#online water bill payment
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Discover How to Easily Check Your Consumer Number in the Water Bill. Visit payRup blog for a step-by-step guide and helpful tips. Empower yourself with the knowledge to access your consumer number hassle-free and stay on top of your water bill management.
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rechargezap · 1 year
Comparing Online Platforms: Where To Pay Your Water Bill Easily And Securely
In an era of digital convenience, managing utility bills has become simpler than ever. Rechargezap.in, a leading online platform, is setting new standards for hassle-free and secure water bill payment online. With a focus on ease of use, security, and customer satisfaction, Rechargezap.in is revolutionizing the way people pay their water bills.
As water utilities transition to the online realm, users are presented with a plethora of choices for paying their water bills. However, not all platforms offer the same level of convenience and security. This is where Rechargezap.in stands out. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, Rechargezap.in ensures that paying water bills is not only convenient but also safe.
Rechargezap.in offers a seamless experience for users seeking to pay their water bills online. The platform's intuitive design guides users through the payment process step by step, making it suitable for all levels of tech-savviness. Users can easily access their water bill details, view payment history, and initiate payments with just a few clicks.
Security is a top priority for Rechargezap.in. The platform employs advanced encryption methods to safeguard users' financial information. In addition, Rechargezap.in integrates multi-factor authentication, ensuring that only authorized users can access and complete water bill payments.
One of the standout features of Rechargezap.in is its commitment to environmental sustainability. By promoting online water bill payment, the platform contributes to reducing paper waste associated with traditional billing methods. Users can play their part in conserving resources by opting for paperless transactions through Rechargezap.in.
"Rechargezap.in is dedicated to providing a seamless and secure experience for users looking to pay their water bill payment online. We understand the importance of convenience and safety in today's digital landscape of Rechargezap.in. "Our platform simplifies the process while prioritizing data security, allowing users to manage their water bills with peace of mind."
When it comes to comparing online platforms for water bill payment, Rechargezap.in emerges as a frontrunner. With its user-centric approach, commitment to security, and eco-friendly practices, Rechargezap.in offers a reliable solution for pay water bill online. To experience the convenience and security firsthand, visit https://rechargezap.in/ today.
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itstartedin1989 · 4 months
emergency commissions!
so, me and my family are currently struggling with money. we've been struggling for a while now and have been able to barely make ends meet, but are especially in need now. we have some late utility and credit card bills and today they cut our water service.
i myself am unemployed and have been struggling to find a full or part time job for a while, so i opened commissions in order to make some money to compensate for the lack of income. however, i didnt have any previous artistic online presence and have yet to grow one in order to get commissions rolling in. this wasn't a big deal before, but like i said, we are in need and money is tight now more than ever.
with that being said... i do have a goal i would like to reach. since i dont live by myself, this is pretty lenient, but i still felt like it was a safe bet. the goal i have in mind is of around $250-300 usd, which is the overall cost of the late bills.
my commissions info post is pinned to my profile (you can also just access it here), but i'll give a rough summary. keep in mind that, since this is for an emergency, i'll be requiring 75% upfront of the total cost, if not paid in full, contrary to the standard 50% or full as stated in my commissions info post. i will also be sorting the queue by order of confirmation of payment. all payments via paypal.
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bust sketch $30, colored $45
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half body sketch $45, colored $60
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full body sketch $75, colored $89
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additional character +50% base price per character. background ranges from +$10-25 depending on complexity.
i also do furry art. same price rates.
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i dont draw explicit nsfw or heavy gore, complicated mecha or anything discriminating.
any kind of help will be greatly appreciated, whether you get a commission slot or simply reblog and share with friends who may be interested.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Yknow I don't think I've... talked about the absolute smorgasbord of shit what's gone wrong with my condo since I moved in so
day 0 - hadn't moved in yet, was just moving items over, turned the sink on for just a moment. turns out the tube feeding into the sink faucet was full of holes (how???) and this caused a never-ending leak under the sink. the standing water rotted the baseboard under the sink
still day 0 - said leak and water accrual dripped down and damaged downstairs neighbor's ceiling ($$$). she has to call me to tell me about it.
I have to get a plumber out there next day (still not living there yet! empty place! I have to take off work). While waiting for plumber, I discover heat's not working.
Go to basement to investigate boiler. Seller didn't fix the issue they claimed they fixed.
Plumber looks at sink. Declares it full of holes. Says he can come back in a few days to fix it.
(Plumber postpones, then flakes. I chase down a different plumber.)
Plumber 2 says the issue is with the garbage disposal, not the faucet. Can come back x days later to work on that, and the boiler.
Plumber 2 comes back x days later (I have to take off work again), says "oh the disposal was messed up but also the faucet has holes." Says he can come back maybe the NEXT day with a new faucet
Oh also the smoke detector in the back hall is low battery beeping and I don't have a battery for it. It's constant, every minute on the minute.
I bike to a hardware store and buy a faucet and a battery ($$). Get lost on the way home. (All of this back and forth is by bike. I live in the city and do not have a car.)
Plumber replaces the faucet ($$). I replace the smoke detector battery but it's still beeping. Dozens of more stupid minutes later of going up and down and up and down stairs and dragging my big stupid ladder around, I realize it's the carbon monoxide detector which is hidden behind the door I need to open to even get to the back hallway.
Plumber services the boiler ($$$)
I move in. I have a less than great time emptying everything from my apartment, which doesn't have plumbing issues. On a bad foot to start.
Travel for Christmas. Come back. Now the first floor back-hall smoke detector is beeping. (At least I have a fucking battery. Get my big stupid ladder down the back hall, knock every wall on the way down, and replace that battery).
I get first month's heating bill (I'd been living there for 10 days if even.) $334. Jesus christ. Likely due to the boiler issue.
Electricity goes out for the evening, same day as I get this bill from the gas and electric company, because fuck you I guess.
Homeowners insurance log in doesn't work. I haven't received my bill, which I need to pay.
Radiators bang in the middle of the night. Something something about them being old or not level or full of ghosts. Cool I don't need to sleep or whatever.
I've received no correspondence from the bank about my first mortgage payment. It'll be due Jan 1st, which is a holiday, so I reach out early. They say it's in the mail.
I monitor my mail every day. I receive no mail. I contact again. I reach out to my old apartment building in case it's there (they can't tell me). I sign up for a bank account with them online. I jump through various hoops to discover the bank has my address wrong. The address of the place the mortgage is on...
They had the mortgage address right. They had my home address as identical to the mortgage address but with one number missing. No one noticed. They'd been sending my stuff to a non-existent address, or the back of a college warehouse, I haven't quite figured it out.
I jump through more hoops to pay my mortgage payment with a check in the mail (I had to go buy stamps and an envelope) (late, but they assure me there's no penalty, but are you sure.)
^This has all been about 2 weeks. btw.
(I get a therapist, and find my way to being seen by a psychiatrist, which I guess is good but jesus is it $$$. Still figuring out how to use my stupid HSA)
People on floor 1 move out. They've got contractors in constantly renovating the place top to bottom. I get all their paint fumes.
Sound proofing doesn't exist, turns out. I hear my downstairs neighbors' conversations. I hear their tv. I hear street conversations. One night it was pouring rain and I was woken up by the sound of something banging against the house. Like genuinely banging. I go outside and investigate - it's a car idling with their windshield wipers going. Windshield wipers. Why would that be audible. Walls made of paper.
Floor 1 contactors leave the back door open one night. Luckily I wasn't storing anything in the back hall and had the door to my interior locked.
I receive my next month's heating bill. $689. I call the gas company and they shrug. I call the plumber and he shrugs. I turn the heat way down cuz I don't know. I dunno. Something's wrong with the boiler but it just got serviced so I dunno. I have to call someone else.
Speak of the devil, cones appear immediately outside my building declaring there's going to be gas line work. For a month. They start with the jackhammers at 8am every weekday. It's gonna be a month. I miss the windshield wipers.
We have a weekend of arctic freeze. -30F windchill. I go down to the basement Sunday morning to do laundry. Floor 1 contractors have outdone themselves by leaving a window open. Pipe had burst in floor 1 and was pouring water down into the basement, totally flooded.
I have to call the plumber, and flag the Floor 2 people about it and they at least find the master water shutoff. I'm dealing with the plumber and I have no water for half the day and no laundry for me.
I want to lie down in a marsh for a bit.
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netherworldpost · 11 months
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"Say, your advertising your project's existence was just a little zine, wasn't he?"
I will never advocate being anything less than professional with Staff. Raging user at social media network is not effective or good for anyone.
A(n alleged) decrease of commitment on their part to a platform I am committed to is not a comfortable position
Ultimately, they are treating this like a business decision, which is fair
So am I. We both have an equal right to self preservation and project growth.
Here is an outline post on how to make zines in the thought line of "I run a small widget and I want people to remember I exist."
It's not for everyone, it's not the only solution, it's not perfect, it's not a one-size-fits-all. You'll have to modify it.
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My current numbers as of this writing is to produce a small zine using 1 sheet of paper on a custom-printed envelope and mailed to customers once a month.
Retail price will be $10/year, production cost per customer is just shy of $14/year, so each sign up costs the company $4/year (about $0.33/month).
Free shipping (simplifies things)
Billed 1 year at a time. Payment processing has a floor of $0.30, costs would be destroyed if we handled it monthly.
No auto-renew. This easily could become an experiential nightmare for customers and us as a shop. Reminders will be included during the last few months.
1 sheet of paper cut in half and folded in half stapled into a zine. Very limited space. Fun, bright, we can produce it quickly in-house. Small so it doesn't create a project backlog.
For us: this project is not to make money.
It is to remind folks we exist when they remember "oh hey Someone's Birthday is coming up, I should get a card from Netherworld Post Office. Maybe a few labels to decorate the envelope, a sticker or two for my water bottle."
From past experience, a handful-percent of customers on this kind of system will make the entire system profitable, annually.
The rest will enjoy it tremendously, which pays dividends in unexpected and myriad ways. Word of mouth of mouth of mouth of mouth of mouth (etc.)
Ultimately: the risk is brutally small.
Can be whatever you want.
Part of the reason my costs are so high is because I want custom printed envelopes. If I got blank envelopes then rubber stamped them, I would save about 25%
But. I explicitly want crisply printed multi-colored envelopes
(because we are going to sell envelopes in time, so it's a continual proof of production in terms of what we can do)
You could also charge some or all shipping. Or raise the price. (Or not do any of this!)
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There is a pin company in Canada that sends me a reminder every six months or so that they exist and like clockwork I buy a packet of pins and stickers. Not every reminder, probably 2-3 times every 3-4 years.
Same idea.
Some folks will prefer email newsletters -- which they don't pay for, that's great, we offer that too.
Online advertising exists. It can be cheap. It is always at least medium-level complicated.
Moving into the woods and saying "no social media networks for this biz!" is not practical (or us and for many)
Rebooting an audience every 5-10 years on a different network is not practical
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It is my sincere and legitimate hope that this site continues, grows, evolves, strengthens. For both personal and professional reasons.
I similarly recognize that my goals and theirs may not continue to align forever -- and that's far more my problem than theirs.
Here is the zine guide link from the beginning.
Here is our shop's landing page with newsletter signup for when we launch.
Good luck everyone (staff explicitly included in "everyone")
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theoasiswinds · 3 months
Hi my darlings quick update regarding that payment my husband finally got paid from the company that was refusing to pay him!!!!
So we opened the case and obviously they have to mail the case information to the previous employer and to avoid any more problems the best solution is to just upfront pay the employee.
And that is exactly what happened they may have taken away $1,000 so we expect $3,000 and some change he only got $2,000 and something but we can keep fighting it, or we can just be happy cuz either way he has a new job now and he's already been paid his paycheck, and the funny thing is we waited over a month for this payment and it finally got here!
We honestly thought we were going to be taking this to court and fighting it for longer but since they already have issues with OSHA since we reported this company for not taking care of their employees and they're definitely being fined for that and also now they're all going to be fine for not paying on time we're going to be a little nicer and just continue with life.
It sounds crazy but $1,000 is not worth going to court and fighting for a few more months, specially since we don't have time for that my husband has his new job that would mean he would have to take the days off work and we would lose more money over a thousand so it's better to count our losses and be happy.
They will suffer the consequences of being bad employers and a bad company!
If there's anything else that I want to say because it's a hopefully the last post I have to ever do about this company this horrible experience is that there's still a lot of good people in this world we had so much support from the online Tumblr community it sounds crazy but it's true!!!
I got so much work from commission's and tips you name it and even gifted help to pay our bills!
I don't have the words to describe how grateful I am for all of you, for helping us because thanks to you, all of you who helped us out, we were able to pay our bills and basic necessities.
We never went hungry we still had water we had heating and cooling air in our home and the things we needed to survive that really annoying bump on the road.
Never in a million years did I think that my little side job would ever be able to do that sort of thing but it was because of all of the support you guys did for all of us!
Thank you honestly thank you so much to all of you!
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that-punk-adam · 5 months
I wish there was a better way of just…. [vague hand gestures]
Housing. Is such a pain. To get and maintain.
Rent. You never own it. $1.4k a MONTH for a poorly designed and maintained closet with NO amenities included in that rent. A single person cannot afford to live alone anymore because I guess we decided to not start burning shit down once $7.20 is a federal minimum that isn’t sustaining whatsoever. It can pay a phone bill and feed you some days. Car insurance, gasoline, maintenance on a car, food, water, gas (utility), electric. You’re super lucky if you’re going to get 3k a month after taxes.
I had to hunt online for housing. I had to apply to places, average $25-50, to get denied at most because husband doesn’t have a job because he wasn’t living in the city full time. You need a car to go ANYWHERE in this fucking country. Car = insurance, payment, gasoline, maintenance. $500? $600? $800? On top of rent + bills. On a single income just a tad over 2.3k after taxes. We didn’t have a vehicle for a while and when we asked (begged) my in-laws (his sister + her wife) for help with a car, they had to drive to Kentucky for the cheapest thing they could find bc there was no way in hell for me to save anything. Nothing at all. After the online nonsense we had to wake up as early as possible for him to drive to these locations, all 20+ minutes away from each other, on a crunched schedule, on what would be considered a ‘last moments notice’. If I was on a 9-5 schedule there would have been zero hope of ever getting out of my parents house short of running away because the modern world only runs between 9a to 6p.
Finally, a paid off car. In-laws back into it and bust the radiator to hell. Totaled. No car. We didn’t even get the insurance and title switched over. They were going not even 5 miles and killed it. Now on our own we won’t ever have a car unless he can work (????) and we manage to have no accidents or try to enjoy life too much.
I was 2 minutes late today after waiting on a ride that took almost 15 minutes to get to the unit we finally managed to get. The second driver got to my workplace as fast as he could but it was still 2 minutes too late. The apartment hunting made me late repeatedly. We almost had a roommate and I had to be late for that too. I was so sick I couldn’t even be awake 2 times in the span of 2 months and I’m convinced it was a nasty variant of covid. Testing isn’t accurate anymore and those tests cost $20/each, not (100%) covered by insurance, and you ‘should’ use at least 4 tests over the span of 3 days.
Y’all. I have only been in the work force for 4 ish years and I am ready to retire. If I loose this position I’m not even going to attempt to look for anything else. I’m going to leave society and if I die then oh well. The concept of being born for the purpose of working until you die is the most cruel and unethical thing I could ever do to another human being. I love my hypothetical children so much that they will never exist. I love my hypothetical children that I will do everything in my power to make sure they are never conceived. There is nothing worst then to be born into this form of slavery and to never to be able to opt out of it except for death.
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trivialbob · 1 year
The more I fly with an airline, the nicer they are to me. I get upgrades and free drinks.
The longer I’m with my cable company the worse they are to me. The price creeps up a few dollars every few months. Oh, I’ll deal with this some other time, but I’m not going to worry about $2 right now. It’s the frog in the pot of water on the stove business model.
Service went out last night. I tried the usual online help/chat.
Q: How many cable boxes are not working?
A: Two
Q: Select which one it is.
There were other similar dead ends. Finally I had enough of “Please unplug your set for 30 seconds” and called a human. Nowadays calling a person isn’t necessarily less aggravating for me than trying to “chat” with a computer, but it couldn’t be worse than the chat.
Many years ago, with AOL dial-up (eeeeeee-awwwwww, boing, boing) service, I had some problem. Via my landline I reached a techie guy in the US who was genuinely eager to help. Maybe it was his first week on the job.
When he said, “Oh Dude! I see the problem! Here’s what we gotta do...” His demeanor made me smile. Some people HATE being called dear, sweetie, or dude, but I sort of like that informality in some settings. A grocery store cashier recently said to me, in a bit of a Southern drawl, “Hey hun, you dropped your card.” It cracked me up.
Today’s help desk person was nice. It’s frustrating to be asked to re-do all the steps I tried on my own. They have a script to stick to; I get it. I can also picture this iknstruction in the script: “Be sure to thank the customer at least every 2 minutes for being one of our valued customers.”
From some research I did online for my particular error code, away from the cable company’s web site, I suspected a billing snafu, despite my last payment posting on time and no new payment being due yet. One brief error message on my TV even indicated something about billing, but I wasn’t able to recreate that message.
I asked the person about billing. “No, no. You’re account is in good standing. And thank you for being one of our valued customers, Mr. Bob.”
Then we waited on the fifth or sixth reboot. She also indicated she was starting the process to “escalate the ticket,” because nothing was solving the problem.
She must have sensed a little frustration on my part, though I was very polite the whole time. She ended up changing something that cut my bill a little and even bumped up internet speed (despite my current speed being awesome already).
I had to acknowledge the billing change via a text she sent me. The moment I clicked Yes my service was immediately restored. I said she no longer need to escalate the ticket to a higher level. She seemed happy the problem was resolved. I bet she wondered what happened too.
It’s not a free drink and more legroom. I appreciate the discount. Except it started with a problem, not because I’ve spent a lot of money there over the years.
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sphylor · 12 days
hi :)) I'm going to be finding a houseshare in a few months and it's lowkey stressing me. I think I saw you say you live with housemates so would you be able to talk about the process of getting a house share and like how bills work if you're sharing with strangers and stuff please? Thank you! (feel free to ignore if you don't feel comfy, I understand!)
im sorry youre stressing out 🫂🫂 it can be a really scary and stressful thing to live with strangers in a new place but i can absolutely try and help!! (sorry it got so long its all under the cut)
i can only really talk about my experience with it but if you go online and type in "house shares in [your area]" you'll probably get a few different sites come up with listings that you can go through. they'll normally have pictures of the room and any other communal spaces and the building itself. they'll also list things like how many people there are living there already and whether the landlord lives in the house too (can be a good thing as they'll probably get around to any problems way faster than if they lived elsewhere) the genders of the people living there (some places will list only male/females) and other stuff like utilities etc etc. they'll either list the rent per week or per month so watch out for that and whether bills are included in this varies (mine are included luckily) but most of the time things like water, electricity, gas are included and then maybe the wifi is added on as an extra payment. they will also say what the deposit is and the minimum/maximum stay time. once youve found a place that looks good actually contacting the landlord is easy. they will have ways of contacting them listed and so you just need to phone or text or email saying that youre interested in the room and is it okay if you could book a viewing. they'll show you around and ask you about yourself and this is your opportunity to ask any questions that you might have to. (also check for mould especially when looking in the bathrooms trust me you dont want to live where theres mould.) but just be friendly and polite and try not to worry too much. theyre trying to sell You something they want Your money after all so theyre probably going to be trying to impress you more than you'll be trying to impress them. it doesnt hurt to mention that you have a few other viewings booked if the opportunity to comes up (even if you dont). also dont be afraid to tell them if you are no longer interested afterwards for whatever reason its important to communicate that. when it comes to actually living with strangers it depends how it goes gndhfnhd i dont really talk to the other people i live with and just keep to myself. it can be annoying when people dont clean up after themselves or are noisy late at night or have other bad habits so you have to be prepared to deal with those things but most places will have a groupchat of some sort that you can bring issues up in if they keep happening. it does take a while to get used to living with people you dont know and it can be annoying to not have a bathroom or kitchen to yourself but its definitely a lot more affordable than renting a studio apartment or small flat and isnt the worst thing in the world. i wish you luck on your search and i hope i helped a bit fhshhf if you have any more questions please feel free to shoot me another ask or even a dm if your comfortable with that.
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thesims3help · 9 months
Sims 3 - Gameplay enhancing mods: Money/Finances, Shopping, Transportation.
A category-based mod post. Mods and links previously featured in our Masterlist. All credits to their rightful owners.
Categories include: money, salary, minimum wage, tax, bills, banking, investing, stock market, benefits & services, transportation related mods.
Bills, tax, charities:
Tax Collector - Allows manual tax collecting in-game.
Higher bills (or no bills) and less CAS money
More Money for CAS Families (Four Flavors)
Harder Bills (Higher Payments) & No Fairy Booby Trap Mailbox: 1.50 - 1.67 by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
Minimum Wage/More Realistic Earnings, Higher Tuition, Higher Boarding School Costs, Higher Grant Money
ClaudiaSharon's Simblr: Donate to Charity for All (tumblr.com)
ClaudiaSharon's Simblr: Harder Bills and Higher Donation Costs mods (tumblr.com)
Banking, stock market:
Non-Core Global Online Banking Mod
Social Clubs Mod (+ banking) - Grow Memberships, Push Activities, Make Bank Accounts and More!
Investment Mod (Update 9/3/23) - MultiTab Compatible
Lost&Found: Stock Market
Things cost money:
Workout Costs Money
Open Cinema
Taxi Charge Mod
Subway Charge Mod
Futuristic Transportation Charge
No Fridge Shopping
No Free Quick Meals
Pay to give bottle and change diaper
Adoption Isn't Free
Simstopics Adoption Costs $$$$
Shop for clothes
More Expensive Medical Advice with flavours - 1.67
Bouncers want Bigger Bribes 1.67
ClaudiaSharon's Simblr: Cheaper Scraps and more options, a mod or two (tumblr.com)
nraas Consigner
Department Store Register
Benefits & Services:
Government Benefits & Services Mod
Realistically Slower Cars, Taxis, and Bikes
No Limos - 1.63 - 1.67 by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
No Car Relationships
nraas - Traffic
Default Taxis
Vehicle Default Replacement
Old Sailor Taxi - Water Taxi Default Replacement
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Discover how to easily locate your consumer number on your water bill. Simplify your bill payments with PayRup. Visit payrup.com/blogs/how-to-check-for-consumer-number-in-the-water-bill for quick and helpful instructions.
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payrup151 · 2 years
payRup Online Water Bill Payment Pay Water Bill Online-https://payrup.com/water-bill-online-payment
"Now you can pay online water bill payments easily and securely at payrup.com. Hassle free payment of water bill at payrup. Get the best deals & cashbacks."
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rechargezap · 1 year
Water Charges Bill Online Payment
Water Charges Bill Online Payment
RechargeZap is an online digital platform that ensures a one-stop solution for all your utility needs. We have 1 million+ happy customers to whom we have provided our services.
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nochiquinn · 3 months
I'm gonna put the tl;dr at the beginning and if anybody wants context/details they'll be under the readmore.
tl;dr: we have to pay BCBS $900 to keep Sam and her 11 y/o daughter's insurance active. we can do it, but only if we ignore every other bill, and so are currently trying to raise $500 to offset this impact. linktree has various ways to help, including a gfm and grocery gift cards.
(if this parses weirdly it's bc it was originally drafted for bsky, be nice to me, writing these multiple times is A Lot)
the context: long-time readers will know, Sam has leukemia and has been in treatment since November. she's been on medical leave from work and we've been paying her insurance out of pocket, $600/mo. this is where the problem splits into two different threads, both equally stupid.
thread 1: the mail service in georgia in screwed on a fundamental level (source). BCBS only accepts OOP payments by mail. you see where this is going.
we sent a money order through the mail, as we've done numerous times. it got hung up at the post office. BCBS never informed us there was an issue, and instead canceled the coverage for failure to pay. we found out about this two days before Sam was scheduled to start her last round of chemo. $600 to reinstate. we got it sorted, but it involved borrowing money.
because of this, and further lack of communication from BCBS, we are technically behind by a month, and it accrues interest. this is the $900. this is less urgent than getting her coverage back before the chemo started, but it's still not great. we can do it, splitting it between two of her husband's paychecks, but that runs the risk of additional interest and as previously stated is only possible if we let other bills slide. this is the attempt to raise $500.
thread 2: her job stopped approving her medical leave, so BCBS dropped her coverage Again. we were not notified of this Again. she is currently In The Hospital for treatment and monitoring. again, we got it sorted, but at this point it's starting to feel like extortion. (I mean all health insurance is extortion but ykwim) The hospital is helping Sam apply for Medicare (or Medicaid, I can never keep them straight) so HOPEFULLY this is our last month dealing with this, but I'm not putting my eggs in that basket until it's a sure thing.
related: kiddo needs an insulin refill. kiddo needs cgm sensors. kiddo needs glasses, which is a whole other snafu that could have been avoided if bcbs made any sense whatsoever. this is the second reason keeping the insurance active is so important. (in the event of medicaid/care David will get insurance through his job and put her on it.)
David is trying so, so hard to keep us above water, but he's Just One Guy, and a multiply disabled one at that. everybody in this house is multiply disabled at this point. we've only been able to get this far thanks to our irl and online support networks. and if you've donated any amount at any point, you're part of that support network. it is truly impossible to articulate how grateful we are, but I keep trying. thank you for helping, and for sharing, and for continuing to help. 💜🧡
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zerosecurity · 4 months
LockBit Ransomware Gang Claims Responsibility for Wichita, KS Cyberattack
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The notorious LockBit ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for a devastating cyberattack on the City of Wichita, Kansas, the largest city in the state with a population of nearly 400,000. This ransomware attack has forced the City's authorities to shut down crucial IT systems used for online bill payment, including court fines, water bills, and public transportation. Wichita, a major cultural, economic, and transportation hub in the region, and home to several aircraft factories, announced the disruptive ransomware attack last Sunday, May 5, 2024. In response, the City's IT specialists promptly shut down computers used in online services to contain the damage and stop the spread of the attack, as stated in their announcement: "This decision was not made lightly but was necessary to ensure that systems are securely vetted before returning to service." LockBit Ransomware Gang Threatens Data Leak Earlier today, the LockBit ransomware group added Wichita to its extortion portal, threatening to publish all stolen files on the site by May 15, 2024, unless the City pays the ransom. This unusually quick listing of a ransomware victim, merely three days after the attack, is believed to be in retaliation for the recent international law enforcement operation that named and sanctioned the leader of the LockBit ransomware operation, a 31-year-old Russian national named Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev, who uses the online alias "LockBitSupp."
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Lockbit Lists the City of Wichita as one of its victims.
Widespread Service Disruptions in Wichita
Meanwhile, Wichita continues to face significant disruptions, with the latest status update indicating that the following services remain unavailable: - Auto payments for water bills are suspended. - Public Wi-Fi at certain locations (Airport terminal, Advanced Learning Library, Evergreen, and Walters branches of the Library). - The online catalog, databases, and some digital services of the Library. - Email communications through the city network for Library staff. - Self-service print release stations and self-check stations at the Library. - Automated materials handler at the Advanced Learning Library. - Most incoming phone call capability for the Library. - Wi-Fi and phone services at neighborhood resource centers. - Public services, including golf courses, parks, courts, and the water district, require residents to pay in cash or by check while online payment platforms are shut down. Additionally, any Request for Bid, Proposal, or Qualifications with a due date of May 10, 2024, has been deferred until May 17, 2024, and the 'Bid Opening' scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2024, has been canceled. Public safety services like the Wichita Fire Department (WFD) and Wichita Police Department (WPD) have resorted to using "pen and paper" reports, and the Wichita Transit buses and landfill services can only accept cash payments. Data Theft and Potential Leak While the City is still investigating whether data was stolen in the attack, the LockBit ransomware gang is known for stealing data before deploying their encryptors. Therefore, if a ransom is not paid, data will likely be leaked in the future on the ransomware gang's data leak site, exacerbating the already severe impact of this cyberattack on the City of Wichita. Read the full article
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bathynalia · 2 years
More than you could know.
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Retail fucking sucks. Amaranth has gotten good at coping with it though, between social media addiction and little appeals to her self esteem. But god, wouldn't it be nice if she could shut her brain off for a while? If only she had some kind of tentacled eldritch horror to help her out with that. (Thanks to @hutiapendra for the header!) ----------------------------------------------------
Every day, Amaranth got sick of her job in new and familiar ways. Dissociating her way through the “thank you”s, the “can I return this open package”s, the “Bring Me a Manager”s. It felt like all day, every day, she came in and cut her brain into pieces. One for the lady with the alleged service dog biting people. One for the man who had a good chuckle at her name tag. Five-fucking- thousand slices for all the kids screaming because their parents wouldn’t buy them those tantalizing snacks in the checkout aisle.
She savored her hour-long lunch break with the thorns of a famished porcupine. Nobody could make her even think about work. Instead, she gave her miniscule remaining slice of self to the internet. One tweet for the masses of other deadbeat trans girls in her phone. On a good day, this would be something like: “i think we should all be furries but not in the mascot way like we should all just run into the woods and pee on sticks”. This garnered comments that boiled down to variations of “or each other.” Not her thing, but she appreciated the brazen perversion as an escape from her customer service smile. Amaranth had a very carefully curated feed of weirdos and freaks and this was a source of genuine pride for her. On a bad day, such as today: “retail fucking sucks.”
Flipping over to her own page, Amaranth saw that the header image was some stupid slap-dash edit of some orange tomato-looking fruits surrounded by dollar bills with her avatar’s face plastered over them. She had to find some way to restrict her access to social media when she was high off her ass. Then again it probably made good shitpost content.
She chuckled to herself and flipped back to her timeline. This was a vital part of her lunch-time rituals. She would scroll until she inevitably saw some new world event, reaction to online discourse, or plea for crowdsourced rent payments until she remembered that the world sucks, everyone sucks, and it would only ever get worse. From then until her manager harassed her to get back to work, she did little besides scrolling and skimming, barely reading or doing more than liking some art or article she thought she might come back to appreciate later. This was a justification she would inevitably fail to follow through on.
Vitally, this served to prime her for the remainder of her shift: it gave her something to not think about while she helped people. It was much easier to explain that no, not all phones took the same chargers, than it was to feel guilty for ignoring the desperation in that internet panhandler. She was barely getting by as she was. Maybe she should make one of those too. Or maybe that was a humiliating ordeal of vulnerability and she could sell foot pics instead. She wondered every day why she hadn’t gotten into that market yet.
Amaranth gave away a few more slices of herself on the way home. One to apologize for how long she took sliding her crumpled bills in for the bus fare. One for the group of drunk moms who splashed openly carried beer in water bottles as they toasted their daylight bar crawl. One for the man with the scraggly cheek-hairs asking for a light when she got off at her stop. Amaranth didn’t smoke, but she made a point of carrying a lighter because the culture of it appealed to her. That one actually felt nice. One slice given, one slice received. The sun was nearly down, and the air chillier than her oversized sweater was suited for, but Amaranth felt an unusual spring in her step. Maybe this was her purpose. She might fade away under the cruelty of the world, but she could offer reprieve to everyone else coming down with her. She made a mental note to send five bucks to that poster she saw if she made rent this month.
It wasn’t until Amaranth walked through the door of her studio apartment that she remembered she had a roommate. She always remembered right under that threshold. It was another ritual in her day that she was getting pretty good at taking in stride.
“Parsimony, my favorite delusion! I return triumphant, hating the universe one iota less than usual!” Amaranth threw herself on the couch and felt the new yet familiar slither of her unknowable partner’s arms coiling around her torso. Amaranth had long since stopped trying to comprehend what exactly she was cohabitating with. Knowledge of the entity’s presence only maintained itself within the confines of the apartment, and the shape of her body faded the moment you took your eyes off her. But that was fine. Amaranth knew all she had to, which was that Parsimony loved her, and she knew how to use her tentacles.
Parsimony grumbled. If she was such a delusion, then who washed the dishes Amaranth left in the sink all week?
Amaranth waved her hand dismissively. “It’s a term of endearment. Really, thank you. The rain lately, it’s made me wanna jump in a gutter. But hey, today it was just dry and cold, I had a nice chat with a strange man, and I have a wonderful new idea for a business opportunity.”
Parsimony reminded her that she had attempted to sell pictures of her feet online five times in the past month and every time she had stopped short of a deal because she was paranoid about her recipient somehow using the background information in the photo to dox her.
“Oh, shit yeah, good thinking.” Amaranth sat up and waltzed into the kitchen. “Well, with all these clean dishes, I oughtta make us something nice for dinner. In the mood for anything specific? Ramen? Freezer pizza?”
Parsimony slid a tendril under Amaranth’s shirt, groping at her chest and creating a faint haze at the corners of her vision. She intoned that she would like a portion of Amaranth’s conscious mind. It would fill itself back in, of course. Nothing to fear.
Amaranth stared straight ahead, catching her breath.
“That sounds good. Real good. Wait your turn though, I’m fucking starving.”
(Read the rest here! Tumblrs being rude to Parsimony)
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