#one piece Kaido
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serenfloras · 4 months ago
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grand line more like gay line lol [proceeds to get executed starting the gay pirate era in the process]
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tagzpite · 11 months ago
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pov ur son ate a funny lookin fruit
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as-i-watch · 2 years ago
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Yeah...and? You dont see us throwing a temper tantrum and turning into a dragon. Grow the fuck up
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luffypeach · 8 months ago
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the strawhats are everything to her ❤️‍🩹
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cookiesandthedead · 8 months ago
I think because Vegapunk turned out to be a generally cute old man (plus various satellites), we as a fandom seem to have collectively forgotten that he conducts experiments on prisoners. Like the same shit that makes Cesar and Judge some of the most hated villains, he does too.
King and Kaido literally have escaping from Vegapunk's lab as part of their tragic backstories. Their escape is even shown again in episode 1110 and Shaka confirms Vegapunk was involved.
The Seraphim are not that different from what Judge did to his own children, except they are fully clones. Nami cannot fight S-Shark because he is a child. I have a feeling (or at least hope that story wise it comes up) that the Seraphim have thoughts beyond their control and are tragic characters. This was a huge thing for Bonney hating Vegapunk until it was revealed Kuma agreed to it, what about for the Seraphim?
Ohh also the complete creepiness of taking people's DNA without their consent, whether they notice it or not. Like all these actions tend to get pinned on the World Government but Vegapunk is very happily doing it, he isn't being forced.
I really hope that story wise, this does get brought up because otherwise it feels like the horrors of Punk Hazard and Germa would be ok if Cesar and Judge were likable or nicer.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months ago
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 25- Wano Part 2
-It was rough for you, watching the prisoners being hurt, as Ace explained to you that Kaido was trying to break their spirits, which means defeat them by making them bend to his will.
-You saw Luffy working hard, almost like he was racing with Kid, whom you recognized but you couldn’t recall from where exactly- like they were competing with each other.
-Ace knew that Luffy wouldn’t break either, but seeing that collar on him was upsetting to you both, especially when you saw what happened to those if the collars exploded.
-When Luffy was forced into the sumo ring again, being forced to fight alongside an older looking man, Ace knew he needed to step in, knowing that a prison break was going to occur, knowing Luffy’s actions.
-Ace knew he couldn’t risk bringing you with him so he took you to an area away from the prison, “Stay here Y/N- I’m going to get Luffy when he breaks out and we’ll come get you.”
-You were nervous being on your own, but you agreed, giving him a firm nod and he smiled softly, praying that nothing bad would happen to you- as Luffy would never forgive him if something did.
-You laid low, hearing the loud shouts and you were concerned when you heard explosions, worried about your big brothers.
-However, when prisoners started pouring out, escaping and making a run for it, pandemonium occurred, with guards and prisoners clashing, causing mayhem and panic.
-You were scared, being forced out of your hiding place and you had to run, avoiding the fights to find a new hiding place. You saw a large barrel and you ran for it, ducking behind it, your hands over your head as you fought off tears, wanting your big brothers.
-After a while, everything calmed down, much to your relief, but you didn’t see Luffy or Ace, making you worried that something happened or because you weren’t where Ace left you, they couldn’t find you.
-You didn’t know how to get back to your original hiding place, so you were unsure of what to do next.
-Someone crying was what caught your attention next, someone crying so hard, like they had lost something important, making you worried and you looked around until you saw a large tent and you peeked inside, seeing a very tall and round man crying loudly, holding a photograph.
-You felt bad, seeing him crying so hard and you went over to him and tugged on his top lightly. He froze, ready to make some heads roll for someone touching him until he looked down and saw you looking up at him, holding a handkerchief, looking worried, “Are you okay? Why are you crying? You’ll give yourself the hiccups.”
-You just said things you remember your family telling you and his eyes went wide, instantly recognizing you, realizing that you were Y/N- but to see you worrying over him, not wanting him to cry and ready to comfort him, had his heart instantly melting.
-Queen knew the Straw Hats were in Wano, as Luffy’s and Ace’s actions in the prison were proof of that, which meant that you were there too, but for you to come right to him- he couldn’t believe his luck!
-Queen picked you up carefully, holding you in his hands as he brought you closer to his face so he could see you better and he went to speak before you reached out, your little handkerchief dabbing at his tears and instantly he fell to his knees, holding you up like you were a savior as he cried on how pure you were.
-You were a little scared of being so high before you peeked down, “You’re crying again!” your concern was adorable as he held you close, stepping out, “I’m returning- you lot handle this.” his underlings all shouted ‘yes sir’ to him, before they noticed the child in his hands, not realizing who it was.
-Queen looked down at you, after telling you his name as he started to walk, “So why were you in a place like this Y/N?” you looked a little nervous that he knew your name, but he didn’t seem like a bad person, “I lost my big brothers. There was a lot of yelling and fighting and I got scared and ran- now I can’t find them.”
-Queen realized that you must have gotten separated from your brothers in the riot and prison break, which was lucky for him! You then looked up, “Mr. Queen- who was the pretty lady you were crying over?”
-He told you about Komurasaki, who was a beautiful woman in the Flower Capital that he wanted to marry, but he just found out that she was killed by one of Orochi’s retainers.
-Your eyes went huge and sparkly, “You were going to marry her? And have a big wedding?” your enthusiasm was refreshing and adorable, Queen wishes he could have introduced you to Komurasaki.
-You told him of Whole Cake Island, after he asked you how you knew about weddings, and you told him about the giant wedding cake you saw. Queen wasn’t really fond of talking about Big Mom, but you looked so happy talking about at least the wedding cake, so he let it slide.
-When he arrived in Onigashima, he quickly sought out Kaido, who was with Jack, King, and the Tobi Roppo, having a drinking party together before the big party Queen told you they would be having.
-When Queen came in, he beamed, “I have someone to introduce to you all!” he then presented you, holding you out on his hands and eyes went wide all around, seeing Demon Child Y/N, the most heavily wanted person in the world!!
-You were surprised to see all of these different looking people, looking around as you felt a little bit shy, curling a bit on yourself as you managed a tiny wave, “Hi~”
-Instantly many of them were shouting, completely stunned that Queen managed to find you!
-Kaido took you from Queen, lifting you up to look at him and you were in awe, as you had never met someone so tall before, “Will I get big like you when I grow up? My big brother said if I eat all my veggies I’ll get big too!”
-Several of them were quickly clutching their chests at your adorable words before Kaido laughed loudly, “Don’t be silly- you could never be as big as me!”
-You looked down, looking disheartened, “Oh.” And instantly many in the room were yelling at Kaido for hurting your feelings as he was quickly in tears, crying loudly, but Black Maria quickly took you from Kaido, so he wouldn’t hurt you, “THIS IS WHY I’M A BAD FATHER! THIS IS WHY YAMATO DOESN’T LOVE ME!!!”
-You were surprised to see such a large man crying loudly, not realizing that he was drunk.
-Black Maria was cooing softly at you, “You’re so tiny and cute Y/N- you should just stay like this~ so we can admire your cuteness forever!”
-You pouted lightly as she lowered you down so the others could see you as well, “But if I don’t get bigger I won’t get my big girl sword!” as you held up your cross necklace, pulling it out of your kimono to show them.
-Drake, Who’s Who, Sasaki, and Page One all collapsed to the floor, holding their chests on how adorable you were while Black Maria cooed softly, wanting to hug you- you were so cute!
-Black Maria was quickly telling you to call her Mama, which made you confused, “But I already have a mama? Can I have more than one mama?”
-Black Maria knew who you were speaking of, Nico Robin, the only other Straw Hat they were planning on keeping alive, besides you- as they needed her skills for reading the Poneglyphs. Her smile was unsettling, like she had a dark secret, “Don’t worry Y/N- you can call me mama in your own time~”
-Ulti was a little more of a bragger, holding you up after she told you to call her big sister, with Page One being your big brother, which you did, “Behold my adorable little sister!!” while Page One was clapping- happy that he had a little sister as well.
-Kaido then spoke, “Y/N is going to be our guest of honor at the party tonight. King- take her to Yamato- he can watch over his little sister during the preparations.” You were confused, hearing about another big brother as King picked you up, ignoring the whining of Ulti who didn’t want you to go before Queen called out that he would come and get you for the party.
-King was a little intimidating as he carried you, holding you up by his chest, letting you see his wings, “Mr. King your wings are so pretty!” he nearly dropped you, at least to him, as his body wouldn’t let him, shocked by your words, as he never heard anyone say anything like that before as he chuckled softly at you.
-When he brought you into a room, you saw someone wearing a mask, making him look rather scary, as he had shackles on his wrists, “Yamato- this is Y/N- your new little sister. Watch over her until that loudmouth comes for her.”
-Yamato was stunned to learn that he had a little sister, after you were placed down, but seeing that you were scared, he removed his mask, revealing a beautiful person- a woman!
-You came over and Yamato picked you up, giving you a hug to comfort you, smiling broadly down at you, “Nice to meet you Y/N! I’m Yamato- Kaido’s son!”
-You were confused, “But why do you look like a lady?” he wasn’t bothered, as you were a child, giving you a warm grin, “I may have the body of a woman, but I’m a man!” you still didn’t understand, but he seemed to believe that, so you nodded softly.
-Yamato told you of his fate, of why he was imprisoned, telling you the tale of the Shogun before Orochi and Kaido took over- Kozuki Oden- Momo’s father.
-Your eyes were huge, hearing how Oden lived and died, how he protected his men before being killed anyway, making tears well in your eyes. Yamato panicked lightly, seeing you crying as he tried to comfort you, not liking seeing you in tears.
-Yamato then looked down, “After that…Kaido changed. I think he regrets how Oden was killed- in such a cowardly way after the Legendary Hour. He admired Oden- I know it- even if he doesn’t say it. I think losing Oden is what caused him to turn to drinking.”
-You felt bad for Kaido, it was like he lost his best friend, while Orochi was a coward- someone that you knew Luffy would punch with no hesitation. Yamato laughed when you told him that and he beamed brightly, “I promise- if I see your brother, I’ll tell him that you said that.” You dissolved into giggles, making him grin.
-When Queen came to get you for the party, Yamato put his mask back on before Queen entered and he picked you up, “I’ve got a surprise for you Y/N~” you peeked over his shoulder, giving a small wave to Yamato who returned it- hoping to see him again.
-When Queen surprised you with a new kimono, one that was fancy and covered in apples, you were in awe, your eyes sparkling as Black Maria was beaming that you were so happy.
-Black Maria then spoke, “Take off that ratty one and I’ll help you into this one.” You looked down at the kimono Tama gave you, pausing as you felt sad, “This isn’t ratty. It was a present from a friend!”
-It was surprising to see you being so strong, not allowing her to insult the gift you received, it showed you had guts, something Black Maria admired as she apologized, but not really meaning it as one of the attendants wrapped up Tama’s kimono, planning on getting rid of it after the party.
-They were furious, seeing the scars on your body as you were getting cleaned up, something you were shy on letting her and her attendants seeing, something she immediately went to report to the others, who were just as furious.
-Queen was the one to tell them, due to his information gathering, “Those wounds were caused by someone before she met the Straw Hats- as the result of scientific experiments for her rewind ability.”
-Drake was surprised, questioning Queen, “Rewind? It’s not a healing ability?” Queen shook his head, “No, her ability is more complex than a healing ability. Y/N’s ability allows her to rewind time in a sense, returning things to a certain point in time. It could be seen as healing with injuries, but with her managing to bring back people from the dead- returning them to the exact moment prior to any events that led to their deaths.”
-They were all in awe, hearing about this, as Kaido, for a brief moment, thought about asking you to bring Oden back, before Queen continued, that using your ability on wounds is draining but not overly dangerous, while bringing those back from the dead cause you to have severe fevers and could put you at serious risk.
-They were all in agreeance to never let you use that ability, not wanting to lose you, while one in particular was concerned as to why a certain group was after you- this isn’t what he had been told.
-When you were brought in, wearing your new outfit, with your hair done up, instantly you were the center of attention, Queen cooing on how adorable you looked as he held you up to his face, rubbing his cheek against yours gently, “You’re so adorable Y/N! Everyone is going to love you at the party!!”
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-You were surprise to hear that Big Mom was in Wano as well, something you were worried if she was there to try to take you back to Whole Cake Island, as she was very persistent on keeping you there- but luckily you didn’t see her, at least just yet.
-You were with the Tobi Roppo during the celebration, listening to the loud music as Queen sang and danced, your eyes wide- you had never been to a party like this before! It was so amazing!
-Ulti and many of the others were annoyed by Queen’s loud antics, but they weren’t going to dampen your glee as you were peeking out from the window overlooking the massive party.
-When he started calling out the names of different groups, they would all cheer loudly, getting louder and louder with each group.
-You were confused when the Tobi Roppo didn’t cheer or open the window to celebrate with the others, which caused laughter in the party, while Page One was holding Ulti back who was yelling at Queen for insulting them.
-Queen then shouted, “And for a special treat I’m here to introduce our special guest of honor- Y/N!!” you opened the window, hearing your name and everyone looked up, seeing you there and you nearly fell back as the cheers were almost deafening, cheering for you, making your eyes go wide as you lifted your hands in a cheer, making many collapse from cuteness, Queen included, which was rather comical to see.
-Only a short while later, word got out that there was a raid- Kin’emon and the samurai with several pirate crews, including the Straw Hats, and Minks had stormed the castle with the intent on taking Kaido out for good.
-Your eyes went huge, hearing that your family was coming but you froze when Queen gave the order to kill anyone who opposed them. You wanted to tell them not to, not wanting your family to be hurt again.
-Sasaki was the one to pick you up, holding you close, intent on keeping you safe by keeping you with him, to keep your family from finding you. You could only swallow, trying not to get scared, ‘Luffy… Ace… Mama- everyone- stay safe!’
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vaichiicorner · 2 years ago
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Gear 5!💙💫💙
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oribellame · 2 months ago
Kaidō of the Beasts 🐉
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I haven't reached Wano yet but I know what Kaidō looks like and I really like his design. So far I really like what the drawing looks like, I'll see if I feel like posting the full version later
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movies-movies-movies-movies · 11 months ago
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HAS THIS BEEN DONE!? I’m sorry if it has!
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topijeramimy · 4 months ago
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trafalgar-law-k-e · 1 year ago
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I found some old sketches and decided to finish them. I hope you like them✨
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album-aurum · 4 months ago
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boom boom boom boom i want you in my room let's spend the night together from now until forever
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+ shitposting
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bonncy · 2 years ago
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Nami wearing Kaido’s costume
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as-i-watch · 7 months ago
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I see we have entered the Prepare For Trouble part of Wano and boy did they make it double
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grimeye-j · 1 year ago
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apparently-artless · 1 year ago
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I'm gonna knock you down to the abyss!
One Piece Episode 1075
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