#one of 3 bi icons in this novel tbh
jaqobis · 2 years
okay i’ll do a PROPER THOUGHTS POST about AMOL and total series thoughts at some point — everything is still sinking in! — but let’s do a fave characters ranking first. i am 500% sure i’ve forgotten someone i really care about, narrowing down to top 10 was hard lksmdfls
in approximate order!
1. egwene al’vere, my girl, my love, the light of my life! i may never love another character as much as i love her. amyrlin of my heaRT. every time i try to go into more detail about my love i just descend into incoherent babbling so we’ll just have to wait till my inevitable 92304 word metas about her arc slkdfjs
2. rand al’thor, this was SUCH a close second. i love rand and egwene about equally tbh, but she inches out juuuuust that little bit. that said: my boy!! my sad little doomed chosen one trying his best and sometimes committing war crimes along the way!
3. elayne trakand, INCREDIBLY SATISFYING STORYLINE, wonderful mad scientist queen, love every minute around her. huge chaotic bi energy. politicking GENIUS.
4. nynaeve al’meara, angriest healer of my heart!!! wish she had more to do in the back half of the series but every moment she’s on screen is a banger.
5. mat cauthon, gently puts a hand over his post-winter’s heart material. fantastic gambler with a heart of gold and too many knives, hilarious lad, love how badly he wanted to be in any other novel series than this one.
6. aviendha, LOVE HER! love her sense of honor, love her romances with rand and elayne, love how much she grows and learns from her experiences.
7. moiraine damodred, MEAN MAGIC MOM!!!! thrower of incredible shade. sets up the MOST dramatic venue for her “death.” did not ask for all this child-wrangling but the wheel weaves as the wheel wills. what an icon.
8. verin mathwin, RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MOST BALLER REVEAL IN THIS ENTIRE SERIES and that is NO SMALL FEAT. when this woman commits she coMMITS. incredible show-stopping amazing.
9. gawyn trakand, look. look. i’m care him. he is trying his best and his best sucks so much sdklfsjls MORE SERIOUSLY i feel like some of his more frustrating issues are reflective to broader issues around the writing in the last few books of the series and i can’t blame him, specifically, for them. he has some really swoony moments with egwene and i’m too much of an arthuriana nerd to NOT be compelled by an ill-made knight
10. loial, son of arent son of halan. I MEAN, NATURALLY!!!!! i’m so pleased he gets to write his bOOK, i hope he gets some nice restful chill time at the stedding after all this time away.
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melpomeneprose · 1 year
Get to know me: TURN: Washington's Spies Edition!
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Favorite Season: Season 3. I grew up on Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan. Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles and the bicon The Vampire Lestat literally saved my life, in catholic school, in the midst of my own bi crisis compounded with my crisis of morals vs the system. Discounting Benjamin’s wig, if a character, like Benjamin, or Lestat, or Percy, all of which are flawed main POV characters ~don’t~ have a crisis of morals or question the nature of “hero” or in Lestat’s case “goodness” I don’t see the point. Sorry not sorry.
Least favourite season: Season 2. I love Annlett I just don’t personally like Abraham Woodhull ~ as depicted in the show or irl very much, though he’s better than Thomas Jefferson, all my homies hate Thomas Jefferson.
Side note: good job making Abe sympathetic and relatable, you deserve a medal, cause that’s not easy: @cabbxges-and-kings. 💕
Favorite character(s):
Benjamin Tallmadge.
Sarah Livingston.
John André.
Anna Strong.
Mary Woodhull.
Peggy Shippen.
Alexander Hamilton.
John Graves Simcoe.
George Washington ~ but only as depicted in TURN, I’d readily punch his ghost, team Sally Hemings & Ona Judge.
Least Favorite Character: Benedict Arnold. Enough said.
Favorite Romantic Relationship: I thought Anna/Selah Strong was very touching tbh. Tbf I’m THE multi-shipper so Benjamin/everyone -> including my 18th century vampire original character, but, regarding canon: Anna/Selah Strong.
Favorite Friendship:
Abigail and Anna Strong. ~ Abigail, my love, you’re so under appreciated.
Benjamin Tallmadge and Caleb Brewster. ~ Though, I see Benjamin as bi, so I see them platonically, romantically, and queer platonically, cause I’m not a coward.
Favorite Episode(s):
Hearts and Minds.
Yorktown — I don’t remember the exact title, but, that’s a fun one.
Pilot — it’s iconic.
Least Favorite Episode: I appreciate George Washington’s contributions to America as a historical figure, but, as mentioned above, team Sally Hemings & Ona Judge. I also appreciate the actors performances in this show. I act as a hobby and I can script write, though my preference is novels, novellas, poetry & zines — in that order. TURN is exceedingly well written and acted, I just am not partial to George Washington. So the Washington centric episode.
Favorite Iconic Quote: I embodied Benjamin Tallmadge as a coping mechanism during my first week of college, so it’s gotta be: “Oh, I won’t be hiding.”
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Borrowed from: @honorhearted. 🫡
Tagging: @historiavn, @keptflame, @nauticql & @johngravessimcoe, @cavalrylad, & @annastrxng. 💕
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Battle Royale Character Aesthetics
Boy #17: Mitsuru Numai
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nnq · 5 years
modern!au k(lance)
they're all in their 20's except for Shiro who's 30 and coran who's 50
first of all. miss me with that 'pining roommate' shit. I love miscommunication and making characters that r sexy bffs with one another
Lance meets Nyma through a Craigslist ad he put up saying he needed a roommate. the moment they met was a tragedy for everyone but them because they're that powerful and beautiful
lance with tousled hair, wearing a half-unbuttoned silk shirt and designer jeans, Michael kors sunglasses pushed up atop his head, arm wrapped around nyma: hi guys this is my roommate, nyma!
nyma, with her blonde 3-ft long box braids down her back, perfectly manicured red nails, bodycon dress and loubitons, hand on lances waist: hey
allura, shaking and on the verge of tears: STOP MAKING US LOOK POOR AND UGLY
Lance is in school for marine biology and Nyma works as a hairdresser and the both of them are small beauty gurus on YouTube that collab with one another
lance: hey guys we're going to be trying out the new anastasia pallete we got today :)!
nyma: and by got we mean shoplifted from sephora
they're also insta baddies and both gender non-conforming baddies. Nyma is a nonbinary lesbian icon and lance is a nonbinary bicon.... those are like the fucking BEST senses of style
anyone with eyes can see that nyma is into and ONLY into girls but of course... heteronormativity.
rolo: I still don't get why you're dating lance. he's super annoying.
nyma: he doesn't bitch nearly as much as you even when he's got my cock in his ass
they do this thing where when people assume they're a couple they pretend they're some kind of kink couple and freak everyone out
which is why when hunk and pidge meet nyma they're like :eyes: but when nyma flirts with pidge lance doesn't even bat an eye and then lance starts pining about Keith's greasy mullet and his bags under his eyes and nymas got this look on her face that perfectly resembles a man who's lost all sense of normalcy and righteousness in his life and now sits in a bar every night listening to this dumb romance novel type shit and then pidge and hunk are like. oh. no they're just gay.
speaking of keith. he's one of those gays. one of the quirky emo gays that never sleeps and listens to 'coffee and cigarettes' on repeat and has like 3 strings of lights in his room and not only is an art major but ALSO a photographer. and yet somehow he still has the will to wake up at 5 am every morning and go to the gym like some kind of HEATHEN.
Lance knew Keith in high school for 3 years until he got expelled for fighting at the end of his junior year. He was also universally crushed on and was the bad boy jock of the school with a heart of gold so naturally Lance pretended to despise him so he could pine for him in peace
that all goes down the drain when Lance recognizes Keith in one of his classes and goes through the five stages of grief because a) he's hot and b) Lance is openly bi now so he doesn't have an escuse to not tolerate him
(He wasn't gonna do anything about it until he was put in a group with Keith a few weeks into class and he off handedly mentioned he went to Keiths high school, and Keith claimed he didn't remember him, and Lance was just a tad bit upset but was gonna leave it at that except after like 5 days of working together Keith slams his fists into the table and is like 'HOLY FUCK LANCE MCCLAIN?' And Lance is like. w. What.)
turns out Keith does remember lance. very vividly, actually. because he was the guy that everyone kind of had a crush on because he was so nice and charming to everyone he met, and Keith was SO gone for him. he just didn't recognize him tbh, which makes sense, bcuz in high school lance wore blue contacts and had straight hair and now he just wears glasses occasionally and leaves his hair wavy. Keith is gay and stupid don't blame him
keith, bursting into Shiro and Adams apartment at 2 pm: SHIRO HOLY FUCK
adam, bags under his eyes, underneath the covers of him and shiros bed: good fucking god not again
I'm tired of talking about ppl other than Lance and nyma though so I'm gonna talk about them for a bit because im love
as I said Lance has wavy hair and his actual eye color is brown but as he was growing up he was hella insecure about it that's why he wore blue contacts.... nyma caught him once trying to put them on again and put an end to All That Real Quick
nyma has brown eyes too and they're super dark, almost black, and that shits breathtaking bro. she usually has her real hair dyed blonde all the time and permed but she also likes to wear wigs and get braids too because she knows she looks damn good in them. everyone is jealous.
lance has tons of super light freckles. Enough said. nyma has a birthmark on her hip that's kind of shaped like a horse if you look at it from the right way
lance: you were a horse girl as a kid weren't u
nyma: how fucking dare. how fucking dare you say that. I really do have to laugh.......
nyma: obviously I was a warrior cats stan
lance's sense of fashion ranges from 'i went to California for a week once and now I can't stop wearing sweatpants and slides' to 'It's surprising I haven't gotten robbed at this point'. Lance is a scholarship baby so all the money he saved up through countless jobs and the one he already has at a coffee shop almost exclusively goes to clothes and kombucha
Nymas sense of style is definitely more on the eccentric side but since she looks good in EVERYTHING she gets away with it. think dollskill but with more neon colors and designer. she's the kind of person that never wears the same shade of lipstick for a whole month and has a box full of makeup palletes that are almost untouched and everyone who has seen it is both jealous and in wonder FENTYWAYS...
Keith goes over to lance's apartment for a project of sorts and immediately assumes that Lance and Nyma are a thing (they're very platonically affectionate, Nyma will kiss lance's cheek and they cuddle sometimes) which is disappointing but it's not a surprise considering Lance is so Lance and everyone else acts like they are dating so that must be the case, right?
lmao you thought.
nyma: holy shit. holy Fuck. God, allura is so hot. I would probably die if she brushed past me. I would die happily knowing I've been blessed by the touch of an angel.
lance: yeah haha she's really pretty.
keith, struggling to not choke on his coffee hearing All This at 9:31 A.M. in starbucks:
Keith asks if he can take photos of the two of them for his photography insta and they both jump on it so they can flex being sexy and afterwards Lance thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and Keith is sent REELING into gay mayhem.
lance: do you think that was like..... too much.
nyma: i think men are dumb that's what.
I mean u can't really blame Keith because Lance and Nyma are constantly joke-flirting with one another on social media and are in almost every one of the others photos in some way, or at least tagged, so by the time Keith actually works up the nerve to ask about that, it's been WEEKS since Lance kissed him and he's been miserably failing to ignore it
keith: so.... how's nyma doing?
lance: she's good! She's spent all day dying one of her wigs so she went for a coffee run lol. probably will hang with allura and shay later too
keith: and.... that doesn't make you jealous?
lance: LOL no.... they could never compete with me (talking about being Nyma's best friend)
keith: oh.... well, it's good that you trust each other a lot in your relationship.... you seem like a really good boyfriend
lance: wat the fuck did you just say.
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as soon as lance explains that nyma is not his gf and they're just bffs Keith is like ohthankgod.jpg and almost accidentally asks lance on a date before he stops himself and is like.... dumb gay bitch calm DOOOWWWNN
after that it becomes very obvious that nyma and lance r just friends at least for Keith mostly through dumb shit they say to one another
lance, sitting with hunk, pidge, and Keith at the library: hey guys wanna see something cool.
pidge: go for it
lance, clearing his throat: she think she bad but I'm better, these bitches tryna play catch up-
Nyma and Lance have self-care nights every Friday, sometimes Allura or Shay will come, and very RARELY Keith if only to spend time with Lance. also? Allura and Shay are dating, die mad about it.
They do waxing, exfoliation, mud masks, moisturizing treatments, hair masks, painting nails.... need I go on. it's basically whatever they want to do that week and when Keith reluctantly agrees to participate one day Lance goes mental
lance: OK so here's what I'm thinking. it's obvious you haven't really had a self care day for a while, which is like, fine, you do you, but holy shit are your split ends bad. I was thinking maybe I could trim them and then we could do a hair mask? Oh! A face mask would be good as well, even though you've practically got perfect skin. I'd offer to wax but for first timers the pain is a bitch to handle on the face. I'm not sure if you'd be an acrylic kind of guy but I have some black nail polish that I could put on- wow, your hands are really big compared to mine, and they're so soft, haha, isn't that crazy? so what do you think?
keith, still reeling from the fact that lance is going to touch his hair, face, and hands in the next several hours: uh......yeah..... sounds great.
nyma, sitting on lance's bed in nothing but a bra and sweatpants, smoking a blunt and readjusting her sheet mask: *long exhale* christ
Shay got Lance into the whole healthy organic food thing and in turn he got Nyma into it so they're both the bitches who drink nothing but Fiji water and almond milk and will offer you a plate of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes as a snack. we Stan a vegan couple.
keith: these are actually really good.
nyma: we usually put them on our eyes, but go off I guess.
nyma: nah I'm just fucking with you, we have different cucumbers for that
by the end of the night Keith feels like he's been cleaned by a car wash and he's dizzy from all of lance's thoughtless affection and when lance says he can stay the night because it's already late, Keith mindlessly blurts out 'only if it's with you' and nymas like.... um. Wig.
keith, laying stiff as a board on one side of lance's bed: uh
lance: oh my God you gay bitch get over here and spoon me. also kiss me on the fucking lips bro.
Nyma owns a cat named Beezer that she stole from her old roommate (rolo) but calls her beebo because quote 'beezer is so fucking lame bro i hate men'. Lance owns a Russian blue mix called, you guessed it, Blue, that he found stuck in his apartments basement only a few days after moving in. Nyma and Lance are WEAK
lance: ohhhhh look at my pretty baby sitting on the table all cute and relaxed!!! look at that baby!!! fantastic stuff!
nyma, putting her head on beebos belly: You Are So Soft And So Chubby I Would Die For You
pidge would also die for the both of them
OK I'm tired and uninspired so I'll stop here but I MAY ADD MORE LATER
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fangirlsarecool · 7 years
My 10 Favourite Female Characters 2018
I did two posts (here and here) for International Women’s Day last year so I thought I’d do another one this year. (And of course, I still love others that featured last time but not this time!)
1: Rosa Diaz - My love for this woman has only increased exponentially over the past year. Not least of all because she’s bi!
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2: Jane Villanueva - Jane is who I want to be when I grow up! (Except from the teaching and the child and the dead husband) Basically, she is my author goals.
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3: Petra Solano - Sassy, classy and fucking lethal. Petra constantly kicks ass! And she’s not afraid to let people set her on the right path. Sometimes. And her relationship with JR has got me hyped.
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4: Bill Potts - My gay queen! The loml! Now my second favourite companion.
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5: Moana - Gotta have me a Disney Princess on the list. Moana is definitely a princess for the modern age. And I love her relationship with her grandmother.
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6: Diana Prince/Wonder Woman - “It's not about deserve, it's about what you believe. And I believe in love.” 
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7: Trixie Franklin: I miss her so much this series. I want to hire her as my official motivator tbh.
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8: Lottie Thomas (The Spinster Club Series) - Lottie inspires me to unashamedly be a feminist and stand up for all of my rights. The perfect role model in a YA novel.
9: Shuri - She is a princess and chief scientist. And nobody thinks she is unworthy of one title because she is another. A woman is not defined by one thing.
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10: Princess Margaret - Okay, okay, she is a real person. But everything she does is fucking iconic.
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gnclc · 7 years
Bi King Wonho Masterpost
!IMPORTANT: this is mostly just for fun and for lgbt monbebes. i want this to stay on tumblr, so please don’t repost on other websites. shippers or heteros do not touch this post. 
• allegedly dated a cis girl and trans boy in his uzzlang days, (some reports say that they are the same person but i highly doubt it, some say he dated the boy to protect him from the rumours, who knows, look it up if you really want to know)
• him being captivated by other male idols:
• eunwoo (feat. the rest of monsta x - once during fighter era and once during beautiful era) [ fighter era here & beautiful era here ] • jaehyun during a radio show, he even forgot the question he was asked [ here ] • honestly? shownu as he was speaking japanese [ here ]
• just for fun him sporting gay fashion with multiple prints here + him being the  king Of Fashion . more: here ; here ; here  and there is a whole twitter dedicated to this rich king’s fashion here 
• speaking of fashion and said blog, they mentioned wonho wearing safety pin earrings, which apparently is a statement in support of women, immigrants, lgbt people, minorities, etc. tweet here . might be true, might be just wonho wanting to put safety pins on his ears, either way he’s either a good person which is gay culture, or just a disaster gay, which again, is gay culture. notable is also at the golden disk awards in which he’s wearing safety pin rings again in support of good causes. [gda rings tweet here ] 
• also him participating in the polished man campaign raising awareness for child sexual violence. you can see that he is a very supportive and inclusive person, and even if there was a chance he was straight himself (which is minimal tbh) he’d still be a supporter. 
• his most iconic look up to date  no hetero man is this stylish by himself and if you don’t think so you can keep lying to yourself 
• in the beautiful era mnet meet and greet they had to act in pairs, wonho was paired with changkyun in a romantic scene and looked like he fell in love when changkyun grabbed his face [ timestamp: starting 40:55/ find here ]
• during mxray season 2 in the drama acting episode it’s a gay gold mine, first of all saying that changkyun is a guy with gorgeous lips, mentioning stuff abt kihyun’s lips too, falling in love with girl hyungwon and saying he wants to be lovers with her - watch it [ here ] and here are some screencaps | gifsets highlighting what happened (worth mentioning: changkyun & minhyuk’s gay moments there too, forming the chaotic trinity of monsta x) 
• gave minhyuk a lap dance on jamelia’s stop, we love a suave, smooth legend   [ timestamp: 14:47 / find here  ] 
• i could not find the video anywhere else but there is a cute moment with wonho going to a girl and her caressing his face, i better see none of you complain about this he is the Bi king for a reason [ timestamp: 6:33 / find here ]
• from zero, the song he composed, arranged and wrote the lyrics to has no gendered pronouns, plus the iconic move in the hyungwonho version
• in a pretty old post i’ve made  asking lgbt monbebes to tell me their bias, roughly 1/3 of the ones who reblogged either put wonho as their bias or pointed out that he is the highest possibility of a non-straight member, (some cases, along with minhyuk*/and changkyun), with a rough difference of 57 answers from the other members. you can argue that it’s because of his popularity, but second came changkyun, and it is very likely for lgbt fans to pick the one they identify with the most as their bias 
• speed round → taking every chance he has to mention male monbebes, or just overall being a gender inclusive king who gives no fuck: 
• shows a lot of love to male fans, always blowing them kisses (happened on after school club multiple times) and saying he loves them
• was extremely excited when he read a comment on a vlive calling him “wonho hyung”
• he was asked about a group’s performance but all he kept saying is that they’re really handsome
• says that he enjoys wiping the sweat off his members
• “headband is not only for girls, no difference for gender, so i can wear it” + calling shownu the most beautiful and saying “beautiful isn’t for girls only” ( also, the members kept calling wonho beautiful in the same vlive the headband thing happened, which you can find here )
• when members were asked about their ideal type, he said someone that can cook ramen well, and proceeded to tell that gender doesn’t matter as long as you can cook ramen [ here ]
• i couldn’t find a video but during kcon mexico when speaking about monbebes he said “everybody my girl my boy” ft. changkyun who said “beauties and handsome guys, please be quiet” [ here’s a gifset that shows the points i mentioned before + this one ] 
• read a comment about monbebes becoming female characters from internet novels on their "love story" with monsta x and he said "i bet there's also male characters since there's also male fans!” [ here ] 
• him getting scared at everything which you may think is not relevant but it is actually gay culture [ here’s a cute compilation ]  
• a fansign was held at a wedding hall and him and changkyun walked together as ‘grooms’ while the rest of mx was singing wedding themes (ft. hyunghyuk) [ here ]  
• him respecting women: in dukgune during their freeze game wonho’s question was “how many sub vocals are in wjsn?” he answered with: “there is no sub vocal in wjsn, they’re all main vocals, they all sing well” video here, another comedy gold
• the fact that he can’t shut up whenever he feels like mx are being wronged and how open and kind he is, how much he loves monbebes, his sensitivity, him being a water sign, being petty when he gets interrupted, that’s gay culture too now folks, tag yourself i’m him being petty when he gets interrupted n being a water sign
feel free to reblog and add on, i probably missed a lot anyways!
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astralbooks · 7 years
Top 5 Wednesday - Favourite M/M Couples
your favourite dudes loving dudes. they don’t necessarily have to be gay, they can be bi or pan or smth else
nowhere in the prompt did it say they have to be completely 100% unambiguously canon so not all of these will be, but i’ll say which ones aren’t
1. cecil palmer / carlos - welcome to night vale series - joseph fink & jeffery cranor
tbf, their relationship isn’t the focus of these books because they aren’t the main characters, but it’s still very present. more so in the second one, as carlos plays a larger role there. i’ve been listening to the podcast for years so these two mean a lot to me. and they’re married !! they’re actually a married couple !!! i still get really happy when i think about it
2. jesper fahey / wylan van eck - six of crows duology - leigh bardugo
the playful flirting was always going to escalate. and honestly, in a series where the other couples use dramatic turns of phrase to talk about their feelings, jesper’s ‘maybe i liked your stupid face’ is ICONIC
3. nick nelson / charlie spring - solitaire / heartstopper - alice oseman
heartstopper is a prequel webcomic to alice oseman’s debut novel. if anything, read heartstopper for the brilliant portrayal of someone realising that they aren’t straight. nick is bisexual and it’s written on the page, y’all
4. kenya kobayashi / satoru fujinuma - erased - kei sanbe
these two aren’t actually canon, but come tf on. kenya definitely has a massive crush on satoru, at the very least. he’s satoru’s partner in crime, and there’s no way that satoru would’ve succeeded without him. they even have their own special meeting place, away from all the others. i could talk about this for a while. if you want to talk to me about this pairing, or this series even, then please do. i need more people who’ve read/watched it
5. newt / thomas - the maze runner series - james dashner
i reread this series recently, and finally actually read the fever code, and as a result have been having a slight maze runner breakdown over the last few days. basically, newt isn’t straight. this is another thing i could talk about for a long time, tbh, so hmu if you want to hear it  : D  it’s not strictly canon, but dashner said it was okay to read newt that way, and he does talk about this pairing so....
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