celsidebottom · 4 years
“I want to write you poetry, to write songs about you and draw your portrait! I want to make things for you! It frustrates the hell out of me hat I can’t draw and I can’t sing or write or play instruments or paint…You inspire me so fucking much…” Zamid
From this list of prompts
featuring a very in love Zolf
Hamid stepped into the study when he heard Zolf’s muttering echoing down the hall.  
“What’s going on?”  He asked, leaning against the doorframe and smiling.  
Zolf, on the other hand, was not so nonchalant about the whole thing.  He hastily shoved the papers that surrounded him into a desk drawer and then sat up to face Hamid as if nothing had happened, the picture of conspicuousness.  
“Nothing.  Just, uh, getting some work done,” Zolf replied, his face bright red.
“Oh, don’t let me bother you, then,” Hamid said, fully aware that something was going on.  “Mind if I hang out in here and read while you work?”
“No, that’s… that’s fine. Totally fine.”
“Do you need a hand with anything?  I’m happy to help…”  Hamid stepped over to the desk.  His offer was sincere, but he also knew that Zolf was up to something.  While he wanted to know what shenanigan Zolf was concocting, he mostly enjoyed watching him squirm and try to talk his way around it.
However, as he walked closer, he noticed one sheet of paper that Zolf hadn’t managed to hide away.  
“Wait a second… is that me?”
Zolf groaned.  
“Were you… drawing me? My portrait?”
“Yes, alright!”  Zolf exclaimed.  “I was trying to make something nice for you, that shows how much I love you.  Something that shows off just how amazing you are, something that might survive for generations, so that people years from now can get a glimpse of your wonder.  I want to write you poetry, to write songs about you and draw your portrait!  I want to make things for you!  It frustrates the hell out of me that I can’t draw and I can’t sing or write or play instruments or paint…  You inspire me so fucking much…  You make me a blubbering romantic.  But it just never comes out right.”
Hamid paused for a long moment, looking between Zolf and the sketchy portrait in front of him.  The lines were careful, like Zolf didn’t want to get any detail wrong, but it was clear to see where he got frustrated that his hand couldn’t keep up with the vision in his mind.  
Zolf had his head in his hands, so Hamid moved to the other side of the desk and put a hand on Zolf’s back.  Immediately Zolf leaned into him.
“You know, you don’t have to do any of this stuff,” Hamid said quietly.  “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t need anything like this.”
“But I want to.  I just wish I could create what you inspire in me.”
“Well, maybe music and art just aren’t the way to go about it.  Maybe there’s another way.”
Zolf grunted.  “Maybe.”
Hamid pressed a kiss to the top of Zolf’s head.  “If you’re worried about needing some grand spectacle to prove that you love me, though, you don’t need to.  I know you love me.  I know in the way you smile when you see me, the way you hold me, the way you say my name.”
“I know I’m not always the best at saying it aloud,” Zolf admitted.  
“I still know.  You show it a thousand different ways.”
Zolf finally lifted his head from his hands and pried himself away from Hamid to stand and face him, taking his hands in his own.  He lifted one hand to his lips and kissed Hamid’s palm, and then kept holding on as Hamid cupped his face.  
“I’m still going to make something for you,” Zolf insisted, and Hamid chuckled.
“Stubborn as ever,” he joked.
“Yeah, you’re one to talk.” In the midst of their teasing, they held each other tighter and pressed their foreheads together.  “I love you, Hamid.  I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Stubbornness and all.”
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I mean. I mean.
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What is this about if not where they're at by season 4? Where Jon is retroactively realizing what could've been and now may never be, where he's realizing he'd been sharp where Martin had only ever offered softness, quiet when the situation had demanded communication? Now Jon is the one who can't be silent anymore, but Martin is going, going, maybe already gone.
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Jon is so unsure in season 4, so uncertain of what he is and where he stands- as a friend, a good person, even a fellow human. He's struggling, he's being pulled into the deep end, and all the while, Martin's going somewhere he doesn't know how to follow.
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And this is- god, what a Jon line, especially in the context of jonmartin. Whether he knew it or not, Jon has always had Martin's protection, and now that's- well, not gone, but perhaps not as present as it's always been, and in doubt in a way it's never been before. The risk of losing Martin's support, of losing Martin, was one of the biggest forces driving Jon in season 4, and it was so important for him and his development.
Okay this was NOT a good analysis, but honestly there is So Much going on in jonmartin that I'm not smart enough to talk about so here's what you're getting kskdkdkfkfk, hopefully it was at least an interesting read!!!
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So the songs that remind us of Jonghyun section is open again? I'm so excited!!
Yes it’s open again!
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incorrect-exo · 7 years
Hi! My name is Rae and I was super excited to see that you used a quote from The Adventure Zone for your incorrect quote! Because I've just been waiting to find people who have an over lapping interest in Kpop and podcasts.
OH BOY!!!! Don’t get me started on podcasts!!! I listen to almost all of the McElroy Podcasts and have for quite a while! (I even have a TAZ tattoo lmao).
There are some fucking choice quotes from The Adventure Zone that are just so funny! 
Podcasts are amazing though and I feel like not enough people listen to them! 
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ernmark · 7 years
Also, a sequel to the Arum/Rilla are friends fic where Arum puts the duel on hold to save Rilla!!! I need this OT3 man! I need it!
So this was written back when my assumption was that Arum lived within a reasonable distance from Rilla’s place. So...
Arum has to stop at the swamp to gather supplies– this isn’t the sort of monster that can be approached directly, not without pushing him to kill Amaryllis in the process. Arum will have to be careful. He’ll have to be sly.
So he outfits himself in weapons and armor and he harnesses one of his giant rats with his illustrious client’s order, and he sets out. The traps aren’t fully mature yet, but that’s no matter. The reduced weight will mean that he can move faster, and nobody but Arum could tell the difference, anyway. 
But even immature, the plants are heavy, even for such a large beast of burden, and the march is agonizingly slow. He tries to ward off his impatience by making plans-- but all of those plans revolve around his client. He doesn’t even consider what he’ll do with a knight of the Queen. And when he hears the clomp of hoofbeats bearing down on him, he knows with sinking dread that that’s exactly who’s coming his way.
He grabs the rat by its lead and tries to draw it up the trunk of the nearest tree, to hide in the canopy until the humans pass. The damned thing is slow and stubborn. He grabs at it, yanking harder until it complies-- but in his haste, he dislodges one of his knives. It tumbles, end over end, and embeds itself among the tree’s roots. 
The blade is too distinctive, the adamant too polished. The knights would have to be blind not to see it, and it will give away his position.
No. He won’t be caught up a tree like a fox.
He ties off the rat among the branches and dives back down to pull the knife from the ground. But just as his claws brush the embellished handle, he hears the twang of a bow. He manages to yank his hand away just in time to avoid an arrow through his hand. 
He knows without looking who tried to shoot him. 
Damien is on horseback already nocking another bow to the string. Riding behind him is another knight, a giant of a man who seems to dwarf even the enormous horse that he he rides. 
“Coward,” Damien snarls.
Arum bristles. How dare he--
But no. He doesn’t have time for this. He won’t let Amaryllis be hurt for the sake of his pride.
He turns with a dismissive gesture. “Are you upset that I missed our duel? We can always postpone.” Another arrow flits close enough to slice into his frill.
“Don’t turn away from me,” Damien says, drawing another arrow from his quiver. “Don’t you dare walk away.”
Arum’s eyes narrow. “Enough of this. I don’t have time for your games–”
“And I have no patience for yours.” The arrow is drawn back to a mouth that once spouted nonsensical poetry. Now those lips are drawn back to bare his teeth. The hatred in his eyes is almost as halting as the weapon in his hands. A day ago Arum would have sworn the man had feelings for him. Is this how fast the affections of humans change? “Answer me, beast. What have you done with Rilla?”
Everything makes more sense and less all at once. “What have I–?”
“I swear on the saints, if you’ve hurt her–”
“I haven’t done anything to her,” Arum snaps. “But Baron Myber will, if he hasn’t already. Every minute he has her, she’s in danger, and that means I don’t have time for this.”
“Aha!” cries the giant. “Don’t think Sir Damien is going to fall for your cunning tricks! We aren’t so easily fooled as all that!” 
But there’s hesitation in Damien’s features. He wants to believe Arum.
The bowstring loses a fragment of its tension. “Explain yourself.” 
“What is there to explain?” Arum snaps. “Baron Myber took Amaryllis, and he’ll kill her if he gets the chance.”
“If you’re going to spin your lies, you’ll have to do better than that,” the giant declares.
But Damien is already lowering his bow.
“Sir Damien! You can’t tell me you actually believe this nonsense!”
“I never told him her full name.” Damien’s eyes are still hard, but the hatred has left them.  “How do you know this?”
“There’s no--”
“Then explain while we go,” Damien says, and he replaces his bow over his shoulder. “But you will explain.”
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spiritspodcast · 7 years
There is an amazing tumblr shanastoryteller where they have rewitten different fairytales and have written different interpretations of the Greek Myths. GUYS THEIR GODS& MONSTERS TAG IS SO GOOD!! Their most recent story is Eros and Psyche!! I have read the stories and legit cried. The Ares in this series is literally "Looks like they can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll." He is Soft ™.
This sounded really familiar when I read this message and NOT SURPRISINGLY, I’ve actually stumbled across the Ares Cinnamon Roll  story a few weeks back. But after I got this message, I did a deep dive, and WOOF it’s some good shit. One of my favorite things in the world is reinterpretation of myths, especially Greek. Thanks so much for the recommendation, and I encourage our listeners to check it out as well (it’s real good). 
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so-manybees · 7 years
I remember I read them at the elementary school I attended in Globe, Arizona.
I read them at a school in Phoenix, Az! Wild! I’m digging into the depths of google trying to find it now!!
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Do you have anymore podcast recs? I've literally listened to everything on your rec list already. >.
My friend, I have a lot more recommendations, I’m just going to give you a list under the cut because this is long:
Alba Salix Royal Physician
The Adventures of MechaBetty
Archive 81
ars paradoxica
The Alexandria Archives
Beef and Dairy Network
The Bridge
Darker Projects: The Falcon Banner
Darkest Night
The Deep Vault
Edict Zero - FIS
The Elysium Project
EOS 10
Hector vs The Future
Hello From The Magic Tavern
King Falls AM
LifeAfter (with prequel The Message)
Lily Beacon’s post-apocalyptic awesome fun time podcast
The Magnus Archives
The Meat Blockade
Our Fair City
Radiation World
Rover Red: Alone in Apocalypse
Small Town Horror
Space Log
SPINES Podcast
The Truth
Uncanny County
Wooden Overcoats
If you need more, get back to me in a few weeks, I’m always listening to new stuff. My iTunes library is just filled with stuff I haven’t listened to yet ;)
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oakpodcast · 7 years
Hi Holly! How are you doing today? I hope everything is going well for you. :) I have a podcast recommendation for you. It's called Bryar Lane. It's very cute and whimsical and a very easy listen. It was very relaxing. TW for a fire but don't worry. And potential tw for loud noises of a bell? Listening to this podcast helped me with some issues of my own. :) Good luck!
Thank you. I am actually sensitive to loud noises, so I appreciate the warning. I just subscribed to Bryar Lane. Rick Coste’s podcasts tend to be very soothing. I’ve been listening to The Behemoth.
Thank you for reaching out! I like being alone, but I feel a little off balance these days. I’m not used to being quite so alone all the time.
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tissisissi · 7 years
Maybe you could do is find a group of people online and Skype a campaign?
People do that? Hmm, I suppose that’s an option. Although, joining a campaign by Skype sounds scarier to me than walking into a room full of strangers asking if I could join a game but I guess it doesn’t hurt to look into the matter. Thanks for the tip!
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thelaurenshippen · 8 years
Who did you voice in Wolf 359?
I voiced a colleague of Mr. Koudelka’s in Episode 43! 
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werewolfloverr · 7 years
@onegirlintheback I see u browsing my tumblr idk how far back u r but I appreciate this alldkslajf once u hit shitty anime posts tho pls I beg u don't go too far
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Have you not opened the stream yet?
The stream is here!!!!: https://lets.rabb.it/886j/ZZd0kgZaYN
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vanaera · 5 years
o m g your daffodil rings fic was amazing🤧 its so well written and cute and adorable and now i got the feels 🥺 do you usually get inspired by songs like that? im curious
Now to your question hehe (sorry I'm a MEsS and I get sidetracked a lot): I CANNOT write anything without listening to music. Idk, if it's just me, like I just NEED to be surrounded 24/7 by music. For writing, I often listen to dream pop, alternative, and acoustic genres. Just anything with expressive melody and very good lyrics. Lana Del Rey, The 1975, Lorde, Lotte Mulan, Us the Duo, and Oh Wonder are usually my go-to artists while writing (plus BTS too bc RM's Mono is a no-skip album and Serendipity, Euphoria, Seesaw, and Heartbeat are wonderful pieces.) Hence, no doubt I Was Made For Loving You (requested by @onegirlintheback in my STRP, which was the reason I learned about this song in the first place), instantly got me to have a MasSive eureka moment to finally write my first attempt in strangers-to-lovers trope into life. Hence, voila, 21k goodness Daffodil Rings
Trivia you didn't ask for: This thing I have with music does not only concern writing. I also can't study without listening to music bc I need 1) emotional support (bc uni is hell and I just want to cry) and 2) physical support (I always fall asleep anywhere, anytime. It's oddly my secret super power and greatest weakness)
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forever5hines · 6 years
another shinee song tag post! I’ll be adding more post by post until I get all done eventually. Please be patient! all of the posts will be tagged ‘shinee song tag’ so check those if you didn’t get the tag notif, if I am done and I haven’t done yours, feel free to send me a message!
if i couldn’t tag you, I put your name in the tags so visit forever5hines.tumblr.com/tagged/*yourusername* to see if it was included
@agents-reassemble 3 2 1 | @p-thatsme don’t let me go | @killinsoftlii runaway | @bluemoonbyul15 beautiful life | @kpoplifestyle feel good | @jjong-n-cheese view | @grendel91 boys will be boys | @luhan-bee your number | @topherriley prism | @ringdingdongenthusiast love | @jjongsik melody | @xiumin-bias shinee girl | @nerdycosplayaddict ring ding dong | @seulboo woof woof | @narcissayuu kiss kiss kiss | @simonxxdiamond one for me | @butchyobaggins punch drunk love  | @jan-thevenerable odd eye | @yerbestfriend99​ aside | @xosweetlikecandyxo 3 2 1 | @kpopsavedmylifeandthenkilledme​ picasso | @louquis​  kimi ga iru sekai | @beommiesbabe​ love’s way | @bean-sensei romeo + juliette | @deoreoweo​ get down | @sakura-chanmasteroftheclow​ beautiful |  @everlastinglight​ an encore | @iwishyoubaddreams​ I say | @onegirlintheback​ note | @usedkarma​ graze | @major-in-harry-potter​ tell me what to do | @curious-fascinations​ alarm clock | @missragdoll​ sherlock | @felingblue​ don’t let me go | @barisitrash​ better | @rylluo​ an encore | @weivfostniop​ 3 2 1 | @flaomfgadying​ | @zombiechoir orgel | @leetaeminsbooty girls girls girls | @mislvs rescue | @shakiistiredtm sing your song | @cha-daeguni best place | @planetgirl00 savior | @loroverdose aside | @minapi selene 6.23 | @kpop--tay DxDxD | @cupcakes-chaos married to the music
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indigoumbrella · 6 years
Post 10 gifs of your favorite movies without revealing their titles and then tag 10 people as many people as you’d like!
I was tagged by @ohbeeone , thanks friend!!!
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@jackson-dies-at-the-end @onegirlintheback @itsclaranotcarla
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