Just wanted to write some fics
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26/Cis-Female/Bisexual/AutisticSFW Tickle Blog.DO NOT INTERACT: Terfs, Anti-LGBTQ+, MAPS, ProshippersHeadcanon Requests: OPENStory Requests: CLOSED
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tired-and-ticklish · 7 days ago
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hehe wowie a redraw of this old thing
When I drew the first version I didn't really put any sort of effort into it lol cause I wasn't really expecting it to recieve any attention, but lo and behold—
you guys went FERAL over that shit and proper surprised me SO here's an actual better quality redraw now that I'm more familiar with drawing Jaxxy boy hehe enjoy
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months ago
Employee Training
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic, so if that isn’t your thing, then just ignore this. 
Summary: Jax isn’t taking his job seriously, so Gangle decides he needs some extra… training.
TW: Tickling (maybe a bit intense?), Restraints, Jax Being Jax, Spoilers for Episode 4: Fast Food Masquerade.
(Let’s face it, a lot of us saw that scene and were all thinking the same thing.)
Working a normal fast food job wasn’t at the top of Jax’s list of adventures. He’d rather be back at the circus, putting more centipedes in Ragatha’s room or stealing Zooble’s parts. But instead, he and the others were forced to work a terrible minimum wage job with an annoying Gangle as their shift manager.  Hell, it was the crybaby’s idea in the first place!
“Ooooh Jaaaaax~!” Speaking of the pain in his tail, Gangle called out from behind the rabbit, that stupid smile from the mask Zooble gave her still plastered across her face.
“The bathroom looks like a biohazard and needs a good scrubbin’!” Gangle told him.
“Shouldn’t like, a biohazard crew take care of that?” Jax asked, not wanting to put in anymore effort than the job was already requiring.
Gangle laughed. “Ohoh, Jaxy boy, don’t you want to be a model employee?”
“No, I don’t care about any of this.” Jax responded, crossing his arms.
“Well, that doesn’t sound like a can-do attitude to me!”
God, was she getting more annoying? “It’s not.”
Another laugh, simply followed by one word. “Bad.”
“I like you better when you’re sad.”
There was a sound, like glass cracking, but Jax ignored it. Honestly, the whole ‘chipper, happy-go-lucky’ attitude Gangle had at the current moment was making him wish they had stuck to the butcher adventure Caine suggested in the first place. Darn Pomni, darn suggestion box, darn not being able to actually swear in this Hell hole called a circus.
“Well..” Gangle replied, Jax either not noticing, or more likely, not caring, how close she sounded to strangling him. “Maybe you need some more…”
She paused, like Caine did sometimes, it was a bit uncanny to see. “More-”
“Training!” Gangle interrupted before he could finish.
Suddenly, two hands grabbed Jax, squishing him like a squeaky toy before dragging him into the back of the restaurant. Once they let go of him, Jax was shocked to find himself in a completely empty, dark room, save for the TV that suddenly turned on. On it was an employee training video, complete with the ‘motivational music, staring and made by Gangle, explaining how it would teach him how to be a good team member and asset to the cooperation.
Jax questioned when Gangle even made the video. Or maybe it was Caine’s doing? The adventures made no sense, so why did he expect a ‘normal’ one to make sense? The way the Gangle in the video spoke made Jax uncomfortable, talking about how dreams were unrealistic, and to stop trying. It was like she was losing it.
“But before we get into all that, first things first!” The Video-Gangle asked, smiling. “Are you smiling?”
“Uh, no…?” 
The music stopped. “Why not…?” Gangle wasn’t smiling anymore, just staring right at him.
Faster than Jax could respond, he was suddenly in a chair, four mechanical arms coming out and grabbing his limbs. They twisted him a few different ways, before shoving his face right into the TV. “Wait- Wait wait! N-Nobody can see this… right?” Jax asked nervously, suddenly regretting any and all decisions in his life that had led to this moment.
“Time for your employee reevaluation!”
With that, the robotic limbs pulled Jax back into the chair, his arms pulled up as far as they would go, his legs pinned down to the leg rest. Jax’s eyes darted around the room, trying to see anything he could use to try to free himself. He couldn’t move, couldn’t escape, couldn’t stop whatever Gangle had planned for him. 
“As an employee, you have to remember to smile!” The video continued, Gangle sounding more and more manic. “Don’t worry, we can help you with that!”
More arms popped out of the chair, Jax feeling his heart skip a few beats when he saw what the hands were doing, wiggling their fingers at him teasingly. Gangle couldn’t be serious, right?! His dread only grew as two of the hands removed his shoes, another unbuttoning his work shirt.
“G-Gangle wait wait wait! I-I-I’m smiling! I’m smiling!” Jax cried in a panic, trying to pull his arms down. “Y-You don’t have to do this!”
The Video-Gangle tsked lightly “Silly, we have to make sure our employees know that we serve with a smile~!” A sinister giggle came from her as she said that.
Jax swore he was going to find a way to break that plastic mask Zooble gave her! However, his thoughts of revenge were put on hold as one of the hands made a few test pokes to his stomach, causing him to jolt. This was bad, the way Jax’s body had been designed in this digital world physically made him unable to bite his lip, so that strategy was out the window. Seems like the jolts he made were all the hands needed, descending upon him.
“W-Wahahahit wahhait nohhohohoho!” Jax snorted, trying to twist and turn away from the devilish hands.
“See, isn’t that better~?” Video-Gangle asked, her ribbons wiggling as well “I’ll check on you in a while!”
A while?! How long was a while?! The darn clock seemed busted, what if he was in there for hours?! Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Gangle, or the robotic arms cared, the TV turning off as a pair of hands attacked his armpits.
“N-Nohohohoh nohohoho come bahahahack!” Jax pleaded. “I-Ihihihih’m smihihihihihling!”
The robotic hands continued their assault, gently tracing around his armpits, while the ones on his stomach dug right in, causing him to attempt to kick his legs. They hadn’t exactly gotten to his absolute worst spots yet, but Jax had a feeling it was only a matter of time. His paws were exposed, and he could swear he could sense two hands just behind his ears, waiting for the go-ahead to strike.
“Cohohohohome ohohohohon!”
He really hated how much they could actually feel in the circus sometimes. Sure, it was funny to see the others in pain, or watch their panic as he attacked their own worst spots, but having the tables turned on him? It also didn’t help that, thanks to Gangle, the arms knew exactly where his worst spots were, and how harshly or softly to tickle them to drive him up the wall. 
Case in point, one hand swirling a finger right on his navel, threatening to tickle the inside, while also cruelly never actually doing it. The ones on his armpits spidered up and down, even attacking his ribs at a few points. Jax wasn’t sure how long the tickling had gone on for, before the TV turned back on, Gangle’s face smiling at him. The hands stopped, allowing the rabbit to catch his breath. The relief Jax felt was short-lived, however, as the Video-Gangle spoke again. “Step one of your employee reevaluation is complete!” Gangle told him, sounding proud. “Now that you’re smiling, we’ve got to work on your attitude! Being rude to customers, or other coworkers, especially by throwing them in the deep fryer, is strictly forbidden at Spudsy’s!”
“Come on, it’s not like Rags was hurt all that badly.” Jax tried to argue, before immediately regretting it as he noticed the arms were grabbing something just out of his field of vision, making him dread whatever would be next.
“That’s the kind of attitude I’m talking about!” Video-Gangle huffed, before smiling again. “So, I thought you could use some extra motivation!”
Jax’s heart, or, what he supposed he could call a heart in this digital body, nearly stopped as the mechanical hands came back with paint brushes.
“Oh… [trumpet honk]...” The rabbit responded in disbelief. “Y-You’re not actually [quack]ing serious, r-right?!”
Unfortunately for him, Gangle was dead serious, as the paintbrushes glided up and down his paws, making him snort. The pair of hands by his head also got in on the action, softly, slowly, and tortuously rubbing up and down the insides of ears, making him scream out in ticklish agony.
“Aww don’t worry, I’ll check on you in a while again!” More random noises came from Jax’s mouth, trying to swear, but instead there were a few more musical instrument noises, a car honk, and even a cow moo at one point. That only seemed to encourage the hands to be even harsher toward him, one of the paintbrushes going in between his toes. Jax howled with laughter, trying to twist and turn away from his fate.
Jax then let out an uncharacteristic squeal as he felt feathers brushing up and down his ears. This was maddening! As the paintbrushes picked up their pace, Jax felt a horrible thought enter his mind. Would Gangle actually let him out of here? Or would she just keep him there until the end of the adventure, making sure he couldn’t destroy anything or cause problems for anyone else? “P-PLEHEHEHEASE PLHEHEHEHEASE IIHIHIHIHI’LL BEHEHEHEHEHAVE!” Jax cried out desperately.
It seemed to work, as the tickling suddenly stopped, the arms releasing him. Jax caught his breath, feeling a few phantom tickles linger. He brought his hands up to his ears, trying to rub the tingling sensation away as the TV turned back on.
“Thank you, valued employee, for deciding to be a team player!” Video-Gangle told him, looking happy, proud, and… relieved? Maybe Jax was imagining things. “Of course, here at Spudsy’s, we respect our employees needing time for themselves, so you may take a few moments to get yourself together before heading back out there!”
Small mercies, Jax supposed. “You’re uh… not going to tell anyone about this, right?”
Video-Gangle simply giggled, before the TV turned off once again, leaving Jax alone with his thoughts. Well, he supposed this made both of them even, in a way. Jax knew about the figurine thing, and Gangle managed to make him beg for mercy. He shook his head, getting his dumb uniform back in order. Once he was more composed, one of the large hands from before gently pushed him out of the room and back into the work area, patting his head before disappearing to God knows where.
Back to work, Jax supposed.
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months ago
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months ago
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months ago
Omg is the new foc gonna be about that scene with Jax where Gangle notices he isn't smiling when she's putting him through more training??
Let's face it, we were all thinking the same thing when we saw that scene.
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months ago
lee and ler Husk headcannons?
🐦‍⬛ anon
Hi there, sorry this took so long to answer!
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Thought the whole idea of 'tickling' was ridiculous at first
This changes when he gets more comfortable around the others, especially Angel
Main Victims: Angel, Sir Pentious, and (when he can) Alastor
Has an arsenal: Wings, Feathered Tail, Claws, Teeth
Learned Angel will scream if he kisses/nibbles the spider's neck or stomach
His teases are more of pointing out 'facts' than teasing.
"Wow, you must really like when I tickle here, considering you're not even trying to get away~"
He's much softer to Angel than anyone else he tickles, mostly cause he knows the shit Angel has to deal with from Val.
Sometimes after a long day at work, Husk will let Angel crawl into his lap, before gently tickling the spider's back to help him relax.
Like Charlie, he's canonically ticklish. Unlike Charlie, however, he's more embarrassed by it.
Unsurprisingly, Niffty is the one who first found out about it.
They were fighting about preening Husk's wings, and the brush Niffty was using brushed across his stomach when he tried to shove her off of him.
Needless to say, both Niffty and Alastor use this to their own amusement
Worst spots: His wings, stomach, hands, and feet
Specifically the heart-shaped pads on his hands and feet
"Try it and I'll fucking bite you!"
Very stubborn, hard to get him to admit he actually likes being tickled
Angel of course has gotten this confession out of him, but keeps it secret.
Husk really likes when the back/wing massages Angel gives him turn tickly, they help him relax a lot more
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tired-and-ticklish · 3 months ago
Sorry for being radio silent for a while. I was dealing with some personal stuff, but I have a new fic in the works. If you've seen the newest ep of TADC, then you probably have a good idea of what it's going to be about.
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tired-and-ticklish · 5 months ago
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, writer's block sucks
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tired-and-ticklish · 8 months ago
could you do lee!vaggie and ler!vaggie headcannons?
I've actually done them before! Here you go
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tired-and-ticklish · 8 months ago
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tired-and-ticklish · 8 months ago
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tired-and-ticklish · 8 months ago
Sorry I haven't written anything in a while. A lot of personal stuff as been going on, so I haven't really had time or motivation to write. Hopefully when things calm down a bit I can get back into writing, but until then, thanks for your patience.
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tired-and-ticklish · 9 months ago
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tired-and-ticklish · 9 months ago
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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tired-and-ticklish · 9 months ago
They keep deleting palestinians blogs holy shit
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tired-and-ticklish · 9 months ago
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And if the reason you aren’t creating is because of the amount of time that has passed due to your block… The “you” that survives this creative block is capable of things that the “you” before couldn’t even dream of. Nothing is lost or wasted; you are still the same artist you always were, whenever you are ready to try again.
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tired-and-ticklish · 10 months ago
Reblog if you are:
Gay, lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, queer, etc., or a supporter of any.
If you don't reblog this, DIE DIE DIE
This is very much not an account about Discord.
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