#one of my dads old work friends gave them to him and quite simply
lucifer-kane · 3 months
ppl on this site love that post saying macarons are bad but quite simply i had two fresh orange/chocolate and dark chocolate ones each today and quite simply i wish i could have more. im obsessed
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scekrex · 4 months
Adam wasn’t killed like everyone thought. Lucifer’s son aka Charlie’s little brother m!reader took him in and healed him. Charlie lets the new sinner Adam stay in the hotel after her brother begged since she loves her sweet brother so much. Adam never seen a demon so hot and falls for the reader. They’ve been secretly messing around and Luci ends up walking in on them.
Okay to clarify: Charlie in this fic is over 200 years old - reader is one year younger than her. Which makes him way younger than Adam is but I assume almost every person this man has fucked with in heaven is way younger than him
Part 2
And when his edges soften, his body is my coffin
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, sexual tension
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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You knelt next to the tall angel, your hands kept pressing the shirt you had been wearing moments ago tightly against his wounds while the golden blood that had already formed a puddle around the first man stained your pants - not that you really cared. Your focus was on the dying soul in front of you. Yes Adam had been awful, yes Adam deserved to die, but on the other hand it simply didn’t sit right with you to let him die that easily, for you it felt purely wrong to give up on his tainted soul without even trying. And just as you were about to cry out for help in panic, Adam started to breathe.
Your big sister, your father and their friends had worked quite hard to rebuild the hotel and just as the last light of it flickered to life, Adam took his first breath. “Y/N?” Lucifer’s voice called out for his youngest son right before he spotted you kneeling next to Adam. With slow, heavy steps he walked over to you and the first man, suspiciously eyeing what you were doing but when the king of Hell saw how the brunette’s chest visibly pumped blood and air through his body, he looked quite shocked. “Dad, he’s alive,” your voice sounded happy, excited even and yet so broken - Lucifer didn’t move, he just stood there and watched. “We have to take him in, dad, he’s wounded.” The blonde king shook his head violently, snapping out of his haze as he processed your words slowly, then he shook his head in a softer manner - this time he used it to respond to what you’ve just said, “Nuh, no~no~no~oh, we’re not taking him in.”
Charlie appeared behind the king of Hell, your older sister - she was only one year older than you - put down a gentle hand on his shoulder, “But dad, he’s a human souls just like the other residents and as much as I hate the thought of living with him, the concept of this hotel is all about redemption, maybe Adam can redeem himself too.” And while Lucifer didn’t admit it out loud, he knew his children were right, a defeated sigh left his body and he lowered his head. The blonde was not willing to put up a fight with either you nor Charlie so he simply gave in. He always had the option to kick the first man out if he would not be willing to redeem his soul after all.
It had taken Adam a while to regain his strength, it had taken him even longer to accept that his angels had left him and that he was doomed to rot in Hell - though he kept telling you and the other residents that soon Sera would look for him and send Lute. But Sera never mentioned Adam in any of the meetings she held with Lucifer and Lute had not been back to Hell ever since she thought she had seen her best friend die. Not even during extermination day. But on the other hand that had forced the first man to get used to his new environment and while Vaggie was just as amused to have the brunette roaming their halls as Lucifer, Angel seemed to actually enjoy the first man’s company - even though most of their conversations were about the bitches Adam had slept with in heaven.
But you were without a doubt the demon he got along with the best, not only did you like the music he was playing, you also seemed to understand him without ever going through something similar, yet the two of you connected. The bond between you and Adam had grown strong, so strong that the brunette had you pressed against your bedroom wall, kissing your lips over and over again as his wings framed your sides - a habit he had picked up in Heaven to prevent people from staring. His lips didn’t remain on your lips though, he was eager to shower your entire body in kisses and he was determined to keep going until that goal was reached.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, gently nudging Adam to signal the former angel to give you some space. “Lemme just-” you grumbled as you took off your shirt, throwing it somewhere where it wouldn’t bother you and as soon as the soft fabric was no longer covering your skin, the brunette was on you in an instant, his hot mouth was mapping out your body like it was the most beautiful thing he ever touched, his tongue circled your nipple. And then a loud banging noise appeared right behind him and when you peeked over Adam’s shoulder you froze. Your father was standing in the door frame, just as shocked as you were. “Adam,” you mumbled quietly, trying to get the taller male to notice the king of Hell. But the angel shielding your body from your father’s eyes simply grinned against your skin as he responded, “Why don’t you moan louder for me, babes?”
Lucifer cleared his throat quite loudly and it was just then and there that Adam noticed the blonde king. His body stopped moving immediately and he just stared at you with a blank expression on his face. When a small hand reached for his upper arm to spin the angel around, Adam was sure he was gonna die - there was simply no way Lucifer would let that slide.
As soon as Adam looked down on the king, he awkwardly grinned down on the blonde, trying to charm his way out of the situation - not that his bullshit worked on Lucifer and before he knew it Lucifer’s fist collided with his face.
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slutouttanowhere · 5 months
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Pairing: Drew McIntyre x Desiree Simons™️
Warnings: work drama, toxic behavior, unprotected sex, light sub and dom switching, denied orgasam. NSFW, minors dni
a/n: hello beautiful heathens, normies, and Drew fans . I know it’s been quite a while since I updated this story, if you’ve been following me then you’d know I’ve been quite busy lol. There seems to be a one shot in particular y’all liked a lot, it’s in my master list if you’re curious. Buckle up because this chapter finally gets into a bit of drama, and spiciness. Some things in our past do come back to haunt us don’t they? Desiree Simons is my oc check out my pinned post for more on her. Likes and reblogs are highly appreciated, and follow me for more.
Chapter 3: Alley Cat
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Wednesday afternoon
Somehow, Shawn roped me into coming down to the PC, and lending a helping hand to some of the younger talent. What I didn't know was that there would be others from the main roster there as well; Sheamus, Xavier, Mercedes, and to my dismay Mandy all stood around chit chatting waiting for the training to start. “Good to see ya kid, how's the old man?” Shawn greeted me with a warm side hug, then patted me on the head, and I was transported to the five year old girl gushing with adoration over The Heartbreak Kid backstage. The only time my dad allowed me to run rampant. I usually gave all the stars hell, whenever it seemed like I was about to get in trouble Shawn, and Hunter would back me up like cool uncles.
“Are you referring to my father…or yourself?” I joked, to which he let out a scoff holding his hand to his heart as if I shot him there. I held my own hand up to my lips feigning shock, but also to hide the grin on my lips, there’s not much you can say to Shawn to hurt his feelings. As we made our way towards the group, I caught the way Mandy looked at us. Envy settled deep within her eyes, I shifted my focus to my friends who sprung up to talk to me. Mercedes all but jumped into my arms, we hung out yesterday, but seeing as I’ve been gone for so long, five hours just simply wasn't long enough.
“Didn’t I just see you yesterday?” I asked playfully, her arm slung around my shoulder, and my arms wrapped loosely around her waist.
She shrugged her shoulders, “And how blessed you must feel to see me twice in one week.” She smiled smugly, I would have replied but Shawn clapped his hands together gathering our attention.
“Alright children, as you know there was a bit of a competition between you all to see who gets to partake in this mini bootcamp. Five NXT stars, and five WWE stars. Even though you all are here to take notes, and study the work from some of the main rosters finest, you’ll be partaking in the action as well. Think of it as a hands-on experience.” Shawn took a breath, as expected we were all hanging on his every word, because duh, it’s freakin’ Shawn Michelas.
“The first round will be our favorite drills.” He paused to let us all groan, and mumble complaints simultaneously. Just when I thought I’ve escaped those dreaded bump drills, I’m somehow brought right back to them years later.
“Oh yeah, that means you big shots as well, our turf, our rules.” He chortled playfully, but quickly got back on topic, he climbed into the ring, we all gathered around the apron giving our undivided attention. He had NXT run their drills first, they were amazing, and agile. They moved smoothly without a hitch, but when it was our turn, main roster, or ‘team retirement home’ Shawn so affectionately called us, I realized I had some work to do. Despite my internal complaints, I got through it fairly easily. Shawn paired us up to do more drills that he didn't think to mention thirty minutes ago, but it wasn't until we had to pair up, and demonstrate a cookie cutter, WWE factory made in ring scenarios, did the drama start.
“Here’s where the note taking part comes in, the main roster will demonstrate a variety of scenarios for you guys. Firstly, everyone’s favorite trope, good guy vs bad guy, and if I could get two volunteers.” Shawn had chuckled at my eagerness, my hand shot up, then I looked around seeing I was the only one. Mercedes snorted, “Try hard.” She mumbled under her breath, she playfully knocked her shoulder into mine.
“Oh good, we got one, Desiree, get in here kid.” I happily skipped over to the middle of the ring where he stood, looking very much like a father with his hands on his hips. He scratched his brow, then scouted the people left, and luckily for me he chose Mercedes. There isn't anyone I’d rather spar with more, she sauntered over to me with a haughty swagger.
“Sasha Banks, Desiree, who wants to be the bad guy?” He asked, looking between the two of us, a bemused expression on his face. I raised my hand, but Mercedes smacked it down.
“You wish you could be a bad guy.” She grinned, I scoffed causing everyone to chuckle, but no one defended me. I folded my arms over my chest, my eyebrows drawn together.
“I could totally be a bad guy, you’re just a bitch by design.” I argued back, I tried to fight the smile threatening to press against my lips. Shawn quietly instigated from the side, everyone else had already stepped out the ring.
“That’s Ms. bad bitch to you.” She quickly rebuttal not missing a beat, sassiness laced heavily in her tone. There was truth in our jokes, and as much as I hated to admit, she could turn on her attitude like a flip of a switch. If someone went low, I was taking it straight to hell, and there wasn’t an inbetween.
“Ha! Well, show us how it’s done ladies.” As soon as Shawn stepped out, Mercedes shoved me on the shoulders, and I was quick to return the favor. Considering we didn’t have any prep time, we’re doing our best to improve, so when she slapped me across the face, I was genuinely shocked. A course of “ohhh” rang from our audience, I grabbed her by the shoulders, and brought her into a tight lock up.
“Bet you’re awake now huh sunshine?” Mercedes taunted me, I tried to push forward and overpower her, but she stomped her foot down stopping me. With all her force she pushed me towards the ropes, and naturally my body relaxed so I could bounce off the top rope with ease. When I came running at her, she grabbed my arms, and Irish whipped me into the other side of the ring. Something, or someone had grabbed my ankle causing me to trip forward but Mercedes caught me before I fell. “Whoa, you okay?” Mercedes paused for a second, and helped me steady myself, I looked over my shoulder. My eyes scanned the onlookers, and while it could have been either one of them, the one who stood out to me the most was Mandy.
I could have sworn there was a flicker of deviousness in her eyes, I blinked and it was gone, and replaced with confusion. I shook my head, “Yea, just lost my footing..sorta. Let’s keep going.” Mercedes' gaze lingered at one me for a moment longer, but locked up with me again, we tousled for a while. We moved through various technical moves, all of which from Mercedes were explosive, and planted me every time. I gave her a good fight, as she went for a third pin I refused to give up, and now she was getting frustrated. This was usually where I excelled, one of the many things AJ Lee taught me was endurance.
“Stay down!” She screamed at me, her foot stomping my shoulder, I grunted then gripping my arm, and rolling away in pain. Mercedes shouted, “Some champion you are!” She taunted, our crowd booed her in response, and when I turned over on my shoulder to see her grinning at me I had to fight back my own smile. I crawled to the corner turnbuckles, and sluggishly hung off the second ropes, using them for support.
“Excellent selling, Desiree, you’re doing great ladies.” Shawn called to us from outside the ring, which only encouraged Mercedes more; she grabbed me by my braids, and pulled me back to the center of the ring. I started to give a bit of a fight back, but she beat me back down with forearms to the face. I laid there slumped as I leaned my back against her chest, my arms at my side. My chest rising and falling as I tried to suck in as much air as I could, and made sure to put on a good show.
She hooked her arm around my neck, roughly locking it in, and placing her hand on top of my head for good measure. I could feel her body weight leaning on me, I held my arms out trying to keep fighting. No matter how hard I tried to break out of her hold, she just wouldn’t give, but then I could hear our little crowd of people start to chant and clap for me. The energy fired me up, and I managed to get onto my knee, Mercedes still clung onto me. With all my strength being in my legs, and thighs I got up to one leg. The crowd started to buzz, as I’m sure none of them expected me to power out of this hold that way. Then I got up on my other leg, I was now squatting with Mercedes on my back, her legs came around my hips. I grabbed her thighs, and held onto her securely.
I stood up on my feet, letting out a warrior's cry, and fell backwards onto the mat, squashing Mercedes underneath me. “Ugh.” She groaned, the crowd cheered, and whistled for me. I went over to the ropes blowing kisses, and dusted off my shoulder feeling cocky. I turned to Mercedes who was struggling to get to her feet, I pulled her up by the shoulders, and hit her with a few punches. I hooked her arm around the back of my neck, then lifted her up vertically, and dropped her onto the mat planting her face first.
“Beautiful Falcon Arrow Des.” Shawn praised me, I rolled Mercedes onto her back, pinning down her shoulders. As Sheamus slapped the mat, and gave us the three count, my lips stretched into a broad, shining smile. I stood to my feet pulling Mercedes up with me, and she brought me into a tight hug.
“Wonderfully done ladies, they played their given roles perfectly. They decided to take a more technical approach to the start, but as a heel don’t be afraid to start things off dirty. Maybe rush your opponent by attacking them in between the ropes as they’ve entered, or even before the bell rings give a little cheap shot.” He paused for a moment to catch his breath, like earlier we hung on his every word, soaking up every bit of information he had to offer. Then, he continued. “The goal of the heel is to win by any means necessary, however Sasha did a great job at telling the story in a more physical aspect. She was rough, asserting her dominance, and manhandled Desiree. Desiree, as the face, did feel defeated at one point, but she let the crowd feed her. Listening to the crowd is very important, they control you, not the other way around. By the way, Des that was a beautiful power out, a wonderful display of power, and showing how the hero can prevail.” Everyone clapped, and slapped hands with Mercedes and I as we went into a quick break. I rolled out of the ring, to quickly jog over to my bag for water. I noticed Mandy a few inches away scrolling on her phone, but I didn’t say anything.
I figured if I just ignored her, she’d eventually leave me alone, but boy was I wrong. “That was a neat little party trick you did at the end there, wonder where you got that from?” Mandy snipped at me, I turned towards her, and she was fully facing me. Her arms folded, lips pursed, and her eyebrow raised. An accusatory expression etched across her tanned face.
I continued sucking down my water for a moment longer, at this point I hoped she just came out with why she had such a hostility towards me so we could get this over with. “What?” I chuckled, but my heart was pounding. The anticipation of the argument is killing me.
“That move you did at the end, I created that, and I’ve been doing it since my indies days.” She explained, but I was still confused. I glanced down at her thighs. I know I wasn’t built like Trinity or Bianca, but I for damn sure could lift more off my thighs than Mandy.
“Crazy of you to assume I watch you that closely, girl I don’t even think about you…like at all.” I switched the weight from one hip to the other, my hands opening and closing. I could feel my face twisting into a grimace, but my tone of voice was cool.
“No, you don’t think about me, but I know Drew still does.” My voice caught in my throat, all I could do was blink, because as much as I wanted to laugh that comment off, something in my gut told me it was at least partially true.
I took a few steps forward getting into her personal space, though her eyelids widened, she didn’t back down. “Your…services are no longer needed. Thanks for keeping the bed warm while I was gone hoe.” I said, smiling all the while, her nostrils flared, but I’m sure this hurt me more than it did her. I refused to show any signs of weakness though, but later, much later I will be crying about this.
“If it happened once, it’ll happen again, Drew seems to be a creature of habit. And there’s nothing you can do about it.” She whirled her finger around in my face, then touched the top of my nose teasingly. That was enough to finally piss me off, I snatched her hand roughly, and twisted her arm up behind her back.
“Hey hey, knock it off!” Shawn shouted, and I usually respect his dad voice, however, I was feeling irate at the moment.
“Try it if you want to bitch, you could never be me.” I growled in her ear, I was angry enough to rip her arm off, but fortunately for us both people were already pulling us apart. Mercedes and Xavier tried to hold onto me, but I squirmed around trying to free myself. Carmelo held onto Mandy.
Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her face pinched up into an expression of anger, “You bitch! You don’t deserve anything.” Her voice broke, and the tears wouldn’t stop.
“Don’t fucking play with me, I’ll slap the dog shit outta you!” I didn’t give a damn about any of those tears, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, and the next time she tried me I bet she’ll think twice. Mercedes’ grip on my arms tightened refusing to let me go she’s never seen me get this upset before.
“Separate them now, I want Desiree in my office, and Mandy, walk it off.” Shawn pressed his lips together, he stood in between both of us, and watched closely as Mandy was walked out of the Performance Center.
We made the king trudge to Shawn’s office in silence, we I was silent, Xavier and Mercedes were trying to talk to me, but I wouldn’t budge. Finally fed up with being ignored, Mercedes grabbed me by the arm, and turned me to face her.
“Don’t shut us out Dee, you know you can talk to us about anything.” Mercedes grabbed my wrist, her tone tender. My lips parted to speak, but Shawn’s voice over spoke loudly from a few feet away.
“I’ll take it from here guys, Billy’s gonna over take training, and no matter how many times he asks, do not bring up what just happened.” He warned giving the younger stars a stern look, the both of them silently agreeing, and gave me a pat on the back on the way by.
He then turned his attention to me, a disappointed expression etched across his face, he sighed heavily. “Now, what to do with you.” I had no idea what he was thinking, especially with his cowboy hat partially covering his eyes, but I hoped for the best as I stepped to the side to move out of his way. He unlocked the door to his office, and allowed me to walk in first like a gentleman. Then I took a seat in the chair in front of his desk, I took my time to look around the office as I’ve never been in here before. There were of course the obligatory posters of DX on both sides of the room; one poster with just Shawn and Hunter, and the other with the whole gang. By the time I swept the whole room, and came back around to Shawn, his eyes were already on me.
“You know who I’m seeing, looking at you right now?” He asked, I didn’t answer, instead I remained quiet. My heart was ringing in my ears, and now that I’ve calmed down more, I realized how ridiculous it was to pick a fight with Mandy.
“I see seven year old Desiree Simons who just tricked Big Show out of twenty dollars, and is now running to me for help. Because obviously you couldn’t let your old man know what you’ve been up to, though I think now would be a great time to key him in on all of your recent events.” Shawn’s lips pulled upward into a smile as he watched my face morph into a look of horror.
“He doesn’t even work for the company anymore, what’s the point of calling him?” I argued, mortified at the thought of my dad catching a flight to where I am, and popping up when I least expected it.
“Oh I know that, but I have a gut feeling that me letting you off with a warning won’t be good enough. I personally feel the need to bust out the big guns.” A smirk plastered to his face, he was joking, but I knew he’d actually do it if he had to. I felt betrayed, so much for our vow to never snitch.
“No, no, I’ll take a warning!” I shouted nearly popping out of my chair, to which he busted out into laughter. He leaned back in his seat holding his stomach, he sobered up after a moment, and then he got serious again.
“Is it something you want to talk about? It’s not like you, to start fights, you just got back off a year long recovery kid, and already you’re stirring up drama.” He waited for my reply, his hands clasped together on top of his desk, and his eyes searching mine.
I inhaled deeply, “Maybe, I’m a bit on edge since I’ve been away…a little insecure I guess.” I mumbled, I was too embarrassed to mention who Mandy and I were arguing over.
Shawn scratched his beard like a wise old mange, he thought about his own reply, his eyebrows drew together. A pensive expression on his face. “Desiree, being away from the camera doesn’t make you forgetable, not having passion, and desire is what can make you forgetable. See what I did there?” I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, I pulled my knees up to my chest, and rested my chin on my kneecaps. There were so many thoughts going through my head, and often compressing myself helped to slow things down.
“I know it’s hard, trust me if there’s anyone around here that knows what it’s like to let the pressure get to you, it’s me. Now I’m no therapist, but you gotta get all those thoughts outta you, talk about it to someone, anyone. When you bottle it all up, ya end up putting someone in a chicken wing.” Another wise word from Shawn Michaels, but not without the comedy of course. He was right, no matter how much Mandy gets on my mother fucking nerves, I shouldn’t have put my hands on her.
“Thanks for going easy on me.” I smiled sheepishly, bringing my legs down, and inhaling air deeply into my lungs. Now I felt calmer than I did, and thanks to Shawn shifting my perception, I had a more positive outlook on my current journey here in the WWE.
“Don’t take it for granted, I do have old Ron Simons number on speed dial kid.” He grinned, then stood up from his desk, and I mirrored his movements standing from my seat as well. He clapped his hand on my shoulder, and in combination with the hair ruffling, it transported me back to my kid self again.
Before I left the office, I had to tell him just once, “I’m happy you’re still around Shawn.” I said as I stood in between the threshold of the doorway, he seemed a bit taken aback by my statement. His eyes were glossy, but he blinked it away.
“Duh, who else is gonna bail you out?” He rolled his eyes, his office phone began to ring, pulling his attention away from me. He smiled apologetically, “Hate to cut it short Des, but this old man does have business to handle. Stay out of trouble.” He waved me goodbye one last time, before sending me on my way.
Our conversation wasn't long, but it was needed. That was the first time I admitted, out loud to someone other than my cats, how the recovery was affecting me internally. Today it blew up in my face, while it was perfectly normal for me to be upset, but I don’t pride myself on resorting to any unnecessary violence. Especially with someone so insignificant as Mandy, the training seemed to be over for the day. The only people left hanging around were Mercedes. She sat in the middle of the ring, a bored expression on her face as she doom scrolled through her phone.
“Jail wasn’t as bad as I thought.” I joked, I hopped up on the apron of the ring, and took a seat. She smiled at me, the corners of her lips turning up ever so slightly.
“Never took you for an alley cat, but this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve surprised me DeeDee.” Mercedes sat next to me, our shoulders touching, but neither one of us spoke. My watch buzzed several times. I glanced down to see Drew had been texting me earlier, but the training held my attention.
“Apparently I stole her move, and she was mad about it.” I said, my tone nonchalant, and my eyes staring straight ahead at nothing in particular. It all sort of blurred together.
Mercedes turned to me, I could see the confusion on her face in my peripheral. “What?” She chuckled. I spared myself the embarrassment of telling her the other half of the argument, the last thing I wanted to hear was a lecture from Ms. Bad Bitch.
“Exactly my reaction, but it’s whatever though I’ll handle her at a different time.” I laughed, she watched me with a weary expression, her eyes squinting at me, and I suddenly felt nervous under her gaze.
“Was that all? Because you was about ready to knock her head off.” She turned to me sitting on her knees, her lips pressed into a thin line, and her arms folded. It was slightly intimidating, but I stood my ground.
“Yes, that’s all, I swear.” I lied, I couldn’t take her scrutiny, so I stood up, stretching my arms. She followed my lead getting to her feet, she parted her lips to say something but decided against it fortunately for me. We climbed out of the ring, and I made sure to gather my things that were left on the apron.
“Alright, I’ll let it go, for now.” She sighed in a defeated tone, she smiled, and held her arms out to me. I pulled her into a hug, we squeezed each other tightly before letting go. We walked out the Performance Center with our arms looped together talking about our sparring match, and making plans to hang out later in the week. We said our last goodbyes with another tight hug, then headed off in our separate directions.
By the time I got home, showered, and changed my clothes, I was exhausted. I was thankful for being in Florida this week, even if you get used to sleeping in hotels, nothing beats the feeling of sleeping in your own bed. I plopped down on the couch in the living room, and instantly Andrew and Sadie came to cuddle underneath me. Sadie being the neediest, buried her body between my arms, happily purring all the while. Andrew however, sat next to me, snuggly at my side, and happily made biscuits out of the couch.
I looked at my phone, scrolling through the endless list of text messages, a few from April, which is shocking because she doesn't text me all that often. Mainly because she knows I don't always have a chance to respond in an appropriate amount of time, but also because she likes to talk on the phone. I, however, despise phone conversations.
2:30 pm April: Why did Mercedes tell me you got into a fight?
2: 35 pm April: Are you okay?
2:40 pm April: Did you get in trouble?
I let out a breath of hair, then made a note to text her back later. If I forgot to do that, I’m sure she’ll blow up my phone some more. Then I opened Drew’s messages.
8:00 am Drew: get your ass up, we’re going for a walk
10:50 am Drew: hey wanna get breakfast? My treat.
3:15 pm Drew: call me later when you get a chance.
I felt bad for not going on that walk with him this morning, I texted him back in my head, but clearly that message hadn’t translated into my phone. The phone barely rang three times before he answered, the volume of his tv turned down before he spoke. “Okay so you’re not dead, nor have you been kidnapped.” He said half heartedly, though there was a genuine worried undertone in his voice, and I don't blame him. I’m usually very consistent with texting back. But today it just slipped me, especially after that little spat with Mandy. I grimaced at the thought of her, and my expression only deepened when I remembered the original reason I called him in the first place.
“Hey, can you come over?” I mumbled, tears rolled down my checks, and onto my sweater. My throat felt restricted, and my heart began to skip, every part of me wanted to crawl into the deepest hole. Drew hadn’t said anything yet, knowing him, he’s racking his brain trying to decipher why I sounded like I’m dying.
“Of Course sweetheart, want me to bring you anything? He asked softly, I could hear the jingle of keys, and shuffling on his side of the phone. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand, inhaling deeply, I tried to gather myself.
“Mmm, maybe chicken nuggets.” My voice cracked, giving me away, but it’s not like I tried very hard to hide my emotions today.
“Shit.” He cursed under his breath, “Just stay where you are, I’m leaving the hotel right now okay?”
I nodded my head, “Okay.” He didn't hang up the phone, I could hear his engine roar to life, and the sound of the city streets. About half an hour passed by the time he finally made it to my house, the doorbell rang, and the cats perked up from the sound. I could see Drew’s large tall frame from my side of the stained glass door, pulling it open, and stepping back so he could come in. I closed the door behind him, Drew made his way into the kitchen to set the food on the counter, and Sadie followed quickly, now interested in the large man that just entered our home.
“Des, I got you the usual six piece spicy nuggets, and a fruit punch juice.” He said, upon entering the kitchen, Andrew was being more vocal than usual, practically singing to Drew. He turned on his back, puring, and meowing. Drew, not one to turn down the attention of a fur-baby, scratched Andrew’s chin, and rubbed his belly gently. Sadie pawed my ankle, she didnt wanna be left out, so when I bent to reach for her, she leapt into my arms with ease.
“Thanks…” I trailed off, I wasn't sure how to start this conversation, or if I should even bring it up at all anymore. The anger I had earlier has long since vanished, but I was still upset about it. That bitch tried to embarrass me, and who knows what else she’s been saying, or laughing about behind my back, meanwhile Drew knew this the whole time and didn’t even tell me.
“Did you and Mandy fuck?” I asked, cutting straight to the point, he slowly turned his attention away from Andrew, and onto me. I stood next to him at the kitchen island, a good amount of space between us, but I wanted it that way. I didn't need him to distract me.
An expression of culpability washed over his face, but he met my furious glare head on. “Yes.” He answered, as big as he is in stature, he seemed to have shrunk just now. His shoulders slumped, hands at his sides, and strands of his hair had fallen into his face. “I’m guessing she told you?”
“She didn't just tell me, she rubbed it in my face, then proceeded to claim she could have you anytime she wanted.'' I explained. My hands balled into fist, the thought of that hussy all over Drew like she owned him, pissed me off all over again.
“That’s not true, not even in the slightest, I’d never go back to her now that–
“Now that I’m back to entertain you? Well what happens if I leave again? What then?” I argued cutting him off, which I knew pissed him off, and he was right on my heels when I turned to walk off.
“C’mon you don't honestly believe that do you? Desiree.” He begged, I whipped around stopping him mid stride, and causing us to nearly collide into each other, his eyes widened in shock.
“I don't know what to believe, you had me walking around that stank ass bitch looking stupid. Smiling in her face trying to be nice to her, and you had your dick all in her!” For once he was stumped, but he was quick to recover, talking so fast that his accent took over his vernacular. I barely understood him.
“We only had sex once! That was a year, and a half ago at this point, I didn't even finish on top of that. I couldn't finish, god it was so stupid.” He mumbled the last part, his voice dipping lower just then. “What you give me, I can't get from any other woman, and I know that now.” Drew McIntyre, 6’5 275 lbs, is on his knees, in the middle of my living room. Begging for my forgiveness, his arms wrapped around my hips, and his face pressed to my stomach. A hot ass mess.
I rolled my eyes, “Please get up Drew, you're a grown man.” I breathed heavily, he put more of his weight onto me, he had an iron grip around my hips.
“Does that mean you forgive me?” He asked, a hopeful look on his face, and his bottom lip poked out.
“I’ll think about it.” I mumbled, my arms crossed over my chest, and my nose turned upwards, he let out a defeated breath, reluctantly he let go of me. Standing to his feet once again, he went over to the kitchen, shooed the cats away, who had snuck back into the kitchen, and had begun to sniff the plastic food bag. He brought it into the living room where I had plopped down onto the sofa, my legs folded together, and my elbow digging into my thigh holding up my head as I surfed the channels on the tv I barely watched.
There still was one thing that bothered me, “Why didn’t you just tell me? At least a heads up, this was the worst surprise of all time, it was embarrassing, and the worst part was I reacted violently.”
“You what?” He looked up at me, shock evident in his eyes, he stood up from his kneeling position, then I took him by the hand, and led him over to the sofa. I didn't sit too close still wanting to have my own space, he noticed it, but did not speak on it.
“Today Shawn Michaels had me and some others from the main roster do some sort of a wrestlers digest for the NXT kids.” I said rolling my eyes, I was ready to put the whole day behind me, but since I brought it up, I decided to continue on. Drew came and sat beside me, he had kicked off his shoes, and was sitting with one of his legs tucked under the other. I offered him a chicken nugget, but he declined.
“Anyways, it was going pretty okay, but then afterwards Mandy just ripped into me. First, she accused me of stealing her drop move, which I did not because what the fuck does that bitch thinks she can teach me?” I explained as I munched away, abstinemindly Drew massaged Sadie’s head, while Andrew snuggled next to my thigh.
“Then she’s all like, ‘Drew thinks about me all the time’ and then she was like ‘And I’ll do it again if I want to’ ugh I should have strangled her.” It hadn’t occurred to me that I was gripping the Wendy's bag until Drew’s large hands wrapped around my wrist.
Drew hooked his finger underneath my chin, and gently turned my face back to him, his gray-blue irises looked like a stormy sky. His eyebrows drawn together, he said, “She never took me away from you.” He declared, I stared into his eye trying to find a flicker of dishonesty, or regret. All I could see was sincerity, and shame, the pain in my chest soothed as the minutes went by. I closed my eyes focusing on my breathing, finally I made my decision, no longer upset with him, and Mandy long forgotten, I launched myself onto Drew’s side of the sofa. My arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, and my face nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
A strong stent of tea tree mint wafted into my nostrils, my lips turned upward into a smile for the first time today. Just as he was wrapping his arms around my waist I pulled back, “Are you still washing your hair with the same hair company I recommend?”
“Of course, why would I change it?” His lips curled into a playful grin, my fingers played with his soft, dark hair. He never let it get too long, he usually kept it trimmed at his shoulders. His hands crept underneath my sweater top, caressing my skin, slowly moving up, and down my back. I startled his waist, my knees on either side of his thighs, and I stood up on my knees so that I now towered over him.
“I love seeing you like this, so fucking beautiful.” He breathed, a dark sensation washed over me, and I was suddenly in the mood. My fingers gripped his hair with authority, and pulled his head back. Drew let out a deep groan, his nails digging into my flesh, but the stinging sensations sent a tingle down my spine and right between my legs. “I liked it when you begged me, you should do it more often.” I whispered, my lips just barely touched his, and when he tried to move his head to meet me halfway, I yanked his hair.
“Relax sweetheart.” I teased, I trailed kisses down his neck, licking, and sucking his skin as I went. His body melted under my lips, I pulled his shirt over his head, and continued to pepper kisses across his broad chest.
When I get past his belly button he starts to make a fuss, “We don’t have to–
“Don’t speak unless I say so, you deserve this.” I snapped at him, Drew’s lips pressed together agreeing to be compliant. I understood that he could physically overpower me if he wanted, and since he didn’t I continued to play.
“Look at where acting like a slut got you, right back to me.” I traced the line of hair that ran from his bellybutton, and disappeared underneath his jeans. The hairs across his chest, and stomach were soft. Such a drastic difference than when we first met, he was damn near hairless.
“Take off your jeans.” I ordered him, nearly jumping up off the sofa, and doing what was told. The cats had long since abandoned us, and my food had gotten cold as it sat half eaten on the glass coffee table. He kicked his jeans off, “briefs too cowboy.” I teased, he was hasty with his movements not wanting to waste a second, I patted his spot where he was sitting. “Sit.” My voice dropped to a whisper, I moaned out upon seeing his semi hardened cock. It was thicker than I remembered, fat even, it flopped around as he got back into a comfortable sitting position. The sound of his flesh slapping against flesh made my pussy tingle with desire.
He reached his hand down to wrap around himself but I smacked his hand away, a look of annoyance flashed in his eyes. “Oh I know that’s not an attitude?” I folded my arms over my chest, daring him to challenge me, but he didn’t move off the couch.
“Desiree please—
I cut him off before he could continue, “Do it again.” I smirked, my heart beating excitedly, I was getting a rush of adrenaline from the power I was feeling.
“Say…please.” I mocked in a melodic voice, I sat perched on my knees beside him, I placed my hand on his thigh. His eyes slid closed, I leaned in, tucked his hair behind his ear, and softly kissed the tip of his ear. “I hate to have to ask twice.” I whispered huskily, my hand crept up his thigh, and up to his lower stomach. He still didn’t give, his eyelids snapped open, they sparkled with defiance. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter.
“Always thought you were more of a brat than me but that's fine.” I shrugged, my hand ghosted over his tip, I watched his face closely as I gently swiped the pre-cum off with my index finger. He watched as I brought my finger up to my lips, flicking my tongue out, and licking the stickiness off. I licked my hand, then reached down again, this time gripping his dick in my palm; not too tightly, but just the way he liked.
“Shit, please, I just need to feel you. I missed you so much, please.” He begged, his breathing deepened, and his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.
My unoccupied hand reached up to wrap around the top of his head, I caressed his long, silky dark hair like a pet. “That’s a good boy, now, was that so hard?” I pulled my sweater over my head revealing my bare breast, Drew’s eyes dropped to my chest, I could feel his fingers twitch against my thigh where his hand rested. His eyes darted back up to my face, and back to my chest, wordlessly asking me for permission. I lifted an eyebrow questioning him.
“Can I touch you?” He blurted out as if he had been holding his breath, I stifled a laugh, and wondered to myself if this was how I looked when our roles were reversed.
“You can touch me anywhere you want.” I caved, though I’m proud of myself for getting this far, and astounded Drew allowed my shenanigans to ensue. I missed the way he touched me, he’s always gentle as if he might break me.
His hand slid from my thigh up the side of my hip, and around to my lower back. The other grasped onto my hand, placed it back around his dick, the tip of him peeking out more and more as he became more aroused. “Fuck, you always know how to stroke me princess.” He groaned, he grabbed me by the chin, and met me halfway in a deep, heated kiss. Our lips intertwined as we moaned into each other, wordlessly begging for more.
“Tell me what you want from me first.” Drew mumbled between kisses, his hands caressing my body, and found their way to my breast. He took my nipple between his thick fingers, at first he squeezed gently as if testing his own strength, but then applying pressure.
My back arched, the sharp sensation traveled down to the core of me between my thighs. “My pussy, I need it.” I whined, I held on to his large shoulder for balance. Drew sucked on my skin, following up with wet sloppy kisses, then repeating the same with my other breast. He presses his face into my cleavage then breaths me in, his hands on my back, nails digging into my skin as he drags them down. I let out a shuddering breath, for a moment we just stayed there in the moment.
“Lay back.” He murmurs against my skin, then kisses me one last time before letting me go so I could reposition myself. I rest comfortably on the sofa pillows, my hands found their way to my breast, and lightly ghost over my nipples. The tickling causes them to tighten, almost painfully; I open my eyes to see Drew already staring down at me, slowly stroking himself. I place my feet on his thighs, and slide them up, replacing his hands. “Fuck, that feels good princess.” He moaned as I gently brushed my toes against him, his eyes closed for a moment, and his breaths deepened. Grabbing me by my legs, and pushing them back further, and spreading me open wider. He lowered between my thighs pressing his lips softly, and leaving a wet trail of kisses down to my core.
“Spread it open for me sweetheart.” He instructed huskily, his chest rising and falling. His eyes watched mine as my hands moved down between my soft, squishy thighs, I slipped two of my fingers into my vagina. “That’s my good girl.” He moaned, his eyes were intently focused on my hand, when I slowly pulled my fingers out, and spread myself wide for him. He licked his lips, then gently, he pushed himself into me. Not only had it been two years of not being with him, but a long two years of not having the touch of a man at all. I had hit a depressive low causing my desires to fully leave my body, I didn’t want to be looked at or touched by anyone but myself. Drew stretched me in a way I had forgotten about, he slowly, and carefully slid into me. At first the pain was unavoidable, my hands gripped his sides, and I couldn’t help the way my nails dug into his flesh.
He grunted, then let out a deep breath, “fuck, that’s right princess, grip me just like that.” On command I tightened around him, his hips picked up a steady rhythm, one that I had missed. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my hands cupped his face. I gripped his beard pulling him to me, and kissed his lips hungrily. “Harder.” I demanded he slowed to a pause then looked me in my eyes, those beautiful stormy eyes of his piercing my soul.
“Are you sure?” He asked, the pain of my nipples tightening caused me to arch my back, and let out a whine.
“Yes, please, please.” I begged, he lowered his head between the crook of my neck, and pressed his lips to my pulse. He roughly slid back into me once, then twice, and after the third time he kept that pace. Relentless thrusting into me, my pussy throbbed deliciously as I took him in, “just like that, give me all that dick baby.” I breathed out greedily, I hung onto him for dear life as he rocked into me.
“You take all of me so well princess, fuck you fit so perfectly.” He moaned into my ear, I was right on the edge of a long overdue orgasam, and I damn near couldn’t take it.
“Oh– fuck Drew I can’t.” I cried, my eyes screwed shut, and my head was thrown back. Nothing else mattered right now, I didn’t care if the police were banging at my door, they were gonna have to see this.
“Let it out princess, fucking scream it in my ears, I wanna hear you.” He didn’t stop till I came squirting all over him, myself and my very expressive sofa making a mess of everything.
“Oh!” I shouted, my muscles tensed, and tears sprouted from my eyes. How fucking embarrassing. As if my convulsions weren’t enough to indicate I was basically dying and couldn’t take anymore, Drew felt the need to swipe his tongue between my swollen lips.
“Look at this fucking mess you made, I guess I’ve gotta clean it up.” He grinned devilishly, he slurped the juices that slid down my thighs, and worked his way up to my clit. He sucked me into his mouth then let me go with a pop of his lips. He chuckled deeply as he watched me lie there to catch my breath, “you’re not dead yet.” He laughed, which was an asshole move considering I can’t even feel my legs right now.
“Fuck you.” I rebuttal childishly, which only made him laugh harder causing his dimples to become more prominent, which is how the fuck I got into this predicament in the first place. His silly little grin was my weakness. I stood up from the couch, and collected my clothes.
He chuckled then slapped me on the ass as I bent over, “where was all that shit talking energy a moment ago?” I could feel from the vibrato in his voice that he was indeed proud of himself. We’ll see who has the last laugh though.
“Haha, you’re sleeping on the couch…asshole.” I laughed dryly, then side stepped him, he scoffed in disbelief. His eyes having a hard time looking me in the face in his current state, my nipples stiffened from the friction of the soft cotton sweater I held against my breast. I swallowed my desires, my nose upturned, and my lips pressed together. He may have won the battle, but he won’t win the war.
“You’re joking?” He asked, I stood at the bottom of the stairs, then turned to look at him. He stood in the middle of the living room, a desperate look in his eyes, and his dick still hard as rocks. I ached for him, but he had to be punished somehow.
I shrugged my shoulders, “if I were joking, wouldn't you be laughing?” On that note I swiftly turned and made my way up the stairs, had it not been for the banister holding me up my knees would have buckled underneath me. Once I made it to my room I threw my clothes in the hamper, then ran myself a bath. I soaked until I became wrinkly, then I got out, pulled on one of Drew’s shirts he definitely didn’t know I still had, and threw myself in the bed. My phone rang on the nightstand, I groaned, turning over to grab it, and blindly answering not bothering to check the caller ID.
“Hello?” I asked, my voice already laced with sleepiness, and my eyelids heavy. I suddenly sparked back to life if only for a few moments when I heard his voice.
“I can’t sleep.” Drew spoke into the phone, and though we were in the same house he felt miles away. Just then Sadie had found her way into my bed, and Andrew was in his usual spot in the window, keeping watch till he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
I snorted, “it’s only been thirty minutes.”
“So? Don’t you miss our late night talks?” I could hear him shuffle on his end before he settled, I didn’t fight the smile that turned upward into my lips.
“I do…” I confessed, that’s all he needed to hear before he started telling me stories about his childhood, and Scotland. I didn’t chime in, I just loved hearing his voice, and how thick his accent got the more comfortable he was. Soon enough I got too sleepy to even indicate to him I was dozing off, and the next thing I knew I was dreaming.
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ankhmutes · 1 year
A Charming Journey Home (SoA)
This is probably my first attempt at an actual fic for Sons of Anarchy. This is not for minors. So I will post the actual story after the cut.
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You ran away from Charming at 18, chasing Connor McGregor, a wannabe of the Sons of Anarchy all the way to Belfast, Ireland. You come back nine years later, older and wiser, and you find just what you need when you come back home....thanks to a surprising source, your crow-eater partying best friend Amanda.
(NOT FOR MINORS, PLEASE, under the cut)
You had recently left Connie, finally- fucking finally, and you were able to go back home to your parent’s in Charming. Mom and Dad loved having the kids back, and You had finally gotten that job at the bar. It was good enough for now, until you could find something better. You had been a nurse, but the hours weren’t what you wanted and you wanted to be there for the kids for now. Especially after what Connie had done to your daughter Shane. The kids needed you more, and your parents were enjoying the opportunity to be grandparents, even if it was a little late. Bartending seemed to work, and your parents didn’t really seem to care as long as everyone was okay, after what everyone had gone through with Connie. Shane’s face was finally starting to heal and the boys were finally sleeping all night.
“Come on, you’ll love it. You got to live a little. Your mom and dad have the kids so You can just chill.” Amanda bosses You around, just like old times as she tugged you over to her side. Amanda had been begging You to go to a SAMCRO party, and You Weren't sure. You had seen the Sons around, but never really bothered with them. You were too busy doing your job, serving drinks and making sure tabs were paid. Biker boys were the last thing You wanted. 
“Mandy, really? You’re still a crow-eater wannabe?” You Asked with a slight laugh, mildly surprised that Amanda was still chasing that dream of being an old lady in the Sons of Anarchy. It was one thing to be twelve and dream and watch the Sons on their gleaming motorcycles, whispering about how gorgeous Gemma Teller was, and how cool all the women on the motorcycles were, and how cute the bikers were to piss off your parents. 
You watched Amanda mingle with the crowd, sliding up to the prospects in their vests. You just trailed behind her, finding a quiet spot just inside, right near the bar. You sipped on a bottle of Guinness and watched the crowd, noticing quite a few handsome men in their cuts, noting which ones You thought were the most handsome and those You wouldn’t give the time of the day to. You listened to the voices of the crowd, blending in the music and soon You couldn't really decipher any specific conversation, just simply enjoying the random cacophony of lively noise. 
Soon, You found your eyes frequently going back to two men, A gray-streaked man who was the  and a wild-haired mischievous sergeant at arms. You couldn’t catch their names, it was too loud, and wild, as You watched the sergeant at arms yell about pussy, and taking swigs out of not the first bottle of beer of the night. The gray-streaked man was much more calm, his energy radiating quiet confidence as he sipped at a bottle of hard liquor and watched the entertainment with amusement. You just couldn’t decide- solid and dependent, or wild and mischievous. They seemed like a perfect yin and yang. 
“Hey! Ya a friend of Mandy’s?” a prospect asked, slinking up to you. You shrugged and sipped at your beer, smiling slightly up at him. He was cute and handsome, but too puppy-dog for you. “How about a dance?”
“Nah, maybe later. I’ve gotta keep an eye on Mandy, make sure she gets home in one piece.” You used your beer bottle to point out Mandy, who was dancing on a stripper pole someone had set up, a small semi-circle of prospects lurking around her. Mandy was eating up the attention. 
“Nah, she’s always here. You’re new.  You’re interesting. Got a name?” You half-shrugged and gave the prospect your name, sipping your beer and making sure you didn’t overdo it. You had a feeling you’d become Mandy’s designated driver before long but you did want to have a drink or two. Mandy ended up half-naked on a pool table, spread-eagle, and only the prospects were all over her. None of the actual members seemed interested in Mandy.
“Let’s go, Mandie– “ you said as you tried to coax Mandy off the pool table, promising her Taco Bell on the way home. You and a couple prospects finally poured her in the backseat of your Jeep, and you were finally able to go home. You went back to your parent’s house, and dragged Mandy in with you, dumping her on the couch with a bucket and blanket. Your parents were asleep, your parents in the large love seat with Shane in their laps, her wild curls spread all over his arm. The two had a large comforter draped around them, Shane’s face with the pink scars criss crossing over her cheek was peeking out from under the blanket. She didn’t stir, your father’s grip on her keeping her secure and calm. You tiptoed down the corridor to the boys’ room, the twins in their bunk bed, soft snores coming from the dog sprawled on the lower bunk.
You loved the peace and calm, and you could finally relax, sliding in your room and shedding off your clothes. You relished the cool feel of the sheets against the exposed skin of your body, just too tired to change. Your mind went to the two men you saw at the party. You weren’t into biker boys anymore but… there was something about them. Perhaps it was the fact they were actual members, you vaguely remembered them from a decade ago. You remembered the smell of the leather, alcohol, and smoke from the clubhouse, and you lost yourself in one of your old fantasies. You laid back naked in bed, your hand sliding down to your belly. You remembered how your jeep was broken down right near T & M and you had to flag down one of the Sons to take it in the shop. You remembered the gray haired one, but he had brown hair back then, his scars giving him a scary and sexy air. You couldn’t remember if he had always had the beard or not, but you didn’t care. You remembered hearing his voice and getting wet from his voice. You remembered you used to call the shop, hoping to get him to answer the phone. Whenever you did, you would ask for your jeep to be taken in, sabotaging it every time he answered the phone.
You were not sure if he remembered you, but you knew if he saw your jeep, he sure as hell would recognize it. You were surprised your parents had kept it, right down to the Sons of Anarchy MC logo you had drawn on it with a sharpie. It had looked badass to you at sixteen, but now you were a mother of three and definitely over twenty five, you just cringed at that girl and wondered why your dad had not sand-blasted the shit out of it already. 
Your brain switched to the fantasy of the man in the cut giving you a tow yet again. He would see your jeep, exclaim at how hot you were, and demand a blow job for service rendered. You’d of course protest, but then give in at the sight of the bulge in his trousers and get on your knees for him, his hands sliding through your hair and guiding you until he would come hard down your throat, telling you what a good dirty girl you were for him. 
Your fingers slid through the slick, deftly and quickly bringing you a sense of relief with a decent orgasm in the silence of the night, but you did miss the thrill a real cock could bring you. Especially if it was attached to one of the men you fantasized about. Your heart beat heavily in your chest, as you righted yourself and curled up in your comforter and pillows. You let yourself sink into the dark abyss of sleep and comfort, finally realizing you were home. The Sons were here. You were safe.
Part 2 to come soon!!
@kdogreads thank you for everything you do!
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sorayah2 · 2 years
━ Sensory Lovers| Neteyam x oc FF
@Sorayahluvs on Wattpad
✠ ━━━━━━━ Chapter 2
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"Get up kids! Start getting ready!"
Neytiri shouted from outside.
Tired groans can be heard from the sleeping children, tossing their bodies around and basically doing anything but opening those sleepy eyes. Even though they always go to bed early so they can get enough sleep, lifting the mightiest mountain in Pandora seems like an easier task for Neytiri and Jake than getting them out of their beds.
"Tuk move your feet," Lo'ak whined in annoyance, shoving his little sister's leg off his face. She rolled over, now doing the same thing to Neteyam.
"C'mon Tuk..." Neteyam tapped her ankle, he's laid flat on his back with his eyes closed, too lazy to actually move her.
"I told you she'd do it again, but your weak ass fell for her puppy eyes. Next time she sleeping with mom and dad, I don't wanna hear it." Lo'ak said after yawning and stretching his body.
Tuktirey was unresponsive to his complaints for a moment, so she could turn to Neteyam and apologize before returning her focus to him.
"As if you don't blabber in your sleep, weirdo. I was using my leg to shut you up." She remarks.
"First of all, I've never in my life done that crap. Second, nobody wants your stinkin' feet on their face, that's totally disgusting!" With a disgusted facial expression, he pointed out.
"Oh please, you must've been smelling yourself, not my feet! I don't think you even took a shower yesterday, ya nasty!"
"Why you—I did shower. I was the one who gave you one, you ungrateful smart mouth!"
"Lo'ak hush, you're literally arguing with a 7 year old. It's too early for this." Kiri says, rolling her eyes.
"I'll argue with a 7 year old if she's this disrespectful, I don't care."
"Fine, I don't want your big head to give me one today. I want Teyam to!"
Lo'ak waved her off. "Whatever. I wouldn't do it anyway."
"And I'm telling on you for breaking dad's camera, I saw you." Tuk stuck her tongue out at him.
"Teyam, help me. Lo'ak is a big jerk and he's bullying me." She poked his left cheek.
"Gimme a few minutes, yeah?"
She stayed silent for a while then started shaking him, "Okay, minute's over!"
"I'm up, ma'am, I'm up," He gave her a tired smile.
Now fully awake, Neteyam was able to stand up while carrying Tuk in his arms and twirling her in an effort to lighten her mood just a little. Nope, she persisted in grumbling about how much of a bully Lo'ak actually is, thus it didn't quite work as he'd hoped. He would chuckle at the name-calling and false accusations that she'd make randomly, admitting in his mind that their brother was right to call her out on having a sharp tongue. Obviously, he was aware that she wasn't being sincere and will quickly forget about their 'fight'.
She loves him no matter what.
And his point was proven much sooner. He offered Tuk a drink of water and helped her do her daily morning routine before asking Lo'ak to lend her a hand with her hair and the new accessories that Neytiri gave her so that he could get ready as well. Lo'ak grumbled under his breath but still complied.
"I'm gonna make lots of friends! I hope they like me..I'm nice so why wouldn't they?"
Kiri gave them some of the fruits she went to get in their parents storage space. "Just stay out of trouble, we don't wanna give mom and dad more stress than they're already going through."
"Yeah that's Lo'ak's job, I listen to my mom and dad."
"I'm sitting right here."
"We can see that." Tuk simply bite into the piece of fruit, her comeback made Kiri laugh.
"We cAn SeE tHat." He imitated her in mocking tone, still putting her braids through the beads.
"I'll go see my mom one last time, catch you guys in a bit."
They nodded and Kiri took her leave.
About our lovely queen Kiri. She is the beautiful, inquisitive, intelligent adopted daughter of Jake and Neytiri. As she was born around the same time as Neteyam, they were both simultaneously given a first connection to Eywa at the Tree of Souls in front of the entire clan.
She is unlike any Na'vi or avatar that the Omatikaya have ever met before. From a very early age, she has had an unusually strong connection to Eywa, even more than that of a tsahìk. While out in the forest, Kiri occasionally gets lost in thoughts and quiet meditation and her siblings will find her, eyes closed, feeling Eywa's heartbeat beneath her.
Kiri deeply wishes she could have met her biological mother, Grace, when she was still alive. She does whatever she can to feel closer to her, whether it be visiting Grace's incubated avatar, trying to get answers from Jake, or reading the documents and video recordings that Grace has left behind. Interestingly, Kiri shares many of her mother's traits, such as a certain rebellious attitude and a rather pure love for all that Pandora stands for.
Because Grace had an avatar body, Kiri possesses human-like traits such as her eyebrows and four fingers on her hands. Similar to Lo'ak.
On her way to the lab, she saw Neytiri struggling to lift all the luggage on her own. Jake did tell her they wouldn't need all of those belongings, but she insisted that she isn't leaving anything behind and packed so much stuff that will remind her of home.
"Pfft, mom, do you need help?" Kiri tried to hold in her laugher. Neytiri's posture was amusingly awkward.
"Oh, hey, sweetie..kind of. Your dad's feeding Bob, so I'm left to do this by myself. I should divorce that man, I deserve better."
"Drama queen, I'll help you." Kiri took the other bags that were left; luckily, those were not heavy.
"Thank you, and be careful not to lose your balance. Walk slowly." Neytiri warned her. Following her to the Ikrans, Kiri nodded.
They were able to finish with the task in no time. Then, both let out audible sighs.
"I'll be right back." Kiri resumed with her plan, she started walking away.
"Where are you going?"
"To the lab. Don't worry, I won't be there for long, I'm just gonna say a quick final goodbye to mom and the others."
"Look if you can find any of those strange gadgets in there that can be useful to us!"
"Mom! You're already over-packed." Kiri waved her off.
Hours later:
The moment has arrived for them to leave. Despite understanding their decision, Mo'at felt devastated to be separated from her daughter and her grandchildren. As Tsahìk, the spiritual leader of a Na'vi clan and the most important member next to the clan leader, she couldn't leave her people; they needed her.
She gave each of them a squeezing hug while shedding unrestrained tears of sorrow.
Turning to Jake, she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Protect them with your life. That's my only wish from you."
"I will. That's my duty as a father and mate." She was trembling from all the crying when Jake put his hand on top of hers and made his vow.
Mo'at nodded. She did grow fond of Jake throughout the years; he brought her daughter tremendous happiness, along with four bundles of joy who called her grandma. She was grateful for such luxury. She had long since forgiven the previous betrayals and never held grudges against him. Jake atoned for his initial betrayal by becoming the sixth Toruk Makto in Na'vi history and aligning himself with the clan.
The clan harbors much respect for him as a former leader and had learned a lot from him. And the fact that Mo'at had guided the people alongside him, and her daughter made her feel honored. She accepted their marriage, loved and provided for the family.
"Daughter, be brave and strong like I know you to be." Mo'at instructed her daughter, gaze stern yet encouraging.
With Tuktirey in her arms, Neytiri sobbed and nodded. "Yes, mother."
"Geez grandma, stop squeezing so much, you gonna break my bones." Lo'ak grumbled, earning a smack from Neteyam.
"What?" He glares at him.
"Thankful that this thing is another territory's problem now." Mo'at said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.
"He's playing grandma, we'll miss you for sure." Neteyam assured her.
"I know. Go ahead, don't let me hold you guys back."
Eventually they all made their bonds with the Ikrans and set off.
'I'll be here waiting for whenever you come back.' Were her last words to them.
|𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧|
As Jake has previously informed them, the Metkayina are an oceanic Na'vi clan who live along the shores of the Pandora oceans, on islands or near the mainland. Their homes are marui pods, which are built into the roots of mangrove-like trees spanning the islands. These homes hang directly above the water, presumably for easy access for swimming. Massive seawall terraces, similar in appearance to travertine terraces, guard the villages from strong waves and provide an easy place for the clan to fish.
The wind whistles a new beat, its gentle breeze caressing his face as his world seems to just pause as he takes the majestic wonder in slowly. He loves nature. And the lustrous and bright blue waters that the Metkayina live on are like the oceans that Neteyam thought he'd only see in his dreams. A dreamy sea that has a rhythmic pulse to it unmatched by any other part of nature. Except his home forest, of course.
"Why do you come to us?" The chief of the Metkayina clan, Tonowari, asked Jake.
"I just wanna keep my family safe," Jake replied.
Curly hair appears to be the norm within the clan. Their skin also sways towards a more turquoise color than the traditional blue, and with the fluid, ripple-like stripes he's used to, they blend perfectly with the aqua blue-green of the sea. They have distinct areas of lighter coloration on their underbellies and faces. The people had physical differences that he figured made their life on water easier, like a stronger tail for swimming faster.
"Treat them as brothers and sisters, teach them our ways." Tonowari says to the people.
Neteyam thought their first meeting was quite overwhelming. Although the relationship between his father and Tonowari was civil, their wives definitely didn't start on pleasant terms. While her husband did sympathize with Jake's request to protect their family, Ronal otherwise believes that their arrival inherently invites danger, as they have already brought destruction to their very own home. Neteyam genuinely understood where she was coming from, but their enemy's ongoing ambition isn't solely the family's fault.
And his mother isn't any happier about the situation than Ronal is; she has had to leave her people, her title, and the only home she's ever known. Fortunately, Jake asked her to leave her bow behind or...let's just be thankful.
He didn't appreciate her first impression towards his siblings either; he had to keep his cool in front of his parents, who warned them to do so. Not that he would openly stand up to her; she does seem like she would whoop his ass in front of everyone in a flash with no remorse. Additionally, he made no fuss over the other boys who were making fun of him and Lo'ak because they're deemed irrelevant to him. They were childish jerks.
One thing that most certainly didn't go unnoticed by Neteyam is that the chief's daughter, Tsireya, almost immediately caught Lo'ak's attention when she made her grand entrance. His eyes even sparkled when her father told her to show them their way of life.
They were shown to their marui pods by Tsireya, where they'll be staying at in the meantime. The three of them are still sharing a room, and Tuktirey is now sleeping with their parents as a result of Lo'ak's desperate pleading. So, nothing has changed on that part.
"Okay, Sully's fall in." Jake called out to everyone.
"Remember? Family meeting." Lo'ak was tugged along by Neteyam a little more forcefully than he had intended. If he hadn't caught Lo'ak in time, he knew that he would've skipped the meeting. Kiri was on the same boat.
"-Come on, take a knee, let's go."
"Kiri." Neytiri urged her to sit.
"What?" Kiri said with an attitude. She was still upset about what happened earlier with Ronal; Neytiri could tell that, and she objects to anyone treating her children in such a way.
"I need you kids on your best behavior." Jake looks around as he speaks. "I mean it."
"Learn fast, pull your weight, don't cause trouble, got it?" He added.
"Yes, sir." Lo'ak answered. Neteyam smiled and touched the back of his neck. Lo'ak hissed at him; he too was mad at the way Neteyam pulled him.
Neteyam mumbled a, "My bad."
"I want to go home."
All eyes turned to the little angel in the room, who was quiet until she cried aloud.
"Oh, Tuk..." Neytiri gave her a sympathetic look.
"Tuk, this is our home now." She continues whining as her dad stroked her hand in a comforting gesture.
"We're gonna get through this."
"We're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs, right?" Jake took a quick glance at Neytiri, as a form of asking for her help.
And that she did. "What does your father always say?"
The children nonchalantly uttered their family's slogan, specifically the brothers. You can tell by the way they respond when they say it for the first time that they've really been hearing and saying this their whole lives.
"That's right, Sully's stick together. This time with some feeling."
"-Sully's stick together." Kiri and Tuk joined as they said it altogether.
After the family meeting, the siblings gathered with Tsireya, her brother Aonung, and their friend Rotxo. The Metkayina trio had a head start. Soon Kiri and Tuk dived into the water, following Neteyam and Lo'ak, screaming as they jumped in.
Beneath the Metkayina clan reef is an underwater world absolutely teeming with life. The extraordinary scenery greeted them, with its colorful corals, plants, and diversity of sea species.
The calm and peace down here were incredible. Fishes quickly surrounded them, being friendly. Both above and below the waters, the oceanic wonderland delivers breathtaking experiences.
Tsireya smiles as she watches them, they did look like they were babies taking their first breath but freaking adorable. She was so excited to show them her amazing home environment.
While this is great and all, Neteyam was finding it difficult to stay under the water for too long; his swimming was becoming clumsy, and he needed air. Tuk and Lo'ak were experiencing the same issue.
The three of them went back to the water surface to breathe. Tsireya and the rest noticed that.
Lo'ak afterwards dipped his head back into the water. Tsireya signed to him, "Swim together with us."
Despite their confusion about her gesture, she encouraged them to continue moving forward.
Taking a deep breath, they dived back in, swam for a bit and then resurfaced once more.
"What's wrong with them?" Aonung signed. The stopping was getting on his nerves.
"They're bad divers." Rotxo replied.
"Stop. They're learning." Since they arrived, they have been continuously making fun of the guys, which annoyed Tsireya.
She ignored Aonung's shrugging and resurfaced also.
"Are you alright?"
"You're too fast, wait for us." Tuk voiced, rubbing her eye.
"Just breathe. Breathe." She advised.
"You are not good divers." Aonung popped up. " You may be good at swinging through trees, but-"
He was stopped mid-sentence by Tsireya's smack at the back of his head.
"Come on bro,"
"We don't speak this finger talk. We don't know what you're saying."
Obviously they can't keep up, they just got here. Plus they're confused by the sign language.
"I will teach you." Tsireya gave Neteyam a slight look for referring to it as such and told them, meanwhile Aonung stayed smirking to himself.
Her eyes did a thing that Lo'ak keeps catching, he was impressed by it. He wanted to tell her that.
"Where's Kiri?" Rotxo suddenly interrupted the short conversation.
"Kiri?" Tuk became alerted.
"Who?" Aonung genuinely asked. He then remembered there's another one.
"Kiri." Rotxo replied. "Where's Kiri?"
"Did you see her?" Tsireya frowned, feeling worry creeping inside her.
While they were worrying about losing track of her, Kiri was in her own world. They eventually located her after a brief search. Tsireya led them to a spot where she and her group of friends usually hang out.
They were having their conversation by the seawall terraces, where several people were fishing.
"It was the first time I got to hold a gun like that, kinda heavy.." Lo'ak was telling them the story of when they destroyed the Sky people's supply chain.
"He didn't even know how to use the gun though."
"I told you dad taught me!"
"So? Man we almost died."
"Neteyam got hurt trying to protect his ass as usual, he never listens. He's obsessed with danger." Kiri licked her tongue.
"So much for being the mighty warrior." Aonung laughed.
Tsireya smack him again. She enjoys doing that. "Cut it out, that was brave of him for trying to save his brother. I can only imagine how intense that must've been."
Aonung glared at her, "How are you warriors but almost got blown away by puny Sky people? I can easily take them on."
"Dude, those people have dangerous high-tech weapons like those guns and other stuffs that can easily kill you. You'd wet yourself." Neteyam shook his head at the guy's ignorance.
"Don't mind him, he's just being annoying." Tsireya giggled, agreeing with what Neteyam said about her brother peeing himself. She knows that he lives and breathes cockiness.
"Speaking of annoying, where's little miss demanding? I haven't seen her today. Is she dead?" Aonung turned to her.
"You won't call her that to her face. And she's probably sleeping, so let's not disturb her."
"I wasn't going to, I love my life."
"Who?" Kiri asked confusedly.
"Our beloved cousin," Tsireya smiles brightly. "I'll introduce her to you guys tomorrow."
"Is she pretty?" Tuk asked.
"She's absolutely gorgeous!"
"Meh, I'd say mediocre." Aonung murmured and shrugged.
"What was that? I'm telling her."
"It was nothing!" He cleared his throat. "Why you acting like I'm scared of her or something..?"
Tsireya ignored him. He is scared of her.
"Is she nice like you?"
"Of course. We're literally twins."
"Tuk you'll meet her tomorrow, relax with the questions." Lo'ak softly pinched her cheeks.
"It's fine." Tsireya played with the ends of her hair, secretly eyeing him with dreamy eyes.
"Anyways, back to me..."
Neteyam was strolling through the village's nearby forest alone. He's actually exhausted, but he wanted to free his mind. Just a peaceful moment to himself. He had enough of Aonung boasting about his greatness. Not that he hated the guy; he honestly was at his wit's end. During their ongoing chit-chat about whatever topic, his head was somewhere in the clouds. He'd occasionally say something, and that was it.
The forest had what he sought: peace and quiet. And to his surprise, there weren't that many creatures in sight, the ones he saw were very small in sizes.
He's happy that his family is welcome to stay here. His brother even found a crush on the chief's daughter. This does causes déjà vu. Lo'ak is so much more like their father than he gives himself credit for. Who would have thought that the boy who avoided any girl that approached him would fall in love as soon as he landed here? He was interested in how things would unfold for them.
A new page in their lives' story. It is as scary and amazing as it sounds.
Neteyam's instincts started kicking in all of a sudden. He looked around his surroundings and sighed. It happened again. Him getting lost in his thoughts.
Now he's lost for real. He spent the entire time walking aimlessly and now has no idea where he is or the path to go back. And since he left his throat microphone in the suitcase, he can't communicate with his parents.
I'm fucked.
He stayed put against a tree, walking further didn't seem like a smart thing to do in this situation. Glowing species similar to Shimmyflys' emerged from the flower nectars, heading in the same direction. The waterfall. The burbling was audible to him.
"Mommy's so proud of you, Chichi, you ate everything~!"
His ears perked up.
Was that someone's voice?
Neteyam glanced over his shoulder carefully. First, he saw the waterfall in the background.
He gasped in astonishment at the clarity of the purplish-blue, magical waterfall. At its widest point, it was surging and plunging down the mountain, drizzling onto the rocks. When it toppled into the ecstasy pool, it foamed at the bottom. The rest of the pool was varnish clear, enabling him to see down into the rocky bottom. Fronds of plants and flowers waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of colors blended as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped white lines.
Then, he saw her.
The source of the sound revealed herself. His mind went completely blank.
An Ilu swimming freely beside her as she dived into the water. He could only make out her side profile. And he was taken aback by her appearance.
Neteyam suspected that she might not be purely Metkayina. She does have their long wavy black hair, which is casually floating onto the water as she swims. But her complexion is unlike that of any Na'vi he knew of—fair with faded greenish blue stripes. Her body is curvaceous and beautifully toned, similar to that of a female Omaticaya.
However, he wouldn't really draw the conclusion that she was mixed with only them; there are numerous clans in Pandora, some of which could even be hidden. Still, it's possible that she is.
"The more you eat, Chichi, the more you'll grow. Snatch bigger fishes then come to me so I can pet you. M'kay?"
Her voice is warm, charming and sweet.
She was just there, not far, nor close to him, caressing the creature as if it were the most delicate thing in the world. The Ilu swung its tail eagerly in response to her touch.
Should he go ask her for help?...She's a stranger...He's a stranger...What if he scares her...
Neteyam was startled and felt his knees almost give out and nearly fall when she unexpectedly looked up and locked gaze with him. He reacted by retreating. Placing his palm on his chest, he felt his heartbeat pounding.
And the next thing happened in a flash. His breathing, movement, and thought processes came to a complete halt as the knife made contact with his skin, pressing against his throat.
His heart was racing. She's right in front of him, a respectable distance between them, with a glare that was piercing through his soul. Big, bright, kind, and bold describe her eyes.
They remind him of the sea.
"Who are you?"
He did not, and could not, look away from those ocean eyes.
On the other hand, her patience was wearing thin. His silence made her tighten her grip on the weapon, face telling him if he doesn't start talking he'd soon be united with Eywa.
Snapping out of his trance, he raised his hands in defense. "Easy there, easy."
"Who are you? And why were you spying on me, pervert?" She asked, calmly yet firmly.
"Wait what—I'm not a pervert! This is a misunderstanding. I wasn't trying to spy on you, I swear."
"You were looking. Don't think I couldn't see you."
"Just let me explain, yeah?"
She stayed silent, so Neteyam took it as a sign to explain himself.
"The thing is, I was taking a walk since the forest kinda reminds me of home, then I got lost and ended up here by accident."
"An Omaticaya Na'vi taking a walk in a forest far away from his homeland, silly him got lost, and he decided 'hey
why not hide behind a tree to watch someone who could've been naked in a waterfall'. Hmm, that's crazy, right?"
"Well when you put it like that..."
"Alright, alright, I was playing." He grinned, finding her frowning facial expression cute. But this is a serious matter. She's serious, rightfully so.
"My family and I are welcome to stay with the Metkayina clan, approved by leader Tonowari and his mate Ronal. I'm not a complete stranger."
So he's one of the new newcomers some of the villagers were gossiping about, she didn't pay close attention to them. She was rushing by.
"You were wandering around in a place you just came to and not even familiar with? How stupid is that."
"Curiosity did get the best of me. In all honesty, it was better than listening to Aonung brag about how superior he is and what not. I had to pass out on that and dipped." He purposely mentioned the chief's son, although what he was saying was all true.
"Good for you." She shrugged.
"Look, I'm sorry. Even though it was accidental, I did violate your privacy with my actions and gave myself a bad impression." Neteyam knew he had to hold himself accountable, what he did was in fact wrong and awfully misleading. She deserves a sincere apology. "I was debating whether or not I should approach you and ask for help, but I went about it the wrong way. I apologize for that. Really."
Her gaze softened. Now they were just staring at each other. He was anxious, waiting for her to say something.
She didn't respond, instead put the knife in the pouch around her waist, gave him another look, then turned to leave.
"Hold on, wait!" He called out to her.
Slowing down her steps, she tilted her head with arched brows.
"Do you mind helping me get back to the village?"
"Why should I?"
"Uh.." He trailed off, not knowing what to offer her.
"Let's just say you owe me a favor."
"What kinda favor?"
"That's for me to decide."
He said nothing else and followed her.
"And I mean it, you were staring..way too hard at that."
He mumbles under his breath, "Can you blame me..."
"What was that?"
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burnwater13 · 7 months
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Boba Fett and Din Djarin protecting Mos Espa from the Pyke Syndicate. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 7, In the Name of Honor. Calendar from DataWorks.
If there was one thing that made Grogu happy about all the adventures he’d been on recently was that he had found a Mandalorian who acted more like his dad than those other Mandos. Boba Fett wasn’t trying to lead and just giving up. Nope. Not him. According to Fennec, Boba Fett never gave up on anything or anyone. 
Grogu smiled thinking about that. His dad was just like that. Din Djarin didn’t give up. He didn’t sit back. He didn’t pout. As least he didn’t pout about work going sideways. He pouted a lot when Grogu just happened to have gotten mud on his armor or maybe left a bag of dung worms in the N-1 a day too long. Wow. Grogu could feel that pouting in a real way.
Aside from the unexpected outcomes of playtime, Grogu knew that when his dad was faced with adversity, the Mandalorian just became more determined to see the task out to the end, bitter or otherwise. 
“Well, my young friend, Mandalorians know more about adversity than most people you will ever meet. Certainly an individual may have a life filled with conflict an pain. But few other peoples have been so singled out for such universal treatment. I suppose it was because they were too good.”
Grogu perked up and paid more attention to the Daimyo. He had really just been looking from one man to the other. He hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t actually even made a peep, coo, or grumble. For a change of pace he had been simply silent. 
“Your face is very expressive. Particularly your eyes. I have been told that they are the same color as your father’s, as mine match my father’s.”
The Daimyo smiled at him and looked both proud and sad. 
“You rarely mention your father. Was he a bounty hunter?”
Din Djarin asked the question quietly, as was his habit within the throne room. 
“He was. A Mandalorian bounty hunter who was taken advantage of by the Old Republic and the Jedi Counsel. You know about the Clone Wars?”
Grogu nodded his head. He, personally, would have liked to have forgotten about them, but when someone like Moff Gideon spent time tracking you down, you couldn’t forget about anything that caused the fall of the Old Republic or the rise of the Empire. 
“I do. I know about the Separatists. I know that the Jedi were involved. By the time things were at there worst I was already on Concordia. The Mandalorians who trained me did not speak of it, except to say that it was a fool’s errand and no good could come of it. They were right about that, given how it ended.”
Grogu was surprised that his Dad didn’t sound as annoyed, bitter, and, not quite smug, but more aggrieved, than he usually did when this topic popped up. Perhaps he was striking a more neutral tone because of the affect that whole sequence of events had on the Daimyo. 
“They were right. But it did not start that simply. You know the Jedi have visions. There are those who say they can see the future. That ability served them poorly. They recognized that they might one day need a fighting force. One that was much larger than the Old Republic kept on hand. So the project on Kamino was started in secret.”
The Daimyo took a deep breath and Grogu almost told him that they could skip the story and go fishing if it all hurt him too much to think about. 
“I am fine. I have lived with many painful memories and their pain did not lesson because I ignored them, my friend. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. You cannot have a fighting force without the people necessary. But where would you get such a force? The Jedi knew too much and not enough. They went to Kamino, as the Kaminoans were well known for their skills at cloning, and found a willing partner in their enterprise. For a price. After that, they just needed to find a template. Clones were used for many things back then, young one. Whatever task a business might need to perform but they did not have the staff, they would either assign to droids or to clones. If you had enough funds they would rent a workforce to you for whatever specified period of time that you needed them. Then they were retired.”
Daimyo Fett laughed at that. 
“It sounds much nicer than it was, my friend. Retired is just a nice way to say that the clones were ended. They had no individual rights as they were clones. Not a unique person but merely a copy of a unique person. That is at least what they told my father and he told me. You see, when they began to look for the template for the Jedi’s fighting force they realized that they couldn’t clone a Jedi. Something about the Force affects the process. They never perfected it. 
Without being able to use a Jedi they came to the conclusion that the Jedi’s enemy would be the best source material and only one group of people had survived being the Jedi’s enemy for any length of time. Mandalorians. Funny, isn’t it? You and I and your father, we are good friends and not enemies at all. But back then heads were not so cool, on any side.”
Another deep breath. 
“My father, Jango, was an accomplished bounty hunter. Best in the galaxy according to the records the Kaminoans kept about him. They approached him and he agreed to be the template. Oh, it wasn’t quite as simple as that, but what a father tells a son may often be affected by sentiment. My father was a sentimental man. That is why I exist. You see, I am not his son in the typical way. I am his clone. A duplicate, you see. And for a time I had more than 3,000,000 brothers. They became the fighting force that the Jedi and the Old Republic needed to address the Separatists. Unfortunately for the Jedi they trusted people who should not be trusted. I say that not as their enemy, but as a student of the past. When you buy cooperation from people like the Kaminoans, you may discover it is as easily sold to another. Which they found was the case, much to their, and no doubt your, dismay.”
The Daimyo fell silent for a moment. Grogu didn’t know if he was doing that because he remembered how his own father fell or out of kindness to Grogu or kindness to Din Djarin. All three of them had lost loved ones due to the that conflict.
“I was able to escape. Take my father’s ship and leave those immediate problems behind, but I never forgot the stories my father had told me about being a bounty hunter. It had been a better life for him and I was determined to honor him by taking that up. It is hard work and not for the faint of heart. You must take a risk and work it all the way to the end. If you fail at it, well, the end is bitter and you are cold. Very cold.”
“Boss, are you telling sad stories again? The three of you look like something the rancor dragged into that enclosure it spends all its time in. Cheer up. It’s a beautiful day out. I am told that rain is in the forecast and you know what that means.”
Grogu jumped just like the Daimyo and his dad at the sound of Fennec’s cheerful voice.
“No Fennec. I do not know what that means. Enlighten us, please.”
“Flowers. Little flowers will pop up all over Tatooine. I’m told it’s beautiful. Isn’t that right, Mando?”
Grogu turned to look at his dad. He was about to scold him soundly, but his dad beat him to it. 
“It is. Very beautiful. If you start now, you might be able to collect enough to make a posey. I’m sure that ‘friend’ of yours would like it.”
The Daimyo burst out laughing and Grogu laughed with him. He didn’t know why it was funny, but he was glad to have the opportunity to laugh. Maybe this was how Mandalorians were able to survive so much? They never forgot the present, even when they were talking about the past. In any case, he coo’d to Fennec that he was willing to pick flowers with her, but he was too late. She had vanished as quickly as she had appeared just a few moments earlier. Just like the flowers would. 
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petalsfm · 1 year
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if you’re hearing FIRST DATE by BLINK-182 playing, you have to know RHYS HENDERSON (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the TWENTY-SIX year old PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER has been in denver for, like, TWENTY-TWO years. they’re known to be quite FATUOUS, but being URBANE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble JONAH HAUER-KING. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those THE SOUND OF LAUGHTER ECHOING THROUGH THE HOUSE, ROSIN DUST ON YOUR DARK CLOTHES, LARGE FLOWER BOUQUETS IN SHAKY HANDS, WINNING YOUR THIRD ROUND OF UNO vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
full name :       rhys benjamin henderson nickname(s) :     n / a birthplace :      blackpool, england date of birth :       11 / 25 / 1996 parentage :      amelia abrams henderson & alexander henderson sibling(s) :      ___ henderson & ___ henderson ( wc to be written ) relationship status :     single gender identity :     cis man ( he/him ) sexual orientation :      heterosexual faceclaim :      jonah hauer-king
born the youngest in the henderson family, rhys was used to being catered to, whether it was by his mother, his siblings, or their extended family
the move to denver really confused him. he was four and couldn’t understand his own emotions, much less process the move to a new continent.
for the most part, children can take things in stride and roll with the punches. however, rhys had just reached the age of asking perhaps too many questions. every attempt at an explanation for their move was met with WHY? - ❛ dad got a new job. ❜ WHY? ❛ so that we could have a better life. ❜ WHY? and so on.
he just couldn’t understand why he could no longer go play with the friends he had met nursery school or why he couldn’t go visit nana and grandad anymore.
because nothing was quite making sense, rhys became a bit of a terror. he would cry, throw tantrums, refuse to go his new school, take and hide things from his siblings, etc. it didn’t help that their dad was away fairly often
things settled once he officially started kindergarten. he still had his lil british accent so all of the kids found an interest in him and the silly words he said
despite how he acted initially after the move, rhys has always been quite personable. he made friends quite easily.
when he was six years old, he found an interest in string instruments. he gave the violin a go, but for some reason it just wasn’t the right fit. however, the second he heard the man at the music store play the viola, he knew that was the instrument for him
rhys was lucky his mother was able to find a schedule that worked for his siblings hobbies and his viola lessons so she didn’t have to over work herself
it didn’t take long for viola to become the constant rhys needed in his life. his father was still in and out of the house and things seemed to be changing as his older siblings entered middle and high school. one day they were all there for family dinners, and the next it was only him and his mother.
it’s no surprise rhys became a mama’s boy. next to his viola, his mother was the only thing he could count on to be consistent in his day-to-day life. 
it was the free afternoons he spent with his mom that made him a bit Domestic™
he would help her clean up around the house, help her meal prep / cook / bake, play card games with her, etc.
( i promise he’s not a mama’s boy in a gross way like these weirdos on the internet )
rhys always felt like he was falling behind with his siblings. it wasn’t like it was any of their fault– time just wasn’t on their side.
in middle school, during puberty, it was discovered that rhys was a hopeless romantic. luckily for him, after his new-to-denver tantrums, he got a bit better at understanding and expressing his emotions. his heart simply felt more love than any middle schooler's should.
being the youngest meant having to follow your siblings and their identities. while there was a bit of a ❛ HENDERSON LEGACY ❜ in the school system ( rhys couldn’t even remember how many times a teacher had told him ❛ oh, i had your older brother / sister!❜ ), that’s all it was. the past.
during his freshman year, rhys and the string quartet he was apart of ( through the lady who gave him his viola lessons ) entered the american protege international piano and strings competition for the fourth year in a row. however, this year was different. they won!
the prize for winning was the opportunity to play at weill recital hall at carnegie hall in new york city.
for once in his life, he felt he had a PURPOSE. nothing felt better than that win. the best part? getting the WHOLE family together to properly focus on H I M. something he felt he didn’t get enough of. sure, his mom attended all of his viola recitals and sometimes one of his siblings would make it too. but a performance this special demanded the presence of both his siblings AND both of his parents. that was a rarity.
he really fell into his own in high school. he was in the school orchestra and was first chair viola. he also took the opportunity to try out for tennis, a sport that did not have cuts - so he automatically made the team.
he was no prodigy, but he could hold his own in tennis. his record was about 70/30 in favor of him. 
he worked his ass of throughout high school along with his two extra curriculars ( and many volunteering hours ) trying his best to get into one of his dream schools
growing up, he always felt out of place. he had almost no memories of living in the united kingdom, so he considers it one of the best days of his life when he gets his acceptance letter from university of west london. not only was it close to blackpool, but it’s a spectacular university.
he was so excited to get the opportunity to be close to home. london, at most, was a four hour train ride from blackpool.
being back in the uk was both over and underwhelming. he loved his time there and the people he met. 
he’d slowly lost his english accent growing up in denver, but it never fully disappeared. he still had his family and the media they consumed to keep hints of it around, but being in london almost brought it back full force. 
he kept in touch with his family back in denver, texting, calling, and facetiming whenever he could. he spent all holidays with the hendersons in denver. 
after getting his degree in public relations, he had to decide what he wanted to do. staying in london was tempting, but when a family emergency arose it felt like a sign from the universe that it was time to come home.
he’s been back in denver for about four years now.
he may be booksmart but do not let this man fool u. he is a himbo at heart.
he truly is just here to have a good ass time
literally like a golden retriever probably
absolutely adores being an uncle. always spoiling his niece/nephew simply because he can.
if ur chara has kids he will spoil them too hes a kid at heart
like i said earlier hopeless romantic. really wants / hopes to be a dad someday. wants to be better and more present than his own dad.
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simslegacy5083 · 10 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 133: Welcome Home Baby
When Jack told his husband about Fabian’s plans to start a family, Peachy was overjoyed. He couldn’t wait for his old friend to join him and Jack in the happy new parents’ club. More importantly, he’d finally been released, and he was ready to go home and spend some time with that baby he’d made.
The pair swung by Toni’s room on their way out to say goodbye. The cousins had spent lots of time together recently in recovery, and their common birth experience had brought them closer than ever before. She was on her way home as well and they would see each other again very soon.
Spencer and Steven had planned a day of parties to celebrate the three new babies who would soon be crawling all over their respective homes.
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Arriving at the homestead, Peachy made a beeline for the nursery. He’d couldn’t believe that he’d just gotten back, and Luigi was almost an infant! Finding him awake, he scooped his boy up in a snuggly embrace that in that moment was as soothing for him as his son.
Gazing down at the little life he’d painstakingly nurtured during his difficult pregnancy, Peachy felt the weight of future responsibilities. He and Jack had to raise, love and protect this tiny sim. It was a big deal and, he told Jack as he came in to stand beside him, a bit scary. What if they messed it all up!?
Jack admitted he worried sometimes too. They were bound to make mistakes, everyone did, but he was confident that their combined best would be good enough. They’d been partners from the beginning, and this little man was simply the highest profile “case” of their “career”. They could do this!
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Peachy gave his son’s soft head one final kiss and gently laid him in his bassinet before turning to wrap his spouse in a tight embrace.
The two men held fast to one another, reluctant to part once more. Jack told his husband that it was so, so good to have him home at last. He’d missed having his best friend by his side and was overjoyed to officially begin tackling the journey of parenthood together.
Peachy hugged Jack even tighter, relishing the feel of being wrapped securely in his arms more than ever before. For many, many reasons he was never, ever, getting pregnant again, but missing his family and his home while recovering in the hospital following surgery was certainly high up on the list.
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After a relaxing bubble bath to wash away the last of that hospital feeling Peachy got changed for bed and went looking for his parents.
He found them in the rec room near the nursery, happily pursuing their favorite hobbies, and thanked them for coming to help out with Luigi.
Steven welcomed Peachy back and told him to think nothing of it. Grandy Jasper and Grandma Veronica had done the same for them and being here with Luigi and Jack had been a real pleasure. They looked forward to spending a few more days in Brindleton while Peachy settled in and the two new dads got used to juggling fatherhood and work, as they were both planning to head back into the office soon after Luigi aged up.
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Peachy wished his parents good night and exited the rec room to find Jack waiting for him.
Taking Peachy’s hand Jack led him straight upstairs to the bedroom and over to the bed, favoring him with a passionate kiss that left no room for doubt about his intentions before he coyly lifted up the covers and invited his favorite boy to join him underneath the sheets.
They emerged a short time later worn out from their exertions but quite satisfied. As Peachy gazed sleepily at Jack’s contented grin, he reflected that it truly was wonderful to be back in his home by the Bay, sharing a bed with the Sim he loved, once more.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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alr-818 · 1 year
(The endings a bit weak, but I’m otherwise really proud of this one)
I’ve never done drugs before, and when I say drugs I mean hardcore things like crack, cocaine, speed; you know, the stuff they tell you to stay away from during your regularly scheduled D.A.R.E course in elementary school. Weed doesn’t count, of course, and if you think it does, I think we need to talk. D.A.R.E classes would give me panic attacks. I remember one day, the cop at the front of the class was talking about cigarettes and how they would essentially kill you if you even simply glanced at them. I started hyperventilating and had to be escorted out of the room. The teachers aid brought me outside and gave me a popsicle, allowing me to sit on the curb until class was over. I’m not sure what caused it. Maybe the fact that all of my grandparents smoked and I didn’t want to lose them, or that when I was around age 5 I would take my moms cigarettes and hide them under my pillows at night so she couldn’t find them. If you ask my mom about it, she denies smoking since I was born and that she had quit way before I was even a thought in her mind. She also likes to deny she ever had a drug problem.
Senior year homecoming…I remember so vividly. I bought this dress from some random website: knee length, bright white, adorned with a thick, scarlet red belt that tied into a big taffeta bow behind my back. I loved that dress. It was one of the best dresses from my high school days. I remember rushing over to Walmart to get something I “forgot”. Honestly, I was there hoping to see this guy that I’d recently met and may or may not have had a crush on. He was older, early 20’s. He was tall and thin, but muscular. His skin was the most perfect tan and his eyes were light brown but so bright. His dark brown hair and scruffy beard did it in for me. He was gorgeous. I spotted him at checkout and approached him. He told me how beautiful I looked and gave me a huge hug, crushing my perfectly placed curls, but I didn’t care, secretly knowing he did it on purpose thinking it was cute. His embrace was heavenly breathing in the smell of musky cologne and sweat. I was the luckiest girl in the world in that moment. It ended up being one of the last times I saw him. Scrolling through Facebook years later, I found out he died of a drug overdose.
I left homecoming early with my girl friend who, at the time I didn’t realize, had a raging drug problem. We met up with some much older guys and started partying. One of the guys I knew. He would come into the restaurant I worked at every Sunday with his dad. I would wait on him and he would flirt with me. The attention was nice but he was much too old for me and I simply wasn’t interested. Let me tell you, I’ve never felt so fucked after taking one hit from a joint in my life. I firmly believe it was laced with something, I’m not sure what, but I could barely open my eyes or think straight. I had gone on plenty of smoke rides before to know this was not normal. He started making moves, surely thinking he was going to get lucky. Thankfully, my friend intervened and we got the fuck out of there. I saw him the following weekend while at work and the shame on his face said it all. I ignored him, obviously, and that was the last time I ever saw him.
Now, I travel the country peddling pills for a living in plain colored scrubs and neon pink shoes. A legal “drug dealer” I joke, reminding myself I’m helping people with each pill I pour. The days of placing myself in situations that I was not mature enough to navigate are over. I haven’t smoke in years due to feeling like I can’t breathe anytime I would try after turning 20. Instead, I count the weeks, days, and hours until it’s time to travel home again where my loved ones wait for my homecoming.
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tek-imagines · 6 months
erm... I'm a hermitcraft fan + selfshipper !
I go by Redd, I use he/him + neopronouns. Those being, Ice/Ice/Ices/Iceself, Flame/Flame/Flames/Flameself. I'm 20 years old, so please don't be weird about that lmao. I primarily ship with TangoTek ! I've started to get a bit more insane about Jimmy Solidarity. Tags included in this pinned post dw lol. self insert info below cut :] - wip as of 04/21/2024 !
General Hermitcraft Source:
applicable tag(s) - #tango
I joined the server at 19 during season nine (9). I'm primarily a builder - horrible at redstone, most technical farms, too. My player username is ReddieFreddie due to a funny in-joke. I joined the hermits from empires during the rift, I originally came from team crafted and yogscast servers. This doesn't come up often. I'm a piglin hybrid more human looking than mob looking. This gives me pink hair, tusks, thicker skin, and hair, as well as a major love for gold and golden like things. Therian, in the sense of "I SHOULD have wings, where are they?" Very good at elytra flying and loves to tinker with them.
yaddah.. yaddah. friends with Tango before the rift, got stuck with the hermits, and moved into his starter base since I didn't have anywhere else to go. Friends to lovers moment. Icy man, or not, he is so busy, and I must make him take breaks at times.... my piglin behind cannot handle the sheer ice and snow all of the time and simply whimpers pathetically off to the side. /j
I did a few runs of Decked Out, and I failed horribly. The ravengers refused to attack as I gave them the best golden apples. My ass got "dad gives better snacks :/" immunity.
Demon Source;
applicable tag(s) - #demon tango
Going to college for history and working on my final thesis, I found a fascinating rabbit hole into demonology and related occultism. Eventually, I found myself worn down from the stresses of school and work. Tired and desperate enough for a break, I attempt to summon a demon having found a seemingly promising lead, I figured. "Hey, if it works, it works. If not, I'm only out a bit of pride, seventeen dollars, and an alarming amount of candles!"
Surprisingly, it not only worked but also allowed me to meet my eventual partner, Tango.
Double Life;
applicable tag(s) - #double life tango, #double life jimmy
I joined the death game at Scott, Marytn, and Grian's request. When I joined the player, count was meant to be even. Very last-minute changes happened, leaving the count odd for the entirety of the game. This had an unintended side effect of a soul bonded poly pairing. Jimmy, Tango, and Myself.
The three of us found each other when Tango died to a creeper. It was quite the shock as no one knew how the games' mechanic would handle uneven players.
Shortly after we began to build our ranch, being the first yellow lives on the server was quite nerve-racking, but it was nice as we had each other! Tango, Jimmy, and I got along wonderfully. I primarily dealt with crops and building on the ranch, but we all did our part! When we all lost our last life, we kept in contact, Tango went back to hermitcraft, and I went back to empires with Jimmy. We had an across server group chat, and our romance only strengthened.
My s/i is quite like my normal hermitcraft one (being a piglin hybrid and all) PLUS wings, actually. Who knew funked up soulmate code would unlock a part of me I always knew was missing. Jimmy actively helps me tend to my new wings, and our empires got closer than ever.
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mull3ts · 3 years
⚠︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Smut, Dilf! Aged Up! Jeno, Daddy Kink, Fingering, Spanking, Cum Play
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Lee Jeno is rich. As in rich, rich. In fact, he probably has more money than all of the old money families on the Eastern Coast combined.
So, he’s rich, powerful, basically has anything and everything he asks for, attractive…what’s the catch? His love life is exactly the catch. Exactly five years ago, he divorced from his wife amidst cheating rumors going around surrounding the prominent ceo. Though, no-one’s quite sure who cheated. Him or his wife…ex-wife.
But, here he sat at his desk, at his office. Every window in the enlarged room as not a single dust particle made itself known in the air. His dark hair parted slightly to the side, his clean cut white polo shirt with blue trimming on the short sleeves showcased his arms and veins as all three buttons were unbuttoned, his blue dress pants color coordinated to match the trim on his polo and of course—his oxford shoes. All details of him listed is everything everyone immediately noticed about him as they passed his office, peeking into the crystal clear windows that surrounded the door that had his name spelled out for any passer-by to see.
With his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip as he read the paper in his hand, he had every female associate (along with male) practically on their knees for him. Some would simply stand and stare at the way his glasses rested on the tip of his nose, the way his pen twirled in his fingers, the way the sun created shadows on his veins…everyone either wanted to be with him or be him. Everyone wanted to be with or be the forty-two year old, unmarried, highly attractive, and filthy, horribly rich Lee Jeno.
Unfortunately for them, and maybe Jeno himself, he only had eyes for none other than his son’s best friend—you.
“Hey, y/n,” Jisung began, briskly putting his shoes on. “I told my dad I’d keep him company today, but um- well, obviously now I have to work so…you wouldn’t mind keeping him some company would you?” he asked a little bashfully, handing you his dad’s lunch box.
Jisung knew for a fact his dad had his sights on you—he’s decided he’d just play matchmaker as he smiled at you the moment you’d agreed to basically hang out with his dad…for the entire day.
You currently stood inside the elevator full of HR employees as you were instructed to go to the eighteenth floor to find the one and only, Mr. Lee. With a “ding!” you exited the elevator and turned right just like the receptionist said. Again, just like she said, you couldn't miss his office. With large windows showing almost the entirety of the room and the whole back wall being a window, you would've been completely blind to miss such a room like that with such a man inhabiting the insides.
There stood Mr. Lee, his fingers intertwined and his arms extended upwards to stretch and flex his muscles before rolling his shoulders and placing his hands in his pockets.
Intimidating? Absolutely.
You gave two knocks to the door before a low voice gave you a polite “Come in.”
The moment you stepped into the room, Mr. Lee turned around and gave you a crooked smile while walking towards you to meet your form in the middle of the room.
“M'guessing Jisung couldn't make it, hm?” he questioned, raising his eyebrows. His crooked smile grew larger as his hand snuck around your waist causing you to burn with embarrassment. “Tell me.” he demanded.
You shook your head, “He told me to keep you company.” It wasn't the first time Jisung told you to keep his dad company, though, it was the first time he's been so very close to you.
He chuckled at your words, “Course he did.” He sighed as he took the lunch box from your hands. “I'm assuming you've got nothing to do, and I've really got nothing to do so…” he trailed off, looking to the side then looking back at you with a raised eyebrow. “You wouldn't mind me playing with you a little, would you?”
Oh, did I mention Lee Jeno was great with his words?
The moment you shook your head, you felt like you've made one of the worst yet greatest decisions of your life. With all of the front windows now blocked, you were simply alone with only a skirt and your ripped open shirt in-front of Mr. Lee—more like bent over, sprawled out on Mr. Lee's lap.
He hummed. He'd brought all the papers he needed to read to the gray couch in the middle of the room and placed some on the coffee table as he sat on the couch itself with you in his lap. He rubbed your ass as he read paper after paper and you were growing needy for him. He could sense it. While reading, he lifted your skirt and rubbed your skin, inching closer to exactly where you wanted him.
His thumb rubbed up and down your slit, spreading your arousal everywhere before his digit dipped slightly in your hole. The feeling sent a tingle down your spine, Mr. Lee automatically noticed. He chuckled, pushing his glasses back up and began rubbing his hand on the inside of your thighs—the cold metal of his dainty chain bracelet giving you goosebumps.
Lifting your skirt and throwing his papers on the coffee table, his hand harshly came in contact with your ass making you scream out. Anyone that might’ve passed by probably heard you.
“Pretty, pretty, pretty,” he murmured to himself, beginning to push his index and middle finger inside your cunt. Small moans left your mouth the farther he pushed in, you could feel his fingers stretching you out. With a smile on his face, Mr. Lee began shoving his fingers in and out of you—curling them until a white liquid dripped out onto his fingers. Constant moans could be heard from you.
“You sound so fuckin’ cute when you moan, baby,” Mr. Lee nearly growled, quickening the pace of his fingers until he knew for a fact you were going to cum then—gone. He’d pulled his fingers out now letting your soppy hole clench around nothing. If you had the nerve to punch him, you would. Chuckling, he gave you a half-hearted apology. “M’sorry, doll, you’re just too fun.” he chuckled, raising your ass in the air for him as he unzipped his pants to pull his dick out.
Dragging the tip along your cunt, his precum spread all over your area before he forced his tip inside creating a rather wet noise. You basically had a death grip on the couch as Mr. Lee slowly thrusted in and out of you letting you try and get used to his size. He held his fingers on the plush of your lip, letting you suck on his digits. But then—the perfect idea flew into his mind. “This is gonna hurt,” he sharply inhaled, quickly pulling out his dick then shoved the entirety of it back inside.
“Daddy!” you screamed, biting down on Mr. Lee’s fingers that he forced you to suck on. Honestly, the name “Daddy” just flew out of your mouth so effortlessly. “So b-big!” you let out another scream “Too big~” you cried out, tears now falling down your face at the feeling of him stretching every part of you out. Coos of “M’sorry, angel” left Mr. Lee’s lips almost every time you moaned out.
“F-Feels like…” you panted, “F-Feels like m’gonna…m’gonna s-split, Daddy.” you whined, choking on your sobs and moans. While you were indeed whining, it was clear that you were loving every single moment of this.
Soft sounds of “shh” left Mr. Lee’s mouth as your sobs grew louder. “Jus’ relax, honey.” he comforted you as he flipped you around to have your back laying against his couch making your entire body face him. “Jus’ relax and keep your eyes on me.” he smirked, his eyes locked on yours.
You swear you tried your best to keep your eyes dead locked on his, but Mr. Lee just felt too good! “Daddy,” you moaned, your eyes very briefly rolling to the back of your head. Even at the slightest moment that your eyes were removed from his gaze—a quick, harsh slap was delivered to your face.
Mr. Lee roughly held your cheeks in his hand. “Look at Daddy when he fucks you.” he spat, a groan left his mouth at the end of the sentence.
Your moans grew into whines as Mr. Lee placed his hands on your waist and slammed your hips onto his, treating you as if you were nothing but a fleshlight. Your hips seemed to grow a mind on their own as you squirmed your hips against Mr. Lee at every opportunity you could.
A drawn out whimper left your lips, “Mister…Daddy~ M’gonna c-cum~” You loudly moaned right in his ear as your fingernails dug into his shoulders.
Mr. Lee could only chuckle at your incoherent state. “Be a good girl and cum for Daddy then,” he spoke, his voice raspy. As your nails began to dig relentlessly into his shoulders, your nails then scraped down the expanse of his back—you were cumming, hard.
As your cunt was oozing all over Mr. Lee’s dick, he continued to fuck you ruthlessly—not bothering to stop even as nothing but unintelligible whines and moans for him left your mouth and rang in the room.
“Daddy I-” you were interrupted by Mr. Lee post-orgasm when he shoved his digits in your mouth. “Shut. Up.” he grunted, enunciating every word as he chased his own high. The moment you whimpered when his cock twitched inside your wet walls was the exact moment he came all inside you. His hot, sticky cum was oozing out of you as he slowly pulled out of you.
Pulling his pants back up and wearing his shirt once more, he sat on the edge of the couch, bringing your fucked out body next to him. “You did so well for me, lovely,” he murmured, placing kisses all over your face.
Mr. Lee stood up from the couch to answer his door, that had been knocked on countless times leading up to this moment, as you dressed yourself as if nothing happened only minutes ago. Though, you didn’t dare to put your panties back on, sneakily placing the fabric behind a pillow on Mr. Lee’s office couch.
At the door stood a man who had the same stature as Mr. Lee—broad shouldered, parted hair, crisp polo, brooding aura with a psychopathic wide grin, this man could only be Na Jaemin himself. Conversation flew through the two men as Mr. Na stood in-front of an empty area on the couch, right next to you while Mr. Lee took a seat on the couch diagonal.
To be honest, you didn’t have a single clue as to what on Earth they were talking about until Mr. Na’s hand gripped your face. “See you’ve brought somethin’ to play with, huh Jeno?” he smiled, looking at his friend with that wide grin of his before looking back down at you.
Both men had a sleazy grin on their face as they looked at you, Mr. Lee's eyebrow perked up as his hands rested on the back of his head, laying back into his couch.
“You wanna play with him too, honey?”
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@yiz-yo @madame-viper @chicagosbigboi @hyuckhoon @nctdom @gbanne09 @seuomo @yerimezzy @louloudabich
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purplelupins · 2 years
The Grabber/Albert Shaw Headcanons
Sfw & Nsfw
These are in no order and simply my interpretation of the blank canvas that is Albert Shaw.
If you are a minor DO NOT ENGAGE. If you are offended or triggered by the mentioned material, DO NOT ENGAGE. Simple as that. Please note that I do not condone what the Grabber has done in cannon, and I am just interpreting his character from a  psychological standpoint. If you message me with negativity or harassment, I will not respond. This is Tumblr, not Twitter. Please block the Grabber x reader tag if you are disgusted.
General life
•Prior to Albert being born, his father drank a great deal which he picked up from his father having served in the First World War. But when Albert’s mother told him to stop drinking or she would leave him. She was a strong minded woman.
•Albert’s dad named him
•Albert was an only child until he was eight. He was always close with his mother who took interest in him. She encouraged him and listened to his interests and hobbies.
•I think he liked working with his hands- carving things out of wood, basic magic he had picked up from a book he bought himself with his allowance money his mother gave him, but his father didn’t know about. maybe even drawing at some point? He would make her little gifts and she would display them.
•I think he really loved slight of hand that comes with magic, and I think over the years he got quite good at it mainly to take things or mess with his father.
•Everything had changed when his brother, Max, was born. Their mother fell ill shortly after giving birth to Max, and she passed away within a week. It was a sudden and huge loss. She was the only thing standing between Albert and his father.
•It was left up to Albert to look after baby Max, while his father began drinking again.
•Because of this, Albert is actually very good with children.
•Then the beatings started. It started slow: his father would slap him and whip him over his pants, but he did it down in the basement because they couldn’t wake max.
•Because Albert hadn’t experienced the beating from a young age, he was more fearful of them than if he had always had them. As an eight year old, he had rational thinking abilities and would try and run away from home, but his father would always catch him. Sometimes he would be waiting for him with a glass of room temperature whiskey because he didn’t have the patience to cool it.
• When Albert was 13, his father went off to serve in the war. He was gone for two years with no contact, leaving Arthur and Max alone with a friend of his father’s and his family.
•This friend of his father’s sexually abused him for those two years.
•When his father returned, he was no longer the same. His morals were null, and he barely had an off switch when it came to abuse. His PTSD made him reckless with hurting Albert, even humiliating him in town when they got groceries.
•The adrenaline his father had experienced in the war left him always looking for ways to replicate it, and so he started playing sadistic games with Albert, which would become Naughty Boy. The only difference was that Albert wanted his father to kill him, but he never did.
•Albert is very tidy because of his father. (In the Film I think his house was messy because of Max and it drove him CRAZY)
• Albert is very smart and a very quick thinker.
• He did okay in school; he would have done so much better if it weren’t for his stressful, abusing home life and the trauma he went through. But because of his life, he didn’t get the best grades.
•He started working at a young age at the hardware store. That way he could get supplies to start wood carving again like his mother had loved, and he could save up to leave.
•During one of the beatings when Albert was older, he fought back against his father which lead to breaking his fathers leg. He became addicted to pain killers, and drank himself to death at a young age, and Albert was given the house.
•As he grew older, he couldn’t keep relationships and grew angry and afraid that no one would ever like him let alone love him.
•Max fucked off as a young man and honestly had a fairly normal life. Albert did love Max in some way, even with his idiotic mind, purely because he raised him.
• Albert did everything in his power to give Max a normal childhood. He helped him with his homework and went to his sports games. But he didn’t do it for Max. He did it because Max is all he has left of his mother and he looks like her.
•Fear was something he lived off for so long inside himself, that he sought out comfort. Comfort came in the form of his family home. He would try and remember his mother there instead of the bad memories, but he would have vivid nightmares of his father. Once he even had one so strong he destroyed the inside of his house looking for his dead father because he was certain he had come back from the dead.
•His job paid well and he even bought the house across the street to move into. Close to his old home but far enough that he didn’t have to live in the trauma.
•His first girl friend was late in life and did not end well. She cheated on him and when he confronted her…he lost his temper and strangled her. It horrified him, and he buried her body in the basement of the house he bought. Already tainting it before he could move in and start fresh.
•In the late 60’s and early 70’s he started to see more and more reports of these multiple murderers and freak kidnappings on the news. He noticed how most of them were cold cases and the investigations would be dropped after months or a year. He got this strange sort of itch.
• the thought festered for a year.
•He wanted to do that too. He saw how invested people were in those cases, and he wanted to be a part of that.
• For the next several years, he soundproofed the basement, and began to really let his mind go. He found his old carving supplies and began making those masks to take charge of the trauma he went through.
•It was his turn to be in charge.
•And from then on, the Grabber was born.
The following is more pertinent to my fic Sweet Dreams, but you’re still welcome to read them as general headcannons. There are NSFW ones below.
•Because of raising Max, he does have a paternal streak(even if it is morbid) so he does enjoy caring for someone.
•He’s very polite to woman and children (he will make faces at little kids especially little girls if hes in town. They giggle.) but gruffer with men.
•Outside of his home, he’s generally quiet and keeps to himself. Quite a few locals know him because of living there so long.
•Terrible temper. This is a given. It’s like a light switch. On and off in an instant.
•This man is STRONG. He works with his hands and lifting boxes and equipment all day. He’s lean but he can take down almost anyone, especially when he’s angry.
• Pervert. Will take your panties. Will not give them back. But will buy you new ones. Loves it when you don’t wear any under your clothes at home.
• If you’re in a relationship with him, it is his goal to have fucked you on every surface.
•He washes you. He dries you. He dresses you. No other option.
•Has an innocence kink: having not had anyone to care for him for most of his life, he now takes a lot of pleasure and validation from caring for someone else.
•This kink is more about having you rely on him for everything.
•Plus having you dependant on him is the goal.
•He needs you to be dependant. He soaks it up.
•Control Control control. This man needs to be the one in control at all times after having no control for so long.
•Call him Sir or Master on the regular and he’s gone…call him daddy and he’s feral. I think he will only entertain the daddy aspect if he’s not kidnapping, and he’s comfortable (as he can be) with whoever he’s fucking. It can be used against him if he’s not comfortable with the person because it could be a way of saying “You’re like your father.” Which is what he hates most. BUT! If the person uses it in a way where it means “You’re in control, I’m yours to do with what you will.” Then I think he loves it. It goes with his innocence kink too.
•Calling him daddy helps him to reclaim the title and give it a different meaning…so it’s actually a bit healing.
•Sadism, fear play, bondage. He loves seeing that flash of fear in your eyes. He loves tying you up. He loves inflicting pain until you’re weeping in his arms.
•Albert loves seeing you when he fucks you. He needs to see what he does to you(fear, hatred, pain, love, pleasure etc) he likes to see your skin too so chances are he’ll rip your clothes off before sex
•Somnophilia. Especially if he’s fucked you for so long and you pass out and he keeps going.
• Condescending praise aka degradation (not towards him)
•Will pet your hair and hold you close after you’re done.
•Kiss this man’s skin. Please.
•He’s hesitant with kisses on the mouth but if he keeps you around long enough he might warm up to them.
•He loves it when you miss him and hug him when you see him after a long day.
•He knows he shouldn’t have children. He’s terrified of ruining his own child’s life.
•Deep Self hatred, hence the masks.
•If you want him to take it off, you need to be patient. Wait until he starts with coming with half masks more often…then see if he’ll work up to no mask.
•Likes having the mask on during sex even if he doesn’t wear it around you anymore. It gives him more power.
•Is unable to love, but he will obsess over you enough that is resembles a toxic love. He will want to possess you (go back to you being dependent on him) he wants to be your world.
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freaky-munson · 2 years
Hi! I’d like to introduce you guys to my first fic which will probably have few parts. I really hope you will like it❤️
Summary: Eddie Munson really wants to marry Y/n Hopper but her dad strongly refuses; based on song “Rude” by MAGIC! fic is kinda au
Words: 491
Warnings: a little bit of angst, mostly fluff
introduction here part one part two part three part four part five epilogue
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Of course Jim Hopper thought that his older daughter was aging way too fast - she just graduated from high school which meant lots of changes. Moreover, he still saw her as a little 5 year old girl who only wanted her daddy’s attention and hands full of dolls to play with.
That fact didn’t help the Munson boy at all. What also caused problems in their father-in-law—son-in-law relation was him being juvenile delinquent who visited police station too many times for Jim’s liking. Oh and the most important thing - that this juvenile delinquent was dating one of his precious angels, Y/n.
Unfortunately for the dad, his daughter was madly in love. Even when she knew that she was young and had whole life ahead of her, no matter what, she always said “Eddie is the love of my life, I don’t know what I would do without him and to be honest I’m not even going to try to imagine it”.
And boy, don’t get me started on her boyfriend’s behaviour. The love he felt for that pretty girl was bigger than the love he gave his guitar- and that says more than any other word could.
So it wasn’t weird when one day at Family Video, Munson told his friends who worked there - Steve and Robin, shocking yet a little bit predictable news.
“Guys, I bought a ring” Eddie’s beam lit his face up but his fingers were nervously playing with each other.
The pair of best friends firstly was quite shocked, which caused a moment of uncomfortable silence. This stressed Eddie even more.
“Like you know, to propose. To Y/n of course. Cause I love her so much. A-and only her.” He added in hope his friends would understand more clearly.
“Don’t you think, you know, you’re too young?” Robin standing next to Steve elbowed him in the ribs and muttered silent warning “Robin, that hurt! What the heck are you doing?”
“You are a dingus you know that?” rolling her eyes she answered her less subtle friend “Wow, it’s really big step man. Are you like sure? Sure-sure?”
“To be honest with you my little lesbian friend, I have never been more sure of anything else in my life”
Actually the working teenagers weren’t that surprised. They knew them as the couple from the beginning of their relationship. They saw how young lovers fell in love with each other, how they looked at the other significant one - with big almost heart shaped eyes. But as well as Eddie himself, they knew that he had some things to be scared about. And that wasn’t a thought that Y/n would say no. No, they all knew she would say yes, without any consideration.
The big problem was the father himself. Because Y/n really cared about him and would really want his blessing so Eddie Munson had to get “yes” also from Jim Hopper - and that was simply bordering on the miraculous.
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queenshelby · 3 years
My Friend’s Father (Part Three)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut
Words: 2,947
I have decided to make this into a series.
Alright, no judgment. This was a dream of mine and I felt like I had to write it down. Everyone in this Fic is over the age of 18 and this Fic is in no way based on Cillian’s real family life. It’s pure filth.
Cillian’s POV
Shortly after Denise got home from her rather miserable date with Jeremy, Cillian went to bed. It was only 9 o’clock but he thought that he would spend some time finishing reading the book he had started to read two nights ago.
The problem was that, even when he tried hard to focus on the content of the book, he couldn’t.
His mind was overrun with guilt about what had happened between you all so suddenly and unexpectedly and he still wasn’t so sure why he had given into you so easily. It was almost like he had lost all of his self-control in that moment.
This kind of behaviour was unusual for him. Usually, he would have been more sensible than this. After all, he was 45 and never had a one-night stand in his entire life.
Would you share this with anyone?
Probably not, he thought. He had known you for a while and you weren’t the type of woman who was actively seeking attention. You were always somewhat nerdy and a bit of loner. For years, he had known you to be sensible and he always liked that you were looking out for his daughter Denise. You were more mature than her and were always somewhat shy and reserved.
With this in mind, he was even more surprised by your actions. You seducing him the way you did seemed out of character for you which made him nervous.
Did you have feelings for him?
He certainly hoped that you didn’t. For him, this was nothing but sex and he would hate to give you the feeling that it was something more. He didn’t want to hurt you.
He should never have given into you. He knew that it was wrong and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why he acted so selfishly because, in his mind, this was exactly what it was. An act of selfishness.
You were young and clearly inexperienced which made this whole thing even worse. It was obvious to Cillian that you hadn’t been with many men before and he felt as though he took advantage of you even despite the fact that you were the one who made a move on him. He should have stopped you.
The fact that he is seeing someone else in Manchester didn’t help either and, whilst it wasn’t anything serious or exclusive, it felt wrong to him to be intimate with you which, in his own mind, brought him to another dilemma all together.
Why didn’t he use protection when he slept with you?
He knew that he could have simply walked into his son’s bedroom and find what he needed. But he didn’t. Instead, he was so consumed by lust that he forgot all about the need to be play it safe. Of course, he always reminded his adult children about the importance of protection and yet, he failed to adhere to his own rules.
Whilst he knew that you didn’t have many sexual partners and any risk associated with contracting STDs was somewhat low, he worried that you weren’t on birth control.
Why on earth didn’t he at least ask you about it? Was it too late to ask you now? Why did you make him pull out?
He panicked and he knew he had to talk to you in order to ease his mind.
After you listened to Denise about her date gone wrong and what an asshole Jeremy actually was, you also made your way to bed. You felt terrible for her but knew that she would meet someone else who would make her happy and treat her well.
But her date with Jeremy wasn’t the only thing you felt terrible about. Even more so, you felt terrible about sleeping with her father which you knew was wrong and yet, you tried to justify it in your head.
Why did you act so selfishly and gave into your sexual needs?
This was something you had never done before. You were rather careful when it came to getting yourself involved with guys.
You had taken a liking in your friend’s father several years ago when you were 19. But then, it was just a silly crush you thought.
When you heard about his divorce however, you began to fantasise about him in your sleep and this was simply a fantasy you had finally acted upon.
This, however, didn’t change the fact that he was your friend’s father.
Would she mind if she knew?
Maybe she wouldn’t. She might just think that you are disgusting for sleeping with her dad but, in the end of the day, you are two consenting adults.
Why couldn’t you stop even when you realised that what you were doing was wrong?
When you made the first move it was almost like you were in a trance. You were overwhelmed. You wanted every bit of it but you never experienced sex quite like this. It was intense and he certainly knew what he was doing.
Whilst Cillian was much older than you, you were extremely attracted to him. Everything about him was perfect in your mind and he felt incredible when he was inside you.
You wanted so much more and thought that, perhaps, if it was just sex, it wasn’t wrong after all.
Together Again
Just as those thoughts raced through your mind, you heard a quite knock on the door.
Thinking that it was Denise, you didn’t bother to cover up as you were sitting on the guest bed in black cotton panties and a tight cotton singlet.
To your surprise, however, it wasn’t Denise who walked into the guestroom when you called out ‘come in’. It was Cillian.
His chin dropped as soon as he saw you. For some reason, he took a liking in your rather simple but yet revealing outfit, your messy hair and your black framed reading glasses.
‘Hey’ you simply said shyly as he was standing there speechless.
‘Hey’ he responded, swallowing harshly before telling you that he needed to talk to you.
‘Sure’ you said, putting the magazine down which you were reading along with your reading glasses. Then, you scooted over on the bed and indicated to him to sit down next to you.
His scent was intoxicating. He was freshly showered and his hair was still wet but you could still smell a hint of his aftershave on him.
‘So, what do you want to talk about?’ you asked without bothering to cover up your naked skin and you could see Cillian’s mind working overtime while the tension was building.
‘About what happened between us’ he then stammered while he observed your eyes wandering towards where they shouldn’t. But, you couldn’t help it and, when you noticed that he was reacting to your presence, you bit your lips seductively.
‘What happened between us was just sex. It’s not a big deal. People have sex all the time and you can trust me Cillian. It will remain our little secret’ you said in a seductive voice while moving your hand over Cillian’s upper thigh, through the hairs on his exposed skin and then all the way towards the rim of his boxers.
‘Y/N’ he barely managed to stammer, swallowing harshly.
‘Yes Cillian?’ you then smirked, noticing the effect you were having on him and moving your hand farther up his legs and beneath his boxers where you began to stroke his cock.
‘You are so hard’ you then whispered as you received no response from him other than a groan and, just as you did, Cillian took hold of you and pushed you beneath him in one swift movement.
Without words, Cillian’s warm lips met yours in a passionate kiss. The kiss was more urgent than before and you loved the way he asserted his dominance as his tongue circled around yours.
He felt such desire for you that he thought he would explode and, whilst he was normally quite vocal, every word he tried to say and every question he was going to ask you, were caught in his throat.
Wrapping your arms round him you ran your hands up and down his firm back as your mouths ground together. Sucking on each other's lips and plunging your tongues into each other’s mouth.
You couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to be kissed in such an experienced, almost sophisticated way and Cillian was marvelling at how someone so young could have learned to kiss so well.
Within split seconds and in between heated kisses, Cillian’s t-shirt and your singlet landed on the floor.
It wasn’t long until Cillian’s mouth left yours and began to wander over your firm breasts and then all the way down to your stomach which is where they came to a halt.
He interlocked his fingers with your panties and pulled them down, letting them join the other clothes on the floor before his head gracefully disappeared in between your legs.
‘It goes without saying, but you need to be quiet’ Cillian chuckled and you barely managed to nod before you covered your own mouth with the palm of your hand as Cillian dipped his tongue straight into your wetness.
‘Oh god yes’ you whimpered quietly as the rasping roughness of his tongue slid along your velvety wetness and sent enormous tremors through you.
You had little experience of either, receiving or, giving oral sex. In your world of mainly inexperienced boys, it was hardly on the agenda as they were generally too keen to get their rocks off to worry overly about your pleasure. In any case in the usually rushed episodes in the back of cars or downstairs with parents in bed there was hardly the time let alone the opportunity for languid pussy licking or sensual cock sucking. In the world of the forty-five year-old man lying between your opened legs, however, it very much was on the agenda and he seemed to enjoy it just as much as you did.
You moaned loudly as you were holding Cillian’s head in both hands as he licked the length of your pussy. He did it slowly with just the right amount of pressure making sure that the tip of his tongue fully anointed both lips and licked just inside them on that especially sensitive area.
When you moaned a little too loudly again, he reminded you to be quiet just before he sucked and kissed you again, covering every inch of the outside of your pussy before pushing the straightened tip of his tongue inside and probing upwards licking the insides as he started to tongue fuck you.
‘This feels so fucking good’ you stammered, legs shaking and quivering while Cillian held you tightly and it wasn’t long until you reached an orgasm which sent convulsions through your body.
You moaned a little too loud again as your whole body tingled and felt tender to the touch and tears of pleasure and relief, with a tinge of guilt, poured down your cheeks.
‘That was amazing’ you eventually huffed out as you slowly came down from your high and Cillian kissed his way back up your body until his lips reached yours.
‘You taste so fucking good’ he then whispered into your ear after your lips drifted apart and, just as he did, you reached in between his legs and began stroking his cock which was still rock hard.
‘I want to feel you inside me again…please…just once more’ you begged and the sound of you begging alone made Cillian groan.
‘Fuck Y/N…I want you so much’ he whispered as he pulled down his boxers and his wiggling body urged your legs to open so that his cock lay between your thighs with the bulbous end of it pressed against your lips.
‘Then take me’ you groaned marvelling at the fact your friend's dad was about to fuck you.
With the tip of his cock just slightly parting the lips of your pussy and his arms round your body with his hands gripping your taught bum he muttered something you couldn’t understand. It was obvious to you that his mind was hardly able to accept what was happening. Nonetheless, he wanted it so badly and, with a shrug of his hips, he sank his cock deep into your gorgeously tight and wonderfully welcoming pussy.
‘Oh god yes, Cillian’ you groaned as your fingernails were digging into his back.
He pushed himself in as far as it would go, eliciting more groans from you which he had to quickly silence with his lips.
You felt light-headed and deliriously happy. You also felt very filled. Cillian was bigger than the other guys you had been with and you loved the feeling of being stretched. The folds of skin that guard your clit seemed to be open and that so sensitive place felt to be exposed, so as Cillian started moving slowly up and down it was as though his cock was rubbing on it. You had never felt anything like it before. Just as you had never felt like cumming when a man's cock had only been inside you for a few moments.
Somehow, however, you managed to delay your release just a little bit longer, enjoying as Cillian thrusted into you hard and deep until, eventually, the inevitable happened.
‘Let go, there is no need to hold back’ Cillian reassured you and, just as he did, you allowed your orgasm to wash over you.
‘Oh god Cillian, fuck’ you shouted out and he quickly covered your mouth with his hand as he continued to thrust into and watched you lose control.
Your legs were shaking once again as you gave in and, when you finally came down, Cillian pulled out of you.
Thinking that he was done and that he wanted you to proceed as before, you scooted up but, to your surprise, Cillian pulled you on top of him instead.
‘Your turn to take what you need Y/N’ Cillian whispered and you couldn’t help but shiver at his words. He wanted you on top and that was yet another first for you.
‘You can cum again’ he then said but you couldn’t help but shake your head.
‘I don’t think I can, but I am willing to try’ you smirked. He had already given you four orgasms that day which were four more orgasms than anyone else before him had given you.
‘I bet you can’ he then winked and you nodded shyly before taking his hard cock into your hand and lining it up with your entrance.
‘I will be sore tomorrow I think’ you whispered as, with a moan, you sank down on his hard cock.
‘Yes, you will be’ Cillian chuckled as, all of a sudden, he thrusted upwards and deep into your mound, causing you to cry out in pleasure.
Once again, he covered your mouth with his hand as you began to ride him.
‘You feel so fucking good, you know that?’ Cillian groaned as you began to move up and down on his hard shaft. He certainly had become vocal now and you loved it.
‘So tight around my cock’ he then groaned as he met your thrusts and he could hear you starting to whimper.
‘Oh god…yes, fuck my pussy’ you moaned quietly, holding his hand and keeping it near your mouth while sucking on his fingers.
‘Cum inside me Cillian. I want to feel it. Fill me with your cum’ you then demanded as you began to ride his cock harder and faster and, by this point, Cillian had lost all self-control.
The dirty talk, the tightness of your pussy and the way your lips played with his fingers was too much for him.
‘Cum with me Cillian’ you then moaned as you let go and so did he.
‘Oh god Cillian, yes…fuck’ you groaned as such amazing feelings flooded your body and you felt him push into you as far as he could go.
‘Fuck Y/N’ grunted as you both climaxed simultaneously and you soared to a height of pleasure you had never previously experienced when Cillian’s cock exploded sending streams of his cum into you.
‘Oh god that was amazing’ you eventually huffed out when you both stopped moving.
‘Jesus Y/N’ Cillian grunted almost at the same time before his eyes shot open and he saw your satisfied smile.
Carefully, you climbed off him, releasing his cock from your tight pussy before you sat down on the bed next to him.
You spread your legs and, with curious eyes, you looked down on yourself and watched some of Cillian’s cum leak from your core.
‘That feels so fucking good…so warm and wet’ you observed as you collected some of his cum with your finger and brought it to your mouth while Cillian cocked an eyebrow, wondering what you were doing.
‘Uhm…?’ Cillian chuckled, watching you almost speechlessly but yet somewhat turned on.
‘I never had a guy cum inside me but this is so fucking sexy’ you observed with a laugh before reshuffling yourself and collapsing into his arms.
‘Yeah, about that…’ Cillian went on to say…
 Tag List:
@lilymurphy03@deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Good little girl
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*gif is not mine*
Note - Requested by @holacia2 and a part two to good little wife. And special thanks to @gotnofucks for all her help! I'm so overwhelmed with all the love that fic got I hope y'all like this little follow up as well❤❤
Dividers by @firefly-graphics.
Summary - Married life isn't always easy. Will you be able to solve your problems?
Warnings - 18+ only explicit sexual content, younger woman/older man, daddy kink, soft dark!Andy, SO MUCH MISOGYNY, housewife kink, innocence kink, (accusations of) cheating, arranged/forced marriage, spanking, possessive Andy.
Pairing - Mob!Andy Barber x reader
Word count - 4.9k
Masterlist is linked in the bio and the pinned post!
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You handed your mother the brownies you had baked, she thanked you, telling you how it was so unnecessary, before Andy placed the wine you had gotten on the way over on the kitchen counter.
“Why don’t you go keep your father in law company, Andrew?” your mom told him. He only nodded before making way to his boss.
“So? How are things going with him?” she asked. “You are positively glowing honey! Do you have any good news yet?”
“Mom!” you gasped.
Over the past seven months you had only seen your mother a handful of times. You were still a bit upset with her for marrying you off to an older man you barely knew, a man who you thought despised you so much he refused to even touch you.
You knew she didn’t really have a say in it. Your father never really valued her opinion, there was no way she would’ve been able to stop it but she hadn’t even so much as tried.
“No, I don’t. And I won’t any time soon,” you huffed.
While being a mother was something you’d like to experience someday, you didn’t know if you were quite ready for it yet. Which was good because Andy didn’t want kids for the next few years either, he had taken you to a doctor to get you on birth control as soon as the holidays were over.
He stated that he wasn’t ready to share you just yet. That he wasn’t sure he wants his kids to be a part of the mob, which you didn’t want either.
“Oh, but you have to, cookie. I need a distraction. Being a mom is all I’ve ever known and ever since you left the house has been so empty.”
“Well, what about daddy?” you frowned. He had never really liked spending time with your siblings or your mother, but to leave her be on her own like that.
“He’s always with Charlotte,” she rolled her eyes. “I would’ve been fine with it, he’s always been like that, can’t expect him to change now, but he brought her here, now, to a family dinner.” She sighed in resignation.
You had heard a familiar high pitched annoying laugh upon coming home, but you thought that to be one of your brothers floozies.
Charlotte, or Cherry, used to be a good friend of yours in college. Before you brought her home for the holidays of your freshman year and she decided to shack up with your married father, who was almost thrice her age. You lost touch with her after that.
“I’m telling you, honey, a kid is a good way of securing your marriage and starting a family. You are young now... but you will grow old someday. Andrew’s a good man... but he is still a man at the end of the day.”
You scoffed at that, “I won’t have you talking that way about my husband! We are already a family, we’re in love each other and he’s nothing like dad.”
She gave you a teary smile, “Young love--is just so innocent and beautiful. You always see the best in people, cookie. I hope I’m wrong about this. Any man would be an idiot to not appreciate you.”
“Andy does appreciate me. And take good care of me, ma...” you trailed off.
He did take good care of you. After the night you consummated your marriage he brought you breakfast in bed. He hadn’t kept his hands off of you for the past few weeks, doting on you any chance he could get, telling you he loved you every chance he got.
But you wondered... did he love you?
The kind of love you’d only ever read about in classical novels. The kind of love you’d dreamt of having ever since you could remember, the kind you thought you once had with someone, but didn’t. You didn’t love Alex the way you love Andy. You were in love with the idea of Alex. You knew Andy now. You knew how kind, passionate and fierce he was, your love for him consumed every single part of you. Where you would literally die for him.
But did he love you for you. Or was he just lonely because it was Christmas. You had avoided taking the tree and the decorations down, begging him, even dropping to your knees and making love to him with your mouth, you didn’t know much but Cherry had taught you that you could get men to do anything for you just by kneeling before them.
While he was very obviously pleased with your passion, returning the favor tenfold, till your thighs burned from his bread and you were shouting for him to stop, he still took the decorations down. He said he wanted to start anew this year. He made a resolution to be the best husband he could.
But you were going to protect your heart this time, hope for the best but still prepare for the worst.
Unfortunately, you had been seated next to Cherry. You found out that your father was living with her now and that while she had hoped he’d leave his wife for her there, but apparently there was no such luck.
“They never leave their wives do they,” she shook her head. “Oh I’m sorry! I shouldn’t be saying these things to you...”
“Its alright,” you shrugged. It would be hard to see your mother be unhappy but there was never any love between your parents. Your mother had learned to live without him and find happiness in other things, and other people, she was just a bit more sneaky about it.
“Well...” you hesitated “how do you keep a man?”
“What kind of question is that?” she giggled. “There are many ways to keep a man but you’ll have to be a bit more specific...”
You ended up changing the subject. The kind of questions you wanted to ask were not suitable for the dinner table, and you didn’t like the way Andy was staring daggers at the pair of you, almost displeased with the two of you chatting.
You smiled at him from the passenger seat when he put his hand on your knee, giving it a light squeeze. He had been quite the whole ride home so you decided to speak first.
“Can’t believe Cherry’s like my... step mom.” You laughed out loud at such a ridiculous notion.
“Step mom?” he furrowed his brows, turning his head to look at you.
“Oh I’m just joking,” you waved him off. “Dad would never leave my ma. He’ll move on to another one soon enough.”
He hummed, nodding, “Alright. I was just worried she was troubling you at dinner.”
“What would you have done if she was? Would you swop in like a knight in shining armor and save me from the big meanie?”
“You know I would,” he smiled.
You had asked for a piggy back ride from Andy from the garage to your home, he rolled his eyes and tried to say no but then gave in when you used your princess eyes on him.
He placed you on top of your bed, kissing the tip of your nose, he started unbuttoning his shirt to get ready for bed.
“Andy... um... Daddy?” you corrected yourself instantly.
He liked you addressing him as that whenever you both were alone, he had warned you that you would receive a punishment if you ever failed to comply.
You didn’t know what his punishment would be and you didn’t plan on finding out anytime soon. You’d withhold all affection from him if he ever dared take away the platinum card from you, or lower your allowance as your father had told him to at the dinner, ‘to tame you' supposedly.
But that wasn’t a very good plan... what if he just looked for love elsewhere.
“What is it, honey?” he asked.
“Um... do you think... you would ever take a mistress?” you gulped and prepared yourself for his answer.
“I wouldn’t...” you sighed in relief, “one woman is enough trouble.” he said flatly.
“Daddy!!” you whined, stomping your foot on the floor and folding your hands over your chest.
And he had the audacity to laugh. His laughter at your expense only fuelled your anger. “Do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?”
He finally stopped laughing, “Look at you being a big girl,” he tried to pinch your cheek but you swatted his hand away. “You don’t wanna be daddy’s little girl anymore?” he pouted.
“No... no I do!” you answered all too eager. “I’m sorry...”
“I’m sorry too, honey. I shouldn’t be making fun of you.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” you hugged his hard stomach, rubbing your cheek against his undershirt. “It’s mean, and you promised not to be mean to me.”
“I was just teasing,” he cooed, stroking your hair. And while you knew that and secretly enjoyed it even, you still wanted a serious answer out of him.
“I intend to keep my vows forever. There is just no way I could ever want anyone who’s not you.”
“Really?” you propped your chin on his abdomen, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Um... I’m here to see Andy,” you told the lady sitting outside of, what you had been told was Andy’s office, you assumed her to be his secretary Erica.
You always packed a lunchbox for Andy, always remembering to leave a sweet note for him and he would always call you to thank you for it. You also made sure to have dinner ready before he got home on the nights he wasn’t taking you out on the town. It was just your duty as a good wife.
But Andy had been working way too much the past couple of weeks. Where he would be gone before you wake up and be back when you were already in bed. You knew his job was demanding, working for your father and being a partner in a law firm, the job was like a mistress, stealing your man away...
So you simply decided to make his favorite, food pack it up and come to him to eat it together.
“Mrs Barber! It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you,” she gave you a toothy smile, shaking your hand.
You would’ve been happy, elated that Andy talks so much about you at work. If you hadn’t smelled her perfume. So familiar... you couldn’t quite place it at first but then you remembered.
The night you had slaved away, hoping to profess your love to your husband, when he had rejected you and smelled of chanel.
“That’s a nice scent...” you wondered out loud.
“Oh thank you! I love it as well,” she said, taking in a whiff of the inside of her wrist. “It’s the new chanel one!”
You almost didn’t hear Andy calling for you. “What a nice surprise.” He kissed your cheek.
You set the food before him, thinking of telling him what was on your mind.
Was he really so cliché to have an affair with his secretary?
Could you really blame him though? Although you had been married for almost seven months, you were strangers living under the same roof for the majority of them. He wasn’t really cheating... but what if he was still doing it?
“Honey,” he shook you to get your attention. “What’s up with you today? I have a meeting in a few minutes.”
“You’re always working.” You complained.
“Well...” he grinned, grabbing at your thighs and pulling you on his lap, “I have to. If I had the choice I would never come into work, I would stay home forever, between your legs, right... here,” he snaked a hand up your leg and stroked the inside of your thigh. “You would like that wouldn’t you?”
You nodded, “I’ve been so lonely without you.”
He hummed, biting the shell of your ear before speaking into it, “I know, honey. I miss you too. But you do still remember the number one rule right?”
“Yes, daddy. Never touch myself without your permission.”
“And why is that?”
You whined, to embarrassed to say the words, “Because... it’s your... pussy.” You replied in a small shy voice.
“That’s right, sweetheart. It’s mine to do whatever I want with,” he cupped your mould, just to demonstrate what he meant but then frowned when he felt your soft curls and wet slick against his palm.
“You’re not wearing any panties, sweetheart.” He noted, surprised to your boldness.
“Um... I must’ve forgot.”
So maybe you had ulterior motives behind coming here. Your body was used to be doted on everyday now, and to not have his touch for so long was agonising. You had hoped to maybe bend down to pick up a napkin that fell ever so conveniently and flash him, it would work, he would be driven mad.
“Forgot huh?” You nodded in reply as he gathered your slick in his fingers, tracing your labia with them. “That’s too bad, If you had left them on purpose I would’ve cancelled my meeting and fucked you right here. But since it was just an innocent mistake I wouldn’t do that,” he retreated his hand, placing a soft kiss on your hair. “Thanks for lunch.”
You were determined to prove your worth to Andy. If he did have a mistress, whether it be his secretary or any other woman, he would forget all about her when he saw how you could do everything for him.
You had went all out today, baking a pie and a four course meal from scratch, lighting up candles, the pink babydoll that Andy had gifted you was under your dress.
He was as always exhausted when he got home, his face visibly lighting up upon seeing you, you took his hand in yours taking him to the couch and making him a glass of whiskey, you handed it to him before kneeling on the soft rug.
“You work so hard, daddy,” you murmured as your fingers worked on unzipping his pants.
He looked at you in confusion, shaking his head, “You don’t have to do that, honey,” cupping your cheek in his plan, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb.
“But I want to make you feel good,” you blinked at him.
He groaned, unable to say no when you looked so willing to please him, but at the same time he wanted to do more with you. To cuddle and watch a movie and talk, it felt as if he hadn’t in ages.
“Very well,” he nodded.
With the green signal from him, you licked your lips, tasting some of your minty gloss, taking his length out of the confines of his underwear, you took a minute to simply marvel at the sheer size and beauty of it.
You licked a stripe up the underside of it, suckling at the crown, you remembered that he liked that the best, at least from the way he twisted his hand in your hair, pulling at it till it caused a slight burn to your scalp.
You slurped his precum up before he pushed his hips up till his tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag around him, didn’t take him long to come down your throat.
His neck and cheek covered in a crimson blush, his chest heaving as he threw his head back against the couch.
“You did good, honey...” he rasped. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
He absolutely loved the dinner you had made for him. But when you subtly, because you were raised to be a good lady and wife, tried to coax him to make love to you before bed, he.... rejected you.
Sure, he was kind about it. He told you he was simply tired and would make it up to you. But it was still shocking how a man as insatiable as him would ever say no. You truly didn’t know what to make of it.
“Oh... I don’t know about this... it’s a bit too bold for me,” you bit your lip.
“Just try it on! You might end up liking it!” Cherry urged you, putting the bright red lipstick on you without waiting for an answer, “There is nothing more classic than a red lip. Or a red anything. Men go crazy for it.” She told you.
You simply hummed through closed lips as she put some finishing touches on it. “Doesn’t that look nice?” she asked, holding up a mirror before you.
You smiled, it did look different. Maybe different was what you needed. “It’s very pretty. It makes me feel... confident?” Which was strange. Because how could a simple lipstick make you feel confident?
“See! I told you. Confidence is the key to sexiness. Now, let’s talk lingerie.”
“Honey, I’ve been waiting for over fifteen minutes,” you heard Andy call out to you from the bedroom.
“Just a minute,” you said, perfecting your edges with a lip brush.
This was something you had never done before. You wore a lot of lingerie for Andy, but most of them were cute pastels or white nighties or babydolls. Nothing like what you were wearing right now...
A sheer black lacy body suit that clung to your body, leaving literally nothing to the imagination.
Top that off with your red lip... you looked like some kind of dominatrix. Cherry told you that most men secretly wish to be dominated. Although you highly doubted your daddy would want anything like that. Or would he?
“Alright, I’m coming out,” you announced, before shyly stepping out, your eyes trained on the floor as you twiddled with your fingers to maybe distract you from your nerves. “What do you think?”
He was speechless. His jaw almost dropping on the floor when he saw you like that. So far from his sweet girl. You were just as much beautiful and sexy, and while it wasn’t something he was used or prefer to he would welcome it if it was what you wanted.
He extended an arm to you, ready to tell you that you were sexy, that he wanted to spend hours worshipping every inch of your body, that he wanted his cock stained the shade of red you wore on your lips, that he was ready to make up for being away for weeks.
Until he saw... that.
He lowly growled your name, making your head snap up to look at him, “What did you do to your pussy?” Because from what he could see, through the sheer material, there was nothing where your pubic hair used to be.
“Uh... I uh... waxed it...” From the tone of his voice you could tell that he wasn’t too happy about it. “Do you not like it?”
“Like?” he scoffed, shaking his head. Taking a seat on the bedding, “C'mere, let me take a closer look.”
Hesitantly, you walked the few strides it took till you were standing before him.
He studied your mould, trying to take the fabric off so he could see it more properly and then tutting when he couldn’t even open the stupid thing.
“Wait, it um... opens here I think,” you interrupted his scrutiny, undoing the zipper that was on your side and taking the suit off of you.
He sighed in resignation when he saw what you had done, making you regret your ever spending so much money and going through all that pain.
He parted your lips apart, running his fingers along your vulva, acquainting himself with this new strange feel of you, “When did do this?” his blue eyes looked up at you.
“Just a couple of days ago. It’s just hair... it’ll grow back in like three weeks.”
“Three weeks?” he scoffed.
You could feel your eyes getting misty. You tried to go all out for him, to please him, be completely naked and vulnerable before him, only to have him get angry at you.
“You don’t like it,” you sniffled.
His furrowed brow softened when he saw you crying, pulling you down till you were straddling his lap, “The question isn’t whether I like it or not,” he explained, his thumb wiping your wet cheeks, “I could... maybe live with it. But I wouldn’t prefer it.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“But for you to have done this,” he touched your newly waxed skin and almost winced at the smoothness, “You must’ve let someone else see you naked. See what belongs to me.”
“Bu - but they were all women...” you stammered, squirming in his lap as his fingers toyed with your clit.
“It doesn’t matter,” he tutted, pushing two fingers inside you, “Only I get to see you. This is MY pussy. Only I get to decide what to do with it. Do you understand?”
You nodded, holding onto his tshirt as he twisted his fingers inside you. “So-sorry, daddy.”
“No, honey, since you were bad you don’t get to call me daddy. For tonight you will address me as sir. And of course you’ll have to be punished.”
“Punished?” you pouted. “Can’t you just let me go since it was my first strike? I’ll be good from now on I promise!”
“No, you have to learn your lesson. Come on,” you yelped as he manhandled you so you were face down across his lap, “What is your safe word?”
“Unicorns” you giggled. You thought you were so witty for coming up with it. Since he for some reason was jealous of your unicorn stuffie.
He hummed, stroking the soft skin of your butt, “How does twenty sound?”
Your eyes went wide as you gasped, looking at him over your shoulder, “No!” you said.
He didn’t really plan on spanking you... did he? He liked swatting your ass here and there, and truth be told you liked it too. But you had never been spanked or even hit as a punishment.
“Well, if not this then maybe we can make you go a week without cumming.”
Your gasp was louder and even more incredulous this time. You could most definitely take twenty swats, but just the thought of not being able to finish, after knowing what an orgasm with Andy feels like, made you shiver.
“You will count each one, and then thank me for it. You are grateful I’m teaching you, aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded.
“Do you know how to count to twenty? Or would I have to teach you that too?” he asked ever so condescendingly as you huffed.
“Of course I do! I was just two semesters away from graduating college!” Never mind that you learned that in kindergarten.
“That’s good. Are you ready?” he asked, cracking his knuckles as he got in position.
With a nod from you he delivered the first slap to your right buttcheek, the sound of it reverberating in the room, his palm stinging slightly as he stroked the skin he had just punished, it was already warmer.
“One, sir. Thank you, sir,” you held onto a moan, it wasn’t half as bad as you thought it would be...
You jerked forward as he unceremoniously hit your other cheek, since you were unprepared for it, and he was much more brutal.
“Tw-two, sir,” you sniffled.
You considered throwing in the towel and saying your safe word by the time fifteen rolled around. Your behind was on fire, while you couldn’t see it, you just knew it was bruised. But you wanted to be good for Andy and it was wrong of you to do something that drastic without his permission.
“Sixteen...” you hiccupped. You could feel your slick running down your thighs but at this point... you just couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Do you want a break?” he asked, taking pity on you.
You nodded frantically, “Yes please! Can you... can you touch me? Down there?” Since the pain in your throbbing pussy was unbearable. If you didn’t receive any attention, you might actually burst.
“Down where? Here?” He had the audacity to play down, while you were suffering, and touch the back of your knee to patronise you.
“No!” you whined.
“Well then you’ll have to be a bit more specific, princess.”
“In my... between my legs... my pussy...”
“Are you sure you deserve it though?” he asked.
You thought about it for a moment, before coming to the conclusion that, “No I don’t. Not until I finish my punishment.”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised, his hand massaging your raw ass as your heart swelled in pride.
“Nineteen, sir,” your mind was hazy. It didn’t even feel as if you were in your reality anymore... it was as if you were floating, while you could still hear and feel him spanking you, for some reason it wasn’t as painful anymore.
“The last one, doll, hang in there,” he said before delivering the last swat.
You whimpered, “Twenty, thank you, sir,” willing your nose with the back of your hand.
Andy collected your weak form in his big string arms, rocking you back and forth in his lap as he kept whispering soft praises in your hair, “My sweet beautiful doll,” he pecked you on your lips.
“Sorry about your pants, daddy...” you said when you realised what a wet mess you had made on him.
He shushed you, “Don’t you worry about that right now. Do you want to take a bath?”
You pouted, your red lip jutting out, “No.”
He chuckled, kissing your forehead, “Do you want daddy to fuck you?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“We have to be careful about your butt, baby,” he said as he gently placed you on the mattress.
Your head on your pillow, besides your two most trusted stuffies--your unicorn and teddy. Andy only allowed you two in the bed after complaining they made it hard for him to cuddle you. You demanded he buy you a shelf to display them or you would go back to your old room. Which of course made him comply instantly.
You made grabby hands at him, impatient to have him closer to you, but then were glad he took the time to take off his tshirt so you could ogle the wide expanse of his chest, the light scattering of fuzzy hair over it, his numerous tattoos along with one of your name, which marked him as yours forever.
He took a hardened nipple in his mouth while his hand tweaked the other, nudging your legs apart to make room for him, he placed his length at your entrance.
Slowly pushing into you, letting you get accustomed to the size of him. Although your pussy was always so welcoming to him, he knew you often struggled to take him.
You whimpered at him, tears rolling off of your face. “What’s wrong, honey? Does it hurt?”
“No... it’s just so good,” you sniffled.
“Okay, just hold on,” you held onto his shoulders as he slowly fucked in to you.
Your pussy clamping around his length, the soles of your feet digging into his ass, “Can I come, daddy?”
“Of course, baby. You earned it.” He groaned, his hips hammering against yours as you bit his neck, letting out a muffled scream.
You hummed against his neck when you felt his warm release fill you up, he pulled out of you, frowning when he looked at your naked and hairless pussy, dripping with his cum.
“From now on I’ll be picking out your clothes,” he stated, rolling off of you and pulling you into his arms.
“Okay, daddy,” you hummed.
“And no more surprise bikini waxes.”
“Mmm...” If that’s what you had to do to get in trouble and be punished, then so be it. “We’ll see.”
Three days later
“Lotion time, doll,” Andy said, pausing the movie you were both watching to go get said lotion.
He had rubbed your lotion on your backside when he spanked you and decided that he wanted to be the one putting your body lotion on you from now on since he had too much fun doing it. He insisted on doing it twice everyday since it was still very cold.
You followed him to the bedroom, lying face down on the bed a he squeezed some on his palms, rubbing them together to warm them up.
You winced just a little, your skin still a bit sensitive, you even had to sit on a pillow the time.
“Will you be going back to work tomorrow?” you wanted to know.
He didn’t like the sadness in your voice, “Yes,” he sighed. He hated leaving you all by yourself.
“I’ll be all alone then.”
“Didn’t you want to go back to college?” He remembered you telling him that your parents forced you to drop out so that you would marry him.
“I do actually. Hate leaving things incomplete... maybe I can even go to a law school and become a lawyer like you!” you perked up.
“You’re not working for your father though, you’re too good for that world.”
“You’re too good for him too.” You said. “Maybe I can work with you.” And you and him could be like a power couple. It would be so exciting.
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fandom-imagines · 3 years
Escape Artists
Fandom: Halloween/Slashers
Pairing: Michael Myers X Reader
Warnings: Murder, mention of parental abuse, lightly-written smut (not too descriptive).
Words: 2.4k
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He had seen her around the hospital numerous times. She was always sat surrounded by those weird beads that she made designs with, only to have to hand them to one of the nurses who always seemed glad to iron the pattern for her.
Despite having seen her and observed her, Michael had never actually interacted with the girl. Sure, she was interesting, seemingly too innocent to be sat in Smiths Groves, but he wouldn’t talk to her; he wouldn’t talk to anybody. This was how he lived. Day in, day out. Never talking to a soul and nobody willingly talking to him. That was how Michael liked it which is why he couldn’t help but be irritated by the person who was interrupting his mealtime.
“Hi,” in front of Michael stood the bead girl, nervously fiddling with her fingers. “I-I made this for you.” Before he knew it, Michaels hand now held a beaded blushing panda.
He was tempted to snap the poor thing in half, and he would have had he not felt a piece of paper stuck to the back with the crappy tape the sanitorium provides.
“Don’t look yet, look when you’re alone.” She said, leaving with a short nod.
He listened to her words, going to the bathroom, the one place he was allowed to be alone, to read whatever note was scribbled on the paper.
Do you want to escape with me, Michael?
Confusion overtook his mind, the creaking of the tiled walls being the only thing he could fully register.
Not only did she know his name, but she also wanted to escape with him?
He simply shrugged it off.
“Morning, Y/N,” a kind nurse awoke the young girl from her peaceful slumber, something that was rare for her. “Here is your medicine.”
“Thank you, Nurse Green.”
Her small hands grasped the bottle of water they provided her each morning, spare hand now filled with the medication she took daily before gulping down all nine of them with one mouthful of water.
Yesterdays interaction with Michael still plagued her mind.
She knew what he had done to his sister, everybody did, but still he was the only person she somewhat trusted her. Not that she had ever actually spoke to him of course, even though she was exceptionally kind to all those on the ward. She simply hoped he had read the note.
Lunchtime came round quite quickly, Y/N refusing to part with her beads and Michael nowhere to be seen, something that wasn’t uncommon.
Her fingers picked out another green bead to add to her new creation, a soft smile gracing her lips as she fit the final bead into the pattern, creating an amazing leaf. She looked up with a smile on her face, ready to show the nurse only to be met with Michael face, head tilted to the side.
“Oh,” she spoke quietly, evidently shocked at the older boy’s presence. “Hi, Michael.” Her kindness didn’t falter however, the shocked look on her face quickly forming back into the smile she wore previously.
Michaels hand reached out to grab the box of beads, pulling it towards him along with a square pegboard. He quickly got to work making a pattern, something that was done in mere minutes, pushing it back towards Y/N before leaving, not sparing her a single glance as he went back to his room.
Confused, Y/N pulled the board towards her. On it was a perfectly designed tombstone, yet it was masked as a grey brick, something Michael knew the nurses wouldn’t pick up on, only someone that was looking or expecting it would. However, beneath the board was a small slip of paper, something that caused her Y/E/C orbs to widen, quickly yet carefully sliding the paper into the pocket of her knitted sweatshirt.
“He what?” Loomis’s voice was loud, booming throughout the office. “He interacted with another patient?”
The nurses were unable to tell whether he was scared or happy at this news.
Michael had never interacted with another patient before, never interacted with anyone at all so this was a big surprise to him.
“Leave this to me,”
This one word was floating around Y/N’s mind for the entire night.
He wants to escape with her? Michael Myers wants to escape with her? It was something she could not refuse, so she got to writing.
Over the following months the two shared notes through the beads they would both make. Nobody had spotted this yet, the scheme too smart for the nurses and doctors alike at Smiths Grove. Loomis had been keeping a close eye on the pair, looking for something significant that he could use against Michael but there was nothing yet, nothing at all.
The girl was sat at her usual table, alone for once which was uncommon for her. She wouldn’t have been alone had she not told the usual people that she wished to be alone today.
She was waiting.
Waiting for Michael.
A small sense of glee filled her chest when she noticed him walk into the cafeteria, a small smile following suite. The smile only dropped when he ignored her presence, walking towards where he usually sat. He must have sensed her gaze, glancing up to catch her sight before glancing at the chair opposite him, a silent hint for her to come over which she gladly did.
Michael didn’t give her a verbal response, something she was used to by now, he instead looked towards her hands that held her most recent pattern: a pink milk carton. She eagerly passed it to him, watching him closely for any sign of reaction as he observed it, the two unaware that somebody else was also watching him.
“I want you to cut all communication between Michael and Y/N,” Loomis seemed to have come up with a plan of his own. “We’ll see how he reacts to that.”
“Yes, Dr Loomis.”
Y/N sat at the desk in her room, spinning the board around the wood with her finger.
“Why am I stuck in here?” Her tone expressed how fed up she was of being confined her for the entire day. “I’m bored.”
“Why don’t you make something?”
“Why am I here?”
“A doctor wants to see you.”
“I’ve seen all the doctors. Which one?”
“Dr Loomis.”
Oh, so it worked, good to know.
A few hours later she was seated on her bed, legs crossed with her pigtails falling down to her knee.
“We’ve met before, Y/N. After you were first sent here.” Loomis did his best to be friendly, hiding the burning curiosity and urge to ask her everything he wanted in one go.
“Yes, Dr Loomis.” Her tone was friendly, also forced.
She was waiting. Waiting for-
An excruciating loud beep blared throughout the entire ward, signalling a door had been opened by one of the patients.
Loomis’s eyes widened, worried that it was Michael who had escaped. He didn’t even bother to say goodbye before rushing off, forgetting to lock the door on the way out, something the pair had planned.
Y/N had half expected their planned escape car to be gone by the time she had finished running to the door, Michael probably having using her to escape. Weirdly enough, he was sat there waiting for her, something that made her smile as she hopped into the car.
Their plan, something that had been in the works for an insane amount of time, had worked. Every part of it had gone how they had planned.
“Thank you,” Y/N’s voice was as soft as always, glancing at Michael whose eyes were focused on the road, seemingly dismissing her appreciation.
He wasn’t however. He was silently grateful for her. She had stuck by him, his quiet and rude self. She knew what he had done and had still accepted him, he could see it in her face. He assumed she was simply in for depression or something of the sort, uncaring as to why because all he cared about was leaving and finishing what he had started, but something about her drew him in and he began getting somewhat attached to the girl.
The pair drove for hours, having to stop by to get gas before pulling into an abandoned place far away from the main road so that nobody could find them.
“Do you want a drink?” Michael gave her a confused look as she sat on the car, hand stretched out to hand him a bottle. “It’s weird you know,” she continued speaking after he took the bottle from her hand and sat beside her, “I never thought I’d make it to adulthood.”
This further proved his point of her having depression.
“Not that I’m depressed or suicidal or anything. I just thought I’d die by now.” This simply confused Michael. If she wasn’t in there for depression, what was she in for?
The nights sky hung over the pair, stars being one of the only things lighting the place, supported by the car’s lights.
Y/N seemed to sense his confusion.
“Oh, you don’t know what I’m in for? Well, was in for.” Michael simply shook his head.
“I killed someone. My dad. He used to hurt me, physically, mentally, emotionally and a few other things. My mother just watched it all happen, so I tried to kill her as well but she got away and I was dragged there.”
Michael nodded as to show that he understood.
“It’s weird. When I was younger, I always thought I’d be a popular eighteen-year-old with a boyfriend, a lot of friends and all that stuff. I never thought I’d be here,” her gaze fell on Michael, “but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Even if I am a virgin.” Y/N made sure to finish her sentence off with a joke, hoping to ease the tension she felt whilst expressing her emotions whilst continuing to stare up at the sky, oblivious to the thoughts running through Michaels head, his face not showing any signs either.
Y/N jumped at the cold sensation of Michaels hand touching her bare thigh, goosebumps rising beneath her dress. “Michael?” She turned to face the unmasked man, only to be pushed to lean against the back of the car with attempted gentleness. “Michael?” She repeated, growing even more confused as he lifted himself over her, able to feel her heart pound.
She didn’t fear him, she had never feared him; he’d never given her a reason. Sure he could be rude towards her, but never fear-inducing, never to her.
Her words were silenced as Michaels body crawled onto her own, his chest pressed against hers, both hearts racing, despite Michael’s calm composure and Y/N’s confused look. Her eyes widened as she felt Michaels lips against her neck, roughly sucking with such force that she knew it would leave a mark.
A soft moan left her lips when Michael’s hand wandered down to her chest, lightly toying with her nipples before grabbing her breast, massaging it as he did so. The moans that left her lips simply increased Michael’s urges, his desires; he wanted her, and it seemed like she wanted him too.
“Michael-“she murmured, fingers looping themselves in the strands of his hair as he nipped at her skin.
Her free hand ran down his front, searching for his clothed erection which she soon founds, enjoying the breathy moan that Michael made as she slid her hand into his pants. It was quiet, but not quiet enough. Michael’s own hand reached into her own panties, finger soaking up the wetness that had formed at his touch, something that almost made him smirk.
Another moan fell from Y/N’s lips as Michael’s fingers began to explore, the tightness she felt was almost too tight, yet Michael was surprisingly gentle considering who he was. This time Michael couldn’t resist his smirk, being thankful for the fact that his face was buried into the crook of her neck, marking her as his and his only.
Her grip on his hair tightened as he slipped another finger inside of her, giving her a moment to adjust before slowly moving. It wasn’t long before pleasure began to consume her, grip tightening on his hair further as she neared her end.
“M-Michael,” she moaned. “I want you,”
He seemed happy to comply, fingers leaving her heat to unclothe his member. He waited for a moment, searching Y/N’s eyes for any sort of hesitation before sliding in, giving her time to adjust.
“I’m ready, you can move.”
His movements were slow to begin with, giving it his best attempt at not hurting her, something that was incredibly hard for his rough self, but self-restraint can be a magical thing. It wasn’t until the word ‘more’ left her lips that he finally increased his movements.
The cold of the cars metal caused shivers to run down Y/N’s spine, made worse by Michael’s cold hands running across her, now bare, body as moans filled the air.
“I-I’m close,”
Her words only increased his movements more, desperate to reach both their ends. Michael’s hand moved down to her clit, harshly rubbing in hopes that in would held her meet her own release, which it did and she came with one final moan, her sudden tightness triggering Michael’s own orgasm as he came inside of her, their juices mixing together.
Cheeks flushed, both Y/N and Michael wordlessly laid against the car’s windscreen. Deciding to test the waters, Y/N leant herself against Michael’s shoulder, silently pleased when he showed no sign of rejection.
He was surprisingly warm, heating up her cold body in the cool night’s air; she never expected him to be so warm. She lightly wrapped her hand around his upper arm, snuggling herself into his shoulder before falling asleep.
Michael stared at the sleeping girl, confused and shocked at how she had so much trust in him, despite what he had done. It was oddly reassuring to him. Once certain she was asleep, he raised his hand to move a stray strand of hair from her face before falling asleep himself.
“Goodnight, Y/N,”
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