#online shopping in Shenzhen
fatehbaz · 5 months
They’ve built a “Great Wheel” on the Seattle waterfront [...].
The small timber village became a military outpost in the Puget Sound War [...], [and] soon evolved into a trade gateway, with timber tailings and other industrial trash from Henry Yesler’s mill used to fill in the marshlands [...], atop which migrant laborers raised tents and shanties [...] now working to feed raw materials into the furnaces of the Second Industrial Revolution burning in the East. [...] The first nationwide strike ripped across the country’s railways in 1877, but in Seattle the unrest took on a grim character, as thousands of unemployed white workers rioted against their Chinese counterparts [...]. Meanwhile, [...] local elites rebuilt [...] downtown [...] from scratch, hosting the tallest building on the West Coast alongside other new constructs [fueled] with money gleaned from the supply chains linking eastern capital to Alaskan gold. [...] Today the city - again rebuilt [...] - is seen as one of the primary beneficiaries of the “Fifth” Industrial Revolution in information technology, outshone only by California’s Silicon Valley. [...] The digital was increasingly thought of as somehow "immaterial," sustained by intellectual labor more than physical toil [...].
Silicon Valley myths of [...] "immaterial" labor disguise a more gruesome dynamic in which growing segments of the global labor force are being deprived even of the basic brutality of the wage, instead forced out into growing rings of slums, prisons, and global wastelands. [...]
Perched alongside a downtown business corridor [...], Seattle's Great Wheel seems to peer out over [...] [the] prophesied “cooperative commons,” an infotech metropolis abutting the beauty of an evergreen arcadia. But travel below Seattle’s cluster of infotech industries and the image appears much the same as that of a hundred years prior - a trade gateway, squeezing value from supply chains by selling transport and logistical support. The southern stretch of the metropolis bears little resemblance to the revitalized urban core of the city proper. Instead of the “cognitive labor” of Microsoft, it is defined instead by the cold calculation of companies like UPS, founded in Seattle when the city was one link in a colonial supply chain built first for timber, then Alaskan gold, then World War. [...]
In south Seattle, this logistics empire takes the form of faceless warehouses, food processing facilities, container trucks, rail yards, and industrial parks concentrated between two seaports, an international airport, three major interstates, and railroads traveling in all directions. Meanwhile, the poor have been priced out of the old inner city, moving southward [...]. [T]hey can be found staffing the airport and the rail yards, hauling cargo in and out of two the major seaports, loading boxes in warehouses [...]. And, beyond them, the shadow stretches out to Washington’s rural hinterlands where migrant laborers staff a new boom in agriculture and raw materials [...] - and further still into America’s long-depressed interior, where the Great Wheel meets its opposite: Memphis, the FedEx logistics city, watched over by a great black pyramid [the infamous Bass Pro Shop pyramid]. [...]
Every Seattle is capable of creating an eco-friendly, “cooperative commonwealth” tended by apps and algorithms only insofar as there is a Memphis that can provide human workers to sort the packages, a Shanghai to build the containers that carry them, and a Shenzhen to solder together the circuits of the machines that govern it all.
All text above by: Phil A. Neel. "The Great Wheel". Brooklyn Rail. April 2015. Published online at: brooklynrail.org/2015/04/field-notes/the-great-wheel. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Presented here for commentary, teaching, personal use, criticism purposes.]
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canmom · 1 year
cog in what machine
So since the VR games industry is the agglomeration of technocapital that’s currently permitting me to ‘continue to exist’, I am wondering - where are these headsets actually made?
Honestly the chances of getting a conclusive answer beyond ‘probably Shenzhen or TSMC’ is pretty low, but surprisingly I did find an article that claims to have taken it apart and found out where various parts come from. Here’s a breakdown by the price of the parts:
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And the final assembly is done (for the Quest Pro at least) at the Foxconn factory in Taiwan. [For some context, the Quest 2 is a standalone headset with mobile phone chips, and it became one of the best-selling headsets ever, while the more expensive Quest Pro proved unpopular, and will likely be completely obsoleted when the Quest 3 comes out.]
Of course, that’s just one layer down the tree. Where the raw materials come from is anyone’s guess - you’d have to do some serious journalism to track it all down. Just like in computer software we create abstractions and interfaces over the ‘lower level’ components, in economics, each company in the chain only wants to know where it can get the materials and labour it needs, and at what price.
This whole process is so opaque. By making software for this machine, I’m in a sense put into a relationship with people all over the world whose fates are also tied to this industry. Even within the company I work for there are people from multiple continents, and we can all fit in one virtual room. I have little to no idea what it’s like to work on the other side of the chain. Back in 2018, I read a translation (by Chuang) of a satirical Marxist pamphlet distributed among Foxconn workers, with a bunch of pictures. It’s not some lurid dystopia, we all play the same games, but it doesn’t look like a kind of work I could manage.
It is startling how big the divide is between ‘people who work in tech’ and ‘people who work in any other industry’ in terms of pay, work conditions, etc. I can work the crazy hours my adhd-addled brain comes online, as long as the work gets done; the work itself is varied and interesting and creative. These guys have to go to work at 7am and work all day on a monotonous assembly line task. And similarly, some other poor fucker has to go down a mine to get the rare earth minerals needed to make high performance capacitors and all that. The only difference between me and them is that I was born here and they were born there. We both ‘work in VR’, for similar reasons on the high level of abstraction: we need to eat, and we think we’ll have a better life if we work in this industry than some other. But the context of that choice and the capacity in which we work could hardly be different.
All of that is hidden. You see a white plastic shell, a logo, a cute little chime, a fantasy environment. But even if I knew the names and faces of everyone whose hands touched this thing before mine, what good would it do?
I don’t know what role tech workers have in changing all this. “Meta” (formerly Facebook) is the centre of this particular web, but if Meta were to go bust, someone else would pick up where they left off. Back in the day, when industries were less diluted across the world, a strike could be organised in person across a shop floor and shut down a whole industry. Imagine if this company - all ten people! - all decided to go on strike for some end (say, solidarity with a strike in China or something)... well, Meta would have less games for their platform but it would hurt us a lot more than it would hurt them. We’re all separated by physical distance, political borders, languages.
I think maybe it’s worth reciting the story of the current age of VR. This guy Palmer Luckley made a company to turn this extravagantly expensive sci-fi technology into consumer hardware like a games console. It’s not the first time someone tried (c.f. Virtual Boy) but this time the tech was just about good enough and there was a lot more money to throw at wacky ideas like that, so it proved to have legs, and other companies got in on the game, and now it’s a category of desirable technological object you can own, like a smartphone or gaming PC.
Anyway, the story goes, his company got bought by Facebook, who were fantasising about a vaguely-defined ‘metaverse’ which will be like Second Life but better, or maybe an omnipresent AR layer over reality, or who the fuck knows what else - but in practice mostly just ended up becoming a games console manufacturer so they could operate the kind of platform capitalism that e.g. Apple and Google do with smartphones. Luckley got fired; now the fascist cunt works in ‘defense’ and ‘border security’, manufacturing cameras and drones and shit to stop people entering the US. He made a VR headset that kills you as a bit. So funny. (He’s doing his best to make sure people actually do die on the border. But haha, it’s just like in my Sword Art Onlines!)
I don’t think ‘arm of the military-industrial complex’ the general character of the VR games industry as a whole. Or rather, it is to about the same extent as videogames in general. And I don’t think the technology we enjoy must come at the [social, environmental] price ‘we’ currently pay for it. Computer tech in a less distorted world would probably look very different, but I don’t think ‘making a rock do maths really fast’ inherently implies the rest of the structure that gave birth to it. I think the joy that I get from spending my days making art on the computer is something that most people should have the option to enjoy as well. But goddamn do I not see a way to get to that hypothetical better world from here :/
In the meantime, this is the survival strategy. I think the direct harm is about as little as can be gotten away with: most of these things are beyond my power to affect whether or not I work in VR games. But it does give me pause to think about it all. :|
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
BEIJING — Cities across China further unwound COVID restrictions Friday, loosening testing and quarantine rules in the wake of nationwide protests calling for an end to lockdowns and greater political freedoms.
Anger and frustration with China's hardline pandemic response spilled out onto the streets last weekend in widespread demonstrations not seen in decades.
In the wake of the unrest across China, a number of cities have begun loosening COVID-19 restrictions, such as moving away from daily mass testing requirements, a tedious mainstay of life under Beijing's stringent zero-COVID policy.
At the same time, authorities are continuing to seek to contain protests with heavy security on the streets, online censorship in full force, and surveillance of the population heightened.
As of Friday, the southwestern metropolis of Chengdu will no longer require a recent negative test result to enter public places or ride the metro, instead only requiring a green health code confirming they have not travelled to a "high risk" area.
In Beijing, health authorities called Thursday on hospitals not to deny treatment to people without a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours.
In January, a pregnant woman in the city of Xi'an miscarried after being refused hospital entry for not having a PCR test result.
China has seen a string of deaths after treatment was delayed by COVID restrictions, including the recent death of a 4-month-old baby who was stuck in quarantine with her father.
Those cases became a rallying cry during the protests, with a viral post listing the names of those who died because of alleged negligence linked to the pandemic response.
Many other cities with virus outbreaks are allowing restaurants, shopping malls and even schools to reopen, in a clear departure from previous tough lockdown rules.
In northwestern Urumqi, where a fire that killed 10 people was the spark for the anti-lockdown protests, authorities announced Friday that supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and ski resorts would gradually be opened.
The city of over 4 million residents endured one of China's longest lockdowns, with some areas shut in early August.
Home quarantine
An analysis by state-run newspaper People's Daily on Friday quoted a number of health experts supporting local government moves to allow positive cases to quarantine at home.
The shift would be a marked departure from current rules, which require that they be held in government facilities.
The southern factory hub of Dongguan on Thursday said that those who meet "specific conditions" should be allowed to quarantine at home. It did not specify what those conditions would be.
The southern tech hub Shenzhen rolled out a similar policy Wednesday.
Central government officials have also signaled that a broader relaxation of zero-COVID policy could be in the works.
Speaking at the National Health Commission Wednesday, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan said the omicron variant was weakening and vaccination rates were improving, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.
A central figure behind Beijing's pandemic response, Sun said this "new situation" required "new tasks.”
She made no mention of zero-COVID in those remarks or in another meeting Thursday, suggesting the approach, which has disrupted the economy and daily life, might soon be relaxed.
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setupuraccounts · 5 days
Shein is a Chinese corporation with its headquarters in Shenzhen. Shein used to go by the name SheInside.
The business is regularly listed among the top e-commerce platforms. It provides a large selection of goods at reasonable prices, drawing customers from all over the world.
Chris Xu is the man behind this globally recognized B2C e-commerce site that sells clothes, jewelry, shoes, apparel, and other accessories.
Shein is well-known for its speedy delivery and smooth shopping experience.
Chris Xu (formerly YangTian Xu) is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shein, one of the best fashion-focused shopping portals in the world today.
Shein is a Chinese online shopping site that sells women’s and children’s clothing, jewelry, and accessories. It has customers from over 220 different countries.
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wrightlifeshop · 16 days
Wright Life®
Wright Life® is an esteemed Asian brand, established in 2011, specializing in natural health products. The brand merges over 5,000 years of Chinese medicinal knowledge with modern technology and standards to create high-quality, safe, and eco-friendly health foods. Headquartered in Hong Kong, with subsidiaries in Shenzhen and Zhuhai, Wright Life employs over 300 staff and operates GMP-certified facilities to ensure mass production of diverse health products. In addition to selling through six Hong Kong stores and an online shop, their products are available in over 300 Mannings stores and various pharmacies in Hong Kong and Macau. In response to evolving market needs, Wright Life is expanding their reach via e-commerce platforms, aiming to serve a global customer base with their quality products.
Name : Wright Life® 
Address: UG070, MCP CENTRAL, Tseung Kwan O, NT
Phone: 27273828
Website: https://www.wrightlifeshop.com/
Tag: nmn, biotin
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Shipping from China to Jamaica: Our Door-to-Door Service Surprised Andre
Shipping from China to Jamaica: Our Door-to-Door Service Surprised Andre
Our Jamaican client, Andre, ordered a shipment of fresh tropical fruits and high-end electronics. This wasn't just any shipment—it included vibrant, aromatic fruits selected from Southeast Asia, and the latest electronic products like smartphones and wireless chargers. Andre runs a high-end supermarket and electronics experience store in Jamaica, and he frequently imports goods from China. The two types of goods were packed in separate 40-foot containers. While the electronics could wait, the fruits, though treated for preservation, needed to be shipped as quickly as possible. So, Andre requested storage services to hold the electronics in our warehouse until the fruits arrived, and then ship them together swiftly.
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When shipping from China to Jamaica, finding a reliable logistics company in China is crucial, especially one with its own warehouse. This ensures full control over the logistics process, guaranteeing timely delivery and high-quality management. We at Sunny Worldwide Logistics have our own dedicated foreign trade warehouse at Yantian Port. Out of the 60,000 freight companies in Shenzhen, only three, including us, have such facilities.
Moreover, Sunny Worldwide Logistics owns its own fleet of container trucks—a rare asset among freight companies, with only 10% having this capability. The fruits were shipped from Southeast Asia, and when Andre’s Guangzhou office received them, they contacted us immediately. I quickly arranged for a truck to transport the fruits to our warehouse.
Andre’s team is small, and for shipping from China to Jamaica, he relies on us to provide a comprehensive service. We offer a door-to-door service with customs clearance and tax included. This service not only covers delivery from door to door but also takes care of customs declarations in China and clearance in Jamaica. Regular couriers and logistics companies typically don’t include customs clearance, requiring clients to handle it themselves. Many people now shop online internationally, and individuals often can’t manage customs clearance on their own. We help domestic clients with customs declarations and assist international clients with clearance and delivery. This door-to-door service is very client-friendly, solving the last-mile problem in logistics and making the process hassle-free for our clients. This was exactly the service Andre needed.
After completing all these tasks, I coordinated with suppliers to prepare the customs documents and confirmed the bill of lading details with Andre. Given the tight timeline, we needed to finalize the bill of lading by Friday, so I called Andre to verify the necessary information, leading to a successful departure.
Once the shipment set sail, I prepared the certificate of origin and the original bill of lading for Andre. After Andre made the payment, I sent the original bill of lading to him. The goods safely arrived at Kingston Port, Jamaica, as scheduled. Upon arrival, our local agent handled the collection, customs clearance, and delivery by truck to Andre’s store. When Andre saw the still-fresh, vibrant tropical fruits and the intact electronics, he was very pleased.
At Sunny Worldwide Logistics, we have a dedicated foreign trade warehouse at Yantian Port—one of only three companies out of 60,000 in Shenzhen with this capacity. We also own an 1800-square-meter Grade A office building, ranking in the top 3 in our industry, and operate our own fleet of container trucks, a capability only 10% of companies in our field possess. If you have needs of shipping from China to Jamaica, feel free to reach out to us!
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randmevaper · 2 months
Randme Vaper
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Randme Vaper is a leading company in the e-cigarette industry, established in June 2000. Specializing in online sales, Randme Vaper has carved out a prominent niche in the digital marketplace for electronic cigarettes and related products. With its dedicated focus on providing high-quality vaping solutions, the company offers a diverse range of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and accessories through its user-friendly online store. The company's official website, randmevaper.de, serves as a comprehensive platform for customers to explore and purchase their desired vaping products. Randme Vaper is committed to delivering an exceptional shopping experience, with a focus on customer satisfaction and product excellence. For any inquiries or assistance, customers can reach out to Randme Vaper via email at [email protected] or by phone at 16608671125. The company’s dedication to customer support ensures that all questions and concerns are addressed promptly. Since its inception, Randme Vaper has built a strong reputation for reliability and innovation in the vaping industry. As it continues to evolve and adapt to market trends, the company remains at the forefront of e-cigarette retail, offering cutting-edge products and unparalleled service to its global clientele.
Business Hours: 24 hours Payment Methods: Paypal Year Establish: 2000 Contact Name: mashaoliang
Contact Info: Randme Vaper Address: Bezirk Baoan, Shenzhen, China Phone: 16608671125 Mail: [email protected] Website: http://randmevaper.de/
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printyourdesire · 2 months
Web Design Shenzhen: Transform Your Online Presence with Go-Globe
Shenzhen, China's tech powerhouse, is a city where innovation and business thrive. For companies aiming to capture the attention of a digitally savvy audience, having an exceptional website is crucial. Go-Globe offers premier web design services tailored specifically for businesses in Shenzhen. This article explores the significance of Web Design Shenzhen and how Go-Globe can elevate your online presence.
The Power of Custom Web Design in Shenzhen
In a city like Shenzhen, standing out in the digital realm requires more than just a generic website. Custom web design ensures your site is not only visually appealing but also highly functional and tailored to the unique preferences of your target audience. A bespoke web design strategy can significantly enhance user engagement and drive business growth.
Why Choose Go-Globe for Web Design Shenzhen?
Go-Globe is a leading provider of custom web design solutions, with a deep understanding of Shenzhen’s market dynamics. Here’s how Go-Globe can help your business thrive:
1. Localized Design and Content
Cultural relevance is key to connecting with Shenzhen’s audience. Go-Globe ensures your website features localized content and design elements that resonate with local users. This includes using appropriate color schemes, fonts, and layouts that appeal to Shenzhen’s tech-savvy populace.
2. Superior User Experience
A seamless user experience is vital for retaining visitors and converting them into loyal customers. Go-Globe focuses on creating intuitive navigation, fast loading times, and mobile-friendly designs. Given the high mobile usage in Shenzhen, responsive design is a top priority.
3. SEO Optimization and Compliance
Ranking well on Chinese search engines like Baidu requires specialized SEO strategies. Go-Globe implements local SEO best practices, helping your website gain visibility and attract organic traffic. Moreover, Go-Globe ensures your site complies with Chinese internet regulations, providing a hassle-free experience.
4. Advanced E-commerce Solutions
Shenzhen’s bustling e-commerce market presents a lucrative opportunity for businesses. Go-Globe offers comprehensive e-commerce solutions, including the integration of popular Chinese payment gateways and optimization for local shopping behaviors, to boost your online sales.
Proven Success in Web Design Shenzhen
Go-Globe has a track record of delivering successful web design projects in Shenzhen. Businesses partnering with Go-Globe have reported significant improvements in their online visibility, user engagement, and conversion rates, demonstrating the effectiveness of tailored web design solutions.
In Shenzhen’s competitive digital landscape, having a standout website is essential. Go-Globe’s Web Design Shenzhen services offer customized solutions that cater to the unique needs of the local market. By focusing on localized design, superior user experience, and effective SEO strategies, Go-Globe helps your business shine online.
Ready to elevate your online presence in Shenzhen? Contact Go-Globe today to learn more about their custom web design services and take the first step towards digital success. Let Go-Globe transform your website into a powerful tool for business growth in Shenzhen.
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blueweave8 · 6 months
Asia Pacific Pet Food Market Scope, Demand, Forecast 2023-2030
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market size by value at USD 28.93 billion in 2023. During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market size to expand at a CAGR of 12.45% reaching a value of USD 65.71 billion by 2030. The Pet Food Market in Asia Pacific is propelled by the surge in pet ownership, rising awareness regarding pet health and wellbeing, and an upswing in online pet product sales. Leading market players are introducing plant-based pet food and allergen-free products, addressing the ethical concerns of vegans and vegetarians who live with both carnivorous and omnivorous pets. Notably, companies in the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market are prioritizing research and development initiatives to introduce innovative, high-quality pet food products. Simultaneously, pet food manufacturers are shifting towards using more protein-rich tissue and reducing the inclusion of fatty tissue and tallow. The increase in pet ownership, coupled with a growing demand for high-quality and premium pet food products, presents substantial opportunities for the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market. This strategic emphasis on research and development aims to ensure sustained business growth beyond the peak of the pandemic, aligning with the evolving preferences of consumers and market demands.
By volume, BlueWeave estimated the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market size at 12.24 million metric tons in 2023. During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market size by volume is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.78% reaching the volume of 15.76 million metric tons by 2030. The Asia Pacific region stands out as the home to a greater number of pet dogs and cats than any other region, boasting an estimated nearly 300 million of these pets in households. This figure surpasses the count in North America by approximately 100 million. In 2022, the Asia Pacific region witnessed the revival of two significant pet food events: Pet Fair SEA, which took place in Bangkok, Thailand in October, and Pet Fair Asia, held in Shenzhen, China, in November. These trade shows not only facilitated global participation, with visitors from over 60 countries, but also provided insights into how trends such as humanization, nutrition, health, and the emergence of innovative processes and ingredients are shaping the Asia Pacific pet food market.
Opportunities: Thriving e-commerce sector
Globally, pet food stands out as one of the most rapidly expanding online categories, following closely behind infant and baby nutrition. Pet e-commerce platforms hold substantial growth potential, positioning themselves as a formidable distribution channel, second only to physical retail stores. Mars Petcare, a prominent player in the Chinese pet food market, collaborates with leading e-commerce platforms like Tmall, JD, and Amazon. The company plans to increase investments in online channels and intensify research into pet owners' shopping habits and preferences. The surge in pet ownership has spurred the rise of pet startups in developing nations such as India, exemplified by BarkNBond—an app facilitating the discovery of pet-related essentials. A surge in the number of android and internet users, coupled with innovative e-commerce marketing strategies, fuels a global uptick in pet food sales.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/asia-pacific-pet-food-market/report-sample
Impact of Escalating Geopolitical Tensions on Asia Pacific Pet Food Market
The Asia Pacific Pet Food Market confronts significant repercussions amid rising global geopolitical tensions, notably influenced by the United States-China trade war. This sector, integral to the region's economic dynamics, resonates with the broader international trade landscape. The trade conflict has particularly disrupted pet food exports, prompting a shift in consumer preferences among Chinese pet owners. Escalating tariffs have led to increased costs for imported United States pet food, fostering a reconsideration of domestic and alternative sources, such as those from New Zealand, France, and Canada. This geopolitical turmoil extends its impact to pet food ingredients, with heightened tariffs affecting various components. As the United States-China trade war unfolds, the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market finds itself navigating complex challenges and transformative shifts.
Asia Pacific Pet Food Market
Asia Pacific Pet Food Market – By Distribution Channel
By distribution channel, the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market is divided into Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Specialty Pet Food Stores, and Online Channels segments. The online channels segment holds the highest share in the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market by distribution channel. The robust internet connectivity across Asia Pacific is elevating the role of e-commerce platforms as a highly efficient distribution channel for pet food sales. Consumers in developing nations prioritize convenience, affluence, and exclusivity, fostering a significant market for pet wellness products. There is a heightened sense of safety and market awareness among consumers, contributing to the growing demand for pet food. With market forces and widespread connectivity, the overall market is anticipated to experience significant growth. The preference for branded products over local alternatives has further reinforced the reliance on e-commerce platforms for access to top-quality pet products, a trend amplified by the increasing phenomenon of pet humanization.
Asia Pacific Pet Food Market – By Country
The in-depth research report on the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market covers the market in the region’s major countries including China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Rest of APAC. China region holds the highest share in the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market. It is primarily due to China's high pet population and escalating demand and the expansive scale of China's pet economy. It is primarily due to its extensive pet population, accounting for a significant portion of the regional market. The China’s leadership position is propelled by escalating demand and the expansive scale of China's pet economy. The number of pet food manufacturers has tripled in the past five years, and advancements in producing refined and diverse functional pet food contribute to this trend. Despite lower pet penetration than the United States, China's high pet consumption and evolving market trends solidify its leading position.
Competitive Landscape
The Asia Pacific Pet Food Market is fragmented, with numerous players serving the market. The key players dominating the Asia Pacific Pet Food Market include ADM, Charoen Pokphand Group, Colgate-Palmolive Company (Hill's Pet Nutrition Inc.), FARMINA PET FOODS, General Mills Inc, IB Group (Drools Pet Food Pvt Ltd), Mars Incorporated, Nestle (Purina), Schell & Kampeter Inc. (Diamond Pet Foods), and Virbac. The key marketing strategies adopted by the players are facility expansion, product diversification, alliances, collaborations, partnerships, and acquisitions to expand their customer reach and gain a competitive edge in the overall market.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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tip-research24 · 8 months
Vaping Tanks Market 2030 Size, Share | Trends, Business Revenue Forecast and Statistics, Growth Prospective
Investors are expected to receive business-oriented market insights from The Insight Partners "Overview of Vaping Tanks Market Share, Size, and 2030" | market study. This study incorporates forecasts for the future market in addition to operational variables. This research addresses a variety of possibilities accessible for Vaping Tanks market participants in addition to drivers and obstacles. Valid facts included in this research have been framed using both primary and secondary research approaches.
Vaping Tanks Market research delves deeply into many categories to provide a thorough perspective for both seasoned players and recent arrivals. Companies may guarantee they have a competitive edge by using this market research to have a better perspective and knowledge of the target audience. Before making significant investments, businesses must have a firm understanding of the market. It makes financial sense to allocate a modest portion of your company's expenditure to reliable market research.
Firms must take an open-minded attitude in light of the competitive landscape discussed in this research. Companies may utilize the objective insights provided by this market research to identify their strengths and limitations. Companies that can capitalize on the fresh ideas gained from competition analysis will have an edge in moving forward.
A market research report, which contains proof of market research and provides the best opportunity for businesses to fulfill their objectives, might serve as the cornerstone of your business strategy.
Key objectives of this research are:
Global Vaping Tanks Market Insights- Market Share, Market Size, and CAGR
To Examine Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities in Vaping Tanks Market
To offer competitive strategic insights that help businesses ace the game
To offer an actionable market recommendation
To brief on the impact of COVID-19 and present an account of strategic responses businesses can plan.
To analyze the Vaping Tanks market benchmarks.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
Halting the operations temporarily, an epidemic of COVID-19 influenced on revenues of key Vaping Tanks market players. This section presents details on the range of responses businesses have to pandemic impacts and assists companies in developing post-pandemic strategies. Moving further, this chapter offers insights into supply-demand parameters for businesses to rejoin the market.
Key companies in this Vaping Tanks market are- Aspire (Aspire Vape Co.), Halocigs, IJOY, Imperial Brands, Innokin Technology, Joyetech Group, Shenzhen IVPS Technology, VapeFly.net (VapeFly.com), Vaporesso, Wake Mod Co.
To Summarize the Offerings-
Market Forecast- Coverage- Market Size, Share, and CAGR | Forecast by 2030
Market Scope– Aim of the research, A glance at key chapters
Market Dynamics- Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Market Players – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation in Vaping Tanks Market
Covid-19 Analysis- Industry Landscape During and Post-Pandemic.
Regional Framework- Key Regional Markets, Growth Projections
Market Segmentation Based on Type this market is categorized further into- :
Based on Distribution Channel this market is categorized further into- :
Specialist E-Cig Shops
Based on Geography this market is categorized further into- :
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Key regions Vaping Tanks Market Research Report:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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harunurrashid017 · 8 months
 Increase the number of users
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Compared with handing out flyers and cooperating with supermarkets, there is no HE Tuber need for printing, rent and other costs. Compared with new media, the time cost is lower. Reduce costs and increase efficiency for merchants by providing technological means, such as AI services such as "Smart Chicken Raising"
Through the above analysis, we can find that compared with other loan consumption methods, Anyihua better meets the needs of fund demanders, fund suppliers, and consumer suppliers, and thus has higher user value for them. This This is also one of the reasons why it can develop smoothly and rise rapidly.
Business value analysis
Anyihua's core business is consumer loans, and its main source of income is interest income.
An important indicator to judge whether a business can develop healthily is revenue.
Here we refer to the GMV calculation formula, the most commonly used data indicator in the e-commerce industry, to analyze whether Anyihua's core business is healthy.
GMV = number of users * conversion rate * unit price per customer
An increase in the number of users, conversion rate, or customer unit price will have a positive impact on the overall revenue growth, so next we will focus on analyzing the means by which Anyihua improves these three key indicators.
Reduced costs:
To achieve sustained revenue growth, a steady stream of registered new users is the most basic guarantee. So how does Anyihua attract new users?
(1) Advertising
Online advertising:
Direct advertising through various online channels (such as Baidu search engine advertising, Douyin, WeChat Moments promotion)
Settled in the service platform (such as Alipay service window, WeChat official account, etc.)
Cooperating with mainstream media (joining hands with "Southern Weekend" to promote joint documentaries)
Cooperate with other brands for promotion (jointly with Qianshan to launch gift boxes)
Initiate/sponsor event promotion and other means of publicity
Offline advertising:
Distributing leaflets in public places
Promote through public transportation (such as launching a public welfare video on the Shenzhen Metro)
Cooperate with supermarkets and stores (such as Chongqing Department Store, Wumart, and China Mobile stores)
Cooperate with other brand merchants for promotion (such as joining hands with Wanglaoji to send cool drinks)
Initiate/sponsor promotion activities (such as assisting rural revitalization, financial knowledge promotion and education activities, etc.)
(2) Offline promotion
Conduct nationwide promotion through cooperation with local promotion platforms to guide new users to obtain credit
(3) Word-of-mouth communication
Word of mouth plays a very critical role in attracting new customers.
The platform provides users with loan and installment services. If the platform not only meets the needs of users, but also has a lower cost of use, a very good product experience, and wins user recognition, it will easily form word-of-mouth communication through customer reviews and social media posts. Increase brand awareness and reputation through word-of-mouth and other methods. Anyihua has made a lot of efforts to this end, and the results are very good. It is because of its good reputation that it has become popular on the Internet.
Here are a few examples:
The total monthly interest-free consumption in Anyihua Mall is 1,000. Consumers who purchase less than 1,000 per month in the mall are equivalent to interest-free shopping.
Anyihua launches special assistance for public welfare activities and the daily supply season. Users have the opportunity to receive assistance and supplies.
Anyihua's "New Citizen Character Integrated Marketing Project" pays close attention to the new citizen groups and launches a number of exclusive welfare activities for new citizens such as financial welfare coupons and surprise physical gifts to effectively provide warmer services to the new citizen groups.
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 9 months
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Shipping to United Arab Emirates: How I Became Close Friends with My Client Mansour
Shipping to United Arab Emirates: How I Became Close Friends with My Client Mansour
A few years ago, I was contacted by a customer from United Arab Emirates named Mansour. He found me online and later added me on Trade Manager. Honestly, I wasn't sure if he was serious at first. But as we continued talking, I learned that Mansour was a supplier of bed linens to local hotels. He knew that products from China were affordable but had never done any importing before. He was worried about how to find a reliable logistics company that could handle everything from import procedures to customs and logistics.
Mansour found out about Sunny Worldwide Logistics online. He saw that we’ve been in business for 26 years, with nearly 100 employees and our own 1,800-square-meter Grade A office space, so he felt we were a trustworthy logistics company and reached out to me.
Mansour asked me to help him purchase goods on Alibaba (a Chinese online shopping platform) and then arrange air shipping to United Arab Emirates. Since we’re an experienced international freight forwarder, we didn’t just provide logistics services but also helped with other tasks. Whether it was contacting suppliers or handling various other details, we took care of it all without charging extra, just our logistics service fee. This allowed Mansour to focus on his core business.
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I started by finding suppliers on Alibaba International and arranged the first shipment from Qingdao. Mansour was very satisfied with our service, and this being his first time importing from China, everything went smoothly. He realized that all he needed was to find suppliers in China, and we’d handle the rest. As he gained confidence, he began asking me to help him buy bed linens from Taobao (another Chinese online shopping platform), with delivery to our office. I would then pack and prepare the export documents before shipping them to United Arab Emirates.
Since Mansour couldn’t communicate directly with the Taobao sellers due to the language barrier, I took on the role of buyer and translator. I handled all the details like material, size, stock, and delivery time. When the goods arrived, I checked them, repacked them, and prepared for export. Sometimes, it took almost a whole day just to pack everything—sometimes over 1,000 kg of goods! It was hard work, but Mansour's business was thriving.
Mansour eventually expanded his product range, including LED lights, stickers, and store fixtures. He planned to open a store in United Arab Emirates. He quickly turned his purchases into beautifully packaged products with his logo, selling them as souvenirs to tourists. The business did well, and all the products were sourced from Taobao and shipped by us.
Mansour was so impressed that he made a trip to China to meet me. I picked him up at the Luohu border, arranged a hotel near our office, and gave him a tour. He was amazed to see that we owned an entire floor of an 1,800-square-meter office building with nearly 100 employees, all in uniform and under standardized management. He knew we were a large logistics company, but he didn’t expect us to be this big.
During his visit, Mansour provided the logos and sizes for the store fixtures he needed. I sent those details to the Taobao sellers and also took him around Shenzhen to buy various items from the craft markets. After nearly a week, everything was settled, and we shipped a full container by sea to United Arab Emirates. Mansour successfully opened his first store and was thrilled, even sending me photos of the grand opening. It was like seeing something you’ve worked hard on come to life.
Over time, Mansour maintained a steady shipment flow, sending about 400-500 bed linen sets each month. However, as competition grew, his business started to decline, and he eventually had to sell the store. After a break, Mansour decided to open a flower shop. With his previous experience, he was much more thorough in planning this time.
Mansour found flower suppliers in Yunnan, China, as well as in Africa and Amsterdam. United Arab Emirates is a popular destination for weddings, so he saw an opportunity to cater to this market. Once again, he started a new venture, registering a brand for his floral designs and packaging, and purchasing all the necessary store materials. Mansour returned to China, and I helped him with all the purchases, packing, and shipping to United Arab Emirates. The flower shop opened successfully, combining a physical store with an online presence, and business took off.
Mansour and I have become close friends over the years, trusting each other completely. Every time he opens a new store, I’m there to help with all the details, far beyond just doing business. Mansour has visited our office several times and is always grateful for our support, especially during his toughest times.
Mansour has invited me to visit United Arab Emirates many times, promising to take care of everything for me. I’ve always been busy with work, but now that I’m married, Mansour has invited me to spend my honeymoon there. One day, I’m sure I’ll make the trip.
Thanks to our successful partnership with Mansour, we’ve expanded our air and sea routes to United Arab Emirates. More and more customers from there are reaching out to work with us. I’m confident that one day, Sunny Worldwide Logistics will become a well-known name in United Arab Emirates, with every shop there choosing us to ship their goods from China—reliable and trusted by all.
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hong-kong-art-man · 10 months
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Waning Interest In Nightlife—Our Past Glory And What Are The Challenges Of The Night-time Economy In Hong Kong?
Some said, “I am all about nightlife. I live during the night.” Some said, “In nightlife, you can become a star. While in the daytime, you can be a nobody.” Some said, “I don’t like going out. I hate clubs. I hate being around too many people.”
A clothes vendor in the well-known Temple Street Night Market in Hong Kong told South China Morning Post, “The Street seemed lifeless and quiet, with many other stallholders gone for the day. I have been running this stall for more than 40 years and business had never been this bad.” The newspaper reported that in better times, Temple Street presented a mix of old and new. It drew visitors who swarmed its numerous stalls selling clothes, souvenirs, jade, antiques and watches. Traditional fortune-tellers beckoned and Cantonese opera singers performed late into the night, while dai pai dong (‘hawkers’) food stalls dished out everything from chili crab to steamed fish. The subdued state of the street market reflects the situation across the city, alongside the trend of Hongkongers heading to mainland Chinese cities such as Shenzhen to enjoy weekends.
Last night, I went to Tsim Sha Tsui, the touristy area, to look for a restaurant at 9:30p.m. Some were closed. Many were preparing for closing. It was a deeply depressing scene.
Many in Hong Kong, since 1970s, had wandered around in the streets at night until they found no place to stay or nobody else to hang with at midnight.
Hong Kong used to be energetic, boisterous and loud after 8 p.m. The urban noise was constant. Neon lights were colourful, bright and reliable. Such signs took a rest only at AM hours. Shopping, dining, night-time snacking, singing, massage, clubbing and socializing were everywhere.
Some attributed the night-life decline to the lack of tourists who can afford. Some suggest that the lifestyle of people here have changed: they feel happier on emotional front at home. They would rather enjoy online shopping, watching Netflix, cooking, meeting cyber-friends and gym exercising—avoiding being overstimulated by others. Some put the blame on the poor economy of Hong Kong because people want to spend less. Some venue operators complain that there is a serious shortage of 20% manpower in Hong Kong and they cannot hire enough workers who are interested in night-shift work. Some lament that more than 200,000 people have emigrated from this city. Others explain the social phenomenon by the outflux of more than 300,000 local people on Saturday and Sunday for ‘weekend getaways’ to the Greater Bay Area cities in Guangdong. Some feel that the government’s controls on hawkers and street busking are too tight. Some comment that the local handicrafts sold are not attractive or creative.
A vibrant and mixed ‘night-time economy’ is important as it can encourage tourism, boost the local spending power and contribute to shaping trendy places where people want to live. This is why some youngsters like to live near Soho, Central. The night-time economy also makes a significant contribution to the employment situation. To the dismay of the government, people in Hong Kong tend to spend less and less. We are an aging population and more and more citizens survive on savings. Thus, saving money produces a sense of security, especially when people are older. Night activities which eat away at one’s bank balance is considered quite unnecessary. Economically, we are facing a recession. Consumptions inevitably slow down especially for expensive nightlife entertainments inclusive of pubs, bars, nightclubs and shows.
From a family’s point of view, it is not a good idea to suggest staying out late at night. Being out late at night can expose teenagers or girls to various safety hazards such as encountering bad people, getting involved in altercations, or becoming victims of crimes. Staying awake through the night takes a toll on physical health. Fatigue and low energy levels in the daytime may worsen work performance. Parents should return home early and spend more time with children. Children will feel that their parents value them. In the old days, a lot of parents in Hong Kong went back home after 10p.m. and the poor parent-child interactions would harm a child’s development. People should be attracted by the happy moments of a family, instead of the desire and seduction typically associated with night activities outside.
For myself, I want the services sector such as doctors, hairstylists, physiotherapists and herbal treatment centres to close later, ideally till 10p.m. Many people are like me—always in a rush during the day and it will be excellent if we could spend few hours after work on personal grooming and healing. Is this night-time economy?
London, New York, Paris and Amsterdam are the great cities, when it comes to ‘night-time cultural economy’. Cinemas, musicals, light shows, plays, stand-up comedies, opera, ballet, dance and concerts, are abundant and liven up the night. These cultural places make the whole area full of vitality. Look at the number of pizza restaurants in New York for a midnight snack! Hong Kong may follow and use evening cultural activities to captivate the younger tourists who are more educated.
In mainland China, some hospitals have extended their operating hours. The official said, “Any attempt to get people to spend more money at night is a good idea.” The thing to watch out is that the late-night operating hours may not necessarily bring the same ratio of income compared with day-time operating hours.
Ernest Hemingway told us, “Night is always darker before the dawn and life is the same.” Extending business hours will not help our economy much. Recalibrating the tourism fundamentals of Hong Kong towards cultural attractions is the more appropriate direction.
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/xiang-gang-60zhi-93391105?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Hong Kong Wanchai Night Market  https://youtu.be/OkRU0NKumz4?si=LfP0uMbzK8wQcXCG  Acknowledgement - hokoonho
Hong Kong Temple Street  https://youtu.be/zucAog03Ucc?si=b6kLiRf5J3NjEiw7  Acknowledgement   – 看見香港
Hong Kong at Night  https://youtu.be/01G05Z8rC1Y?si=ulmwG6iVMnyJNaz1  Acknowledgement-Island Hopper TV Travel Highlights
Sheung Wan Gala Point  https://youtu.be/y8dtrv0tJ1M?si=KzxOj20uBAi4f04A  Acknowledgement-Mike Ling
Song 《 兩相依》  https://youtu.be/Kvo9uOt405A?si=xjYR9-MwZXMefbTh  Acknowledgement – charmer0966
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goldinvest · 11 months
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It has been published every year by the People's Republic of China since 1982.
This popular coin features the lovable giant panda, a globally recognized symbol of China, and with the exception of 2001 and 2002, the China Gold Panda has changed its design every year.
The edition is strictly limited and the Chinese panda is available in different sizes. Coins issued between 1982 and 2015 include popular examples such as the 1 oz Gold Panda and various fragment coins.
The Panda is produced by several mints including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Shenzhen. In 2016, Chinese Panda gold coins were minted for the first time using the metric system: 30g, 15g, 8g, 3g and 1g.
At GOLDINVEST Edelmetalle GmbH we are pleased to offer you a large selection of inexpensive and VAT-free China Gold Panda coins. Please also visit our online shop for fast and insured shipping.
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gadgetrevive · 3 months
### Real or Fake? Trying to Replace my iPhone Battery in Shenzhen, ChinaMy trusty iPhone 7 is on its last legs. I bought it a year or two ago at the Apple Store in Hong Kong, but now, by noon, the battery is down to 10%. It’s clear I need a replacement. Sure, I could take it back to the Apple Store and get it replaced for around $49, which is less than it used to be. However, being in Shenzhen, China, the cell phone repair capital of the world, I knew I could find a better deal.Shenzhen's markets are legendary for their abundance of electronics and replacement parts, especially iPhone batteries. As I embarked on this adventure, I had two main questions: How can I tell if a battery is any good? And how can I distinguish a genuine battery from a fake one? I didn't have the answers, but I was determined to find out.Entering the bustling markets, I was greeted with countless battery booths. Almost every vendor had some sort of battery tester to check the battery's condition before selling it. I decided to get one of these testers for myself to better understand the batteries' quality.After some browsing, I found a battery tester and a handful of batteries from different booths. Each battery was labeled with its booth of origin, whether it was claimed to be original or not, and its price. Additionally, I purchased two NOHON batteries from Taobao, a Chinese online shopping website, based on a recommendation from someone on Twitter. One was a standard capacity battery, while the other was a MAX battery, boasting higher capacity than the original iPhone batteries.Using the tester, I evaluated each battery. The tester could measure the cycle count, designed capacity, and actual capacity in mAh. It could also reset the cycle count to make a battery appear new. This feature highlighted how tricky it can be to determine a battery’s true condition in these markets.Here’s a summary of what I found: 1. **Battery from Booth 1**: Cost 48 RMB (~$7). Claimed to be original, and the tester confirmed it. 2. **Battery from Booth 2**: Cost 55 RMB. The vendor said the cable was original, but the cells were new. The tester labeled it as a copy but with reasonable capacity. 3. **Battery from Booth 3**: An aftermarket brand DORAYMI, marked as a copy 1:1, but with higher than expected capacity. Tester indicated it was a decent battery. 4. **Battery from Booth 4**: Claimed to be original and confirmed by the tester, though it had a cycle count of zero, which was suspicious. 5. **Battery from Booth 5**: Cost 30 RMB. First battery with a non-zero cycle count. It seemed used but reasonable. 6. **Battery from Booth 6**: Had the Apple logo scrubbed off on my request. Marked as a copy and performed adequately on the tester.The NOHON batteries from Taobao were also tested. The MAX battery showed an impressive capacity, but the tester flagged it as non-original. The standard NOHON battery performed similarly to original batteries.After evaluating these options, I decided to replace my iPhone’s battery. Opening the iPhone was challenging due to the well-sealed gasket around the screen, and extracting the battery without breaking the adhesive strips required patience and care.To my surprise, my old battery had 725 cycles but still maintained 85% capacity, suggesting it was in better shape than I expected. Despite this, I opted to install the NOHON MAX battery due to its higher capacity. After ensuring it fit and functioned correctly, I sealed the phone back up, albeit with some compromise on waterproofing.Reflecting on this experience, it’s clear that Shenzhen’s markets offer a wide range of battery qualities and prices. You can find anything from branded aftermarket batteries like NOHON and DORAYMI to original Apple batteries, each with varying states of use and authenticity. This aligns with the broader perception of Chinese manufacturing: you get the quality you pay for, and it’s up to the consumer to discern what they’re buying.For those looking to replace their
iPhone batteries, the key takeaway is to buy from reputable sellers who test their products properly. Avoid random sellers with unknown histories unless you’re willing to take the risk.Additionally, the process of replacing an iPhone battery is quite straightforward and can be done at home. If you’re technically inclined, there’s little reason to visit the Apple Store for an out-of-warranty battery replacement.For those seeking a reliable option, I recommend iFixit’s battery replacement kits. They offer a comprehensive kit with all necessary tools and a battery tested for quality. Their batteries are aftermarket but claimed to match Apple’s quality. iFixit’s customer support and repair guides are invaluable resources for DIY repairs. Until the end of 2019, they committed to keeping their battery kits priced at $29, even though Apple raised their replacement price to $49.In conclusion, whether you opt for a market adventure in Shenzhen or a trusted kit from iFixit, replacing your iPhone battery is easier than you might think, and it can significantly improve your phone’s performance.If you want more information about phone repairs and battery replacements, check out [Gadget Kings](https://gadgetkingsprs.com.au/), a site dedicated to providing top-notch repair services and advice on the latest gadgets.
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