#one of those white fluffy dogs but it was SO SMALL and wearing this pink frilly dog vest
cactustreesmotel · 10 months
saw the cutest little dog from the bus window today
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Lumberjack in Love
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Lumberjack AU)
Word Count: 1,580
Summary: You’re new to town and you meet your very first neighbor. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and clean up the archive challenge. It took me a minute to grab his great prompt up buy my lovely friend @eurynome827 totally inspired me and boom here it is. Hope you enjoy. I really liked writing this! Thank you all so very much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ My beautiful divider is by my love @imerdwarf
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Warnings: sweet and soft fluff, shy Bucky being a sweet hunk of beefy goodness :)
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As you sit on the small porch of your new house and look around you still can’t believe the beauty of the mountains. It’s early Spring so the mornings are still chilly, and you pull your blanket scarf tighter around your shoulders.
A distant bark catches your attention, and you squint through the trees to see a white fluff bounding right toward you. Your first instinct is to run into the house but then you hear the deep voice of the man running after the animal and you pause.
As they get closer you can clearly see it’s a large dog and instantly relax.
“Winter! Come back here right now!” the man yells just as the dog happily trots up your steps.
He nudges his nose under your hand for a pet and you can’t help but oblige.
“Winter!” the man growls and you instantly look up.
And you keep looking up for what feels like miles until you reach the crystal blue eyes of the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. His long chestnut hair is pulled back into a low bun, but a few pieces have come loose and now frame his perfectly shaped jaw.
Your eyes wander over his plump lips and dark beard before you take in the rest of him. The soft flannel he wears is pulled tight over his broad shoulders and chest with the sleeves rolled up and barely containing his biceps.
The leather belt at his waist is worn and soft but seems pointless when the dark jeans he’s wearing are practically painted onto his thick thighs.  Heavy boots cover his feet as they seem to continuously shuffle back and forth while you shamelessly check him out.
You stand and hold out your hand, introducing yourself. At first he just stares at you then down at your hand before wiping his own on his pants. His large hand closes around yours, the warmth and strength sending a new wave of appreciation through you.
“Hi, I’m Bucky,” he says quietly, holding onto your hand a bit longer than necessary before quicky letting go and shuffling on his feet again.
“It’s nice to meet you Bucky,” you reply, pointing at the dog. “And who is this?” you ask.
“Oh! Right. That’s Winter. Sorry about that. He took off after a squirrel and then he must have caught your scent. There aren’t too many people around here so…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“He’s beautiful,” you gush, scratching Winter behind the ears but never taking your eyes from Bucky.
His tongue darts out to lick his lips and his mouth opens but nothing comes out. After a few more seconds of silence, he seems to find his voice.
“Thanks! He’s a good boy, just adventurous. I hope he uh, didn’t disturb you or anyone else,” he mumbles, gesturing toward your house.
“Not at all,” you assure him. “It’s just me and I’m happy he came to say hello and brought you along too. You’re the first neighbor I’ve met.”
“I think I’m your only neighbor,” he laughs. “I’m just about a quarter of a mile that way and I think the next house might be two and half miles passed me.”
“Well, I’m glad it’s you. And Winter is just a bonus,” you flirt.
The pink that creeps up his cheeks only makes you like him more and can’t stop your giggle.
“I’m about to make some blueberry muffins. Could I bring you some when they’re done?” you ask. “I can’t eat them all myself.”
“Yeah! I love muffins! Thank you,” he replies with a lopsided grin.  
“Ok great! I’ll see you soon,” you cheer, giving him a beaming smile. “Just that way right?” you ask him, pointing at the path in the trees.
“Huh?” he answers, staring and blinking a few times. “Oh, yea. My house. It’s uh, yep just down that path, can’t miss it.”
He shoves his hands in his jean pockets and kicks at some imaginary dirt.
“Ok then, I’ll see you soon Bucky and Winter,” you say and start to walk up your steps.
He waits for you to get to the door and open it before waving and jogging off, Winter hot on his heels.
When the blueberry muffins are baked and still warm you pack them up with some butter and start the short walk to Bucky’s house. The path is lined with stones and the tall evergreen trees create a beautiful aromatic frame along the dirt. The sound of cracking wood reaches your ears the closer you get.
At the end of the path the land opens up to large piece of green grass with the perfect log cabin sitting at the back. You smile when you see Winter sitting on the porch, his big and fluffy tail thumping loudly on the wood.
You look to the right and finally see the source of the sound. Bucky stands over a pile of wood and a large tree stump, wielding a large axe with ease. He brings it up above his head and swings it down, splitting the wood perfectly.
It’s hard to tear your eyes away from him and the way his muscles move under the tight clothing. It isn’t until Winter’s cold nose hits your leg that you look away and start walking again.
Winter’s happy barks pull Bucky’s attention from the wood and he turns to you. He sets down the axe and comes over to take the basket from your hands.
“Hi again,” he says sweetly, quickly looking at the muffins before his eyes meet yours again. “I’m glad you came back.”
You hook your arm through his. “Of course, I did,” you state obviously and pull him toward the porch. “Who else am I going to share these muffins with.”
He chuckles and dips his head, unable to hide the permanent flush on his cheeks whenever he’s around you.
“We could sit on the porch swing if you want. Or if it’s too cold you’re welcome to come in,” he tells you. “I could make tea. Do you drink tea? I also have coffee if you prefer. Or something cold? I should have lemonad…”
He’s about to go on but you reach up and place your hand on his cheek.
“Tea is just fine Bucky, thank you,” you say softly. “And we can sit out here. It’s so beautiful and the sun is warm.”
He nods a few times before rushing into the house to make the tea. You sit on the swing and prepare the muffins, gently pushing yourself back and forth with your foot. Winter lays just a few feet away in a warm patch of sunshine.
“Ok, hot tea coming right up,” Bucky says as he pushes the screen door open with his butt.
He sits opposite you on the bench, the basket of muffins between you and places the cups on the small table to the side.
“I brought honey, milk and sugar. I hope one of those will be ok,” he says.
“Perfect, thank you! I hope you like the muffins. I have butter for them too,” you say, holding one up on a napkin.
He takes it and has a bite, the crumbling dough breaking apart and getting stuck on his lips and in his beard.
“Wow. These are amazing,” he raves before taking another large bite.
You move the basket from between your bodies and shift closer to him. You bring your fingers up to his chin and lightly brush off the crumbs before swiping your thumb over his lips.
“They’re very crumbly and messy,” you explain, letting your gaze settle on his mouth before taking a bite of your own muffin.
“They’re perfect,” he stammers, clearly reacting to your touch.
His eyes watch as your tongue traces your lips to clean them of crumbs and he audibly swallows.
“These are amazing,” he mumbles, unmoving.
“You said that already,” you tease, squeezing his bicep before reaching for a cup of tea.
“Did I?” he says, more to himself than you. “I did. Didn’t I?”
You nod with a giggle and take a sip of tea. Winter trots over and rests his nose on the edge of the swing, clearly waiting for someone to share.
“Can I give him a piece?” you ask.
“Sure,” Bucky replies, laughing when Winter scarfs down the piece of muffin in one bite. “That’s one of the ways we’re the same. He loves to eat as much as I do.”
You throw your head back with a laugh.
“Well, that works out just great for me because I love to bake and cook!” you tell him. “As a matter of fact, I’m making pot pie for dinner. You should join me.”
Bucky doesn’t hesitate for a second when he answers.
“I’d love that. Pot pie is on of my favorites.”
You take one last sip of your tea before standing and covering the muffins.  
“The rest are for you,” you say, pushing the basket toward him. “And I have a feeling you’ll say that about a lot of the things I make,” you say playfully. “I’ll see you at 6 sharp then?”
“Yes, definitely,” he whispers, his eyes going wide when you lean in to place a soft kiss to his cheek.
“See you then, Bucky. And don’t forget to bring Winter and an appetite,” you yell as you head back down the path to your house.
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@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @fxckbuckyscoming​ @hiddles-rose​ @jhangelface0523​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @jewels2876​ @littleredstarfish​ @lookiamtrying​ @lorilane33​ @loricameback​ @la-cey @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @cherryblossomskye​ @tuiccim​ @whatrambles​ @white-wolf1940​
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mochiable · 3 years
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— how you met nct dream.
anon request: hello! i don’t know if you take this type of request but i would love a scenario on how you meet nct dream ot7 if it’s possible, thank you!
warning: one swear word
wc: 1.5k
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you had been watching that cute boy on the badminton court playing with his friends ever since you had started working in the gym and you couldn't help but become more and more interested in him with each passing day. the noises he made when he hit the shuttlecock, the whimpers that came from his pink fluffy lips when he missed the expected shot and the way he frowned and puckered his mouth when his partner missed were some of your favourite things about going to work. yet you had never been able to strike up a conversation. never until this day, when his friends decided to take a break and go watch the football match, while he preferred to stay and practice a bit more.
"you're good," you complimented him once you approached him and threw him a bottle of water, which he managed to catch on the fly. "thank you," he replied flashing you a shy smile, causing his cheekbones to bulge. "where did you learn all that?" you asked sitting down on the bench at the side of the court. he turned to look at you nervously, setting the bottle down once he had taken a sip. "my father... well... he taught me, i guess," he replied, averting his gaze to anywhere on the court except your eyes. "and what do you like best about it?" you questioned him, watching the feather he was playing with bounce on the ground. "ahhh, i... i like badminton, i mean... i like it a lot, like... the... the... the rackets are really nice," he replied trying to find the right words, looking even more tender than ever and causing a smile to form on your lips. but just then his friends arrived, so you stood up and approached him. "nice to meet you, mark," you bowed your head and he copied you, failing to hide the blush on his cheeks.
you snorted once more when the card of the hotel you were staying at wouldn't open the door. you had just taken a dip in the pool and were starting to get cold from wearing only a t-shirt over your swimsuit. you had already used every curse word the dictionary had and still the door wouldn't open. until suddenly you heard a click and it did, so you hurriedly tried to enter. however, something a little softer than the door blocked your way, making you bump into it or, rather, into someone.
“can i help you with something?” the boy smiled kindly as two others a little taller than him appeared from behind. you frowned, looking at the number painted on the door and then looking at the number written on your card. it was then that you realised your mistake, “shit! sorry, sorry. i've got the wrong room,” you apologised, trying to hide your embarrassment and nervousness. “is your room next door?” he asked leaning the side of his body against the door frame, to which you nodded, “i hope to see you again then,” he spoke, as the other two boys who hadn't moved yet tried to hide their laughter. you smiled still a little self-consciously and turned around with the intention of getting out of there. “nice outfit, by the way.”
you were taking the dog for a walk in the park as you usually did, but this day was a bit different. you let the dog loose, trusting him completely, although you regretted it after a second when you saw how he ran away from you, starting to chase a boy riding his bike. you ran after him, calling his name and wishing you were born with more stamina, because your lungs weren’t strong enough for that. the boy slowed down when he noticed the animal running after him, who didn't think twice before jumping on top of him and knocking him off his bike, licking his face while getting petted. when you managed to get to where they were, you apologised repeatedly, getting several "don't worry" from the boy, smiling with amusement at your furry friend.
“i hope your dog doesn't attack me again,” he laughed softly, hopping on his bike and riding off, reassuring you that there would definitely be a next time.
in the summer you worked in a flower shop, you didn't get paid much but it was enough to pay for your studies. that day, your boss sent you to the most famous dance company in your city to deliver a bouquet with yellow sunflowers, something strange you had to admit.
leaving the lift you bumped into a handsome guy who apologized for not having noticed and almost destroying those beautiful flowers. as an apology he offered to guide you to your destination and you, a bit shy, accepted shyly. you could notice the look of confusion when you pointed out where you should deliver the sunflowers and, when you entered the room, he didn't hesitate to speak.
“so the flowers are for me, you’re the one sending them?” he approached them to smell their soft, fresh scent and then looked at you with a twinkle in his eye. you shook your head slightly, watching an amused pout form on his handsome face, “how bad, i would’ve wished to receive such a gift from someone so pretty.”
Songpa Naru Park was perhaps your favourite place to spend the afternoon when you didn't have too much to do. coming here, watching the almond blossoms swaying in the wind, listening to the swallows singing and watching families having a good time were your favourite images. you couldn't miss the photographs, you were nobody without your camera and your snapshots.
at that moment, watching the black and white ducks arguing over which part of the lake belonged to each of them, you felt a flash in your right profile, which made you startle and your camera, which was in your lap, rush to the ground. however, a big hand prevented that horrible disaster.
“forgive me,” the stranger apologised, “i didn't mean to,” he showed you his perfect white teeth as he returned the camera to your lap. “did you take a picture of me?” you asked looking in his direction, remembering that bright light. he looked at you with regret and put his hand to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously, “sorry about that too.” you gave him a tight-lipped smile and lifted your shoulders, “don't worry, it's all right,” you replied turning your gaze back to the lake, “it’s beautiful, isn't it?” you asked, watching him out of the corner of your eye. “yes, very pretty,” he replied, looking at your picture on his camera, which brought another smile to your face, a bigger one this time.
you were definitely lost. maybe if you hadn't listened to your brother, you would now be at the restaurant where your parents were waiting for you. but obviously, he didn't want to use the gps as he had "memorised the way". and this is when he forced you to roll down the car window and ask some stranger for help.
“excuse me, could you tell me where Las Torres restaurant is?” you asked a handsome guy, wearing a loose summer brown shirt. he smiled at you and asked for your phone so he could write it down for you, which you readily agreed to. “here you go. i’ve drawn you the official route, but also a small detour that will get you there faster,” he explained, handing you back the phone through the window. after thanking him and saying goodbye, he gave you a smile with a wink, which caused a slight blush to appear on your cheeks. you soon learned the reason for this gesture. he hadn't asked for your mobile phone just to guide you, but to write down his number as well.
you were having dinner with a friend at one of your favourite restaurants, celebrating the end of the school year and another year of your friendship. however, you weren't paying full attention to your friend, as you were busier watching the boy who hadn't stopped looking at you all night and who, when you looked back at him, looked away, blushing slightly. halfway through dinner you could notice his friend saying something in his ear, looking in your direction, and how the boy's eyes widened while he began to shake his head. but suddenly, the other boy stood up and, ignoring his friend's prayers, approached you with a mischievous smile on his face.
“good evening,” he greeted, interrupting your conversation and resting his hands on the table, “you've caught my friend's eye, but he's too shy and cowardly to come and ask for your number himself, so i’m here to make his dreams come true,” he addressed you with confidence and amusement, pointing to the sweet boy who was now covering his face with the tablecloth. you finally decided to write down your number on the napkin and your heart skipped a beat as the boy smiled shyly at you after receiving the piece of paper with your number written on it.
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requests are open!
main masterlist | nct masterlist
a/n: this is my very first multiple scenario and i have to admit i’m very nervous about it. i’d really appreciate it if you could provide me with some feedback and tell what do you think of it! hope you liked it, love you<3
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unfair, m | myg, jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader, ft. yoongi
summary: Min Yoongi lived a simple life, alone in his apartment with his dog, Holly. Then he (and his dick) noticed his next-door neighbor. And her boyfriend. But nothing was going to come out of that. They weren’t trying to seduce him... right?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship (jk/you); pining/slow burn; overheard smut; smut (fem reader, threesome, m and f-receiving oral); lil fluff; starts off with Yoongi’s POV, then changes to yours when it gets... fun. ;)
Min Yoongi had a problem. A problem most men probably had, but not a problem he was used to. He wasn’t a thirsty kind of guy. For most of his life, he really didn’t care about sexual shit. He had fallen in love, sure, but that was the gradual feeling, the kind that grew slowly but surely, and ultimately burned out when the girls would basically tell him he was boring as fuck. Which he knew he wasn’t. He was just… really garbage at being romantic.
Of course, he was older now, so he had some idea of romance and showing affection, not for his sake but for the sake of loving someone. Even if he was bad at it, the whole point was to try. To be honest, he hadn’t actually put that theory into practice yet, but that was what he had concluded after his last break-up. But now he had a problem.
It was not fucking fair how fucking hot his next-door neighbor was.
It just wasn’t. To whatever higher power was up there, what the actual fuck? Why do this to him, Min Yoongi, of all people? He was a kind boy. A good soul. He didn’t need to step out of his apartment to walk his dog Holly to see his next-door neighbor in a sports bra and leggings wiping her brow with a towel after her morning run. A little sweaty, cheeks flushed, skin glistening. Holy fuck. To top off that banging body, she looked up at him and gave him a confident smile and a polite nod before going into her apartment. Not even embarrassed.
Fuck. Now he had to walk his dog with a hard-on. Great.
To make it even worse, he was pretty sure she was taken. A guy would come around and they would leave together, probably to go on dates. Usually he was in sweats and a bucket hat but this time Yoongi saw him in slacks and a dress shirt.
And, oh, holy hell.
Of course, the guy was fucking handsome as fuck. Nice broad shoulders and muscular arms. Cute face with a mischievous smile and nose scrunch when he laughed. A sweet, tiny mole underneath his lower lip and another on his cheek. Neat black hair swept to one side, begging to have hands running through those strands. Round, brown doe eyes. Thighs could probably crush him and Yoongi would be happy about it. And then she came out of her apartment in her tight black dress and heels, sliding into the guy’s arms so easily and giving him a kiss. The dress showed off her nice round ass and juicy, squeezable thighs.
It was all fucking terrible for Yoongi.
“Ooh, you’re looking pretty for me today, love.”
“Wow, Jungkook, contain yourself for one second so we can at least eat first.”
“I’m ready to eat something, that’s for sure.”
He was not creeping; he was collecting a package outside his door. That was it. He was not the least bit interested in what was going on next to him.
Holly raced out of his apartment, his tiny fluffy brown butt bouncing as he rushed to the people, barking excitedly. Yoongi nearly dropped his package in surprise, shoving it under his arm and rushing over.
“Holly, no! I’m so sorry–”
The guy, Jungkook, laughed as he crouched down, barking back at Holly playfully.
“Aren’t you cute? What’s your name, little one?”
His next-door neighbor smiled at him. Yoongi was ready to crawl into a hole in embarrassment. Not only was he looking frumpy as fuck in a stained white t-shirt and black sweats, but he was also struggling to wrangle Holly with a large box under his arm. To top it off, Jungkook was not making it any easier by chasing Holly around. Yoongi’s black hair was messy and unbrushed, long enough to almost cover his eyes. He was basically a hobo compared to these two.
“I’m sorry for interrupting, he’s a bit–”
“It’s okay.”
He froze up. Oh no, oh no, oh no.
“What’s your dog’s name?”
He swallowed. “H-Holly.” Oh shit. He accidentally looked at her chest. Why did she have such pretty collarbones? She seemed not to notice. Instead she looked over to Jungkook who was wrestling with Holly on the floor and rubbing his belly.
“He’s really cute,” she said with a smile. “You don’t mind if Jungkook plays with him a little, do you?”
“N-no,” Yoongi mumbled, biting his lip. She had plump, shapely lips stained red.
She held her hand out. “I only moved in last month.” He placed her hand in hers. She had a nice, firm handshake. She was telling him her name and he was imagining her hand wrapped around his cock. He needed to get a grip.
“Min Yoongi,” he said robotically. What are social skills? Yoongi didn’t remember any of them at the moment.
“That’s Jeon Jungkook,” she was saying, pointing to the young man on the floor. Holly was licking his hands excitedly. Yoongi noticed a small heart tattooed onto Jungkook’s right hand. Fuck. He had nice hands too. His cock was waking up. Oh fuck.
“Come on, Holly, we have to go now.”
“Aww,” Jungkook whined. Why the fuck was this guy so fucking cute? Please have mercy. Jungkook waved to Holly with a smile. “See you later, Holly!”
Yoongi bowed awkwardly and scurried back into his apartment, Holly bounding in behind him as he shut the door. He barely even squeaked out a goodbye. He didn’t have a chance because – yup, now he had a giant boner.
Holly wagged his tail and barked up at Yoongi, who sighed and shook his head.
His brother asked to take Holly for a while. It was fine with Yoongi; his older brother was going camping with his wife and Holly loved being outdoors. Actually, he invited Yoongi, but Yoongi knew he wasn’t an outdoorsy kind of guy and suggested Holly to go instead. Holly loved Yoongi’s brother – maybe even more than Yoongi himself, the traitor. To be honest, if his brother decided to have kids soon, Yoongi had always said it would be a good idea for Holly to grow up with them. Dogs were an essential part of childhood, after all.
That’s why Yoongi was sitting alone in his apartment, reading, with no dog noises around him to distract him. It was nice, quiet, and serene.
Or it would be, if it wasn’t for his next-door neighbor literally fucking up a storm.
Instead, Yoongi was seething at the shared wall next to him as he was very clearly hearing someone getting banged. Which was fine, because people were allowed to do what they wanted. Yoongi didn’t care. Except he did kind of care, because he was absolutely sure it was Jungkook fucking the daylights out of his hot-as-fuck next door neighbor. It was also upsetting because his dick was suddenly awake and saying hello as if he had been called to attention.
But, nope, it was just Yoongi sitting alone glaring at the wall that separated him and giving the two of them a piece of his mind.
Or his meat.
He frowned and made a face. He didn’t have thoughts like that. No, not him, Min Yoongi. He was pure, he definitely did not have any naughty thoughts, nope, not a single o–
A particularly lustful moan of Jungkook’s name cut though his thoughts.
Was he sitting at the chair closest to the wall? Maybe. Well, he was. Could he just move to his kitchen and not hear anything? Yes. Was he going to move?
What number was this anyway? Did Jungkook have the stamina of a horse or something? Not that Yoongi cared, mind you. He certainly did not. It was interesting to think about, that’s all. And then he heard something he thought he would never, ever hear.
“Oh, fuck, Yoooongi!”
Um, what? Did he hear that correctly? Yoongi sat up, raising an eyebrow at the wall. It must have been his imagination, surely, because the sound of skin on skin was not stopping. There was no way she had said the wrong name by accident, right? And Jungkook wouldn’t just let her blurt some other guy’s name out for no reason, right?
He glared at the wall suspiciously, as if it could answer.
Eventually the sounds died down, which was a relief. Hours went by and all Yoongi could think about was her saying his name. There was no way she accidentally said his name while getting fucked by Jungkook. Making that kind of mistake was unforgivable. He ended up ordering take out because to be honest he couldn’t really concentrate on cooking. Yoongi frowned as his doorbell pinged, walking to the door automatically. He must have manifested his thoughts or something like that. He placed his hand on the knob and opened it. It was his imagination, surely–
“Hey, did you order delivery? The person accidentally dropped it off at our door.”
Yoongi almost fell over.
His next-door neighbor blinked at him as he struggled to find his words. She was wearing a big baggy white t-shirt that clung to her body. No pants. The bag was in front of her chest. He could barely see the light pink of her panties.
“Ah, it wasn’t the other door. Is it his?”
Jungkook bounded over, black hair messy, his doe-like eyes wide with curiosity. Grey t-shirt, gray sweatpants. Tattoos going up his right arm. Yoongi nearly had a heart attack seeing his muscular arms.
“Uh, ah–yes, it’s mine, sorry–”
She smiled and held it out to him.
“Here you go.”
His eyes almost bulged out of his head – she wasn’t wearing a bra, holy shit – and he nearly dropped the bag if it wasn’t for Jungkook’s quick reflexes placing his hand at the bottom of the bag.
“Whoa, careful there.”
Thankfully his arm was now blocking her tits so Yoongi snatched the bag and bowed profusely, mumbling apologies.
“Sorry to trouble you.”
“It’s no problem,” she said brightly. “Enjoy your meal.”
She waved and Yoongi finally looked up, seeing her body turned away from him. Oh, whew. Then he looked up to their faces.
And found both of them smirking at him before they went back into her apartment.
“They’re fucking with me, Hoseok!”
“Calm down, hyung. I think you’re thinking about it too much.”
That’s what his best friend Jung Hoseok told him over dinner. Yoongi was having none of it.
“How can I be over-thinking it when they’re smirking at me at my front door?”
Hoseok winced. “I don’t know, maybe you imagined it. Why would your next-door neighbor and her boyfriend do something like that?”
“I don’t know, it’s not bad, it’s just–”
“Wait, you like it?”
“… I didn’t–”
Hoseok had burst out laughing like a lunatic.
The laughter rang in Yoongi’s ears as he stood at his front door, silently fuming. He shouldn’t have told Hoseok. But who was he supposed to tell? He wasn’t that close with many of his friends, after all. And Hoseok didn’t end up being mean about it in the end. Yoongi rubbed his forehead, shoving his hair under his black cap. Ah, it was probably just an empty hope after all. He was over-thinking it. Only an absolute loon would think that his next-door neighbor and her boyfriend wanted to have a threesome with him.
He jumped, jerking away from his door suddenly. She stared at him, lip quivering, a worried look on her face. Cropped pink sweatshirt and leggings. Whew, at least she was clothed.
“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. Is this a bad time?”
“I wasn’t scared,” he said automatically. “Only surprised.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, what was it?”
“Oh, I just…” She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, fluffing her hair. Fuck. Stop being cute. “I don’t mean to pry, but I haven’t seen you walk Holly lately. I was wondering if he was okay?”
Oh. Right. His dog. “Ah, Holly is with my brother right now. He’s fine. We sort of have shared custody of him since we all grew up together,” Yoongi added with an awkward smile. Ack. Social skills, what even are they?
“Oh, that’s a relief!” She placed a hand on her chest and smiled. “I’m sorry if I was being too nosy.”
He waved a hand. “It’s okay. I’m surprised you noticed.”
“Who wouldn’t notice? You always looked so happy walking him.” He was pretty sure his heart was going to burst if she kept smiling at him like that. “You’re so cute when you smile.”
“Ah…” Hang on, what? His cheeks began to warm.
“You must love dogs.”
Right. His dog. He chuckled. “I don’t usually, but somehow Holly made his way into my heart.”
She looked rueful. “I’m jealous of him.”
“It must be difficult to win your heart.”
Was she… flirting with him?
She smiled innocently at him but those eyes were giving him a different story. The mischievous sparkle made his response die in his throat. He stared at her for a good minute.
“What… about Jungkook?”
“What about me?”
Yoongi felt his entire body freeze. He was caught. Shit, shit, shit.
Jungkook brushed past him ever-so-slightly, hand lingering on Yoongi’s jacket-covered arm before he hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead. She smiled up at him. Jungkook grinned at her and turned back to Yoongi with a bright bunny-like smile.
Yoongi looked away quickly, realizing he was observing much too closely. “Er, hello.”
“Hey, Yoongi.”
He swallowed and looked up, raising his eyebrows. “Yes?”
Her lips curved into a sly smile.
“If you’re ever feeling up to it, we would love you to come over sometime.”
Jungkook grinned. “Any time!”
Oh, fuck. Jungkook’s hands were on her waist, sliding down slowly. Tongue in his teeth as she leaned against his chest with that foxy smile. Yoongi opened his mouth, but the only sound he made was an awkward croak. He coughed and looked away.
“I’ll… keep that in mind.”
Yoongi hastily fumbled with the door lock and ran into his apartment, praying that neither of them could see his blushing face and his massive hard-on.
“They said you could come over any time. You are not crazy. You are just being nice.”
Yoongi stood in front of his next door-neighbor’s door like a zombie, clutching one bottle of red wine and a bottle of whiskey for dear life. He had contemplated his outfit three times before deciding that a long-sleeved white shirt, black jeans, and ripped gray denim jacket was not trying too hard. But just to be sure, he wore his nicer black boxer briefs and not the ones with holes in them.
In case.
“They don’t want to fuck you. They’re being nice.”
The door suddenly opened.
Yoongi’s eyes went wide. He sputtered. “A-ah!”
Oh my god.
Was it even possible for a woman to be this pretty? Decked in a floaty, red dress with a delicate bow around her neck and fluffy white slippers, his next-door neighbor seemed surprised to see him. The fabric floated down and clung to her curves, dipping inward in between her legs. Her eyebrows raised in surprise and her plump lips curved into a small ‘o’.
“Yoongi! I wasn’t expecting you for another ten minutes! Jungkook told me he just arrived.”
“I’m here, darling.”
Jungkook’s deep voice purred behind Yoongi. The older man nearly jumped and turned to see Jungkook right behind him – how long had he been there? Black t-shirt, black jeans, chunky black sneakers.  Jungkook’s lips curved into a mischievous smile and he leaned over Yoongi, his chest brushing against Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi felt his heartbeat skyrocket at the sudden closeness until he realized Jungkook was kissing his girlfriend on the forehead, patting her head gently.
“Fancy for a just watching a movie,” Jungkook teased. She stuck her tongue out at him.
“I just bought this dress! I can wear whatever I want.”
“Yes, you can, and you look cute in it too.”
Yoongi would have been paying attention except he suddenly felt Jungkook’s hand against his back, sliding slightly downwards. He froze, breath caught in his throat. It wasn’t that he was starved for intimacy or anything. Okay, maybe he was a little bit, but, shit, what was he supposed to do with two very obviously hot as fuck people were seducing him? Ignore it?
No, he most certainly was not.
Yoongi stumbled, nerves rattling him. He felt strong arms hold him straight.
“Oh, sorry, did you trip?” Jungkook asked, worry laced in his voice.
“Ack, where are my manners? Come in, come in.”
He felt Jungkook push him lightly. Yoongi swallowed and stepped inside the apartment, still clutching the two bottles of alcohol for dear life. He was afraid that if he let go, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from… uh. Things. Breathe deep, Min Yoongi. You are not fifteen.
“These… are for you.”
He held out the two bottles to her. She tilted her head as she read the labels, taking them from him. It took all of Yoongi’s power not to grab her tits.
“Oh, thank you! Look, Jungkook, he bought red wine, your favorite!”
Jungkook bounded past him excitedly and took the bottle from her. “Ah, yesss! All for me!”
Yoongi blinked. “You don’t drink?”
She tapped the whiskey bottle. “I do. Just not wine.”
Watching a movie? Yeah, right.
How was Yoongi supposed to watch anything at all? One look at Jungkook in his loose black t-shirt and, fuck,  he was reminded the guy’s entire right arm was tattooed. Holy shit. And her? Wrapped so nicely in floaty red fabric with that bow around her neck. It meant the dress had a deep neckline and he could see the curve of her cleavage, the plushness of her breasts.
Fuck this movie. Yoongi literally had no idea what was on the screen at this point.
She leaned against Jungkook as he sipped his wine. Every so often, she poured herself a shot of whiskey and drank it. Like… what? Granted, it wasn’t very much, but he had never seen a woman just… do that. She would smile and settle back onto the couch, into the curve of Jungkook’s arm. His tattooed arm. Jungkook would then drape it around her again, fingertips almost touching her breast. All this, happening within ten inches of Yoongi, who was sitting on her right side.
He didn’t know what number he was on now. Yoongi wasn’t a lightweight but he couldn’t calm his nerves either. Nerves or growing lust?
Yoongi looked away and stared at the screen. He didn’t know what he was looking at. All he could think about was faceplanting into those tits and Jungkook’s hands all over him. Or her sitting on his face as Jungkook sucked him off. Or, her sitting on Jungkook’s face and him sucking Jungkook off–
He nearly flung his glass in surprise but she reached over and took it from him. Her breasts brushed against his arm and Yoongi stiffened, trying to keep his face neutral.
“I think you need to slow down. Are you okay?” she said worriedly, placing the whiskey glass on the coffee table.
“No.” He shook his head quickly and cleared his throat. “I mean, yes. Yes, I’m fine.”
Jungkook and her stared at him.
Yoongi raised a hand and took a deep breath. “Er… I am getting this feeling,” he said awkwardly.
She tilted her head. “Hm?”
“It’s nothing.”
Jungkook shook his head. “No, no. If you’re not comfortable, then we understand. You should go home if you’re not feeling well.”
No, that’s not really what I want. I want to fuck, damnnit!
“Ah…” Yoongi swallowed at the sudden attention placed on him. “It’s not that.” He was a straightforward person. He didn’t know how to make it sound metaphorical or pretty. “You two have a very strong… presence.”
She frowned slightly. “Is that bad for you?”
“N-no. It’s, er… attractive.”
Oh shit. He said it.
“Ah, I meant–” Yoongi coughed, looking away quickly. “The other day… I thought I heard my name… But it must have been a mistake, right?” He laughed awkwardly. “Sorry, I shouldn’t say such–”
A softness pressed against him. Yoongi wasn’t wearing his jacket, only his long-sleeved white shirt. He froze. The softness slid up his arm. He could feel the weight of her body against him. His brain was turning into mush. Oh god, oh god, oh god…
“You heard me?” The words purred against his neck, hot and heavy.
He couldn’t turn around. He couldn’t. Yoongi tried to collect his words, fumbling through them.
“N-not on purpose…”
“You want me to say your name again? So you can hear it in person?”
The weight lifted. Slowly, Yoongi turned his head. His eyes trailed up her legs, to the floaty red fabric, to her waist, then up her chest to her face. She smiled slyly at him. Strong hands, one tattooed, one not, slid up her sides, grasping the bottom ties that held the bow together. Jungkook’s mischievous face popped up from behind her head. Yoongi just stared at them, eyes wide, mouth slightly open like a surprised kitten.
The bow teased apart, slowly. Jungkook’s hands slid inside the fabric, pushing it away. Yoongi’s breath caught in his throat. Jungkook cupped her breasts gently, rubbing his palms over them. She was wearing heart shaped pasties to cover her nipples. Yoongi was aware that he could run right now. He could have just stood up and walked out and that weirdness would have been over. Except, well…
His hand lifted. Yoongi hesitated for a moment, looking into her eyes.
She smirked and wrapped her fingers around his. His heart thumped loudly in his ribcage as she led him to her chest.
“You can take it off, if you want,” she said gently.
Yoongi swallowed as his fingertips touched her breast. Oh, so soft. He hooked a nail underneath the sticky material and pulled lightly. Nothing. She chuckled and shook her head.
“Little harder, Yoongi.”
His name was a soft purr. Yoongi bit his lower lip and yanked a little harder. It came off in his hand. He blinked rapidly in surprise, hoping he didn’t hurt her. His second thought was…
Holy shit, her nipple.
It was prominent, sticking straight out at him. It would have been visible through the fabric of the dress due to its size. Thinking about that was arousing him. Yoongi felt as if his whole face was heating up. He vaguely registered Jungkook peeling off the second one and dropping it on the coffee table. Now there were two – great math there, Yoongi, he scolded himself – and he sat like a statue, unable to comprehend that this was real.
Jungkook pushed her breasts together, trapping her nipples between his index and middle finger. He rolled them slowly. Yoongi watched in fascination as her eyes slid closed and her head tipped back, a breathy moan dripping from her lips. Jungkook squeezed and kneaded her breasts, nose buried in her neck as he inhaled deeply, murmuring her name. Her eyelids fluttered.
“A-ah… Yoongi…”
There was no wall blocking his view now. It was real.
Yoongi sat up a little straighter, leaning forward. He was still too afraid to touch.
Her hand came up and stroked his cheek softly. He leaned into her touch, hungry. Her thumb pressed against his lips.
“Wanna kiss you.”
He cursed his bad habit of chewing on his lips, but leaned forward delicately. His eyes flickered to Jungkook, who was watching him with amusement. He wanted to ask. Are you sure? Jungkook seemed to understand and he nodded, smile turning gentler at Yoongi’s nervousness.
His eyes found hers again. Her lips parted. She led him to her face, closing her eyes slowly as her lips touched his. So soft, so gentle. It wasn’t the kiss he expected from his daydreams. It was warm and calm, soothing his nerves. His hands came up to cup her cheeks as the kiss deepened, tongue dancing against tongue. Everything just felt so soft. So lovely.
He felt Jungkook take his hands and slide them down. Yoongi gasped into her mouth as his palms touched her nipples. She moaned at his touch, nipping at his lower lip as he squeezed them, rolling her nipples with his thumb. They were just the right measure of hardness and softness. Her hands found his jeans and she pulled him closer by the waist, his body against hers.
It wasn’t her voice. It was Jungkook’s, leaning forward and pushing up his shirt, running his hands over his skin. Yoongi gasped, suddenly feeling embarrassed. It was so obvious that Jungkook was more muscular and stronger than he was. But she held him close, kissing his jaw and neck. Jungkook’s face came into view, small smile dancing on his lips.
“I can call you that, right? Even though you’re my hyung?”
At this point, Yoongi didn’t even remember what honorifics were. “Whatever you want,” he muttered breathlessly. Jungkook chuckled and leaned forward, placing his lips on his. Oh, yes. More passionate, intense. Yoongi felt himself moan into Jungkook’s mouth and the younger man sucked on his tongue, hands along his back, pressing him into her.
It took a moment to untangle slightly. Breathing hard, Yoongi found himself looking into two pairs of lustful eyes.
“What do you want to do, Yoongi?”
Seducing Min Yoongi hadn’t been easy. There had been moments where you wondered if you had gone too far, or if Jungkook had teased him a little too much. It had been a long, carefully laid out plan. In fact, Jungkook almost gave up in the middle at one point and tried to convince you that he should hump him to get the message across. It had been a little difficult. But it was all worth it.
Because now you two managed to get Yoongi in the bedroom, flat on his back, your pussy in his face and Jungkook’s mouth on his cock. And oh, fuck, his fucking tongue. It had taken some more fondling and kisses to make Yoongi say it.
“Could I… eat you out while Jungkook sucks me off? Is that too much or–”
You grinded your hips into Yoongi’s face, sucking in a breath as Jungkook’s head bobbed up and down on Yoongi’s cock. Jungkook naked was already enough to make you wet. His muscular back, that ass, his tattooed arm, and his forearms flexing as he held Yoongi’s hips down. Could he suck dick as well as you? No, but he had a pretty good idea considering you were excellent at it. Watching Yoongi’s cock slide in and out of his mouth was a delicious sight. Yoongi’s tongue lapping at your clit had you dripping into his mouth. Somehow, he had just the right amount of pressure and roughness as he stroked you to climax, nails digging into your thighs.
You moaned in satisfaction, panting Yoongi’s name. Jungkook’s brown eyes flickered up to you and he made a muffled noise as he witnessed you playing with your nipples, squeezing and pulling on them lightly. You saw his hips jerk, humping the bed. You grinned. Teasing Jungkook was fun.
Yoongi tapped your leg and you got up, concerned. But he was clutching the sheets, gasping, head thrown back as he groaned, shoving his crotch into Jungkook’s face. Jungkook’s eyes widened and he gripped Yoongi’s hips, swallowing nosily as Yoongi’s entire body shuddered.
You smiled as Jungkook sucked him dry, slowly rubbing his tongue around Yoongi’s cock as he cleaned him up. Yoongi did not seem like he was expecting this at all and moaned loudly, probably a little too loud. Jungkook dipping his head slowly, down, down, until the sensitive head hit the back of his throat. Yoongi’s face scrunched up, slipping into a moan as Jungkook slowly pulled back, Yoongi’s cock popping out of his lips.
Jungkook grinned. “Did I do good?”
You smiled. “Of course, my love.”
Yoongi squinted at him. “How the fuck did you learn how to do that?”
Jungkook pointed to you. “From the best.”
You smiled and Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
“Can I try something?” Jungkook asked, tugging on your arm.
You nodded. “What is it?”
Jungkook pulled you to him and kissed you, smiling against your lips. He readjusted you to be on top of Yoongi, your back to his chest. Yoongi made a disgruntled noise, but you rubbed your ass against his still sensitive cock, making him gasp. His hands wrapped around you. Yoongi had pretty hands, the kind of hands that made you pause the first time you saw him, the kind of hands you dreamed about touching you, the kind of hands that made your body melt. You were a bit disappointed that you couldn’t see Yoongi’s handsome face in his position but Jungkook was lifting your legs now, setting them on his shoulders. The condom was already on.
Jungkook smirked.
Was this man really going to expose your favorite position right now?
His cock slid into you, slow and deep and hard. You yelped, feeling Yoongi grab your breasts and knead them. You liked this position for several reasons – one, Jungkook had you basically trapped under his body, and, two, Jungkook had power and gravity on his side. Thus, he could fuck you hard and deep at the same time, absolutely ruining you. And watch your face while he was doing it.
“Jungkook, ah, so deep,” you moaned, leaning against Yoongi’s chest as he pinched your nipples. Your pussy clenched, squeezing Jungkook’s cock inside you.
“That’s how you like it,” he drawled, rolling his hips into you, making his cock throb. You whimpered, looking deep into Jungkook’s eyes. Yoongi pinched your nipples and you whined as Jungkook thrust into your leisurely, burying himself in your folds.
“Whose idea was it to scream Yoongi’s name while we were fucking, hm?” Jungkook teased, fucking with such force that your ass bounced against Yoongi’s dick each time. You could feel him getting hard as your ass rubbed against it.
“M-mine,” you reply, earning you a slightly harder pace.
“So naughty,” Jungkook purred, licking his lips. “You wanted Yoongi so bad, didn’t you, love?”
You could only moan as Jungkook began to fuck you harder. Yoongi’s cock was smearing pre-cum all over you. You tried to desperately rub your ass against his cock, feeling it throb underneath you. It wetly slapped your ass every time Jungkook bounced you up and down.
“Fuck,” Yoongi grunted, kissing your neck. “Fuck, you two are seriously not fair.”
“Yoongi, ah, Jungkook…”
Yoongi rolled your nipples against his fingers and pinched them. You cried out, pussy clenching as your orgasm hit you, so overflowed with stimulation that you could barely think. Jungkook gritted his teeth, maintaining his pace as they worked you up again, Yoongi’s fingers rolling your nipples and Jungkook fucking you deep. It was an absolute mess of your own cum dripping down and Yoongi’s pre-cum mixing with it. The head of Yoongi’s hard cock was rubbing against your ass. You could watch Jungkook thrusting in and out of you, shiny and glistening.
“Ah, fuuuuck!”
You moaned as you came again, thick juices gushing down and coating Yoongi’s cock. Jungkook shuddered at your pussy tightening around him. You felt Yoongi’s hips shudder as he sucked in a breath sharply, groaning at the sensitivity as he came on your ass and up your thigh, splattering onto Jungkook’s legs.
Jungkook grinned triumphantly before fucking you even harder. It didn’t take long before he hissed, cock jerking inside you as he came, your name dragged out in a long moan. His jaw clenched, hips thrusting a little to get the last drops out of his softening cock.
After a moment, he pulled out, leaving you panting and sore in Yoongi’s arms. He got up to clean himself off, looking for a towel. Yoongi buried his face in your neck. You could feel his warm cheeks.
“Sorry about the bed,” he mumbled.
You reached back and petted his hair, breathing his name. You rubbed your ass against him and Yoongi stiffened. It made you grin.
“Stay the night, Yoongi.”
He nuzzled your hair even though he grumbled a bit.
part ii
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lehouxnap2 · 3 years
More because we are so bored.
Sophie= fashion, Marilyn Monroe, hot pink, bubblegums, big hoop earrings, 50's movies and other iconic movies, big city popular girl, cherleader, short skirts, bows, lapdogs, sunny summer weather , where everything is upbeat and not freakishly hot, pear liquer, coconut cookies, sexy dresses, hot chocolate with chili
Me= Hot pink, gold jewerly, tight short dresses, but also cute dresses, lipsticks, long nails, manicure, seductive, night dates, dance clubs from the 60's, feminist, bored, cheerful, companion, very bisexual, high heels.
Sophie= citrus scented essential oil, old tech like walkmans, vhs tapes, a dusty attic full of memories and long forgotten toys and things, red velvet cookie, macha tea, 90's aesthetic clothing style and music, Backstreet Boys, unsaid love, standing up for the bigger cause, round sunglasses, heavy rain but the sun still shines and the sky is blue, kinda ambivalent but really interesting sight, black labradors, wine, seriousness, keeping someones word, high waist jeans.
Me= Coffee colors, medals, military officer, black coffee, armani fashion style, rules, order, Law, naive, clueless, workaholic, cleanliness, polished shoes, caramel flavour, classical music, wood.
Sophie= Pity, Sarcasm, Screamo music, Death core, Slipknot, big fluffy cats like Norwegian forest cats, swamps / marshlands with weeping willows, living a luxurious life in the most gorgeous house of the town, prince, chokers (with spikes and skulls), ripped sleeveless shirts, ripped skinny jeans, gingerbread, cherry coke, red marlboro, atheism, indifference, cold starless winter nights with smoke and eerie ambience.
Me= Sleepless nights, baggy eyes, mean, very smart, aloof, private, quiet but judging, rich, lowkey depressed, tired, fast learner, lilac and beige colors, mist, horror movies, slasher movies, cannot get scared, uncompassionate.
Sophie= shiba inus, rusty irons, that man would be a fucking tornado, old victorian houses, but like those ones that are forgotten and kinda sleazy, rotting wood with tiny mushrooms on it, foxes, sly, devoted, honour, rage, hate, radicalism, fish and chips and spicy pizzas, dark brown leather jackets with oldish, kinda, unkempt scarfs, skinny jeans with hommade badges, lichi coffee, cupcakes, autumn colours, cold, pale hands,fanatism
Me= Cherrybomb, bubblegum, sassy, impatient, mean girl behaviour, devoted, seeks attention, love crush, destiny, life purposes, dreamer, roses with spikes, mockery, red/pink afternoon, pretty eyes, straightfoward, loud, wine, fanatism.
Sophie= big hats, long skirts with oversized shirts, she would wear spotted things, dachshunds, giant plushies, vintage clothing and makeup style, history geek, llava cake, red wine, indie movies, ripped short jeans, Lana del Rey, white Phillip Morris cigarettes, big backpacks, chokers, bookworm, plum scent, cinnamon-apple tea, autumn weather with smokey scent, the sky is dull but really bright, some leaves are still on the trees and tiny birds are sitting on the branches, weed.
Me= Beautiful, calm village with kind people, calmness, dogs, loyal, patriotic, soft hair, messy, kind, unintentionally seductive, light jeans, comfortable clothes, big cardigans, small, dark eyes circles, natural, plants, old vintage cigarettes, classical.
Sophie= bears, bomber jackets, military, bad boy, insecurity, honour, glory, brotherly love, bully, jock, american staffordshire terrier, campfires, raging storm on the sea while sitting in a boat, fearless of the giant waves, pistachio ice cream, walnuts, whisky, You're so Cool - Nicole Dollanganger, calf high boots with slightly baggy waist jeans, triped shirts, marine blue and fire red, phoenixes, sacrifice, big red house cats with a small nick in their ears, bruises, determination
Me= Pigs, clean, serious, tough, fragil masculinity, bully, bitch face, boots, tight t-shirts, green military colors, gel, small chains, cigarettes, small penis, mist cloudy park in Spain, revenge, jackets, frown, video games, cat with rabies, hand tattoos, jail time.
Part 1
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weirdkpopgirl · 3 years
A Day to Remember
Title: A Day to Remember
Genre: Fluff...pure fluff
Warnings: mentions of food and skinship
A/N: I know I’ve written a lot of angsty stuff here. But I felt like writing something extra fluffy today. So please enjoy ^-^
Word Count: 1487
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“Coming!” Y/n rushed to go answer her front door, after hearing the doorbell ring. Her mouth dropped in agape when she opened the door to see a cute boy with black hair and light brown highlights. The boy greeted her with a warming smile and open arms.
“Jungwon-ah? What are you doing here?” She asked as she went to hug him. The two teenagers squeezed each other tight, taking in each other’s scents.
“We were given one free day before our comeback,” Jungwon explained, pulling away to have a proper look at his girlfriend. “I wanted to see you.”
Y/n smiled but she couldn’t help but feel a bit wary. This past month, Jungwon had been so busy with preparations for his group’s comeback. Him, being the leader only added stress to his responsibilities. Y/n didn’t know why Jungwon was using his spare time to see her instead of his other friends or family.
She wanted to ask why but she held her tongue. She too had been busy herself with school and it left her missing Jungwon more than she’d like to admit. Even if she might regret it later, she decided to be selfish just this once.
So after quickly grabbing her purse and phone, she let Jungwon take her to wherever he planned to today. Their first stop was at a puppy cafe.
“Oh my gosh, they’re so cute!” Y/n beamed as she kneeled to pet this one fluffy white dog.
Jungwon smiled, satisfied with her reaction. Y/n was a reserved person and she didn’t express her emotions often. But she had moments like these where she couldn’t help but show some sort of excitement. Jungwon found that aspect of Y/n to be one of the many things that he found attractive.
When it came to ordering drinks and baked sweets, the couple bickered on who would pay. Y/n knew that Jungwon would never let her pay for everything, but she at least wanted to cover the drinks.
But Jungwon was persistent and he won the small disagreement by saying, “You paid the last time we hung out, Jagiya. Let me pay this time.” Y/n pouted, realizing that she had nothing to argue with.
After sharing food and laughs with the furry animals, Jungwon took Y/n to the mall to go shopping. There was nothing, in particular, either of them was looking to buy. The time there was mostly spent walking around and talking about what had been going on the past months. Jungwon told her about funny things his hyungs and Niki did while Y/n talked about all the tests and quizzes she’s had to take one week.
Before they left, Y/n did end up buying something for both of them. Couple outfits! It was something she often saw other couples do and she had secretly been wanting to try with Jungwon. Jungwon happily encouraged the idea and the two walked out of the mall wearing matching light blue over-sized hoodies with simple black pants and white sneakers.
“Do you think it’s too much?” Y/n whispered to him, self-consciously.
Jungwon squeezed her hand, “I think we look good. But as long as you like it, that’s all that matters.”
His sweet words left her feeling at ease. That was one of the things she admired about Jungwon, he was always so attentive and caring. Jungwon often surprised her when they’d be on a call and he’d bring up something he remembered she told him once.
By the time they left the mall, it was late into the afternoon. Jungwon asked Y/n if she wanted to go see if they could catch a movie, which she agreed to.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Y/n asked as they entered the theater, holding hands.
Jungwon glanced over to the list of movies that were supposed to be playing today. There were so many to choose from. He knew that Y/n wouldn’t want to watch a horror movie. Not because she was afraid, but she preferred watching something scary when they were alone at his dorm or her house. The two discussed what to watch as they waited in line, eventually settling on a musical film.
Once they bought the tickets, Jungwon got some popcorn to share with Y/n. He laughed when he saw how Y/n’s eyes lit up when she saw the young boy walking to her with a bucket of buttery goodness.
The movie was enjoyable to watch for both of them. It had everything, music, comedy, drama, sadness, and romance. Jungwon liked it but what kept him smiling was that he got to hold Y/n’s hand the entire time. The more he looked and thought about Y/n, the more he realized how strong his feelings for her had become.
Jungwon never put much thought into dating, Y/n didn't either. He wanted to focus on debuting, while she focused on getting into a good university. There was no room for distractions, was what Jungwon thought to himself at the time. But then he met Y/n and everything changed.
Y/n wasn’t a distraction at all. She was understanding and never expected him to text her every day or spoil her with gifts. She was perfectly content with listening to him talk about his day and giving words of comfort when he was feeling down. She was something that Jungwon never knew he needed and she didn’t need to say anything for him to know she felt the same way.
Jungwon reflected on all of this, as they walked back to Y/n’s house. It wasn’t exactly midnight but Jungwon knew he would have to head back soon. Then Y/n had school the next day too. Both were disheartened that the day was coming to an end so soon.
“Thank you for today,” She said when they arrived at her front gate. “You didn’t have to do all this for me, you know.”
Jungwon caressed her hand, “But I wanted to. You deserve so much more than this.”
“You know I’m not picky,” Y/n smiled weakly. “I was really happy today, all thanks to you.”
Jungwon didn’t say anything more but responded with a warm embrace. “Text me when your exams are over. I promise to buy you something good to eat after promotions are over.”
“Okay Eomma,” She teased. “Make sure that your members are healthy. But make sure you take care of yourself too.”
Jungwon chuckled, “And you’re the one calling me mom?”
The two exchanged a couple of laughs before finally parting ways. Y/n sighed sadly when she saw Jungwon’s shadow disappear from her sight. She turned to go inside her own house but was interrupted by the sound of brisk footsteps.
When she moved to look, Jungwon was rushing back towards her direction. Why was he coming back? Did he forget something?
Before she could say anything, Jungwon cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a long, heartfelt kiss. Due to his sudden actions, Y/n was unable to process everything at first. But somehow her body quickly adjusted to the situation.
As if it came naturally, she closed her eyes and placed her hands on Jungwon’s shoulders. Giving in to his touch, she let Jungwon deepen the kiss and enjoyed the moment.
Despite how affectionate they could be with each other, Jungwon and Y/n didn’t kiss lip-to-lip very often. Which only made the kiss right now even more meaningful. Jungwon hoped that by this gentle but passionate kiss, he could convey all his feelings for Y/n.
“What was that for?” Y/n asked when they pulled away.
“Just because…” Jungwon spoke softly. His eyes were pouring into hers with a strong sense of sentiment in them.
“I love you.”
Her eyes widened, barely believing what she had just heard. Jungwon’s cheeks flushed pink and his gaze dropped to the concrete ground.
“It-it’s okay if you don’t-”
But before Jungwon could finish, Y/n unexpectedly tugged the collar of his shirt and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.
When she pulled away, Jungwon saw the shy smile on her face. She herself, was slightly flustered by her unusual reactions. But she refused to let it bother her.
“Me too,” She practically whispered.
She felt a little lightheaded. Maybe it was from kissing so long or maybe it was because Jungwon just told her that he loved her. Maybe it was both.
“I love you, Yang Jungwon.”
A relieved smile stretched across Jungwon’s lips, revealing those dimples that Y/n loved so much. He hugged her for the umpteenth today and they gently pressed their foreheads against each other.
Today was most definitely a day to remember
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innuendostyles · 4 years
Your from the UK right??? Not to make u sad but imagine going to Asda with Ben at 2 in the morning (u only went for some milk) and u end up coming out with almost the entire shop in ur trolley 😂😂 Happens to the best of us
“We’re only going for milk.” He quietly mumbled as he aimed the keys at the car and pressed the lock button, hearing the sound of the mechanisms working to ensure the car wouldn’t get stolen from the car park. He held his hand out for you to take before he crossed the zebra crossings, giving a silent nod to a car that’d stopped so the two of you could pass.
It was a gentle reminder but also a jest at himself, considering the last time he’d gone to Asda this late, he’d returned home with a new DVD player for your living room, an abundance of on-sale Easter chocolate, and a DIY friendship bracelets set (it was located in the 6 years and over section, but he wouldn’t tell anyone that part.)
The bracelets aforementioned had been tied to your wrists for a month and a half now, yours was a braided black, white and yellow band while his was black, white and red. He somehow matched his outfit, black jogging bottoms, a red Nike hoodie and the best part of all…. socks with sliders. You’d claim that if he wore those out of the house, you’d pretend not to know him, but later decided that it was more endearing than embarrassing. His socks were black with red love hearts printed all over them, some you’d got him for Valentine’s Day as he claimed that “a pair of socks is the best present you could ever buy a man.”
You, on the other hand, wore a pair of black leggings, paired with an extremely worn “Rolling Stones 1979 Tour” acid wash t-shirt. Ben had insisted that you wear one of his jackets, given the fact that your local Asda always seemed to be freezing around this time, so it was topped off with a navy blue Nike Air Max windbreaker. Your fluffy bed socks really pulled the outfit together.
You each had one of Ben’s AirPods in your ear, currently listening to a song by The Lumineers, one that Ben described to you as making him feel as if he was “running down a sandy beach trying to get to you.” His pinky finger slid around your pinky finger as he strayed to the shelter where all the trolleys (shopping carts) were located.
He always pushed the trolley, claiming his driving skills were better than yours, but you knew the only reason he enjoyed pushing them so much was so he could “fly down the aisles”, an act in which he would push the cart extremely fast when there was nobody near you, and lift his feet from the ground, letting the cart take all his weight.
The song ended and changed to a Snoop Dogg song, to which you quirked an eyebrow, asking, “What fucking playlist is this?” with a laugh.
You walked through the sliding doors, Ben already getting distracted by some plants that were on clearance at the front doors, silently placing 2 small plant pots with some sort of pink flower in the middle into the cart.
There was a display as soon as you entered the shop floor, a large green cardboard cut out of the grinch, next to it sitting a handful of Christmas DVD’s, letting all the customers know that they could “Buy 1 Christmas DVD and receive a free 9” pizza”. Ben’s eyes immediately lit up, turning his head towards yours as he exclaimed that Christmas films and food are two of his favourite things ever. You shook your head in disbelief as you picked through the DVD’s, most of them being new and animated films you’d never heard of.
You were looking for one in particular, though you had little faith that it would be in the same pile as these cartoon ones. Ben loved The Nativity, one of the funniest Christmas films in the world, he reckons. He thought Martin Freeman was one of the best actors ever, and that along with Marc Wootton, it had to be the best film ever.
You rifled through the array of cases, finally picking out a white cover that read, “The Nativity!” You placed it in the cart, seeing Ben’s eyes light up as he bounced up and down in excitement, like a child.
“Can we get pepperoni on the pizza? Please!” He whined, earning a “yes” from you, to which he skipped down the aisle and giggled like a schoolboy.
You reached the fridges, Ben picking up 2 pints of milk and putting them in the trolley before giving an accomplished nod.
“Can we ‘ave a look at some vinyls?” He asked, with a pleading pout that he knew always won you over.
“Ooh, yeah actually, Gwil said he wanted the Hamilton vinyl a couple of weeks ago. Might be a good present, yeah?” You suggested, knowing it would result in Ben realising he hadn’t yet bought Christmas presents for any of his friends yet, something you’d been trying to gently remind him of for the last couple of weeks.
You made your way to the music section, getting distracted by anything and everything you could find. Ben was clinging onto a t-shirt with a green dinosaur on it, lit up by Christmas lights with a star on top of its head, the phrase “Tree-Rex” printed underneath it.
He held up the knitted fabric to you, and you both whispered, “Joe.” at the exact same time. It was folded and placed into the cart.
A pack of 250 small Christmas cards was the next thing to grab your attention, Ben telling you that the two of you “had to send the neighbours a card this year, considering the amount of times they’ve had to endure foolish giggles and the  creaky bed really late at night!” You’d simply nodded with a chuckle, though he didn’t put them in straight away. He noticed the box had been busted open at the top and went on a hunt for an unopened box. He reached his arm all the way back into the shelf, jokingly asking you to hold his hand so he didn’t get lost. He finally grabbed a pack, throwing them into the trolley from about a meter away and doing a celebratory dance when they went in.
One of the lights overhead flickered, which caused Ben to turn to you with an over-exaggerated gasp, claiming “Asda is haunted!!!!” and running away from you frantically. You guffawed at his antics, lightly jogging after him while trying to catch your breath from laughing.
After collecting your pizza on the way to the music section, Ben made a quick turn down the homeware section. He browsed the cushion cases, holding up a few colours and patterns that he thought may match your living room sofa, all of which received a horrified glare from you (this was the exact reason you didn’t let him take the lead when you decided to start decorating your flat together… his first suggestion was warm brown walls with a stripy turquoise and black sofa…)
He reached the mirror section, finding an extremely large plain mirror, with no frame, slowly running his finger over the edge of it.
“Might buy us this for Christmas.” He stated.
Your brows raised in confusion, tilting your head to tell him you were unsure why he’d said it.
“One of them naughty mirrors…… when you put it on the ceiling so I’d be able to see everything when you’re ridi-“  your hand quickly shot over his mouth, your eyes widening as you took in what he meant. You could feel his lips sporting a smirk beneath your palm. You shook your head and giggled along with him.
“C'mon babe… know you’d love seeing this juicy cheeks every time I’m on top of you…” you lightly smacked his chest and delivered a sharp, yet humorous, “enough!”.
Once you’d finally made it to the music section, Ben appeared to be in his element. He’d picked up the Hamilton vinyl for Gwilym, as well as a new Ariana Grande record for Lucy. He was eyeing up Taylor Swift’s newest release, hoping you wouldn’t notice when he slipped it into the cart. He groaned when you looked him directly in the eyes and shook your head with a knowing smile on your face.
“I was gonna give you that for Christmas! Now you’ve ruined the surprise!” He whined with a pout.
“You are all I want for Christmas.” You replied, already cringing wondering if anyone else had heard you.
He, too, shook his head, but still gave you a quick kiss on the cheek to show his appreciation for you.
The next aisle was the clearance aisle. This was a dangerous one for Ben. His Mum had always taught him “never to pass up a bargain, cause you’ll see it one day, regret not buying it, go back the next day and it’ll be gone!”.
Within 5 minutes of browsing the shelves, he’d picked up a large Christmas-themed Yankee Candle gift set for his brother, a turkey-shaped dog toy for Frankie (this one you’d suggested) as well as a pack of 3 photo frames and a new flower vase for his mum.
Walking to the checkout was always a dangerous game, as the bakery part of the shop was located right next to all the tills. He’d always claim to be “just looking” while you unloaded the trolley onto the moving belt so the cashier could scan your items, and most times he only came back with a box of flapjacks or at the most, 2 jam donuts and a reduced fat chocolate eclair cake.
What you weren’t expecting today, however, was for your boyfriend to return with a basket he’d picked up from somewhere, filled with pastries and cakes that made your mouth water.
“These’ll be alright til Christmas Eve won’t they? Can watch Nativity with our little pizza ‘n then fill ourselves wi’ these after? Yeah?” You didn’t really get a chance to reply before the food was placed down onto the belt. You’d never seen him so happy with himself, thinking he’d just come up with the best idea in the entire world, even though you’d done basically the same thing for the last 2 years of spending Christmas together.
The cashier gave you your total, a whopping £110, even though you’d originally come in for 2 pints of milk, which should’ve brought your total to around…. £3.
He shook his head with a small smile as he took his card out of his wallet, swiping it over the reader and thanking the lady when she gave him his receipt. He rolled the trolley out onto the car park, you following closely behind telling him to unlock the car so you’d be able to hear the beep it made and find it, considering how dark it was outside. After locating the vehicle, he gently placed all the items in the backseat, taking extra care to make sure the pizza was cushioned by Joe’s new shirt and Frankie’s new toy. He dropped the trolley back off at the shelter before getting into the car, strapping his seatbelt and turning the radio on.
Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” filled the speakers, causing Ben to let out a quiet, “What a fuckin’ banger!”.
You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and give him a peck on the cheek and a ruffle of his hair. You simply were having a wonderful Christmas time.
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enmy-writes · 4 years
My Rock Star
Request: Anon: hii can i request a zuko x reader fic where the reader is in a famous girl group (like blackpink for example) & the whole gaang is backstage while the reader is getting ready for a performance & its just super fluffy & cute? Thanks!!
Word Count: 2,646
Fandom: ATLA (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Pairing: Zuko x Fem!Reader
Genre: All fluff. It’s some nice fluff time
Rated: 18+
Content Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse (not detailed though), suggested themes but nothing bad
****My first request!! Sorry, anon, if I didn’t capture everything you wanted, but I hope it is! I am a sucker for music and bands, and instead of a blackpink approach, I gave the band instruments because I simp for instruments lol I might do a part 2 if this turns out well so lmk! Also, I learned how to make the “keep reading” line show up so that’s exciting yay me. Enjoy :)****
It was about two hours before the show was supposed to start and Y/N was doing her normal self-routine before she had to go to her ‘Band-Team-Gang’ (or BTG as her and the girls liked to call it) pre-show rituals. 
Y/N was a part of a famous girl group who had just recently started making it big in Ba Sing Se and were on their first huge tour. Normally, this would make any performer nervous of the attention and putting on a big show, but this was the environment that she thrived in. 
Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula, Yue, and herself all knew each other from an all-girl’s private school that they grew up in together and bonded immediately over their love for creating music. It was inevitable for them to become a group. 
They spent most of their high school days writing songs and joking around in Y/N’s backyard bungalow her parents had gotten her for her twelfth birthday. To this day, they still go back there and do hot (dumb) girl shit.
“Why would we stop? That’s our home, of course we’d still go back there!” Ty Lee answered the interviewer with her signature hair flip and giggle. 
Azula rolled her eyes at the girl, hiding a fond smile. “At this point, It’d be weird not to go back to that little corner of hell we made.” Yue smacked her arm quickly, “Azula! Don’t act like you haven’t written most of our top hits in the bean bag we definitely didn’t steal from the school lounge.” 
The rest of the girls laughed, remembering how they had to hop the gates and sneak past the night guards to be able to get the bean bag. The plan would’ve been a total waste of time and definitely would have gotten them all expelled if anyone had caught them, but thank Mai’s ability to pick locks (which no one knows where she learned to do but they do not question it). 
“Plus,” Suki chimed in. “Y/N’s dad makes the best snacks and meals for us. It’d be a federal crime to not take up that offer for as long as we can.”
Needless to say, the six girls were so comfortable with each other that every performance was just like every group practice with, like, thousands of extra guests of honor. They even have a couch lounge area as part of their stage set props. It just makes sense.
Even though those were her best friends ever, sisters even, Y/N had another friend group that she was super close with. Azula had introduced Y/N to her brother, Zuko, back when they were in their sophomore year of high school and the two instantly clicked. It had only taken a year of being friends and hiding crushes for them to get together, and the two were still going strong. Through him, Y/N met a gang of (crazy) people that he had spent his whole public schooling years.
Aang, an enthusiastic and bald, vegan kid who loved life and enjoyed everything around him; Katara, his pre-med and feminist girlfriend; Sokka, her hilarious and amazingly smart brother (though, sometimes his ideas are questionable); and Toph, a blind and tough girl who is on her way to ruin the top 1%. With Zuko, they were the tightest and happiest little family that automatically accepted Y/N when Zuko brought her over one night. 
She was there when he went through a pyromaniac phase, his varying hair styles, and when he tried to get his father’s love back.Ozai, their father, was the owner and CEO of a massive weapons corporation. He had burned Zuko’s face on a hot stove and kicked him out of the house for suggesting that he raise the wage of all his employees to a comfortable living wage because many of his employees struggled to provide for their families even though they worked their asses off. Thankfully, his kind Uncle Iroh instantly picked the boy up off of the streets, letting him live with him and run his successful tea shop called the Jasmine Dragon. 
Azula had been shoved away by her father mostly for sexist reasons. Ozai would never pass his company down to his daughter, no matter how smart and dedicated she was. He threw her in the private school where she lived year round. She had never told Y/N or any of the other girl’s any of this, Y/N had found out through Zuko.
Y/N’s mother was a successful lawyer and her father was a district attorney who were very very passionate about bringing justice to those of racial discrimination, domestic abuse, abuse in general, and orphan rights. Her mother was an orphan who was plain lucky to get adopted by a loving old couple who used their life savings to get her the education and life she deserved while her father was a victim of domestic abuse. 
So, after months of convincing Zuko, Y/N told her parents about the two siblings. Long story short, they got Ozai arrested for his abuse crimes, bribery history, employee mistreatment, and many more crimes. They also adopted Azula herself and gave full custody of Zuko to his uncle. 
Since then, the world has been peaceful for the group. Azula has started to recover from her trauma with the help of her friends, therapy, and love from two caring adults; and Zuko was glowing year round in the company of his uncle and friends. 
A smile forms on her face, thinking of her large family and all they’ve gone through to get here, when the door to her personal backstage room opened up. The loud voices from Aang and Sokka met her ears next. 
“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU REMEMBERED THE HAM SANDWICHES WITH NO CRUST.” A kiss to her cheek and Sokka is instantly at her snack table.
“Y/N! How’d you know I was going to bring Appa and Momo?!” Aang walked his huge, white dog and lemur (don’t ask how he has it. It might be illegal, but no one can tell him no) to the pet bed corner she had put in. 
Not answering them, Y/N just smiles at her friends who barged in and turns back to her mirror where she’s trying to decide her earring combination for the day. Warm arms snake their way around her waist, a body sliding up against her back soon after. 
“What’s your ideas for tonight?” Zuko’s voice speaks quietly into her ear, causing her to hum and lean back against his chest slightly. 
“I’m not sure. We’re going for the edgy look tonight, but we all know Ty Lee is still going to wear pink. Man, our manager is going to kill her...again.” They both laugh. “Ugh, why did you let me pierce my ears, like, ten times. There’s too many combinations to choose from!”
“Me?! I did-- never mind. Just grab a handful, no one can see them from the stage anyways.” Despite his attempt to seem like he doesn’t care, one of his ring-clad fingers starts moving his favorite pieces over into a little pile by themselves. Y/N rolls her eyes and starts putting his choices in random holes in her ear, pushing him back lightly so she can bend over closer to the mirror to see better. 
“It’s the fit Zu… if the fit is a vibe, the confidence is there. If the confidence is there, nothing can stop my hot girl shit.” Her words cause him to let a huff of jealousy, flicking her arm playfully. 
Their eyes meet in the mirror, and he can clearly see the mischief in them. Calming down, he jokes back. “Yeah, well, you may do your ‘hot girl shit,’ but no one can steal you from me. We’ve been here too long.”
Toph cuts in from across the room with a loud laugh. “Please, fire brains, I could steal Y/N if I tried.” 
He whips around to face the short girl, “No you could not!!” 
“Actually, she makes a point.” Katara says, nodding along in hopes to pick fun at the boy. 
Sokka adds his two cents. “Honestly. Toph would just have to pick Y/N up and slam her against the wall or something and she’d tell her manager to send you a letter of resignation.” 
The whole group laughs, save for the angsty boy, and Y/N wraps her hand around his wrist. She pulls him towards her and reaches for a peck on the cheek. “While that may be true,” she gets a glare. “I’m too big of a simp for you… and Uncle Iroh’s dinner and game nights.”
While the rest of them laugh, Zuko’s eyes soften and he presses his lips to hers in a short, soft kiss. Uncle Iroh adores his girlfriend and everything she has done for Zuko and Azula where he had no power to do anything. The man calls her more than he does Zuko himself, and he’s pretty sure Y/N convinced him to download Words With Friends on his phone to play with her for when she can’t make it to the weekly game night dates. 
Y/N smiles up at him and pats his cheeks lovingly before moving to the wardrobe area of her room. She pulls out ‘Cards Against Humanity’ from a duffle bag on the floor before joining the rest of her friends around the lounge area, patting the seat beside her for Zuko to join them.
Everyone cheers at the sight of the black and white box with the many expansion packs that they have collected over the years. While Katara deals, everyone else makes bets on who is going to win this time. Y/N slides back into Zuko’s side as his arm comes to rest around her shoulders, playing with the ends of her H/L hair.
It’s about fifty minutes before the show is starting, and Y/N knows she has to start getting dressed and ready for the concert. Sighing, she slips from her boyfriend’s grasp (a small whine coming from him) and moves to her dressing corner. Suki, Ty Lee, Mai, Azula, and Yue had made their way to the room shortly after they started due to Sokka texting his girlfriend (Suki) to come over and join. 
The rest of the girls notice you get up and leave as well, much to everyone else’s dismay. You reassure them to keep playing a few more rounds, not wanting to ruin their fun with you putting clothes on. Y/N quickly shoves her outfit choice on which is very hot, black, and riddled with chains. To top it off, she had thick-heeled combat boots on with numerous buckles on them. Her hair, makeup, and accessories have already been done so she heads back to the group.
‘Cards Against Humanity’ has been packed up neatly and her friends are lounging around, getting last minute snacks and quality time before they go to their special seats right in front of the stage. Nothing but the best for her friends. Sokka and Katara are the first people to see her, and the former lets out his own wolf whistle in his own way to hype Y/N up. 
“DAMN, my best friend is HOT AS HELL. Zuko, you lucky ass man.” Katara hits him, but shoots her a wink as the rest of the gang look over. Y/N laughs giddily through their praises and hyped words (Toph in good spirit rather than actually seeing her outfit), as she makes her way back to her spot on the couch.
Zuko, who hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her yet, quickly grabs her bare waist and tugs her onto his lap to hold her tight. “So… this is what you meant by ‘hot girl shit.’” Letting out a loud laugh, Y/N turns her head and gives him a quick kiss. “I’m a rock star, baby, what can I say.” 
Aang cheers out of nowhere. “Yes! I’ve always wanted to be a groupie!” More laughter and jokes ring throughout the room, keeping the atmosphere as light as always, 
A knock at the door interrupts them. A man is standing there in all black with a headset on and a sleek, red (with little sparkles that only gleam in the light), electric guitar carefully caressed in his hands. While they are a girl group, their success has mainly come from being a girl group who also plays all their instruments. With Mai on the drums, Ty Lee on the keyboard, Azula and Y/N on electric guitars, Yue on the acoustic guitar, Suki on the bass; the band is truly a sight with all of them sharing the vocals and their enthusiastic (near crackhead) energy that give their crowd a good show. 
“Miss L/N? This is your five minute warning.” He tells them, not bothered by the usual group of people who are constantly in these rooms with her.
“Thanks Lee!” Y/N hops up to get her pride and joy (her child as Suki and Mai like to joke about). “I’ll be right out.”
Knowing these are the last pre-game minutes, everyone starts getting up to leave the room as well. Zuko lingers by Y/N who’s busy making sure her instrument is tuned perfectly for the numbers she’s about to perform. 
“I can feel you staring, Zu,” She smiles, still looking down at her strings. He huffs out a laugh, reaching out to push a piece of hair back to see her face.
“Good luck out there, my rock star. Don’t do too much hot girl shit.” 
“Oh, I’m doing all the hot girl shit.” A glare. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding… unless…?” She laughs at his fed up face. Reaching up, she presses one last, lingering kiss to his lips, enjoying the feeling of his fingers clutching her sides firmly and the feeling of his heart beat under her palm that’s resting on his chest. 
“Bye, love. I’ll see you after the show.” She whispers, sealing the promise with a kiss before moving back. “Alright kids! Get the hell out of my dressing room.” Y/N shouts at her friends and they all leave together, laughing away. 
The rest of them wish her luck before moving away, Sokka sprinting to find Suki one last time. Zuko holds onto her free hand, watching her laugh at ‘Simp Sokka’ with his small smile on his face. He kisses her hand, pulling her attention back to him. 
“Bye, rock star. I’ll see you after the show. Break a leg, yeah?” His cliche words make her laugh more, pulling away from him and towards the rest of her band who are chanting “BTG! BTG!”. 
“Zu… I don’t break legs. I break hearts.” And with one last mischievous look, she mouths ‘hot girl shit’ and struts away in that way that makes Zuko want to make her cancel the show completely. 
His phone buzzes a few minutes after he caught up with his friends in their special closed off section on the floor. He opens the notification and it sends him to Instagram where Y/N had tagged him in a post. The smile grows on his face with every second he takes in the post. 
Katara must’ve taken the picture. The angle, lighting, and quality could only be done by her. Y/N was on his lap, dressed to go on stage. Zuko’s mouth was almost touching her ear, definitely when he was whispering to her, and her face was wide in a smirk. They looked good, perfect even. The caption is what made him laugh, warmth and pride that she is his spreading through his chest. 
“Y/N_L/N: for him? I’m always on my hot girl shit”
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awxward · 3 years
A3! Boys + My Stuffed Animals
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Spring Troupe:
Gabriel is a small elephant with big ears that constantly make him fall over. He has a pink bowtie that says 'I Love You'
Makes Saku feel safe and Gabriel is a reminder to himself that he's loved and appreciated by everyone at Mankai.
Named after a friend from theatre class :)
George Washington
George Washington is a tiger. He is small, but his arms are like those slap bracelets so you can wear him on your wrist (or let him hang on the side of shelf like I do).
So I got Georgy-Boy for easter 2020. i asked my friends for name ideas. They sent me stuff like 'Stripes'. I went offline for a few minutes and when I came back online I told my friends his name was George Washington.
Me: tiger has a name now
Friend: which name did you choose?
Me: his name is George Washington.
Friend: what the fuck. how'd you get George Washington?
Pretty sure he got the name bc I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.
Daniel is mostly pink but has other pastel colors that look like watercolors. He's a unicorn. And a ketchain. And he's one of those dream lites, so he lights up. (He's supposed too anyway, but he's never lit up since i got him like 7 years ago at a yard sale).
Named after Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) [YouTube]
Lucifer is a small panda pillow pet. Very easy to travel with bc he fits in most backpacks.
My mom told me she wanted me to have a stuffed animal with a biblical name, i picked him up, looked her in the eye and said "His name is Lucifer." My mom tried to protest. "You said a biblical name, Mom. Lucifer is in the bible."
Pao is a panda. They are also a phone holder thingy. Like it'll hold your phone if you're watching movies or whatever.
Like 5-ish years old. Got them from a friend. They have a tag with their name on it, but I read it once and then just called them "the panda" for some reason instead of their actual name and now the tag is too faded to read the name, but i am 38% sure it says Pao or something close to that.
Tsuki is a dinosaur. Tsuki is a sparkly dino. He's green rn, but if you brush your hand over him, the sparkles turn over and he becomes orange. I like green tho bc his tummy and the bottom of his feet are orange and so are his eyes.
Named after Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
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Summer Troupe:
Hinata is a narwhal. A bright orange narwhal. Infact he is the same color as Tenma's hair.
Named after Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) [bc its the same color as his hair. there is a theme with this narwhal and the anime boys i associate with them]
Steve is a regular teddy bear, except he has a shirt that has pikachu on it. (the shirt was originally Tsuki's bc i got tsuki at a friends build a bear bday party, but it fits Steve better)
I just think Yuki would try new designs/color schemes/styles by making clothes for Steve to see how they look.
I got Steve from a claw machine (my bf at time won him for me just before we watched Endgame together.)
Named after Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Muku most definitely loves the Winnie the Pooh movies and I will fite for this hc. He gets my Eeyore. You know how Eeyore's tail is always going missing or falling off??? Eeyore's tail comes off (velcro) but its attached to his actual body with a string so it cant be misplaced.
Eeyore has a patch that says "official disney store" but i got him for $3 at a thrift store.
Sherlock is a polar bear. Sherlock is very huggable. He makes Misumi feel safe. He has a hat and scarf (that don't come off. they are sewn on him)
the hat has a pom pom on top and the scarf has a pom pom on each end. the hat and scarf and the bottom of his feet have a blue/white plaid pattern.
Victor is a puppy and the first big stuffed animal of mine on the list! He's all tan and abt maybe 3-4 ft long. Victor lays pretty flat so he's comfy to lay/sit on. I think Kazu would like sitting or laying on him when drawing. Probably has him on his bed so he's like a giant pillow.
Victor is from Toys R Us. I got him last August-ish from my Aunt and Uncle who found him at a thrift store and thought I'd like him.
Named after Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
PJ is a small white tiger. He is also a ball. He can fit in one hand. When Kumon is thinking or stressed or bored (etc) he just lays on his back and tosses PJ up into the air.
When Kumon is laying on the floor tossing PJ, Misumi sits on the bed closest to where PJ is and tries to grab him (but only if Kumon is in a good mood and okay with it) It's a fun little game they made up they like to play.
Pretty sure he was named after KickthePJ (YouTube)
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liber pls give us a pic with all of autumn i am begging
Autumn Troupe:
Sammy is another one of my large stuffed animals. He is also a puppy, but unlike Victor he is sitting instead of laying. He's abt 2-3 ft tall. His fur is the same color as Banri's hair. Great to squeeze at anytime, but very therapeutic when you're in a bad mood. Has a heart on his ear.
i got him abt 7 years ago. I had just finished spn season 2 and was upset abt the finale and had no way to start season 3.
Named after Sam Winchester
Tiggs is a beanie baby tiger. Tiggs is a little larger than PJ (and not a ball). He's a regular orange tiger instead of a white tiger like PJ. He'd buy Kumon PJ so they could have matching stuffed animals. Small and very comforting to just hold/hug.
Benedict (Ben)
Benedict, also known as Ben, is a small koala. Just a little bigger than Tiggs. He has a heart on one of his feet (i think the right one). very soft. very fluffy.
Named after Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor)
Dean is my largest stuffed animal. He is a dark brown teddy bear that's abt 4-ish ft tall. He can be put in a corner and used as like a bean bag chair, or he can lay down flat and be a good pillow like Victor can.
It's very fun to just wrap around him and squeeze as tight as you can. Especially in when your in a bad mood. Very comforting to cry into.
I got him a couple years ago at a thrift store.
Named after Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Lev is a lion abt the size of a regular teddy bear (maybe slightly larger). I got him a thrift store so he's slightly worn out from age. He's mostly a pastel dark yellow-ish tan and his mane is dark brown. very huggable.
He's the stuffed animal I sleep with. Smells nice all the time, like the fabric softener.
Named after Lev Haiba (Haikyuu)
Emotional Support Iron Man
So Iron Man is small and he sparkles. He will hurt you/someone if thrown hard enough. Sakoda likes heroes bc they remind him of Sakyo they look cool. I'd hc that he got Iron Man from Sakyo when he was younger and its one of his most valued possessions and goes everywhere with him (or stays with Azamo or Sakyo at the dorm. Maybe Izumi or a couple others are on the list of who can watch over Iron Man.) Very protective of it.
Got the emotional support part of his name from a friend.
She saw Eddie Redmayne on a movie cover (think it was The Danish Girl) and started freaking out bc she loved him. I handed her the Iron Man and the next day she thanked me and said he was an Emotional Support Iron Man and the name stayed.
[Emotional Support] Spooder-Mon
Sakoda knew Azami as a kid. He most definitely got him the Spider-Man so they could have matching plushies.
Spider-Man is square and has little blob hands doing the web thingy. The tag said travel pillow, but he probably just chills by Azami's bed. When needed, Iron Man will be placed next to him if Sakoda can't take Iron Man with him.
I brought him to school one day and we had a bio test and all the people sitting around me passed him around and gave him a pat for good luck. We all got good grades and then he was dubbed as Emotional Support Spooder-Mon, but the Emotional Support title isnt part of his name (unlike the Iron Man).
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i wanted guy in the pic, but i also wanted tsumu and hiso in the pic so you get 2 pics for winter
Winter Troupe:
Phil is a zebra. He is a pillow pet zebra. Like Lucifer, Phil is also easy travel size. The bottom half of Phil is pink, so I refer to him as my pink zebra.
I just think it'd be cute to have Tsumugi with a pillow pet ok. I also thought he'd probably have has Phil for many years (since he was a kid) and Tasuku most definitely brings up things from when they were kids and shit.
Tasuku: you chose the pink zebra, and for what???
Tsumugi: its a very aesthetically pleasing pastel pink.
Tsumugi: dont talk bad abt Phil.
the rest of mankai: ????????
I got phil before I got Lucifer many years ago. He was old when i got him and he is very old now. I love him so much.
Named after Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) [YouTube]
Cap is a husky. He was won from a claw machine with Steve.
There's just something abt the grey and white that gave me Tasuku vibes. Also, Cap's eyes are abt the same shade of blue as Tsumugi's and Tasuku knows this bc they are in love. Very squishy when hugged and with the way he sits, you could make it look like he's guarding something.
Named after Captain America (Marvel)
Ushijima (Ushi)
Ushijima, also called Ushi, is the last of my giant stuffed animals. He is abt 2-3 ft tall (like Sammy) and has a tail abt the same length.
Ushi is a raccoon thats mostly hot pink. Ushi's eyes are also pink and just abt the same shade as Homare's hair, although Ushi's fur is brighter by a few shades.
Ushi hurts when thrown/swung hard enough. Very fun to hug bc he's filled with beans (like beanie babies) so unlike all my other giant animals, he doesn't have to be fixed/adjusted after everytime you squeeze him. The tail has cotton tho and makes a good pillow.
Homare would definitely just see a 3 ft tall hot pink raccoon and claim it with no explanation.
Named after Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd (Vlad, Drac)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd, who has many other names but usually goes by Vlad or Drac, is a vampire (surprise).
Vlad is a squishmallow thingy, and their tags say something abt them being able to be used as pillows, and thats why Hisoka gets Vlad.
Vlad is triangular in shape, with triangle ears, and triangle fangs, so I thought abt Misumi, but i figured Hisoka bc it's a pillow.
He's like the perfect travel size and he has a cape and a bowtie.
Named after Vlad the Impaler, the real life inspiration behind Dracula (my brother thought he was named after Vladmir Putin and I wanted to punch him for that but I was too busy laughing.)
Also named after Dracula, who was a vampire.
Idk where 'the 3rd' came from, but it's part of his name for forever.
Sebastian is a dinosaur thats blue with a white tummy.
He's also a squishmallow, but he's bigger than Vlad by abt 2× as wide, so he'd be harder to carry around, which is why Hisoka got Vlad instead. Being a squishmallow means he looks more blob than dinosaur and i love it.
His tag said his name was Dominic or something, but I named him Sebastian before I actually checked the tag, so he's Sebastian.
Named after Sebastian (Black Butler) and Sebastian Stan (Actor)
Moriarty is my other polar bear. I got him with Sherlock and named him Moriarty bc Moriarty is Sherlock's nemesis.
He's just a plain white bear thats very huggable and adorable. I usually have a bowtie on him bc it makes him look fancy.
Guy would like him bc he's plain white and very fluffy.
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Hey!! I joined my first ever collab this year for the Mystic Messenger fandom! It was totally awesome, and I lucked out and got someone super cool as my artist. Shout out to @thedum1, who was my partner for this. Go check out their amazing art that goes along with my writing, and give them some love. Without further ado, here’s the fic!
(You can also find this on ao3!)
Saeyoung decided that he’d been sitting in one place for far too long. His back was screaming in agony, his eyes were trying desperately to make the computer screen focus, and his head felt like it was stuffed full of cotton. All of those combined to make him feel miserable, like he was going to explode if he sat there for even one more minute. 
He shut down his workstation, making sure that his work remained where it was, the computer encoded carefully to make sure that no one could get into it and change things. Of course, if someone was going to get in, they’d have to break through the security in his house, which wasn’t likely to happen. He’d just figured out the best password for his front gate, after all. As Saeyoung idly considered his password (and other possible future ones), he slid on his shoes and grabbed his jacket. 
He stopped in the kitchen to grab a package of Honey Buddha Chips and then was off, heading into town on some form of a quest. The destination isn’t important, he tells himself, just the experience. He just needed some fresh air, a sight that wasn’t his computer screen (or, more recently, the wall slightly above and behind his computer), and perhaps a reminder that there were other humans in the world outside of himself and Vanderwood.
He hummed to himself as he walked, enjoying the sun on his skin and the sounds of birds and people talking. Couples were walking just about everywhere in the park, each chatting and laughing happily. Some younger kids were running around chasing each other. A dog sprinted past Saeyoung, chasing a stick that had just been thrown. 
The dog reminded him of Elly. She always was willing to run around his feet happily as he played with her in Jumin’s apartment. He missed the white cat. It’d been far too long since he last saw her, and he mentally decided to schedule a time to break through his friend’s security to see the fluffy Persian again.
As he walked along, a flyer for a pet shop caught his eye. It was advertising a day to come play with the animals, both cats and dogs alike. As he stopped to read it more thoroughly, Saeyoung realized that if he headed to the shop right now he could get in at least an hour and a half with the cats (and maybe some dogs too). Now armed and ready with a plan of action, he set off with a purpose, striding quickly to the pet store.
As he neared it, he noticed that not many people were lingering around. Saeyoung realized that this must be one of the less popular pet shops and was sad to see that, especially because it looked very charming and quaint. As he pushed open the door, a bell above his head let out a quiet sound to alert an employee that someone had arrived.
Sure enough, a slightly frazzled-looking young man appeared. His hair was shaggy and black, long enough that it was falling into his eyes just slightly. The eyes in question were a stunning blue-green that Saeyoung wouldn’t mind looking into for a while. He tried to shake off that thought. He was here for cute cats, not cute people.
“How can I help you?” The guy asked, a small smile on his face. 
“I’m here to play with the cats. I saw a flyer saying that you guys had free time for that?”
“Oh, of course! Right this way. I think there’s only one other person in there, so it shouldn’t be that much of a crowd. Feel free to use any of the toys out. And don’t worry, the only one that scratches is our resident sourpuss, Yoshi.” The employee opened the door carefully and Saeyoung peered in, amazed at all the cats running around or napping. 
There was one girl sitting happily in the middle of the room, surrounded by cats. She had a dark skin tone and was wearing a pink skirt and what Saeyoung was pretty sure was a halter top. (How he knew that? Well, let’s just say that he had been considering one for cosplay for a long time.) When she turned to look at him, he spotted glasses and heterochromatic eyes. One brown, the other a bright blue. 
She’s cute, was his first thought. It only amplified when he realized that her hair had a piece sticking up that looked to be meticulously formed into a heart like you would see on a lovesick anime girl. Her dedication spoke volumes and he knew that he would probably end up liking this girl if they talked. 
He shook his head slightly. No, he couldn’t be thinking about that. Not today! He was here for cute cats, not cute girls or cute boys. His mind was set firmly on petting all the adorable creatures. 
So he walked past the girl, giving her a faint smile. She returned it with a glowing one that practically lit up her entire face, and Saeyoung had to hide how his heart pattered at the sight. He focused his eyes on a particularly cute orange cat that was napping peacefully in a ray of sunlight.
As he reached out to pet it carefully, the cat responded by purring softly, like this was everything it could have dreamed of. However, after a while it tired of his antics and scratched softly at his hand in warning. He chuckled and pulled his hand away, letting the feline relax by itself. His eyes scanned the room for another willing friend and they snagged on a little black and white kitten.
It was pawing at a toy, obviously bored. Saeyoung crawled over carefully and picked up the toy, which appeared to be a feather on a string. He bounced it around, and the kitten started to paw at it. It got into the game, eventually leaping at it until it tired itself out. 
Saeyoung made a “pspsps” noise, trying to attract the kitten to him. Its ears perked up and it headed over to his lap, where he petted it softly. The cat seemed like just the perfect companion, and if he could adopt a cat right now he would definitely consider this little guy as the one.
There was a quiet intake of breath over his shoulder, and Saeyoung looked back to see the girl gazing fondly at the kitten. As soon as she noticed his gaze, she colored, blushing slightly. “Ah! Sorry to bother you!”
“Oh, it’s not an issue,” he said, giving her a smile. “He’s a cute one, isn’t he?” He gestured to the kitten that had made itself comfortable in his lap. 
“Yes, he really is. I must admit, I may have been looking at him the entire time… but I got a little nervous he wouldn’t like me.” She looked away, seemingly embarrassed. 
“Well,” Saeyoung said, an idea coming to mind. “Let’s test that out, shall we?” With that, he scooped up the feline and plopped him directly in her lap. The cat seemed stunned at first, and Saeyoung worried that he would hiss and claw at the abrupt change. Instead, the cat sniffed at the girl and then settled in again, seemingly unconcerned by what had just happened. 
“Oh,” the girl said, smiling. “He’s lovely.” Her hands went to softly pet him. 
After a few minutes, she looked up. The cat was happily asleep in her lap, purring softly. She spoke again, her voice quiet so as to not disturb the kitten. “I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Jasmine, but you can call me Jas. It’s good to meet you…”
She trailed off, searching for a name. Saeyoung smiled at her before giving her his fake name. “I’m Luciel. It’s good to meet you as well, Jas. It seems like you’ve got a way with cats, huh?”
“Well, I don’t know about that,” she said with a laugh. “I do love them though. Cats are some of the best animals, in my opinion.”
“You have a top-tier opinion then. I’m inclined to agree!”
“So I take it you’re a cat enthusiast as well, Luciel?”
“Yep,” he said, popping the ‘p’. “I have a friend who has a gorgeous cat and that’s kind of what kickstarted my love for them.”
“Have you ever considered getting one?” She cocked her head, but her hands never left the black and white kitten.
“I’d be lying if I said no. But my job is kind of crazy, and I can honestly say that I don’t think a cat would be good for me right now. Someday soon, hopefully. What about you?”
“I actually came here today hoping to adopt. I’ve been looking for a while but I never found one that I really loved. Well, until today. But I’m still not completely sure…”
“Well the little guy loves you, I can tell that much. And if I’m wrong, which is not very likely, let me tell you, he’s the kind of cat that will always be able to find a new home.” Saeyoung stretched and winked at her.
“Well in that case… I guess I’ll need a name for him, huh?” She looked down with a smile. “Got any good ones?” Jasmine’s heterochromatic eyes twinkled with a hidden glee when Saeyoung’s face lit up. 
“Oh boy, do I! I’ve been saving up all sorts of names for this. Okay, there are the classics, like Fluffy, Batdude, Charles. Oh, and you can’t forget Toast!” His rambling list of (admittedly awful) cat names went on for a long time, leaving Jas halfway to tears with laughter as he continued. When he finally drew his list to a close, both of them had laughed so hard that the kitten had woken up and the employee had poked his head in to make sure that nothing bad was going on.
“Okay, okay,” Saeyoung said once he’d calmed down slightly, “any names catch your fancy?”
“I mean Fuzzbucket was a pretty good idea, but I think I decided on Tama.”
Saeyoung and Jas looked down at the same time to inspect the cat. The black and white kitten released a soft mewl and butted his head at Jas’ hand to request more pets. The two scheming partners in crime looked at each other and smiled. 
“Tama is perfect.” They both said at the same time, then blushed and looked away. Saeyoung swore that when he looked at her cradling the tiny cat next to her chest she seemed to glow with happiness.
Soon enough the time to play with cats was over and the employee was putting the animals back in their cages and thanking them for coming to play with the cats. Jas told him about her interest in adopting Tama, and the employee got her the forms she would need to sign before she could take the kitten home. Saeyoung stayed with her as she filled the forms out, the both of them laughing and chatting the entire time. When all was said and done, Jas hoisted the carrier that held Tama up and exited the building, Saeyoung holding the door for her.
Jas scanned the street, then took a deep breath in, steeling her nerves. “I had a really good time today, Luciel. I was wondering if you’d like to do it again some...time?” She turned around to see the man gone. Her brows furrowed as she swiveled her head to see where he’d gone. “Luciel?”
Saeyoung, who had darted behind a pillar beside the pet store, let out a quiet sigh of disappointment. He gritted his teeth together when he heard Jas whisper sadly to Tama that “he must not have wanted to talk anymore, huh?” 
He leaned his head against the pillar and stayed there until he heard the quiet clip-clop of her shoes walking away. Then he tore himself away from the pillar and walked towards home, hands shoved into his pockets, knowing that he would always remember the girl from the pet shop.
The sounds of music coming from a radio fill the kitchen. A black and white cat races around its owners’ feet as they try to dance. Laughter and pure contentment fill the air as the redhead twirls around the girl with one blue eye and one brown one. 
Years ago, when I was younger, I kinda liked a girl I knew. 
“Do you remember when we first met?” Jas asked, her skirt swinging wildly as Saeyoung spun her enthusiastically.
“How could I forget? That pet shop must be the most magical place on this Earth to me.”
She was mine, and we were sweethearts. That was then, but then it’s true.
“I was so upset when you disappeared, you know. I thought you’d gotten sick of me.”
“I was just as upset, trust me. But I thought I had to, because of the agency. And with Rika and the RFA… it just wasn’t a good time.” Saeyoung shook his head, but then pulled Jas closer to him as they waltzed across the floor.
I’m in love with a fairytale, even though it hurts. Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind, I’m already cursed.
“And then I showed up at Rika’s apartment a few weeks later. Crazy how fate works like that, huh?”
“Oh trust me, I was incredibly surprised to see you appear on the CCTV feed. If my life had a playlist of all the moments where I nearly fell out of my chair, that would definitely be on the top ten list.” 
“I was just as shocked as you were, trust me! I had told myself that I would never see you again, but then there you were!” Jas shook her head. “I had half-convinced myself you were some figment of my imagination.”
Every day we started fighting, but every night we fell in love. No one else could make me sadder, but no one else could lift me high above.
“I feel bad that I tried to push you away while we were both in the apartment. It was hard for me because you were the thing that made me happy and also frustrated me to no end. After all, I was sure I would hurt you.” 
“I wanted to punch you so much, I hope you know. I was at my wit’s end when you finally opened up a little bit!”
“But I did, and look at where we ended up. I opened up, got my brother back, and I got the privilege of having you in my life as my girlfriend and now fiancee.”
“I’m glad that it all worked out because there’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my days with.”
“The same goes to you, Jas.”
“I love you, Saeyoung Choi. Bad cat names and all.” Jas said as the music started to slowly die down.
“And I love you, Jasmine Luna, no matter how much time you spend in the bathroom doing your hair.” Saeyoung responded, dipping Jas as she let out a quiet squeal.
The two laughed and continued dancing late into the night, Tama observing from his perch high above.
I’m in love with a fairytale, even though it hurts. Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind, I’m already cursed.
And there’s the fic!! Reminder to check out the awesome @thedum1 for their amazing art!!
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lupins-sweater · 4 years
Day 1 of A Very Harry Potter Summer
(Harry Potter x Reader)
Ha. Dandelion Radcliffe
Summary: Harry’s a bit of a tease
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! @hufflefluff-writer
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The air was already humid, your skin sticky with sweat as you strode next the your boyfriend. You woke up Harry when it was still dark out, so you could go on a walk before it was hotter than Merlin’s fireplace. He wasn’t quite happy you shook him awake from his deep sleep to exercise, grumbling the whole time while he got ready. He eventually woke up and was willing to talk after a couple minutes of silence.
You passed by a pond with ducks splashing around, frogs along the edge still ribbitting.
“Isn’t this nice, Harry? We don’t have to rush anywhere. We have the whole day to ourselves,” you thought aloud trying to get a response from him.
“Yeah. Although you did seem to hurry me out of bed this morning,” he joked.
“Only so we could see the sunrise! I know work has been hard for you, so I thought this could help.”
Potter reached for your hand and squeezed reassuringly. “Thank you. I appreciate that,”
Harry has been working longer shifts lately as an Auror because one of his coworkers got injured. You felt awful seeing him come back exhausted after a long day, so you’d go to his apartment and cook dinner, tidy up the place, and open the door to greet him. On days he had off, he would always do the same for you.
You continued to walk the path admiring the orange and pink sky. The day was just beginning, giving you excitement on how you could spend the day with your boyfriend. Lately you’ve started a project to introduce muggle summer activities to him because he was robbed of a fun childhood. So far you’ve blown bubbles, played with chalk, and had a water balloon fight. He was a little unsure at first; the activities were childish, but by the end of the day, he really seemed to enjoy it.
“Ooo dandelions!” You pointed out a small patch a little ahead. Letting go of Harry’s hand, you jogged over to the yellow flowers. Seven were gathered into a small bouquet; the odd amount was your favorite number as it the amount of time you’ve known Harry. Sitting next to him after the sorting was your best decision you’ve made as a kid.
He caught up to you and accepted the yellow bunch. “Thank you. You’re so sweet,” he smiles before kissing your forehead.
You giggled and continued walking. “In the summer my friends and I would tie those together to make flower crowns, bracelets, and anklets. And when they became white and fluffy, we would make a wish and blow on them. Oh gosh I remember finding a bunch of them and thinking the more I found, the more likely my wish would come true,” you reminisced.
“What did you wish for?”
“Love. To find my soulmate.” You squeezed his hand and looked into his green eyes.
Harry had the most content look on his face like he could stay there forever. He liked forgetting about his difficult job sometimes; it was like all the worries would melt away with your warmth.
“If you were to wish for something now, what would it be?” Harry asked.
“I’m not supposed to tell you! It wouldn’t come true if I did,” you lightly slapped his arm.
“I would wish for you to stop hitting me,” he laughed rubbing his arm pretending to be hurt.
You threw your head back and laughed. “Now your wish won’t come true!”
After you both had stopped laughing and were in a comfortable silence, Harry gave you a dandelion from the bouquet.
“Would you like me to teach you how to tie these?” you ask.
You made a loop connecting the top and bottom of the stem making a ring. The yellow flower the gem.
“I love how you are genuinely interested in my childhood and my antics to let you experience how yours should have been,” you thanked him as you handed the flower ring back.
“Well I’m genuinely interested in you, Y/N.”
You blushed heavily and melted under his gaze. Harry smiled. The bouquet was handed back to you, and he suddenly stopped. A confused look on your face caused him to chuckle.
He got down on one knee, taking his time to ask you the desired question. “Will you.....wear this lovely ring you made?”
You scoffed at his teasing. “Absolutely, Harrykins,” you said in the most annoying voice you could muster, “You jerk.”
Harry laughed hard; he was clearly enjoying causing you trouble. He gingerly slid the handmade ring onto your finger, and stood back up.
You gently shoved him and giggled. “I can’t believe you did that!”
He wrapped his arm around you. “I’m sorry,” he half laughed. You could tell he was holding back another chuckle.
“Can we get ice cream?” You asked him with puppy dog eyes.
“Of course.”
General Harry Potter tag list
@summer-writes @masterofthedarkness @iliveiloveiwrite @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @nebulablakemurphy @obsessedwithrandomthings @haphazardhufflepuff @firewhisky-kisses
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I’m the one that asked about the fic recs ☺️ could you please do a fic where jolex have a cute tickle fight with all the fluff in the world?? Thank you 🙏🏼
oh, darlin’, don’t you ever grow up
this took so long to fulfill like holy crap. I’m so sorry about that. I had to improvise a bit, because jolex is so not the tickling kind of couple and much more of a ‘slap dat booty’ kinda pair you know? But hey, i don’t think that anyone is complaining about jolex babies, right? 
again, thank you all SO MUCH for 100 followers! i still can’t believe how crazy that is! this is super fluffy so yeah, i hope you enjoy it! also, tickle scenes are so much harder to write than i expected...
Alex Karev peeled his bloody surgical gloves off with a relaxed sigh, taking off his gown and tossing it into the bin while simultaneously telling a resident to finish closing up for him. When he gets back to the scrub room he leans against the sink, hands taking hold of the sturdy metal, closing his eyes for a minute because it feels like he can finally breathe. 
His surgery had gone on for seven hours. The kid on the table crashed twice and had lost so much blood at one point he didn’t think the boy was going to make it. Luckily, thanks to skilled hands, surprisingly helpful residents, and Meredith Grey, nine year old Mike Harper was going to be okay. He removes his scrub cap from his head, tucking it into his pants and running a hand through his hair before turning on the faucet and putting his hands under the water, scrubbing off with the bar. 
He shakes his hands dry, little water droplets flying here and there before exiting the room, traveling down the brightly lit halls of the surgical floors until he reaches the elevator. He clicks the button for the ground floor, where the parents are waiting. From there it was routine procedure. He tells the couple that their kid is gonna be alright, they cry tears of joy, they thank him, they ask when they can see their son, he informs them that they’re closing up right now, so he should be relocated to the PICU soon, and they thank him again before sitting back down. 
Alex makes his evening rounds on patients, goofing and joking with them until he’s done and can finally head home. He’d been on call for the past sixteen hours, and all he really wants to do is go home and see his girls.
Unfortunately, he learned from the nurses that Jo was pulled into an emergency surgery a few hours earlier, and had yet to finish, so he didn’t know how long it would be until she was done. He changes out of his scrubs and into his regular clothes, bidding a short goodbye to Meredith, who laid sprawled out on the attendings lounge couch, grumbling that she was trying to sleep and he was making too much noise to allow her to do so.
Adjusting his old, ratty jacket on his shoulders, he slips his phone, wallet, and keys into his pocket, making his way up to the daycare where the littlest Karev was waiting. The worker, Patricia gives him a warm smile, sliding the sign out sheet across the counter. 
“Hey Doctor Karev! Picking up I'm assuming?” she gestures towards his attire, making him nod in response.
“Yeah. I know Jo usually finishes first on Fridays, but she got called in at the last minute.” he says, which earns him an understanding chuckle. 
“Well, I’ll be right out. She was just taking a brief nap, but don’t worry, she’s only been down for about fifteen minutes or so.” she reassures him.  
He nods, shoving his hands in his jeans, pulling out his phone and checking the time. 7:23 pm. It was getting closer to his daughter’s bedtime, so it would make sense that she would start to be getting tired. Alex smiles at his lockscreen, a picture of him, Jo, and their little girl at her two year old birthday party a few months ago. Jo had gone all out, decorating their yard with extravagant streamers, decorative backdrops, and a huge bouncy house. In the picture that stared back at him, Jo and their freshly two year old toddler were both wearing pink, Jo’s in the form of a sheer blouse, and their daughter’s in a frilly dress that Jo spent way more money than she should’ve on. Alex matched, wearing a pink tie and white button down. He had refused immensely at first, but after much pleading from the tiny girl, he gave in. Because what kind of father could say no to puppy dog eyes?
“Daddy!” he sees the little bundle of blue run towards him, causing him to sweep down and pull her into his arms, bunching the thick fabric she was wearing. 
“KK!” he exclaims, matching her enthusiasm, taking the backpack from Patricia, giving a silent nod to her as a way to say both ‘thank you’ and ‘goodnight’.   
His daughter bounced in his arms as they made their way through the door, asking to be let down a few seconds later. Donned in a Cinderella dress up gown and purple converse, Katrina Karev started to race down the hallway in all her glory, the mini ponytail that Jo had done that morning swinging from side to side as she prompted Alex to come catch her. He lets out a small laugh, jogging to catch up to her before she can potentially get in the way of nurses coming in and out of rooms, scooping her up again, making her let out a loud squeal and turn into a fit of giggles. 
“C’mon Kitty-Kat, we gotta go home.” he places her on the ground, holding her tiny hand in his. “No running. What have Mommy and I told you?”
Katrina sighs, puffing out her lips dramatically. “No running in hossal.” she grumbles. She had trouble pronouncing words that had a sharp sound to them, like ‘p’, ‘t’, and ‘j’, but both Alex and Jo found it quite adorable.  
“That’s right. Because Mommy and Daddy’s friends are working really hard to help everyone, and we don’t want to get in their way, right Kat?” he reminds her of the rules, because as much as both he and Jo wished that they could say that their child was perfectly well behaved, she wasn’t. It was simply what having a kid was like. He’d never met a child who listened to every word their parent’s said, followed every rule, and never talked back. And despite what so many different television programs liked to show, it was completely normal for kids to be that way, no matter how crazy it drove the adults. 
Kat murmurs in response, taking on her Dad’s grumpy persona. She wanted to run! She’d been inside of daycare with Scout all day, playing with blocks and crayons, which meant that she was stuck sitting. She wasn’t allowed to play tag in the circle room, no matter how much she asked Miss Lynn.
The duo makes their way to Alex’s car, unlocking it before lifting her up and strapping Katrina into her carseat, brushing back a couple strands of hair that had fallen in her face. He slides his way into his drivers side, revving up the car when Kat speaks from the back. 
“Music Daddy, music!” she cheers, a crooked grin across her face as she bounces around in her seat. 
Alex lets out a breath. As much as he loved his daughter, listening to the same exact Disney princess songs over and over were less than enjoyable. So far this week, he’d heard Let It Go twelve times, You're Welcome ten, and Be Our Guest seven, and those were just the most popular ones. He begrudgingly picks up his phone and puts on Into the Unknown, thankful that this was only his second time hearing it in the last couple of days. He swore that if Kat asked him to listen to Dyawne Johnson singing that damn song one more he was going to hurl himself out of the car. 
Little hums come from the backseat during certain parts of the song, and when the chorus plays through the car he mentally prepares himself for the yells that were to come. Poor Kat couldn’t sing, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. What kind of monster tells his two year old daughter that she sounded like a dying cat? Katrina Karev was good at a lot of things, (math, spelling, and playing dress-up just to name a few) singing just wasn’t one of them. 
With a more than relieved sigh he pulls into the driveway, turning off the car, and therefore the music. Whatever tiredness the toddler was feeling before had gone down the drain, so he knew it would be a while before he would be able to get her to bed. Kat unbuckles herself, getting out of the car and playing hopscotch with the homemade chalk version she and Jo made on the walkway up to the house’s door. She hops from one foot to the other, and Alex had never been more grateful for the fact that she had a good sense of balance. The last thing he wanted was Jo to come home to a bloody kneed Kat and have to explain to her that she fell while doing hopscotch. Honestly, he didn’t even think kids played that game anymore, but when Jo pulled out the sidewalk chalk a few days prior and started drawing, Kat was immediately hooked, and used every opportunity she could to hop across the little squares. Jo laughed when she saw how entranced the girl was, telling Alex that she had been the same way when she was a bit older, and the only thing that got her through some of the tougher houses was when she would go down the road and create a hopscotch game of her own. It became such a comfort in fact, that the tradition continued until she was a teenager. She told him that it would only seem right to share that little bit of joy from her childhood with her daughter.  
They make their way up the steps and Alex unlocks the door, flipping on the light switch as soon as it swings open. Chilly air greets them, since the house hadn’t been in use since earlier that day, and the temperature had been in the low fifties the past week in Seattle. He lets Kat toddle up the stairs, walking over to the thermostat that sat the hallway and cranking it up, knowing that if there was one thing his wife liked coming home to more than her family, it was her family in a warm and toasty house. 
“KK, you hungry?” he calls from the kitchen, being able to faintly hear footsteps padding around upstairs. He winces when he hears something thud to the ground, but assumes it was either Kat or her backpack. 
“Yeah!” the girl cheers from upstairs, causing Alex to chuckle and pull out some box mac and cheese from the cupboard. Kat had been a particularly picky eater lately, much to her parent’s annoyance, and had acquired a taste for a very limited amount of foods. Thankfully, she still liked mac and cheese, which was one of the few things both he and Jo could cook. Alex had gotten significantly better at cooking over the past year or so, but Jo was just as helpless as she was when she was in high school. Either way, both of them preferred takeout, but that wasn’t always an option when they had a two year old they had to take care of. 
“I’m making mac and cheese, change out of your clothes, put your jammies on, clean up your room, and it should be done by the time you are.” he calls up the steps, taking Kat heard him when a groan is what he received in response. Kat was all Jo in the fact that she was incredibly sassy, and not to mention stubborn. She was fine with changing into her pajamas, but she hated cleaning up her room. The way she saw it, it was like one big painting, with all of her toys and books scattered around, but to her parents, it looked like a tornado had come and hit her bedroom. No matter how many times the two of them put everything away, a couple days later Kat’s room only seemed to have gotten messier. Maybe they could blame it on the terrible twos, except rather than having her act out behavior wise, it was a complete destruction to her room. 
He pours the water into the pot, waiting for it to boil before adding the noodles. He pulls out his phone, skimming through emails and texts while the noodles cook, noticing a text from Jo that says that she just got off and was now heading home. 
Once the noodles were done, he pours in the cheese packet, followed by the milk and butter. He felt his mouth water, hunger from the day finally catching up to him. He was grateful that the box was large and Kat was so young, so that meant he could steal some of her dinner, and thankfully still have enough left over for Jo if she wanted some too. The last thing he had to eat was a small snack before his surgery hours ago. When the food finally came together, he turns off the stove, picking out a pink plastic bowl from the cabinet for Kat and a regular glass one for him. It was kind of funny how much their cupboards changed once they had their daughter. Half of what they owned was plastic and princess themed, cheap little things bought from places like the ninety-nine cent store. They quickly realized that the printed patterned bowls and cups from dollar stores worked just as well as the ten dollar four pack they purchased. Plastic spoons littered the drawers rather than just metal, little stars and hearts on the end of them different than tiny, intricate designs that they had gotten used to, since after their honeymoon they realized that one of the gifts they were registered for was real, fancy silverware. He liked those plastic spoons much more though. After all, the smile Kat got on her face when she asked for a princess spoon or fork never failed to melt his heart. 
Just as he placed Kat’s bowl on the island counter, the little girl comes bumbling down the stairs, dressed in her favorite Cinderella nightgown and stuffed monkey clutched in her hand. She practically runs to her stool, making grabby hands so Alex knew she needed to be picked up. He does so, placing her in the seat before she digs into her food, smiling as if it was the best mac and cheese she’s ever tasted. She shovels the food into her mouth, getting it all over her face, finishing it even quicker than Alex, all while talking about her day in daycare in only a way a parent would be able to understand. 
He laughs to himself, wetting a paper towel and wiping off her face, which proves to be a struggle because Kat couldn’t stop giggling. “Go put on some TV, I’ll clean up in here and we’ll watch something ‘till Mama gets home.” he ruffles her hair, messing up her ponytail, and Kat wastes no time before scurrying off the chair and dashing into the living room, climbing up on the couch and turning on the television, an old episode rerun of Max and Ruby playing. 
Alex finishes up in the kitchen, washing the bowls before putting them in the dishwater and starting it, since it was now a full load. He walks up the stairs to his and Jo’s room, throwing on a pair of pajama pants and a shirt before settling down on the couch, pulling his daughter close to him. Kat immediately snuggles into his side, taking a tiny fist and bawling it into his shirt, something she’d been doing since she was a baby. (Katrina would always be a baby in his eyes, it didn't matter how old she got.) 
Around halfway through the episode, he feels the little hand unclench his shirt, fingers start to violently attack his neck in strokes. He lets out a laugh, looking towards Kat, “What are you doing silly girl?” he grins. 
“Tickling you Daddy!” she cheers, continuing to try to get a laugh off of him. 
He opens his mouth dramatically, eyes widening as he takes in her delighted giggles. “Oh, Kitty-Kat, you don’t know what you’ve just done,” he sighs. Kat stops, looking up at her dad, confused. 
“You’ve unleashed,” he meets her eyes, breaking out into a wide smile, “the tickle monster!” he pulls her towards his tickling her feet, sides, and neck all at once, the little girl's loud laughs filling the air. 
“No tickle monster daddy!” she squeals, squirming around, trying to stop the attack on her sides, laughs echoing off the empty house. 
At that moment, Alex makes eye contact with a grinning Jo, who was just stepping through the front door. At the sound of her daughter’s laughs she felt wide awake, and she knew that by Alex’s mischievous look she could join in on the fun. She silently heads toward the couch, plopping down and starting her own fingers assault on the little one’s sides. 
“Mommy help!” Kat squirms once she sees her mom, looking directly at her with eyes that were a mirror image of her own. 
Jo pulls the girl into her arms, planting a big kiss on her head, leaving behind remnants of her cherry chapstick. “Mommy’ll save you KK,” she grins, only to bite her lip and pull away. 
“But Mommy is a tickle monster too!” she flips Kat around with ease, bringing her little feet up to her face and blowing raspberries on them like she did when she was still a baby. 
“No no Mommy no!” the girl giggles, thrashing around in a failed attempt to wiggle out of her grasp. Just to her luck, her dad decides to join in again, giggles turning into loud laughs that came from her little belly, a grin so wide neither one of them had ever seen it before. 
“I’m gonna eat you!” Jo presses little kisses all up the girls, legs acting as if they were bites, making her laugh even more in the process. Jo gnaws at the skin, making pops with her lips and clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Mmm,” she hums face scrunching up playfully, “delicious” she grins, the sound of her daughter giggles filling her ears until it was all she could hear.  
Alex and Jo share a look. This was one of those moments, the ones where all they wanted to do was just pause time and stay in this one freeze-frame for the rest of their lives. It was moments like these they wanted Kat to stay this way forever, this perfect age and unconditional love she had for everything. 
But for now, these pure, unfiltered moments of happiness were all they would need.
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httpteddybear · 5 years
Cherry | Harry Styles
SUMMARY; After Harry gets his heart broken once again, he swears off love, until Y/n and her dog bring him a delicious gift and their friendship along with it.
WARNING(S); Cursing, disgustingly adorable fluff, a v cute cameo from my real dog Peachy!! (send her some kisses), slow burn, angst if you squint
AUTHORS NOTE; Hey, this is for @tiostyles Fine Line challenge, give her a follow! Also, this is my first time publishing my writing so I’m so so sorry if it’s terrible. Forgive me if it's written badly. I wrote this on Tumblr so sorry if it looks funny or anything. Also pls give all the love to my dog peachy she loves attention. (thanks to @lostincalum​ @h0tsos​ for reading a bit of this) Happy Reading!!
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“I don’t know what to say to you except I’m sorry.”
Harry was everything but okay. He’d just found out that the girl he had pined over for months obviously didn’t feel the same. Now Harry was a smart man. He knew the ins and outs of his career and who he should and shouldn’t let into his life, which is why he was so baffled that he’d chosen the wrong person to let into his heart. She’d met Gemma and Anne, even a few of his cousins, and they’d all loved her. It was quite heart wrenching because even though she’d just told him the number one thing that would end a relationship, he still loved her.
“J-Just don’t call him baby, okay?”
It’d been almost two months since he’d seen Camille and his life wasn’t really alright. He wasn’t fully over her, she was incorporated into his daily life. His clothes, his thoughts, his eating habits, his favourite tv shows, everything. Somehow everyone found out within a matter of days what had happened, so he got an earful from Jeff. Then he got the sympathy from his family.
The only thing worse than both of those was the pity. When he went to get coffee the barista said she “hoped he was okay.” While giving him his coffee, and then Harry had seen a group of fans and the first thing that was said to him was “you poor baby.” That had set him off. Because even though it was tough, he was not a baby. He could do his own laundry and make his own food. He was not dependent on Camille for any of that, it was just nice to have someone by his side in a non-platonic way. Don’t get him wrong, he still put on a smile as they belittled him a bit. It was what he did.
So currently Harry was sitting on his couch, watching Disney movies. He felt more comfortable in his London home than the one in L.A. so he gathered his essentials and hopped on a plane. He was in a big knit sweater and some sweats. He felt content as ever. He had sort of swore off love when the Camille situation happened, so this feeling of contentment was nice. Inside his home he didn’t really have to worry about prying eyes or people judging him, so wrapped in large clothes looking very small was okay. It was okay outside of home too, but he always had a knack for looking somewhat presentable. He liked to be pretty. As did everyone but it made Harry feel like he was on top of the world. If he had the courage to wear a dress he damn sure would.
As Harry was finishing up he’d decided it was time for a cat nap. So that’s what he did. He didn’t bother to take off his clothes, just lazily pulling himself up the stairs and into his room before crashing down on his bed, pulling the duvet over his feet and up to his neck before rolling to his right side. He’d always been a side sleeper. From what his mom said, at least.
“Peachy! Who’s my good girl? Who’s my best girl?”
Somehow peach had found the other shoe Y/n was looking for, and that warranted some love. Y/n smiled as the Samoyed licked her happily. They were about to go on a walk to explore the new neighborhood. Y/n had judged moved into an adorable two-bedroom, one-bath, yellow house. Y/n was the epitome of someone you’d find living in that type of house. With her vanilla perfume, big fluffy Samoyed dog, and overall happy personality, the homeowner thought she was the perfect candidate to rent to.
Going on her way, Y/n decided she’d take a walk somewhere she hasn’t driven through, her best option was essentially a rich community, but she didn’t care. Her dirty shoes hit the pavement alongside Peach, watching as her dog sniffed everything in sight. Turning the corner, she found the cutest little bakery, and her excitement showed. Walking up to the brick building, she’d immediately seen the sign in bold. “NO DOGS.” Frowning, Y/n looked around. She started to walk to the pole she was going to tie peach too, but then she heard squeals.
“Mommy! Doggie!”
It didn’t bother her, so she rerouted.
“Hi miss, is it okay if my dog loves on your little munchkin? She’s very sweet and I’ve heard your child’s excitement.”
The mother smiled at how kind the girl was before nodding. Y/n brought peach over, and she was overjoyed to see the tiny child immediately clutching on.
After a few moments of her chatting with the mother, her stomach decided to make itself know. So she politely excused herself cursing at her stomach for ruining an adorable moment. Tying peach to the grey pole, she trotted inside the bakery. It was mostly empty minus the couple sharing a moment by the window and the assumed college student typing away.
“Hi, welcome to Wall Street Bakery! What can I get you?”
Y/n had to scan over the menu, they had everything from cackle to scones, so it was a difficult choice. But she’d finally agreed on a cup of whipped cream, for peach, and a half a dozen cupcakes. She didn’t know what she’d do with the extra, but she’d figure it out. Pulling nineteen pounds from her purse, she told the girl to keep the change, and she was on her way.
Peach had, as expected, ate all the whipped cream from the medium size cup. Y/n had a single cupcake before she was stuffed, in her defense, she had four slices of pizza, so this was just a tiny snack for her. She didn’t know why she ordered six, but she knew she’d find something to do with the remaining. She and peach started to walk again, taking all kinds of turns and twists, but not enough to lose their tracking. Suddenly Y/n came to a beautiful White House. It looked elegant, so she stopped to admire.
In her mind it wasn’t really creepy, she was just admiring the luxury. The more she looked the clearer everything became. Including the figure in the window of the second story. He sat idle, maybe reading or listening to music, she couldn’t quite tell. He looked dainty, fragile even. So Y/n knew where the five cupcakes would go. She swiftly pulled out a sticky note and a pen and got to work.
‘Hopefully, this sweetens up your day!’
-Y/n :)
Harry was listening to music. Mainly Stevie Nicks if we’re honest. He’d decided that today was going to be a relaxing day, which means that going to the studio was out of the agenda. Jeff was okay with it, stating that he had to have a meeting with someone else anyway. So Harry had a fully free relax day. So social media, television, and laziness were his full schedule. Harry had almost gotten caught up with his timeline then his stomach rumbled. He got up, going downstairs. He walked through the living room, still hearing Disney Channel from the tv. Finally getting to the kitchen, he started looking.
Now, after countless walk between the cabinets and the fridge, Harry just gave up. He decided to be a tiny bit productive by getting the mail. Harry slipped his feet in the weirdly angled slippers by the door and walked outside. Harry looked like a proper dad right now, clad in pajama sweat pants, a robe with no shirt under, and fuzzy slippers. As soon as he got outside he saw a pastel pink box with a yellow sticky note on it. Harry wasn’t crazy, but maybe this was something from Camille. Maybe a box of his favourite red velvet cupcakes that her mom made, or maybe a truce. He tried not to get his hopes up. He also wasn’t stupid. So there was no way he was opening that box inside. Just in case.
So, carefully, he grabbed the sticky note from on top of the box. His eyes scanned the letters as a small smile came to his face. Whoever this was, seemed nice and trustworthy, from what he could gather from the tiny paper. So he opened the box, just having to take the small piece of tape that was on the box. Inside we’re a mix of vanilla and chocolate cupcakes, and while it wasn’t red velvet, they looked pretty promising. Again, Harry didn’t know this stranger, and he was a bit of a skeptic when it came to random gifts on his doorstep. But for an unknown reason, he felt inclined to just trust his gut. He was getting far too hangry to worry about death.
He picked up a chocolate cupcake and bit off about half in one bite. Trust and believe that he moaned at the taste. When you deprive yourself of sweets for a healthy diet, a bite into any kind of sweet felt like you were on acid in cake land. So Harry forgot all about the mail and swiftly took the box inside, kicking the door closed with his foot. Now he was almost one hundred percent sure that his whole day would be filled with the sweet-savory taste of these cupcakes.
Harry was very grateful for y/n the cupcake giver, whoever they may be.
Y/n felt like she was doing well in life, not astronomically good, but well. She didn’t have any major issues, she was generally acceptable by society. Well, her generation society, cause, of course, some piercing, tattoos, weight, and anything seemly not normal to grandmas around the world was a sin. She got okay grades in school and had a nice job. She had enough money for a tiny yellow house, a dog, and of course herself, so in her mind, she was doing more than good. but for some reason, not having a significant other was the biggest problem for anyone who found out. Y/n had boyfriends, girlfriends, flings, she dabbled in just about anything she felt, but for the past three years, getting her and her pet a life was the most important thing at the time. Now, y/n wasn’t opposed to having someone around. Maybe the cute girl at the coffee shop, her curly hair, dark skin contrasting against striking blue eyes, and pearly white smile was enough to give y/n butterflies as she finished her scone that day. Or the cute boy in the window, there was just something about him. Y/n liked him enough to give him five beautiful delicious cupcakes, so that should say something.
Pop culture was something that y/n was very interested in. Every now and then she’d find herself drooling over Calum Hood on her feed or staring at a paused shot of Zendaya in Euphoria for twenty-three minutes. She loved seeing people grow and she could even say that she was a fan. In fact, if you showed her the music video for Best Song Ever, she’d probably burst in your face with “Niall, do the shimmy, do the shimmy, do the shimmy, and Zayn pirouette and Louis do the splits, and Liam you stay exactly where you are because you are PERFECT,”
Y/n loved things like that, it was amazing to see people get credit when they deserve it. Sure she was heartbroken when My Chemical Romance broke up, maybe she cried for two hours when One Direction broke up, but she got over it. She could proudly listen to Welcome to the Black Parade without crying and she even kept up with Niall and Harry, not like she used to, but she tried to like a picture every now and then. Y/n was a go with the flow kind of girl, she moved on from things quickly and saw the good in things. which is why she was very confused seeing #camillerowecancelled all over her timeline. it was hard to not click on it, but y/n was having a good day and she did not need to indulge in things like that, she left that behind when she deleted Wattpad in 2014.
Y/n nearly forgot that she was at a pet store, social media does that.
“Oh! Yes, hi. I was just looking to see if you guys had any Huskies or Pitbulls?”
Y/n was on a mission to get Peach a friend. She felt bad that the 6-month-old puppy had to be all alone while she was at work, so the only option was getting another dog to keep her company. Peach got on well with just about every dog, so it wasn’t a life-changing decision, she just had to find a dog that Peachy would get on well with. 
The worker showed her and Peach to the dog area and just left, for that she was thankful. She had always talked to Peach and she intended to ask her about the dogs she got excited about but she was sure the worker would’ve thought she was crazy. So she walked around a bit, looking at dogs and talking to Peach. Then, she nearly dropped her phone. She ran to the glass swiftly, looking at the tiny pup. It was a Husky-Chow Chow mix, and she knew she already loved her, she had no name yet either. Peach saw y/n get excited and started wagging her tail. soon enough, a puppy was on in front of her and peach couldn’t be happier to see the mini bear-like dog.
“She’s only about eight weeks old, and a lot of work, are you sure?”
Y/n couldn’t believe the audacity of the question. Of course, she wanted a tiny bear scampering around, going on adventures with her and peach. So she signed about thirty papers as quick as she could. She came to the name paper and the question hung in the air. What did she want to name the tiny bear? With Peach, she got a few days to be creative, and the samoyed was just peachy, so she named her Peach. Y/n searched her brain for names until she couldn’t think anymore. Then she squealed. She does that a lot.
Now, Y/n was on her way home, little Pipkin in her lap,  peach sat in the passenger seat as she jammed out to Lana Del Rey. Pip seemed to be having the time of her life, happy to be out of the confined cage. Y/n was, as you’d say, living her best life. She really didn’t have a care in the world. No one could really blame her. Y/n was pretty sure she just scored the cutest dog in all of London.
“Summertime and the living’s easy!”:
Y/n made it home in record time, she's pretty sure she was speeding, but Peach seemed very excited so she wanted them to be able to interact. She put Pip’s tiny leash and harness on, which was proved to be useless. Pip just kept tangling herself in Y/n’s legs and nearly got trampled by Peach. So, Pip got off scot-free just being carried. Peach was sniffing the tiny animal as soon as Y/n stepped in the door.
“Peachy, hold on I promise I’ll put her down in a sec.”
After getting settled, Y/n carefully set Pipkin on the ground, going to the couch to watch the two dogs interact. Peach sniffed Pipkin and vice versa, both faces have been in the butt of the other in addition to their own. They ran around the house for a bit, then the yard. They ate together for the first time, Peach even tried to share her food. They got on well, just like Y/n had predicted, so she decided it was time for a group walk. Y/n put a pastel hoodie over her tiny black camisole crop-top and exchanged her slides for converse, then they were out the door.
Pip seemed to walk better with Peach as Y/n helped guide. She went the same way as yesterday, finding she liked the scenic route even if it was longer. She walked passed the coffee shop, even smiling at the cute curly-haired girl. She passed the bakery this time, she wasn’t feeling sweets today. She walked quite a bit, even taking a few selfies of all three of them. Y/n was excited. She and Peach had a new companion. It might also be the rush of the fact that she's pretty sure the cute window boy is out in his lawn. She tried to keep cool, even almost went to the other side of the street but peach wasn’t gonna let that happen. It seems already Pip has become a rebel because she stayed with Peach. Y/n trained them, but they weren’t like Army dogs, so she let them practically pull her until two houses before his. She fixed herself up a bit, checking that her posture didn’t resemble the hunchback of Notre Dame. 
She got closer and she could already feel the butterflies swirling in her tummy. Peach and Pip must’ve felt it too, because closer they got, the closer to Y/n the dogs got. Especially Pip, but I’m sure its just cause she’s very tiny compared to the man, his hand could probably fit Pip in its palm. Y/n contemplated talking to him, which she did until she was nearly up in his face. When she saw him clearly, oh boy. Butterflies were an understatement. it was like a swarm of fuzzy bumblebees was tickling every part of her tummy. Y/n can definitely confirm that curly hair and bright eyes were essentially her type as of now.
“The boy from the window!”
If Y/n wanted to die before it was nothing compared to now. she literally wanted London to swallow her and her dogs until they were in the middle of nowhere with no proof of their existence. Pip and Peach weren’t bothered, sitting idle in the sun. The gate blocked out a bit of Y/n’s beet-red face, not as much as she would have wished.
Harry had decided to go outside. It was a pretty nice day for London, the sun was even out. So after copious amounts of sunscreen, some more presentable clothing, just in case of a fan, and some slides, he was on his way to his larger than the normal front yard. He planned on being out for a bit, so he brought snacks and drinks too. His mother taught him the habit. She always had some sort of snack in her purse and she almost always had those mini water bottles.
He lived in a pretty secluded part of London, but he still wanted to be prepared if a fan came up to him. Harry didn’t want to sound like an ass but more often than not, he didn’t want to take pictures. He was all for living in the moment. After always having a camera on you for about six years, you’d get sick of it too. It's not that he didn’t like meeting fans, he loved it. They made him who he was, but almost every one of them wanted a picture to document that they met him. It's albeit sad, the fact that if you just said that you met him, everyone would ask for proof. Trust does get a bit tainted from fame. 
Harry was almost ready to go inside, he was near sunburnt, and if he didn't get inside his mom would scold him. Now some people might think that he's an adult and that he doesn't need to listen to her. Harry thinks different. His mom is such a kind soul but if you make her mad enough to scold you, oh she’ll scold you. Harry didn't like the feel of the cold aloe vera either. He’d kept it in the fridge, it was mean to cool you down and soothe you, but that's maybe a five minute cool. His had been in the fridge for about two months. Then, he saw a fluffy cloud walking alongside a very tiny bear, so he stayed. Even to just get a closer glance at the dogs.
Now imagine this, you’re on your lawn, waiting for two dogs to pass by, but they stop at your gate. You’re curious and, in this case, you think it might be a fan. what would be the face you made if the first thing that person said was,
“The boy from the window!”
It took him a minute to even process the words the girl just spoke, he was on autopilot walking to his gate and unlocking it. He went up to the girl, she looked sweet, she was very pretty and looked like she could model but also like she had just run three miles, her face was very red. Harry didn’t mention it. Instead, he said,
He couldn’t tell who was redder. that was an idiot thing to say, he could see it now if this angel really was famous, the headlines would probably be at his neck, making jokes about how he had shit pickup lines, but he did. That probably warranted cheating in his mind.
Y/n couldn’t believe she was about to explain that she was being a creep but she didn’t know what else to say, she couldn’t just let the silence sit but holy shit, she was talking to Harry Styles. Her stomach said barf on his feet but her mind said to play it cool, she chooses the latter.
“I, uh, yesterday, I saw you sat in the window, and you looked a bit sad, at least from where I was standing, so I left five cupcakes at your doorstep. I’m Y/n.”
Y/n saw his face shift, but his eyes showed immediate confusion. 
“How’d you get through the gate?”
Way to go y/n, you trespassed. You finally meet a boy, well, see a boy, and you fuck it up by trespassing? yay.
“I- It was actually open a bit and you looked sad. Listen, I'm sorry but please don't send me to jail. Pip and Peachy need me to feed them and I need my tiny house I beg you just like punch me instead I sw-”
Y/n couldn’t help herself. From her perspective she made a damn good case, cause no one could take the person who has two dogs to jail, Well, they could, but morally? yeah right bitch.
“Hey, don’t worry, yeah? just let me pet your dogs and we’ll call a truce.”
Y/n didn’t think this could get any better. She met Harry Styles, and he likes her dogs. Not gonna lie, Y/n thought he was a cat person, sure he could be a ray of sunshine, but he had major resting ‘step a centimeter too close to me and I’ll kill you’ face. Her need to scream right now was a ten on a scale of one to nine. Sure she kept her composure and would until she got comfortable, but if she was alone, she’d break a glass. One Direction among, various other artists, shaped her taste in music all through high school. She listened to No Control pretty much every day of freshman year, it was on her morning playlist.
Y/n zoned out, caught up in her thoughts, but when she did come back from the wave of nostalgia, she saw possibly a once in a lifetime moment. Her dogs, snuggled up into harry, as he sat there in all his handsome glory.
“I completely forgot to introduce m’self. I’m Harry.”
he held a kind smile, it didn’t fully reach his eyes, but it was genuine.
“I know who you are, congratulations on the new song, by the way.”
He didn’t miss a beat before asking,
“Would you like a picture?”
Y/n honestly didn’t know what to do. Would saying no be too rude? ‘Cause she did not have the energy to pull out her phone. 
“Oh, no thanks, actually.”
He seemed, almost relived? It was confusing. Y/n didn’t meet celebrities on the regular, but she was almost one hundred percent sure that he would have thought she was rude. 
After talking and letting Harry pet her dogs a bit more, she, unfortunately, had to go. She let him know, they exchanged hugs, and she said a sorrowful goodbye to Harry. It was weird, sometimes she forgot that people she looked up too were just like her at some point. maybe playing with a Tamagotchi or beating one of their friends at BopIt. It truly was a ‘rags to riches’ story for so many famous people.
Y/n finally got home, after taking a few pit stops, letting Peach and Pip do what they needed to do. She was relieved to see her tiny yellow house, it held a lot of character for one, Y/n even went as far as naming it Lanana. It was a dumb combination of lemon and banana, re; her house colour. Second, her feet were pretty much throbbing. Pip was acting like she was dying from walking and Peach immediately lied on the floor. Y/n also found the rug to be pretty comfortable as she lied on it, staring at her surroundings.
Her cacti seemed to be doing well, probably cause it was fake. It seemed fairly clean, so she didn’t have to worry about that tomorrow. her tapestry of corgis seemed to have come down on one side, but other than that her walls looked genuinely okay, she has yet to put a hole in them. and her books on the coffee table were still unmoved. Y/n didn’t really read them, but who has books on their coffee table that they actually read? The ceiling was pretty bland though, maybe she’d buy something to put on it. 
Y/n rolled over and pulled out her phone. her eyes were probably going to hurt later. Whenever she started scrolling, it didn’t matter which app, she had trouble stopping. But she’d get up eventually, if not, Peach would probably maul her if she didn’t get her peanut butter covered meds. Y/n debated going on twitter, but she didn't really want to see anything on there, opting for Instagram, she got into a comfortable position and started scrolling.
Harry was very, very frustrated. He had gotten a sunburn and that scold from his mom. Anne went on for about fifteen minutes about how he’d get skin cancer and how he’ll feel like leather by the time he’s fifty. She had good intentions, but Harry had thin patients. He did keep it under wraps, he had too. It’d be a whole other scolding if he got snappy with his mum. He actually talked to her for ten minutes, more or less, about what was going on in his life and etcetera before his mum called it a night.
He kept thinking about you, well you and your dogs. Sure human interaction was appealing, puppy interaction was essential. Had you been anyone else, excluding his mum and a few friends, Harry would have called security. He just chose to trust his gut and the dogs that you were with.
It was a rare feeling that harry got around dogs. Not like the love you give your significant other, it was less intimate. More like the love you give a child or someone you love very much. Harry almost considered getting a dog. Big or small the creatures were loyal, always waiting for you to get home and following you through the house. They were very reliable and dependant on their owners. Harry thought that was something he needed. Someone to depend on him, keep him grounded and let him know he was wanted. He had wanted a dog up until he realized that he was too busy. He was always busy now. Getting ready to release a new album, having to give his all for it to be what he imagined. He barely had time to himself, a pet would be too much to handle.
Had Harry realized a singing career would jeopardize his opportunity to get a dog, he would have never auditioned in the first place. Harry always had a love for animals. Now, when you hear that you take into account people's fears, with Harry, you didn’t have to. By the age of three, he was trotting up to garden snakes, helping to untangle them from whatever twig they were stuck in. He helped spiders outside and whatever you can think of that someone would fear, he’d do it. Not because he was brave, because if you told him to try and run over a tiny stream in-between the grass, he wouldn’t hesitate to tell you no and throw a fit. Harry was just gentle, in a lot of aspects. 
He was gentle when he broke up with people, he was gentle when his bunny was getting ready to pass away, he was gentle when his sister was stressed looking for colleges, he was just gentle. which came with a lot of selflessness. Everything was Harry’s fault, in the sense that he blamed himself for a lot of things. He still blamed himself for Camille. Her falling out of love wasn’t his fault, she made that clear, but he couldn’t help but nitpick his flaws. The was he sometimes zoned out while she talked, or when he had a meeting but she had an off day, he felt terrible leaving Camille alone.  Harry was off.
He wasn’t broken, he felt okay, there was no metaphorical hole in his heart. Harry was fine. Except for when he wasn’t. The nights of alcohol and screaming led to nothingness. No more screaming, no more soft cuddles in the early hours. Harry was indifferent about it.  On the one hand, he was glad. He had calm peaceful nights and his liquor cabinet was almost always full again. On the other hand, his bed felt awfully empty. He still slept on his side, it felt like she was still lingering. Even with the million times, he washed the sheets, she still felt like she was right there.
Harry hoped he’d get over her.
Y/n was running detrimentally late. She’d gotten the best job interview and guess what? She got up an hour too late. By the eighth time she snoozed, she realized she had to be up. So she did some shitty ‘natural’ makeup, threw on a blazer, a cami under it, and the matching pants. She still looked bomb, Y/n would never doubt that. Especially when her confidence needed to be high. So now that Y/n was pulling up to get coffee, she’d regretted getting up so late.
The drive-thru was packed, everyone getting their own coffee. Y/n opted to go inside, coffee was like her push to get through the day and a Trenta should be enough to keep her somewhat lively. She still had to wait in a line inside, but this one was shorter. She tapped her thigh and scrolled through Instagram until she was at the counter. The barista was cute, having cool dyed hair was something Y/n gravitated towards, she could never get her hair a crazy colour, having to work serious jobs all the time. She always had to stick to somewhat natural. She’d rebelled at some point in middle school with bright, neon red hair. Then she’d stuck to natural colours, neon didn't look that good on her.
She picked up her coffee, taking a sip before starting her journey to her car. Well, she was, then the universe decided she needed a cute cliche.
“Oh! shit, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t even looking an-”
“and I just bumped into you, I’m sorry oh god.”
Harry recognized Y/n, and he wanted to say hi. Apparently, his version of hi was coffee spilled all over her shirt. He didn’t mean to, but the profuse apologizing was kind of cute.
“It’s fine love, saw you ‘nd thought I’d say hello.”
Harry caught Y/n blush at that. Albeit she got flustered over the tiniest things. She was quite cute now that Harry wasn’t distracted by dogs. She had a very nice style, besides the fact that there was now a stain on her camisole. She nearly matched the cafe chairs with her pants and blazer. It was cute.
She was cute.
To say Y/n was shocked was an understatement. For once a cute guy wanted to talk to her and she didn’t have to pine over him for months first. It was nearly a miracle. Y/n was a nice girl but confidence wasn’t always her strong suit. She couldn’t just talk to people, no no, she usually had to make an idiot of herself first. With the looming failure over her head and her heart racing, it made it very hard for Y/n to make new friends.
“Oh, for sure, uh I’m in a bit of a sticky situation.”
He held a finger up, signaling her to wait. He was discouraged she’d think he was weird and leave. But after coming back outside, a hand full of towelettes, he saw she was still there. Y/n took the damp fabric, wiping her blazer a bit, the only place the stain was visible was her blazer. Thank god for her camisole being black otherwise Harry would be able to tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. Sure she likes attention but not wearing a bra was solely hatred. Primarily Y/n had underwire bras, they were like hell around your boobs. So she opted out, it wasn’t like she expected to see Harry. He’d probably already noticed, it’d gotten considerably cold. He hadn’t said anything though, so there wasn’t much to dwell on.
Y/n patted herself down, thankfully getting most of the coffee stench out of her clothing. She’d forgotten all about why she was wearing a blazer or her interview. Y/n had her priorities all off, of course, Harry was more important than her interview, logically no, but Y/n wasn’t thinking with her head. Who would?
Harry was trying to decide whether or not he should ask for her number, was it too soon? What if he looked too desperate? The press would eat that up, he could already hear a tacky headline being typed. Y/n didn’t look like the type of girl that would care about that type of stuff. Desperate was surely socially constructed. Harry was obviously in too deep, who cared about any of that? he was gonna go for it.
Y/n was starting to see a difference in her blazer as the stain dried. Harry seemed spaced out, literally. He looked like he was on Mars. Harry looked like he was gonna say something, as he looked Y/n in the eyes for the first time.
She was gorgeous. Sure he’d dated models and beautiful women, but this was like home-brewed, authentic beauty. Her hair looked so soft, it was the type of hair that matched a lions mane, one he could imagine all over the pillow next to him. He liked Y/n, she was cute. After seeing her a few times Harry was almost drawn to her. She had an expensive personality. Not the kind of snobby, rich expensive, but rich with delicacies. She was kind to strangers she spoke to, and her dogs fit right with her, almost giving her a throne of cute, fluffy, kindness. The music in the coffee shop was heard outside, Harry swayed his body a bit to the beat.
“So, since we’ve run into each other a few times, I guess the universe thinks we’re soulmates.”
Harry didn’t need to rip off the bandaid, Y/n had just done it for him. Her smooth words flowed to him like silk, sure maybe Harry was getting a bit stalkerish, but it was all with good intention. If Y/n could be confident enough to say that and smile on, surely getting her number shouldn’t be that hard.
“So, ehm, I was wondering if I could ‘ve your number?”
Y/n was properly freaking out. Who wouldn’t? Harry looked at her with the most adorable gleaming eyes and just how could Y/n ever say no to that? He was her type but elevated. He had the bad boy vibe, but a heart of gold. Y/n liked to think of him as a milk dud oddly. But he and the mild dud alike had a hard, chocolate exterior, but sweet, chewy, caramel insides. He was ethereal. 
“Yes, yeah absolutely.”
It was now about a month after that. Harry and Y/n were going strong in the friend zone. Every time Harry asked Y/n out she was busy and vice-versa. Somehow the universe had gotten them together, but now it was like it vanished. All the work was now in their hands. It wasn’t as if having a date with one another was work, it wasn’t. Frankly, they really did enjoy each other's company, even through texts. But it was their literal work. 
Y/n couldn’t get a day off to save her life. Her boss was a bit of a dick. On top of it, most days off were spent graciously on the couch, feet propped up, and two dogs cuddling into her, all three intrigued by SpongeBob and Squidward arguing. Harry was in the middle of finishing up his album, so most of his time was spent at the studio. His days off were spent in L.A. It was rare that he was in London, sometimes he had to beg for a break. Thankfully he had jeff who sort of understood. So sure breaks were rare, but Harry spent so much time trying to work his hardest that he was keeping himself from it at this point. 
Harry had done enough waiting. Y/n seemed right up his alley. Her personality wasn’t too overbearing or too happy, she was a perfect state of nirvana. A calming aura came where ever she went and Harry could almost feel it through his screen. He and Y/n texted about anything. It could be a meme she sent him at three am, in turn, he’d laugh but tell her to get to bed. Or he’d send her minuscule things, like the stuff he sees in his everyday life that reminds him of her. Was Harry fully over his ex? No, but he’d get there. For you, Harry would at least try. Everyone had understood he was hurt but Anne pushed him to be happy for him, so that's what he was doing.
He’d texted Y/n about setting up a little get together, he didn’t want to call it a date, thinking maybe he’d scare her off. Y/n was persistent though, responding with ‘So it’s a date.’ It wasn't even a question, she’d just said it out in the open in hopes that Harry would be okay with it. He was. If Y/n could’ve seen his face when he read it she’d probably get a good laugh because as soon as he processed the text his lips curled up, bringing his mouth into a toothy smile. It felt nice to have someone paying attention to him again. He’d seen a few fans on his drive, waving as one cried, she immediately apologizing for being an ugly crier. There was something about finally getting a date and talking to the fans that put him in a fantastic mood. 
He was currently sitting in traffic, just coming back from seeing his mum. The surroundings were a bit bleak, all the houses were either White, Gray, or Black. Harry loved colour. He loved being able to express himself with pleasing ones that coordinate. Sure when he was little he’d throw on a raincoat but put shorts on, but having a stylist most of his life helped. His style was like a grandpa in a twenty-year-old’s body. Not that he cared, but it was a bit of an improvement from young British bloke who thinks he’s cool. Traffic started moving and Harry took his foot off the break, shifting gears to get moving. What was he doing? Well he, was on his way to get a particular bubbly nirvana girl. He and Y/n had planned the date about a week ago and agreed that they’d do something as soon as he got home. She insisted that he went home and relaxed, but Harry was stubborn, assuring her that he’d be fine. 
They had yet to plan where they were going, Y/n had talked about just going out and figuring it out when they ‘cross that lightbulb’ and he agreed. He neared the street that Y/n had given him and his mind was getting the best of him. Not every girl was the same but what if? There was always a possibility that it could happen again. Was his heart ready to risk it? Not fully, but one date couldn’t damage him that much. Harry always had a strong heart. When someone pushed him off the slide in primary school he’d said he fell. In Secondary school when his crush Rachel traded him for someone older, he’d let it go. He was strong and he could handle this. Y/n didn’t seem like she was like that.
He pulled up outside of her house, smiling at the bright colour. It was very her. Her windows were bright and open, he could see a small succulent on the ledge inside. She had a well-kept yard and the grass was as vibrant as ever. Considering it was London it could be hard to maintain a yard or even a garden, the weather was always temperamental. He heard the door open, watching as she stepped out from behind the white door. She looked beautiful, clad in some spandex shorts that fit her bottom nicely and a big sweater. It looked like a merch sweater of some sort. 
Y/n had a cute little bounce in her step, her hair bouncing a bit too. She and Harry had been on the best terms. They texted almost every day following him getting her number. She got to know him a bit better. She paid attention to a lot, she was an observer. The way he typed and formed sentences was very pleasing to the eye, at least he didn’t have terrible grammar. She reached the car, giving him a smile as she got in the car.
“How are y’love? Hair looks nice.”
Y/n smiled, attention to detail was always nice. They had also joked multiple times about her secretly being a lion cause she’d sent him a selfie after a particularly long day at work the day before. You could see the tangles and how frizzed it was. Harry thought it was adorable.
“Thanks, I’m good, at least it's brushed this time, right?”
He laughed. It was a nice sound.
“Any thought to where you’d like to go?”
Y/n hummed, thinking a bit.
“I was thinking ice cream, it’s rare that London has had this many sunny days, I’m wondering if we should be scared.”
They both laughed, agreeing on ice cream.
“Y’want the aux?” Harry offered.
“Yeah, thanks.”
Y/n hooked up her phone, going to Spotify and smiling as Hey Jude played through the speakers. She and Harry sang along ridiculously off-key and talked the entire drive to the tiny ice cream shop. Harry stopped the car and got out. So far, Y/n wasn’t bad. In fact, she was great. Her happiness radiated through the car, he bets it's hard to be in a bad mood around her. She’d opted for no makeup and Harry liked that. He loved girls with and without makeup but it was a gesture he appreciated, even if it wasn’t for him. 
Y/n looked up at the options, she didn’t particularly care for a lot of it, she didn’t want to eat something that had too much sweetness, she’d get a tummy ache. Harry had ordered Moose Track ice cream while Y/n ordered Ben and Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake. This was typically her go to unless she was sad, then she buried her sorrows in Cherry Garcia.
They didn't even sit down before they were chatting. Conversation flowed easily between them. They could go from talking about their day to talking about childhood. It was nice, there was no pressure to come up with a topic. If there was silence as they at it was comfortable, the ice cream shop wasn’t very full, it is on the outskirts of London, so they didn't have to worry about paparazzi. They talked about their favourite bands, people they looked up to, fashion choices, just about everything that came to mind. It was nice, Harry and Y/n singing to their heart's content to the Queen flowing through the shop, Y/n even getting up and using her spoon as a mic. Harry hadn’t felt this nice in a while.
“Then he turned and there was a garden snake and I’ve never heard a fifty-year-old man scream at a higher pitch than him.”
Y/n finished off her story, she and Harry had been laughing their asses off for about an hour, they’d been there for about two. 
“This is nice, love hanging out with you.”
Harry’s words held sentiment that made Y/n’s heart burst. 
Y/n replied, laughing as he made faces at her. This was easy. No pressure, nothing was forced, it was genuine first date bliss.
Harry smirked as he took his spoon, putting a bit of chocolate on her nose,
Y/n whined dragging out his name. He laughed, leaning forward. He kissed the ice cream off her nose watching as her cheeks tinted pink, it was adorable.
“You asked for it.”
next thing Harry knew there was ice cream on his nose now too, except she didn’t kiss it away, opting to take her finger and wipe it. bringing the finger to her mouth she laughed, making a face resembling the grinch as she licked her thumb. They didn’t want to leave, Harry would pay to have time freeze and keep this moment present forever. Sadly he couldn’t. They got up, going to the register.
“I’m paying.”
Y/n stated, dismissing Harry’s protests. 
Harry had dropped Y/n off, and there was no doubt he wanted to keep her around. He had his doubts but the small time that they had in the ice cream shop was phenomenal. Was Harry fully over his ex? No. But that was okay. He didn’t have to rush, he’d be just fine getting over her with Y/n’s help. He didn’t need a therapist or a new girlfriend, he needed someone to show him that he could have better. Y/n was better. As long as you two kept talking Harry was sure he’d be over it in no time.
y/n; so plans for our next date? ;)
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yandere-ac · 4 years
I love your blog so much!! 💞💞💞💞 If you want to, maybe a yandere K.K. Slider 🥺👉👈
Yandere K.K. Slider X Reader
(There were two requests for this but I accidentally deleted one because I’m a dumb fuck)
C / O/C = Coffee of choice
K.K. Slider was not your average dog. You see, he was a world famous celebrity who was popular for his music. He was a dog who had it all yet...had nothing. He had money, fame, friends, fans, people throwing themselves at him! But he’d never really felt happy with any of it. Because of his fame, people put him up on a pedestal. And become of THAT he couldn’t interact with anyone like a normal person. He was always THE world famous K.K. Slider to these people, not ever just K.K.
But he had to accept it, if he didn’t he’d have gone depressed by now. At least he wasn’t famous for doing something proper, then people would call him stuff like “Mr. Slider” good lord, then he would DEFINITELY be depressed. But still, he did have some close friends who treated him like an equal instead of some star.
In a studio not far off, a cat with fluffy white fur was storming around, checking so that everything was in place. He was wearing a white checkered muffler, topping it off with a brown paperboy hat. “Mic? Check! Guitar? Check! Amplifiers? Check! K.K.?...god damnit- where the hell is he at?” The felines tail whisked in annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his tiny, pink nose. “Umm...we don’t know sir-“ “stay here I’ll get him. Make sure everything’s in check, CRACK ON EVERYONE! ...this dog is going to be the death of me” He mumbles the last part under his breath as everyone around him continued to unload all of the equipment, walking at a brisk pace he was wondering how he got into this situation. The cat looked all over, in his lounge, all over the studio, he made multiple calls to him only to get no response. He knew that there was only one place left where he hadn’t looked. The roof. “God damnit Tota...” and so he climbed up the studio latter up to the roof, and sure enough. There he sat. Totakeke Slider.
“The latter again? When are you actually gonna climb like a normal Cat?” The white dog said, staring off into the distance, not turning around to look at the cat behind him. “Really Totakeke? The roof? What is this, the third time? Ye can’t just bunk off work when there’s a rehearsal about to begin” K.K. felt himself chuckle as he turned around to look at his frustrated friend. “Wow, three times now and you’ve yet to look up here first” he smiled, making the cat tense up. “Uh!- don’t change the subject! You’re the one who’s not at his own bloody rehearsal!” He approached his friend only to be pulled down to the ground next to him. “Chill out daddio. It’s in two hours” K.K looked out over the sky, letting out a wonderful sigh. “Yeah? And ye are supposed to be practicing! What happens if ye forget the lyrics? If ye forget what to play?” “Seamus” “if ye mess up the song?” “Seamus!” What if-“ K.K. grabbed ahold of his friends face, mushing his cheeks in between his paws. “Dude, chill out. I’m not gonna forget the lyrics to the songs. I wrote them!” K.K. said, letting out a little laugh at his agents spastic behaviour. Seamus face got light pink as he realized that he was rambling. “Ah yes of course...I’m sorry” K.K.s muffled laugh was now more amplified, he patted Seamus on the back as he did so. “No worries, I just wished you didn’t stress so much. I’m tellin ya, everyday I swear I can see grey hair on that scalp of yours” “dONT YER EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT TOTA!”
“Alright people lets wrap it up! Ye did good today!” K.K. was walking off stage when he heard the gentle pats against the floor, he knew who was approaching him. “What’s happening Shimo!” He turned around to greet the little penguin as she ran towards him. “O-Oh! Did you hear me? K.K.?” She asked, very much startled about the musicians ability to know she was coming. “The whole studio hear ye lass” Seamus was quick to reply as he helped the others with carrying all the equipments. “Ah! I see...eheheh” Shimo gave a sheepish smile as she scratched her neck. “Heh, well did ya need something butternut?” K.K. asked her. “Well...I was gonna ask...after the next show, would you maybe give two cans of yours private autographs?” She asked, twiddling her fins together. “Of course I can! I love giving fans autographs! Who are they?” He asked excitedly. He always loved giving back to his fans, back when he wasn’t as popular and more of a freelance artist he didn’t even make people pay for his music. But that was then. Now his agents where always pushing him to capitalise on his fame. So nowadays he always took any chance possible to give back to the ones who took him as to where he is now. “Well, they’re two kids, one of the is a boy. His name is joji, he’s a five year human and the other one is a girl, kim, also five and a human” “A human?! Hah! Haven’t seen me one o’ those for quite some time!” Seamus was, once again, quick to quip in. Was that true? He was gonna meet not one but two humans? He’d seen many humans before at his concerts and he’d met a few of them but it was always so interesting to see them. Because for every human there was at least 4 animals to accompany them. It was just much rarer to be a human than to be an animal. “Well I would love to, and I’m sure we can made time after the show right Seamus?” K.K. and Shimo turned to his agent whom only responded by looking at the pair with a displeased look. “Well...I guess if they’re willin ta stay for a while after the show than sure, I don’t see a problem” this made the penguins eyes light up. “Oh thank you guys! They’ll be so happy to hear this!”
“Ahh it’s nothin lass. But uh these kids, they’re gonna have a parent accompanying them right? We don’t want two little children runnin’ around our studio without supervision” Seamus said walking towards the two. Shimo gave him a smile. “Yes! They’ll be accompanied by a family member! Don’t worry they won’t cause any trouble, Joji is an angel” Shimo assures the cat infront of her. “Right, right. Well, again, then there won’t be any trou-“ before Seamus could could finish his sentence, Shimo tackled him into a hug. And soon after that K.K. let out a small chuckle as he took the annoyed cat into a side hug. “Oh thank you Seamus! Thank you thank you thank you!”
“Agh! Get off me! Quit laughin’ Tota before I smack yer face off!”
“K.K.! K.K.!”
“Thank you! Everyone! I love you all! You’re all amazing!” The sound of his adoring fans was almost ear deafening, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved each and everyone of them just as much as way back when he had about 30 fans. He still remember the day when he blew out and gained a large following, he remembered how happy he felt knowing that people enjoyed his music. And still today he loved his fans. Even if they were a little...intense. As he went backstage a white arm clung around him by the shoulder and he was walked away from all the noice. “Alright so you go change, tidy up, drink some water, just freshen up. We’ll get the wee lad and lass in `ere shortly alright?”
“Okey, thanks Seamus” The star said, walking to his lounge. This had been a good show, or at least he felt so. After washing off and chilling for a while he went out of his lounge to find Shimo. He opened his door and-
Oh no. He hit someone in the face with the door. He ran out to help whoever he hit. “Oh my god are you oke-“ he stoppped himself before he could even start. Looking at the person before him, It was a human. They were rubbing one spot on their forehead bending over. “...uh...oh! Are you alright? I didn’t mean to hit you? Do you like...need ice?” The human groaned as they rose up again to meet his gaze. “No no, it’s- it’s alright I just- I got scared by the door suddenly just swinging open. It’s okey really” they looked at him and...my god. This human was very cute. Suddenly, a second smaller human popped out behind them. He was grabbing the fabric that surrounded the older ones legs with one arm while the other one was surrounded by a red cast. And then a thing small human ran out from behind the first ones legs and looked at him with big eyes...oh!
“You’re Kim and joji right?” He asked looking at the small girl and boy. At that they let out a little gasp and nodded. They boy seeming less shy. “Well, do you want an autograph little dudes?” He said as he crouched down to be on the same level as the kid. The boy, joji nodded as he ran up to him. K.K. snickered at the kids sudden enthusiasm as he took out a pen and paper. He looked first at the girl. “What do you want it to say?”
“To Kim, from your grooviest pop star ever! K.K. Slider! And then a buncha hearts and starts!” She said very enthusiastically. “Righto” he signed the paper and gave it to her. “Well little guy, what do you want it to say?”
“...to...to my biggest fan, Joji. Rock on, From K.K. Slider” joji said. This kid was just adorable. As he reached out for more paper the boy declined and pointed to his cats. Oh right! K.K. felt a little stupid for not realising that he wanted his cast signed, but he of course signed it. “Now what do we say kids?” The older one said. “Thank you K.K. Slider” the two of them said, as they said this they ran over to him and gave him a big hug. It took K.K. Of guard but he happily returned the hug. After a few seconds he got a bright idea. “Hey, wanna check out the stage?” The kids let out yet another gasp as he said this. “Yes! Please! Y/N can we please go see the stage?” They turned around to look at the older one, seemingly named Y/N. “Well, if it’s okey for K.K. Slider. Then sure. I do have to talk to Shimo about something”
And so the four went towards the stage. Joji was riding on K.K. Sliders back and Kim was happily skipping besides them, holding K.Ks hand. Y/N was trailing behind them. As K.K. opened the door to a bunch of animals running around, none of them really paying any mind to the dog. “Alright where do you wanna go to first? The production team? The stage?” Before they could answer Y/N walked up to one of the agents and tried to get their attention. “Exude me ms. Do you know where Shimo is? I have to ask her something” when the agent shook her head Y/N simply let out a sigh. “I think I know where she is. Hey frans could you show the kids around? I’ll help Y/N out” K.K. said as he helped Joji off his back. The two children followed after the agent as K.K. motioned for Y/N to follow him. “Shall we?”
As the two of them walked, they stroke up a conversation. “So are you a fan? Or just here for your kids?” “Oh well, i wouldn’t say I’m a fan. I do listen to some of your music now and again but this is the first time I’ve been to one of your concerts. Also, Kim and Joji aren’t my kids, they’re my sisters kids. I’m just their sitter for the evening” “Ah yes of course. Well did you enjoy the concert?” He asked as he walked closer to them. “I did. You’re a very talented musician K.K. Slider” “you can just call me Totakeke, it’s alright” K.K. Said with a grin. “okey, totakeke” they relied smiling back at him. They were so beautiful/handsome/stylish. Their lushes hair, their shining eyes, their soft skin. Everything about them, it drove him nuts. He’s never felt this about anyone even if he’s been in countless relationships. This wasn’t your average crush or even love. He wanted to have them. He wanted to cherish them. He wanted to-
“Oh! Shimo! There you are! I wanted to ask you if” the rest of the conversation became blurred for K.K.. He couldn’t focus on anything but them. What was this feeling! It was like a drug! And like every addict, he wanted more. He waited until the conversation was over to approach Y/N once more. “Hey Y/N...I just wanted to ask you if...umm...if you’d like to...maybe like...go out sometime?” God damn it. Why was he acting so awkwardly, he’s usually such a smooth talker but- “like a date? Sure I’d be happy to” at that moment K.K. Could feel his heart explode! “O-Oh! Yeah! Groovy! Well do you wanna meet up at the park at 3?” The two of them made plans to meet and the whole time, K.K. could feel his tail wag more and more violently. He couldn’t wait until 3 tomorrow.
Where were you!? Where you not coming!? Oh god he scared you off didn’t he? He really didn’t want to do something drastic but if you’re not gonna show up he might have to go against his rules. But just as he was considering doing something crazy he heard the sound of footsteps coming close. “Hi! I’m so sorry I’m late! Traffic was holding me up” It was you! You had arrived after all! “Oh! No worries daddio. Traffic can be a little extreme around these parts. But don’t worry, where we’re going is not very crowded and it won’t be overflowing with people” k.k. Said, flashing a toothy grin. “Oh where are we going?” y/N asked tilting their head slightly. “Oh you’ll see, c'mon!” With that K.K. Grabbed ahold of Y/N’s hand as they started running somewhere. All while Y/N had no clue of where they were going. After awhile, the pare arrived at a cozy little establishment called “brewsters coffie”. As the two walked in, K.K. grabbed Y/Ns hand. As they opened the door, the bell on top of it made a little sound. “Yo brews!” K.K. Greeted the bird behind the counter. “Hello K.K. who’s the lady friend?” The bird, Brewster, asked. “This is Y/N, they’re my date” K.K. responded. “Well you know our couples discount right? Also, it’s karaoke night so feel free to put on any old song” Brewster said going back to cleaning a cup.
“Alright so what do you want? I’m gonna take a (C/ O/C)” Y/N said as they sat down in a booth. “I think I’m just gonna have a latte” K.K. replied. And so, the two ordered and waited. As the date progressed both of them engaged more and more in their conversation, telling each other about them self’s and asking about each other. “So yeah, I started singing way back when I was just a lil pupper. It’s been my passion ever since” K.K. Said resting his chin in his one paw. As he looked at Y/N, the only thing he could think of was how amazing they were. Not only were their looks stunning but they were so interesting. Anytime they told him about something of themself he could feel his heart skip a beat. He wanted this human all for himself. If only there was a way for him to keep them. “Yeah, it must be cool to be a super star, practically everyone knows you. It’s silly really but...well I’ve always wanted to be a singer. I’ve written some songs but none have really ever gained any attention. I figured that I didn’t have time to try and get recognition right now. I got a job and such” Y/N said sheepishly, as if their dream was dumb. “Wait, stop the press. Say what? Can you sing or do you play instruments?” K.K. asked, even more excited now. If Y/N sang, they were a package deal. “Well, I do know how to play a few instruments but I mainly sing.” OH. MY. GOD. “Well come on! Show me what you got! Let’s do some karaoke!” Without giving his date a chance to respond he quickly grabbed ahold of their hand and booked it to the karaoke machine. “What do you wanna play? Good ol Brewster has a lotta songs and artists” Y/N thought for a moment before they lit up. “Oh! Does it have the ink spots? It’s a little old but I like the vibe of their songs” Y/N said as they typed in the song of their choosing. And luckily enough, it came up. ”Nice! Do you wanna do it on duet mode?” They asked him. In which he happily agreed. They started up the song and let the first line of text appear with the song.
“I don’t wanna set the world on fire...I just want to start a flame in your heart...” K.K. started, soon the timer ticked down for Y/N to sing their part. “In my heart I have but one desire, and that one is you. No other will do” as Y/N sung their first part. K.K. Could feel himself almost explode. Their voice, it was smooth as butter, yet soft and clean. He loved it, it was amazing! He wanted to only hear that voice! The two of them sang through the whole song. And then another one. And then another one. They say there for 40 minutes, just singing. Getting lost in each other’s eyes. After some songs they sat back down at their booth, having a breather as they were both exhausted. “Wow, Y/N your voice...it’s...it’s angelic! You should absolutely do this for a living!” K.K. said eccentric. “Oh stop it you” Y/N said bashfully as a light pink blush appeared on their face. “No I’m serious! You’re voice is so good! I wish you would get more attention....wait! I got it!” K.K. Exclaimed as he grabbed a hold of Y/Ns shoulders. “I’m about to go on a tour soon, why don’t you follow with! That way you can gain attention to your singing and we could maybe continue this relationship!” K.K. said happily. “Oh...I don’t know Tota...isn’t it a bit soon?” They asked in return. “Maybe but what’s life if you don’t take any chances, imagine it! You could become rich and famous! If you ever feel like backing out you can totally do so as well!” He wanted them to join him so desperately. If they didn’t say yes, he might have to trap them in his tour buss...
“Okey! Let’s do it! I’d love to tour with you Totakeke!” They’re eyes lit up when they answered.
Yes! Finally! He had a way of keeping them with him for a couple of months. And by then they were absolutely gonna fall for him! It was a perfect plan! His fans would love the two of them and if they ever tried to break up, his fans would peer pressure them into getting back together with them! It was the perfect plan! Oh Y/N! The tour was in a couple of weeks but he couldn’t wait until then! The idea of you being trapped with him. With nowhere to run to, it made his tail wag.
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pink-imagines · 5 years
pillow talk
part 2
request: okay so a lot of people write about izuku as being very shy and nervous, which is true rn but imagine him as a hero?? what i’m trying to say is: imagine a one night stand with prohero!izuku and his pillow talk game is STRONG! and maybe the morning after too? i just want to see that fluffy haired boy be confident because DAMN! that would look very nice on him ;) thank you!!
a/n: hi, i just had to say that you are/were doing great today and if you’re reading this i hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!
warnings: sick y/n
part 1
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Izuku looked at the note for probably hours, even though it only felt like minutes past. Should he call or text? Probably text right? That’s the normal thing... right? But maybe he should call anyways, to make it seem like he really means it.
He dialed your number and hovered his thumb over the call button. A deep breath... and he called.
Your phone buzzed, first once and then twice. After the fourth time you picked it up.
“Hello! This is Y/N!”, you sang into the phone.
“Hey... it’s Izuku.”
“Hi! How are you doing?”, you smiled brightly by just his voice and pushed yourself away from your work.
“I’m good, how are you?”, as soon as he heard your comfortable tone he relaxed.
“Pretty alright, I just have a bit of a headache.”, you admitted and got yourself a glass of water from your kitchen.
“Oh, damn. I was going to ask if you’re free tonight, but if you’re not-”
“No, no, no... I can go out tonight, I’ll just take an aspirin it’s fine.”, you argued.
“Okay... but it’s okay if you bail on me ‘cause you’re not feeling well.”, he assured you.
“I won’t. When are we meeting?”, you asked to take the attention off your headache.
“Well, when are you off work?”, he asked happily. Even though he was extrememly confident and strong... he sometimes reminded you of a little puppy dog.
“I work from home today, there wasn’t a lot happening at the office so I was allowed to stay home.”, you let out a delighted sigh.
“Oh that’s great!”, he exclaimed, “I’ve just been to the gym so I need to take a shower, but would you want to go out for out for a coffee or something?”
“Coffee sounds great.”, you tried to contain your wide grin by biting your bottom lip.
What the fuck were you wearing? Did it matter? He had already seen you naked and without make up, so it shouldn’t matter... but it did! 
You looked at the two dresses laying on your bed. Cute or hot? You were going out for coffee so maybe you should dress down a bit... but you just bought the cute dress so you should use it a bit, right?
The dress was mid-thigh short and had short sleeve’s. The white lace gave off a very soft and innocent look, you thought about how ironic that was when you tied the strings in the middle of the dress to a bow. To hide that fact that you were feeling kind of sick, you applied some light make up.
Only when you were putting your shoes on, you realized that it’d be kind of cold with just the dress. So to be safe, you pulled on a knitted cardigan and then you were off.
Izuku had told you to meet him by this café that you’d never heard of, but you still managed to find it pretty quick. 
“Hey, Y/N!”, someone said from behind you. You turned around to see the green haired man walking towards you. It was unusual to see him without a suit or simply without a shirt on, then again you had only known him for a few days now.
“Hi, it’s good to see you again!”, you walked up to him and gave him a hug.
“It’s good to see you too... you look... really pretty.”, was there a hint of nervousness in his eyes?
“Thanks, you’re looking good too!”, you gave him a confident smile. Maybe you had seen wrong, but if he was nervous you wanted to make sure he was comfortable.
The café was small, but didn’t have a lot of people crowding it up. You could even talk in a normal voice and still hear each other! It only seemed like minutes, but you actually ended up talking for hours. They say time flies when you’re having fun, right? And you couldn’t be happier by just seeing his smile. Your headache was forgotten long ago as the moment kind of took over.
“We should start heading back, it’s already six pm.”, Izuku said as he looked at his watch.
“It is?”, you looked at the clock hanging on the wall, “Oh shit you’re right...”
“There’s a park nearby, if you’d want to take a walk and just keep talking.”, he suggested with a shy smile.
“That sounds great!”
There wasn’t much talking happening as you walked around, which was actually nice since you you putting all your focus on trying to keep walking. Your headache was back and you started to feel a bit loopy.
“Y/N, are you alright?”, he waved his hand in front of your face and made you stumble back.
“Huh? Sorry...”, you smiled apologetically.
“You sure you’re not sick?”, he pressed his palm against your forehead, “You’re burning up...” He was about to take his hand away but you softly grabbed his wrist, holding his hand against your cheek. Instead of pulling away he pulled you in closer and let you lean on him.
“Let’s get you home...”, he muttered softly and grabbed your hand, “... tell me if you feel any worse.”
“Thanks... my apartment is just around the corner.”, your fingers intertwined with his and you leaned against his shoulder, “I’m sorry about this.”
“It’s not your fault that you’re sick, besides I still had fun.”, he smiled warmly at you, making your heart flutter. It seems like that little flutter was too much for your body as it came crashing down- only for two strong arms to catch you.
“Hey, keep it easy.”, he slowly got you up to stand, “I told you to say something if it got worse...”
“Sorry.”, you giggled, “Thanks for catching me at least.”
“Are you going to be able to walk to your apartment?”, he asked.
“Yeah, yeah... don’t worry about me-”, as you tried walking for yourself you almost fell to the ground.
“I don’t think so.”, Izuku sighed and held you up again, “Just tell me your address and I’ll get you there.”
The only thing you remember was telling him your address, getting up on his back and then something that felt like... flying? Maybe it was just hallucination, since yo blacked out right after that.
You woke up tucked into your bed with new clothes on. It was your old Hello Kitty pyjamas that you used on your laundry days! When did you change into this? You tried getting up but that’s when your big fat headache struck.
“Oh, you’re awake.”, Izuku came into the room with a glass of water, “It took me ages to find where you had your glasses.”, he laughed and gave you the glass.
“I... did you put this on me?”, you looked down at your pyjamas and then back at Izuku.
“What? I’ve already seen you naked.”, he chuckled as he sat down on the edge of the bed, “Besides, those pj’s are really cute on you.” You didn’t think it was possible for you to get an even more red face, but appearently that was possible.
“My mom bought it, I can’t just throw it away...”, you sighed and started drinking your water, “Thanks for bringing me home, though.”
“Of course.”, he smiled, “Do you need me to bring anything or do you want me to leave?”
“If you wouldn’t mind... could you maybe just lay next to me?”, you asked shyly. For a second you could see a nervous and unsure glance in his eyes, but they were quickly replaced by a cocky grin.
“For sure, do you have a pair of matching hello kitty pyjamas that I can borrow?”, he chuckled and watched as you blushed up in all different shades of pink.
“Izuku...”, you groaned.
“I’m kidding!”, he laughed, “I’ll just take off my pants... jeans in a bed isn’t that nice.” He gave you an innocent smile as he lifted up his shirt, holding the hemn between his teeth, as he unbuckled his pants. Why did everything he did have to look good? He chuckled as he saw you checking him out.
“See anything you like?”, he grinned as he finally got into bed with you.
“You’re awfully confident.”, you muttered.
“I guess you just do that to me then.”, he leaned in and tried to place a kiss on your lips when you stopped him.
“I’m sick, you don’t wanna get this.”, you told him.
“I don’t really care, love.”, he pressed a peck to your lips. You snuggled up on his chest and threw one of your hello kitty dressed legs over his waist as he pulled you on top of him.
“You know, when you’re like this you’re almost like a personal heater.”, he muttered, “It’s very nice...”
“Good to know that I can be of use.”, you joked and made him laugh.
“I didn’t mean it like that...”, he yawned, “It’s just very easy to take a nap like this.”
“Then let’s take a nap...”, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. His cologne smelled so tantalizing and inviting... maybe even intoxicating.
“Sounds great.”, he smiled and pressed a kiss to your temple, “Just wake me up if you need anything.”
Damn it. You were falling in love again.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
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Before you read, here’s the previous chapter. New? Start from the beginning!
Chapter 3: The Greatest Pain of All
Ochako’s heart was still a little troubled when she followed Katsuki back inside the house. Guilt hung heavy like chains on her body; she knew that Tomura and the pirates were scouring the countryside for her, and with their resources, it wouldn’t be long before they found her. Despite the fact that she’d agreed to accompany him into town since she would be more conspicuous by herself, it still made her feel burdensome. She would hate for him to get hurt because of her. 
“Oi,” Katsuki said and poked her in the side of the head. “You’re goin’ spacey again, Cheeks. I asked if you wanted to take a bath.” Ochako blushed slightly as she rubbed her temple where he’d poked her. I really do tend to get absorbed in my thoughts around him. 
“Sorry… A bath would be lovely, yes.” The airship had no working plumbing, so the last time she’d bathed had been the morning that she’d been plucked off her farm. Her hair was still messy from her plummet from the dirigible as well. Katsuki led her down the hall to his small washroom, procuring a towel for her. As she held the soft, cottony cloth, Katsuki looked her up and down with a small frown. When he scratched his head and surveyed her, heat rose to Ochako’s cheeks. 
“Hmm… They’ll be a little big, but…” he mumbled to himself before shambling off. Ochako blinked, staring at the door where he’d just exited and wondering what to do. She continued to hug the towel as she leaned out the door frame, looking left and right with wide eyes. She could hear him shuffling around in the depths of the house, grumbling to himself and obviously rifling through something. Confused, she ducked back into the bathroom and looked at the tub. 
It was a rather plain white tub with bronze accents. There was only a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo resting on the side; though she would love the feel of soft, silky conditioner soaking into her hair, beggars couldn’t be choosers. She set the towel down on the closed toilet seat and flipped on the tap, then sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Water gushed forth from the spout, freezing cold when she dipped her fingers underneath the stream. Though numbness began to spread up from her fingertips, she enjoyed the water cascading against her finger pads with drumming intensity. 
She became transfixed watching the water pour from the spout, her eyes growing lidded as she listened to the dull roar of the flow. It reminded her of the waterfall near her farm; the torrent plunged down the mountainside into a white-water river that carved through the valley. A small tributary splintered off near the base of the waterfall to trickle down a short moss-covered bluff to fill a small pool. Ochako would often walk there to swim or bathe in the clear, cold water, enjoying the fish swimming around her legs and the sand squishing between her toes. 
“You really are a space case,” Katsuki suddenly snorted from behind her, making her jump. The water had grown warm, she realized, so she quickly tugged up the stopper to let the tub fill. She turned to look at Katsuki, and then squeaked in surprise when he shoved some cloth articles into her face. “Here. I know they’re boy’s clothes and not nearly as nice as your dress, but they’re all I’ve got. This’ll help you blend in until we get into town. I’ll buy you something else to wear there.” 
“Oh… Thanks, but you don’t have t—” Her words died in her throat as he briskly walked out of the bathroom, leaving her alone. She blinked, then looked down at the clothes. It was a pair of cargo pants with a cotton shirt, much like what Katsuki was wearing. Curious, she brought it to her nose to take a sniff. A spicy, earthy scent flooded into her nose, making her flush when she realized that was probably what Katsuki smelled like. It’s nice, she thought dreamily, the scent making her mind cottony and muddled. She then tossed the clothes onto the toilet seat with a gasp, mortified at herself. What kind of freak was she, smelling a boy’s clothes? Groaning and hiding her bright red face, she hurried to close the door. 
She took a moment to rest her forehead against the door, processing the whirlwind of events that had led her to Katsuki’s house on the hill. From being chased off the airship to falling down the cracked roof, she was emotionally exhausted. It was then that she finally allowed herself to cry, quiet sobs muffled by her hands and the pounding of the water filling the bathtub. She hadn’t given Tomura the satisfaction of seeing her cry; she’d kept it pent up inside, and now, here in this tiny bathroom, she finally felt safe enough to let out the tears. They puddled on the floor at her feet, filled with sadness and fear and trepidation. 
She was still sniffling when she turned off the water and shed her clothes. She sank into the warm water, unable to suppress a loud moan when the warmth seeped into her muscles all the way to her bones. She slipped down until the water lapped just underneath her nose. The heat enveloped her whole being, washing away the toil and grief to leave her feeling raw, whole, clean . The shadow of Tomura had clung to her since she’d boarded that airship, and finally it felt like she was free of his cold touch on her arm and the warning that he would always be watching her with harsh, eagle-like eyes. 
I wonder how close he is to the mining town, she thought, her eyes lidded as she watched the surface of the water ripple and slosh against the sides of the ceramic tub. Nervousness coiled in her belly as she thought of how angry he would be if he caught her. I don’t want to go back with him. I want to get far, far away… As tears began to brim in her eyes again, she thought of Katsuki. I wonder… If I asked him… If he would protect me. The thought alone made guilt flush through her body. She couldn’t possibly ask more of Katsuki than she already had. I’ll let him take me into town, buy me some clothes, and send me off somewhere I can get help. That will be that… That will be goodbye . 
The word stung, making her sink underneath the water to submerge her head. Her hair floating in wispy tendrils around her was her only company. Tears pricked at her eyes again, blending with the warm water. If there was anything that she had learned in recent days, it was that loneliness was the greatest pain of all. 
Though Ochako longed to soak in the water until it had gone cold and her skin had turned the consistency of a wrinkled prune, it would be rude to keep Katsuki waiting. After scrubbing her skin and washing her hair, she pulled the plug at the bottom of the tub and stepped out to dry herself. The towel felt fluffy and soft on her skin as she rubbed it all over; its downy fabric absorbed the beads of water still clingy to her skin, which was still rosy from the heat of the water. After coaxing as much liquid as she could from her damp brown locks, she used her fingers to comb through the strands, teasing out the knots. She used her hand to wipe away the steam clinging to the mirror. Her reflection seemed almost foreign to her, worry lines and eyebags that she’d never seen before that made her seem haggard. 
It’s amazing what a night of stress can do to you. She frowned. Perhaps it wasn’t just the single night of stress, but the culmination of all her lonely nights in the mountains, sitting in an empty home that was once so full of life and love. As she thought of that empty valley, where the gentle brays of her yaks had failed to sustain her happiness, she wondered if she really wanted to go back at all. 
It was just so, so lonely. 
A bang sounding in the back of the house stirred Ochako out of her sulking. She gave herself one more pat-down with the towel before picking up Katsuki’s clothes. She flushed when she held up the pair of boxers to her waist; they seemed so large on her, the bottoms dangling down to her thighs. When she slipped them up her legs, there was a good inch of space between her waist and the elastic band. There’s no way that I can wear this! She thought, her face bright pink. Her underwear had only been worn for one day, so they should be all right, she thought with a small sigh as she slipped out of the boxers and replaced them with her simple cotton bloomers. 
Unfortunately, she couldn’t just prance around with those. She had similar luck when she pulled on the pants; they hung loose on her hips, and the ends flopped over the tops of her feet. Luckily, Katsuki had thought ahead and brought her a belt. She slipped it through the loops and pulled it as tight as it could go, bunching the fabric up around her waist. She then rolled the pants up to her heels; though the pants were still baggy and loose, they didn’t flop right off her when she jumped up and down, so she supposed they would do until they could get into town. She wiggled into the cotton shirt, which draped over her like a curtain. At least it’ll help disguise that I’m a girl! She thought as she examined her reflection, turning this way and that. The billowy fabric hid her curves well. She retrieved the final piece of clothing, a dusty cap, and tucked as much of her hair into it as she could. 
Yep! I’m the picture of a street rat! She thought with a giggle. It was kind of exciting, donning a disguise. Yet the fear of Tomura and the pirates soon swallowed up that excitement, leaving her hollow and cold. I hope they don’t find me here. I hope I can get away in time… And I don’t cause Katsuki any trouble. 
She didn’t want him to come knocking at the bathroom door calling her spacey again, so she hurriedly exited the bathroom. However, he was nowhere in sight. She looked up and down the small hallway, unable to hear him within the depths of the house anymore. Maybe he went back outside with the dogs? The problem was that she was still unfamiliar with the house and wasn’t quite sure how to get back outside. Frowning, she wandered off in a direction that felt right. She wasn’t brought to the front door, but instead to a large room. 
Most of the floor space was occupied by a large half-constructed, bird-like structure. A plane? She thought as she approached, gliding her fingers over the light wood composing the contraption’s skeleton. She looked to the wall to find a workbench, yet the tools and schematics were covered in a thick coating of dust. This place hasn’t been used in quite some time… Blueprints of many flying machines were inked onto thick paper, accompanied by mathematical equations she couldn’t comprehend. Are these Katsuki’s? But some of this looks like a woman’s handwriting. She frowned as she leafed through the pages. Some of the script was small and hurried print, while other equations were scrawled in larger, more cursive numbers and letters. 
As she turned, still flipping through the fascinating schematics, a flash of white on the other wall caught her attention. She looked up to see a large framed photograph. The papers slipped from her grasp as she began to walk close, her mouth falling open in a silent gasp— she was transfixed by the photograph. Her fingers were trembling as she reached up to stroke the glass of the frame, unable to touch the swirls of white cloud just centimeters under the barrier. Out of the whorls of white burst a large castle, ominous and grand and littered with plant life. A gold plaque bore an inscription of a single word, and that mere word had Ochako quivering with confusion and awe. 
“Uravity,” Katsuki’s voice said from the doorway. She didn’t move, just stared at the photograph with wide eyes. She heard the heavy footsteps of his boots as he walked across the room to stand at her side, and the hard thunk of another pair hitting the floor. She felt him cross his arms next to her, and that was when she looked up; he was scowling at the photograph, his vermilion eyes filled with hatred. “The legendary castle in the sky. My parents spent their whole lives hunting for it; tales about the floating castles have existed here for ages, and they were determined to be the first to discover it and claim its treasures. They even tried building their own flying machines, but could never get high enough above the cloud banks where it’s said to lurk.” 
Ochako looked back to the photograph, at the thick swirl of clouds writhing around the impressive structure. It would take a mighty craft indeed to best the gales sure to surround it. 
“When they heard that someone was selling a dirigible in the next town over, they scraped up every penny they had to buy it. They were sure that it would be enough to bring them to Uravity. That was the last I saw of them, taking off from the cliffs,” he breathed, hanging his head. Ochako could see the tension rising in his body as he clenched every inch of himself. “They made it, all right… Up above the clouds where no human should go. Uravity is surrounded by a mighty storm that no ship can breach. Instead of turning back, they were determined to get as close as they could so they could snap that photograph.” 
His parents took this? She looked back at the frame in amazement. 
“It was the last thing they ever did because that storm ripped that aircraft into pieces.” Katsuki's voice shook with anger and sorrow. She turned to see him curling in on himself, shoulders shaking. “We never found their bodies, just that stupid camera hanging off some of the wreckage. All I had was two empty tombstones to grieve for.” 
“Katsuki…” Ochako murmured, reflexively reaching out to touch his shoulder. He flinched away from her, but before she could retract her hand, he leaned into her touch, nudging her fingers with his jaw. Her fingertips skimmed over his cheek to find them wet with salty tears. He gazed at her with puffy, teary eyes drowning in heartbreak and confusion. 
“I hate it, Ochako. I hate Uravity and the stupid sky it’s in because they took them from me. They always loved it more than me, and that’s why they left me here. Sometimes I wished I’d died with them, because maybe then I would have felt like they loved me.” 
Ochako didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t expected this boy that she’d just met to cry in front of her, to bear his heart to her, to look at her so pleadingly for answers. She didn’t think she had any, but she couldn’t stand that miserable, wretched look on his face, so she said what her heart told her to. 
“They loved you, Katsuki,” she murmured. He didn’t resist her when she slipped his arms around him in a gentle back hug. She pressed her cheek between his shoulder blades and he tipped back his head, gently tapping it against hers as he drew a shaky breath. “I’m sure that more than anything they wanted to do something to make you proud because they loved you that much.” 
“I didn’t need that. I just needed them to be here .” His voice cracked at the last word. “Ever since then I’ve had to deal with their shitty legacy. Everyone calls them liars and frauds, going so far as to fake their own deaths to get that stupid picture. Can you believe that shit?” He laughed sardonically, and the pain in it broke Ochako’s heart into pieces. “I don’t want that stupid picture or that stupid legacy. I just don’t want to be alone anymore, Ochako.” 
“I know. It’s scary, being all by yourself, so very scary… ” she said, burying her face into him as tears welled up in her eyes, too. His scent wafted up into her nose, spicy yet earthy. “You didn’t die because you weren’t meant to. You still have something left to do in this world. I don’t know what that is… But don’t lose hope, okay?” 
Because if you lose hope, I’ll lose hope, she finished silently. Her hope was already so fragile; she didn’t know what she would do if the little shred she had was lost. That scared her. 
But what scared her more than anything was that picture on the wall, that castle looming in the sky far above their heads, and what Katsuki would do when he found out that this was not the first time Ochako had heard “ Uravity .” Her crystal felt heavy on her chest, digging into her skin with the weight of all the uncertainties bearing down on her small shoulders. 
Yet she clung to Katsuki and swallowed that fear because loneliness really was the greatest pain of all, and orphans like them had to take care of each other.
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