#one plus battery repair
buzzmeeh3004 · 4 months
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One Plus 9r Screen Replacement - Buzzmeeh
Get your OnePlus 9R screen repaired with Buzzmeeh. Our certified technicians use genuine parts to ensure a high-quality screen replacement. Fast, reliable service with warranty - get your device back in perfect condition.
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continuousmeowing · 11 months
i love my fucked up laptop so much. my wife who has every disease.
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sonicenvy · 1 year
big FML my primary computer that i use for work stuff decided to just stop working correctly tonight. literally losing my fucking mind. ahhhhhhhhhh whyyyyyy
my macbook pro turns on, plays the boot chime and just stays with a white screen, but, I plugged it into a TV and discovered that it did in fact boot to the system, but the computer is failing to display anything on the display. the system does recognize the display, but I can't run the system hardware diagnostics as they only work in the built in display, which only shows the mac white screen of death. i reset the pVRAM and the SMC chip, and I jostled the display cable and unplugged it and replugged it in.
anyways, in the infinite wisdom of 1:30 am i just bought another copy of the computer for 160 dollars on ebay that has an inferior hard drive and ram, which I am planning on just migrating my hard drive and ram to and just keeping the ones from inside that computer for something else. not a fan of how this turned out
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stardewremixed · 3 months
We need better marriage candidate advantages! Gifts, dinners, and occasional chores on the farm are nice, but....
Shane - starts taking care of the chickens and you get more eggs (double or triple from one chicken) or an extra chicken every year. Plus discounts at Marnie's. Oh and give me a room for Jas on the farm!!! Also he starts working at Pierre's after Joja closes and leads weekly AA meetings at the community center. Marnie also visits occasionally and brings gifts. Wanders into the forest sometimes and brings back forage.
Abigail - discounts at Pierre's, shopping on Wednesdays, and she goes adventuring with you in the mines (for some rare drops). Discounts at the Adventurer's Guild after she becomes a full-fledged member. Her parents visit on the farm and you get occasional gifts from them. Breaks up rocks on the farm (actual rocks in your inventory and occsisonal geodes).
Harvey - discounts at the clinic for the amount of times you're injured in the mines and he is the one who finds you and carries you home so you don't lose any items. Weekly energy tonics. And sometimes he plays jazz (Unlocks new music). Discounts at the bookseller (1.6) because he befriends the hot air balloon operator. And the man gets over his fear of heights and gets his chopper license. Can take you to Ginger Island for free.
Maru - weekly energy tonics since she works in the Clinic (yes, she should keep her job) and battery packs, plus her dad visits the farm cave and you get better drops in there. Robin visits too and says things like "oh, I saw such and such needed upgraded or repaired, so I did it. " Seb visits and might bring a gift. She also creates a working robot that can automate some farm chores at random. Joins the aerobics class at Caroline's.
Sebastian - discounts from Robin for upgrades and her shop, he occasionally goes adventuring with you in the quarry (for rare drops), and brings in a side income from his incredibly popular indie computer game. Brings gifts from his trips to Zuzu City. Hosts weekly jam sessions with Abigail and Sam on the farm. Organizes DnD game night at the community center - friendly to beginner's.
Leah - chops wood for you (actual wood in your inventory), crafts beautiful decor for your farm, and brings you delicious forage from the forest. Brings in a small income from her artistry. And she would also adventure with you in the secret woods (rare drops and better protection). Might buy you a drink or salad at the Saloon on occasion. Would absolutely dance with you at the Stardrop on Friday nights if you asked her.
Alex - Builds a ramp for George and then his grandparents occasionally visit the farm, bearing gifts. He chops wood and breaks up stone on the farm (actual wood/stone in your inventory). And let's start a food truck. Sells at his stand year round (and more than just ice cream), bringing in a small monthly income. He would be an excellent ally also on difficult adventuring levels (preventing you from getting surrounded). If you do go down, he's carrying you home so that you don't lose any items. Runs bingo at community center for the older townies (including his grandparents). Finally fixed the damn leak in Evelyn's roof.
Elliott - let's upgrade his beach cabin for a vacation getaway! He brings you home from the library with all sorts of useful knowledge. The man brings in an income selling his stories and poetry. Establishes a regular reading event at the library. Teaches writing classes at the Community Center. Discounts at Willy's (Willy is Elliott's great uncle in my headcanon). He would occasionally adventure with you on Ginger Island. Oh and I think you'd adopt Leo together and build a little treehouse on the farm.
Sam - income from Joja (or the movie theater), builds a skate park for the kids on town (a new post marriage heart event), and travels occasionally with his band (bringing in a sporadic income). Oh and he writes new songs for the jukebox at the Saloon. (Unlocks new music). Probably plays for the locals on Friday nights. Vincent would come stay with you on the farm, on occasion, so he would have a room. Plus Jodi would bring you dinners on Sundays. Kent would send you regular gifts in the mail. Also unlimited free games at the arcade (Sam's always buying).
Haley - has a photography show (like Leah does with her art) and decorates your farmhouse with occasional prints (new decor), plus an income from selling her services as a photographer. I like to think she works with Seb on the town website and adds her images. Brings gifts from her trips to Zuzu City. Scythes grass on occasion on the farm (actual grass and sometimes mixed seeds in your inventory). Would plant flowers in a farm garden with Evelyn. Emily would visit and bring gifts.
Emily - discounts at the Saloon, a small weekly stipend, and sells her clothes online, plus you get to join the weekly aerobics class at Caroline's with her (and if you have high hearts with Clint, you get discounts at the blacksmith too). Sometimes misc clothing, shoe, hat, and ring upgrades show up in your inventory. Haley would visit and bring gifts.
Penny - special events at the community center (she helps establish family-friendly activities and the community center is more active). She goes back to school for her official license and brings in a small income from teaching. Discounts on bus rides thanks to her mom, or cheaper bus repair if you aren't done yet. Better rewards at the library/museum when you donate items because of her friendship with Gunther. And she creates a playroom at the farm for Jas and Vincent (and your kids, of course). Pam might visit on occasion and bring gifts (and like Shane, Pam would attend the weekly AA meetings).
Okay... confession time... who are you marrying based on the above advantages?
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flowercrowncrip · 4 months
I saw someone on TikTok suggesting able bodied people go to protests using second hand heavy powerchairs to use as some kind of weapon against police???
And as a full time powerchair user uh… don’t fucking do this?
For starters, if this “tactic” becomes popular (which it won’t because it’s a terrible idea, but IF it did) you’re just giving the police an excuse to harass powerchair users just for existing near a protest. Don’t do that.
And then there is the fact you’ll be taking resources away from disabled people is bad. The person in the video said not to take chairs that were usable for disabled people, but able bodied people have no right or technical skills to decide when a chair is useful. Even a dangerous chair might be an emergency option for someone who needs to get to the doctors while their chair is being repaired.
And then there’s practical things like how you’ll get to whatever protest you’re going to without taking resources from disabled people. Walking across town? Good luck with your second hand chairs crappy batteries. Are you driving? You’ll need a specially adapted van to transport a large powerchair. Don’t have one of those? Wheelchair accessible taxis are really limited in most places. Public transport? Again Wheelchair spaces are in short supply. Don’t be the Ass hole who means a genuinely disabled person can’t get a taxi, bus or train.
But also… You have no idea how to safely handle a large powerchair. Especially in a crowd. I’ve been using a powerchair for all of my independent movement inside and outside for about six or seven years now and am very competent. And even I find manoeuvring in crowds incredibly difficult. People are unpredictable, potholes mean you have to take a different route to the crowd, if someone steps back towards you, how will you react?
My dad who handles my chair semi regularly cannot drive it at anything like full speed if he wants to go in a straight line. If your first time driving a powerchair is at a busy crowded protest, (and especially if you are using it as a weapon!) then you are putting everyone around you at risk, including yourself.
Plus, in the UK at least, it’s illegal to use a powerchair or mobility scooter if you aren’t injured or disabled (unless you’re taking it for repair, delivering it to a user or delivering training) so this is something you can get in trouble for even if you miraculously manage not to injure someone.
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queeranarchism · 1 year
Hej, I just came across your post about carbon emissions and energy and may be I am wrong but it seems to me to be the entirely wrong approach to reduce consumption on the indivdual level. Because for instance I can't reduce my energy any further in a meaningful way with out compromising my wellbeing. Maybe if I shut down using my computer - which I can't for occupational reasons, plus it would isolate me for good. Well we can go of course the full way and declare electricity a mistake. Would inconvience a whole lot of people, kill plenty of them too and so on. But hey! there's been some emission avoided! Well that is just my opinion and may be I am just too negative
It is aboslutely 100% true that we can not meaningfully reduce CO2 emissions by reducing consumption on an individual level.
Of course we can do some things, like 'eat plant-based and local when possible' and 'don't fly' and 'repair instead of replace' but the impact of these things is minor compared to the total CO2 output and it isn't realistic for most of us.
Simply put: I can not get rid of my car if there is no bus service. I can not repair my phone if companies are allowed to deliberately make phones that can not be repaired. I can not eat local if everything is monoculture mass-argiculture for walmart. I can stop flying, but it is no good if all the private jets stay airborne. I can take shorter showers, but it's no use if the massive digital billboard next to my house is using more energy per month that i use per year.
The real massive reduction that we need requires a full societal transformation. Which means ending capitalism and going from a profit driven economy to one that is based on meeting collective needs while reducing CO2 wherever possible. Which means that when it comes to electricity and battery use, we prioritize human needs like medical care and accessibility devices, NOT the latest gaming platform or super car.
This will be a society without private jets, without fossil fuel mining, without advertising, without unnecessary plastic trinkets, without fast fashion, without mega-farms, without cryptocurrency, without bullshit jobs, without the military-industrial complex, without a constant stream of more wireless and battery operated gadgets. But it will be a society with broadly available and affordable public transport, with locally organized and sustainable food production, with medical care for all, with worker control over the workplace, with free repair-workshops everywhere, and more.
I can't imagine every aspect of that world because I am only one person with limited knowledge of all aspects of producing the things we need, but I know it starts with moving from a society organized around profit to a society organized around meeting human needs, including our very immediate need to stop climate change to prevent even more suffering than has already been caused by climate change so far.
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honeeysagee · 3 months
Come In With The Rain
Sam W. x Bucky B. AU: where Sam is a cafe owner in Delacroix and a new mechanic, Bucky, blows into town.
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For the first time that summer, it rained. And not just a gentle drizzle, but a full-on downpour. The sky hung low and gray, and the air was thick and muggy as if you had been standing under a dense canopy for hours. The scent of wet earth and damp trees filled the air, with water still dripping from the branches, making the humidity cling to your skin.
For Sam Wilson, the rain signaled a slow day at the shop, but it hardly deterred him. There were plenty of tasks awaiting his attention in the back. One project, in particular, caught his eye: the small battery-powered car he had promised to fix for his nephews, AJ and Cass. It had been months since he made that promise, and today, with the rain pouring down outside, he finally had the time.
For AJ and Cass, the rain meant a monotonous day at the shop, confined to their uncle’s watchful gaze.
As Sam tinkered with his toolbox, occasionally glancing at the shop’s door in anticipation of the bell's chime, he decided to focus on the car. He would look over at his nephews now and then, catching their admiring gazes before they quickly returned to their homework, pretending to be studious. Sam chuckled softly.
The rain drummed on the roof, creating a steady, soothing rhythm. Sam glanced out the window, watching the heavy drops splatter against the road, turning it into a shimmering, reflective surface. A few cars braved the weather, but most remained parked under the awning across the street, seeking shelter from the deluge. Sam flipped on the coffee machine and lit a fire for the boys to keep them warm.
After dusting off his hands, Sam stretched and groaned, then turned to his nephews. "Grilled cheese and soup?" he asked. Both boys perked up instantly. Sam smiled down at them, his grin widening as he led them to the kitchen, memories of his childhood flooding back.
Sam had been around 15 when his father owned the café. He spent countless afternoons and weekends there, working alongside his dad. He'd wander the kitchen with a grilled cheese sandwich in one hand and a hammer in the other. While his father managed the café, Sam busied himself in the back, fixing anything he could get his hands on. That same passion still drives him today, and he often felt his father's guiding hand on his shoulder whenever he cooked or repaired something.
Now, those days are just lingering in the back of his mind. But, they aren't forgotten. Not by a long shot.
"Mom is cooking fish tonight if you want to come over," AJ stated as he pulled bread from a cabinet. Sarah had mentioned it when she dropped the boys off, but Sam told her no. He figured he would be too tired from work today, but the storm came. He shrugged, "I don't know, buddy. How about I come over tomorrow?" AJ frowned, and Sam added, "Plus, tomorrow is the big game. Saints versus Cowboys. Don't we have a bet going on?" AJ brightened considerably at this prospect, "Don't you mean the bet that you're going to lose."
Sam rolled his eyes affectionately. After minutes, the food was ready, and the boys were back in their original seats. They ate in companionable silence while their uncle fiddled with his tools.
Then, the door of the shop was pushed open. The sound drew Sam's attention away from the engine in front of him, and he looked up to see a soaking wet man walking through the door. His clothes clung to his body, and his hair clung to his forehead, sticking straight up like porcupine quills. He looked miserable. Sam almost laughed.
He had seen more than his fair share of grumpy customers - ones that didn’t take nicely to his jokes or helping hands. So, instead of asking how the weather was, he asked, “Welcome to the Wilson’s Café.” Sam stood again, his bones growing tired. “Looks like you need help.”
The stranger looked upwards - his eyes matching the clouds of the storm. Rainwater trickled down his sharp features, clinging to his long, dark hair that hung in wet strands around his face. His leather jacket, soaked through, clung to his broad shoulders, giving him a rugged, almost forlorn appearance. As he stepped into the warmth of the cafe, water dripped from his jeans and boots, pooling slightly on the floor. He ran a gloved hand through his hair, attempting to push it back but only managing to slick it further. Despite his bedraggled state, there was a quiet intensity in his steel-blue eyes that captured Sam's attention from behind the table.
"Um," His voice matched everything about him, "Just needed to come in from the rain."
Sam nodded, "You got it," he replied. He gestured to a nearby stool that was stationed by the fireplace, "Would you like some tea? It's very hot." The man eyed the stool warily. Sam added, "First drink on the house."
"You're lucky. We never get our drinks on the house." Cass threw the statement to the stranger, which made Sam roll his eyes. "How do you like your tea?" he asked pointedly. The stranger glanced up at the menu that hung over Sam's head. His eyes shifted left to right before looking back at Sam. "Earl Grey. Medium sugar. Thanks."
The man was short with Sam, which made him push his eyebrows together in confusion. He was new here definitely, he thought to himself. New to the area, anyway. Sam fixed the tea with ease - an order he frequently made for himself on days like this. Then, he marched the warm cup to the man with a leftover grilled cheese.
"On the house too." Sam mumbled. The man grunted and took the mug wordlessly, holding it close to his chest. "Thanks."
Sam returned to his work as the boys focused less on their food and homework and more on the silent stranger who was staring into the fire. Sam would occasionally make a face at the boys which would cause them to turn away but never for too long. As the silence grew so did his frustration with the engine of the small car.
"So, why do you look like that?" AJ asked.
"AJ!" Sam called out. When AJ merely raised his eyebrows innocently, Sam shook his head and sighed. "It's rude to ask strangers stuff like that."
AJ nodded seriously in agreement. "Sorry, sir."
Sam sighed and shook his head, "Okay, you know the drill. Dishes in the sink, and head upstairs," He helped them place their things into a backpack, "No fighting. No biting, and no,"
"Crying." The boys finished in unison. Sam only nodded and patted them on their heads. After they left the room, Sam fixed himself a cup of coffee and headed to the man. "I apologize my nephews. They kind of just speak their minds whenever they want."
The man nodded silently. His eyes trailed over the tools littering the floor with the car - the hammer, the wrench, the pliers. His head nodded to them, "You fix toys?"
Sam shook his head, "Not usually, but I made that thing for the boys, and it doesn't work." He pointed to the engine. "I tried everything that I can think of, but nothing seems to be able to work. And my nephews are getting restless just spending their evenings on homework," he joked, trying to make light of the situation. The man smiled wryly and Sam wondered what had caused such a sour expression. "What makes it tick?" The man asked.
"The engine's busted. Doesn't turn on."
He hummed, then, he stood from the stool. "May I?" He asked, picking up a tool.
Sam was his opportunity. "I usually don't let people touch my tools unless I get their name." The man raised his eyebrows as he began to unscrew the panel covering the engine compartment, revealing the wiring beneath. "It's James," he began, a sly smile playing upon his lips, "But, everyone calls me Bucky." Sam watched as the man slid his fingers inside the wires - his interest peaked by the minute.
"I'm Sam."
Bucky looked up. "It's nice to meet you, Sam." He said sincerely, his voice echoing throughout the cafe. Once the last of the wires was removed, Bucky settled to the floor. His dark blue eyes met Sam's brown ones. "You can ask me."
He had read Sam's face; and saw that he wanted to know more about this stranger who blew into the cafe and started fixing the engine on a fake car. Sam nodded and leaned against the counter. "It's not often we get newcomers. Are you new in town or just passing through?" He asked, curious but cautious nonetheless. He was known to pry too much too soon. So, he kept his distance and just tried to make small talk.
"Not sure yet."
Sam watched as Bucky worked, his deft fingers maneuvering through the tangled wires with ease. It was clear that Bucky had experience with mechanical work, his movements precise and confident. The rain continued to beat against the windows, a constant rhythm that seemed to match the methodical movements of Bucky’s hands.
"You're good at this," Sam remarked, unable to hide his curiosity. Bucky glanced up, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Spent a lot of time fixing things," he said simply, returning his attention to the engine. Sam studied the man closely; his gaze trailing along Bucky’s body, examining every curve, every freckle. Even though it wasn’t obvious from where he was seated, Sam could tell that Bucky was built like a brick house. Strong, sturdy arms, strong thighs, strong calves… Sam’s eyes lingered longer on Bucky’s waist. A little more defined abs than Sam was used to seeing.
Bucky noticed Sam watching him and cleared his throat awkwardly, pulling Sam from his thoughts. He coughed and sat forward on the stool he was perched upon, placing his hands on the countertop in front of him, "Your wiring was wrong. Common mistake."
"Thanks," Sam stated. "Think it will drive now?"
Bucky shrugged, "Maybe, if you get a new battery too. Dead ones don't make the car go."
Sam raised his eyebrows and grabbed his coffee mug. The coffee ran cold by now. Time seemed to speed by when he watched Bucky work. "Pas besoin d'être un connard." Sam whispered to himself softly. His gaze flickered over Bucky once again, who was chuckling into his cup.
"No need to be an asshole."
"French?" He asked, raising one brow. "Je ne voulais pas te contrarier. Pardonne-moi."
"I didn't want to upset you. Please forgive me."
Sam snorted quietly, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. "You're forgiven." He lifted the mug and placed it on the counter with more force than necessary. "So, what brought you to Delacroix, Bucky?" His name tasted like honey in his mouth.
"I couldn't spend another night in the truck, so I decided to stretch my legs, and then, the storm caught me." His words were soft, barely audible as a slight shiver racked his entire being. "Not to mention, I saw the help wanted sign outside the shop," He cleared his throat, "I'm terrible at coffee, but I'm good with my hands."
Sam glanced down at them, which was covered by dark leather gloves. Sam nodded slowly. "Yeah," His tone was soft, "I noticed. I mean. it would be nice to have some help. I have a lot of projects back there that need to be finished," He leaned on the corner, "But, I still need to give you the interview. Can't just have anyone in my shop."
Bucky nodded, but Sam could see his mind was elsewhere with that statement. Sam was known for prying more than he should, offending people where he shouldn't, and he enjoyed it for the most part. He liked to watch people tick and wanted to know how to make them do so, but his mind had already decided that Bucky would not be one of those people - if he could help it. He started easy.
"Where are you from?" A simple question that made Bucky's face twitch. "Originally from Brooklyn. Moved around a lot." His eyes flickered towards him as if he were searching Sam's. "La maison est partout si vous la cherchez. My mother's saying."
"Home is everywhere if you are looking for it."
"Well, have you found it?" Sam whispered like a secret between them was about to be shared. Bucky matched his energy, "Not yet, but I'm not looking for it." Sam hummed as he thought.
"How soon can you start?" The sentence floated between the both of them, as they exchanged glances for several seconds before Sam pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth. Bucky smiled, showing his perfect teeth, and Sam swallowed - taking note that the man before him had no flaws.
"Tomorrow would be great."
"Good," Sam muttered. "We need a new face around here," His eyes flitted up to meet the man, a small smirk tugging at his lips. Then, he glanced over at the shop's window, realizing the rain had stopped. He quickly wiped his hands on his jeans, then stood from the counter. "I have to get the boys over to my sister's place. I can show you around," Sam offered, "If you're up for it."
Bucky smiled softly. "That sounds like fun." The grin on his lips grew wider, "Lead the way." Sam walked to the wall opposite of them and let his knuckles rap the wood in four hard taps. Suddenly, a door from upstairs came bursting open with the patterns of small footsteps following. His nephews were down the stairs, huffing and puffing.
"Who's ready to see Ma?" He grinned, his nephews answering in unison with enthusiastic yeses.
With a laugh, he stepped aside. "This is Bucky. He’ll be helping me with repairs for now. So, you have to treat him nice, alright?" The two children nodded solemnly as Bucky stood awkwardly next to their bubbling energy. It almost reminded him of his sister back home. His heart ached for a moment before he was pulled back into the moment by Sam speaking to him, "Are you ready to meet Delacroix?"
Bucky nodded. "Of course." He followed him as Sam opened the front door. The streets glistened under the soft glow of the streetlamps, their reflection in the puddles creating a mirror image of the world above.
The air was cool and fresh, with a crispness that only a day-long rain could bring. Bucky pulled his jacket tighter around him, feeling the gentle embrace of the damp, clean air. He looked around, taking in the quaint charm of the town. The buildings were a mix of old and new, their brick and wood facades adorned with ivy and flower boxes that overflowed with vibrant blooms, glistening with raindrops.
Bucky felt a sense of ease washing over him. Sam turned to Bucky with a smile. "Thanks for walking with us. It's nice to have some company."
Bucky nodded, appreciating the kindness. "Thanks for the tea and grilled cheese. It was just what I needed." Sam chuckled. "Anytime. And about that job—we'll talk more tomorrow. Get settled in tonight."
Bucky nodded again, feeling a sense of anticipation for the days ahead. "Sounds good."
The evening was calm, the air fresh after the rain. Sam looked at Bucky, seeing a potential friend and ally. "You know, this place could use someone like you. Maybe you'll find what you're looking for here."
Bucky met his gaze, a small smile forming on his lips. "I hope so, Sam. I really do." They shared smiles. Sam could almost feel something else lingering underneath the surface of the smile that rested on Bucky's features, but it wasn't exactly clear. He looked back towards, noticing the lights flickering slightly against the raindrops. Somewhere in the air, Sam swore he could feel it that day, there was hope of something beautiful blooming.
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shirajellyfish · 4 months
Director’s cut! What inspired you to write As Long As We Are Loved? Was it something specific or just the general concept of living dolls that caught your interest?
And a follow up question, you mentioned your original concept was different than what you decided in the end (that dolls coming to life was a world established thing). What was your original idea going to involve?
UHHH this got long. I'm sorry!! I'm gonna put it under the read more because oh no, you activated my trap card and the trap is I talk too much
There's an idea I've thought about a lot. Robots are often said to be immortal in fics and other media, but that isn't necessarily true, is it? A mechanical being must be maintained. What happens when one day, there's no one who will maintain them? Or no one who will make for them the replacement parts they require? A robot might live for a very very long time, or they might live for only a few years before being discarded. They have no set lifespan, they will live for as long as they are loved.
I think that's what grabbed me. The idea of something that literally requires someone's caring to survive. Realizing that unaging is not the same as immortal, seeing how neglect can eat at anything. The idea of being able to give that needed love and care, to take something nearly lost to neglect and to love them until they are well again. Plus I just really, really enjoy slowburn healing.
My original idea was a future where many people have robots of their own. All very pretty, all very perfect, all very well maintained. Each one perfect, so much so that one might assume they will be perfect forever. Then Reader would discover what happens when one is no longer wanted. They'd randomly see a Sun (one they'd never met before) in a dumpster, holding tight to a badly mangled Moon. The Sun would be still active, but not really reacting anymore. Resigned, just waiting for his battery to run out. Reader would then of course be horrified, taking the two in and fixing them up. The original idea also had a separate body Sun and Moon that would become two AIs in one body as Moon's original body was going to be too broken to fix.
I decided to go doll AU for two reasons. Firstly, because an animatronic version of this story wouldn't be anything new for me to write. I See You Sundrop already has a lot of long repair scenes. It already has repair as a form of care and kindness. It already has situations where an animatronic's life is likely to end soon, but that is prevented because someone cares too much to allow that to happen. I didn't want to write the same thing all over again, so I needed something else.
That's where the second reason comes in- I just really wanted more doll AUs. There are only a few floating around on AO3, and none are quite the genre I was hoping for with that concept. If what you want to read doesn't exist, you have to write it yourself, right? Well here we are, an opportunity to write it myself haha (My biggest hope is that someone will read my fic and go "We should write more doll fics actually." Feed me the content.)
I decided to make living dolls normal in this universe just because with this concept, I felt like the whole "omg magic doll" stuff would get in the way of the fic's actual themes. I did once have a "spooky haunted jester dolls off ebay" concept once, but that one never grabbed me hard enough to actually invest the time to write it- or at least it hasn't yet. Dolls or animatronics or something else, I always wanted to make everything going on 'normal' for the universe it was set in.
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blood-injections · 1 year
what are some of your favourite fun ghoul hcs :P
He’s an amputee! He lost his leg below the knee when he was pretty new to the zones, he had a bad injury that got infected and they had to amputate so that the infection wouldn’t spread. It’s long healed but he has a regular prosthetic leg instead of a cybernetic one since you can only really get robotic prosthetics in the city, and you could make one but it’s hard to find the tech to, let along someone to attach it in the zones. Since he has a regular prosthetic, even though his leg has healed, he deals with a lot of pain and soreness from hotspots, strain, rashes, etc. you get a lot of sores when you wear a prosthetic because it rubs in certain spots and if you’re sweating in it especially, your skin gets itchy and raw inside. And since he’s a killjoy running around the fuming desert with it all day, he’s usually always sore
He has a cane and crutches for days he’s extra sore and can’t put as much weight on his leg or cant wear his prosthetic becuase of sores
He’s hard of hearing from too many bombs going off in his face, he knows sign language and since Kobra’s often nonverbal it’s the main way they communicate
He's got the Tism.
He’s not zoneborn but everyone thinks he is because he doesn't talk about the city and doesn't really act cityborn, plus he got to the zones at a fairly young age.
He grew up on the streets and was raised by a group of droids that kept him safe. He grew up learning to work on droids and it's one of the reasons he’s so good at making bombs now, he just Knows tech. The droids he knew wasted away as he got older, he couldn't repair everything and when their batteries started to die theyd always get taken away bli, to presumably be fixed or recycled. But he never saw any of them again.
He left Battery City on his own when he was eleven, one day he was at the landfill looking for scrap when he saw the face of one of the droids that raised him twisted in the trash heaps, he felt horrified that his family ended up as nothing more than garbage and so he ran and never looked back
Since he was raised by droids he still sympathizes with them and sees them as people whereas most citizens of Bat City and even some killjoys don't. He also fully believes in Destroya like the androids do.
He's agender and transmasc, he/it pronouns and sometimes just straight up none, he'll be like refer to me with my name and nothing else.
Tends to bottle up all his emotions but anger, anger and fear he wears on his sleeve. But nobody knows when he's suffering, lonely or depressed or anxious, you have to really Know him to tell, and then you have to bully the truth out of him
Has never cut his hair since he got to the desert, it's currently down to his waist and always has shit tangled in it but the others love brushing it out and braiding it
Hes just super spiritual he loves the desert and feels connected to it and believes in Destroya and the Phoenix Witch, the Witch he actually met when he had a near death experience
Can’t drive a car for shit, don’t let him anywhere near the wheel he will somehow crash it before it even starts. Not bad with a motorcycle though, not nearly as good as Kobra but he can do a couple cool things and manage not to crash
Fights as an outlet for pent up feelings and energy, used to get hurt doing it and put himself in danger for the adrenaline but now that he’s with the Fab Four and Kobra has the same issue, they fight each other and it’s a lot safer, plus fun and they usually end up making out about it.
Will just fucking pick up a bug and eat it raw. Everyone hates it.
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legolasghosty · 10 months
Robots & Androids ‎AU plus Small Town AU
Okay. So.
Humanity kinda developed a LOT of health issues in the mid-late 23rd century. It was all a long time in coming, but it was a bit of a shocker still when people started breaking down. And there just wasn't enough people to keep up with the demand for new organs, tissue, blood, etc. The human race was basically failing. So, in a semi last ditch attempt to keep people alive, cyborg technology was put to work. Scientists had been messing around with the theory of it for years, since robots and androids were getting decently advanced. But they never had the support to actually try a clinical trial. Until now.
Some of it worked better than others. And it was HIGHLY controversial. Though maybe less than it should have been, considering the lengths the research team was permitted to go in order to get this stuff sorted out... Mainly that they were given legal permission to try it out on patients without their express consent, mostly in situations where the person was in a coma/on life support with no real hope of recovery.
Towards the end of her life, Rose was offered the chance to try getting a cybernetic lung transplant to replace the one that had been damaged beyond repair by her cancer. She refused, as it would be super risky and be more likely to kill her than help. She would rather die in her own whole body than risk losing her last few weeks with her family.
After she passed, the remaining Molinas moved out of the city, to a small town a few hours north, to escape the grief and the terrible air quality that had been a part of Rose's quick decline in health.
Unfortunately, they just happened to pick the exact tiny town that the government had picked to dump their cyborg... pet projects. The ones who hadn't actually consented to their surgeries but had ended up surviving. Best to keep everyone with those stories contained while they championed the cyborg advancements. Especially since there were plenty of side effects...
Julie meets a lot of odd people on her first day at the local high school. These include a dude that never lowers the hood of his pink hoodie, a bassist in a leather jacket who never seems to stop smiling, a skater with a rather odd limp, and a boy with shaggy hair who never seems to hear what people say to him, always grooving along to some music no one else can hear. There's also a few other adult oddballs around, but I don't got the energy to write all those out.
Under the cut, it gets a little more specific about injuries and alterations to specific characters, so read at your own risk!
Turns out that all four of those odd boys are unwilling cyborgs who were a part of some of the first rounds of tests. Hey, they were all gonna die anyways, the government decided they might as well use them.
Willie was in a nasty car crash that smashed both legs and a few ribs. He has pretty good prosthetics now, but they don't always function properly. And if he keeps his hair long to cover the incision scar on the back of his neck, that's no one's business except his own.
Luke, Alex, and Reggie all nearly died of food poisoning back in LA, but due to a combination of slightly different reactions to the battery acid/food poisoning and scientists wanting to test out different tech, they all have different issues now.
Luke got some synthetic tissue repair on his organs and around his throat. But there was also some damage to his airways cause of throwing up so much, so there's some wiring stuff in there so he can still sort of smell... however that got a bit mixed around and so his hearing is pretty weak and the music he has stuck in his head tends to sound like it's coming from outside to him.
Reggie mostly got away without any organ damage, but his face got kinda messed up. Now he looks pretty normal, except his jaw and lips can't move a lot. So he's stuck with a permanent semi-smile. It's not creepy usually, just kinda sad. He tries to stay upbeat to match his face.
Alex got the worst damage to his digestive system. The connections between his organs and brain are mostly man made now, whether that's wires for neurotransmitting or fake tissue on the lining of his stomach. However, when the scientists realized they had someone with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, they... well they might as well try, since he's probably dead anyways. So there's also a metal panel on the back of his head. It didn't work, and the hair won't grow back around it. Hence the hood.
Somehow they all become friends and help each other kinda come to terms with their lives. And also play lots of music. Though the shadow of the head researcher, Dr. Covington, looms over them all... OKAY that's what I got for tonight! More thoughts may come later, but that's my rough idea! I hope you enjoyed!!!
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Runaway Glamrocks AU explaintion!
This is pretty long so it’s under the cut
This only covers the Security Breach and post-SB part of Runaway Glamrocks, I’ll write a separate post for the Ruin section.
Also, Vanessa and Vanny aren’t the same person but are both in the Glitchtrap Cult.
[also @froggos-chaos-corner, you did ask for an explanation lol]
It all starts with Glamrock Bonnie. After 5 years of the same thing everyday at the PizzaPlex, 5 straight years of preforming, meet and greets, photo ops, etc, he finally decided to make a plan, a plan to leave.
So, he started to become more rebellious, more loud. And made it seem like he was bugging out. Finally, after many, many, system upgrades, he sets his plan in motion. He spends his final day at the Plex like normal, then, the Plex closes at 11:30, and he returns to his greenroom.
In his greenroom, he begins to back a bag he took from one of the gift shops, and packs. He packs things to charge his battery, a couple of replacement batteries, extra parts, some cash and lots of extras, plus his guitar, and he slips out the warehouse doors. He ends up meeting a band made up of a group of college besties and joins them.
Come morning and no one can find him. Freddy and Roxy are a mess and barely consoleable, Chica is trying to keep everything under control and keeps Freddy & Roxy grounded. And Monty? Well, he’s just been given a replacement for Bonnie’s guitar and told he’s preforming that afternoon.
And everyone has to act normal, like Bonnie didn’t just disappear, like nothing happened.
The Glamrocks have their theories as to what happened to Bon. Freddy & Roxy think he was decommissioned, Chica thinks he’s in long-term maintenance and he’ll come back, and Monty choses not to dwell on it.
2 years later, Gregory, with Cassie’s help, sneaks into the PizzaPlex, and the opening events of Security Breach happen.
Greg & Cassie are both wandering around the Plex together, Vanessa isn’t aware of Cassie, just Greg.
Greg & Cas end up at the Daycare, of which Greg gets kicked out and hides with Freddy. Sun immediately recognizes Cassie and allows her to retrieve the item they need.
Shortly after, Greg and Cassie are separated. Cassie ends up finding the V.A.N.N.I mask and a Faz wrench.
Then she finds Glamrock Foxy. Whose been rotting in the PizzaPlex’s basement for at least 2 years.
Cassie pleads with him to let her help him, but he won’t let her, because Foxy knows he won’t make it much longer. So, Cassie stays by his side while he powers down for the final time.
Cassie eventually meets back up with Greg, whose planning to decommission the Glamrocks to get their upgrades. Gregory doesn’t believe her about Glamrock Foxy.
Cassie manages to use the Faz Wrench and frees Roxy of the virus, who recongizes her number 1 and gives her the upgrade Freddy needs. Cassie does for the others as well.
Gregory manages to free Vanessa from the Glitchtrap cult, but not Vanny.
Vanessa helps the Glamrocks into a van and they escape the PizzaPlex.
Cassie wants to return. They left so many animatronics behind. But Freddy says it’s to dangerous, and Fazbear Ent wants their Glamrocks back.
So, what happens now? Well, The Runaway Crew go into a bar on night, and guess whose preforming? The Blue Bunnies, AKA the band Bonnie’s in. It’s real emotional after the bands finished playing between Bonnie and the Glamrocks.
Now, their group has added an entire band and animatronic. Thank god Vanessa’s got a big place.
But, what about Foxy, and JJ and Balloon Boy and Dee Dee and Sun and Moon and Eclispe?
Will The Runaway Crew return to the PizzaPlex? Will the others all be freed from the Ruins of the PizzaPlex and repaired? Or will they rot forever and be forgotten?
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allthefujoshiunite · 5 months
Hello @allthefujoshiunite, can I ask what anime that you watched this season? I watch Kaijuu no. 8, thanks to your reviews (and I love that series).....Is it just me, but I kinda ship the mc with his young kouhai who always believe in him.....
My top 3 fav this season are :
- Tadaima, Okaeri (wholesome BL, also one of my comfort read)
- -Black Butler : Public School Arc (yes the ship is problematic but you cannot deny the shipper when you watch it. I'm not shipping SebasCiel but I'm not anti too. Their canon relationship is complicated but great story)
- -Wind Breaker (bucchigiri but way better and loveable mc)
Hope you'll like them.....
Helloooo! My TV is busted as of now (and for some reason I decided to rewatch a couple of House MD episodes for nostalgia and now i’m stuck in a rewatch hell xD) so I took a short break from anime. It’s strange; I never had a TV and was perfectly content watching anime on my laptop, that is until 2 years ago… My dad insisted I got my brother’s old TV bc he wants to watch the news or whatnot when he’s visiting me and now I can’t do without it lol
But anyways, enough about me. Tl;dr is that I still haven’t started Kaijuu but super happy that you’re liking it and my review was what led you to watch it 👀 I started watching Tadaima Okaeri and Wind Breaker as well, definitely see the Bucchigiri similarity you mentioned. There’s also the 3rd season of The Duke of Death and His Maid, it’s still cute.
As for other series I enjoy this season:
The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio: Two high school classmates are in voice acting/idol business and they have totally different characters. However, they end up having to co-host a radio show and present their persona like they get along really well. LOVE this one. Chill, sweet, interesting, love that both young women have their own aspirations and shortcomings.
Astro Note: A nod to Rumiko Takahashi’s Maison Ikkoku. A recently unemployed chef gets hired to cook for a shared boarding house. Lots of eccentric characters and a fun, upbeat series.
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Bartender: A hotel, soon to be opened, is in need of a bartender. And they do find a bartender that would satisfy the extremely picky owner but he refuses to work there, claiming he’s ‘afraid of heights’. This is one of those edutainment series where you follow a story and learn about cocktails in the mean time. Might not be appealing to a lot but it’s totally my jam! I don’t drink often but love me a good cocktail ~
Where Does the Doomsday Train Go?: Most people are turning into animals that can still communicaate using language and Shizuru is determined to find her lost best friend. Thus, four young girls embark on a train that’ll take them to Harajuku. This one is weird as hell and that’s a plus in my book! The main characters’ dynamic gets stale at times, but the absurdity keeps me hooked. It’s extremely hard to put into words so you have to check the first episode to see if it works for you. XD
Other series that I watch for now, feel ‘eh’ and might drop depending on how they go: Vampire Dormitory, A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics, Oblivion Battery, An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride, A Condition Called Love.
These are the stuff that I watched at least 2-3 episodes from and will continue after I finish rewatching House and get my TV repaired xD The season is packed as always! Thanks a lot for sending the ask ~
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crystalelemental · 18 days
In March of 2020, just as Covid began to hit, my old car finally bit it and I had to get a new one. We found a nice one in price range, met the criteria we were looking for otherwise, took all goddamned day to get the thing but it was done. Unfortunately, it was a Kia, which it turns out, would be a Pretty Bad Investment in a little bit.
To compound this, when my wife and I moved states, I wound up taking a job in an inner city area, and my specific placement, while amenable to my skillset given the students' needs, was also smack dab in Crime Avenue. Which has never been too much of a problem before, but inevitability finally struck. Someone broke into my car.
To clear the air: everyone is fine. My wife thankfully worked from home today due to a late meeting (that got cancelled, but not before the decision was made). They also didn't really get anything too valuable. Despite their efforts, my Kia isn't that kind of Kia, so they couldn't start it up and drive off with it, and all they seem to have taken was our sunglasses. My wife's are prescription, which...I mean if you use them, hope it's your prescription too, but good luck trying to sell sunglasses that induce nausea.
As an additional point, it turns out that our district is so used to these things happening on their property that they're likely to reimburse for everything that was lost and damaged. Which...you know, prescription is a couple hundred, plus the glass repair. It's a bit and all out of pocket, because insurance is useless and won't cover anything until we spend up to the deductible but will undoubtedly raise our rates over having done literally nothing. Still, the immediate expense is likely covered, we just need to get new sunglasses.
At this point it's mostly just annoying? But I'm trying to spin a positive on this. My wife's car wasn't running either, which is the last thing I told my bosses. The battery was dead, we haven't driven it in a while, but they don't need to know that. So instead, what they need to know is that I'm not parking in the same space that was broken into without a window, and my wife's car isn't moving. Oh no, guess I have to do my report writing and meeting having job remotely for a week, since the earliest they can come out is the 11th! Targedy.
Anyway, everyone is okay, I am just very annoyed.
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audio-luddite · 26 days
Things lead to other things.
I have a full "B team" stereo that has been sitting in the corner for a few years. I pulled it out and swept the dust off. The Harman Kardon Citation 12 had some work a few weeks ago, but the rest had been idle.
The rest are:
A pair of Large Advent A3 speakers that I rebuilt as they had been blown. Nice Walnut veneer boxes. The boxes cost 20 bucks. The repair cost more.
A SAE Mark 30 (XXX) preamplifier.
A Harman Kardon ST 5 linear tracking turntable.
As a set they are a reasonable system from the 1970s bumping up against high end. Double Advents were considered entry level high end by Harry Pearson of TAS.
The mission was to see if it all still worked.
In the Advent rebuild I replaced the old cross over capacitor with a new Polyester film type and recalled I had a problem as Solen sent the wrong size. They made it good, but I dint recall if I had put the correct ones in or not. So I got out the screw driver and pulled the woofers off to check. You know the wires from the cross over to the filter are very thin. Hey the wire in the inductor is thin.
The woofer that needed a full rebuild was hooked in backwards so I had to confirm polarity with the famous small battery check. And yes I did it right. The Capacitor was 12microfarad and the factory used both 12 and 13 so Ok that is fine for a 6db/octave type. I put the thing back together.
Next was to drag out the turntable, preamp, and some wire I had lying about to fire the beast up. Those speakers are heavy and the citation 12 is not light even though it is a fraction of the ARC Cl60's mass.
The ST5 was also quite heavy. It follows rule one of good stuff, heavy is good. I mounted my Signets Tk7e Cartridge in it. It has an ATN 12S stylus which fits the old body.
I hooked it all up and saw no smoke or heard horrible sounds of electrical failure. Nice and quiet. Put on a record. Sounded thin. The Citation has to warm up but errr. OK I had the speakers out of phase, the battery test again. Naked wires are sometimes hard to see what is plus or minus. Swapped that and it was better. Let it run and it got better.
I did not set them up in the "ideal" position for Advents, that was not the goal. The sound had traces of quality for sure. It was the "B Team" after all.
Two things struck me. My speakers are far more open sounding and have far better Bass. In the day the Advent was noted for good Bass. But it also predated the Thiele - Small equations by a decade. It was a seat of the pants design by one of the gurus of the age Henry Kloss.
The Advents have a ten inch woofer, my speakers have 8 inches. Mine are vented, the Advents are sealed. I had math on my side.
I plan on doing an extended loan to my son-in-law. As he gets familiar with good sound and buys his own I will get these sold.
As I did a couple more albums I think it hit a plateau and sounded fine. The 70s were not bad even in the cheap seats. Some progress was made since.
Until you hear better it is probably good enough. And that question of what is better still lingers around.
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OOC: My life for the past bit
(I am alive, but I have been having one hell of a past two months. August was devoted to last minute DragonCon prep. I basically got the motivation to finally complete a costume that I've wanted to do since I was little....... and it required a lot of hand sewing, and devoting my free time to a lot of "we won't know it will work until it's 95% finished" aspects. Seriously, I ended up doing three or four mock-ups because the pattern didn't exist and had to be constantly tweaked.
A week before the convention, I find out that a new hire admin is 90% likely going to leave (not surprising, he's from a law firm and so it's a very different atmosphere), so THAT with the two approaching work deadlines were also on my brain.
Dragoncon was wonderful and my dream costume got recognized five different times (with two mentions of "Lady D?" ....... red and black showgirl costume with roses and big, black sun hat.... I will gladly accept the compliment). Plus, a friend debuted her Lady D in stilts, and that was just absolutely awesome and received incredibly well.
Driving back from DragonCon, my car died at 9:30 pm on the highway, Labor Day weekend. 1.5-2 hours from my home. I ended up getting home at 2 am and only because I managed to convince both the responding officer and tow truck guy to not impound my car and tow it the final distance. Also, I would very much like to thank @dani-dimitrescu for being able to pay for the tow, which I reimbursed her for the next day (which will bring up more issues that I will address shortly).
Turns out both battery and alternator died on me. Due to paying the tow truck bill, a looming mortgage payment, and helping a friend/roommate who lost her credit card (literally pulled half of my paycheck to make sure she would be able to eat, relax, have some spending money, and not panic during the convention), I would not be able to repair my car until the end of the month (it's currently fixed, it's just sitting with the repairman until the end of the month), so I had to borrow my mom's car to take @dani-dimitrescu around, since she was visiting from the other side of the planet.
CUE ME GETTING SICK...... and let me tell you, driving while mentally impaired by con crud? Not fun. Also cue me temporarily losing my own credit card because I was sick and dropping it in a parking lot (found the same day, so we're good, but the PANIC of potentially being stuck in an airport parking lot because you couldn't pay the exit fee was IMMENSE).
The week following vacation was the first of two major work deadlines.... where I'm stuck at home with one monitor (instead of three), sick, and doing three times the normal amount of work because government did a thing earlier this year that is impacting us heavily.
LASTLY, my bank noticed the high money moving activity in my account and put a hold on EVERYTHING until today, so I literally had no access to money and I'm so glad I've been homebound for the past month or so.
This past weekend was actually the first chance I've had to relax and not be high strung, sick, or panicking for a while, and I will start getting active now that things are less insane. Magda misses her castle family.
So.... how have your two months been?)
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tracksterman · 5 months
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On the Highland & Island trips I've done over the last couple of years, I've been amazed how prevalent good cellphone signals are compared to my open-ended stravaiging a decade or more ago. While undoubtedly convenient, it does detract from the sense of being 'out there' that is one of the reasons for even doing these trips, so I decided on a different approach this time.
In everyday life I use my phone as a radio, a TV, an MP3 player, a book, a camera and a vast map of the entire UK. It's a Moto G84, bought last November to replace a damaged four year old Moto G7 Power that was getting a bit flakey. On this latest trip, I wanted to reduce reliance on my phone to both concentrate on 'being in the moment,' and also extend the time before I'd have to stop somewhere to recharge my various gadgets.
Paper maps, an FM Radio and an old Kindle, plus a miserly approach to using the phone in conjunction with my old Ravpower battery pack....worked well. The Tecsun FM radio, which I've had for a couple of years but not used much, always got clear reception (even in deep valleys once I touched the aerial against my tent pole to boost the signal). The Kindle lasted the trip on its initial charge so no concerns there. I kept the phone in airplane mode most of the time, extending the run time considerably. When I started running lower on power I stopped using my Bluetooth headphones and switched to a cheap set of wired earbuds that I have as a backup. I didn't actually use paper maps that much in the end, preferring to use OS chunks I'd defined and downloaded prior to leaving home; doing this in airplane mode appears to use very little power.
With these strategies in place, my 26800 mAh Ravpower battery pack easily lasted the full nine days I was away. I did also have a small one-shot battery I could've used to boot up the phone on the journey home to access train tickets, etc, but didn't need it in the end. With a more rigorous rationing of phone use I think I could extend time off-grid by another 2-3 days at least.
So how did I take this picture, you're asking...? Well, while the Moto G84 is in many ways an improvement on the Moto G7 Power, its camera isn't as good. Having repaired the G7's damaged power port and stripped out all its apps, I brought it along as, effectively, an offline compact camera. The thinking was I'd use it to take photographs then Bluetooth them over to the G84. In practice I hardly used it, but the underlying premise was sound and I might do it again.
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