsletter features our police professionalism and public safety accreditation work in Mexico in collaboration with CALEA and INL, two new publications on UAS implementation and Early Intervention System implementation, a new OnPolicing blog, resources for agencies, NPF Policing Fellows spotlight, upcoming events, and more!
View the Newsletter
To receive our monthly Policing Updates Newsletter, please join our mailing list here!
The post April Policing Updates Newsletter appeared first on National Police Foundation.
from National Police Foundation https://ift.tt/2uLJN7e
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cowboymaterials · 3 years
i feel like this is obvious but just in case, just because various regional/municipal ontario police departments have said they wont be following the Ford carding order doesn’t mean they wont card. Even with PDs making public statements we can def expect individual officers and stations to be given a pass if they do card because it’s “unclear” what’s expected of them or “confusing” with mixed directives. Regardless of what bs justification is given, PDs that said they will not card will be carding and will not be liable for their actions with Ford and the pandemic as excuses under their belts.
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gothic-punk · 5 years
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Close the Camps - Toronto Protest Friday, August 2, 2019 at 10:30 AM – 2 PM @ The US Consulate Toronto
Immediate action needs to be taken against the concentration camps currently operating in the United States. Migrants are being held captive in inhumane and cruel conditions. Facing overcrowding, lack of access to proper food, clean water and medical attention.
We must do everything we can to show the US government that NEVER AGAIN IS NOW!
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stevemaclellan · 5 years
"I've pointed out the irony of the minister of finance almost in the first three paragraphs of his budget speech saying, 'We're very proud of the fact that we didn't raise any taxes this year.' And yet they knew, I assume, they were going to be sending us letters and e-mails within hours or days, causing us to have to raise taxes."
The City of Toronto alone estimates that the cuts will cost it $178 million this year.
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