Explore tagged Tumblr posts
nikatyler · 6 years ago
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Sim Request: Everett Reeves for @onemoreordinarysimblr
I’m sorry it took me so long, but the moment I read that last message, I couldn’t do anything because I was already on my way to Italy and I didn’t have my laptop with me ;-;
And one more thing, I wanted to try that story mode or whatever it’s called, not realizing that it won’t let me change traits. But I hope I still managed to make him somewhat “little nerdy”. 😅
Traits: Active | Good | Dance Machine
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
CC Used: Hair (v2)
TOU: You know the drill. Don’t claim as your own or reupload and don’t change his features. Feel free to change his clothes, hair, use your own defaults etc. And don’t forget to tag me :)
Private Download.
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Troy: *scowls*
Lorelei: “Troy. ...I’m afraid that means - w- well. You know what it means. Don’t you?”
Troy: *continues to scowl*
Lorelei: “I- I know. You’re disappointed. I’m disappointed too. I’m dis- I am. You were really h-high up for a while, and I thought - didn’t think you’d... y-I’d...”
Troy: “...”
Lorelei: *seeming to shrink* “P-please don’t be mad?”
Troy: *face softens* *he pulls out and taps on his phone*
It’s okay, Lorelei. I’m not mad at you, not like I was. I’m mad at myself.
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calientequeen · 4 years ago
hi I haven’t posted here in Quite Some Time
it’s been a weird and hell-ish year but tl;dr I finished my masters degree and am now working as a fully qualified speech & language therapist!!! it’s been a tough ride to get there but we got there, somehow, in amongst this shitshow of a year
I got tagged by @geezsims !
last song: no body, no crime - taylor swift ft haim
last movie: thor: ragnarok
currently watching: lost (don’t @ me I know it came out ages ago)
currently reading: nothing currently, but I recently finished playing nice by j p delaney, the holiday by t m logan, and i’m watching you by teresa driscoll 
currently craving: honestly i’m counting down the days to christmas so I can eat as many stuffing balls as humanly possible
tagging (but pls don’t feel pressured to do so!): @simsandgiggles, @simsterlyrock, @resurrectonomitron, @onemoreordinarysimblr
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igglemouse · 6 years ago
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@Simblr Community
First of all, I would love to have made a post for everyone I appreciate but I just don’t have time to. One of the things I feared doing this is that people would feel left out and it’s never my intention to do that but I know it is the result sometimes and if you feel like you’ve been left out I am sorry D: hopefully I can show my appreciation through my actions though throughout the year! For now, I wanted to highlight a few more simblrs!
One thing making this post has made me realize is just how many positive interactions I have had over the years here and hopefully I’ll have a lot more. 
I’m sorry if even after this you feel left out :( but...my IM box and mailbox is always open! If you are left off it probably means I just haven’t interacted with you before but I’m always eager to meet new people here so just let me know! It is also entirely possible that as I created this I missed out on someone T_T for that I am sorry and I hope I can make up for it in some way in the future...
Any way...this is a long post so...
@99simproblems ~ I love all your sexy sims, ugh, it’s just too bad that tumblr took their nudity away from me!
@alittledaylight ~ Your stories and writing are simply quality! Thank you for sharing them and for all the support you’ve given to me since following me!
@alxandergoth ~ I love your sims and your posts!
@andruskysworld ~ Another simblr I’m getting to know better, I have a feeling as I read more of your posts that I will fall in love with your simblr!
@bennabooooo ~ Where have you been?! I miss your posts!!!
@beautifulplumbobs ~ Your simblr name is correct, you do have beautiful plumbobs and beautiful posts!
@berrysweetboutique ~ Such sweet berry sims! You are an anchor in our simming community and so kind and supportive to so many from what I can tell!
@blackcatsims ~ Another amazing simblr with super quality posts and wonderful sims and worthy of all the ♥s and appreciation!
@bubble-sims ~ You are so consistent with the quality posts!
@bunnyeatery ~ I really enjoy your posts and thank you for being so kind and nice and supportive!
@coliemoon4sims4 ~ I really do adore your simblr and enjoy visiting it everytime!
@corianderpunch ~ Where have you been?! I miss your posts and sims!
@crabbeychick ~ You are not even a simblr but you always are consistently liking my posts! Thank you for that, you may not know it but it means a lot to me!
@creepwonder ~ As expected, I love legacy simlbrs since I’m one, so I love yours too!
@crystaldollhouse ~ One of my favorite sims 2 simblrs! Colorful and wonderful characters and a super nice person behind it!
@cupcakegnome ~ Whaa! I love your posts and just how kind and nice you are to everyone in the community!
@delicatesoul88 ~ Ahh, I miss your posts and thank you for all the support you’ve shown me over the years!
@eljardinquimico ~ I miss your simblr!
@embysims ~ I’ve always had a soft spot for your simblr, thank you for being unique and kind and wonderful!
@eowijnssims ~ You have been following me forever now and I have always really loved your posts! I’m glad you are back posting again and I have some catching up to do!
@eslanes ~ I feel like you are a recent mutual but...I mean your poses are some of the best and your story, from what I’ve read, is great too!
@existentialisims ~ Where you at?! I miss your simblr, your posts are a delight!
@fayts4 ~ Your story is ♥ and I hope everything is alright!
@flowersoflividity ~ Your posts are just beautiful and I know when I come there I can expect BEAUTIFUL!
@frubynart ~ Your sims and posts are amazing and your whole simblr is just cuteness overload!
@geeky-simz ~ I’m still just getting into your simblr but I love what I see so far!!
@gh0ulishness ~ XD your simblr is just pure fun! I always enjoy stopping by and going through your posts!
@goldenpixels ~ I love the aesthetics of your posts!
@hallucinosims ~ Your posts are such quality and I just wanted to point that out!
@hheartbeatsandbrainwaves ~ Back when Tumblr was cool and allowed NSFW content yours was just...amazing! I loved it! I should get around to joining that mastodon too!
@historicalsimslife ~ Thank you first of all for giving us all the CC you do! I was once going to do a medieval legacy thing and you would have been the reason that doing that would even be possible. Your posts are also pure quality!
@homijoh ~ Premade stories?! whaa! That’s all I need to know for a follow!
@itssimplesimblr ~ We have been exchanging ♥s for a while now! Thank you for the support and I love your sims!
@jenba ~ You are legendary! Thank you for all the amazing builds you’ve given to us all and being an awesome and drama free and humble person!
@josiesimblr ~ Your simblr is amazing. I know you don’t need me to say that but it has to be said. You put a lot into your stories and it definitely shows and you deserve all the ♥s and nice comments about it!
@klauseconfessions ~ I’m still getting to know your simblr but it looks amazing! It just reminds me I wish I had time to catch up on everyone’s stuff!
@ktosiksims ~ Thank you for all the ♥s and also the great houses! I’ve used a few in my legacy and I’m sure I’ll use a few more!
@kuduh ~ I see you liking my stuff! Your stuff is gorgeous! I hope I can get to know your simblr better and dive more into it!
@ladybugsimblr ~ Your pictures are just simply...amazing! Hands down some of the best! Thank you for being so supportive and nice and cool and a wonderful person as well!
@ladylilysims ~ I love that you do what you enjoy and I always enjoy myself when I visit your simblr! Thank you for the support as well!
@lemonfraise ~ A smaller simblr but oh so creative! Keep it up, I’m around to ♥ your posts and hopefully some others catch on!
@loopysims ~ I love how colorful your posts are and you’ve been following me for a while now!
@lollipopsimblr ~ I mentioned it before but I love how you reply to comments and your sims and posts are always super entertaining!
@lovelychooser ~ You are definitely one of the most underrated simblrs here...or were! I wish you well and if you ever do return to simblr or simming I’m sure the welcome back will be wide!
@loveandscenerysims4 ~ Another simblr I really miss T_T
@lunalisablr ~ You are the NSFW hero that we need in the simming community!
@maimouth ~ You give us great CC and adorable toddlers like Darya, thank you for that!
@mamabearssims  ~ First of all, I just love your name! Second of all, I just love your blog!
@manadarinarock ~ Your a smaller simblr and I always enjoy heading over to your blog!
@mdianasanders ~ You make lovely houses and have a lovely simblr!
@medleymisty ~ Ahh, my favorite sim poet! The community just wouldn’t be the same without you!
@melloncollieme ~ I love all the colorful sims on your simblr!!
@midpoosimmer ~ I love your sims so much, I’m jealous of them! I love Dulce, I guess all Dulce sims rock!
@napoleonfrost ~ I miss your simblr!
@neopixiesims ~ You finished a legacy! What?! It seems such a rare thing and it had so many followers and commenters and it deserved all of that! You’ve been a force in our comunity!
@nervous----subject ~ Whaa! Your writing skills are amazing and I love how creative and artistic your posts are! Thank you for all the support as well!
@nervoussimblr ~ Ahh I miss your posts!
@ohhiplumbob ~ For such a big simblr you are so nice and kind and of course your posts are amazing! I’m always surprised when a simblr like yours follows mines!
@omiscanking ~ I just love how colorful and nice you are! Your posts are always a pleasure to read!
@omg-puddingpie ~ A talented artist and simmer, I love your posts and all the fantasy sims in them!
@onemoreordinarysimblr ~ You may be one more ordinary simblr but you are also one simblr worth following! 
@ownedbyaborzoi  ~ A smaller simblr but I’ve enjoyed it!
@paperfriendd ~ Where have you been?! Well, I miss how colorful and fun your posts were!
@peachy-flesh ~ I love how unique your simblrs are and drama free despite some drama being thrown your way!
@plumbobbles ~ I love the aesthetics of your posts and your posts in general!
@rainydaysimblr ~ The last post you made was about things being bad so I hope things are alright! It’s been a while but I miss your posts!
@rethasim ~ I enjoy your posts and simblr!
@rotten-eyed ~ I envy your skills T_T
@s1mplys1ms ~ Another smaller simblr but talented as well! 
@saartje77 ~ I’ve always loved your posts and you’ve been following me since I first started, thank you!
@samtastic-sims ~ I miss your simblr T_T
@sandy-sims ~ Like, I couldn’t reach the quality of your posts if I spent the entire year trying! 
@sandysimmer ~ You have not posted in a while but I loved that you just posted your stuff and it reminds me of when I first came here. 
@santanasimsx ~ I love your posts and sims! 
@sarahjsims ~ Colorful sims and a nice drama free simblr is always a key to my heart!
@seleneinthesky ~ I really love your simblr! Even if you’ve changed the theme/challenge a few times I’m always there for it!
@serenasims ~ I love all your scenery pics and photography! 
@serensims ~ Seriously your blog is oozing talent and beauty! Thank you for being so awesome!
@serial-simmer ~ Who else has breaking bad sims!? I hope you return and I’ll be there for it!
@shachum-cha ~ I’ve always enjoyed your posts and thank you for the support you’ve given my blog over the years!
@sheikussims ~ When I do visit your simblr I enjoy going through your posts!
@shespeakssimlish ~ You mean so much to the community here, I’m sure you know that, and you’ve given us so much wonderful CC and interesting stories and now render and everything you do is quality!
@shysimblr ~ You are super talented and I think the whole community appreciates it! I’m just happy that you follow me! Thank you!
@silverspringsimmer  ~ How many simblrs do what you do? Have stories for Sims 2, Sims 3, and Sims 4!? Not many! I love them and you’ve been super supportive of me so thank you! It is all very appreciated!
@simalienn  ~ Colorful and happiness and adorable sims! 
@simatrix ~ You don’t post a lot but I love it when you do post! 
@simcataris ~ I don’t kcnow where you’ve been but I miss your posts!
@simchilla ~ Ahh, you have not posted in a while T_T but I hope you return and when you do I’ll be there to heap ♥s upon you!
@simculiar ~ Sims 2 simblrs always have a special place in my heart!
@simmeronnie ~ Whether it is sims 3 or Sims 4 I love your posts! 
@simplrsimblr ~ I look forward to your return as I’ve always enjoyed your posts!
@simplymelaninated ~ What! You know I love your simblr and sims already so much and I look forward to getting deeper into their stories! Thank you for the support you’ve given me as well! It is always appreciated.
@simsiecakes ~ You are so nice and your posts are so bright and happy and visiting your blog is like happiness itself!
@simsstorytimeyt ~ I’m into your posts! Legacy + Story means Iggle is there for it!
@sparkiemonkey ~ You are creative and monkeylicious, what is not to love here?!?! ♥♥♥
@staff ~ Fuck you. 
@starry-eyed-simss ~ I hope everything is well with you, your posts on my dash has always been a delight.
@strawberrymilkshakesims ~ I just love the quality of your posts!!
@sweettunesunlimited ~ Thank you for following me for so long and I’ve always enjoyed your posts!
@the-shimmering-silwermoon ~ I love your lookbooks and stylish sims!
@themoonglitch ~ I could not miss you! Your poses are great and so is your story and I love that you also tagged team with our mutual friend @helenofsimblr it’s been a treat to see you two share characters like that! Thank you for all the support and I always wish you the best!
@thepapersim ~ A 365/6 day challenge? APPLAUSE! You did it! That was a really neat thing to do!
@theplumbobreboot ~ Ahh you know I love your simblr! You’ve been supporting mines for so long and I just love yours so much and I remember when you followed me and didn’t even have a simblr at the time! Thank you for all the support over the years!
@thesadnesshotline ~ I love scenery pictures and I do love yours!
@thesheslittleredridinghoodblog ~ I really love your blog too!
@thespangleway ~ Ummm...your comic posts are simply amazing and I swear you’ve told a story for every genre...maybe twice now...I imagine that is super difficult and takes so much creativity! 
@toffeetip ~ I love your simblr and it just stands out for me!
@unbridledsims ~ You’ve been following me for forever now so thank you for all the support! Your sims and your story are so in depth. I hope everything is well and I see I missed your bday T_T I’m so bad with that.
@unsimscribe ~ Whoa! You are one of my first followers, thank you for being so kind to me after all this time!
@weicyn ~ I’m still getting to know this simmer and her simblr and I’m so happy that you follow me!
@whitesagesims ~ I’m just getting to know your simblr too but I love what I see so far!
@xldkx ~ I love Papercuts and all the colorful characters on your simblr! You’re super nice too which is always a huge bonus!
@xsavannahx987 ~ I’ve been following you for a while now and always love going through your simblr!
@xsrgrandxx ~ I love your sims and I know you’ve been following me for a while now as well! Thank you for the support!
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winsimburg · 6 years ago
@onemoreordinarysimblr no problem my dude!
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gingergirlgaming-ts3 · 8 years ago
Rules: tag 9 people you’d love to know better Was tagged by the awesome @misssabrinasims Relationship Status: In a relationship Favorite color: Anything pastel neon or 80′s :) Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither, I’m picky AF so I stick to lip gloss but me wearing lip gloss is a SUPER rare thing. Last song I listened to: Slide, Calvin Harris & Migos Last movie I watched: My Neighbor Totoro (its my favorite!) Top 3 Fictional Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Byakuya Kuchiki & Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach the Anime & Manga :) Top 3 Ships: IchiRuki, IchiHime and I’m drawing a blank for a 3rd!!                 Books I’m currently reading: Bleach Manga (I'm obsessed can’t you tell?!) I tag: @treason-and-plot @boxofsims @goatkibble @simsums @lyrea @ladyrosedeversailles @lovingthesims @dg90247sims @onemoreordinarysimblr
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fairytalepixels · 8 years ago
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Rules: put together a mood board using at least six images for the sim most associated with your blog (simself, legacy sim, character, etc.) and then tag more people to do it. 
I was tagged by @blurrypxls I chose Wisp for fairly obvious reasons ♥
I’ve lost track of who has already been tagged, but I’ll tag @smile-beautifuly @simlovinggirl @sunset-melody @jackssims @onemoreordinarysimblr
Only if you want to. Feel free to ignore it.
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onemoreordinarysimblr · 8 years ago
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @pixelatedpeaches!
1) Rules: Tag 9 people who you would like to know better.
Totally random people from my activity feed: @bountifulberries, @slytherinpixels, @melien, @sabrinassims, @asimlishpixel, @goatkibble, @whentheysim, @sevenleafsimblr, @blurrypxls. If you’ve already done this or just plain don’t want to, feel free to ignore me!
Relationship Status: Single
Last Song I Listened To: Don’t Take the Money - Bleachers
Last Book Read/Listened To: I honestly can’t remember, which makes me sad.
Favorite Color: A light green
Top Three Shows: Terrace House, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, The Crown
Top Three Characters: I don’t have any that I can think of off hand.
Top Three Ships: I don’t really have any?
2) Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (Note from @onemoreordinarysimblr: I just realized this thing is skewed toward a younger demographic than myself. Oh well!) RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity   I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school (used to live RIGHT next to school!) My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the united states There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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harmoniouspixels · 8 years ago
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Moodboard (3/4): Mary Newton (and Leighton a bit too)
Using @onemoreordinarysimblr‘s tag this time! Kind of using inspo from TS3 and TS4 versions of Mary.
(Also SimNation is basically a parody of the US, and Mary did become president, so that’s why the seal is there).
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nikatyler · 6 years ago
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When I finished my exam today, I was really excited and full of energy but now all of that is gone and I’m starting to see how stressful this day has actually been. I’m so incredibly tired! I went to bed at 11 pm yesterday, fell asleep quite quickly, woke up again at midnight. I slept until 4 am and then I kept waking up and falling asleep in what I believe were really short intervals. I don’t know which of these nightmare scenarios I had were actual nightmares and which ones I came up with thanks to overthinking. It was some crazy shit - one of them, probably the craziest one, I actually shared on twitter yesterday. For a little bit, I was worried that I would wake up without the ability to read or write. And even though I know that’s impossible, I was so worried and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Thing is, my anxious perfectionist brain always jumps to “either you do well on this or you die” mindset. Which then leads to me being stressed out days before and doing crazy things because of that. Just to name a few: I unfollowed a lot of blogs because following so many was driving me insane. I muted a bunch of people on twitter and called it self care even though it was probably just petty. Last but not least, I’m generally more mean and insensitive than I usually am these days and I hate that but also, I just can’t help it. (hey please if I was mean to you, don’t give up on me, it’ll get better again I swear) So yeah, fun times. Can’t wait for it to be finally June so all of this is over. 
To quote my favourite musical: hold your breath and count the days, we’re graduating soon, college will be paradise if I’m not dead by June.
Onto those replies now.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “So…I was just casually setting up another scene, posing the sims and...”
This is DESTINY of this generation - trying to die (hard)
Just wait for when I focus on Regan. That girl is...going in her parents’ footsteps. I swear it’s not my fault. Seriously. I would never want for any of my important legacy sims to die.
Okay well, I might have planned to kill off Tyler at one point like year and a half ago but we don’t talk about that. Ever. Not since that dumb “one year with Rose triplets” thing. Don’t worry about it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Unfortunately, it didn’t help. Again, sims logic. Don’t question it....”
Miracles shouldn't die!
How dare you!
When I said "don't return to aliens" I didn't mean "die instead"
pxelblobs replied to your photoset “Unfortunately, it didn’t help. Again, sims logic. Don’t question it....”
Noooo Miracle!
I knew that sims could burn to death if the weather is too hot and everything, but it has never happened to me and I certainly didn’t expect it to happen now. I was freaking out. That was not how I wanted her story to end.
Then I went to twitter and asked people what they want me to do, but before the poll ended, I actually decided that nope, I can’t do this, she has to stay alive. By the way, if I remember correctly, people voted for leaving her dead. Sooo...yeah.
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “WAIT HOLD UP IS MIRACLE LIKE DEAD DEAD”
I guess I wasn't paying too much attention until this ask BUT MIRACLE'S DEAD WTF
Lmao I can see this happening to me. In fact, it has definitely happened to me before - just casually scrolling down my dash, not paying attention to anything (which is why I never go to my dash anymore) at all and then suddenly I realize - wait a minute, when did that sim die?! What did I miss?
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Yeah well, Adam, maybe you could’ve done something when you still had...”
Will Smith voice: It's rewind time
I laughed so hard at this because I literally made the same joke a few posts later. Great minds think alike! *let’s pretend I’m a great mind ok, at least for a few seconds*
treason-and-plot replied to your post “WAIT HOLD UP IS MIRACLE LIKE DEAD DEAD”
This game is so cruel
It couldn’t have happened to like...I don’t know. Esme during the uni storyline. Or Fred during James’s storyline. Guys, do you remember Fred the mustache guy? Good old times.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Adam: “Hmmm, I wonder what I should do?”
*slow clap for sims logic*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “At least she gets a nice gravestone…I guess. Aaand the dog is useless...”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “At least she gets a nice gravestone…I guess. Aaand the dog is useless...”
I can't believe she died this way! :'(
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Miracle baby oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t want this to happen I’m...”
:( :( :(
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Miracle baby oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t want this to happen I’m...”
������ poor miracle
The only thing I really enjoyed about this is that these posts fell on the weekend before April 1st. I know this isn’t something to be laughed at...but the timing was so perfect. If I had planned this, it wouldn’t have worked.
Then again, let’s be real, I wouldn’t have planned this. This is just cruel.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Worry not, Adam. The Grim Reaper might be cruel but I’m the one who’s...”
Whew I'm glad she's still alive
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Worry not, Adam. The Grim Reaper might be cruel but I’m the one who’s...”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Worry not, Adam. The Grim Reaper might be cruel but I’m the one who’s...”
I’ve never been more excited to quit without saving
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Lydia: “Sorry I’m late! I didn’t mean to, I promise. Siblings got in...”
"Oh yeah and my mom died in an alternate reality but it's cool, it's cool."
I mean, she’s definitely heard about all the crazy shit that has happened to her family over the years, so maybe it doesn’t seem as a big deal to her anymore.
It’s been a while since I last said Roses are a mess but they really are a huge mess lmao
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “cloudberry-sims: ???: Sorry but you can’t read that book yet! Stone:...”
Zillah will most likely appear after I finish Strangerville!
Yay! You don’t have to rush though, as long as she appears one day, it’s cool. It’s just a little sad when I spend a lot of time working on a sim and then the person who requested them never uses them.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “This girl is no longer on fiyah, fiyaaaaah”
Next time you try to die don't do it, okay?
Oh trust me I’ll keep an eye on her from now on
It’s what Caleb would have wanted
wait did I just make myself cry thinking about this
dreamsongsims replied to your photoset “I’m still not sure why she’s doing martial arts. Like yeah, I wanted...”
That moment when you just can't remember what your plans were for your sim! I have that a lot. LOL
I guess I do kinda remember the purpose for the story, the problem is...I don’t actually understand why I did it that way?
create-a-sim replied to your photo “someday i’ll be famous and you’ll have to admit you were wrong.”
Wow, this looks super cool!
Thank you! I really enjoyed working on this. It’s just one of the many outcomes of my “Tyler gets famous” headcanons, which by the way are one of my favourite things to think about these days.
onemoreordinarysimblr replied to your photo “Am I late to the party?”
Very cute!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “I had to do another one.”
This is a nice looking room!!
berrysweetboutique replied to your photo “I had to do another one.”
They're too fun and this is way cute ♥
Thank you guys! I really enjoy the idea of this. I’m definitely not done with this trend yet! ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize...”
Oh it sucks that that person isn't around anymore(( losing friends is always hard
Btw, the edit is really cute!
Yeah...I was going through my old posts yesterday, saw some asks and got sad about this again. I miss talking daily to a person who was so much like me in so many ways. I don’t want to go into details but yeah...never thought I could miss a person I’ve never actually met and here I am.
desira-sims replied to your post “�� ��?”
I feel ya on the bands. My music tastes seems to go from one extreme to the next.
It’s so hard to limit yourself to just one genre! I don’t understand how some people can do this. Well, I don’t actually believe such people exist...everyone has their “guilty pleasure” and no one will change my mind.
desira-sims replied to your post “I associate you with Ross and Caleb :D (i really need to catch up on...”
This is 100% me.
It’s clear, if a sim wants to be the mascot of my blog, they have to be a bisexual disaster.
I mean, when I look at myself, that makes sense. I myself am one big bisexual disaster.
mellowaliens replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good luck hon!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good luck! ❤️ You can do it!
desira-sims replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good luck!!! Sending positive vibes your way.
whysimstho replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good Luck!
audrey-rosewadsworth replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
audrey-rosewadsworth replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
poisonfireleafs replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Good luck tomorrow :)
*hugs* Thank you so much guys. ♥
desira-sims replied to your post “Good morning guys, I'm still freaking out about the exam. I'm taking...”
Just take deep breath and don’t stress too much. You’ll do great on the exam.   Congrats on your milestone!
I started feeling so much better when I left home. I went out and I was like okay, I can’t do much about this anymore, can I? And then I met up with my friend at the bus stop and we just talked and suddenly I wasn’t scared anymore because I realized we’re all in this together - the two of us, the rest of our class and all the other 80 000 (or something) students in our country who were taking the exam as well.
My biggest problem was that the exam started at 12.30 and ended at like 2.30 pm. If it had been in the morning, I wouldn’t have had so much time to worry about it. Thank the lord that’s the case with the English exam tomorrow, it starts at 8 am which is an okay school time for me - on a normal day, classes start at 7.50.
Also, thank you! ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Yay, congrats!
desira-sims replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Woot woot!
mellowaliens replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Good luck and congrats!
Now I’ll have to wait for the results...that’s gonna be fuuuuuun.
By the way, people are already making memes based on the topics and I enjoy that. People who didn’t take the exam can’t understand, but it’s really funny, I swear.
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset
awwwwww! ♥ ♥ ♥
They’re definitely among the cutest couples I have in my game right now! ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Courtney: “Uhh…” Regan: “Wait. You…you guys? You’re like…” Felix: “Not...”
Well I kinda shipped themXD
I must admit that I didn’t at first, but then I noticed it could work. Whenever Regan said something bad about Felix, Courtney defended him, and so I thought...what if they went to uni together? Could they fall in love? Turns out they could :D
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The rush of still being alive just got to my head I think. I know it’s no excuse, everyone else’s said it, but it’s true, and I guess I thought I could press my luck with the frost spell because it worked so well the first time and I didn’t have to actually TALK to use it... but that didn’t work. 
Lorelei: “No. It didn’t. B-but li- we were - today was kind of a mess for both of us, wasn’t it? It’s... I - I’m sorry, I should have been more understanding. I shouldn’t have yelled--”
Honestly you’re fine. We’re fine. We
Troy: *...sudden doubt* 
We are fine, aren’t we? 
Lorelei: “If you say so... I mean, say we are. I want us to be fine, so... so.”
Lorelei: “You don’t hate me? I’m not bad?”
Not bad. ...truth be told though, after Scott and Catherine and Katya and all this iI kind of just want to see my family again. Mom and Laura have been worried sick, and - it’ll be good to go back home. To a quieter life... 
Troy: *wry smile* 
Never thought I’d miss that.
Lorelei: “I know what you mean... I’m glad you still get to do that, at least. To. To go home.” 
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sabrinassims · 8 years ago
1) Rules: Tag 9 people who you would like to know better. 
I was tagged by @onemoreordinarysimblr and I tag anyone reading this who wants to
Relationship Status: Single
Last Song I Listened To: The Ballad of Star Butterfly
Last Book Read/Listened To: The Raven Boys
Favorite Color: almost all of these 
Top Three Shows: Steven Universe, Brooklyn Nine-Nine . . . uuuuuuh . . . Star vs The Forces of Evil (those are just the ones I’ve watched most recently and still follow) 
Top Three Characters:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Top Three Ships: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2) Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well (sorta) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well (sorta) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head (sorta) I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity   I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the united states There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
I’m pretty boring but that’s okay
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littlemicrocosims · 8 years ago
I got tagged by @onemoreordinarysimblr, who incidentally has great taste in music! Shall we?
A - Age: Just like Taylor Swift, I’m feeling 22.
B - Biggest fear: trains, strangers doing things to fuck up my life when i’m least expecting it, people running past me in public. It’s complicated.
C - City you’d like to move to one day: Manchester, england! My whole life... one day i’ll get away from london but right now i love my job too much o.O
D - Drink you last had: Does yakult count?
E - Every day starts with: Tumblr hahaha. Sorrynotsorry.
F - Favorite song: True love waits by radiohead and Wet Sand by RHCP. My song of the moment is NO by meghan trainor, because fuck the fuck-bois.
H - Hometown: LDN
I - In love with: ...my boyfriend? I guess that’s the only answer here. 
J - Jealous of: How easily some people get along with, er, people. It does not come naturally to me.
K - Killed someone: Do sims count? >:)
L - Last time you cried: Probably a couple of weeks ago and i just had a godawful day at work and was being given all this responsibility i shouldn’t have yet and the guy who is after the manager job i’m running for was going round trying to make it look like i’m shit at my job (which i’m not) and i just had enough
M - Middle name(s): Rose
N - Number of siblings: 3! 
O - One wish: I need more time. Like, let me work part time but be paid for full time? Is that a thing? I need time for hobbies like sims and knitting and writing and sims.
P - Person you last called/texted: my cousin and one true love. And she can never get rid of me because we’re blood relatives so she has to put up with me ;)
Q - Questions you’re always asked: "OMG, is this real chocolate? Can i lick it?” and “!!! HOW DO YOU STAY SO SKINNY, DO YOU NOT JUST EAT ALL THE CHOCOLATE!?” (Answers: Yes, no, and there’s a lot of running up and down stairs. And yes.)
R - Reasons to smile: Good people. It’s that simple. and kITTENS
S - Song last sang: i got CHAAAMPAGNE PROBLEMS
T - Time you woke up: 8:00am, gotta primp to see dat boi of mine
U - Underwear colour: grey with little mesh inserts and little turquoise bits as well :* 
V - Vacation destination: Venice. I’ve already been so many times when I was living in Padua (humblebrag alert) but it’s still the most wonderful place to me. 
W - Worst habit(s): I worry too much and let what other people think - people who DON’T matter, that is - get to me. 
X - X-rays you’ve had: ?? None!
Y - Your favourite food: do percy pigs count? But nah, any and all pasta. Mmmmmm.
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo
Thanks for the tag! I taaaag... @socialjusticesimblr @simsplyirresistible @grumpysimmies @bountifulberries @riddikulsims ?? i can’t remember which of you haven’t done it or you might not feel like it, so ignore if needed! And everyone else, if you haven’t done it consider yourself tagged. You’re it!
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simstrations · 8 years ago
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Guess what this means! Yup, I’m trying to start another legacy! This time I’m determined to see it to the end! (It both helps and doesn’t that my game keeps crashing, I think it’s the world I’m playing in but idk and it’s such hard work to move the entire town! Especially if I’m trying to do it before my game crashes again) I’m planning on trying to fix that once I get to the second gen)
S/O to @le-chat-noir-blog @sandy-sims @onemoreordinarysimblr @simside @minervamagicka and two other people that I can’t tag for some reason for following me even when there really isn’t anything on my page atm
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calientequeen · 8 years ago
song shuffle tag!
@geezsims tagged me and I might as well post something whilst I’m sorting my sims life out before posting it!
rules are: put the first 10 songs that come on shuffle then tag 10 people!
way back when - ward thomas
love you like that - canaan smith
that’s alright with me - kip moore
bad boy - miranda lambert
the driver - charles kelley ft. dierks bentley + eric paslay
when will my life begin? - mandy moore (from the tangled soundtrack lmao)
ever ever after - carrie underwood (from the enchanted soundtrack)
die a happy man - thomas rhett
downside of growing up - maddie + tae
state of grace - taylor swift
i’m gonna try and think of people off the top of my head to tag so!
@simsandgiggles @simblraaaaaagghhhh @pixelswirl @sim-ray @avtvmnsalad @jokeplease @faeriefrolic @berrysweetboutique @goodnightlittlewing @onemoreordinarysimblr
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igglemouse · 9 years ago
@loveandscenerysims4 - @permissiontocurse - @treason-and-plot - @geekischic - @onemoreordinarysimblr
actually she is! Gosh!
permissiontocurse ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Tuesday   Here is Daria! I think she’s super cute if you ask me!”
She is adorable! :D
See! I told you all she takes after her mom in the looks department!
treason-and-plot ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Tuesday   “Wait, I need a do-over!” it’s no surprise that Lourdes and...”
LULZ can't wait till they're teens!
Things always get complicated then!
geekischic ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Tuesday   The bills here are 11,000 simoleons…yep…”
OMG... I'll never complain about my bills again lol
LOL yes I know, the bills in this game are something else.
geekischic ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Tuesday   I’m going to love the little madam with all of my heart!...”
This is too sweet! And every time I look at Carlotta, I just think she looks so adorable! Especially with that haircut! Daria is a cutie too of course!
She IMO is the best looking sim born in my game so far, female sim that is! I actually love the lazy eyes she seems to have, it’s like she always has a sultry look to them.
onemoreordinarysimblr ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Tuesday   Here is Daria! I think she’s super cute if you ask me!”
Aww, I wanna pinch her little cheeks!
Just don’t pinch too hard!
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