#one of us forgot our injection last month
coinofstone · 2 years
I'm sure that DS9 was trying to do something with the whole "Sisko forgot his birth control" thing, like especially for the time, I'm *certain* the concept of a MAN getting monthly contraceptive injections was something they meant to be very progressive and forward thinking etc, but TO ME, all I got from that is pure terror at the thought that in order to be effective, this future contraception requires BOTH partners to maintain their injections. Sisko forgot his injection, Kasidy gets pregnant? That's the stuff of nightmares.
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tinystepsforward · 1 year
i am so fucking sad tonight and i used to put that stuff on here like a decade ago so here we are again ig. just.
really horrid combination of things happening right now and it makes me extra upset bc i'm into my second month on low-dose t and the first month was going so fucking well for like. being conducive to the last of my trauma recovery? and then, of course, recovery isn't linear and also my parents seem intent to retraumatise me whenever they can. but like.
english terf hits our shores
completely inescapable discourse, and also targeted abuse, on twitter and elsewhere. also i wrote an op-ed bc our media are useless and we need at least a few trans voices out there (hopefully it does get picked up, but it was gruelling to write)
my mother switches from spreading conspiracy theories about climate change to a sudden and vicious focus on trans people. not that she ever stopped being a bigot but usually it's one post every few months about how conversion therapy works and not several posts a day from people who want trans people murdered
scheduled to be interviewed for a study on conversion therapy survivors on tuesday
scheduled to go on holiday with my family on thursday. i booked a separate room so i won't have to attempt to take my (oral, twice daily with food, specifically bc the endo didn't want me on injections until we knew for sure i wouldn't need to suddenly stop t to avoid extended ptsd episodes) testosterone around family who would be very willing to attempt conversion therapy round fucking four on me
i have no idea if my job will still be there for me when i get back from this scheduled leave bc [gestures at tech companies and ai]
conference all day monday (tomorrow, technically) that i know will eat all my spoons, and that doesn't cater for my dietary needs so i'll have to pack food
and it's like. i am so sad. i am so so sad. i have been making a concerted effort w my family because my paatti (dad's mother) is in town, the one i've talked about before who doesn't know i'm gay and married bc my parents have prevented that happening. and i feel so lonely and so cut off bc as a diaspora/migrant family, and a mixed one at that, my only connection to my cultures is via my parents who fucking hate who i am. so i've been trying to hang out with her when they're not around. i said yes to this vacation, we'll get more time together and some pictures and stuff.
but i'm still fielding her questions about why i don't have a boyfriend. and my parents have decided to, right when i'm most stressed about being trans, and about connection to family, be the worst people they can be about it again i guess? and it's true that my conversion therapy/parental/religion trauma is the stuff i've never come back around to working on in therapy bc my parents are actively reopening the wound every few months and it's. hard to work with that.
fucking like. shocking that i recovered from ptsd once, after [black box of getting csaed more times than i can count], immediately got groomed in a way that's rly fucking complicated to talk about bc my ex is a trans woman who decided to come out as a child-grooming rapist and as trans in the same month, and terfs salivate over the idea of using people like her as a cudgel, and completely forgot that approximately 300 other things, sa and otherwise, happened to me along the way to the point where my psych said she was surprised/proud i haven't killed anyone yet.
so i'm sad about all of them at once rn except the brain injury means i can only hold about two in my active memory at a time and i keep alternating which ones i'm sad about like shuffling several decks of cards really fast i guess.
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beantownbrownie · 19 days
Just a short, little snippet; my Maserati recently ticked over 38,000 miles! After 22 years of driving, it’s definitely looking forward to a few services in the near future.
Since its last detail, I’ve had the car stored at work, where it’s remained charged and temperature controlled. This has certainly helped with some of its minor flaws - specifically a slow oil leak that has developed (likely from age and/or lack of use), as well as the lower oil pressure at start from the dry sump system.
Aside from those, a recent fault on the secondary air injection system has caused the car to throw the CEL, and with its inspection due this month, I had to have the car looked at to be certain there aren’t any glaring issues.
So, with those problems in mind, it will be going in for a 40,000 mile/20 year service - think oil and filter, cabin and engine air filter, drive belt, spark plugs, brake fluid and coolant flush, and a check for clutch wear on the single-clutch Cambiocorsa transmission. I forgot to mention a transaxle fluid change as well, but I will be sure to update my technician on that once we communicate tomorrow.
It does need a replacement driver’s sun visor and I will have to send my replacement center console out to be refinished and matched to my car (I purchased one equipped with the cup holder and relocated 12V socket), but those will come once the core maintenance issues are squared away.
(I think the front left wheel needs to be straightened as well, though the bend seems to be extremely slight. Vibrations have been mitigated by road-force balancing, but I want to make sure I can correct it fully, or replace the wheel before it becomes a hazard while driving. There aren’t really any noticeable vibrations or intrusions until well over 80 MPH, so it’s mostly okay.)
The lovely lad did well this evening, coming out of its short hibernation and immediately hitting Cambridge and Boston traffic for more than an hour. Ideally I wouldn’t be driving this car in conditions like that at all (the automated clutch really does not do well in traffic or city driving), but our best rated Maserati service center is right in the heart of Boston, and I wasn’t about to take any chances with this aging exotic, especially after the experiences I’ve had with our other most prominent Maserati-Ferrari dealership.
So, I suppose we’ll see where we go from here!
Wish me luck! I really love this quaintly charming exotic, and I’d love to keep it maintained and ready for my (highly) spirited runs for a long time to come!
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nightcall99 · 7 months
Notes from 20.2.24
'Nothing here is for me'. Yeah.
Here's some boring ranting about my life. (I'm not here right now, I'm an NPC. Can you tell the difference?)
SM is getting shipped off again for a few weeks to another store, and today he said, Nice knowing you, yeah? I said, We already did this last month, I don't know why you keep popping back here so I have to keep saying goodbye, it's kind of annoying. He said, Yeah I know. Normal friends just continue on being friends regardless of where they are physically, but we've always had a complicated relationship. It's like when you know someone too well, and realise it doesn't translate outside of being in forced close proximity. Anyway, then I saw him at the supermarket after work and I knew he saw me first but didn't say anything. Then I walked past him outside while he was waiting for his Uber and he pretended not to see me, until I said something first. I know I invented all this to show me how I really feel. Which is hurt. We used to be so close. I dunno, I've let everyone go except him. There's just a tiny twinge left and that's why I had that dream yesterday. He was one of the few people in my life who was genuinely a good listener. I used to be able to say anything to him and he was never fazed. It's always me being the good listener.
Anyway, AL is annoying me too. On Sundays, we usually stay back for hours to gossip but I wasn't feeling it. So I invented her getting pissed off at the students because they never pull their weight and so she got into a bad mood and wanted to go home immediately. I was happy because that meant I could go home and read my YA fantasy books. I finish one per day almost. There's nothing else to do. I said it before but I don't leave the house unless it's to go to work. I might go to the supermarket, but that's it. I have no desire to go for a walk. I really need to service my car and pump my tires and fill up the wiper fluid. And go to the optometrist and the dentist but I can't bring myself to. I really need to clean out my closet. Re-string my guitar. Clean off the layer of dust on everything. If I focus in on it, it becomes real. But I don't, so it's not real. And things just work out.
I forgot some part-timer kid's name. Made a joke of it, and now she fist bumps me whenever she sees me. On New Year's day, the fridge broke down causing a temperature excursion for all the stuff in there and that meant I had to contact all the drug companies and figure out if the stock was still viable to use. It's been so busy, so I never got round to it and also I just didn't want to do it. When I came back to work last week after my time off, it had all been sorted out and I didn't have to do anything. I smirked inside my head. Today, some special injections for a patient went missing, two of them at $4000 each (it wasn't out of our own pocket, the medication was organised under compassionate supply for the patient and hence free to them, but still) and I was so feeble and indifferent on the phone explaining to the nurse that I simply don't know where the injections went. I didn't care at all. I thought 'Whatever, it's sorted'. Next thing I know, we get an email saying that more injections will get posted out to us. No worries. Awesome.
Things just work out. I don't feel guilt much anymore. I used to be such a stickler for altruism and morality but the pretence is gone. I see both sides of the coin at all times and it's boring. I'm not a good or a bad person. I just am. I have nothing left. Just this body. I focus on this body. I mean I don't exercise but I make sure I always look pretty. I do my hair. I like looking pretty. I like complaining about it afterwards, that I attracted attention. AL and I are pretty toxic like that, we go to each other and we sneer at men who leer at us. While also using the male gaze to our advantage. Men are stupid and simple and I can get away with things. My manager was too scared to ask me to deal with the fridge breech issue, so SM did it. Yeah, I'm vain. I wouldn't have made it long in this life if I had to continue living here. I don't want to age. There's nothing wrong with aging but personally, I do not want to age. Well to be honest, the real reason I wouldn't have made it long in this life is that I don't know how to look after myself because I have never, ever been tethered to reality. It was just pretending all along. Now I don't have to pretend anymore. I'm just a silly girl, really. AL and I agreed the other day that we're only alive to experience romantic tension. And to look in the mirror. Lmao. If it weren't for my parents, I would have died years ago. I mean, it feels like I was supposed to already be gone by now. This NPC has it's functional limits. It wasn't built for more of whatever the fuck this life is.
Anyway yeah, there's nothing left to live for. Except, maybe beauty. And that's it. I have Venus in Libra, what can I say? I enjoy beauty of every kind. Not the world though. Not planet Earth. Maybe's there's still pockets of beauty out there in the natural world but I don't go looking for it anymore. Trees and ponds and shit are dead. I'm talking about all the things that were inspired by the world, but are not really of it. Never really were. Books, poetry, film, music, photography, paintings, fashion. The idea of love. Being in love with the idea of love. To me, this has never changed. It has always been my constant. These things were never 'real' before and they aren't 'real' now. It was always just something imagined, out of hope or whatever. We created an escape through the creation of beautiful things because all along, we have always been dissatisfied. The ground we stood upon was never enough. And that feeling, it needed to come out. I was born with it.
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farb3yond · 10 years
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*Coug* *Cough* Sorry, this blog is a little dusty.
My one caveat for this poem is that it was written to be read out loud to an audience, so reading it here doesn’t quite match the intended effect.
So I have this friend right and I heard he started seeing this girl. So when I met up with him I asked him. I said, “Hey man, how are you? What’s going on with this girl you’re seeing?”
He said,
Our love is a game of hide and seek in the nude. We are both trying desperately to catch a glimpse of the other, but it's hard, because we're terrified of being caught naked. It's a slow dance on a tied-rope strung between ecstasy and destruction. And I’m so nervous I only think about jumping. It's Texting and not texting, Calling and not calling. It's playing games while we're awake, It's falling asleep while facebook stalking. It's the unplanned love-child of hope and fear. And just like the two of us, it didn't ask to be born, but fuck it's here. Like the sunrise on the last day of your life, or that feeling when you look to the left, and you look to the right, And realize that you accidently became an adult. And just like that, what once seemed impossible, Suddenly feels inevitable.
So I was like, “Wow! You're in trouble holmes.”
Anyway I met him again a few months later, and he was a ball of energy! I went to ask him how he was when he interrupted me saying...
The way she makes love shakes my convictions. It makes me cynical of my cynicism, It re-baptizes my beliefs, it revises my revisions There's a subtle safety in her promise, and it provide sanctuary for softness. And within halls filled with the florescence of her essence, I'm resurrecting a part of me I forgot was dead. And with that... One who is so used to punching problems and breaking things, is mending bridges and making things. All because… Her irises blaze like the beacon of a lighthouse, a bright, steadily shifting metronome. Silently saying that all the seas and storms are over, and that you, my love, are finally home.
And I looked at him and I was like, JESUS CHRIST...
He's not such a close friend of mine so we didn't meet till several months later. When we did he wasn’t looking as good as the last time we met. I asked, “How are you man, how is she?”
And he said,”
I don't know man... It's like someone changed the sheets while weren't paying attention, or maybe something changed because we weren't paying attention, or maybe what changed, is we stopped paying attention. Like loving felt so easy I thought I could do it blindfolded, and so I tried. Like giving felt so easy she buried all thoughts of sacrifice, along with any hope of compromise. So now I have a second secret lover, You might know her? Insomnia? I heard she gets around. Thing is though I don't quite like the way she eye-balls my dreams, And in 2 weeks with no sign of HER, and no sign of SLEEP! I'm thinking of sending out a search party, you know: Lost: 'Hopes & Dreams' Last Seen: ‘Somewhere between her broken promises, and my muffled screams.' Till then I'm just injecting every 'hello' with a latent 'goodbye'. As destiny slips through my fingers, and I can't quite figure out 'why?'. I'm locked in this prison of past patterns, though I don't quite understand the crime, I'm forced to kiss the person I love every time, like it might be the last time.
My friend kinda turned into the kind of person you wouldn't want to be friends with after that.  I ran into him this one time and couldn’t get away from him so I awkwardly asked, “Heyyyy how are youuuu…?”
He said,
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUUUCCCKKK FUUUCK FUCK FUCK… fuck…!
And I was like, “…Fuuuuck…”
We didn't speak again for a while. To be honest I feel like no one really heard from him in a while. I suddenly heard he'd crawled out of his cave and was making appearances in public. So I called him up and said we should meet up.
I apologized for what happened saying, “I’m sorry about everything that happened bro, how is she? Do you guys still talk?”
He said,
Yeah... She called me after reading the Fault in our Stars, Talking about love and loss. I said the pages of great books feel like mirrors. chapters feel like memories, and characters; friends. She said don't be so dramatic, it's not like we're dying. But I said anyone who says we're not is lying. This human horror show is a cosmic tragedy with an unoriginal ending. I'm not trying to be condescending, but we're all dying. But when the two of us lived as one we illuminated this reality. We filled its spaces with serenity, and sang songs into its silences. We transmuted its mundane and morphed its melancholies. So it’s almost poetic, that we'd be undone by such trivialities. I'd like to say we were doomed, I'd like to say we were young, But the truth is you were selfish, and I was dumb. So though fate never did us any favors, and our stars are full of shit. We are the unplanned parents of our own destruction, and it’s time we took responsibility for it. I would have loved you for a lifetime, but that's damaged beyond repair, still, don't despair, Perhaps 'almost' can be our 'always'.
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minniepetals · 4 years
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— summary: the final series but with a promising tomorrow that your love will last until eternity
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: fluff, slight angst, poly!au, ceo!au
— word count: 14.0k
— warnings: a scene with a car accident, besides that, just fluff fluff and more fluff
╰ part 1: buttercream / part 2: buttercup / part 3: buttermilk / part 4: butterscotch / part 5: butterfly
Soft music played from the kitchen and curiously, still half asleep with a bed head, Hoseok popped his head in to see what was going on.
It was a sight he never knew would ever make him fall more in love with you; making pancakes with hair tied into a pretty messy bun in your pretty white nightgown Yoongi once gifted you. It hugged your frame perfectly, silk, short, small straps, lying just against your thighs. Your head shook from side to side lightly to the beat of the music, soft hums escaping from you.
He never knew he'd ever witness you being awake before any of the guys. It happened once in a while, rarely, but only when you've had a good night's rest. Yet he knew you hadn't gotten your full hours of sleep but there you were, a soft expression resting on your face as you continued making breakfast without noticing him leaning beside the doorway leading into the kitchen. 
Hoseok could still remember every moment of the night before filled with soft giggles, soft whines, soft embraces, and soft kisses. You fell asleep peacefully in his arms, snuggling up close to him and he swore he caught you purring. Luckily Taehyung got all of it on camera for the memories they'd never want to forget.
He was left waking up beside Yoongi and Seokjin, you nowhere to be seen on the bed. He called your name a few times and when there were no responses except the whines from Yoongi wanting more sleep, he stood up, put on a white t-shirt, before going on for his short expedition to find you. It was the first morning of the honeymoon, surely you'd want to sleep in some more, right? Weren't you exhausted from the night before?
As if on cue, a cute kitten's yawn escaped out of you and Hoseok silently cooed.
"The things I do for them," you giggled to yourself afterwards and finally Hoseok decided to make his appearance clear to you.
He stalked up behind you, letting his arms pull you into a sweet back hug (and you gave out a cute squeak) where he propped his chin upon your shoulder, nuzzling his head against your neck.
He breathed in. "Smells sweet."
You grinned excitedly. "I know right? The pancakes are going to taste so delicious and-"
"I wasn't talking about the pancakes, although they smell sweet too, but nothing can smell sweeter than you, my lovely wife."
Your heart soared and a short moment of silence passed, confusing Hoseok because he knew by then you should have stuttered your way out of trying to cope with his sweet talks like you always did. But when Hoseok looked up, he found a beaming sun glowing right in front of his eyes instead.
"You look like you're about to explode," Hoseok chuckled lightly as he pinched a cheek of yours, still unsure of the reasoning behind your smile.
"Doesn't it sound nice?" You asked him, turning your body fully to face him. "Hm? My handsome hubby?"
A curse left his lips almost breathlessly. "We really did that, huh?"
You squealed and he couldn't help but laugh aloud at how cute you were. "It's been what? Four? Five months? Since you've all proposed to me on Christmas."
"It really has, hasn't it?" Hoseok chuckled as he let his arms wrap around you to pull you in close, his body naturally allowing the both of you to sway to the soft sound of music that was still playing.
He could still remember the process that led up to the proposal.
࿐ ᶠ ˡ ᵃ ˢ ʰ ᵇ ᵃ ᶜ ᵏ
"Let's get married," Jimin said and they all looked up from the papers that laid in front of them on the long desk of the meeting room. Hoseok blinked and for a moment and Taehyung was about to give a silly remark but they could all see the serious gaze Jimin held, something he didn't often have when talking about other things besides being in his business mode. Only when he was truly serious about a certain topic.
"Married?" Namjoon repeated.
"We promised each other," the younger male reminded them all, "since we were kids, we promised each other that if we didn't find someone else to love, we'd end up marrying each other. Who would have thought the seven of us would actually end up together?"
It was a silly little promise they made during one of the very few sleepovers they had in the earlier years. They were playing truth or dare, something Jungkook had proposed he wanted to do, and with Yoongi asking them all whether they had anyone they loved and them responding with no's, Jimin pulled up a ridiculous dare for them to bet on, a promise of them marrying each other in the end if nothing worked out with their partners in the future.
Seokjin laughed but agreed and Hoseok placed his hand in just for the fun of it. Jungkook and Taehyung saw it as a competition so of course they weren't going to miss out, and the last two just shrugged it off as something that'll probably never happen but placed their hands in anyways.
Jimin was right, no one had saw the big relationship coming, not especially for Jungkook to confess one night when he was crying after Namjoon said he was about to leave to study in the states. A cute heartfelt confession with lots of tears and flushed cheeks, his bunny eyes looking at Namjoon with hands that held onto the man tightly, begging him to not leave because he had been his first crush.
Namjoon, one who cried only rarely, had a few tears slipping from his eyes and pulled the maknae into his arms, telling him that he felt the same.
Their relationship didn't last long, not before Jimin joined and then the rest of them came along on the ride, a relationship meant to last until the longest time because they knew and loved each other for the longest. It was the only spark they've actually felt, contrary to previous relationships with the ones before them, the first time something actually felt right.
Jimin reminded them almost every moment he could remember about the promises they made to each other that one beautiful night. It was something he had never forgotten because he was so in love and happy. He never missed a time to remind them, not until a few years prior to where they were now.
"And...Y/N?" Hoseok queried.
As if on cue, the door to the meeting room opened slightly with a light knock and in you came with a pretty floral blouse and white pencil skirt, beautiful as always.
"Just a reminder, Mr. Park, you have a meeting with the Yoon Corporation's executive leaders in half an hour and I have the meeting agenda here if..you'd..." You trailed off the second your eyes looked up and scanned the room, noticing every one of them looking at you with a serious gaze and Hoseok could see you visibly tense up.
Poor Y/N who knew nothing of what they were thinking about. But then again, it was good that you didn't.
"What...what's wrong?" You stuttered, voice small with the loss of confidence.
You always hated when they made you feel little in that sense.
"Nothing, baby," Jimin was first to say with a small smile. "I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?"
Your smile was a little lopsided but nonetheless nodded as you bid your goodbyes and left without another word. They wanted to say something more, Hoseok knew, to soothe your little worries but he also knew that the sudden proposition was placing them in a sudden overwhelming situation. A good overwhelming situation.
"She deserves a proposal," Yoongi said with his eyes still remaining on the door where you left just minutes ago.
"So..." Jimin trailed off, smiling, "we agree?"
"I agree," Hoseok mirrored the same excitement and the rest were quick to follow.
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"Hoseok, you distracted me!" You chided at the man, quick to leave his arms as you picked up the spacula again with a distressed groan the moment you flipped over a pancake only to find it clearly burnt. "Look at what you've done."
"Me?" Hoseok laughed in disbelief while you dumped the burnt pancake into the garbage can. "It's my fault you forgot you were cooking?"
"Yes!" You reiterated as you poured another batch of pancake mix into the pan. "I'm trying to make as plenty of pancakes as I can before the rest of you wake up because today's a special day and I don't wanna ruin any part of our honeymoon, especially on our first day."
Hoseok cooed. "Aww, you pretty little thing. So you decided to wake up bright and early just to make us breakfast?"
"Why else?" You mumbled through a cute pout. "You know I cherish my sleep but you also have to know that I love you all more than anything."
You were so, so precious.
"I love you more," Hoseok challenged and you were quick to hold the spatula right up at him with a playful glare while he flinched back just as playful, both hands in the air.
"You can't love me more than I love you."
"Watch me," he dared and almost instantly, you were swept off on your feet and a squeal quickly left your lips as you laughed along while Hoseok spun you about.
"Hoseok, you—oomph.!" He held you steady in his strong arms, leaning up to kiss you right then and there while you tried your best not to let the spatula slip away from your fingers. The kiss was searing and hot like the passionate man he was but to have it so early in the morning while you were trying to cook, you lightly tapped him with your wrist, trying to get him to relent because you still had to cook before the others woke up.
"What's the matter?" The man let you go with a swipe of his tongue on his upper lip, smirking. "Too intense for you? Can't take anymore after last night?"
You frowned at him to show your displeasure but it only turned out into a pout with a beautiful blush Hoseok could recognize almost instantly. "I'm trying to be romantic here and you're ruining my moment." He laughed aloud, only to inject a whine out of you. "Why can't you just let me spoil you guys for one morning? It isn't even for a day because I know you'd never let me go that far but I've been spoiled enough from the moment we started dating and it's making me upset."
"Baby Y/N-ie's upset?" He feigned a cute teasing pout. "Haven't we told you plenty of times already? As long as you're with us — which will be for the rest of your life because we've already declared our vows, by the way — you're going to be spoiled until death takes us apart." With the pout still resting on your face, Hoseok couldn't resist and let out a sigh as he placed you back onto the floor. "Fine, just this one time."
You jumped with joy the instant that came out of his lips. "I love you, thank you! But..!" You gave him a pointed look with a finger hovered just below his nose. "I still hate you because you ruined my surprise for yourself."
"Hate me?" A dramatic gasp left him. "You can never, baby."
You giggled. "Fine, you're right. But I'm still upset with you."
"Hey listen, I think you're going to be even more upset and this time it really isn't my fault just because I'm too charming for you to resist but," he placed a quick peck on your lips before moving on to stroll out of the kitchen, "your pancake's burning."
You gasped immediately. "Hoseok!"
The only thing you could hear was his laugh fading away.
"What are you wearing?"
"No," Seokjin decided as he grabbed your wrist to drag you right back into the vacation home.
"What? But Seokjin—"
"If you think me and the guys are going to let you walk around out there in that swimming suit of yours, think again darling."
Your lips pouted as he opened the door to the bedroom before letting your hand go. "Do I look that bad?" You asked him as you stood in front of the closed door while looking down at yourself, suddenly feeling self conscious.
He could immediately tell what that voice indicated and the man was quick to hold your shoulders together, walking you over towards the bed to have you sitting on the edge. He gave you a pointed look while you sat there refusing to meet his gaze with a sad frown. "The exact opposite of that is the reason why I will not allow you to step a foot outside." Seokjin's voice was deep, maybe deeper than the sea, and to hear him say such possessive words made you feel some type of way.
"Do you not understand? Hm?" He prompted with a raised brow before letting his eyes fall. A hand rested right on your stomach and chills were quick to fall. "I don't want anyone else seeing this pretty tummy." It rose, hovering up and along your breast before brushing lightly on your collarbones. "Your pretty chest, your pretty collarbones." He held your chin, rose it for you to meet his sharp gaze.
"The pretty face that accompanies this pretty body. And above all, I don't want them approaching you and finding out not only is your body pretty but your heart is too. Guys can be animals, some do not respect women, and many will go after the pretty vulnerable ones who hates violence, ones who can't stand up for themselves not because they're weak but because they're too kind to say no."
"I-I can say no," you tried to reject.
But his brow raised. "You've learned to say no to us, darling, you haven't learned to say no to your friends nor strangers," he reminded you.
You let out a little huff as you pushed him back just slightly so that you could breathe again. "I'm a married woman, no one will come up to me."
"Married or not, pretty is pretty and no man will want an opportunity to miss that."
You groaned. "I'm not you, okay? I don't attract attention that easily and have everyone looking my way just by walking around. I won't get—"
Suddenly you were pushed down against the mattress with full force and Seokjin hovering above you, his body supported by the two arms that stood trapping you from both sides. "Why can't you see that you're the most beautiful woman in the world?" He asked, so frustrated it almost came out into a whine. "Do you know how many guys we have to glare down whenever we're walking beside you? You're so freaking oblivious because you're always in your own little world and—"
You rolled your eyes before sighing as you looked back up at him with a serious gaze. "I'm in love, Jin, I don't care about anyone else watching me from a distance. I'm so oblivious because the only ones I see are you and the other six, who cares about those other men? They can flirt all they want, you know I won't react to them like I'd react to you. Sometimes it gets scary and I'll always want one of you by my side but you don't have to be so jealous, my love, I chose you and I love you, not them. I'm yours, I belong to you and you're mine. We're married and there's no way anyone can ever break us apart now."
Sometimes he wondered how you got the courage to say such endearing words he loved so much. When you first began dating, feelings were a little more held back on your side because you didn't know how to show your love. Your first relationship didn't teach you anything and your previous one left a scar that had you overthinking everything because you were afraid they'd leave you if you ever did something they didn't like.
But truth was, there was nothing you could have done to make them leave you. You were naturally a kindhearted woman, they knew even before the dating phase, and you've always put forth your best efforts to work hard each and everyday, even on days when you were sick but refused to stay in bed.
You'd worry about the slightest things they'd pay no mind to, your insecurities being a big role that kept you back from saying the things you wanted.
And what he hated the most was when hoarding your feelings became too overwhelming and tears would fall from your eyes. Like the first time they saw you cry when someone touched you but you had been too afraid to speak up, or the second time when you went to Namjoon about the jealousies that ran around the whole building.
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Seokjin fired his secretary but did it in an orderly manner even though he did wanted to act like Jimin for once and just fired people right on the spot without giving them a pep talk. Jimin was definitely not happy about the situation, none of them were, but the man was more willing to fire anyone that had so much as glared your way. Namjoon had to calm him into going about things in a rational way.
They watched you closer ever since you spoke up, kept an eye on you at all times in case someone were to mess with you. And if they were too busy to watch over you, they'd have someone else doing the job and reporting to them whether someone had said anything to you or about you.
Things were looking much brighter, you looked happier, and the company was back to being a hardworking environment without the envious situation thrown into the mix.
But there was still one little problem.
You stood next to Seokjin wearing pretty black trousers with a pretty white blouse while your hair was up in a pretty ponytail. Jimin had asked you to be Seokjin's acting secretary for the night since the older man needed one and he had already fired his a few days prior. He didn't thought much of it when some lady approached him to spark up a conversation, only noticing a few minutes later with the way you stood there, hands fidgeting with the sleeves of your blouse and fixing your hair every three seconds.
You didn't feel comfortable but didn't leave his side because you took orders seriously since Seokjin himself asked you not to stray from him.
He held on a small tight smile, not liking the way the lady had begun to stray away from business talks and opted with a less formal conversation. But he couldn't just stop the conversation mid-sentence, it would be rude. Yet the second she tilted her head back from a soft laughter and lightly hit him on the shoulder, his small smile began to fade.
Sure she wasn't that bad looking but she wasn't you. Not as gorgeous as you who didn't need to wear a dress to impress because you were already pretty without it. Not as sweet, not as kind. He didn't like her laugh. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't like yours, not like the way your sweet laughter would immediately light up his heart.
But then again, it was probably because he was in love with you and not her.
"Care to go out for a cup of coffee some day?" She asked him.
Years before, even before he understood what love was, he would admire the bold ones that approached him and got straight to the point. He wasn't too keen on being the one who chased after someone, he liked being chased instead.
The guys wasn't much of a task to chase after, he had not much of a need to chase after them at all. It was more of a childhood to lovers story. After Jungkook confessed to Namjoon, it was then that got him to realize being chased after the ones he didn't care too much about wasn't his style. It began to annoy him a little. But Seokjin was still a stubborn man who refused to chase after any of the guys, instead playing the hard to get card while they all trailed after him, rolling their eyes because he liked playing with them.
It was until you showed up did he realized what chasing meant.
You were so shy, a cute worker, quiet and soft, got scared easily but could never get mad at anything or anyone. You'd stutter your words whenever you'd talk to any of the higher ups (aka them), and he found himself curious as to what kind of person you were and what went on in that little head of yours.
It was a bit of a surprise when Yoongi deemed he fell in love at first sight all of a sudden but it did sparked more curiosity in the man.
Seokjin liked talking to you whenever he got the chance. He loved the way your cheeks were so easy to turn into rose pink, loved your soft voice, and got a little frustrated you weren't part of the group of ladies that showed love and admiration for him.
But your focus and hard work was something that made him fall more for you, made him realize he was the one chasing this time rather than being the one to be chased after.
And he liked it.
"Actually.." Seokjin took ahold of your fidgeting hand without any hesitation and while you began to panic, worried for the onlookers and the lady in front of you, he held your clasped hands up in full view, surprising both you and everyone else that looked your way. "I will be occupied until the day she decides to leave me." He paused, turning to look at you with a confident grin while you stood there, eyes silently asking him what he was doing but Seokjin paid no mind. "Which I hope will never happen, my love."
My love.
Seokjin wasn't one to declare his feelings out into the public, he liked to keep things private and hidden behind closed doors. But with the way you kept looking down on yourself and the previous events beforehand, he knew validating your feelings was so much more important.
"Shall we go?"
It wasn't a question, it was a declaration. And before you could protest or say anything, the man whisked you away.
"Seokjin?" You called upon his name the moment the two of you were alone and he turned around, prompting you to go on. You let go of his hand to hug yourself before speaking again and he frowned at the way your eyes refused to look at him. "H-How'd you know?" You asked him in a small voice.
With a small sigh that left his lips, Seokjin took a step forward to wrap his arms around your smaller figure, letting his chin rest atop your head. "It's kind of my job as a boyfriend to understand the feelings of my girlfriend, don't you think?" You kept quiet. "No matter how many ladies approach me, approaches any of us, just remember that we are yours and yours alone. There's no need to worry, baby, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon...ever."
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"Why are you like this?"
You cocked your head just slightly, brows a little creased in confusion and he groaned again because you looked so adorable. "What do you mean?"
"I'm supposed to be mad at you, Y/N, you can't just be perfect all the time and think you can get away just by saying sweet words to me because guess what? I fall for it every time!"
"But I mean it!"
Dramatically, he clutched his chest and fell beside you, letting you have your moment of disbelief laughter because of the sudden change of heart.
Smiling, you leaned up against him to snuggle close. "I like this."
"Being in love," you sighed.
"Yeah," he chuckled, agreeing before the sudden ding from both your phones alerted the two of you that the other six were waiting outside on the beach.
"I almost forgot we were going to see the dolphins today." You gasped, letting out an excited squeal as you hopped off the bed but not before Seokjin grabbed your wrist so that you couldn't leave the bedroom.
"Just because I'm no longer upset does not mean I'm letting you go out like that."
"But Jin, they—"
"I'll tell them you're being a brat and us being late won't be the only reason they'll be upset."
You huffed. "Fine."
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No matter how long time had passed since you've joined their relationship, Taehyung could never not fall in love with you more and more as each day passed.
You laid in bed, the last one left to wake up as always when it came to mornings, hair sprawled almost all over, your right hand laid on your chest while your left laid on your side. That morning, however, was a little more special.
After all, the day before they had just discussed wanting to get married and propose to you.
Taehyung took your left hand into his, playing with it for a moment as he examined each finger with gentle touches, kissing each fingertip before holding your hand out palm to palm and giggling at how much smaller your hand was compared to his. He had the largest ones after all, while yours came in last, smaller than Jimin's cute fingers.
You groaned softly in your sleep, squeezing his hand just slightly and he smiled, pressing a soft kiss against your lips. "Shh, it's okay. Sleep some more, baby, you don't have to wake up just yet," he said in soft whispers and as if hearing what he had just said, you turned your body just slightly to relax in your sleep again.
He chuckled at the sight before leaving one last kiss on your head and walking out the bedroom shirtless and feeling happy for what he had just done.
"I got it!" He announced to the group as he walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the smell of coffee and eggs.
They looked up at his arrival, chuckling when they saw Taehyung holding out a string that was curled into a circle. A string that he had apparently wrapped around your ring finger just minutes before to get your ring size.
"That'll work," Yoongi shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee.
"It'll have to work," Taehyung said, plopping himself on a chair next to Jimin, "I can't just ask Y/N what her ring size is without being discreet, it'll ruin everything."
Jimin chuckled while ruffling his soulmate's head. "Good job. We knew you'd come up with something creative."
"She's still asleep?" Seokjin asked and Taehyung nodded. He looked up at the clock that indicating the time being eight in the morning. "Someone should wake her up soon, breakfast is almost ready," he said, the scrambled eggs in the pan almost done and ready to serve.
As if on cue, small little stomps made their way down to the kitchen and in you came still in your pajamas, hair cutely ruffled while a hand rubbed at your sleepy eyes and they almost melted in sight.
"You can't do that." Your voice came out whiny and croaky and oh so adorable, a cute pout adoring your face. "You know I don't like waking up alone in bed," you reminded them, a little grumpy and still clearly tired.
Gosh you were so adorable.
Jungkook chuckled lightly as he walked up to you to pull you in more towards the kitchen, a hand ruffling your head and making it more messy. "Sorry baby, you woke up a little sooner than expected."
"One moment Taehyung was whispering something and then the next no one was there."
"I know, I know," the maknae cooed as he held you in his arms, swaying your bodies from side to side and placing little peppering kisses all over your face. "We're sorry, okay? It won't happen again."
You were so spoiled but they wouldn't have it any other way.
You giggled at the feeling of his lips and tried to push him away but along with how sleepy you still were and the fact that Jungkook would always be much stronger than you, you couldn't escape the tickling sensation.
"You're so sappy," you whined cutely, wiggling in his arms.
"You love it," Jungkook said as he let you go running over to where Namjoon stood, almost stumbling into him because you were still half asleep.
"Oof, I'm sorry Joonie," you quickly said while wrapping your arms around him and looking up at him with adorable eyes.
The man chuckled as he leaned in to greet you with a morning kiss. "It's okay baby."
"Baby," you repeated the word, sighing as if awestruck with a brilliant smile lifted upon your face. "I love you," you told him like a small child and he allowed you to snuggle up against him.
"My baby koala," Namjoon cooed.
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Even if he was on his honeymoon, Namjoon could never truly stay away from work. Not only because he was the big boss but also because he was a workaholic who often found himself handling the portion of the burdens that needed at least one of them to stay connected to their business. And he wasn't going to let anyone else do the work though you guys did chime in from time to time whenever possible.
Namjoon liked working independently.
But sometimes it could get a little tiring and for that, he always found you tumbling towards his way wherever he was at the right times.
Your tinier self would walk into his study room at the vacation home, sometimes half asleep or just plain tired, sometimes fully awake and ready to help, asking him whether he needed a helping hand or not. And whether Namjoon would say yes or no, you'd remain by his side either way.
He found both your tired and fully awake side adoring, liking the small surprises you'd greet him with each day.
When you were awake and ready to help at any time, he knew that would be the right time to let you help him out even with the smallest things. You liked helping him after all, always finding something to do because he knew you wouldn't leave unless you did something to help ease his burdens.
And on times when you were tired from whatever you had been doing, he'd allow you to just crawl into his lap, legs rested at both side of his body, head leaning to rest against his chest as he worked independently, happy for your comforting presence.
"Mhm?" You answered him, voice a tired hum.
"Were you with the maknaes?"
You nodded at his question, groaning slightly as you leaned up to rest your cheek against his shoulder, having it squished right there. "Jungkookie and Jiminie tried to push me into the pool while I was all clothed and I asked Tae to help but he was just laughing so now I'm a little upset at them," you informed him while huffing.
Namjoon chuckled. "They like to play around."
"I was trying to read," you complained in a whiny tone. "And it was coming to the exciting part too!"
"You can go get your book and read it here if you'd like."
"No it's okay," you said, snuggling in closer and placing a few little pecks against his neck. "I like it here, don't wanna move."
"Okay," he smiled, fingers still typing away, multitasking as he both spoke to you and did his work. "Stay here for as long as you'd like, baby."
You giggled, nodding.
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You were drunk on sleep again and it's become a similar pattern that whenever you were like that, the one thing they often found you talking is about how you loved their eyes, eyes that (in your words) glowed of a thousand starlights.
"The stars are pretty."
"The stars aren't even up, Y/N," Hoseok laughed. "It's barely dusk."
"I'm talking about your eyes!" You frowned, pouting for a moment before smiling all over again. "I'm so lucky you know," you said, head on the desk in front of you, looking at them with a smile so whipped. It was a late afternoon where they had all gathered, the meeting long over and you couldn't keep yourself awake for longer. After all, you had been up all night the night before with no rest in between and they felt bad. But watching you like that was cute. You were always cute.
"Stars are pretty, I've always liked stars ever since I was little," you told them and hearing that, they listened in closer, grinning at the mention of your childhood self that must've been even cuter than you were now. "But mom couldn't bring me to the, um...what's that place called?" Your brows furrowed, losing your words and they giggled. "The aquarium? No, that's where the fishes are, what are you talking about, Y/N?" You grunted, the word not coming to you. "You know, there's a place where you can see the stars outside of Earth but it's indoors. Ugh, why can't I remember?"
"A planetarium?" Taehyung guessed and you exclaimed.
"Yes, that's it!" You were too endearing like that. "So mom couldn't bring to me the planetarium so I asked her to bring me stargazing instead but she was always so busy with work she never had time for me. Which was why I snuck out of the house one day."
Yoongi raised a brow. "A good girl like you actually snuck out?"
Just to see the stars.
What a cute little girl.
"It was fun!" You remembered. "But it was also scary because I was alone so I didn't really have time to look at the stars for long. Mom never found out though," you giggled proudly.
"Still wish to see them?" Seokjin asked you.
"It's okay, I already see them everyday," you told him. "The stars are all in your eyes and it's so much more pretty like this," you giggled again and their hearts swayed.
How lucky they were to receive a love so pure.
Still, it would have been nice to let you see the real stars that laid up in the sky, brightening up the night with its lovely glow.
And then, they thought of it. That empty room towards the attic, glass walls and ceilings that allowed you to see whatever was outside, lying right under the stars with nothing to block its view.
It was the perfect place and you deserved something perfect.
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"Y/N, are you still here?"
"Mhm," you hummed at Jungkook's call while his eyes were still glued on the large screen in front of him, sat on a gaming chair with a console in his hold, headphones on and a curse muttered under his breath for a quick second.
"For what, baby? Why aren't you sleeping yet?" He asked you, continuing on to game. You couldn't really blame him. After all, if it wasn't for the honeymoon, Jungkook wouldn't have much time to game just as he'd like it.
"Because you aren't sleeping," you pointed out.
"Aww," he cooed, a smirk curled at the corner of his lips, "does baby not want to leave me alone?"
You nodded but then remembered he couldn't see you and answered with a yawn. "Yeah."
"I'll be done in a few, okay?" He promised and you nodded again, letting him be.
But the game lagged on and you were growing more and more tired.
"Guk," you called his name after fifteen more minutes had pass, tugging at his sleeve. "It's getting late."
"Just one more round, baby."
You groaned and shamelessly slid your body under his arms to plop yourself right on top of him (to which he easily allowed you) while resting your head on his shoulder. "Come on," you whined.
"Okay, okay," he said, letting the headphone fall off on one ear with a light chuckle. "Just let me die first." He let himself end the game faster than what he wanted at first but with you there, straddling him and being a whiny tired baby, Jungkook's love and focus was shifted.
"Done?" You asked after he took off his headphone and placed his console down.
"Yeah baby," he chuckled again, allowing you to lean back just enough to meet his eyes with a tired smile. "You're cute, you know that?" He said, pressing two kisses on your lips. "Come on, the hyungs are probably wondering where we are."
With not much effort, Jungkook picked you up easily to lead you back to the bedroom where the rest of your husbands were.
"There you are, I was just about to come get you," Namjoon greeted the second the two of you arrived to the room.
"Sorry, she was waiting up for me," Jungkook said sheepishly as he greeted him back with a kiss. The others were already asleep with Namjoon kept up catching up with some work so he was the only one left to wait up for you and Jungkook.
"Babygirl's tired," he noted. "But we'll have to wake up early to catch our flight."
You whined at that. "Don't wanna leave."
"I know, baby, I know."
If only the honeymoon could last a little longer but as long as they had each other, there was nothing more Namjoon could ever ask for.
Light pink suit on with a white shirt tucked under and white pumps and your hair up in a ponytail, Jimin studied you carefully as you went over the meeting schedule for the busy day again. Your brows were slightly creased with a firm serious expression resting on your face, a few small baby hairs sticky out just slightly from having to run around that morning, and although he wanted to smile and praise you for how quickly you were to get right back on track despite whining for some extra sleep when you had to wake up, he held his blank demeanor as he stood there, waiting for you to finish.
Luckily for Jimin he could multitask. Luckily he could both focus on your words and study you in however way he wanted.
Because although his eyes stayed on your face looking as if there was nothing else but work occupying his thoughts, his head also swarmed with thoughts of you and how he wished the vacation hadn't ended so soon.
"Have you compiled the reports that I've asked of you?"
"I will have them ready the minute I return to my desk, sir."
"Good." He nodded, satisfied. "And the phone calls?"
"Already done, sir."
"There's an event coming up in a a few days."
"I got their phone call this morning and ran over there. Everything is organized and just needs a few more last minutes touches before the final day but besides that, there isn't any problems that needs to be dealt with."
"The meeting."
"I have the meeting agenda here if you'd like to look over them," you said, handing him your neatly organized notebook to which he quickly took to look over.
"And my coffee?"
Jimin looked up, raising a brow. Perfect as you were with everything, sometimes you did forget to do a thing or too. You were human after all, maybe a little better than most, but still human.
"Forgive me, I'll get right to it, sir."
"Go on." You hesitated and before he could ask what was wrong, you went on to walk up to him to the tie that wrapped against his collar, your soft perfume hitting his nose.
"It was a little crooked," you told him and the corner of Jimin's lips curled up just slightly enough to be playful as he leaned in for a quick steal of your lips.
"Thank you, honey." You giggled, losing the professionalism for a moment and he smiled at the sight. "Have you checked your messages?"
"No, I haven't. Why?"
"Jin hyung texted, demanding for some attention," he informed as he held out your phone that he stole an hour prior.
Seeing the screen lit up with text messages from the eldest, you chuckled in response. "I guess he'll be whiny if I don't give him what he wants, huh?"
"Can't blame him," he shrugged. "You're around me almost every part of the day while the rest of them sometimes only gets to see you before and after work." Your phone went off again, silently vibrating against his palm for just a moment. "It's Yoongi."
"We've got a meeting in half an hour, can I quickly check in on them afterwards?" You asked and Jimin nodded with no protests, giving you a soft kiss on your lips.
"Don't let them distract you though."
"Of course not," you giggled.
"Did you know that when a male penguin falls in love with a female penguin, he searches the entire beach just to find the perfect pebble to present to her?"
"Oh my gosh," you gasped, almost squealing at how cute it was as you began to imagine a scenario of cute penguins in love with each other. "How adorable!"
"Isn't it?" Taehyung bubbled from the other line of your phone call just as you had taken a right turn as you drove.
"Why do you know this?" You wondered with a soft laugh.
"I think back in primary school," he said.
"And it hadn't slipped your mind."
"Mmn." He laughed. "I remember it then, I used to have a crush on the teacher that told me this fact and I thought, you know, that she was hinting on the fact that I should go and find the perfect pebble for her because she liked me back. But turns out poor little Tae Tae was just dreaming in a delusional reality because she already had a boyfriend."
"Oof," you giggled, "how did poor little Tae Tae react?"
"He went to little Jimin and they cried together because little Jimin always hated seeing his soulmate cry."
"You guys are so cute!"
"You're not jealous?"
You chuckled. "Why would I be?"
"Because!" Taehyung exaggerated almost as if offended you weren't jealous of his story. "I learned that fact from another woman and I'll probably never forget her because it was that memorable."
"Tae, we're married. I'm your first and hopefully last wife so how are you ever going to forget me?"
"Oh crap, you're right." You laughed. "Wait, what do you mean hopefully you'll be my last wife as well? Are you doubting my love for you?"
His comments were amusing and you shook your head, smiling at how cute your husband was. "Hmm..I wonder," you teased.
"I'm telling you!" he declared, "No matter what happens, we're never letting you go so you better be prepared for what we have to offer."
"I was prepared the day I accepted your proposals," you told him and a look to your ring finger was enough to send butterflies your way.
You looked up again towards the road in front of you. There weren't many cars passing through, just about one or two but they were both going the opposite way of you. You hit your signal to make a right turn, pressing onto the breaks to slow down yet the pace of the car never did as you expected it to be and you frowned. You pressed the breaks again, and then again, and your heart began to race as your eyes widened with fear.
"Ooh you're smoother than I thought you'd ever be. You're catching on pretty well." The light tone in Taehyung's voice was the one thing that reminded you that there was still hope in the world, that one of the six of them had just been on the other line of your call and you bit your lower lip.
"T-Tae." Your voice came out more shaky than you expected, scared for your life.
"Yeah?" He replied casually, not realizing what you sort of situation you were in just yet.
"The breaks isn't working," you breathed.
"The breaks, Tae, it isn't working, I can't slow down!"
With your voice growing louder and tears escaping your eyes as your heart raced rapidly against your chest, Taehyung's heart stopped.
"Taehyung please, I..-" you choked, "what do I do?"
"Where are you?" He immediately asked. "Just stay calm for me okay, baby? Take deep breaths and-"
"I'm going to hang up."
"No." His heart began beating fast as he stood up abruptly. "No baby no, don't do that. Don't-"
"I love you," was the last thing he heard before the line was cut off and Taehyung flew out the doors to his office, legs running faster than ever before with his fingers punching against his phone to try and call you again.
He had no time to remember to warn the rest about what had just happened, mind with only thoughts of you and how he could get to you on time.
Hot tears fell from his eyes, blocking his views while he continued wiping them away so that he could see properly on where he was driving. A hard knot constricted his throat, making it hard to breath as his heart ached and his stomach contracted into a tight ball.
Taehyung was panicking, knuckles white from gripping onto the steering wheel way too tight and cars beeped at him for going way too fast but he couldn't care any less about anyone else when you, his baby, his wife, one of seven reasons why he continued to wake up every day, was out there somewhere alone and isolated with nowhere near help.
'I love you,' your voice echoed into his head and he shook his head vehemently.
No, no. It couldn't. It couldn't be. He couldn't even say it to you, to let you know that he loved you too and that—
Taehyung took a deep breath though it was so hard. He couldn't let himself think that way, if he did then it would mean...it would mean you wouldn't return to the seven of—
And that was when he remembered.
Right, seven.
He still hadn't informed them and they out of anyone else should know what was going on as well. Who cared about the company at the moment? You were in trouble for goodness sake.
"Y/N's in danger." He took no time to waste, taking a harsh turn that made the tires squeal in turn but he couldn't care.
"What do you mean Y/N's in danger?" Hoseok's brows furrowed, confused by the bitter taste in Taehyung's tone.
"Forget about going to that stupid meeting you have in less than ten minutes, Y/N's breaks stopped working on her way back here and now I can't get ahold of her and she's probably all alone out there with no one to help because that rode is away from the cities and isolated." He spat out a curse. "Hyung, I'm trying to get to her as soon as possible."
Normally Taehyung would never be so rude as to call Hoseok's meetings stupid but he was too worried and afraid for your life and at that point, none of them cared about his words lacking respect.
"I'll tell the rest and try to get ahold of her, just try to get there as soon as possible."
"What do you think I'm doing?"
It was harsh but understandable. "Taehyung."
"Be careful," Hoseok warned, feet already taking him away from the meeting room and leaving his assistant to blink in confusion. "I'm not going to lose you in an accident because of your careless driving."
"Hyung, what if," he cursed again, "what if Y/N-"
"I'm going to end this call right now and inform the rest but you are not allowed to think that way, do you hear me?"
"I..-" Taehyung took a deep shaky breath, running his forearm against his eyes for the hundredths time. "Okay," he said, sniffling. "Okay."
The call ended and in less than ten minutes, he was on the familiar road of where you were when you called him, head stretching out to search for someone, anyone. A car, your car. Whatever sign that told him that you were alright, that you were safe.
But he hated how he couldn't see anything.
There were no cars that drove by, a street not many frequented and he wondered where in the world you were. Were you safe? How were you safe if there weren't any drivers driving by and could have coincidentally stumble upon you? They could have phoned the police, the ambulance, anything.
But he heard no sirens, no distress cry that warned him a wreck was nearby.
Neither was his phone called by any paramedics as he had been the last person you were on the phone with.
He could only hope, hope that you would be okay. Even if that meant you'd end up in the hospital, even if it meant you'd get hurt. He could only pray that everything would turn out alright.
And then, he saw it.
A body sat on the side of the road opposite of him.
Your body.
He hit the breaks as soon as he was close enough and ran out the door as if his own life depended on it.
You looked up at his call, tears falling and falling from your precious cheeks and his heart shattered even more at the state you were in but he ran to you, crouched down, and pulled you into a tight hug while his own tears continued escaping from his eyes.
You were safe.
In his arms.
Crying and scratched with your clothes a bit dirty but safe.
So, so, safe. Safer than he could ever imagine.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," Taehyung repeated over and over again, words he never got to say before you hung up on him in the middle of the crisis and his heart had ached before you never did get to hear those words when you were alone and had no one else but yourself to rely on. "I love you so much."
The images of your body having to be wheeled into the emergency room fell from his mind as he held you close, crying yet hushing you gently as you cried inherent words against his chest, hands holding onto his blazer with a grip tighter than his because you could have lost your own life.
"It's okay, baby, I'm here now. I'm here."
He let you go just a little to have a look at how badly the incident had caused. Your white blouse were ripped from the sleeves, dirty, with signs of scratches that you had probably dived yourself out of the car just in time before it could crash and stop itself against a tree. The scratches fell down to your legs and when he touched your left foot, you winced in pain, tearing up all over again.
"Does it hurt?" He worried. "I'm so sorry. Help is coming soon, Hoseok should have called. They're on their way too so there's nothing to worry about right now. You're going to be alright, Y/N, we'll get you fixed up. They're just little scratches, you'll be better in no time. Anything else beyond that, we'll figure out a way to make it right again, you don't have to worry about a thing, my love."
"M-my car.." Crashed and ruined. Even if it could be repaired again, Taehyung wasn't going to let you ride in the one thing that could remind you of all of this.
"We'll get you a new one," he vowed but you shook your head, not wanting that from them.
"My phone..-" Probably lost and damaged in the wreck.
"We'll get you a new one," he repeated and you shook your head again.
"T-Taehyung...I was so scared," you sobbed and he pulled you in against him again, holding your head, rubbing soothing patterns, and giving you a soft kiss there.
"I know, baby, I know. It's okay now." Truth was Taehyung was way too terrified to imagine what had happened after you hung up on him but he wasn't going to tell you that. You needed the comforting more than anything and he vowed to be the bigger person as Hoseok was for him. "I'm right here, baby, I love you."
"I love you."
Barely a month into the marriage and he almost lost you but it was your body that he could feel as he held onto you with a secure hold, a promise of tomorrow, that kept him sane. It was when Hoseok held onto him later that night when he woke up unable to rest, crying against his husband's chest in the bathroom, that kept him alive.
You were alive.
Awake the next day, pressing a soft kiss against his forehead with a whisper of a soft thank you because he had gotten there before anyone else, had been the one to inform the rest. Because if it wasn't for him, who would have known how long it'd taken before they found out where you were and what had happened.
It was him that you thought of, reminding yourself that Taehyung knew, that Taehyung would run over in no time, and that you were going to be alright.
Because Taehyung knew.
So he leaned up to press a sweet and gentle kiss against your lips, careful not to hurt you, afraid you'd shatter like a fragile glass in his hold, and silently thanking the angels that had kept you safe.
"Y/N is that you?"
You turned around to come into a halt as your eyes widened at the sight in front of you, heart suddenly doing something you weren't quite fond of. "C-Chan..." You breathed, surprised by how much the years had changed him. "Wow, hello."
Years before your heart would have broken at just the sight of him alone and you wouldn't be able to face him without tearing up but now? Now that you've found seven lovers who promised to cherish and love you for the rest of your life? Your heart ached slightly but it wasn't anything that had to do with missing him as a lover. He was your childhood friend after all. And if you missed him, then it'd be as a friend who fell apart after what had happened.
"It's been years." He sighed at the sight of you, smiling softly as he studied you for a moment. Autumn had come, winter being so close by so you were beginning to wear thicker clothes as the seasons began to grow colder each passing year, a pretty white capelet coat with white furs surrounding its collar and sleeves, making you look so soft. You changed, you looked more beautiful but still had on that lovely smile that he always remembered back when the two of you were children. "How have you been?"
"I've been great!" You said with a bright smile and it almost made him falter to see you look so happy like that, moving onto a life without him in it.
"That's wonderful, Y/N," he chuckled. "You look a little too fancy for someone out casually grocery shopping."
"Do I?" You laughed, looking down at yourself. Ever since you've began dating your seven princes, they've done nothing but spoiled you rotten and clothes were definitely not an exception. You loved the coat though, a Christmas gift given one year from Taehyung.
"Listen..." Chan began to trail off and you watched how he bit his lower lip, looking a little too nervous.
You knew what was coming and quickly shut him down. "It's fine, Chan," you said almost too quick for his liking.
He looked up again, blinking. "What?"
"Whatever happened between us is all in the past."
"The past...right..."
He looked like he wanted something more, regret and guilt shown in his eyes and maybe if he was a few years earlier, you would have easily gave in but he wasn't. The years had long passed and you were completely over him, love given for others whom have stolen your heart.
Just as he was about to say something else, someone interrupted the two of you as your grocery bags were snatched right out of your hands, causing you to look back and find Yoongi frowning.
"What did I tell you about calling me over so that I can carry these things for you? You're not allowed to carry anything except your purse, Y/N, your hands should be free of heavy things," he scolded the second you met eyes.
You shook your head lightly, smiling because they were always like that even though what you had been carrying wasn't heavy at all.
But they always refused to let you give them excuses.
"Um..who's this?"
"Oh!" You almost forgot Chan was still there. "Um, Chan, this is Yoongi," you turned back around, introducing with an awkward smile, "my husband of two years."
Chan's eyes widened at your words and the mood grew uncomfortable all of a sudden, being stuck between a previous lover and one of your current lover.
"And who's he?" Yoongi asked, voice monotoned as he raised a brow, not completely liking the fact that your sentences were informal as if you knew the guy.
"Ah, my um..childhood friend."
"Oh." An uncomfortable silence passed for a moment before Yoongi let out a scoff, knowing exactly what you meant. Seokjin told them about your two previous lovers, the two both leaving you heartbroken in the end and now seeing him in person, Yoongi wasn't going to make sure the meeting would last for much longer. So he handed over a few bags from his right hand on over to his left and took your hand, clasping it tightly. "Anyways, we're busy so goodbye," he said bluntly and turned around, dragging you away with him.
You panicked for a moment, turning around and waving at your speechless childhood friend. "Um, b-bye! It was nice seeing you!"
"Nice my ass," Yoongi muttered, scoffing bitterly.
"Hey, be nice," you chided softly after turning back and the two of you walked on towards his car.
"You really want me to treat your exes with grace and kindness?" He raised a brow, asking curtly.
Your lips pressed together into a small pout. "I...I don't know," you shrugged, unsure because yes, he did hurt you, but he was also your friend before the whole relationship happened. "He sounded nicer," you said ruefully.
Yoongi rolled his eyes as he took out his keys to press the button that unlocked the car and opened the trunk. "Oh please, didn't you catch his eyes? The man totally wanted you back," he huffed, shutting the trunk close after putting the bags in.
"That's why I specifically told him that you were my husband," you told him, allowing him to open the door for you before getting in, "To make sure he knew I was completely over him."
"Still." A sigh left him as he leaned against his car, a pout resting on his lips.
"Don't be too mean," you laughed.
"Mean?" He raised a brow. "Imagine the maknaes were with you instead, or Jin hyung," he said. "They'd be all over you if they knew that was the childhood friend, showing affection out in the open where everyone else can see that you're clearly are taken, making that Chan even more envious."
"Ah," you bit your lower lip, "I guess you're right."
"Of course I'm right. But just because I'm not too into that pda crap," Yoongi said, head leaning in close to where his forehead met yours and your face began to flush, "doesn't mean I don't like claiming what's meant to be mine."
"Y-you.." you stammered, "you don't have to. He's already long gone and I'm long over him." A kiss to your lips and your cheeks reddened some more. "Yoongi there are people-"
"Being a husband is nice," he smirked. "If I were to still be your boyfriend, I don't think that would have shut him down so easily, he would have seen me as just a competition." Another kiss, a little longer, a little softer. "Good job though," he patted your head, "for telling him that I was your husband right away."
One last kiss, softer and gentler and sweeter, before he pulled away and closed your door, smirking with a light chuckling as he watched you from the window, sat in your seat with your face all flushed because he had just done that out in the open.
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"Can we have our wedding in Spring? And outdoors? I want an outdoor wedding in Spring. It'll be warm by then and the flowers will have bloomed and everything will be so pretty. Oh but," you paused, pouting as you realized something and they all look on over at you, wondering what was wrong. "Spring is so close and I've heard that wedding preparations can take quite a while to perfect everything. We're all so busy, I highly doubt we can get it all done that easily and then Spring will come to an end."
You sighed, letting yourself sit in front of your vanity as you took out a brush to run through your hair. "We can always have a Summer wedding," you said. "Or whenever preparations gets done," you shrugged not caring much for the date anymore as you met Namjoon's eyes from the mirror.
He walked on over with a soft smile on his face, resting his hands atop your shoulders and squeezing it lightly. "Whatever you want, baby, we'll get it done."
You made a face. "This isn't just my wedding, you know, you're in it too," you said, turning your chair around so that you could face him and look up with a pointed look, "I can't get married without my grooms."
"Of course not," he chuckled, pinching your cheeks gently. "We'll split up a few tasks, tackle this together. With the eight of us plus a few help, it won't take that long. We're used to big events and deadlines and so are you."
"And this is our event so it's even more important and special," Hoseok said nodding.
"Aren't you forgetting the fact that we're all so busy with the company already?"
Seokjin chuckled. "Since when have we let that stop us?"
"Don't think about the details just yet, Y/N," Jungkook told you. "If you want a Spring wedding then we'll make your dream come true."
You pouted. "But what about what you guys want?"
Taehyung smiled as he took your chin to let your lips meet his in a soft assuring kiss. "We're fine with whatever. Honestly."
"You sure?"
"Mhm," Yoongi nodded. "I'm just honestly looking forward to seeing you in a wedding dress," he admitted and you blushed just thinking about it.
"I can't wait," you breathed, smiling as you met all their gazes. "I love you so much."
"How was the cake tasting?"
"They were all so good," you whined when Jimin brought it up after you walked into his office to hand him the reports. You, Taehyung and Jungkook had gone to choose the cakes that morning and it was safe to say that you were all stuffed by the time it was all over. "Everything was sweet and pretty, I don't know what I'm gonna tell the wedding cake designer when we meet," you said, frowning.
"She's an expert," he reminded you, "she'll know what to design in the end after giving it a few ideas."
"I think I gained some weight after eating cakes all morning," you pouted, looking down at your tummy with a huff. "How am I gonna fit a wedding dress now?"
Jimin chuckled at your cuteness and stood up from his desk to walk around it and over to you, hands both tucked behind your waist as he pulled you in close. "Gain as much weight as you want, I don't care," he vowed sincerely with a smirk curling at his lips, "We'll still love you all the same."
You giggled, smiling into the kiss that he gave you. "Kookie said he's gonna go and burn some calories in the gym after work," you informed. "I planned on going with him and Taehyung but maybe I'll skip out."
"Good job," he smiled. "Do whatever you want, as long as you're happy."
"Should the cake be grand?" You asked. "Layered?"
"Of course," Jimin nodded. "The bigger the better."
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"You okay?"
"Hm?" You looked up towards the door where Seokjin walked into the bedroom just as you had gotten done changing into your nightgown. A confused glance was made his way as you wondered what he meant by that and why his brows were a little furrowed as he walked your way, settling himself onto the large bed.
"Yoongi told us what happened this afternoon," he said. "You met him again."
"Oh." You shook your head, laughing lightly as Seokjin held an arm out for you to sit onto his lap, accepting it without a word. "There's no need to mention him anymore," you told him. "It's all in the past."
"I just thought, you know," Seokjin shrugged, "since you looked a little upset the last time you spoke about him. How he left you scarred."
Your heart melted at how considerate he was for you so you leaned in to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "I promise you, I am beyond over that. I've got you guys now, what more do I need?"
He chuckled, not able to stop himself from kissing you. "Good," he sighed. "I don't want any other man occupying your thoughts."
"Don't worry," you grinned, "they're all claimed by the seven of you."
࿐ ᶠ ˡ ᵃ ˢ ʰ ᵇ ᵃ ᶜ ᵏ
"Y/N? Why are you awake?"
At first Jungkook had woken up with the idea of needing to use the restroom but then he found you nowhere in bed and saw a silhouette outside the balcony doors. So when he opened it and found you resting your forearm against it, a warm cardigan hung over your shoulders as you looked up at the stars, he could only wonder what had gone wrong.
You weren't one to usually wake up in the middle of the night just to watch the stars. Sure your love for the stars were big but you loved your extra hours of sleep more than that.
"Something wrong?" He asked as he walked in further after you turned your head around and remained silent. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you from behind, feeling your body colder than it should have been. "You're freezing, baby," he shivered. "What's wrong, hm? Tell my what's wrong, baby."
There was a clear sign that he had recently woken up, voice groggy and tired yet Jungkook was clear on not heading back to bed unless he made sure you were alright again.
"I can't sleep," you told him, leaning back against him to welcome his cozy warmth. "I had a nightmare."
"Mhm," he pressed his nose into your neck, trying to warm more of your cold body, "want to talk about it?"
"No," you shivered as a chilly night breeze passed by though he could probably guess it was one of the few nights where you'd dream of the accident all over again. They had come around less and less as the months passed but that didn't mean you could ever forget. "Wanna sleep," you pouted.
"Then come on," Jungkook said, beginning to tug you along back into the bedroom.
"But the nightmares." Even as you whined, you still followed his steps back in, feeling too sleepy to remain stubborn especially when the night breeze was too chilly to handle.
So you let him pull you back into bed where the two of you laid in between Seokjin and Yoongi.
"It's okay," Jungkook whispered as softly as possible, "I'll fight the bad dreams off for you."
You snickered in a gentle tone. "And how will you do that?"
"By singing you to sleep."
A smile was quick to light up your face at his suggestion and without any hesitation, you let Jungkook hold you against him, lying onto his chest and having you listen to his heartbeat. Not long after the two of you settled into each other's warmth, Jungkook's soft voice was whispered into the night as he sang a lullaby for you.
Listening to his heartbeat on one side while your other ear was blessed with his voice, you fell back to sleep sooner than you thought you would.
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"Y/N, it's three am, what are you doing up so early and..." Namjoon blinked though his eyes were still clear with drowsiness accompanied by a cute bed head, "..cooking...?"
You giggled as he walked further into the kitchen, greeting his tired self with a ruffle on his head as he let out a cute yawn. "I couldn't sleep," you told him. "I woke up and tried to go back to sleep but I was too awake and energized to dream again."
"So you decided to make pancakes."
"Yup," you nodded, exaggerating the last sound with a pop. "Doesn't it smell nice?"
He didn't answer but you were far too excited on your own to worry about it so you returned to the pan to flip two pancakes. There was soft upbeat music in the background and Namjoon shook his head, chuckling at the sight of his wife up so early in the morning flipping pancakes with nothing but an oversized grey hoodie that belonged to Jungkook.
You were quite the sight, pretty and adorable.
He walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and allowed you to sway the both of you from side to side while you hummed to the beat of the music.
"Hey, if you're going to have a party, you can't just not wake us up."
The two of you turned around to find Hoseok walking in followed by Jimin who let out a grumpy huff with hands stuffed inside the pocket of his hoodie.
"It's not a party," you insisted, "it's a late night snack I'm having."
"Even worse!" Hoseok pouted with a whine and you and Namjoon giggled.
"You can join if you want," you invited with a cute grin plastered on your face. For moments before, Jimin wanted to scold you for waking up so early just for that but who could get mad at such a sweet face?
"You're lucky you're cute," he said huffingly and your head tilted back, colliding with Namjoon's shoulder as you laughed. "What are you doing up anyways?"
"Y/N here can't fall asleep," Namjoon informed with a ruffle of your hair.
"So you guys decided to wake us all up by being loud?"
At the new voice, the four of you all turned to watch Seokjin walking in as he pouted, a clear tired expression plastered on his face.
"I'm so sorry," you quickly said, "it was my fault, don't blame the rest. We'll be more quiet so you can head back to sleep if you can."
"And miss all of this?" He scoffed stubbornly and took his seat next to Jimin, "No way."
Hoseok laughed. "You pretend to be mad but you love us anyways."
"Doesn't make you any less annoying," the eldest retort with rolled eyes.
"Is that pancake I smell?"
"At three in the morning?"
"Heck yeah!"
Jungkook and Taehyung both filed in no sooner than later and soon the kitchen was filled with all of your husbands. All but one who was a heavy sleeper and loved his sleep just like you.
"Is everyone awake now?" Jimin asked with a yawn.
"Yoongi isn't," Jungkook replied.
"Should we wake him up?" Taehyung asked.
"I think babygirl should do it, don't you think?" Seokjin said with a small raised brow and a smirk your way. "You're the reason we woke up after all."
A hesitant blush your way with Hoseok stealing the spatula from your hand and them pushing you out of the kitchen, you were left to sigh without a protest, dragging your feet up the stairs towards your shared room.
Even though you were the one to always leave the bed later than everyone else, Yoongi could get a bit grumpy when he's woken up unexpectedly — especially on purpose when there was nothing important to wake up to.
Nothing a few kisses and cuddles couldn't fix.
So you opened the door to find Yoongi alone, looking small against the large bed that took up a lot of space in the master bedroom. A soft smile curled along your lips as you walked up to him and bent down, shaking him lightly.
"Hey, Yoongi?"
You didn't get very far.
Not before he had grabbed your arm and pulled you right into his hold where his body held you tightly.
"What?" He grunted.
"You're heavy," you whined at his body weight but still he wouldn't move.
"You love it," His voice was deep and low, tired and groggy and you were already starting to feel bad for waking him up. "Well?" He asked, urging you to go on from what you wanted to tell him. Instead of answering him, however, you remained quiet to just listen to his soft breathing, the warmth given off by him suddenly making you sleepy. "Here because you want me to join your little party downstairs?"
"How'd you know?"
"Not hard to tell," Yoongi said, "they're pretty loud."
They definitely were. The two of you could hear their complaints and booming voices and laughter all the way from the kitchen to the bedroom.
You laughed lightly and he mirrored your amusement. "Not complaining?" You asked.
"Not going to convince me?" He remarked.
"I don't know," you shrugged, moving in closer to his warmth and he allowed you without protest, "I like it here."
"They're going to know something is up if you don't return soon."
You frowned. "Are you trying to kick me out?"
"No," he chuckled in a deep tone, soft and soothing, "I'm trying to keep you to myself for a moment," he said, "just until they all come barging in and ruin this peaceful quiet time."
"Mmn," you giggled, "you're so greedy."
"So are you."
You responded with a whisper of an 'I love you' and he replied with a kiss on your forehead to say the same thing.
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
There they were. A little late, a little early. You didn't know what to mark it as but as they barged in, you and Yoongi remained holding onto each other before Taehyung excitedly jumped onto the bed and pouted.
"You love us too yet you're ditching us for more sleep?"
"Weren't you too energized to go back to sleep?"
"How dare you?"
Yoongi simply laughed while you left his arms to quickly sit up and try to defend yourself.
"No, no! I didn't mean it I promise!" You insisted. "It was just so warm and soft and Yoongi was holding onto me so tightly and I loved the feeling and..-" You met their disapproving look and your eyes fell, pouting. "I'm sorry."
"Stop it, it's not fair."
You blinked as you looked up at Jungkook. "What?"
He grabbed your face, squishing it against the palm of his hands with a cute pout of his own. "You're too cute to stay mad at!" He chided and you fell back against Yoongi as you laughed. "You can get away with anything with just this face alone, it isn't fair."
"Actually, I think it's quite a gift," you replied with a playful grin and they were upset because they couldn't actually stay upset.
"See what you've done, Jimin?" Taehyung glared at the other 95 liner, "She's caught up to us. I told you Y/N isn't the same girl we first met years ago."
"What? It's Jin hyung's fault too!"
"Nah, I'd say she's still the same," Namjoon stated with a soft scoff. "Watch this."
You didn't know what he meant by that but the next thing you knew, Namjoon had caught ahold of your chin, tilting your head to meet him before soft yet passionate lips fell upon your own. A kiss that had his tongue dancing along your lower lip before it entered at your gasp and had you gripping tightly onto the sheets below you.
When he pulled away to give the both of you the breath of air you needed, you were left lightheaded and quickly fell back against Yoongi's hold to hide your blushing red face against the crook of his neck.
Chuckles escaped them at the sight and Namjoon licked his lips with a smirk. "See?"
"Cute," Seokjin commented with a grin. "Remember when we first kissed?" You whined against Yoongi and stomped your little feet in protest. "Gosh, Y/N was the cutest thing ever with her eyes so big and round and cheeks so flushed," he continued either way.
"Remember when you first came over?" Jimin added. "Or when we first shared a bed?"
"And the first time you had to stay over because the blizzard outside was too harsh?" Taehyung said.
"Guys, stop it," you whined, "I already embarrass myself enough, stop bringing the embarrassing memories back."
"Embarrassing? Y/N, they were precious," Yoongi insisted gently as he trailed his fingers along your jawline to get you to face them again. You did it with bits of hesitation and they almost melted in sight. "So, so precious," he said as he placed an assuring kiss to your temple.
"I still can't believe someone like you fell in love with us in the first place."
Your brows furrowed at Hoseok's words. "What are you talking about? You were like the most sought out men of the industry even though the relationship between the seven of you was clear from the beginning. You were so untouchable someone like me was lucky to even breath the same air as you."
He chuckled. "No, Y/N. You didn't know it then but from the first moment we saw you, something about you was different and special. You only proved to us each day with your hard work and efforts that what we saw then was not a mistake."
"So we started to observe you more as time when on," Jungkook said. "That's why Jimin and Jin both started to flirt around, eventually moving on to flirt with others to try and grab your attention."
"But you always acted so unfazed," Jimin pouted.
"That's because I had to remain professional," you remarked. "Plus how was I supposed to know you took an interest in me then?"
"That's the problem, Y/N," Namjoon sighed. "You're always stuck in this little head of yours, thinking you aren't good enough or pretty enough but you are, and you are so much more than that."
"And a little braver than we imaged you'd ever be," Taehyung smirked as he was reminded of something. "You were the one who took the initiative after all, confessing your true feelings first hand."
You blushed thinking about that moment. "I was drunk."
"On sleep," he laughed. "Still, your sleepy self was braver than any of us could ever be at that time."
"And we love you," Seokjin smiled as he leaned in to place a sweet kiss on your lips. "So much."
You returned the smile, heart fluttering. "I love—" you gasped, suddenly realizing you had forgotten something and they all gave you a confused gaze. "The pancakes!" You jumped out of bed, groaning as you slipped on your slippers. "Aw man, my late night fun time is all ruined because you guys decided to love me."
Jimin scoffed. "Did you not like that?"
You stopped yourself before you could run off towards the door and down the kitchen, feigning an innocent smile their way as you leaned up to press a quick kiss on Jimin's lips. "I love you!" You said and bounced away, leaving them to frown at your absence.
Not long after, however, their heads came popping into the kitchen, too awake to return to sleep now.
"It's gotten cold," you pouted as you turned to them, showing them the plate of pancakes that would have made the perfect early breakfast snack if they hadn't lost their heat. "I'm gonna cry."
"Really now?" Namjoon chuckled.
"We can make some more," Jungkook suggested, not liking the idea of heating them up in the microwave because microwaves scared him.
"But then these will all go to waste," you said.
"It's okay, you didn't make that much in the first place because you thought it'd just be you," Hoseok said pointing out and you nodded.
"Okay," you sighed. "Let's make another batch for the eight of us then!"
And so you got to working with a bit of help, adding in berries and chocolate, each batch with a little something different so that you could all choose whatever you wanted to eat. It was fun, being up so early in the morning with nothing to do for another hour until you had to get ready for work. Together. You and them.
Back then you'd always wonder on the thoughts of why they had chosen you, what they had seen in you in the first place. And sometimes you did find yourself going back to those thoughts.
"You know," you said as you all sat around the dinner table, "sometimes I wonder why you choose to enjoy these kinds of food when you can be enjoying those exquisite dishes that they always serve at those parties. You know, like the rich people you are?"
"It's good once in a while," Jimin said with a light shrug, "but we prefer this because it's better, it's more, it's true and it's made with love. It's made of your love. Our love."
And when Taehyung fed you a slice of the blueberry pancakes on his plate, you smiled because you understood.
You didn't have to be perfect to be loved by them (though they always insisted you were perfect), you didn't have to be the prettiest or the most hard working or whatever anyone previous had always told you. All you had to do was stay true to your heart and love them with your true heart.
It didn't have to always be pretty as long as it was you and them in the end.
A love stronger than the day before but less than the next.
With a promise of tomorrow and more tomorrows to come.
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lydiamoved · 4 years
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“the mycologist” is a short story influenced by a 2021 news story of a man who accidentally sends himself to the hospital after injecting himself with shrooms. in this story we follow anne, a mycologist who becomes obsessed with the idea of injecting herself with the insides of fungi - an obsession that costs her her job, as well as some of her humanity. you can read it below - i hope you enjoy!
She knew the risks, as did everyone else. Hell, she could still hear them warning her against what she was planning to do, the way their faces contorted in some strange disgust that was foreign to her – and her line of study.  
Mycology – that’s what the glass paneling of her building said, proudly and in large bold letters. Mycology, and here she was, the head of the department, the dictionary of fungi for all the others who worked underneath her and couldn’t be bothered to remember certain names or attributes. Really, it moved her, the number of doctors and specialists she oversaw day-in and day-out, who paled instantly in comparison to her; everyone who watched her and clapped for her and worshipped her, all turned to cardboard cutouts whenever she opened her mouth, their own words made into a slurry of syllables until she left and allowed them to go back to their meaninglessness. But also, it annoyed her, how these soup-mouthed, so-called specialists, stared at her when she announced her plans. How they all, every last one of them!, managed to wipe the smile off her face with the way they gawked and waited for her punchline.  
“I’m going to inject myself with a fungus,” and? Must it always be followed by an and? It frustrated her, the need for clear-cut results and outcomes, and for once, for once, she would kill to experience a project with a bit of danger! When their reactions greeted her, she became even more determined, the days slowly bleeding into each other as she worked every hour she could, until every hour felt and looked the same. A month had passed, and she had not yet discovered that her eyesight had begun to dim, or that the cramp in her hand was permanent. Her working days, which was every day, were now accompanied by the grumbles of her coworkers, the way they said her name – Anne, in that sighed out way that meant pity. Their sympathy, she knew, was false and forced, a little lie they hoped she wouldn’t detect out of her own desperation.  
She saw through all of them, and they knew.
Naturally, after the condolences had gone around, she was asked into the Dean’s office for a short, friendly conversation. The request made her feel cold, and the walk to the office chilled her to the bone. She stared at pale yellow walls that fell into a mossy, moldy green. The chair she sat in scratched at her legs when she shifted, the fur feeling more like torture than comfort. The air felt stiff, the discomfort building in her arms and chest until she needed to scream. She felt her jaw unclench, forcefully, and her mouth pry itself open bit by bit, until her tongue went cold with a flood of fresh air, and –
Reality flooded back to her, and she looked up. “That’s me,” and the woman in front of her nodded and gave her the go ahead, a shaky smile. Anne got up from her seat and went into the office, where another scratchy seat waited for her. This time, she didn’t sit; her nails slid into the wooden frame of the chair as if they belonged there, and she stood tense.
The Dean was an older woman, kind in her voice and kinder with her actions. She sat behind the desk that shielded her from acts of passion, but she welcomed any warm response, often initiating the hug or bundle of tissues. Today, she hoped, there would be reason to celebrate, and so she began with a smile.  
“You’re one of our top professors. I hope you know that.”  
She knew. She nodded.
“We don’t want to have to let you go,” and the Dean paused, taking a breath and looking down at her notes as if she forgot something. But, “But, you’re scaring some of the other professors.”
Anne’s chest tightened.
“I can’t begin to tell you how many reports we have, detailing the same behavior.”
Anne’s hands began to shake, her own words slow from her mouth.
The Dean continued, “if you resign, I’ll write you a recommendation letter to anywhere. I will make sure you get an outstanding position, I promise you –” and the rest of her words sounded like background noise. Anne’s ears flooded with static, her nails digging into the chair until they splintered instead of the wood. She heard very little afterwards: something about being transferred, the promise of being remembered, a very short you just can’t work here anymore, and all she could do was nod. The Dean waited a moment, and then stood from her seat behind her desk. “I hope you understand,” and when Anne nodded again, “we’ll be in touch, okay? All you need to do is secure another position and leave the rest to me.” A hand touched Anne’s shoulder, a little slow to deliver the comfort it was supposed to give, and then it was gone. Anne was shuffled out of the building, the door closing behind her, as quick as she had arrived.
The position she was promised came within a month or two of being asked to leave, and within this month Anne had found herself once again. This job wasn’t based around fungi – her old Dean had recommended something less science-based, for fear of Anne becoming knee-deep in her obsession once more, and so she had traded in her laboratory space for a cubicle, the goggles and lab coat for a nice suit and ballpoint pen, and she settled down once more for an occupation that made her fingers cramp and her mind shrink with disinterest. But the obsession never left her mind; it left a stain between her brain and her mouth, forcing itself between every other interest and her work. She found herself sketching down her plans, her desktop now full of searches of the easiest growing mushrooms, of the fastest growing, the slowest, and so forth. Orders were made, buttons clicked, and boxes shipped to where she lived, and her obsession slowly came into fruition. Her home was now a laboratory in its own right, a little makeshift in design, but it worked all the same: in one corner, a long table held six different bottles of various lengths, each filled with some strangely colored liquids; near her door, the lab coat she threw on whenever she got home, waited patiently for her arms to run through its sleeves; on the kitchen stove and counters, where food should have been, were boxes of that were labeled “FRAGILE” on their sides.  
Anne got home from work a little later than she had wanted and got to work immediately. First, she was to pick which fungi she would use. Lion’s mane was too loose and willow-like, it would be irritating to touch, she thought. Mealy tooth, Hydnellum ferrugineum, was too ugly for her to even consider. Slowly, she went through a list, Amanita franchetii, Calocera cornea, until she finally found the one she wished to take and inject. A beautiful thing, more beautiful than the others she had liked, Hydnellum peckii, Devil’s Tooth, with droplets that exuded from its pink and fertile undersurface. Not poisonous, but not exactly edible, it was perfect – something safe, something that won’t kill her, something that would change her body, but leave her virtually unharmed and unscathed. The other fungi were unpacked and planted in their own respective pots, and the Devil’s Tooth was left in its packaging, where it would wait until its time had come to be poked and prodded.
Second came the experiment itself. Her hypothesis was written out, I predict that when injected with fungi, Hydnellum peckii, I will gain some attributes of this fungi, and now all Anne needed to do was prove herself right. She grabbed a tourniquet from her table, wrapping it around her arm until a vein was visible. Then came the sterilization of her skin, a little gauze drenched in rubbing alcohol, then her skin was made shiny with the new cold dampness. A syringe, fresh and sterile, was brandished against one of the fungi's droplets, and she pulled the handle towards her. Red, strawberry-blood liquid filled the syringe almost immediately, and she smiled to herself, a mutter of finally on her tongue. Finally, finally, finally, the needle was steadily pushed against her skin, into the vein – Anne winced, a little bit of ache worked through – and the contents were emptied into her bloodstream.
Immediately, there was calm. And immediately, Anne bent forwards over her table, the empty syringe dropping to the floor and her hands slamming on the wood. Pain coursed through her body, uncomfortable, and yet it felt as if it belonged there, and then settled. Her mouth was open, as if waiting for a yell or scream to leave, but it never came. Slowly, she straightened out, and began to clean up.
Three days had passed since her experiment, and disappointment was beginning to set in. There had been no results, or anything visible, so to say, from the fungi, except for a bit of nausea that came and went. Anne had gone to work, the same as any other day, and returned home to check her face, her arms and legs, for any sign of change, and then - same as always: nothing new to log. Quickly, she became frustrated. She considered giving up her profession altogether and committing herself to her new mundanity. She thought heavily about throwing away her syringes and beakers, her notebooks and experiment notes, and for once in her career, she felt uneasy. This failure, if she were quick to call it that, felt wrong. Anne checked her notes. She checked her measurements and rechecked after that. Everything was correct, everything was done in the right order, with nothing left behind or overdone, so why was there no change?
 A week had passed since her experiment, a week of mundane living. Nothing but a few aches here and there plagued Anne, and nothing was written down as interesting or special. However, on the beginning of the new week, the normalcy broke. It started faint and almost as nothing, with a bit of red pus oozing from her neck in the shape of a burst pimple. Immediately she was excited for this - something new, something fresh! It was underneath her jaw, the red river that flowed from her skin and stained almost everything she touch, and proved itself to be more of a nuisance than anything. Then the aches and pains started again, this time a bit stronger than before. Soon, she was unable to stand for longer than a few moments without being attacked in her side by a sharp jolt. Within the week, the red oozing spot grew larger, and the pains more frequent, often knocking Anne off her feet and sending her to lay in her bed, where she felt most comfortable and relaxed. Beneath her sheets was warm and soft, the perfect place to house her body just in case any other effects decided to come when she least expected them. Her occupation was forgotten, her mind taken up with how her body finally reacted to the fungi, how her hands shook when she attempted to write in her journal, how her eyes watered when she managed to stand for a mere few moments. Despite these changes, and despite the pain she felt, Anne enjoyed every moment of it. She reveled in the fact that she, herself, had done something deemed impossible and – more importantly – proven her old coworkers wrong. Now, Anne was correct in her experiment. She was correct, and she knew herself to be better than those who shamed her.
After another week, these effects had stopped. The oozing went away overnight, as if it had never happened, and the pains had subsided. She was expected to be at work once more, a duty neglected over the last few days in favor of her own experiments and thoughts. Returning was a dreadful deed, unwanted and frankly unneeded, but she did it anyways. She could barely focus to the words of anyone, to her customers who called or the coworkers who spoke to her or in her general direction. Curiosity had overtaken her, and slight disappointment had replaced the excitement she had felt once again. Why had the fungi’s effects only lasted for a week? She thought, both to herself and to any coworker who would allow her to tell them of the events. Why did they not continue? Why did they stop so suddenly? These questions puzzled her and even troubled her, making Anne scratch her head with a fierceness. Then, a curiosity overtook her: what if she injected herself with too little of the substance? What if she needed more, in order to experience full, more robust effects? Then another thought overtook her: what if she mixed the fungi with another, different specimen? What would happen then? Would she remain as human as she was now, or would she transform entirely into some pain-filled, oozing mess?  
Once work had ended, once Anne had reached home, the curiosity took hold of her once more. It seeped into her bones and sat in her skull like some old friend, banging against her brain - the interest, the intrigue, made her dizzy until she returned to the boxes of fungi, returned to the putrid and smelly things, and grabbed the first one that caught her eye: Hygrophorus eburneus, Cowboy’s Handkerchief. Because of the other fungi packed along with it, this one smelled putrid, the scent filling Anne’s nose and making her cheeks bulge. She wretched and gagged as she removed it from the box, the waxy head brushing against her hands and adding more to the discomfort she already felt. But here she was, consumed with curiosity, with want, and so she pushed through it. Again, she remade her laboratory in her home. Again, she sterilized a syringe and needle, and again she wrapped her arm with tourniquet and carefully, slowly, watched as the syringe inhaled the waxy substance inside the fungi. Then, she watched as the needle-syringe expelled the substance into her ready vein. This time, the effects hit quicker than the first. In an instant, a burning sensation filled her arm, and the wound where the needle penetrated spewed some red-white goo. Anne bent over once more, a pain filling her abdomen and then slowly crawling through her entire body; she opened her mouth and spittle dripped from the side of her lips. She screamed, silently, then lowered her body to the floor, and then, something strange happened - she laughed.
Anne laughed, gentle at first, then a bit louder as she gripped her stomach. Her nails dug into her skin, adding to the pain she already felt, and to stop laughing felt worse than anything she’d ever felt. Anne laughed, and from the needle-syringe wound, still spouting red-yellow ooze, grew a new plant. This intrigued Anne, just as the original oozing had intrigued her. Once again everything else was neglected, and this new plant became her only priority; she watched over it, cared for it the same as she would care for any plant. Once again, she found herself sinking back into bed due to pains that afflicted her, and once again the oozing returned, her own humanity thrown away for the fungi she injected herself with. She found herself calling out of work too often, and her supervisor calling her home even more so.  
“Anne,” she would always begin with a sigh, “you cannot just abandon your desk.” And she would rant on how good workmanship was required for this position, and she would question if Anne actually wanted this second chance at a normal, mundane job. Anne would laugh at her, sometimes under her breath, sometimes aloud.  
“I’m doing great things,” she would tell her supervisor. “I am doing things you can only dream of doing, and I won’t be persuaded into coming back there.”
Her supervisor sighed again, then would hang up the phone without another word or thought. Within the week, Anne received another call that she had been fired, and would be required to pick up her things sooner rather than later.
Finally, Anne thought, she was free to focus on her mission. Finally, she was free to document her fleeting humanity, the plant that grew from her side growing stronger and healthier and more beautiful each day, the oozing becoming almost unbearably putrid as it gushed from her neck. Soon more syringes found their way inside her veins, filled with puss and ooze and gushing stuff from other fungi. She digested the leaves of raw plants, even split them open and drank the water from inside them. Anything she could do to consume them, to speed up the effects, Anne would try, until finally she realized she could no longer. When the pain had become too great, when the way she doubled over caused a permanent stitch in her side, she stopped. When the plant that grew from her broke off and attached itself to her foot, where it grew multiple different children, she stopped. When her humanity had found its final leg, and she was bedridden due to the pain, to the way bile rose and down in her throat whenever she stood up and tried to walk, Anne’s experiment was complete.
Still, she laughed. When she vomited red and white ooze, she laughed. Underneath her warm sheets, covered in a thin layer of sweat and puss, she laughed to herself, until new plant matter and fungi grew inside her throat, and she could laugh no longer.
38 notes · View notes
clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
HERE FOR YOU || Jurdan College AU Pt. 2
Warnings: None. Swearing maybe?
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @aesthetics-11​ @hizqueen4life​ @duarteegreenbriar​ @mysweetvilllain​ @judexcardanxgreenbriar​ @nite0wl29​ @althekingshorses​ @thewickedkings​ @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover​ @thesirenwashere​ @b00kworm​ @acourtofmoonlight​ @queen-of-glass​ @random-llama-socks​ @jurdanhell​ @cardan-greenbriar-tcp​ 
[if I forgot to tag anyone or if you want to be tagged let me know!]
Summary: After finding a very ill and feverish Jude, Cardan takes her to the doctor. And deals with her usual stubbornness.
HFY Masterlist      Pt 1   Pt 2   Pt 3   Pt 4 [coming soon] 
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Cardan had never liked doctors. When he was a little kid, his mother had to apologize several times because he kept glaring and calling them creepy warlocks, claiming they cured people using potions that stunk and had a sour flavor. And even though he’d got over that phase of his life, the scent of medicine still gave him a slight skittish sensation. 
Now, after nearly an hour of waiting he was definitely not enjoying himself, except that this time he couldn’t quite tell if the feeling was because of the smell or not knowing what the doctor was telling Jude, making his muscles tense more with every minute that passed.
One part of him wished nothing more than yell at her for being so reckless and not seeking for help earlier. 
The other part though, kept thinking about that morning.  
He and Jude had agreed to meet every monday and  friday at 9:00 am to work on their final project. At the beginning their meetings had place at the school’s library, since they didn’t talk much. Not because he didn’t want to, of course. But after years of confronting Jude at class, he’d learn to give her space when she focused on something. And maybe because she was a little scary too. 
Within time, her frowning glares became curious eyes and her monosyllabic answers, full conversations.
By the third month, they had to look for a new place to meet. The library’s manager, tired of scolding them at least six times a day for talking and laughing too loud, had forbid them to enter the building together. Or being together in there at all.  
That’s how they ended up in a coffee shop near the campus. The place was small and cozy. The owner, an old sweet lady called Joanne, prepared the best cappuccinos Cardan had ever tasted. 
That morning though, he hadn’t been able to take a sip of his beverage. The two cups of coffee steaming on the table seem to mock him as he alternated his gaze between them and the door, waiting for her to arrive. His leg bounced uneasily and he felt his hands sweatier than usual.
 He glanced at the clock. 9:20 am. She was already twenty minutes late. Jude was never late. 
From the kitchen, Joanne whistled cheerfully the song that came out from the speakers. An italian song he couldn’t identify. When her eyes crossed Cardan’s she smiled and gave him an encouraging nod. He shifted on his seat, looking down at the small bunch of flowers he’d bought. The white peonies and daisies rested smoothly on the wooden table.  
Damn her. Of all days, she’d chose this one to be late.
When he woke up that morning, he was thoroughly decided to finally come clean. To finally tell Jude he was in love with her.
He sent her another message. Nothing. 
He called her. No answer. Again. 
Had she forgotten? 
Impossible, they met there twice a week. 
The only possible option left in his mind was that she’d remembered. And didn’t care.  
Anger pooled on his stomach. What an idiot he felt now. They had an agreement, imposed by her by the way, of letting the other one know about any inconvenience. Was he really that insignificant for her he didn’t deserve a simple notice? 
Bottle it up, he said to himself.
That’s when he remembered she’d been absent from class those last two days too. Even professor Noggle asked about her, a thing he didn’t do with most of the students. 
Cardan frowned. In a swift move he stood and walked out. 
He left the money for the coffee on the table, and the flowers next to it. 
The door opened, bringing him back to the present. As Jude walked out of the consulting room, he noticed her pallor had decreased. Not enough to relax him, but it was something. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, raising to stand next to her. 
She shrugged. “Better, I told you it was nothing. Let’s go.”
“Ah ah,” The doctor started, closing the door behind him. “That’s not exactly what I said young lady.”
Cardan frowned at her. Seriously? Her only answer was a deep sigh and rolling eyes. 
“My exact words were that it didn’t seem like something too serious or life-threatening. Not that it was nothing.” He took a prescriptions block out of his coat and scrawled something in the front page. Jude groaned.  “It’s most likely a severe stomach flu, aggravated by the days it was left untreated. But since the fever was strong, I’d like to wait and see if it settles now.”
“Most likely?” Cardan repeated, his brows pulled together in a frown. What had he paid this clown for, then? 
“Well it’s always good to scrap any other possibility, I took a blood sample from miss Duarte so I can send it to the lab. But I don’t believe it will show any other result.”
He nodded. “So what now? We just wait?”
“Cardan.” Jude mumbled. He didn’t move his eyes from the doctor.
“Pretty much.” He handed him the prescription. “She got an injection for the temperature already. Here are scripted some pills she’ll need to take for the next three to five days, to help with the nausea. And of course, lots of water and electrolytes.”
“Thank you, I’ll get those right away.” She said as she snatched the paper from Cardan’s hand and put it away. 
“Miss Duarte, I’ll recommend you to stay under observation the next two days. Just in case the fever returns and you need immediate assistance.” 
“Of course.” Jude answered nonchalantly, already reaching for the exit. “I’ll let my sister know so she can come over. Thanks.”
Back on his car he drove in silence. ‘Never let me go’ by Florence + The Machine sounded low on the radio. With closed eyes, Jude leaned towards the open window, her brunette locks flying wildly around her head. 
Cardan glanced sidewards at her, forcing himself not to linger too much on her slightly parted lips. His mind went back to the moment she’d collapsed in his arms. Cheeks flushed and burning up in heat. Even if he never admitted it out loud, she’d scared the hell out of him. 
He pulled his attention back to the road and cleared his throat. “I thought both of your sisters were out of town. Is any of them back? I can call them if you like.”
Jude ignored his question. After a moment of silence she whispered. “Why are you doing this?” 
Cardan shrugged.  “It’s a little bit obvious isn’t it?” She quirked an eyebrow at him. “You have our full project on your laptop, Duarte. And it has a password. If you die, then how on earth am I supposed to recover it?”
A punch landed on his arm, followed by a soft chuckle. “Ass. And you don’t need to call anyone. It’s not necessary.”
“Meaning?” Now it was his turn to scowl.
“Meaning,” She sighed. “That I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you already did more than enough. Besides you’re right, my sisters are far far away from here, right where they should.” 
He couldn’t believe his ears. Earning a honk from the car behind them, Cardan pushed the brake, leading the car aside so it could fully stop on the sideway. 
“Hey, calm down Toretto!” She shouted raggedly, grabbing the door handle for support. “What the fuck!?”
“What the fuck? That’s exactly what I’m asking you, Duarte!” Now he could fully turn to face her incredulous stare. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You passed out a couple of hours ago, you were burning up in fever. Do you realize that? Apparently not, because despite the recommendations, you still insist on not listening!” 
An exasperated sigh left his lungs. He grabbed the wheel tighter, trying to ease the growing pool of rage inside him. Calm down. He’d spent his life telling himself to calm down. Being terrible at expressing his feelings, he was used to get irritated every time he faced pain, or fear. Or pretty much anything, actually. But gods, how could she be so stubborn? 
Jude pressed her mouth into a thin line and looked down, her hands twisting faintly on her lap. She was indeed nervous about whatever illness loomed in her body, he noticed, trying to ignore the lips he so badly wanted to tug between his. 
“I’ll stay with you.” The words left his lips before he fully realized it. 
“You what? Don’t be rid-”
“The doctor said you needed to be under supervision.” He answered turning back to the road, and put his car on march again. She was probably giving him some murdering glare that he prefered to elude. “So you have two options sweetheart, either you let me stay at your place or you come back to mine, but a frat house it’s not exactly a place to rest. You are, by no means, staying alone.”
Half a second later, even the radio was muffled by her incessant ranting. Hardly determined to convince him of doing otherwise. 
Cardan just drove.
When he parked next to her building the sun was already setting. 
With her arms firmly folded across her chest Jude hadn’t stopped gritting her teeth all the way back. This was madness, she repeated to herself over and over. 
The man showed up out of nowhere, took her to the doctor, paid for her medicine and now wanted to stay in her apartment? No fucking way. 
The problem now, was that if there was anyone on earth even more stubborn than her, it was Cardan. A man that no matter how many times she asked him to just leave her on the sidewalk and leave, was now walking up the stairs next to her. A satisfied grin on his perfect charming face. If she didn’t feel as weak at the moment she’d slapped his way out of the place. 
Once inside she left the medicines and the gatorades on the table and turned to him. 
“For the hundredth time, Cardan. You don’t have to stay, everything is under control and I’m not feveri- what’s that?” She asked, noticing the hanging object on his shoulder.
“A backpack?” 
She rolled her eyes. “I‘m not blind, you ass. What are you doing with that backpack?”
“I always keep some extra clothes in my trunk. You know, in case I find myself in any unexpected situation.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her in a way that twisted her guts. Ugh, disgusting.
The repulse must’ve been written on her face too because he snickered for a second before throwing it next to the couch. “Becoming your hot nurse certainly fits in the category dear, you can’t deny that.” 
She blinked and pushed back the intrusive thoughts that emerged from his statement. Why was her mind against her today? Maybe the fever had burned her coherency brain cells, if she’d ever had any to begin with.
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“I know.” Cardan dropped himself on the couch, opening a book he’d taken from his pack. “Now take those pills, put on your weird pijama and go rest.” 
Maybe she could still gather the strength to slap him after all.
Trying to ignore the sour flavor that shitty pills left on her mouth, Jude stood in front of the mirror. Wearing the shorts and the t-shirt she’d put on before they went to the doctor, she found herself suddenly worried by her clothing and messy hair. 
Which was utterly absurd. It wasn’t as if he cared at all about her wardrobe choices.
Still, the idea of them sleeping under the same roof unnerved her. It had been a long time since she’d had someone from the opposite sex staying the night. Either way, her exasperating classmate certainly hadn’t crossed her mind.
She bit her lip.
Ok that was a lie. Being honest she might have thought about it a couple of times. Mostly drunk. She always felt guilty the day after. And pissed. It left her wishing she could hate him again, like she did on sophomore year when he was truly a rude idiot. But no matter how hard she’d tried, his wits and dumb jokes had slowly changed her perspective of him. Not to mention those deep dark eyes and wicked smile of his. It only took a pair of tequila shots to start fantasizing about running her lips along that jaw. FINE, it didn’t take any tequilas to do that. But sober she had a tiny bit of control over her too-creative mind. Drunk Jude had already undressed him in her dreams once. Twice?
And now Cardan was outside, lying down on her comfy couch. Staying the night.
Jude chewed her inner cheek. This was a nightmare. 
As quiet as possible, she opened the door and peered outside. He was nowhere to be seen. Maybe some ancient deity took mercy on her and vanished him to oblivion. That or he was probably in the bathroom, so she tiptoed her way to the modest kitchen. 
She’d just finished preparing her chai tea when the bathroom’s door opened. Decided to ignore him, she kept her gaze down. 
At least until she caught a glimpse of him with the corner of her eyes. That, snapped her attention back. Oh no, no no no no.
“Could you please… I don’t know, maybe put a fucking shirt on?!” She could already feel her blood gathering on her cheeks. 
He paused and quirked an eyebrow. “For your information, Duarte, I tend to sleep naked. These pants are a sign of my consideration to you, since we’re at your place.” 
The goddamn idiot was made of marble. Jude knew he wasn’t precisely one of those big muscular men, not that it meant he didn’t have everything in place. His well formed shoulders and arms were visible even with clothes, and now she could admire the slightly marked muscles of his torso all the way down to the V that disappeared under his pine-green pants. His shoes were off too. 
“Are you blush-” He started, only to be cut by her murderous voice.
“Good night, Cardan.” Taking her cup, she crossed the place with big steps, slamming the bedroom’s door behind her. 
Leaning against the wood, she heard the couch creak as he laid down. Her breathing evened a little a few minutes after. 
Shit, that had been rude. Even if he’d imposed his presence there he was still a guest, her mind scolded her. A really hot guest. No no, don’t think of that now.
As silently as she could she opened the door again. And pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her laugh at what she saw.  
Cardan’s legs hung over the couch’s arm. Which made sense, considering how tall he was, but right now it only looked bloody ridiculous, and kind of adorable. She tried to ignore the guilt that pierced her heart again. He seemed stiff. An idea shone on her mind. A terrible terrible idea.
“Cardan?” She whispered.
He hummed in response.
She swallowed and walked towards him. “You can’t sleep in there.”
He scoffed and looked at her through hooded eyes, dark and deep made her heart skip a beat. “If you’re trying again to convince me to leave…”
“I’m not.” Jude blurted, passing a hand over her curls. Somehow words seemed to stuck in her throat. “I mean- even when you are completely ignoring me about you not needing to be here… I guess I… What I try to say is-”
“Jude Duarte is babbling. Gods, now I’m intrigued.” He breathed, propping himself on his elbows.
She crossed her arms and tilted her head elusively. It was humiliating how easy it was for him to put her on edge. “Shut up will you? You can’t stay on the couch, it’s small and uncomfortable… And I, well, I happen to own a double bed.” 
Smooth, girl, smooth.
“Trying to lure me into your bed? So soon?” He teased, flashing her a smile, yet his joke didn’t reach his eyes. Something in them was different, they were wider, intense.
“You’re intentionally being an asshole.” She said, gritting her teeth. This time his tricky words and good looks wouldn’t affect her. She couldn’t allow it. “I just meant that we can both sleep there. Like, as far away as the bed allows but at least you could rest.”
For a second he just looked at her. Not mocking or rude, she couldn’t place the expression in his face. His jaw set, chest raising and falling slowly. “You don’t have to, Jude. I’m ok in here.”
“Don’t lie. Besides I’d feel better too. Not because- Ugh, I’d feel better knowing that I could at least make your staying more bearable, I guess.” That wasn’t so bad. Yet. And honestly she couldn’t tell if it was worse if he accepted, or refused. 
Back in her room an awkward silence filled the atmosphere as both laid side to side. Somehow, even if they were not touching, Jude could feel the heat of his skin. Her heart hammered so fast she swore he could listen to it.
“So…” He started.
Panic filled her senses, she needed to cut any conversation before saying or doing something she’d regret later. “There’s no need to mention it, just go to sleep… please.” She rolled onto her side, facing away from Cardan. “Good night.”
Jude barely heard him sigh. “Sweet dreams, Jude.”
It was hot. Really really hot. Fuck he couldn’t move. How much had he drank last night?
Wait. No, last night he didn’t go out with Locke. He’d said he would spend the weekend with his girlfriend, at least this month’s. Cardan had stopped mocking him for it long ago. 
Eyes still closed, he grimaced and tried to stretch but something held down his arm. As Cardan became more and more aware of his body, the memories of the day before flashed in his mind. The failed meeting with Jude, the flowers he’d spend almost an hour choosing, her body going limp against him, the useless doctor… Jude offering him her bed to sleep.  
That’s when something tickled his neck, startling him. 
No, not something.
Cardan’s eyes snapped open, he looked down and froze when he realized Jude’s body was pressed flush against him, one of her hands resting on his chest. Somehow their legs impossibly tangled. Terrified, he found his own arm encircling her waist, bare skin touching his fingers since her too big shirt had rolled up in her sleep.  
She shifted a little and her nose brushed his neck again, letting out a small breath that sent hot shivers down his body.
Any knowledge of how to move or think completely forgotten. He stared blankly at the ceiling. 
Fuck fuck fuck shit what the fucking fucks. 
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z-007 · 3 years
A Journey of Sadism (mental and physical)
I was born in the 21st of April 1992, in Jableh-Latakia. But, since my father was an employee for Total French company in Syria, I grew up in Damascus. At the age of 4, I was diagnosed with Diabetes type 1. It was very hard for me at the beginning when I was a child, and my mother suffered a lot, giving me insulin injections, which I found painful at that time, and analyzing my blood sugar to inspect what did I eat if the result was soaring sky high. I hated her at the beginning, simply because as a child, I didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. At 8 years old I went to a school that is Sunni Islamic Pre-Historic School in Dummar called -Young Scientists- something that I discovered later on to be ironic. In Syria, If you weren’t good at school, you were cursed, you became like a Boxing Heavybag. They also used Falakas, the art of whipping feet. It didn’t stop at that, simply because parents became part of this process too, using any tool at their disposal in beating their child, chair, water hose, hammer, clothes hanger, electric cables, let alone being slapped on the face in a way that I started feeling my bones were shaking, and my eyes will throw fire, or kicked in your head and started bleeding. All of this, was because my marks in Arabic, mathematics, history and geography were not good except in English. It was the best language to understand for me, and the subject in which I saw myself to be a good student. As a consequence of that, I started losing control and cause trouble to my so-called teachers at that time. Luckily in 2001, I found my sanctuary that took to a completely different world. It was the first time I saw James Bond in GoldenEye. I was so thrilled by the action sequence, the theme of betrayal and everything about it was cool. This was a turning point in my life to become a Bond fan. I also learnt how to sing rap songs like Faint for Linkin Park, and Bleed It Out. And all of my father’s friends who were French, British and Americans were impressed. It was something that I remember with a loving memory to those people. Later I watched the rest of the Bond films and the happiest moment in my life was when I found the complete DVD set in Tartus. Simply because no DVD store in Damascus had the complete set except one who was also our neighbor. The curse of buying films in Syria was that they were badly used CDs at the bloody beginning. It was very rare to have a CD converted from an original DVD. This greatest franchise in the whole world has sealed my internal wounds for not being a good student. Ironically, the mental case of mine came back to me when I was at High School, especially it was a time that determined who I am, luckily it passed with no harm to me, because a single mark changed future to some students .I forgot to mention, that the school principle when I was at the ninth grade, didn’t stop calling my parents and telling them not to spend a single penny on me, because he thought I will never be successful. But I brought a mark that was better than his children’s. In 2010, I became a student of English Literature in Damascus University, I remembered that I was not a bad student at that time with an average of 80 percent. But the Syrian Crisis began in 2011, the press was already screaming for blood and the political unrest escalated to the extent that we had to change residence. This was the bane of my existence to open my eyes and find myself in Latakia. I was simply cursed and hostile, because I didn’t speak like Alawaits, their accent felt like starving dogs, in other words, they bark. They are trivial, shallow minded wankers who had nothing inside their heads except clothes, mobile phones and narrating a fairytale about themselves having sex with girls and a horny 40-year-old women they come across and imagining penetrating their vaginas and sucking their nipples. I registered in Tishreen University at third year, I managed to transfer my documents to that platonic place. The professors didn’t like me, simply for participating in their lectures, and the fact that I spoke French, Spanish and a little bit Russian. As a consequence, I kept failing at University over and over. Moreover, I had different ideas, and University Professors are bigots and snobbish. Their opinion was the only one that matters. The impact of the mentioned earlier, had made my pain started with breakdowns, screaming my head off and security gathering around me like” what happened to you?”. Added to that, emotionally speaking, I had a horse sex drive in that Mohammadian society. Girls dressed in a way that said to male students, “come to me.”. The majority of women at that city showed their breasts, waist, legs, and what attracts me most their feet, especially, high heels, that gave them a very elegant look. For my good fortune, all I had in front of me was Pornographic DVDs and websites, so I kept masturbating from 11:30 pm until 10:00 am from night to daylight. Still wondering, how men attracted them, I didn’t have any idea, and the question kept circulating. I also hated the idea of marriage, especially that I always loved to live my life the way I fathomed. I didn’t like the idea of getting buried alive by being a bloody father and spend the rest of my life with only one Angry Factory, aka, one woman. The psychological problem kept increasing and started with depression; taking anti-depressants for a while and go back to my normal life when soothed down. I kept taking them every now and then. Students were not allowed to know about their mistakes at any cost, this was a University rule. Self-doubt has caused me to go to a neurologist who started doing me brain scans, simply, I just wanted to know why am I that stupid, for failing continuously and still I didn’t get an answer. I was always deprived of sleep, studying my arse off and my professors didn’t care seeing their students DIE and SUFFER in front of them. Everybody panicked from me, always avoided seeing me, treated as unusual man. At that time, due to the fact that I kept taking anti-depressants, they became ineffective and stopped giving me relief. Part of what killed me thousands of time when I’m still alive was realizing that I cannot become an MI6 agent at any cost. I simply wanted to do 1 % of what James Bond did, take notice, that I was not pursuing women, I was looking for action and suspense. I wanted to be stationed in the heart of ISIS or Spectre and operate in the shadows to protect Queen and Country. I didn’t like Hasan Nasrullah, Vladimir Putin who looked like a Bond villain or Ayatollah bloody Khomeini, even Ali Bin Abi Talib himself, and that’s why I was also crucified for being a James Bond fan. Family and friends made a laughing stock out of me. I started dinking excessively, and suicidal thoughts kept recurring to me. They didn’t stop driving me to bring a razor and wound myself to death, it wasn’t the MI6 job that destroyed me the most. It was self-doubt. Doubting my brain efficiency and abilities, and especially that I saw students whom I thought less capable to express themselves in English than I am. My family tried to see the professors in Tishreen University-Latakia, unsuccessfully. I simply couldn’t have any idea what is the main reason I kept failing over and over. How could I develop myself without knowing my mistakes?!!, I later told some people that I wanted to be an MI6 operative, I thought that might sooth my tension, however, it got things worse. I started attacking the professors while giving their lectures orally and physically. I also broke the classroom washbasin, and the entire classroom windows, then security staff gathered around me after 3 minutes, they were about to send me to an unknown destiny, later, everything stopped after the head of the English department told them not to take any action. The last problem I did was with World Literature professor, whose name is Noor AL Araby, she was a real bitch, I remembered studying her syllabus for a month, she told us that Virginia is not required for the exam, and she brought it. As a result of that, I wrote her three pornographic stories on the exam paper. Stories people see in Brazzers and Naughty America (Porn films companies). Everybody got pissed off, the story was about to be dragged from my house to a security branch for torture. Luckily, my uncle who was a Colonel in the Republican Guard he had connection to the President of the University, told the professor to drop out the case, but she was persistent to have my balls for Christmas decoration. She spread what I wrote her on the internet and about to send them to newspapers. My parents begged her not to and we had medical reports that proved that I had neurological and mental case. Then I was suspended from the University for years, from 2016, till now. She did all she could to destroy me to the utmost level. I was happy when I realized she got very agitated. Especially, there were students confirming that exam questions were paradoxical to the things she lectures about.
Suspension Time
At the time I was suspended it was a slow killer for me. Literary, I realized that I was the worst student in the history of the planet. I decided to follow Boxing, I remembered that I was fit enough for the game. I found out that I did well at round bouts on the ring. I could do sparring sessions, shadowboxing…etc. I was able to run at least 10kms per day, 300 sit-ups, 80 press ups and 20 pull-ups. I tried to be a champion but every time I kept persevering, in addition to that my left palm was broken and my right eye was wounded. I got cold and sick, and I realized that I had to spend at least 2 months with vaporizers, fertilizers and strong meds. I kept striving in Boxing with no success. I lost confidence in myself and felt humiliated. I said to myself, why didn’t I choose to work for the Syrian Secret Service, I went to the branches, and when they saw that I was discharged from the military because of diabetes type 1, they asked me to get lost. I was surprised when I found out that my dentist was an officer in the Ariel Intelligence in Syria, I told him the story, he said “this is not your fight, you might think that you can do well in the field, but your enemies are smarter than you, they know how they can take you down and destroy you once and for all. Second, we had people who kill targets, who can do silent killings, detonate and sabotage, whether male, or female, but they have nothing to lose, their parents are killed and very poor, working to make money, and you are a discharged, rich bastard and you want to join us. I’m surprised when you told me that. I was a James Bond fan like you, but believe me my friend, that the real intelligence work will never come up to your expectations. Once the film you watch finishes and the novel ends, go back to reality, what you look for does not exist. I realized that I couldn’t become an asset for MI6, or any spy agency in this world, I felt that I was under surveillance by my country. I knew that they could look at my messages, trace my location any time they wanted. That was not the real problem, suicidal thoughts and self-punishment ideas didn’t leave me. So, I talked to my uncle to send me to the Special Forces, or any Military Barracks to become a martyr, to take the bullets to my chest. I remembered when I drank wine bottle on my own, I told my parents that I wanted to wear a C4 charge belt and blow myself up inside ISIS. They were horrified, then I was unconscious and within minutes, I found myself inside the clinic, after I told my problem to the psychiatrist, about MI6 dream and the doubt that I’m under surveillance. He told my mother that I’m a Psychotic. I was injected with needles and medications that made me feel like cutting my head off. He also sent me to Damascus for electro-therapy (to take electricity directly to my brain). I also became a field of therapy by my Doctor, he was testing medications on me like Invega that made me shake while standing up. Hence, he decided to give me Zeldox 60 mg, second generation anti-psychotic. My only comfort was when I slept. Waking up to life while taking those meds was a curse. I lost my sexual drive (libido), I remember feeling dizzy all the time, I remember calling the doctor every time when I tell him about the side-effects concerning dizziness and loss of sexual drive, he kept telling me that what you say is incorrect and that it didn’t have any symptoms. By miracle, my father brought me lower dosage medication, life changed for me. I knew cat-houses in my city, every money woman I went to for an intercourse, they took a lot of money. They were abusing me. The sluts didn’t make me enjoy the intercourse the way I wanted. They were controlling me as well, and this is why I left them. After I told my psychiatrist that I reduced the dosage, he said that my condition will deteriorate. He confirmed to me that Chemistry in my brain was not right, then I told him to screw himself. Reducing the dosage had an effect as well. I remembered at a certain time that painkillers were like a bag of peanuts for me. And when night came I felt incredible fever in my head. I felt like being boiled alive. And I kept seeing nightmare afterwards, voices telling me that I will pay the price of reducing the medication dosage. Complete terror and horror kept chasing me for a very long time. After recovery, I logged into the James Bond groups on Facebook, they made me trivia to answer, did me a test about the James Bond 24 films from Dr.No 1962 to Spectre 2015. After I answered them all correctly, they called me Agent 00Zein. Made me an admin, and I had many friends from all around the world. In the 5th of October the global James Bond day , I celebrated with millions of the franchise fans. My great father, brought me a modern computer and IPhone X to follow up with these groups.
Nowadays, I’m not looking for immigration, nor women or anything else in this world. I have chosen to help my parents when they grow old, and help them. This is the best way I can pay them back. I decided to watch films about espionage world, read books, imagining the events and enjoy it fully and get my arse back to reality.
This is the only way; I cannot be punished.
I can imagine myself a soldier of 30 Assault Unit in Ian Fleming’s room 39 in WW2, or talking with Sir Alex Younger about my mission in VX or Whitehall. If not Sir Alex Younger, it could be Admiral Miles Messervy, Admiral Hargreaves, Madame Olivia Mansfield, or Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Mallory. And realize that” It was a matter of pride that the 00 Section has been chosen for this test. This painful experience kept coming back sometimes, notwithstanding, I have chosen to take with a pinch of salt, lol.
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peculiarmindset · 3 years
I hc that Viktor has these little hiccup-burps that slip out midsentence and whoever he’s talking to waits for him to excuse himself and he just never does
…hi.Lol. 🤗 But seriously, how is everyone? Well…I’ve been gone for quite some time, huh? I literally have had so much irl stuff going on these past years (especially the recent years- 2020, anyone?) that I just didn’t have time or efforts to post anything. That and I forgot about this tumblr at times, oops 🤭I’m currently doing well and yes, I still have these weird kinks (I’ve accepted the fact that I will always have a fart/poop/burp fetish and even though I haven’t been writing, I always find myself reading some good stuff every once in a while). I recently remembered this tumblr and I slowly started wanting to write something again. Don’t get your hopes up- I’ve always been a sporadic writer who only writes when I want to. Thankfully, I have the itch to write right now.I won’t post everyday, but I’ll try not to disappear for years again. 😅 I may disappear for months, but I’ll try not years…😏 Also, heads up but I’m more in a Harry Potter mood right now so the upcoming things I’ll post with involve the HP fandom mostly- sorry for my anime fans, but this is what I want to write right now and you can always replace the characters with the anime you like in your mind and think at it as an wizardly AU 😉.Anyway, I actually wrote the below story years ago and just forgot to post it- so please enjoy~"Hey Victor!" Phichit lifted his hand in greeting as he made his way towards the skating idol.The Thai skater was currently in Russia for a skating competition. So of course, he made sure to pay a short visit (okay, so maybe he more like clung on and never let go) to his best friend, Katsuki Yuuri (who was now being coached in Russia by said skating idol/best friend stealer).In all seriousness though, Phichit had no problems at all with Victor Nikiforov. Even though he barely knew the guy (other than what was based on the idol's social media, his best friend Yuuri's obsession with skating coach/competitor/fiance and his own few handfuls of personal interactions) he could pretty much say that the silver-haired Russian was perfect.A little TOO perfect.Perfect enough that it made Phichit want to know if there were other sides to The Perfect Victor Nikiforov.So while Phichit was on break, (Yakov generously gave Celestino permission to share the rink- although it could have definitely have been because of Yuuri and that his smol son was 110% the Russian coach's favorite student) and said traitor of a best friend had abandoned him to go hang it with Russian Yuri (Phichit's not hurt by this at all, nope) the Thai skater decide that this was the best time to get to know Victor better.You know, for friendly purposes. Not to reveal any dirty, dark secrets of the older skater that he could possibly use against him as blackmail if the idol ever chose to break Yuuri's heart or anything.Of course not.So when he called for the other's attention, Victor put down his the water bottle he had been drinking and looked towards the approaching Thai. "Ah, yes-up!" The silver-haired man smiled, letting out a tiny hiccup at the end of his sentence.Phichit grinned as he skidded to a stop in front of the other skater. Even hiccuping, the other was cute."Ah, it's nothing..." Phichit started, stretching out his arms behind his back. "It's just that I realized that even though you're engaged to my best friend and all, I never really had the chance to get to speak to you one on one. You know like fiance to best friend/mama bear." Phichit told him with a smile that silently spoke a thousand years.Victor froze and looked at Phichit with cautious new eyes.The Thai skater continued to smile as he spoke. "So just to be sure that we're on the same page...I just wanted to know- how do you really feel about MY Yuuri?" Phichit's normally bright voice took on a serious tone after that as he narrowed his eyes at the other, "Because if you're just playing around with him than I swear I'll-"With no hesituation, Victor blurted out, "I l-urrrp! love him!" Phichit blinked as the 'love confession' was interrupted by an unexpected short but loud burp by the other.But instead of excusing himself like Phichit expected the idol to do, Victor pushed on."Yuu-urrrp! is an ange-ullp! beyond any comparrrrp!ison on this world! Beforrrpp! him, I-ulllp! ullp! was lost and was won-ullp! UrrRRPP! wondering if I should-ullp! continue skat-urrrp!ing or-ullp! not!"Phichit just watched the other in gross astonishment as the older skater sang Yuuri's praises to him with pauses of weird hiccuppy-burps along the way. The Thai could barely understand the words coming out of the other's mouth by the way.Phichit had to bite his tongue at one point to keep himself from laughing when Victor injected his love a little TOO hard and ended up forcing out a huge belch in the process.He wondered if the skating idol knew how...well, disgusting he was being- if Phichit were being completely honest.He thought that maybe the idol was unaware of the bouts of gas or if he just didn't care.Phichit decided to go with the latter when everyone in the rink just ignored the other's obvious hiccup-burps (and they were way too loud to not be noticed by everyone around).Actually, Phichit did notice Yuuri sending his fiancé a fond exasperated look as he shook his head while Russian Yuri at his side just swore loudly at Victor before rolling his eyes and continuing his chat with Phichit's best friend (really, Phichit decided right then and there that he was gonna have a chat with the blonde next- just to make sure that they were all on the same page on who Katsuki Yuuri's BFF truly was.)"Victor." Phichit finally cut into the other's tirade."Yes-ullp?" Victor had been hiccuping more in the last few minutes.Making sure to keep a straight face, Phichit held out his hand."Okay." He said finally."Okay...?" Victor repeated unsurely, for once no hiccups or burps coming out."I give you my blessing to marry my...our Yuuri." Phichit told him solemnly. The Thai then couldn't help but let out a small chuckle when the other whooped in happiness and furiously pulled him into a huge hug."Oh thank you-uuurrRRRRPPPPPP!" Victor yelled, with a particularly wet belch following at the end.That was it.Phichit burst out laughing at the GINORMOUS burp that came out of the other's mouth. It was really the loudest and wettest one yet.Clueless as to what set the Thai skater off, Victor asked him what was so funny. But Phichit just grinned, waving him off as Yakov yelled at Victor to stop slacking off, finally made aware that the silver-haired skater hadn't been doing his practice laps like he was supposed to.Phichit watched as Victor skated away and shook his head.Well. He felt like he truly got to know a whole different side to Victor Nikiforov all right. But, oh well- he'll just keep the other's cute and kinda gross side to himself and not make a post about it on his social media accounts.For now anyway.With a light feeling in his skates, Phichit whistled as he made his way towards the two Yuri's for yet another 'friendly' confrontation.
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the--highlanders · 4 years
In which Zoe and the Doctor argue, and Jamie knows more about the future than they expect him to.
on ao3.
“So here’s what we’re going to do.” Swinging her arm in a wide arc across the table, Zoe scraped out a chalk half-circle. The shape was almost startlingly accurate, near-perfect in its evenness – but then again, Jamie thought, he should have stopped underestimating Zoe’s precision a long time ago. “If we assume the ships are spread out in a roughly circular formation -”
“Why not an elliptical formation?” the Doctor interrupted. “Surely that’s more likely. We know the fleet performed a slingshot manoeuvre from Zakhten -”
“But a circle would make more strategic sense,” Zoe argued. “If they were to fire on us from an elliptical formation -”
“Can we make that assumption in our calculations -”
“Listen,” Jamie said loudly, sitting forward to plant his hands palms-down on the table. “Listen!” The Doctor and Zoe paused, both looking over at him with a touch of guilt, like a pair of scolded children. “We don’t have time for this right now.”
“I, ah -” Clearing his throat, the Doctor tugged at his coat lapels. “I suppose you’re right. Do go on, Zoe.”
She scowled at him for a moment longer, but turned back to the table and the chalk in her hand quickly enough. “So,” she began again, her voice still sharp, “if we assume...”
Leaning back in his chair, Jamie folded his arms behind his head and let his mind wander as Zoe sketched out her thoughts. It was at times like this, he thought, that he was glad the Doctor and Zoe could be so fussy over their theories. Oh, they liked to think they were above being petty, both of them – Zoe with her logic, the Doctor with his certainty that he knew what was best. But they tended to end up at loggerheads somewhere along the way, and Jamie himself would have to step in and break up their more heated debates. That was his little bit of usefulness, the thing that kept him from feeling totally out of place between them. They might know more than he could ever dream of, but they still needed him to keep them on track.
They were bickering again now, though Jamie had lost track of the conversation for just slightly too long to know what had started it. The Doctor had grabbed a piece of chalk of his own, and was scribbling calculations over Zoe’s diagram, ignoring her tugging on his arm.
“Did you compensate for air resistance?” he was asking.
Zoe huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Of course I did. I do know what I’m doing, Doctor.”
“Ah – yes, I’m quite sure you do, Zoe. But something about these calculation still isn’t adding up -”
“I’ve told you, it’s because you forgot to put the constant in here -”
“They said it was an hour ‘til launch, aye?” Jamie put in, injecting as much boredom into his voice as he could muster. “It’s only been -” He glanced at his watch, then at the clock on the wall. “Twenty minutes? An’ you’re still no closer tae figurin’ out what ye want tae do with these rockets.”
Zoe threw him a withering stare. “You see, Jamie,” she said, in that slow, patient voice she knew perfectly well he hated, “this is rather important. So we need to make sure we get it completely right.”
“Aye, I know,” he replied just as slowly, glaring right back at her. “That’s why I think ye ought tae work together instead of jumpin’ down each other’s throats every five minutes.”
Startled into silence, Zoe glanced over at the Doctor, who simply shrugged. “That’s what I’ve been trying to do,” she murmured, though with too much sheepishness to sound entirely genuine.
Satisfied, Jamie sat forward, resting his elbows on the table and propping his chin up with his hands. He could just about make out the rough shape of the thing, though Zoe’s diagram was all but illegible now, covered in a mess of lines and numbers and shapes. They had settled on the ships ringing in the planet in a semi-circle rather than a half-oval, but Zoe had lost the fight over where the commanding ship was, and its location had been scribbled out and scrawled in a few times over. Twisting his head around, Jamie watched a new string of words emerge behind the Doctor’s chalk stub. Hydro fusion engine, he mouthed to himself as he read. Explode on impact.
Something about that sounded terribly familiar. Almost like he had heard it before – and not too long ago. But where?
Not on this planet, he was sure of that. It had been longer ago. Certainly not on eleventh-century Earth – and not the week before that, either, at that holiday resort on a meteor – maybe hunkered down in a snowstorm shelter on Zelius Minor, a few weeks ago now -
No, he realised. It had been none of those. It had been almost a month ago, on an uninhabited planet so remote that even the TARDIS had not known a single name for it. A galaxy liner had crashed there, blown off-course by something the Doctor called stellar winds. And, as it turned out, some great space-beastie that ate the dust from nebulas. They had landed in the middle of the crash response, and with a wince he remembered how his shoulders had ached after a few hours of carrying people out of the wreckage. It might not have been so bad had the crash not been radioactive. The paramedics had handed him a bulky suit that slowed his movements and grew stuffier and stuffier the more he breathed in it, but they had assured him it would be better than the alternative.
He paused.
The site had been radioactive, yes – because of the ship’s engines. And they were the same engines that these ships had.
The Doctor and Zoe were still arguing over some insignificant little detail. Pushing himself up to stand at the table as authoritatively as they did, he pressed his hands down on the wood again, inadvertently blurring one or two of the myriad calculations.
“Ye said it was a hydro fusion engine,” he said, nodding first to the Doctor, then to the spot on the table where those words were scrawled out. “A wee while ago.”
“Ye-es.” The Doctor spoke slowly, like he was trying and failing to figure out what might be coming next. “Quite common, in ships of this type. Nothing I -” He exchanged a glance with Zoe. “We didn’t expect.”
Zoe nodded – and they might have been missing his point entirely, but Jamie had to admit it was a welcome change to see them agreeing with each other again. As glad as he was that they needed him, brokering some sort of peace quickly grew tiring. “We’ve established that the rockets will cause irreparable damage long before the explosions reach the engines,” she added. “It doesn’t matter what type of engines the ships have.” But then she turned back to the Doctor. “I still think -”
“I’m no’ worried about that,” Jamie said hastily, leaning forward as far as he could until he was almost putting himself between them. “I mean – they’re radioactive, aren’t they?”
As one, the Doctor and Zoe leant back, blinking at him. “Well – yes,” the Doctor said eventually. “Yes, I suppose you could put it like that. They depend on the fusion of particles to release energy, you see, and – ah -” He faltered. “Yes, you could say it’s radioactive.”
“An’ anythin’ that breaks off them’ll be radioactive too,” Jamie pressed on. “An’ those pieces are gonnae fall back down onto the planet.”
“Ah,” was all the Doctor said.
Zoe was no more eloquent. “Oh,” she added. Her mind was almost visibly turning over – but her next words told Jamie that she had been pondering something else entirely. “Jamie,” she said slowly. “You didn’t even know what a tablet was, last week.”
“I figured it out when ye explained,” Jamie protested. “It’s just that everywhere has different names for them.”
She scowled at him, only frowning harder when he reached over to push at her shoulder. “How on Earth do you know what a hydro fusion engine is?”
Jamie opened his mouth to throw some joking answer back to her, but paused when one did not spring to mind as easily as he had hoped. The Doctor stepped in instead, sweeping his sleeve over the table and leaving behind a mess of white powder on both wood and fabric. “There’s no time to lose,” he said, hurrying over to pull on Zoe and Jamie’s sleeves and lead them out of the room. “We must stop the launch. If any of those fragments hit the planet – if they should hit a populated area -”
“The consequences would be enormous,” Zoe agreed. “But we have to do something. About the fleet, I mean.”
“Rockets first,” the Doctor said, his tone as brisk as his stride. “Something later.”
Huffing, Zoe turned back to Jamie. “But how did you know?” she said. “I mean, you can’t have been taught about them. Surely,” she added, sounding rather less confident.
For a moment, Jamie was tempted to lie, to say that of course he had learnt about hydro fusion engines as a child, who had not? But Zoe looked so earnestly baffled. And besides, the weight of their urgency was far too heavy for him to be able to carry it off for long. “I just remember it,” he said at last. “Ye know – a wee while ago, with that other ship. Ye an’ the Doctor talked about it. I don’t know what it does, or why it’s radioactive, just that it is.”
“But – you know about hydro fusion engines,” Zoe insisted. “And not about – all sorts of things. Simple things, things that were around decades before my time.”
Jamie tipped his head towards her. “’Spose so. I dinnae really think about it.” It would be odd, he supposed, if he were in Zoe’s place. Listening to someone talk about a sickle without knowing what an anvil was. “But it’s all the future to me. Doesnae really matter when it’s from. I know it or I don’t.”
“I suppose so,” Zoe parroted. She scrunched her face up, visibly mulling it over. “I just can’t imagine it. Not seeing how things build on each other.”
“I can see that, alright. Just no’ always – what’s buildin’ on what.”
“But that’s the point -”
The Doctor was halfway down the corridor already, and he turned, all but hopping from one foot to the other in his impatience. “Come on, you two!” he called back to them. “We don’t have much time.”
“We’re coming,” Zoe called back, pushing herself onwards a touch faster. Jamie matched her speed, striding on beside her, and watched as her expression softened, the confusion fading away. When at last she glanced over at him, it had turned to something more affectionate. “You’re one of the strangest people I’ve ever met, Jamie McCrimmon.”
He grinned. It was not often that Zoe looked at anyone like that, so freely and easily. Strange, perhaps, that she should be looking so happy when they were hurrying down a corridor to stop a rocket launch that would wipe out half a planet’s population – but maybe that was another thing that should not surprise him about Zoe. “Is that a compliment?”
She broke into a smile at that, taking his hand, and he squeezed hers in return. “Yes, it is.”
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Ice Cold ~Part 15
A/N: Yall i’m sorry that I am so trash at updating. I was planning to have this done on halloween and it just didn’t fucking happen. I forgot to even post on official halloween. You’re gonna get two parts tonight and I’m continuing it into november apparently. I hope you’re enjoying it. 
Also we got William’s POV for this one!
The panic I felt was almost debilitating. I woke up in Morgan's house on the couch instead of the woods where I expected to be and (y/n) was nowhere to be found. I sat up too quickly and dry heaved.
"William be gentle with yourself. There's vervain in your system." Morgan said calmly.
"I don't care. Where is she? Kas?"
"Kasperi is fine. He was watching behind you two. The ones who took her didn't even see him. He brought you back here."
"Well that's nice but what the fuck happened?"
"You were injected and they took her."
"Why was it so easy for them?"
"It was werewolves William." Mitch said quietly, coming into the room with Auston.
"God it's werewolf time again already?"
"Will, it happens every three months."
"What werewolves? There's not a known pack nearby, is there?" I asked Morgan.
"I've been keeping track of a nomadic pack for the past year or so. They always disappear and return at random times. There's something that keeps them coming back here though. I'm thinking the alpha of the pack is stationary and the Beta takes on alpha rolls when they go away. I haven't been able to find much information about them though. All I know is that crime goes up wherever they are."
"So you're telling me a group of nomadic criminal werewolves have (y/n) right now?" I said enraged that I let this happen. "This is my fault isn't it? If I had just listened to you they wouldn't have got her?"
"It would've made it harder. I didn't see an outcome where they didn't get her."
"God this is all my fault. I was supposed to protect her!"
"Now is not the time to play the blame game Willy." Mitch said sighing.
"Mouse is right. What are the next steps?"
"Well we need to get her back."
"Obviously." Auston rolled his eyes. "What do we need to do next?"
"I would suggest going back to the spot where the incident happened and gather scents. If William is up for it of course." Morgan said looking to me.
"I'm fine let's go."
"Good. I'm afraid we don't have much time. I'm going to talk to Tessa and the Kasperi and I will get supplies to prepare for whatever could be waiting for us. We'll meet you in the forest."
"Okay sounds good to me. Let's go Will." Mitch said clapping my back.
I led the way to where we were when it happened and we looked around for clues and scents. 
"Willy we need to hurry up. I've seen what happens. If there was ever a time to use your gift it's now."
"Mitch it's not a gift."
"Well whatever the fuck it is use it! She could die William. We need to get to her as quick as possible and our senses aren't as good as yours. There's so many scents." Auston said, annoyance clear in his tone.
"They're right. You need to do this right now or we could be too late to save her."
"She could die?"
"Yes. Or be taken far away and we would never find her again."
"That's not even kind of an option. I will find her, or I will die trying. No we need to go that way now." I said pointing south.
"You're sure?"
"Absolutely. Her scent goes south."
"There's an old abandoned hospital in the woods going south. That would match up with the vision right?" Mitch asked Morgan.
"It makes sense yes."
"Well then let's go."
We ran as a group as fast as we could. We had to run quite a ways away and we stopped once so I could feed to regain strength. It was only a few rabbits but it made me feel better.
"So what's the plan when we get there? How many of these things are there?" Auston asked, ready as ever to cause destruction. He was asking Morgan but I took a deep breath and answered instead.
"There's 6. It's a small pack."
"That's only some of them back then." Mo replied. "You're sure only 6?"
"Positive. There are 6 scents leading that way that aren't (y/n). Hers is there too but the others reek of dog."
"That's probably them then."
"So when we get there I'm guessing a surprise attack isn't going to work?"
"There's four of them around the perimeter but so far apart we could sneak through without harm. The fight will happen inside the building. William if you go first you will be killed. Auston and Kasperi go first, then I go, then you and Mitch. If we come in waves it will distract long enough for us to get an upper hand. This isn't up for discussion."
"After last time I'm not going against what you said Mo." I mumbled.
"Alright let go boys. The longer we wait the more serious condition she'll be in when we get there."
We were off again. I could smell more and more as we got closer. It hit me like a brick once I recognized one of the scents. I stopped short and everyone else except Mitch kept going ready to attack.
"Mitch I know who has her. God she must be terrified. We need to go now."
"Morgan said to wait."
"I don't give a fuck I need to get her away from them! Mitch they're hurting her. Imagine if it was Auston."
"Okay. Okay let's go. We need to get her."
We ran in and her blood was the first thing that hit me. It was overwhelming, suffocating almost. I hated it. We got to the room and after a quick survey there was two wolves down. Kas was fighting one, Mo had another and Auston had one cornered. The one I really wanted wasn't in here though. I took a deep breath and followed his scent to another room just off this room. I ran up and pushed him by the neck to the wall. He laughed.
"I was wondering when you'd get here."
"What the fuck did you do to her?"
"In my defense, the moon was full and I was left unsupervised."
"What did you do?"
"She brought it on herself. She shouldn't hurt people William."
"What the fuck did you do Peter? I don't give a fuck what she shouldn't do. What did you do?" I hissed strangling him a little.
"I let my brothers attack her. If I can't have her neither can you. You're too late."
"What? No I.." I took a second to let my senses go and that's what he was waiting for. I ended up on the ground.
"You think I took satisfaction in killing her? I didn't. I loved her. You did this to her. If you had just left her alone she would be alive." 
I kicked him off of me, through the door, and into the bigger room. I flew through the air at him and pushed him into the ground so hard the concrete broke and I dislocated his arm and broke his spine. He let out a weak whimper.
"I will kill you with my bare fucking hands, do you hear me?!"
"You wouldn't. You're a fucking coward. You'd never kill me in front of her."
I pushed a little harder on his neck. I felt a snap and he laughed with blood gurgling out of his mouth before his eyes rolled back. I pushed harder until I heard his heart stop beating. I heard a loud howl followed by one more in the distance. 
"They know their alpha is dead." Mitch said quietly bringing me back to real life.
"Oh my God (y/n)!"
"She's alive. Barely but she's alive." Mo told me without looking up from what he was doing.
"William.." she whispered.
"I'm here. Baby I'm here." I ran to her and held her head on my lap.
"You killed him..?"
"I thought they'd killed you. I lost my temper. I'm so so sorry."
"Don't be sorry." She coughed and winced. "I'm glad."
"Don't talk (y/n) just let us help you be okay again."
"If I can breathe I'm okay Willy."
"Honey you're not. Mo what do we do?"
"We give her blood."
"What if she dies?"
"Then you have her forever. What happens if she dies without it?"
"William just turn me. Please? I don't want to die right now. I can't. Not now, please Will."
"Baby I don't know."
"Just please don't let me die. I can't explain right now just please someone do something."
"Mo what's the outcome."
"We don't have time for that. Will you need to give her blood now. Either you do or I will." Mitch said frantically.
"Like hell you will."
"Then do something." He yelled. I looked at (y/n) and she was crying.
"Aus please get him out of here?"
"No Auston stay, Kasperi go with Mitch for some air." Morgan said, trying to stitch up a particularly deep gash in her thigh. The boys left and Mo looked at me. "Mitch is right you need to make a decision."
"William please?" She cried trying to grab my hand. She squeezed but it was so weak that I started crying too. "Babe don't cry."
"I know what I need to do." I used my teeth to tear at my wrist. Once it was bleeding I held it to her lips. "I'm sorry sweetheart but you have to drink. Please please drink."
She didn't say anything, she just started to suck. It was so light, I didn't think she was going to get enough to help her at this rate. She stopped sucking and I thought she was going to throw up but she just closed her eyes and her hands that were holding me fell to the ground beside her.
"God no, please no, no."
"William calm down. You're okay. She's going to be okay."
"She didn't get very much blood, she was so weak.." I cried as I pet her hair. I punched a wall in frustration and Auston grabbed (y/n). "No no no where are you taking her." 
"William calm down. We're going home. Auston is going to carry her there. Not up for discussion."
I was about to protest but they were already gone. We were back in no time and I sat beside her bed. I held her hand and sat with her silently for hours. I was so worried she wasn't going to wake up. Morgan kept coming in to check on her, he was a doctor before he became a vampire so he was the only one I trusted. He took out her stitches to reveal her wounds healing up quickly.
"You have to stop this William. Her wounds are healing. You did it in time."
"But it's going so slowly. She should be awake by now."
"She was very injured. Her lung was punctured. Almost all her bones were broken. It takes time for them to heal and move back into place. She'll wake up when she's ready."
"Should I have bitten her too? Would that have helped? Would it have guaranteed it?"
"William listen to me. It's guaranteed." He gave me a hug before leaving the room. Mitch walked up and stood with me quietly for a minute.
"I don't know if this makes you feel any better Willy, but I can hear her thoughts."
"You can?"
"Yeah I can. It's such a happy place in there right now. I wish you could see it."
"I wish I could too."
"She's going to wake up soon you know. She's trying to force it sooner. She can hear you crying and wants to make it better." He suddenly laughed.
"She told me to shut the fuck up and get out of her head. It won't be long now Will. I'll go so you guys can be alone." He left and I just sat there waiting again.
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csykora · 4 years
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[A candid photo of Igor kissing his very grumpy toddler’s forehead goodnight]
The Greens could feel they were getting older, and Coach’s rookies just stayed the same. Two had joined CSKA that year. One of them was another Sergei, who we’ll call Seryozha. He had grown up skating eagerly every day, just outside their training camp in the city of Arkhangel. He thought Igor “was one of the smartest people I've talked to on this earth," and is pretty sure his idol didn’t know he existed. (Having read Igor’s book, I can now confirm). The other was Sasha, and had been born on the other side of the world, in Siberia, before he was taken early for CSKA’s system. 
Sasha did not like any of this any better than the Greens had before him. Picking up the tension between the team’s leaders and Coach Tikhonov, Sasha had no problem talking back when Tikhonov turned on him. After his first season, the same trick that had made Igor an officer was used on him, making him a real Russian soldier who could be shot for treason. Igor hadn’t fought it, but the whole team heard Sasha yelling down in Tikhonov’s office.
Quiet settled for a while when Sasha was privately promised a better position to soften the blow--the top right wing, at Igor's side. 30 was creeping up on Sergei. He, Igor, and Vova privately celebrated and mourned the upcoming '88 Olympics as the last time they might play together on the world stage before Sergei's clock ran out. Pretty soon Tikhonov would be ready to retire him, just like Kharlamov.
But there were still signs that replacing Sergei wouldn't be easy, on either side. One day in practice, Sasha was injured and the team doctor told him to just watch from the stands that night. Igor saw him leaving the locker room just as Coach came in. Coach demanded that he get his sweater on immediately. Sasha repeated what the doctor said, and Tikhonov repeated what he had said, but louder.
“‘I thought I had explained it clearly enough,’’” Igor remembers little Sasha saying. “‘I will not play. That is all!’” And he walked away. Igor had to cough and cover laughter as Coach stood speechless.
“Only his wife and his dog like [Tikhonov],” Sasha once said. “And I don’t understand how they do.”
In December of ‘87, Igor thought that with a little help, maybe he could score another point on Tikhonov. He reached out to the author of that article about the hockey program that he had read to the point of memorizing two years before. Their conversation turned into an interview. He admitted he wasn’t ready to share the deepest details, but even scratching the surface of the Soviet image was enough to attract attention. Igor decided he liked to think of himself as a bit of an author. All the papers were calling for more quotes, until Lena got fed up and unplugged their phone.
At practice after it was published, Coach Tikhonov screamed, “‘Comrades, I always thought that I was working with hockey players. But here, do you understand, it has become clear I was not right. Among us are writers! Larionov, for example, is a Boris Pasternak!’
I think we could safely say he was not pleased.”
Two months later, the national team headed to Calgary for the Olympics. Before the Games the senior players had asked as always--if we win, wouldn’t it be possible to train less this summer, to rest, to see our families during the coming year? Coach Tikhonov said they’d talk about it if they got him gold.
Journalists invited Igor to a press conference. They forgot a Russian translator, though, so when they asked the first question and he understood it, he decided not to bother pretending he didn’t speak English. They asked how his new literary career was looking (and whether he’d had any flare-ups of that tonsillitis). He told them what he thought was the truth, colder than it had been when he was 20.
“I do not hope for some kind of large and speedy change for the better….But, I am not losing hope. We shall see what we shall see.”
They still had the rest of the Olympics to play. Between periods in the first round, Coach Tikhonov took Sasha out to the hallway and began to lay into him for mistakes he may or may not have made yet. Sasha told him no again, so Coach Tikhonov punched him in the gut. 
Slava was the only one who saw, but he told the others. If thinking the team didn’t need him had snapped some key piece of Igor’s heart, the winter of ‘87 and ‘88 broke Vova’s massive one. They had won gold, again--and Vova had heard Tikhonov say that he wished he could coach the Canadians instead. Vova had swept more scoring titles, been named the best winger in the world, again--and Tikhonov had given a public speech about how Vova was proof that he, Viktor Tikhonov, and his physical training methods could make anyone a star. Igor was furious for his friend, and Vova was realizing nothing they did would ever be enough for Coach Tikhonov to stop hurting them. 
They had nothing to do at Arkhangel, after eight years of doing the same nothing. One night in the spring Vova and Igor climbed out their bedroom window and hiked through the woods to a bar in the city. They sat beside a Canadian journalist and gave a short interview, Igor translating for them both.  
By the summer of ‘88, Slava was done, too. He wanted permission to play in the NHL during the regular season, and he told everyone so. Officials told him no problem. And then they got out the red tape. 
“You would not wish it on an enemy. Especially not on Slava, who is my friend. It was painful to look at him, irritated, disappointed by the word that had been given to him, grown tired from going from office to office, lost.” 
When he complained, the Party told him if he wasn’t happy in Arkhangel he could always play in a Siberian labor camp instead.
But Igor was also busy, or trying to be, at home. He and Lena had their first baby, a daughter, Alyonka. Like her father, she was frighteningly small. If officials had thought becoming a husband and father would scare Igor into shutting up, like it had Lyosha, they were super wrong. The boredom, indignity, and constant inconvenience of Soviet life was bitterer now that he had to see it happening to someone else. When his daughter was sick, he couldn’t go home to hold her. When she was hungry, he might spend his whole day off wandering around the city, waiting in different lines to be told that there was nothing worth waiting for left. During parts of the season he could visit their apartment in Moscow in the afternoons, but couldn’t help cook or eat with Lena or stay to clean up and put Alyonka to bed. 
Just like Tretiak had, he asked Tikhonov for time off next August--no days off, just nights, to be able to stay for dinner and drive back for training. 
“In August it was a life and death necessity for me to spend the night at the base? Well, the World Championship was not far off. Only eight months!”
Igor thought about it. He told the Greens that he was thinking about publishing another article. They were excited to read it, asking what this one would be about. He still wasn’t quite ready to say it, but he wanted them to know the moment was coming, so he just made them promise to read it.
Then he quit. In September he handed Tikhonov a letter explaining that he would play his last season with CSKA. They could let him go to the NHL during the regular season, or home to Khimik, or wherever he was wanted, as long as it wasn’t here. He went to the newspaper that promised him it could print fastest, and published it.
In his resignation letter, addressed to Tikhonov and now to the whole Soviet Union, he told everyone about the schedule (it was shocking, he said, that he and Lena managed to have a baby, when Tikhonov didn’t let him sleep beside his own wife); about how Tikhonov had made that schedule more important than Kharlamov, then Tretiak, and now Igor too; about Tikhonov punching Sasha; about the steroid injections he’d kept secret for Tikhonov for six years.
Those last two pieces were the wedge that any officials looking to shift the system needed. The papers published more pieces arguing one way and the other, which only made sure everyone heard about it. Fans and former players, now officers, stopped to pat Igor’s shoulder. Igor was informed that the legendary Tarasov, in his country retirement, had quite liked it.
Coach Tikhonov didn’t like Igor’s poetic inclinations any better this time. He was getting calls from all kinds of important people, and they weren’t going well. For the first time in years he was quiet, speechless. And then it became clear that was his response: he wouldn’t acknowledge Igor’s existence. He couldn’t take him off the roster now, but he could pretend he wasn’t there. No criticism in practice, no direction, nothing. 
That was the difference between them, Igor wrote, both of their fatal flaw: Igor wanted to talk to everyone in the whole world, and Tikhonov had never learned how to talk to people.
The veteran players on CSKA’s second line found quiet moments to come up to Igor, and let him know they were on his side. Slava, still fighting for his own right to leave the team, came to Igor as soon as he’d read it, and took his hand. He told him Igor had done the right thing. Sergei and Vova embraced him and agreed.
Lyosha wasn’t sure it was right to share what had been said in the room, or to undercut Coach, who had kept him when he was at his lowest, and he was afraid of being sent to Siberia. 
He told Igor, “You and I are not going the same path.” 
And they did.
CSKA went on the road in October. In Sergei’s hometown Chelyabinsk fans hung over the rails and heckled Tikhonov, asking if he’d come to steal more children. His brothers Nikolai and Yuri were an institution in the city, and locals had consoled themselves over losing out on the full set by imagining that Sergei was doing well for himself and making a name for their city. Tikhonov turned away from the ice to try to shout at a fan like he did his players, and was swamped. Igor burst out laughing. 
The next game, Tikhonov told the assistant coaches to tell Igor that Tikhonov still wasn’t talking to him but he could take a shift now, or whatever, not that Tikhonov cared. Igor caught the puck and carried it along the boards, expecting Sergei and Vova to chase him. Instead he hit a patch of bad ice, and then two of the other team landed on top of him on the way down. His right foot went the wrong way.
Now Tikhonov had a cast iron-excuse. Igor went home, and held his daughter, and waited and worried to hear what would happen if he didn’t heal in time for the next national team tournament--the Super Series, which would be the last warm-up before the ‘88 Olympics. It was out of his control, and he couldn’t bear that.
Igor has an explanation for what he did next that I’m sure felt sensible at the time. We, now, can gently set that aside. Igor had all the symptoms of a serious eating disorder, so for three weeks, he only drank water and honey.
Because, and I just can’t stress this enough, Igor, your bones heal in their own time anyway, he was back on the ice a month or so after that. Once again able to skate himself sick with CSKA’s reserve team, he started eating fruit and the occasional vegetable again. 
The team doctor, who I guess had been hired on the basis of being able to say, “All good, Coach!” over an injured player faster than anybody else, cleared him to play. (Like a stopped clock, Igor maintains that the doctor--who Igor had seen point a concussed Vova in the general direction of the goal, roll players over the boards, and offered Igor mystery drugs--got it right this one time. Again, gently, we can question Igor’s medical fucking expertise here.) 
It didn’t matter anyway. Tikhonov stood with arms crossed the whole time watching Igor skate, and said he was out of condition. He sent him home.
Igor was helpless again. His family wouldn’t get the pay from wins with CSKA, and now they were missing tournaments. Those could earn him $300, five months ordinary pay. He could train as much as he wanted alone--it wasn’t the same as playing with the Greens, and anyway now Tikhonov could always have a handy excuse to say he wasn’t back to his old self. All he had were his friends, who seemed sympathetic, but still hadn’t done anything.
Winter was coming on by now. He drove from Moscow to the training camp and walked across the grounds in the first drifting snow. Everything was quiet, cold, and clear, and he might as well have been twenty again, but this time he wouldn’t cross through the barracks door. Sergei, Vova, and Slava saw and came running down to meet him in the snow. They were glad to see him, worried for him, but they knew that Tikhonov was having his way.
I drove home along the Leningrad highway. I felt like shouting. ‘Where are your friends in a time of trouble? WHERE??? Can I expect sympathy from you, and nothing more?’...
Only my wife understood my despair.”
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mxtantrights · 4 years
APRIL 1985
"Can I hold your hand?"
Steve's question makes me slam my locker shut in pure shock, I might've mumbled a curse word under my breath but that's personal. He just popped up out of no where sometimes- just like this! No greeting, no warning, nothing. I let out a breath of relief when I realize that it's him.
I turn to the right and there he is. I don't know if before we-kissed- if I payed attention to what he wore. But now that it's been three days and almost twelve hours since then, it's very hard for me not to.
He's got on a grey long sleeve and- god maybe I am a perv. Maybe I've been hiding it subconsciously until this very moment. And everything that Steve wears is amazing on him, and I knew it deep down, but now that we-kissed- it's at the front of my brain. And the tip of my tongue.
"Sure," I speed through and hold out my hand for him to take. He does and then I continue with my train of thought. "Have you always had that shirt? You look good in it."
I see that my compliment makes his cheeks start to flush red. "T-thanks."
"No problemo. Come on let's get you to math."
I looked down the end of the hallway for him. He was late. He was never late in meeting at our meet up place. I mean I know there are a bunch of kids in this school but there's not that many that he'd be late like this.
"Who are you waiting for?" Jon asks from behind me. It doesn't spook me as much but I do turn around and slap his shoulder lightly for it.
"You Jonny boy. We've only got like two minutes before we have to get to class now." I explained to him but there is this look on his face. It reads that there is something else he'd rather be spending our time talking about. "What's with that look?"
He looks over his shoulder before leaning in a bit. "You and Steve?"
My eyes widen at his question. Yeah. I forgot that PDA is like- public. It didn't seem like anything to hold hands with him in the hallway. Or to have his arm slung across my shoulder. But I guess not everyone was there that night we -kissed.
"Oh yeah. Well it just happened, but- like it's been bubbling for some time I think? It just, you know, officially happened a few days ago." I nod my head along to my ramblings.
Jon has a small smile on his face. "I knew you two liked each other."
What? WHAT?!!
"Wh- how do you mean you knew? What- when did you know?" I sputter out.
He chuckles at that and leans against the wall. "I knew it when I saw him staring at you at the Valentines Day dance."
I sigh, "He was looking at me during the dance, so what? I was singing so he had every reason to. Everyone did."
"No I mean like, looking at you. Like he had just seen a shooting star."
I couldn't find my jacket. I took it off like an hour ago and now it's gone. I checked in my last class and it wasn't there. I checked in my locker and it wasn't there. I don't remember putting it down anywhere else.
With this in mind I round the corner of the hallway only to bump into someone.
"Watch where you're-" The shrill voice cuts off but it instantly makes me aware of who it is. Who else could it be. Our school isn't that big anyways I was bound to run into Carol again. "Oh look it's Jessie the cowboy."
I really wasn't in the mood for this. I just wanted to get my jacket and get back to class. The longer I stay out the less believable it is that I went to the 'bathroom'.  I make a move past her but she blocks me.
"Hey I saw that you and Steve were holding hands, everyone is talking about how you two are together. I never thought he'd go for someone like you."
And suddenly I can make the time. I can make the time for little ms.Ignorant over here, and school her ass. If I end up in detention because my fist catches her face it'll be okay with me. She talks a big game but I know I can take her down with a couple of punches.
I roll my shoulders back and finally look her in the eye. "I could lay you out flat in less than forty seconds. Do you want that?"
She tries to act like she isn't scared. But I already see her throat bobbing and the look of fear that flashes in her eyes. I didn't like getting violent. But some situations and some people call for it. Carol is basically asking for it.
"You talk a big game Glendall but you're a nobody in this town." She snarls, inching slowly closer to me until she's just inches away from my face.
it's what she wants. And I don't think I want to give her the satisfaction. I've come this far. I can last two more months or so with her. Then I'd never had to see her again. She could literally drop off the face of the earth.
I can imagine it too.
With a smile on my face I back up from her. "It's because I can see past this town."
I side step away from her and she doesn't add anything. I walk with my chin held high down the hallway back to my class. I really would give her something to talk about but I'm not about to risk a possible suspension this close to the end.
I can finish strong.
No one is home when I get there. It's usually like this anyways so I'm used to it. Mickey is off with his friends and dad is off at work. Today was one of those days that I stayed home and just relaxed. Study a bit, maybe do some chores. Be a bit of a normal girl for once.
but normal or not I'm always hungry.
I put my bag down on the floor and head into the dinning room to get to the kitchen. When I pass through the threshold I see a manila folder on the empty table. I shouldn't look, it's probably my father's.
He brings stuff home from work sometimes.
I being to walk past it and then I get a dark thought. What if it's not his? What if it's been placed there on purpose? It's neatly placed in the middle of the table. My dad isn't one to bring a case home and just put it out in the open.
Now that I think about it he only ever keeps it in his room.
I turn around and just stand there. My stomach growling, hungry for actually food. But I was going to have to feed my curiosity first.
Slowly I walk over to the table where the file is and slide it over to me. It's got my name on the side of it sure enough. So it's not one of my dad's cases. My hand opens up the file before I can think.
There's a few papers here. The first one is basic information on me with a picture attached with a paperclip. I had to be in the first or second grade in the picture. I looked fairly young in it and also my hair was neatly braided.
The only person who ever did that for me was my mother.
I push over the first page and look at the second one. I can't understand most of the lingo adorning the page but a few words stick out to me. Subject. Injections. Memories. Those are a few of the words I see over and over that I know.
And there is one that is repeated over and over, but I don't know what it means.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The city kid and the horse whisperer; Charles (Joe Mazzello Wooly boys) x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay let me first start off by saying I have NEVER WATCHED WOOLY BOYS SO IF YOU HAVE AND I GET ANYTHING WRONG, I AM SORRY!!! There’s just no way for me to watch this film unless I buy it. But I figured I give this a shot, hopefully you all like it and I’m planning on one more Charles fic in mind but until then I hope you all enjoy this one.
Warnings: drowning (just vague scene of it, not really any major details), some flirting, playful banter, teasing (platonically), and a writer who has no idea about this film other than from what she’s seen in the trailer and a clip or two of the movie.
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I watched from afar as Charles was struggling to get onto Whiskey and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.  How could someone that is related to the great AJ “Stoney” Stoneman, and not know how to ride a horse? Guess city folks really don’t get it.  I stood there with Stoney’s white stallion ‘White lightning’ as I continued to stroke his mane.
“He really is trying isn’t he boy?” he grunted as he turned his head towards me and nickered softly.  “Oh come on he’s not that bad.”
“I swear every time I hear you talk to them, it’s almost like you do have witch-like powers.” Stoney’s voice soon spoke up.  I turned and smiled at the old man who’s been the only real positive male figure in my life.
“Just call me one with Mother Nature’s creatures.” I joked.
“You know; you are the youngest rider out of Shuck and I. And Charlie there won’t really listen to a bunch of old geezers like us. Why don’t you give him some tips on riding?” I chuckled softly.
“That’s funny.” When I heard Stoney not laughing nor chuckling along, I looked back towards him and said, “You’re being serious?” his brow raised. “Stoney, he won’t listen to me. You know that right?”
“Well he’s pretty pissed off at me and Shuck doesn’t really believe he can be a Wooly boy. Besides no one else is a better rider than you. Remember how you bested them Spratt boys last year at the rodeo?” I grinned smugly, “You lasted longer than either of them arrogant little assholes did on the bull ride, a full 20 seconds.”
“Yah those boys hadn’t let me live it down ever since. Always challenging me to a rematch or claiming I was cheatin.”
“My point is, I think my grandson could do better with some company around his age.”
“You sure this is about letting your grandson learn to ride? Or are you just avoiding him?”
“He’s getting no better teacher. Hell might be good for you too.”
“What are you talking about you ole coot?”
“I maybe old and sick my dear but I know when a mare is interested in a stallion. And sweetheart you’ve been eyein my grandson the second he arrived here.” I punched his arm which made him groan.  “Didn’t I ever teach you about respect for your elders?” he teased.
“Yes but I counteract that when said elder person decides to be a busybody towards young one doing the ‘disrespecting’.” I teased back to him.  I looked back towards Charles who was finally up on Whiskey but was struggling on trying to keep him calm.  “Alright, but only because if I don’t then Whiskey’s gonna piledrive him to the ground.”
I walked right over to the riding ring and I leaned up against the fence as I could hear Charles say to Whiskey.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. Easy. Just—hold still…..”
“He can sense your uneasiness yah know?” Charles suddenly turned towards me which made Whiskey nicker nervously.
“No offense but I have ridden a horse before, okay?” I raised my brow at his arrogant attitude before he suddenly deflated, “Okay. It was—virtual saddle. And I—don’t remember it being this high.”
“City kids and your fancy tech. You can try to make it as easy as you can or make it seem you’re really doing it but all that crap, doesn’t even come close to what people like us do.” I hopped over the fence and placed my hand on Whiskey’s strong neck and took one of the reins and whispered soothingly. “Easy big guy, steady young buck, steady.”
Whiskey’s nervous pacing soon stopped as his head touched my shoulder and the only thing that moved from him was his tail, whipping every now and then.
“Good boy Whisk. That’s a boy.” I patted his neck before giving it a gentle and soothing stroke.
“So it—it is true.” I heard Charles say.
“What’s true?” he tried to get down with ease but his foot got caught up in the stirrups.  As he tried to wriggle it out, I couldn’t help but softly smile and try to hold in my laughter.
“That you really can talk to the horses.” He said as he finally got himself free.
“Well it’s not really talking. I mean yeah it is but it’s also showing respect. These creatures have been around and helping mankind for literally millennia’s. They gave us speed, power, and companionship in a way. Cowboys in the wild west had no one but their posse, if they had one, and their horses. One thing that mankind seems to forget is how to respect those that have helped us. That’s why I always treat any horse of Stoney’s with respect and dignity.”
“But—aren’t they just animals?”
“Just because they’re animals doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings too.” I sassed at him. The two of us stared at each other as I unhooked Whiskey’s saddle. “Your grandad wants me to help you learn how to ride. So be ready tomorrow at dawn.”
“Can’t we start after breakfast?”
“No can do Yankee-doo. Besides, I needed to go out hunting anyways for Shuck, might as well give him his winnings before he nags me to next month.”
“Winnings for what?”
“Oh last month he and I had a bet on whether or not Stoney would actually have the guts to go see yah in the city. I bet he wouldn’t, so—you can pick the story from there.”
“Am I supposed to be insulted that you lost a bet because of me?”
“Don’t kid yourself city boy.” I laughed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put Whiskey up before you do anymore further trauma to him.” I took the reigns and led him toward the barn.
“I didn’t—”
“Loosen up Yankee I’m kidding again!” I laughed as I turned my head towards him before grinning and turning my head back to continue to the barn.
The rest of the day was just helping Stoney around the farm and by the time the sunset we all sat around and had dinner before I finally decided to retire for the day.  I showered, brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a bun before finally falling asleep.
Early the next morning as soon as the rooster crowed, I woke up and stretched myself out.  I got on the first pair of clothes I could find before heading downstairs to the kitchen to see Charles asleep on the couch.  I grabbed an empty vase and filled it up with cold water.  I walked over to Charles and shook him.
“Oi get up.” He groaned tiredly and turned away from me.  Okay but don’t say I didn’t give him a chance.  I then dumped water on his face which immediately woke him up.
“What the hell!?”
“Oh good you’re awake. Get up and get dressed.”
“For what?”
“Oh don’t tell me you forgot about our riding lesson.” He groaned again as he almost went back to sleep. “You know I can dump the rest of this water right? Or would you rather have me hogtie you till you scream uncle?”
“Didn’t know you were that kinky.” He teased as he peeked out from underneath his pillow.  I blushed and turned aside before dragging his butt out of the couch.
“Just get dressed and meet me in the stable!” I didn’t once look back at him as I raced outside and ran towards the barn.
I had just finished saddling up Whiskey and now I was saddling up my stallion “Tornado”, a pure black mustang.  Few years back Stoney and I came across him after he had a nasty encounter with a mountain lion.  After chasing the demon cat away, Stoney and I took Tornado to the farm and I stayed with him and healed him up.
Now if I told you it was all trust and immediate connection between us, you’re wrong. Tornado definitely proved himself to be a pure, wild stallion.  Hell if I didn’t know any better I’d say he was the leader of his herd.  He wouldn’t even let me anywhere near him for 3 days till finally his injuries got so bad I feared he was gonna die.
So it was then I stepped in and cleaned out the injected wounds, wrapped him up and stitched him.  Every now and then I gave him peace offerings of apples and water which he gladly took. Weeks passed and he showed great improvement, of course his wild nature still stayed (and of course I was dumb enough to think I could try to ride him, got my ass whooped a few times)
Finally I knew that I wouldn’t be able to ride him so I let him go.  He raced off and never did I think I would see him again.
Until one day seven months after Stoney and I had rescued him; I was out alone scouting for the annual hog trails when the Spratt brothers tried yet another of their failed attempts to flirt with me.  After I had denied them, the youngest and most relentless one Billy got so assertive that he had the nerve to cup a feel of me.  Well I’ll have you know I didn’t take that sitting down, so I gave him a right hook so hard, I heard a crack of his nose.
Pissed and beyond angry that I had the nerve to attack his brother, Owen took me to the edge of the cliff we were on that overlooked the river and he pushed me down off the 10ft cliff.  I fell into the river and was dragged down the rapid miles away from the trail.
As the river overtook me and forced me down underneath its rapid current, I thought I was dead for sure.  But the next thing I see running up along the side of the river was a large black creature. I almost couldn’t believe it myself but I recognized that shape and pure black stallion anywhere, it was him.  The wild mustang.
I watched as it jumped into the river and actually swam after me.  He put himself between me and the rest of the current as I reached out and grabbed onto him.  He then swam with all his might against the current to get us to the shoreline before the river could sweep us away further downstream.
I almost doubted it but Tornado proved to be one strong mustang.  He reached the shore line and got me out of harm’s way. Exhausted from traveling down miles of strong rapids, I collapsed on the river’s edge and instead of him abandoning me. Tornado knelt down and stayed with me till I woke up around nightfall freezing cold.
When he noticed that I had woken up after passing out, he adjusted himself so that I could not climb up onto his back and actually ride him.  He stood up and trotted back the 20 miles back to Stoney’s farm.
Now three years later, Tornado has not left my side. ��I saved his life and he repaid me back by saving mine.  After that debt was paid, we had this—incredible bond, and that is something that no one can ever take away from us.
Once I hooked him up I said to him.
“I don’t know Tornado, maybe I’m just going crazy.” He nudged shoulder and gently nibbled the ends of my long hair.  I giggled and shoved him away from my hair.  He nickered at me as he moved his head towards mine so that he and I were staring at each other eye to eye.  My forehead touching his muzzle. “You Mister are as much of a busybody as Stoney is.”
“So, are we doing this or not?” Charles’ voice suddenly rang out.  I backed away from Tornado and I said.
“Well you seem eager.”
“Not really. I just didn’t want to get water dumped on my head again.” I scoffed softly as I grinned.
“Normally I’m a bit easier when it comes to wake up calls. But you’re still not getting the hang of being here on the farm are yah? Here we wake up as the sun rises and go to sleep as soon as it sets. If not for us you wouldn’t have any of those vegetables or fruits. Nor your wooly sweaters at Christmas time, or even the milk and eggs you eat every breakfast.”
“Alright, alright I get it. So—is the black one mine?”
“Not unless you wanna get kicked across the barn. Tornado don’t let anyone but me ride him.”
“Is he picky or just clingy to you?” Tornado huffed at Charles and I saw him stomp his front right hoof in a challenging gesture.  
“Steady Tornado, steady. For your information smartass, he’s a pure bred wild stallion. He’s only ever really trusted me.”
“Why’s that?”
“That’s a story for another time. You’ll take Whiskey again, but before we ride; I’m gonna teach you the proper technique on how to mount him cause let’s face it, after yesterday—you’re gonna need it.” I walked up to him and he and I stood beside Whiskey.
I told him the proper way on how to mount a horse on the left side, how to hold the reins and which foot to step onto the stirrup before shifting your weight to fully mount the horse.  I mounted onto Whiskey so that he could properly see how it was done before I got off of him and stood on the right side of him now.
“Okay city kid, your turn. Like I showed you, hold the reins first and foremost before you even think about stepping up.” He took hold of the reins and waited a bit for Whiskey to get used to him before he used his left foot to get on the stirrup.  He counted down softly to himself before finally hauling himself over with ease and as soon as he was on Whiskey, Whisk started acting up again, this time circling around nervously.
“Okay, okay now what—hey, hey what do I do now?”
“Take hold of the reins and even them out. Don’t grip them though. If you hold them too tight, it’ll show Whiskey you’re nervous. Ease and loose.” He did as I told him and Whisky immediately calmed down his nervous circling. “Now with your legs, don’t tuck them inward. Let them come outward. Have you ridden a motorbike or anything?”
“I once went boat racing with some friends of mine one summer.”
“Okay that’s good. You know how you have your legs relaxed and your knees pointed outward?” he nodded. “Do that.” He adjusted his knees and for the first time Whiskey didn’t react at all.
“I did it. I did it!” Charles laughed happily.
“Great kid don’t get cocky yet. You just got on the horse. Now you need to learn to ride.” I grabbed my hunting rifle and wrapped it around my shoulder before I mounted on Tornado and urged him outside with both my right foot and clicking my tongue.
Charles followed awkwardly behind me, I could hear him nervously telling Whisky to slow down.
“Telling him to slow down will only make him speed up. Try not to have your legs kick him every time too, that’s a sign to him that you want to go faster. And keep those reigns even.”
“Maybe we should just give this up. There’s no way I’m ever gonna ride a horse in New York City.” Charles whined.  I stopped Tornado and turned him around and I said to Charles.
“Listen Charles; I know you think this is pointless. But out here, this is life. Best way any of us get around here is through horseback. Not everyone is automatically born a horse rider. We all had to learn, your grandad, Shuck, the Sheriff, even me. Hell I was worse than you were when I first started. But how bout I give you a little piece of advice my teacher gave me.”
“He told me ‘(Y/n), life is like a horse itself. Somedays you’ll be riding freely like a bird in the sky. Other days it’ll haul you off and slam you smack down into the ground it’s like all your insides are busted. But it’s up to you to get back on that horse and ride on. Cause if you don’t, then you’re just sitting there in the dirt watching life go by without you. And only the dead need to do that’.” Charles looked at me in awe and he said.
“Damn. That’s—that’s deep.” I nodded. “Who was your teacher?” I smiled softly and said.
“You’re living with him.” We continued onward the trail and didn’t speak another word to each other for a while.
As the day got brighter and the sun moved higher into the sky we finally reached the entrance to the forest trail, the perfect place to get Shuck a deer.
“We’ll tie off the horses here and continue on foot.” I urged Tornado onward closer to the forest.  Charles urged Whiskey behind me, suddenly a bunch of birds suddenly flew out from the bush which startled Whiskey and the next thing I heard was Charles exclaiming as he was knocked off to the ground and Whiskey running into the forest.
I steadied Tornado and got off his back and raced towards Charles and stood over him.
“Can you move?”
“I think so.” I held my hand out to him and he took it.  I helped him up and groaned in pain as he rubbed his head.
“You don’t have a concussion do yah?”
“Yeah, my vision isn’t blurry or anything.”
“Good. Well most likely Whisk ran about several yards into the forest. He usually don’t stay scared for long when something startles him, especially if he finds something to eat.” We walked towards Tornado and I grabbed his reins and we walked into the forest.
Low and behold we soon found Whiskey standing beside a tree eating some grass and wild flowers not even a half mile as soon as we entered the forest.  I walked up to him and grabbed his reins and said to him.
“A bunch of sparrows Whiskey and you go running off like a big fat ninny!” he raised his head and allowed me to tie his reins to the tree.  I whistled for Tornado and he came up to me and allowed me to take the saddle off of him to lighten him up.
“Aren’t you gonna tie him up too?”
“He gets restless is he stays tied up. So I allow him to just roam around a bit whenever I go out hunting or we go for a ride. But he knows to stay close so that he can hear me call out for him when I need him. Like I said, pure blood wild mustang. You can take him out of the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of him.” I took the reins off of him and he happily spat out the metal bars between his teeth and shook his head.
I smiled and stroked up his muzzle as he nickered in gratitude before turning around and trotting off deeper into the woods.  I hung the reins over a thick branch right beside where Whiskey was tied up and took my hunting rifle off my shoulders.  Standing there for a bit I looked around and said.
“This way.” We walked Northeast for about 10 minutes till we finally reached a good rest stop near a small creek where animals would be coming for a drink. Charles and I perched up against a tree and waited.
“So—how did you become part of my grandfather’s farm?” a slight smile came at the corner of my mouth.
“That is a long story.”
“I think we got time.” I adjusted myself to fully turn towards him.
“Your grandad has been with me since all before I was born. My father used to help him out when he was growing up before he met my mom. Sadly when I was born, my mama died. Complications from the birth or something like that. After that, my dad was ruined. He drank—a lot. Then when I was—six, maybe seven my dad got the final strike when he and I got into a car accident when he was drinking and driving. After that, Sheriff put him away and Stoney actually stepped up and took me in.”
“I’m—I’m so sorry (y/n) I……”
“Didn’t know. It’s fine. I…..really don’t like to talk about it much. Never went to see my dad cause let’s be honest he never really was a father to me. I was just a visitor to him. Sometimes he’d get so drunk he’d get confused and just call me ‘little tenant’. So Sheriff did me a solid and I hold no grudge against him. Until I was told when I was 14 that my dad died in prison. I never really cared to ask how he died. But Stoney’s been good to me, as have Shuck and the Sheriff.”
Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping alerted me.  I cocked my gun and raised it up to my eye as I aimed forward towards the shrub.  Only to see a mother deer step out and a second later, her baby.  I lowered the gun and smiled lovingly as the mother deer and her baby walked towards the creek to get a drink.
“Do you—ever miss your mom?” I heard Charles ask.  I looked up at him and that’s when he said, “Sorry stupid question.”
“No it’s not stupid. And yeah. I wish I got to know her, that way I could decide for myself whether we would get along or just end up hating each other.” The reason why I mostly said that was cause I knew how Charles was towards his mom. His face immediately turned to regret as he said.
“Guess I should really rethink about how my mom’s been treating me lately.”
“Take it from me Charlie boy. Never take life for granted, cause you never know when you got something that someone else doesn’t. Be thankful that your mom is still in your life and is doing what she does because she loves you. Yeah it may seem cold at times but that’s tough love. And coming from your grandfather’s bloodline no doubt she’s a Wooly girl, just in a city environment and adapting as the times and laws change.”
It was then we both heard the chittering of squirrels just nearby.  One squirrel had a surprisingly good sized nut all to himself but there was another squirrel slowly creeping up on him wanting to steal it.
“You know if you wanna hear something really stupid. When I was a kid, sometimes I used to commentate on what an animal might be thinking in a situation.”
“Seriously?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah go on laugh it up.”
“No I’m not laughing. I think it’s—kinda cute. What do you imagine those squirrels are saying right now?” I chuckled and said.
“Well the one with the nut is probably saying ‘hmm I lucked out today. Got me a really big nut. This’ll last me till winter time for sure.’ Now the one coming up behind him is saying, ‘that nut will be mine. Bucky always gets the big nuts, well not this time’.” We then watched as the squirrel behind quickly stole the other squirrel’s nut and took off running.
As the squirrel who had the nut previously chased after the thief squirrel I continued to commentate the chase scene.
“Oi Daryl that’s my nut give it back!”
“No way Buck finders keepers!”
“I found it give it back you thieving rodent!” Charles softly laughed hearing my ‘squirrel’ voices as we watched the two squirrels chase each other up and around the tree they were standing near.
Unaware that the mother deer and her fawn had left and that another deer was coming in for a drink.  This time an adult male one.
Charles and I continued to watch the squirrel’s chase each other and I continued my commentary till I stopped when I heard a twig snap.  I turned my head and that’s when the large buck and I met eye to eye.  Slowly and carefully I raised my gun back up to my eye as the buck soon took off running.
“Cover your ears!” I said to Charles as I fired the shot and the buck immediately dropped to the ground mid run.  After a few minutes of it not moving, we walked towards it and I handed him some leather gloves. “Put these on. Never know with bucks, I heard of one case where someone took a 8 pointer buck without gloves and ended up with lime disease.”
I put my gloves on as well and the two of us worked together to carry the 6 pointer buck back towards Whiskey.
After getting him tied onto the Whiskey’s back, I whistled for Tornado and within minutes he came trotting back towards us.
“Hey big guy, have a good time roaming?” he nodded as he nickered happily. “I’ll bet you did. Unfortunately though, we’re gonna have to saddle you back up boy. But we’ve done what we needed to do. Come on boy let’s get you hooked up.” I walked back to get his saddle up ready for travel.  Once he was good and ready, I mounted onto him and said, “Alright, let’s go.”
It was roughly mid afternoon when we were about 3/4th of the way back to Stoney’s farm when I stopped by the river and I said.
“Hey Charles,”
“Yeah?” I got off of Tornado’s back and I said as I grabbed the pail bucket from one of the tacks I had on him, “I just remembered I promised the Sheriff some of Stoney’s fresh river water. Think you can fill this pail up to that I can take it to him?”
“Why can’t you do it?”
“Yeah and leave you to watch Tornado? Please he’d snap you like a twig.” Tornado gave a proud huff as Charles submitted.
“Fair enough.” He got off of Whiskey and took the pail from me and jogged towards the river.  As soon as he went down, I smirked and got off of Tornado and whispered into his ear of my devious plan.  I saw Tornado blink one eye at me, like he was winking at me before he silently walked towards Charles.  Oh man was this city kid gonna get a surprise.
Tornado finally stood over Charles and he still had no idea what to expect.  Next thing he would know was something shoving him into the water.  As he fell into the river, I couldn’t help myself from laughing, while Tornado reared up and whinnied what sounded like a laugh.
“Did you tell him to do that?!” I walked towards the river’s edge wiping a tear away.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. You’re just too easy. Here, let me help you.” I reached my hand out for him.  He took my hand before he said.
“No, let me help you.” next thing I knew, I was pulled into the river right next to him. I resurfaced and saw him now laughing at me.  I splashed some water in his face to shut him up and soon it escalated into a water fight between the two of us.  
After our water fight ceased, Charles and I stared at each other exhaustedly.  The way his auburn hair shined under the sun reminded me of the reddish tint that the sunset makes especially during the summer time.  And the way his pale skin gleamed off of the water’s reflection, it was like looking into a fresh pail of milk.  The two of us continued to stare at each other till he finally broke the silence.
“Uhh—yeah?” I whispered softly.
“Do you……uhh….I mean has anyone t-told you—” he stammered nervously.
“Told me what?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty—”
“So there you two are. I was beginning to think you both decided to hit the trail and take off out of the state line.” We looked up and there on their horses were Stoney and Shuck.
“Sorry Stoney, we were just……” I started off before Stoney once again said.
“No need to explain. We can see what’s going on here.”
“It’s not like that you old coot!”
“Seems our horse whisperer has finally gotten on the horse after all.” Shuck teased. I groaned and got out of the water as Charles followed behind me.
“Here Shuck, I got you yah damned deer. My debt has been paid and now I bid you all adios.” I said as I unhooked the deer from Whiskey and dropped it at Shuck’s horses feet before going on Tornado and riding off back to the ranch.
As the day went on I avoided Charles or anyone for that matter.  I kept myself busy around the farm, caring for the sheep and of course taking care of the horses.  Currently I was brushing Tornado’s mane when I heard the voice of the boy I really didn’t want to hear right now.
“Hey (y/n).” I circled around Tornado to hide my face from him as I kept brushing Tornado.  “Are you really not gonna talk to me anymore? You’ve been avoiding me all day.” I bit my bottom lip as Tornado looked right at me with a slight huff.  He lowered his head and nudged me away from his side before finally nudging me outward so that I now stood in front of him, but also in Charles’ line of sight.
“Damn you stallion.” I muttered to my horse as he bopped his head up and down nickering and whinnying.  I turned towards Charles and I said.
“Okay. You’ve got me now. Now what is it?”
“Well when you talk like that it almost makes me not want to say it at all.” He grouched.
“Well sorry I wasted your time then.”
“What is wrong with you?” I scoffed.  “No seriously, ever since the lake you’ve gone back to the cold-hearted girl that I first met when I came here. Did I do something wrong? Cause I swear I didn’t know Stoney or Shuck would come looking for us.”
“No it’s not something you did per-say.”
“Then what is it? Tell me cause right now I’m completely……”
“I LIKE YOU OKAY!?!?”  There was dead silence in the air.  Charles’s eyes turned from anger to shock in the manner of a second.  His mouth slightly dropped as he just gawked at me.
“You….. you like me?”
“Please don’t make me say it again Charles. I—I’ve never really been interested in any of the boys in this town, but then your grandad drags you here and……I don’t know you made me feel things I’ve never felt before. But I didn’t want to be all smoochy-gooey-goo about it. That’s just real sissy stuff but I—” I was interrupted by feeling Charles grab my arms and shutting me up with a kiss.
I froze right there on the spot for a moment not even believing what was happening till finally I succumbed and kissed him back.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his wrap around my waist bringing me closer.  After awhile we separated for air, our breaths mixing in together in a warm dance.
“I—I’m sorry. I’m sorry I….I didn’t mean to do that. I mean not the kiss that I mean kiss you so suddenly, I was just….” This time I interrupted him with a kiss. This time, it was much more softer and meaningful.  I separated from him and he whispered. “Your eyes.”
“My what?”
“Back at the lake. I—was going to say you have really pretty eyes.” I smiled happily and leaned my forehead against his.  
“Thank you. No one’s….ever really said that to me.”
“I’m more than happy to say it to you as many times as you want. Hell I’ll say you have a pretty foot if you want me to.” We both laughed and I said through my giggles.
“Please don’t though. I’ll just take the ‘pretty eyes’ compliment.”
“Hate to break it to you angel, but I’m gonna add more cute body parts to compliment.”
“Such as?” he cupped my face in his hands and just stared into my eyes.
“Well I love this pretty nose,” he kissed my nose. “And these pretty cheeks,” he kissed both my cheeks, “Especially when they get red from either the sun or from you blushing.” He teased.  I poked his side which made him curl inward for a brief moment before he continued, “And those pretty lips.” He gave me a soft and ginger kiss. “I especially love your lips. They’re not all poofed up or overly coated with lipstick like the girls have back home. It’s natural, with a hint of cherry chap stick.”
“Farm work can cause chapped lips. And the cherry was the only flavor available when I first started working here. Guess it just kinda stuck.”
“Well I love it, please keep getting that flavor.” I nodded as he leaned in and captured my lips one more time in a passionate kiss.  This time I was now pinned up against the wall and I felt Charles’ hand slowly slid down my side, to my hips and slowly back around.
But before I could feel his hand go any closer towards my butt, that’s when Tornado let off a warning neigh.  Not just any type of neigh, it’s the type of neigh that almost makes a horse sound just like a demon.  Charles immediately backed up as Tornado huffed through his nose and glared at him. I laughed softly and said.
“Oh you mind your own business Tornado. I’ll bet you were way worse with the mares of your herd.” I playfully swatted him with my cowgirl hat and he walked back towards his stable but kept his eyes on Charles.  After locking him up in his stable, I turned back towards my auburn city boy and took his hand and the two of us walked out of the stable together.
“Is he ever gonna warm up to me?”
“After seeing that, probably not. But no worries, I think the only approval you’ve got to face and already gained was your grandad’s and Shuck’s.”
From that day on, Charles and I continued to grow closer and closer with each other.  He slowly improved on his farming skills and dare I say, he went from city boy to Wooly boy in a matter of a few weeks.  Never have I been more proud to call that city kid my boyfriend.
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celestialnocturnes · 4 years
a day in a woman’s life
trigger warning: sexual abuse
as if the vexing sound of the alarm clock separating you from the sweet peace of sleep wasn’t enough, you find yourself waking up to a disgusting pool of red stain on your bed. ah, the monthly visitor has come, you whisper disappointedly. the day’s off already off to a bad start and you can’t even get up because of your excruciating cramps.
you must have been used to battling with the monthly enemy that after a few seconds of struggle, you found yourself walking towards the bathroom now ready to start the day. as you undress yourself and stare at your reflection, your imperfections begin to make fun of you. those stretch marks, those hairy armpits, those belly fats, and oh god that obnoxious figure. times are different now. magazines tell you to embrace your flaws and love your body. say, was it supposed to be revolutionary? what if i don’t love my body, you ask? does that make me any less of a person, of a woman? the reflection doesn’t answer back. then again, they’re all just a bunch of hypocrites.
the bath seemed to freshen up your perspective, until you see that there’s only two pieces of sanitary napkin left on your drawer. make a mental note to stop by the convenience store to buy a pack, you said. it’s not much of an expense, but taking into consideration all the money you’ve spent for buying those sanitary napkins the moment you first bled until your menopause, that sums up to a lot. the government should follow scotland’s initiative of giving free period products to women, but hey what about the pink tax that contributes to their illicit profits? you scoff at the thought as you put on your underwear.
maybe i should switch to tampon? the thought enters your mind and maybe it is time to consider that. it’s funny, though. corporations would lecture us for minimizing our carbon footprints when they are bigger culprits than we are. oh well, that’s a complaint for another time.
the weather was scorching hot, so you opted for a light wear. the combination is as follows: shorts dark enough to mask possible leakages, a cropped top that boosted your confidence when you tried it on the cramped fitting room, and white sneakers that unfailingly match any outfit. if you were staying at home right now, your parents would definitely ridicule you for wearing that “slutty” outfit. good thing you’re staying on a dormitory, otherwise you’d hear your mom’s endless lectures on how the outside is brimming with lustful and dangerous men.
she wasn’t wrong, though.
as you were on your way to the jeepney terminal, men along the streets feasted on the sight of your legs. to shorten the agony, you quickened your pace and eventually turned it into a sprint. it was an exercise grounded on the wrong motivation, but at least you caught the jeep before it got full.
that ride wasn’t a safe haven, you realize.
it was the same thing again. oh what you would do to avoid their frightening gaze. i should’ve brought a shawl, or a jacket you said to yourself. but come on, it’s not sensible to bring those items on a weather like this. what do you expect, though? being a woman comes a seemingly infinite number of precautionary measures.
at last, you arrived on time for your class. your friend would gossip about her new crush and both of you would look at his pictures. he’s kind of cute. oh, when would you have a crush, you thought. good thing the prof arrived before you dwell on that pointless musing. it would be nice to see a charming face, though.
the day was going well so far, ignoring the occasional strikes of pain from your cramps. when classes are finally over, you join your friends who seem to be engrossed in a secret conversation. you ask them what was going on and the news terrified you. you’ve heard this sort of thing before, but it’s different when it occurs to someone you truly care about.
apparently, one of your friends has been harassed. she was keeping it for months and finally decided to speak up about it. he physically assaulted her and took advantage of her drunkenness. what’s even worse was that it was done by someone within the campus. the place that was supposed to hone safety for its stakeholders no longer felt like a safe zone. honestly, when will it ever get better?
you’re all curious about the sanction, but realistically speaking, will justice even be served? sooner or later, everyone will forget about this. he might be suspended, sure, but when he comes back, there’s no guarantee that things will magically turn alright. some would probably even dismiss what he’d done for flirting. girls are so overreacting they would say. it’s scary to think that things and comments like that are normal when they are so, so far from that.
heard about what happened. is there anything i can do? you text your friend. she replies that she’s okay and that she needs some time alone. understandable. you would do the same thing too if you were on her shoes.
to take your mind off that heart-crushing news, you decide to watch an episode of a popular sitcom, only to find a main character being “funny” for his countless sexist jokes and borderline creepy attempts to sleep with women. what a shallow take on personality.
you’re done for the day, what with your classes, your social interactions, that news, and your period being fully functional energy drainers. you take a quick dinner and go back to your dorm. once again, you ran as fast as you could the moment you got off the jeep. your mom would be happy to know that you got back to your dormitory on time, because it’s at nighttime when men outside get even worse. what a nightmare being the one to adjust for their indecency as persons.
just when you’re ready to change into comfortable clothes and study your lessons for tomorrow’s classes, you realize two things. you need to wash your stained underwear and bed sheet. plus, you forgot stopping by the convenience store. oh dear, so much for being a woman! 
happy women’s history month to my fellow women out there! i can’t fathom the strength we hold, but it’s incredible to hold such power isn’t it? too bad we had to endure so many unnecessary things because of this society. i’ve wanted to write an entry on being a woman and inject some of my thoughts on it so i hope this does justice even though it seems like a full rant on having period. anw, let’s smash the patriarchy, one day at a time!
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