#only just catching up now 😥
t4yce · 4 months
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ALVILDA •  drag race belgique 2.04 get your skates on, baby! runway
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slayfics · 3 months
If you don’t mind me dropping a request for Katsuki headcanons then here I am…
(I know I’m in a whole other famdom right now and I don’t even simp for Bakugo (he’s yours he’s yours, I got a dif man 😉) but I’m bored and this is just an idea)
So.. what if Bakugo was dating a y/n that was just as much of an idiot as Kaminari 😥
If you haven’t done this already -
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Katsuki dating a silly reader.
700 words~
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Katsuki pretends to be annoyed by your air headedness but actually finds it adorable. He feels responsible for watching out for you.
He is quick to tell off anyone who insults you.
He secretly loves that you get along well with his friends.
However, he is insecure about the way Kirishima and Kaminari can have you rolling in laughter effortlessly. He won't ever mention it but it's apparent by the pout he has any time you're laughing at Kaminari's newest joke.
He loves the way you can cut through his seriousness and bring whimsy to his life. He doesn't know what he'd do without you. Heck, probably never smile again.
He is quick to catch you with any mistakes you make, albeit he scolds you for it.
He is overly tough with you when you spar, but it's only because he wants you to be as strong as you can be to take out any villains you face.
Katsuki's friends are constantly blown away by the things you get him to agree to do. Shopping at a dumb mall? Fine, he'll hold your bags. Going to an amusement park with way too many screaming kids? "Fine- if you really want to go." Singing along to a cheesy ass song? Mmm maybe, don't press your luck too far...
You brought back your food and sat at the outside table of the sports bar rejoining the boys. Music played as different sports ball games played on the various screens outside.
"Tch- why'd you two choose this place anyway? None of us give a damn about these games," Katsuki said huffing and gesturing to the TVs.
"It's the only place that's in the middle of all our places," Denki explained, as you began to take bites of your food.
"Mmm I guess- the food is shit though," Katsuki continued to complain but took a bite of his food all the same.
The song changed to an easily recognizable tune: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. Your and Eijiro's eyes immediately locked. The first verse synced up between the both of you as you sang.
Turn around~
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming 'round
"No, stop." Katsuki huffed at you both beginning to sing. However, Katsuki's annoyance was only met with Denki joining in on the next verse.
Turn around~
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears
"Are you kidding me," Katsuki complained hiding his face in his hand. Which let Hanta know it was his turn to chime in. The four of you now had a choir.
Turn around~
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by
You three continued to sing increasing your enthusiasm with each lyric. Feeding off one another's enthusiasm.
Turn around, bright eyes~
Every now and then I fall apart
"Come on Bakugo, you know this song," Denki said nudging him during the instrumental part of the song.
"Hell no you're out of your mind!" Katsuki yelled. "Shut the hell up you four- you're making a scene."
"Awe~ Come on Kats~" You encouraged him. "You gotta do the next part with us!"
Katsuki eyed you irritated as Eijiro swayed back and forth in his seat matching Denki's dance movements.
You and the boys began singing back as the lyrics picked up again. This time, even louder and more enthusiastic than before.
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you hold only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever.
Then to all your surprise, Katsuki chimed into the last verse with you all.
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Katsuki talked out, his version of singing, while you four sang as loud as ever.
"Let's go Kacchan," Denki laughed clapping his hands together in excitement.
"Awe so cute- you'd do anything they asked," Eijiro said with a giggle earning himself a bark from Katsuki.
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tags: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs
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7ndipity · 9 months
Secret Crush
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How they would handle having a secret crush on reader who’s not a celebrity and/or only views them as a friend, so they can’t show their affection.
Warnings: lil angsty,
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anons who requested this! This is slightly similar to the falling for a friend hcs I did a while back, but I thought I’d try to cover the more unrequited aspects, though I'm not the best at those. Hope you like it anyway!
Requests are open
GUILT. He honestly feels so bad that he’s put you in this awkward of a situation, even though you don’t have a clue you’re even in an awkward situation.
As I said before, I think he would try to content himself with just being the best ‘best friend’ you could ever ask for.
Which works, until it doesn’t. Because the closer you get, the harder it is for him to hide his feelings.
He fusses/worries about you a lot.
Would probably get jealous surprisingly easy, but try and brush it off with comments like “They’re just not good enough for you.”
I’ve said it before, if he doesn’t want you to know about something, you. will. never. know. and that’s especially true when it comes to this.
Even if he’s absolutely head over heels for you, you won’t catch on, bc he finds legitamite excuses for any questionable behavior he might display around you.
Becomes a bit standoff-ish at times, but if he ever sees you struggling with something or needing help, he’s there in an instant.
It honestly gives you whiplash how fast he goes from ‘I don’t care’ to ‘I care a lot actually’, but he claims he’s just trying to be a good friend.
Y’all probably fight a lot, but If anybody else ever hurts/upsets you tho, he will end them(only half joking).
Again, as I said before, he’s naturally a very affectionate person, so how he’d behave towards his crush wouldn’t be that different from how he is with his other friends.
But on the inside, I think he would be overanilyzing everything, trying to make sure he’s not overstepping any bounderies.
Very much the ‘suck it up and smile’ mentality, which isn’t exactly the best/healthiest approach, but he doesn’t care.
So long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
I actually think he would be one of the worst at this kind of dynamic, he’d either end up confessing or distancing himself.😥
So conflicted.
Might try and distance himself from you at first, bc he thinks it’ll make it easier from him to get over you, but then he just feels lonely all the time, and he’d rather be with you than without you, so he just tries to suck it up and pretend everythings cool.
Which he’s pretty good at, to an extent.
Literally can not stand seeing you flirt or show interest in anyone else tho, like it makes him feel physically unwell. If you do, he’s ghosting for a bit.
You end up developing a very intense ‘on again, off again’ friendship, which results in more than a few fights between you😖
As usual, Jimin is the personification of confusion for me.
Bc he doesn’t exactly hide his feelings towards you, but he’s always tacking on the line of ‘as a friend’ to the end of everything to avoid looking suspisious.
Flirting is basically his second language tho and that will not change unless it makes you uncomfortable, and then he’s the image polite respectfulness.
He just always wants you to be comfortable and happy, but he can get a bit over protective at times for seemingly no reason.
Every now and then though, it starts to weigh on him a bit more and he gets a bit moody and distant.
Acts completly normal, until he doesn’t.
Can go from beaming and having the best time with you to sad puppy in instant bc he caught himself going to hold your hand or smth, and he has the record scratch moment of ‘wait no, that’s not what friends do’.
Of course you catch these sudden drops in his mood, but he never tells you what’s going on, so you just try to stick closer to him to make him feel better.
Which only increases his frustration sometimes, but other times he can’t help indulging in the affection when he can get it.
Tends to feel guilty afterwards for not being honest with you, but he’d rather have you as just a friend than potentially not at all.
Not the best at hiding his feelings, but he manages.
His main issue is that he gets jealous and overprotective very easily, but knows he can’t exactly keep you close without drawing attention to himself.
Has nearly gotten into several fights bc he didn’t like the way someone was looking at/treating you. You joke that he’s your guard dog, but he takes it seriously.
Similar to Joon, y’all would end up with this ‘on and off’ type relationship that goes from being super close to barely talking.
Another that I think would either end up confessing anyway, just to get it out there, or pulling away.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 93... You have been warned...! 👌
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Honestly, words cannot describe how crazy this chapter was, but we're gonna talk about it anyway...!! 👀 LET'S GO!!! 😆
The chapter begins with everyone checking how well they did on finals, and Anya did a whole lot better than last time...!! 😆
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Anya went from 213th to 168th place!! 🎉 Let's hope that Anya continues to improve in the future...!! 😊👍
Then, we finally got to see how well she did in Classical Language and...:
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She got second place...!
But, she will still receive a Stella for it!! 👏😆Then, we find out that she got 24 points in math, which is just below the cut off point... Which means...:
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So, not only did Anya get a Stella, she ALSO received A TONITRUS BOLT!!? 😵😂🤣😌
GODDAMNIT ANYA!! 😂 That means the score is still tied, but now it's 5 and 5 until she either becomes an Imperial Scholar or gets expelled...!! 😌
Then, we got probably my new favorite Loid expression...:
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🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I'M SO SORRY LOID!!🤣
This poor man can't catch a break, but at he's quite proud of Anya for doing well on the test...!! 😊
After that, we cut to Authens praising Anya as well, but Sigmund says something that intrigues me...:
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"...One day you'll experience the frustration of realizing that hard work is not always rewarded..."
Hmm... What could this mean...? Personally, if Sigmund does have something to do with the experiments that were conducted on Anya, then this could be his way of saying that not many know of his scientific experiments... But, that's just a guess at this point and I could very well just be reading too much into this single sentence... 🤔
Moving on, before Anya goes to bed that night Loid asks her a question...:
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I was surprised that Twilight asked this!! 😲 But his question turned out to be for naught because Anya doesn't really remember... 😔 So, Twilight just tells her to forget about what he asked and now I'm wondering if this will lead Twilight finding out the truth about Anya's past and that she's a telepath... 🤔
Well anyway, we cut to Anya and Damian receiving Stellas for doing well on the test, and then it's the middle school students turn... AND GUESS WHO SHOWS UP...?! 👀
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I can't believe that I was ACTUALLY RIGHT that he was gonna look more like his dad...! (Check out this post where I drew what I thought he might look like!! 👍)
But to continue, Demetrius is also as strange as his mother and father... ESPECIALLY BECAUSE OF THIS...!!:
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After finally getting to meet him and seeing that Anya can't read his mind, my original theory that he might be working with his father, just got thrown out the window...!! Because now, I think that Demetrius has been experimented on... 😥 I hope that I'm wrong, but I just don't know this point...
Today's chapter was excellent, but now that Demetrius has finally shown up, my mind is going crazy about what this ALL MEANS!😫
Anyway, I think I'll stop for today and possibly regroup with myself to figure out WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE DESMONDS!! (Except for Damain, who is the only normal one there..!!🥲) So until the next Mission or if I try attempt to figure out what is up with the Desmonds; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! Later!! 👍
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proqhetic · 3 months
I'm so happy you're back!! I missed your yj posts on my fyp :(
could you write lottie x reader where they're at a party and the reader is tipsy, begging lottie to give her kisses, and lottie is just trying to put her to bed, thank you <333
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a/n: i’m gonna cry dani ilysm😭😭 i got a bit carried away with this so im sorry if it seems kind of choppy 😥
the loud bass blaring from the speakers across the house was starting to give you a headache. you were a couple drinks in and the booze was just catching up to your system, swirling all your thoughts into one big whirlpool.
it’s been a long night of talking to random people and singing along to chart toppers from about 5 years ago. right now, you just wanted to find your girlfriend, really badly. you lost lottie at some point earlier in the night when she was pulled away by one of the other yellowjackets to play a drinking game with the rest of the team, and you hung out with some other friends from school.
navigating the sweaty, rowdy crowd was just awful. you were pretty sure this was practically the entire student population from your school, crammed into jeff sadecki’s stupidly big house. after squeezing past a couple rooms, you finally set your eyes on a familiar head of brunette curls.
you stopped in the doorway and watched on as lottie was zoomed in on an intense game of beer bong. she made that face she does when she’s concentrating — eyebrows furrowed, biting her bottom lip, the slight squint of her eyes. you couldn’t help but smile from the sidelines as she aimed the winning shot, and of course, she made it. a mixture of groans and loud whooping filled the room, as lottie happily turned to her teammate, shauna, and gave her a solid high-ten.
despite not drinking anything else, you somehow feel giddier than you did 5 minutes ago. but connecting the dots would’ve required too much brain power. instead, you stumble over to lottie and wrap her in a warm hug from behind. “congrats, babe!” you wish her with a grin, speaking louder than you thought you were in your head.
lottie yelps but an immediate smile appears once she sees you. “hi baby!” she greets, pulling you in for a chaste kiss, before her face contorts into a grimace. “oh, god, you smell of booze. how much have you drunk?”
lottie wasn’t typically one to drink a lot at parties, she wasn’t a big fan of the taste of beer. chances were you’d catch her smoking something instead.
“uhhm, like, just a bit…” you slurred out with an airy giggle, to which lottie groaned (affectionately). “i think you’ve had enough, we should get going soon, okay?” she said, pulling you aside by the arm. you whined at that, not wanting to leave so early. “nnooo, lottieee…” “come on, let’s get you sobered up a bit.”
whilst the two of you were walking to the kitchen hand in hand, you tried tiptoeing to give lottie another kiss, only to trip on an armchair in front of you and lose your balance. thankfully, your girlfriend has an insane reaction time and managed to catch you. “are you okay?” she hurriedly asked, pulling you up. “wanna kiss youu…!” was all you said with a cheeky smile. “no kisses until you’re sobered up!” lottie spoke firmly and you pouted the rest of the way there.
she pours you a glass of water and tells you to drink up. “mm, kiss first?” lottie rolled her eyes at how persistent you’re being, but eventually caved and gave you a peck on your cheek. “that’s all you’re getting. now drink up and we can leave!” content with what you got, you obliged and drank everything.
a moment passes and both of you stay standing, leaned against the kitchen island. lottie reaches over to brush your hair with her hand, strands getting entangled between her fingers. you turn to look up at her with your best puppy dog eyes, begging her once again for a kiss. “pleaseee, i’m not drunk anymore…” however, she was strong-willed enough to shake her head. “let’s get you home baby, you gotta rest.”
the drive back to your house was a comfortable silence, until you started mumbling along to the song on the radio, extremely out of tune. eliciting a laugh out of lottie made you grin and filled you with a sense of pride, that same giddiness overwhelming you
“alrighty, we’re here.” she announced as she parked the car. she hurriedly got out and came to the other side of the car to open your door and help you out. (you’ve proven several times that night that walking in a straight line would be a challenge.)
reaching your doorstep, you realised lottie would have to leave soon, and she’s only properly kissed you once. “do you wanna, maybe stay the night? my parents aren’t home and… i could use the company,” you asked, your fingers tracing up and down her arm. lottie’s face grew warm at your request, “really? i-i mean, yeah, of course!”
lottie’s hand reached for the doorknob, but you stopped her. “wait!” she turned to look at you, her big eyes widening in confusion. “can i have my kiss now?” you asked one last time. “pleeasseee?”
the corners of lottie’s lips quirked upwards as she let out a soft giggle. “fine, since you’ve been so patient with me tonight,” she murmured as she cupped your cheeks and finally gave you that kiss you’ve been yearning for all night. you instantly melted into it and rested your hands on her shoulders, pulling her in even closer
“there.” lottie said breathlessly as you two pulled away for air. you felt lightheaded and just stared back at her, dazed. “now let’s get you to bed.”
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newkatzkafe2023 · 6 months
What if Y/N gets jealous of a girl who around Monkey King Or calls him a cutesy Nickname in public.
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(Lmk Wukong) He was hanging with Mk and the gang again at Pigsy Noodle shop until he heard your voice from outside.
Monkey Queen (Y/N): Sunflower!!! 🌻
He froze no no you did not just call him that. He turned his head towards MK and the rest who were trying to hide their giggles even Pigsy was fighting off a smile.
Monkey Queen (Y/N): I know you're busy but I want to let you know. I brought more peach chips from the store. I'm gonna put him in a cabinet at home So if you want some stop by my mountain. I still have some errands to run I'll see you later love you sunflower 🌻.
And with that you ran off to the market down the street. As soon as you left, everybody burst out. Laughing hysterically to the point where some of them could even breathe. Wukong's face was so red you would think he was on fire.
Macaque: Sunflower 🌻 huh???😏😏
Sun Wukong: Ok number one shut up an number two when did you even get here?!?!?😡😡😡😡
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(Nezha Reborn Wukong) He was at the workshop with Li Yunxiang help with his motorcycle. Until he heard you come in
Monkey Queen (Y/N): Fluffy you Left you toolbox at my house again!
This made him spit out the water He was drinking just now as Li awkwardly stood next to him.
Monkey Queen (Y/N): I'm gonna leave it by the door I have to go to work so I'll see you later.
You then ran off as your running late and need to catch the bus.
(NR Wukong) Breathe a word of this to anyone and I'll kill you myself👿☠️
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(MK Reborn Wukong) What was Provoking and fighting some palace guards it's from the emerald temple. He destroyed the massive peach tree.during the He was in the zone of fighting until
Monkey Queen (Y/N): Sourpatch!!! stop fighting those two little girls right now Your trashing the place!!!!!😡😡😡
Everybody in the area froze at the sound of your voice. As a female monkey with snow white Fur and Piercing navy blue Eyes glared into her husband from down below. You then stomped pass Master Tang and down the hall to calm down. Wukong was Not only disrespected but also embarrassed by you once again. That's what he gets for getting worked up over nothing.
Guards: Did she just call us little girls😟😟😟
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(HIB Wukong) Since his release from the mountain prison Buddha put him in he had went to try and find you, but the children were asking a billion and one question. As he was getting more and more Irritated a soft voice called out to him
Monkey Queen (Y/N): Ah, grouchy Bun, I thought you were dead. But we both know that's impossible now isn't it😉😉😉
He froze seeing his Wife from across the Field beautiful As the day he left her, but he wasn't fooled by her gentle tone she is Furious with him and he has a lot of making it up to her to Too bad that didn't distract him from the giggling children behind him Something else he was going to have to explain😥😥😥
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(Netflix Wukong) He was spending time with Lin bragging about How he recently saved the village from another demon when,
Monkey Queen (Y/N): Ok chestnut that's enough Bragging for today now come home and have dinner with me
Wukong's face lit up a bit before Muttering a yes dear and said bye to Lin trying to block out the Her giggles.
Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
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gummygowon · 1 year
forest green | choi san
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word count: 1k
request: forest green + angst (pls with happy ending i cant take sadness 😥💔)/opposites attract + san <3 !! thank u !
warnings: a few losers being mean to sannie
a/n: hi love thank you so much for requesting i'm so sorry this im posting this so late but i really had sm fun with this one i hope you enjoy!
"no shot y/n." your best friend soojin whispers to you as you guys walk out onto the court before the game starts.
"what?" you whisper back, trying to keep the cheerful smile on your face as you wave your forest green pom poms in the air at the crowd.
"you like choi san don't you?"
"what?" you pause, whipping your head to look at soojin.
"be so for real y/n, i can see you looking for his nerdy ass in the crowd right now."
"i am not!" you argue, turning your back to the crowd as the basketball team makes their way onto the court.
"y/n, you have the entire school at your finger tips and you choose choi san? nerdy ass choi san who spends his time in the library every friday night."
"and? i don't mind." you sheepishly answer staring down at your poms as san's cute dimple smile infiltrated your mind.
"my god, y/n, you have the kim mingyu wrapped around your finger and you want san?!?"
"at least san has a brain and isn't a jerk."
"so? he's hot that basically covers everything." soojin defends as you guys walk to the sidelines.
"for you it does." you huff, smoothing out your skirt as you get in your spot that was on the corner of the court. it gave you the perfect view of san who was wearing a forest green sweater to represent your school's colors. he was sitting at the very top of the bleachers looking lost as soon as the game started. a small smile appeared on your face as watch san's eyebrows furrow in confusion trying to understand what was happening in front of him. eventually, his eyes trailed down to the cheerleader section where you were. you caught his gaze and gave him a small wave which he returned with a shy smile.
the crowd erupts in cheers as hongjoong scores the first basket of the game meaning your little moment with san was rudely ended. the game however goes on well as your team absolutely destroys your opponent. cheers erupted the gym as the students shouted in celebration. as one of the cheer leaders you follow your team to the court to make a tunnel for the team as they head back to the locker room.
once they leave, your coach gives out her post game speech and then lets you guys go. to your surprise, you see san waiting outside the gym trying to make himself look busy.
"hey," you softly say bumping his shoulder with yours causing him to jump. "do you need help finding the exit or?"
"no," san scoffs bumping his shoulder into you as revenge, "just thought i should say you did great out there."
a shy smile makes its way to your face as your heart beats against your chest. "thank yo-"
"y/n!" mingyu emerges from god knows where, throwing his arm over you forcing you and san to separate. "you comin' to my house later? my parents are gone and i'm throwing a huge party for tonight's win!"
"oh, i-" you peer over mingyu's large frame to see san looking dejectedly at the floor.
"you're going!" yuqi shouts from behind, another one of your teammates.
you didn't even get a chance to say goodbye as mingyu and his teammates along with yours push you to the parking lot.
"why are you even hanging out with san? isn't he a total loser?" someone asks from behind you.
"yeah, plus he's a total sqaure!"
"little man probably hasn't felt the touch of a woman since his mother changed his diaper!"
"excuse me?" you say utterly in shock that your so called friends are just outwardly saying shit about someone.
before anyone even had a chance to say anything san pushes his way through the crowd angrily.
"san, wait!" you say trying to catch up to him only to have mingyu tug at your wrist.
"leave him be y/n. kid's a loser anyways."
"he is not!" you argue, ripping your arm away from him. "just fuck off and go have your stupid party!"
you made a beeline to your car and drove to the one place you knew san would be at a time like this. the park where the playground was a mix of ugly beige and forest green and where the park overlooked your little hometown. san liked it because it made him like he was on top of the world even if he was treated like shit.
thankfully, san's beat up toyota corolla was parked in front of the playground.
"thought i might find you here." you say in a quiet tone, wrapping your hands around self because of course you forgot your lettermen at home.
san didn't even turn to look at you as he swung slowly on the creaky swing set. "aren't you supposed to be at some party?"
"yeah, but i didn't feel like going." you answer sitting next to san on the other swing.
"so you decided to hang out with a loser on a good friday night?" he sarcastically asks.
"why do you even wanna be around me? midterms are over so you don't have to be around me for awhile." san spits, still not even daring to look up at you. "you know, i thought that maybe there would be a chance you actually like me."
your heart cracked at every word that was coming out his mouth. "san, i do. a lot. trust me."
"no you don't." his knuckles turning white because of how hard he was gripping the chains on the swing. "not in the way i do."
still san was refusing to look up at you until you take a hand and place it softly on his cheek. san jumps at your sudden touch before slowly raising his eyes to meet yours.
"i like you sannie." you confess, heart racing a hundred miles per hour. "i don't care what people or even you say about yourself. i like the way your dimples pop out when you smile. i like the way you never get frustrated with him when you're teaching me. i like the way you remember the little things about everyone. i like you, choi san."
"i-are you sure?" he asks to stunned to even respond to your confession.
you nod your head, giggling at the way san was staring at you in shock.
"can i kiss you?"
"of course, sannie." you answer before smiling to the warm kiss.
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kana-de · 9 months
★ summary: scaramouche (from this cyberpunk au from hoyofair's 2ep) x gn!reader.
☆ cw: fluff. sfw. established relationship. scara is wounded (kinda). reader has healing powers.
this was requested by @ahtopoteyto:
«s/o healing a hurt AI (were they ai? i don't remember) Scara since their skins crack when they get damaged but how would the healing work it's really uncertain so i was afraid it might be to difficult for you😥»
☾ a/n: ty for the req! i hope this idea of healing is like. portrayed good in this fic cause it was a very spontaneous thought and i decided to write it in.
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subtle knocking at your door is what wakes you up exactly at 2:09am at night, startling your peaceful sleep away. as you rub the sleepiness off of your eyes, groaning quietly into your pillow, the knocking continues, now more urgent, and you're battling between going back to sleep and standing up.
you decide on the latter.
"coming, im coming! gods, why so loud..." you mumble sleepily as your hand finds the desk lamp at your bedside table and turns it on, faintly discernible light shining through your bedroom now.
the first thing you see as your front door opens is scaramouche's cracked face. it has small and big schisms all over, and his neck and hands do too. your eyes widen, expression falling into something unreadable but fearful.
"s- scara?... what happened to you?" you whisper-ask, eyes wide open, roaming all around the cracks in his skin.
"hello to you too..." he mumbles in reply, hand leaning on the doorway outside of your apartment, making a pained face every time he moves - every fissure makes a slight breaking sound every time he does.
"don't stand there, come in already!" you carefully manage to push him inside, closing the front door.
scaramouche looks absolutely awful - skin cracks are basically everywhere, and he hisses as your hand grabs his wrist, but you do your best to not hurt him even more.
this is not the first time he comes home after being weeks out on a mission, but you'll never get used to seeing him in this condition - all pained and with cracks and fissures all over his porcelain skin.
you missed seeing him - your lover - but not in this state.
"you could've at least called me.." you start mumbling, but the turn to face him. "can you sit?" you ask in a worried tone, gesturing him to sit on a couch in the living room.
"of course i can. do i look like i'm disabled?" he grumbles quietly, setting himself on the mentioned couch. he grunts each time he feels his skin cracking more and more. your eyebrows make your face a sympathetic look as you steal glances at him.
"please, don't move." you ask, taking a seat next to him and carefully, cautiously take his face into your hands - he has a a big crack near his temple, and myriads of fissures starting from his neck and moving to his jaw and cheeks.
"can you-"
"yes. of course i can. just don't move." you interrupt him softly, turning his face to the side to have a better access to some of the cracks.
you take a deep breath, and the skin of your palms starts radiating a gentle, soft blue light, shining through the dark environment of the living room. scaramouche closes his eyes - the sensation is not burning, not unpleasant, but very calming - he could describe it as a feeling of having a cup of mint tea on a spring morning, even if it sounds strange to portray such actions' impact like this.
you watch as the tips of your fingers slide across his cracks, and it repairs almost instantly - the fissures on his face start to disappear, dissipate, leaving no scars after them, only his porcelain skin glimmering under the blueish light from your palms.
your thumb glides over a big crack on his temple, recovering the artificial flesh instantly as the light hovers over it.
lastly, you gaze catches another fissure that stretches over both of his lips. scaramouche even opens his eyes to look at you when you stop moving your fingers so suddenly-
-and then feels your lips pressing on his, radiating the exact same blue light which your hands also have still. the crack on his mouth disappears right away, and he even lets go of the tension that lingered in his body for a few moments, eyelids finding themselves closed again. you let your lips stay put on his soft ones for a few more moments, before letting go and looking at his now 'repaired' face.
"do you feel better?" you ask, voice quiet and gentle, as if not to startle him. your palms still have themselves put on his cheeks.
"yeah." scaramouche breathes out, eyes opening to look at you. "but one more kiss will make me feel even better."
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philgtu · 1 year
An Anklet
Queen Chloe suggested I needed to buy an anklet to wear, I’ve never worn an anklet or bought one before so I was excited for the new experience and dreading having to go into a number of shops asking about them to find a suitable anklet
I arrived at the shopping centre just as most of the shops were opening, I was dressed in trousers and t-shirt with panties, stocking tights  and a butt plug  underneath.  Going down the escalator I could see my stockings and suddenly felt really worried somebody might see (very unlikely but you never know 😲) 
Walked into the first shop and spent 10 minutes trying to find anklets in the store and ended up having to ask where I might find them from a shop assistant (have to say all the shop assistants  were polite and helpful.  Thank you💚 )  After building up my courage to ask (just me being exceedingly nervous 😥) she showed me where I could find them 
Sadly they only had a few to choose from, so I took a quick photo and then went on to the next store, I found out that most of the stores I went to only had a few to choose from.  One of the stores though had a choice of over 10 (felt a bit overwhelmed with the choices then) most of which looked lovely, the assistant even unravelled one to check to see how long it was for me as I was looking for an anklet that was at least 10 inches long (I calmed down a bit after that 🤗 )
I bought an anklet which was gold in colour and had small dangly ornaments, stars and shiny clear stone (probably plastic) things it looked lovely. ( The ornaments look fantastic on an ankle but in walking boots cause a problem as they seem to have a tendency to dig into you)
My next task after buying the anklet was to put it on asap (as soon as possible)
I went to the toilets in the shopping centre, found a cubicle that was free and went in and locked it.  (Now came the nerve wracking bit) I then removed my trousers put on a pair of high heels I have been carrying and attached the anklet
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 (they need to supply instructions for that, they have a clasp but it only attaches to 2  points about half way round, sadly it took me a few hours to figure it out that you take the clasp and the point it can attach too as the two ends, this doubles up the chain and then fits perfectly), 
I then sent a picture of the anklet to Queen Chloe, removed the heels put the trousers and walking boots back on (felt relieved 😃) 
(I spent the 2hrs catching the train home and wondering how it could fit better)
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sansaorgana · 2 months
Imagine Feyd being surprised by all the soft toys and things his wife gives their baby daughter; she just asks him "What, you mean you never had a teddy bear to sleep with when you were a child?"
I was literally talking to @armoredbutterfly93 about it earlier. That he most definitely has never had any toys in his childhood. 😥 It's breaking my heart to think of that...
You know, usually, I am far from babying "evil" characters because I like them evil and people who justify them and call them "good deep beneath" make me roll my eyes. But with Feyd it is different because he has been so brainwashed from infancy that it is difficult to blame him on his own behaviour. He is more like a badly trained dog with humanity buried very deep inside and locked out. And when I think of his childhood, I just get extremely sad. I believe it was @houserautha mentioning in one of her fics that he was just a skinny young boy once... I had been thinking about it earlier but since she wrote about it, it doesn't want to leave my head at all now. He was so young and scared, already burdened with the heavy sin of murdering his own mother, with no one to hold him and comfort him – his uncle would only abuse and violate him. It's hard for me to even imagine how it would be to grow up in such environment (and I am a victim of domestic abuse myself).
He would be surprised to see all the toys his wife is getting for the babies. He would most likely roll his eyes that babies don't need them. I know he knows that the way he was raised is not good but I think he'd still sometimes catch himself repeating the same patterns because that is all he knows. 😥
Sorry if I made this one sad...
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
CW: Yunho is a bit of an ass at the beginning, marking, possessive Yunho, fingering (F receiving), oral (F receiving), overstimulation, slight restraint, creampie.
Prompts: 6) “Was it worth it?”
               72) “Use your words.”
               74) “Did I tell you to stop?”
Word count: 7840
Summary: Yunho has been off lately, work is getting to be a lot and he's not paying much attention to you anymore. At dinner you try to catch his attention but end up catching the attention of 7 others.
Prompt List               MasterList          Buy me a Coffee
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It was 1am and you were still awake...Well just about. Your phone held tightly in your hand as you slowly drifted in and out of consciousness trying your hardest to keep your attention fixed on the show you were watching. You were waiting up for Yunho to get home, not that you needed to of course, but you always liked to know he got home safely especially on nights he wasn't with you.
Practice must have been running late again, that wad the whole reason Yunho decided to stay at the dorms with the rest of the group for the time being, he felt it was easier on you if he did that to save you waking up at the crack of dawn every morning and him waking you up when he'd come home late at night. Yet there you were, the same as last night and the night before, struggling to keep your eyes open just waiting for the message to come through that he was home.
Your eyes shot open when you felt your phone buzz in your hand. Quickly opening it, you were glad to see his text.
[1:12 am] Yunho: Home.
[1:12 am] Y/n: Yay!!! How was practice??
[1:15 am] Yunho: Good.
[1:15 am] Y/n: Oh good, well get some sleep you must be tired. 😥
[1:20 am] Yunho: Ok.
[1:21 am] Y/n: Ok, well I love you, sleep well ❤
[1:22 am] Yunho: Night.
You felt a small pang of hurt in your chest as you read over the texts. You tried to shrug it off as him just being tired, it was 1 in the morning after all, but the way he seemed so blunt and seemed to not give even an ounce of effort hurt. You were too tired to deal with all that right now and maybe after getting sleep the two of you would be feeling better in the morning.
The next morning you were woken by your phone ringing on the bed side table. In your half asleep state you didn't bother looking at who it was that was calling before answering.
"Hello?" You say, voice still thick with sleep.
"Hey sleepy head." You open your eyes fully at the sound of Yunho’s voice, he seemed a lot more normal in comparison to last night.
"We've got a short practice today and the guys wanted me to ask if you wanted to come for dinner with us tonight." You felt a small smile appear on your face.
"Of course, where are we going?"
"I'm not entirely sure, Hongjoong said he saw this nice restaurant the other day, he said it looked fancy but not over the top fancy." You hum along to his response as you thought about what you could wear, you didn't want to be too dressy but you didn't want to be underdressed either.
"That sounds great, I'll join you guys, tell them I said thank you for the invite." You must have been on loud speaker because as soon as you said thank you a chorus of "You're welcome" could be heard down the phone, making you laugh.
"I'll pick you up at 7."
"Okay, see you later, I love you." You smile to yourself, but the line went dead without a reply from Yunho. You're really trying not to worry about it, he's busy and tired and you understand that, but he's been so off it's starting to get to you. Shrugging the whole thing off you go over to your closet to find something to wear.
Evening rolls around and you're borderline ready. You decided on a black dress, you needed to get Yunho's attention especially after how he's been. Your dress was shorter than you'd normally wear but not too short to the point it was inappropriate and the neckline was just deep enough to give a small glimpse at your cleavage, you're grateful Yunho is tall since from his angle he might be the only one seeing it which is exactly what you planned. You never dressed for anyone but yourself but right now you were willing to put that moral aside for the night, feeling pushed aside yourself by Yunho you needed something that you knew would catch his eye and hopefully he'd actually give you the attention you'd been craving. Attention that lasted longer than 10 minutes.
You're busy fiddling with your earrings and checking over your makeup when you feel your phone go off.
[6:59 pm] Yunho: Here.
[7:00 pm] Y/n: I'll be down in a sec.
You smile giving yourself a mental thumbs up as you take one last look in the mirror before grabbing your bag and rushing to the door. Walking out the front door of your apartment building you see Yunho waiting by the car, dressed up in his smart casual shirt and jeans combo. The smile he gives you doesn't go unnoticed.
"Wow, wow, slow down." He chuckles as you start to rush over to him.
"We don't want to turn dinner into a hospital trip." He says holding you by the waist to stop the potential of you losing balance.
"I'm fine, I won't fall. You look great." You smile fixing the small curl in his collar.
"So do you, amazing actually." You feel a sense of pride take over as you watch his eyes scan over you with that look you knew all too well. It seems you got his attention, and guessing from where his eyes lingered a little too long, something else has his attention too. 
“Shall we get going?” You nod in response just before he leans down giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and opening the car door for you. You raise an eyebrow at him, silently joking with him about the chivalrous move while he rolls his eyes at you with a wide smile. He waits for you to get comfy in the car before closing the door and rushing over to his side and getting in.
The drive to the restaurant was like it always was with you two, singing along to the music that was playing and having a laugh. There’s a moment when the car falls into a comfortable silence, the music quietly playing in the background as you hum along. You notice how Yunho looks over to you, a smile on his face like he was seeing you for the first time all over again and you can’t help but smile back. You were internally scolding yourself for getting worried over some stupid texts, how could you second guess how he felt towards you, just the way he looks at you told you all you needed to know. 
Turning his attention back to the road, his hand moves from the steering wheel and settles on your exposed thigh, giving it a light squeeze telling you he was still giving you his attention even if he wasn’t looking at you, and that’s where his hand stayed the rest of the journey only leaving your thigh to change gears from time to time.
You pull up to the restaurant and your eyes light up from just the view of the outside. You guessed Hongjoong wasn’t lying when he said it was a bit fancy, it looked like something you’d find in Paris, and from this alone you started to feel that you were possibly underdressed. Before you could put your hand to the door handle Yunho was already out of the car and rushing over to your side, repeating what he did when he picked you up. Taking your hand he helps you out of the car and shutting the door behind you before linking your arm in his and walking into the restaurant. 
You started to wonder where everyone was, no one meeting you both outside. Your thoughts were answered when the hostess led you and Yunho over to a large table, everyone already sat down and deep in conversation. 
“Here they are, took your time.” Wooyoung jokes calling over and moving everyone’s attention to the both of you. You both laugh his comment off, but you’ve now realised no one seems to be looking at Yunho. All eyes seem to be on you. You feel a small blush creep up your cheeks at the sudden attention. Yunho notices all eyes are on you but he doesn’t think anything of it, glancing back down at you he can see why all the guys are staring, he knew if he was able to that’s all he’d be doing too. With his hand on the small of your back Yunho guides you over to the last two available seats, him taking the one next to Mingi and you next to Jongho. 
“You look nice tonight Y/n.” Mingi compliments as you approach your seat earning a small smirk from you.
“Are you saying I don’t look nice anyway?” You joke laughing at his flustered face as he tries to back pedal.
“No, no, you always look nice, I meant...”
“It’s okay Mingi, I’m pulling your leg.” You smile resting a hand on his shoulder in comfort, you could feel the tension leave his shoulders as he starts to giggle along with the others. 
Joking with the boys was like second nature to you now, when you were first introduced to the Ateez boys you were a bit more reserved, keeping your humour on the down low out of fear of offending one someone or making a bad impression, but over time you grew to be comfortable around them and you came out of your shell more and more to the point you can now be your true unfiltered self in front of them, and they love every second of it, to the others you’re like their little sister.
You take your seat and Yunho tucks you in earning him a lot of ooh’s and ah’s which makes you chuckle lightly, turning your face away from Yunho so he couldn’t see. Conversation quickly picks up where it left off, Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Seonghwa talking about the various figures they’ve been looking at followed by Wooyoung threatening to break one of Seonghwa’s Lego sets which soon breaks out into a small argument that Hongjoong tries to stop. San and Yeosang sharing funny videos with each other and saying how they remind them of different members of the group. Mingi and Yunho are laughing at some weird inside joke the two of them share that you are still yet to work out, and you’re conversing with Jongho about a TV show he’s been binging lately. 
“Y/n, I’m telling you, you need to watch it, it keeps you on the edge of your seat, one minute you think it’s this person and then the next your mind is changed completely. It’s a mind fuck.” Jongho rambles on excitedly with his arms waving all over the places as he tries to explain the plot without spoiling it for you.
“Jongho, I have one question...Will it piss me off?” His eyes widen and he frantically nods his head at you.
“I don’t get annoyed at TV that much but this has me screaming, I need to know who it is and I’m getting nowhere.” You nod along as he talks with a smile on your face. He knew your taste in TV shows all too well, you loved the type of mysteries that had you screaming and rethinking your list of suspects. 
“You’ve sold me, I need to see this show now.” You laugh and his smile widens knowing he finally has someone to rant to about it. You carry on talking about different TV shows and movies with Jongho but you’ve noticed he’s starting to get distracted every now and then but by what you have no idea and choose to ignore it completely. 
Yunho glances over to you out of habit but stops when he catches onto the way Jongho’s looking at you, the tips of the younger’s ears turning a light shade of red and his eyes wide with concentration. Yunho keeps a subtle eye on him until he notices how Jongho’s eyes would occasionally flit down to your chest while you look away for a second and then go right back to your face when your full attention is on him again. Yunho feels how he starts to frown with annoyance and can’t help it, he knows he can trust Jongho not to do anything but the way his eyes wander over you sparks up jealousy and possessiveness inside him, emotions he never usually feels. 
“One sec.” He quickly says turning his attention back to Mingi for a second. Mingi lightly nods and turns his attention to San and Yeosang jumping into their conversation as Yunho turns to you.
“What are you guys talking about?” He asks calmly with a small smile making sure to shuffle a little closer to your side and resting a hand on your thigh for Jongho to clearly see as a way of sending him a silent message. 
“Oh Jongho was just telling me about this show he’s been watching, we need to watch it when you’re over next.” You smile excitedly in hopes he’ll agree. 
“Jongho, is this that same show you’ve been raving about to us for the last few days?” The younger nods frantically again.
“You seriously need to watch it, come on if not for me do it for y/n.” He says as the both of you turn to Yunho with pouts on your faces pleading him to give in.
“Okay, okay, I’ll watch it, but if it’s awful I’m forcing you to have a Harry Potter marathon with me.” Jongho grimaces at the thought of it, it’s not that he didn’t like Harry Potter but it’s the thought of not only having to sit through all 8 movies in one sitting but it was also the thought of having to wear the robes. Yunho always made the others wear their house robes whenever it was on, he thought it was hysterical and a fun idea despite the groans from the others. 
“Oh y/n has to know this story.” You hear Seonghwa mention your name from  across the table which instantly grabs your attention.
“What story?” You ask leaning placing your arms on the table and leaning over them to be able to hear them better.
You were oblivious to the looks you started to receive, the way you were sat with your arms tucked under your chest meant your breasts were lifted a little more showing off a bit more cleavage. Wooyoung and San exchanged wide eyed looks silently confirming with each other that they were seeing the same thing. Noticing the youngers looks Hongjoong gave Wooyoung a discreet elbow to the ribs and a warning look telling him not to ogle at you.
“Oh.” Seonghwa clears his throat getting himself together to tell the story.
“At practice the other day we were working as usual after break but someone must have left an open water bottle on the floor.” He starts soon getting interrupted by Wooyoung who’s dying of laughter as the scene plays out in his head again.
“We’re getting to a pretty intense part of the choreography when...”
“Yeosang knocks over the bottle and slips on the water.” Wooyoung interrupts, wheezing with laughter while the others chuckle along, all except Yeosang who’s rolling his eyes.
“Oh come on Yeo, it was hilarious, you ate shit and kissed the floor.” The younger continues to wheeze out between fits of laughter.
“Oh, you want to try an embarrass me, how about we tell y/n what happened to you earlier?” Yeosang cocks a mischievous brow at Wooyoung who’s now rendered to silence at the realisation of what he’s talking about.
“You dare.” Wooyoung warns as Yeosang gives him a smirk before turning to you.
“Our lovely Woo over there likes this girl, she goes to the coffee shop a couple streets away from the dorms.” He starts. You can’t help but look at Wooyoung who’s scowling at this point and aww at him finding his crush really cute.
“We walked past the coffee place today and he saw her in there and got all excited. So being the good friend I am I told him to go for it and ask for her number, maybe even buy her a pastry.”
“You dare finish that story and I swear.” 
“I’m hyping him up, he gets excited and decided he’ll do it. Just as he turns to go in he walks into the glass door.” The table erupts with laughter while Wooyoung sits sulking in his chair.
“He got so embarrassed he turned around and walked off.” You’re close to tears with how hard you were laughing, granted you felt a little bad for Wooyoung, it must have been a horrible experience, but you couldn’t help the image of him bouncing off the glass door playing in your mind.
“OKAY HOW ABOUT...” Wooyoung screeches quickly standing from his chair. The sudden movement and lack of room he had made the table wobble, resulting in your glass of wine falling down the front of you. You quickly sit up straight rushing to grab your napkin to clean yourself up.
“Shit y/n, I’m so sorry.” Wooyoung panics, his hands waving around not knowing what to do with himself. 
“It’s okay Woo, you didn’t mean it, lucky the dress is black.” You laugh as you continue to wipe over your cleavage while Yunho assists in trying to clean up your dress as best he could. The table went silent. You and Yunho were too busy trying to clean up the wine to notice how all eyes had fallen on you again. They all wanted desperately to look away, to be respectful to not only you but Yunho as well, but the way your tits bounced a little as you wiped over them had them all in a trance, only to be made worse when you pulled the front of your dress forward a tiny bit to get the last of the wine off you. Jongho next to you became a blushing mess, getting the best view out of all of them, apart from Yunho. He knew he needed to tear his eyes away but no matter how much he tried he couldn’t. 
Once you were cleaned up as good as you could get you looked back up to everyone, who quickly diverted their gazes elsewhere but not before Yunho caught on, the grip on his napkin getting tighter with annoyance. 
The rest of dinner went smoothly, conversation flowed as normal and no more wine was spilt. One thing you did notice was Yunho’s hand never left you, he always had his hand either on your thigh, the small of your back or on your arm, it was comforting but at the same time a little strange given how he’d been acting lately. 
The end of dinner rolls around and Hongjoong quietly asks for the bill. Lost in conversation you don’t realise the bill has turned up until Hongjoong is pulling out his wallet. 
“Oh, how much does mine come to?” You ask catching Hongjoong’s attention as you sift through your purse fishing out your money.
“No, no, dinner is on me tonight for all of you.” Cheers from the boys erupted around the table and thanks from all of them could be heard, but you shake your head in protest.
“No, I can’t let you pay for me as well as the 8 of you it’s too much, please.” You hold out your hand in an attempt to hand him your cash.
“Y/n, relax I’m the one who mentioned it to Yunho about inviting you, so it’s only right I pay.” He smiles over to you waving his hand for you to put your money away. You still held your hand out until Yunho lightly held your wrist bringing it back to you.
“You might as well give up on trying baby, he might be small but he’s stubborn.”
“I heard that.” Hongjoong quipped shooting Yunho a quick glare before turning his attention to the bill. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the short interaction as you put your purse away. After the bill had been taken away you all get to your feet, grabbing anything you brought along with you and all headed to the door. 
“Thank you so much for the invite, I’ve had a great night.” You smile addressing them all.
“You’re always welcome y/n, no invite is ever needed for you.” Seonghwa replies softly, leaning down to give you a quick hug. After Seonghwa gave you a hug the others started flooding towards you also giving you hugs and telling you it was nice to see you again. You don’t stop the beaming smile that was on your face, feeling loved by all the boys always made you happy, you felt at home with them.
“Come on then, let’s get you home.” Yunho ushers, his hand finding it’s place on the small of your back again. You nod in response and give a small wave to the group thanking them again before you followed behind Yunho to his car.
Sitting in the passengers seat you let out a content sigh with a smile still on your face.
“Today was nice, did you have a good time?” You ask turning to face Yunho as he starts the car.
“Mhm.” Was all he replied with. You tilt your head in confusion at his bluntness and the seemingly serious look on his face.
“Are you sure, you don’t exactly look happy.” Another mmm was your answer, short and blunt, not even bothering to look at you. You could feel the smallest bit of annoyance bubble up inside you but you decide to leave it, snapping right now would just be cause for a bad situation. For the rest of the drive to your place the two of you sat in tension thick silence, him clearly not in the mood to acknowledge you and you not in the mood to start a fight over his childishness.
Pulling up to your place you step out of the car silently only turning to look at Yunho when he gets out himself.
“You coming in for a bit?” You tried to make it sound more like an offer than a straight out question. He gives you a small nod yes and follows you inside. Closing the door behind him you can’t shake the uneasy feeling that’s settled inside you, it would have been one thing if he dropped you off at home and went back to the dorms but now he’s stood in your living room with you, just the two of you and the tension is undeniably thick, so thick you could cut it with a knife. You needed to speak up.
“Yu, is everything okay, you’ve been a bit off.” You say stepping towards him lightly holding his forearm. He combs his fingers through his hair as he thinks of a response, frustration now clear on his face.
“Was it worth it?” You look up at him wide eyed and confused.
“What do you mean, what did I do?”
“What you pulled at dinner, you know what you were doing, that dress, wearing it around the guys, I don’t know if you noticed but all night they’ve been staring at you and it wasn’t your face they were staring at.” His tone is sharp and annoyed, his eyebrow raised as he spoke. 
“Yu, you’re over reacting, hell if anything I wore this dress to get a reaction out of you, you’ve hardly spoken to me for days and yes okay I get it you’re busy with work at the moment but I’m just sick of the one word answers all the time, you don’t seem to give a shit anymore.” Your voice raises the more you talk, the built up frustration spilling out, you can’t tell if you want to scream or cry.
“I just wanted to wear something that would get your attention and only your attention, I wanted to feel seen by you again.” Yunho was slowly getting closer to you as you spoke while you took steps back to keep some sort of distance between you as you continue to rant. 
Your outburst is cut short when your back hits the wall and Yunho towering over you, caging you in with an arm resting against the wall next to your head.
“Yu...what are...”
“So you wanted my attention huh?” He asks, voice low and his eyes piercing yours. You swallow thickly as you slowly nod at him keeping eye contact.
“Then my attention you’ll get.” Before you could say anything his lips were against yours in a bruising kiss, the force of it making your head slightly hit the wall behind you, keeping you pinned to the spot. Yunho’s lips were quick against yours making it difficult for you to keep up with his pace, it was like he wanted to do so much but had very little time to do it. One hand placed itself on the back of your neck while the other held you close at the hip, pressing you against his body. All the air in your lungs seemed to have been ripped out but the last thing you wanted to do was to break the kiss for a breath, if this was how you died then you’d die happy in the arms of Yunho and his lips against yours with bruising intensity.
Yunho is the one to pull away first but only momentarily, taking a breath before diving into your neck. A gasp escapes you as he leaves open mouth kisses along your pulse point, occasionally nipping at the sensitive skin earning him a small whine from you every time. This wasn’t the type of attention you were begging for but you weren’t complaining in the slightest, you were revelling in it becoming putty in his hands as you could feel the heat start to pool at your core. 
His lips trailed up to dot kisses along your jaw before descending again first to your neck, down to your collarbone until they finally hit the swell of your breasts. Yunho kissed and bit any skin of your breasts he could get to, small teeth marks started to litter them and when he pulled back he couldn’t help but smile down at them.
“What?” You ask breathing heavily.
“Mine. All of you is mine and now you have the marks to prove it, anyone does so much as peek at them and my marks will be there to greet them.” You felt dizzy over the thought of him marking his territory. 
“Just know there’s more where that came from baby.” Before you could even think of something to say you felt your feet leave the floor as you find yourself getting thrown over Yunho’s shoulder, his strength showing in how he’s able to carry you to your room holding you with only one arm that’s purely there for support. Kicking the door to your room open Yunho makes his way over to the bed, dropping you from his shoulder onto the mattress with enough force to make you bounce a little as you landed. 
The dark look in his eye tore through you, a shiver running down your spine as he slowly crawled onto the bed, settling his knee between your legs and bringing his face to yours. You lift yourself to rest on your elbows, the gap between you closing ever so slightly but close enough for you to feel his breath lightly fan across your face. He take a moment to take in the sight of you, wide eyes, waiting for his next move before he wraps an arm around your back pulling you up as he settles on his knees pulling you to straddle his lap bringing you back in for another fast paced kiss. 
Yunho’s hands run up your back, fingers gripping the zip of your dress slowly pulling it down making the garment fall loosely around your shoulders, exposing enough skin for him to resume his previous ministrations. Moving from you lips he trails kisses and bites along your jaw and down your neck, making sure to stop every now and then to suck deep purple marks in the most visible spots on your neck making sure you couldn’t cover them with ease. Once he was happy with the litter of bruises he’d left scattered across your neck he continued his work further south, decorating your collar and chest in the same way all while you let out soft sighs and whimpers as your fingers tangle in his hair pulling him in closer to you. 
While his lips keep busy along your chest, Yunho moves his hands to slide up your thighs and under your dress, effortlessly lifting the item of clothing off you completely, pulling away from you to let it come up over your head. He doesn’t move for a second as his eyes lock onto the matching set of lingerie you had hidden under the dress all night.
“New set?” He asks looking up to your face through his eyelashes.
“Went out and bought it not long after you called, thought it would be a nice little surprise if things got this far tonight.” Your voice is breathy, panting lightly from how worked up he’s already got you.
“Purple too...pretty.” He purrs dipping his head down to kiss along the swell of your left breast while one of his hands come up to give the right a bit of attention, lightly squeezing and ghosting his thumb over your already perked nipple causing a shaky sigh to leave your lips. 
"Purple suits you." He continues to purr against your chest, only for his hands to snake around the back and one swift motion, the clasp comes undone, bra straps dropping down your shoulders as it loosely hangs off your body. 
"Oops.” He smirks as he teases the light fabric straps down your arms, throwing the new garment onto the floor. Looking at your slightly annoyed face at the fact he didn't enjoy it on you long enough, a pout making its way onto your face.
"But..." You try to whine, silenced when a long finger of his is pressed against your lips, his eyes did all the talking for him. Keeping his finger pressed to your lips he raises himself a little to drop you onto your back once again, caging you under him. His finger slides down from your lips, pulling slightly at your bottom lip as he watches it bounce back into place before running his finger down the length of your torso until it hit the front of your panties. His eyes never leave yours as he hooks his finger under the hem and pulls the small, thin panties off you in one swift movement.
You became hyperaware at how exposed you were and how fully clothed he was, making you blush a little from embarrassment. You could feel the feather light touches of his fingers ghosting along the inside of your thigh, your hips bucking slightly to get him to touch you where you need it most, but only to be met with a small smirk. 
Yunho’s fingers continue to ghost along your skin, brushing up your slit with hardly any pressure. You grip his shirt tightly in your fists, looking up to him with pleading eyes and a pathetic whine as you try again to roll your hips into his hand trying to get even an ounce of friction to ease the crippling need you were feeling in your core. 
“Please Yunho.” You plead attempting to pull him closer to you but he keeps himself rooted to the spot.
“Please what Darling?” 
“Please touch me.” Your grip on his shirt tightened even more to the point your nails would be digging into your palms if it wasn’t for the fabric between them. Your mind snapping back momentarily to how Yunho is still fully clothed, you decide to waste no time rushing to undo the buttons of his shirt, but the shakiness of your hands make the task difficult.
“No.” Yunho growls, gripping both your wrists in one hand easily and pinning them above your head, bringing his face back down to yours so close to the point your noses almost touch.
“You’re going to be patient for me, understand?” You swallow thickly, hardly blinking as you slowly nod your head in understanding.
“Use your words.” He says tightening his grip on your wrists making you wince a little but purely out of pleasure.
“Yes, I understand...I’ll be patient.” Your words came out sounding more pathetic than you anticipated, the neediness perfectly clear in the way you spoke.
“Good girl.” Yunho purrs, biting your bottom lip before he lowers himself down your torso and settling between your legs.
You watch the way he quirks his eyebrow once his eyes meet your core which you know for a fact is soaked. He doesn’t make a comment, he simply bites his lip as he dips a finger to run along your slit again, collecting your wetness to bring it up to your clit, tracing painfully slow circles around the sensitive nub. Your breath becomes shaky again, exhaling in staggered puffs as you try to roll into his finger again needing more pressure to get any sort of relief. You hear Yunho tsk at you shaking his head a little before his free hand settles on your hip, firmly holding you down on the mattress.
“I told you Darling, be patient.” 
“But...I need more.” You whine gripping his hand on your hip trying your best to lift it just enough for you to be able to move again. You hear a small huff of a chuckle, looking down to him you watch as his other hand leaves your core completely and also settles on your hip helping him again leverage to hover over your face.
“Fine, I’ll give you more, but remember what they say...Be careful what you wish for.” Your eyes widen at his words, you really have no idea what you’ve just gotten yourself into. Seeing your wide eyes Yunho quirks an eyebrow at you with a smirk before dipping back down between your legs.
His fingers are back on you in an instant, but this time they weren’t so light. Pressing his thumb against your sensitive nub he rubs firm small circles making you yelp at the sudden stimulation. Yunho’s fingers dug into the flesh of your hip, the slight pain adding to the stimulation he was giving you. Your eyes were screwed shut and your mouth hung open slightly, heavy breaths filling the quiet room. You wanted desperately to open your eyes and talk a quick look at Yunho, to see his face, those dark eyes, to watch exactly what he was doing to you, but any time you gathered yourself together enough to even attempt it he either picked up the pace or added a bit more pressure again, making you screw your eyes shut even tighter.
The knot was already starting to slowly build and your heavy breaths turned into frequent moans and chants of please. You could hear a low hum before Yunho plunged two fingers into your soaked core, he wasn’t playing around tonight he was going straight for it. Scissoring you open first, being sure to prep you ready for later, but that was still a little while away. Your hands gripped the bed sheets to the point your knuckles turned white and high pitched moans filled the room when he started to curl his fingers, grazing your sweet spot. 
“F...Fuck.” Was all you were capable of saying, your mind gone to mush and the ability to form a coherent sentence had gone completely out the window. Picking up his rhythm the fingers inside you were now pumping into you at the same pace as his thumb circling your clit, it was mind-blowing to say the least and it had your eyes rolling back into your skull as you felt the knot quickly tighten even more threatening to snap at any given moment. 
The thrusts of his fingers were merciless, abusing your sweet spot and you clit simultaneously, you were so close to your high you could almost touch it but you needed just that little bit extra to get you there.
“You’re close Darling...Why don’t you cum for me, make a mess...go on.” His low voice and command shot straight through you, affecting you so much it had your orgasm hitting you there and then, his name leaving your lips in a flow of chants and your legs trembling uncontrollably as you tried desperately to close your legs around his hands. 
“Oh no, I’m not done with you yet.” Yunho chuckles removing his hands from your core and holding your legs open by your knees. You didn’t get a chance to recover from your orgasm before you felt his tongue lapping up your essence, licking a frim line straight up your slit and flicking your clit quickly with the tip of his tongue every time he got there. Sitting up with a yelp of overstimulation you look down to see your boyfriend’s head buried between your thighs making quick work of lapping up every last drop. 
“Yunho...So sensitive.” You cry out falling back onto the mattress squirming every time his tongue made contact with your swollen clit. You breathe out a sigh of relief when you feel his lips leave you for a moment as he lift his head up to look at you.
“You wanted more and that’s exactly what you’re getting, I told you be careful what you wish for.” And with that his lips were back on you, wrapping around your clit and sucking harshly. It took your breath away for a moment, the overwhelming sensitivity mixed with the pleasure had you falling limp, limbs trembling and feeling like jelly. 
The overstimulation started to subside and became pure bliss, Yunho’s tongue switching between long licks along your slit and quick flicks at your clit before sucking again. He knew exactly what you liked and what made you tick but at the same time he never failed to surprise you, sex with Yunho was a new experience every time. You knew it wasn’t going to be long before another orgasm started to build, the stimulation was nonstop, the overwhelming pleasure brought tears to the corner of your eyes and moans flowed from your lips uncontrollably. Yunho was highly amused at the way you became a mess because of him, you could feel his smirk against you and the puff of warm breath as he lightly chuckled to himself every time your body twitched in response to his touch. 
You didn’t get a chance to warn him how close you were this time, the orgasm hitting you full force unexpectedly making you gasp for air as every last breath was ripped from your lungs from the intensity. However, Yunho didn’t ease up on you, his quick paced licks continued over your core, once again lapping up every last bit of your essence. 
Once he was satisfied he pulled away from you giving you a small moment to recover. Your eyes open to look at him but your vision was reduced to a blur as you came down from your second orgasm. It was mere seconds before his lips crashed into yours again, his tongue wandering every inch of your mouth letting you taste yourself. You moan lightly into the kiss, your shaky fingers wandering to undo the buttons of his shirt which he allowed you to do this time. 
Yunho seemed to be desperate himself at this point, helping you unbutton his shirt and hastily removing it while his trousers and boxers follow closely behind landing in a heap on the bedroom floor to join your long forgotten dress and lingerie. You take a moment breaking away from the kiss to take a breath and to admire the sight you’d been longing to see for so long. Yunho fully exposed and hovering over you with that hungry look in his eye you’d seen many times before. You wanted to touch him so bad, no, you needed to. You wrap your fingers around his hard cock only being able to deliver two pumps before your hand was ripped away from him for the second time that night and pinned above your head.
“I want to touch you,” You pout looking at him with begging eyes, “I want to make you feel good too.” 
“You’re the one who was begging for attention, not me, so attention is what I’m giving you.” Yunho brings your other hand above your head pinning both wrists now in one hand as he uses his free one to line himself with your entrance and fully sheathing himself in side you. The stretch stung a little but it only amplified the pleasure you were already feeling, your walls fluttering around him straight away making him groan lowly. 
Not giving you a chance to adjust to the stretch, Yunho slowly started to roll his hips into yours, starting with a slow pace, mainly for himself, to keep himself composed to be able to ride this out for as long as he could. With the slow pace you could feel every vein in his cock and the way they drag along your walls, the sensation feeling like sparks of pleasure tearing through you.
The room was filled with the lewd sounds of your moans and his low groans accompanied by the sound of skin slapping skin as he gradually sped up. Your hands flexed under his grip desperately wanting to touch him but the grip he has on you make it impossible. You nudge his face with your nose catching his attention, your fucked out eyes begging him silently as you whine desperately trying to wriggle your hands out from his.
“What did I say earlier? Use your words.” Yunho growls, punctuating his command with a swift nip to your chest making you gasp in surprise.
“Please let me touch you.” You beg pathetically. “Please, please, please.”
“Since you asked so nicely.” Yunho lets go of your hands setting his own back on your hips, lifting you a little to allow his cock to reach deeper into you. Your hands flew to his shoulders the second you felt his tip graze your sweet spot, your nails digging into his skin leaving small crescent dents behind. Your mouth hung open in a silent moan. The way Yunho was now rutting into you at an ungodly speed had you constantly breathless, the pleasure every time he hit your sweet spot knocked the air from you lungs all while you tried to gasp for air at the same time. Your mind was fuzzy, all thoughts you could possibly have were non-existent the only thing present in your mind right now was Yunho and only Yunho. 
“Ah, shit.” Yunho breathes out against your neck as he feels your walls start to clench around him, another orgasm of yours building again bringing him closer to his edge. He was determined to make you cum a third time before he could even think about finishing himself even if the grip your walls had on him made it difficult. 
You were babbling complete nonsense at this point, you didn’t even know what you were trying to say to him, all you knew was your mouth was moving and sound was coming out but none of it was even close to resembling words, it was safe to say he’d fucked you dumb. Yunho slipped a hand from your hip to press his thumb to your clit, rubbing quick circles over the bud once again. You unconsciously arched into his touch, your slick body flush against his as he continued to work you closer to your high.
“Yu...C...Close.” You finally managed to say before your mind goes back to being putty.
“Cum for me Darling, I know you can do it.” His lips find your pulse point, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin pushing you even closer to your third orgasm which was seconds away from ripping through you. All it took was one last well placed thrust to have you screaming out his name, your shaking legs wrapping around his hips tightly as your whole body trembled under him.
Yunho’s pace became desperate, his thrusts speeding up even more, if that was even possible. The way your walls clenched around him like a vice had him on the edge.
“Too...Much...I can’t.” You cry out, the overstimulation now getting to be a bit too much for you to handle much longer.
“Just...A bit...Longer.” Yunho groaned out, punctuating every word with a harsh thrust that made your body tremble even more. The sweat was rolling down his temples, his hips stuttering as his high got closer and closer and his breathing heavy fanning his hot breath across your neck. Mere moments later he was burying his face him your neck, his hips stilling, his cock plunged deep inside you and his body twitching slightly as he came, shaky moans leaving him only to be muffled by your neck.
It took Yunho a minute or two to come down from his high before he pulled away from you and flopped down on the bed close to your side. There was a long silence between you as you both pant trying to get your breath back and recover from your post orgasm bliss.
“Y/n.” Yunho said quietly breaking the silence still a little breathless. You hum in response turning your head to look at him, his brows raised a bit in worry as he looked at you.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve been the last few days,” He starts, bringing his hand up to your waist stroking your skin lightly.
“Work has just been really busy and honestly, pretty shit. I get home every night and I’m so exhausted to the point I want to pass out as soon as I walk through the door.” Your hand finds his, squeezing it lightly as you look at him with a small smile.
“It’s okay, I always thought you were tired, it was just my stupid brain overthinking the blunt texts.” His eyes fall away from yours. He felt awful for making you feel that way, he didn’t even realise.
“I won’t do it again, I promise you that. You’re on my mind all day and the thought of you is what gets be through the tough days, so please never think I don’t love you or I don’t want to talk to you, I...” You silence his rambling with a sweet kiss which you could feel him melt into as his lips moved lazily against yours. You pull away to look at him, to take in every small feature, until you heard a small whine.
“Did I tell you to stop?” He complained puckering his lips again begging for more kisses. You quietly giggle at him before leaning back in giving him what he wants before pulling away again, cupping his face in your hands.
“All is forgiven and forgotten okay.” You smile at him as he nods back. “How about we get some sleep, I think you’ll need it after the last few days.” He nods again pulling the covers over the two of you before burying his face into the crook of your neck as he held you close to him.
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Tag list:   @kpopcrossworlds​​ @kpopjust4u​​ @whatudowhennooneseesyou​​​   @8tinytings​​​   @jenotation​​​ @grim-adventures58​​​   @owjohny​​   @ker1​​   @hellomingi    @queenwiinks​​​      @tinkerbell460​​   @haylstoney  
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cottagecheese1 · 2 years
Bowers gang having a athletic s/o
Henry bowers
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First of all, being fit and able to do activities with ease is definite qualification you have to be with him. Um if you can't do that, you guys aren't gonna last long. 😭
If you are not physically fit, you don't have to be to your fullest extent, but if you get tired easily he will just bitch and moan about how you can't keep up with him. 😕😥
But if you are the sporty type. He likes having you around a lot for multiple reasons, but mostly because he wants to show you off because almost none of the girls in derry are as fit as you are, and that's a flex in his mind.
It's Henry Bowers so realistically he's not gonna be there for every one of your events but he usually comes 'if I feel like it' 🤨 wdym? You thought you had a choice?
He's kinda impressed with a lot of the capabilities you have. You can be really strong or fast, he finds that really hot; and he makes sure you know that most of the time 😍
He doesn't want to talk about sports with you a lot because he feels like it would be out of place for you to talk about sports or anything masculine with him because your a woman, but he sometimes catches himself talking about football, or that baseball game last night because he can't help that he knows so much about it, and you do to, so he can't really help himself. 😭
If he's ever in private with you before or after your event he will end up having a makeout session with you for 'good luck' 🤨 we both know this isn't about the game buddy.
If your ever with belch or victor they'll toss around a football or a baseball with you once in a while (Patrick said he doesn't wanna do that with a girl so he's out of the picture rn) but they it's all fun and games till Henry shows up and feels all left out and shi. 😭
Overall he really likes you and loves how hot you are, and would end up doing a lot for you and wouldn't even realize it.
Patrick hockstetter
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Now Patrick usually wouldn't go for athletic girls or any sporty woman for multiple reasons one because they're all usually really loud and usually very school spirit and he's not trying to get all the attention drawn on him. (He's also a slight misogynist he thinks women shouldn't play sports unless your a cheerleader or something).
He liked you because you were quiet and minded your own business most of the time. Plus he likes to watch your events to if he ever caught you any where.
He's definitely the person to stare at you and immediately look away and do something else if you catch him lacking.
Oh but when he finally asked you out and you said yes, he's coming to all of your games because its just an excuse to get out of his house.
he's actually not really a huge PDA person because like I said he's not trying to get everyone to notice him, but I never said he won't do it at all. He will kiss you and grope you a little bit before you go out to play/go your turn In whatever sport you play
Loves that you're physically fit; I mean you don't have to be, but he does find it incredibly sexy the way you can move around especially if your flexible. If you ask him to help you stretch he will most likely say yes no doubt about it.
You might have to explain some things to him about the sport you play, but don't ramble about it because then he'll get bored, and act like a little bit of an asshole unfortunately. 😭
If you want him to dress up for any school spirt weeks at football games or wear anything to support you; than you have to force him to do it because ain't no way he's gonna do that on his own and go out of his way to dress up for spirt week for anything. 😮‍💨
He may act like a bit of an asshole sometimes, but only really to mess with you, he doesn't actually wanna make you upset because that means he has to go out of his way to comfort you and in his mind thats a ton of work. 😭😭
Belch huggins
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First of all he's kinda surprised you said yes when he asked you to be his girlfriend because in his eyes in a lot of perspectives he sees you as so much better than him because your athletic, and really skilled and he thinks he's like the opposite of that. (😭)
But as long as you reassure him that you love him for him than he feels a lot more confident and much better about being with you.
He likes to talk about you and the sports you do time to time he tries not to make it obvious because he knows Henry and the rest of them get tired of him talks about you but he can't help it. 😔
Anytime someone brings you up he's like "yea, that's my girlfriend lol" he loves to say it because nobody expects it at all.
If you're in private he'll rub your back or your legs if you're sore. He just wants an excuse to touch you. (He'll even use lotion if he's feeling extra generous)
You guys definitely go to homecoming together and you force him to dress up with you for spirt week. 🤩 (he secretly loves it)
He loves to drive you to your games in his Trans am, and likes to give you small sweet kisses and hugs because he it's for good luck.
He loves to watch you beat other people at sports and watch how skilled you actually are, and likes to bring it up if you're having an off day just to prove how much he actually pays attention to you and loves you.
If you specifically like one sport and you constantly talk about a team that you like. He'll buy you and him tickets to that certain event. He loves to see how excited you get and give him lots of kisses to prove how much you love him for doing that for you.
He loves a lot, and is intrigued with you half the time because of how mobile you are and how skilled and focused you can be on one thing.
Victor criss
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He's so quiet the only reason you knew about him was because he was apart of the bowers gang and he always stared at you in class and in the hall ways or maybe at your sporting events.
He gave you a note that said
I really like you. Do you wanna go on a date?
Yes □
No □ :)
You thought it was adorable and you said yes; you met up with him at the diner and he started talking about how much he likes you and thinks your the best on your team, plus he said he thinks you're really pretty 😍 (brownie points ig)
He's not a big pda or loud person, so he's always silently cheering you on, and will give you soft kisses in private but not in public. Not because he's embarrassed of you he just doesn't like everyone looking at him.
Definitely touching you in private doesn’t even have to be sexual he just likes to hold you and feel your body and traces your muscles, or lay on your thighs, and rub them; definitely ends up falling asleep like that when you start playing with his hair, and stroking his back.
He's good boyfriend so he gets you water and snacks during break because he loves you.
Overall he's such a sweetheart in private and may be a little conservative in public, but he does care about you, and finds you fascinating. 😍
A/n: this took 2 days but my request are always open, and I'm posting a masterlist so you can pick anyone you want in that category, so make sure to check that out! 💗
●●●●● Masterlist ●●●●●
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larcenywrites · 8 months
Raising Kids Together | Headcanons
young!Tony Stark x Reader
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Warnings: very mild sexual references
Family Series: 1 2 3
💠Somehow, you've both survived newborns and terrible 2's, but now your once tiny babies are causing not-so-tiny chaos! Even Tony can hardly keep up with them!
💠If you two have been in a room together for a while, it means no one has been watching the boys, and that you're probably about to hear yelling, breaking, or you need to go on a hunt around the house for them 🙃 you can hardly have any time alone without something happening! Just when you think you're both getting into bed early, and perhaps with a few frisky kisses 😘, they're busting through door and climbing on the bed, or it sounds like one was thrown out of bed and is now screaming for both of you 😥 Either way, it has Tony flopping back to his pillow in defeat and groaning right along with them.
💠After a quick pout, though, he usually tells you to get some rest and he'll go check it out 🥺 with one more kiss before he goes 🥺 but even though he told you to stay, it's nice to sneak over and watch him put the kids back to bed ❤ 
💠And catch him on the way out 😏
💠But for the most part, the boys are really good kids! And Tony is still settling into his role as a dad, but besides the occasional pouting he's become a very good parent! And definitely nothing like his own father when Tony was that age. In fact, he welcomes their interruptions when he's on the phone or doing paperwork at home 🥰 you've probably found them preferring to play with their cars in his office and right along his desk, or even asking to their nap in there! You can't tell if he's so tolerant because he's a loving pushover, or if parenthood suddenly granted him all that patience and goodwill 🤨
💠But he does get a little snappy when he's working on a car or a machine. Please don't touch anything! Or break anything! Or wander out of sight! But he does let them "help out" by handing him tools or sorting through and separating varying sizes of nails in the toolbox... yay?
Hey, at least it keeps them distracted for a while-- for both your sakes! Sometimes there are things that need to be done without so many distractions, and the boys love spending time bothering with their parents! It's a good problem to have, but not when they're literally wrestling on top of dad while he's just trying to watch the nightly news, or when they're throwing socks at each other on laundry day 😐
💠But despite it all, the two of you manage to get every day done 😊
💠Except the first time you're ever gone for a few days, or heaven forbid a week or more, and he's in charge of watching the kids... by day 3 they're all just going feral. The tv hasn't even been turned off once, Tony is probably trying to figure out how to get mud out of the carpet, and
💠"Daddy, can we have another popsicle?"
💠"...sure, bring me one too." This is everyone's third popsicle, and dinner has consisted of chicken nuggets and macaroni every night. And probably lunch too... but breakfast is probably cereal and hopefully fruit? Tony can cook a little bit, but he's both tired and too much of a pushover. If that's what they want, then he wants to give it to them! But the only reason they aren't all sick by the time you get home is probably because his mother either stopped by and found out, or Tony realized he's actually really bad at this on his own and needed her help :( And not without a quick scolding that you wish you'd caught when Maria called to tell you all about it 🤧
💠Honestly, the kids are probably partly acting out because you're gone, and they know that Tony is distracted and a pushover... well, at least they're adorable! And maybe it shows that you both need some more parenting tips 😅
💠You'd think it'd be easier when they're at school all day, but Tony insisted on hiring tutors to homeschool the kids, at least for now, but while that sounded like a decent plan, sometimes the boys try to homeschool the teacher instead 😅 sometimes they know more than she does after reading the entire textbook in their free time and would rather learn ahead now, and sometimes they're busy teaching her all about Dragon Ball Z lore between lessons! So now you guys still have them all day, (or just you when Tony is at work), but at least they aren't bothering you for once 😌 the teacher loves it though! Her listening and playing along takes a lot off of your plate, and it's good for the kids :)
💠But you don't get much time once the teacher leaves. They get their assignments done within minutes, and as soon as the teacher leaves (well, sometimes), they're reenacting Godzilla vs King Kong in the living room for the 20th time, except this time it somehow ties into the American Revolution? And then they're outside digging holes all evening because they can't remember where they buried Darth Vader. And then they have to fill those holes. And then when Tony tries to get them inside, he either ends up helping them or they end up wrestling him to the ground!
💠That's pretty much every day 😅 Except for when they go to the park! Tony is kinda like everyone's big brother when they go, pretty much every Sunday afternoon! They all get socialized, Tony gets some sun for once, and you can decide to stay home and get some alone time for a few hours
💠Tony doesn't even know anything about sports! Yet he's out there playing baseball and basketball, and teamed up with Rhodey, their ridiculous rules and silly requirements make everyone laugh, which makes them both pretty popular with all the kids! And unfortunately for Tony, a little too popular with the moms and older siblings… maybe it's time for a ring around that finger.
💠Either way, they get tired out by the evening, and also covered in dirt and a new bruise or two! After a bath the kids usually put themselves to bed 😴 and your kids being fast asleep means you get to join Tony for his bath 😏 except for the days he sneaks brings Rhodey home 😑 who's also tired and probably falls asleep on your couch after dinner...
💠If the kids let him! They absolutely love dad's best friend! But unfortunately, however, you can never get him to babysit for longer than a few hours 😔 Come on, Rhodes, weren't you Tony's roommate? Surely you can handle this :/
💠But when you both need a break from all this? Send them to spend the night with the grandparents for the weekend! They seem to behave a little better, and they seem to have fun just being in a different environment! The only time they start being terrors is when you and Tony have both been on vacation, and it makes them a little cranky after 3-4 days :(
💠And if you take them with you? They'll be asking to go back home after 3-4 days 😓 Unless you go to Disney World. Then they'll be pitching a fit when it's time to leave, but honestly you guys are probably upset too 😭 and it probably ends up being just one more day… and somehow in that one day they'll manage to drag every pillow and blanket onto the floor for you to pick up. Again.
💠And again, at least they're adorable :) Just like Tony, it gets them out of trouble more times than you'd care to admit 🥰 And they know it 🥰 Especially when they either stick up for each other or just straight up admit to it... with big ol' eyes and sorries 🥺 or apologize to each other without even being told to 🥺 
They really are good kids! They just get carried away with the fun and the chaos! It's a Stark thing 😘 And just like their dad, they'll eat up the attention and kisses 🥰 In fact, they've already learned to be manipulative little shits and hide behind Maria in order to avoid getting in trouble, because she'll be too busy doting on them 😑 
💠You can't even trust Jarvis! He'll even tell the boys to hide and will damn well keep their location a secret! But he's allowed to have his fun! He did the same thing with little Tony! He just misses those days! However, when the coast is clear, Jarvis does sit them down and gently scolds them. He'll hear their side of the story too, of course! Even if it just because they don't wanna go home, and are being annoying by hiding from their parents. Usually after a quick talk, they come right back to you! Suddenly all gentle-natured and apologizing 🙄 but... how could you stay mad :( 
💠Definitely not Tony when he's already packing them over his shoulders and spinning them around! And luckily, they're too busy laughing to protest being packed into the car 😮‍💨
💠And let's be honest, seeing him be so good with the kids is really fucking hot 😏😘
💠But if you're hugging and kissing on Tony... the boys have to be involved in it, too x) 
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Family series: 1 2 3
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 84... You have been warned...! 👌
(How do you keep on doing it Endo?! 😵)
But, before I start discussing this chapter, I'd like to say something about what happened in the fandom recently...
If anyone here is unaware, an account by the name of shinybluebirdwizard deactivated their account after being harassed for answering an ask about who they thought Anya loved more... Thinking back on the post, to me it felt like shinybluebirdwizard's answer was more of a joke then anything super serious, but we'll never really know for sure... As of right now, my biggest hope is that Shiny is doing alright and will one day return to the fandom... But, I also completely understand if they decide that they don't want to ever come back either... All I can truly ask for now from this fandom is to be kinder to one another and not be at each other's throats for a difference of opinion...
Anyway, let's get back to the review shall we...?
We start where we basically left of at in Mission 83, with Wheeler cornered by Nightfall and another agent...!
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Wheeler tries to convince Nightfall to let him go and that he doesn't have the documents, but of course, it doesn't work and the other agent subdues Wheeler and finds the documents...! Wheeler tries one more time to persuade Nightfall in letting him go, but she knows that he may have the documents memorized, so Wheeler will be imprisoned... But then...:
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Wheeler tells Nightfall to drop her gun or he'll break the other agent's neck, then exchange happens between Wheeler and Nightfall:
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Damn...! 😲 Does anyone else feel like Wheeler was being a little flirty with Nightfall...? 👀 No? Just me...? Okay... 🤷
Anyway, Wheeler escapes into the sewers and Nightfall goes to pursue him...! Then, um... Nightfall has this thought of if she were to ever die, and well...:
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Oh, Nightfall... 😌 No words can describe the amount of crazy you are...! 😏
After... THAT...! We catch back up with Twilight after his brutal fight with Yuri...:
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Twilight tries to get out of the sewers, but he overhears some footsteps and decides to be cautious... But then, the footsteps stop, and Twilight is unsure of where they were coming from... When suddenly...
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After Wheeler's initial attack, Twilight tries to convince him that he's with the SSS...
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...But it doesn't work...
Then, Wheeler figures out that this must be Twilight in disguise and says this to him:
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We cut back to Nightfall as she hears some fighting in the sewers, but when she finds where it's coming from, she sees this: 😰
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As Nightfall is shocked and stunned by what she sees, Wheeler proceeds to remove Twilight's mask, when...:
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and that's how the chapter ends, and HOO BOY...!! That chapter was INTENSE!! 😰 Especially at the end...!! 😥 And I know that this arc isn't over with just yet, but... I think that this might my new favorite arc of the series...!! 😆
The only thing that kind of confused me in this chapter was the part Nightfall was like: "No no no, that's Yuri Briar. He's no friend of mine!" and started saying "That's Yuri Briar" over and over again... I believe that was her starting realize that was Twilight on the ground defeated, but I don't know for sure...! 🤷 In any case, this chapter was still amazing and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next one to drop...!! 😆
Lastly, I'm sorry to anyone that just came here to read my review, but it was very important to me to talk about what happened to shinybluebirdwizard...
I was raised to treat others how I wanted to be treated, so whenever I see how mean people can be sometimes, it truly breaks my heart... We don't have to agree on everything, but we can at least try to be respectful to someone else's opinion... And if that means not interacting with them at all, then by all means, avoid them at all costs... But the one thing that I wish for the most is for everyone to be more kind and understanding of one another...! And then maybe, something like this won't again...
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say and I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of y'alls day...! Take care, be safe out there and be kinder to one another...! 💗 Later...! 👋
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revasserium · 1 year
Hello, hello! I would like to request a drabble with Leona Kingscholar and the prompt, "after a gunshot wound" + fem! reader, please. Make the ending happy, please. I can't stand sad endings.😥 Thanks!
reqs are open :) @savanaclaw1996
after a gunshot wound (mafia!au for my 31 days of aus)
leona; 2,147 words; angst w/ a happy ending bc... u just said that the end had to be happy, right? lol; also cw for blood and guns
clean hands.
no one would mistake him for a murderer, not by the soft of his hands, the tenderness of palms, but as he tears off his ruined gloves with his teeth, the blood still warm and dripping even as it coagulates against his skin, he wonders what the world might think if only they knew the truth — that being a prince to a dying empire also means courting death.
and he has never been one to fuss over keeping his own hands clean.
unlikely savoir.
if you were to ask him why he saved you, why you of all people, leona doesn’t think he’d be able to find an answer. because the answer — the true answer — is far too pedantic: that his body moved before his mind could catch up. that before he really knew what he was doing, he was already at your side.
“this… isn’t how things are supposed to go —” you cough, feeling the pain ricochet through your whole body from the base of your spine, the side of your waist wrapped in layers and layers of bandages.
“yeah, i know,” he says, one leg propped on the other, his hair twisted in a hasty braid, tossed over his far shoulder. he’s cleaning a gun — one of his favorites, an old smith and wesson 29 — wiping down the sides and the handle with a meticulousness that people would never usually associate him with.
“daddy always said —”
“— that if you needed more than six shots to kill someone… you’d probably end up dead first,” leona finishes, a smirk quirking his lips as his hands pause over the glinting metallic barrel. “i remember… he taught me too.”
you sigh and lay back on the pristine white sheets, staring up at the hospital’s linoleum ceiling.
“do you miss him?” you ask, not really looking at him.
“what kinda question is that?” he asks, and his voice is a low, seismic rumble, almost too quiet to hear.
“it… you should’ve… i mean —” your words catch in your throat and your hand shoots up to cover your mouth, almost dislodging the iv hooked up to the back. leona tuts before gently tugging your hand back down.
“i should’ve saved him? bullshit — he’d kill me himself if he got outta there and you didn’t.”
“but —”
“shh… don’t think about that… you need to rest.”
you’re vaguely aware of the buzzing warmth spreading through your limbs from your right arm before your eyes fall shut and your breathing evens out once more.
by the door, ruggie cocks his head.
“when’re you gonna tell her, boss?”
leona slates him a dark look, “when she’s ready to hear it.”
not where but when.
“mr. kingscholar, back again today?”
“yes, room —”
“i know the one, sir. uhm… it’s just —”
the nurse purses her lips, her eyes flickering from leona’s deadpan face to the room down the hall, the lights always kept low, the blinds always drawn.
“just say it already.”
the nurse jumps at leona’s voice, but she swallows and nods.
“it’s almost been… a whole year now… don’t you think we should move her to the longterm ward? the rooms are bigger up there — and there’s more natural light — i’m sure she would —”
“no. that one’s fine. and… she can’t be moved.”
he doesn’t look up as the nurse nods tersely, watching as he makes his way to the end of the hallway, the last door on the right. he takes a breath as he stands in the doorway, his eyes catching on your sleeping form.
he pulls a revolver from his pocket, drops into the seat next to you, turns down the dial for your sleeping drugs, and slowly starts to clean.
when you wake up this time, your eyes are a little bit clearer, but your gaze is still unfocused when they land on him.
“l-leona? wh-what happened?”
“you were shot,” he says, matter of fact as he turns his eyes back to his gun.
“yeah… i feel that. but… where… when…” you frown, trying to feel along the side of your body where the bandages are. they feel stiff, and somehow, the pain is too far away. leona tuts as he tugs your hand away.
“don’t mess with your bandages — you’ll never heal properly that way.”
you purse your lips as your hand goes slack in his.
“you got… new gloves.”
“huh? yeah — course i did. i couldn’t keep my old ones.”
you nod, letting your head fall back onto the pillows, staring up at the barren landscape of the hospital room ceiling.
“i… i want to go home.”
leona goes still, his whole body feeling like a wound spring, his stomach clenching inside him as he stares at the gun in his hands. he has to curl his fingers into his palm to stop himself from shaking.
“ye-yeah. we’ll get you home. i promise.”
“when?” you ask, turning towards him, your eyes wide and hopeful.
he casts you a smile, and somehow, even after all this, it’s the bravest thing he’s ever had to do.
time warp.
“you can’t keep doing this.”
“the fuck i can’t.”
“boss — it’s not fair —”
“don’t talk to me about fair —”
ruggie winces as leona’s fist smacks into the punching bag, nearly knocking it completely sideways as he lets out a frustrated snarl, ripping off his boxing gloves.
ruggie takes a deep breath, “it’s been almost two years. the hospital bills alone are getting insane —”
“so what? it’s not like we’re strapped for cash —”
“but how’s this doing either of you any good? i mean —”
“oh, you think i want this? you think i enjoy this fifty first dates shit? this… this — weird, time-warp where every time i go to see her i’ve gotta pretend that — that everything’s just happened? that i’m not the reason she’s in that bed to begin with?!”
leona’s chest is heaving by the time he finishes, his face pushed up against ruggie’s almost nose to nose. and still, ruggie steels himself to hold his ground.
“you’re not the real reason she’s in that bed.”
“i was the one who shot her!”
“you were the one who saved her.”
leona shakes his head, sinking his now-bare fist into the punching bag once more. ruggie chews on his bottom lip, resisting the urge to turn tail and run. but he’s had enough running for a lifetime — this at least, is something he needs to do.
“she — she deserves to know,” he says.
but leona only swallows and shakes his head.
“i… i don’t know how to tell her.” and it’s the first time that he’s admitted it to himself, out loud at least. and even the words are crippling — the breath seeps from him as he sinks down against the wall, letting his head thunk back, his hair falling loose from it’s haphazard ponytail.
“well…” ruggie says, joining him on the ground, casting his eyes up as well, a light grin pulling at his lips, “you start with one word, and then the next… and then sometime after that, it should get easier.”
and try as he might, leona can’t help the laugh that stumbles up and out of his throat — torn from him almost like ripping off a scab, leaving him feeling red and raw and restless. he shakes his head, letting his shoulder bump against ruggie’s.
“you’re a shit best friend.”
ruggie smiles, “and you’re a shit boss. but hey — we can’t have everything, can we?”
the first time.
and the next time he goes to see you, he tells himself that it’s the last time he’ll do this. but when he walks into your room, it’s to find you already awake, staring up at the ceiling. when he breaches the threshold of the room, your eyes slide over to settle on him, and a faint smile graces your lips.
“hey you.”
leona blinks.
“uh — h-hey… did the sleep drugs wear off?” he can feel his heartbeat thrumming a too-quick baseline at the back of his throat and he wonders if one of the nurses had screwed up your daily doses of anesthesia.
“they must’ve… what time is it?” you look around for a clock in the room. there isn’t one but leona looks around with you.
“not that late,” he says, dropping into the chair next to your bed, “are you… hungry?”
“starved,” you say, laughing as you try to sit up and he reaches out to wrap an arm around your shoulders. you’d never been fragile, not even when you were a tiny little girl, but just now beneath his hands, he laments at how breakable you seem.
“i dunno if you’d like any of the hospital food but… i could try paging for one of the nurses.”
“no, it’s okay. the only good stuff at a hospital is the jello anyway.”
leona laughs, nodding as he props you up on a pile of pillows, sitting back and staring at you in mixed awe and trepidation. it’s the most he’s heard you say in… god — years? years. and he can’t help marveling at the sound of your voice, just as sure and strong as it’s always been. he used to jam a finger in his ears and yell that you were too loud but now, he thinks he’d like nothing more than to fall asleep to it, just to hear it and hear it and keep on hearing it.
“then… how about we get outta here later and i take you to a proper dinner?”
your smile is sweet and just on the other side of teasing.
“leona kingscholar. are you asking me on a date?”
he sighs, shaking his head, pressing his thumb and forefinger to the top of his nosebridge as he pinches.
“yeah — sure, if that’s what you want to think.”
you regard him for a moment before you drop your gaze to the back of your hand, the iv needle still taped firmly in place.
“i’m… not quite sure what to think… i mean — what’s a girl supposed to think of a guy who’s been lying to her for the past two years?”
leona feels his whole body go cold, but you’re still smiling as you look at him, your hands folded neatly in your lap. so, he forces himself to move, to lean forward and reach for your hands, and when you don’t stop him, he doesn’t question why your touch feels a little bit like salvation. why you’ve always kind of felt like that to him.
“i — i’m sorry.”
“i know… i know you are,” you reach up to tug at the ends of his hair, “it’s gotten way longer y’know… it’s one of the things that gave it away.”
he laughs, the sound both helpless and mercifully light as it spills from him.
“shit… i should’ve known it’d be the hair. you always were so damn obsessed with it.”
and when he looks up, it’s to find your cheeks tinted with a color he hasn’t seen in two long years and it takes everything inside him not to reach out and press his palm to it, to reach out and catch it, to save it and cup it close to his chest like a firefly’s dying light.
“can you blame me? you’ve got gorgeous hair,” you say, even now running your fingers through it and he lets himself sink to the sanctity of your touch.
“so… i guess i owe you an explanation,” he says, finally looking up as your hand drops and he bites down the urge to grab it and press it back to the side of his face, to kiss at the patch just inside your wrist.
“yes, that’d be nice,” you say, your voice as casual as it is light, and he knows, even before he starts speaking that he is forgiven, and it’s all he could’ve ever, ever hoped and prayed for.
you, alive; him, forgiven.
and, given those circumstances, he thinks that he really has no other reason to keep on deflecting anyways. so, leona takes a deep breath and tries to remember ruggie’s words — one word, and then the next —
“so two years ago… your dad came to tell me that there was going to be a coup…”
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kel-lance · 20 days
JJK Mafia Au (JJK x Reader) PART 5
- TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Breeding, Ownership, Gaslighting, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more toxic sh.
AN: It’s my birthday! And I think this is my favorite chapter so far.
I hate to ask though I’m still struggling with the unemployment (got fired from a big bank bc of protesting months ago), the gov rn is holding my weekly needs so I’m about to get evicted next month. If you could donate anything I’d really really appreciate it 😥😥 I had to give away two of my cats already and I’m heartbroken abt it but they’ll have better homes at least. Thanks for reading.
PayPal: appleg0d Cashapp-$taa10t Venmo- taakt17
“Hey aren’t you supposed to be watching me or something?” You tailed behind this silver haired twink and wondered if he was taking his mission seriously. Was he not afraid of Gojo? Did you get raped by /another/ lowley member of society?
He ignores you and keeps walking down the hall. You stop and wonder if he’ll notice if you were gone. Maybe he was hoping on it, but then you would be out in the open. It may not be such a big deal if it were just a few days ago, but this huge mess was someone's fault, and it couldn’t be yours, could it?
He turns the corner and you swear you saw him glare at you before disappearing. You were now left alone in this large walkway. What the fuck do you do? Before you were fine, you lived for years on your own, but right now you needed someone to tell you what to do.
What the hell was going on? This was “just mafia life”? Or generally being reduced down to just a woman? You backed into the wall and let yourself think for once, while everything was happening, you turned your brain off to survive. Would the days worth of torture and change be too much for you?
You didn’t have to think about that before. Maybe once or twice, but that was when you knew the Gojo and Zenin gangs’ turf. You don’t remember if you’ve seen any of them before, while living normally. Of course most of them looked like anyone else. Without their faces of death, they just looked like regular people.
“What are you doing all alone?” Your eyes shot toward the direction of the new voice. It was pretty, almost melodic as it bounced around the empty hall.
A young man walks towards you, his presence almost indescribable. His smile and looming height were welcoming, but his eyes and dark features, you could read them well. You almost wished Inumaki hadn’t ditched, though you couldn't tell if he could save you from this new character.
“?” He stops in front of you, crossing his arms, still smiling. “I asked you a question.” Fixing his stance, he trapped you by leaning in, as you hadn’t left your spot against the cold wall.
“What? Have you been hanging around Inumaki or something?” He grabs hold of your face, pulling it up, forcing your attention to him. “Speak.” He smiled.
You were tired of this, grabbing back at his arm, you really tried to pull it off of you. Strength would be an issue, but you knew how to use the rest of your body. Jumping up, your wrap your legs around his waist, taking this as a chance to catch him by surprise, hopefully with your weight you were hoping to throw him off his feet. Sadly, you wouldn’t get further than this, as the risky move really costed you.
The dude held you at the waist, locking you in with his grip. His face annoyed, or was it more bored? What was with these guys/ How do they just do this for fun?? You freeze again, you could feel it. “No,” You say. “Please I’m so tired.”
He only looks at you, fear set in deep in your chest though you still didn’t know who this weirdo was. He was as scary as if you knew who Sukuna was in that alley. Exactly who he was and knew what he and did to you. The bulge in his pants getting bigger as you trashed trying to get away, but he just pushed you further into his core.
“My cousin? He didn’t even mean it.” He closes the gap between you two, pressing your chests together, one hand holding you up just by your ass, the other on your back keeping you close, your heartbeat uncontrollable now. “Ill show you what yearning’s really like.” And with that he starts to walk, bringing you back to the living quarters, finding your new/designated room.
“I’ve probably known you longer than any of these idiots, and you let my cousin get to you...” His sweet voice gave the same tone as a knife being sharpened. “When I knew you first.” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“You can think long and hard, but I remember what happened to you 2 years ago. And what about what happened 5 years ago, and I have to mention how cute you looked in glasses.” You sank into yourself, your entire being wanted to disappear. He knew? How did he know? You haven’t worn glasses since high school. And those events, no one would ever have been able to know about.
He brings you to the bed and keeps a hand on you, holding you down with just his hips to yours. God you couldn't do it again. Everything hurt, seriously youd wish they'd be able to knock you out and just let you deal with their mess after, but you knew he wasn’t gonna be merciful with you.
His grip hurt. It’s like he was a spoiled child told to wait, and now that he has his present and he just couldn’t wait to tear it apart. The more you squirmed, the more strength he applied. Pinning you further into the bed, and everytime youd move away from his sloppy desperate kisses, he’d actually create a fist and hit you in the face, making it easier for him to continue. You noticed he was getting angry around the 5th hit, “How could you let Gojo so easily when I wanted you first?!”
The door opens and Inumaki walks in. “Toge help!” You tried. At this point your lip and nose were bleeding. Your head was pounding with the way he was just playing with you, strangling you for a few seconds and then kissing you everywhere, praising you for the noises you made. The next few could’ve knocked you out so he had resorted to punching at your arms and legs, adding pain to every movement you could manage after the breath play.
“Don’t be such a whore.” He kept you pinned to the bed. “You don’t have to worry about him, he’s been keeping watch.” Your tears flowed into the bed, you couldn’t take this anymore. How many people were just going to use you or watch? It could /always/ be worse you thought. They could be doing a lot worse, but the inconsideration to your liveliness was killing you. The freedom you made for yourself was taken just because a man said so. You were more than frustrated, it was enough to let go of the mans arms finally, though your vision blurred through your tears, you could tell he was smiling at you.
“What’s wrong dove, have you finally figured out what you are?”
You look away, your eyes finding Toge’s. His purple irises shifted to the floor, not trying to look at you. He looked more upset than annoyed. Almost like he knew he couldn’t do anything to help anyway, he had no control over his friend. You just wished someone could stop all this already.
“Good thing he’s here, huh, or else something bad could happen to you.” He laughs and tells the other man to bring the rope, you’re a scratcher. If anything, he’s also seen what you’ve done to others who’ve underestimated you.
You give little resistance, knowing they’re not afraid to rough you up more to continue. ‘Skinny’ bound your hands together, and sits you at the head of the bed, holding your arms above your head. He was sitting up while having your head and upper body laying on his lap.
Not even a second later your clothes were around your ankles, and pulled above your chest. You were fully exposed, you try to pull your knees together. What actually made you give up was how silent they got. They weren’t taunting you right now and that terrified you, that they had a plan and seemed like they were sticking to it. At that point you just let them do whatever they wanted as the other stared with anticipation.
Yuta couldn’t wait anymore, the sight of you already had him eager. He’s waited years for you, staying low, continuing his mind games as his world didn’t agree with taking in outsiders, he could only work around you to learn about you, and who knows when this obsession started. His hands were all over you, grabbing, pulling, pinning, hitting you all over to let you feel the yearning he had for you.
"Ugh, seriously..." You were better than he thought. He growls under his breath, biting onto his finger, trying to hold himself back. Toge held your arms and torso down, more so held you in place as Yuta’s big hands laid another assault on your bare ass. He gives you no warning and aligns his pulled out tip to your hole and slowly shoves the head in.
Staying like that for a moment you were terrified if he was going to start going crazy on you. This position especially was going to hurt if he can’t put you in correct bindings already, your wrists hurt, your face hurt, you were about to hurt was all they were telling you.
“Hey, why haven’t you ever noticed me?”
“Answer him.”
“I just met you today, I don’t know you.” The words just flew out your mouth. That gave you no time as he shoved himself a tiny bit more inside, heightening the fear and pit in your stomach he was starting to reach.
“Why did it take this long for you to be under me?” “What took you so long?” It felt like he was growing bigger inside you.
“Answer him.”
“I don’t know you!” You could feel yourself squeezing around him.
His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to keep his composure. He almost busted from just the look you had but the extra pressure just made him want to start trusting and never stop. Instead he had to hold it together, just a little longer… “You know my girlfriend hates you. She’s someone who gets jealous over anything. “
He leans closer, picking up your chin to face him as he devours you with his eyes. “She waits for me everyday while I think about you. It was at first sight.”
“Hey, what do you think of me?” His eyes almost lit up as he asked that. “Hey, look at me.” You really just wanted them to get it over with already. This is dragging out so much longer it feels even worse than being at Sukuna’s weird mansion quarters or whatever it was.
“I told her you were just some bitch. I couldn’t care less about some stupid slut who lived on the streets.” His breathing and heart beat were quickening, hopefully this would be over. “I had to lie every time just to keep you close. It was to shut her up, bc your existence drives us both crazy.”
His drawn out sigh and uncontrollable convulsions came quick. He hadn’t even put the whole thing in. Wait that wasn’t the whole thing?? You look down and Jesus Christ it was half.
From this angle you must’ve been your tightest. At least you knew it made everything feel bigger, or was it just so close to your sweet spot that your body spawned back a bit, bucking into his release. “Hm?” He gave you a smile, “What was that just now? Did you just try to fuck me back?” He comes faces to face with you as he’s still releasing, giving you an awful smirk before kissing you again.
He was large alright, but not like the men in their 30’s. You swear after a certain age their dicks start to gain weight. The quiet one gently shoves Yuta’s upper body off yours so he could flip you, having you face his hard on directly. His dark haired friend loves the sight and says, “Suck him off, whore.” He pushes his hips fully into yours, connecting you three. He’d pushed your head down, having you throat his friend so far,your entire face was smothered by his hot skin.
He pulls you up and hisses, his whole body lightly twitching. Yuta groans, pushing your head back down on him as he rammed into you from behind. He was the only one moving all of you, creating a rough motion to pleasure everyone at the same time. If it were under different circumstances this would be so fun and hot, but you’ve read about the last few chapters, thank god it’s a fantasy. “This is just a fantasy.”
Your loud moans vibrate around his cock, driving him wild. His grip on your hair tightening as each fit drove you back into him. The other one grabs at your legs, pulling out and flipping you over, fully letting his partner come into you. God it was a sight, but the dark haired man didn’t flip you over just for that.
- then toge leaves to stand watch outside and god you were actually scared of yuta.
- he was as cruel as toji but disconnected as choso, there wasn’t even a reason for this he just knew he could so he did. He was merciless, you felt like you were about to pass out multiple times until he hit you back to life.
- he started to get mad that this was the best he’s ever had and now doesn’t want to share. He doesn’t want you off on your own because stuff like this happens.
- He gets mad at you for being so much better than he thought/better than his girlfriend. His gf doesn’t help him forget about you either. You were drilled into his head before he even met her, which definitely drove her crazy.
- And where were you this whole time (it’s rhetorical he’s been with you the whole time.)
- He blames you for this happening and now that he’s gotta breed you to make you his. He doesn’t care about the plan, he doesn’t care about anything else, you were in his grasp and he was never going to let it be so close again. He wanted you and was going to ruin everything for all 3 clans if it meant you two could finally run away together.
- he cuts in you and bites you and hits you a few times and you cry and he looks disgusted and leaves. Again he’s only known the idea of you. He’s used to seeing glimpses, staring from a far, hoping to hear lips of your voice, your laugh, even to start setting up cameras in places he knew you’d frequent. But as of right now, you’re his and he has work to do. He’s gotta make sure this stays his.
- leaving you with Nanami who starts cleaning you. (Next chapter?)
- Gojo’s hospitality is sure shit, he tells Shoko and others that if he didn’t order it then they’re not to help you. You didn’t think anyone here could have a heart, well with this line of business it was going to end up awful anyway, but you really couldn’t have told that this blond stoic, even scary looking man was the gentlest person who’ve known this entire few months of hell.
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