tavlerone · 6 months
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Sketchbook stuff
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cloudysfluffs · 10 months
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he is such a little shit /affectionate
nsfw/kink blogs please dni!
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nikki-tine · 3 months
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I. uh. ahem. /////
You don't see anything, shoo! /silly
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hexavex788 · 7 months
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magpieddd · 9 months
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you’re not immune to the onceler
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creepedfinn · 1 year
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oh mee lord, today was a doodly day
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guppygiggles · 2 months
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D&D inspired doodle from last night~💙
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cloudysfluffs · 8 months
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REALLY considered not posting this one.......might delete later
ns//fw and/or ki//nk blogs please dni!!!
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pinkegodeath · 1 year
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silly oncie doodles :3
(i love him i love him i love him)
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jordanswitches · 1 day
what about. i kneel on your arms to pin them over your head and trail my nails down your triceps over and over again. every time i almost hit your armpits i restart. then finally i run all the way down, into the hollows where you're so sensitive, but i'm only there for a second, long enough to make you gasp and say please, and then i go past them. down the sides of your chest, your ribs, your sides. and i do the same thing i started with but from the opposite direction. you wish i'd just get it over with because the anticipation is killing you, every time i get to the top of your ribs and your chest is heaving with nerves, aaaand restart. but at the same time you hope i never completely focus there because you know i won't stop until your whole body is exhausted.
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cyberk1ng · 5 months
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Again, Onceler celebration, but this time a personal one. Today is 5th anniversary of the day I first saw a Onceler meme and fell in love with the fandom...
Also it's the official birthday of my AU Onceler :D
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highdefhoetry · 2 months
so weak.
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cw: tickling, fluff, gender neutral reader
summary: zoro tickles you. that's it that's the post sjfkj. just a short lil fluff fic based on my ler!zoro headcanon that i had to get out of my system!
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“Oi. I’m talking to you.”
You’re snapped out of your stupor when a heavy hand grabs the back of your neck. Strong fingers gently press into the sides and wiggle slightly, causing you to scrunch your shoulders and shriek in an embarrassingly loud pitch. You'd been zoning out while wandering around the ship near the crow's nest, and once again the moss-headed swordsman has gotten the jump on you. You hadn't realized he was right next to you, nor did you hear whatever the hell he just said. Not until it was too late.
“Zoro! Stoooop!”
You can’t shake off his iron grip and resign yourself to squirming in place. Your laughter picks up when he starts poking your side in random spots while he’s got you trapped. You try blocking his hands, but he manages to sneak his fingers through despite your efforts. He scoffs at your plight, but there’s a hint of a smile on his voice as he teases you.
“Quit leaving yourself wide open.”
“I’m not!!” you whine through your laughter.
It’s the second time today that Zoro’s done this little sneak attack. You didn’t know why the brooding swordsman was so fascinated by this little game of yours, especially since he didn’t come across as the playful type. He pretended like he didn’t know what he was doing, but you always noticed the glint in his eyes while he listened to you laugh and how the corners of his lips would curl up with amusement.
“Why do you always do that?” you whine when he finally stops and lets you go.
“Do what?” he pokes your side again, reigniting your laughter. 
He scoffs and leans against the wall, crossing his arms with eyes closed. 
“You’re so damn jumpy all the time. Just relax.”
“Why don't you relax, you jerk!"
You can tell he’s trying to force back a smile, and it’s driving you mad. You couldn’t figure him out at all. He’d brazenly touch you, then back off like nothing happened. What was his deal?
You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. You wait until you think he's dropped his guard and lunge forward, going for his sides like a heat seeking missile. But he grabs your hands midair before you can get far, opening his one good eye. He warns you in a deep, gravelly voice.
“Too slow.”
He holds both of your wrists in front of you with one hand and pokes your ribs with the other. They’re gentle prods that tickle like hell no matter where he touches. And even though you’re struggling with all your might to get away, there’s no escaping his grasp. This guy was strong as hell. Your wrists barely budge even though you’re pulling them as hard as you can.
“Nooo! Don't do it!!”
His smirk grows wider as he tortures you with soft pinches on your waist, jumping from one side to another at random so you can't brace yourself at all. Sick bastard was getting some kind of twisted pleasure out of it. He watches as you thrash around, only speaking to mock you and further your embarrassment.
“Hmph. You’re telling me that this is all I gotta do to take you down? Pathetic.”
“Sh… shut up…!!”
It goes on for a few minutes before he finally lets up. Zoro releases your wrists while donning a smug grin, ignoring the angry look you’re giving him and returning to his laid back position resting against the wall.
“You’re so mean!” you frown.
He scoffs again. “And you’re weak.”
Cocky bastard. You could smack him! 
“If I’m so weak, then you better protect me!” you cross your arms and pout.
He pauses, the teasy comments disappearing along with his little smirk. So much time passes that you start to wonder if he was going to respond at all. You wonder what's going through that thick skull of his, if there were even any thoughts occupying his mind at the moment. Then, after several long moments of silence, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his chest in a surprisingly affectionate gesture.
His next words are spoken softly, so that only you and the vast blue sea can hear.
“Yeah, yeah… I will. I promise.”
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t00muchstuffforme · 1 month
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wish you were here to tickle my tummy😈
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 months
Lee Sabastion and Ler Kiko?
Gladly anon, besides I haven't done a request in a while, so this was quite refreshing to do
A Single Scritch
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This piece was quite experimental and I really enjoyed getting the textures and values down within the image. Hopefully this satisfies the Sebastian itch everyone has been collectively having, including me, lol!
Anyways, more Kiko x Sebastian art coming soon okay have a nice morning fellas 🩷
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homunculuslover · 6 months
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Well...egg on my face. ¬/////¬ Seems they stuck to their threat. I felt inspired from @fluffyhare comment on twitter.
I do love drawing gang up tickles. I think it's honestly not done enough. X3 I loved drawing Avery as per usual, but damn. I'm so happy with how Casper came out. QuQ
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gigglycloud · 5 months
''You know I'd wreck you if I could'' ''Ohh when I catch you~'' ''Just wait until I get my hands on you''
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