#one of my favorite designs from the collab so far
py-dreamer · 3 days
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Yea!!! Can you tell I have favorites lol
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so since it's the 20th in my time, it is officially my birthday today!
But I wanted to get this out regardless so kinda count it as the previous day's ig
I will be posting something later today probably but it will most likely just be a compilation of all the cakes I've done thus far.
Ok but um on with the cake!
It's like a cheesecake and I basically copied Tengen's cake with like a jelly filling with fruit suspended in it, peaches (obviously), strawberries and blueberries cause I like them and sod it I'll put them on this goddamn cake!
The thing Wukong's sitting on is one of those peach ice creams that's gotten so popular lately with the sprinkle of pink dust thingy on top.
On either side of the cake is the fillet from the journey and the hat from the brotherhood era, one from his reckless past and one from his redemption and I just think that's neat.
The blue puffy stuff is meant to be his nimbus clouds represented as cotton candy.
I have the baiju jar in there as reference to Wukong becoming immortal again due to the all the wine made from the peaches of immortality at the festival.
The staff as a little candle was so fun! And I like pocky so I chucked them on there to fill space and it looks good so sue me
The grey thing behind the staff and balloon is meant to be the Buddha's hand that trapped him under the mountain and a reference to his imprisonment under 5 phases mountain.
Peach popsicle! Of course I had too! A lil something from the present for our (shadow) peachy friend
Mk's stone as well, had to add his son in there too. The baby ever.
(probably just a cookie but it's the thought that counts)
The two sugar cookies are meant to be his logo (aka the lmk logo) and fireworks, again taken from Tengen's cake.
The sun is a candied/tanghulu esque orange thing. Like an orange slice coated in yellow melted sugar shaped like a sun and the phoenix feather cap since I consider it iconic enough to put in here. I didn't want to put it on him, blocking a lot of the decorations so I just hung it to the side and I think I'm happy with that.
A lot more monkeys here! It was very fun popping them in! I know I only gave Mac 1 but I mean Wukong's the monkey king for a reason. Let him be a loving grandpa and invite his subjects on the cake with him. He granted them immortality by ripping their names out the book of dead, let them have a place on the cake too
Also, yes that is the origami pilgims in the bottom left, I couldn't leave them alone could I?
Now the elephant in the room (or at least in my head), yes I did use @maplesleep's matcha pancake design for flower fruit mountain.
Cake on cake. Bit much but hey, I like cake and pastries better than candy normally so win for me.
And I couldn't just make cake about Sun Wukong without mentioning his home/origins of ffm. I do genuinely love the inginuity and adorableness factor of the pancake design and hope they don't mind me slapping it on my...cheesecake? Jelly cake? Jelly-cheesecake?
(also I have to ask @maplesleep, did you watch the 3rd emirichu anime cafe video, specifically the urusei yatsura cafe as inspiration for the 'sun wukong's strawberry sponge cake punishment' parfait thingy, gorgeously drawn btw I used those drawings as inspiration quite a bit for these cakes, or saw the urusei yatsura collab anime cafe
cause I couldn't help but notice the similarities between that and the 'shinobu's maiden strength parfait' cause if you didn't that be a pretty funny coincidence lol)
So what do you think? You think I could make it as another lmk food chef for lego? Can I join the club lmao?
I do realize in retrospect the disrespect I did Mk by making his cake so plain by comparison to his mentor's. But I think that's a testament to my improvement and attention to detail when making these cakes as the days have progressed!
I consider Mk's in particular to be the most lacking and I lowkey feel so bad for my boi for not giving him the main character status he deserves.
I might draw him again, idk. Not anytime soon though, like I said, I'm quite busy now more than before and I need a break, still glad I could serve y'all another slice of cake though!
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anaglaceon · 1 year
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Rock-type Miku is so pretty!
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maxwell-grant · 4 months
SF6 announced it's second slate of DLC and there's precisely 1 non-controversial character in it
Yeah and precisely 1 character in there I give a shit about lmao
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Yeah, sure, I mean come on they were always going to bring Bison back, he was like the number two most requested in a recent poll and they've been prepping the groundwork for a while. I'm not gonna say I wanted Bison back, but he's the most iconic fighting game villain, we all saw it coming. Either way, everybody who's come back for Street Fighter 6 has come back as the coolest and greatest they've ever been, and I already like Bison a lot so, I'm sure they'll make it worthwhile. I definitely think he looks very interesting at least, really want to know what's up with his new design.
I'm not a fan of two slots going to guest characters? Feels like way too much, I didn't even want guest characters to begin with, but okay. See, there are very few returning SF characters I would trade over a brand new SF6 character, the batting average for the newcomers has been the best it's ever been, but if they are deciding to pull back on adding new characters, and instead rework existing characters or add inconsequential guest crowd-pleasers, okay. I'd rather them not add a new character unless they're putting something really good forwards.
Terry, yeah, Terry's great! You guys know I love him. Of course he gets the honor of being the first non-Capcom guest character in Street Fighter, they have a whole connection. I'd be more impressed if Terry didn't also show up in Smash and Fighting Layer and those mobile collabs and everything, but yeah, Terry!
Really couldn't give less of a fuck about Mai though. Yeah yeah, she's popular, if you get to add SNK guys of course you go with her, Capcom knows what the audience wants, whatever, mostly I find it ridiculous that people treat her like she's some kind of peer to Chun-Li. But like I said, I'd rather have a guest character that doesn't mean anything, than a half-baked new character.
See for a while there I was actually scared that Capcom would stop putting Elena in stuff, considering the HUGE backlash to her USFIV self and how that led to a lot of people vocally disliking the character. I'm glad they aren't cowards because OH MY GOD SHE LOOKS AMAZING
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I was dead sure they were going to add Ibuki or Makoto before her, and hell I'm still holding out for Makoto! Out of all the SF3 characters I expected them to add, Elena was very far from the top and I'm very glad to be proven wrong.
They're finally giving her clothes! I don't know who at Capcom keeps pushing them to finally put pants on the women and I hope they never stop. Already the best she's ever looked.
I'm not one of those people that only likes Elena because she has a funny interaction with Akuma in her ending, she was actually always one of my favorites, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not curious how and if they're gonna pick on that thread given the wonderful job they've done characterizing Akuma.
And oh my god how are they gonna animate her, she was always such a distinct character in the way she moves compared to everyone else. How are they gonna update her to the current standards, or make sure she still stands out? They've done such mind-blowing stuff with Rashid, god I can't wait.
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walkawaytall · 10 months
bring back the turkey, you cowards
Weird thing none of you know about me: from about 2015(?) until about 2019 or so, I had a very specific and weird obsession: Lisa Frank's social media presence (and, to a lesser degree, Lisa Frank's collaboration deals clearly made in an attempt at making a comeback).
Now, I will go ahead and correct a commonly held misconception amongst the people who followed me on Facebook at the time: I was not obsessed with Lisa Frank the person (as mysterious as she attempts to be, I think I have her mostly figured out), Lisa Frank the manufacturer of my favorite childhood school supplies, or even Lisa Frank the company as it stands today (though this Jezebel article, Inside the Rainbow Gulag: The Technicolor Rise and Fall of Lisa Frank, is wild and I think everyone should read it; it may not hold true today since they've had so much change and turnover, but it's still fascinating). My obsession was primarily focused on Lisa Frank's social media presence. And that's because Lisa Frank's social media presence was batshit insane.
Keep in mind, when I first started following them on social media, they were not banking on Millennial nostalgia. They were still primarily selling school supplies. The adult coloring book (not adult like smutty; adult like...those therapy coloring books that were so popular ten years ago?) sold by way of an exclusivity agreement with Dollar General hadn't been announced yet, nor had workout gear or the SpongeBob collab (sold only at HotTopic). As far as anyone knew, Lisa Frank was still that rainbow school supply company whose target audience is nine-year-old girls.
Which is why all of the housemade "memes" were absolutely bonkers.
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This is peak Middle-Aged Mom Humor, so why is it being presented to me by the company making pencils and folders for elementary schoolers?
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Glad to know we are encouraging fourth graders to day drink.
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This one isn't actually aimed at any particular age group; I just find it funny that captains of pirate ships are inherently pirates, so I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
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He won't. He will not fly. He is a flightless bird. This is a terrible lesson and you are a homicidal mother penguin. (Also using slightly altered lines from poems without attribution is theft, but whatever.)
And the image that started my obsession:
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This...isn't a joke??? What is this???
I don't know who was behind these posts, but considering how small the company was at that point, I always suspected that Lisa herself was recycling old artwork with the help of an intern or something and creating the social media posts...because it just sort of seemed like that's what was happening? I have no proof of this; it was just a vibe I got.
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But, during that period of time, even though the posts were inscrutable and sometime just straight-up Minion Humor, they were at least interesting.
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Well, I mean, sometimes they were interesting because they were like acid to the eyes.
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Okay, and sometimes they were interesting but also sported questionable messaging about one's relationship with food and exercise.
Anyway, I digress. In 2019, Lisa's son Forrest Green (yes, her sons are named Hunter and Forrest Green) took over the social media presence and it became...very palatable for the masses, I suppose. It was a lot of photo edits of old boy band pictures with Lisa Frank designs superimposed on tshirts -- it was very nostalgia-driven and very much directed at Millennials and thus I lost interest, because if there's anything I hate, it's being the target demographic for a sales pitch.
Anyway, my point is that for several years in a row, Lisa Frank would post the same holiday-themed images, so I got used to seeing a certain Thanksgiving design that is, and I cannot prepare you enough, one of the most chaotic and hideous things you'll ever lay your eyes on. But it was tradition. They posted it like three years in a row, and then as soon as Forrest took over, this design was never posted again. And all I have to say on this Thanksgiving week of 2023 is: bring back the turkey, you cowards.
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Tag Game: AO3 and fic writing!
Tagged by @cheeseplants and @dbacklot99 💖💖
How many works do you have on ao3? 24
What's your total ao3 word count? 303,167 with big collabs! But without those, I clock in at 170,775. 👀
What fandoms do you write for? Good Omens currently, but have written in Stargate Atlantis, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica as well as one classic film fic.
Top five fics by kudos:
Not including the big collabs, and all Good Omens (E, NSFW):
A Sixty In Nine Saves Time
Aziraphale reads the wrong book, uh oh! Feeling responsible (or maybe just titillated), Crowley tries to lend a hand.
Takedown / Reversal
After their near miss in 1941 with a bullet, Furfur, and Nazi zombies, Aziraphale and Crowley retire to the bookshop for a mellow evening of too much wine. Unfortunately, someone is wearing quite the saucy fedora, and someone else takes quite a fancy to it. Obviously wrestling and banging and angst must ensue. Bittersweet ending with a 1955 followup. (inspired by @gleafer arts!)
Shake Like Hell and Spell Success 
Set after S1/Armageddon. Newly smitten (I believe), Aziraphale tries to create the perfect first-time scenario but has difficulties. As usual, Crowley doesn’t know what’s going on until he does, and then he knocks it out of the park on his first swing, because, demon? There's lingerie involved.
Wooing Peaceably 
Sometime after the Second Coming, Crowley and Aziraphale are visiting Crete during olive picking season. A little bit of happiness (and smut) after too long. Olives olives olives and olive oil!
An Arrangement in the Dark 
England during Georgian/Regency time period. Crowley turns down Aziraphale’s offer of an Arrangement swap for a Northamptonshire holiday house party. Naturally Aziraphale turns up anyway to see what kind of especially Evil! wiles need thwarting.
Do you respond to comments? Absolutely! Like all of us I adore comments. Someone liking a fic I wrote enough to say so is such a great feeling.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Definitely Takedown / Reversal, although I tried to soften it with a follow-up. Not sure if that worked. 😆 Also Impersonal (Firefly, Inara/Zoe) is a bit angsty but hopeful.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think a lot of my fics have pretty happy endings! Maybe It's the Edge of the World As We Know It?
Do you get hate on fics? Not yet...
Do you write smut? Yes ma’am
Craziest crossover: nothing super wild? Most GO fic features some kind of fun historical reference or person (without feeling like RPF to me since they’re usually long dead, but essentially…) @angelictroublemaker and I wrote a Firefly/SGA crossover and that was about as wild as I got.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge 👀
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! My first ever fic was cowritten with @angelictroublemaker and I’ve done more collabs within Good Omens fandom. My fave so far is a big ol project with @dbacklot99 and @sixbynine-da ❤️. The others:
Coming Home - A Choose Your Own Adventure Story
Interdimensional Leakage
Keeping it in the Vault (and its less-hairy counterpart)
All time favorite ship? I love Aziraphale/Crowley so much. I have lots of other favorite ships from fandoms I've read but not written in, though.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably one of my Human AU bits from the Guild Thursday sprints: Aziraphale as wedding planner/Crowley as floral designer, or Aziraphale as photography dabbler/Crowley as Some-Eldritch-Thing-Or-Other he (Az) starts capturing on film. And just typing these out makes me want to work on them now, so NEVER SAY NEVER.
What are your writing strengths? Description, grammar(ish), dialogue, smut (I hope. I like to write it and rewrite it at least).
What are your writing weaknesses? Description 😳 Also I have to really work on movement of plot (if I actually manage to have one, instead of events that happen for Purposes of Smut) and pacing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Perfect for Good Omens in my opinion. I like it overall.
First fandom you wrote in? I wrote a (disavowed) Mary Sue-insert fic for Star Trek Voyager in a notebook when I was a youngun. My first posted fic was for Battlestar Galactica.
Favorite fic you've written? I really like how To Ride a Journey on a Jade turned out, and also Sea Change. I also am loving working on Sins of Knowledge, although the size of it is intimidating to me.
And also whichever one I'm finishing up at the moment! Right now that's a Pride Exchange fic that I'll share (if the giftee is willing) this Saturday, and an angsty Doppelbanging fic that may or may not see light of day.
Tagging: @angelictroublemaker, @lemon-tart-221, @ghst-signal, @ladybracknellssherry, @demonsandpieohmy and anyone else who wants to play!
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mangogator · 6 months
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hey myst fandom its me! back with some art!
this is a concept that literally will never happen (and only appeals to me) but for a while i’ve been thinking of a myst x sky cotl collab season called season of ages!!! above are a few concept designs for cosmetics can you tell exile is my favorite game in the series
click on the read more to see disorganized ramblings and the uncropped drawing!
SO its a very loose concept with very scattered ideas so far (and if you are both a sky and myst enjoyer PLEASE feel free to add ideas and also be my friend?????) and im sadly not super well versed in myst lore so this is going to be VERY surface level
a VERY basic concept of the season would be collecting pages across the realms to restore linking books, but this feels kinda boring. i’m also not sure how the spirits would relate to the myst characters, if there even would be spirits? and should each realm have a new area in it that resembles an age in one of the games that gradually get unlocked as the player completes quests? i have no idea!!! idk about yall but i would LOVE to fly around myst island
i know for sure that an ultimate gift/iap cosmetic would be a linking book. what i’m undecided on is if the player would just get one book that would allow them to link to a chosen area (it would be a wearable cosmetic, kinda like the art book), or would completing the season unlock a special place in vault of knowledge that gives the player access to multiple linking books? if it were an iap cosmetic (like all collab seasons have), it could be a linking book to a room of linking books? idk
i really want to be able to pay homage to all of the myst games by incorporating at least one element from each game (ie a whole age, an object in an age, a cosmetic that resembles something a character wears, etc etc). i also really want there to still be a puzzle element , but like. super easy puzzles. people play sky to chill, not be frustrated hdkshsskkh
the spirit guide will be atrus i will not budge on this
tgc and cyan. collab when
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m00dysunflower · 2 years
I'm only making this post because I've come to realize not many people think about this silly lil thing I find so amusing about Diamond is Unbreakable... While I don't like the part by any means, I have to admit, it has what I would probably consider the best esoteric music reference in JJBA.
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Now, it's no secret that Yoshikage Kira's design is based on David Bowie, it's frequently talked about; we all make jokes about it, and yet... his stand isn't a Bowie reference. Kinda weird if you don't think about it too hard.
He has a stand and abilities that are all Queen references: Killer Queen, Sheer Heart Attack, and the infamous (Another One) Bites The Dust.
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Fans of DIU I've talked to joke about it, saying how Araki just did whatever he thinks looks and sounds cool, but you know me by now if you read stuff like my Jolyne/Irene analysis post, I always read really far into things with media I'm passionate about and I'm here to say, I'm more than certain there was a method to the madness, even if it was accidental.
A wonderful thing to keep in mind for this post is that Koichi's stand, Echoes Act 3, has the ability to weigh people down.
So, with that said, Koichi and Kira face off a few times throughout Part 4.
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Kira was Under Pressure... one might say... no?
And wouldn't you know it; there was a song called "Under Pressure" which was a collab of Queen and David Bowie, the two musical inspirations for the hand-obsessed freak.
And that, my friends, is my favorite musical reference from Diamond is Unbreakable.
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
KARMA - Part 2 😈
Poly!Lost Boys/Female!OC (Mainly David&Marko/OC)
Summary: David and his bride are ready to dish out Marko's punishment for getting out of line. It's designed to bring back some not-so-fond memories of the past, but it's what he deserves.
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LONG FIC ALERT!! This is the second part of a collab series with @ghoulgeousimmaculate. It features her OCs from Party The Pain Away and Little Red (which I highly recommend you read). This has references to her stuff, and takes place in the modern world, not 1987!
WARNINGS: Nsfw/18+ Readers Only, Dark Fic, Sadism, Torture, Cruelty, PTSD, Crying, Blood Drinking, References to trauma, Chains, Bondage, Stabbing, Burning, Holy Water, Drowning, Electrocution, Gore, Body Horror, Blood, Threats, Revenge, Hurt/Comfort
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“David, I can’t do this,” Sis wept as her mate lifted her into his arms. She whimpered, feeling sore from the brutal assault on her body. But David was nothing but tender with her, holding and touching her with the same gentle caress he used when he made love to her.  
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, doll,” David cooed as he carefully carried her to the wheelchair. As David placed her down, she trembled, having flashbacks to when she had ‘fallen’ in the woods, and the boys had to care for her. They were far from kind during that time. 
“Hey,” David whispered in her ear, “Daddy’s got you. You hear me? I’M DADDY, not HIM. I won’t let anything happen to you. We’re using my chair so I can take care of you, Okay?” 
Sis nodded, relaxing with a sigh in his arms before he placed her down. Marko was in a world of trouble. Yes, the boys punished their mates when they broke pack rules, but they tried their best to be empathetic to the traumas of their girls. They did uproot them from humanity after all. Trauma was understandable, but the last thing they wanted to do was trigger pain that would last their mates for eternity. 
David began wheeling his wife through the tunnels, and as they came closer to the toy room, she began to sob and grab at the wheels of the chair. 
“D-daddy, PLEASE, I don’t want to go THERE,” Sis pleaded with tear-streaked cheeks. “I hate that place, please don’t make me.” 
Sighing, David knelt, reaching forward to wipe away her tears with gloved thumbs. 
“Dollface, I know you’ve received many punishments in there, but I’m fair. I was wrong about what happened with Spunky, and as a leader, I realized that. Today, YOU are in control,” he said. “You are the PREDATOR, not him. Think of all the times Marko made you feel small, weak, and helpless. Beautiful, this is your chance to feast on his pain. You have a little bit of him in you, so I know you have an appetite for anguish, and a helping of revenge is a delicacy.” 
“Trust me,” David cooed, “it’s my favorite meal – besides your pretty pussy, of course.” 
Sis smiled, her breath hitching and her eyes dilating as she absorbed David’s words. He could see the unhinged twinkle dance in her eye, her human mask slipping to reveal the bloodthirsty vampiress they nurtured with sadism and cruelty. It was as if his wife had a light switch in her head, the toggle flipping from ‘lady’ to ‘monster’ in seconds. She was a sleeper agent, and David was her handler. She had been activated. 
The platinum blond resumed his place behind her chair, a sadistic smirk forming on his lips as he wheeled the curvy beauty, who giggled uncontrollably as he approached the toy room. The boys heard her feminine, childlike titter, instantly becoming aware of their wife’s current mental state. Things were not pretty when she was like this, especially when she was hungry or WORSE – angry. 
“One, two, Sissy’s comin’ for you~” Paul sing-songed from the other side of the room.  
He and Dwayne had been sitting on a nearby couch and sharing a smoke while keeping an eye on Marko. They weren’t going to give him the chance to potentially escape and get out of his punishment.  
They did their best to keep it lighthearted. Marko had already gotten quite the scolding from them, and that was the nicest thing he was going to get tonight. The moment their wife’s giggles filled the quiet air, they knew trouble was on the way. Paul and Dwayne were just grateful it wasn’t going to be toward them.  
David had their wife in tow as he entered the toy room. His trusty wheelchair was perfect as a temporary throne for the beautiful woman. Though the boys hated seeing the damage that Marko had done, she wasn’t looking as hurt and frightened as she was before. David’s words had truly worked their magic on her, and she wasn’t going to cower at the sight of the toy room as she usually did.  
“Is he ready?” David asked his two brothers. Paul gave a nod before snuffing out his smoke in a nearby ashtray. Dwayne got back on his feet to where the chains were set up. It didn’t take much of his vampiric strength to pull the massive bits of metal down, and lower Marko from the top of the cave ceiling.  
He was still upside down and naked as the day he was born. The silver cuffs had made quite a set of blisters around his wrists and ankles. It made David wince ever so slightly. He couldn’t imagine how bad that felt. But then again, he didn’t care about Marko’s well-being. All that was on his mind was justice for his darling bride and baby. 
Marko’s eyes fluttered open, his daze finally clearing when Sis caught his eye. Flashes of what he did played in his mind. She had looked so helpless underneath him in the nursery. Now she looked like a mighty queen, ready to order whatever she wished to be done to him. 
“H-Hey, beautiful,” Marko croaked out. “You look so radiant tonight....h-have I ever told you how m-much I love you?” 
Four sets of eyes glared at him in disbelief. He could share all the sweet nothings he wanted, but there was not a single thing he could say that would get him out of this punishment. Though they all knew what a sadist Marko truly was, nobody knew it better than the man himself. He remembered every detail of every punishment he made their mates experience.  
The glimmer in his wife’s eyes told him she was going to enjoy seeing it come right back to him. Karma really was a bitch.  
“I love you too, handsome,” Sis purred while she playfully cocked her head to the side, a wry smile on her full lips. “But love is cruel, remember? You gleefully whispered that little gem into my ear two and a half years ago. The night I accidentally set you on fire. I was helpless – mortal. I begged you for mercy, but you still drained me within an inch of my life. I think it’s time to return the favor.”  
Marko’s eyes widened, his gaze falling on his wife’s sadistic grin before he felt her latch onto his throat, the brown-skinned beauty sucking on his flesh ferociously. The boys could barely register how fast she moved, seeing nothing but a blur before she reappeared, attached to Marko like a leech.  
David smiled as Sis fed, her coos of pleasure and her content sighs being music to his ears. The boys were pale, but Marko had become as white as a sheet, the color draining from his already ashen pallor as their wife greedily filled her belly. His face was frozen in horror and his mouth hung agape as he was drained. He was helpless, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. The curly-haired blond was powerful, but at this moment felt weak as a kitten, his precious strength sliding down his mate’s throat.  
People think that vampires can only be killed with stakes, holy water, and sunlight, but bleeding a vampire is just as severe. Their strength, their life, was in the blood and if a vampire was drained dry, they could also perish.  
Marko was beginning to worry, but his wife graciously released him moments later, throwing her head back in satisfaction as she sighed. David and the boys watched her sinfully glide back to her seat, her injuries stitching themselves together with the help of her mate’s essence. She was young, and would still need to rest and feed again to fully heal, but David was pleased to see an improvement in her spirit.  
The platinum blond lowered his mouth to hers after she settled on his throne, kissing her passionately and licking the blood from her chin. The two broke their embrace, the vixen settling her eyes on a groggy Marko as David massaged her shoulders. 
“Now, you get to walk a mile in my shoes. You get to see what it’s like to be me,” she whispered coldly before turning her head to kiss David’s gloved hand. 
David could barely contain the smile on his face. This was all he ever wanted his beloved wife to be. Confident, powerful, and glowing with bloodlust. All the work he and his boys had put into shaping her into the beast they knew she could be was on full display. He was more than happy to fuel that side of her some more.  
“Now that Marko is nice and weak, I think we can go ahead and get things started, my love,” David cooed. He kissed the top of her forehead before strutting over to his brother. Marko was still looking rather woozy. Sis had done quite a number on him.  
“I have the perfect punishment in mind to remind Marko of his place in our happy little family,” the bleach-blond smirked. “Doll, do you remember that story we told you long ago? The one about how we got our revenge on the traitorous Emerson family?”  
While Sis simply nodded casually, the other three Lost Boys were struck with their own sense of discomfort. The memories of the humans were still so painful to think of, even with the passage of over three decades. They had quenched their thirst for blood that night of the engagement party, but the deaths they had had to suffer before that were pure agony. 
“Well, I told you how we took them down....but I haven’t told you all the details of what they did to us in the first place.”  
“D-David...no...don’t tell me y-you're thinking about....that....” Marko whimpered. He would have taken any other kind of torture. Whippings, beatings, he would even let his wife set him ablaze again. But to experience the taste of death again struck pure terror into his very being.  
The leader crossed his arms, watching his brother squirm at the mere hint of such a thing. It only excited their bride some more. Her sadistic switch was turned up higher from seeing the usually terrifying Marko act so weak. 
“Let me tell you a story, my love,” David began. He sauntered over to the massive wall of toys. Every possible weapon of torture imaginable was ready to go. All he had to do was pick one. “It’s called....The Lost Boys versus The Frog Brothers.” 
“There was a boy named Michael, and he was exceptionally beautiful – baby blue eyes, chiseled jawline, dark curly hair. He was the eldest son of a lovely woman named Lucy, who moved to Santa Carla after a nasty divorce. Little Lucy caught the eye of our father, Max, and ordered us to turn Michael and his brat brother, Sam.”  
“Our lover, the stunning Star,” he mused as he trailed his gloved hand over the nefarious tools, “caught his eye on the boardwalk. He was smitten by her, and we were able to use that to our advantage. Long story short, we entrapped him, turning him with the bottle. But he didn’t accept his fate. He fought back.”  
“Enter the Frog Brothers,” David purred as he pulled down Marko’s favorite wooden paddle, an antique mahogany piece from Venice. “They were friends of Sam, and they managed to infiltrate our home. They stole Star and Laddie away while we slept before turning their weapons on us.” David eyed the intricately decorated paddle, running his fingers over the smooth wood before swiftly cracking it over his knee, splintering the tool of torture into a tool of murder.  
Marko pathetically squealed, his body quaking uncontrollably as he saw the jagged spike from the corner of his eye. Tears flowed from his eyes, rolling down his face and into his brow and scalp as he began to weep. David smiled diabolically while Dwayne and Paul shifted from side to side uncomfortably, the retelling of their attempted murders still fresh and open like a wound.  
“We were sleeping. It was the afternoon, and the Frog Brothers found our chamber.” Sis’ eyes widened, her manicured hand drifting to her plush lips as she let out a gasp.  
“NO.” “Yes, beautiful,” David whispered as he approached Marko with the shard gripped in his hand, “they staked Marko while he was sleeping.” David raised his fist, and Marko squealed, begging for mercy as his body swung back and forth with gravity. 
“DAVID, PLEASE!” Marko wailed. Even in his weakened state, his body was rushing with adrenaline-filled panic. It was all coming back to him. The fiery stabbing sensation of the stake in his heart. How fast the blood poured out of his body. The last minutes of his life were nothing but suffering. He couldn’t possibly go through such trauma again. 
“Dio mio! Vi supplico, abbiate pietà di me!!” 
Marko sobbed out pleas in his native tongue, yet they went on deaf ears. David toyed with him like a cat with a captured mouse. He stabbed at the air on one side. Then he pulled his arm back to do the same with the other side. With every swipe, he got closer and closer to Marko’s flesh.  
Finally, the teasing ceased. The real damage was done.  
David pierced the side of Marko’s chest, slicing through muscle and bone. He purposely picked the side his heart wasn’t on. Marko would survive this gory reenactment, but it would be tormenting for the entire duration. 
“AAAAHHHHH!!!! FUCK!” the vampire cried out. He wriggled and howled, scared like he’d never been before. 
Paul and Dwayne watched on in horror. The boys also carried insufferable memories. Paul still remembered how he sobbed over Marko’s body when the kids got away. Dwayne had to drag him away so they could rest before hunting them down.  
But as much as they wanted to, they couldn’t leave the toy room. They knew they had to be there in case Marko tried to escape. Nobody finished their punishment early. The only way you got out was in death. Those were the rules. 
Sis, on the other hand, was feeling quite differently about the macabre show. Her brown eyes widened and shimmered, completely enchanted by the sight. She was seeing pain and torture through Marko’s eyes now. He had been right all along. It was art. It was passion. 
She needed more. 
“Ooooh Daddy...” she sighed, her undead heart fluttering from how excited she felt. David was so powerful. So suave. He always knew how to give her a good show. “What happened after Marko was staked?”  
“We were devastated, pet,” David cooed as he grabbed the other splintered piece from Marko’s paddle. “I wanted to kill them where they stood, but they fled. I chased them down and grabbed Michael’s little brother, Sam. I almost had him, but the Frogs pulled him into the sun, and I burned my hand.”  
David strolled over to a lit oil drum and set the scrap alight before handing the torch to his wife. “For you, my love.” 
Sis sighed, cat-like purrs rumbling in her chest as she rose from her throne. “Daddy,” she cooed, with an inhuman twang as her eyes blazed gold, “how romantic.” 
“Only the best for you, doll,” David crooned as he accepted his wife’s hand in his, the bleach-blond leading her to Marko.  
They both smiled evilly at him as they circled him, disappearing from his line of sight. Marko could feel their presence behind him, the hellish couple lingering close enough to make him terribly uncomfortable, but standing far away enough that he couldn’t anticipate their next move. He remained as still as possible, trying desperately to tap into his vampiric instincts, but his wife’s feast dulled his senses. 
The vampire yelped when he felt harsh, stinging heat against his fingertips, his wife teasingly running the torch across his hand.  
She pulled back, giggling wickedly at Marko’s reaction, her cackles filling the room for a few minutes before David reeled her in by touching her shoulder. Sis calmed down, purring again as she leaned into David’s touch. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed the platinum blond on the lips before she casually set Marko’s hand on fire. 
The curly-haired blond wailed in pain as she discarded the torch, tossing it into the oil drum. Dwayne and Paul watched in horror as the blaze traveled up Marko’s dangling arm, spreading to his shoulders and neck before catching his curly tendrils.  
Big Sis clapped her hands, jumping up and down with glee as she watched the blaze. David watched her with pride while Dwayne and Paul felt disgusted. Paul gagged as the smell of burnt hair filled the room, while Dwayne looked as if he’d hurl up the Chinese food they ate earlier, the sight of his brother’s melting flesh making him feel ill.  
The boys disposed of many corpses this way, tossing them carelessly into a pit of fire after feeding, but things hit differently when it was one of your own.  
Marko suffered and screamed as the fire scorched massive parts of his body. This was much more than what David had experienced on that faithful day, but he was powerless to stop such punishment. Even if he had the strength to protest, David wouldn’t stand for complaining. He had to suffer with every taste of death he was fed.  
If having his flesh burned wasn’t bad enough, he also had to experience the agony of his body repairing itself. Going through such a thing would be a hell of a lot easier if he was properly fed and energized. The faster it went, the better. But his wife had nearly drained him dry. That meant he had to feel every last nerve, tissue, and inch of skin reform.  
Sis watched in awe, practically bouncing with joy as the charred flesh healed at a snail’s pace. David wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest as he nuzzled her neck. Normal couples cuddled around a fireplace when they wanted to get cozy. For vampires, you burned someone to get a romantic, roaring fire.  
It took ages, but Marko’s body was mostly back to how it was before. The only minor problems were the makeshift stake still plunged into his chest and his skin scarred and bright pink. Every inch of his body was in terrible pain, yet he was grateful that the fire was gone. When you were tortured for such long periods of time, you had to enjoy the brief seconds of rest while you could. After all, the worst was yet to come. 
“So we slept in the cave. We were waiting for the sun to go down so we could attack the little brats and get our revenge for our dear, departed Marko,” David continued. Marko himself winced from how his brother used such sweet words as he set him up for more torture. He really was an asshole sometimes.  
“We all split up to take on the Frogs and the Emersons. I went for Michael, Dwayne took Sam, and Paul went after the Frogs.” 
David disappeared into the depths of the toy room to find something to go along with the next part of the story. Paul and Dwayne shared a look, feeling anxious about what was next. They still remembered how torturous their own deaths were. None of the Lost Boys had died quickly or painlessly that night, and that wasn’t good news for Marko.  
Sis simply waited for her husband to return with the next set of toys for their “game”. She perked up with curiosity when David came from the shadows with something massive in tow.  
It was a bathtub. One that had been salvaged from over a century ago. It was scuffed up and dusty, but it would do the job as the next prop for David’s tale. 
With the use of his powers, David was able to easily drag the old tub with one hand so he could carry something else on his shoulders. A massive, glass jug with clear liquid sloshing around inside. Both items were carried over to the spot right under Marko. Though David was feeling quite proud of himself, Paul wasn’t doing very well with such a setup. 
“Oh my God, I can’t watch this,” he whimpered, hands shaking in terror. Dwayne swiftly pulled the blond into his arms, facing him away from the sight and comforting him as he kept an eye on the others. He shushed and cooed reassuring words in Paul’s ear all the while. 
David uncorked the large jug, carefully pouring the liquid into the bathtub. The pristine liquid disgustingly mixed with the thick layer of dirt, creating a tan soupy mixture that no one in their right mind would want to be submerged in. 
“What happened next, Daddy?” Sis asked curiously, approaching the tub to survey the filthy concoction. David quickly blocked his wife’s path, turning her body to usher her back to her seat.  
“Careful, my sweet,” David purred as he rubbed her shoulders. “You’ve been through so much today. I wouldn’t forgive myself if you were burned.”  
“Daddy,” Sis asked as she settled down on her throne, “is that—?”  
“Holy water? Yes,” David cooed with a sadistic smirk. “When Paul went after the Frog Brothers, the struggle led to the bathroom where they had a bathtub full of Holy water. The Frogs were children. Amateurs. Paul could have easily ripped them to shreds, but Sam’s dog, Nanook, came to their rescue.”  
“What happened?” Sis asked, leaning forward in suspense. “What did the doggie do?”  
“The doggie pushed Paul into the Holy water,” David informed as he strolled over to the pulley system that secured Marko in place.  
Marko wept, murmuring Paul’s name over and over again, the vampire having flashbacks to his brother’s nearly liquified remains and the sight of watching him slowly grow his flesh back. David and Marko had the most benign injuries, despite them still being traumatizing. They healed first and nursed Paul and Dwayne back to health together. Marko would never forget how he fed sniveling mortals to his brother, the wild-haired blond resembling an emaciated skeleton. He’d never tell the boys, but he occasionally had nightmares about it.  
David lowered Marko towards the vile liquid, and Sis watched with bated breath as his curly locks touched the surface. The ethereal wisps began to sizzle as Marko let out a strangled cry. He felt no pain yet, but it was the anticipation that was killing him. He prayed that David would just get it over already.  
“Am I taking too long for you?” David asked tauntingly, having heard Marko’s thoughts. “If so, I’ll be respectful of your time.” Marko opened his mouth to protest, seconds from apologizing and begging for mercy, but he only received a mouth full of holy water.  
He screamed in pain, inhaling the liquid through his mouth and nose. It BURNED, scalding the delicate mucosa of his nose and throat. The vampire even accidentally swallowed some too, his stomach bubbling with pain as his digestive juices mixed with the holy fluid. And he was only under for a few seconds.  
David pulled him up again, allowing him to gasp and sputter while their wife squealed with delight. He was only allowed a moment's relief before he was submerged once more, David repeating the action over and over, dunking him like a cookie in milk. Marko’s flesh was horribly blistering and melting again, which was infuriating for the blond because he had just healed from being lit ablaze.  
Thie was even worse for him, the holy elixir causing the immortal beast such agony from the inside out. But he deserved it. Sis and the rest of their women loved them. So much that they were even willing to die for them, and he repaid that devotion with such cruelty – too many times he could count.  
But tonight was the magnum opus of his sadism. The boys have bedded many men and women, manipulating their minds with their thrall to fill them with wanton desire before giving them pleasure. Marko didn’t give that courtesy to his own wife, opting to carelessly throw her across the room like garbage. The pain of his scalding flesh was nothing in comparison to having someone you love force themselves on you. 
Paul and Dwayne truly hated every moment of this. It was so conflicting. On the one hand, what Marko did to their wife was truly unforgivable. Even as creatures of the night, they wouldn’t do such a thing to their love. On the other hand, this was truly the most traumatizing torture they had ever conducted in this room.  
The boys could take just about anything and live to see another night. They had immense power that kept them going. But to recreate the worst day of their undead lives? Bring back the memories of what could have been their final moments? It shook them to their very core. Paul wouldn’t look at this. The screams were already bad enough. Dwayne took notice, putting his hands over the blond’s ears to muffle the sound. 
“It’s okay, baby. I got you...” he whispered.  
Flesh dripped from Marko’s body as if it was no different than the water. It was hellish for Marko, but true bliss for the lady. Sis licked her plush lips, a newfound hunger building in her belly. Tasting his blood had been so delicious on her tongue. Now it felt like his pain was the dessert for her meal. If the holy water wasn’t deadly to her as well, she would have loved a taste of the drops Marko’s body left behind. 
David had lost count of how many times he lowered and raised the chains. It was like a fun game to him, seeing his traitorous brother go up and down and up and down. His raspy cackle mixed with the howls that came from Marko’s ruined mouth.  
“STOP! STOP!!! Per favore!!” Marko wailed. 
“Awww okay. I’ll stop,” David smirked.  
He finally raised him up on the chains and let go so that there would be no more dips in the tainted holy water. Marko shivered and sobbed while the platinum blond went to remove the tub and the now-empty jug. David would have to remember to pay off another cop to sneak into the local church to steal more of the stuff the next time a punishment was planned. 
In the brief moment David stepped away, Marko looked at his wife with a pathetic pout stuck on his ruined face. She really did have a huge part of his devious nature in her heart. It was like looking in a mirror.  
“My love....my beauty.....cuore mio,” he said to her. Though it was torture to speak with his throat burned so badly, he had to let his wife know how he felt. “I....I’m so sorry....” 
“Save the waterworks, Marko,” David stopped him. Marko couldn’t see what was happening behind his back, but the way Sis’ eyes widened and her smile grew wider than ever told him that the next act of torture was going to be a particularly bad one.  
Dwayne knew exactly what was next in this unhappy story that David was retelling. He remembered how cocky and stupid he was at the time, letting Sam shoot him into the stereo speakers. When he and the others recovered, he promised himself he would never act so carelessly again. He made sure of it that the night they crashed the engagement party.  
“Our handsome Dwayne was next,” David recited. “Sammy also hit him with some holy water before shooting him in the chest with a bow and arrow. You’ve had quite a bit of staking and swimming already, so I think it’s more fitting that you get to experience the true thing that killed Daddy Dearest.” 
Sis giggled playfully. It was quite fun to hear their shared nickname for the brunet vampire in such a morbid setting. She twirled a lock of hair and batted her beautiful lashes at her husband. 
“What killed him?” 
“I’m so glad you asked, Doll,” David cooed. “It was....electrocution.” 
David revealed a cattle prod. He held the device in his gloved palms, crossing the room and graciously kneeling on one knee to present the tool of torture to his beloved. 
“My Queen,” David crooned, “your scepter awaits.” 
Sis smiled demurely, batting her eyelashes coyly, her baby face juxtaposing the maliciousness in her heart. She accepted the cattle prod with taloned fingers, standing as she analyzed the device. It felt delicate in her hands, light and sleek like a conductor’s baton, but it packed a punch, letting out a zesty zap as she tuned it up.  
The Queen of Santa Carla knew she could orchestrate some fantastic music with her royal ‘scepter.’  
“Oh, Daddy, you give me such nice gifts,” Sis muttered as she toyed with the prod, zapping it obnoxiously in front of Marko’s face, enjoying how he jumped when he heard the sickening crackling sound and how his eyes widened at the flash of light. She teased her naughty husband, running the prod over his still slick melted flesh. He was healing slowly once again, but he was still wet enough for the prod to have some kick.  
“Don’t cry,” Sis cooed as she lowered the cattle prod to Marko’s delicate nipple, “I’m only doing this because I know you can take it.” The vixen chuckled as Marko shook his head, a tear falling from his eye as his words were thrown into his face.  
He’d told Sis that many times when he had her at his mercy. Marko closed his eyes, holding his breath as he felt the prod graze his nipple. It made contact, Big Sis laying her thumb on the power button, releasing 4000 volts of electricity into Marko’s body. The vampire trembled and twitched as the holy water acted as a conductor, amplifying the charge to horrific levels.  
His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and blood poured from his mouth. He had accidentally bit his tongue. Sis held the prod in place for five minutes, giggling as Marko seized through the currents. She pulled back to allow him reprieve and to also admire the gnarly burn mark the prod left behind.  
“You have a new tattoo!” She playfully cooed as she surveyed the wound. “I’m going to give you a few more to match!” Big Sis turned her attention to the other nipple, teasing it pert, and at attention by rubbing the prod over it. When she was satisfied, she conducted her assault, zapping Marko again – and again, AND AGAIN.  
The blond released a pathetic wail before seizing up again, his muscles spasming and jerking awkwardly from her sadistic attention. It was almost as if he was doing a funny dance, his clunky movements blessing her with glee. She began to hum various tunes that she favored, curious to see which songs matched his ‘dance.’  
It was a fun game for her but not for Dwayne. It was now Paul’s turn to comfort him, the memory of his shrieks of pain to the tune of rock and roll flashing in his mind. The pain was tremendous. He’d exploded, his body reduced to dismembered pieces. His limbs and head had to be reattached. He didn’t tell anyone, but he sometimes had headaches. That was never an issue in his life before.  
Sis ceased her assault, Marko’s body now littered with seared circular wounds across his chest and bell. The beauty turned to David with glittering doe eyes, seeking his directive. “What happened next, Daddy?” 
David smiled warmly at his wife. In a sick, twisted kind of way, it all felt like a big bonding experience for the two of them. Though his three brothers each suffered through this dark reenactment, he adored how joyful Sis was acting. This truly was the perfect way to grant her back the power and control that Marko had tried to strip away from her.  
But now it was David's turn to get a little uncomfortable with sharing details about what happened all those years ago. 
He stepped closer to his wife, gently taking the cattle prod away in order to slip his hands over hers. Out of habit, she entwined her fingers with his own, squeezing them lovingly. Even in her deranged state, he knew there was still a hint of that lovely lady he fell in love with years ago.  
“It was me and Michael. The final battle,” David began. No longer was he sharing the story with a theatrical tone. “We tussled around the living room, fighting each other like true vampires. He was so perfect for our family....” 
His voice was soft. Somber. The demented glee in Sis’ mind began to fade when she noticed the genuine pain in his eyes. Though Star had been their lover back then, there was a more genuine heartbreak painted on David’s face when he spoke of what went down with Michael. 
“I....I truly didn’t want to kill him. He was a lot like you. Put up a good fight...protective of his family....and then he shoved me onto a pair of antlers.” 
Dwayne and Paul glanced at one another. Though they loathed how brutal the whole torture session had been, they recognized the vulnerability that David was presenting to their wife. They remembered how bad it hurt to be betrayed and destroyed without a second thought. Michael truly would have been a great brother. An amazing vampire.  
If he had just stopped fighting, they wouldn’t have all gotten hurt. They wouldn’t have had to slaughter his family when they healed. Sis was their second chance, and they couldn’t fathom losing her. 
Which is why Marko had to endure it all. He almost ruined everything. There was absolutely no excuse for what he did.  
With a second wind of rage burning in his heart, David released his wife for a moment to find a very specific tool for Marko’s mutilated body. Something he hadn’t yet used but wanted to give a try with his wife.  
“I want us to do this together, Doll,” David called out to his wife. She tilted her head in curiosity, waiting for her husband to come back into the light. When he did so, he had something in each hand. 
“Gemsbok Antelope. That’s the kind of animal that the antlers belonged to. I can see why Michael’s grandfather liked them so much. They’re incredibly deadly.” 
Sis gawked at the sight of them. They must have been three feet long. The antlers were thick and jagged in a dark, ashen color. The mere thought of David being speared by them made her whimper. Even after all she had witnessed with Marko, she felt hesitation about using such massive things. 
“Oh David....you all went through such awful pain...” 
“And we came back stronger than ever,” David assured her. “We took our revenge for what they did to us. They can never keep us down, my love.” 
The two lovers locked eyes as he held out one of the antlers for her to take. Blue and brown. Each thought the other was truly striking.  
“Don’t you think Marko needs that reminder? That if anyone tries to hurt us, we fight back? Don’t you want to show him just what you can do, my queen?” 
Those words dug deep into Sis’ psyche, teasing her sadistic side once again. The sympathetic side that still held remnants of her humanity was hidden, and a wicked smile pulled at her lips. David knew exactly what she needed. She had to quench this thirst for blood and revenge. She was a phoenix. No matter how much others tried to destroy her, she would rise from the ashes again. 
“Let’s do it, David.” 
Sis caressed David’s cheek lovingly, rubbing her thumb over his pillowy lips before accepting one of the antlers. Running her nimble fingers over the surface, she studied the harsh bone, enamored by its intimidating beauty and its weight in her petite palm. She gripped the horn in both hands before turning to her lover, waiting for his cue before making the journey. 
They had to do it together, just as he said. David nodded, signaling that he was with her every step of the way, putting his horn to the side to walk with his wife, the two approaching Marko with dark expressions.  
Looking at their faces, Marko came to the realization that even though he, Dwayne, and Paul were married and mated to Sis, she was David’s. They were truly a match made in Hell, and they were made for each other in every way. 
Sis raised the Gemsbok over her head, freezing in midair. Her hand jittered, her kind heart slipping through for a moment, but as promised, David was there to support her. The platinum blond slipped his gloved hand over hers, rubbing his thumbs soothingly over her knuckles.  
She could feel the warmth of David’s body on her back and she sighed, relaxing against his chest to gather herself. David kissed her neck, whispering words of encouragement, reminding her of her right as a Queen. To fight back. Marko closed his eyes, muttering a prayer in his native tongue, hoping that anyone in the skies would have mercy on a wretch like him while Dwayne and Paul waited with bated breath. 
The tension was palpable and the suspense was killing everyone, but after a nudge from David's palm, Sis slammed the bone into Marko’s chest, twisting with a manic ferocity, a sickening squelch echoing in the room as she maliciously twisted the horn.  
She’d done it. It was over. Her lip trembled slightly as a tear escaped her eye, and she threw herself into David’s arms, her rage, vulnerability, hurt, and pain pouring out in catharsis. 
“That’s it, my love. You did it. It’s all over now,” David soothed her. His gloved hands rubbed her back gently, comforting her as she went through the rollercoaster of emotions. She was still so young and delicate. It would be decades before she had the strength the boys did to endure all of this extreme torture. But the potential was there. He saw what she was truly capable of with Marko during this entire session.  
“I’m so proud of you,” he purred in her ear. Ever so gentle with his bride, he tilted her chin up, silently telling her to look at him. “You are truly a powerful vampire, doll.” 
When her nerves finally began to settle, David decided to give her a bit of a break from all of this. He slipped his trusty jacket off and laid it over Sis’ shoulders. On her, it looked more like a cape than a coat. It flowed behind her back as he carefully escorted her over to Dwayne and Paul. As he helped guide her, David felt all of his adoration for her build up within his dark heart. She had been through so much, yet she overcame it stronger than ever. He truly did love her.  
Dwayne and Paul held out their arms for her to collapse into. Soft nuzzles and kisses were traded with her, each boy wanting her to feel safe. It had been such an intense night for them all.  
But it wasn’t over yet.  
“Take her back to her nest,” David commanded his two brothers through their mental connection. “I’m going to set up one last surprise for her. Help her freshen up a bit.” 
The two of them gave their leader a nod as they offered their sweet little wife the chance to get some pampering done and to check on her daughter. Such an idea seemed to relax her, and she nodded eagerly, her radiant smile returning once again as she linked her arms with theirs. With a wave to David, the three of them were off.  
“D-David...” an exhausted voice groaned from behind the Head Vampire. With a sinister grin still plastered on his face, David turned around to face Marko. The hanging vampire looked like a bloated corpse. His skin was still half-melted, his flesh mutilated and his blood dripping all over the cave floor. 
“Please......get......me down......” 
The platinum blond didn’t say a word. He simply went back to the spot where he left the other antler. As he picked it up in his hands, memories of his own screams from the white-hot pain they caused him the first time around danced in his head. He had a true taste of death that night. Though he and the others put their wife through the more horrifying experiences to solidify her place by their side, he would never want her to go through what they did. 
And Marko almost ruined it. That was something he was still not ready to forgive.  
“Listen to me carefully,” David sneered. In a flash, he swung around with the antler, letting it face Marko. The battered vampire screamed but silenced himself when the sharp end stopped merely half an inch from his throat.  
“If you ever think of pulling shit like that on our wife again, I will put you through all this again, and make it slow enough to last a whole fucking month. Do you understand?” 
Marko frantically shook his head “yes”, barely missing the weapon each time he moved.  
“I understand! I swear I do! I’ll do anything you want. Anything SHE wants. I know my place, Master!” He babbled in panic. Hearing such things pleased David immensely. At the end of the day, he was indeed the master of all the boys and their mates. He was a king amongst them, and nobody disrespected a king or his queen.  
“Good,” David said. Finally, he tore the antler away, tossing it into the darkness where he had fetched it before. He paid no mind to the massive crash it made onto the ground where it landed. There was no use for it now. In fact, there was something better in mind for the little rule-breaker.  
“The last part of your punishment is the most important one of all,” David began. He made his way back to the pulley system so that he could lower the chains that held Marko in the air. There was still no way the boy would be released yet, but at least he could look at David right-side up. 
“You need a refresher on how we treat our mates in this pack. Sweet little Red has a baby on the way, and you’re going to have to step up in order to take care of your family. Something that doesn’t involve throwing her on the ground in front of your child." 
Marko winced, both from the rough floor of the toy room on his bare knees and from the pain of his body continuing the regeneration process. Still, he didn’t dare stop listening to David.  
“I hope you’re ready to pay attention because the first lesson I’m gonna give you is how to properly lay with your woman~” 
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Tag List: @britany1997 @michael-after-hours @6lostgirl6 @kurt-nightcrawler @bezinful @american-idiot-jpg @vampirefilmlover @legal-lost-boy @crustyraccoon
48 notes · View notes
p5x-theories · 4 months
(last updated 9/2/24)
Q1: "Have you seen that the wiki/this streamer/etc. says this character's name is [X]?" / "Why don't you call [X] by their name?"
A1: To help avoid confusion (and save me from potentially needing to rewrite and retag posts), this blog only considers a character's name confirmed when it has been spoken aloud.
Japanese names can often be read in multiple ways, and while usually fan guesses have been more or less correct, they aren't always, and it can cause problems when the wrong name catches on. For this reason, characters will be referred to by codename only, or a nickname if they're not a teammate, until their name is confirmed, though info posts specifically may mention a likely reading of their name as well.
Q2: "Which region version are you playing?"
A2: The Hong Kong/Taiwan/Macau one! This does mean my updates are about a week behind the mainland one, though, so I may not always be able to post info on updates immediately.
Q3: "Who are your favorite characters?"
A3: Overall, my favorites are Tomoko and Kiyoshi! Right now Motoha is specifically my favorite story teammate, and Kayo is my favorite navigator. My favorite thief designs are Moko, Key, Rin, Yuki, and Bui, and my favorite Persona designs are Awilda, Leucothea, Prosymna, Nemertes, and Gorgyra.
On that note, my favorite P5 characters are Akechi and Sumire, heh! I also really like Ann and Yusuke.
Q4: "Do you play other gacha games?" / "Are you familiar with [X] gacha mechanic?"
A4: Haha, nope! I actually hate gacha systems, refuse to play any other gacha games, and am only putting up with this one because I'm otherwise very curious about the game and enjoy the characters. The gacha's still driving me crazy, though. I hate having to worry about getting a character before their banner ends, especially since I refuse to spend any money on the game.
That said, I do have friends who play gacha games, so I sometimes ask them about game mechanics if I'm not familiar with them. I also do at least pay attention to how people describe this game in relation to other gacha games, with the hopes of more thoroughly understanding the things I'm explaining here.
Q5: "Do you think the P5 Collab will be updated at the same time as the story?"/ "Do you think this P5 character will be added with the next update?"
A5: The game developers have said that the game updates will follow a loose pattern of: story update -> event update -> gameplay update. Story updates include things like new Palaces and story teammates (for instance, when Miyazawa's Palace and Soy were added in Version 1.1), whereas so far event updates have mostly added new parts of the P5 Collab (for instance, the Museum Chapter and Yusuke were added in Version 1.3.1, and the Bank Chapter and Makoto were added in Version 1.3.3), with the exception of the summer event (Versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2). Gameplay updates add onto side quests, Confidants, plus other existing content, and generally include gameplay fixes.
For this reason, it seems very unlikely that a new part of the P5 Collab will be added at the same time as a new part of story, and this also goes for adding P5 characters and story teammates. I may be proven wrong in the future, but I'm just going off of what the devs have said so far; I'd expect a new story teammate with a story update, while event updates and gameplay updates have only ever added new Phantom Idols.
Q6: "Is there somewhere I can download this character 3D model you posted about/another model I've been looking for?"
A6: Yes, send me a message off anon (so I can reply privately) and I'll send you a link to a zip folder with whatever you need! The only reason I don't post the folder publicly is because I only update the folder when someone's asking for it, and not everyone wants all the same models, so this way I don't have to send them a massive folder for just one thing.
[More questions may be added as they get, uh, frequently asked, haha!]
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karmacaiman · 7 months
Hi! I see you're a big ROK fan! So I was wondering if you've ever bought any of the merch? Any recommendations? Like what about the blue-rays?
Hope this isn't a bother! Thank you in advance!
(Love your art btw!)
thank you for the kind ask! it's not a bother at all i'd be happy to share some of my favorite rok merch!
(in no particular order)
very cute and stylish collection with a nice variety to it, so far two line ups have been released and while unfortunately pre-orders have already closed i believe some of the goods are still up for sale in sites like amiami
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i don't own these but ever since they were released i've been obsessed with how pretty the packaging is, the covers are beautifully illustrated and the boxes are designed to look like old timey fairytale books, i just think they're neat!
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this show has some very cute figures in general but so far these are my favorite ones, the designs are super appealing, the quality is very good and i'm so happy they included hokuro too since he's my favorite character :)
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as far as i know, two different official art books have been released: one is the "complete material collection" a behind the scenes art book that contains 200+ pages of character design notes, production details, storyboard bits, reference materials, etc
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and the second one is the "staff memorial book", this one is a less formal compilation of drawings and illustrations made by the people involved in the anime production! it includes commentary from the staff and it's just a really fun book overall that reflects how much heart and enthusiasm went into the making of this show
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that's just the stuff off the top of my head sorry for the long reply lol but i hope this was somehow useful thanks again for the ask!
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doritofalls · 2 years
I would love to see your kiyo merchandise. I want to get some if my own, but it's hard as a lesbian to justify getting pretty boy merchandise and also without context he looks like a nazi which doesn't help. But let me gaze upon your shrine. I would like to see him.
;;;ok but only for you anon nobody else look
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added nagito for filler and clout - wasn’t a very planned purchase, but i came across a local seller and a very good deal, so here we are. it Is the nicest figure i own, the base and pose are both fantastic. 
i’ve got the vivimus keychain - i’m really satisfied with the quality and design, but it’s pretty huge! i’m used to like, gashapon sized rubber straps, and the vivimus line is just reasonably bigger. 
i also have the kiyo acrylic charm from the halloween themed stellamap cafe collab - generally speaking, stellamap cafe collabs are my favorites when it comes to v3 merch, because the illustrations are just SO cute. and it is no different this time!! i really like this one, and the reference to his execution is just, funny in a very morbid kinda way. 
alsooo have two shinsai fancomics. i’m a huge fan of miu miura’s art (right) and this one’s holding up too - they portray emotions and horror so well, and they really did kiyo justice in this one. sadly they only have one other kiyo focused comic and i’m on the edge with picking that up because i’m not huge into the angie kiyo ship. they did a lot of komaeda/komahina focused comics though, and i’ll probably pick up a couple more of those in the future. 
rou’s style is very different with a much heavier BL touch, but i liked the comic well enough for the ship. will probably pick part 2 up if i see it on a reasonable price in the future. 
not pictured is stuff i was able to bag in recent months but is yet to arrive!! 
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generally speaking, i’m not huge on suya chara, the illustrations are very hit or miss for me - but this drv3 lineup they did came out super cute imo, and i love this kiyo :’] i wasn’t looking for this one in particular but it popped up for a very good price. 
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super excited for this one though!! i’ve been on the lookout for this doujinshi for a while. i couldn’t find much info about it online other than the sample images and a vague description, but the art seems gorgeous and i’m always up for gen kiyo stuff. there’s not a ton of it - most doujinshi understandably is either at least vaguely ship based or just porn, which is not the kind of thing i collect. 
i am also trying SO hard to find the sanrio collab kiyo standee under 1000 yen, but no luck so far. fingers crossed, they are VERY cute. 
as far as being a lesbian and hating kiyo’s fit goes - i completely feel you on both of those points!!!! being a lesbian and curating a collection that may involve pretty boy merch - my general rule of thumb has been only getting merch of gay people which. worked so far - though most of my collection is of girl characters (which is its own challenge entirely because this hobby comes with built in creepy male gaze bullshit). as a lesbian who relates to male characters but not on a level of attraction it’s really a niche.
also god, don’t get me started on kiyo’s outfit;;; there’s a reason i hadn’t drawn it proper despite having made fanart. i wouldn’t even mind the milita/bdsm inspiration, there’s an interesting cross-section to note between those sub-cultures as well if you wanna go there, but rui really just didn’t try. as much as i’ve looked at his silly outfit enough to distinguish it, it really gives a nazi vibe at first glance (which REMAINS stupid because it in no way ties into kiyo as a character. i’m ripping my hair out). either way though, if you dislike the outfit, there’s a fair amount of merch with alt outfits! (several of the graffart collabs and the sweets paradise collab comes to mind)
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thejasondogman · 2 years
Opinions on The Super Mario Bros. Movie teaser
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     Ok so, I never spoke publibly anything regarding this movie is gonna be a thing, nor keep super tuned with every news regarding it, but I had my doubts ever since a heard Nintendo confirmed they are collabing with Illumination do an animated Mario movie. I’m a big fan animation since I was a kid. So even tho I only fully watched 6 of the 12 movies Illumination currently as I’m speaking has realised, I have over the years formed my opinions about the studio itself and have heard others opinions about their movies. And mine is not different from everyone else. I don’t find none of their movies bad but they do feel very..... hit or miss. They always do a very good job on the visuals and animation but the writing and jokes always fell unappealing. So outside from Despicable Me 1, which is the only movie from them I like a lot, I find most of their movies very uninteresting.
     As for the Super Mario series, it’s tied with Donkey Kong as my favorite video game franchise of all time. It was (and still is) a big part of my life as a gamer. So at the time I found out Nintendo was producing another attemp of a Mario movie after years in collab with Illumination I got a little worried. But of course, I and everyone else would only be sure to get to our conclusions once a trailer was launched. And yesterday was finally the day.
     So now time to give a few of my opinions: 
Character Designs and Visuals
     Honestly, I feel the same with every character. They feel weird due to some design choices and a few details on proportions in comperison to their original designs.
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     But despite that, they're WAAAY far from being bad designs or being on the same level of "ugly Sonic". In fact, I actually liked the designs and I'm starting to get used to them. I like a lot how they are so expressive and faithful to the original designs. Especially Bowser. He’s still my favorite design.
(Also, Bowser's design reminded me a lot of his design in SSB4 and SSBU)
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The Writing
     Can’t say too much because not much of the writing has been show but some of the dialogue and jokes gave me the same vibes from the other Illumination movies’ writing. Just hit or miss. But really, there’s only been 4 jokes on the teaser so, I’m not gonna judge it fast.
The Voice Acting
      Now for the aspect everyone was more worried about (myself included). The voice acting. I liked Bowser’s voice. Didn’t love it, nor I think if Nintendo attempted to make him speak fully sentences again in the games I would choose this voice, but at least fits the character. I’m kinda mixed with Toad’s voice. It’s not bad but I don’t think it really fits the character. And now the most controversial one, Mario.... I don’t like it at all. Like, I was already aware that he wouldn’t have his italian accent but like, no offense to Chris Patt, it doesn’t feel like he even tried to replicate that jolly tone Mario is known for. And it just makes me find even more stupid and sad that they didn’t put Charles Martinet in the role despite still being in the cast. Anyway, as for the rest of the characters I just felt it was mostly ok honestly. Kamek’s voice fits with him, very surprised the penguins appeared in the trailer and how they sound and even tho Luigi didn’t speak full sentences in that last scene he sounded a little like the original voice. So yeah, overall I found the voice acting very avarege. Definitly my least favorite aspect of the trailer.
     I really want to say this too. I also watched the trailer dubbed in my home language (brazlilan portuguese) and I gotta say, the voice acting there was so better for me. They don’t sound 100% excatly like the voices from the games, but it fit the characters more than the US voices. They also feel more alive, expressive and the way they talk in certain scenes match more with how they are reacting in the animation. The guy who voiced Mario even did the italian accent.
I really hope they don't change the voices when the movie releases and I'm happy to know some people from other countries also liked the brazilian dub voice.
     I think they should have showed more stuff in the trailer and I still have my worries regarding the orginal voice acting and the overall writing, But despite these, I actually think the movie looks promising. I’m very excited to see more of it. How the other characters will look like, which other characters will appear, the fanserve, who will voice who else in the brazilian dub, etc. As I’m writing this, it’s been one day since the trailer dropped and it still feels SO surreal this movie is actually a thing. I haven’t decide yet if I’ll watch it at the theaters or via streaming (pirated or not) but I really hope I'm gonna enjoy this movie when it releases.
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sitpwgs · 2 months
Okay part 2. I hope it's okay that I'm sending in parts because sometimes I forget stuff or lose track of everything I want to say. But last Broadway thing is that you can explain or spoil the Notebook characters thing since it confused me. I actually was reading about the staging of the rain yesterday which seems complicated. I'm always interested in this stuff like set design and some of the business stuff you mentioned too. The only thing with seeing this show is I heard it will really make you cry and idk if ive ever actually cried when watching a show before which seems weird cuz I saw Les Mis but don't think I cried. Did you cry when you saw the show..I'm just curious.
I also wanted to tell you that I slowly started reading again. I'm on like chapter 10 of This Summer Will be Different and also Funny Story. They're pretty different so can't really compare but I'm loving both so far so hopefully I can stick with it. I do think these two seem the most tropey compared to the other books so far and I think it's fun but it might also start to lose me so idk. I heard about both Happy Place and Funny Story also being made into movies too. Also it was just announced that Every Summer After will be a tv show apparently. Idk why cuz that reminds me too much of the summer I turned pretty, that's also a show. Actually I think Happy Place is supposed to be a show too. I guess I don't like when everything is made into a show when it could just easily be a movie. I get that you can add more stuff..I think I'm just less likely to finish a show than movie but I hope it's good. What do you think? I think they're easy to imagine as movies but it's just hard to imagine the casting if that makes sense. I also might try to read the Outsiders and Gatsby at the same time too apparently but we will see lol. I'm glad you've been enjoying your reads and always check out your recommendations.
Happy August! Lol I can't believe it's August already. I hope you have a great month. I remember I meant to reply to you sooner to say something about the anniversary of your eras show but for some reason I forgot. Then mine just passed which is already a week after yours but I still thought about you. I can't believe that was my last concert and my next will be my other favorite artist at the end of this month. For collabs, I just think about the re recordings and I think someone once suggested Noah Kahan on debut and I wouldn't mind that. I've also thought of Kelly Clarkson for debut which is something I would really want for 10 year old me and Tim McGraw so it can be kinda full circle and maybe how she collabed with Keith Urban. I haven't thought of any collabs for rep actually and I would even like it if it didn't have any..like 1989. I would say Halsey and maybe Selena if she decides to release Need. Lorde is also a popular answer I wouldn't mind but idk if these are likely. There may have been Sabrina Carpenter collab rumors at some point and I enjoy their voices when they sang together but don't know what it would be like or for rep or debut. Or it could just be okay..like the Gracie one so who knows. I would also love Soccer Mommy on debut since she covered a debut song and she's from Nashville. She toured with the National so maybe Taylor knows who she is and that would make me very happy. What about you?
What do you think of the possibility of rep being announced or released pretty soon this year? There's a lot of theories about it being announced possibly today actually. Part of me thinks she wouldn't release it for a while but part of me also thinks she would wanna release it before tour is over. I don't know how I feel about debut but I doubt they would be released this soon cuz we got a new album this year. I have no idea anymore though honestly. She also could release while she is on a break from tour next month so it's hard to know. That's what she did with TTPD. What do you think?
Soccer Mommy also just announced her new album yesterday and I am very excited for it! It's called Evergreen and comes out in October. I actually think this album will be a little different for her..like more mellow which I was saying reminded me a bit of Folklore. Now with the name..it also reminds me of Evermore too and I love that connection so much. It could be her version of a fall album which also reminds me of Red and the name having green in the title and green is my favorite color. I know that's irrelevant to the meaning but it was funny cuz it reminded me of Red. I totally recommend her music. I will listen to Clairo today and give my opinion but I like what I've heard so far. What else have you been listening to? Sorry if I forgot anything but as always I hope you are doing well and have a lovely weekend!
it's totally fine to send things in parts! don't stress about it my friend 🤍
and yes! happy to explain notebook to you, although i will be able to do a better job after i see it again — do you mind if we wait a few weeks and then i get back to you on the notebook! i have cried at many a show! i am a crier! i cry at everything! i was actually talking to my friend allison tonight about that; the shows i've cried the most at were waitress, and ragtime for sure. but waitress even more so (which means ... seeing it in san francisco in january with two of my best friends — who don't know each other — is going to be a fun way to start off a trip). i've cried at cinderella. for no reason at all. i think it'd be easier to name a show that didn't make me cry haha. it's just ... the magic of theatre! that being said ... i did not cry when i saw les mis on tour last year, so do with that what you will!
i hope you're enjoying your reads! i meant to reread funny story once it came out and still haven't, but maybe i'll get to that soonish. i do think that both of them are very, very tropey and i hope you're enjoying it! what are some of your favorite tropes? ever summer after is very much like the summer i turned pretty, but with older characters, so i'm curious to see how it does! i didn't realize it was being turned into a tv show! did you see the people we meet on vacation casting? do you have thoughts? i really liked emily in my lady jane, and i'm keeping an open mind on tom, since i haven't actually seen him in anything except for tiktok fancams and tumblr gifsets haha. he's a sweetheart though (we have mutual friends) and i'm happy for his success!
happy happy august!!!! i hope your august is going great! you're seeing 21p at the end of the month, right? i can't wait to hear about it! i don't know if i'll be around much at the end of the month since i'll be in new york but know that i'll be thinking of you and i will be seeing things on my phone (just probably not responding, since i hate typing long messages on my phone) if you want to send in a concert review 🥺! oh noah on debut would be so fun!! i would actually really love that! i'd also like kacey musgraves, or maggie rogers on debut! i was listening to halsey earlier today (i was spinning badlands on vinyl) and was thinking of how cool a halsey rep feature or 1989 feature would be! i've heard of soccer mommy but haven't done a discography dive in! but now that you've mentioned them, i'll check them out 🤍
did you see that maisie and holly are opening for taylor? 🥺🥺🥺 i'm so proud of my girls but also terrified for what their future concerts will be like haha. i've been seeing a LOT of rep theories and i do think the easter egg/clowners have a point but i also wonder if she'd do the same thing (announce a recording on tour) twice. personally i'd want her to wait until after tour, but i do see why she'd want to release it on tour. i just think that her (and ttpd) are everywhere and it'd be good for there to be a break haha.
i didn't know green is your favorite color! pink is mine, although i don't think that's going to be much of a shock! i was also spinning clairo's immunity on vinyl today! i feel like i've just been listening to a lot of my usuals (maisie, holly, sabrina, gretta ray — have we talked about gretta ray? i love her! highly recommend her!) and then musicals! musicals galore! a lot of sondheim 🤍 and a lot of olivia rodrigo in preparation for my concert tomorrow, and the japanese house for the concert i'm going to next week! eeeee!
hope you're doing well! thinking of you and sending hugs!
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io-realityspecialist · 3 months
First things first, I don’t know who made the image in the banner. If any of y’all know, let me know so I can give them credit.
Now for the actual introduction. Sorry that this is a mile long:
What this is
I’m basically analyzing different collaboration skins in Fortnite and giving my opinion on whether or not they make sense in the game from a lore standpoint. I know that there’s always some stretch from the lore to the gameplay but some of these are stretched too far.
Why I Started this Blog
Fortnite is well known for it’s crossovers. It’s part of the reason why the game is as popular as it is today.
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It’s not the first game to do crossovers but it is one of the first major ones to have so many of them from so many different franchises. Other games like Call of Duty, Fall Guys, and strangely Overwatch 2 have followed in its footsteps. But in a game with so many, a few of them might be bad.
I feel like Fortnite overdoes collabs these days and because of that it doesn’t really have much of its own identity. In the older days it actually fit in and made sense, these days it’s just fanservice and/or promo. It feels less like an organic introduction of familiar characters into a new world and more like a company collecting intellectual properties to try and keep their game relevant. I think that’s why they call them “collabs” instead of “crossovers”. They’re collaborations between Epic Games and whatever the other franchises parent company is. They do them so often they’re not special anymore. Whether or not they make sense doesn’t say anything about the quality of the skins. The artists at Epic do a really good job with their designs. They have several iconic original characters such as Fishstick, Peely, Midas, Meowscles, Meowskulls, Dr. Sloan, Brite Bomber, and Jonesy. If they focused more on them, they’d have more of their own identity. If I think any of your favorite skins don’t make sense, no offense, I imagine a lot of these are fun to play in game. My main skin was Catwoman and she didn’t make a lot of sense. But most of the time, it doesn’t actually feel like you’re playing as like Superman or the Hulk, it feels like you’re just playing as people that look like them. That’s why they don’t treat it as that big of a deal even though Marvel and DC characters are officially in the same game. I feel like Fortnite is trying to do a Ready Player One thing and homogenize all media. They kind of want to do everything as shown by the Lego, Concert, and Race mode. You want to play a survival game, don’t play Minecraft, play Fortnite. You want a band game, don’t play guitar hero or rock band, play Fortnite. You want a racing game, don’t play Mario Kart or Forza, play Fortnite. Even before all that there was a gamemode that was basically just 3D Among Us. It was such a blatant rip-off that Epic eventually had to give them credit for that mode. Disney buying Epic also supports this and the implications can be scary.
There’s no lore issue as the game takes place on an island near the Zero Point, the origin of all creation in the Omniverse. The Omniverse contains all fiction and our world. The biggest factors are whether or not the characters fit in with the tone, if u can see them using multiple types of weapons, and if it doesn’t contradict the lore of the original story. I’ll also consider if they fit alongside the original characters. I’m not gonna immediately dismiss all the historical characters or others that don’t have access to guns in their world as there are medieval and samurai original characters in the game, so these things don’t matter as much. I’ll try to think about if they’d use guns if they had access to them. I’ll include the characters, if they do or don’t, or only sort of make sense and the reasons for that. In the ones that don’t make sense, I’ll recommend different games where it makes more sense and you feel more like that character or the character is better represented if not playable. That last thing is just for game recommendations.
Examples of characters that wouldn’t fit:
Characters from dark and/or realistic franchises
Characters that only use one type of weapon or none at all
Characters that have powers/equipment that go unused, or act out of character in any way (especially if including them would make the game unbalanced)
Characters who’s inclusion would take away from the game or their original story
At the end of the day, this blog is just a place for me to ramble and over analyze fictional characters. It’s not meant to be taken ultra-seriously. I’m mostly doing this cause I’m bored and I don’t know how often I’ll upload. Please enjoy.
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hotarutranslations · 6 months
New Life
My Birthday Event DVD is on sale❤️
Applications Here →April 26th 11:59PM Deadline
DVD "Morning Musume '24 Ishida Ayumi Birthday Event DVD"
I didn't mention it but its April,
Those who are starting a new life, how are you spending your days🌸
Congratulations on your new life
Being in a position to welcome and teach new people, For those whose roles have changed, You may be experiencing that at this time, right!
Thank you for your hard work
If you work so hard from the start, Are there times when you start to feel a bit tired🫣💫
Being tired is proof that you're working hard, right, thats admirable
Things like, since its a new year something has changed… Its not within my activities but,
For Morning Musume '24, This spring tour, is our first tour with our new system, right
Moreover we've only done it for 2 weeks so far
We had tight rehearsals, Spending time with the 13 of us, everyone is purely cool now,
It feels like, its like this now! already exists🏅
Really, thank you very much, to everyone who is watching over and supporting us😌🩵
Tomorrow, and the day after is Aichi!! 4 performances in Maria's hometown!!
Look forward to it🩷
We have announced our 3rd collab with Aoyama Clothing-san💙
Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
I'm happy💙
In the 1st one we had a dance video project🕺
The 2nd was titled Freshers, It was towards supporting new students and works towards their new life🪽
And now this 3rd time is full of projects,
🏅Skeletal Diagnosis Introducing Special Coordinates By Bone Structure (It was the first time I was diagnosed but its amazing its out in the world)
🏅Sakurai Rio Designed T-shirts on sale (by the way they're very comfortable)
🏅#nechinfilm Stylebook distribution (They are really wonderful photos)
🏅Every Friday A Video Will Be Released! (they're like, if you were in the same workplace as us)
🏅Tour Final Ticket Present Campaign
There is a lot! Its amazing, right! Thank you to everyone who went to the store right away!
How is everyone's suits~
I'm happy that my jacket really suits me🤭 That's what I was told🤭 lol
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BEYOOOOONDS's Yamazaki Yuhane-chan, has announced she will be graduated from her group to go towards a new path
When we were doing the winter concert together,
In "Koshi Tanta Turn" (there are a lot of Yuhane highlights but within them) when Yuhane says "doobie dooba", there was a day I was particularly charmed by it like, Cool!, when I told her her joy was really cute but, Its only 1 word within the song, Even then, as one word…! I can super remember it, its cool🫶🏻
With what Yuhane has decided on next from now on, and with everyone in BEYOOOOONDS from now on,
I hope that you'll have a future surrounded by wonderful people🫶🏻
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! Mei-chan's Holiday. Adventure World with Oda-san and Ishida-san
see you ayumin <3
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synestheticwanderings · 10 months
Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag @ohmyoverland 💙 If I know you irl from when I first made this blog a very long time ago, no you don't.
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 17
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 67,977
3. What fandoms do you write for? Lockwood & Co. 💀⚔
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
can't leave the night, my very first fic, shared nightmare/shared bed fic, Locklyle. Lockwood has been sneaking up to the attic after the events of The Creeping Shadow to make sure Lucy’s really home safe at Portland Row. One night, he’s finally caught.
flooded, established Locklyle smut, kink exploration, absolutely no pandas allowed.
sick of this lonely air/designed for me, sequel to can’t leave the night, Lockwood and Lucy refuse to talk about their feelings, but they finally get to the good part (also not safe for pandas)
sugar in my tea After four months away, Lucy asks Lockwood if he wants sugar in his tea. This breaks his heart.
paint your palette blue and grey, Locklyle art buyer AU, After a long hiatus, Lucy Carlyle exhibits her paintings at Fittes Gallery under a pseudonym. Before the show even opens, a mysterious collector buys all of her work. The evening of the opening, she encounters Anthony Lockwood, a dashing new buyer on the Detroit art scene. Things get off to a rocky start.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oooh that's hard, but probably lavender haze, my pre-canon Kippsfic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most people would probably say paint your palette blue and grey? But I’m going to say Knave of Clubs (Wildcard), because Carlyle & Skull 💀
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, and I'd say it runs the gamut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nah.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I just did my first collab! It’s still unpublished, but I can’t wait for people to read it.
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? All-time, all-time? Probably Merthur or Elizabeth/Darcy. L&Co? I’m a Skullyle girlie.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I’m going to be very sad if I don't finish my Hadestown AU, but my Moulin Rouge AU will probably die in the outline.
15. What are your writing strengths? I can pack a lot into very little space. I’d say I’m pretty good at last lines.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Volume and incorporating prose into my dialogue. I can do prose, I can do dialogue, God forbid I try to do them both at once.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I’d write it in English and get a native speaker to translate for me.
18. First fandom you wrote for? Does my elementary school Voldemort POV count? (This probably says a lot about me.)
19. Favorite fic you’ve written? Safe for pandas: there’s no such thing as one true love, A multiple soulmate AU featuring Locklyle, Skullyle, Lucy/Norrie. There’s stuff I’d change if I wrote it now, but I’m still very proud of it. Not safe for pandas: where the wind sighs, Skullyle
No pressure tags @justice-for-skull @hailqiqi @cats-and-metersticks
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