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onlycertainty-archive · 6 years ago
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      Smacks her on the arse as he’s passing by, only ready to grin at her and give a wink the second he earns any reaction.. / @onlyliberty
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shadxwcd · 5 years ago
@onlyliberty requested a MYRRINE starter!
Myrrine looked up at Anne with a warm smile, breath leaving her in pants as she had collapsed onto the sands after a morning of running. After so long at sea, every part of her was screaming at her to begin training again. She mustn’t lose her endurance even after periods at sea now. 
“Kharie Anne. Don’t mind me...I have just been training.” Her accent was still as thick as cream but she was picking up on English far more now that she was around so many sailors of that language. 
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frontierbound-archive · 5 years ago
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“ a little rough for a rescue, don’t you think ? “ 
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copiesofme-archive · 5 years ago
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gentlejack · 5 years ago
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suresaint-moved · 5 years ago
@onlyliberty liked for a starter
            “found these two passed out in a pigsty.” the witcher has the two sailors by the scruffs of their dirty linens. neither man can stand properly, groaning and squinting in the stark light of day. “can’t tell what’s worse, that they reek of alcohol or that they’re covered in pig shit.” she would have left them there had she not recognised the youngest one from the last time she’d been aboard anne’s vessel. at the foot of the dock, she tosses the two men down at anne’s feet and purses her lips. “if you’re thinking of setting off soon, then i’m afraid you’ll be two down. but you’re in luck because i’m here. and i’m much stronger. and sexier. if i do say so myself.” she gestures casually to herself. “but many would agree, i’m sure.”
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fourmarksmage · 5 years ago
@onlyliberty​  /  lyric sc
“I sent my love across the sea -- and though I didn't cry -- that voice will haunt my every dream until the day I die.” One of the important lessons she had imparted upon Ciri was that of survival at all costs -- and without having to bend yourself to any one person, so she felt partially responsible for her disappearing into different realms for so many years. And why she needed to do everything in her power -- even if it meant working with Nilfgaard -- to find her. She didn’t broach the subject with this much… emotionality to it, but she trusted Anne wouldn’t look down on her for opening up about it.
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raise hell - brandi carlyle
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klren · 5 years ago
@onlyliberty​     liked for a starter.
      𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑫 𝑳𝑰𝑭𝑻𝑬𝑫, 𝑬𝒀𝑬𝑺 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑫, 𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑶𝑫 𝑰𝑵 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑺. The fade wrought the skies , tearing and twisting above. Kolren found peace within the chaos the explosion had introduced. “Isn’t it marvellous?” he mused, noting the presence of another behind him. 
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inexhaustiblywild · 5 years ago
Ernessa found something very poetic in the way the blood spilled out of the ship, like a tiny river meeting the ocean at the end of its journey. She took a momentary pause to appreciate the chaotic scenery in front of her. A man trying to hold his guts in, their Captain drunk in a corner with an empty pistol at hand, and half the crew dead on their feet. They were sorry excuses for pirates but at the least one or two was holding their own.
For a moment she contemplated whether or not to kill Jack, but she did not find him a threat, she assumed by the time she left his boat he’d drink himself to death. Instead she walked towards the two that were still fighting, and she motioned for her crew to take a step back. “I am Ernessa.” She offered her name. “By all accounts Jack’s crew is supposed to be full of drunk, useless men but that’s the issue with men as I see it. They have appetites for things they can’t handle but you, you are a woman, right?” She was directly speaking to one of them. “I can tell by your fighting, which is better than most I should add. I have no interest in killing you so I can either give you two a lift to Nassau or maybe you’ll choose to stay with us on the long run.” Ernessa motioned for Portia. “This is my quartermaster; she’ll sort you out.”
plotted starter. @onlyliberty 
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leadrook-archive · 5 years ago
HE’S  TAKEN  A  BIG  RISK  AGREEING  TO  MEET  ANNE  IN  COMPLETE  PRIVACY.  it’s  the  first  time  there’s  no  bodyguards,  no  rooks  dotted  nearby  ;  in  fact  there’s  not  a  single  wire  resting  on  his  body  as  he  stands  and  waits  for  her.  a  backpack  rests  comfortably  riding  off  his  shoulder  slightly  (  brief  cases  were  too  conspicuous  these  days,  who  carries  them  around  ?  definitely  too  shifty  )  and  eagle  vision  scowers  the  abandoned  warehouse  in  bursts  to  ensure  anne  kept  to  her  end  of  their  accord.
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a  slight  smirk  tugs  with  her  appearance,  stance  relaxing  as  jacob  stays  glued  to  his  spot.  
❛  glad  you  could  make  it.  ❜   he  begins,  waiting  for  her  to  approach  before  continuing.  hopefully  their  business  will  be  short  -  but  these  type  of  deals  never  went  smoothly  and  he’s  learnt  to  never  take  them  for  granted.
❛  if  you’re  up  for  it,  i’ve  got  a  proposition  for  you.  gathering  intel  and  maybe  stealing  something  for  me  if  you’re  feeling  up  to  it  -  with  a  payment  of  your  desire.  ❜  
@onlyliberty​  &.  MODERN  AU.
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piraticalarchive · 5 years ago
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“Apologies, love ... but I have a hard time believing a lass such as you settled down so amicably.” One brow quirks upwards as lips slide into a slow grin. No doubt he is pushing his luck, no doubt he should tread carefully lest Anne Bonny tackle him across the table (or, get that man of hers to do it). Ring laden fingers drum across the scarred wood between them, teeth raking across a rum flavored bottom lip. “Tell me ... is dear old Jim really all that charming?”
@onlyliberty​ s.c
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trickstercaptain · 5 years ago
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       “ I thought I’d at least be eligible for mates’ rates, love. ” Admittedly, he was only half-serious; the black market wasn’t called the black market because it could compete with the local pound shop, after all, and even though he knew Bonny better than most, it was no surprise that items of this nature weren’t cheap, given that they weren’t as easy to obtain as cheap toilet roll. Still, who would he be if he didn’t try his luck? “ This sounds more like extortion. ”
@onlyliberty​  /  s.c.
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shadxwcd · 5 years ago
@onlyliberty requested a childhood MYRRINE starter!
Myrrine had spent a long day training with mater and her bodyguards. Although her mother still had not changed her mind on sending her to the agoge with the boys, she was determined to prove that she would be far better than most of them at it. She knew the strength of her bloodline and wanted to make their ancestors, her papa’s spirit, and Sparta proud.
Exhausted but freshly bathed in the mirror, she sought out the foreign servant and walked with her out to the garden where Myrrine immediately laid down with her head in her lap.
“Anne, what is your homecountry like? Ireland isn’t it?”
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honesta · 5 years ago
Brown boots sit atop his desk, head craned back and hat pulled low as the sheriff does his best to get some rest, blue eyes closed against the headache that beats at his brow. A cough from the only occupied cell raises his attention and Graham lets his feet drop with a dull thud, dust rising like spores from the old oak floor. The creak of wood announces his arrival as he stands outside her prison, one brow quirked upwards at the woman who awaits within.
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“I’d ask if you had a goodnight, but I’d say the man you tried to rob already answered that. ”
@onlyliberty​ s.c
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copiesofme-archive · 5 years ago
@onlyliberty​ sent:  why are you mad at me? - wan angst starters / accepting
      “I’m not mad at you.” The correction is quick with the lift of his eye to her, hands long shoved into the single pocket at the front of his hooded sweater. In truth he wasn’t angry at her, wasn’t her fault for none of the tensions that now dominated the silence in the air between all of them. The fight that happened hadn’t been with him, or against him, but it was a heated clash of horns between her mother and Akichita. And with loyalties pulling him toward Akichita, it left the question as to where that put he and Anne.
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        Anne was his friend, and had been for some time now. And in part, she was also his boss at the bakery. He did not want to sacrifice that relationship in the name of such things, would he? Through Akchita, his quarrel would be with Dolores- not Anne. But the relations left him to question; and thus he kept his guard up in silence.
       “With everything that went on...” He shakes his head, “I’m not sure where we stand.”
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vyrulent · 5 years ago
russian roulette starter call || @onlyliberty​
“You’re not going to get very far like that,” the mermaid said, exposing her presence to the human woman. To expose her existence without a desire to drown the human was contradicting her father’s wishes. King Triton, since the death of Athena, had decreed that the merfolk would stay clear of humans unless they were to crash their ships or rip them from their boats to drown then deep in the depths of the ocean.
Ariel was never so heartless. Humankind, she believed, were not so different from the merfolk and never could she simply allow someone to drown if she had the ability to save them.
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“Where’s your ship?”
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