#only watch my kdramas in the middle of the night where it’s normal time in india her and me woukd fight for custody on who would watch tv
doom at ur service on netflix???? no one look at me i’m about to be INSUFFERABLE!!!!
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 7 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,184
warnings/notes: um.. haha?
tag list: @afuckingunicornn​​​ @maii-flowers​​​ @clandestinerays​​​ @brownandchill​​​ @readeretal​​​ @wedojustbevibin​​​ @shigarakiskitten​​​ @shittykawaa​​​ @saeranoppa​​ @srirachibi​​ @tpwkatsumu​ @sempiternal-amour​ @bokutos-h0e​ @pinknugget​ @intheawks​
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You couldn’t look at her. How could you? You felt her eyes stare into your head, but you focused all of your attention onto your hands as though they would help you escape the most awkward conversation you’ve ever had.
“You’re in love with Tooru.” Sana said, as a statement rather than question. You didn’t move, frozen. “Oh my god, and I’ve been a total bitch! I asked you on a double date… oh! Oh no, I totally just said he doesn’t like you back…”
“You’re not wrong.” You let out a small (and very emotionless) chuckle. You finally looked up at her.
“Seriously I cannot believe you are letting me be your friend when I’m dating the man you’ve been seriously in love with. What does that make me?”
“A girl who’s dating a guy who likes her back.” You told her.
The thing was, you weren’t mad at Sana. You never had an ill thought toward her. Yet, Sana was so guilty about something she (1) couldn’t control, and (2) had no idea about. You wanted to hate her, yes, but you didn’t. And Oikawa was your best friend.
“Sana, stop.” You cut her off in the middle of another rant as Sana continued about how mad she would’ve been and asking you again why you didn’t tell her about your love for the boy. “Sana! I don’t care! Truly. I told you when we first met that you had my full approval. Oikawa likes you, and I like you, and I seriously would’ve rather died than have this conversation.”
Sana gave you a look, then looked at Iwaizumi, and then back to you.
“How long have you been in love with him?”
You faked a smile. “That seems to be the question of the decade, huh?”
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Tooru Oikawa showed up at your house for the first time in what seemed like forever. It was after the other two had left, and you were just lounging around (and just got off of facetime with Kuroo, which is beside the point).
“Hi.” He smiled as you swung the door open. “Please tell me that I can stay the night.”
You smiled, instantly forgetting about anything else. Because Oikawa was back to being the Oikawa you knew, and he was standing in front of you asking to stay the night.
“You can stay the night.”
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You remember the very first time that Oikawa had slept in your bed with you. As kids, it never really counted, and your parents did their best to make sure the both of you slept in either separate beds or on blankets on the floor.
But, one night, Oikawa had showed up in the middle of the night. You were both still kids, basically right before puberty. He was soaking wet from rain. 
“Oikawa?” You turned your head. He grew a lot that summer. “What are you doing here?”
“I hate the lightning.” He admitted, stepping in and taking his (very wet) shoes. “Can I sleep here? My brother keeps teasing me.”
“Of course! O.M.G! We can have a sleepover. I have chocolate in my room.” 
He followed you up the stares, the both of you giggling and ready to stay up the entire night. You both lied, though, as you fell asleep before midnight. You woke up in his arms.
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Sana was still your friend, you assumed. After she left, she never told you that she wanted time or space or anything of the sort. You figured that you’ve held your feelings down for this long and she noticed and it didn’t bother her.
It would’ve bothered you if you found out a friend was in love with your boyfriend.
Still, you were surprised when Sana linked her arm with yours at school. She still sent you her shining smile, waited for you before class, and talked nonsense.
“Sana, I’m confused.” You told her. She was grabbing her books out of her locker and you were standing beside her. She didn’t speak, so you continued. “I… I’m in love with your boyfriend. And you’re… you seem to be okay with the whole thing.”
“You’ve been in love with him for longer than I’ve known him.” Sana turned to you, the most serious you have ever witnessed from her. “Who am I to be mad about that? And I like our friendship, even if it did start with him.”
“You… you’re probably the coolest person ever. Actually.”
“I try to be.” Sana shut her locker, finally giving you a smile. “I’m not one to be jealous, but if this becomes some kind of kdrama I might have to use your weaknesses against you.”
“I can agree to that.”
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You ate in the cafeteria for the first time in a long time. Iwaizumi and Matsukawa sat to the right of you at the circle tables, and Oikawa on your left. It felt normal. The only thing was, Sana was nowhere to be found.
“Where’s Sana?” You asked Oikawa after a little bit, to which he shrugged.
“I don’t know. She said that she had something to do.”
You looked at Iwaizumi, as if he always had the answers you searched for, but he only gave you a confused look. Hm.
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You and Oikawa stood in the hallway, arm’s length away and walking in opposite directions. It was after lunch and before class, the perfect time to have an awkward conversation.
“You never stopped wearing my jersey. I saw you in it last game.” He said, sending you his priceless smile.
“I plan on wearing it again tonight. If that’s okay.”
“It’s always okay.” He kept smiling, but you could see it was a little more forced than usual. “I shouldn’t have ever asked you for it.”
“If you start to apologize again, I will punch you in the face. In front of everyone here.” You told him.
His hands came out of his pockets, reaching to you. “Deal. Oh! By the way, your tie is crooked.”
You gasped, looking to your chest, only to find your tie in perfect condition.
“Make you look.”
“You child!” You laughed, smacking his arm. He laughed too, sticking his tongue out at you.
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Suzuki Sana had been dating Tooru Oikawa, officially, for a month. She liked it, for the most part. He adored her, truly, and made her laugh more than ever. He also happened to be a good kisser, something she would never admit.
The only thing was, she felt way closer to you than she did with Oikawa. Not in the same ways, of course, but it was true. She wasn’t expecting to be such close friends with you so quickly.
Sana tried her best not to be jealous, or upset, about you being in love with Oikawa. But it was hard. She was a lot of things but a jealous girlfriend was not one of them. Until she watched you and Oikawa talk.
It was just a small conversation between you and him, a short one in the hallway after lunch, but it was like a spotlight shone directly on the two of you and made everyone else disappear. She could almost see the love dripping off of your face when you smiled at something he said to you. And she definitely didn’t miss the way Oikawa looked at you with stars in his eyes.
So, yeah. That’s when something changed and Sana knew what to do.
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There was only one fight between Tooru Oikawa and you that resulted in multiple days of no speaking. And it was your fault. It was something stupid, but it was important.
When you were young (probably around nine or ten), you had accidentally ripped Oikawa’s permission form to go to a volleyball summer camp. It was only a couple of weeks during the summer where he would be away, and they needed to turn in the paper by mail.
Oikawa was mad at you for two full days. He yelled at you, thought that you ripped it on purpose because you didn’t want him to go. You didn’t want him to go, of course, but the rip was on accident.
He apologized on the third day. And spent the rest of the summer forcing you to play volleyball with him. By the end, you still didn’t completely understand the sport.
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You have known Oikawa your entire life, your parents being best friends since their high school days. It wasn’t unusual for your parents to have dinner together and leave “the children” (you) to hang out while they’re away.
It was one of those nights, and Oikawa was trying to convince you to throw some serves for him in the backyard. You sat on the porch, next to Oikawa’s older brother, refusing to do so.
“So, I hear you have been dating someone lately.” Oikawa’s brother turned to you, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. Oikawa froze from his position, ball in hand. You didn’t notice. “Tell me the details.”
“I… I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You told him, face flushed.
“Ah! You’re so flustered right now!” He teased you. “Who is he?”
“No one. I’m not dating anyone.” You crossed your arms. You looked at Oikawa, trying to gauge his reaction. He had his back turned to you.
Oikawa’s brother noticed your focus, and you swore his grin got wider. “I see. You’re not over it.”
“Not over it.” You replied, both of you sharing a secret as old as time.
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Tetsurou Kuroo had facetimed you one day after school, before one of Seijoh’s games. It was a filler game, one that didn’t count towards championships, but you were excited to go to a game when everything was back to normal.
“Hello, jersey.” He greeted through the phone. He was laying in bed, one arm under his head. You had a very thirsty thought, but you will keep that to yourself. You didn’t like Kuroo that way.
“Hello, hair.” You joked back, pointing out his hair (which was flat and on his face and not done per usual).
“Why are you still at school? The game doesn’t start for like half an hour.”
“I forgot something in my locker.” You told him, turning the corner towards your locker. “And my mom dropped me off before going to run some errands, so I’m here early.”
Kuroo talked to you for a minute about something volleyball related, and then something about something else you couldn’t remember, before you ended up at your locker.
The lockers were a bit shorter than the ceiling, so there was a space between the top of the locker. Right above yours was a blue athletic water bottle with an “O” on it. You chuckled, rolling your eyes, reaching up to grab it (using a shelf in your locker after not being able to reach).
“Hey, Kuroo, do you mind if I call you back later?”
“Yeah, cool. Talk to you later?”
You smiled at him from your camera. “I’ll probably text you during the game.”
He smiled and waved you goodbye. You clicked the end button as you twirled the full water bottle in your hand.
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You walked into the gym, towards the boys who collected around the chairs by the coach. The minute you seen the back of Oikawa’s head, you knew that he wasn’t the happiest.
It was like the cheerful Oikawa from earlier had vanished.
“Hey, ‘Kawa…” you started, but before you could get any closer or say anything else, he pivoted.
His eyes met yours, and he was livid. The air was immediately tense.
“Dude can you fucking leave me alone for one minute?” Oikawa deadpanned. He was angry, his voice loud enough to cause most of the crowd to go silent to listen in. You froze in place. “Seriously, get off the court and let me play this fucking game without worrying about you. You know Sana broke up with me because of you? Did you know that? You always have to have some kind of interference for literally everything good happening in my life. Why don’t you go? Leave me be? You don’t even fucking like volleyball.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach, and your voice caught in your throat. You couldn’t move. You blinked.
“God, it’s so fucking annoying. I get it, you’re in love with me or whatever, but Jesus Christ dude find someone else to follow. ”
You swallowed. Not only did your heart shatter, but he also pointed every insecurity you had. Annoying him, being a bother… You couldn’t breathe. He knew. Of course he knew. How could he not know?
“Yeah, okay.” Your voice was small, and you were surprised that it didn’t waver. You held the waterbottle to him, hands shaking. “I was just bringing you your water bottle. You left it on top of my locker.”
You placed the water bottle on the ground next to the coach before walking out of the gym doors, and then sprinting down the hall.
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Since it's pride month
For most of my time at school betweeb last september and febrary I had a crush on this girl. And you see Id been working through how feelings and sexuality work for me ever since the end of high school, because id been realizing that id never been actively interested in kissing or anything intimate with anyone. Id had plenty of what I call Sparks of Interests, where I just enjoyed looking at someone, talking to them, but more and in a different way than normally for friends. But all of those Interests were towards guys. I loved talling to my friends about guys and hypotheticals about them. I always envisioned myself in a man and woman couple and I loved that opposites pairing in every romance. But I wouldnt say that the ppssibility that I could be interested in girls hadnt crossed my mind. It didnt when I was little, and it didnt in middle school when I told girls that I didnt like boys, because they were stupid, and someoen asked if I was a lesbian. But in high school there was this awesome chick that transferred into our school. I woulsnt say I was overtly attracted to her, I certainly never had any fantasies about her, but I just thought she was so cool and I definitely wanted her to like me and to be friends eith her. Her twin brother was cool too. Oh oh and dont let me forget that one year I was apart of the schools journalism program and some of us were sitting around the classroom and I suddenly giggled at something I was reading, and this one nice tomboy girl was like omygod was that you that was the most adorable sound. I was so flustered, i will never forget that compliment.
But still i was straight. I fantasized about m/f relationships, not necessarily involving me because I cant often envision myself eith just anyone. I just think that romance is fascinating and enthralling and sometimes lots of things can be interesting.
And then I was reading a fanfic, and the girl was asexual, and Id been thinking about asexuality as an explanation for why I just didnt think i wanted to be sexual with anyone id ever met. But it didnt feel quite right because I know i mustve felt some attraction to some guys before, and definitely felt attraction to actors and such.
And then my friend gave me the term Gray Asexuality to research. Have you ever been putting together a puzzle and u put a piece in place, and it looks right and the picture doesnt seem to be wrong--but then you find another piece that looks so similar and you try it instead and it fits so much better, not loose or jammed. That was my feeling finding out that there was this complexity to sexuality and romance to explain why things just always feel so subtle for me. To explain why I can crave love but I really very often find that the very idea of kissing and sex is just awkward and weird to imagine for myself. It explained part of why my one week relationship fell through. Id had a crush on the guy since first meeting him at the start if the school year, and i had been so excited when he asked me out, and it was fun to hold hands and hug. But i hadnt wanted to kiss him, and it had bene so annoying when my friend told me i should kiss him, even just on the cheek. It just hadnt felt like there was a very big difference between my friendship with him and dating him.
So i got to thinking over all of my feelings towards all sorts of people. And if my sexuality and attraction was as rare and subdued as all that towards men, then I felt that maybe I hadnt wuite recognized any feelings id had towards girls.
And after discovering the asexual spectrum, i finally had some very interesting dreams, the likes of which id never had before turning 18 let me tell you. And they didnt only focus on men anymore.
And then i was in my second year at college, and i hadnt had many more dreams, and i hadnt found any real crushes my first year. But my second year i started working at the library, and one day this cute asian girl came through with a polite hello as she passed the front desk where i sat politely greeting everyone for my first week. I found myself memorizing her immediately. I would hope to catch her eye, catch a hello, a goodbye. I found myself glancing over to ehere she sat if she was in sight. And when she came to check out dvds i memorized her name immediately, all the more because id seen it on a study desk while doing rounds. See i hadnt knoem that if someone leaves something at their desk ee leave it alonenso id taken the open umbrella doem to the front desk and asked my coworkers and they said to put it back so i remembered the namr on the desk and returned it. So when i saw this cute girls name and recognized it from that desk, it almsot felt like fate. But that was silly. And i only thought she seemed nice and she was cute. That was all.
But then i was trying to capture her likeness on paper, ehich didnt go well those first few sketches because i hadnt gotten any good looks at her face. And after finding out her name I suddenly heard it cropping up elsewhere, and i was talking to my friends about her. My friends did not agree that i wasnt crushing. I insisted that i just wanted to get to know her was all. And then one day at lunch a new friend id made in class invited me to sit with her and her friends, and she mentioned an Eliza. Boy the anticipation, the excitement, the shy feelings, and the satisfaction when the very same girl sat with us.
Then that same friend invited me to a movie night at her dorm lounge with her friends, and when i asked who all would be there, anyone i know, she said maybe. I wondered to myself if She would be there. When i got into the dorm, lost and unfamiliar with the halls, waiting for my friend to come find me, I suddenly heard teo voices from upstairs. I knew one was my new friend, and with joy i recognized the other as Her. As it turned out She was the only other friend to join us. We 3 spent the night watching black panther and history of japan, getting to know each other, and I painted Her nails. It was different touching her hands then itd ever been with another girl. I found myself hoping for something. I hoped at least that she would like me as a person and wed be friends.
Every interaction after was a treasure for me. Moments we happened to be alone, when she offered to keep me company at lonely meals, when we had a big kdrama hangout and she did my hair, etc etc.
I had to acknowledge that it was crush of course. I told my closest friends about it.
And one day this crazy thing happened. I was sitting with Her and our friend and the two of us apart from Her were discussing dating apps and whatnot. And She asked why was i even concerned eith that stuff anyways. Id been thinking by then that she might be aspec because she never threw in her oen teo cents about interest in relationships whrn we discussed these things. I explained that i just wanted to try dating. I hadnt ever been on a real date.
While our friend was continuing with another topic, i heard Her say that She could take me on a date. My mind caught on it, but the topic had changed, and I felt that it couldnt have been serious. And so i gushed and whined about it to my friends. But the next day I brought it up as a joke with our group of friends, and she acknowledged that shed said it. Our friends supported it, because why not. Theres such a thing as a friendly joke date. I kind of messed it up i think though because when it was jsut us parting ways after brunch, she said she was going downtown, and i said That couldve been our date. And she agreed and invited me along. I wish id been dressed cuter. But it was fine, and it was a nice enough date, though i dont think she had any experience or interedt in how dates usually worked--it wasnt a serious date anyways, so i wouldnt get my hopes up. I wouldnt be invested. But wr passed a friend of hers, another cute girl maybe smaller than me, and She told her that we were on a date. That felt significant.
The next day i brought up that wed gone on the date to my group of friends, with Her sitting next to me. And she became so awkward, and after my friends congratulated us, she told me It wasnt a real date. On the outside i played it off casually saying Listen do you know how excited friends get about dates let me have this. On the inside i was so disappointed and heartbroken and a bit defensively angry with her. I announced to the table that she wasnt to make sure everyone knew it wasnt a real date. What i was really saying was hey friends she just crushed my heart.
But we were still friends. And after a while i got okay again. She hadnt even noticed anything had gone wrong.
At some point I told that first mutual friend about my crush on Her. Id been withholding eho my crush was on from her for a while and she hadnt even guessed Her. But when I told her she said everything made sense.
And then she set us up for a valentines day date. I couldnt believe it. She jsut randomly messaged me Would u want Her to be ur valentines date. And i was like Id appreciate any date tbh but yeah id like to go on a date with Her. And apparently She just agreed. I couldnt tell you why she did any of the things she did. But i can tell you that thru some conversations it became clear that my hypothesis was likely accurate. She didnt understand dates, she didnt see the difference beteren friend date and real date. This was just this nice outing with a friend. Part of me was okay with that, because i did simply enjoy Her. But another part of me felt unfulfilled and sad. But we had a nice date anyways. I learned even mroe about her and she made me this oittle clay blueberry because i would sometimes just pick out a blueberry at the dining hall and admire its beauty. It was a very nice date and i got to dress up cute for someone. I didnt let myself hope for much.
And then i was talking to more of our mutual friends about crushing on Her, and someone told me that shed asked Her out before and that her response had been something along the lines of not being interested like that. We all agreed that She likely just doesnt have any interest in romance or whatnot.
And so i began burying it away. My mourning period passed. She graduated, and its all over. My first ever crush on a non-man. It had been nice.
Btw her ringtone in my phone was Mindy Gledhill's I Do Adore.
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softtm · 6 years
Boyfriend! Felix
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Let’s start off with you
you’re just a regular civilian doing what you do cus you’re you
and you’re also on a long ass road trip to somewhere with your friends and tbh 24+ hours with them already made you want to throw yourself out the car
thank god y’all had a rest break
but it was like at 2am at a shady rest area but at least it wasn’t loud and repeating NEO GOT MY BACK 100x
since you were at a rest station you decide that it was probably a nice time to pee bc when else will you get this chance
probably not til you get to the destination
it was really really dark there so you couldn’t really navigate your way around that well
you saw 2 doors that you were gonna assume were the bathrooms so you open one
sadly for you it was the wrong one bc as soon as you opened it and walked in you heard a loud ass scream
like a normal person you screamed back cus it’s way too early for this shit
finally you look at the screamer and was like ‘oh shit I’m in the boys bathroom’
thankfully the dude wasn’t facing you
lmao this dude is dumb
he’s literally peeing in a urinal
so you kinda sorta awkwardly back out cus fuck this shit, you out, plus you were never gonna see this dude again right?
hahaha wrong
so you and your group of friends finally got to your destination at a hotel cus none of y’all were up for some creepy cabin renting when surprised
guess who also arrived at the same hotel?
that’s right my dude, urinal dude and his friends
so y’all are in line waiting to check in and it’s like really really awkward cus ya know and you’re just thinking “WHY CAN’T THIS LINE BE ANY FASTER”
Felix makes the first move cus he doesn’t do awkward situations so he turns to you and introduces himself cus yolo
you’re like yolo too and guess what? Y’all hit it off and can I just say bffs for life now
now when you all go home guess what you find out
your mans Felix literally lives 5 minutes away from your house but he just goes to a different school and is on a whole different schedule from you which is why you’ve never seen him
y’all hang out
feelings arise and boom
now onto boyfriend!Felix
either you guys are too into the pda and Changbin is literally about to throw up from the cheesy levels or y’all are just making them cringe way too much
food stealer
if you ever order food make sure to get extra cus you need to feed Felix, yourself and his extra stomach
rip, your fries are gone if you pull it out in front of Felix
it’s all good because Felix makes it up to you by giving you tons of affection
if you’re dating Felix that means Changbin is crashing your dates, no complaints
it sometimes leads to you fighting with Changbin (playfully) while Felix is eating popcorn in the back cus shit about to go down
Felix is a soft boy that must be treated like a king at all times
meaning whenever he has bad days or is homesick you automatically get called on girlfriend duty
prepare blankets, snacks and your softest sweater cus you’re gonna be giving Felix cuddles for hours
pet his hair and let him cry because that boy needs to let it out
on his bad days you’re gonna end up watching mean girls on his bed covered in blankets while he’s cuddling with you
kiss his freckles and steal his hoodies
just make sure that they’re actually his and not one of the boys cus this mans will get pouty
he’s the type to have all dem Kermit memes
sends you the heart ones on a daily basis because he loves you and what other way to express that then through Kermit
you send him the ‘you’re so fucking precious when you smile’ videos and y’all are just cute and adorable in every way
helping Felix improve on his Korean is a big yes because ya mans needs all the help he can get
no shade tho
so y’all start off wwith th actual Korean lessons but somewhere in the middle of them Felix suggest you guys watch kdramas to help with his Korean and you’re like ‘fuck yeah’
so y’all are watching Hwayugi and While You Were Sleeping all night and now you have to make it through the day rip
guess where you go to on you’re first trip together as a couple?
that’s right my dude, Australia 🇦🇺
when you told him he literally fell and you had to drag his ass up
then he realized that ‘holy shit this was actually happening’ and did that whole spinny-hug thing cus he’s e x t r a
the day of the actual trip came up and he would not calm down
if he could start running around in the airport he would but luckily you were there to tell him to sit his ass down or you were calling Chan
all through the plane ride he was telling you about his fam, his favorite places and how he wants to visit them with you
you on the other hand are excited but also highkey nervous cus meeting Felix’s family like oof
when y’all finally landed Felix couldn’t contain his excitement and this boi bolted leaving you the job of finding the luggage at the luggage claim place
thank god it was only one big suitcase since Felix dipped on you
he eventually came back tho after he saw his family and they were like “where’s your gf, is she fake?”
being the “gentleman” he is, took the luggage from you and held your hand with his free one cus he knew you were nervous like he would be too
as soon as you met his fam all your nervousness went out cus damn his family is really chill
and wow his sisters have so much tea on him
Felix regrets everything
now you and his sisters follow each other on instagram, started streaks and friended each other on Facebook
car ride to his place was definitely interesting
who knew Felix had such an embarrassing childhood, Not I
y’all have a pretty successful trip like
after you got to his place he insisted that you go to the beach because what’s a vacation without a beach
beach day with the Lees are great
Y’all are that asian fam that go to the beach with a bunch of bbq ready to cook and take photos every 10 minutes
after that you and Felix go explore outside at night cus aesthetics like for real tho
next up on the list is a visit to Luna Park cus amusement parks are always fun
of course you also have to visit the Sydney Oprea house for pics cus damn
basically overall your trip was 100/10 and you and Felix have now gotten even closer somehow and you have two more new streaks
idk anything about Sydney or Felix’s fam so this info might be inaccurate for all I know
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sinfulcries2 · 7 years
milkshake boy ; cai xukun
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hello everyone! its my first REAL post sooo ive been watching idol producer lately and i fell inlove with cai xukun omg he is more beautiful than me anyways i hope you enjoy!
after a long day at school, you decide to get a milkshake and meet your future boyfriend
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: uhmm... sudden heart attack ^__^;
okay lets us prepare our hearts for this xukun imagines hdjwxbcje.
you were just a normal college student who took the course of performing arts and yOU WERE REALLY GOOD AT IT.
some companies scouted you but you rejected them all because you knew that you wouldnt have time for training because of school
if that aint me lmAO
so one day your dance teacher taught a few moves that were new to you and your classmates so you had difficulties learning them.
whats worse is that your teacher assigned all of you and your classmates to create a dance with those moves in it.
and you were like ‘bITCH WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS MS.ZHOU??’
and it was like she read your mind and said “oH YES”
so you were determined to make the most creative and unique dance
class originally ended at 3:30 p.m but you stayed at the practice room dancing until 8:55 p.m
so you danced, and danced until you got the move right 
but like you kept messing up at one particular part.
at the middle of dancing, ms.zhou did a check on why the hell there was music coming from the practice room sO LATE AT NIGHT
to her surprise she saw you there working yourself out to the bone.
so she ran up to you and stopped you from dancing further.
“you need some rest y/n!!”
“no need-”
“yOU NEED REsT gO bAcK hOMe aNd sLeEp”
so while you were walking home
and by walking i mean literally dragging yourself along the street with your school bag by your shoulder
you saw a milkshake shop not so far from where you were
and since you didnt have any water in your jug left, you decided why not buy some water from there.
so you walked and walked until you reached the shop
you entered the shop to get greeted by this hELLA ATTRACTIVE BOY
and you were like ‘omg i smell like sweat what do i do omg can i just shoot me he looks like full course meal iN a good way-’
and he shot you a bright smile
you swore your heart was beating 173600237 times per second
so you walked up to the counter
and he gave you a warm greeting
im joking
“Hi welcome to idol projuicer, my name is xukun! what can i get for you?”
and you being distracted by his ethereal beauty you blurted out
“o-one strawberry milkshake”
because that was your favorite flavor
but you remembered that you had to buy water
so you pay for your drink and find a seat in the shop
after you find a seat you take a seat and scroll on your phone for a bit
“miss here is your strawberry milkshake”
and turns out its xukun dude who is also your waiter!
he flashes you a smile and puts the shake on your table
but you noticed he put chocolate ice cream on top with chocolate syrup!
so basically its now strawberry and chocolate
im sorry if it isnt omg 
so you unintentionally smiled and drank your shake happily.
xukun caught you smiling and he smiled too
he also swore his heart started beating 30572921637 times per second
see how theres more numbers
anyways the next day after school, you decided to go to that milkshake shop again
because of xukun and his shakes
mainly because of xukun
but anyways everytime you visited he would put some more add-ons on every shake you order.
the two of you got closer in just the span of a week
one day you were craving his amazing milkshakes so you went there
and then while you were drinking, xukun walked up to you and built up a conversation
and the two of you cLICKED
why did he strike a convo?
he likes you mwahahaha
anyways aside from that in the span of two weeks
he gave you the nickname ‘beautiful loyal customer’
the owner of the shop, Mr.Zhang started to treat you as if you were his own daughter lol
the other staff, ziyi, justin, chengcheng, treated you as if you were their sister.
and best of all, xukun!gave!you!his!number!
and you became a squeeling dolphin when you got home
to the point your mom thought you were secretly a dolphin hybrid
one day while you and xukun were having a dinner date at the shop,
you remembered the dance you had to do
and the fact it was two days away made you scared af
so you excused yourself
he asked why you were leaving so early because it was unusual of you
so you told him “dance.learn.2 days”
he seemed to understand and he smiled at you
“i will help you”
and it was unusual because he didnt tell you he was also a dancer??
but you agreed anyways
so when the two of you reached the studio,
you played the music and started to dance to the song
xukun had heart eyes while watching you but also seemed to learn the moves quickly just by looking at it
so he noticed the moves you were messing up at and he taught you a few techniques and shit that would make you remember it and do it properly.
so after a while of teaching, he asked you to dance again but this time to apply the stuff he taught you
so you danced with the stuff he taught you
and when the song ended you heard xukun clap like a proud mom seal hybrid
and you also couldnt believe it because when you looked at your phone the song was done playing!
so you ran up to xukun and hugged him tightly
and xukun was sHOOK  and you realized what you did and you pulled away awkwardly the two of yoiu being tomatoes.
but he broke the awkwardness and pulled out a mango milkshake out from his bag.
and the two of you would end up being a giggling mess
fastforward to the day of your presentation....
you got the second highest grade
zhengting being the first
but you were happy with your grade
soo when you went out of your school you saw xukun there waiting for you.
and you were like wtf why is he here
but he smiles only
and you giggled at his cuteness
so while the two of you were walking there and the two of you talking about life
he would lace his hand with yours
and you would be a CHERRY BOMB
and he would be there smiling widely while admiring your beautiful, flustered face
so once the two of you arrive at the shop
you would see that it was closed, but there were flower petals everywhere you would be so dumbfounded when you hear the song with the lyrics only being ‘balance’
and you hear someone with the voice of Mr.Zhang mutter a loud “cRAP WRONG SONG”
and after that a ballad love song would play
xukun would whisper a short ‘aish, mr.zhang’ but you would only giggle 
sooooo xukun would face you again and grab the both of your hands gently
he would be so nervous and shy omg pls save him
and he would blurt out
and you would only giggle and peck him on the lips
“ i like you too, my milkshake boy” you say and hug him tightly
he would grab your waist and kiss you LONGER
the two of you smiling into the kiss
when the two of you pulled away
xukun would give you a strawberry chocolate milkshake like when you first met each other
you would smile remembering the both of your first encounters and chuckle slightly.
xukun’s heart would go dugeun dugeun dugeun seeing your smile
and he would ask.......
“would you be my girlfriend?”
“yes of course”
thats probably ziyi
everyone would cheer
and suddenly justin comes out of nowhere and plays careless whisper
while the two of you hold hands enjoying each others pressence
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Kdrama actor  and Kpop artist confession. If you’re a fan of any Kceleb PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH
Edit: I was pretty direct in my original post but after some thought I have gone back through and censored the actors and artists names just a bit. I have a story to tell. Not sure anyone will hear it. Not sure they will believe it or even care but I’m going to tell it anyway because I have to get this off my chest. I studied for a couple of years at uni abroad in Korea. Koreans for fucks sake are some of the most antisocial bunch if you’re a foreigner I have to say. But thats not what this is about.  I happened to make friends with this one guy, Andrew. He is part Korean but also had lived in Britain somewhere or other too so he was more welcoming to me. Seeing as he was almost my only friend there we quickly became close. Nice guy, a bit on the quirky side and didn’t talk much about his personal life to the point it was a little odd. He was very, very secretive. In fact the only really personal things he talked about was his job, school and the fact that he was a member of the LGBT community. When we would hang out it was always at my dorm or we would meet at a coffee shop or someplace. He never invited me to his place. I even got a wee bit frustrated with it and confronted him about it one day. He got more than a little nervous at that and made all these lame excuses about his room mates being busy and he didn’t want to disturb them or that we wouldn’t have much fun there. I was a bit annoyed at this but I let it slide. He was still a nice guy after all and my only close friend there and I enjoyed him. We had fun together. He was constantly getting texts and phone calls from people he called his friends or room mates. He even had a boyfriend that I knew literally nothing about!  I felt a little left out. I would ask about them or about meeting them and there was always some vague explanation about them and some excuse why we couldn’t meet. At this point I had known him almost a year and still didn’t even know their names!  Not even his boyfriends name! Then one day I asked to borrow his phone and he was unnecessarily protective of it. Yea I get it we’re all weird about anyone else having our phones but come on geez I was having transportation issues , had a dead phone battery and just needed to make a quick call. Long story short I get his phone and make my call. When I clicked end his contact list pops up and theres names in it I recognize. K-idol names. A mix of actors and Kpop artists. I just figure maybe hes some kind of fanboy and maybe he and his mysterious friends use celebrity name handles. Sorry but Kpop fans can be weird and obsessive sometimes, ya know?  And he’s just a college boy. Who is he going to know really? Meanwhile Andrew had been distracted by someone he knew who had approached him and they were busy talking away. So my curiosity got the best of me and his screen hadn’t gone black yet, I still had access. So I go on a little snooping spree through his phone trying my best to not look suspicious. Yes I know I’m a bad person but I’m human what can I say?  I kid you not, this guy has selca pics out the ass literally probably hundreds of himself with several Korean actors and idols. I couldn’t even mentally take in all of them. I know there were many many with E♦♦ members. I saw at least one with P♦♦♦ H♦♦♦♦ S♦♦ I think his name is? The actor and Z♦♦ guy and I think there was another Z♦♦ member in one of them too if I remember right.  There were many with P♦♦♦ B♦ G♦♦, a few with N♦♦ members, one with who I think was a B♦♦ member and quite several with Y♦♦ S♦♦♦♦ H♦. Even several completely random mixed up ones.  I was nervous and hurrying faster than my brain can process but I specifically remember one of Andew, B♦♦♦ B♦♦♦ H♦♦♦, B♦ G♦♦ and S♦♦♦♦ H♦ and someone else I didn’t recognize sitting on a couch laughing like they were having a grand ol time. I’m not even much of a Kceleb person but that one shocked me.  He had another of K♦♦ J♦♦♦ D♦♦ and B♦ G♦♦ together. And thats just the ones I seen before I got nervous about getting caught.  I have to say I was officially intrigued by him though after that. And they didn’t seem like fan pics! That’s what got me most. They looked too comfortable. And they didn’t look like they were taken at any sort of event, concert, fanmeet etc. They were all in normal clothes and sans makeup, in some they even had drink glasses and looked like they could have been in the comfort of their own home. Over the next few months, Andrew did finally start talking to me about it more. He happened to be a childhood friend of a K celeb. Somehow it all snowballed from that. Now he lives with a few of them and is dating one. I won’t go so far as to say which one but he has been for almost 3 years now. I found out he hides behind a “fan” account on Twitter under the name Guksu or JongdaesByuns … or Byunz maybe or some shit like that. Or thats what it used to be at least, I can’t say for certain now.  I followed him for a bit before I deleted my Twitter account. I always found it funny he hid behind a fan account for all the people he actually knows.  He explained to me that he does it more so for the purpose of supporting those he knows personally and for defending them and speaking out against wrongdoings {I’ll get to that shortly}, and from what I seen he really does. And of course when you’re in uni theres always boredom and the need for time passing. And though I was never much of a Twitter person either, it certainly passes time when you’re bored to death. He’s had several stalkers on there try to expose him. Fuck knows how they even knew because he always denies or is vague from what I’ve seen.  And I even got to visit his house and meet a couple of these people . Those I mentioned above, maybe some others even I’m not sure, are all associated with him. I’ve never been a huge fan of K idols myself but I was around uni enough to recognize many, many of them and know some of their work. It’s still kind of weird finding out celebrities are friends with other idols you never suspected they would be. Made me laugh myself a bit at all the stupid fuckin fanwars I would overhear at uni. Fuck if people only knew.  I’m not going to say a lot of shit on here because I know how crazy Kfans are and no one will probably believe this shit anyway. Fuck I saw it for myself and I still am in shock so I wouldn’t even blame anyone. But for what its worth, I’m putting it out there. Believe it or don’t, it’s whatever. Doesn’t really change my life any either way except hoping I will feel better having put this out there. Now onto my reasoning A few months ago I had to go back home and Andrew and I had a bit of a falling out before I left . Not going to get into that but we haven’t kept in contact since. But some of the things he told me still haunts me. About the Korean entertainment industry, both music and drama. The way these people are treated. I even heard it from two of them firsthand. There is so much I want to say but I have heard horror stories about what Korean entertainment companies do to people who speak out against them. I don’t really want to risk that. But if any of you watch Kdrama or listen to Kpop I hope you will keep in mind the amount of suffering those idols go through for your entertainment. The working until they pass out or sick, then being pulled up off the ground and told to get back to work. {side story: I was at Andrew’s house one night when one of the above mentioned people called another asking for a ride home from a set because he had worked 70+ hours straight and passed out several times. } Caking on more and more makeup to hide the fact that they are deathly exhausted. The physical, mental and sexual abuse. Yes sexual. And I’m not talking about isolated incidents. I’m talking about these things being the daily lives of K actors and Kpop artists. And absolutely everything that gets said about them publicly are lies. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G-. If it’s in any way personally related to them and you hear it , then its a fucking publicity lie.  Where they live and their homes are lies. The cars they drive are lies. All set up. I mean considering how crazy and stalkery Kfans are and the fact that so many of them don’t know their boundaries or respect privacy, because yes I have seen this for myself so this much I can understand. But it goes much deeper than that. They don’t date who it is told to you that they date. This is probably the biggest one. Their real dating lives are kept creepily under lock and key and the relationship rumors all of you hear are always fake. A.L.W.A.Y.S.  Sometimes even marriages and family lives are fake and set up. More so if its an LGBT idol.  It’s seriously crazy on the verge of psychotic how far its taken to control these idols lives. And its because everything is considered a scandal in Korea. And fans go crazy over absolutely everything and drop and shit talk their idols over the most ridiculous shit.  So these places they are contracted with go to extreme measures to have complete control over what the public knows. Some of them are gay, maybe a lot of them. But hey guys in the entertainment industry are much more likely to be gay I will tell you that now. I was in theater in middle school, high school and uni for close to 10 years and I probably knew less than 5 males in it that whole time who were NOT gay, or claimed they weren’t anyway.  Gay men love the arts industries. Not trying to be stereotypical but its kind of a fact. And they’re good at it! So there ya go. I know how anti-LGBT Kfans tend to be so let me tell you, get yourself the fuck over it cause you have gay idols. Probably many.  You being hard on them over that is just making their already miserable lives even worse. My only real reason for posting this is to just get all that shit off my chest. I’m not doing this for attention because honestly I couldn’t give two fucks in space what Kfans think. I don’t listen to Kpop or watch Kdramas and since I am no longer in Korea I’m not really exposed to it much at all so I don’t give a flying fuck what the fans of it think of me. And I don’t care to or have time for dealing with their crazy asses.  I do want people to know what their idols go through for them just because I think its really fucked up and you all should know if you actually do care about these people.   I won’t be responding to any replies or answering questions so don’t waste your time. I needed to get this out there, simple as that.  I have lived carrying this with me for awhile now. It gets heavy guys. Really fucking heavy. It just makes me sick that human beings have to endure slave-like lives for those companies and theres really nothing we can do about it. Fuck its 2018 and this shit still goes on. I doubt this post will even get anyones attention but I guess in the very least I got it off my chest. Edit:  Yea I know I maybe just exposed him myself but I don’t even know that he’s still active anymore. I haven’t had my Twitter account in quite some time. And he doesn’t use his full name or say much on there personally anyway so I’m not too worried. And like I said, we had a falling out so take that as you will.
Also a final side note for anyone who read this all the way through and isn’t too busy bitching me out: I have seen some of them scrolling through his Twitter profile/feed/whatever before. Several times actually. So yeah they do fuckin see the things you post.
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I was tagged by no other than @liviasm​ tnks, rommate <3
The last…. - Drink: schweppes citrus - Phone call: My twin sister - Text Message: also my twin sister - Song you listened to: It’s Alright It’s Okay by Ashley Tisdale (nostalgic I know) - Time you cried: yesterday
Have you ever…. - Dated someone twice: No - Kissed someone and regretted it: No - Been cheated on: No - Lost someone special: No - Been depressed: Yes - Gotten drunk and thrown up: Also No
Three favorite colors… Blue, White, Black
In the last year have you…. - Made new friends: I believe so - Laughed until you cried: Yes - Found out that someone was talking about you: Not that I remember rn - Met someone who changed you: No - Found out who your friends are: Yes - Kissed someone on your facebook list: No __ - Do you have any pets: On my mother’s ranch, yes. We have two dogs and two cats
Do you want to change your name: Def no. It’s simple, unsual and I think it fits me
- What did you do for your last birthday: I didn’t do anything that day, just normal stuff. Only celebrated with my sis by going on a one-day trip to São Paulo in the middle of the week to see a musical a couple days later.
- What time did you wake up:12 pm
- What were doing last night at midnight: Watching a kdrama called “Doctor Stranger”
- Name something you can’t wait for: I wanna graduate from college and go somewhere else than where I am now
- When was the last time you saw your mom: Last Monday
- What are you listening to now: “Awake” by Jin from BTS
- Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: Yes, I’ve had two professors named Tom 
- Something that gets on your nerves: When people are rude
- Most visited website: Youtube
- Hair color: Black
- Long or short hair: Short
- Do you have a crush on someone: No
- What do you like about yourself: My hair probably
- Blood type: O +
- Nickname: Normally people just call me Carla, but some people use Ca or Carlinha sometimes
- Relationship status: Single
- Zodiac: Taurus
- Pronouns: She\her
- Favorite T.V. Shows: White Collar
- Tattoos: Not yet 
- Right or Left-handed: Right-handed
- Surgery: Never
- Sport: Not that kind of girl
- Vacation: New York if I could
- Pair of shoes: Any pair of boots I own
- Eating: Arroz doce, churros, chocolate, fried bananas
- Drinking: Piña Colada 
- I’m about to: go sleep
- Waiting for: my graduation
- Want: to go somewhere new
- Get married: Not in my plans
- Career: academic? editorial business? as a translator? idk
Which is better? - Hugs or kisses: hugs - Lips or eyes: eyes - Shorter or taller: taller - Older or younger: older - Nice arms or stomach: stomach - Hook up or relationship: hook up - Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Have you… - Kissed a stranger: yes - Drunken hard liquor: once a friend had me drink whiskey - Lost glasses/contact lenses: lost my glasses for six months til my sister found it - Turned someone down: Yes - Sex on the first date: No - Broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of - Had a broken heart: Not romantically  - Been arrested: No - Cried when someone died: yes - Fallen for a friend: No
Do you believe in… - Yourself: Not specially right now - Miracles: Yes - Love at first sight: No - Santa Claus: No - Kiss on the first date: Why not
If you guys feel like doing it I tag @ilovecorgibutts @camislittleworld @sancriss @picturestoburnbycaah 
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