#online spoken english classes for kids
oxbridge1 · 5 months
Experience a transformation in your confidence and communication abilities through our specialized Spoken English Classes in Bangalore. Step into an engaging learning environment where our seasoned tutors provide personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs and learning pace. From mastering pronunciation to honing conversational skills, our comprehensive curriculum ensures you acquire the tools needed to thrive in today's interconnected world. Join us and embark on a journey of self-improvement, where you'll not only enhance your English proficiency but also unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Take the first step towards empowerment – enroll in our Spoken English Classes today.
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onlinespoken · 11 months
online spoken english classes for kids ! spokenmate
Looking for online spoken English classes for kids ? Introducing Spokenmate - the perfect solution for your child's language learning needs. Our interactive and engaging classes will help your little one develop solid English language skills in a fun and supportive environment. Join us today and give your child the confidence to communicate effectively!
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wineezy · 4 months
Master Spoken English Online
In today’s interconnected world, fluency in spoken English has become a vital skill. Whether you're aiming to enhance your career prospects, connect with people globally, or simply navigate the world more easily, mastering spoken English can significantly broaden your horizons. Online spoken English classes offer an accessible and effective way to achieve this goal, providing a range of benefits that cater to various learning needs and lifestyles.
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The Advantages of Online Spoken English Classes
Flexibility and Convenience: One of the most significant advantages of online spoken English classes is the flexibility they offer. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online classes allow you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. This is particularly beneficial for busy professionals, students, or individuals with family commitments. You can access lessons from anywhere, whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, making it easier to incorporate learning into your daily routine. For example, online classes for professionals offer tailored schedules that fit around work commitments.
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Access to Expert Instructors and Quality Resources: Online platforms connect you with experienced instructors from around the world. These experts bring diverse teaching methods and insights, enriching your learning experience. Additionally, online classes offer a wealth of resources, including interactive exercises, video tutorials, and real-time feedback. These tools help reinforce learning, making it more engaging and effective.
Interactive and Engaging Methods: Modern online spoken English classes utilize a variety of interactive tools and methods to enhance learning. Features such as virtual reality practice sessions, AI-driven language apps, and interactive simulations make the learning process more dynamic and immersive. These innovative techniques not only keep you engaged but also help you practice real-world scenarios, improving your practical communication skills.
Conclusion: How Wineezy Can Help You Master Spoken English
Wineezy is a leading platform for online spoken English classes, designed to help learners at all levels achieve fluency and confidence. Wineezy offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of spoken English, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and conversation skills. With expert instructors providing personalized feedback and guidance, you’ll receive high-quality instruction tailored to your learning style and goals. The flexible scheduling options ensure that learning fits seamlessly into your busy life, while interactive learning tools make the process engaging and effective. Additionally, Wineezy’s supportive community of learners provides ample opportunities for practice and cultural exchange, enhancing your overall learning experience.
Whether you're looking for online courses for kids to kick start their language journey, online classes for professionals to enhance career opportunities, or if you're based in specific regions such as Kerala, Wineezy offers tailored solutions for all. Learn online in Kerala or anywhere else, and choose Wineezy to embark on a journey towards mastering spoken English and unlocking new opportunities in your personal and professional life.
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bornidiatz · 2 years
Edusession offers Best Spoken English Classes Online - Live One to One Personalised Class for English Speaking with a level-wise training.
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tipdm · 2 years
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Edusession's Online Spoken English Classes offer a comprehensive and interactive learning experience for students of all levels. Our expert tutors use the latest teaching techniques and tools to help you improve your speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. With flexible scheduling and personalized attention, our classes are designed to fit your busy lifestyle and help you achieve your language goals. Join Edusession's Online Spoken English Classes today and take the first step towards becoming a confident English speaker.
Know More:- https://edusession.live/courses?course=spoken-english
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mayhem-neverending · 3 months
As the Pendulum Swings
Hello! This is an active work that I was only posting on AO3, but thought it might be nice to share it here, too.
Gojo x reader, Geto x reader
Summary: As it turns out, Cursed Energy is not the only energy humans can manipulate. A foreign teacher turns the lives of her new coworkers and students upside down in the best ways possible - and completely by accident.
Word Count: 2,185
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, sexual themes, cursing, explicit content
Note: This is not a poly!fic, sorry. It will move between both Gojo and Geto.
The words spoken in English will be written in bold.
And the idea for this was very very very loosely based/inspired by the work of Carlos Castaneda and Dr. Joe Dispenza. Like, very loosely.
Hot blood seeped out of the large gash in your side and through your white shirt that had been wrapped tightly around your middle. It dripped to the ground between Nanami’s fingers, leaving a breadcrumb trail along the length of the hallway. You were nearly unconscious, your body fighting to keep from slipping into shock with every shallow breath you took. Nanami didn’t say a word as he kicked the door open and blinded you with bright white fluorescent lights. You hardly felt yourself being jostled when he set you down on a cold, hard surface.
The blood loss made it hard to register anything but dizziness and pain. The world appeared to you in a carousel of blurry colors and shadows and a loud ringing in your ears. You weren’t sure how much time passed when the world stopped spinning. Blinking up at the bright ceiling, you waited for it to tilt, but nothing happened. You mentally scanned your body and felt some sort of energy coursing through you, almost like electricity, centralized at the wound.
You turned your head to the right, and your eyes connected with soft brown ones. The woman smiled politely at you, and you followed her smile down her arms and to her hands that were placed over your wound, drying blood staining her fingertips. You vaguely took note that you were only in your sports bra. You followed the path back up to her face, your brain lagging behind as you tried to connect the dots.
“Hey,” the woman said softly. “Do you remember how you got here?”
Your head lolled back to center, and your eyes focused on a tile between two overhead lights. Brows furrowing, you tried to think back. How did I get here?
The day was unusually hot for September, with the temperature hitting the nineties and the humidity so high it was suffocating. It was the end of your third day teaching English at a junior high school in Tokyo, and you were leaving the school.
Your white button down stuck to your skin in the heat, and you pulled at your collar for some relief while you walked behind a group of kids to a nearby convenience store. The children seemed to be enjoying your class, despite their early teenage attitudes, so you felt like treating yourself to a popsicle before walking back to your hotel. You would spend your afternoon reviewing lesson plans for the next day before apartment hunting online, just as you had the past two days. You smiled a little to yourself, happy that you made the choice to teach abroad and learn about the world. It was almost inconceivable that you had made it this far, and for that you were proud.
You reached into the satchel slung over your shoulder for your phone. While digging around for it, a distinct lack of folders became all too apparent. You stopped on the sidewalk to take a thorough look at your bag, only to find your lesson plans missing. Sighing and shaking your head, you turned on your heel and headed back to the school. As you made your way upstairs to your second floor classroom, an intense feeling of dread washed over you. You paused mid step and felt the on the back of your neck rise. An involuntary shiver ran down your spin as you took the next step.
What the fuck is this?
You tried to brush off the feeling while scanning the area with squinted eyes. After a few seconds, you noticed a sort of purple haze - if that was the right word for it - floating around the top of the stairs. Apprehension flooded your system at the strange phenomena, but you needed your lesson plans, so you continued up the stairs. You took them two steps at a time, then took a right at the top. The purple haze was more concentrated at the end of the hall, and you felt a small sense of gratitude that your class was only three doors down.
You sprinted towards it, pulling your key out while doing so. You shoved your key into the lock and flung the door open. You slipped inside and shut it tightly behind you before scurrying to your desk. All of the papers were in their folders, so you shoved them in your satchel with shaky hands. Your ears perked at what sounded like loud shuffling towards the end of the hallway where the haze was. A sense of foreboding churned your gut and had your heart galloping in your chest. You listened closely to the noise, planning your escape for when it went quiet. After a couple tense minutes, it stopped, and you held your breath.
Maybe it was just a couple kids lagging behind and you were just acting crazy. That was plausible. Sighing out, you reluctantly stepped towards the door. Your feet felt like lead; you lifted them at a staggered pace, willing your body towards the wooden door. Once there, you took a running stance, muscles tensed to dart out the minute it was opened. You took the handle of the door and counted to three, telling yourself the whole time that you were overreacting.
On three, you ripped the door open and before you could even take a step, you were stopped dead in your tracks. What you saw was something you could never have prepared yourself for. A large, fleshy mass towered over you; it was covered in unblinking, bloodshot eyes and had at least three arms. Your blood ran cold and you made to scream, but no sound came out of your opened mouth.
It made a terrible warbling shriek that punctured the air and had you covering your ears. All of its eyes looked at you in what you could only describe as sinister amusement as it repeated the sound. You could hardly comprehend what was happening until it was two feet away from you. You hadn’t even seen it moving and now it was within arms reach.
Heavy thudding footsteps sounded from the stairs and a tiny bit of relief washed over you. Help is here. You thought. One of the arms reached out for you, but it stopped suddenly a few inches from your face. You gasped at the white-gold aura surrounding you. You had forgotten about that in the heat of the moment- you hadn’t even meant to activate it. It made an angry warbling that was cut short when a blade cut the beast in half.
You looked up at a tall blond man wearing some sort of protective goggles. He nodded to you, stepping over chunks of the creature. “Are you alright?” It took you a moment to find your voice. “What the fuck was that?”
His features changed minutely to indicate mild surprise. “Do you speak Japanese?”
You looked up at him with confusion before it clicked. “Oh, yes, sorry. I was asking what that was,”
“A curse. I’m surprised you can see it,” The man gave you a once-over with his eyes that made you feel as though he was looking right through you.
“What’s a curse, uh.. what‘s your name?”
“Nanami. A curse is-” He was interrupted by a massive rumbling that shook the building.
Cracks formed along the floor and walls and the hallway started to crumble as a massive Curse splintered through the floor. It immediately set its eyes on Nanami, and its hand came crashing down. It caused everything beneath your feet to come undone, and you fell through onto a new pile of rubble, a scream ripping from your throat as your side connected with a splintered joist.
You watched Nanami run up the Curse’s arm and use his wrapped blade to kill the damned thing while dark spots began clouding your vision. The rest was blurry, your mind fuzzy from pain while you were carried out of the rubble to who knows where.
You turned your head to look at the woman again. “Yeah, yeah I do,” you said hoarsely.
“Where am I?”
The woman gave you that same polite smile. “Jujutsu High. Before you ask, I’m kind of like the nurse here,”
You nodded once. Turning your head to the left, you saw that the blond man - Nanami, if you remembered correctly - was sitting on a metal chair against the wall, his arms crossed and gaze trained on you. His body language was closed off, and you wished you knew what he was thinking.
“I’m Ieiri Shoko, by the way. You are?”
“L/n y/n,” After a few moments of silence you asked, “How much of the school was destroyed?”
Nanami cleared his throat. “More than half. Another curse appeared shortly after you fell,”
Your mind was reeling from what had just happened, but a clear thought broke in to add to the gnawing anxiety pooling in your stomach. I’m likely out of a job. You were in Japan under a work permit to teach English as a second language, and you were expected to maintain your position if you didn’t want to be booted back to the states. In all reality, even if you wanted, you’d end up broke from the plane ticket home.
You brought a hand up to your face, tremors still running through it from your blood loss. “Shit,"
You watched Nanami open his mouth, but he was interrupted by the metal doors to the room banging open. A tall man with white hair and a black blindfold waltzed into the room, a wide smile adorning his face.
Nanami inhaled and grumbled, “Gojo,”
Ieiri took her hands from your side and slowly helped you to sit up, one hand on your back and the other gripping your hand. The tall man, Gojo, said, “Ah, Nanami, I heard that one was a grade higher than we anticipated,”
Nanami only nodded, a piece of his blond hair falling gracefully across his forehead. Gojo clapped his hands rather loudly and turned on his heel. He smiled in your direction and enthusiastically asked, “And who is this?”
You waved a little awkwardly, unsure if he could actually see you under that blindfold.
Nanami spoke for you. “This is L/n Y/n, a school teacher that got caught up with the Curse,”
Gojo took a step closer, his hands finding a place in his black pants pockets. “Oh? What do you teach?”
“English… though I’m not sure I’ll have a job after what just happened,”
He made a strangled noise in his throat. Before you could blink he was suddenly right in front of you, making you lean back and nearly gasp. He put his hands to his cheeks and hovered uncomfortably close to you, completely invading your personal space.
“Your accent is so cute!” he gushed.
“Uhm, thank you?” you leaned even further back.
Ieiri stepped in and pushed Gojo back with a firm hand against his chest. You shot her a grateful look and the corner of her lips twitched up.
“You’re a grown man, Gojo, you should know better than to invade someone’s personal space like that,”
He shrugged. “My bad,”
She shook her head at him and he waved her off. He held out a hand for you to shake, which you reciprocated. His large hand engulfed your own, and he said, “Cute!” to himself.
“Gojo Satoru,”
“Pleasure to meet you,”
Ieiri walked off and came back with a damp rag to wipe the blood from your side. You watched her and were shocked that there wasn’t a single mark left where your gaping injury had been. Gojo watched you curiously as you ran your fingers over the brand new skin.
“It’s my reversed curse technique,” She said with a shrug, as if you knew anything about that.
She walked off without another word and you looked back to the man who was staring intently at you, bordering being in your personal space again. “You know,”
You raised a brow. “I’ve not really formally learned English,”
“I’m thinking-”
“That’s never a good idea,” Nanami interjected from behind him, now out of his seat.
He whipped his head around. “Rude!”
Looking back at you and leaning in, he said, “You should come teach here, since your school was blown up! I bet the students and the teachers could benefit, right Nanami?”
Nanami’s expression remained neutral as he said, “It could be,”
You glanced between the two men. You were feeling overwhelmed at everything that had happened in the last couple hours, and you didn’t know if this Gojo Satoru was helping or making it worse. You decided to just keep your mouth shut; your mind was running too wildly for your tongue to keep up.
“You can see Curses, right?” He asked you.
The way he inspected you behind the blindfold sent a shiver down your spine. You only nodded in response. He stood up straight and clapped his hands together once again. “You stay here, I’ll go talk to Yaga,”
“Gojo,” Nanami called, but the man was already halfway out the door.
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Trigun Bookclub: Vash's Speech (FLOP EDITION...)
all bookclub posts
so i wrote this entire thing over a span of a day and a half. and found out just as i was finishing it that the ultradeep™ vash lore analysis point i wanted to make is actually NOT in the og trigun. [here's my mental breakdown post lol]
but i spent so much time and energy on this that i cant just say whelp! and delete it... so i'm posting it anyways. the straight-up incorrect parts are crossed out and some post-realization notes are in red. theres also a few paragraphs of postscript commentary/rambling in purple at the end of the post.
read it if youre bored i guess. but take it all with a grain of salt.
in the future (once we get to trimax vash+knives interaction) i will write the version of this that my memory intended, with an actual conclusion that makes sense lol
Mini-entry this time because I got consumed by linguistics brain worms :P But I wanted to make sure I talked about Vash's speech and his usage of pronouns!
A bit of background before we get into the analysis:
Japanese pronouns are very different from English. As the Wikipedia page puts it, "The use of pronouns, especially when referring to oneself and speaking in the first person, vary between gender, formality, dialect and region where Japanese is spoken."
The styles of spoken Japanese in general are another can of worms.... They're similar worms so I'll be touching on them a little, but it's not that relevant yet.
In real life, people have multiple pronouns (and speech styles) that they switch between depending on the situation, like with friends and family, at work, in front of kids, etc. For example, I primarily use 俺 online (along with joke/slang pronouns for funsies like 漏れ or おれっち), 自分 or 僕 in public depending on the person, and 私 in closeted situations. My cis male JP-school classmate uses 俺 with friends/family, used to use 私 in class at first, and then transitioned to 僕 as he got more familiar with the teachers.
Although this sort of code-switching happens all the time IRL, it's way less frequently illustrated in fiction, both for consistency's sake and because fictional characters just don't care as much about status. That's why I thought what's going on with Vash is particularly interesting!
Details continued below...
--original readmore position--
Here are the connotations for the two first-person pronouns that Vash uses (pulled from Wikipedia):
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ore/おれ/俺 - informal - males - Frequently used by men. Establishes a sense of "masculinity". Can be seen as rude depending on the context. Emphasises one's own status when used with peers and with those who are younger or of lesser status. Among close friends or family, its use conveys familiarity rather than "masculinity" or superiority. It was used also by women until the late Edo period and still is in some dialects. Also oi in Kyushu dialect.
boku/ぼく/僕 - formal/informal - males - Used by males of all ages; very often used by boys; can be used by females but then carries tomboyish or feminist connotations. Perceived as humble, but can also carry an undertone of "feeling young" when used by males of older age. Also used when casually giving deference; "servant" uses the same kanji (僕 shimobe). Can also be used as a second-person pronoun toward male children (English equivalent – "kid" or "squirt").
(the usage of boku as a 2pp is actually part of a different phenomenon--if you're interested in that kotolabo's video explains it better than i ever could (eng captions available))
And these are the notes for every time Vash has used a first-person pronoun in the span that I've analyzed so far, which is until Chapter #06. I'll be adding onto this in the future as my annotations continue. no need anymore. i skimmed the rest and found out that, aside from a childhood flashback, vash uses exclusively ore after chapter #05.
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The first instance is in Chapter #02, when he cries in French.
「なぜ僕がこんな目にあうのママン 何も悪いことしてないのにみんなが僕を狙うよママン」(独り言) "Why do things like this keep happening to me, maman? I don't do anything bad, but everyone's always after me, maman!" (to himself)
Here he uses boku, the softer pronoun. However, because he's putting on a "helpless French boy" persona, this one actually doesn't say much about Vash (other than that he's being silly).
The second time is later in the same chapter, when surrounded by the women of April City.
「奴に…会うまでは!! 俺は立ち止まる訳にはいかないんだ!!」(主婦たち) "Until I see him again... I cannot afford to stop moving!" (Housewives)
This time he uses ore, the rougher and more masculine pronoun. The situation is very tense; he has several guns pointed at him. This is also the first instance we see the trauma and hurt Vash holds inside. Overall he's very desperate here. We can see in a bit that ore is his "default." He drops his usual polite/kind tone to be as sincere as he can with the women. I think he can't afford to code-switch and be polite because this is a very personal and emotional moment for him. This doesn't mean his tone is necessarily rude (in-universe!!! probably better not to talk to strangers like this IRL); he still uses relatively soft language.
The next two are in Chapter #04, both when he refuses the sandsteamer guy's job offers.
「やだやだやだやだ 僕は争いごと嫌いなの!!」(砂蒸気の人) "No, no, no, no! I don't like trouble!" (Sandsteamer guy)
「僕は客なの!!この車の警備態勢にはチョーー期待してるから ヨロシクね!!」(砂蒸気の人) "I am a passenger! I have great faith in your security, so I entrust everything to you, okay?" (Sandsteamer guy)
He uses boku here. As we'll see in future instances, this is the pronoun he uses in front of other people and is the one he chooses most frequently. He constantly avoids trouble, so he always uses soft language and the humbler pronoun. nope it was just out of politeness towards a stranger and trying to sound less assertive/more harmless(?) to get out of the situation
In the next page, Vash talks to himself during his piss break.
「…まったくもう 保険屋の2人組といい… 俺(おら)ァもっとひっそりとやってきたいのに」(独り言) "...Jeez! As if those two insurance girls weren't already enough... I was hoping for a nice, quiet trip." (to himself)
Although the pronunciation here is oraa, it's a reduced form of ore wa (wa is a grammatical particle). His tone here is sort of laid-back (and tired, as you can tell). Again, this is his default 1st-person pronoun.
A few moments later, on the last page of the chapter, he says,
「よく分かった ツラかったろう!!大丈夫だ 僕にまかせな 悪い様にはしねえぜ!!」(カイト) "I understand. It must have been so hard! It's okay... I'll take care of you. I won't let anything bad happen to you again!" (to Kaito)
Here he switches back to boku. He does this in front of almost everyone, but this is especially the case because he's speaking to a child he wants to protect. Using the boku pronoun gives a softer, more approachable vibe.
In Chapter #05, he goes back to ore when he talks to Kaito about No Man's Land.
「時々考えるよ この惑星に…来た事が本当に俺達にとって幸せな事なのか ってね」(カイト) "I sometimes wonder... Was our arrival on this planet actually something for us to be happy about? ...Y'know?"
From here on Vash is more familiar with Kaito, enough to open up a bit about his true feelings about humanity. It is also partially Vash talking to himself. irrelevant/coincidence
In Chapter #06, Vash talks to himself in front of Kaito.
「間違いない!!俺にゃー死神か貧乏神が2ケタ以上ついてるんだ」(独り言・カイト) Overhaul: "Why do death and destruction always follow right behind me?!" Literal: "I swear, I have at least 2 digits’ worth of death-gods or poverty-gods haunting me!!"
He uses ore here again. At this point, he's pretty much completely familiar with Kaito, and considers him a friend/teammate. The speech here is very casual. Skimming through the later chapters, I was able to confirm that from Chapter #05 on, Vash uses exclusively ore.
AAAND CUT! this is where my dumb ass realizes that vashs speech is different between trigun and trimax, and that the conclusion i planned on making was trimax-exclusive :) now forget everything you just read in this post past the wikipedia table screenshot because itll be completely irrelevant in less than a week!!
trimax vash uses boku 99% of the time and ore exclusively in front of knives as far as i can remember. i wanted to say stuff about how he is always wearing the kind persona as a mask and shows his true emotions (aka his sheer trauma and rage) in front of knives and knives only
but like. he really doesnt in og trigun. thats just him being kind to strangers??? and barely has any deep meaning to it. it doesnt mean the individual analyses are wrong but theyre definitely not making the point i was going to make at the end of this post and it just aint that deep.
very frustrated with myself rn... but the 2 good things i got out of this are 1) i wont have to write the pronoun explanation again and 2) i skimmed through all of trigun so future annotations might be faster/cost less spoons since i already have some things to write down in mind.
This will definitely get a part 2+ in the future, especially once we get to see Knives. the redo will just be a new single-part post. this stuff will most likely only become relevant once we see knives+vash interaction in trimax The Meryl speech analysis we mentioned in a past post is currently in the works, and will also be part of this speech series!
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konamicodex · 1 year
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» MEANING: Badin [means "king" in Thai.]; Hiranwong [หิรัญวงศ์ Thai; from Thai หิรัญ (hiran) meaning "money, silver, gold" and วงศ์ (wong) meaning "lineage, family, dynasty."]
NICKNAME: Kinna [from kinnari (Thai: กินรี), usually spelt 'kinnaree' is depicted as a young woman wearing an angel-like costume. The lower part of the body is similar to a bird, and should enable her to fly between the human and the mystical worlds. The most popular portrayal of kinnaree in Thai art probably the golden figures of kinnaree adorned the Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok, which describe a half-maiden, half-goose figure. A kinnara is a creature from Hindu and Buddhist mythology. They are described as part human and part bird, and have a strong association with music and love. Believed to come from the Himalayas, they often watch over the well-being of humans in times of trouble or danger.]; Kinna was given this nickname by his mother when he was born as she was overcome with so much love when she held him for the first time. Kinna is also known as Kona in the gaming world. Kinna also uses Kona as his rent-a-boyfriend name...
AGE: 21-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 2002 February 14th, he picked the date.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bangkok, Thailand.
OCCUPATION: Kinna is a professional gamer. He also dabs in rent-a-boyfriend gig; he makes a lot of money doing it and it gives him pleasure seeing people fall in love even for a short time. Also, they only do dates in this company, no sexy time please... Well, it depends. Yes, he started the company which was modeled from those Japanese-based companies of the same nature.
ORIENTATION: Pansexual; Panromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
VERSES: The Meaning of Forever; Night Shift
POWERS: Cupid's powers, of course... He can make people fall in and out of love. He's got very good intuition, SUPER high alcohol tolerance, this is important coz he apparently LOVES to drink. He's also a great singer... His mother wonders where he got it from coz she can't sing for shit.
STRENGTHS: Progressive, Original, Independent, Humanitarian
WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, Sarcastic, Temperamental, Uncompromising, Aloof
FACE CLAIM: Saint Paramee Mahatthanadul.
HEIGHT: 5′9 [175 cm.]
WEIGHT: 139 lbs. [63 kg.]
BUILD: Lean.
GAIT: Relaxed.
EYE COLOR: Dark brown.
OVERVIEW: » SCARS: Some from growing up, nothing major. » TATTOOS: Bow and arrow. Do not ask.
HOMETOWN: Bangkok, Thailand.
RESIDENCE: Bangkok, Thailand.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Uni student under the Faculty of Communication Arts in Chulalongkorn University
DEGREES: Degree in being handsome, he said.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: He is cupid so he speaks the language of love... -_- He speaks Thai, English, many Asian languages, some French. His mother loves French films, apparently.
PARENTS: Dara, single mom. She tells Kanni she doesn't know who his father is but Kanni doesn't really care coz he knows who his father is... Well, at least his name. He's still alive.
PETS: None.
» Kinna is very close to his mother.
FAMILY HISTORY: Kinna is Cupid's iteration. He was sent to the modern world as part-human to make people fall in love again and make babies coz young peeps aren't partnering up. Kinna realized right away WHY - everyone's broke and it's too expensive to have kids. But he's not reporting that at the moment as he is finding his human life a bit entertaining. He thinks humans are weird and funny.
Kinna was born to a single mother who was an aspiring actress. She now runs a hotel near a beach down south of the country.
Kinna as Cupid is pretty low-key; he's not the star of the show and would rather be in the background, just pushing things to happen. That's why he enjoys online gaming which, he found out, he's very good at...
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Kinna has no time... He's got a mission to accomplish and games to complete.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Kinna is friends with that mute kid, Zero, who is moody and always grumpy. Good thing he can't talk...
PHOBIA(S): None, clinically.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): None... Maybe he developed some anxiety dealing with humans.
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perfumetm · 3 months
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[  SONG KANG,  THIRTY,  CIS MAN,  HE/HIM  ]  and  now  walking  on  the  red  carpet  is  DAEYONG  “DEAN”  KWON,  we’re  honored  to  be  in  the  presents  of  a  world  class  MODEL/FILM ACTOR.  they  say  that  they’re  the  embodiment  of  CARRY ON WAYWARD SON  by  KANSAS,  we  can’t  argue  with  that  one  !  rumor  has  it  that  they’re  RESENTFUL  and  ALTRUISTIC.  we  often  hear  fans  online  compare  them  to  FOUND FAMILY, CLOTHES BEING COVERED IN CAT HAIR (HAVING A LINT ROLLER IN HANDY), A SOFTNESS IN THEIR EYES, & SLEEPING DURING THE DAY FROM ROAMING EMPTY STREETS LATE AT NIGHT.  we  heard  that  there’s  this  one  thing  they  don’t  wish  anybody  to  know;  HIS PARENTS ARE DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO TEAR HIM DOWN (WHETHER IT HURTS HIM PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, OR NOT),  let’s  hope  it’s  not  true  !  [  FRANKIE;  27,  SHE/HER,  CST.  ]
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DAEYONG KWON WAS BORN & RAISED IN SOUTH KOREA. a model since his infancy (more like the family’s cash cow 👀) - dean has always had a CUTE AND HANDSOME face ever since he could babble, and that would get him booked endlessly. guess we could say he’s been working for as long as he can remember.
IN TERMS OF SCHOOL, he graduated from high school (12th year) and went on to university to graduate with a degree in film at the age of twenty-one. daeyong managed to graduate early because he continued his classes either online or in-person—to get school out of the way/over with—during the summer.
SINCE HE’S BEEN MODELING FOR THE LONGEST TIME, he’s been able to do runway and walk for prestigious fashion designers across the globe - be it in new york, milan, paris, or wherever, he’s happy to walk and bring light to those big or small. he knows that some people gravitate towards him / has a level of power to bring attention to whatever means A LOT to him. but he means well !
THIS KID DOESN’T HAVE A BAD BONE IN HIS BODY. he’s the Softest Boi™ on the planet and a little too pure (well, not that pure) for his own good. he’s too kind sometimes and maybe he knows that often people use his kindness against him, but he simply does not care at the same time. his parents, on the other hand, are something else. unfortunately.
HE’S BEEN ABLE TO SURROUND HIMSELF WITH GOOD PEOPLE, anyhow. he has a good heart and is grateful for those around him, especially a particular handful — his friend group, to be exact, whom he chooses to keep close to his ‹3 [heart]. no matter how busy life can get, dean’s the one (1) friend who will be there for you through thick and thin.
AFTER BEING IN SEVERAL FILMS, he still considers himself a rookie actor despite making a name for himself outside of modeling. daeyong feels like he hasn’t gotten on a level that he’s always strived for and has so much to learn.
THE MIDDLE CHILD OF HIS FAMILY. well, sort of? daeyong has an older sibling and two (2) younger siblings—the 4th is less than 8teen years old. in his mother & father’s eyes, dean’s the only one that could do wrong? while his siblings don’t? he is estranged from his parents but not from his siblings. it’s the messiest situation and he loathes it. doesn’t talk about his parents at all and never brings them up in conversations either.
TRIES TO KEEP HIS PRIVATE LIFE AWAY FROM PRYING EYES. dude is so quiet sometimes; you might think he’s an orphan or something. he might as well be with how his parents are acting. there have been rumors here and there, but he doesn’t bother saying a word, clearing the air, nothing. daeyong really tries to keep his life as mysterious as possible. even if he’s the most endearing boy on the planet.
FOR A SUPPOSED ROOKIE (in his own words), daeyong feels like he has a lot of potential in the acting world, even if he’s just a boy with a pretty face. he has only been in a few handful of flicks and chooses them carefully, but isn’t too fearful to venture out of his comfort zone. he finds auditions to be incredibly exhilarating but also nerve-wracking. he’s an odd boy with mood swings, let’s be honest.
i’ve never been able to write mean characters (afab/men specifically), so please accept and love my sweet / soft boi with open arms... because i’ve got nothing else to say.
mentor (???!!!)
ex-girlfriend or current (something cute for once, maybe? or angsty? fluff?)
will they, won’t they (might be fun, i don’t know)
pr relationship
fellow model acquaintances (they’ve walked the runway together??)
siblings (!!!! but i think i’ll send a wc to the main?)
a cousin or two (these connections are so underrated)
mother/father figure
travel buddies
anything atp !
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Hetalia G8 (+ Canada, Romano, and Prussia) as Teachers (2/3)
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Part 1. Part 3.
~Shared Classes~
Traditional Art. Italy, Romano, France, and Japan. Italy will bring in instructors and friends of his to provide their perspective on a specific art movement or style he’s covering, though Italy usually wants them to stay longer and chat with him despite their busy schedules. Even interrupting their guest’s demonstrations at times. He likes bringing in France for the Impressionism movement, Japan for his bold lineart, and Romano to let his brother show off his art skills.
Italian: Italy and Romano. Despite Italy dragging his brother to instruct the course with him on many occasions, Romano is notoriously awful at teaching languages because he frustratedly curses at the students every time. The board still hasn’t done anything about this despite specifically only wanting the younger Italian brother to teach the language.
Technology: Germany, Japan, and America. Germany brings them in for their perspective on the topic and to describe how their cultures advanced their usage of technology as a comparison point between different origin factors, but mainly concerning culture and purpose. Students suspect Germany does this because he can’t teach the required modern section of the course worth shit, and he always denies this despite it clearly being true. He becomes too intimidating on the topic when the students push him on it, and they all quickly back down each time with Japan cringing or America laughing in the background.
Physical Education: Germany, America, and Russia. A German, American, and Russian walk into a gym. The German focuses on posture and overall execution during workouts while the American puts emphasis on stamina and speed, as the Russian encourages improving one’s power and aggressiveness. The American tells the two about his personal training program he wants to pitch to the board to get the kids in shape quickly. The German and the Russian look at the American like he’s insane and chides him for suggesting such a torturous training regimen under the guise of a “cowboy camp.”
Physics: Germany and Russia. The worst class to take because both instructors are bad at being sociable and making the classroom a friendly environment to work in. They also take the course way too seriously. When they start getting into arguments with each other, the students brace themselves as they continuously remind themselves to stay for their degree. Students would report this, if both teachers didn’t stop fighting like a flip of a switch, startling the students and making them wish they took another course instead.
Finance: America and Russia. Despite butting heads constantly, they provide some seasoned insight on the dangers of spending over budget, what loans and credit company practices to look out for, and how to shop smart by comparing prices and understanding return policies in stores and online. This is in part due to their different experiences when it comes to their own finances and how they handled their money. Most students are pleasantly surprised at how smoothly these lectures go and typically feel more confident when approaching their own finances.
Communications. America, Prussia, and Britain. He brings in Prussia for his equally loud and commanding presence, on top of them getting along well and having fun with the class. He only invites Britain when he wants to show his students what a bad example of public speaking is, much to the Englishman’s chagrin. Cue America snoring obnoxiously at the back of the classroom as Britain attempts to try and teach America’s students “something useful about the spoken word in proper English.”
Architecture: France and Britain. They bicker constantly with unnecessary details when comparing their buildings and never stop one-upping each other on who did whatever best. Yet they always manage to stay on topic somehow, which makes the notetaking an absolute nightmare when students read over it later. They realize none of it will be useful on the tests, probably. So they throw their notebooks to the ground in irritation, wanting to switch classes as soon as possible.
French: France and Canada. While France officially and gladly gave Canada the position due to his own course workload, he still pops into Canada’s language class from time to time to lend his own demonstrations and assist with conversations. Trusts his younger brother to teach it despite being peeved that the students are learning more Canadian French nuances than European French ones.
Health. China and America. China only brings in America to make an example out of his unhealthy habits and make fun of him in the process. Every time America falls for the invitation, despite knowing better, and ends up sulking away from a very pleased China.
Filmmaking: Everyone. On rotation. Fight me.
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mathslear · 2 days
5 Reasons Why BYITC English Courses Are Top Ranking?
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For mastering the English language, it is important to start early in life. Parents who aspire for the success of their children must focus on giving them an early start by enrolling them in the best spoken English classes for kids. Although numerous institutions and organizations offer English courses, BYITC stands a class apart as its courses have an edge over others. We lay down five of the biggest reasons why BYITC’s English courses are amongst the top ranking in the world. Read on to find out more about best english learning courses.
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Best English Learning Courses
Curriculum designed by Cambridge Certified Professionals – The focal point of any course is its curriculum. A meticulously designed and well-structured curriculum is bound to make the subject easy for the pupils. Comprehensive coverage of all topics and concepts, gradual progression in the difficulty levels of the concepts, and in-depth explanation of advanced concepts along with hands-on exercises are some of the key elements of a curriculum that can truly be called world-class. The reason why BYITC’s English courses are amongst the most sought-after is their curriculum which has been designed by professionals certified by Cambridge and incorporates all the aforementioned elements.
Diversity included-From a holistic perspective, a language is the sum total of several elements namely, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, sentence structure, etc. Besides, mastering a language has many facets that include reading, writing, oration, listening and comprehension. The English courses offered by BYITC include all these diverse elements and emphatically focus on English grammar, vocabulary building, spelling words correctly, reading comprehension, creative writing, and confidence-building.
Seasoned trainers and teachers – The teachers at BYITC are well-qualified, competent, and seasoned enough to teach English while understanding the needs of individual learners. The teachers identify the areas in which a student is lagging and each student receives personalized feedback on areas where he can improve.
Technology-based learning-Long before the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world and made online learning a necessity, BYITC championed the need to go digital and made every learning resource available through its dedicated web application.Of immense use to the students, this English app is laden with resources that help build reading, writing, and research skills that enhance the overall fluency of the student.
Accent training-With so many providers of English language courses,it is difficult to tell the outstanding from the ordinary. Seldom does any English course provide accent training. The accent is one element of spoken English that is as underrated as it is important. BYITC’s English speaking courses (even those for beginners) focus on accents, pronunciations, and formal speaking. These courses also provide students exposure to global accents.
BYITC – The leader in English training
For finding the best classes for English grammar for kids, look for BYITC. Their courses, perhaps the best in the class, are designed to make English learning fun and engaging for kids. Apart from the advantages of BYITC’s English courses mentioned above, your child also receives the hands-on experience of communicating with others in English through their group discussion sessions. Help your child master English and enrol him in one of best English learning courses.
Originally Published at:https://supermaths.co.uk/5-reasons-why-byitc-english-courses-are-top-ranking/
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oxbridge1 · 8 months
Young Voices Soar: Kids' English Elevation with Oxbridge's Virtual Odyssey!
Elevate your child's language prowess through Oxbridge's distinctive Online Spoken English Classes for Kids! Our dynamic virtual platform and skilled instructors create an immersive learning journey. Witness your child's linguistic abilities flourish in a nurturing and enjoyable environment. Secure a spot now for a language adventure like no other! Visit our website or call to embark on this unique odyssey with Oxbridge. Limited spaces available for budding linguists!
To know more read our blog -https://oxbridge007.blogspot.com/2024/01/unleashing-power-of-online-english.html
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scholartuitions · 1 month
Online Dance Classes in Canada: Online Dance School for Kids
Ignite your child's love for dance with Scholartuitions' exciting online dance classes! We bring the dance studio right to your living room, offering a fun and interactive learning experience for kids across Canada. Our talented instructors create a vibrant and engaging environment where young dancers can explore their creativity, build confidence, and develop essential dance skills. From ballet and hip-hop to jazz and contemporary, we offer a diverse range of styles to suit every child's interests. With our flexible scheduling and personalized attention, your child will have a blast while learning to move and groove! Let Scholartuitions help your child discover the joy of dance.
Scholar Tuitions offers comprehensive online coaching for a wide range of courses · Languages: IELTS, Spoken English, French, German, Spanish, Hindi · Computer Science: WordPress, PHP, Java, Python, Shopify · Marketing: SEO, SMM, PPC · K-12 Academics: CBSE, ICSE, IB, IGCSE Boards, All Classes, All Subjects · Arts & Activities: Art & Crafts, Musical Instruments, Fusion Dancing · Other: Abacus, Chess, Mental Math’s, Calligraphy, Story Telling, NCERT, IIT-JEE, NEET, Other Competitive Exams Preparation
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britishexpresss · 5 months
English Speaking for Kids
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In today's globalized world, proficiency in English has become increasingly vital. For children, developing strong English speaking skills from an early age not only aids in academic success but also opens doors to diverse opportunities in the future. Implementing effective strategies to foster English speaking abilities in kids is paramount.One key approach is immersion. Creating an environment where English is consistently spoken can significantly enhance a child's language acquisition. This can be achieved through activities such as reading English storybooks, watching English cartoons or movies, and engaging in conversations with native English speakers.Moreover, interactive learning tools tailored for kids can make the language learning process enjoyable and effective. Educational games, apps, and online resources designed specifically to improve English speaking skills can captivate children's interest and motivate them to practice regularly.Additionally, structured English speaking classes or workshops can provide children with formal instruction and guidance. These classes often incorporate interactive activities, role-playing exercises, and pronunciation drills to help children build confidence and fluency in speaking English.In conclusion, prioritizing English speaking for kids is essential in today's interconnected world. By fostering a conducive learning environment, leveraging interactive tools, and providing structured instruction, parents and educators can empower children to excel in English communication from a young age, setting them on a path toward future success.
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translationwala · 6 months
How to Use English to Odia Translation to Create a More Inclusive Learning Environment
An educated culture is a strong one, and it is very important that everyone can get a good education. In India, where English is often used as the language of teaching, making a truly open learning setting means taking into account the needs of students whose first language is not English. English to Odia translation can help people who know Odia get ahead in school by bridging the language gap.
Understanding the Challenges of English-Medium Education for Odia Speakers
It can be hard for kids whose first language is Odia to find their way around an English-only program. Here are some of the problems they have to deal with:
Comprehension Difficulties: It can be hard to understand complicated ideas and scientific terms that are only spoken in English.
Reduced Participation: People who are afraid of making mistakes or not being heard in English may be hesitant to speak up in class talks.
Lower Confidence Levels: Language barriers can make it hard for students to understand what they are being taught, which can affect their confidence and general academic success.
How English to Odia Translation Can Foster Inclusion
Teachers can make the classroom a friendlier and more helpful place for Odia-speaking students by using translation techniques from English to Odia. How to do it:
Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Giving students translated forms of important learning materials like textbooks, homework, and lectures helps them understand things better.
Enhancing Participation: It makes the classroom a better place for everyone when you encourage kids to use both English and Odia. Teachers can translate important points or lead talks where students can use Odia to explain ideas.
Building Confidence: Students feel more confident when they can understand and say what they want to say. Translation can give them the confidence to take part, ask questions, and get their worries cleared up without holding back.
Practical Strategies for Implementing English to Odia Translation in the Classroom
To make the classroom more welcoming for everyone, teachers can use English to Odia translation in the following ways:
Utilize Bilingual Resources: Students can use extras like translation textbooks, glossaries, and online dictionaries as quick reference guides.
Embrace Technology: You can plan ahead and use translation apps and software to translate certain words or phrases during lessons.
Encourage Peer Learning: Pair students who speak Odia with friends who speak English well so that they can help each other and share what they know.
Incorporate Odia Language Activities: Give students time to read books written in Odia, write short sentences in Odia, or take part in talks about culture topics related to Odia. This helps them feel proud of their culture and strengthens their mother tongue.
Beyond the Classroom: Building a School-Wide Culture of Inclusion
English to Odia Translation has effects that go beyond schools. Here are some ways that schools can make the setting more welcoming:
Signage and Announcements: Make sure that all of the students can read important school messages, signs, and papers by translating them into Odia.
Parental Engagement: Set up talks between parents and teachers where information is given in both English and Odia. Encourage parents to talk to you about any language-related worries they may have.
Celebrate Odia Culture: Set up culture events that show off the Odia language, writing, and customs. This helps students who speak Odia feel like they fit and encourages cultural understanding among all students.
The goal of English to Odia Translation is not to replace English, but to build links for better learning. By using these translation techniques, teachers can create a learning space where all students, no matter what language they speak at home, feel like they can join, learn, and do well. Remember that a classroom with a lot of different people and cultures is a lively place where learning grows and everyone’s voice is heard.
Source: https://translationwala.wordpress.com/2024/04/03/how-to-use-english-to-odia-translation-to-create-a-more-inclusive-learning-environment/
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tipdm · 2 years
Edusession offers Best Spoken English Classes Online - Live One to One Personalised Class for English Speaking with a level-wise training.
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