#online ghg training course
punyamacademy · 17 days
Punyam Academy is delighted to Launch Its New E-learning Course on Carbon Footprint Project Implementer Training. To enable the successful implementation of carbon footprint strategies, the online course provides thorough knowledge on carbon footprint measurement, and reporting. Topics covered include Net Zero, carbon neutrality, and carbon offsetting.
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arlen-pidp-blog · 2 years
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Arlen's Blog
Welcome to Arlen’s Blog! - Jan. 4th, 2023
My name is Arlen and I am taking the PIDP program to build my skills as an Instructor. I have 15 years experience in the Electrical Industry and I am currently an Instructor in the Electrical Trades Program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
In this Blog, I will be discussing current Roles and Trends in my field.
Post # 1 – Trends in My Field - Jan. 4th, 2023
Here is a link to the Canadian Renewable Energy Association’s
“Powering Canada’s Journey to Net-Zero: CanREA’s 2050 Vision”
This is an interesting article outlining Canada’s goal of achieving Net-Zero GHG emissions by 2050. To meet these goals, we will require cooperation and collaboration from governments, utilities, system operators, regulators, and industry members. This will be an exciting time for my field as the Electrical Industry grows and adapts to these new challenges. As an instructor in this field, it will be important to stay up to date with changes in the technology as well as playing a role in evolving and adjusting the training to prepare students for the future. I am looking forward to playing my part in creating a Net-Zero GHG emission world for future generations.
Post # 2 – Trends in Adult Education- Jan. 16th, 2023
Here is a link to a Forbes story on the future of Education
“The Next Frontier Of Education”
This is an article highlighting the trends in education brought on by the advancement and accessibility of technology. These trends were further advanced by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic required everyone to adapt and evolve, which created an accelerated acceptance of remote learning. It is interesting to see how online courses are not only often more affordable and accessible than traditional education models, but they also allow the learner to personalize their learning experience. I agree that you do not need to be in a classroom for hours a day to learn new skills. Online students are able to receive an educational experience that is individualized to their needs and schedules, and is comparable in quality to the traditional classroom.
Assignment # 3 - Podcast - Feb. 19th, 2023
Hello! Here is a link to my Cognitive Science Podcast...
Here is a link to the original article...
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02412/fullMusic sample provided by.....
Push by sparky (c) copyright 2023 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial  (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/sparky/65929
Post # 3 – PIDP 3100 - Feb. 19th, 2023
I had an interesting conversation with my PIDP learning partner Rakesh Pandit regarding the latest trends in our respective fields.
Rakesh is an instructor in the field of Bioinformatics and we had a discussion regarding the developments in technology that have an effect on data analytics.
Because Bioinformatics is a technology intensive field there are specific logistic challenges related to large file sizes, data management, data storage.
I learned that the field of Bioinformatics relies on running simulations, researching the latest trends in Biology as well as differences between working with the public and private sector.
Our conversation was an excellent opportunity to learn more about the roles and trends that another PIDP student has as an instructor in their field.
PIDP 3260 Week # 2 Post - Nov. 17th, 2023
My Professional Identity
A personal value that I hold as an instructor is transparency, ensuring clear expectations for my students. Open and honest communication fosters confidence within the class, demonstrating my commitment to their success.
As a professional value, I appreciate feedback from my class about the effectiveness of my lessons and what resonates with students. Maintaining a growth mindset enables me to reflect on my teaching methods and to improve the delivery of my course material.
Through my teaching experience, I have come to understand that my role is that of a facilitator of learning. I try my best to enable my students' success, but ultimately, the responsibility for achieving learning outcomes lies with each individual.
PIDP 3260 Week # 3 Post - Nov. 23rd, 2023
Core Assumptions of Skillful Teaching
An idea that resonated with me from Chapter 2, was that skillful teachers adopt a critically reflective stance towards their practice.  I agree with Brookfield that it is important to model critical thinking in front of students by acting in critically reflective ways. 
Most instructors that I have spoken with consistently agree that critical thinking is a valuable skill to have, but it can be a difficult task to encourage students to engage in.
I feel that I can demonstrate critical thinking to my students by showing that I am constantly working to improve my classes by evaluating and analyzing what lessons are effective, and then making judgements and informed decisions based on what I’ve learned.
PIDP 3260 Week # 4 Post - Dec. 2nd, 2023
Exercising Teacher Power Responsibly
An idea that resonated with me from Chapter 18, revolves around the significance of transparency in the dynamics between students and teachers. I agree with Brookfield that students are more likely to perceive a teacher's behavior as ethical when there is a clear understanding of grading criteria and a thorough explanation of learning outcomes and course agenda.
Transparency plays a pivotal role in establishing a genuine connection with my students and I feel that my class can recognize my authenticity when I make the effort to explain my choices of assignments and assessments.
My commitment to transparency is a demonstration of ethical teaching, where open communication encourages a vibrant and engaged learning environment.
PIDP 3260 Week # 5 Post - Dec. 7th, 2023
Understanding Students' Resistance to Learning
After reflecting on Chapter 16, I agree with Brookfield's idea that students often resist learning when they perceive the content as irrelevant to their goals. Teaching a subject with a diverse range of skill sets and work experience levels makes it challenging to craft course materials that engage the entire class.
Some students perceive certain topics as irrelevant, particularly when the material seems disconnected from the type of work their employers engage in. When I acknowledge this perspective, I understand that not all assignments will resonate with every student.
Although my activities may not align with each learner's expectations, I try to create connections between the different elements of the course material and build an inclusive learning environment that respects each student's unique perspectives.
PIDP 3260 Week # 6 Post - Dec. 13th, 2023
My Professional Goals
Over the next five years, my professional goals involve completing a series of training programs I am currently enrolled in, then expanding the number of courses that I instruct at my institution. My immediate focus is finishing the remaining four courses of the PIDP program by spring 2024, followed by obtaining Advanced Certification in the Automated Controls Installation and Maintenance program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology by late 2024.
In 2025-2026, my plan is to advance my training in power engineering and upgrade my certification to a 3rd Class Power Engineer through Technical Safety BC. After completing my certifications, my long-term goal is to continue developing my skills and work towards training as an instructor in these subjects.
PIDP 3260 Week # 7 Post - Dec. 19th, 2023
How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education
This is a fascinating TED talk by Sal Khan from Khan Academy about the future of education using generative AI tools like ChatGPT. Khan's focus is not on students using AI to easily complete assignments without actually learning anything; instead, he envisions an incredibly positive transformation in education, unlike anything we have seen before.
Every student will have a powerful AI personal tutor that can adapt to their personal preferences and unique learning style, and every teacher will have a powerful AI teacher’s assistant that can adapt to their personal preferences and unique instructional style.
PIDP 3260 Week # 8 Post - Dec. 26th, 2023
Ongoing Learning
An ongoing learning and career development opportunity that I am interested in pursuing after completing the PIDP course, is completing my advanced certification in Automated Controls and Installation and Maintenance (ACIM) at my institution.
Upon successful completion of the ACIM program, I am looking forward to becoming a part-time instructor in this subject. The ACIM program offers a flexible learning schedule, featuring part-time evening and weekend courses with a combination of in-class and online components. This flexibility is tailored to accommodate students who are working full-time, making it equally convenient for instructors who are engaged in full-time employment.
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hudsonespie · 3 years
IMO-EU Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre Network Project Extended
A key project to support the reduction of GHG emissions from shipping in developing countries through regional maritime technology cooperation centres has been extended to March 2022. This will allow this strategic project to continue its decarbonisation pilot projects and training and work towards financial sustainability in the longer term.
The Global MTCC Network (GMN) Project is implemented by IMO and funded by the European Union, to improve energy efficiency in the maritime sector, by supporting developing regions in the move towards maritime decarbonization.
This supports the implementation of the Initial IMO Strategy for the reduction of GHG emissions from shipping.
Image Credits: imo.org
Since their establishment in 2017, four Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) – based in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific – have established strong regional networks and are becoming important regional players, with technical expertise in the field of maritime energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions from shipping.
The Centres have undertaken a range of pilot projects, completed port energy audits and established branch offices in three countries.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the MTCCs have developed alternative plans and ensured continued engagement with stakeholders, including 10 events held during 2020.
The pilot projects range from data collection to installation of solar power on two ferries in the Pacific. The project has developed an online Training Programme on Maritime Energy Management and the Implementation of MARPOL Annex VI (MTCC Caribbean). MTCC Asia developed an E-learning Course on energy efficiency.
Image Credits: imo.org
In the first quarter of 2021, activities included regional maritime technology conferences and exhibitions for the Caribbean and Africa; an MTCC-Africa sulphur limit implementation workshop organised in collaboration with the World Maritime University (WMU) and Danish Maritime; and a regional ship technology conference organised by MTCC-Asia.
In the next few months, the GMN will deliver webinars for the Caribbean, organise industry focused engagement in the Pacific and develop and deliver a global webinar series on maritime technology barriers and opportunities.
The MTCCs are also linked to other projects implemented by IMO to help drive forward the changes which are required to decarbonize shipping. The MTCCs boost resources to support local and regional partners.
Press Release
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from Storage Containers https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-news/imo-eu-maritime-technology-cooperation-centre-network-project-extended/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Best Renewable Energy Course Online
Our e-learning portal is available over the Internet from anywhere. It helps you learn online not only renewable energy technologies and GHG’s impact on climate change but points to adopting technologies on how you can participate in mitigating climate change. In the energy sector, the hiring managers look for individuals with education, skills, and experience in the field of renewable energy technologies and climate change. Thus, for the individuals looking for opportunities to excel in the industry, learning these technologies from the grassroots level is crucial.
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Renewable Energy Course Online provides a comprehensive, engaging and authentic training resource on all areas of renewable energy technologies.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gain-higher-ground-membership/
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
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socialcoldstreams · 5 years
Climate communication: A PR stunt backfires and leads to skepticism on climate issues
Nikki Henderson, 26, flew to the US from Britain to sail the 48-foot catamaran. The journey was meant to save about two or three tons of CO2 emissions, but her flight likely produced that amount.
Source: Yacht skipper wiped out carbon emissions saved by Greta Thunberg’s sail across the Atlantic | Daily Mail Online
Previously: At least two crew members flew across the Atlantic to support her yacht travel to North America.
Greta Thunberg’s carbon footprint, traveling throughout the world on multi-million $ crewed yachts, and rail, is extremely large. She seems oblivious to her world of privilege while asserting “people are already dying”. Many say it is wrong to correct her because she is a youth and her messaging is for a good cause. Consequently, most of her efforts go unchallenged by the adults in the room. Those that question are dismissed as misogynistic, colonial, patriarchal, racist deniers (her own words).
When the propaganda target sees obvious errors in communications, they turn off the entire subject of climate change. Hysterical, untrue, dystopian, apocalyptic climate scenarios promoted by the media are a turn off and cause the target to ignore the messages.  It is the equivalent of Never Cry Wolf. When advocates for climate action act hypocritically, this leads to skepticism.
The response from climate change activists has been to engage in more hysterical claims even though, empirically, that strategy is not working.
More posts on the use of dystopian and hysterical climate communications are coming soon – including from an environmental activist, and from a leader in global health, who point to the communication mistakes made by climate activists (I am not the only one noticing the climate communications problem).
From the Copenhagen Consensus Center deaths from climate related catastrophes reached an all time low in 2017 with data from the International Disaster Database. Also see this but read the footnotes (definitions changed).
News report on the crossing from Europe to North America (lost the link to this):
Carbon Offsets
Take a look online at buying carbon offsets. It’s a an activity subject to scams, unfortunately, and many are not producing verifiable results. Some, for example, pay land owners not to cut down trees – that they were probably not going to cut down anyway. Some have paid to plant trees (but see this), and some pay to install solar PV or take other positive steps. Carbon offsets have become a way for the elite to fly around the world excessively while virtuously saying they have zero impact (if they didn’t fly and bought carbon offsets, they would have a positive impact).
Thunberg traveled to the U.S. by boat, and then by train and vehicles to South America. Because this travel took months, she had to depart early for her destination in Chile. In the interim, riots in Chile resulted in the cancellation of the COP25 summit and relocating it to Spain. She now had to reverse course and travel back to Europe. Because of her mode of travel, she was not able to wait for confirmation that the summit meeting would occur, and made a wasted trip, generating much CO2 emissions from her ground travel, all of which was unnecessary. She could have just flown and bought carbon credits – in fact, that is supposedly what the various crew members did since many of them flew. The unnecessary traveling by boat was an orchestrated public relations stunt.
Thunberg tells us “the climate crisis is not” about the environment. It is a social movement with elements having nothing to do with climate or science:
After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities.
This dilutes the message, rather significantly and may cause opposition by those who have been labeled (probably incorrectly).
She believes only government can solve the “climate crisis”, likely unaware that U.S. electric utilities have cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 40% since 2005, or that private sector entrepreneurs like Elon Musk are developing actual solutions, plus many more examples.
If you disagree with her, you are a misogynist, a denier (using the propaganda methods of name calling) or merely an old white guy. Facts and logic are the constructs of the white patriarchy. There is no possibility of discussion; rational thinking is a form of oppression. If you mention this, you are a denier, misogynist and a Nazi.
This is basically a Kafka Trap. Any questioning of their thesis is confirmation that you are guilty as charged. There is no possible defense.
As we will see in a future post, this argumentative approach leads to adopting policies that are ineffective and can make the situation worse (for example, the U.S. government issued nutrition guidelines in 1980, widely promoted and adopted, that made the problems worse. You can see what Thunberg would have been outraged about in the 1970s because of what the scientists were then saying.)
Standard Disclaimer Applies: How to Do Climate Communications – Never Cry Wolf
As I previously wrote
The Nature Conservancy should focus on facts of atmospheric CO2 levels rising, land and sea surface temperature anomalies, ice pack changes, ocean Ph and sea level change (IPCC Synthesis Report, Figure SPM.1) – as reported by reputable scientific bodies, but they did not. Instead they went straight for hyperbole and making untrue claims to promote fear and hysteria.
Stick with the facts of CO2 rising, sea level ice and temperature changes, ice mass changes or risk tuning all of us out. Shrill terminology designed to create emotional outrage and responses is a total turn off.
The facts are sufficient. The impacts of untrue propaganda hysteria, on the other hand, are to turn off the target completely. We have learned nothing from the parable of the boy who repeatedly cried Wolf!
The propaganda messaging methods in use are leading to public opinions that are not based in facts, logic or evidence. In the U.S. 51% of those aged 18-34 believe humanity may become extinct within 10-15 years, even though there is zero evidence to support such a conclusion. This disconnect between belief and reality risks the potential for major backlash against taking action to reduce CO2-equivalent effects on climate.
Some suggest focusing on solutions and opportunities – instead of unrealistic, dystopian catastrophes designed primarily as click-bait – would be a more effective and positive way forward for climate communications. Instead, we get intense negativity – and falsehoods – that have led to children and adults to seek mental health treatment for induced anxiety.
Personal Notes on Climate Realism
We are taking direct actions to reduce our CO2-equivalent emissions. In late 2019, we are spending $18,000 (before credits) to install a solar PV array that will reduce our home’s annual grid-provided electricity to net zero (likely less). Our utility generates 56% of its electricity by burning coal and 14% by burning natural gas (about half the emissions of coal). Solar PV directly cuts those GHG emissions.
We are spending over $5,000 to upgrade 40 year old R-19 attic insulation (which has settled such that it is less than that) to R-49 building code standards. For an all electric house, we currently use 1/3d the amount of electricity of similar homes. We heat using locally sourced wood pellets and our home is cold most every winter day. I drive a Honda Fit averaging about 42 mpg. While spending an amount similar to a low end electric vehicle, our solar and attic upgrades we will have a far greater reduction in CO2 emissions than buying an EV. About half of an EV’s lifetime CO2 emissions occur during its manufacturing and if you live where your electricity is generated by burning coal, your overall CO2 emissions reductions are small. While EVs will generally reduce CO2 emissions, for many they are primarily a virtue signaling device (a survey by Volvo found about 75% of purchasers said this, and selected an EV because paradoxically it “helps them to feel better about making less environmentally conscious decisions in “other areas of life.”.)
Because of unseen energy use during manufacturing, your most environmentally friendly step is to keep driving your existing fuel efficient, gas-powered vehicle, as along as possible.
I post this at the end of each climate communications post because merely asking any questions about climate change results in being called a climate denier or a Nazi.
Call me a climate realist but don’t call me a denier or a Nazi.
Climate communication: A PR stunt backfires and leads to skepticism on climate issues was originally published on SocialPanic
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Estimating carbon footprint using GHG protocol's guidelines
In order to prepare the carbon footprint of a company most of the consultants are using greenhouse gas protocol. GHG protocol is not for profit organization that sets the greenhouse gas emission standards. it was recently found that more than 90% of the fortune 500 companies that are sending reports to CDP utilize GHG protocol for their carbon footprint estimation. The GHG protocol provides globally most widely used and accepted greenhouse gas accounting and managing standard.
The GHG protocol also provides several tools that enables organization to develop their carbon footprint. The GHG protocol has also started offering different training services. There are multiple online learning courses on different aspects of GHG protocol and carbon footprint.
GHG protocol standards are designed to provide a methodology for organization, governments, individuals and other entities to calculate their carbon footprint through measurement and reporting. In the year 2016 more than 90% of the fortune 500 companies responded to the CDP using the greenhouse gas protocol either directly or indirectly. The GHG protocol has been providing a platform for almost all the greenhouse gas reporting programs currently existing globally. The GHG protocol standard have become so popular because of its high reach two stakeholders and consultation that happens while developing these guidelines. It is also supported by institutes such as WRI and WBCSD. The greenhouse gas protocol has published several standards. These standards are:
1. Corporate Standard: The greenhouse gas protocols corporate accounting and reporting standards provide the details and the requirement along with guidelines for organizations and corporates such as NGOs, government agencies, universities, banks etc who are willing to prepare greenhouse gas inventory or the carbon footprint of their operations. Then there is another guideline provide by GHG protocol.
2. GHG protocol for cities: This is also called as global protocol for community-scale greenhouse gas emission inventory. This guideline provides a methodology for monitoring accounting and reporting the emissions or the carbon footprint from a community and a city.  The another standard is provided below.
3. Mitigation gold standard: the greenhouse gas protocol mitigation goal standard issues guidance on designing national and state level mitigation goals. It also provides standard approach for evaluating the progress and also on reporting the progress towards achieving the goals on carbon reduction.  The next standard that has been developed by GHG protocol is provided below.
4. Corporate Value Chain Standard: This corporate value chain standards are mostly for scope 3 emission. And it allows organizations to evaluate the entire supply chain emission impact. And it also helps them to identify the area where they should focus on activities that will result in reducing greenhouse gas emissions or the carbon footprint .
5. Policy and action standard: The greenhouse gas protocol policy and action standard issue a methodology and approach for estimating the carbon footprint and effect because of the policy and action that has been taken by mostly the government bodies.
6. Product Standard: The product standard has been used widely to understand the lifecycle of greenhouse gas emission of the product. It also helps one to understand where is the GHG hotspot so that we can focus our effort in reducing GHG intensity of the product. This is one of the ways how people can start manufacturing sustainable products.
7. Project protocol: The greenhouse gas protocol has developed this project protocol that is very comprehensive. This project protocol helps in estimating the carbon footprint or the greenhouse gas benefits of the project that result in reduction of greenhouse gas emission.
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hedaweibeijing-blog · 6 years
HFC Go-Train: Why it is Not The Solution
As we know, prior to the 2018 Ontario provincial election, Kathleen Wynne, the former premier of Ontario, declared a plan for Toronto’s Go Transit system--to incorporate hydrogen fuel cell technology into new go-trains. As one can see in the title, I am not terribly fond of the idea, for several reasons.
    The Go-Trains of today.
  First, there is the environmental factor. Although HFC (hydrogen fuel cell) technology was originally conceived to cut down on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it now appears that current extraction methods have nullified this advantage.
The most common method of hydrogen extraction is from methane, and in that method,for every 3 hydrogen molecules (2 hydrogen atoms for each molecule) produced there is at least 1 CO2 molecule produced. This essentially means that hydrogen fuel has a CO2 emission of approximately 7.333 times their own weight, since CO2 has a weight of 44 grams per mole and hydrogen 2 grams per mole, by current standards.
 The method mentioned in the above paragraph is the most carbon-efficient method of hydrogen extraction currently available commercially.
In perspective, gasoline and diesel has a CO2 emission of 2 to 3 kg per liter. EVs (electric vehicles), which are portrayed as the archenemy of HFC vehicles, have lower emissions because of electric generation efficiency--A gas turbine has up to 6 times more efficiency than a gasoline engine upon power generation, and a Tesla, according to the book Elon Musk, has 60% overall efficiency, which means that a HFC vehicle has far more CO2 emissions per kg of fuel than an EV or even the gasoline vehicles that it is aiming to replace, essentially defeating its biggest purpose.
    EVs are often seen as the archenemy of HFC vehicles.
 Of course, a new method for hydrogen fuel generation is under development, namely electrolysis of water with electricity supplied by renewable sources, but this method has a fatal error: the cost of the required infrastructure, the speed of the implementation of such infrastructure and the amount of land used are all very large, and the same amount of electricity can very well be used on electrified transportation methods with much less additional work.
  The infrastructure requirements of a hydrogen network is very large.
Secondly, there is the factor of budget. In execution, fuel cells might work in cars, but in trains, there is a much easier solution. One of the primary reasons that rail-based transportation is much easier to be electrified than cars is that they do not need batteries, but instead the electricity can be conducted by an electrified third rail or an overhead wire, like in subways and streetcars. It is definitely true that the placement of overhead wires and poles will cost money, but setting up an extensive infrastructure of hydrogen generation plants, pipelines and storages will be even more expensive, considering that hydrogen can embrittle most any metal in a process called “hydrogen infiltration”, making the metal storage tanks and pipelines more maintenance-intensive then, say, a gas pipeline. The trains themselves would not need a storage device on their roofs, making them less expensive to manufacture, and while HFC vehicles can be fueled in less than 20 minutes, the above method does not need refueling, since it is always connected to the power source.
Finally, there is the factor of performance. If hydrogen fuel cells give vastly or considerably more performance than other alternatives, than they are a reasonable choice, but the fact remains that HFC go-trains neither have nor need that kind of power differential. In fact, grid electricity is currently vastly better than HFCs in terms of train speed, range and power output: all current bullet trains use grid electricity because of these advantages.
 Modern bullet trains can exceed 300 km/hour of speed even when fully loaded.
    In conclusion, HFC go-trains are largely pointless and are outclassed by their electric counterparts in all aspects, be it performance, logistics or cost. As a result, it will be online much sooner and much more cheaply,  at no disadvantage to the customers.
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csrgood · 7 years
Trumping Climate Change Won’t Stop Corporate Self-Interest and Progress on Sustainability
The Trump withdrawal from the Paris Agreement might slow but will never stymie progress on climate change – business leaders will make sure of that!
There is an important profit motive to staying in the game.  A leadership role insures market share, builds brand and reputation, attracts the best and brightest employees, protects supply chains.  More than 1000 political, corporate and academic leaders signed the “We Are Still In” declaration, pledging to help meet America’s Paris Agreement emissions target.  Participants include California and New York – global powerhouses with huge GDPs: California’s larger than India’s; New York’s larger than South Korea. 
Evidence is in action.  The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) case studies, used to train global corporate executives from the Fortune Global 500, cross industry and government sectors.  Even at the state level, CSE developed a case study focusing on carbon reduction with the Treasury Office of the State of Illinois.  Under the leadership of Nikos Avlonas, award-winning author of the best-seller Practical Sustainability Strategies (Wiley, 2014), CSE has undertaken research on Silicon Valley and developed case studies covering: Sustainability and Materiality Assessment; Sustainability Strategies and Reporting; External Verification and Assurance; SROI and Stakeholder Engagement: LCA, Supply Chain  and Green Buildings. 
This research supports findings that major corporations have contributed to the $8.1 trillion investment in green technologies since 2007 (Ethical Markets Media), side by side with private and institutional investors, a decisive market signal that the transition to a clean economy is inevitable.  The case studies demonstrate that a sustainable global economy allows businesses to:
Leverage low-carbon market opportunities;
Benefit from cross-border policy coherence, particularly in new markets;
Be recognized as leaders among stakeholders;
Increase investor confidence by managing climate risks;
Align investments to long-term policy.
More than 400 institutional investors with US $24 trillion of assets under management encourage national leaders to implement the Paris Agreement into national law.  Even the corporate savvy in the Trump administration support climate change action: Rex Tillerson, formerly of Exxon; Gary Cohn of Goldman Sachs, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.  Disney’s CEO Robert Iger and Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk left Trump’s economic advisory council in protest. 
Corporate leaders are taking the initiative with or without government leadership.  Michael Terrell confirms Google has signed contracts for over 2 Gigawatts of renewable energy, making Google “the largest corporate renewable energy purchaser in the world,” says Terrell.  Google has committed over $2.5 billion of capital in investments in renewable energy projects.  
Companies recognize that addressing the effects of climate change is in their best interest.  Chief Sustainability Officer Steve Howard says IKEA is already feeling the effects of extreme weather events, from floods in Asia disrupting supply chains to Hurricane Sandy affecting its business by $9 million dollars.  IKEA is also concerned with the social impacts on employees and their communities.
While chief executives from major US companies such as Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever and Virgin penned a letter expressing strong support for US adherence to Paris Climate Agreement, small businesses provide more than half of the jobs in the United States.  Sadly, almost 40 percent never recover when hit by an extreme weather disaster.  The American Sustainable Business Council represents these voices to the US government. 
And even the US government isn’t completely out of the effort.  At the May 2017 intersessional climate talks in Bonn, Germany, a US team-member co-facilitated with China the transparency discussion, an important topic showing significant progress and one of the building blocks of the Paris Agreement.
The CSE trainings in New York and Toronto will address these issues specifically. CSE has trained North American executives from Medline, Heineken, Under Armor, LSI, AMB, as well as from around the world. 
Modules on GHG emissions and carbon footprint reduction provide foundational knowledge needed to move on climate change.  The next U.S. training is in New York City, September 28-29, led by Nikos Avlonas. Visit the website for other trainings around the world or for online courses offered by the Sustainability Academy.
source: http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/40094-Trumping-Climate-Change-Won-t-Stop-Corporate-Self-Interest-and-Progress-on-Sustainability?tracking_source=rss
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punyamacademy · 1 month
Punyam Academy, a leading provider of online training programs and certification courses, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new Net Zero Implementer Training course. The training is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to guide organizations on the journey to achieving net zero emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals. By attending the Net Zero Implementer Training online course, people and organizations will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve net zero by implementing carbon footprint and net-zero methods.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gain-higher-ground-membership/
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gain-higher-ground-membership/
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gain-higher-ground-membership/
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gain-higher-ground-membership/
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gain-higher-ground-membership/
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gain Higher Ground Membership
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Gain Higher Ground Membership
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    Q: I’m completely new to internet marketing, won’t this all be too complicated for me?
​A: Not at all. We start completely from scratch assuming no knowledge whatsoever. I show you everything (down to which buttons to press) in order to get your business off the ground. I explain it all in plain, easy to understand English. There ARE more advanced sections of the members area but again, we build up to this step-by-step so you’ll never be left wondering what to do.
​Q: Getting traffic is my biggest challenge, I need more visitors to my website!
A: I know from my own experience and from talking with others that traffic can be one of the most overwhelming aspects of building your business. For this reason we have an entire section called “Real Traffic” where I show you (using many real life examples) of how to do this properly, quickly and effectively. On top of that we have several special guests (real people making real money online) who share the EXACT strategies, tactics and results of their own traffic generating techniques. In short, I’ve got you covered on this – you’ll love it!
Q: What if I don’t like Gain Higher Ground Membership?
A: Even though 98.1% of people continue with their membership I understand that there will always be a small number who don’t for whatever reason. This is fine – you can cancel at ANY time, quickly and easily.
Q: I’m not technical, can I really do this?
A: Absolutely! These days almost zero technical knowledge is required to build a web business. I don’t know how to code a web page and I don’t want to know either. 95% of what you’ll need to do to build you business is “point and click” so it is very easy. For the other 5% there is a module called “The Technical Toolbox” where I show you exactly in real time on-screen how to perform the slightly more fiddly things like add email accounts to your website, transfer domains, “cloaking” your affiliate links, FTP and so on. Non-technical members have already been amazed at how straight forward it is. You’ll be fine, seriously.
Q: What are the experiences of existing members?
A: Please see the comments and testimonials on this page (scroll up and down!).
Q: I don’t know which online niche to choose, will GHG Membership help?
A: As with everything in internet marketing, there is a clear ROADMAP to finding a niche. You just need to know it and follow the steps. One you’re inside the members area I show you exactly how to find the right niche. This is covered in “15 Steps To Success” (the crash course business building blueprint) and also another section of the site called “Profitable Niches”. There are real life examples, you don’t need to be an expert and there is a profitable niche for everyone, including you! Don’t wait for the “perfect” niche to find you, go and grab it for yourself!
Q: How much support will I get?
A: As much as you need. I prioritise my time for all GHG Members. We have a forum inside the site where you can communicate with other members and me. But also you’ll get direct access to me as well. I’m here to help you every step of the way.​
Q: Isn’t the content of GHG Membership just PLR (Private Label Rights) or rehashed from elsewhere on the web?
A: No. All the content (100% and no less) is completely original and has been created by me personally. You won’t find any of the members area content ANYWHERE else online or offline.
Q: Why are you offering a $5 trial, won’t people just rip you off?
A: The refund rate (since October 2011 when GHG Membership was launched) is EXTREMELY low. It’s currently 1.85% which when you consider most internet marketing products have refund rates of 30-50% is really amazing. 98.1% of existing Gain Higher Ground Members choose to stay on purely because of the outstanding training, community and support. So this is why I am confident to run a $5 trial without people taking advantage (well, there will always be some but that’s fine I don’t really mind!).
Q: Aren’t you just another faceless “guru” Rob?
A: No – I’m a real person! I’m based in North Cornwall, England. Email me at support [at] gainhighergroundmembership.com. Get in touch anytime!
Q: Can’t you only make money by teaching others how to make money online?
A: No! I wrote about this a while back on my blog actually. Inside the members area we have interviews and archived live training sessions with real people making real money in all kinds of different niches: Cooking, magic (seriously!), fitness, offline local businesses, financial stock trading and so on. There is a niche for everyone, including YOU!
Q: Do you cover affiliate marketing?
A: Yes, in fact this is exactly what we begin with. Promoting other people’s products in return for commission is one of the fastest ways to get started online. This is because you don’t have to worry about creating products, taking payments, issuing refunds or customer support. We cover affiliate marketing in detail.
Q: I want to create my own products to sell online. Will GHG Membership help?
A: Yes, Absolutely! The members area contains a section called “The Content Factory” and also “Product Creation Central”. I show you real examples and explain everything you need to do in order to create profitable eBooks, videos and Audio content and products. I’ve made a lot of money doing all of this myself so I show you the shortcuts and how to get it done in a fun and quick way.
Q: I’ve tried and tried with internet marketing but NOTHING has worked. Why will this be different?
A: This is unfortunately a common situation. Information overload is a massive problem. Also, many of the courses and training “systems” on the internet are outdated or created by people who haven’t really had success themselves (they “fake it until they make it”). I’ve been successful online and know exactly what it’s like when you start out. I break everything down into a step-by-step roadmap and explain everything in plain, easy to understand, English. Plus remember, you have total support to via the forum and direct from me as well.
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