#only question is should he be a warrior or a chef
leaf-miner · 3 months
You know, I think Laios just wishes he was in Miitopia. You can eat everything in that game. Rocks, armor, swords, shields you name it. If you can kill it, you can eat it. He would have the time of his life.
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Cruel Summer
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All Chan-Mi wanted was an escape but when had Universe ever heard her?
Warnings: Yandere, Manipulation, Obsession, Mentions of abuse
P.S: Uffff, this took so much longer than I anticipated! Writer's block quite fast there 🥲 Anyways, it's here now! As usual, it's not proof-read I apologise!
Lord Jee was in a frenzy. An important guest was coming tomorrow to discuss the village state and welfare. But this wasn’t important because he cared about the welfare of the people. This was important because this visit meant his promotion and promotion meant money. And Jee loved money. There was no other way around it. 
“Chan Mi! Are you even listening to me?!” demanded Lord Jee making Chan-Mi flinch. Chan-Mi chose her words carefully. She did not want to aggravate her husband more than he was. His anger knew no bounds, the marks on her body was a proof of that.  “I am My Lord, I am sure Lord Kim will love the preparations..you are doing for him..”
“This will be great opportunity for us to move to the capital. We will be drowning in money..once we move there..” Lord Jee replied with a sinister smile. Chan-Mi could only hope this worked. She did not want to deal with another session of him taking out his anger on her. She had not yet healed fully from the last one..evident in her slow movements. 
She could remember the day when her father announced her marriage to Lord Jee. They were poor with no way to repay the loan her father had taken for the crops. But when the crops failed and Lord Jee took a liking to her..her father could not refuse. The money was great and would help them survive the harsh winter. Even if it meant sacrificing his eldest daughter. Chani-Mi was 25 now and had long lost contact with her family following her marriage. Lord Jee did not allow her to leave the house often. Chan-Mi could count the handful of the times she got to see the outside world. She longed to escape from here.
The change was coming and it would be something Chan-Mi would have never guessed. 
“I heard you are going tomorrow to the country side, hyung” Jimin asked as he brandished his sword at Namjoon.
Namjoon swung his sword back at Jimin at full pace while grumbling “Yeah, well..King’s orders. Some Lord Jee is making trouble in the country side..God these low lifes can’t just live their lives in peace, can they?”
Jimin snickered, “Hyung, who doesn’t like money? And well if he makes too much noise, killing a small town Lord wouldn’t be that much of an issue for a skilled warrior as you.” Jimin raised his hands in defeat when he felt Namjoon’s sword at his neck. Sigh.
Namjoon smirked. He is a skilled warrior, he knew that, heck everyone knew that. But he hated these visits. These country Lords always tried to act sweet like honey to gain favour and Namjoon loathed people who honeycombed their words. He was a direct man with few words and sharp eyes. Nothing escaped them. 
“Sheeshh, you need to work on your skills more..be more quick on your feet, Jimin” Namjoon advised as he helped Jimin get back up. 
“Yeah..yeah” Jimin moaned in pain. The fall was rough. “And you need to be more gentle with me, hyung!” He complained. Namjoon laughed. The fight was good. He felt energised. “Let’s meet get refreshed, we also need to discuss our strategy for the capital protection”
Chan-Mi felt stressed as she ran up and down the house to check everything was perfect. Lord Jee was getting on her nerves with constant questioning of how things were coming along. By now she was drenched in sweat with beads sticking to her forehead. 
“My Lady, I think you should take a break..um..the guest does not arrive until the evening..and it’s only morning right now..” Chan-Mi’s personal maid Jiya murmured. 
“I will in a while..I just need to instruct the chef’s about the menu for tonight, and then make sure the guest room is ready and then arrange for the entertainers tonight and then-” 
Jiya sighed looking at the young agassi's haggard look. Jiya knew she had the look of pity for Chan-Mi, but who wouldn’t? Poor girl had left one hell to enter another hell. Perhaps even worse than before. Life was truly unfair to some people. 
“As you see fit, My Lady” Jiya resigned. 
Chan-Mi could feel the sympathy in Jiya’s eyes. And it made her skin crawl. She detested being pitied. She knew her circumstances weren’t ideal with an abusive husband and limited freedom but that didn’t mean she wanted to be pitied. However, Chan-Mi had a plan to escape her hell. Unknown to all, Chan-Mi had been poisoning Lord Jee slowly since the past year. It gave her immense thrill to him losing his strength slowly without him even realising it. It was sick of her, she knew, but she couldn’t help this darkness growing inside her. It wouldn’t be long before I gain my freedom..it’s a matter of time. Just thinking about it gave her hope.
Chan-Mi had a serene smile when she replied, “Let’s get back to work.”
Namjoon felt bored. It was hot and dry. How far was this godforsaken place? Ugh. It took him another hour before he reached Jee’s home. It was decorated beautifully he thought. But the heat here was unpleasant along with the scenes he saw on street. The entire village reeked of poverty and destitution. He couldn’t wait to mess up with this Jee. Corruption was not taken lightly by the King and it was quite clear that this old fool was not using the money sent for the betterment of this village. 
“My Lord!” Jee enthusiastically advanced towards Namjoon “It is my honour to host you tonight. I cannot tell you how excited I am!”
Namjoon on the other hand wanted to smack Jee. Why so chirpy. Namjoon scoffed at the fake excitement. “Lord Jee, it’s good to see you. I have been looking forward to this visit” Namjoon  lied smoothly. The faster the talks got over, the faster he could go back. But what Namjoon saw the next second made time stop for him. A pretty, no perhaps the most beautiful girl descended down the stairs. She was small, delicate and had the most charming smile he had ever seen. It lit up the night. He felt his heart thrashing wildly against his chest with only one question running his head. Who is she? He wanted to know her better. Perhaps he will have to prolong his stay, afterall?
But her hair..they were tied. Namjoon hoped against all odds that she was not married. “My Lord, meet my wife..Chan-Mi” Lord Jee grinned. Namjoon felt a crack in his heart. Just my luck. 
Chan-Mi gasped when she looked at Namjoon. He looked divine with his muscular arms and dragon eyes. But Chan-Mi also felt she needed to stay from him. There was something in his slanted eyes that spoke of authority, wickedness and lust. And the way his eyes were looking at her, it left a chill down her spine. I definitely needed to maintain distance from him. Even if it’s just tonight. 
“My Lord, hope you have wonderful stay at our home” Chan-Mi murmured while bowing down. Namjoon on the other hand could not stop staring at her. Everything about Chan-Mi was calling to him..to make her his. We would look so good together. Namjoon could already picture them together. But she was married. Not for long.
“Let’s get going Lord Jee? We have a lot of things to go over.” Namjoon grinned, his set at Chan-Mi. 
Namjoon spent the better half of the evening observing Chan-Mi. She was mostly quiet but what her mouth couldn’t speak, her expressions did. All she felt was visible on her face. Namjoon knew that she could feel his eyes on her even when he was interacting with Jee. But she pretended to be oblivious which was adorable. 
As the night progressed and Jee started getting drunk, Chan-Mi became more relaxed. And Namjoon more aggressive with his approach in talking to her. 
“How did you two get married? I cannot fathom such a beautiful lady as you married to such a vile man.” curious Namjoon asked.
Chan-Mi choked on her food as she looked at Namjoon who was looking at her with an expression she could not decipher. “Uh..that’s quite a personal question, My Lord,” Chan-Mi hesitated, “One, I am not comfortable speaking.” 
Namjoon smiled for the first time that night. His interest spiked even more. Not only was she composed but also had a spite in her voice, just as he had guessed. This is going to be interesting. 
“You are not of noble birth, are you?” Namjoon asked raising his eyebrows. Chan-Mi blushed, then frowned and finally glared at him. Namjoon felt exhilarated from her reaction. So, she wasn’t. He was correct. 
“What made you marry him?” he provoked further. Namjoon was frankly enjoying her expressions. Like a cat and mouse game. 
Chan-Mi looked back at Namjoon with wide eyes before standing up suddenly “My Lord, I understand that you are an important guest and I welcome you in my house with full respect. However, you are crossing a line here!” How dare he? Who was he to think that he could question her in her house?! Agreed she wasn’t of noble birth but she was a noble Lady now. And she would not tolerate strange man questioning her. 
“I think, it’s time that I should take my leave now. Since, my husband is here already and you are here only for tonight…I should leave you two to disc-” 
Adorable. “I am not staying just for the night My Lady” he smirked, “I am here for quite some time. You should get used to me now.” For I am your future. 
Disrespect was something, Namjoon did not tolerate well. Granted his little kitten did not know that now, but the sooner he tamed her, better it would be for her. Namjoon stoop up and began walking towards her. “What are you doing?” Chani-Mi spoke alarmingly walking backwards as he progressed when she felt the wall hit her back. Uh-oh. He watched her like a starved man. This was not good, especially when her husband laid there drunk out of this mind to register what was happening in the room. 
“What am I doing?” Namjoon asked back as he encircled her waist to reel her in. Perfect. She was the perfect size for him. “You are so small” Namjoon cooed looking down at her, “I am going to tell you this once. And you must hear me clearly, understood kitten?” 
Chan-Mi could feel her heart beating wildly. She tried squirming away without much luck. His arms were like iron around her..caging her. “I am not interested in your games.” She growled at him. 
“Enough” Namjoon tugged her hair harshly before bringing his lips to her ears and spoke “Silly kitten, I am not the one to play games, understood?” grinding himself against her. Chan-Mi felt scared for the first time that evening. This was not how it was supposed to go. 
“You are going to confess to his crimes tomorrow..and once that’s done both you and him are going to be jailed for trial” Namjoon trailed his fingers from her hair to her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. Even her breast were of perfect size for his hands. He couldn’t wait to have her under him. “But I have taken a liking to you, my kitten..so, I am going to save you under one condition..be mine.”
If possible his touch became more aggressive and his dragon eyes more dark. His obsession flowing from them. Namjoon knew what he felt was beyond love. But he couldn’t stop himself. He had to make her his..his little kitten. 
“You have the whole night to think it over but be assured kitten even if you say no…I am going to take you back with me..” Namjoon looked into her eyes for a good measure, “the only difference is, if you say yes you will not be punished by me. Clear?” 
Change had come truly, just not the one Chan-Mi wished. Cruel Summer indeed. 
Taglist: @whipwhoops
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razorfst · 10 months
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Mafia Verse - Andrei Lupei's US Mansion:
Andrei bought the mansion several months after he arrived into the United States. It was a search that took some time, he wanted to find somewhere that gave him enough space from the city without being too far but just enough to give him peace. A place to escape. His home here is only known to those in his family, to those he trusts. No one outside knows it exists and if they do? Well, it's because they either followed him without him noticing or he had someone betray this knowledge to another. It is guarded by a gate and walls around the property with a security booth at the entrance to make sure only those who are approved get let in and no one gets too close to the front door. Andrei and anyone else who drives in with him, with his blessing, is let in without question. It is a large property, containing the three story mansion with a front to park multiple cars if he has an event, gardens, and a pool. It is impressive from the outside, easy to see its size alone by looking at it. However once inside, one is welcomed to a large foyer that has a large winding staircase as well as marble floors to take in the rest of the house. One side leads to the living room and the kitchen. Nearby is the large dining hall so as the chef Andrei employs does not have to go far with the food. On top of that the first floor leads out to the pool and gardens as well as contains the impressive at home gym that contains a boxing ring for him to spar or shadow box in. His office is also not too far from the gym, a large home office for him to conduct all kinds of business should he choose to not go into the city or the compound. And to end it on the first floor there are three half baths, one near the living room, another near the dining room, and another near his office and gym. The second floor is less busy in a sense. On there, he has the at home movie theater where he obviously enjoys watching some of his favorite films like Gladiator and Warrior but also plays some video games with his up to date consoles. There is a half bath connected to the movie theater as well. Aside from the theater, there are three other rooms. They are guest rooms with a full bath attached to each. Of course they can be guest rooms when he needs them to be but for the most part one is somewhat storage when he needs it to be. The third and final floor is what is his mostly. That is where the master bedroom and master bathroom are. Of course connected so he doesn't have to leave the double wooden doors. All of that on one side of the floor where the other half is more guest rooms, four with their own full bathrooms as well. His dog, given to him by his father before his passing, prefers to stay up on the third floor when Andrei isn't home and he doesn't need to go out or eat as that is his space. Most will call him with a whistle and he will respond, hearing his paws down the hard floors and stairs. He runs fast when he knows it's Andrei calling for him. His house is run by staff, those that clean and cook along with security and those who work late are able to stay in the guest rooms on the second floor. If your muse is taken there, then he trusts you a lot. That is one of his inner sanctums, it is where he can just be and one of the last remaining pieces of his father is in his dog, Razvan.
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luimagines · 1 year
I see the Chain with a tall s/o and my brain just delved into One Piece territory cause the character heights for that show are RIDICULOUS. 6' for the normal person is short as there are quite a bunch of human characters who range from 9' to almost 20'.
My brain came up with the super hilarious about Four having a human spouse taller than FD, like a solid 15'7 in height. Tall enough to hug all the colors at once which they love. No one really knows where they came from as Reader doesn't like talking about their past. What is known is that they're one hell of a chef.
Fresh ingredients straight from their personal garden, home crafted seasonings and they hunt or fish their own meat. Reader outclasses every chef in Hyrule to the point they get offers for cooking positions by the dozens. All these always gets declined cause Four's spouse only cooks for fun.
Unlike with Hyrule and Wild, our dear smithy does have a letter sent to Reader explaining he'll be on a journey. The Minish helped deliver it since his lover can see them too. Four is honestly the kind of guy that likes talking about his lover to people.
Something he does once comfortable with the rest of the Chain. I can imagine some Links were skeptical about Reader even existing since no human can get that BIG unless they are part giant. (Four, of course, asked them when the two first met and he was told they didn't have any giant blood.)
He practically ignores his skeptic friends cause the looks on their faces when they meet Reader would be so satisfying. And then the group is dropped into his Hyrule. None of the Chain seen Four run so fast before as he practically a blur entering Minish Forest.
The smithy knows his lover would go hunting in the forest at this point of time. Reader always follows a strict schedule when it comes to food in general . The group catches up and can only gawk upon the sight of the massive unarmed person staring down a Gohma.
Four has to hold his companions back as they don't know Reader is far from defenseless. His spouse was a 'combat chef' specifically one whose strength could be considered monstrous. Especially when it comes to their kicks as he seen them break BOULDERS with a single strike. The Gohma lunges for a body slam and it was the last mistake it made.
Reader: Anti Manners Kick Course.
Everyone but Four is speechless as the cook delivers a 180 degree kick straight into the monster's torso. The strike was so powerful that not only did it send the Gohma but the beast was slain before even hitting the ground.
Reader: Damn pest for scaring off that boar.
*Notices Four and the group*
Reader: Hey sweetheart, I see you got some company. Lunch should be done cooling soon as I decided to make some gumbo.
Four: YES. I missed you and your cooking so much, darling. Also all of ye owe me Rupees. *Looks at Twilight, Warriors, Wild, Legend, Sky and Hyrule*
The Smithy is a 120 Rupees richer while his comrades bombard him with questions. Wild definitely wants to learn some recipes from Reader. Meanwhile Time looks at the Fierce Deity and smugly sends the thought 'Shorty'.
I almost spat out my drink at the end XD
Four get to be loved on by a gentle giant- until they're pissed off. XD
Wind would probably stare up at Reader with a slack jawed face until Reader finally notices and looks down.
"Yes? Can I help you?"
"....How far can you throw me?"
(An adult of the group.) "Wind! NO!"
"Wind! YES!" Wild cheers him on. "Me next after him!"
"Absolutely not!"
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papirouge · 2 years
Your takes slap, hard agree with the kanye bs. He’s meddling with selfish demons. This is why I always side eye black folk like candance o or other so called conservatives because their “work” never seems to benefit anyone but themselves. That same girl who praised hitler too. He was said to be praised Islam, why? Because christians were “too weak” and he liked how Islam controlled people. why say edgey bs unless it’s to excite your racist fans
I also sort of think that Kanye’s breaking down becaus after he sacrificed his mom for her soul to sell and his for fame, the demons are coming soon to collect their debt and he’s panicking.
It's funny that you're saying Candace only roots for herself bc a Black blogger (that I really recommend bc her commentary on the Black community are *chef's kiss*) said the same about her. She said she didn't have friends, only "allies of convenience" lol Her presence at Kanye show was an obvious attention seeking stunt. I usually like her, but she definitely can be super retarded at times lol. It's very ironic her whole story telling relies on her saying she left the plantation and is routinely calling out leftists social warriors, but here she is, being an actual rightoid social justice warrior lol "Conservative SJW'ing" Case in point : when Kanye got dragged by Gigi Haddid on instagram after Kanye dissed her friend for criticizing in White Lives Matter stunt (that friend in question was a Vogue editor and was present on the show) Candace shoved herself in the convo and got like "how dare you Gigi say Kanye is a bully when Pete Davidson was hanging around his kids??? where were you to call out such behavior when this happened?????" and I got like ??????? How the hell does 1) someone being bullied dismiss them from being bully themselves?? those aren't mutually exclusive concepts as far as i know 2) why should the whole world involve themselves into the messy relationship situation of a grown man on an instance of divorce with his soon-to-be ex wife and new toyboy??? why making it EVERYONE's business?? STOP BABY'ING GROWN UP MEN!!!!!! Kanye is MIDDLE AGED!!! Gigi was defending her friend, Kanye was not entitled to be defended by her or anyone else. Maybe the reason no one bothers to defend him anymore (beside his stupid stans and edgy rightoids) is probably bc he's insane and went off the rails since a while now. But Candace is just too biased or dishonest to admit it.
And btw, is Pete flaunting his bonding with Kanye kids is "bullying", then Candace better have the same energy to white knight Pete over this stunt in Kanye's latest MV where he's literally mimicking Pete's BURIAL and straight up name-dropping him implicitly wishing him ill.
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And I think Kanye had a small window to be Saved shortly after leaving rehab. But dude was just too much attached to fame and money -and too much big of an ego- to let it go. I think is spiraling is totally due to the mind control but also because he's simply not Saved. Seeking God, while thinking you are God AND still mingling in worldliness would make anyone insane. Such things cannot cohabitate. I wouldn't say it's too late, but one thing for sure is that the clock is tickling big time for him, and yet Kanye refuses to make the life-saving decision that will set him free for once and for all.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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"Public displays of affection aren't a Butterfly virtue."
FULL NAME: Menodora Eline Perhonen BASED ON: Moon Butterfly (Star vs The Forces Of Evil) FACE CLAIM: Eve Best PRONOUNS: She/Her BIRTHDAY:  31 December 1971 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information || CW: death, assassination, gore ||
Komtesse Menodora Perhonen was born under a Blue Moon, which was just as well for her family as they had a habit of giving newborns a celestial-themed family name. To be called Moon was to be a good student, in the good graces of her mother and mentors in sorcery or lessons. On the other hand, to be called her given name, outside of any formal context, was a sign of failing or trouble. It was a shame, really, to feel so ashamed of your own first name. (Surely, that couldn’t cause issues with one’s sense of identity.)
Her mother was a brave warrior, people told her. But Moon doubted that greatly. Her mother was a peaceful person and Moon was highly doubtful that the Grevinde Comitessa “Comet” Perhonen was capable of any amount of violence, let alone use magic for battle. And still, it was in their blood to participate in such a bloody ritual. She wasn’t sure if she wanted that power, wanting instead to pursue something more peaceful – an air or wood magic, or light or illusions.
Everyone always said her mother was too soft, too careful. She was “Comet, the Chef” not anything battle-worthy like the Advisors – Family friends that would be called the Mjaunie High Commission – of their County would want. She was a wasted battle mage. Wasted potential. Her family spoke ill of her aspirations while praising the things about her that made her the perfect local, social politician. It was almost forgiveness enough for straying from her battle-ready lineage. “Comet, the Chef, only willing to focus on her Kitchen Witchery, which would get her absolutely nowhere.” Actually, it may have been what got her killed.
As peace talks were failing in Mjaunie, Comitessa decreed that a feast for all should be held under the banner and mission of peace. She would personally see that every culture and person felt welcome in their home. Instead, it was a bloody murder that took place – an assassination, technically, on political grounds. Everything changed after that point, even if Moon didn’t see it yet.
She was meant to take over her mother’s title and her mother’s land (a large, resource-rich County and estate in Mjaunie, Denmark) because this subsect of Mjaunie culture wanted to be based on matriarchy over patriarchy. She may have wanted to take on the title of a Grevinde, but those close family and friends, the High Commission in positions of advisors, had her title declared as a Countess. The shift towards an assimilated Mjaunie – farther from the older traditions – was more and more underway. It was questioned by even the locals who had opposed her family’s way of life. But… it wasn’t just the Perhonens who were assimilating… they were just the most prominent family, right?
It was at this point in time that Menodora knew what she had to do to keep the people of Mjaunie at ease. She had to take down the person who had caused such social unrest – the assassin who had taken her mother’s life. A monster, both morally and by blood. Only, it was more complicated than that simple explanation. She had to take down someone she had seen as a friend.
Whatever her relationship with Tófi Sethson had been, it was over. Had he been an outside, contracted advisor for the Perhonens? Had he been a tutor to the young Menodora? Had they been friends, sharing ideas? Had he believed in her in a way that it felt that no one else did? She wouldn’t answer. It was clearly the grief taking over.
Their battle was ill-advised but still occurred. After a short period of grieving and funeral rites, Moon had decided that she needed to calm the calamity in her newly inherited County. In order to learn the necessary magic that would hopefully bring peace to her people, Moon made a deal with a less-than-credible source to learn magic that could potentially restore peace to the County. She brought him a feast, similar to what her mother had tried to offer, and they sat and spoke of their terms. No one from Mjaunie saw what she did to him that made him falter – what made him, even temporarily, retreat.
All they knew was that his severed ring finger was kept in a jar on her sil, her saying that the power that it held was too much to let back into the world. She worried he would take it back, cause more havoc, and all their friendship and fallout would be for nothing.
It was shortly after this fallout that she would develop feelings for River Johansen, a local boy who admired her greatly and Moon admired in turn. They would grow together, with him supporting her through her rigorous sorcery and political studies while also encouraging her to not lose her fun-loving side. He didn’t want to see her too caught in the grief that her younger self had endured. As she was more serious and he was more whimsical, the two balanced each other out nicely.
They married close to the end of her first bout of studies, though fertility struggles caused her to have her daughter a bit later than she had expected. Still, she went about choosing a name, calling her daughter Stella, or “Star.” It was tradition, after all.
Being the mother to a child who was so like and unlike herself was daunting. Suddenly her title of “Moon the Undaunted” felt like a joke. How was she going to handle a rambunctious and headstrong daughter? Had she been that way? Would Moon have been more wild and fun if her circumstances had been different and there hadn’t been a civil war in her childhood? It eventually became clear that Mjaunie wasn’t the best place for her daughter, and so… Moon and River sent her away.
With a heavy heart, Moon encouraged her daughter to find a new place to find and be herself, while Moon kept the books and hoped her daughter would mature enough to come back to inherit the County of Mjaunie and the Moors. The separation lasted only so long, as Moon became interested in what was beyond Mjaunie. She had traveled a few times, seeing different countries and Counties, but being a Countess was a big responsibility. She had the Commission to please. They felt much more like a board for approval than family friends, though. Moon nearly never left home by this point. It was far too dangerous, The High Commission told her.
Eventually, knowing that there was something missing and ill-fitting about the life she’d always known, Moon said it was her turn to pursue something outside the County in Mjaunie. She had decided, ultimately, that she would search for truth and knowledge and bring it back. If she had been lied to all her life, she wanted to know. She no longer wanted to perpetuate a lie herself.
This led to some contention with the High Commission, the locals, and her husband. While they continue to encourage each other platonically, their marriage is in a state of limbo as she rediscovers herself. And where would she rediscover herself?
Moon made a motion to leave and research more about the world outside of the Moors. While the High Commission initially opposed this, they eventually – for unknown reasons – relented to Moon’s request. The family estate, vast in wealth and resources, was used to aid Moon in starting life anew in a new place.
She settled in Swynlake for two reasons. One, she felt that the policies and general acceptance would aid her in her quest for knowledge. Two, it’s where she’d sent Star.
Years of misconceptions and lies had threatened to tear their relationship apart. Maybe it was possible to patch it again. Although, it would take much more than a simple chat to get the two to reconcile. And maybe more than just research for Moon to reconcile her understanding of herself, her family, and her legacy.
Nowadays, Moon spends her time surveying her neighbors and researching perspectives on different aspects of the magickal, monstrous, and metaphysical. Besides that, she’s working on making friends and regaining some social skills lost in her Countess upbringing. Ultimately, she wants what’s best for her people and for Star.
✓  Well-meaning, refined, quick-witted
✖  haughty, stubborn, shortsighted
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Stella "Star" Butterfly (Daughter)
Possible Relationships
Click here! 
Magical Abilities
Sorcery – Elemental: aether & fire (shadow/light) Descended from Shapeshifters
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doshi-sukiru · 2 years
Okay, time for another blurb from my au! 
Meet Macaque’s little helpers in the plaza! Rumble and Savage! 
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These little miscreants are programmed to help the toddlers and little kids in the plaza in case they get separated from their parents or take them to other activities if they are unqualified to enter other activities. 
They mostly stay in one area of the plaza known as “The Warrior’s Journey”, which is just a jungle gym similar to the one in the sun/moon daycare, but with a more woodland vibe and you can join any competitions to earn a prize from Macaque (the prize being a small pamphlet with the image of the samadhi fire ring on it, which is connected to a larger bit but I’ll explain that later-).
Rumble and Savage spend their time there by helping little children unqualified for “The Warrior’s Journey” do exercises and stretches because children who are at least 4ft or are between 5-14 years are only allowed to play there. 
They also keep check with all the kids there in case something happens, like someone’s playing too rough or someone gets badly injured during the competition incase Macaque is not available at the moment (he does wander about the building sometimes, as well as the other animatronics during the day). Of course, should this happen, they must inform nearby employees or Macaque to help because they’re too small to actually do anything. Their eyes allow them to see if there are any disabilities/ allergies/ disorders that the child may have (diagnosed only) and try to stay within what they think would seem easy for the child. 
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They only stay there until noon (when that area is closed so that the animatronics can go to their other stations/ wander the plaza to help children and/or adults) before running around the place like little children would do. They are very interactive, and have a close connection with almost everyone that works there. Even the animatronics know them really well. 
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It’s obvious they get along with Macaque, and treat him as parental figure, seeking guidance and (sometimes) attention from him. After his program get’s fused with a soul, he actively does his best to kept both the trio and these two safe in the plaza. 
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Rumble is more comfortable with the Monkey King than Savage, and has a habit of climbing the hero whenever he’s free. They do consider him as a parental figure, but not as much as the six-eared warrior. After the King has a soul transferred into his body, Rumble sticks to clinging onto his legs instead because the hero’s program, unlike Macaque’s, is glitched and can’t really ensure the safety of the kids too often. 
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Chang’e is probably the only one these two like to bother out of all the animatronics, mainly for her eggs. No one really knows why, not even the people who made them, but they treat eggs as some sort of trophy and always try to steal them from Chang’e’s kitchen. It does get annoying when she tries to help the fellow chefs in the kitchen and she’s missing ingredients or cooking utensils only to find them in their clutches. 
Surprisingly, other than Macaque, Nezha is their favourite animatronic. Mainly because of his metallic ribbon over his head that they sometimes use to play on. I didn’t draw that happening because I was too tired. 
Questions go to the inbox as always. Now, where’s my blurb about the bodies in the plaza . . . 
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ultranos · 3 years
Ursa as regent in the tiniest firelord au is really *chef's kiss*, like imagine all the possibilities! 🙌 What happens next?
So when we last left our motley crew, the Gaang had just breached the bunker and Zuko has come face to face with his mother for the first time in years. And the Gaang is very surprised to learn of the existence of another Fire Nation Royal.
This is, in Suki's professional opinion, an absolute clusterfuck.
There really is no other word. None whatsoever. Suki is fresh out of any other vocabulary to express the degree to how unbelievably bad and awkward this situation is.
Zuko isn't answering Aang's question. Which, rude. They very much deserve some kind of explanation, any kind of explanation really. One that could hopefully answer "Zuko why is your mom ready to fight us?"
Or "who the hell is Azula?"
Or Suki's personal favorite: "did you just forget about the entire other heir to the throne who was not struck from the line of succession?"
But really, she's not picky.
"It wasn't important," Zuko mutters.
(Okay, that's a lie. She is, and she's also been trying really hard to give Zuko the benefit of the doubt. Even after he burned her island. But the others vouched for him having changed. But silt and sand, it's hard to not see a similar kind of carelessness in forgetting to mention his sister's existence.
Suki'd rather lose an arm than forget one of her sisters, and none of them share a tie of actual blood.)
The little girl peeking out from behind the stone throne, the one with the Fire Lord crown (because yes, Suki did pay attention to her lessons and does know what that hair ornament means) has an impressive scowl. "Mom, I told you Zuzu wouldn't care."
"Don't call me that!" he snaps at her.
"Zuko!" his mother says, sounding disappointed.
Zuko isn't the only one who recoils a little at that tone. He turns to the woman and says in a softer voice, "Mom, I don't...how are you here? Why is Azula wearing that? Where's dad?"
If anything, the girl's scowl gets fiercer, but she doesn't flinch. (Suki's impressed despite herself.) "I'm the Fire Lord, dumb-dumb, why else would I wear it?"
Zuko's mom looks heavenward. "Azula..."
"He asked."
Katara apparently decides to take pity. "You're, um, rather young. I think is where your...brother...was trying to go."
Azula shrugs. "Dad died," she says, matter-of-fact, like she didn't just drop an absolute bombshell. "Fire Sage Koga tried to tell you to come home, but you wouldn't. So he told me I had to."
"Excuse me, did you say Fire Lord Ozai died?" Sokka asks for all of them.
"Almost three years ago," Zuko's mom confirms as Azula nods.
Zuko makes a strangled noise. "Three years?! I could have been home, I could have had the throne for three years?!"
"It's mine, dumb-dumb." Suki can easily hear the challenge in the kid's voice.
"You stole it!"
"Did not!"
"Okay, HOLD IT," Aang yells before diplomacy can degrade any further. "This...this isn't helping us figure this out."
"What's there to figure out?" Toph asks. "We came here to help you beat Fire Lord Ozai, Twinkletoes. That job's already done, so what else is there?"
"Well, technically, I think I'm supposed to defeat the Fire Lord and bring balance back. But I really don't want to fight at all right now," he adds quickly when Zuko's mom (Suki should really ask her name at some point) tenses.
"That, I think, we can agree on, Avatar."
"If you have to defeat the Fire Lord, does that really mean combat?" Suki wonders aloud. "Or can it be, like, at cards?"
Azula looks over at her and her eyes go wide as she stares. Suki shifts slightly, wondering if she's got something on her face or anything out of place. "Mom," she hisses, "Mom, she looks like Kyoshi."
Suki blinks at the weird non-sequitur. Then again, kids? "I'm one of the Kyoshi Warriors. Our uniforms are in remembrance of Avatar Kyoshi."
The little girl edges out from behind the throne. "The Kyoshi Warriors still exist?" She starts moving closer, looking incredibly interested. "What about Rangi? Are those stories true too?"
(Zuko's mom pinches the bridge of her nose. "Of course now I regret making her learn about the Avatars...")
Suddenly, Aang zips up next to the girl, eyes bright and a familiar grin on his face. He taps Azula on the shoulder. She whirls towards him, immediately sinking into a defensive stance. Aang clears his throat.
"Tag. You're it, Fire Lord."
And then zips to the other corner of the room.
Everyone's still for a moment. Then, Azula recovers and chases after the Avatar with a cry. "Hey, get back here!"
Which leads to the incredibly bizarre sight of the pint-sized Fire Lord attempt to play Tag with a master airbender, which as far as contests go, is almost certainly one Aang is going to win.
Well, Suki supposes that a victory on a technicality is still a victory.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Loki Series Thoughts—Glorious Purpose
Ok, I’m always nervous about posting my thoughts, but here we go. Spoilers ahead of course!!! (Disclaimer: Any gifs or images are not mine.)
Let’s start out with the episode’s name: Glorious Purpose. I know some people were a bit miffed about the emphasis put on the line, but I actually thought it worked well. It’s not so much that Loki actually believes in this “purpose,” but rather he is clinging to what he’s been told his purpose is. And by the end of the episode, he’s finally working through some of the things he’s been hurt by, abandoning what he’s been forced into and ready to be who he wants. Granted, it’s still going to take some time for him to come to grips with all that has happened, but I’m excited to see the journey.
The TVA. They undeniably suck. Whether or not it will be addressed directly, they are the (or one of the) antagonists in the show. What they are doing is, frankly, tyrannical. Three “time keepers” have taken it upon themselves to force countless versions of time and people into one single stream. And you know what? They can’t control that timeline. Not like they want to. As much as Loki’s line about “the weak” applies to himself, it applies to the TVA, too. It’s a facade of control that they cling to; if they truly had the right, the ability, to control time, everyone would follow their path. There would be no variants. Now, I could write a whole separate analysis on the MCU’s explanation of time travel. It’s convoluted and in a large way doesn’t make sense.
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I’d like to talk about Loki’s characterization. I am, in a word, relieved. From the trailers, Tom seemed to be over-acting, something rather strange for someone so good at conveying deep emotions through nuanced actions. Now I believe any exaggerated lines from the trailers are just Loki trying to separate himself from who he’s been told he is, and trying to reinvent himself. I don’t think that’s a bad thing either; they’re not rewriting Loki, he’s just growing in a new way. And though this way is “new” I think it will be similar to what we’ve seen before. From what we’ve seen so far, there is good continuity, and they are addressing things about Loki that should be addressed in canon.
Loki projects. Most notably in the Avengers, but also a bit in Thor 1 and The Dark World, a lot of Loki’s lines can be applied to himself, though he is talking generally or towards another group. What comes to mind is actually something he touches upon again in the series. The illusion of freedom. And though it is not said that line in particular is him thinking of himself, it can be inferred based on his admission that the line in the gifs above apply to him. Also that little gesture when he says “weak” breaks me. He’s hurting so much.
Loki is not a villain. He may think he’s one because everyone else is telling him that, yet we’re already seeing it brought up that it’s not true. I can only hope that we’ll see Loki state this himself later in the series. He was largely forced to do what he did. It is not his fault, so how can he be a villain?
Loki cares. Tom’s acting is just *chef’s kiss* Seeing his mother’s death hurts so much. I love that his first response is denial. Loki is thrown into something he’s never known about before, being shown things that, to his knowledge, have never happened. But then when he’s had a few seconds to wander around the TVA on his own terms, he’s more come to grips with all that’s going on. So, when he’s by himself and see’s Frigga lying there, dead, it gets to him. Then seeing Odin still call him his son, he feels the slightest glimmer of hope, but also regret; he already knows in the back of his mind that he’s not actually going to get that. Loki’s living from second to second, trying to hold on. He probably thinks this ends with his death. (I do have issues with that Odin scene in context of Ragnarok but that’s more a tangential aside, so I’ll gloss over it for now.) Then seeing Thor and himself acting like brothers again is heartwarming. So just when he’s feeling uplifted, Thanos comes into the picture. He realizes how much control the titan still had over his life; he never really escaped. And in the end, Thanos made good on his promise. And that is terrifying! And he laughs at it. It’s a sad sort of laugh, one that’s slightly crazed. Loki feels that no matter what he does, it ends in pain. By the end of seeing all that, he is a man broken. Rather, more broken than he already was.
Loki is struggling. That’s nothing profound; it’s obvious. But where it really stands out to me is actually in a part I originally thought to be out of character. I am referring to “What if I was a robot and I didn’t know it.” Upon closer inspection, I realize it’s actually that his perception of himself has been so thrown that he really isn’t sure about his own chemical makeup anymore. Odin and Frigga keeping from him that he’s a frost giant made him so unsure of himself, he thought he might not even be a living being.
Nervous tics. Was I the only one noticing his leg bouncing when he talked to Mobius? And what about that scene when he’s sitting on the steps? He begins to pick at his hands. Note, that’s something he did in T1 after finding out he was a frost giant and while confessing to the Warriors Four about how he was the one who told the guard of their trip to Jotunheim. Just a little detail I really appreciated. (If anyone has gifs of any of these things, feel free to share :)
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Mobius. I’ll be honest, I’m a bit undecided. I’m hesitant to say he’s evil. After all, we haven’t seen that much of him yet. However, I will say he is unscrupulous and manipulative. His questions weren’t to help Loki work through his trauma. Mobius was trying to goad him into helping, and likely was trying to gauge how much this Loki is like the variant he’s tracking. When Loki makes any admission of his feelings, it’s something he already knew, not a conclusion Mobius helped him reach. Mobius mocks him a bit and pushes his buttons because he sees Loki as a means to an end, and wants to know how easily he can get him to work with him. And what strikes me is how similar Mobius’s deal is to Thor’s deal in TDW. Thor doesn’t offer Loki freedom, he offers revenge. Mobius’s deal is just another variation of this. He can’t offer “salvation” but he can offer something “better”. Working for the TVA really isn’t better, though. So what does he mean? Well, I think he means a chance for Loki to prove he’s a hero. I hope as the show progresses it’s addressed that Loki doesn’t have to prove himself to anyone. That’s what he’s been doing his whole life, but I want Loki to see for himself that he doesn’t have to.
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Miss Minutes. Propaganda. Plain and simple, it’s propaganda. Besides the way it praises the “time keepers” as amazing saviors, necessary to keep the world in order, it’s essentially saying “don’t think for yourself.” The whole point of the video is “the time keepers are great. The TVA is flawless. Trust us to decide everything. You have no autonomy in the world we want, so surrender your free will. Submit to the system we’ve decided is perfect and everything will be just fine.” Of course, by “just fine” they mean the variant will be pruned and the timeline will keep going as the time keepers see fit. The animation style was great though! It really fit.
The infinity stones. I think their inclusion makes sense. If you remember from Endgame, the stones being in the right place in the right time keeps the timeline from branching, and thus prevents the multiverse from being created. Likely, the time keepers used the stones to make their “sacred timeline.” Naturally, any variant time stones would cause a problem. That’s why they have so many extras. But think about how pointless so much of what happened seems. Nat, Gamora, Vision, Tony, everyone who was snapped, everyone who was left. So, literally the entire universe was flipped upside down for paperweights. It really puts Thanos’s pursuit of the stones into perspective, doesn’t it?
The cloaked figure. I think there’s some misdirection going on here in one way or another. Mobius says he’s chasing a Loki variant, then immediately it cuts to a scene with the cloaked figure. Our minds are likely to assume that is the variant then. But they don’t actually say it’s Loki, so I’m inclined to believe it’s not. Though, I don’t have enough information to say who I do think it is, I could make a couple of educated guesses and say Mephisto (he certainly interacted with Loki in the comics, plus there’s the stained glass window) or Sylvie. Well, whoever Sophia Di Martino’s character is. I know she was previously listed as Sylvie on sources such as IMDb, but that has since disappeared. But why would you have a “young Sylvie” (Cailey Fleming) without an older version? There is speculation Di Martino’s character will be Lady Loki, but I hope this won’t happen. If they make Lady Loki her own character, I doubt we’ll see Variant Loki get to be fluid. Even if it’s confirmed on the record, it’d be nice to see actually happen beyond a piece of paper. And with twist villains being such a prominent force in modern media, I’m interested to see who our cloaked friend really is.
Time travel. Like I said earlier, this is a lot. But I can’t talk about the episode and not mention this aspect in at least a little more depth. I don’t like how the MCU deals with time travel. I think it’s an unnecessarily complicated mix of a number of different, already complicated theories. However, I think Loki will ultimately escape from the TVA and create a multiverse too difficult to prune (and maybe he’ll actually get to burn the place down too!) This will then tie directly into Doctor Strange 2. Do you guys know what that’s called? The Multiverse of Madness. Actually, in the Miss Minutes propaganda, they almost exactly say “will throw the multiverse into madness.” Will we get to (finally!) see a certain raven-haired god meeting Dr. Strange? And maybe even the Scarlet Witch herself? Well, I’m not sure, but right now I think it’s looking pretty good!
And some random things that didn’t really anywhere else:
Peggy is in the background?! My thought here is that Steve wasn’t supposed to stay with her. This made not only a Variant Steve, but also a Variant Peggy. We may not see Steve, but I bet he’s been taken care of too!! And who knows? Maybe there will be a cameo later. Otherwise, it might be something that was cut from the show, or just a fun easter egg of sorts.
The score was so good! It sets the mood perfectly.
Loki is a good fighter. Even if he’s overpowered, he finds a way.
Some of the humor didn’t land, but that might just be a personal thing.
So now my final thoughts. It’s their strongest pilot yet. So much emotion crammed into less than an hour. A lot of exposition, too, yet it didn’t feel tedious (Endgame I’m looking at you). And then we get to delve into Loki’s psyche, something that really appeals to me! Overall, 9/10. I hope the rest of the series is as good!
Did I miss anything? Was there something you were hoping I’d mention and didn’t? Or do you have something to add or (politely!) disagree with? I’d love to hear it all! Remember, fandom is a safe space to talk about, analyze, and debate about things you enjoy. My ask box is always open with anon on. Reblogs and comments are great too. Thanks!
Me after watching the episode:
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royalty-subway · 2 years
Remember my Miitopia drawing of the twins? I talked about making a bunch of headcanons or like, just talking about my experience with the game itself. I just recently got back into this game and I have an urge to info dump my dumb stuff. ;w;
Don’t worry, I’ll only list the characters that are prevalent. Or say things that are related to the characters in a way.
So, first thing first. Our precious people:
Ingo: Cautious Thief (the 2nd member)
Emmet: Energetic Warrior (the 3rd member)
Elesa: Kind Cleric (the 4th member)
Shielbert: Laid-back Chef (the 5th member… although I feel like the laid-back personality doesn’t fit him at all-)
Sordward: Cool Imp (the 6th member)
Sonia: Kind Scientist (the 8th member)
Lady Sneasler: Airheaded Cat (… who would’ve guessed. She’s just a random Mii though, since Legends Arceus wasn’t a thing when I played this game- ;w;)
Hm… I think the Main Character should be mentioned as well, let’s call her “MC”, she’s a Stubborn Mage. The other characters are irrelevant to this post.
And now, random info dumps from me. I don’t think there'll be much spoilers of the game, but eh, I feel like if you know what the game is, you’d know what I’m talking about so… your choice.
If I had to switch their personality, I think Ingo can work well with a cool or stubborn personality (but I picked cautious- ;w;). Sordward would have a personality that pisses people off, like stubborn (but I do like the cool personality on him- ;w;). Emmet is energetic, no change there, or cool. For Shielbert… it’s hard to tell. I’ve been thinking about switching his personality with Elesa’s, but even then, the kind personality doesn’t fit him. Nothing fits him- ;w;
While for changing or choosing their jobs, Ingo would probably be a thief or mage. Emmet is a warrior (but anything would be good on him really-), Sordward would be a warrior, imp or vampire. While Shielbert… I still couldn’t think of a perfect one for him, but maybe chef or vampire.
Ingo is like, insanely protective and close to my MC, like looking after her well-being kind of deal. Maybe it’s because they behave a bit similar when it comes to “rarely showing emotions”, and like, Ingo is the second member of the group.
I mean, I feel like Ingo is sort of the second in command. Since I feel like my MC can be a sarcastic ass sometimes. She can be kind, but like, a kind silly sarcastic asshole, I suppose. Ingo, Emmet, and Sonia  are like, the smartest in the group.
… Everyone even makes fun of my MC. Not in like, a bullying way. But more like “bruh, she probably has the silliest catchphrase” and “she has a blank face” (as in, showing barely any emotions); said by people who have “Fwaheeheehoho” as a catchphrase.
Emmet likes to slap dead teammates or when people are on crack, crying or sleeping. Like, this man doesn’t stop and it’s a threat. It’s like a mission of his. Any chance he gets, he’ll definitely take it with no question. And it always works, oddly enough.
… You know when an energetic teammate tends to fall in front of an enemy to both injure themselves but doing more damage against the enemy? I swear, whenever Emmet does that, it immediately kills the enemy. And everyone be like "damn"-
Like, Emmet is insanely strong in my game. He, along with Sordward, are probably the best and the strongest ones, oddly enough. But like, Emmet is probably the most chill person in that group as well. You could tell him that he sucks and he probably wouldn’t care.
Emmet and Elesa are like, best friends in my game. I don’t ever recall them having a fight or any form of disagreement. Even Emmet and Ingo had some fights, but never Emmet and Elesa… maybe only once with Elesa and Ingo, though.
Here’s a funny thing, Elesa is very kind. Probably the nicest out of everyone. And yet, that’s her personality and she’s a cleric so-
Shielbert constantly pisses off everyone. I mean, maybe it’s because he’s a chef that burns people’s mouths with burnt food and has a laid-back personality. And he tends to piss off Ingo the most, it seems.
Like, this one time, Shielbert pissed off Ingo and asked for forgiveness. Which Ingo did forgive him. But Shielbert pissed him off again immediately. Best friends for life, am I right-
And yet, Shielbert isn’t close to anyone, really. I mean, most being Sordward maybe. But he’s not really a man that cares about things. Not even when someone dies.
Sordward constantly harasses my MC. Since uh, during battles, he constantly uses the move “Charm” on her; which rouses the teammate to action and starts attacking (while raising their MP). In fact, I don’t think he has ever used that move on anyone else. Of course… my MC, being stubborn, tells him to piss off a lot, which makes him sad-
… He also harasses Ingo and Emmet with the move “Butt Jab”; it’s explanatory, stabbing someone’s ass to make them attack the enemy, which usually does more damage… Than a lawsuit might happen after that-
For who Sordward is close to… well, it’s a mix. Like, he’s close to Sonia, my MC, and Shielbert. And he’s legit the last person to cause problems (as in, fights, unless my MC intentionally pisses him off).
But here’s the funny thing, Sonia doesn’t do much. Like, she just exists in this party for no reason at all. I think even mentioning her was a bit useless… and yet, I don’t ever recall her getting angry with someone.
Lady Sneasler is a bit new to the group. But oddly enough, she’s very close to Ingo. Like, very close. It’s like they’re looking after each other. But like, she’s also chill with Sordward so far.
… She behaves like an actual cat, if you can believe it. Like, a very chill cat that can speak human English… As mentioned, she’s new so I’m still trying to figure out more stuff about her. This is all I got so far.
So yeah, basically, my MC and Ingo are responsible leaders. Emmet is like an actual God in this game. Sordward is like that weird cool kid that wishes for attention by harassing people. Shielbert pisses people off and Elesa is the nice one. Sonia doesn’t do much and Lady Sneasler is just a cat.
… This is all I can think of as of now- ;w;
Feel free to ask me any questions (or just, wish to add anything) if you have any-
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i-need-air · 4 years
your hybrid!bkg hcs are mad cute 😖💞 i’m in LOVE— what if reader comes home w/ a stray kitten? 🥺 katsuki doesn’t like cats but this one is all small and shivering and reader couldn’t let the poor thing starve on the streets so she takes it in. the kitten gets attached to katsuki very quickly much to his displeasure, he thinks he’s his mom lmao
I'm so glad you like them, all I want is to make people feel uwu and it's happening! 💕💕 This is so cute and I can only imagine him being a big ass momma later on ahskdjsk let's see:
[ Main Hybrid!Bakugou HCs here: Part 1 and Part 2! ]
[ BNHA Masterlist to find all Hybrid!AU works ]
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× you had to stay out longer than expected so it was getting late, and the worst part was that it started raining
× very dark clouds, thunder seen in the distance, bone-chilling wind; storm looked as if it was approaching fastly
× so you rushed fast home
× but something stopped you in your tracks a few streets away from home
× a small, weak meow that somehow you heard over all the noise surrounding you
× after investigating, you found this poor little kitten behind a garbage can
× frail, tiny, trembling, balled up trying to maintain body heat
× you had to save the little life, you just had to
× when you walked through the door, throwing everything but your jacket, in which the kitten was secured in, Katsuki heard the commotion
× he got out of the shower as it seemed he also got late from work and gave you a questioning face
× bc you mumbled a small "hi" and rushed to the bathroom
× to which he follows, like wth is going on and definitely catches on as he smells you
× "What the hell is that?" blurts, tactful as always
× you explain to him in a rush as you prepare a warm bath for the kitten, asking him to google anything you could do to help it
× gives you a stink glance
× lol like I'd bother type of glance
× yet still does it as you open your jacket to show him the frail kitten still shivering
× he comes around with his phone, acting done with life while reading out loud what to do, what to feed it
× meanwhile you realize you really don't have any food that would suit the kitten so you ask him if he could gently bath it while you go out to buy some at the corner grocery shop near by
× he just took a shower and you were still wet from the rain so it made sense you'd be the one going
× cue to him complaining like an overgrown child
× "Tsk, you're gonna catch a cold"
× "Just let it dry or whatever"
× "I cleaned the fucking floor yesterday and now it's all wet!"
× all while taking the cat from you and closing the bathroom door in your face 😒
× you change fastly and go out again while rolling your eyes at him
× but
× i shit you not, the moment you arrive home and go check on them, you find him in the living room with the kitten wrapped in a towel in his arms
× he's just looking down at it with a serene expression on his face
× 🦋🦋💕🦋💕🦋💕🦋🦋🦋🦋
× honestly, i genuinely feel he'd be compassionate about it, he knows what it is to have a rough life so he's definitely going to help, and will appreciate you for saving its life
× the first few days he really bitches about it though
× "Ya wanna keep it?"
× "I'm not taking care of that damned cat!"
× "Hey, you, brat, come here, you need to eat" to the cat instantly after telling you he ain't doin it
× exagerated scoffs as the kitten approaches him and cuddles him, demands attention, so on
× "This brat is so needy, tsk"
× still pets it gently while acting disinterested
× the funniest thing is when you both realize the kitty follows him everywhere and throws small fits whenever he leaves
× you record it doing so and send it to him
× he only responds with 🙄
× [ but saves the videos in a secure folder called Brat ]
× "The fuck is it followin' me around?!?"
× cuddle time is now him on top of you and kitty burried in his neck purring
× he has a high body temperature, ideal for snuggles
× thinks that you're not looking and puts a hand on the cat for protection
× seriously his words don't match his actions
× i swear, i feel he'd be like a cat whisperer or something
× bc whenever he orders the kitten to do something kitty does exactly that
× you had to argue with the cat to get off the table, Katsuki comes, orders it and the lil shit meows and gets off
× to which, of course, smug ass Katsuki gives you a smirk like "This is how you do it 💅"
× 💕 little shits 💞
× of course you're keeping the cat
× and he demands it has to have a badass name
× like it's a cute fluffy smol bean and he wants to call it Diablo or some shit
× to which he explains it's cuz the cat is a little demon and the name just fits
× fine, whatever, what's important is that you're keeping the kitty, win-win
× will definitely 100% buy cat toys and accessories
× "So it won't destroy the fuckin house while we're gone"
× proceeds to play with the cat
× throws toy mouse a foot away, watching how it catches it and plays with it
× records it
× "What a dumbass"
× sends you the video instantly
× makes fun of you bc it's obvious who's the favorite
× enjoys when you're pouty about it but kisses your forehead
× he might be the favorite but you're still his favorite
× but when he catches you snuggling together he goes 💕💓💞💖💝✨✨✨✨
× will [ again ] bitch about it but even the cat knows he's jealous; he just wants to cuddle with you both
× will scold the cat if it throws things off shelves or something
× if he gets a "meow" back he's gonna glare at it and say "Don't talk back to me" 💀
× if you have the audacity to laugh at him for it he'll scold you too
× Big Mom Energy
× Katsuki is soft for the cat
× but dear lord, can't stand the hairs on his black t-shirts
× "Fucking amazing, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
× "meow?"
× "Don't act innocent!"
× Chef Bakugou prepares the best food for the cat
× he's not buyin that cheap ass shit, nuh-huh
× vet trips make him more nervous than it should be
× he cannot stay in place, leg bouncing, all the anxiety bag
× "It's a regular check-up, Katsu—"
× "Why do they have to stab it, huh?!"
× "It's a vaccine, it's good for—"
× "Fuck off"
× 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
× "You did well, kid" and a scratch on the head after the tragic vaccination happens
× you know those pictures of big hunky dudes working out or doing manly stuff in the mirror? yano, those pics
× he sends you those but you suddently see kitty on his shoulders; the contrast is hilarious ngl
× demands you take some of those pics since he doesn't wanna disturb the cat
× he's soft, man
× his wallpaper is a picture of you and the kitty snuggling
× and he has hundreds of them
× most taken without permission or with you looking like a comfortable mess and that's his shit
× you start talking about pets, specifically cats with other people?
× his cat is better than anyone's cat
× no room for discussion
× will fight them
× his cat is a warrior, dude; no weak ass domestic cat, nope, his cat survived the streets, his cat is an apex predator, his cat is—
× akdjldkakdks you get it
× just say you love the cat and go lmfao
× then he shows em pictures of hIS cAt and it has a Christmas hat on, looking adorable af or something
× big ass apex predator, huh?
× his cat is also cute now stfu, extra 💅
× 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
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nooneshome12 · 3 years
Nooneshome12 Fic Masterlist
So I got some requests to make one of these, and I know how helpful these can be so hopefully I’Il make this correctly and not make it ugly as hell. 
Best Friends?- (Post Calamity, Zelda focused/POV, fluff) Rated T
With her century long battle with the Calamity over, Zelda has alot to think about. How should she reclaim her Father’s kingdom? Should she reclaim her Father’s kingdom? But the biggest question on her mind has to do with her relationship with her former Knight attendant  
If you can’t take the heat......- (Modern AU, Chef!Zelink, smut, explicit) Rated E
Link’s a line cook at Zelda’s restuarant, or was a cook before a small mishap with a customers order. Now stuck in front of a sink instead of a stove, he’ll take any chance he can get to make his way back to the kitchen, so when his boss comes in early before anyone else and wants him to help her prep, who is he to deny a chance like that?
Multiple Chapters: 
The Silent Ranger and a Curious Princess- (Fantasy AU, Alternating POV, WiP) Rated M
Link was nothing more than a standard Ranger, meant to patrol the Faron Frontier until the day that he died, and he expecting nothing more. So when both the King and Princess of the kingdom visit this ranger station at the edge of the world, he certainly didn’t expect to have to escort her all the way across the kingdom, hunted by bounty hunters and Gerudo warriors alike. This is my main focus right now.
Courage is (not) Forgotten- (Evangelion/BOTW AU, Mecha, WiP) Rated M
The Goddess is in her heaven, all’s right with the world.
The phrase always gave her chills, no matter how many times she would walk past it, littered in every hallway, cafeteria or dormitory. She tried her best to try and decipher it’s meaning, of course always landing on a negative connotation, that the Goddess has abandoned them, left them to fend for themselves against the darkness that threatened to overwhelm them. There was no Goddess power wielding Princess or Hero with a magic sword to save them, no, instead they would have to do it themselves, only with what they could create.
And they had created monsters, no wonder they had been abandoned.
Dancing, Apologise and Everything In-Between- (Genderswapped Zelink, WiP) Rated M
The Goddess must have played a trick on her subjects, a farmers daughter pulls the sacred sword, a useless prince is expected to have the blood of the Goddess herself. Neither like each other that much, which doesn’t help the kingdoms odds, so when the two are expected to attend a royal ball, they can’t run away from each other any longer. 
Dinner Party from Hell- (Pre Calamity, Finished) Rated T 
Before the Princesses pilgrimage to the sacred Spring of Power, she must attend dinner with her father, a noble who she has never met and his irritable son. Needless to say, it doesn’t go well for either Link or Zelda. Just a quick note this is the first fic I ever wrote so I’m not really proud of it.
Life Changing Field Trip with Zelda and Link- (Pre Calamity, Finished) Rated T
Sequel to “Dinner Party from Hell”, as an apology for the terrible dinner with Haturo and his father, the King grants Zelda a few days away from her royal duties. So what better place to visit than Links home at Hateno. All fluff, especially between Link and his sister.
The Avatar’s Day Off- (Post 100 years war, sad!aang, WiP) Rated T
After having been in meetings with the Earth King and his councilers for weeks, Aang finally gets a day off, and with his firends all over the world there is no distraction from his dark thoughts. Not Zelda I know, but I was in an avatar mood one day, will eventually finish it. 
Art/ Maps:
A Quick Lesson- by @iesnoth 
Link Reference- by @khaydriel 
Shitty map I made- by me
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Things that Spark Joy-3x10
WHAT. AN. EPISODE! There was so much in this that sparked joy, I don’t even know where to begin! This was the first time in a long time I felt like I was watching the show I fell in love with. Everything was SO GOOD and lived up to the potential the rest of the season had, but couldn't quite deliver on because it was too busy sacrificing things on the alter to m*ria. That’s been part of my frustration all season because the potential for a really, really good season was there, but there wasn’t enough time to show us all the things they should have because the episodes and characters were stopping everything to else to prop up m*ria, to the detriment of everything else. But this episode gave us a glimpse of what the show could be like without her and it was glorious. The plot was tight, the characters were focused in the right places and on people in a way that made sense, we got to see the important moments instead of hearing about them after the fact, and we even got some answers to questions I didn’t think we’d ever find out about! As always, the “salt” post is here, but for now lets dive in to the good stuff!
Starting with baby Heath and Dallas was a great choice, as was giving us the flashback of them as grownups because it really cemented that lifelong friendship and made me care about them. I’m already 100% more invested in Heath after this episode than I was after all his previous appearances. I was totally prepared for Evil!Heath, but I’m actually loving this turn of events because yeah, evil guy playing Liz could have been good, but good guy using Liz and working with an evil man because he’s trying to save his friend? So compelling. It’s harder for our heroes to fight someone who is only trying to save his friend. I’m so invested in this story now!
And Dallas. OMG, Dallas. I already love him SO MUCH. He’s gorgeous and witty and sweet and also so alone and needs a family and I want him to stay forever. Getting to see him meet and have that moment with his dad was great and we got some important plot information out of the whole thing as well. His scenes with Michael were SO good, and I totally called that they wouldn’t get on at first, but because of their similar childhoods they would eventually bond and it was so great seeing it play out on screen. Michael being willing to open up to Dallas because he knows he has support in Isobel and Alex if he’s struggling shows such growth for him and I’m loving it. We also got to see him with Isobel again which was fun. and her trying to ease into the alien reveal and then saying “screw it” and making that cute smiley face was just SO Isobel. And does he have water powers?! Because I would like to see that. AND we got Dallas with Kyle which was unexpected and adds another layer to the story because I feel like we are going to get a point where Dallas is close to making that choice and has to get talked down. But also, Kyle is NOT a receptacle for everyone’s secrets just because he’s a doctor! This is a blatant abuse of “doctor/patient confidentiality”. Let the man rest. 
We also got to hear telepathic Isobel and Michael which was fun and I don’t think we’ve gotten that before. Lily and Vlamis have a great dynamic and it was good to get to see more of that, plus we got them with Jeanine as well which is super fun. I definitely need more scenes with those three! Their banter was fun, and Isobel getting knocked back off that bench was comedy gold.
Speaking of Lily and her having chemistry with everyone, despite my issues with the whole Max thing, I think Anatsa and Isobel were cute and the archery scene was delightful. (Sidebar, when is Sibongile going to be in some kind medieval/fantasy movie as a warrior because I would watch TF out of her being an absolute badass.)
BUT, alas for Anatsa, the Kybel content this episode was *chef’s kiss*. The hug and delight on both of their faces when Isobel shows up? The way Kyle closes his eyes and nuzzles in a bit when she doesn’t pull away right away? Kyle getting riled up on Isobel’s behalf and burning the files rather than turning them over to the sheriff?! “You have ICE powers now?!”, telling her he was sorry for making her doubt herself? “I didn’t want you to fail and because of that we both did”, his sad little face when he sees her going over to Anatsa?! I am HERE for the slowburn Kybel *grabby hands*
Speaking of Kyle Valenti, my beloved, let’s talk about him being a BAMF and again risking himself and his job to keep the alien secret safe. AND he got attacked by Jones and recognized Heath from his attack. Kyle is the best of all of them and I love him so much, but dear god let the man rest aND NO, WRITERS, BEING IN A COMA WHERE NONE OF HIS FRIENDS TALK ABOUT OR TRY TO SAVE HIM DOESN’T COUNT. anyway. Kyle blatantly breaking the vials Heath needed and setting the files on Isobel and Max on fire that the sheriff wanted to see have the same energy and I just think Kyle deserves to be kissed on the mouth for being so dedicated. 
Liz. Ortecho. It was so good seeing her take charge this episode!  We got to see her with Michael and Iz which is always fun, but we also got more of her with Max, breaking and entering again (she barely has to duck to get under his arm! 🥺🥺🥺), AND an interrupted kiss, we got her emotional scene with Heath trying to talk him around to their side, and then an actual kiss BUT IT WAS JONES!! The scene with her and Jones and Heath and the sheriff was great. I just love Jeanine so much and she was given so much to work with in this episode. And she’s now got her hands in the Jones thing, the Heath thing that connects to the Dallas thing (excited to see those things connecting soon!), and the Dallas thing connects to the Lockhart Machine which connects to the formula she’s looking for and oooooooh, it is all coming together! Liz being the lead means she should be tied to all the threads in some way and it’s nice to see that finally starting to take place.
The sheriff tasing Max and handcuffing him to a railing actually made me laugh, like, she’s a little confused but she’s got the spirit!
We finally got an answer on HOW Heath knew to find those tapes out in the desert behind Max’s house! The timeline on Kyle’s attack is still wonky and also means Eduardo walked over an unconscious m*ria’s body to drag Kyle to safety which is hilarious to me, but that one piece of the puzzle on why any of them were even there was what bothered me the most so it was nice to see that have an explanation finally. 
I really want to like Max, and he’s always at his best when he’s making heart eyes at Science!Liz, or helping her break into places with mild reluctance, but we all know he would follow her anywhere. So this episode delivered some good, soft Echo content as well, and it included Max telling Liz to take her time because he knows where he stands and isn’t wavering. It’s nice to see Echo working their way back to each other and being cute together.
MALEX STANS, HOW WE DOING?! NGL I am feeling VERY vindicated right now in writing that over the top fluffy Malex fic because apparently it was spot fucking on. Every single thing about them is so delightful! I love how soft they are, which we all knew they SHOULD be, but it was definitely a concern that the writers would not understand this. But we are getting soft, heart eyes, nerdy boyfriends, who are so much in love it’s visible from The Oasis and I LOVE it so much! We are getting to see parallels to other arguments they’ve had to show how they have grown and are able communicate and it’s beautiful to watch. As much as I might have complained about them stalling the build up and throwing it all into one episode, this domestic Malex is exactly what I imagined for them after they got together so I have no complaints. Give me ALL of the soft, supportive boyfriends! I don’t even know that I can put into words everything that Soft!Malex makes me feel but I am fully on board and absolutely adoring what we are seeing for them. Hopefully this Malex energy continues and we can see them standing back to back, taking things on together and supporting each other!
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ordonianhero · 4 years
Above and Beyond
author’s notes: This is a complete one shot. please excuse grammar and spelling mistakes. this story turning out way differently then what I was expecting. The characters belong to jojo56830 Linked Universe. I am sorry I haven been writing much and Chapter four of my main story is on hold till I feel motivated to work on it. so for now I am working on short stories. Hope you enjoy this one. Feel free to take inspiration and do fan art of this if you wish. 
Genre: Fluff- lots of fluff and comfort.
words: 2,805
Synopsis: They had been traveling for some time, the weather not letting up. Wild is running a cold. Everyone seemed tired and they needed shelter. Time’s own old injuries are acting up. So Twilight takes it upon himself to make sure they all get somewhere to settle down till the rain settles down and they can recharge.
Characters: EVERYONE  
Above and Beyond
  It was officially the first day of spring. The grass in the fields they crossed were lush and green. The trees just starting to blossom and gain back their leaves from the long winter days. little flowers bursting from the grounds. The sky was partly blue, with blankets of grey clouds of an upcoming spring storm. The birds were far more lively and chirping as they flew past the nine heroes as they wandered the land. However, despite it being spring, the cold air of winter still lingered. At night the temperatures would drop near to freezing, with frost caking the area. Then as the sun showed the warmth of the day would melt away the cold some. However the cold had seeped into the Older hero's bones. The aches were from old injuries he had gotten long ago.
 Legend was being extra quiet. He didn't trust his words to lash out wrong. enough of the cold and hard ground. Their feet sludge through the mud as another bout of showers begin. Spring showers as they are often called. Legend held in his outwardly grumbling. Twilight's own hair stuck to his face, water droplets dripping to his eye. He looked over at the Smith who was not really covered, he removed his pelt and placed the hood and rest over them. Meanwhile the traveler wore a brown cloak. The Captain had used part of his cape to shield Wind from the rain. Wild had been friendly to share some of his hood to Sky. Even though he had his own hood, it wasn't doing much. as the Cub sneezed.
 They at this time should find a place to say. From what Twilight could gage, this rain wasn't going to give up anytime soon. The sun teasingly shining through the clouds. The kept moving on with the Leader moving forward quietly. Every once in a while twilight caught him massaging a sore spot on his body. "This rain is really not letting up is it?" stated the Traveler. The rain drops bounced over a few flowers they passed. "They are spring showers." replied Twilight, the heavy rain now just letting up into a drizzle. "is it truly spring?" asked Wind as he peeked out from Warrior's cape. "It sure is. I remember the days working on my uncle's apple farm and dealing with such unexpected showers." Legend said very coldly.
They sloshing of their feet through the mud only made things even more dampening. The captain approached Twilight as they walked. "we should probably look for shelter. I doubt Time will want to. He seems determined to keep walking, but with each step, I am seeing him in pain." he spoke in a low whisper to the rancher. "I agree. I will offer to scout a head for shelter." he replied patting the Captain's soaked back. Twilight walked up to Time who's eyes were focused all about him. "We should find shelter. There's no point to trudge more in this weather. I can scout ahead if maybe to find us something." Time didn't reply. Twilight looked directly into their leader's eyes. They were filled with tiredness. The bags and dark circles gave part of that away. He then looked over at Twilight and nodded to him to do so.
Twilight nodded back as an understanding and took off ahead to go scout out ahead. "where is he going?" asked sky out of curiosity.
"Maybe he is abandoning us." Legend jokingly stated. Wild's eyes widen to that statement. "No he wouldn't." The young sailor's voice came.
"No. he is just scouting ahead." replied the captain, glaring at Legend.
"why didn't he ask anyone to go with him, it's not safe to go on their own." Replied Four.
"He can handle things on his own. I have seen him do so. Fear not." Came their leader's tired voice.
Wild then felt weak and begin to lean against Traveler. He let out another sneeze. Hyrule looked at his friend, he looked flushed. He was clearly sick. Oh Rancher, please find somewhere we can rest at.
Once twilight was out of sight, he transformed into Wolf form. He could find places much faster that way. His paw sloshed as he went into full run and only stopping to sniff by old tracks of travelers from weeks ago. Which then lead it way west towards some forest. He stopped at the edge of the woods. Using his sense, he was able to calculate that they were not far from a traveler's cabin. He also used it to sense out if there was any enemies nearby. So far. none. Once he gathered all the information, he turned around and rushed back toward the group. Mud splashing against his fur coat.
The closer he got he transformed back and met up with the group.
"There's..." He was trying to catch his breath.
"whoa, looks our Rancher age is catching up with him." Legend laugh.
"Oh cut it out." Snapped Four.
The captain moved up to the front where Time and Twilight were. "find something then?"
Twilight shook the rain off him and then took a deep breath, "I was able to find a cabin. not far. I didn't see any enemies along the way."
"well that's good, wait- how close?" the Captain questioned.
"Oh, 'bout two miles away." replied Twilight.
"You ran, two miles." The sailor said surprised.
"I told you, I have faith in him." Time spoke giving the Captain a look. He reached over and ruffled Twilight's hair a bit.
The captain snorted. Twilight then eyed the rest of the group and spotted the Cub leaning against Hyrule. He looked bout ready to fall over. He rushed over to him and catches him. The group stopped. Twilight picked up the cub to carry him. Wild made a fuss to fight him on it. however he was too weak to do so. Goddesses you're stubborn. He walked over to Epona. Hyrule following behind him. Twilight Lifted the Cub onto her back, followed by himself. "Rest."
"I am not a baby..." Grumbled Wild.
"And you're in no condition to be traveling. You are not well." Twilight replied.
Wild let out a grumble and just rested against Twilight as they traveled on. Twilight own warm body helped combat the cold he felt throughout his own. Hyrule stayed close by Twilight.
Once they had reached the cabin, they all sighed with relief. The rain had gotten to be coming down harder. Twilight hopped off Epona, Captain offered to take care of Epona as Twilight got Wild into the cabin. Four and Legend got a fire going. Twilight got Wild bundled up to keep him warm. Wild was about to grumble again. Sky helped set up Wild's bed roll. As Hyrule made up some herbal med to give to them. Wild was about to fight him on it till he gave in and took it. Wild could feel its effects as it relieved his aches. Twilight quickly got Wild into much drier garments and then let him fall to rest in his bed roll. some sleep would do him some good.
Everyone managed to get into much drier garments themselves. Time had even though known to not sleep much felt sleep take over him. He had fallen asleep himself. Hyrule was careful to not wake them as he went over and using some of his own healing magic, eased some of the old man's pains. Twilight looked about the room. Everyone looked grateful for the shelter as the rain pounded the roof. Sky found some wood to carve on, while four took to reading a bit. Wind was huddled up Warriors under a blanket. The fire was slowly getting the Cabin warm.
Twilight moved over to fill a kettle up and placed it over the fire to make some tea. Legend was sitting near Four. "So since the chef is sick, whose going to cook?" He asked.
The room stayed quiet. The sounds of those sleeping could be heard, mixed by the rain. "I will make a soup." Twilight replied. Anyone willing to help with the ingredients, much appreciated.
Sky stopped carving, "I can help."
"Me too." replied Four.
"Hyrule, you rest, okay." said Twilight, knowing the traveler need to recharge his magic.
"So what you going to make?" questioned Legend.
"Oh something I have learned from being around you all." Twilight winked.
"Oh this better not be something hyrule made up." Snorted Four.
"thee has little faith in me?" Chuckled twilight.
"Oh I trust you...just couldn't peg you for a cooker." replied four with a soft laugh.
"you'll be surprised." twilight said, as he grabbed out some potatoes, carrots, onion and celery. along with a big chunk of meat.
Sky helped peel the potatoes and cut them up in to cubes. Four was helping cut up the celery and carrots. while Legend was put to dicing up the onion. Twilight made work with cutting up the meat. Twilight filled a stew pot with water to let the water get to boiling. Legend as he cut the onion was fighting off the tears from cutting it. Which they all quietly chuckled. "aww so you do have feelings." Sky joked.
"shut it bird boy. someone had to cry at the travesty of this meal being done by the rancher." jest Legend.
"or I could of just let you starved." said twilight sprinkling herbs into the stew pot as the meat went in. Followed by him putting the cut potatoes, carrots and celery. He took the onion and tossed it in.
"you wouldn't?" smirked legend as he took everyone stuff to clean up.
"could be worst." Four replied.
"whats worst then-ooooooh. yeah that is worst." sky suddenly remembering about the goron spice. 
Twilight finished stirring things up, letting it simmer.
Sky then poured them each a cup of warm herbal tea. which warmed their souls. The rain still falling. Daylight fading.
Legend sat beside Twilight. "So what kind of stew are you making anyways? It seems familiar the ingredients."
Twilight softly smiled softly and bumps Legend gently, "something to feel like home."
The Nice warm hearth with a stew simmering nicely. The Smell was beginning to fill the cabin. Twilight checking it once in a while and adding more seasonings if needed. Legend took to reading some, while Four worked taking care of everyone's weapons. Sky was plucking gently at his harp. Twilight looked over and seeing a solemn look across his face. Twilight moved over closer to him. "Missing your gal hu?"
"Am I that really that easy to read? You and Time seem to be the two who pick up on that."  Sky looked up at Twilight.
"Hm, cause love is easy to spot and the missing of those we care about is easy to spot." smiled Twilight. He saw Time slowly waking up as well.
Sky plinked one last note before setting his harp down. "It's like before when I was searching for her. I was always one step behind to reaching her."
"Hm. That's got to be saddening." responded Twilight.
Time filled his mug with tea and sat by them on a stool. Hyrule also slowly woke up from his own rest, as he slept beside Wild. Warriors, snorted his self awake, not realizing he had fallen asleep. Which gain a chuckle from the Veteran.
Sky blushed a bit. "It's stupid."
"Nah, being in love isn't stupid. It can be amazing, painful and hard sometimes. But when you are that bonded with someone-its magical." Smiled twilight. He went back to the stew to check on it. Taking a sip of the broth.
"Oh, well aren't you a romantic." teased the Captain.
Twilight sputtered at that statement, burning his tongue a bit on the broth. Time just let out a soft chuckle.
"Excuse you, At least I know what being romantic is. versus whatever garbage you try." jeered back with a smirk at the captain.
"Yet you were the one with your heart shattered." the Captain threw back.
"Oh, oh we going there? be very careful what you say, or I may just put something special in your own food." replied twilight.
"Hey. question." their attention was pulled by wind speaking up. he let out a yawn as they all stayed quiet. "why Do you and captain always banter like this? do you have like something against each other?"
"Not at all, it's all out of fun. never intended to hurt each other. It's like a older younger sibling rivalry." Explained Twilight. Warriors nodded in agreement.
"So, like when my sister gets annoying like banter?" asked Wind innocently.
"nah, that would be the Veteran and pretty boy." Chuckled Twilight.
"Oi! No. We just pick on each other like a pair of old friends who attempt to one up each other." Legend replied.
Twilight went back to the stew and snorted.
"I am actually use to this style of talking sometimes. Back when I lead. The men and I would banter in our sparing practices." The captain explained to wind.
"would you like to lead then." Time joking stated. "cause you said 'Use to.' " his arms crossed and a smirk across his face.
"and put up with his left right march- how about no." Teased legend.
"any time old man. Any time." Captain stated with a smirk back.
Once the Stew was finished, Twilight filled their bowls. He then went over and got Wilds own bowl and filled it. He then gently Woke them up. Wild let out a grumble, then woke. He then smelt the stew, He looked at it and then back at twilight who was giving him a soft smile. He saw everyone Smiling at the having something to warm the belly. He slowly sat up and took the bowl. "you cooked this?" he asked quietly.
"its editable, trust me." smirked Twilight.
Twilight sat beside Wild. Wild leaned against Twilight and took a sip of broth. The flavor was so rich and full of flavor. His mind flashed to something he had made back when he was home in his own hyrule. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he at the stew. Nobody had noticed it except Twilight who had finished his own bowl.
"it remind me of home." wild hoarsely said, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Everyone looked at Wild. Twilight gently rubbed his back. "It's something I learned from Legend, I am sure it something you picked up in your land too. I felt it was the best thing to make."
"Wait, you knew how to make my Uncles stew?" Legend stated in shock. "That's why I recognized this."
Twilight blushed. "well yeah."
"Can I have more?" asked wind.
"Is it better then Grandma's soup then." teased Captain.
"No, but its homey." Wind said, getting a second helping.
Everyone chuckled a bit. Wild finished his bowl and sleepily curled up into Twilight. Like a smile child when sick, all they want is to be comforted. Twilight just wrapped an arm and held him.
"Well since Twilight did most of the cooking, I think its best we help do the clean up." Time spoke up. The captain agreed. Time came over and picked up both Twilight's and wilds empty bowls. He gave Twilight a soft smile to the pup and Cub. Everyone seem to help out with clean up. along with making the fire more.
More Tea was made as bed rolls were set up. Hyrule made sure to give Wild more herbal med to help fight the cold he had clearly developed. Captain had gotten to telling a story at some point. Everyone was in such a chipper mood. As their night was starting to settle in for the night. Wild had drifted off back to sleep, bundled up in his bed roll and Twilight's pelt. Time pulled Twilight away. Twilight caring side often could get in the way of him getting actually sleep.
Twilight’s bed roll was set beside Time's. Captain put on last log to keep the fire going for the night. Before settling beside Wind. Time poured a sleep potion and gave Twilight it. "Here."
Time just gave him a look and Twilight slouched and took it in his hand. Threw it back and scrunched up his face. Letting out a grunt of disgust. Time chuckled. Taking a bit himself. Twilight could instantly feel the effects of it in his body. He couldn't fight it any longer as he laid down in his bead roll. His eye closing, his body going into a resting state. Time just smiled and brushed a bit of Twilight's hair aside. "I am so proud of you. So proud of you."
He leaned over and gently kissed the top of Twilight’s forehead.
"my son."
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
3 with sokka for your spotify wrapped playlist writing thingy? Also hii hehe i just found your blog 5 seconds ago NICE TO MEET YOUUU
it’s lovely to meet you too! (i prepared these a while ago but tysm for being so supportive of my blog!!)
affluenza - sokka x reader
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pairing: sokka x fem!reader (it’s more platonic than anything)
wc: 2.7k
notes/warnings: again, i’m only really using the theme of this song instead of the lyrics. for warning, misogyny?? a bit of neglect
growing up a princess was already hard to begin with, but being the younger sister to the nation’s favourite royal was even worse. constantly being in her shadow, being ignored by parents and just being blindly spoiled. you were lucky, you could get whatever you wanted except for your parent’s own attention and affection.
ever since you turned the age of ten, you were quick to notice that you weren’t your parent’s favorite so you would try and do whatever you could to be the star in their eyes. you trained everyday in order to improve your water bending, your warrior skills, just anything that could make you stand out and get your parents to notice you more. but alas, you weren’t the crown princess, the most beautiful girl in the northern water tribe.
it came to a point where, around your fifteenth birthday, you were starting to loose motivation for things in general. all of your work had payed off, you had mastered every healing form and had even gotten secret lessons from local boys trying to use you to get to yue, you had everything you could want except for the one thing you desperately needed. so you started isolating yourself a bit more, the rest of the nation forgetting about you even more.
your isolation changed when you heard of the avatar having arrived in your tribe and suddenly, you desperately wanted to get to know them. if you befriended the avatar and even joined him on his voyage, you might just finally get your parent’s stamp of approval. it was the first thing in months to give you any sort of motivation.
during the dinner that your dad threw for the guests and to honour your sister’s birthday, you had managed to find a spot next to the southern watertribe girl and you two hit it off immediately. bonding over shared experiences as younger siblings.
“yeah it does hurt a bit to have practically mastered all your water bending forms and not get a congratulations from your parents.” was your comment as the two of you spoke about sometimes feeing as thought you’re living in your older sibling’s shadow. what you said seemed to have done something to the girl who’s name you learned was katara.
“you’re a waterbender?” she asked bewildered. her eyes looking at you with excitement and wonder.
“yeah, one of the best in the tribe if i do say so myself.” you joked lightly, a bit confused at her tone.
“i’m a waterbender too! do you think you could teach me a few things?” she excitedly asked, a huge grin on her face. you nodded and finished swallowing your pickled fish that had been prepared by the best chefs in town.
“i mean sure but i’m not sure what i could teach you. i’m basically a master but i wouldn’t say that i’m too far ahead from other people my age.” you responded, explaining to the girl from your sister tribe that you may not be able to teach her much.
“oh, where i come from, i’m the last waterbender. so i’ve never had any actual training.” her gaze averted from yours and you instantly regretted what you said, feeling horrible at your assumption. you were used to being surrounded by waterbenders and had no idea what she must’ve been going through.
“i’m so sorry, i shouldn’t have said that. if you need anyone to show you some water bending forms, i’m more than happy to. but i’m sure you’ll get more from master yagoda.” you searched for her hand and gave it a little squeeze, she turned her head to smile at you which you returned a comforting one back.
“why not master paku?” she inquired, slightly confused at not hearing the name of the respected master she had heard about at one point during the dinner.
“master paku teaches warrior waterbending skills, girls aren’t allowed to learn those techniques, only healing.” you explained, gaze faltering slightly. you hated your tribe’s costume which is why you always tried to rebel in your own way, but she didn’t need to know that yet.
“why? that’s stupid!” she exclaimed, removing her hand from yours to hit her closed fists on the table in annoyance, thankfully not drawing any attention.
“i know! but it’s tradition and the old farts who control this town hate breaking tradition, even my father won’t break it for me!” you explained, giving a small glance to your father who spoke to one of his councilmen.
“maybe he’ll change his mind if i’m with the avatar! we might even convince him to train you!” she suggested, optimism laced in her words but you simply shrugged your shoulders.
“you can try but i wouldn’t get your hopes up. if you do though, make sure to come get me.” you blankly responded, not wanting to give her any false sense of joy.
the rest of the dinner went by nicely, her telling stories about her adventure with the avatar and her brother, who’s name you learned to be sokka. he even inserted himself in the conversation once or twice, making you laugh at his comments. the night had to end eventually, and for yue and yourself, it meant you two have to leave before the party ended.
“y/n, i think i may have a problem.” yue nervously started when you were both alone. “that southern water tribe boy, he.”
“he’s hilarious?” you finished her sentence, a knowing smile on your lips.
“yeah, and i’m scared i might be catching feelings for him. he even suggested to do something together.” she explained, hand grabbing yours nervously, looking to you for advice on what she should do. no matter how much your parents favoured yue on every way, there was so way you could ever hate her or hold your parents’ doings against her.
“oh come on yue, talking to him won’t hurt you. if anything, not talking to him will hurt him.” you joked, placing your hand on top of hers to give more weight to your words.
“i suppose so.” she smiled, most likely thinking about him and the way he made her feel. your smirk never left your face as you watched the way he made her feel.
the next day, you ran into katara and aang as they went to visit master paku to try and convince him to train the both of them. you were going on a simple walk, hoping to run into them.
“y/n, want to come with us to master paku?” katara immediately asked once you were in proximity to the tow of them.
“not sure you’ll be able to convince them but i’d love to either way.” you smiled, waving hello to the avatar.
“well we’re going to try.” aang backed up katara’s optimism which was slightly sad to see as you knew the ending, you had experienced it yourself.
and like you predicted, their attempt to get the old master to go against outdated traditions proved useless. it ended in katara yelling at his misogynistic attitude and giving up to go sit in on a healing session. you decided to join her, knowing it was useless to you but it was nice to a get a refresher nonetheless.
once it ended, you were left to deal with an annoyed katara as aang was still training. you admired her for standing up to him, wishing you had the confidence that she had but you had given up fighting traditions a long time ago when you realised it was useless.
“listen, i’m sorry katara. if you want though, i can show you around town.” you tried to cheer her up but she seemed to agree with no enthusiasm.
during your tour, you made sure to give as many details as you could to the girl from your sister tribe but it didn’t do much to make her smile. her attitude did change though when the both of you ran into her older brother, a lovestruck emotion on his face which immediately led you to conclude he had seen your sister, and you were right.
“we’re meeting tonight at the same bridge we saw each other! yue and i!” was the first he said when he approached the two of you, more directed to his sister.
“really sokka? that’s great!” katara’s mood seemed to change to happiness for her brother. she then turned to you, surprisingly. “you know, maybe yue said something to y/n. did she?”
“why would yue tell her something?” sokka stopped you from answering, taking you slightly aback. his rather none accusing question hurt you more than you’d care to admit.
“i beg your pardon?” you were slightly offended at his question, more hurt but that wasn’t the tone that you wanted to show, knowing that showing hurt was more of a weakness than anything. at least in your household, your parents only seemed to notice your negative attitude when it came out. a comment made by a schoolmate hurt you and when you came home crying, you were simply neglected as yue had come home earlier and your parents were engrossed in her story. you had tried to come to them but were simply ignored. since then, you’ve only ever shown emotions theyd deem negative to your sister.
“sokka, you met her last night. she’s the second princess of the northern water tribe!” katara harshly whispered as you calmed yourself down, making a mental note to thank your new friend.
“yue has a sister? what did she say about me?” his confusion turned to excitement as he practically rushed into your face, too close for your liking.
“yes, and what do you think you’ll get out of me?” you smirked slightly, putting your hand on his chest to push him out of your face.
“i don’t know, what does a princess need?” he questioned. letting your hand linger before you dropped it.
“warrior training.” katara observed as you narrowed your eyes, the smirk still on your lips as you surprised the rather bold boy.
“why would you need warrior training?”
“because, i want to. my father refuses to let me train but i’ve found ways. yue told me you’re supposedly the best warrior in your village and i want some.” you defied his expectations, he assumed you’d probably be drastically different from your sister in a bad way but he was wrong.
“deal, you tell me what yue thinks of me and i’ll teach you a couple of things i know.” he was quick to agree, willing to do anything to know what the crown princess thought of him. you took your hand out to shake on it and he did, both of you looking each other in the eyes in defiance, hands lingering in each other’s grip.
katara giggled at the interaction which brought the two of you out of your stare and let go of each other’s hands.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, hopefully yue will tell me more after your little rendezvous today.” you told him before turning your attention back to katara, seeing as though she was with her brother now, she’d be fine on her own. “i’ll see you tomorrow around the healing hut early tomorrow?”
she nodded before you waved the two of them goodbye and walked back towards the palace, looking forward to your first session with sokka.
the next day was pretty eventful, finding out that katara and aang had gone against paku’s rules, meaning that he refused to continue raining the avatar. you found out right before leaving for the session with yagoda and decided to stick around when katara defied him. and by the end of that whole fiasco, she was able to convince him to let her train with him.
after that happened, you immediately went to your father to beg him to let you join paku’s clas but you were met with a wall.
“absolutely not, the times may be changing but i’d rather none of my daughters do anything too dangerous. you still need to finish mastering healing.” was his response, leaving you in complete disbelief. you had mastered every healing form a couple of months ago and he didn’t know.
yue tried to comfort you but you ignored him, deciding to walk around town to calm down. you knew that if yue was the waterbender, she’d be able to do whatever she wanted. even if she was their fragile little girl.
the day went by rather fast, and before you knew it, you were following katara in secret to watch the first ever girl receive training from a master in the northern water tribe. you made sure to not make your presence too noticeable, even if the majority of people didn’t notice you most of the time. you watched in complete awe of her raw skill, wishing that you were right there next to her, having something to make you stand out from your family.
when the afternoon came, you made your way to where the three of them was staying in order to complete your deal with sokka.
“hey y/n, did you find out anything about yue?” was his greeting which earns a little eye roll from you.
“didn’t she tell you that she was engaged?” you said rather harshly, regretting as you saw him look down sadly. “listen sokka, she can’t love you but she does. she’s tied to our ridiculous customs, i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay.” he took a deep breath in and let it go before meeting your eyes that were soft, matching them with a small smile. “ready to get started?”
“more than ready. my stupid father didn’t want me joining katara today so i need to let out some sort of aggression.” your tone clearly annoyed at your father which confused sokka, yue didn’t seem to have any problems with her parents.
“i don’t know if this is my place to ask, but why do you seem to hate your father so much?” he asked, curious to know.
“this is nothing against my sister, i love her to bits. it’s my parents i have problems with, they just cast me aside. all of their attention has always been on yue, hell everyone in this stupid tribe only cares about yue! i’m supposed to just be unnoticeable according to my parents yet they shame me for not being as special as yue! i mastered every single healing form and i even managed to learn a couple of fighting stances, yet it’s still not enough.” you let yourself go, deciding to dump all of your problems on the poor boy who had to hear your practically yell at the end. “sorry, you probably didn’t want to know all of that.” you joked nervously.
“no, no its okay. i just figured that being yue’s sister would be like the best thing. i mean being royalty makes your life basically perfect and i mean, she’s one of the sweetest girls i’ve ever met!” sokka ranted, not exactly being what you wanted to hear.
“yeah, i have everything i could ever want but my parent’s attention.” you laughed in disbelief at how ridiculous your situation was.
“you know what?” a silence had settle after your uncomfortable laugh but he was the first to speak, excitement in his voice as he voiced the idea in his head. “what if you joined us to defeat the firelord and travel with the avatar? that’s sure to get your parents to notice!”
“you barely know me and i haven’t actually spoken with the avatar, what makes you think that i’d fit your little team?” you were skeptic at his proposition, loving the idea but not being sure he was thinking it through.
“from what katara’s told me, you’d be perfect for us! katara could teach you what she learns with paku on the road, i could teach you what i know and you could be our own healer!” he excitedly thought about the idea of having someone else on his team, even if you weren’t the sibling he fell for, he still took a liking to you after your first conversation.
“well then, come fetch me before you leave. my parents won’t notice me gone so there won’t be any problems.” you concluded, you yourself getting excited at the idea of finally doing something that might make you stand out to your parents.
“great! now let’s get started.” he opened the door, a huge smile on his face.
“if you were at all interested, she thought you were a pretty good kisser.” you added before he could start teaching you any of his skills.
general taglist: @butterfly-skinnylegend @biqherosix
atla taglist: @missmorosis @draqondance @firelady-jay @welovediaaxx @sunnypluto
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lovelyirony · 4 years
@ironmanspussy​ here we are, directly inspired by your wonderful texpost! 
King Rhodes needed a partner to rule. It was ancient law, something he hadn’t really desired to follow. But unfortunately, the lawyers are assholes and want to create a monopoly of power that he just simply hasn’t the time to dismantle if he’s to follow his ten-year policy plan.
His partner should be well-mannered, aware of high society dress codes as well as how to navigate regular, everyday wear, and be calm in times of crisis.
So begins the search.
“You’re not going to find someone you like like that,” his advisor, Carol says, laughing. “I guarantee it.”
“We’ll see,” Rhodes decides.
Oh, they saw.
They saw a lot.
Almost every single candidate is bad. Or just off, in some way.
“Rogers seemed like a nice fit,” Carol says, tapping on her clipboard.
"He was nice, not for me. A bit too much.”
“What, muscle?”
“You could say that’s a factor. He’s also just a little too take-charge-of-everything.”
“Mm, that could pose a problem later. Well, the candidates who most matched your requirements are all out.”
“You’re kidding.”
“You’re a very particular kind of guy, Jim. So here are the rest.”
“Send in the clowns,” Rhodes says, waving his hand in dismissal and drawing the other one to his forehead to signal a headache about to come on.
“You just sent Barnes out,” Danvers reminds him, grinning.
“I’m still getting paid!” Carol sing-songs.
It’s almost better. Almost. Prince Clint Barton is an impossibly good marksman, and...that’s about it. His leadership style is far different from the Rhodes kingdom needs and he admits that he almost showed up in jeans.
Well, at least there’s honesty. Rhodes could find that forgivable.
But the jeans. Good god.
Bruce Banner is a total sweetheart, but his constitution is quite poor and again with the fashion choices. He shows up in a very nice outfit and has a nice wit about him.
They talk at length, and Carol swears that it will go well and perhaps there will actually be a wedding by June, all things said and considered.
This is until Rhodes leads Dr. Banner out to the gardens to meet Thor, their part-time warrior and full-time gardener.
Thor is completely gone on the scientist-ruler, and there it is.
“This is supposed to be your matchmaking,” Carol reminds him, scowling. “It was going well.”
“Once he met Thor anyways, it would have been all over. You know Thor’s type. The scientists that could ruin the earth if they truly had the thought to.”
“I suppose you’re right. Next person, then. She looks promising, Empress Romanov?”
Natasha Romanov is a terrifying figure. Very, very terrifying.
That being said, she has excellent taste in fashion and promised to send Rhodes some reviews, but “unfortunately has her heart spoken for.”
(It’s not very unfortunate. Rhodes feared for his life.)
He’s about to lose it, to be completely honest. Is there seriously no one out there?
“Your last candidate, at least for this month, is Tony Stark. High-profile inventor.”
“Not royalty?”
“Essentially, he is. Dad helped create weapons, he followed with protection and medical detail. He usually doesn’t agree to meet, so you’ll have to ask him why.”
“Refuse to meet royalty?”
Tony Stark did, in fact, refuse to meet people. In general, people were not his strong suit and he saw no point to marriage.
“If you marry well, you get more access to resources for your reacting thing,” Pepper says.
“My reactor. I’ve told you that a million times.”
“And I’ve forgotten it a million and one. But if you meet Rhodes, he’s probably your best chance of not marrying a total shit royal.”
“And why is that?”
“Searching online for your answer is free, I am not. Your bill will be sent to your inbox.”
Tony stares after Pepper. She’s too damn capable.
He sighs to himself.
He does need more funding for his projects. His father cut him off completely and while that wouldn’t be the worst thing, Tony’s not going to charge obscene prices just to keep himself afloat.
So...marrying a royal. Not the best plan in the world, especially given Tony’s track record with people. Sure, he can play the part. But he just...won’t.
This is why Tony’s about five minutes late, cursing up a blue streak at a guard that has followed him into the hall because due to his appearance he thinks he needs to have a “check-in” with the people at the front desk for appointments, and in general? The day has been bad.
Also, Pepper forced him into “nice” clothes. While Tony can and has worn his nice clothing before, he does not like the ones that Pepper chose because they are uncomfortable, stiff, and absolutely a bit too long.
So he trips on the carpet.
Rhodes’ head pops away from his conversation with the chef regarding the dinner menu.
Here is a man with probably the most intricately embroidered robes he’s ever seen on, hair that looks like it was probably not even styled, just brushed through, and had about the entirety of the guard behind him asking him about an appointment time.
Obviously, he’s the most attractive man Rhodes has ever seen in his life.
“And who are you?” he asks.
“Tony. Stark. Mechanic and inventor. Um, you talked to Pepper about me? I think I’m in your circle of potential candidates for ruling. It’s totally fine if you kick me out, I kind of scuffed your carpet.”
“We need new carpet anyway,” Carol says. “We’ll disregard your entrance for now, Stark.”
“Tony, please.”
“Tony,” Carol says slowly, smiling. “You will be walking around the gardens with King Rhodes, pausing for dinner.”
Rhodes has to stop from laughing. Cool. He’s already a fan of this.
Carol leans over to him, whispering in his ear.
“I thought you wanted someone who had a cool head, not someone like that.”
“Well, I can be wrong every once in a while.”
“Or more.”
“Every once in a while,” Rhodes reiterates. “Besides, I have a good feeling about this.”
Walking through a garden with a stranger is not as smooth as one would expect. Rhodes isn’t exactly well-versed in asking people what their plans are for the future, and if they are amenable to perhaps marriage.
“What do you do for fun?” Tony asks.
He’s sort of taken aback at the question.
“Pardon me?”
“What do you do for fun?” he repeats. “Like, do you cook? Sew? Duel with your rivals? What do you do for fun?”
Well. He has to think for a moment.
“I go on runs.”
“That is not fun. Don’t tell me that that’s what’s fun for you.”
“What, can’t run?”
“I don’t run, there’s a difference. I’ll run when something’s chasing me.”
“And yet you won’t have training, like I will.”
“Did you forget my trade, Your Imminence?” Tony asks, voice mocking him.
It’s honestly refreshing. Rhodes doesn’t like it when people are so serious around him, so afraid to disappoint.
“An inventor? You’re going to invent a way to run better?”
“To fly, honey. Honestly...”
After that, it’s a dead-set decision from Rhodes.
He offers his hand in marriage, as well as the crown. Tony blinks.
“You haven’t even seen me take a turn in the ballroom.”
“It’s either going to be wildly entertaining or surprising, and I can’t wait for either.”
Tony enters his own room, in a panic.
This has to go well. He has to dress to impress.
“Pepper, he’s holding a party for our engagement. I have to dress nicely.”
“You know how to do that, I don’t know why you’re telling me that.”
“There are so many factors. Do you know anyone who can embroider his family crest on any shoes? What colors I’m meant to do? Oh my god, we have to fuse the colors together. This is going to be a disgrace. I’ll be exiled to be a hermit in the forest who relies on bark for sustenance, and this--”
“Can you. Potentially, maybe, chill? It’ll be fine.”
“You say that, but right now I’m imagining having to go to war because I didn’t wear the right color of red, so...”
“You are literally the worst person alive.”
“False, we both know Justin Hammer and out of the two of us, I think you’d want to date me more.”
“Don’t be a smartass.”
“Just practical, Pep. Just practical. Now help me shade match Rhodey’s red.”
“He’s Rhodey now?”
“In my head? Yes. I don’t like Rhodes, I absolutely will not call him Jim until we both hit seventy years old.”
“Better let him know that.”
Rhodes gets a text from Tony.
so a.) your new nickname from me is rhodey. don’t question it, honeybear. Anyways, would you say your royal family color is closer to garnet-red or blood-red?
Rhodey blinks. He likes the nickname. It’s different. He has to show the text to Carol.
“What in the hell does that mean?”
“Let me google it.”
She analyzes the results, frowning.
“I’m thinking blood-red.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“Why does he want to know the color?”
“I don’t know, I’ll ask.”
we’ve decided it matches closer to blood-red, Tones. Why do you ask?
Tony blinks. Other nickname. Interesting. He likes it.
my outfit choice relies heavily on this.
He leaves it at that, grinning as he puts his phone away.
Rhodey is laughing. He’s excited to see his husband-to-be.
Tony knows he looks damned good. The whole outfit is incredible. Red with gold stitching throughout, and he got his hair to cooperate to be artfully messy instead of just messy.
“I’m surprised at you, you clean up well,” Pepper teases. “You ready to go and make your debut?”
“As ready as ever,” Tony says, fixing the chain around his neck. The gold glints off the lights, and he knows he’s about to be the best dressed person in the room, with perhaps the exception of Rhodey.
He knows that most people are surprised that he’s the one that King Rhodes has decided to marry. He’s not known for being a particularly polite royal. In fact, he has told multiple members of royalty to “get fucked or get out of my way” when they want him to build something that he refuses to build.
So he’s not exactly the perfect choice. But his outfit is still the best in the room.
“Hi gorgeous,” Rhodey says, smiling. “You look incredible.”
“Well I do know how to make an entrance, after all,” Tony says. “You’ll find out this is only the tip of the iceberg.”
“Well then, I’m in for treats all my life,” Rhodey says. “How are you tonight, Tones?”
“Doing well, finished up working on one of the cars for Thor today.”
“Wait, you’re the one who’s refinishing it? He hasn’t been able to shut up about it for weeks! I was the one who used to look at it.”
“You like fixing up cars?”
“Yes, of course I do!”
From there, conversation flows. They understand each other well, laugh at the same jokes, and agree on cake flavors.
It’s not love, not yet. But they’re getting there.
It is officially love when Tony steals Rhodey from his royal duties to get a cheeseburger.
“Sometimes it’s good to get out of the throne, don’t you think?” Tony says, grinning over his sunglasses.
“For a cheeseburger? Can’t say I’ve ever done anything like that.”
“That’s because you’re all fancy and posh, I bet you don’t even know the f-word,” Tony says.
“Fuck you,” Rhodey jokes.
Tony gasps. “The king knows a curse word? Oh my lord! What...shame you bring to your family!”
Rhodey laughs, and it’s in this moment that he realizes that spending the rest of his days with Tony is potentially the best possible option in the world.
“I’m so glad we’re getting married,” he says. Tony stills.
“You...you are?”
“You’re the best thing to happen to me, I think,” Rhodey says, taking a sip of water as if he hasn’t just said the sweetest thing Tony’s ever heard. “And I hope that I’m the best thing to ever happen to you.”
“I mean I don’t know, the AC/DC reunion tour was pretty sick...” Tony says, grinning. “I’m kidding. Rhodey, I think we’re gonna be a good team. And I’m glad that I get to be with you.”
Their wedding is the talk of the year. Literally no one can shut up about it, but maybe that’s because Tony accidentally showed up late because he was inventing and had wild hair and maybe a stray grease-stain on his forehead.
Rhodey just grinned.
“You better not be late to the reception.”
“I’ll try my best. You know how I am.”
They kiss, and Rhodey sends him into a deep dip. Tony laughs into the kiss, and it becomes one of the most well-known photographs of the year.
Sure, Rhodey didn’t exactly get all of the qualifications that he wanted out of his ruling partner. Tony is absolutely not calm in times of crisis, and stress-bought novelty socks.
He more than once told a difficult business partner to “absolutely get fucked up on a Thursday, see if I give a singular shit when my husband is ten times better than you,” and also has a certain unawareness of some of his public outfit choices. (Hello sweatpants with holes in them and a striped hoodie.)
But Tony makes the best coffee ever, always gets Rhodey flowers from the supermarket, and is perhaps the most compassionate man he’s ever met.
So not a bad trade-off.
They lay in bed together, Rhodey looking over his obscenely trashy detective novels with his reading glasses, and Tony battling Pepper in a word search competition online.
“I love you,” Tony says out of nowhere, smiling. He presses a kiss to Rhodey’s shoulder.
“You’re okay,” Rhodey responds, patting Tony’s thigh.
He makes a squawk of outrage as Rhodey’s head turns from his book, grinning.
“You better give me a kiss to make up for that,” Tony demands. Rhodey rolls his eyes.
“Of course, drama queen.”
“Drama queen? I was told by the love of my life that I was ‘okay’ after one year of marriage? And I am supposed to be unaffected? Absolutely unacceptable, I think I will fling myself into a pit in the ocean, and--”
Rhodey cuts him off with a kiss.
“Or not. Not could definitely work.”
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