#one of his mom’s picked him up after he wet himself when the teacher squeezed his shoulder in class
intomybubble · 1 year
I haven’t read lost in the cloud since somewhere in the school festival arc but i checked out the most recent translated chapter and
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His dad is neglectful as hell and is never there for his son. He usually sides with his (many) wives, and his son tries to scare them all away so that his dad can experience the same feeling of abandonment he has. He’s also usually stuck at home with a new mom so his only source of safety is his dog.
One of his mom’s threw out basically everything in the house to be replaced, including his bedroom, after getting permission from his dad. This included throwing out anything he had that reminded him of his birth mom. The current wife fucked his dad in his bed and tried to throw out his dog to some random shelter (i’m not 100% on the details on that since its been a long time)
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Love at First Grade (18+) - 16
Single Dad!Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader; Teacher!Bucky x CEO!Reader
chapter warnings: none that I can think of for once
a/n: I know it’s been about a week since I posted last but thanks for reading!! Vacation and work took over but I hope y’all enjoy this update! ALSO. Requests are now open for any First Grade related One Shots/Drabbles/HC’s!
Series Masterlist
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A vacuum. A vacuum that sucked all the possible oxygen out of Bucky’s hospital room. That’s what it felt like when the officer said his name. Brock fucking Rumlow. Of course he’d be the idiot to drive drunk. Not only that, but of course he’d be the idiot to drive drunk and crash into Bucky and leave everything unscathed. You were fuming. You could tell by the way Bucky and his family looked at you that you weren’t doing a good job keeping your facial expressions under wraps either. You wanted to yell it. “Yes we want to press charges and yes we want to sue Brock Rumlow for all he’s fucking worth.” But that wasn’t your place. You weren’t the patient. You weren’t directly involved. And so you chanced a look at Bucky. You could see the anger building in his features, a reflection of your own, but sadness was swimming through those twin pools. You could tell. Bucky felt bad that your lives were, once again, changing dramatically no thanks to Brock. You knew this had to be Bucky’s decision and so you tried your best to school your features as Bucky spoke with the officers.
With one last look in your direction, Bucky took in a breath and looked at the officers, giving a nod of his head, “thank you, officers. I will be pressing charges. Please let me know what I need to sign or do to make that process happen.” After that affirmation everything was a blur, officers trying to get Bucky’s information to go down to the station, nurses worrying over Bucky’s surgical site, but all you could think about was how you were going to get him the best lawyer possible, and Brock Rumlow would never fuck with your family again. You were pulled out of your thoughts and your phone by a large hand on your shoulder. You looked up suddenly, into the clear blue eyes of Steve Rogers.
“You okay?”
You weren’t sure how to answer him. You hadn’t realized that you’d started crying again. How do you tell Steve that you felt like if you and Avery had never come into Bucky’s life maybe, just maybe, things would’ve been different. Maybe he wouldn’t be in the hospital missing an arm, maybe he’d never have learned about Brock and Dot. Hell, maybe the universe would’ve taken that back and it never would’ve happened in the first place. But it just felt like everything happened for a reason. Like you were destined to meet James Buchanan Barnes on the first day of school and practically fall in love at first sight. But you didn’t know how to voice all that uncertainty, you also didn’t want to. You loved Bucky and he loves you. And so you just shrugged your shoulders in response to Steve’s question, but as you did so more tears made their way down your face and the next thing you knew, you were being pulled into a bone crushing hug by the oddly dorito shaped (thanks Tony), golden retriever himself. And you allowed yourself to cry. You could practically feel Bucky’s eyes on you and Steve and you were sure if you had looked up you would’ve seen the sadness you felt in your heart displayed on his face. You stood there wrapped in the arms of Steve Rogers, trying your best not to cry too loudly, when you were interrupted by a small hand tugging at your shirt. As you sniffled and picked your head off Steve’s shoulders you looked down at the miniature version of Bucky, looking up at you with those steel blue eyes, as she reached her hands up for you to hold her.
You bent down immediately and scooped Becca into your arms and held her close, hugging her without squeezing too tightly. Becca reached her tiny hand up to your face and wiped away at the wet tear tracks covering your cheeks before saying, “don’t cry, mama. Daddy says everything is okay.” Of course that just made you cry some more before walking over to Bucky with Becca in your arms. You sat down gingerly next to him on the hospital bed and laid back with Becca snuggling into your chest.
A throat cleared and Winnie spoke, “we’re going to let the three of you catch up a little bit. If you need anything, you have our numbers,” and she escorted Bex and Steve out of the hospital room. That’s when you dared a look, a real look, at Bucky for the first time since the news broke. Mirrored in his eyes was the hurt you felt deep in your heart, but a small smile was playing on his lips as he watched you hold Becca and stroke her hair. There was nothing to say though. The three of you sat in silence as Becca started to doze in your lap. Bucky leaned slightly to press a kiss to your head and fresh tears began to fall from your eyes.
“It’s okay, honey. I’m alright. We’re alright. It’s gonna be okay,” Bucky whispered soothingly, his calming words only making you cry more at the situation.
“Fuck Brock fucking Rumlow,” you hissed through your tears, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake Becca. Bucky responded with a huff of air in agreement. “If you’re okay with it, I’d like to find the lawyer for you, and pay for him. But if you’d rather do that I completely understand,” you stated quietly, rubbing small circles on Becca’s back to keep the six year old asleep. Bucky nodded as he looked at you, his own blue eyes welling slightly with tears.
“That’s fine, sweetheart. I love you and I trust you more than anything,” he stated as he moved his right hand to hold your own. Again, a lull of silence swept the room as the three of you laid there in the sterile hospital room. Until Bucky broke the silence.
“Can I ask you a favor? And you can say no if you want that’s perfectly fine,” he asked timidly.
“Sure, Buck. Anything, baby what’s up?”
“This is nice and all. Having you and Becca here with me but it’s not right. So would you be willing, whenever you’re ready of course, to bring Aves to see me?”
A full smile broke out on your face as you saw it was mirrored on Bucky’s. He really loves Avery like she’s his own, and I will never be able to thank him enough for that. You nodded in response and reached for your phone, letting your parents know they could bring Avery up to the hospital whenever they wanted. The two of you agreed that the next day was probably the best though, in order for Bucky to get a little more sleep before his two gremlins were swarming him with love, affection, and the intense need for his attention. You had insisted on staying in the hospital with Bucky that night but he’d refused. He told you that you would sleep better at his place and that Becca would sleep better with you and so you gave him. Bucky’s appointment with Udaku Tech was scheduled for the next day and he had told you that you could be there during the consultation.
Avery got dropped off at Bucky’s place, much to Becca’s excitement. The two girls squealed and hugged as if they had gone years without seeing each other. They were about to go to Becca’s room to play with her toys when you stopped them and reminded them that the three of you would be going to the hospital to see Bucky soon. And you took that chance to tell Avery what you’d told Becca about Bucky’s status. How he was hurt and they needed to be very gentle. That the accident had resulted in him losing an arm but he’d be getting another one soon. Years of working in business, and working alongside innovative medical technology companies, has given you the opportunity to tell Avery all about prosthetics and how they worked. She especially loved seeing Auntie Shuri, as she called her, whenever she had the chance. And so after a little breakfast, and a little bit of playtime of course, the three of you were off to see Bucky.
The arrival at the hospital room was full of squeals and delicate touches. Avery gave Bucky a big hug while trying to be as careful as she could. She told him how much she has missed him and what she had been doing for spring break. She also gave him a birthday card she had made for him when they were supposed to have dinner for his birthday. Bucky’s eyes filled with tears at the gesture and he wrapped his arm around Avery, giving her a kiss on the head, and thanking her for the wonderful gift. Bucky’s consultation with Udaku Tech was scheduled for just before lunch and the four of you had lost track of time because next thing you knew the door was flying open as Shuri practically flew through the door like the whirlwind she was. Upon laying eyes on both of you, she froze. Her mouth opened and shut like a gosh out of water as she stared at all of you gathered in Bucky’s room.
You and Bucky both smirked and waved at her, simultaneously stating “Hi Shuri” which led to some confused looks between the two of you. You knew that Bucky had known about Udaku Tech because it was all you could talk about when you got upset with HYDRA Corp not doing their research…but Bucky was looking at Shuri as if he’d known her for a while…and you never thought they’d met before.
Your confused looks at each other must have gotten Shuri to leap into action again because she was back to her normal hyperactive self.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite white boy! I saw your name on the consultation list and read what had happened, I’m so sorry Bucky. BUT that just means you get to see my work up close and personal for once and you know I’ll never let you down!” Shuri spoke quickly as she looked at Bucky, their familiarity still throwing you off before she practically ran to you and squeezed you in a hug, “it’s good to see you too, Y/N! I told you, you would never regret investing in us! And here we are!” You were still confused. Still. So. Confused. But Shuri didn’t give you time to react because she was running towards Avery and Becca half screaming, “Auntie Shuri’s babies come here!!!” The two girls squealed as they were attacked in hugs and kisses by Shuri as she fawned over the two girls. You were still looking between everyone with that confused look on your face.
“Oh I never thought I would see so many of my favorite people in one place but here you all are! I told Tee we should have introduced the two of you years ago but he shut me down like ‘no, James needs to do X and Y/N has y, blah blah blah! But you’re here now! Both of you! Oh I cannot WAIT to rub it in my stupid know-it-all brother’s face!”
The statement of introducing you and Bucky years before is what snapped you out of your state of confusion and led to you asking, “wait wait. I’m sorry, how does everyone know each other?”
Shuri beamed as she looked at Bucky, silently willing him to take the lead. “Steve, Nat and I went to school with T’Challa. But we never really get to hang out with him as much now since he moved to help operate Udaku Tech’s new headquarters. But he and Shuri became family and well, here we are,” Bucky answered sheepishly, realizing he’d left this information out when you had talked about Udaku Tech a week ago.
“Okay. That makes…a lot more sense,” you spoke slowly, beginning to grasp the fact that you and Bucky were connected, yet again, by another thread for the last ten years. “There aren’t any other mutual friends you’re hiding that I might know about are there?” You questioned with a quirked brow, making the adults in the room laugh as Bucky shook his head no. “Okay. Good. Now Shuri, if you could be so kind and tell Bucky, in detail, the information you need in order for us to get this show on the road that would be great,” you teased and the young woman jumped into her presentation.
While Shuri talked to Bucky and Avery and Becca played together, you got on the phone to call the lawyer you wanted to use. The line rang a few times before it was answered. “Nelson and Murdock Law, this is Karen how can I help you?”
“Hey Karen, it’s Y/N L/N. Listen, is Matt busy?”
“Not at all! Want me to patch you through?”
“Yes please,” you confirmed, a small smile threatening to appear on your lips as you heard Karen scrambling to figure out how to transfer the call.
The line rang a few more times before another voice answered, “Ah, Y/N. Lovely to talk to you again, how can I help you?”
“Well Matt, I need a damn good lawyer.” The two of you spoke about the issue at hand and how you and Bucky planned to sue Brock for all he was worth and you made sure that Matt was willing and able to work the case. Of course he agreed and you thanked him probably a thousand times before hanging up. Having met Matt in college you kept up with him and his work over the years and he helped you when you needed to find a good divorce lawyer after Brock. You knew that Matthew Murdock was the best lawyer for this case and would do everything in his power to make sure you won, as well as to ensure that Brock Rumlow never fucked with your family again.
After getting off the phone with Matt you took the opportunity to think about the conversation with Shuri and Bucky just before she went into her presentation. The more you thought about your connections, the good and the bad, you realized something. You and Bucky met at just the right time. It might not have been the happiest time of your life, or the saddest, but it was right when the two of you needed the other most. And for that? You would be forever grateful.
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silverrstarrr · 4 years
Headcanons of Eren with a Black s/o!🍡
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(Happy black history month babes! Remember blm isn't just in this month but all year long :p)
• You guys most likely met in your high school years.
• I feel as if Eren would stare a lot at you during freshman year. Not in a bad way but in a Curious/adoring way. I mean all his friends are white lmao💀
• He probably approached you during a class period you guys have together.
• I don't think he would be ignorant? But he'll most likely ask to touch your hair.
• Maybe you have braids, locs, or passion twist or your natural curls out/4c Afro—doesn't matter, he'll ask to touch your hair.
• Of course you can decline and tell him no, he won't really fuss over it. He'll even apologize.
• But trust me, he's going to keep staring 😭 he thinks you're really pretty, don't worry ;)
• He won't care about your Skintone/shade, lightskin, brownskin, dark-skinned. He likes them all, I don't see Eren ever have a preference in girls in general.
• Whoever he likes, he likes.
• You guys hit it off in your freshman year.
• He'll ask a lot of questions about you and your culture and your hair
"Hey, why do you wear braids??"
"Is your hair really this long? Wow 😁"
• You'll have to explain to him about your hair.
• You guys most likely snapped and he sent a streak of him getting out the shower and his hair is wet.
• You'll go on about how you can't wash your hair everyday, that you have a certain wash day and his reaction is like "😲"
• Poor baby is like "woooow" and ever since then, he's been hook up to learn about your lifestyle, your family, cookouts, etc. He just wants to know you.
• He calls you pretty a lot.
• Not in a flirtatious way just because he thinks YOURE really pretttyyyy. He's just stating the obvious queen🙄❗
• He offered to go to the Beauty supply store once or twice to buy your weave/pick out the next color. Or he'll just accompany you.
• Also would pick out your next nail color, maybe hairstyle.
• He doesn't care if you wear lakefront, wigs, braids, or natural. He believes they're all beautiful. Plus he understands that our hair need protective hairstyles and can't really, yjehehejehwhww iykyk.
• During BHM, he would do the mossstt.😭
• He'll buy you food and buy you hairproducts.
• He'll constantly post about African American stories on his social media.
• Talked Armin into making a poem about discrimination and racism then made him read out loud to you in the hallway😭
• Would buy a BLM shirts for him Mikasa and Armin.
"Look y/n! We're supporting your people. Remember we're on your side. BLM!!"
• Don't worry, he's has the right attitude but mann💀
• Depends on the type of person you are: you probably confronted them and told them to relax. Or, you dealt with it and the embarrassment 😭
• You most likely ask him for Reparations 🙄❗🤞
• He deadass would give you them.
• He'll be confused at first and probably wouldn't  even understand the word 💀
• But he'll give you money though LMAO.
This was 15 year old Eren, moving on to when he's older.
• You guys are older. You've been introduced to the rest of his friend squad. Jean, Connie, Marco, sasha etc.
• Jean most definitely thinks you're pretty and fell for you at first sight. Eren didn't like this at all.
• Eren never really understood why he didn't like it when Jean played in your braids. Eren then started to purposely make you lay between his legs so he play with your braids before Jean could.
• They probably reacted the same as Eren about regarding your hair.
• Eren would take it upon himself to explain and even tell them about Lace fronts, sew ins, braids, etc
• He'll probably show off about  how much he knows about your hair.
• Eren would ask to help you with your hair.
• He most likely looked up YouTube videos about how to plate hair or how to deal with your hair type in general.
• You could probably teach him. He wouldn't understand the first time but with practice, he's pretty good. Not better than you though 🙄🤞❗
• Carries Hair ties, brushes and combs on him just for you.
• You also carry hair ties for him because of his long hair.
• You're the person who even puts his hair into that sexy ahh man bun🤨❗
• Most likely help you on wash day. Massages oil into your scalp.
• Supplies you with hairproducts.
• Likes it when you play in his hair. During PE, you guys would sit on the bench. Him between your thighs relaxing as you caress his hair.
• You guys look so cute and perfect while doing this. Connie and Sasha would always tease you about being Eren's gf.
• Loves your food! Like literally, he's in love with it.
• During the summertime, you invited him to a cookout. A lot of your family members stared at him but you know, they're accepting and gave him some food, chatted him with etc.
• Ever since then, he would always ask your mom to come over for dinner or save him a Plate lmao😭
• Sometimes if you were to cook, he'll be in the kitchen watching you
"Why are you watching me?"
"I wanna watch you so I can learn to cook your food and surprise you one day with it."
"Suurree but you can't out-cook me."
• He'll then smirk and accept that challenge.
Sorry I just realized I've only been talking about yall friendly part, lemme get into more intimacy 🥲
• He always have his hands on your hips, waist or ass.
• Maybe you're cuddling in the library or something, his hands are on your ass.
• Black women naturally have curvy bodies In my opinion. And curvy can mean thick, skinny or in the middle. They're still curves.
• He loves kissing your lips. Either that or your neck.
• When you're walking together he always have his hand around your waist.
• Eren seems like the type to hug you from behind and kiss the top of your head.
• I dont think he's big on PDA but that doesn't mean he won't do it.
• You're talking to Jean? Wraps his arms around your waist from behind and places his head on your shoulder- kissing your neck.
• If you so happen to have thay dump trunk in the back, he'll always caress it, give it a pat or smack it. But in the most sly way ever.
You're in the hallway, chatting up with Jean. You guys are discussing the topics of what was recently covered in class. Jean cracks a joke about how the teacher was talking and their looks. You laugh at the small insults he was throwing at your professor. Eren recently just left his class a few doors down from where you and Jean was. He notices your long box braids from down the hall and sees a tall male walking alongside with you. Eren quickly caught up with you guys. As he walked passed you, his hands slides over and grabs a good squeeze from your ass. Naturally you wouldn't mind but for some reason you got embarrassed and flustered. Most likely it was because Jean was there. Before you could respond  and complain to him, he leans over and places his lips against yours. Obviously, you kiss him back as his free hand grabs your chin, deepening the kiss. It was passionate. The kiss was probably to make up for his sudden actions but it was also because he missed your presence and touch. The way your lips felt against his own, his hands grasping and holding your hips rolled, everything. Jean rolled his eyes,
"Okay lovebirds, I get it." You break away from Eren with a small smile. You turn towards  Jean with an apologetic look, since he did just kiss you in the middle of a conversation.
Jean nodded and said his goodbyes, he'll catch up with you another. Watching as his figured faded within the crowd, you turn towards Eren and smack his arm. He let out an "ow" in response.
"Eren, what was that for? I usually don't mind it but we were chatting."
He lets out a soft groan and buries his head into your neck. He released the grip on your rear and just lays it there as his other hand slips down and does the same. You tap his back and he raises his head from it's previous position. You give him a few quick pecks, wrapping your arms around his neck, he quickly to returns the small kissed back. You both smile at one another, letting out a small giggle.
"Its okay baby, I miss you too." You peck his cheek for the last time.
"We can walk home together after school, meet me at my last period class." 
Eren face brightens up when you say those words. Mann, this boy was in love. The bell rang and you notice all the kids scrambling to get to class. He releases his arms from you and grabs your hand as you both scurry along to your next period class.
He drops you off and waves at Armin and Marco that happens to be in your last period.
"Remember your promise y/n!!" He said as he walked off to the direction of his class.
You rolled your eyes jokingly and settled in to class.
Okay bonus:
I feel as if Eren would talk you into making those tik toks that beautiful darkskin/brownskin woman do with makeup and their cute ass hair. Of course you'll end up doing it because he kept hyping yo ass up and wouldn't let it down.
The video actually goes viral and gets a decent 345k likes with 1.1m views. Some of the kids in school  came across the video and started chatting up with you. Even some guys you never knew before started to hit you up but Eren gets so Jealous and has you hold his hands always in the halls 😭
Okay thank you loves! Please request/suggest things for him. I don't mind doing one of these for Jean, Connie, etc. Next up are my jjk men 🤨❗
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howlingday · 3 years
the first arc au) jaune meets ruby. and it's love a first sight... for ruby. jaune doesn't really get .... being human. a thousand or so years in isolation and outdated social rules pretty mush means that you can't pick up on anyone hitting on you.
but ruby will not be denied! the buff knight will be hers!
"I'm home!" Summer was immediately tackled by her daughters, the blonde taking her left, while the youngest took her from the right. They cheered and laughed as they held each other tight.
Yang was growing up fast, and it really showed with how often the twelve-year-old was getting in fewer fights each school year. She smiled with the gap in her tooth from a recent encounter with a bully after class.
Ruby doubled her sister, scoring high on every test. She was even offered to be advanced a grade further next school year. However, her parents both agreed it would be best to keep her in the same age group as her peers.
"May I come in?" The trio looked to the blonde man with a scruffy beard and blue eyes behind Summer. He smiled at the three and gave a small wave.
"Mister Jaune!" Yang tackled him, and he laughed as she squeezed his leg. He tousled her hair, earning him a punch in the thigh. "I told you not to do that!" Yang pouted.
He chuckled and knelt down. He patted her back, then wrapped an arm around her shoulder and brought her close. She leaned away, trying to stay upset, but she eventually relented and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked to the shy girl hiding behind her mother's hair. He held an arm open as the girl ran to him, wrapping around him next.
"You've both grown so fast." He chuckled. "Someday, I won't have to kneel down to hug you." He tightened his grip around the girls a little, making them groan in discomfort. He let go still smiling. "I'll just have to savor these moments while I can."
Yang and Ruby were in bed that night, both tucked in and had a story read to them by Mister Jaune. Once he left the room and turned off the light, Yang turned on her bedside lamp and tiptoed to the floor. Ruby followed after.
"Okay, so what's up?" Yang asked. "You said you wanted to ask me something after we were tucked in bed, so here we are."
"Do you think mister Jaune likes me?" Ruby asked.
Yang blinked. "I mean, he's nice to us, so I'd say yeah."
"No, I mean, like, how mommy and daddy like each other."
"Uh," Yang scratched the back of her head. "I don't think so."
"What?!" Ruby's eyes widened to dinner plates. To think, she would be betrayed by her own sister like this! "Why not?!"
"Shh!" Yang hissed. "Keep it down!" She sighed and looked Ruby square in the eyes. "Listen, it's not that you're not pretty. It's just... he's too old for you."
"Nuh-uh! I heard from our teacher about somebody who married someone twice their age!"
"Do you know how much twice is, Ruby?" Ruby pursed her lips, her silence speaking volumes to Yang. "And it's not just that he's too old, you're, well, too young for him."
"But I drink my milk and eat my vegetables!"
"Yeah, but it takes more than that to be a grown-up."
"Like what?"
"Uh, taxes?" Yang replied. She didn't actually have a clue, either, but she didn't want to look dumb in front of her sister. "Look, you'll get it when you're older!"
"Well, when I'm older, I'm going to marry Mister Jaune!" She climbed up to her bed and squirmed around to get comfortable. "Just you wait!"
Yang climbed to her bed, yawning. "Whatever you say, Rubes." Shecturned off her bedside lamp. "Just don't say I didn't warn you."
Ruby stood behind the wall, listening to Mister Jaune talk to her parents. He was about to leave, explaining he was going back to the woods for a while. They suggested he stayed and apply for a Huntsman Academy, but he turned it down, like he always did.
Ruby never understood that about him. He was incredibly strong, probably stronger than her mother, but he never wanted anything to do with being a Huntsman, even though it was the most awesome thing ever.
"I'll leave tomorrow morning." Mister Jaune explained. "Sometime before noon. Better while the sun is still shining."
"I wish you would stay, but," Ruby's dad sighed, "I know you'd just slip out while we were sleeping anyways."
"I'm glad you're staying for one more night, Jaune." Ruby's mom told him. "The girls will want one more night with their hero."
Mister Jaune chuckled at that. "I'm not a hero. I'm just at the right place at the right time. But you two," Ruby peered around the corner and watched as Mister Jaune hugged them both by their shoulders, "you're better heroes than I could ever be." He stepped away, smiling. It was infectious, too, because her parents and herself were smiling, too.
Ruby walked out from her cover and approached the swordsman. "Mister Jaune?"
He looked down at her, then dropped to sit on his heels so they could be face-to-face. His kind eyes shined with a twinkle she couldn't help but adore. "Yes, Ruby?"
She gulped and fidgeted for a moment, twisting the ball of her foot into the floor while her fingers danced with one another. "Um, will you, uh..."
"Yes?" He tilted his head with an inquisitive look on his face. "Will I...?" He trailed off, leading her to finish her thought.
For Ruby, it was now or never! A leap of faith! She opened her mouth and shouted her deepest desire!
"Will you give me a cookie?" Weiss repeated, a deadpan expression on her face.
They say time heals all wounds, but Ruby felt just as embarrassed today as she did back then. Her face in her hands, she groaned as she retold her embarrassment of a childhood crush. Worse yet, said crush was now attending Beacon as a professor, and her crush on him never died, either!
"Look on the bright side, sis," Yang grunted over her sit-ups, "at least you're not wetting the bed anymore, right?" Yang stopped and gave her an incredulous look. "Right?"
"Yes! I haven't wet the bed in month!" Ruby shrieked.
"Months?!" Weiss recoiled in disgust. "When did you last soil your sheets? We've been partners for almost a year now!"
"That's not important! What is important is that I'm a big girl, and big girls don't wet the bed!"
"I couldn't have said it better myself." Chuckled a voice. Ruby felt her blood run cold, then hot as she turned around to the familiar voice of one Jaune Arc, currently standing in the doorway. "Mind if I come in?"
"For what reason?" Weiss asked with a raised brow.
"Dorm inspections." Jaune lifted the clipboard in his hands up, giving it a shake. "I'm the random Professor they chose today to do this."
"I thought students were to be informed prior to inspections." Blake lifted her gaze over her book.
"Normal inspections, yes." Jaune stepped in. "But these are just quick sweeps. Making sure you don't leave your uniforms all over the floor or leave food out to rot."
"Walking in on girl talk here, Prof." Yang smirked. "Or are you exercising your authority as a Professor already?"
"I won't be long. I promise." Jaune wandered about the room, looking at ceiling corners, around bed frames, and even out the window sill. For a moment, he stayed there with his head out the window, admiring the breeze. He pulled himself in and walked towards the door. "Everything seems in order here. I'll be on my-"
"Wait!" All eyes fell on Ruby as she extended her hand towards him. Once again, her heart hammered in her chest as her throat began to dry. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Have a great day, Mister Jaune."
Jaune blinked before smiling. "Of course. The same to you all, too." The door shut behind him, and he was out of their sights.
Ruby sighed with a blush. "I finally talked to him like a normal person!"
"That's your big achievement?" Weiss cocked an eyebrow.
"Baby steps, Weiss!" Ruby chuckled. "Baby steps.
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swiftiesimonriley · 3 years
pta and pb&j’s: first day (single dad! javier peña x f! teacher reader)
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summary: single dad javi prepares his twins, Sophia and Lillie for their first day of kindergarten - finding it a little hard to let them go - meets their new teacher - who has some words of advice for him.
warnings: mentions of anxiety/javi's former job, single parenting stress and anxiety
a/n: this is the first part in my series, pta and pb&j’s! i’m so excited for this one, with the reader being a cute, young kindergarten teacher who has a huge crush on mr. peña. i’m not sure how many parts i’m going to do yet, but i know it’ll be a few. let me know if you wanna be tagged in upcoming parts, and as always reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated!!🤎
"Good morning my angels, its time to wake up," Javi whispers, gently shaking the arms of his twin daughters. Their two twin beds sit parallel to one another, separated by a small bedside table with a lamp, the small light illuminating the pink room. The room sits nice and tidy, except for a few stray dolls on the floor near a bin of other toys, but Javi can’t find himself to be mad about the small pile of Barbies.
Sitting gently on the edge of one of the beds, he makes sure to not knock over any of the meticulously organized stuffed animals spread across the fluffy comforter. Looking down, Javi sees in his younger daughter, Lillie’s arms sits the small, gray stuffed bunny rabbit he gave her and her sister the day they were born, the long floppy ears peaking out and hanging over her blankets.
Looking over to the other bed, he sees Sophia, the older of the twins, has the matching white bunny in her arms as well. He lets out a chuckle at his girls - they were heavy sleepers - quite the opposite of himself.
He always thought they’d come running to his room during a storm, but they always managed to make it soundly through the night, and that it was him who could never fall back asleep. He was jealous of them in that way, most nights not being able to sleep due to the racing thoughts in his mind. It was nothing to worry about, just normal things regarding his job here back home and anxiety over other things. Javi sighs at the sight of his baby daughters, hating that he has to wake them up.
"Girls, we can't be late for your first day of kindergarten!" The former DEA agent says softly, breaking out into a smile as his girls begin to open up their eyes, letting out small yawns before jumping up to wrap their small arms around their father, pulling him into a hug.
The stuffed bunnies drop to the side as Javi picks them up in his arms, swinging them around playfully, before placing them down and bringing his fingers to one of their sides, Lillie letting out loud giggles as he tickles her.
A few seconds later Javi drops his arms from Lillie's sides and switches to Sophia, her laughs echoing across the room as Lillie tries to “stop” her dad by lightly pushing at him, her laughter joining her younger sister’s. A moment later Javi jumps up to his feet and makes quick work of making his way over to their closest, picking up the uniform tops and skirts and bringing it over to the ends of both beds. He sets aside their backpacks, which the trio had packed the night before along with their lunches, making sure to place it near the door so they don’t forget it.
Turning back to face his daughters, he kneels down so he can be at eye level with them. “While you get dressed do you wanna pick out what braids you want me to do for you both?” he asks softly, nodding to the small American Girl Doll book on Lillie’s desk that features all different styles of braids and updo’s.
Javi prided himself on working through almost every style within the purple book, practicing on the girls or on one of their dolls when they are asleep or at daycare. Many nights have been spent following youtube tutorials leading up to the first week of school - what can he say, he wants to get this right. He can proudly now say that he has mastered the art of braiding.
Lillie’s voice snaps him back to reality. “Ok dad,” she smiles, moving to grab a jacket from her dresser, “can you pretty please make us pancakes?” Sophia asks, flashing her signature “puppy dog eyes” which make her father weak every time.
At 5 years old, they already have him wrapped around their fingers. He can’t even imagine what it will be like when they get older.
"Of course I can!" Javi laughs, leaning his hand down to playfully ruffle at both of their hairs. "Anything for my princesses.”
Walking out of their room, Javi makes his way down the hallway and the stairs towards the kitchen, quickly looking at the time and making a mental note of when to leave. He doesn’t want to be known as the dad who brought his kids to school late on the first day. He’s heard that some of the moms at this school can be a little gossipy, and that’s the last thing he needs right now.
Once in the kitchen, Javi reaches up into the cabinets and grabs the dry ingredients and a bowl to start up the pancake mixture. Opening up the fridge, he grabs the wet ingredients and some strawberries to serve on the side.
But as he starts his prep work, Javi can't stop the feelings of nervousness from creeping in.
It has nothing to do with the anxiety he still has from his previous job, some nights waking up suddenly when remembering the things he saw, the things he did.
Its not that.
It’s that his baby girls are growing up right before his eyes.
Javi has been on his own with Lillie and Sophia their entire lives, their birth mother exiting the picture shortly after they were born.
Months of preparing for the twin’s arrival, painting the nursery - what color to pick? is pink to overused, what about yellow? It took nearly 4 trips to the local paint store to pick a color. Buying clothes, doing research, going to birthing classes - none of it could prepare him to do this all by himself.
He was scared to be a father, hell, being a single father seemed even scarier, but the minute he held his baby girls in his arms, Javi swore that everything felt right in the world.
The two rested easy in his arms, just hours old and it brought Javi to tears. They were just so tiny and innocent, and at first he struggled a bit - with the person he was in the past - did he deserve to have such sweet angels in his life?
But his girls have showed him that he can have a new start. That he was meant to be a father, a protector. And he was a natural.
Snapping out of his thoughts, he starts mixing the batter before pouring several drops into the pan rested on the stovetop, a faint simmering sound coming from the butter's reaction to the heat. The older man cuts up the strawberries into quarters and starts placing them into two small bowls when he hears the distinct sound of two pairs of shoes clomping down the staircase.
Quickly turning around, Javi is met by the sight of his two giggling daughters running towards him, opening his arms wide to pull them into his embrace as they finally reach them. Holding them close to his chest for a moment, he almost doesn't want to let go. He knows that his girls are growing up and that he can't do anything about it, but he can't even begin to think about them growing up and leaving him without his heart breaking.
Pulling away, he asks the girls about the hairstyles they chose while he flips the pancakes, french braids being chosen as usual. Javi uses the spatula to plate up the panckaes and makes sure both girls get their bowl of strawberries before grabbing one of the many colorful combs around the house and parting Sophie's hair for the braids.
The two girls giggle and talk about how excited they are for their first day as their dad skillfully styles their hair, making sure to use elastics that he knows won't tangle into their hair when they take the braids out.
As the girls finish up their breakfast, Javi finishes off Lillie's braids before brewing up a pot of coffee, knowing he's going to need it to get through the day. He gently directs the girls to go get their things so they can head out, reaching up into one of the cabinets to grab a travel mug.
As the girls scurry away to their room to grab their bags, Javi brings their lunches out of the fridge and takes two nearbye napkins and a pen and quickly scrawls down a little heart on each one before slidding them into each of their pink lunchboxes.
"Lets go Dad!" Sophia chuckles, leading her sister back down the stairs and over to the kicthen, reaching up to grab at the two lunchboxes, "is it time to go?"
Javi feels a smile play at his lips, "Yes honey, its time for us to go," he responds, grabbing his travel mug and walking with his girls out the front door, making sure to turn and lock it before unlocking his car and helping the girls into their carseats.
Once seated in the drivers seat, Javi looks up at his rear view mirror and sees his two baby girls smiling up at him - a sight that he never gets tired of - and pulls out of the driveway.
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“Let’s go honey bunnies,” Javi says playfully, the nickname one he’s had for the twins since they were in diapers.
He gets out of his parked car and heads to the backseat, reaching in and unbuckling the girls from their car seats and helping them down to the ground, making sure to hand them their jackets, backpacks and lunchboxes before extending his hands for them to hold onto.
Feeling his daughters grip his fingers, he helps walk them across the parking lot and inside the school, stopping in the main office to sign himself in as a visitor and put on a name tag before walking down the hallway to the kindergarten wing.
The trio passes several brightly colored murals on the walls, Lillie pointing out her favorite animals on the one nearest to them as they make their way further down the hallway, coming to a stop outside of the classroom. Giving the girls’ hands a small squeeze, he tells them it’s time before opening the door.
The first thing Javi notices is how comfortable the classroom feels.
He sees a big comfortable rug in the front of the room near the whiteboard, a few of the twin’s new classmates sitting on it with some books as other kids play at their desks. The room is decorated with neutral colors and has several big cushions spread across the floor, almost like the cushions the girls have in their playroom at home.
Around the room the desks are organized in little groups, each with a label of the student’s names written in delicate cursive, a small water bottle and a snack already placed on the desk.
Javi doesn’t notice the two girls letting go of his hands and running off to find their desks, instead looking at the front of the classroom and seeing the “welcome” message written on the board, welcoming both students and parents to their first day of kindergarten. Javi feels a smile play at his lips at the “classroom mascot” at the front of the room, a small green stuffed chameleon that he would recognize anywhere, pascal, from his daughters’ favorite movie tangled.
The girls were going to love this teacher.
Just as he turns to tell the girls, he bumps into someone behind him.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking!” Javi exclaims, his eyes widening when he realizes he just knocked down the poor woman behind him. Looking down, he sees the you look up at him with a smile, which causes him to raise an eyebrow.
“It’s okay, don’t worry!” he hears you exclaim, watching as you brush the pant legs of your brown corduroy overalls off, “I work with kindergartners so i’m used to things like this.” you laugh, reaching out to take Javi’s extended hand and stand back up.
Javi feels like an idiot, he knocked over his girls’ teacher.
Once in your feet, you introduce yourself to him, your name sounding like honey coming from your lips. Feeling a small bit of butterflies in his stomach, Javi coughs nervously before introducing himself, pointing over to his girls seated over at their desks and telling you they are his babies.
“Aw they are so precious!” You smile, taking a look and seeing them talk to some of their desk mates, “I made sure to sit them together, I know how scary it can be on your first day of school, and I figured sitting them together might put them at ease,” you say softly, a smile pulling at your lips at the sight of your new students.
Javi feels a bit of weight has been taken off of his shoulders - he was worried the girls might even be in separate classrooms - something they had never had before - but he knows he’s lucky to have them stay together. He looks over at his daughters with a smile before turning back to you, the smile on your face contagious.
“Thank you,” he says appreciatively, “I was worried about them - I’m still worried i’m not going to lie,” he laughs nervously, looking down at his feet for a moment as a flush of embarrassment washes over him like a tidal wave.
You tilt your head at him and nod, “It’s normal to be nervous Mr. Peña,” you start, reaching out your hand to rest on his arm as he looks back up at you, chocolate eyes locked on yours, “this is a big step for the three of you. Getting here and dropping them off is the hardest part I promise you, your girls are in good hands.”
Javi nods along with your words, finding your tone and sentiments calming to him, the warm flush of embarrassment across his body beginning to fade away.
“I’m not one of those helicopter parents,” he laughs, “but I worry about them, it’s just me and I’m scared to be away from them.”
Javi doesn’t miss the way your face falls after his small joke, taking in the real information in his statement. You nod gently squeeze his arm before pulling your hand away. “I understand Mr. Peña, I know how hard this is for you. I promise you that i’ll take care of your girls, and if anything happens or if they miss you too much, i’ll give you a call and you can come right back.”
Javi feels like he could cry. What did he do to deserve such a nice teacher.
“Is that okay Mr. Peña?” you ask, your head tilting to the side as a few more students and parents trickle into the classroom.
“Javi, you can call me Javi,” he says, watching as your smile returns.
“Okay Javi, I look forwards to getting to know you better. I’ll see you this afternoon for pick up.” you smile, giving him a nod before walking away to welcome your new students.
Javi watches with a smile as you walk over to the tables where his girls are and bend down to introduce yourself and he hears the way you compliment their braids, to which Lillie points his way and says “daddy did these braids!” Looking up at Javi, you give him a big smile before turning back to the girls and continuing conversation with their desk mates, the butterflies in Javi’s stomach multiplying by the second.
God he was so screwed.
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taglist: @salome-c @marydjarin @jasterslegacy @hnt-escape @vonschweetz @darnitdraco @theorganasolo @dinoflower @pedro4ever @rebel-fanfare
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kiirokero · 3 years
Outro: Love is Not Over (7)
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Pairing: Daycare Teacher! Hoseok x Single Mom! Reader.
Genre: Single Parent! AU, Teacher! AU, Hybrid! AU, Fluff, Angst, Adorable Kids,
Warnings: Family issues, mentions of adoption, mentions of abandonment, mentions of anger issues, some nasty words are said, self-doubt, I think that’s it (?)
Word Count: 1.8k
Note: Ah, I’m sorry for the angst. But it’ll get better! Soon :(
Summary: Years after a relationship goes south. You are the single mother of a beautiful 6-year-old golden retriever hybrid who you named Yunho. He is the light of your life. Yunho is everything to you, and you’d do anything for him. But you’re a human. Yunho doesn’t care, he will tell you he doesn’t. “You’re still my Eomma. No matter what.” He says. But you can’t help but feel like you will never be enough for him. You can’t be the mother he deserves. You can’t show him the ropes of being a hybrid, and you can’t teach him things the other moms can. But you try. You try your damn hardest. So, when a handsome German Shepard hybrid comes into your life, helping you and guiding Yunho in a way you can’t, you can’t help the cozy home he sets up in your heart.
Chapter Guide:
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“W-What? Baby no...” 
      Tears started falling from Yunho’s eyes as he held on tight to his stuffed animal and buried his face into my chest. I held him close and put my hand on his back, gently rocking him back and forth. “Baby, why’d you ask that?” I whispered to him. 
      Yunho took in deep, shaky breaths as he tried to calm himself the way I taught him. “I-I was at school... a-and that boy asked me...” He hiccupped, I continued to rock him back and forth, petting his hair just the way he likes it. “Hey, baby, it’s okay,” I kissed the top of his forehead and hugged him tighter. 
     But Yunho just cried harder, holding onto me as tight as he could. “H-He said that... Y-You can’t be my Eomma c-cause y-you... You don’t have ears... Or a tail...” His words made my heart squeeze. It hurt. It hurt to hear those words come from Yunho. 
      It’s not that I never expect these things to come up. We talked about it regularly, the two of us. Yunho knows I’m human. Yunho knows he didn’t get his hybrid features from me. Yunho knows he... had a father. He doesn’t ask about him. Whether that be because he doesn’t care or it confuses him to know that he had a father, but not anymore... I wouldn’t know. 
     However, just because I knew this would happen, didn’t mean my heart hurt any less. “Oh bub, I may not be a hybrid, but I’m still your Eomma,” I whispered to him. Yunho nodded into my chest, sniffling. “And you can tell Eomma anything, okay?” I said, pulling him back so he could look at me. 
      Yunho’s lip wobbled as he whispered, “Anything?” I nodded, smoothing down his frizzed hair, “Anything,” Yunho looked away from me before he whimpered, “When I said that you were my real Eomma... He didn’t believe me and asked if my Appa was human too...” His voice started to crack and new tears pricked the corner of his eyes, “When I said I-I don’t h-have an Appa... He asked why... But I don’t know why Eomma...” Yunho sobbed, coughing as he attempted to choke down his cries. “Why don’t I have an Appa, Eomma?” 
      I bitterly held back the tears that threatened to spill out of my eyes. This was about Yunho, not me. Even though I wanted to hold Yunho tight to my chest and sob with him, I couldn’t. Even if I wanted to whisper to him that I didn’t know, and that I was sorry, I had to pull myself together by the thin threads I’ve been using to sew myself up for years. 
     Yunho continued to sob as I wracked my brain for an answer. How was I supposed to tell my son that his glorified sperm donor wanted nothing to do with him? I can’t. “Hey, baby, look at me,” I cooed, cupping Yunho’s wet face and turning it towards mine. “Baby, remember what Eomma taught you? Deep breaths, okay? Eomma’s here, you’re okay,” I whispered to him as Yunho tried his best to take deep breaths. 
      We both sat there for 5 minutes, taking deep breaths together as we listened to the crickets play their harmony outside. “It’s okay, baby,” I whispered to him as his breathing steadily calmed down. “Some families, like us, only have Eommas. Some only have Appas. But we’re still a family, bub,” I explained, desperately trying to avoid the topic. 
      Luckily, it worked. Yunho nodded in understanding and held me tight, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck. “I love you Eomma,” Yunho whispered to me, and I felt tears prick up in my eyes again. “I love you too, bub,” I whispered back, desperately blinking back my tears. 
“Why don’t I have an Appa, Eomma?”
      Those words will forever haunt me, and I knew it. If only I could give Yunho the perfect family. A father that could love him and guide him in ways I couldn’t. A father that could teach him how to lift his other ear. He’s been working so hard on it. A father that could teach him what being a hybrid should mean to him. I couldn’t do that. But god I wish I could. 
Why couldn’t you be a good person, Chul?
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      It was a rainy day. A thunderstorm was rolling through town, making the small apartment I shared with my boyfriend, Chul, frigid. The chill air was wafting through the broken window in our living room. The cracked glass a grim reminder of the anger issues that plagued Chul. 
      I could still hear the yelling in my ears, even if it was 2 days ago. I could see why he got upset, it was a bad day at work, we all had those days. But he didn’t have to take it out on the window. Now you were stressed with calling maintenance to explain that Chul had, yet again, damaged something in the apartment during a fit of rage. 
      I sighed, wrapping the blanket around my feverish body tighter. I wasn’t feeling too good this morning. When I woke up, I felt nauseous and light-headed. I could barely pull myself out of bed, but I persevered and got up anyway. I didn’t want to hear from Chul that I was being lazy. I already felt like shit, I didn’t need his accusations making it even worse.
Arguments seem to be the only words we exchange with each other nowadays.
     But it was just getting worse, and I didn’t know what to do. I rashly decided to pick up my phone and call Yoongi. He was smart, he’d know what to do. After a couple rings, Yoongi finally picked up with his same dull tone. 
“Sup buttercup?” He asked. 
“Yoongs... I’m not feeling so well this morning...” I groaned, swallowing down the sickening lump in my throat. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, a little more animation in his voice than before. 
“I just feel sick... and hot...” I complained, sinking into the couch. 
“Sick in the sniffles way or puke way?”
“Puke way,”
“Damn, did you eat anything funny?” I could hear the worry in Yoongi’s voice as he asked his question. 
“No, nothing like that,”
“I’ll send Hyejin over to watch you, okay? I call you after I’m done with work,”
“Okay, thanks Yoongs,” I slurred, feeling exhausted suddenly. 
“It’s nothing, feel better soon, yeah?” 
      Soon, Hyejin arrived with a bag full of medicine and my favorite snacks. “I heard your not feeling your best,” Hyejin gave me a sympathetic smile as she placed her hand on my forehead. “You’re quite warm, but you’re not burning up, which is good,” She hummed, setting down the bag on the coffee table and sitting across from me on the couch. 
      Hyejin continued to ask me questions about what I ate, what I did, if anyone I was around was sick. I answered no to every question. Explaining that I felt heavily nauseous this morning, but it got better throughout the day. Now I was just squeamish and warm. 
     “Alright, you don’t have a cough, or a stuffed nose. You don’t have the symptoms of anything, really. And if you didn’t eat anything weird, then it can’t be food poisoning.” She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Ya know, it was kinda like me when I first got pregnant-” Her eyes suddenly widened in realization as she looked at me. 
“W-What...?” I asked nervously. 
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     “No no no no. This cannot be happening. Hyejin, this can’t be happening!” I sobbed as I threw the positive pregnancy test across the bathroom and collapsed on the tile floor. Hyejin quickly knelt down beside me and held me in her arms. “Hey, Y/n it’s okay. It’ll be okay,” She said, holding me tight. “No! You don’t understand! Chul will kill me!” I cried, laying my head on her shoulder. 
     “Y/n it is not your fault you’re pregnant. Birth control never prevents these things 100%. You’re just... One of the odd ones out,” She soothed, her soft tail wrapping around my shaking form. “What do I do?” I whispered, holding Hyejin close to me. 
“It’s entirely your choice. But whatever you decide, Yoongi and I will be there for you no matter what,” Hyejin promised. 
“I have to tell Chul...” I whimpered out, feeling the chilling claws of fear wrap their arms around my throat. “God, I have to tell Chul...”
“When is he coming home?” Hyejin asked. 
“Soon... He said he should be home around 3pm,” I explained, standing up on my shaky legs. 
      Hyejin stood up next to me and grabbed the pregnancy test I threw, ushering me out of the bathroom and back on the couch. “When he gets home, we’ll explain what's happening, and work through it okay?” Hyejin explained, taking my hand in hers. I nodded, too choked up to speak. “Y/n,” Hyejin called, getting me to look at her, “Whatever happens, you always have Yoongi and I, okay?”
And with what little hope I had, we did tell Chul. 
But I’ll never forget the words we exchanged. 
The argument we had. 
“Whatever. I want nothing to do with you or that thing growing inside you.”
Yunho I wish I could tell you that your father was a good person, and that he loved you. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth...
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      After Yunho and I had our moment, he refused to go to sleep. He was stuck to my side like glue. “Eomma, don’t go,” He said when I tried to tuck him in for the night. And I didn’t. I knew that sometimes the last thing a person needed was to be left alone. Yunho needed someone to ground him, and I was more than happy to be that someone. Even if I, myself, was crumbling. 
      So now the two of us were sitting on the living room couch watching late night re-runs of old cartoons that I remember watching when I was 10. We just cuddled in silence. Yunho snuggled into my side while I wrapped around his tiny frame. Suddenly my phone rang, Hoseok’s face popping up on the screen. 
      I starred at the faltering picture of the man that lit up the screen. He was occupied with reading a book to the children he was teaching that day. Hyejin sent me the picture. Saying that he was “father material”
      “Hello?” I answered, putting the phone up to my ear. Not wanting to think about Hoseok’s “father material” any longer. “Hey Y/n, are you two okay? You seemed pretty worried when you had to leave,” Hoseok asked. I cringed, feeling bad about having to leave him all alone. I made a note to make it up to him when I felt better. 
     “Um... Yeah.. Yeah, we’re okay just- Family... Issues... Yunho’s a bit upset,” I explained, holding Yunho just a little bit tighter. “Oh no. Is there anything I can do?” He asked, worry laced in his voice. I chuckled, finding his worry for us cute. “I don’t think so, Hoseok... “ I sighed. “Wait! I know! I have ice cream. I can come over and we can chow down. What do you say?” Hoseok offered, and I could almost see the cute smirk that was most likely plastering his face. 
“Sure, why not?” 
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
Sticks and Stones
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Warnings: death (it gets pretty depressing)
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I do recommend reading Chapter 1 before this one, which you can find here.
Fair warning, I normally don’t read angst, let alone write it, so this could all be a failed attempt at a depressing storyline. But hey, I tried :) And thank you so much @vancityfire13 for helping me out with this chapter!
“Mama, I don’t want to go to school. I think I’m sick,” Igor trudged into the kitchen, his steps heavy and his brows knit together.
“You don’t feel warm, Igoryok. Why don’t you sit down and have some breakfast and then we’ll see how things go, yeah?” Igor nodded reluctantly as Natasha carded her fingers through his hair, trying to tame the bee’s nest that had formed on his head while he was asleep. When you entered the kitchen, you quickly adopted a look to match the frown on Igor’s face.
“What’s wrong, Iggy?”
“I don’t feel good.” You copied Natasha, feeling his forehead but finding it perfectly normal.
“What doesn’t feel good, Igoryok?” Your frowns only deepened when he shrugged.
“If you don’t tell us, we can’t help you.”
“I just don’t feel good, okay?” Both of you flinched slightly at his anger. Although he could get rambunctious and excited at times, Igor was generally sweet, always offering to share his toys with other kids and giving you and Nat random hugs “just because I love you.” Plus, he was four, and you weren’t expecting the attitude for another couple of years at least. After sharing a concerned glance with your wife, you knelt down and held Igor’s hand in yours, noticing his bottom lip wobbling and his eyes beginning to shine.
“Igor, sweetheart, what’s the matter? Why don’t you want to go to school?”
“It’s okay, Igoryok, you can tell us anything,” Nat reassured him when he started to cry, gently rubbing his back in an effort to soothe him.
“I don’t want to see Jackson.” You squeezed his hand, urging him to continue. You knew Jackson and his family; Jackson had even come over to play a couple of weeks ago. While you tried to keep the conversation going, you saw Natasha tense up the second Igor finished the sentence.
“Why don’t you want to see Jackson, honey? Did something happen?”
“Jackson said I’m stupid because my letters don’t look right, and he said I was a baby for having light-up sneakers. And he pulled me down when we were playing tag.”
“And your teachers didn’t say anything?” Natasha gritted out. It was obvious she was trying to stay calm for Igor’s sake, but any second now and Mount Vesuvius was about to explode, bringing all of Pompeii with it. Igor shook his head, his whole body trembling as he cried.
“They didn’t see it. He waited until recess and we were in the back of the playground behind the slides.”
“Igor, sweetie, why didn’t you tell them?” You tried wiping the tears off of his face as they fell, but they were quickly replaced by new ones.
“He said if I did he’d tell the whole class I was a weirdo because I wet the bed.” You butted in before Nat could start yelling, placing a hand on top of hers to try to remind her of the situation.
“I see. Igor, do you think any of the things he said were true?”
“No.” The muttered answer was hard to hear, but it was there.
“That’s right, they’re not. So don’t let that boy get in your head for one second, okay? For every bad thing that he says to you, I want you to remind yourself of at least one good thing about yourself, okay?”
“Okay, Mom.”
“Why don’t you start right now? Tell me three things you like about yourself.”
“Um, I draw good dinos.”
“That’s right,” you smiled. “Mama and I love when you give us dino pictures.”
“Maybe I can draw you one today in school.”
“We’d love that, Igoryok. Two more, buddy.” The redhead had relaxed slightly, her fingers beginning to comb through his hair once again.
“I’m good at soccer. And I have cool cleats.” You nodded at him, rubbing small circles over the back of his hand to encourage him to continue. By this point, his crying stopped, and he only paused every so often to let out a hiccup.
“I can read some of the big kid books in the library. Mr. Goldman says that it’s very impressive for a four-year-old.” Natasha chuckled as Igor puffed out his chest, Jackson’s insults long forgotten.
“It is very impressive. So-”
“Wait, Mama, I have one more!”
“And what would that be?” the redhead smiled.
“I have the two best mamas in the entire world. And they love me so much, and I love them so much too.” It took everything in you not to cry at that moment, and one look at Natasha’s face told you she was struggling as well.
“That’s right, Ig. Mama and I love you more than anything or anyone in the entire world, more than you could ever imagine. You never forget that, promise?”
“I promise, Mom, but don’t cry! It’s happy!”
“I’m very happy,” you whispered, giving him the tightest hug you could without crushing him.
“Igoryok, I need you to listen to me.” The four-year-old nodded as he turned to give your wife his full attention. “When Jackson says mean things to you, you tell him to stop, okay? Don’t be mean, but tell him firmly.”
“Firmly,” he repeated.
“And if he doesn’t stop, you tell your teacher. Okay?”
“Okay, Mama.”
“Miss Olivia is going to pick you up from school today, but Mom and I are going to talk to your teachers about Jackson as soon as we can, we promise.”
“Okay, Mama. Does that mean you and Mom are going to fight the bad guys again?”
“Yes, but just for a little bit. We’ll be back in time for dinner. Which means you have to be good for Miss Olivia or you can’t have any dessert,” Nat winked.
“Now, group hug and then it’s time to go to school,” you ordered, wrapping your arms around the two of them.
Igor remained mostly quiet on the car ride to school, which wasn’t unusual for him, but you and Nat found yourselves checking on him regardless.
“Mom, in school, Miss Taylor told us ‘sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.’ Is that what she means, with Jackson?”
“Well, yes. Basically, it means that when people say mean things about us, like the things that Jackson said to you, we shouldn’t let it hurt us.”
“How do you do that?”
“You do what we did at breakfast. You know in your heart that what he says isn’t true, so you ignore it. And then you remind yourself of all the good things about yourself.”
“Okay, Mom.”
“We love you, buddy,” Natasha reminded him as she brought the car to a stop. “If anything else happens, you tell us and we’ll help you, okay?”
“Yes, Mama. I love you too.”
“Alright. Then you have the best, most amazing day at school, okay, lovebug?”
“I will, Mom. Bye bye!” With a kiss on each of your cheeks, Igor put on the Avengers backpack that was half his size and jumped out of the car to meet his teacher and friends at the front of the school. With Igor out of the car, Natasha’s anger returned ten-fold.
“‘Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me,’ huh? That’s the best they can teach?”
“You know it’s outdated, and it’s totally not true at all! Of course words can hurt, you know that, Y/N!”
“I know,” you murmured, thinking back to all the pain and chaos a bunch of reporters had caused over some rumors about the Avengers.
“And who does that kid think he is talking about Igor like that?”
“Natty, he’s four.”
“Being four doesn’t give you an excuse to be a bully!”
“You’re right, it doesn’t,” you sighed, “but being four means he has time to change. You know that at this age they usually get it from seeing other people do it.” Two minutes of driving in silence passed before Natasha spoke up again.
“You’re right,” she sighed, her shoulders slowly dropping. “It just makes me so angry that he’d do that to him. And Igor didn’t do anything about it. What if something else happens in the future and he doesn’t protect himself? Igor doesn’t even wet the bed anymore. He knows that and he still let that kid scare him. Or what if Igor doesn’t want to tell us when bad things happen?” The longer she spoke, the softer her voice became as anger dissolved into sadness and concern.
“Well,” you placed your hand over hers that rested on your thigh, “the good thing is Igor is also four. It’s good that something like this happened now rather than later because we have time to talk to him and teach him that we’ll always be there for him. Today was one step towards that. It’ll be okay, Nat. We’ll make sure it is. Especially if we’re going to have another little one on the way.” Your wife smiled at that.
“Igor’s going to be an amazing brother.”
“He really is,” you laughed as you picked up her hand and linked her fingers in yours.
“I will admit, though,” your eyes returned to your wife’s face in time to notice her quirk an eyebrow, “I thought we’d have some more time before we had to deal with the ‘sick to get out of school’ trick.”
“You and me both,” you giggled. “That kid is too smart for his own good.”
“How much do you want to bet he learned it from Tony?”
“Well, he definitely didn’t learn it from Steve.” All the remaining tension in the car dissolved as you two chuckled at the thought. 
When the car became quiet once more, you brought her hand up to your lips. “I. Love. You,” you murmured, each word punctuated with a kiss to her knuckles.
“I love you more. And everything’s going to be okay,” she repeated, more so reassuring herself than you.
“It is. Now, let’s go over that mission plan one last time. We have some butts to kick.”
“Okay, Steve’ll meet you guys at the rendezvous point. Get in, and get out. And don’t let yourselves get caught. It’s just an info grab, but it’s an important one.”
“Got it, Hill. See you later.” After ending the call with Maria, you turned to Natasha. “You ready, hon?”
“Yeah, I just can’t help but shake this feeling. I know the mission’s short, but…” You tilted your head slightly to meet her eyes, which was a bit difficult since she’d lowered her gaze to the floor.
“No, I get it. I think it’s just the events of this morning, yeah? And it definitely doesn’t help that we can’t have outside communication.” After a recent mission gone wrong, Fury had temporarily prohibited all outside communication on missions unless absolutely necessary, meaning you and Nat would only be able to communicate with each other until Steve picked you guys up. “Let’s just finish this mission and get back to Igor. Things’ll be better after that.”
“You’re right,” the redhead agreed, giving you an uneasy smile. You rolled your neck once before giving your wife a quick peck on the cheek.
“Alright, let’s do this.”
“Where have you guys been? I’ve been waiting for two hours!” His check and money was lying on the table, his meal eaten long ago.
“Sorry, Rogers, a minor complication meant we had to be a bit more careful. But we got all the info, and there’s no trouble.” Natasha slid a small flash drive across the booth. He simply nodded, pocketing the device and standing up.
“Let’s go.”
“Everything okay, Steve?”
“Um, yeah. Fury asked that you guys stop by the tower first though.” You frowned, prompting Nat to slip her hand into yours.
“Is it important? We wanted to get back and see Igor. We told him we’d be back for dinner, and we’re already late.” Before Steve could respond, a waitress walked up to the table.
“Oh, hey! I see your friends are here. Do you guys want to place an order?”
“Um, actually, I’m so sorry. Something came up and we have to go. Thank you so much, though.”
“Of course, have a nice night, guys.” You flashed the waiter a smile and handed her two twenty dollar bills as an apology before following Steve out of the restaurant.
“Steve, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he responded, his voice void of emotion.
“C’mon, you know neither of us is buying that. Is everyone okay?”
“Just hurry up,” he muttered. He was walking so quickly that you and Nat were practically jogging to keep up. You shared a worried glance with Natasha, but neither of you spoke up again.
After a thirty-minute drive, you’d reached the tower, and Steve sent the two of you up to Fury’s office without another word.
“Do you think we did something wrong, Natty?”
“I don’t see what we could’ve done wrong. We’ll find out soon enough, though,” she sighed. She sent you a small smile in an effort to calm you, as she could tell you were becoming quite anxious, but she was rather nervous herself.
Fury was waiting for you guys when the elevator doors opened, which only served to make the two of you even more on edge than you were before.
“Romanoff, L/N, follow me please.” He led you to his office, his demeanor stoic and unreadable as per usual, but something was off. As you placed a hand on Nat’s lower back, you found her spine to be stiff. She must’ve sensed it too. “Sit.” The three of you sat in silence for about thirty seconds, during which you realized what was wrong. The twinkle he always had in his eyes, whether from playfulness, determination, or something in between, was missing. That realization was enough to make you crack.
“Fury. Why’d you call us in here? I hate to rush you but we’ve got a kid to go home to.” You and your wife noticed when he flinched at your last sentence.
“Right.” Both of you stared at him expectantly but quickly became agitated when he didn’t seem to make any move to continue.
“Fury. What is it.” You placed a hand on Nat’s arm before she could jump out of the chair, but if he didn’t speak in about two seconds you’d be right there with her.
“We received a call about three hours ago about a car crash. A massive pileup caused by a drunk driver during the school rush hour. Two people were seriously injured.” 
“I- I don’t understand. You want us to help with a car crash?” you asked, your voice shaky but light. “Fury, with all due respect, this is ridiculous. This isn’t our area of-” 
“Why are you telling us about this?” Natasha cut into your rambling.
“Romanoff… this was three hours ago. Just outside of the elementary school.”
Three hours ago. What was three hours ago? Three hours ago would’ve been when Olivia was bringing Igor back home from school. But that couldn’t be what Fury was talking about. It was a different kid, a different family, maybe even a different school; Fury hadn’t been specific. No, you and Nat would go back home and they’d both be there. They had to be there. 
“By the time the ambulance got there, paramedics suspected that they were both gone. They called time of death at the hospital. I’m so sorry.” You couldn’t tell when exactly your heart stopped beating, when all the blood left your face. He couldn’t be talking about what you thought he was. He wasn’t even looking you in the eye, dammit.
“Gone? What do you mean by gone? Who’s ‘they’?” You spoke in a whisper, not able to speak any louder. With each second that passed, you could feel Nat’s forearm getting tighter as she clenched her fists harder and harder.
“Fury,” Natasha finally spoke, her voice gravelly, “If you’re telling me what I think you’re telling me, you’re going to have to be very clear with me. So what. Are. You. Saying.”
“Igor is dead. Your son is dead. I’m so-”
“Stop saying you’re sorry!” This time it was Nat’s turn to hold you back, grabbing onto your waist when you slammed your hands on Fury’s desk. “You have no reason to be sorry, he’s not- No, you’re wrong. That doesn’t make any sense. How in the hell would there be a drunk driver at 3 in the afternoon? No, you’re wrong! Nat, he’s wrong, right?” You looked at your wife, eyes shining, but her expression was unreadable. Her arms were crossed against her chest as she stood in the center of the room, and you couldn’t help but remember the last time she looked that alone—at the SHIELD party all those years ago.
She was standing in the corner with her back to everyone in the room. You didn’t believe it was her at first—sure, redheads weren’t that common, but how could it be her? You hadn’t seen her in months, although it wasn’t from lack of trying. Besides, this woman looked so unbelievably… small. And sad. And alone. This was a party, for heavens’ sake, and she looked like she was stuck in solitary confinement. None of those sounded anything like the woman you’d met.
But with a shake of your head, you turned back to the bar, taking a sip from your drink with the intent of clearing her from your mind. You got over her months ago, Y/N. It was literally just one date. Stop thinking about her. Besides, what are the chances she works for SHIELD anyway?
Yet, ten minutes later, the woman remained in her place and looked just as pitiful as she did when you first saw her. Your mind couldn’t stop your legs from swinging off of the chair and walking over to her.
“Um, excuse me?” Your heart stopped when you saw her face. It was her. She was glammed up for the party, but it was Nat, and she looked just as beautiful as the first time you’d seen her. 
“Y/N?” Your heart caught in your throat for a second as if you hadn’t thought that it could be her, not allowing you to respond until after you’d taken another sip from your drink.
“Nat.” You didn’t know what else to say. You hadn’t really planned it out, to be honest. Your body just kind of… brought you here. The two of you just stared at each other, neither of you too sure of what to say. Suddenly, all the anger you’d had towards her over the past few months pushed its way to the surface. “Did you lose my number or something? Get a new phone?”
“Y/N, I- what are you doing here?”
“Really? We had an amazing first date, you told me you can’t wait for the next one, and then you didn’t talk to me for months? And then, when I do find you, that’s all you have to say? I mean, obviously I was the fool for believing yo-”
“Are you stalking me?” Her eyes narrowed.
“Are you serious right now? No, I’m not stalking you! I work for SHIELD now, which you would know if you didn’t freaking ghost me!”
“You- you work for SHIELD?”
“Yes, I’ve been working for SHIELD for six months.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I… I have to go.” You watched her, your eyes blazing and nostrils flaring, as she walked out of the room. She never came back that night.
“I have to go,” Nat interrupted the silence.
“Natasha, wait. You really shouldn’t be going anywhere like this.” Fury stood from his chair but remained behind his desk.
“I’m going home.”
“Natasha, please, just hold on a seco-” Unlike that night, you followed Nat out of the room. The two of you were out the door before Fury could stop you.
When you got home, the house was dark and Olivia’s car wasn’t there. That didn’t deter either of you, though.
“Igor! Igor! Mom’s home!”
“Igoryok, it’s Mama!” When neither of you heard a response, the two of you frantically began running through the house. You searched room after room, checking each one and the hallway closet at least three times. When your legs turned to lead and you couldn’t breathe any longer, you dropped to your knees, completely unaware of what part of the house you were in.
That’s how Natasha found you—in Igor’s room, sobbing, your knees digging deep into the hardwood floors and your head resting on his pillow right next to his stuffed pig and the green baby blanket he refused to sleep without.
“Y/N,” she murmured, her voice broken and tears trailing down her flushed cheeks. Your wife stumbled her way over to you and collapsed by your side. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, she pulled you as close as she could, and you let her.
The two of you cried for what felt like a million lifetimes, not stopping until you physically ran out of tears, your eyes so dry that it hurt to open them. Your head leaned against Nat’s shoulder. Both of you stared at the wall ahead of you with an empty gaze, the only sound heard in the room being your shallow breaths.
“You were right,” you whispered, your throat dry.
“About what?” Nat’s voice was as quiet and hollow as yours.
“Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Miss Taylor had told your son that words could never hurt him, but she was wrong. Hearing the words that Igor was dead; that your son was gone; that you would never get to see him earn his high school diploma, or get a job that he was passionate about, or grow up to be a happy adult, or even hug him one last time; that you would never get to see him become an amazing warrior like you’d predicted just five years ago—those words caused you the most pain you’d ever felt in your entire life.
Tagging: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
115 notes · View notes
alltimesos · 4 years
Three Thousand- Ashton Irwin
Another fic I found in my drafts ♡ This week is spring break for me so I am hoping to sit down work on a few requests! 🍑
word count: 2.3k
warnings: cursing, brief mentions of unprotected sex, tooth-rotting fluff
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“Ashton! Will you come in here for a minute?” you called from the doorway of one of your son’s bedrooms. A few moments later your husband appeared into the room and walked over to you with confusion all over his face.
“What’s going on babes?” he questions, kissing your forehead.
“Will you please tell your firstborn son that fifth grade isn’t scary and he’ll make plenty of friends?” Ashton grins, kneeling in front of the bed to talk to Ethan. You sigh as you walk out of the bedroom, leaning against the wall.
You and Ashton have five kids together. Your eldest son, Ethan is 10, your second-born son, Jaxon is 7, your third-born son, Oliver is 6 and your twin daughters Amelia and Charlotte, are 4. “Mummy! Jaxon stole my toy!” You hear Oliver shout from the room over. You rub your temples before stepping into the boy’s room, to take care of the situation.
The following morning was chaos, to say the least. It was the first day of school and nothing was going right. Your alarm never sounded, meaning you woke up twenty minutes late. You scramble to get out of bed to get dressed and at least attempt to fix your hair.
You jog down the stairs to smell bacon cooking. You furrow your eyebrows as you take the last step, appearing into the kitchen. A huge weight is lifted from your shoulders as you see Ashton standing at the stove, cooking bacon and waffles, not wearing a shirt but your pink apron wrapped around him. You giggle, walking towards Ashton to steal your daily morning kiss. “I didn’t even notice you were missing from the bed,” you tell him against his lips.
“Well, thanks a lot babe,” he replies sarcastically. You giggle once more, wrapping your arms around his neck. He presses his lips against yours slightly pressing you up against the counter.
“Ew!” you hear your small children yell. You push Ashton off of you, turning towards the twins standing in the doorway. “Good morning babies!” you pick both of them up, placing them on each hip. Both of them inherited Ashton’s sandy curls and hazel eyes, which you admired deeply.
“Are you guys excited for your first day of school?!” you ask carrying them upstairs. Charlotte, the older twin, only by a few minutes, nods against your shoulder. “X’cited mummy, I have butterflies in my tummy.” Once you reach the bedroom you place the girls down on their beds. “What about you Miss Amelia?” She was the shyer one of the two, a girl of a few words.
“Nervous, mummy.”
You open the closet door to pick out their outfits for the day. “No need to be nervous, darlings. School is lots of fun and you will make new friends!”
You help both of your daughters get dressed before styling their curly hair. You kiss their cheeks before patting their bum lightly. “Go downstairs, daddy made you breakfast.”
You walk down the hall, knocking on Ethan’s door. A few moments later he opens the door and steps out. “Did you make your bed?” “
Yes, mum,” he groans. You pull him into a hug, kissing the top of his head. “No matter how old you get you will always be my baby. Fifth grade will be awesome!” Much to your surprise, Ethan squeezes you tightly. “I love you, mum.” He lets go of you, grabbing his backpack and going downstairs.
“Hey there rockstar!” you hear Ashton yell at your son. Since Jaxon and Oliver were close in age you allowed them to share a room. The door was wide open already so you walked in, ignoring all of the toys scattered around the room. “Mummy!” Oliver yells running over to you. “Hi, sweetie! Are you almost ready?” Oliver nods, grabbing his backpack. “Daddy made you breakfast!” you barely finished your sentence because Oliver was already running downstairs.
“Is my soon-to-be second grader ready?” Jaxon doesn’t say anything, just pushes past you and walks down the stairs. You stand there confused but don’t say anything.
“All right does everyone have their backpacks and lunches?” Ashton asks before opening the front door. All your kids’ nod, Oliver saying “yep!”
“Okay let me get a picture!” Ashton lines all the kids up by height and snaps a few photos as a group and then individually. “My babies are all grown up.” You laugh, taking Ashton’s hand in yours.
“Okay, let’s go before daddy starts crying.”
The crew gathers in the car with only a slight fuss, the boys arguing who’s going to sit where. You buckle the twins up in their car seats before sliding into the passenger side of the vehicle.
“Let’s rock and roll,” Ashton says pulling out of the driveway. “Gosh, I swear you become cornier by the day,” you joke with him.
The drive to the first stop wasn’t too long. Ethan slipped out of the car after giving you both a kiss on the cheek muttering out a “see you later”. You and Ash call out a “bye have a good day!”
The next two boys get dropped off as well without too much of a hassle. Ashton pulls into a parking space at the last elementary school. The two of you help the girls out of the car, Charlotte grabbing your hand and Amelia grabbing Ashton’s.
The four of you walk into the school, searching for the right classroom. Once you find it, you walk the girls into the semi-quiet room. The teacher walks her way up to the girls, kneeling down. “You must be the Irwin twins! Charlotte and Amelia right?” Charlotte starts babbling her head off while Amelia tucks herself into her daddy’s side.
“I’m Mrs.Penner, I’m very excited to have you guys in class!” Charlotte hugs you and Ashton before grabbing the teacher’s hand. Ashton bends down and picks up his littlest one. “Hey, there pretty girl. Pre-K is gonna be awesome! It’s only for a few hours okay? Mummy and daddy will be here at 12:30 to pick you and Charlotte up!” Amelia nods, snuggling into her dad.
Ashton puts her down after kissing her forehead. She turns to you, hugging your legs mostly. “Bye mummy.” She tells you, turning around to join her sister. “Bye baby.” You whisper back. Ashton wraps his arm around your waist, walking towards the car. Once inside, he high-fives you then pulls you in for a kiss. “We did it, Mrs.Irwin! And we only let out a few tears.”
“Way to go daddy-o!”
When you guys get home you immediately plop down onto the bed with your husband. Ashton sprawls out onto his stomach, one arm around your body. “Hey babe?” he asks. “What’s up?” You answer him, closing your eyes.
“Can we have another kid?”
You lay there for a moment before propping yourself up on your elbows.
“Ashton, we already have five. I don’t think we need any more,” trying to keep your voice calm. He sits up himself as well to look at you.
“But I really want another one. I think it would be great to have a huge family!”
“I don’t know Ash… it just doesn’t seem like a good time to have one.” He nods, crawling on top of you. “But baby, in nine months from now it will be almost June. The kids won’t be in school. It just seems like the perfect time to have one…” You nudge Ashton over so you’re the one on top of him.
“We’ll discuss it later babe. But right now we have three hours to kill before we go pick up the twins.” your voice dropping an octave, sliding your hands up his shirt to feel his abs. Ashton sits up to slide his shirt off and then taking yours off after. His hands rub and down your sides, causing goosebumps to form. “You’re so beautiful babe,” he says honestly. Before having kids you weren’t small and now five kids later, you’re definitely not small. You hadn’t lost all of the baby weight yet from the last pregnancy, due to being a stay-at-home mom.
“Thank you, Ash,” you whisper. He firmly grabs your pudgy waist and flips you onto the bed. He unhooks your bra, setting it aside as well as your panties. He smirks down at you as he tugs his underwear and shorts off. His hand comes to rub circles on your clit, creating a slow movement.
While he thumbs at your sensitive nub he places his head into your neck to suck softly on the exposed flesh. “A-ash,” you moan out. “Feel good darling?” he mumbles against you. “Yes, always so good.” He places a final kiss below your ear before pulling off. You are now dripping wet from him playing with your clit. “Relax baby girl.”
“Fuck..” you whined already needing more of him. Your husband has the power to string you apart like a tangled mess of Christmas lights. You feel Ashton thrust slowly into you, ecstasy building up in your stomach. “What a pretty girl you are,” he compliments you, quickening his pace. “Such a good girl taking me like this.” He leans down to suck on your nipples, the wetness of his tongue sliding around on your skin.
You groan, knowing you’re going to cum any moment now. It had been a while since you and Ash had some intimate time. Any time you were without kids the two of you always caught up with each other or took a nap. It’s always quick handjobs or sloppy blowjobs before the kids wake up.
You still yourself as Ashton slows his pace, dragging out the moment and all you can think about is how sweet his release will be. “Ashton please,” you beg but words are broken. “Please what?” he prompts. “Please go f-faster” you moan and your husband finally picks up his pace. With one hard thrust that has your vision dancing, Ashton is releasing a hot load inside of you, making you cum as well. He pulls out of you, caressing your cheeks, words of praise escaping his lips. He helps you get dressed and he slips his clothes on too. You are lying on your back with Ashton on his side next to you. “My pretty girl,” Ashton whispers and you beam back at him. “I love you.” He kisses your cheek, sliding underneath the covers, catching up on some sleep before you two go pick up the twins.
The first month of school goes by smoothly. It is now a Saturday morning and you have family pictures planned. You usually do it during the fall but decided to do it this year with the weather being warm. Everyone is dressed in matching colors, you and the twins are wearing sundresses, the boys and Ashton wearing colored short-sleeved button-ups and jeans. As you’re putting on your last earring, Ashton sneaks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
"My beautiful wife. Still looking good even at thirty.”
You and Ashton had started your family young, with Ethan going to be eleven soon. You turn around and pecked his lips, grabbing your shoes on the way out of the bedroom. “Boys, let’s turn on the video games please.”
“But mummy-” Jaxon starts.
“Boys. The video games will be here when we get back, please listen to your mummy,” Ashton warns them lightly. The boys nod and turn the television and game console off, standing by the front door. Amelia grabs your hand, wanting to be picked up. “You’re so pwetty, mummy.” You smile and kiss her cheek. “You’re so pretty too, miss Amelia.” Ashton locks the front door behind everyone and helps the girls into their car seats. The car ride to the fairgrounds was thankfully short, Oliver becoming somewhat fussy.
“I think it’s really cool we’re doing carnival-themed pictures!” Ashton tells you after getting everyone out of the car.
“Yes! I’m very excited. It was time for a change.”
After meeting up with the photographer, an old friend of yours, she snaps a few photos of the boys and the girls. She takes some of just you and Ashton and then Ashton with the boys. After she snaps a few of you and the twins, she lines you up in front of the Ferris wheel for a family photo.
With everyone in position, she says “ 1, 2, 3, Y/N’s pregnant with twins!” the camera clicks.
Everyone’s heads whip in your direction. “Did she just say you’re pregnant with twins?” Ashton asks you, eyebrows furrowed. You nod excitedly as he picks you up to twirl you around. You can hear the photographer taking pictures of the precious moment. “How long have you known?!” his voice high and squealy.
You giggle as Ashton puts you down, giving you another kiss. “Just a few days. I called Lindy, our photographer, and told her and she came up with this idea!”
Charlotte comes up to you, tugging the end of your dress. “Mummy? What’s going on?”
Ashton smiles brightly and kneels down to meet her at eye level. “You’re going to have either little sisters or brothers, or one of each! Mummy has babies in her tummy!”
Amelia and Charlotte pat at your stomach while the boys surround you with a hug. After taking more photos, you and Ashton treat the kids to ice cream.
They all sit in the booth next to yours and Ashton’s, talking about names for their future siblings. Ashton smiles and leans over to you, wiping the chocolate ice cream off your chin.
“I have some pretty powerful sperm,” he whispers in your ear and plants a kiss on the side of your face.
Your hand meets the bottom of his ice cream cone, the cold cream hitting him in the face. Ethan looks over and says, “look at daddy!” The rest of the table laughs, smearing their own ice cream on their face. You chuckle, watching this perfect family of yours, knowing this is true happiness.
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paperpocalypse · 4 years
50 Cliché Tropes and Prompts: 49. You caught me doing something dangerous and flipped out + 50. I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 1,572 words
Warning: Swearing, science applications that would probably shame your physics teacher
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It’s starting to snow.
You keep your hand on the cold, metal cross bar, pressing down but unwilling to open the door. The thin, plastic bag in your other hand rustles as you twist it up in your fingers, pills rattling around in their bottles as you swing it back and forth. A frown tugs at the corners of your mouth.
Winter is here, and you don’t like it. You used to. But that was back then, when you were allowed to wear winter jackets and gloves and scarves and thick, fluffy hats to protect your ears from the biting cold. The snowflakes were a lot prettier when you didn’t have to feel them melt through your hoodie, cold and wet, every time you had to go outside.
Now you have to toughen up because heroes deal with the cold.
“Warm thoughts,” you mumble to yourself, gritting your teeth and pushing the door open. The bell jingles as a freezing slap of air greets your face. “Warm thoughts.”
You step out of the drugstore and into the night, pulling your hood on and tugging the drawstrings taut. The streetlamps light a path across the road and down the sidewalk towards home. At least it’s just a fifteen-minute walk.
For the past few years, on account of you attending the Umbrella Academy, you’ve never felt unsafe walking through the City alone. One of the pros of being trained as a hero, though you’re not quite sure if it outweighs the cons of Mom selling your warmest clothes and the grueling, rigid routine of training and missions during the week. The crime rate in this part of the city isn’t that high, anyway, on account of it being one of the nicer, richer areas. Mom had been delighted when the two of you moved here to be closer to the Hargreeves mansion. (The fact that your stipend’s now enough to fully cover it this year is even better.)
Arms crossed tightly over your chest, you press the crosswalk button with your elbow. Cars screech to a stop and honk at you to hurry up as the traffic lights turn red. You scurry across, legs stiff.
(Halfway there.)
But just because you feel safe walking alone doesn’t mean you like it. Being alone means that you have to deal with your thoughts without being able to share them, and it stinks. You prefer the nights when you sneak out with Klaus, buying a tub of ice cream from the drugstore and eating it outside the 24-hour café nearby until the owners shoo you away, or going to the movie theater with everyone when Sir Hargreeves is gone on a trip. You like walking home with Five or Klaus after your Mom started getting too tired to pick you up for the weekends.
Somberly, you step out into the street towards your apartment complex.
You like being part of the Umbrella Academy when you don’t have to think about being a hero …
As if in a dream, you turn your head toward the sound. Your bag falls gently to the ground.
It’s a car horn. Loud, deafening. Distorting, blurring. A car.
It’s not slowing down.
You should move.
You raise your hands instead.
The force hits you like a giant fist. Your blood burns hot as you push, and push, and push, jaw clenched so tight you think your teeth might shatter. The air is getting squeezed out of your lungs. The tires screech. The horn screams. They’re all you can hear.
Push! PUSH!
The pressure rises and rises –
And then it’s too much.
The fist shoves you back. Your back hits the ground.
You don’t even have time for last thoughts. But before you can catch one last glimpse of the tires that would dash your brains across the road, something grabs you, and the next thing you know, you’re somewhere else.
The engine roars, and the car speeds away. What’s left of your lunch promptly ends up on the ground next to you, and that’s when you start crying, nauseous and cold.
“Am I dead,” you choke out, eyes screwed shut. Whatever had grabbed you is still there; you can feel their weight on your shoulders. Your mouth tastes awful and sour and bloody. “Am I …”
“You’re not dead.” A breathless voice pierces through the fog in your head. It’s familiar, and close, and you pry your eyelids open to see –
You see Five.
His face is stiff and pale, his voice even, but as you blink away your tears, you see unbridled panic just beneath the surface.
“Shit. Shit,” he hisses as you close your eyes again, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Why is Five here? How did he – “[Y/n], don’t close your – don’t go to sleep, for fuck’s sake …”
You do your best to listen as he shakes you a bit. Don’t cry. You’re okay, you’re fine … your … “My pills,” you slur out, hand feeling around for his arm so you can sit up. Looking at the road, you see the limp plastic bag, ghostly white against the dark asphalt. Your stomach roils again. “Ugh, I feel so sick …”
“I wonder why.” Five looks at you, mouth pressed into a thin, grave line, before blinking to the middle of the road to grab your things. He blinks back immediately. “Can you stand?” he asks tightly.
You swallow, wincing, and nod gingerly. You’re fine. “Yeah.”
The snow is falling harder now. Five helps you stand, and after a few minutes of regaining your bearings, the two of you slowly make your way up to your apartment. When you fumble with your key, Five takes it and unlocks the door himself.
“Couch or bed.”
“Bed,” you mumble as you scrape off your shoes. Thankfully, Mom isn’t home. You’d hate to have to explain all of this – she’s been so stressed lately …
The nausea is pretty much gone now, but the prickling fuzziness in your every limb remains. A little steadier on your feet, all you have to do is hold onto Five’s arm as you shuffle towards your bedroom.
“Get changed and wait here.” He fixes you with a steely gaze before disappearing. A few moments later, you hear the sink run, followed by the sound of the microwave opening and closing.
Is he mad at you? Biting the inside of your cheek, you take off your wet hoodie, putting it in your laundry hamper. Then you peel off your socks, and after closing the door, everything else that the snow had soaked through.
A few minutes after you change into your pajamas and settle onto your bed, Five knocks on the door, and you tell him to come in.
He hands you one of two mugs, this one filled with water. You take it. The other, filled with hot chocolate, is set on your nightstand.
“Are you mad?” Your voice is small.
Scoffing, Five glances away from you, a bitter smile on his lips. “I’m wondering what the fuck you were thinking,” he mutters.
“I almost did it,” you say. “That was the most I’ve ever done.”
“And you almost died.”
You look down into your mug. “It’s not that much different from a mission.”
“Actually, it is,” Five replies, his smile spreading – it doesn’t take a genius to know that he’s beyond ticked off – “because there are people looking after you during a mission. Who would’ve saved your ass if I hadn’t happened to be there? Nobody.”
“Maybe that’s what I needed,” you mumble, taking a sip of water.
Five narrows his eyes at you.
You speak louder, a little indignant. “Maybe I needed to know that nobody could bail me out so I’d actually try.”
“You’re always trying!” he snaps. “Wanting to improve your ability doesn’t warrant a goddamn near-death experience, because as I’ve said before, you almost died!”
His chest is heaving when he finishes, and as you gape at him, startled by his loss of composure, you realize.
“I scared you,” you say, voice soft and wondering. “Didn’t I?”
Five just stares back at you. That is answer enough, but you set your water down anyway, stand up, and take his hand.
“I almost didn’t make it.” All the anger from before trickles out of his tone, and all that’s left is something quiet and uncharacteristically desperate. He clutches your hand until it’s almost painful. “That split second before I blinked, I thought …”
You step closer. “I’m okay now.”
“Don’t do that again.”
“Please,” he says.
“Okay,” you murmur, a lump in your throat. “I won’t.”
Five looks at you, searching. Then he closes his eyes and sighs a very old-sounding sigh, and as he does so, you lift your free hand to brush his cheek.
“Sorry,” he eventually murmurs, and you can tell, by the way he looks down and says it quietly, that he’s not quite used to using the word, “for shouting.”
You smile. “I forgive you. Sorry for scaring you.”
“You should be.”
“Aw. Hey.”
“It’s okay, Five.” Feeling very warm, you take his other hand, chuckling at the awkward look on his face. (Honestly, the two of you are a mess, aren’t you?) “I love you a lot. You know that, right?”
At your words, his eyes soften. You wonder if he knows.
“I know.”
“Okay. Good.”
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felassanis · 3 years
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Butch didn’t like it when people touched him.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t shake someone’s hand or accept a quick pat on the back. He didn’t dodge every fleeting touch like they were incoming missiles. But they were brief and short-lived. Often done with lack of conviction. He didn’t have time to wonder if a pat would turn into a push, if the person shaking his hand would keep holding on no matter how hard he pulled away. In any other scenario, long-lasting touches made him shiver. Made him itchy. Made him freeze in anticipation.
The last time someone held him properly...it was an unconventional situation. 
It started with the bad kind of touching. His mother drank heavily on Fridays, excusing herself by saying Friday’s were her day off. As if her alcoholism discriminated between days. Butch knew his role when she wound up slumped on the floor was to get her up, tell her she could have her party in her room where it would be more comfortable. Never say it was because he was helping her, she hated the feeling of being weak and it was a sure fire way of setting her off. 
This particular night. Wally and him got into a fight; not an uncommon occurrence between the two tunnel snakes but that didn’t mean it was no less severe. Butch wound up walking back to his room with a busted eye and feeling sore. Maybe it was selfish of him to pick Friday of all days to get on Wally’s nerves, but this fight had been a hot exchange of cruel words and violent hits. And finally ending with Butch with his tail inbetween his legs feeling crap about himself...
“You think you have the right to cry?” She said to him. Words slurring as spittle dripped from her mouth. He hadn’t been there five minutes, hanging in the doorway like he was intruding in on her, and already her eyes were burning with molten resentment. “What gives you the right?! You come home looking like that, bruises and cuts because you get into these fights. And you think you get to cry!?”
“I ain’t crying ma,” He mumbled, just wanting to get past her so he could crawl into bed. He avoids looking directly at her, partly because he doesn’t want to face her, partly because he’s trying to hide his black eye.
She laughed loudly, scoffing. Her whole body was slumped, her back against his bedroom door with limbs limp and unmoving like a ragdoll. Like the bottom part of her body was paralysed. Except her face; her face was expressive and constantly moving. Writhing like she was flitting between pain and ecstasy. Her mouth was twisted concoction of smiling and frowning, opening and closing as if she was speaking but no words - save for hoarse breathing - came out until she managed to form enough to yell at him.
“You’re always crying...always sobbing. You think I don’t hear you at night?” She snaps.
He swallows the thickening lump in his throat. 
“You think I’m a horrible mother,” She all of a sudden stops laughing and now her eyes are wet with tears. “You make me the bad guy….” She wails.
Her jarring shift in moods urges Butch to hurry to her side as she holds her head in her hands. He was hesitant to get close, it felt like poking the tiger. However, that sharp pang of guilt ate away at him. He shakily reaches for her shoulder. “I don’t think you're the bad guy! Honest ma! Don’t cry, don’t cry…”
As if he had burned her, she lurches herself from his touch, pushing him back hard and she rises to her feet. “Of course you do!” He chases after her, stands to her level.
He has to try and hold her. Even though he doesn’t want to, the anxiety that she might shatter into a million pieces because of him if he doesn’t hold her tight overwhelms him. But when he tries to reach her she hits his hand away, then when he withdraws a little too quickly he can see the hurt in her eyes.
“Ma, please.” His voice breaks.
“Oh for god’s sake!” She shouts. He flinches, worried someone is going to hear her and come running inside. Making her worse. “Do you think you’re the only one suffering!? I’m a widow with a spoilt brat who takes everything I do for granted! You lie and fight and most nights you spend in a cell instead at home with me! I bet you prefer it there don’t you? Yeah, you prefer slumming it in a cell making your mother worried sick! You’d do anything to get away from me!”
“That isn’t-” It’s a few steps forward, hand tantalisingly reaching for her in one last desperate attempt to somehow calm her down. Then a stuttering couple of steps back as he hits hard against the cupboard when she launches her fists into his chest. 
Before he can even process what just happened, before he can register the throbbing on the back of his skull, she’s running at him. Hands high in the air that collapse down on him with intense ferocity. She grunts as she hits him in the chest, the shoulders, the neck, the face. Hitting him where Wally had, sending the right part of his head exploding in pain as she does so. 
“Ma! Ma! Stop! Please!” He begs her as he is backed into a corner. Holding his hands up to try and deflect the blows. Is it blood or tears that drip down his face? Each time he manages to grapple her by the wrists, his hope and her hands slips through his fingers, impounding him with another barrage of bawled fists. Then suddenly, the sound of fist meeting flesh stops and it’s just him breathing hard waiting for the next punch and slap. 
He opens his eyes and Ellen is just staring at him. Her eyes are so wide he can see the whites of them clear as light.
“Get out,”
“Get out,” She whispers. But before he can even will his body to move, she holds his face, fingers grazing against his cheeks and it takes every effort for Butch to not pull himself away from her. He’s so much taller than her, so much bigger too. Paul once told him he could easily defend himself, but is he supposed to do? Hit is mom? She has to extend her arms straight in order to reach him, yet he doesn’t dare move. He can’t. She stares at him intently, as if she’s searching for something. Then her eyes return to their dull haze and she lets him go. He breathes a sigh of relief, the space where her fingers were against his cheek feels cold. 
“Get the fuck out, Butch,” She lets out a weary breath, then after a moment of silence she’s got her back to him and stumbles into her room. The hissing of the door closing is the last thing he hears as her steps dwindle into nothingness. Likely her finally collapsing into bed.
He does what he’s told. Gladly. 
There’s a vent from the corridor that enters the Vault’s supply room. The very same room Ellen enters with someone from security after she’s slept with them in order to get another bottle. 
Butch isn’t quite what security is looking for, so he squeezes himself into the vent like his life depends on it and sneaks into the supply room. Pocketing a bottle of whiskey and whisking himself from the room as quickly as he had entered. 
The whiskey feels heavy in his hands. The inebriated fog already dulled his senses as he topples down the fluorescent lit corridor with the kind of fake confidence that makes him look like he belongs, so that not one soul will question the bottle in his hands - or the lateness for which he stubbornly stays awake. If anyone dared to, he fears he’ll wind up in another fight and it’s the last thing he wants. But he can’t trust himself to just walk away.
Nah, laziness and incompetence will do its job. Tonight he can drink himself blind and just try to forget about everything...
For a moment, all feels still in the Vault. As if Butch is the only waking soul inside of it. And he finds unsettlement at that imagery, of being alone with the silence. It feels like he’s been put inside a coffin and buried 12 deep under with a heart that still beats. 
Then reminding him he’s not alone in these catacombs. Comes a couple of steps walking down towards him.
Butch expects security, then the vain hope that maybe his mother had come looking for him. But instead Butch sees James O’Shea, the vault doctor sauntering down the corridor with his clipboard. Looking about as rough as him as he seems to be on his way back to his office. Until their eyes meet.
James stops as Butch approaches. And he quickly spots the whiskey and the bruises.
“Keep walking, Doc,” He hasn’t the energy to even try and feign niceness to the teacher’s pet dad. James and Butch had never really had a conversation, not since they were kids and James patched up his scraped knee that his stupid daughter gave him. Butch didn’t really like him all that much, not because of his daughter...Butch wasn’t really sure what it was that made the Doc rub Butch the wrong way. But it was there.
“Did you drink any of that or just pour it on yourself?” If Butch had been a little drunker, he might’ve taken that as an insult. But when Butch stops just before he rams through James, he sees the man is smiling politely at him. It catches him off guard. 
“C’mon son,” James says, tucking his clipboard under his arm and motioning to Butch to accompany him. “I can patch you up and you can sleep it off back at home,”
James goes to reach for his arm and it sets off alarm bells in his head. Home? Don’t have a home unlike you.
“Hey! Get off!” Butch yells, yanking his arms away so quickly that he loses hold of the whiskey. It goes spiralling to the floor, erupting in a loud crash as brown liquid bleeds all over the ground. 
“Well that’s just fucking great,”
James steps away. “I think that’s perhaps for the best. You don’t need to go putting anymore of that in your system,”
“What the fuck do you know about it?” Butch confronts, turning on James with the same look his mother gives him. “That’s your fucking fault!”
“It’s nobody’s fault, just an accident. And there might be a lot more unless you do as I suggest. You don’t want to be wandering the hallways until security catches you, Butch,” James tries to rationalise, and in that moment Butch hates rational thinking. He wants to hit something.
“You’re right about there being another accident,” He grumbles, lurching himself at James. 
He didn’t know why he did it. Just that every bone in his body was pushing him to assault James. Maybe to take his anger out the pacifistic doctor or to win a fight he knew he could win. Or thought he could win. With every intention of pressing James against the wall, Butch sees his world hurtle when instead his arm gets swung behind his back; his face coming at great impact with the wall that he swears one his teeth chipped. And lastly, something sharp presses into his ribcage, threatening to draw blood…
Butch doesn’t move, doesn’t so much as breath as he hears James’s teeth grind behind him; the man prods him further with the sharp object. “This yours?” He asks, voice burning in such a fury it could have drawn fire. And Butch realises the sharp thing sticking into his side is his ‘toothpick’.
Had he even attempted to get that out?! Or did James take it before he could?
He quickly nods, words being the last thing he could muster in this moment through his whimpering as his childhood rival’s dad, the kind soft doctor of Vault 101, has him pinned against the wall threatening to stab him with a knife. How could he even move that fast? Butch never even saw him coming. The guy had to be at least forty, with rickety bones that creaked. Butch thought it must have been the whiskey dulling his own reflexes. But he knew better...the doc had some tricks up his sleeve and he realised it too late.
“Considering you and my daughter are more often and not at each other’s throats you’ll forgive me if I take this,” James says, relinquishing the blade from Butch’s side. Followed by the sound of him putting it in his lab coat pocket. Keeping a firm hold on Butch’s arm till it was on the verge of its breaking point. Applying just enough pressure here and there that it makes Butch’s bone feel like it will snap and pierce his skin. 
“Now, just what was your plan then? Mr Deloria?” He says, taunting him. Pressing his weight into him harder that it feels like he’ll be crushed between him and the wall. 
Butch’s heart feels like it is going to burst from his chest. Is he going to break my arm? He’d know exactly how to do it, being a doctor and all. “N-Nothing,”
“Nothing? It didn’t look like nothing. It seemed like you were trying to assert some dominance you think you have,” James starts, talking loudly in Butch’s right ear. “Throwing your weight around like some playground bully. Well, I won’t be pushed around, Butch. And if you ever try something like this with me again, or I find out you used this switchblade on Gwen, I’ll do much worse than break your arm do you understand?”
Butch nods.
James finally releases his hold on Butch, and not another second does Butch quickly bring his hand to his face. Trying to hide himself.
“I didn’t touch your face will you-...Butch?”
Butch doesn’t turn around, just presses his forehead to the wall as the tears flow freely again. He really was a mess, getting into fight after fight. With Wally, with his mom, now with the Doc. Whether it was all the bruising on his body, the high from the danger of a knife being pressed against him or just the alcohol yanking all his woes out of him like stabbing a water bottle. Butch can’t stop the tears that fall freely. No matter how hard he tries to bite the inside of his cheeks till they bleed, or how he slightly digs his nail deliberately into the bruise on his eye. Any kind of sensation that might distract him from crying is all for nought as sobs wracked his body.
He can feel James standing there. Unsure of what to do, unsure to touch him or not. After that debacle, Butch might just headbutt him if he tried. And yet, he feels a hand press on his shoulder, as if to stop his back from heaving as he couldn’t hold it in anymore. Butch tenses at this, like his whole body has suddenly been strung up.
“Does the clinic still sound like such a bad idea?” James suggests.
Butch breathes in a shaky, hot breath. He just wanted him to go away. “The hell’ you talking about? I don’t want anything from you,” 
“You can either look like this in the hallway, Butch. Or you can come with me to the clinic before anyone else sees,” He explains calmly and so matter-of-factly. Knowing fully well what Butch was going to do before Butch even did. 
At this, Butch thinks about the fact that the man basically offering him sanctuary was the same who had just held a knife to his ribcage a minute ago. Which causes Butch’s tempation to storm down the hallway flare up like a rash. Hell, he was tempted to try and start another fight with him again, if his whole body didn’t feel like it was on the verge of collapsing. God, he was so tired, he just wanted to lay down. But storm off where? He couldn’t go home, and he couldn’t sleep in the Vault’s hallways. He’d just get shooed off by security like an unwanted cat, or hauled into a cell till morning. And James had his blade, not that he probably needed it to deck Butch anyway, but he did want it back. Plus, he obviously knew he was crying, and what little dignity Butch had urged him to go somehwere private until the wrong person saw Butch Deloria bawling his eyes out. Last thing he needed was Officer Gomez spotting him. So he nods slowly at James with puffy red eyes. The clinic at least had beds and the two men headed further down the hallway. Out of sight as they duck into the doc’s clinic. 
He half expected to see nosebleed in the clinic; waiting patiently for daddy-dearest to clock into the clinic so they could go home or whatever. But he was grateful that Gwen was nowhere to be found. The clinic was quiet and - was it always this white? - with the medicinal aroma of antiseptic. 
“Sit on the bed,” James doesn’t even look at him as he heads over to a set of drawers. Pulling out some equipment. Butch does as he’s told and heads over to one of the clinic beds, sitting on the end and tugging on the sleeve of his Tunnel Snake’s jacket.
Silence except for the doc’s rummaging through a metal drawer. Butch thinks this silence will suffocate him; feels it on his skin like a weight. Why was the doc helping him? Did he think he made Butch cry? The fucking gall if he did. Been through enough shit that I don’t cry at, ain’t about to let some doctor bring the water works. I can’t believe he thinks he’s that important to make Butch Deloria cry. Pull yourself together.
James comes back with a blue cloth, some bottles and some wipes. 
“I can’t do much for the bruising,” He begins, handing Butch what appears to be an ice pack wrapped in fabric. “But I can at least clean the split lip. Though that whiskey of yours might’ve numbed it enough already,”
“Cool,” Butch mumbles under his breath. What was he supposed to say?
When James leans in to dab his lip with the cloth, Butch looks away so they’re not looking at each other; unable to stand that calm, almost stoic expression on the doc’s face. He should be angry, why wasn’t he angry?
“Why are you helping me?” The question had to be asked. What was the doc after with this special behaviour? He’d done absolutely nothing to warrant it, and if he had his way beforehand, he’d be sending the doctor into the clinic on a stretcher.
James breathes a sigh through his nose. Like he was trying with all of his might to remain composed.“Because I am a doctor,” Telling himself his duty was more important than knocking some sense into a dumb kid.
“Oh yeah? Do doctors normally learn how to move like that?” He counters, looking at him now. It was still unbelievable to him how fast this old bag moved. “I want my toothpick back by the way,”
“You’re drunk and much younger than me, Butch. Is it so surprising I was able to subdue you?” 
Butch winces as his lip stings from all the contact. “Where’s my toothpick?” He asks again.
James rolls his eyes. “Evading the question, spectacular way to try and save your ego. And you’re not getting it back,”
Butch flinches away from the doc’s fingers, looking outraged. James didn’t seem bothered, done with padding his lip anyway as he sets the cloth back down.
“You can’t just take it, it ain’t yours old man!”
“Oh? Do you want to try and win it back from this old man?” James stops sorting his equipment. Looking Butch dead in the eye with an unreadable face; he was still - almost frozen - so suddenly unmoving that it felt like if Butch so much as breathed wrong the doctor would spring to life and knock him down.
He again diverts his gaze away from the man muttering a grumbling “Whatever,” Until suddenly James begins to chuckle aloud. Catching him off guard. “What’s so funny?”
“I sometimes forget you're just a kid,” He says and it’s like he is seeing Butch for the first time ever. And he looks utterly conflicted. “That your not the single greatest evil my daughter has to face; just some poor kid covered in bruises and trying not to cry in the hallway,”
“Is that meant to be funny? You find that funny, doc?”
“No, Butch. I don’t find it funny at all, it's downright tragic is what it is. You’re obviously struggling and yet no one pays attention. Your behaviour is an obvious cry for help and yet everyone leaves you to be security’s problem. And it builds up till your bumbling down the hall drunk and afraid,” James’s smile falters, dying on his lips as he gives Butch a sympathetic look that makes him tense up. “I’m sorry for hurting you,”
“I mean, I probably would have kicked the shit out of you,” Butch rationalises. 
“Maybe, but I shouldn’t have leaned into you so hard,” Butch holds his breath when James goes to continue. “If I told you to go home right now, where would you go?”
It was an odd question, but Butch decides to answer it honestly. “Probably walk around till Officer Gomez or one of his lackeys pulled me into one of the holding cells,” His voice sounded so frail, so fragile. Hardly above a whisper.
“Not home to your mother?”
Butch raises the ice pack to his eye. “No,”
Processing his words in his head, Butch can imagine what is going on his head as his eyes look over the bruises, the cuts and red eyes. Tying his inability to go home like he was tracing red string on a conspiracy board. 
“Butch, did your mother give you those bruises?”
He should have expected that question but still his heart rate spikes. Mind floundering in a shallow sea of excuses and explanations; yes and no? Only a few of them? But I deserved it, I came home late and she was worried sick. She was teaching me to be more punctual, to not take her for granted? But will I ever learn? No, so I get hit again and again. Because nothing gets through this thick skull of mine. I’m the thing from a poor marriage she can’t get rid of, I’d beat me too.
Beatings at home, can’t even escape ‘em when I’m with the Tunnel Snakes...or in a cell.
“Come here, son,” 
That did it. That three lettered word pulls the plug on his dam of tears and Butch can’t find the strength to pry James from him as the man envelops him into a half hug. His arm around his shoulders like a cloak as Butch holds his wet face in his hand. 
It didn’t make Butch want to crawl out of his skin when James held him. Rubbing circles into his back as he just remained present while Butch shamelessley cried. Once, Susie Mack had tried to pull him into a hug during their school graduation; it was like she was covered in muck. He couldn’t think of anything possibly worse than remaining in that embrace for much longer. Even when Paul - poor Paul - tried to grasp his shoulder after a rough day, Butch shrugged him off. Afraid the guy would break into a million pieces if he held onto Butch - a bull in a china shop - for much longer. Even touches that meant no harm or violence felt like the first inch of a bawled knuckle right before it knocks you off your feet. 
But with James...Butch couldn’t deny it was exactly how he imagined as a kid his father holding him in childhood fantasies of his dad coming back to the Vault. It felt safe. For the first time in the Vault, Butch felt fucking safe.
“If you ever need a break, or just someone to patch you up. My clinic is always open,”
“Thanks,” Butch sniffs….
“That sounds like him,” Gwen says. Wiping her cheeks free of tears. Not for long, as more replace them as she looks at Butch fondly. “God, it really does,”
Butch smiles, tracing circles on her knuckles. “Course, now I know where the hell he got those moves from. Your old man must have been quite the scrapper when he was out here,” He comments, looking out briefly to the scene of the Wasteland - coming up with made up scenarios James O’Shea must have found himself in. The pacifistic doctor; an unscrupulous Wasteland mercenary hauling out the drunks from the Muddy Rudder and punching slavers - before returning to Gwen. “He was a good man, Gwen. He had a good life, and he helped those around him. He’s not gonna be forgotten,”
Gwen nods. “Yeah, you’re right,”
He looks at Gwen who stares off sadly towards the shallow grave he helped her dig. Putting in her dad’s lab coat - all that was left of James O’Shea - in place of a corpse. A small, wooden cross sticking out from the earth to mark the gravesite. He looks at the girl he loves - but is too much of an unworthy coward to admit that to - and sees the same compassion, the same empathy her dad had in her eyes. A girl who just wanted to make things better.
And like both O’Shea’s, he felt better off for having them in his life.
“Time to finish what he started?” Butch asks, his grip on her hand tightening. Not wanting to let it go anytime soon.
Gwen asserts a look of pure, burning determination. Like she has slipped on a mask. 
“Yeah, let’s finish what my dad started, together,”
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
Bring me down (Arvin Russell x Reader)
Plot: Rather than God, you find solace in your only friend in Coal Creak, Arvin Russel, not knowing that he just might need you just as much as you need him.
Words: 4,176
Warnings: None really? Some swearing, suggestive themes, Arvin beating the crap out of people
A/N: heeeeey so first post yay lmao. (I have another blog tho so yeah) but after watching TDATT I just had to write something about Arvin. The movie is so amazing and if you haven’t watched it I suggest you do. Plus Tom Holland in that movie was just absolutely amzing (and hot af). But I hope you guys like this! I also tried to make the reader as gender neutral and non specific as possible for everyone, so let me know if I messed up anything. Also let me know if you’d like to see more!
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There wasn’t a whole lot to do in Coal Creek, West Virginia. Besides driving aimlessly or stopping at the few diners around town, there wasn’t much that people did other than go to work and go to church every Sunday morning. However, people that grew up in Coal Creek still found ways to have fun, whether that was getting their rocks off in some abandoned parking lot or terrorizing some unsuspecting soul walking in the night. Most resorted to just getting drunk on a Saturday night before going to church the next morning, pretending that their head wasn’t pounding from the mass amounts of alcohol they drank the previous night.
Which is why you couldn’t understand for the life of you why Arvin did nothing but get himself into trouble.
“Christ, Arvin,” you sighed, rubbing the wet cloth under his nose to try and clean up the dried blood. “I don’t understand how you get in these damn fights all the time. Can’t you just, I don’t know, talk to them maybe?”
You knew immediately how ridiculous you sounded when the words came out of your mouth. There was no talking to Gene Dinwoodie and his lackeys. You just hated seeing Arvin so beat up all the time.
He scoffed and pushed your hand away, looking off to the side to avoid your gaze as you frowned.
“Fuck that. That no good sonuvabitch is gonna keep messin’ with Lenora unless I do somethin’ ‘bout it.” He then let out a short laugh, shaking his head. “Fuckin’ talking. Jesus, do you know who you sound like?”
You weren’t expecting him to suddenly face you, and you sighed as you sat down on your bed next to him.
“Emma, I know. I’m sorry. I just…” You reached over and took his hand in both of yours, thumb gently brushing over his bruised and split knuckles. “It kills me to see you constantly getting bruised and beat up. And I can’t even do anything about it.”
You felt Arvin squeeze one of your hands, and you brought your gaze back up to meet his, your eyes slightly drifting to the purplish discolored skin below his left eye.
“Now that’s not true. Who else would patch me up everytime I get the shit kicked out of me, hm?” he asked, his lips splitting into a grin.
You scoffed and took your hand out of his to push at his shoulder before laying back on your bed, resting your intertwined hands on your stomach and staring at the white discolored ceiling.
“You’re lucky I even still do this for you. My daddy’s startin’ to throw a fit, constantly seeing you over here.” You sat up on your elbows to look at the boy. “He don’t like you too much, y’know.”
Arvin hummed and laid down next to you, turning onto his side and resting his cheek in his propped up hand, and you felt yourself wanting to shrink under his gaze. You and Arvin had some unspoken thing between the two of you. You didn’t know exactly what it was, but you knew for sure it wasn’t something as plain and simple as friendship. You had never kissed or anything like that. Well, besides when you both were about twelve years old and wanted to see what it was like, constantly seeing the adults around you kiss like it was something they did all the time. You were both young and curious, and you couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else, so it only made sense. Of course, it wasn’t anything spectacular. You were inexperienced kids, and at the time you weren’t really aware of your feelings.
Of course, you had loved Arvin since you were little. You met him when he transferred to your school after moving from Ohio. He was pretty quiet at first, didn’t really talk unless a teacher made him, and he’d get picked on and beat up by the older kids. He was new and didn’t have any friends, so of course he was an easy target. It wasn’t until he met you that he actually started opening up. You were friends with Lenora and often went over to her house, spending the night and going to church on Sunday with her and her family. Your relationship with Lenora sparked your friendship with her stepbrother, and you two were inseparable ever since. 
As you grew older though, you grew distant from Lenora. You had stopped going to church ever since your mother died, your faith pretty much nonexistent at that point, and you began to question everything about religion. You didn’t blame God for letting your mother die. In fact, you didn��t really know how to feel. All you knew was that rather than getting her some actual help, all everyone did was pray.
“Pray for her, y/n. God will save her,” is what they said.
What a load of horse shit. Praying only seemed to make her worse. And when she died, you completely closed yourself off from the rest of the world. Hell, Arvin could barely get through to you sometimes. But despite how angry you were, you still found it in yourself to let him in. The town didn’t like you too much after all that. People who didn’t go to church in Coal Creek weren’t really accepted by the public. They were cast out as outsiders for not finding solace in the Lord’s name. Not that you minded much of course. The town was full of fake people that weren’t worth your time. The only person you cared about was the boy laying on your bed at the moment.
“I miss her sometimes, you know,” you muttered softly, teeth digging into your bottom lip.
Arvin raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised by your words. “Who? Your mom?”
You shook your head. “No… Well, I mean yeah, I do miss her, but… I’m talkin’ about your sister.”
It was silent for a moment, neither one of you speaking as you laid comfortably in each other’s presence.
“... Does she ever ask about me?”
Arvin sighed, running his hand through his slightly untamed hair.
“Sometimes. I mean, she doesn’t really ask about how you are or anything. More like she interrogates me about what we're doin’ when we hang out.”
You swallowed thickly and nodded, standing up from the bed and walking over to your bedroom window, watching as the sun began to set. You then heard the bed lightly creak and footsteps getting closer to you, and you’d be able to tell from a mile away that it was Arvin due to his signature boots. He rested his chin on your shoulder, and you slightly tensed up as his arms wrapped around you.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered softly, looking out at the evening sky with you.
You lightly shrugged. “It’s all right. You’re all I need in this shit town anyway,” you said, turning your head to look back at Arvin with a small smile. 
You could’ve sworn you saw his eyes drift down to your lips for a moment, but couldn’t put anymore thought into it as you suddenly felt his lips against your cheek, closing your eyes at the sensation. It was over all too soon when he pulled away, your body feeling cold as he released you from his arms, and you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and get some of that warmth back.
“I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked, picking up his jean jacket that he had thrown on the floor once he entered your room and slipping it on.
You hummed and nodded, giving him a small smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes as you resisted the urge to ask him to stay the night. He’d spent the night at your house before, but asking him now seemed a bit too intimate. As he walked towards the door, you felt something bubble up in your throat, and as he began to step out of your bedroom, you took a step forward, reaching a hand up before you could properly think.
“Arvin, I…”
He turned to face you, all the words you wanted to say suddenly getting stuck on your tongue, and you sighed as you let your hand drop to your side, feeling a bit pathetic.
“Please… Please be careful,” you said softly, your concern clear in your expression.
Arvin gave you a small smile and nodded.
“I always am, darlin’. Don’t you worry about me.”
You let out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding once he stepped out, and you watched from your window as he drove away in his beat up car. It was a miracle that thing hadn’t broken down already. You two had so many memories and adventures in that car, staying out late at night listening to the radio or going on short road trips outside of town that you wished never ended. It was one of the only times you ever felt peace, being in that shabby old car with Arvin. And as you fell back onto your bed and reminisced, you couldn't help but feel your heart ache a bit, thinking that one day all of this might come to an end.
“So is there any reason in particular you need me to be here?” you asked, looking at the front of the high school building from the passenger seat of Arvin’s car.
Arvin puffed on his cigarette and turned to you, blowing the smoke in your face, which you in turn punched him in the shoulder for as you coughed.
“You never know when to stop askin’ questions, do ya? I’ll let you know after we drop Lenora off to see her mom.”
Your eyes slightly widened at the mention of his sister’s name. “L-Lenora?”
As if on cue, the girl came running out the double doors of the school, pausing for a moment when she saw you in the front seat, before finally hopping into the back, Arvin turning his head to meet her gaze. He then looked back towards the school when he heard Gene Dinwoodie and his buddies shout for Lenora as they ran towards the car before he sped off, and you could hear vague shouts of “sister fucker” as you drove away.
The tension in the car grew thick, and you could feel Lenora’s gaze burning into the back of your skull as you let out a shaky breath. You were going to kill Arvin once you got him alone. He knew your relationship with Lenora was rocky, and yet he decided it was a smart idea for you two to be in a car together?
“God fucking dammit, Arvin!” you thought, your fists clenching in your lap.
You glanced over at the boy, catching his gaze for a moment before he looked away, fingers visibly tightening on the steering wheel. Once he pulled up to the church, you all sat in silence for a moment, the only noise being the loud rumbling of the engine.
“That preacher’s a little flashy,” you heard Arvin say, and it was clear he was trying to relieve some of the tension between all of you.
Lenora then piped up from the backseat: “Are you not coming?”
Arvin shook his head. “No, I got some things to do before we go home.”
Lenora looked at you again before dropping her gaze to her lap, scrunching up her dress in her fists. “Does it have to do with them?”
You sharply inhaled and dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek, turning your head to look out the window to try and stop yourself from saying anything too mean. Why was it even any of her business? Sure, they grew up together and were basically siblings, but Arvin was a grown adult who could make his own decisions. And what, she had a problem with you just because you didn’t go to fucking church?
“Go on, Lenora. I’ll be back to pick you up,” Arvin said, looking at her through the rearview mirror.
She didn’t move at first until Arvin told her to go again, and she stepped out of the car, slamming the door a bit more forcefully than she needed to before stomping off towards her mother’s grave. Once she was out of sight, you immediately turned to Arvin and sent punch after punch to his arm, brows furrowed and teeth clenched in anger.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Arvin?! You couldn’t have given me a little warning?! Or maybe picked me up after you dropped your sister off?!”
“Ow, ow! Hey, would you just-!”
He grabbed ahold of your wrists, leaning over you and pinning you against the car door as you struggled underneath his grip.
“Would you cool it?! I wouldn’t have had time to come get you after dropping Lenora off, and I want you to be with me when I do this so I don’t fuckin’ kill someone, you understand?!”
You stopped struggling, looking up at Arvin with slightly widened eyes as your chest heaved, trying to catch your breath. You then became very aware of your position, face flushing as your eyes searched his face and trailed down to his lips. Before anything else could happen though, you pulled your hands out of his grasp and pressed them against his chest, feeling his lean muscles through his tight shirt, and pushed him off of you, quickly sitting up and pressing your back against the seat.
“What… What do you mean by that? So that you won’t kill someone?” you asked, finally looking over at Arvin.
He sighed and glanced over at you before putting the car in drive and driving away from the church, hoping that Lenora didn’t just witness the interaction between you two.
“Fuckin’ Dinwoodie and those other assholes aren’t gonna leave Lenora alone unless I do somethin’ ‘bout it. And I really just need you there to keep me in check. Make sure I don’t beat those sons of bitches too bad. You… You’re one of the only ones that calm me down, so…”
You stared at Arvin for a moment, taking in what he said before letting out a light chuckle and shaking your head.
“Fuckin’ christ, Arvin. You’re a damn idiot, you know that?” you said, your shoulders relaxing a bit as you noticed Arvin forming a smile of his own.
“Yeah, but you still put up with me.”
He sent you a wink and you rolled your eyes, letting out a small scoff as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“All right then,” you sighed. “Let’s go beat up some fuckers.”
It was raining by the time you and Arvin pulled up to the school, Arvin watching the doors like a hawk for Tommy Matson to come out. Neither of you said a word, simply listening to the radio as you both passed around a cigarette. This must’ve been what Arvin meant when he talked about waiting for the right time. He always mentioned it and told you it was something his daddy taught him when he was younger, but you had never seen him get into an actual fight, you were just there for the aftermath. Well, until now, that is.
Once you saw Tommy exit the building with some girl under his arm, Arvin let out a long exhale through his nose and handed you his half finished cigarette, stepping out into the rain as you took a few puffs. Your eyes then widened when you saw him walk towards the buses with a tire iron in his hand, quickly stepping out of the car and grabbing his arm. He turned around to look at you, the look in his eyes asking “what the hell are you doing?”
“I thought you said you didn’t wanna kill nobody. You’re gonna beat his face in with a tire iron?”
Arvin pulled out of your grip, shrugging his shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Won’t hurt him too bad. Just enough to teach him a lesson.”
He then shrugged off his jean jacket and draped it over your shoulders, the look in his eyes telling you that nothing was going to stop him from doing this. Not if it kept him from protecting his sister.
“Stay by the car,” he muttered, parting with a kiss to your forehead and adjusting the tool in his grip.
It only took a few minutes for Arvin to come back, his steps a bit faster and his chest heaving, and he gestured with his hand for you to get back in the car as he threw the wrench he used to beat Tommy with into the backseat and got behind the wheel, speeding out of the school parking lot. While you wished that was the end of it, you knew he still had Orville Buckman and Gene Dinwoodie to take care of. And while you didn’t really like all the violence, you couldn’t help but feel a bit of adrenaline course through you as Arvin drove a bit past the speed limit, tongue swiping out to wet your bottom lip as you glanced over at him.
Arvin soon pulled up to the side of a garage, putting the car in park and stepping out, this time without the tire iron. You knew he probably wanted you to stay in the car, but you couldn;t help but let curiosity get the best of you as you quietly stepped out and followed a few paces behind him, watching as he came up behind Dinwoodie and slammed the hood of the car he was under against his head twice. The scene unfolded so quickly, you didn’t really know how to react, your eyes wide as Arvin kicked the door into Orville and sent blow after blow until his face was bloody, covering his face with a paper bag after rubbing a Twinkie in his face and punching him some more.
At first you didn’t notice it, but your eyes soon caught Gene getting up, regaining his balance as he grabbed a long wrench and began making his way towards Arvin who still had his back to him, completely unaware.
“Hey, asshole!” you shouted, purely acting on instinct as he turned to face you, and you sent a right hook straight to his face, your foot coming up to kick him in the groin afterwards.
You felt a strange, sick satisfaction as you watched him crumble to the ground, hands over his crotch as he wheezed, and Arvin looked at you in amazement for a moment before crouching down next to the moaning boy and putting a paper bag over his head as well. His hands held him by the neck as he made threats to kill him if Gene or his buddies ever messed with Lenora again, the boy wheezing out apologies through the bag, and once Arvin was satisfied, he got up and stepped over Dinwoodie, grabbing onto your hand and dragging you back to the car.
He drove until the garage was far behind you two, pulling over onto an abandoned stretch of road and letting out a shaky breath as he parked the car on the gravel. You two sat there for a moment, listening closely to the sound of Arvin’s heavy breathing before he reached across you and into the glovebox for a rag to wipe his bloody knuckles with.
“Here, let me,” you said softly, grabbing the rag from him and gently dabbing his knuckles with it.
You could feel gaze on you, staring so intently it was like he was trying to burn a hole through you.
“You’re staring, Arvin,” you said, your voice still quiet like you were afraid to speak up.
He didn’t answer, still staring as you grabbed his other hand to clean it as well. You let out a sigh, looking up at the boy.
His lips were on yours before you could get another word out, inhaling sharply and tensing up as you felt his hands on your face. It took a second or two for you to relax, melting into the kiss and placing your hands against his chest, gripping his shirt as you felt one of his hands slide around to the back of your neck, pushing your lips further against his as his arm looped around you to pull you against him. This was overwhelming, your mind not able to catch up as Arvin kissed you with everything he had.
“Arvin,” you muttered against his lips, trying to get his attention.
But he didn’t stop, his kisses only becoming more desperate as the rain pounded harder against the windshield, almost as loud as the drumming of your heart. You felt a calloused hand slide up the front of your shirt, and that’s when you knew you needed to stop this before things got way too far.
“A-Arvin!” you persisted, pushing against his chest, and you couldn’t help but feel a shiver go down your spine as he let out a growl against your lips, not happy with being interrupted.
“Fuck, what?” he asked breathlessly, his hand still pressed against your side underneath your shirt as your wide eyes searched his expression.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I… I-I just-”
“Y/n,” Arvin muttered softly, his thumb gently brushing over your bottom lip as you caught his gaze.
You let him kiss you again, Arvin capturing your lips with his and being a bit more gentle and slower than he had been before. However, when you let out a soft moan against his lips, it only seemed to spur him on, causing him to part your lips with his tongue and deepen the kiss as he gently pushed you until your back hit the passenger door. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, your skin hot to the touch, and you didn’t know if it was just you or if it was Arvin’s hands that were causing your whole body to heat up.
You let out a small gasp when you felt his hands go to the front of your jeans, attempting to make quick work of the button and zipper, but your hands stopped him, causing him to pull back with his brows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”
“I-... Isn’t your sister waiting for us? I mean, we’ve been gone for a while,” you said softly. Not that you really cared, you were just trying to buy some time so you could catch your breath and think for a second.
Arvin scoffed in amusement and smirked down at you.
“Since when did you give a shit about what my sister thinks?”
You knew he had you there, and you saw he was about to say something else, probably just to tease you, so you quickly reached up and laced your fingers through his hair, pulling him down to shut him up with another heated kiss. His smirk remained as he kissed you, and in that moment he knew he would never be able to get enough of you. He had always been aware about his feelings for you, and he realized that waiting for the right time could be applied to more than just beating the shit out of people. But perhaps he had waited a bit too long this time, because as his lips locked with yours over and over, he realized he should’ve done this much sooner.
“Arvin, um…”
He pulled away when you began to speak, bringing a hand up to gently hold your face as his thumb caressed your cheek.
“Do you think we could um… maybe do this somewhere less cramped? My dad aint gonna be home til later, so…”
Arvin looked at you for a moment and nodded, giving you one last kiss before pulling away from you and putting the car in drive again. You would occasionally glance at each other during the ride back to the church, not able to help the blush on your face from appearing, and he chuckled at your embarrassed expression, reaching over to hold your hand. He knew once he got you alone, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you. 
By the time you got back to the church, the sun had started to set, and Lenora didn’t say a word as she got into the backseat. And if she noticed Arvin’s hand resting on your thigh, she certainly didn’t say anything about that either. She didn’t even question her brother when he didn’t get out of the car after he dropped her off at home, just watching the both of you drive back towards your house in the rusted vehicle. The giddiness was practically radiating off of the two of you as you thought about being alone with each other, Arvin’s hand squeezing your thigh.
But little did you know, your lives were about to get a lot crazier in the months to come.
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nowandajenn · 4 years
Day 15: Dirty Talk (feat. Frank Adler)
Author’s Note: This is being written as a follow up to Kinktober 14 (lingerie), where a year has passed and now Frank and Reader are married with a three month old baby girl, Samantha. 
Warnings: coitus interuptus, dirty talk (because obviously), language, oral (m and f recieving), explicit sexual content.
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“Sweetheart, wake up.” 
You groan lightly, trying to hang on to those last precious moments of sleep before your chaotic day begins. 
“Five more minutes. Please. Five more minutes and I’ll have your babies.” you mutter. 
You feel strong arms embrace you from behind as Frank drops a soft, wet kiss to the back of your neck. 
“You already did that, remember?” he chuckles. 
You make a happy, contented noise as you think of your baby daughter, who’s sleeping in her bassinet a few feet away from the bed. 
You roll over so your facing your husband and you blink your eyes open, taking in his gorgeous face. You bring your fingers up to his face, brushing them lightly against his cheekbone. He leans into your touch before pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand. 
“What time is it?” you ask, yawning. 
“Quarter to six. Sammie is still sleeping, and Mary won’t be rolling out of bed for another twenty minutes.” he tells you, running his fingertips up and down your bare thighs, His hands move to your ass, grabbing a handful and squeezing gently, bringing your body closer to his. 
“Shower?” you ask, looking up at him with your big green eyes. 
“You read my mind.” he says, grabbing your hand and practically pulling you out of bed and towards the ensuite bathroom. You just manage to snag the baby monitor before you’re pulled into the bathroom. 
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“Oh, fuck, baby.......fuck....just like that.” Frank groans. You’re down on your knees in the bathtub, water from the shower pouring down all around you, and your mouth is full of his cock. You look up at him from underneath your long lashes, eyes locking with his, and it’s all he can do to hang on to his sanity. Your hands trail up and down his wet, muscular thighs, caressing the skin there, before moving your hands to his tight ass and squeezing. 
The sharp sound of your daughter’s cry rings out through the baby monitor, the sound amplified by the acoustics in the bathroom. You know that Frank is close, and you know that you can at least bring him off; you can wait. 
You pull back and lick and suck around his tip, massaging his heavy balls in the palm of your hand. “Fuck-oh.....fuck, I’m gonna.....” he groans out as heavy ropes of cum shoot from his head onto your tongue. 
You swallow and rinse your mouth before stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. 
“I have her. Just....finish your shower. I can get one later.” you tell Frank. 
He sags back against the shower wall, trying to catch his breath, and feeling like shit because he had an explosive orgasm and you....well, didn’t. 
He finishes showering quickly and wraps a towel around his waist, walking back into the bedroom to find you leaned back in bed, naked, holding your daughter to your breast as her cheeks work hungrily, taking her fill from you. 
“Y/N......I’m so sorry.....” he says softly. 
You shake your head and smile up at him. 
“It’s not your fault. This is parenthood. Don’t worry about it. We’ll find time eventually.” 
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After getting the baby fed and changed and dressed, you get yourself up and dressed and start making breakfast for all of you before sending Frank off to work and Mary off on the bus to school. You have two weeks left of your maternity leave, and you’re enjoying the little bit of extra time alone in the house with your daughter, having time to catch up on laundry and cleaning and you and Frank taking turns picking up Mary and shuffling her from school to the college, to Girl Scouts and back home. You love your life as a wife and a mom, and you wouldn’t change any of it. Well, maybe 30 uninterrupted minutes every three days to have sex might be nice. 
When Frank bursts through the front door at noon, out of breath and calling your name, it scares the hell out of you. You run out of the kitchen to meet him, but he’s just staring at Mary and the baby laid out on the living room floor, both giggling. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks Mary. 
She looks up at him and fixes him with a withering stare. 
“Rude. I live here. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” she shoots back. 
“Shouldn’t you be at school?” 
“They had a teacher’s workshop day so they got out at 11:30.” you explain, and you watch his face fall. 
You give him a quick kiss and pull him by the hand into the kitchen. 
“You want to tell me why you flew in here like a bat out of hell?” you laugh. 
“I thought Mary would be at school, and I thought we could continue what we started this morning in the shower.” he tells you, huffing out a sigh. 
You blow the hair out of your eyes, and you fall in love with him a little bit more that he was trying to make it up to you by rushing home on his lunch to try and make sure that you got yours. 
You walk towards him and hook your thumbs in his belt loops and reach up to place a soft kiss to his lips, and he returns it eagerly. 
“Come on. Since you came all the way home, let me fix you some lunch.” I tell him. 
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Later that night after we all sit down for dinner together, and  feeding the baby and giving her a bath, you go in to take your own long, hot shower. I’m in the bathroom for about five minutes when Frank gets up off the couch and hands Mary a $20 bill. 
“What’s this for?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Watch your sister. If she starts crying, give her a bottle or her pacifier. Don’t burn the place down. If anyone knocks, pretend we’re not home.”
Frank ruffles Mary’s hair and presses a soft kiss to Sammie’s fat little cheek before heading to the master bedroom and locking the door. He’s in the middle of taking off his pants and boxers when you come out of the bathroom, gently towel drying your hair. You look up and see your naked husband standing before you, and your breath catches a little bit. 
“Get on the bed.” he says in a soft, yet commanding tone. 
“The kids-” you start
“The kids are fine. Now, please.....just get on the fucking bed and let me make you feel good.” 
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“Oh, fuck, Frankie..........don’t stop. Please....” the sinful noises that were coming from your mouth were driving him absolutely wild as he doubled his efforts between your legs, sucking your clit into his mouth and pumping two fingers in and out of your dripping pussy. 
“Come on honey, let go. I got you.” he murmurs against your skin. With a final thrust of his fingers against your G spot, your release crashes over you and makes you see stars. You sag back against the pillows as Frank uses his tongue to clean your release from your folds and your thighs. 
“Jesus Christ....” you pant, running your hand through your hair. 
You barely have time to form a coherent thought before Frank is pulling himself up your body and kissing you wildly, his rock hard cock pressing up against your lower stomach. Without breaking the kiss, you take him in your hand and guide the head of his cock into you. He sucks in a breath at feeling your tight walls engulfing his cock in warmth, and fucks into you with just the tip a few times before thrusting himself all the way into you until he’s kissing the tip of your cervix. 
You throw your head back and moan as he thrusts into you at a wicked pace; pulling almost all the way out before thrusting all the way back in again. 
“Fuck, honey, you feel so....fucking....good. You’re pretty little pussy is taking me so well.” he pants out, his hips rocking up against yours and his nimble fingers working your sensitive clit. You can barely form thoughts right now, let alone words, so you just cling to him and bring him down for a downright filthy kiss. 
“I’m gonna come....frank..fuck, make me come baby.” you gasp out as you feel the fire building in your lower belly, ready to flash over and consume you. He holds your face in his hands and looks deep into your eyes as he angles his thrusts just a little bit so the new angle is hitting you just right. As soon as he feels you clamp down on him, he swallows your cry of pleasure into his mouth as his own orgasm consumes him and he fills you with ropes of his milky white seed. 
The two of you stay wrapped up like that, with Frank on top of you, caging you in against his strong chest, both trying to catch your breath. 
“I love you. So fucking much, honey.” he whispers, kissing your neck right below your ear. 
“I love you too.” you whisper back to him. 
All is silent until there’s a loud pounding on the bedroom door.
“Sammie has an exploding diaper!!! And the $20 you gave me DOES NOT COVER THAT!”
Kinktober 2020: @saiyanprincessswanie​ @superquirky-blog
 The Usual Suspects: @averyrogers83 @wordywarriorwrites @imanuglywombat @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @hlkwrites @reminiscingrogers @mom—nicole @jtargaryen18 @alexakeyloveloki @kelbabyblue @sarahp879 @moonlessnight14 @mojean13 @mrskokitztelford @artisticrogers1972 @southerngracela @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @mybesttobobcratchit @gracethegeek9902 @mdemontespan1667 @marvelfansworld @capslut2014 @dispatchvampire @jamielea81 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @southerngracela​ @what-is-your-plan-today @letsdisneythings​ @theladybiers @lexeeehhh @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @autumnrose40 @donutloverxo​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @jessayw
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anarchist-billy · 4 years
“Not now, Billy!” He’s five years old the first time his father says those words to him, the first time he hears that voice, raised and dripping with irritation. Billy snaps his mouth shut, fingers curling around the paper in his hand, crumpling the edges. He just wanted to show off the drawing he made at kindergarten, wanted to see his father’s eyes light up as he praised him for how good it was - the way his teacher had. His mom is at the stove, stirring the soup she’s made them for dinner, and she thinks she’s being ignored, but Billy sees the roll of her eyes as she glances back at them. She doesn’t say anything, just goes back to stirring.
Not now, Billy
“Get away, you weirdo!” Caleb Parker is Billy’s best friend in third grade. Or was. Billy’s pretty sure best friends don’t yell at each other in front of everyone at recess. He’s pretty sure they don’t push each other, either. But Caleb’s hands connect with his chest with enough force to knock him onto his butt. Billy sits in the mud, blinking up at Caleb’s retreating back, the laughter of their classmates mingling with the rushing of blood in his ears. His cheeks feel too hot, like they’re going to burn off of his face. He gets up, swiping furiously at the tears that start falling from his eyes, and runs for the door of their classroom. His teacher doesn’t say anything as he rushes past his desk, out into the hall, and into the bathroom. He runs into a stall and slams the door shut behind him, pressing his face against the cool metal. He doesn’t understand what’s happening. Caleb’s been his best friend since first grade. Just the day before they’d gone to the park across from Caleb’s house, played tag and competed to see who was best at the monkey bars. Caleb won. And when they sat side-by-side on the swings, Caleb had reached out and taken Billy’s hand. It was the first time anyone had held Billy’s hand, aside from adults when they crossed the street or his mom at the grocery store. Billy had been surprised at how different it felt - Caleb’s hand was warm, despite how chilly the Autumn day was, and Billy wished he’d never have to let go. Billy just tried to say hello, like he always did. And Caleb pushed him, looked at him like he was discarded gum on the bottom of his shoe.
Get away, you weirdo
“I can’t stay here anymore,” the words are hushed, wet, accompanied by labored sniffling. “I just…god, Syl, I can’t fucking breathe.” Billy’s ten years old, sitting on the other side of the kitchen wall, TV turned low in front of him as he doodles in the margins of his math homework. It’s not the first time he’s overheard a conversation between his mom and someone named Sylvia. Some faceless woman his mom never talks about, just whispers to over the phone when his father’s not around, fingers nervously toying with the chord. It is the first time he’s heard her say those particular words, though. The first time he’s heard the tears in her voice. The first time she doesn’t join him in the living room afterwards. The next morning he wakes up to his father throwing her records at the wall, and when he slips past him to check their bedroom, he sees the open, empty drawers of her dresser, the absence of her toothbrush by the sink. She didn’t take him with her.
I can’t fucking breathe
“You let a guy suck your dick one time and suddenly he thinks you owe him something, like some needy little bitch.” Billy’s fifteen years old. He’s not supposed to be hearing this, but the smugness in Jeffrey Humbert’s voice sends rage searing through his chest. Jeffrey had practically begged Billy to suck his dick at the party over the weekend. He wasn’t even drunk or high like most guys are when they ask him for it. And Billy agreed to it, cause he liked the attention, however fleeting it was. Problem was, Billy actually liked Jeffrey a little more than he liked most guys who asked. So maybe it meant more to him than it should have. And maybe he was an idiot for thinking this time would be different, this time Jeffrey would reciprocate, wouldn’t pretend he didn’t know Billy from Adam afterwards. Billy wouldn’t be making that mistake again. He slammed his locker shut, relishing in the sharp silence that followed, and turned the corner, coming face to face with Jeffrey and two other boys from their PE class. The two other boys look nervous, but Jeffrey looks unbothered, the smugness still showing in his expression. That’s his mistake. Billy gets up in his space, reaches a hand down to cup his dick through his gym shorts and squeeze, hard. Jeffrey lets out a whimper, tensing with the pain. “Keep talking, asshole,” Billy snarls right in his face. “You’ll learn, I’m pretty good at talking, too.” And talk is exactly what Billy does. He learns the art of talking shit after that, spreading rumors, weaving intricate stories that have everyone around him wrapped around his finger. He relishes in the attention of it all. Relishes in the way no one can touch him. No one knows the truth lying just under the surface - that it’s all a facade. Control the narrative so it can’t control you.
Like some needy little bitch
“Jesus, do you ever stop talking?” Harrington’s a pretty guy. One of the prettiest Billy’s ever seen. And Billy’s got him right where he wants him - at arm’s length. Harrington hates him, just like Billy designed. He doesn’t have a clue about the way Billy’s eyes track him through the halls at school. The way Billy plies Tommy with beer in order to get more information, figure out what makes Harrington tick, what pisses him off, how he can keep up this game he’s playing. He doesn’t know about how Billy lies awake late at night sometimes, thinking about those perfect lips - thinking first about what it would feel like to get them around his dick, until his thoughts drift to more dangerous territory…What those lips would feel like against his own. How that tongue, which pokes out when Steve’s concentrating really hard in class, would taste. How his skin would taste. How his voice would sound, all high and breathy when Billy touches him in all the right places. Billy talks shit, taunts and mocks, and makes as much ruckus as he can, desperate to keep Steve in that sweet, safe spot. And Steve behaves. For a time.
Jesus, do you ever stop talking
“Stay.” Billy lifts his head from where he’s bent over, searching for his shirt on the floor, and meets Steve’s soft, imploring gaze. He doesn’t move, doesn’t think he can. Everything inside of him is telling him it’s a trap. Or maybe he misheard the word. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a moment of weakness, and it was going to cost him everything. There’s a buzzing in his head, white noise that’s telling him to get out while he still can. But then Steve’s warm fingers brush over his ribcage, curling around his waist, tugging until Billy gives in. He lets himself be drawn back into bed, back under the covers. “Sleep better when you’re here.” Steve whispers against the back of his neck, breath tickling the skin there before his lips press against it; comforting in a way Billy never imagined he’d experience.
“No, I like it when you’re like this.” Steve’s cheeks are pink as he ducks his head, as if trying to hide from Billy’s gaze - but Billy doesn’t miss it. He wonders if he could feel the heat of them, if he was brave enough to reach out and touch. Steve’s sitting beside his hospital bed, listening to him ramble about all the music he can’t wait to listen to when he can go home, back to his stereo and his extensive collection of tapes. “Like this?” Billy asks, unable to hide the surprise in his voice. “Talking about stuff you love,” Steve answers, a little quieter this time, but he meets Billy’s gaze again, and he smiles. “Oh.” Billy says, a bit dumbly. And then it’s his turn to blush, looking down at his lap, where he’s picking at the dead skin around his fingers. Wetness gathers at the corners of his eyes, and closes his eyes to try and keep it from spreading. Steve’s hands reach out then, covering his hands, stopping him. And Billy can’t help smiling, just the tiniest bit, as he turns his hand over and threads his fingers with Steve’s.
I like it when you’re like this
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octo-cutie · 4 years
Red Strings and Things
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Prompt: You and your soulmate are connected by a red string on your pinkies which appears once you meet each other.
Summary: Tooru is concerned about the increasing number of his peers that have found their other half. After a brief meltdown, Tooru realizes that his string has become visible. Now the only question is who? And once he finds her, is it really his other half?
Pairing: POV Oikawa Tooru x f!Reader Genre: Fluff, little bit of angst,  a little toddler violence Warnings: Deliberate misspellings in the beginning because Oikawa and Iwaizumi where 6. Neither of them knew proper grammar and Iwaizumi had just lost his front tooth. Violence from Iwaizumi (Pushing, hitting, throwing things at Oikawa)
Side Note: I’ll be referring to Oikawa as Tooru because I’ll be referencing his mom and his sister a lot.
This is my contribution to the Soulmate AU Collab for Celestial Archives! I love love love this AU with all my heart and I secretly believe in the red string theory anyways....
It was his sister who had explained to him why the vermillion string was tied snugly around his left pinky finger. He hadn’t been older than 6 when she pulled him into her lap as she played with his hair one Sunday afternoon in the summer. There was a calming breeze in the air and the temperature that day was just right for blue popsicles in the sun.
“Everyone has one of these strings tied around their pinky finger that connects them to their soulmate.” She had said picking up his hand and holding it up against her own. Tooru looked at their hands (his were signifigantly stickier than hers) as his older sister held them together and saw the cotton fibers of his vermillion string slightly blowing and bending in the wind.
“Wahs a solmat?” He asked as popsicle dribbled down his chin. His sister was quick to wipe it up with a napkin as she explained it in a way only a 6 year old could understand.
“A soulmate Tooru, is the person who shares the other half of their popsicle with you. Except you’ll share a lot more than just a popsicle you silly goose.” She said giving him a sisterly squeeze.
“But we shared a pohsisle” He said with a pout. “Are you my solmat?”
“No Tooru I’m your sister. We shared a popsicle because there was only one left.” She said as she picked him up. Tooru curved his mouth into a large smile.
“Is it Iwa-chan?!”
“I don’t think so goose. If he was than you wouldn’t see your string anymore.”
That night while everyone else was asleep, Tooru climbed out of his bed and made his way towards his school bookbag and dug out his crayons and paper. In his short span of 6 years he knew plenty of people and according to his sister this string wouldn’t disappear until he met his soulmate. So it wouldn’t hurt to make a list of people he knew.
It wasn’t his parents, or his sister, and it wasn’t Iwa-chan. It couldn’t be anyone in his class either or his teachers. But it was very difficult to count all the people he knew with only ten fingers. At his little desk he sat working in his notebook until his parents found him asleep with the glitter glue in his hair, and a marker surrounded by a puddle of drool.
Later that week Tooru and his best friend Iwaizumi Hajime were in the living room watching a kids television show. It was far too wet to go out and explore like they had originally wanted to but this show about trucks was incredibly captivating. As soon as the commercial break aired, two pairs of little feet flew down the hall towards the bathroom to relieve themselves after inhaling large glasses of lemonade.
“Hurry up dumb face! The thows gunna thart thoon!” Iwaizumi said through his lisp caused by his recently lost front tooth. Tooru blew a raspberry back at him as he washed his hands in the sink. Reaching over to turn the faucet off, Tooru noticed the vermillion string that was darker due to the water that had run through its fibers.
He carefully jumped off the stepstool and opened the door to a grumbling Iwaizumi who promptly dragged Tooru by the arm back to the pillow fort they had spanning the contents of the living room.
“Iwa-chan! Wait I have a question!” Tooru exclaimed as they climbed through the tunnel they had set up to make it seem more like the train station they watched on television.
“What ith it thoopid-head?”
“Don’t call me stupid! I have a question about your solmat string!” Tooru said with tears in his eyes. Iwaizumi was always his hot headed best friend but words hurt ok?
“What about it?” Iwaizumi asked situating himself on his stomach and munching on some of the crackers they had taken from the kitchen. Tooru began to fiddle with the knot at the base of his finger as he asked is question.
“Is it still there?”
“Of couthe it ith. Itths thill bright pink!” Iwaizumi said holding his pudgy toddler fist in the air as he stuffed his face with more crackers. Tooru couldn’t see it but then again only the individual or their soulmate could see it.
The conversation ended there as the colorful ads where now replaced with the post-commercial jingle which brought their eyes back to the screen. It was distracting from the difficult world of soulmates which continued to plague his mind.
It continued to bother him into the next couple months now that he was in first grade. He was part of the big kid group at school because he could tie his shoelaces and he knew how to read short chapter books. His handwriting, according to his teachers, was so similar to a girls that they had accidentally begun to call him Oikawa-chan like they had with his sister.
Iwaizumi had laughed at his predicament one to many times before Tooru pushed him out of his seat with a loud huff. The only thing it did was earn Tooru a spot in the corner during recess while Iwaizumi got to go play outside.
Instead of crying like he usually would, Tooru used this chance to think about the girls in his class. He knew most of them (if not by name then by some other part. Like cookie girl who gave everyone cookies when she had them) and he couldn’t recall seeing their strings. He’d gotten in trouble the other day when he swore on his Alien pajama set that he’d seen Izuna’s string and had tackled her to the ground only to realize that she had colored her nails red with a sharpie.
He’d spent a lot of time in the corner that day.
It was frustrating to Tooru that he couldn’t find his soulmate when it seemed like everyone else had. Though in reality his teacher had already explained to him multiple times that most soulmates don’t find each other right away.
“It just takes time. I still haven’t found mine and I’m 24.” She said with a bright smile. Tooru’s eyes bugged out of his head and he started to wail about how he’d never find them.
First grade was interesting in that aspect....
As the years progressed, Tooru slowly became less and less concerned with his soulmate and his string due to the increasing popularity that was coming his way. Once he’d entered middle school, he and the rest of his male counterparts had started to notice their female classmates as more than just friends. He’d even started up a relationship towards the end of his 3nd year in Junior High with a lovely girl named Sora who shared his love of volleyball.
His first love had been short and sweet. They had bonded together over volleyball, and spent their lunch times and weekends playing together or watching volleyball tournaments much to Iwaizumi’s chagrin. It wasn’t until the last week of school that Sora had come to him with large tears welled up in her eyes.
The tell tale sign of her now visible burgundy string only told Tooru what he’d known from the start. They weren’t soulmates.
Tooru had congratulated her with a large fake smile and given her his best as he headed off to practice. But he couldn’t help but feel the annoyance itching at his skin. It wasn’t fair! How had nearly two-thirds of his classmates already found their other half?!
Iwaizumi noticed the attitude that Tooru was throwing around the court that day. His warm up serves were more aggressive, he’d snapped at both the coaches and had been forced to sit out for an entire practice game due to his attitude. As he watched one of the first years, Kageyama, replace him as the setter for the last game his mood only worsened.
“If you hadn’t lost your shitty temper with the coaches you wouldn’t have had to sit out.” Iwaizumi grumbled as the two of them picked up the stray balls that had wandered away during practice in the now mostly empty gym. Tooru merely grunted and bent over to grab a ball at his feet.
Unfortunately another hand reached downwards too...
“Oikawa do you maybe think you could help me with my sets sometime?” An eager Kageyama asked as he wrung his fingers together. Tooru looked up from the ground with a darkened look in his eyes before lunging at the poor unsuspecting kid as a growl ripped through his throat.
A terrified Kageyama was rescued from the hands of an angry Tooru by means of Iwaizumi who barreled the two of them into the wall. Kageyama took this chance to run off before he was attacked once more.
“SHITTYKAWA GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF!” Iwaizumi hollered into his friends face as he gripped Tooru’s shirt. Angry tears welled up in Tooru’s eyes as he pushed Iwaizumi away from him and buried his head in his arms as choked sobs left his body.
“I’m one of the only people who hasn’t found their soulmate.” Tooru choked out much to the chagrin of Iwaizumi who scoffed.
“Really?! This is what’s made you so shitty today?! Dammit I thought you had a real issue.” Iwaizumi growled as he threw more volleyballs into the carrier. Tooru wiped his eyes and looked at his bug loving friend.
“It is though Iwa-chan! It’s a real issue! Even you’ve met yours!” Tooru snapped pointing at Iwaizumi’s bubblegum pink strand that had appeared a little less than a month ago.
As much as Iwaizumi wanted to berate him for having unnecessary tears over something that everyone experienced in life, he sighed and found himself comforting his idiot friend instead.  
“It takes time shit-head. You’ll find them eventually.” was all he mustered before pulling the setter up from his crouched position and pulling him towards the gym storage room.
Iwaizumi pulled and pushed Tooru through the school and back towards their homes while the boy moped towards the sky. Iwaizumi pushed him up the steps and knocked on the door. A few moments later, Tooru’s mother opened the door.
“Oh hello- Tooru what’s the matter with you?” She asked pulling her son and Iwaizumi into the house. With a quick apology for intruding, both boys began to remove their shoes and Iwaizumi explained what had happened.
“Tooru you know well and true that finding your soulmate is more than a matter of waiting for them to show up. It also takes the maturity of the heart and the maturity of the mind. This is a perfect example of why you haven’t seen your string.” His mother scolded. Iwaizumi nodded along with every word that left his “auntie’s” mouth.
Tooru merely trudged upstairs and into his room with a huff and a harsh closing of his door.
His room was still dark from turning the light off before he left for school and his bed unmade from running out of time. Letting his backpack fall off his shoulder her slumped onto his bed and stared absentmindedly at his pinky finger.
He could see the vermillion strands bounce slightly with the pulse of his heartbeat underneath his skin.
His mother was right though, he thought as he drifted off to sleep. Someone with his emotional maturity skills was bound to wait a long time for their string to appear.
Tooru’s mindset completely changed once they entered high school a few months later. His looks and his charming personality were a massive take with most of his peers and he quickly developed a fanbase that followed him everywhere. They packed the stands at the volleyball games and inflated his ego tenfold.
“With all these lovely fans of mine why bother with a soulmate?” Tooru announced at a study session with Iwaizumi and two other boys they’d met on the volleyball team, Hanamaki Takahiro and Matsukawa Issei.
“Fuck you and your fanbase.” Iwaizumi grunted as he kicked Tooru gently in the ribs while texting his girlfriend.
“Leave me alone Iwa-chan!” Tooru said with his dramatic ass laying on the ground. Matsukawa threw a piece of popcorn at his head.
“No he’s right. Your fanbase is obnoxious.”
“Not you too Mattsun!”
But Matsukawa was right in the sense that the obnoxiousness of
Tooru periodically began to date members of his fanbase here and there not really caring when they broke up with him due to him neglecting them for volleyball.
It wasn’t until his third year when his current girlfriend shrieked and smacked him in the arm that he realized his life had changed.
“You didn’t fucking tell me you found your soulmate already you jerk!” She snapped before running off in tears. Tooru blinked in complete confusion before looking down at his string. It still sat there visible to him but...
“IWA-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!” Tooru shrieked as he sprinted across campus to find his best friend. The thudding of his heart beneath his ribcage only heightened with the belief that his string truly had been revealed and he was closer to finding his soulmate.
Unfortunately for Iwaizumi who had been having a rather romantic moment with his girlfriend, found himself groaning out of annoyance at Tooru’s loud and heavily breathy interruption.
“What the fuck do you want Shittykawa?! I’m kind of in the middle of something!” He called out not facing the trembling, hyperventilating figure of his friend. With a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek he sent her off with a gentle love-tap on her forehead and a promise to see her later before dragging a babbling Tooru off.
“Ow ow! Let me go Iwa-chan! It’s important!!”
“It better fucking be you fucking cockblock.”
“Can you see my string?” Tooru blurted as he shoved his pinky finger into his friends face. Iwaizumi blinked before looking at his friends newly visible string.
“I- I can see it. This is what was so fucking important?!” Iwaizumi growled as he gripped Tooru’s wrist and crossed his arms. Tooru gaze burned with a fire that Iwaizumi only ever saw on the court when they were a singular point away from the winning one.
“It means I found them! I found them!” Tooru cried out in happiness cradling his hand and walking off with a lovelorn look on his face.
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and texted his girlfriend to meet up with him again before lunch was over.
Tooru couldn’t concentrate the entire rest of the day. He stared absentmindedly at the string on his finger and spent the rest of his class doodling what he thought his soulmate looked like or what they should do for their first date.
His instagram now showed off to his friends and fans that he was infact on his way to finding his love and the texts bewteen his mother and sister about it only fueled his excitement. For his fanbase however, the sight of the string caused many girls and even some boys to hate the color of their own strings that now were clearly not a match to the vibrant vermillion color.
But the question everyone wanted to know was who had triggered the appearance of his string? And why had it taken them so long to find him?
Unfortunately for Tooru it seemed that although the universe had finally thrown him a bone, his search for his other half continued to plague his days in high school. His peers who had their strings exposed matched each other but not to his. For three years he focused solely on Volleyball and finding the other half of the red vermillion string that now dangled freely from his pinky finger.
“I don’t even know when it showed up! Kimi-chan just smacked me across the arm and I ran off to find Iwa!” Tooru exclaimed when yet another person asked him if he knew who it was.
No he didn’t. Yes he’d asked around. No he didn’t have any positive leads. The same three answers to the now most commonly asked questions that he heard aside from questions about volleyball.
The search only grew colder and colder as the end of the year grew closer and closer. With the loss to Karasuno at the Inter-high semi-finals eating at the strings of his heart, he threw himself into his studies and watched the match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa with anger and resentment towards his former teammate and his rival Ushijima.
The loss of Shiratorizawa to Karasuno nearly made him smile after years of ridicule by the universe. To watch the miniscule look of despair cross through Ushijima’s usually stoic face alleviated some of the pain that he felt of not being on the court.
As he and Iwaizumi cleared out of the stadium he felt a sharp pain in his pinky finger, almost as if the string around his finger was tightening. Using his height to his advantage he whipped his head around to see a head of h/c hair walking away from him pulling at her right pinky finger....
That bore a familiar vermillion string.
“Excuse me! Please I need to get through!” He called out shoving people out of the way trying to reach the angel who had seemingly evaded him for years and years and years.
‘She’s here. She’s here. Just one more step. Faster! Get to her! Please!’ His brain screamed at him as he reached out for the elbow hidden beneath the Orange and Black of Karasuno Highschool. The contact of his hand with her elbow cause both of them to jolt with an extreme burst of energy causing her to turn around with her large e/c eyes looking at him with extreme awe. Swallowing slowly the girl looked at Tooru with stars in her eyes.
“Are you...”
“I think I am...”
Tooru moved his hand from her elbow to connect their hands finally joining the dangling parts of their strings together for the first time in a beautiful heart shaped knot. The vermillion color that had once nauseated him now amazed him as he tentatively wrapped his arms around the frame of his better half for the first time. Tears welled up in both sets of their eyes as they held each other tightly.
“I thought everyone was humoring me about my string.” She whispered as she inhaled through teary eyes. Tooru stroked his hand through her hair inhaling the slightly peachy scent mixed with a hint of cream.
“But you’re here now... I’ve found you after all these years. My name is Oikawa Tooru. I’m a third year at Aoba Johsai.”
“I’m L/N Y/N. I’m a second year at Karasuno High School.”
They finally separated and looked at each other with bright beaming smiles. Joining their hands together, Tooru led the girl out of the stadium with the premise of their first date of many to make up for the years they’d spent separated.
To Tooru, Y/N was truly his other half. Her personality complimented his in every aspect. He’d learned that her hobbies included watching volleyball, charcoal art, and babysitting her new baby brother. She’s allergic to pine nuts, and wanted to visit the Amazon Rainforest to sketch exotic animals before going to University for Primary School Education. She had tried out for the volleyball team but had to quit during her first year because her brother had been born.
He told her of his dreams to play volleyball on the professional level and about his nephew Takeru. He shared his fears and insecurities about the Karasuno volleyball team specifically Kageyama. He couldn’t stop himself from spilling information that even his closest friends didn’t know. It was like she already knew everything about him and like he knew everything about her.
As Tooru walked her to the bus station, Y/N asked for a photo together.
“I don’t want to wake up and find out it was a dream.” She confessed shyly as they exchanged numbers and waited for the bus. Tooru’s already fluttering heart increased as he held her warm hands in his.
“It’s not a dream. We’ve finally found each other and I will always be at the other end of this string. We may be separated now but we have our whole lives ahead of us. One day I’ll be playing professionally and I’ll have you by my side every step of the way.” He explained, “Of course if you’ll have me.”
“I will Tooru.” and with those words, she placed a lingering kiss on the swell of his cheekbone. It was natural for her and his response was a flavorful kiss on the forehead.
“A kiss on the lips is what we’ll get when we meet again.” Tooru murmured into her hairline. The sounds of the bus approaching pulled them apart and they separated once again, the knot coming undone.
The string had never felt so heavy on his finger now that they had left each other, Tooru thought as he walked home with a content smile on his face and his hands in his pocket.
A few years passed and the correspondence between the two was still flourishing as though they had only just met. Quick texts turned into hour long conversations and phone calls turned into falling asleep on facetime. When he was offered a position on the San Juan Men’s Volleyball team in Argentina he immediately went to visit a jewelry shop.
Tooru called Y/N and arranged for the two of them to meet at a fancy restaurant. The weight of the end of their strings lifted as they knotted together once more and Tooru announced the news that he was heading to San Juan.
“Before I go however, there is one thing I need to do. I want to marry you Y/N. We’ve only just found each other after years of being separated and it’s like I’ve finally been given a drink of the coldest water to soothe my aching body. You’re my other half. The better part of me. And I can’t let you go again.” Tooru confessed on one knee with the black padded ring box opened to show a perfectly carved ring with a tiny ruby heart.
A squeal and a thump confirmed his answer as those around in the restaurant watched the newly engaged couple hold each other tightly.
The wedding was set for later that winter before Tooru had to leave for Argentina. As they joined hands for the first time as a newly wedded couple, Tooru watched as the vermillion string turned bright gold.
As he danced with his new wife and held her close he whispered a tentative ‘I love you’ and forgave the universe for all the hardships he’d gone through.
After all, there’s always more to life than red strings and things...
So I know that my contribution was added much later but I had experienced some personal issues and this laid dormant in my drafts for a while. Thank you to @elixhirs for the beautiful banner and to @toorusushijima​ for hosting the collab by @celestialarchiveshq
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haloshornsinkstains · 4 years
Kinktober? (Semi)Public Sex [Kuroo]
Not sure I ever posted this here, sorry if I did. Brain mush right now. But I am trying to continue with the Kinktober stuff as and when I can, and hopefully I’ll get around to writing some headcanons and fun seasonal stuff soon too. Suggestions are always welcome. :)
CW: Female Reader, semi-public sex, some terrible chemistry puns, alcohol
“What is that cat doing?” Suga glanced up from his drink, following Daichi’s glare across the bar. Where you’d been dancing on your own earlier, the former Nekoma Captain was now pressed against your back, smirking. He turned back to Daichi and sighed. “I thought Kenma was supposed to be watching him!” Daichi growled. “I think Kenma is a bit busy right now.” Suga gestured to a far booth and familiar head of orange hair huddled against the gamer. “You worry too much Daichi, she can handle herself.” Daichi frowned and shook his head. “I’m not-” “I’ve been out drinking with her before, believe me, she can. If she didn’t want Kuroo there he wouldn’t be, and… I know you might disagree but he’s a decent guy really.” He leant his head against the others shoulder. “There’s always someone there to help her if she needs it. Half the guys in this room act like her older brothers, she’ll be fine . Now, as sexy as the protective big brother thing is, stop moping and enjoy your night off with me.” “I can’t believe you took her out drinking.” “She’s 23. Now shut up and kiss me you idiot.”
Across the bar, blissfully unaware of the conversation happening about you, you found yourself grinding back into a solid body. Glancing over your shoulder you raised a questioning eyebrow at the man, he merely smirked in response though he did step away a little until you grinned at him. “Aw c’mon, I haven’t even tried to scare you off yet.” You laughed. The man smiled and moved closer again, large hands coming to rest on your hips. “You’re planning to scare me off?” You shrugged. “Not yet, we’ll see.” “Can I at least get a name before you chase me away?” His deep voice was right in your ear and something about it sent a shiver up your spine, you ground your ass back against him in retaliation. You were going to tell him, really you were, but a guy sidled up to the pair of you and eyed the man you were dancing with. “Hey baby, I can show you a much better time than this-” You felt the man behind you tense, ready to interject, but you shook your head giving the stranger a smile that terrifyingly reminded Kuroo of Suga in full mom-mode back in the day. The stranger actually flinched. “I’m having a good time here thanks.” And how one person could sound so sweet and so terrifying at the same time Kuroo would never know, but the guy was gone and honestly he was beyond impressed. “That was… something.” He practically purred into your ear. You shrugged. “I had a good teacher. And I really am having a good time.” “Oho?” “Mhm. Haven’t even tried to scare you off with a terrible chat up line yet.” He chuckled behind you, “they can’t be that bad.” The song changed and you used it as an excuse to turn to face him, your arms resting around his neck as you studied his face properly. He really was handsome, the kind of good looking that even made his bedhead hairstyle look sexy. You could only blame the alcohol and his good looks for muddling your brain and making the next words to come out of your mouth seem like a great idea. “Are you Francium? Because you’re really attractive.” Ooops. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Kuroo blinked a few times, before his face split into a wide grin and a terrible hyena laugh burst from his lips. Once the laughing had subsided, and you were so thankful for the coloured lights hiding your blushing face, you realised he was still holding you. And still smiling. “That was amazing.” He chuckled. “Know any more?” Fuck. He was hot and liked awful science puns? Well that decided it. You grabbed his hand, tugging him away from the dancefloor and towards the back of the club.
You pushed him inside the bathroom stall, locking the door behind you and turning to him. “A bar toilet, really?" You shrugged. “There’s the grimy alley if you prefer? Or you can leave I guess, but well…” You gestured vaguely towards the obvious bulge in his jeans. “I got the feeling you might-” He was kissing you before you finished, strong hands lifting you almost effortlessly up onto the sink so he was pressed between your legs. “Fuck you’re hot.” You smiled. “I think that’s my line.” His lips were back on yours in an instant, one hand tangled in your hair while the other pushed your skirt up around your hips. You moaned into his mouth as his thumb rubbed across your underwear, pressing into the dampness that had already accumulated there. “Ah, fuck, we don’t have-” He groaned in response, pushing your underwear aside and pressing two fingers into your wet heat with ease. That pulled a low moan from his throat, as you gasped and bucked your hips against his hand. From the other side of the door you could hear the voices of the other people in the bar, friends and former teammates easy to pick out over the low hum of noise. You whine, fisting your hands in the front of his shirt. “You don’t have time to tease me. Please, I want you.” He huffs, but any real irritation is clouded by lust as he fishes a condom out of his pocket (you would question it, because really what? But you’re far too focused on releasing him from his jeans). You bite your lip hard to hold back the moan when you finally release his cock, long and thick and curved so perfectly you think you lose the ability to think straight just looking at it. You can practically feel his smirk, and glance up to see him biting back some sort of sarcastic remark. Just to spite him you snatch the condom wrapper from his hands, rolling it onto him yourself and slowly sliding your hand along his now covered erection. The groan that leaves him is pure sin and you can’t help but wrap your legs around his hips, urging him closer. He complies, eyes squeezed shut as he slides into you. You understand the feeling completely, biting down hard on your lip to stop you crying out from just how perfect he feels inside you, the slight burn of the stretch only adding to the sensation. “Move. God, please move.” You urge, rocking your hips against him. Move he does, your head thudding back against the mirror as he starts to thrust, breathing ragged already. He leans forward, bracing himself against the wall with his arms caging you in as he sets a punishing pace, his lips finding yours in an attempt to stifle his moans. “You feel so fucking perfect.” You whine at the praise, arching into him already embarrassingly close, but he doesn’t stop the words tumbling from his mouth. “I wish we had more time, I want to feel you come on my tongue. Want to treat you right. Fuck you feel so good.” It’s so perfect and so intense and you’re so close already. It feels like he is too, the way his body is trembling around you, brow furrowed and bottom lip caught between his teeth. Somewhere on the other side of the door you can hear someone hammering and shouting at you to hurry up and get out of there, if you weren’t so close to finishing you’d probably want to punch them. But Kuroo shifts slightly, thumb swiping over your clit in small circles and that is more than distracting enough, even as his movements become jerky and then still. He keeps going until you follow him into your own orgasm, his lips swallowing the loud moan that bubbles up in your throat.  You stay like that for a few moments, lips moving against each other as you both come down from your respective highs. It’s over too soon, him pulling out of you, disposing of the used condom and gingerly tucking himself back into his pants. You sigh, leaning forwards and swiping his phone to enter your number. “In case you want to do that again as much as I do Kuroo-san.” You grin, hopping down from the sink on wobbly legs and returning to the party.
Kuroo sighs, pocketing the phone again and making his way back over to his former teammates. Yaku narrows his eyes when he approached, frowning. “Kuroo. Please tell me you didn’t have sex with Sawamura-san’s little sister.” Kuroo blinks, suddenly realising you seemed to know his name when he never gave it out, that would also explain the glare he felt burning into his back while he was dancing with you. After a few seconds he grins, glancing over to see you whirling a drunk Nishinoya around the dance floor. “That sounds like my cue to leave.”
[from: Unknown Number] Are you a carbon isotope? Because I want to date you.
[from: you] Kuroo? Marry me.
[from: Unknown Number] The one and only. I think your brother would kill me. Rude not letting me know, fyi.
[from: you] Sorry! I was trying to not scare you away. Coffee tomorrow?
[from: Kuroo] It’s a date.
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Those damn kids Daichi x reader NSFW
Summary: You have a bad week with the kids and Daichi helps you... relieve some of them stress
Words: 2.5k 
Warnings: NSFW 
Characters: Daichi 
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You had never been one to yell at your kids or really even punish them more than just a couple minutes in the time-out chair but when you got the third call this week from the head of the preschool you about lost your mind.Your son had pulled a girl’s hair on Monday, then your daughter refuses to nap on Wednesday and today, oh boy today was frustrating You could not believe that you received a call about both of your kids today, at the same time. Your son had pulled his shirt off and started yelling that he was “the baddest bitch in the land” after he had won in a game of hide and seek. You had no idea where he learned this (you had an idea, his name was Tanaka) but you couldn’t help but feel humiliated by his actions when she went on to say that your daughter had gotten into an argument with the teacher because she didn’t want to nap for the third day in a row you about lost it. You told the principal that you would have a talk with them this weekend before you sent them back to school. Immediately after you called Daichi almost in tears, you had no idea why your kids (who had never ever had a call home before) decided to act like hooligans and raise all layers of hell this one particular week. Daichi was as calm and understanding as always, when you called he didn’t hesitate to calm you down and reassure you that it wasn’t your fault that they were being like this and that you were an amazing mother and he would pick them up from school, you needed to take a shower and relax when you got home. Daichi was the absolute best dad, firm when needed but also goofy and fun. You could tell that nothing made him happier than making his babies laugh and smile everyday, he was naturally good at parenting in a way that you could never be.
When you got home from work you couldn’t help but sigh and throw yourself on the couch for a couple minutes of mindless social media to destress before going and taking a long shower. You washed your hair with your favorite soaps before taking the time to shave your legs and do a face mask, enjoying the little bit of time you had by yourself. It was relaxing and perfect, all you needed now was to figure out what you were going to say to your kids when Daichi got back with them. You had a rule that you would handle all kid problems together so that nothing was said or taken away without the other one knowing. He usually didn’t get home for at least another hour so you changed into joggers and a tank top and did some quick tidying up before taking a few minutes to yourself.
“Hey superwoman, wake up,” you hear a smiling voice whisper in your ear. Prying your eyes open you quickly realize that you had fallen asleep on the couch and Daichi had you wrapped in his arms clearly amused by your tired state. You smiled happily at him and his warm embrace, but you quickly realized something was wrong.
“Daichi, the kids,” you panic, “did you get them from daycare? They have horrible late fees, they’ll think we abandoned them.”
“No they wont,” he smiles gently, “they’re with my mom for the weekend.”
“WHAT?” You practically shout, “why would you do that, they were in trouble.”
“Yeah and no one can put them back in place quite like my mom,” he smiles, “besides, I figured we could use some kid-free time to destress before the week. So what do you say, get dressed and we’ll go get dinner.”
Sure your kids going away for the weekend wasn’t the best form of punishment, sure grandma could be strict but she always spoiled the two of them rotten, but you couldn’t lie, this was an amazing relief. You were getting a whole weekend alone with your amazing husband which hadn’t happened for far too long. Getting dressed and going out with him was so easy, you had a favorite restaurant that had seen the two of you at your best and at your worst. You went there on your first date, told your parents that you were engaged there, told Daichi you were pregnant there, to say the least this place had seen everything. This place had seen you dolled up and literally in pajamas and it was perfect every time. You settled for something cute but comfortable, a pair of jeans and a green sweater with some tennis shoes were the perfect outfit matching Daichi’s jeans and sweatshirt as well. Hand in hand you went to the restaurant and had a great night sitting and just talking about literally everything that had happened this week. There was nothing that made you feel more loved than when Daichi smiled at you as his eyes were locked with yours and he held your hand as you told him some ridiculous story about your week and he listens to every word attentively.
After dinner the two of you made your way back home happy together after your night out. Sitting inside you couldn’t help but feel Daichi’s dark eyes boring into your side as you rehung your jacket and reached your arm out for his. Instead of his jacket he grabbed your hand and pulled you flush to his chest, placing a quick kiss down on the top of your head. You smiled up at him before grabbing his jacket from him and turning back to the shoe closet and hanging it up for him. Before you could close the door Daichi had wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled himself up against your backside quickly kissing the back of your neck.
“Come on doll lets go upstairs,” he coos at you before turning you around to face him. Your face was bright red, you loved when he called you that. You tried hiding your head in his chest but he grabbed your chin and made you look up at him as his other hand snaked down and rested on your butt, “I need you to be a good girl for me,” he purred as his hand went from your chin to wrapping around your neck giving it a little squeeze, “got it?”
You nod vigorously and he seems to back off before his hand comes down harshly once on your ass making you let out a surprised squeak.
“You better be naked by the time I get up there,” he says seriously as he goes to the kitchen.
You don’t want to find out what would happen if you weren’t so you raced upstairs to the bedroom dropping your clothes along the way. If you knew anything for sure it would be that when Daichi told you to do something in that voice you needed to do it or else it would be a long night. It had been forever since the two of you had had enough alone time, let alone the energy to have sex and you were practically dripping already in anticipation. You raced to the bed and laid there excitedly waiting for him, wondering what he was possibly wasting his time doing, especially because you know that he was just as excited for this as you were. After a minute or two Daichi entered the bedroom slowly as his eyes raked up and down your body happily watching your form squirm under the bed in embarrassment. Approaching the end of the bed Daichi pulled his shirt off and kicked his pants off before you pulled him down into a deep passionate kiss, your bare chest pushing up to meet his as you laced one hand into his hair and one around his broad shoulders. Daichi let out a little moan as he pushed you back on the bed and towered over you taking full control of the kiss, his tongue exploring the inside of your mouth as one hand cupped your breasts giving them each the attention that made the little peaks hard. He then ground his hips down harshly    ` causing you to let out a whimper as you tried to push your hips up against him. He pushed your hips back flush against the bed before attaching his lips to your breast and began nipping and biting at it. There was a long whine that left your lips before you could help it as your hands pulled at his hair encouraging him to continue, but he had other ideas. His lips trailed down your abdomen and stopped right before the spot you wanted him to touch most. You were desperate as you spread your legs for him and pushed his head closer to your core, trying to stop his teasing. Instead of giving you what you wanted he licked up and down your heat once, spreading your wetness everywhere then pulled his head back and gently blew on your wetness. The cool air hit all of your most sensitive spots and made you clench your legs together. Daichi pulled your legs apart by wrapping both of his arms under your legs and holding them wide open for him.
“Close them again and we're done,” he stopped everything to warn you.
“I won’t, I won't, I won’t,” you repeated in a mantra to him, hoping to get something out of him. He took this as satisfactory and began quickly flicking your clit with his tongue, he began sucking on your clit and pulling on it harshly as you felt yourself wanting more. You let out a desperate whine as he took his attention away from your clit and straight to your core, his tongue quickly pumping into you as you began seeing stars. One hand let go of your legs and made its way up to your breast and began harshly rolling your nipples between his fingers and grabbing harshly at your breasts. He knew you were getting close and wanted nothing more than to taste you all over his face. He shifted once more to your clit as two fingers began pumping in and out of you. Your moans had become uneven and shaky as he touched every part of you that sent bolts of pleasure straight to your core. Feeling his hot breath against your core as he pushed you so close to your orgasm. With his thick fingers curling perfectly inside of you it only took mere moments before you were coming undone practically screaming his name. He continued pumping his fingers quickly as you came all over them and when he was trying to get you close to your second orgasm, your walls were clenching desperately around his fingers hoping that he would give you the pleasure of another orgasm but instead he got you right up to the edge and pulled away.
“Daichiii” you whined at him as he pulled away from you to take off his boxers.
“Have I ever left you unsatisfied,” he smirks down at your desperate figure. You knew he was right but you didn’t want to admit it. Daichi had always made sure that you were completely satisfied and worn out every time you and sex and this would be no different. “Now, face down ass up, arms above your head,” he muttered as you scrambled to flip yourself over. He licked his lips appreciating your beautiful body before smacking your ass twice harshly as he lined himself up with your desperate hole.
Without a second thought you began begging for him, “Daichi, please, fuck me, pound my pussy please, make me scream, choke me fuck me anything please I just want you inside of me, please please please cum in me daddy.”
You knew that he would have fucked you anyway but that last part made him practically growl in anticipation as he slammed into you, quickly setting a fast and brutal pace. He hit every part of you so perfectly that you couldn’t help but let your eyes roll to the back of your head as you let out a string of moans and curses. On a particularly hard thrust Daichi took the opportunity to smack your ass at the same time causing you to see stars as you clenched even harder around his hardened member.
“Daichi” you called out loudly.
Before you knew it Daichi had a handful of your hair and had pulled you up so your back was meeting his chest, grasp on your hair pleasurably painful as his other hand went to squeeze your neck harshly as a warning. “What did you call me?” He whispered into your ear, his hot breath sending heat straight to your core.
“Daddy, I called you daddy, you’re my daddy,” you cried out as his hips slowly slammed as deep as they could into you, each thrust feeling somehow deeper than the last.
“That’s what I thought,” he muttered before letting go of you and pushing you back down onto the bed, his hands gripping your hips harshly as he began increasing pace. You were so over-stimulated that you couldn’t do anything but repeatedly chant “daddy please” as he brought you both close to release. His pace began getting sloppy and you could tell that he was getting close. Your moans push him even closer to the edge. He suddenly pulled out and flipped you over before thrusting back into you at the same desperate pace, the sight of your breasts bouncing and your face flush and desperately calling out for him was enough to make him almost finished immediately but he was determined to get you to finish first so he ran a finger down your front and began quickly rubbing your clit. This was exactly what you needed and before you could say anything you were coming around Daichi’s cock moaning desperately as he continued pumping into you.
“Daichi, daddy please, Daichi please cum in my pussy, please fuck another baby into me, please daddy please,” you begged him. His thrusts instantly stopped as he pushed himself as deep into you as possible and finished deep inside of you. You both had to take a moment to catch your breath before he pulled out, his eyes focused on your throbbing core. He watched for a moment as his cum began seeping out of you before pushing it back inside of you and lightly fingering your sensitive core to keep it inside of you for as long as he could. As he did that his lips locked with yours in a passionate kiss as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled the covers over you both.
“I can’t wait to see you pregnant with another gorgeous baby, you’ll look stunning,” he whispered after a long moment, “I’m hoping for another girl,” he smiles.
“Oh shut up, we have to get the kids we have under control,” you smirk.
“They are, they’re amazing kids and you’re an amazing mom, it was one bad week, we all have them, when I told them mommy was upset they almost started crying in the car, they won’t do it again,” he lazily smiled as he drew mindless shapes onto your chest as you both drifted off to sleep.
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