#one of the best elezen
nabaath-areng · 3 months
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long time no estieeha
my eyes hurt a lot so couldnt be bothered to tweak or edit much if at all
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candycryptids · 4 months
😇- What's their best trait?
👿- What's their worst trait?
for Tuesday and Chuu
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“Miss Chuu’s best trait? Mmm… You said this is an interview for your retelling of the Warriors of Light and their journey, right? I’d say it’s her unshakeable resolve. She decides she’s going to do something, and she doesn’t give up until it’s done. Ah… I’m not allowed to speak more on Miss Chuu without her presence, my apologies, mister Levraut.”
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“You broke into my house,”
“Your lovely wife let me in actually,”
“To wake me up from my nap and interrogate me on my assistant,”
“Interview, Mademoiselle, not interrogate. Though I am sorry for waking you, your eyes were open so I assumed-”
“Ah-ta-ta. You wanted to know Two’s best trait right? Adaptability. Any environment, any obstacle… he’s got brains enough to figure the way through most anything. And failing that? He knows a top notch engineer in Magitek to kit him with the right tools to overcome his few shortcomings. Hey wait did you fucking call me a mad gazelle, you lop-eared scab?!”
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“Thank you for your time, both of you. I have just one more question before I consider this interview complete and I let you both go back to your.. erm, busy schedules. What would you say is each others weakest trait?”
“I knew it! This IS an interrogation! Two, don’t-”
“Ah, that would be Miss Chuu’s paranoia, mister Levraut. Most of her other traits net positive gain,”
“Watch your mouth, Two.”
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“That is.. ah, her paranoid trait has served to pull her out of many situations she would have landed in had they not afforded her foresight and caution to approach most situations.”
“Two’s worst trait is how I just can’t seem to keep mad at him when he finds and exploits loopholes in whatever rules I’ve set for him. And last week I asked him to bring me lunch, and he was nowhere to be seen for nearly six bells.”
“… Miss Chuu, if I may, you were in Azys La, and you called me via Linkpearl to bring you specifically egg sandwiches from the Bismark, even utilizing the Aethernet it takes time… and when I arrived at your last marked location you were nowhere to be found.”
[Duo Oc Ask Meme !]
#I’ve been rotating this ALL day but I think this is relatively acceptable#id misunderstood the assignment right at first but my husband is v smart and cleared it up for me ahdbfcjdjcjddna#if I wrote non-dialogue with this it would take me a lot longer and way more words because I’d get caught up in the. all of it.#I have another one from this to chew on still but I’m trying to figure out the best pair up for the question cbdbfbdndns#And I also have a big lore question I’m still working on 🫣🫢 I took some screens for it today and I’m resisting doing a bunch of fiddly edits#because if I did I’d have to ask my friend to borrow one of the written alphabets he made up#and then I’d have to learn to write it and I just can’t make myself do that actually I’m just a wee frog#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Tuesday#ffxiv levraut#ffxiv Gears Duo#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv elezen#Levraut Manseauguel#Chuusday Gears#Tuesday Gears#please appreciate their faces in the last panel I was trying very hard to convey a particular vibe#and I only just realized I forgot to fix Chuu’s skirt#poor Lev is just trying to compile information for his novel about the adventure’s of the Warriors of Light and how they saved the world#as we know it like 15 times or something.#spawn speece#writing this was silly and fun ;v;’#ty for the ask 🫣💖 I hope I got this right in the end of it all#also sorry for the Christmas Colors my mental jury is out on if I enjoy it or not-#I gave Tuesday Blue finally in situations where it’s Chuu and Tue so it’s not green on green.#🤦 can you tell I played Mario Odyssey repeatedly#ask game
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tsunael · 7 months
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I've been working on a potential pose pack (!?) these last couple of weeks. It's my first one so I need to do some serious testing on different races and more general tweaking, but so far I'm pretty happy with the results! So, have some shitty previews!
Content warning of Tsuna in her skivvies.
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checkuu · 1 year
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my greatest work of art
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tishinada · 1 year
Day 9: Mirror
Would that I could deny
What lurks in dark mirror
What rages in that eye?
Who has ear to hear her?
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And yet if I turn
My gaze upon her
Eyes with fire burn
My own dark mirror
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At the end I can
But embrace her
Her fires to fan
My dark mirror
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tovaicas · 1 year
love running into other duskwight players btw because there are only six of us in existence
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halonicheart · 1 year
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Take portraits in Holminster Switch, the lighting in the forested area you first spawn in is so fun to work with.
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elf-simp · 1 year
I've been crafting all day and I'm bored so it's time to elf post.
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Here's the last elf I have, #3. Madeline Beauchêne!
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She was once known by a different name before she moved to Limsa where she now works primarily as an apothecary. And man, she's got more than a handful of skeletons in the closet. One time that was literal! On the surface: She's a sweet and outgoing person who loves to go around town on her days off and just chill, be it at a bar or just on a bench somewhere reading a book. Otherwise she works almost tirelessly to help people in any way she can, especially those she's closest too. In her unending pursuit of doing good, however, she's been lead into some... Mysterious places.
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idalenn · 19 days
Day 4 - Reticent
Worqor Zormor - Lillian and Alisaie switch up the plan to harry the Second Promise. (7.0)
Major characters: Warrior of Light, Thancred, Urianger
Full text below the cut
Quick as a lie, Lillian’s hand snapped away from her forehead and a golden cord yanked Alisaie whole into her grip.
“We’re changing the plan,” Lillian growled, twisting the younger girl around to get at the leather tube slung across her back. “Alisaie, you and Krile stay with Wuk Lamat, and I’ll head off the others at the pass instead.”
“What’s come over you,” the girl cried. “So. Suddenly?” Wrenching with all force in her Elezen frame, she tried to free herself to no avail. Lillian’s arms were muscle woven with steel.
“Thancred got the best of us. Heard all we – quit moving – intended. They’ll expect your harassment up ahead.” Her deft fingers slid around the tube’s hooks, undoing them one after another. So much easier without gloves, she thought. In short order the map was flapping in her hand. “But not mine.” Krile nodded, clarity writ plain on her face.
“The Echo. We’ll leave this to you, then.” She knocked their Hrothgar claimant across one hand with the dripping end of her brush. “Worqor Zormor awaits us, Third Promise. Our friend will rejoin us once she’s finished.”
Confusion reigned over Wuk Lamat’s own expression. “Does anyone care to enlighten me on this?”
“It must needs be later, I’m afraid. Just run for now. I’ll do my best to inform you of the basics on the way.”
“So it goes.” Wuk Lamat’s shoulders slipped with a heavy sigh. Beyond a protesting Alisaie, Lillian hurriedly crumpled the map into a long green pocket of her cape. “I bring you into my circle for help and you look to escape me at the first chance. Sometimes I think you just can’t toler-AH–” Wind took the rest of her words, loose earth and shards of rock showering the remaining party as Lillian raced off with its power at her back, yalms melting away with each stride.
 Up the path she went dodging around fallen stone outcroppings and growths of blue and violet crystal, the image of the Second Promise’s ascension on a column of air with Thancred and Urianger in tow still burned into her eyes. Not one soul in that damned town malms below had mentioned that was a possibility. Or perhaps her attention had fallen off at the wrong time in conversation and missed its passing mention in one of many grand tales she had been forced into hearing, some unexplainable act that had allowed the defeat of a rampaging beast like Valigarmanda. That was the irritating part about scholars like Koana; legends always held a grain of truth, and those learned as he always knew how to exploit those grains. Like as not down in the valley there existed some Sharlayan device he’d built capable of calling tempests to aid him.
Irritated, she slammed her staff into the mountain face and flooded it with aether. Juts of jagged, black stone ground out, dislodging flora that had lain root in the rock and birds that had found roost in the plants. Once extended enough for use, she bound up the cantilevered platforms, staff readied, its tip alight with pearlescent aether. One bird arrowed towards the Miqo’te, squawking complaint till light and petrichor found their mark, the smell of roast windkin filling Lillian’s mouth with water and nearly sending her feathered cap flying into the abyss. She almost shed a tear as the bird tumbled limp trailing feathers through the clouds.
After the last step, Lillian found herself on a mountain ledge flanked by a low rise of boulders and flowered moss. She drew out the time weathered map and flattened it on the ground, tsking at a tear she made in her haste to abscond. Wuk Lamat had been correct, but why waste time and confirm to the child claimant what she already knew? She was haughty, naïve, self-absorbed, and above all, a fool who believed Lillian’s actions took her well-being into consideration.
Were you not similar once, and did you not learn better? The voice of logic nagged. Quiet. Never so much as she, Lillian thought back, smoothing the spot Thancred pointed out to the Second Promise; a wide pass dotted with the ruins of ancient walls
“Alisaie plans to harry us here. She’s a quick-footed little pest, but we’ve battled alongside long enough for me to know exactly where her faults lie, and I’ve been itching for the opportunity to knock her down a peg or four. I’ll have her in bed without supper and you your victory before the Third Promise realizes she’s been made.”
We’ll see if you can manage the same against me, she thought, stuffing the map back down, wind licking at her heels as she ran. Beastkin poked their soft, red noses from their dens as she passed and retreated just as quickly. Excitement made her ears unable to stay still. They beat a dangerous leather heartbeat against their coverings sewn into her cap. Her thoughts were smothered, but so were the land’s whispers.
The ruins were a short jaunt away. There, the ground was soft and pocketed with fist-width craters filled with tepid water. Vegetation grew verdant from the civilization’s desiccated corpse to cover the bones in green embrace.
There it was. Along the path to the mountain’s summit, a towering stone barrier stood solemn. Dutiful. For a Miqo’te clad in forest colors: easily concealed behind. Some great hand had torn a hole through its skin and left a passage from ruin to path providing the perfect redoubt from which to utilize a White Mage’s magic against unwary passersby. Lillian sprinted across the sodden field, her mind bursting with all the possibilities to slow down her opponents.
As she reached the hole, a white blur faded into the open space.
A reticent blur of white absent of sound, of tension, of presence and definition. The pressure of existence swelled gradually with each fifth of moment. Her brain fired desperately on every available detail.
Bulk; clothing; the jangling of canisters; his interwoven bandolier; plant musk hiding his scent.
Who could claim the greater surprise? Not he, who knew of a coming. Not her, who knew of an arriving.
But if anything, he didn’t appear surprised at all. In fact, he was even –
A strong, hardened jaw stared back at her, yellow teeth glinting from a light growing –
From below?
A tickle started in her brain. Understanding came before the knowing.
Water flew into her hand from the puddle below before growing outward in a blue, glass-thin sheen in the path of the gunblade’s edge, hardening into a shield faster than the blooming muzzle flash. The explosion sent her flying back in a trail of dust and smoke. Powder smell filled her nose. Her ears rang with a cannon blast. Wind gathered thick around in a shroud of green aether to carry her from danger, willing herself to land upright on stable ground.
But as she did, a sigil circled with arcane letters expanded across the stone.
Rolling in the air, her hand wreathed in blinding green tore across the space as a wave of wind struck her full in the side mere ilms from the sigil, lifting the Warrior of Light to send her tumbling bodily across the ground and out of the way of harm as the sigil vanished in a thunderclap of dust and heat. Coughing up more dust caught in her throat, she turned blazing yellow eyes to the cloud of soot obscuring her would-be assailants.
“Bastards… the both of you.” She rose on shaking legs. Shards of broken stone had ripped tears in the cloth of her garb. Blood sheathed from a deep, muddy cut on her arm, but nothing else felt broken.
“Come now, we’re all friends here, and what’s a scuffle between friends.”
Thancred sauntered out from the debris, a shite-eating grin ballooning across his handsome features. Following suit with a light chuckle was Urianger, his astrometer spinning at the ready with cards prepped for reading.
“Our comrade believeth her hand superior to thine own.”
“Count yourself lucky that Alisaie hadn’t been the one around that corner.” Lillian spat a globule of saliva laced with red. “You might have killed her.”
“And I would have been eternally guilty for the act, make no mistake.” Somehow Thancred’s smile grew wider. “But, thankfully, no luck was necessary. You came around just as I had planned.”
“Planned? Ha!” Lillian tossed back her head to laugh. The movement made her wince. “Unless one of you can divine the future, my being here is all luck. And where has the Second Promise gone?”
“Ahead,” Thancred said.
“Thou would beggar of us an explanation?”
“Please. I’m all ears – hold…” She held up a finger hazy with radiant white and plunged the digit into her ringing ear. As the aether healed the damage from Thancred’s attack, the plants around her feet withered into brown husks and crumbled to join the dirt. “Apologies – Now I’m all ears.”
“Your Echo.” Thancred wore the face of a child swimming in an ocean of unwrapped candies. At Lillian’s widened eyes, he continued. “A most useful tool in our adventures, being allowed to witness past events as they occurred. But only as they occurred.”
“Of strength in sight does it boast, yet Master Thancred, awash in inspiration and long accustomed, privy to thine Echo’s potency, hath discovered the flaw in its making.” He held a hand to his lips and laughed lightly. Lightly and restrained. “Deceived we were, as means to deceive you.”
Lillian shook her head. “Somehow I believe this is just some trick to keep me here.”
“Oh, you were tricked, all right. Now your turn comes – what did the Echo show?”
“And why would I tell you?”
“You saw us discussing plans with Koana; plans to ambush Alisaie; plans in which I spoke of knocking her down a peg or four? You witness events exactly as they occur, so once we witnessed you succumb to the Echo’s effects…” Thancred placed a hand to his forehead.
“Into the fold were the Second Promise and I giveth allowance, and a trap thus lain for our dearest friend.”
Thancred’s fingers drummed along the gunblade’s handle. “Do pass on my thanks to Alisaie. Had it not been for her plot on Ultima Thule confirming you’ve density common with archon loaf, this endeavor may not have been as fruitful as hoped.”
The skin under Lillian’s left eye began to quiver. White aether burst at her wounded arm as the dirt crumbled into fine powder under her boots. “I hope you realize what you’ve earned.” Her words came out as a low hiss, the corners of her mouth twitched ever so slightly upward.
“A prize, I wager! And a prize Urianger and I have wished so long to taste.”
“Indeed. We bringeth all our might to bear, that we may witness might worthy of song and notoriety, what bringeth even eikons to heel.”
With a malicious cacophony, like to an endless sea of keening glass, from Lillian’s back spread opalescent wings of aether aflame, size and ferocity swelling until she was rendered a silhouette before their crescendo. Sensation of needles prickled against the Scions’ skin, and the myriad wounds below notice across her flesh steamed forth white clouds until hale and closed.
“Try not to choke on it.”
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iron-sparrow · 6 months
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Whew, had to think about this one for several days. Hope you like these Yein Facts™ and don't forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for more daily Yein content.
Many warm thanks to @sparrowsong-7 @lilbittymonster @thefreelanceangel @bunnyboybosom and @sealrock for the tags! ₊˚⊹♡
Name: Yein Que-Sae/Yein of Iron
Nicknames: Iron, Sparrow, Little Sparrow, Little Bird, Chompers
Age: Somewhere between 35 and 40, they think?
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Gender: None
Orientation: All
Profession: Free paladin ⛊ and also professional lover
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Magpie
Eyes: Amber (damaged: citrine)
Skin: Iron gray
Tattoos/Scars: No tattoos, but they are covered in a lot of scar tissue. A lot of it is actually prominently displayed on their face; decorating their cheeks, cutting over one eye, and removing some of their lip to expose a bit of teeth. Their body has a number of scars earned through years of combat before their first death, plus torture marks clustered over their back.
They will also paint their face when they explore the Shroud, to hide from Elementals.
Parents: Eun Que-Sae † and Jienfrex Maz-Yeh †
Siblings: Their twin brother, Sacheo Maz-Yeh
Grandparents: Unknown †
In-laws and Other: Their little found family consists of their partners Nolanel and Derrinall, and a little fae creature calling herself Dinky Dinky. They also consider their mentee Odette to be family.
Pets: They care for sparrows due to spiritual/religious reasons, but they don't actually see or keep these as pets.
Abilities: Yein is a stone-wielding paladin, so they do have some abilities based on the PLD class (through fancy aether manipulation). They can also see the dead, and communicate more meaningfully with said dead people via rituals.
Hobbies: Sparring, writing poetry, collecting books (with mostly illustrations), foraging the woods, tending to their hidden shrines, and doing various forms of physical exercise ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
Most Positive Trait: Their big, big heart! They make sure to leave space for everyone they meet.
Most Negative Trait: Often thinks they know best. Also, they're pretty stubborn.
Colors: Gold, black, and bright reds
Smells: Burnt wood, fresh soil, Ul'dah after heavy rains, curry on the stove, and most flowers ❀
Textures: Silk and loose linens, worn leather, cool tile on bare feet
Drinks: Black iced coffee, Gridanian whiskey
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Eh? Not cigarettes, but see "Drugs" below.
Drinks: Yep! Not as much as they used to, but they like a tasty beverage.
Drugs: Only sometimes, and only if the grass is really good.
Mount Issuance: They have a loyal chocobo, Arbiter. He was bred for the Thanalan heat and served as a very good companion to Yein in life. When they died, Arbiter was found by Sacheo searching the place where Yein was last seen/killed.
Been Arrested: Yes! They were briefly held as a political prisoner while still serving the Sultana, prior to the Calamity. Shockingly, they've managed to stay out of Gridanian gaols.
₊˚⊹♡ Tagging @prudentfolly @this-is-ris @nolanel-corbeaux, @guillotine-of-the-snake @justatheo @archaiclumina @chadhunkler @abyssalmermaiden Very sorry if you've already been tagged! (•ᴗ•,, ) I tried to avoid duplicates.
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candycryptids · 4 months
👿- What's their worst trait?
eheheh >:) for whoever you feel it would be the most fun to answer!!
Firstly thank you for da ask ;w;!!! This was spicy because I’m actually going to talk about my husbands guy a little bit… and show y’all post ShB-semi-into-EW Ishi eheheehee- tho there’s a very very mild ShB spoiler so watch out!
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“I appreciate you taking time out of your day to speak with me, and answering all the questions I’ve had concerning your journey and how you’ve felt through it all… Your insight into the first and your extensive knowledge of Feo Ul was quite interesting.”
“Mmhm, it’s been surreal recounting everything that happened, but at least SOMEBODY’s writing it down now.. And Their Majesty has made wielding scholastic magic much easier, since I can’t summon my own faerie normally. Are you sure you don’t want a cookie? They’re Kizuna’s da’s recipe, you know.”
“Ah, speaking of Kizuna… You two have started dating right? The two shining beacons of heroism and do-gooding-recklessly, surely you know better than anyone else what he’s like. We all know his good side, but what about the bad?”
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“Eh???? EHHHH?? Where’d you get that idea?! D-dating… uhm… you’re not going to write that in your book right? That’s- that’s just speculation! Besides we’re not really public yet, Uhm, h-he’s really great, I can’t think of a bad trait, really, he can cook, he’s wicked with all kinds of weapons, he’s strong, and, handsome, he’s gentle with kids, and animals… He’s always trying his best, you know? Uh-uhm… he built his own house, in Ishgard-“
“I already know all about that, Ishi, I actually stopped by there last week to see if he was there. Besides. every Hero needs their tragic flaw, or they risk becoming as untouchable Gods in the mind of the people. So, give me something to work with, it doesn’t have to be grand, just, something that grounds him back in the common man.”
“But Kizuna’s not a common man- ah… ff..fine, ok, sometimes, uhm, I think… I worry, he makes himself miss out on fun stuff, because he’s worried more about keeping everyone and everything safe. Someone somewhere falls into peril and it’s, his problem now. I can usually make him slow down, but sometimes we both end up really swept up in it… uhm… I don’t know. Oh… my cookie……”
“… I think I can work with that…”
Kizuna belongs to @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight •v• (and if he wants to add something to this he can! >:3)
[Duo’s OC Ask Game]
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hazelkjt · 2 months
quarrel — for the single-word drive!
"Quarrel- A heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are usually on good terms."
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Light snowfall danced upon the winds at Falcon's Nest, the sun fighting its never ending battle to pierce the clouds. The cold atmosphere usually gets to Hazel, but something else was currently on her mind at the moment. Someone else, more specifically. As the Au Ra waited by the airship landing zone for the next flight back to Ishgard, her gaze was fixated on a certain young Elezen tending to his bruises and aches. Despite the obvious pain he was in, Emmanellain de Fortemps had a curious smile across his face. "Ugh...I know I had asked you not to hold back against me old girl, but you may have gone overboard this time." He remarked to Hazel with a pained chuckle in his voice. The Auri woman turned her face away from the man and scrunched her nose. "I have no idea what you mean, I sparred the same way I always do." She spoke while trying her best to keep her disdain as low as she could, to little effect. There it was again. "OId girl." A term of endearment Emmanellain used for his female friends, however few he has. Hazel knew she shouldn't hold it against him for using it with her, she knows that...but regardless...
"...or perhaps the fact that you have been fighting more fiercely of late means I truly am improving! Lady Laniaitte is sure to take notice!" And the mention of her brings Hazel back to Emmanellain's rambling she was ignoring. Hazel turned back to face the Elezen, the look on her face enough to wipe the dazed grin from his. "Is something the matter, old girl?" He asked, genuine confusion in his voice. Hazel had kept her mouth shut for as long as she could, but just couldn't stand it anymore. She stands up, hands curling into fists as she stares daggers at Emmanellain. "How long do you intend to keep living in your own little fairy tale about her? There's no fucking way you're this dense. You've got something resembling a brain in there, Emm." A slight scowl formed on her face as she began to air her frustrations. Emmanellain stops rubbing his bruised ribcage and leans back on the ground, breaking eye contact with Hazel. "I...haven't the slightest what you mean, haha!" He forces a smile to the surface, but the shaking in his voice gives it away. So Hazel continues to press the subject. "Oh come on Emm, it's the most obvious thing on the star. She doesn't care for you! At all! You're just a nuisance to her!" Emmanellain begins to stand and opens his mouth to respond, but Hazel cuts him off, taking a step closer and folding her arms. "No matter how much you try and improve or impress her, it won't work! So why in all the hells are you so determined to try and woo her when-" Hazel suddenly stops mid-sentence. Idiot! What, were you really gonna say 'when I'm right here!?' How stupid can you get!?
The pained look in the Elezen's eyes is quickly discarded as he lets out another chuckle, closing them with a self-assured smirk rising on his lips. "Ah, old girl, you must be mistaken. Love is not something that is created in an instant, and...let us call it general annoyance is not the natural opposite of love. The fates call Lady Laniatte and I together, and one day-" Hazel cuts him off once more with a stomp of her foot, tail flying up behind her in anger. "Would you wake up already, dumbass!? Even you can't be stupid enough to believe that!" Emmanellain's brow furrows, but his smile remains. He opens his eyes to make contact with Hazel's, but her intense stare quickly makes him avert his gaze to the side. The young man is more visibly flustered, playing with an end of his hair for a moment before continuing. "Ahh...well...have you ever heard of the expression 'Tis better to give love without receiving love, than to never have loved at all?' Quite the simple yet powerful saying, I would say." Hazel's tail drops in surprise, she hadn't expected him to give in so quickly. "...So you do know? Then why the hells do you keep trying when you could be giving your 'love' to someone who'd be happy to give some back!?" The Au Ra's cheeks slowly turn a light shade of pink as she processes what she just said. "I think um-y'know, uh-I mean, there's gotta be someone out there!" She stammers, cursing her voice for getting a little higher pitched and her tail for beginning to sway side to side.
The smile fades from Emanellain's face for a moment before another takes its place, one very obviously forced. He scoffs and crosses his arms. "What, others interested in me? When my much more esteemed and accomplished brother is right there as well? That's quite a reach, old girl." Hazel's nose scrunches again as she frowns. "Stop calling me that..." She mutters under her breath, but the flash of confusion on the Elezen's face makes it clear he heard her.
Eager to change the subject, Hazel once again glares at Emmanellain. She could feel her anger getting to a boiling point. "I thought you were past this whole comparing yourself to Artoirel thing? You don't have to be better than him at anything! Just a better you!" The young Elezen rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his hair. "Oh, do not misunderstand me old girl-ah, apologies. Hazel. I am quite comfortable with who I am...comfortable enough I suppose. But as you said yourself, I am not that big of a fool. His reputation precedes him, as my reputation precedes me." Hazel found herself grinding her teeth as the man continued, her temper rising once again. "I understand well enough why those seeking courtship would not give me more than a passing glance. And I have made peace with that...so I instead give my love to those around me, even if I receive none in return." A sad smile rises on his features as Emmanellain brings his arms up, as is presenting himself. "After all who would harbor love for a man like me?" And there it was, her breaking point. With a growl and her tail pointed straight upwards in anger, Hazel lunges forward and grabs the straps of Emmanellain's armor. The Elezen became wide-eyed in both confusion and fear as Hazel glared at him, her cheeks beginning to burn bright red...and tears beginning to form in her eyes. Before the man could say anything or push her away, she yelled directly in his face.
Emmanellain could only stare in shock as Hazel fought back tears. "Wh-" his question was interrupted by Hazel pulling him into a tight hug. "I love you..." Her voice was barely more than a whisper, he could barely make out what she had said. The two stood there in silence, only the occasional sniffle from Hazel to break the quiet atmosphere around them. Eventually, Emmanellain spoke up. "...How long?" He asked, still too shocked to return the hug he was receiving...alongside the aches and pains from training.
Hazel prepared herself to answer by taking a few deep breaths, loosening her bear hug on the bruised man ever so slightly. "I don't remember when...but it's been a while..." She weakly gets out, slightly louder than before. Emmanellain is finally able to close his gaping mouth and begins to stir, hesitating still however. "Me?...are you sure?" The uncertainty in his voice was clear as day, almost as if he was also about to cry.
Hazel responded by holding him tighter in her arms. "Shut up and hug me back already." With a strained chuckle, Emmanellain slowly brought his arms around the Au Ra, taking a deep breath himself. "Of course." And with his final words, the two stayed in silence while awaiting the airship, both oblivious to the streak of sunlight breaking through the dull grey of the clouds.
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sasslett · 21 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 2: Horizon
It was with all her courage that Jess placed her foot in her stirrup, hoisting herself up onto her trusty steed and clutching his reins, vehemently pushing down the fear rising in her chest. 
She trusted Helios, of course - he'd never done her wrong, in the year since she'd bought him from Bentbranch, through all the crazy adventured she’d put him through across Eorzea. But, well… that was on the ground.
But flying? In the air? Hundreds of fulms above the safety of the land? 
“Are you ready?”
The Highlander glanced aside to find her Elezen friend grinning at her. He was, of course, the picture of confidence, just as he always was, his smile warming his deep, golden eyes… and warming her heart, as much as she hated to admit it. But it was, perhaps, the onze of confidence she needed. And so she nodded, taking a deep breath and settling herself into her seat…
Only to yelp as Helios flapped his wings and lifted off behind Varrus and Angel. Jess quickly scrambled for whatever grip she could, leaning forward and tightly wrapping her arms around her bird’s neck - earning her a chuckle from her fellow dragoon. 
“Just relax,” she heard Varrus call over the whistling of the winds around them. “Don’t look down, and if you fall, I’ll catch you.”
“Like hells you will,” she grunted through gritted teeth; as kind as the sentiment was, there was no way, should she slip, that he could swoop beneath her and prevent her from plummeting into the bottomless chasm surrounding Ishgard below. 
Ever-so-slowly, she cracked one eye open, then the next… peering down at the churning mists and crying out once more. Perhaps she would have admired the view, the snow-capped mountains around them, the rising sun tinting the skies a deep pink, with naught on the horizon but new lands to explore and new adventures to be had, were she not practically paralyzed by fear.
Why, oh why, had she allowed Varrus and Haurchefant to talk her into this? 
Because, she knew, as she opened an eye once more to eye her best friend, she’d do anything for that damned Elezen. 
And damn him, he knew it, too, as he met her single-eyed gaze once more with a grin. 
“Don’t think too hard,” Varrus encouraged. “Trust in your seat and your steed, and let yourself enjoy the thrill of the air.”
Well, seeing as she hadn’t quite died yet, she slowly opened her other eye, pointedly not looking down as she pushed herself up in her seat… And she had to admit, as per usual, he was right. It was nothing short of exhilarating, finding herself soaring through the frigid Coerthas air, snowflakes gently hitting her face, the only sound the flap of the chocobos’ wings and the wind whipping through her hair. 
She felt a smile slowly creeping onto her face, and she set her reins down upon Helios’ shoulders, throwing her head back and her arms wide as she embraced the freedom of the skies. She couldn’t help but laugh, a feeling of pure joy overcoming her. 
She was flying. She was flying! Up there, she was free… only her and her best friend, all their troubles left below and their eyes set upon the horizon, upon new adventures. And in that moment, that was all that mattered. 
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briar-ffxiv · 16 days
FFXIV Write #07 - Morsel
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #7 - Morsel
TW: There is an injured animal, but no additional harm comes and Briar is actually trying to help her! Some mention of blood, not not extensive.
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Briar stood frozen for several moments in a mixture of sympathy and distress. He bit his lip, afraid to move since the unicorn before him had reacted so badly to him as soon as she'd spotted him. He couldn't blame her. The injuries she had and the trouble she was in were caused by men. To her, he must appear no different than the poachers that had been relentlessly hunting her for weeks.
Staying still, worried green eyes ran over the slim equine's body. She was thin, almost gaunt-looking, clearly having been run ragged in her efforts to escape the hunters. Her pearl-coloured coat was near grey now with sweat and dirt. Numerous scratches and gashes showed in ugly reds on the unicorn's side, some obviously swollen with infection. The worst was a deep wound on her left shoulder that looked to be from a lance. Even her left foreleg was puffy and lifted to avoid pressure on it. To make matters even worse, rough ropes were around her neck and horn, keeping her in place so tangled they were around the unicorn and some nearby bushes. The mare was wounded and trapped, unable to escape the hunters who were no doubt tracking her now.
The young half-Elezen bit his lip, hands squeezing the handle of his woven basket. It was mere luck that he'd found the unicorn. He'd been intending to search for berries, not a near-mythical creature. Briar had been lucky enough to catch a few glimpses of her over the last months, but she always fled his presence quickly. Which he could understand, although seeing her had always filled him with awe.
It had been at least a moon since he saw her last so he had hoped she had escaped deeper into the Black Shroud, leaving the hunters far behind. Judging by her appearance, the unicorn had either spent it fleeing …or captured.
"Is that what happened?" Briar asked in a whisper. "Did they finally catch you?"
The unicorn tossed her head as best she could, neck twisted uncomfortably to watch him warily as she snorted. She tapped her injured leg on the ground a few times, trying to find a comfortable stance. Each time she winced and jerked it up, wobbling on three legs. With a sudden squeal, she threw herself upward, trying to rear, straining violently against the ropes. Her horn swung, but the tight ropes kept her from severing them and freeing herself.
Briar flinched at the sudden panicked fury the unicorn displayed, feeling a terrible helplessness. Even tangled as she was, getting close to her was dangerous. A swing of her horn could still harm him greatly. One kick could break bones. The unicorn was trapped and wild and that was a risk.
But how could he leave her there?
Taking a deep breath, the Shroudborn set down his basket slowly. Reaching up, he twisted his red curls into a knot at his nape, wanting to make sure they didn't end up tangled in the bushes or worse. "Okay," he said softly, taking another breath and blowing it out. "Okay."
He started to ease closer to the unicorn, keeping his movements slow and smooth. He didn't try and sneak, not wanting her to think he was yet another hunter. Still, as wild and nervous as those dark eyes were, he didn't want to approach too quickly. He didn't stare at her, keeping his eyes angled a bit down, but watching for her reactions. "Easy," he whispered. "Easy now. I'm not g-going to hurt you. I just want to help, I promise."
Briar tried as hard as he could to will the unicorn to understand. Perhaps it was his imagination, but she froze, ears flicking as she watched him closely. It could have been simple exhaustion or saving what strength she had, but the unicorn stood still, quivering as Briar took step after step closer. "That's it," he whispered. "Steady now." He reached a hand out slowly, flinching when she snorted but after a moment, touching her sweat-drenched neck. "Good girl. That's it. Just let me--"
He made the mistake of moving his other hand to his waist, moving to draw his knife. It was a small curved blade, honestly not used as a weapon by Briar. He used it to cut branches or reeds, or even to help dig up roots. Nonetheless, the moment it cleared the sheath, the unicorn shrilled, eyes rolling white as she jerked and bucked, thrashing against the ropes.
"No, no! It's not-- I-I wasn't--" Briar said, stumbling as he was bumped. "I--" Yet again, he froze for a helpless movement before shaking his head and darting closer again. He pressed closer to her side, trying to avoid the cloven hooves churning the ground into muck as she tried to spin or flee. Worry for the unicorn's safety overrode Briar's concerns for himself and he gripped a rope, pulling it away from her neck enough to slip the blade beneath the hemp. He grimaced as the unicorn wailed again, teeth bared, snapping at him in a panic. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he gasped in chant as he sawed frantically at the rope.
In a few moments, it came free with a snap and the unicorn rose high on her backlegs. She lashed out with her forelegs, spiral horn slashing through the air. Briar stumbled back a few steps but grabbed another rope around her midsection. Clinging to it despite the mare's plunging and bucking, he worked the knife through it as well. When that one came apart, the unicorn lunged forward, breaking free of the rest of the ropes.
As close as he was, the mare's hip caught him and sent Briar to the ground. He curled up instinctively, arms over his head, half-expecting sharp hooves to come down on him. For a few moments, he could hear the unicorn kicking and twisting, shaking off the last of the ropes. Then there were several loud snorts and the pounding of hooves away from him. Briar opened his eyes and turned his head, just in time to see the limping unicorn slip into the bushes.
Shaking and bruised, he pushed to his feet, looking around. The clearing was a mess, but worst of all, there was a clear red-splattered trail showing where the unicorn went. A trail that would lead the poachers right toward her. Briar frowned, looking around before nodding to himself. Picking up the dropped knife, he headed toward the bushes and went to work.
It took nearly an hour, but by the time Briar was done, the unicorn's trail was brushed clean and covered. He'd even dragged the leaves of a branch through the blood and smeared it in another direction, up to the edge of a creek. By chance, he even saw the tracks of a bear. Perhaps the poachers might think the bear had made a meal of their would-be quarry. He'd rubbed out his footprints and the mare's hoof marks, trying not too obvious about it. With any luck, it would at least hide the trail enough to keep the mare safe.
That done, Briar gathered his basket and headed into the woods. He almost went home, but worry tugged at the corners of his mind. He glanced in the direction the unicorn had gone, chewing his lip before following. While he'd hidden her trail as best he could close to the clearing, her pace was slow enough and he knew the direction so finding it again wasn't too difficult. He followed it, carefully, hoping he wouldn't spook her.
Still, it was at least another hour before he managed to catch a glimpse of the unicorn's pale shape again. She was standing in a creek, sides heaving, head hanging. She wasn't drinking, just swaying, eyes half-closed. Still, as Briar moved closer, she lifted her head, snorting and tensing.
"No, no, please don't run," Briar said, trying once again to will the unicorn to understand him. "I didn't mean to scare you before. Here. Look. See?" He set his basket down and eased the knife out. The mare tensed, gaze flicking between the blade and the half-Elezen. She watched, nostrils flaring as he set it on the grass and stepped away.
"See?" Briar said, tone soft and pleading. "I don't want to hurt you. I j-just wanted to help." He looked around, eyes going to the basket. He leaned down to reach in, finding a handful of blackberries. "Here. S-see? I'm a friend. Well, I'm trying to b-be one."
Slowly and carefully, Briar walked forward once more, ignoring the cool water spilling over his feet as he stepped into the creek. The bottom of soft under his bare feet as he took another step closer, offering the unicorn his hand, palm up and full of ripe blackberries.
The unicorn mare snorted and shifted, leaning back a bit, but not moving. She stared as Briar stopped, just holding out the berries. Pawing a little with her sore leg, the mare tossed her head and swung her horn a bit, ears working. Her dark eyes were bright and fearful, but there was intelligence there as she considered the half-Elezen.
Finally, she stretched her neck out, sniffing at the blackberries. She gave a little quiver, lip wiggling a bit in longing. She glanced at Briar and then back at the offering, giving a few nervous grunts. A single step brought her close enough to just reach, lips reaching to snatch up a morsel before she jumped back, teeth crunching up the berry.
When Briar stayed still, she did it again, taking a step closer this time. Briar released the breath he'd been holding, swallowing and giving a little smile. "There you go. That's it." He moved his fingers slowly, brushing against her velvety muzzle. The unicorn huffed and tossed her head briefly, but went back to grab the last of the berries. "I'm Briar. I don't suppose you have a name?"
To his surprise, the unicorn took another step toward him, lipping his fingers. Ears swivelling toward him, she gave a soft whinny. Briar gave a little laugh before covering his mouth with his other hand as the unicorn spooked for a moment. "S-sorry. Is that your name?" he asked, aware he was possibly being a little silly but smiling at the mare. "Winnie is about as close as I can get."
His fingers brushed gently against her chin, cupping it a moment. The mare nickered at him again, expression softening a bit. Briar slowly took a step toward her, hand smoothing over the unicorn's jaw and down her neck. "Winnie it is then."
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mrslittletall · 2 months
As someone who headcanons her WoL to get seasick, I made sure to note down how many canonical boat rides are there in Dawntrail so far. (Also Wuk Lamat, you are the real MVP for getting seasick too! Rispale loves you for it.) 1) Boat ride from Sharlayan to Tural. Rispale first said that he might get over his sea sickness finally only to fail spectacularly. Krile later asks him to talk to Wuk Lamat for playing her sea sickness down but that also fails spectactularly. And that scene where he is a badass in the storm? Yeah, that did NOT happen. It was bumbling around and later throwing up on deck. 2) The boat ride that is in the first dungeon where you have to fight. Haha, I love that scene. Alphinaud is like "Don't worry, we leave the deck to Krile and Rispale." with Rispale going "Alphinaud, are you nuts?!" "You are still packing a punch even if you are nauseous." So yeah, both Rispale and Wuk Lamat had to keep it together on there. I like to think they took a bit of medicine to make it more bearable but because Rispale takes it more often he got nauseous quicker. He needed a moment before the first boss. 3) And then after the dungeon ended Erenville gets you with the boat again. Rispale did not manage to hold the contents of his stomach. It was all too much. 4) They then have a boat ride back to the capital of Tulliyolal (argh, I am sure I am mispronouncing that city all the time). That was the one where Wuk Lamat finally admits to her obvious sea sickness, so Rispale just told her "We got this." only for both of them to again fail spectacularly. Boats are just not their forte. 5) The next boat ride is not seen but I am pretty sure it happened because we have the Elezen goldsmith with us (forgot his name, but it started with F, I think?). I guess our two sea sickies weren't too happy about so many boat rides in such short succession. 6) And that one is also offscreen I guess, but during the kidnapping arc we fix the boat so we probably used it to go to the island where Wuk Lamat was held. I guess Rispale did his best to keep it together because of the seriousness of the situation. Doesn't mean he was not nauseous. Loooong break after that. No boat rides at all. Just a balloon ride. The next boat ride we have... 7) To reach the Level 99 dungeon you use something that is not a boat but still is on the water and looks rough as hell in the cutscene. I guess Rispale and Wuk Lamat had to comfort each other after it was over. 8) And that one is my favourite! The gondola ride that G'raha Tia invites you to! It is set at this romantic ride just the two of us, but all I can see is Rispale making a face of horror upon invited and his thoughts going wild "Your crush just invited you to a gondola ride. You cannot say not to that! But you are so going to throw up. Don't you dare say no! Don't throw up!" Inner turmoil galore. It even goes so far in my head that G'raha Tia notices (obviously he has to know about Rispale's sea sickness) and goes like "Oh, but because you get seasick so easily, we don't have to..." where Rispale then goes "No no no no, I can handle a little nausea." And then it makes it feel VERY canon that the WoL is not uttering a single word while G'raha Tia talks because Rispale is just too busy trying his hardest to keep his nausea in check and not throw up. I hope there are more boat rides in the continuation. They are fun to imagine with my poor seasick Warrior of Light.
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anneapocalypse · 6 months
When I see people say things like "ARR and SB don't have the best writing" while conspicuously skipping over Heavensward, I do wonder what their memories of Heavensward actually are and how long ago they played it. Because, and this is true for me as well, I think there are a few big dramatic moments in Heavensward that stand out in our memories as emblematic of the whole experience. (Also, there are the hot elves. We love the hot elves. Myself 150% included. This is an elezen-loving house.) But when you actually go back and look at the plot structure of Heavensward, as I've been doing recently myself for fic purposes, it's... look. Generously, the pacing is not anything to write home about. It's the kind of pacing issues that are common to RPGs generally, so I hate to be overly harsh, but the thing where anytime something interesting is threatening to happen the plot grinds to a halt and you must perform a thousand menial tasks before you're allowed to proceed--Heavensward does that hard. And look, I enjoy menial quests where you help NPCs because I'm the kind of insane where I do all the sidequests. But it's not well-paced, I think maybe because a lot of those in-between stretches feel like they're there to delay you from reaching plot points rather than setting them up. All those dramatic moments we remember happen in the back half of Heavensward. I'd really like to New Game + it sometime to really get a better feel for it, but based on digging through a lot of quest transcripts recently... the pacing just isn't great. And I remember Stormblood's pacing being a lot stronger, setting up the stakes early with Zenos and raising the tension and doing a pretty good job of maintaining it. What is the fabled Bad Writing in Stormblood that doesn't apply to Heavensward? I genuinely have no idea. It's one of those things I see people say a lot and not explain.
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