#onestar's confession spoilers
blimbo-buddy · 2 years
Nutmeg reunion when
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troutfur · 2 years
Onestar's Confession had Heathertail as his daughter, plus a stillborn kit named Galekit. Nothing for Kestrel or Hare
Ah, ok, I suspected as much! I was expecting a canon confirmation of Heathertail and the Whitewing situation too but not much else.
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zickzad1002 · 6 months
darktail my beloved yet beloathed
cw: kinda poorly drawn blood + minor eyestrain around the muzzle
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someone tell this idiot to clean the blood off his face he has to confront his dad about his dead mom for the fifth time this week in ten minutes
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yuridovewing · 2 months
hmmm…. idk who decided that this should include early fire and ice stuff but i really dont think it was the right call. the windclan exile is so rushed because they’re speedrunning to the silvergray plot, which i do like but… definitely not worth sacrificing windclan for.
actually why do all the writers seem disinterested in the windclan exile. thats so weird???
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mallowstep · 1 year
Hi, when your ask section says not to tell you what happens in recent books, which books exactly do you mean? Recent up to what point? (I wanted to send you an ask but if you don't want spoilers then I won't.)
Frankly it refers to most books I stg I’m so behind (also sorry for typos tumblr is putting me on blackout)
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(Example from main same idea)
Anyway. What was I saying?
Oh! Yeah I’m super far behind. I need to read leopardstar’s honor and then I need to read a light in the mist. Yeah. That’s where I’m at.
I’ve been really busy either being mentally I’ll or being not mentally ill (BOYS IVE GOT A FUCKING JOB), so I have not had much time for reading. Thanks to an incredibly generous gift from the beloved that will probably make me fry if I keep thinking about it :,) I think I’m gonna load LSH up on my reader, give up on my coated notes, and get reading
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Onestar’s Confession is easily the worst super edition BY FAR. I asked for this book as a gift before I knew how horrible it was via the leaks, and by the time I got it it was too late, but that doesn’t mean I condone ANYTHING that happens in it.
I haven’t read the book yet, but since I have it I will, and I’ll post a more in depth review later on. As someone who has gone to school to study literature, particularly children’s lit, I feel like I need to say something on it once I’m finished. However, I will make a statement on why I think it was written the way it was.
For starters, no one wanted a super edition about Onestar. Last year, Leopardstar’s Honor was the first super edition to be written via the “choice of the fans” through a site poll. When the new poll came out for this year’s super edition, it was Riverstar, Onestar, and I think Ivypool. Everyone wanted a Riverstar book. He won the poll by a long shot. So why is his super edition slated for 2023?
I think they thought everyone would vote for Onestar because he’s “such a popular character” (known for being horrible so why wouldn’t we) and since they most likely already had a general plan for this book, it would work out when Onestar won the poll. Well it backfired.
Considering the Erins pretty much don’t read their own writing, they wouldn’t remember that Riverstar is a genuinely interesting cat that came up with the mentoring system, and that they pretty much assassinated Onestar’s character after The New Prophecy Arc and caused him to be hated by lots of people. The most I’ve seen him be his old self was in parts of Crowfeather’s Trial and at the end of A Vision of Shadows and that was a HOT minute ago.
In short, this book had tons of backlash before it was even published. Hell, I remember hating it the minute it was announced because I didn’t think we needed a Onestar book, let alone another WindClan super edition. WindClan has four super editions at this point, only one less than ThunderClan’s five. Every other clan only has two. Not to mention the major leaks that came out the day before it released.
Pretty much what I think happened was that they saw the backlash, couldn’t change the schedule at this point, and said “fuck this thing I don’t really care how it goes, they already hate it so much.” They could easily have retconned Whitetail x Onestar by either ignoring it, passing it off as a mistake from before, or, I don’t know, just NOT MADE HER HIS APPRENTICE.
But unfortunately, this book definitely got the “I don’t care” treatment from the Erins, and while I know publishers and Harper Collins ridiculous demand for these things had a hand it, the Erins still wrote it. After the awfulness of Spottedleaf’s Heart, this is a disappointment from Warriors. They’re going to need to do a LOT to make up for this.
I’ll probably add more to this once I’ve actually finished reading, but these are my initial thoughts.
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I’m reading onestars book and..
1 I love smoke
2 why does this book keep kissing the ass of one white and onestar
His dads like “ah yes, I love how your girlfriend is your former apprentice she’s so amazing isn’t she!” And onestars like “oh boy I sure am glad I abandoned smoke for her!”
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Gawd I couldn't get through OC like not only are the timeskips annoying rendering actual character development dry but the PROSE is so dry and bland as well, diologue is so stale, you're always told how characters feel as opposed to shown. If you put Yellowfangs SE and Onestar's SE side to side and asked me to pick one, Yellowfang's would be picked because as sucky as that SE is (BOY is it bad) it's written better in terms of prose and shit, and that was the worst SE in my eyes until LH came about! That says something considering the low bar as is.
I feel like Onestar’s confession is the objectively worse SE tbh.
I dislike SkyClan’s Destiny and Tigerheart’s Shadow much more but at least those didn’t completely recycle their plot, at least they were original even if a lot of it sucked imo . There is just the bare minimum of creativity put into Onestar’s SE. I thought LH was a bit lazy but it looks like a completely original work compared to this.
This book was most likely quickly thrown together in under a year in order to postpone the Riverstar SE since they didn’t expect it to win the poll, and it shows.
I liked the Darktail stuff though. Thumbs up there. Although it made me desperately wish we had a book about him instead.
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gougarpaw · 2 years
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“No cat seems to care about what I want. That’s why I miss the Twolegplace so much! Maybe I should go back to my housefolk and stay there. Every cat here treats me like a mouse-brain, and all warriors do is work.”
Melody is a brown tabby-and-white she-cat.
- Daughter of Bailey, sister of Brushpaw
- dot above nose wraps around face like Bailey
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nightbeam-answers · 1 year
Heathertail and Breezepelt are related!
If any of you have read Onestar’s Confession, then you would have known this already.
Basically, Wrenflight mated with Stagleap and they had Morningflower, Ashfoot, and Onestar. Ashfoot mated with Deadfoot, they had Crowfeather, Eaglekit, Downkit, and Hillkit.
Onestar mated with Whitetail and they had Heathertail and Galekit.
Crowfeather mated with Leafpool, they had Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze.
Then Crowfeather mated with Nightcloud, they then had Breezepelt and two other unnamed kits.
Breezepelt then mated with Heathertail and they had Smokehaze, Brindlewing, Appleshine, and Woodsong.
There you go! Hope you enjoyed this fun fact!
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The Order to Read the Warriors Books
A guide by me :)
Start with the first arc: The Prophecies Begin
This probably goes without saying but yeah. first arc first. The books in this arc are Into the Wild, Fire and Ice, Forest of Secrets, Rising Storm, A Dangerous Path, and The Darkest Hour.
After these, read Firestar’s Quest. While you can go on to to second arc after the first, reading Firestar’s Quest will clear up pretty much any questions you may have with the second arc.
After FQ: Read the second arc! This arc, The New Prophecy, includes Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, Twilight, and Sunset.
Then the third arc: Power of Three. This includes The Sight, Dark River, Eclipse, Long Shadows, and Sunrise.
Then, you guessed it, the fourth arc: Omen of The Stars. This includes The Fourth Apprentice, Fading Echoes, Night Whispers, Sign of the Moon, The Forgotten Warrior, and The Last Hope
Next, of course, the fifth, sixth, and seventh arcs, but you can Google the books in those arcs for yourself
Now for Super Editions
Super Editions are books that take place separate from the main timeline. While you can pretty much read them at any time, here are the times I don’t suggest reading them
-Do not read Bluestar’s Prophecy before you’ve finished the first arc
-Do not read Leafpool’s Wish before you’ve finished the third arc
-Do not read Hawkwing’s Journey before you’ve finished the fifth arc
-Do not read Onestar’s Confession. Ever.
Also: The Novellas
The Novellas are similar to Super Editions, but much shorter and come in groups of three in one book. Here are some suggestions for that
-Spottedleaf’s Heart involves grooming. Please avoid it if that is something that triggers you
-Do not read Mothing’s Secret before you’ve finished the second arc
-Do not read Tigerclaw’s Fury until you’ve finished the first arc
(Those are all the suggestions I can think of atm, please comment if you have any more! Happy reading!)
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elijahthemouse · 1 year
Have you read the latest Warrior book? I haven't read any of the books in years, but I like hearing people talk about them.
ty for sending me an ask while I chill in an airport for several hours!
I haven't read the latest book yet!!! I keep meaning to pick it up but I use google play credits for getting them when the library doesn't have them, and I don't have enough yet. I've heard there's some stuff about Bramblestar and Squirrelflight though, and it ends on a cliffhanger. I don't mind spoilers but I know some people do, so I'll put more detailed thoughts under the cut.
Okay, so bramble has not been my favorite character for awhile. I find his dynamic with squilf boring these days at best, and aggravating at worst (I actually didn't mind them in TNP), so the thought that he might be stepping down is very appealing. I hope squilf gets to be leader, but there's also all that stuff about leaders not getting lives because other leaders were still alive, and I don't know if the erins will touch on that at all. Kind of doubt it.
As for the current main characters, I like Frostpaw, she's really dealing with The Horrors haha. I like that her main conflicts aren't about a genetic romance, although she is getting that B plot with what's his face, splash something. But he's probably got some ulterior motives, or at least he seems a bit off.
The other two? They're fine I guess. It's funny that Nightheart is the one they decided to have the "named after a dead relative" issues when he wasn't even named Fire- as the prefix, he had flame. I think someone did a little comic about that.
As usual, I don't really care about any of the romance, but that's just a personal preference. I heard that the two of them were in ShadowClan and then both are switching to ThunderClan? Interested to see how that turns out. Berryheart is kind of a turd but I think she's hilarious and I love that her kids are disappointing her.
Feel free to send me asks about various things! I most recently read Onestar's Confession, so I can talk about that as well if anyone wants me to. I'm gonna see if there's any good food that doesn't cost an arm and a leg in the meantime
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warriorcatsamino · 2 years
Gray Wing’s Passage
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If you have been scrolling at all recently through any Warrior Cat based Social Media or just looking through the fandom in general, you have probably noticed a reoccurring theme. Most influencers in this fandom and even your average artists and writers have been creating artwork, stories, videos and more celebrating the 20th anniversary of Warriors. As of 2023, Warrior Cats is officially 20 years old with the first book ever of the series “Into the Wild” being published January 21, 2003. In that span of time, 6 other arcs; The New Prophecy, Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, Vision of Shadows, The Broken Code and A Starless Clan have been written and released. Similarly countless super editions such as Firestar’s Quest, Skyclan’s Destiny, Yellowfang’s Secret, Tallstar’s Revenge, Crookedstar’s Promise, Bluestar’s Prophecy, Moth Flight’s Vision, Hawkwing’s Journey, Crowfeather’s Trial, Squirrelflight’s Hope, Leopardstar’s Honor, Onestar’s Confession and many more have been published. Countless novellas also, such as Redtail’s Debt, Tree’s Roots, Leafpool’s Wish, Spottedleaf’s Heart, Pinestar’s Choice, Goosefeather’s Curse, Mapleshade’s Vengeance, Tawnypelt’s Clan, Ravenpaw’s Farewell, Dovewing’s Silence, Hollyleaf’s Story have been written. You may have noticed however that I am leaving out an entire section of Warriors books, having to do with the clans’ history. Don’t fret! I haven’t forgotten and in fact, that arc and subsequent stories are the topic of the piece above.
For those unfamiliar, alongside the main series arc, the Erins published another arc that is considered to be a sequel to the main series. This set of 6 books aimed to tie up missing threads about the clans’ history and was the first books (other than field guides) to speak of the clans origin. The arc I’m hinting to is the ‘Dawn of the Clans’ arc. The first DOTC book, The Sun Trial, was released March 5, 2013, and followed a protagonist never before mentioned in previous books. This protagonist is actually the subject of the piece above; his name is Gray Wing. For context, I will give a quick summary of Gray Wing’s backstory and personality. ⚠️ Spoilers ahead for DOTC and similar novellas and super editions along with some of the field guides ⚠️ According to the Warriors Wiki, “Gray Wing was a member of Windstar's camp in the forest territories. He was born in the Ancient Tribe to Quiet Rain alongside his brother, Clear Sky. When Half Moon spoke of a new home, Gray Wing chose to stay behind; however, after his younger brother Jagged Peak left to follow the group, Gray Wing joined them on the journey. He stayed with Shadowstar's group on the moor and adopted his brother's orphaned son, Thunder. Realizing his brother had changed, Gray Wing cut ties with Clear Sky. Gray Wing and Turtle Tail became mates and he adopted her kits, Sparrow Fur, Pebble Heart, and Owl Eyes. Gray Wing was chosen to lead the group after Tall Shadow, though he decided to co-lead with her following his asthma he developed from a fire. Gray Wing eventually stepped down leading the group following a battle with Clear Sky, and mourned Turtle Tail's death deeply. He helped defeat One Eye and Slash by drawing out battlestrategies, and once his mother died, he left the pines to the moor and became mates with Slate, who had his kits, Black Ear, White Tail, and Silver Stripe. Due to his asthma, Gray Wing passed away after renaming the group to Clans. He ascended to StarClan, watching over his kin, and gave Windstar, Thunderstar, and Blackstar one of their nine lives.”
The scene depicted above, which actually has a speedpaint on YouTube (if you are interested, you can find the link here) was commissioned by a user called TheHeatRush on YouTube. It portrays Gray Wing’s passage to Starclan after his untimely death due to asthma. Honestly, Gray Wing’s death was extremely tragic as not only did he leave his mate who recently had his kits; he also left his brothers, nieces, nephews and adopted children behind. It’s kinda strange actually, as Warriors has kinda a questionable history with adoptions. In POT, when it is revealed that Squirrelflight adopted her sister’s kits, she is treated with disgust and hatred by most of the cats closet to her. Adoption in the main series is almost treated as being taboo and strange, with Thunder preferring to go with his biological father despite he [his father] abandoning Thunder at a young age. But, me and the rest of the team would love to know YOUR thoughts on this matter! Can you believe that Warriors is 20? What’s your opinion on the DOTC arc? What’s your thoughts on Gray Wing? Do you think this series treats adoption correctly? Leave all your thoughts, opinions and feedback in the comments below. Did you like the art style of this piece? If you did, consider leaving a like on the original post on Amino. Supporting the original artist directly benefits this account! This is by motivating more creators to allow us post their work which gives us more content to share with you all. On a similar note, do you want more Warriors centered content? I would recommend joining the Warriors Amino where we have a fun and active community that creates art, writing and more based on the battle cats you know and love! 
Original Post linked here.
Original Artist linked here.
~ 🍵🥔
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solargoose · 2 years
I’m halfway through Onestar’s Confession and I have never struggled so much to finish a warrior cats book. (Leopardstar’s Honor came close, though.)
Parts of it are ok or even fine, but some parts are just soo....boring and/or frustrating.
They had Crowpaw summarize the entire first half of TNP. They didn’t have to do that! They could have skipped it with just a “and then Crowpaw filled us all in with what had been going on” and moved on with it!
They skipped entirely over what could have been the most interesting part of the book! We’ve never gotten a full version of what happened when Windclan was exiled: it was free real estate to do whatever they wanted without any major contradictions! (I think Onewhisker meeting Smoke during this exile would have been really cool, actually! It would have made it more interesting than a standard forbidden romance plotline. They’re living outside the clan territory, he thinks they might never go home, the clan could disband at any moment, why not get cuddly with a kittypet?)
They could have really milked our emotional attachments to Badgerfang and Gorsepaw, too, by including a description of the battle where Badgerfang died (they didn’t even have to name the Windclan cat who killed him, just a simple line where Onewhisker says “oh no some of these cats are too small to be fighting!” would have done it.) and literally any scene with Gorsepaw in it. Gorsepaw being apprenticed, or leaving the camp for the first time, literally any scene.
Instead they made Whitetail his mate (which admittedly doesn’t bother me as much as I’m sure it bothers other people, since they were both adults when they got together and they explicitly say he didn’t think of her like that when she was an apprentice. Still weird though, would’ve been really easy to just not that.) and Heathertail his daughter (I haven’t actually gotten to this part but saw a spoiler.) which retroactively makes Heathertail and Breezepelt cousins. 
And look, it’s not the worst example of the writers loosing track of family lines (Willowpelt and Patchpelt take that prize, although they didn’t move forward with making that canon), but they literally brought up Onestar, Ashfoot, and Crowfeather being related several times, so it’s not like they forgot. 
And I get it, sometimes retcons can be messy, so I try not to hold it against the author if the change made is far enough back that I can reasonably believe that no cat still living in the clan would know they were related (example: One of the prequels - I think Goosefeather’s Curse? - retroactively made Whitestorm and Willowpelt cousins. It’s a few generations back, though, so I can believe that they wouldn’t know they were cousins, so I’ve decided not to dwell on it). But aside from the authors knowing, most of the cats in the clan would also know they were cousins, there’s no angle to defend it from (aside from the classic “well they’re cats,” which works for some things sure but I don’t think it works here. Because yeah they’re cats but it’s also a children’s series where bloodlines and family relations are major plot points, you know your audience is paying attention to stuff like that).
They also gave him a prophecy from the ToEH? Why? Firstly, I’m a staunch believer that not every cat needs a prophecy. Some can just have things happen to them! Secondly, they keep going back and forth on how much overlap the ToEH and Starclan have, which irks me.
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twistedtreeau · 2 years
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Firestar: I'm sorry about the loss of your daughter, i know my daughters' births were the best moment of my life
Onestar: i miss you.
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iamfabiloz · 2 years
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so the pacing in onestars confession huh
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