#one might sleepwalk and murder everyone
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
"go, enjoy your evening"
gale. sweetie. rain listening to you talk about your tressym is him enjoying his evening. tell me more about her.
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sk3tch404 · 2 months
Yandere Donnie Darko Hcs
A/n: I finally came around to watching Donnie Darko while I was styling my hair this morning. It was so good and omgg HIS CHARACTER!!! Love it 💜 What he voices in where he rebels against authority resonates with me in the most honest and straight up sense, it's crazy.
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CW: Characterizing of psychosis without research (I am in no way claiming this is how individuals who suffer some psychosis or with schizophrenic symptoms act or feel like. This is simply a work of fiction and how I see Donnie's mental state affect the scenario), Donnie is actually very tame here except for his obvious criminal record and acts of violence, and YALL HES A MENTALLY ILL TEENAGE BOY so he's a lowkey soft okay. Y'all see him with Gretchen? So caring and passionate ugh, love him sm. <33 I try to write as close to canon as possible, but sometimes that leads to really soft yans and I kind of doubt my writing. Despite that. I like to think that not all yanderes need to be possessive killing machines in order to fit into the troupe. Everyone's got their own way of dealing with obsession, and so I think I did decently with this one lol.
Proof read a few times, so sorry for wordy/run on sentences and possible wonky grammar.
I feel like Donnie is very observant and patient with his darling. He's quite analytical for a teenage boy which leads him to take time to consider the variables that weigh within your possible relationship.
Donnie is still an awkward kid, so dont be surprised when you accidentally find him staring at you for a considerable period of time in class. In school, he doesn't approach you, seeing as the setting is already suffocating enough. He'd try to catch you after school or when you two have a little bit of privacy.
He's kinda shy and clumsy at first glance--- too talkative in his speech and self-aware of his minor fuck ups. Over time, he'll be more open to what he wants with you. Donnie might not really understand how to handle love and all of its complexities, but hell try really hard to make it work.
Yeah, y'all saw how fast he dived in for that kiss in the film?... Embarrassing, but it's true that he's quite excited to show his affection for you. He'll be "so chill with it," and he is to an extent--- not too clingy at all--- but when he's around he gives you guard dog privileges. Stays at your side and defends you from any brain rotting comments made from the guys around the neighborhood. Donnie isn't much of a fighter, but he's damn well capable of planning and executing a crime if it calls for it. One count of arson, another unaccounted for, severe property damage, and murder? Don't doubt it for one second that he won't consider further acts in the future to come.
His psychosis affects him directly when it comes to you--- as it also does with most things. He already feels so shitty with how things are going in his life, Frank voicing the many thoughts he has about you day to day stresses him further. Sometimes Donnie is scared Frank will convince him to hurt you as the countdown progresses. Despite that fear, he can't keep away from you.
This distress causes Donnie to rebel more often. As he spirals down the rabbit hole Frank keeps digging for him, the anxiety that follows with what will happen to you once the world ends lingers late at night in his bed.
Donnie's main love language is quality time. He walks with you from school and chills with you pretty much wherever. He's pretty book-smart, so he'll pitch in with your projects and homework assignments. His parents don't really seem like they care what he does most of the time, so if he's given the chance, he'll crash at your place for a few before they think he's off sleepwalking or some shit.
Donnie already knows he's slipping off the rails, placebo medication or not, Frank stays to stir the pot. He's almost scared, scared to death that you'll think he's an insane lunatic and he'll scare you off. But at the same time, why be scared if it's the truth? He has evidence, the book, and his own visions. That anxiety doesn't go away when he rambles on about the six-foot-tall bunny rabbit and how that thing has led him to the method of time travel.
You're just left there dumb founded as he stares on at you with that deadpanned look. Too late to back out now. World's ending and you don't got a boyfriend. Well, you got Donnie... and Frank's there too sometimes, but either way, you're all each other's got. You don't want to be alone do you? Donnie knows he doesn't.
He trusts you more than anyone else. Yeah he's on meds, and sure he's loony, but everyone knows that already; not that they seemed to care too much anyway. He feels like he can just exist with you around. All that pent up frustration with the looming guilt of his actions festering inside can be washed out like waves on a cold shore. Of course, it's not a cure-all, but it's damn nice compared to the bone headed friends he got and the tense dinner table back at home.
He has scratch paper in his drawers that are just filled with messy sketches of you. Not sure if he'd be the type to use sketchbooks, but he is pretty organized in his own room. Donnie just finds you so easy and beautiful to draw. Art block has nothing on this boy. He hates it when his sisters barge into his room and see any unfinished piece of you lying around. They tease him so bad about it, he wishes they'd just leave him alone.
"Ooo, is this the girl you're always wasting your time with?"
"No, gimme it. It's none of your business, and get out of my room."
"Geez, fine. Not like that's the freakiest thing you got in here anyway."
Donnie wouldn't be the extreme stalking type, but if he caught a glance of you, he wouldn't be able to look away. He'd also take into account what your daily patterns are as well as your likes and dislikes. He notices your little habits like if you constantly apply too much pressure to your mechanical pencil, making your lead break. He's always have had a passive opinion on the school uniform, but you made it look good, great even. Donnie likes it even more seeing you in street wear. He takes note on your style and even thinks of taking some inspiration from it to feel closer to you.
He's sensitive in places a teenager would be in most. He's irritable and closed off much of the time, even to you if it gets bad enough. Of course, it's not your fault usually. It only makes sense to be defensive in the case of anything he may perceive as a threat, even if that means any possibility of you breaking his heart.
Donnie may be a bit shy in his advances, but what he isn't is hesitant. He's quite bold in his thoughts and feelings. While he is afraid of your judgement in particular, he doesn't mind doing many things in front of you. Your collar is crooked, so let him just fix it up real quick. Talk about something that's got him thinking? He's letting his thoughts pour out like it's happy hour. He sees no issue in doing what he wants to, so if you're feeling unsure or nervous about something, he'll be the one to do it for you. Not many questions asked unless it's got his serious attention.
Kisses are passionate and deep. (Tbh when I first watched the movie I was like, "DAMN dont eat her face- shit.") I dont know if Donnie has had previous experience or not, but he's definitely got the enthusiasm. He tries to match your rhythm if you seem to have trouble following. Not too much tongue, but best believe he's devouring your lips like it's the last 6 hours in the universe. His hands are roaming around your body, feeling the dips and curves so cautiously because Jesus, you're just rocking his fucking world. If you tell him to slow down, he will. Donnie never wants to force you to do anything you wouldn't want to.
Words of affirmation aren't really a thing for him. If he says something to you, it was probably on his mind anyway. If you say "I love you" to him, he'd be almost stunned but wouldn't have a problem reciprocating that energy. He just felt like that connection between you two was already clear enough. No need to say it so directly. Although, it's nice. He really loves and cares for you. Would take a bullet for you--- cross his heart till he dies, all that sappy shit.
If you reject him, let's just say Frank and Donnie will be speaking more often. It pushes him off the edge. Frank isn't in Donnie's head just to do evil shit, but it's not like his presence doesn't perpetuate Donnie's behavior further. He wouldn't go on a killing spree or anything excessively violent like that. He'd be hyper-focused on the time travel aspect of his situation and become more forceful in his methods. He'd demand answers to make sense of all of it. To cope with the fact you didn't want him like how he needed you. Why didn't you like him enough? What didn't he do? Actually, what did he do? His mind feels like its on the brink of breaking as he tries to rationalize all the negativity in his life. He's already done too much, his world feels like it's collapsing in on itself before the actual day could even come. You were a majority of that world, and now it's just broken.
Donnie is so distraught and confused about his adolescent experiences, he almost doesn't know what to do. The only thing to do from then on is to focus on the countdown. Time travel, and how to fix it all. Otherwise, not only would he be left alone, but you would be too. Donnie wouldn't want that for you, not ever. Even with all the pain and frustration stowed away inside his still beating heart, he would never wish to hurt you; one of the only people on Earth who didn't suck so much as everyone else did.
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conradscrime · 7 months
5 Cases of Missing Indigenous Women in Canada
March 03, 2024
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Carbon Doe was found on April 21, 1995, in a ditch outside the village of Carbon, in Alberta, Canada. She was likely last seen alive between 1980 to 1985, it is estimated that she was there for 10-15 years before her remains were found.
It is believed she is of Indigenous descent.
She was between 5'0-5'4 in height, had multiple dental fillings, and is possible she had children.
The woman had brucellosis, which means she would have suffered from repeated fevers. This disease is not common in Canada. She is estimated to be between 22-35 years old. She had dental work done, including stainless steel crowns.
There was no clothing or personal items found with her body. Some believe Carbon Doe was not from Alberta, but might have just been travelling at the time of her death. It is possible she was never reported as missing.
Her cause of death has never been released, though many suspect she was murdered.
2. Annie Yassie
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Annie was born on July 27, 1960. Her family were members of the Sayisi Dene First Nation, located outside Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.
The Dene Village was promised a lot from the government, but did not get any support, never receiving promised hunting and trapping supplies. They had to scavenge for food in the dump. What happened to these people in this village was named one of the worst crimes against Indigenous people in Canada.
Annie was extremely close to her sister, Eva. She loved to sew doll clothes and was a fan of the "hippie" look, often wearing denim outfits. Annie loved Christmas, and her sister Eva said she sometimes would sleepwalk, which Eva would watch her closely.
In 1973, Annie was sent to the Mackay Residential School in Dauphin, Manitoba, far from Dene Village. The Christian Church ran these residential schools, and they were mostly made to abuse and strip Indigenous children away from their culture.
At the time Annie disappeared she had returned from the residential school and was staying with her brother Fred.
On June 22, 1974, Annie was apparently out with a man who was about 10 years older than her. The two were drunk and had been celebrating Treaty Day. The taxi driver said the man had to drag Annie out of the car because she was passing out, and the taxi driver was asked to pick them up later. They were dropped off 3km outside of Churchill.
When the taxi returned, the driver said Annie was not there, only the man. The man was extremely drunk. Fred did not worry immediately when Annie did not return, as he knew she had said she wanted to visit her sister Eva at some point.
Eva showed up to Dene Village on June 26, 1974, discovering that everyone had assumed Annie had been with her the past 4 days, which was not true. Annie was officially reported missing that day.
The man Annie was last seen with was questioned, but he claimed he was too drunk and did not remember much. The case went cold. In 2014, they reopened Annie's file. In June 2016, Eva was asked to give a DNA sample. It took some time for police to get to Eva again, and it is unknown if DNA was actually taken.
Eva believes her sister was murdered by the man she was seen with that night, however that man is no longer alive.
Annie Yassie was 13 years old when she went missing. She was last seen wearing a blue denim jacket, a pair of blue denim jeans, brown shoes with a 3" heel. She was thin build, 5'4, weighing around 104 pounds. She has black hair and brown eyes.
If anyone has info they are to contact the Cold Case Unit of the Winnipeg RCMP at 204-983-5461. If you would like to remain anonymous you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
3. Caitlin Potts
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Caitlin was last heard from on February 22, 2016, through a Facebook message to her sister. She was 27 years old at the time, from the Sampson Cree First Nation. Caitlin was last seen by a witness in Enderby, British Columbia, Canada.
Caitlin was reported missing on March 1, 2016, however an official missing alert on the RCMP's website did not appear until March 21.
In June 2016, Caitlin's mother, Priscilla, contacted Indigenous groups in the province to help conduct a search for her daughter. Caitlin was in foster care until she was 11 years old.
Priscilla describes her daughter has happy as a child and extremely smart. Caitlin was born and raised in Alberta, however was living in B.C. at the time of her disappearance. Caitlin was living in Edmonton, Alberta with her younger sister, Codi, before recently moving to Enderby, B.C. where her boyfriend had moved.
Caitlin did not have the best relationship with her boyfriend and the two were on and off for about 2 months before she had disappeared. Codi claims Caitlin's boyfriend was physically abusive towards her and Caitlin would show up with bruises.
Codi said Caitlin's boyfriend had been arrested before and during that time Caitlin had stayed in a Salmon Arm women's shelter. Caitlin was doing good, going to school and working at Tim Horton's, however a few months later she went back to him.
Codi said Caitlin had texted her boyfriend the day she went missing and was upset over money he owed her. Caitlin also messaged Codi that she had found a ride to Calgary from Kijiji. Caitlin's roommate from the women's shelter had said Caitlin told her she met a stranger the night before.
Caitlin was seen by a witness in Enderby, and she had texted her sister that she was in Kelowna, B.C. before she disappeared.
Caitlin Potts was about 5'3, 150 pounds with brown eyes and long black hair with blonde streaks. Anyone who has info is to contact the Vernon RCMP at 250-545-7171 or anonymously Crime Stoppers at 1-888-222-8477.
4. Betsy Rosa Owens
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Betsy was born July 7, 1973. She was a member of the Pauingassi First Nation, in Manitoba, Canada, and was extremely close with her sisters, Caroline Owens and Valerie Leveque. Betsy loved swimming with her sisters in Fishing Lake.
Betsy was described as a nice girl, who would go out of her way to avoid trouble. She loved music, and at the time of her disappearance she loved the song "Manic Monday" by The Bangles.
On October 22, 1988, Betsy was going to attend a dance with her boyfriend. Betsy and her boyfriend left the dance around 11pm. The last time her boyfriend saw her was the next morning, October 23, when she left his house.
Community members searched for Betsy as soon as she was discovered as missing, however no one found anything. Law enforcement conducted searches in 1996 and 1997 and found nothing.
In 2013, Caroline provided samples of DNA in case Betsy's remains were ever found.
Many rumours have been spread throughout the community, with many members believing they know who was involved in Betsy's disappearance. Betsy's family is not happy with police, as they say they rarely visit Pauingassi First Nation, and should have made more of an effort.
The lead investigator believes Betsy was met with foul play, but there's not enough evidence to arrest anyone.
Betsy was 15 years old at the time of her disappearance. She was last seen wearing a white cotton hooded sweater, a blue denim jacket, blue denim jeans and white high top runners. She was slender built, 5'3 in height, and weighed 119 pounds. She has long black hair and brown eyes.
If Betsy was alive today she would be 50 years old, turning 51 in July 2024. If you have any info you can contact the Winnipeg detachment of the RCMP at 204-983-5461.
5. Tamara Lynn Chipman
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Tamara was from Moricetown Band, First Nation, now known as Witset, in British Columbia, Canada. She loved going on her dad's fishing boat and being outside. Tamara was described as lively and would not back down from a situation.
Tamara was 22 years old and the mother of a 2 year old son, when she went missing on September 21, 2005, near Prince Rupert, B.C. Being a young mother, it was said that Tamara began to hangout with the wrong crowd.
The people close to Tamara had speculated that she may be getting involved in drugs. In September 2005, Tamara had been in Prince Rupert, where her mother lived, for a few days without a car, as her car had broken down a few weeks earlier. Tamara was hitchhiking east, towards Terrace where her father lived.
In early November 2005, Tamara's father, Tom, realized no one had heard from his daughter and her rent had not been paid. Her bank account had also not been touched. Tom reported Tamara missing to the RCMP.
On November 15, 2005, an official search for her began. There was a claimed sighting of her in Vancouver, but no further evidence was found.
There was no named suspects but RCMP say they are pretty certain they know what happened. Two men and one woman have come forward claiming to have seen Tamara hitchhiking and picked her up. The woman said they were driving towards Terrace, when one of the men began arguing with Tamara and hit her, strangling her to death in the car.
They then pulled over in a remote area along the highway and dumped her body. The man who killed her returned to the area later to move and bury her body in the forest. The police searched this supposed area with the woman but Tamara's body was never home. The witness and two men have since died.
Tamara was last seen on an stretch of Highway 16, between Prince George and Prince Rupert, also known as the Highway of Tears, because many have disappeared from this highway.
Tamara's disappearance remains unsolved and no body has ever been found if the claims of her being murdered are true.
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j4zz4lop3 · 2 years
…am i seriously gonna rant about a trash muppet?
Yes. Yes i am
was lizbert megafig fUCKING INSANE
now I’m not a law person so this is purely safety related so let’s begin shall we?
1 i doubt you should invite people who have no knowledge of any type of science to your expedition through a raffle. As a vacation. I get why Triffany is there, i get why Floofty and Snorpy might be there i get egabell and chandlo even but what fucking business does some random purple gossip girl have to do on a remote island?? Some unemployed scammer? A guy who has no actual capability for survival like this? Why the hell do you need them? If you run out of food they’re who you eat first?
2 everything made out of wood. Houses, farm, barn, bridges. (as a side-note only vehicle to get them off the island also made of wood) even before snorpy decided he doesn’t feel safe unless there’s multiple more fire hazards in the village there was still a fireplace that is literally never put out. And their houses were so close to each other that the fire definitely could’ve spread easily
2.5 as another building error, no doors, especially in a town where international law doesn’t apply. Do you WANT someone to get murdered? If not by eachother some random intruder? Snaxquatch? Just overall a big snak? Gramble regularly sleepwalks out of his house, again, in a town with many open flames, wouldn’t happen if he had a door
3 “oh look egabell, a small creature that looks like it’s food but we know literally nothing else about it LETS PUT IT IN OUR MOUTHS, ACTUALLY NOT JUST US LETS LET EVERYONE PUT IT IN THEIR MOUTH”
Miss girl girl has the same investigation techniques as a 3 year old. Also “oh wow it has drastic bodily side effects well that’s not concerning” and “oh they hide peoples BONES in places? And everyone who came before us is dead? How delightful we must investigate this mystery”
4 oh idk…the litERAL ACTIVE FUCKING VULCANO??? Your organizing a vacation on an island with an active vulcano? Like are you sure? Also common earthquakes? I feel like that’s an immediate reason as to why not to do that, Propably just me tho
5 with all the safety hazards there, that are or aren’t lizberts fault (most of them are actually snorpy and floofty’s) only one doctor, who doesn’t actually have anything but a little bag thing strapped to her and isn’t even there most of the time. They’re all just let loose throwing glass jars of peanut butter at each other ( i assume they’re glass because the only alternative is clear jelly with pb inside), setting shit on fire, asking the journalists to throw shit at them (acid, weights) and making murder weapons. And shes just away i guess
If she didn’t turn into the queen of bugsnax I think she’d end up in a bunch of legal trouble for endangering the lives of like 12 whole people and depending on the ending some of them dying just because of her sheer dumbassery
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women-of-malevolent · 2 months
All references to women in Part 32 - The Widow
Content warning (more of a tone warning) - Hattie pisses me off and this contains some rants
Arthur wakes up and is disoriented. John is asking for what the fuck happened. John asks about the Butcher, because Butcher called himself "an old scratch," so maybe Mr. Scratch is related? Arthur says, hmm, maybe that's where he got the name. John is beside himself with confusion - "one minute you’re lying in bed, the next, untying a woman, talking to her like she’s an old friend!" Arthur seems confused but just asks what time of day it is. 🤦‍♀️ Then he tells John, Arthur was dreaming, and he met Scratch... was that even his name, or did he take that from Arthur's memories? John asks, could he do that? Arthur says, it was a powerful creature, probably the one you saw in the ceiling. John says, Arthur was sleepwalking to the stairs; he refused to go down, debated, then fell down them, and then he opened the door that Marie asked them not to.
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Arthur asks what happened after he untied the woman. John tells him, she left the house. What about Marie? She got up a few hours ago, checked the room, and yelped. John says that the woman looked a lot like Marie; they might be family, sisters. John says, it talked about possession, about being trapped. Arthur asks, it possessed her, and Marie was keeping her alive, fed? Arthur feels weird about that. John says, it was Marie who locked her sister up. Arthur says, yes, but I'm the one who let it out... we have to do something...
I want to draw attention to the fact that we now have a female mirror to John and Arthur. We have Scratch and Hattie. John and Arthur get to run around and have adventures, while Scratch and Hattie were literally locked in a basement for decades by their family and community.
Why? Why tell this story here, like this? Is it really supposed to make the audience feel hope? Is Addison Larson supposed to empower the audience? Is Kellin's sister Samantha hopeful horror? What about Bella Lester? Should I be happy and hopeful when the world deadnames the dead girl Sarah Cummings? Should it inspire me that John murdered Emily MacFarland but he feels pretty bad about it? What about Shub-RacialSlurath, a female counterpart to Kayne, who was only revealed to have died offscreen in Part 1, four years into the show's run?
Can you point to a single woman in this story who inspires hope? (Don't say Faroe because honestly the idea of this story bringing back one single female character, and it's a child who literally can't speak and is legally owned by the main character (someone who treats his art god friend John like a childish nag for wanting to see a movie for the first time in his life), doesn't count)
It also deeply troubles me that neither John nor Arthur ever consider that Hattie might be exactly like them. They're both humans body-sharing with eldritch gods, why the fuck dsjahdsjkadbsnabdauibwq
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Arthur says, Scratch controlled him. John says, it said others weren't as susceptible as Arthur. Arthur says, Scratch wants to hurt people, and Marie doesn't deserve this. John says, you can't save everyone. Arthur says, I know... I don't remember much about that dream, but I remember the guilt. John says, I heard you whimper. Arthur says, it was so hard 😢 This thing is a blight and we must stop it! Marie must be out there now, looking for HAttie. So, the new plan is, poke around in the room Hattie was in, or the one she appeared in. If Marie comes back, she may not want them in the basement room. John says, you wouldn't tell her it was your fault? Arthur says, no, he doesn't think so, but he's keeping his options open.
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Kellin comes up by name without bringing up his female family, take a drink
Awww Arthur feels better now, he came out of Scratch's nightmare with less guilt~ good for him 💖 He says, he's not letting guilt weigh him down anymore! At least, not about the past. He remembers a terrible memory, the day Faroe was born, where an old friend tried to talk some sense into him. Arthur says, he needed to confront the things he'd been repressing; the guilt, frustration, and lies.
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Arthur asks John to look out the window again; he said it was weird, and with the revelation if Mr. Scratch, he wants to check it again. Sure. Arthur says, these things don't just happen; Scratch said he'd been trapped here for 200 years. That's a long time, especially for this area. John asks, what do you mean? Arthur says, there would be buildings here 200 years ago, it's just, uh, he doesn't know, the building does feel old. Just tell me what you see! John says, I'm doing my best. Arthur says, you don't have the wisdom of the newer building, or the lot, to validate Scratch's claims. It doesn't matter, it's just, there's a reason for Scratch being here, and Arthur wants to find out (I am lost, I don't follow)
John says, the window is warped, broken, like the windows in Larson's car that they used to escape. That had a layer of ice on the window. This one is clear, and the pattern is spider-webbed. There's no pattern he can decipher.
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They investigate the room. The angles are odd and strange. There's nothing in the drawers... makes sense, Marie cleaned the room for a guest or renter. John wants to check hidden areas, like under the bed... oh, the cross that was on the wall, that's gone now. Nothing under the bed, but the mattress is dirty in the center.
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They deduce that someone was murdered on the bed. Arthur puts the bed back. So, Marie rented us a room where someone was stabbed and probably died. John asks, is that related to why we saw the figure? Arthur says it's likely. John wants to see the bedside lantern; he confirms that it's warped, like the window.
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Marie probably emptied this room out. John says, should we check out Hattie's room before Marie gets back? Arthur wants to talk to the grocer man first, get some background information on Marie. WE don't know what we're dealing with and information can help contextualize whatever we find. John says, it's your call. Arthur says, let's check out the room, if Marie is out this might be our only chance. John says, fair enough. John says, be careful, we don't know what she's capable of.
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They get inside and immediately comment on a bad smell. There's a small room, a coffee table stacked with unwashed dishes with rotting food on them (probably the smell). There's a washbasin, a fireplace, a shelf, a bookshelf, and a bed. John says, the bed is probably the smell. He says, that's where she was tied up.
What the fuck.
John says, the bed is broken, like someone had jumped on it for weeks. It's covered in filth and sweat. Bedding is littered everywhere.
They keep looking around. They find a spooky line of dust on a rug.
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The food is uneaten, must be what Marie brought for Hattie. The bed stinks. The rope is still here, it was affixed to the bedpost. But, we heard her sniffing at the door, so she wasn't tied up. Then why didn't she leave? The door wasn't locked, Marie entered... maybe she tied her back up? It sounds like Scratch had control of the body... It seems like Supernatural-style salt circle was keeping Scratch inside, and that circle was broken.
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The dust is made of hair and skin, human body turnover. Let's hypothesize that Scratch can't cross dust lines. There's a warped mirror, something in the house makes the glass change, it's affected by Scratch or his presence. There are lots of books, but nothing stands out to John, and they don't look well-used.
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Arthur wants to look for a diary; John dismisses the idea that she could have had a diary. because she's old. Arthur says, wait, she's old? John says, yes, Marie's sister, also I don't see anywhere there could be a diary. Arthur says, okay, no diary. What about the other shelf? John says, it's similar, but it reaches the ceiling, and the hole they looked through is here by the door. Arthur asks, what did she do when she climbed the coffee table? John says, lick. I guess she would stand on the coffee table and lick the ceiling.
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They find a hidden room behind the bookshelves that are filled with books but who cares what they are. Does anyone read books in Malevolent or do they exist exclusively as stupid puzzles
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Marie comes back and they debate what to do about it.
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They decide to hide in the room and eavesdrop. Marie and Oscar have a discussion that's audio muffled.
Oscar's here, he says, what have you done! The state of this room is abhorrent! Marie says, shush, and goes to check on her tenant Parker. He's not here. So, they start talking. Oscar says, what on earth did you do? Marie says, Hattie was fighting it, better than Albert. Oscar asks, him? Marie says, sure, him. Oscar asks, what and where is she now? Marie says, don't be cruel, we're in this together. Oscar says, don't you dare. Marie says, it's true, isn't it? Oscar says, I helped you with Albert because I had no other choice, I never would have allowed you to-Marie interrupts to say, that fate won't befall Hattie. Oscar says, that fate? Marie says, that's enough. Oscar says, you came to me! Marie says, get it together. Oscar says, why did you bring me here?
O_O Hattie and Marie boggle my mind
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Marie didn't bring Oscar to incriminate him, she brought him because he's the only one who's seen it. Oscar corrects, him. Oscar keeps correcting Marie's pronouns for Scratch to he/him, it's bizarre and idk what to make of it. Oscar says, you promise nothing will happen to her, you won't... Marie says, this is my sister! Oscar says, well, he was your husband. Marie says, that was different and you know it! I was helping Hattie, she was getting better, fighting it (him). Marie says, Hattie was having a harder time waking up, she was always groggy when she shook it off, and she was awake less often. Oscar says, we had control of her more often. Marie says, if that's the way you see it. Oscar says, that's how it is. Marie asks, what's your plan? Oscar says, you brought me here! Marie says, yes, to help. Oscar says, he'll ask around the congregation, does Marie have a photo? Marie gives him one. What will Marie do? She'll stay here, if Hattie comes home then she'll probably need help and Marie will have to tie her up quickly.
What the fuck
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Oscar and Marie game-plan a bit more, but nothing concrete, just a lot of "I don't know!". They briefly wonder about Arthur, the tenant, if maybe he's responsible. Oscar says, we'll bring her home before anything happens, the church has a growing number of busybodies I can enlist... their voices fade out.
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Arthur and John check in. So, Marie and Oscar knew about Scratch, and Marie still rented the room... it sounds like Oscar had seen Scratch, but not Marie... Marie was trying to save her sister... Oscar sounded like a local religious figure, maybe he was enlisted to help when Marie's husband... she didn't exactly help her husband, Albert, did she... (What a relief, that Albert is named 💖 Can you imagine if he wasn't? If every character only referred to him as Marie's husband for the whole story? That'd be silly!) They look inside the hidden room. It's undisturbed... but there are skeletal remains laying on top of a large sigil.
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Scratch said he was trapped here for 200 years, and this room hasn't been touched in that long. This body, the clothes are tattered, it's lying face-down. John and Arthur both say that the corpse is male, which, I don't know how they know that if the clothes are fucked and the skeleton has no flesh, fuck off with this biological determinist shit that doesn't even make SENSE half the time. Anyways, quick Shub mention because of the sigil, but it's a different sigil, one from the bestiary. Arthur and John deduced that this man here summoned Scratch and trapped him here.
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They don't hear Marie, and start to sneak out.
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Arthur wants to help Marie. She's made mistakes, perhaps, but they should help her instead of just sneaking around. John's always wanted a taste of investigator life, right? John just wants to stop him (Scratch).
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Awkward small talk. Arthur tries to get her to open up. She is closed. He tells her, he's a private investigator... he helps people out~
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Arthur tells her an example story, of his investigation work. He and Parker were called on to find a young girl, the daughter of a senator. She was taken as leverage against her father, who had stolen something of importance from the wrong man. They lost a few men but pieced together that the girl had escaped. It was hard to track her down, but they did. She'd gone to a barn to find her mother. It turned out her father never intended to get her back. He wasn't even her real father, he'd taken her when she was young and killed her mother. Marie asks, was she alright? Arthur, lying, says yes, but she wouldn't have been if I wasn't there. John says, it's not working, so Arthur starts to leave. But ask he's leaving, Marie takes the bait. She says, my sister has gone missing, she's unwell, not herself, she was in the room under yours, please don't look there there's nothing to see... she left no note... I'm worried...
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Arthur agrees to help her, and asks who else knows Hattie is missing. Marie tells Arthur about Oscar. Arthur asks for a photo, but Marie gave it to Oscar, maybe Arthur can get it from him. Arthur asks why Oscar was reluctant to help. Marie says, my sister is dangerous to herself and others. There's a sickness in the family; her husband had it, too, and he tried to hurt people, Marie had to... Arthur says, anything she says will stay between them, but she doesn't share. She says, look, it doesn't matter, just find my missing sister, I'll pay you. Arthur says, let me just try to find Oscar, and have you talked to the grocer? Yes, they didn't know anything. Arthur will find Oscar. As he's exiting, Marie says, thank you, Arthur, you're a good boy and a good man. Arthur says he hopes he can help.
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That wasn't too helpful, but at least now they don't have to avoid her; they're actively working with her. Some game planning about what to do next; we have to see Daniel, whether we find Hattie or not. And maybe helping Hattie will help Arthur and John find an alternative to the Freemasons.
John brings up that missing girl case Arthur shared. Arthur confesses it didn't actually happen like that. It wasn't his story, and didn't have a happy ending. The office they leased from Roland cummings, they took over that lease from Elijah Strong (look at all these named men. their daughters are so jealous). Elijah Strong was forced out of the game when murder charges were brought on him; he killed the father in that story, the senator. Also the little girl killed herself. 🎉
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Arthur doesn't know why he told that story, it was all he could think about. Something about this city, this whole... he realizes, it's the Butcher, that's the connection. They'd been pursued by him, too. Also, Strong killed himself in prison. the end
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i-did-not-mean-to · 6 months
Epilogue: Eönwë x Gothmog
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Is this a cop-out? Yes...
Let me know your ideas, theories, and your rage because I keep you hanging...
Pairing: Eönwë x Gothmog
Prompt: /
Words: 950
Warnings: Enter Maedhros stage right
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Eönwë walked down the narrow, dirty road with the heedless confidence of a sleepwalker.
Was he slowly going insane or had Manwë actually appeared relieved upon hearing how little they’d had discovered during their endless interviews?
There was no shame in honest work, but Eönwë couldn’t shake the sickening sensation of being sent on a wild goose chase by someone he’d trusted to have not only his but everyone’s best interests at heart.
No doubt, Gothmog would have merely smirked at him if he’d confessed his misgivings—he seemed to believe that the thirst for justice was generally quenched surprisingly quickly by a tsunami of self-serving motives, but Eönwë could not yet find it in his heart to be that cynical.
A low whistling sound tore the miserable investigator from his dark thoughts, and he whirled around—hand on his holstered weapon—to find his imaginary councillor, in the flesh, leaning against a grimy wall.
“What did your side say?” Gothmog asked, jerking his head at a broken door a few paces away.
“Not much,” Eönwë confessed. “Yours?”
“Mairon agrees with Finrod’s assessment, but he reiterates that neither he nor Melkor had anything to do with the crime.”
“Do you believe him?”
Gothmog nibbled on his lower lip pensively. On the one hand, he would not have put it past Mairon—ruthless, cruel, and endowed with the darkest sense of humour he’d ever witnessed—to perpetrate such a heinous act if he believed that it would help or protect those he valued most, but, on the other hand, he was also not in the habit of doubting his superiors’ words.
“I am not 100% sure,” he finally admitted. “They did not like Fëanor, but they also didn’t hate him nearly enough to be goaded into…”
“Sheer madness? Reckless, dangerous overkill?” Eönwë supplied in a trembling voice. “I know…”
The nature of the crime—the flair, the drama, the exaggeration—had kept him awake half of the night; every single person they’d met thus far had struck him as inherently suspicious, but none of them seemed the kind of people who’d take the ludicrous risk of killing a man thrice over.
His own boss as well ought to have known better than to stage so elaborate a production, thereby maximising the weak spots and multiplying the chances of leaving treacherous traces and clues.
No, a murderer Manwë might have become—in extremis—but he’d never have lost his mind so.
“I cannot explain it,” he whispered, “but I am almost certain that this was the murderer’s first crime. It feels so unnecessarily artificial and bombastic, and the fact that I’ve not been able to ferret out a single viable suspect doesn’t bode well for my career!”
“If he wasn’t the victim himself,” Gothmog huffed, empathy and clumsy solace shining bright in his flaming eyes, “Fëanor would be my prime suspect.”
Eönwë’s stomach dropped, and the blood drained from his face.
“You are so right,” he whispered, rubbing his forehead dazedly. Something had irked him about this crime from the very beginning—there were too many suspects and not enough motives, it all felt oddly staged, and he couldn’t shake the creeping suspicion that everyone they met was in on a joke of which he was apparently meant to be the proverbial butt.
“It could have been that other brother nobody wants to talk about,” Gothmog interjected hastily, misunderstanding Eönwë’s drastic reaction as dismay or disapproval. “Could you find out anything about that one?”
“He’s Finrod’s father,” Eönwë groaned, giving his partner a weary look. “Fëanor also had a slew of other sons, each one vying to match and surpass their exceptional genitor in different ways.”
“So more questions instead of answers?” Empathy oozed out of every syllable of Gothmog’s muted inquiry. “I don’t think that we’ll get to the bottom of this after all. It—Every lead we find goes nowhere.”
For a long moment, they sat in silence, mulling over the inconclusive and contradictory evidence they had gathered sullenly.
“How about that pasta you’ve talked about? Even if your inquiries hit a dead end, we can still see each other…socially. Can’t we?” Gothmog broke the brooding silence cautiously.
Blanching, Eönwë nodded timidly—he had wondered how he could bring up the same subject for Gothmog’s presence, help, quick wit, and irreverent humour had proven to be the only good, gratifying, happy parts of this miserable business, and he was loath to give them up.
Nonetheless, their utter failure drove him half-insane—when he looked up tentatively, he saw the same light of unsatisfied zeal flare in the other’s eyes.
“We’ve got to bring them all in again,” Eönwë mumbled. “Maybe, if we get them in a room together, something will give.”
“So, we’re now actively encouraging massacre and murder?” Gothmog grinned, visibly amused by that idea.
“No—I…” Before Eönwë could explain what he’d had in mind, his phone chimed.
As soon as he swiped his thumb across the screen to open the message, he grew deadly pale.
“What? What is it?” Forgetting about good manners and cautious behaviour, Gothmog grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him against his broad chest when Eönwë started swaying and shivering alarmingly.
“I was right—this was only the beginning,” Eönwë groaned. “Hearing of his father’s demise, Fëanor’s oldest son has returned to the city.”
“Good,” Gothmog commented carefully. “Maybe we can get something out of him?”
“No, we won’t. He’s been kidnapped, and the family is in uproar.”
Gaping at him open-mouthed, Gothmog turned very serious before his usual, cheering smile returned. “Well, at least you’ll get them all in the same room. Let’s go! My car is just around the corner.”
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So, that was the epilogue of this <3
Lots of love from me!
-> Masterlist
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We are so fucking back, baby! Since my birthday weekend is coming up, I decided I’d put up a poll so we can see what absolute mess of a movie I’ll have to sit through! And since it is my birthday, I’ve decided it should be a movie based off of one of my favorite authors: Stephen King.
1. Stephen King directed his own story while high off his ass on coke. It’s about killer trucks and has a soundtrack comprised of AC/DC songs.
2. The contentious compressed adaptation of King’s most ambitious series, starring world’s sexiest man Idris Elba.
3. A movie about incestuous vampire werecats which features a slew of cameos from people like Ron Perlman, Clive Barker, and child murderer John Landis.
4. Imagine if Alien was delirious and the chestbursters went up your ass and were also called “Shit Weasels,” also everyone is psychic and Morgan Freeman is there. That’s this movie.
5. It’s a movie about a killer laundry press. This might be the greatest concept of all time.
6. Cheap-looking killer bat movie at a textile mill. I think I started watching this one once and got really bored.
7. You know what everyone loves? Remakes of beloved classics! How does the second theatrical adaptation of the book that put King on the map fare? Considering this is probably your first time hearing about it in years, not well!
8. You know what’s generally a better idea? Remaking movies that aren’t bonafide classics! The original was good but had room for improvement, so did this film deliver? Ehhhh…
9. This movie has so little to do with King’s story he demanded his name be taken off it so they couldn’t bank on the King brand.
10. King has had vampire stories adapted to great effect, but werewolves? Decidedly less so. Roger Ebert went as far as to say he thought this was a parody of the original novella… but he still liked it, so there’s hope.
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I'm writing Flash (TV) fic and reading Dracula Daily and so here's a Flash Dracula AU that I'm not going to write:
(Warnings: Major Character Death, Child Death, Bad Doctoring. It's a Dracula AU)
1. Kamilla Hwang as Mina Murray
Our opening character, currently holidaying in [Whitby] with a dear, dear friend of her fiancé who should be joining them any day now, but he doesn't seem to be sending any letters...
2. Caitlin Snow as Lucy Westenra
Wanted a nice relaxing time at the seaside really getting to know her bestie's new fiancée and thinking about her own upcoming wedding, but her mother is clearly trying to hide something and her own fiancé's father is ill and her best friend appears to be missing and now she appears to have fallen back into her old sleepwalking ways...
3. Cisco Ramon as Jonathan Harker
Kamilla's fiancé and recently made a full solicitor. This will be an easy first job they told him. Travel overseas, get some signatures on this paperwork, he'll be home in no time.
He has been having The Worst Month
4. Ronnie Raymond as Arthur Holmward
Caitlin's fiancé. Loves her so much. Would be with her but his dad's not been doing so well
5. Julian Albert as Quincey Morris
Adventurer. Ronnie's old bud. Also in love with Caitlin but just really, really happy for his friends. Down to shoot a bat.
6. Hunter Zoloman as Jack Seward
There's got to be a twist somewhere, right? He's the head of an asylum. He should not be in charge, really, especially not with that one patient he's dubbed his 'favourite'. Also in love with Caitlin. Bitter she did not choose him. But there's an idea for how to change their fates...
7. Iris West as Abraham Van Helsing
Not a doctor but a journalist, Iris has ended up studying local legends and mythic creatures ever since the loss of her daughter and the rapid decline in her husband's health. She's something of a vampire expert- not that she believes in them, but understanding might give her a way to help her husband. She did not expect it to actually be practical knowledge, but then she hears from Zoloman about the state of his friend Caitlin and maybe there's some truth to the tales after all
8. Barry Allen as Renfield
The latest patient admitted to Zoloman's asylum and his latest source of fascination, Barry is convinced his mother was not murdered by his father but by some monstrous creature she managed to save eleven-year-old Barry from, but one he could not save his own daughter from, and Barry has sworn revenge. Probably has some pet spiders. He gets lonely. Doing some dubious science in his cell. Also gets bored and really, really wants to kill this one guy.
9. Eddie Thawne as Patrick Hennessey
Actually takes good care of everyone in the asylum. Feels bad for Barry. Hopefully someone will promote him when Zoloman winds up dead. Knows a little more than he's letting on
10. And, of course, Eobard Thawne as Dracula
A massive dick
We get the reveals as Kamilla does- so what happened to Cisco at Castle Thawne when she reads Cisco's journal, what happened to Caitlin when she gets to read the notes, ect.
This includes the reveal Hunter Zoloman is the one working for Thawne
He's the one who lets Thawne into the asylum to go after Cisco- who was left behind out of concern for his mental health
Luckily Eddie had the bright idea to enlist Barry's help when he figured out what was going on
Zoloman had to bright idea to think Thawne would a) make him immortal and b) make Caitlin immortal and c) this would mean she'd pick him instead of Ronnie
Only Iris knows what this mysterious new "Killer Frost" wandering the nights is and stops her before she can kill anyone, with help from Ronnie and Julian
Barry does fight Thawne and gets very injured for his troubles. This means he's left behind with Eddie when the gang go on a "let's track down Eobard Thawne and murder him" quest, but he does live (it seems unfair for Iris to lose Nora and Barry)
Zoloman's like super dead though. Eobard kills him so he doesn't let any secrets slip not realising Zoloman went and recorded everything in his diary.
Caitlin's dead too. Sorry. Maybe she can be a ghost
Everyone gets a go at stabbing Eobard Thawne
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 9
Cw:mentions of murder, extramarital affairs,death, ptsd symptoms
Taglist: @v3d3rl1cht @thegreatdragonfruta
Gif by @syrma-sensei​
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“Imperious Rex.” He repeats perfectly.
Emperor King.
The only qualm Eva thinks her family will have about him.
Not him being a mutant and living under the sea, not him stealing away the last witch born in their family in the past fifty years.
No, they have an issue with him being a king.
“You have to understand that we have a bad history with monarchies, yaakunaj.” She had said as they lay together in his hammock.
Love. She had taken to calling him that when he bristled at her saying mi amor.
My love.
She loves him and he feels like a hypocrite because he has caught feelings for a surface-dwelling woman with the blood of their oppressors coursing through her veins.
But she was a witch, as powerful as Itza.
She is hunted because her untrained power makes her too dangerous to live. Eva had told him all that and more during those nights together.
Six months ago, she had been so drunk in everything she could get her hands on that she had told everyone there how they would die. Told Venustiano Carranza how he did everything to avoid Francisco Madero’s fate only to die with the same number of bullets he did.
Didn’t help she was in league with his enemies, men who knew the old order Carranza still had faith in had to die for the new one to be born. But her allies deserted her, fearing her abilities even if she had never given them cause to doubt her allegiance to them.
“Tell me why your family hate kings and emperors so much, wàay.” He requests, thumb caressing her lower lip and making him wish she had been Talokanil instead. “Tell me why an imperious rex would not be well received in your family.”
If she had been so, he could have been with her without his people’s judgement.
“Long story short, we have a time-honored tradition of overthrowing tyrants in Mexico and causing minor disturbances for the sake of insulting the King of England for what his country is doing to Ireland and all the other lands they have stolen.” She said with pride. Eva was proud of her history, proud that her family had aided in their countrymen’s liberation time and time again. “But that is only one of the reasons.”
“And what is that other reason, if you don’t mind telling me.” He asked as she looked away with a grimace.
“Because Lidia Chapul, matriarch of the Arambula family in 1824, lured her former lover into setting foot in Mexico so the government could execute him.” She answered and he tried not to laugh.
A century ago, her ancestress killed her lover, the first Emperor of Mexico, and now a century later a witch of her line is in bed with the god king of Talokan.
“That’s not all. My abuela met my grandfather when she was a spy in Maximilian Hapsburg’s court, and both lured the emperor into a trap so he could be executed by Benito Juarez in 1867. My father, a man of the Roma people, threw a shoe at the King of England in 1880 and my Irish grandfather’s last wish was to fund the war for independence in Ireland three years ago.” She paused and bit her lower lip as she adds, “I cannot promise you I will be on your side should Talokan want to democratically elect its next leader.”
“They would come for you too, like that French queen who lost her pretty head. Marie Antoinette.” Ch’ah laughs tracing a line across her throat.
The witch murmured in response, “Don’t say things like that, I might get the wrong idea and think you mean it.”
But what if I do mean it? He asked himself.
Eva has nightmares, horrid things that come true half the time and other times it is just an exaggerated memory.
She cannot sleep in tents, cannot sleep on floors and in this case, if she feels the presence of someone sleeping with her when she is in a strange place, the witch will try to kill that someone before they kill her.
Later that day, she wakes up trying to strangle him in her sleepwalking state.
He is much stronger and larger than her and yet she’s somehow gotten them to the floor where she had effectively pinned him and came to with her hands wrapped around his neck.
“You’re stronger than you look.” He rubbed his neck as if nothing had happened and acted as if she didn’t almost commit regicide in a shellshock induced night terror.
Still, the young witch keeps herself on the shallow ends of the cavern pool, keeps away with him and looks at him with a lot of remorse.
“I am really sorry for trying to kill you, Ch’ah. I thought you were part of my nightmare.” She apologized again, after he had calmed her down and brought her outside of his cabin with the excuse that he needed water. He weakens without water, drinking is not enough, he must swim to keep himself alive. Ch’ah was amphibious, sort of like a frog, something he had laughed at as they talked last night.
Eva had told him everything about her on the beach at her home, now it was his turn to regal her with his life’s story as they acted as if he was just a man getting to know his sweetheart.
Ch’ah liked chocolate, his father was a Purepecha traveler. He has been preparing his people to defend themselves since his mother died and fears the day someone invents a detector for the metal under Talokan. He has swum and flown as far as Asia and Africa to test his abilities, he has discovered he is not a god but a mutant and no matter how much he tries, he cannot find a kingdom called Wakanda.
He once had a conversion and a few drinks with her late uncle and was sorry to learn he had died soon after. He met Benito Juarez twice and found him a good man, he painted every mural she has seen here, he likes the color green, but is partial to red. And the pearl necklace around her neck had been made by his own hand because his longevity has given him time to learn almost everything.
Namor hates the surface world, but Ch’ah has an insatiable curiosity he inherited from his mother. He likes romance, he has loved before and has had his heart broken plenty of times, but he believes in destiny and he thinks there has to be a reason as to why Chaac led him to her, a person he is supposed to hate on principle, but cannot bring himself to do so.
“No need to apologize, you believed you were in danger and did not do it out of malice.” He said coming to join her and she fought every fiber of her being that wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to him because he was so deliciously warm.
Ch’ah is always warm, even the coldness of the water cannot seep away a warmth that is all too human. Sleeping with him in his hammock had been better than her bed, a closeness where neither knew where either began or ended and an intimacy that for a moment she wondered if soulmates were real.
“Still, you have been nothing but good to me since we met, and I could have seriously hurt you.” The witch said honestly, avoiding his eyes because the word ‘love’ slipped so effortlessly off her tongue earlier tonight.
Mi amor, she had said so naturally, as if they had been together for longer than maybe two weeks. In yaakunaj, she had rectified and then made it all worse by saying in yaakunech.
I love you.
Not the words for te quiero, in yaabilmech. Te quiero is similar to te amo, but not as serious.
Both meant I love you, but one had a stronger meaning in Spanish, and in Yucatecan as well.
“Please, Talokanil children can hit harder than you, Evita.” He jokes and nudges her shoulder playfully. “My little cousin, Namora, could give you a run for your money.”
Ch’ah loves his people, has a soft spot for children.
They have that in common, Eva is good with children, a favorite of all her younger cousins and cousin’s children.
And as she sits there with him, listening attentively to his stories about the little girl named after him, she is given a vision so sweet and beautiful that she can’t help but take his hand wishing he could see it too.
She and Ch’ah, older and yet still as young as they are now. He laughing with a little girl in his arms, a little girl with pointed ears, wings on her ankles and her freckles.
Itotia, dancer, he calls the child who turns to Eva with a smile that reminds her so much of her dead siblings and calls her na’ , Mother.
When she comes back into her body, Ch’ah is as winded as she is.
“Do you still think you are dying?” he asks still processing what just occurred. Never had Eva been able to show someone else her visions, it was as new to her as it was to him.
“I don’t know.”
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adamwatchesmovies · 11 months
Petey Wheatstraw (1977)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
As long as there have been cult movies, there have been delusional filmmakers who’ve thought “Hey, I can do that on purpose!”. It never works. Something incompetently made in all earnestness like Troll 2, The Room, or Shark Attack 3: Megalodon is miles away from a film that deliberately tries to look shoddy. Petey Wheastraw, the Devil’s Son-in-Law lives somewhere between the likes of “The VelociPastor” and The Human Tornado. It’s got some genuinely funny moments and some unintentional hilarity. The rest is a lot of untalented people sleepwalking through a film production.
After learning “Kung Fu” from his mentor, Petey Wheastraw (played as a baby by Clifford Roquemore II, as a young boy by Danny Poinson and Rudy Ray Moore as an adult) swore he’d never bow to anyone - living or dead. Now a successful comedian, he's asked by his rivals Leroy and Skiller (Leroy Daniels and Ernest Mayhand) to postpone his show so they can make the money required to pay back their debts. He refuses. Scared the mobsters they owe money to will ice them, they decide to assassinate Petey. In Hell, he's offered a deal by Lucifer (G. Tito Shaw): he can return to Earth to enact his revenge if he agrees to marry the devil’s daughter once he’s done.
Rudy Ray Moore playing a successful comedian who “knows” martial arts", gets with the ladies and speaks almost entirely in rhymes? Are we sure this isn’t another Dolemite movie? It might as well be. The only thing that separates this picture from those is the supernatural element but that wouldn’t have been much of a stretch for The Human Tornado. While Rudy Ray Moore’s filmography isn’t exactly known for its brilliant performances, well-written scripts, convincing stuntwork, production values, or any sort of quality, this represents a new low, primarily because it doesn’t feel like anyone is even trying.
The martial arts fight scenes are pathetic. Wheatstraw’s opponents patiently wait on the sidelines until it’s their turn to pretend like the punches and half-hearted kicks collide so they can fall over and go to sleep. To be fair, it's what you'd expect from Moore's filmography. More disappointing is the relative absence of comedy. In the past, his films have always found a way to crowbar a proxy of his act into the running time. Not today. There’s an all-too-short monologue at the beginning, and that’s it. This means the film’s best joke isn’t delivered by our hero; it’s by the murderous comedic duo who can’t afford to see him succeed.
Actually, Wheatstraw’s status as a hero is debatable. I know the Devil’s the Prince of Darkness and all, but in this movie, at least he’s honest. He offers Petey a simple deal: marry my daughter in exchange for revenge. It isn’t like Petey’s being tricked into the union, it’s what he signed up for. Of course, since she's ugly, Petey wants to worm his way out of the agreement asap. His idea is so dumb it’ll convince everyone watching that this is a bad film.
Faced with the prospect of matrimony with a monster, Petey decides to trick the ultimate trickster. His plan? Grab some random wino on the street, knock him out and pass him off as himself “in a profound state of meditation” with the help of some clothes and a convincing mask (so in movie terms, having Moore play him). By the time the drunkard wakes up, Petey and his friends will be long gone.
Where do we begin? Firstly, damning some poor soul to the wife you agreed to marry doesn’t make you likable. Second, how stupid does he think the Devil is? Third, where is he planning on going? Lucifer is a supernatural being. He’ll find you without much difficulty. Fourthly, how convenient that one of Petey’s close friends happens to be an expert makeup artist. If he didn’t have this skill, we might’ve had to use the magic pimp cane he’s been using to enact his revenge by transforming men into dogs, making objects levitate, manipulating people like a puppet master and more. It’s such bad writing it might be funny elsewhere. Here, it’s the final straw.
Petey Wheatstraw makes the mistake of thinking it knows what made Moore's previous two cinematic entries “successful”. Its attempts to be funny rarely work, which makes it a chore to watch. You’ll be doubly disappointed if you see this after Dolemite and The Human Tornado, which felt genuine in their efforts. If this was the first of Moore’s filmography you saw, you wouldn’t even make it to the end before shutting it off. (June 18, 2021)
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myonepiece · 3 years
I know you did one of the monster trio sneaking into their s/o's bed, but what if its the other way around?
s/o sneaking into their bed
w/ monster trio
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there'd rarely be time where you'd have to do this, if you're not in bed or sleeping wherever with luffy, then he literally sleepwalks to you
if you do sneak into the cabin, it's very very hard to make enough noise to wake luffy up, sanji on the other hand might wake up
you can throw luffy off the bed and he wouldn't wake up, which is why when you move his limbs to crawl into his arms, he moves like a noodle until he feels you with him and his arms close like a bear trap
then he rolls over a bit and you're left with your face smushed against his chest or cheek, and drool everywhere from the shoulders up
if he is by some chance awake or you do wake him up, it's "oh, y/n?" and then he reaches his arms across the room and yanks you into bed, but this does tend to end up with you being hurled against luffy's chest and the. both of you slamming into the wall waking up almost everyone else
there is the occasion, sadly it's not too rare, where luffy has ptsd and night terrors from marineford and specifically ace, if you sneak into his bed because of this, or you sneak in while it's happening,
luffy won't wake up but when you wrap his arms around you he subconciously knows it's you and starts to calm down, petting his hair and scratching his back are also great solutions
if he does wake up then he turns whatever position you're in, into him holding you tightly against him, "i promise i won't let anyone hurt you."........."please don't leave me".....
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there's still only a few times you won't be sleeping together, and zoro really doesn't care if you sneak into his bed
he's very hard to wake
usually you'll go up to the crows nest and find him asleep against the wall, chances are you brought a blanket and maybe a pillow
sometimes you'll maneuver him so he's laying down, then you'll scootch under the blanket yourself and zoro's arms instinctively find their way around your body and hold you protectively against him
other times you'll just sit down on his lap and his arms will once again encircle your waist
if you sneak into the cabin to sleep with him the few times he's actually in his hammock, then it's basically the same thing as crows nest
now if he's awake still for either of these settings, he'll just open his arms and let you snuggle up to him, he won't move if he's in the crows nest, he'll just lay down on top of you to keep you from trying to leave or drag him to an actual bed
in the cabin he'll lift the covers for you and stay still ((frozen because he's still not used to this)) while you get comfortable on him
if he's asleep when you sneak in, it always always ends up with him waking in the morning with his arm unconsciously tightening around you or his hand stroking your hair or back, and it takes him a few minutes before he realizes you're there and he's doing that
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again slim chance you're not already sleeping with him
he's fairly easy to wake up, and he almosst always wakes up as you're getting under the covers but he protests nothing at all
he'll wake up, "y/n-chan? what are you doing here? is something wrong??"
he's always ecstatic when you tell him you just want to sleep with him, he just moves the covers for you and scoots over so you have room, once you're in he always comments on how cold your feet are and puts his feet on them to warm them up,,,, omg so cliche and sweet sanji i love you for today
usually he'll wake up and freak the hell out when he realizes you're there, and he's absolutely murderous if someone wakes you up before he does his routine of kisisng your cheeks, nose, eyelids, shoulder, hands, and lips, and possibly humming or singing to you
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Gorillaz Headcanons
“Sick Days”
This man almost NEVER gets sick.
It might have something to do with his deal with the devil, or maybe that he has an immune system of steel with everything he has put his body through, but whatever it is, very little can get through to him. Or at least to the band’s knowledge.
However, after he got out of jail before Demon Days came out, the switch between Mexico’s blazing sun and Britain’s practically eternal rain really hit him hard - not to mention the bad food and horrible sleep schedule.
When Murdoc disappeared for a few days while the rest of the band was recording and planning the album, no one thought anything of it. They thought he was just slacking off.
After about a week of no-show, Russel had had enough. He marched straight to Murdoc’s Winnebago and demanded he open the door, or he wouldn’t hesitate to break it down.
No answer.
A man of his word, Russel was soon inside the trailer, a rusty doorknob in his hand.
Murdoc was in bed, his sheets sticky with spilled NyQuil, shivering so hard one could hear his teeth raking and grinding against each other.
After Russel brought him into the studio, Murdoc slowly began to recover. According to 2-D, it was the most cordial anyone had ever seen him.
It was about two weeks before he recovered fully, but he was back to his old self before the album was truly underway.
Murdoc denies that he was ever ill, since he doesn’t remember anything except “this bloody awful song that rattled the hubcaps.” This happened to be Dare, which is why the final scene of the music video has a shaking, feverish Murdoc startling awake.
Other than that, though, the only “sicknesses” he seems to get are hangovers and the occasional overdose of something or other.
In stark contrast to his boss, 2-D gets sick ALL THE TIME.
Whether it be migraines, colds, ear infections, stomach viruses, or even bronchitis, this boy has had it all.
Usually he can just work through it, since he has a pretty high tolerance for pain, but sometimes it’s just too much for his body, and he has to stay in bed.
However, even when he’s sick, 2-D still comes up with song lyrics and chord progressions. He even says that some of his best ideas have come from fever dreams or pain-induced nightmares.
Due to how weak he can be when he’s ill - and how susceptible he can be to other things - Russel usually has to remind him to take a jacket or to wear a mask/bandana when he’s already caught something.
He’s gotten better over the years, especially through the pandemic, but he still has to be really careful, especially during tour schedules.
Noodle got sick a lot when she was young, especially on tours.
This meant she spent a lot of time on the couch watching Tom and Jerry.
“Whenever I watched anything else, I would fall asleep, then wake up disoriented because I missed so much of the story. I would try to stay awake, but only feel worse in the morning. But with Tom and Jerry, I knew, no matter what, the mouse would always beat the cat.”
Now that she’s gotten a little older and takes care of herself, she only gets ill every once in a while.
Her main issue is that she doesn’t consider sickness reason enough to rest and recuperate, which means that her illnesses usually go on for longer stretches of time.
It usually takes an empty schedule and Russel putting his foot down before she even considers taking a day off.
She usually spends it watching DuckTales, playing her guitar, and sending emails to celebrities - no one could never convince her to relax completely - not even Russel.
After a few days of bed rest, though, she usually recovers very quickly. She has the best immune system and health of any of the other band members. She just overworks herself sometimes.
Only gets sick maybe once or twice a year.
But those couple times are murder.
Since Russel is so large, having him dizzy or even immobile can be dangerous for everyone involved.
If he feels himself getting ill, he usually prepares a space for himself before he gets to feeling too bad, which Noodle jokingly calls a “Russ Nest.”
Most of the time, he sleeps his sickness off under a mountain of pillows and blankets.
However, there have been a few times where sleeping wasn’t enough - either because his fever was too high or the medicine he took had adverse side effects.
That’s when his sleepwalking starts.
There have been several instances where one of the other Gorillaz had to lead him back to his blanket fortress and stay with him until whatever fever dream he was having was over.
Murdoc is usually the one sent, since he seems to have a particular…talent for guiding less than conscious people to where they’re supposed to be.
“Mmmnn…in th’ window…”
“I’ll lock it for ya, Russ…nice ‘n tight…”
“Th’ eyes…”
“Just an owl, mate. Real cute. I’ll send ya a picture.”
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zemossunshine · 3 years
Sunshine Chapter 16
Pairings: Zemo x You  Bucky x You
Summary: Falling in love with a villain. This will start sweet and then go very dark.
Tags: Explicit. Mature. Not for minors. Dark. Angst. Knife play. Depression. Suicidal thoughts. Self Harm . Vomiting. Nightmares. Sleepwalking. Torture. Smut. Broken Bones. Blood. Injury. Violence. Rough Sex. Rape. Kidnapping. Spanking. Unhealthy Relationships. Mental Health Issues. Anal Sex. Orgasm Delay. Fear. Blow Jobs. Sexual Violence. Suicide Attempt. Reference To Domestic Violence. Sleepwalking. Memory Loss. Gen Violence. Threats. Manipulation. Manipulative Relationship. Murder. Death. Loss Of Parents. Implied Alcohol Abuse. Threats Of Rape. Non Consensual Drug Use. Emotional Manipulation. Gaslighting.
Warnings for this chapter: Suicidal thoughts, injury & non consensual drugging.
Watching me break as I try to find my way out of the dark. They say each moment comes to an end. So, my pain is its consequence. It’s a battle and I have no defence. Lyrics owned by Lucie Silvas.
You laid in bed for days, you only moved to use the bathroom, which no longer had a door. You refused all food and only drank whatever Oeznik offered. Zemo caught onto that quickly. You took the pain pills, if that’s what they even were you just didn’t care any more. A dark cloud hoovered over you, it crushed you. Your hair was matted, your face was tight and salty from tears. You were grateful for sleep, even the nightmares of Zemo and Bucky doing unspeakable things to you. It meant you didn’t have to be with your own mind. Zemo didn’t leave your room, he begged you to eat, to shower, to move he just waited for something to change. But nothing could now. You had been stripped away. You were an empty shell. You weren't sure if you were even a person any more. You wondered if your eyes looked like Bucky’s during his nightmares, dead inside.
“Sir we are going to need to force feed her.” Even Oeznik turned on you. You pressed your face into the mattress, your tears were flowing again.
“I made a mistake.” Zemo eyes were bloodshot.
“Zemo stop I can’t take any more. Just stop. No more.” Your voice was barely a whisper.
“I’m taking you to Samuel, he will know what to do.” Zemo rubbed his hands together.
“No. I can’t. Everyone was in pain before I left. And now, whatever it is I am now, I can’t. Just put me back in the coma, please just end this.” You begged him. Zemo tore off the bed sheets and scooped you up. You tried to protest, but you didn’t have any energy left. He carried you out of the house and climbed into the car with you still on his lap. He turned the engine on.
“Zemo I can’t please. I might kill him.” You buried your face in the crook of his neck, trying desperately not to cry.
“Tell me how to help you.” Zemo’s voice was stiff. You didn’t want help, nothing could help. But you couldn’t face hurting anyone either. You said the only thing you could possibly think of.
“I want my music back.” Even if your music was all about pain, it was something that was yours, no one gave it to you. No one asked you to listen to it. Zemo pulled you into him and crushed you with his arms.
“You cannot die. I won’t allow it.”
The Next Day
“I have programmed in Samuel's number, just in case.” Zemo slid a phone and headphones across the kitchen table. Which now had bags full of the clothes you wore at the Raft.
“I can't Zemo, it’s too risky now.” You started the process of searching for your music, the music you liked. You knew would have to find a way to keep your emotions in check here, just in case you hurt Oeznik or Zemo, regardless of what he did you couldn’t face the guilt. Zemo frowned at you and gestured for the phone. He scrolled a few times and slid it back. All of your music was there.
“I know all of your passwords.” He smirked. You smiled, for the first time since you arrived here. You put the headphones on and pressed play.
Two Days Later
You started showering again and eating again. All of your food was served in bite sized pieces because according to Zemo you weren’t allowed a knife or a real glass. You spent most of your time with your headphones on, desperately trying to drown out your own thoughts. Zemo would let you leave, eventually, hopefully. He was careful not to get to close to you. He was trying to pull you out of the same darkness you once pulled him out of. When you showered his eyes would remain fixed on a wall near you. But never at you. He sat on the opposite side of every room you were in.
“Before you embark on a new life. I would like to resume our lessons.” Zemo smiled at you.
“No.” You answered before he finished.
“You are doing well Sunshine, you no longer want to please others. However you will learn how to drive.” He put his fur trimmed coat on. By his tone you knew there wouldn’t be any arguments. It was something to do, you couldn’t sit around all day.
“What makes you think I can’t drive?” You couldn’t. Because nobody has ever asked me to before, right. Zemo walked outside and waited for you.
You had to drive around the grounds of the property. Zemo sat next to you with his hands firmly on his knees. You were wary of being this close to him, but he didn’t move towards you. You didn’t know anything about cars you never needed to. The only thing you could be sure of was that you were sitting in something expensive. Zemo gave instructions and you followed. You were nervous, but he encouraged you, you were getting the hang of this on your first lesson. You moved slowly around the trees. It seemed peaceful out here. You watched the sun dance through the leaves, you wondered how long it had been since you saw the sun. You were so content on the Raft, it never bothered you. You weren’t concentrating and saw an animal of some kind run in front of you. You quickly swerved, pushed down on the wrong pedal and sped towards a tree. You put your arms in front of your face and you closed your eyes. You heard a sickening crunch and glass shatter. You opened your eyes and Zemo was hovered over you, your hands were on his chest and you pulled them away as if he burnt you. He was shielding you, protecting you from the wind shield. You held your breath. You just crashed his very expensive car, dread filled you and you tried to reach for the door handle.
“Are you injured?” Zemo was sweeping his eyes over you. You shook your head violently and Zemo opened your door. You ran back to the house to find Oeznik, who was usually in the kitchen. You didn’t dare look back. Just stay near Oeznik, it will be fine. You couldn’t find him, your heart started to race. Zemo caught up to you.
“Where is Oeznik?” You could hear the fear in your voice.
“Out.” Zemo answered. Out, what the fuck do you mean out? This was the first time you had been alone with Zemo Shit. You had once again positioned yourself in the kitchen with Zemo at the door. In a panic, you dragged the table out repositioning it, to put something between you and him. It wouldn’t do much but you had to try. He frowned at and then walked out of the kitchen. Ok, I’m ok. You put your hands on the table and tried to steady your breathing.
A shadow moved across the table. Impossible, there is only one door. You whirled around. Zemo. Did he just walk through a wall? You pushed back and hit the floor. Zemo crouched down to you . Fuck.
“No, I’m sorry. Please.” You pushed back as Zemo reached for you. Your stomach swirled in darkness.
“NOOOO-ahhhh.” You smacked your head into the corner of the table that you had just moved. You clutched your head and tears filled your eyes. You felt something wet, you brought your hand to your eyes, blood. No. Panic flooded you. Zemo crawled towards you. Do something! He yanked you towards him by your ankle and sunk a needle into your neck.
You woke up in your bed, well your bed for now and you saw the door to your bedroom had been removed. You quickly touched the back of you head, no more blood and no more pain. You were being drugged again. No one else was in your room, you were never left alone. I hurt them, shit. You rushed out of bed and started down the hallway. You heard Zemo and Oeznik talking in hushed tones in a language, you couldn’t speak, they stopped talking and looked at you. They both looked fine, but your eyes bounced in between them checking them over. Oeznik smiled and walked over to you. He stroked your arms.
“Of course, she is terrified, what did you expect?” He sighed and walked away. Zemo rubbed his head.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I have been drugged. What did Oeznik mean?” You folded your arms across your chest.
“You injured yourself trying to flee from me. I was trying to stop you. I had hoped…. You have repressed your memories before Sunshine. I would have told you what happened.”
“I’m scared of myself. I have no idea what I can do. And I have no idea what you are going to do. You flipped out because I wanted a shower.” You scoffed.
“You made an attempt on your own life.”
“Zemo, you say you know me, can you possibly think of a reason why I did that? It doesn’t warrant your behaviour.”
“Watching the woman, I love die again justifies whatever action I choose to take.” Zemo shrugged. You rubbed your eyes and stared at him. He really believed he loves you.
“I… I don’t understand you.” You really didn’t, his mood swings were instant and unpredictable. You turned on your heel and walked to the kitchen. Oeznik placed a bag on the table, you hoovered next to him. Zemo came in behind you and picked out the package from the top. He threw something over to you.
“What is this?” You knew it was a treat of some kind.
“Turkish delight.” Zemo answered. You unwrapped it and chewed. It was sticky and sweet, it tasted like flowers.
“Do you like it?” Zemo asked tentatively.
“I’m eating it, that counts right?”
“No.” Zemo sighed. You looked at the bag waiting to try more of whatever was in there. Zemo shook his head and walked out of the kitchen.
Your driving lessons resumed the next day and for the next two weeks, in several different cars. The one you crashed was miraculously fixed. You had to learn evasive manoeuvres just in case. You were still being handed pills every few hours. You read books in silence. Zemo seemed withdrawn, he just stared at you. It didn’t bother you, you got used to it with Bucky. He would lead you away from Oeznik when meals were prepared, as knives were in there, even when you asked to help. Your life fell into a routine, it almost felt like you were back at the Raft.
You awoke in the middle of the night, to a choking sound. Zemo was squirming and jolting asleep in the chair he occupied every night in your room. Nightmare. You dragged yourself out of bed to find Oeznik, you tiptoed past Zemo. Just as you were about to turn a corner, Zemo called out to you. You knew you could handle nightmares, but you had no idea what Zemo might do if he were sleep walking like Bucky. You turned to him slowly, he was completely still in the shadows. Shit. You were back in the box, just a bigger box, this time it was adorned with guns and knives with no door to be opened. You gulped and fought the urge to run.
“Zemo are you awake?”
“Are you sure?” You had no idea where Oeznik slept or if he was even here. Zemo turned on the light.
“Are you experiencing a nightmare Sunshine?”
“No, no. You were.” Relief washed over you. Although Zemo made it clear he could do whatever he wanted to you he hadn’t. But sleepwalking was different.
“You need rest.” Zemo gestured to the door. You shook your head, you were too worked up to sleep now. You walked to the kitchen, turning on the lights as you went. You sat at the table with your head in your hands. You didn’t understand how your life changed so quickly. Thankfully you hadn’t hurt anyone yet. Zemo said it could be as simple as a paper cut, but what if you lashed out because of a simple nightmare. You were an accident waiting to happen. I hate this. The constant walking on eggshells was driving you insane. You wrapped your arms around yourself. The scent of cherries filled the air and a styrofoam cup was placed in front of you.
“I really wish you would stop thinking like that.” Zemo whispered. You sipped the tea, it didn’t taste how it smelt at all. The smell was sweet and inviting, this tasted bitter and earthy. You grimaced. Zemo let out a puff of air.
“You just made a choice Sunshine, on your own terms.” He sipped his own tea with a smile. You stared down at your own. I don’t like it? You frowned. I don’t like it.
“You’re a bit like this tea, your deceptive.” You squinted your eyes and smiled at him. Zemo chuckled and sat down opposite you.
The Next Day
“Sword fighting? You think I plan on becoming a pirate?” You laughed at Zemo. Driving lessons were over.
“Actually this is something I wish to learn.” Zemo put on his coat and purple leather gloves. You found it hard to believe there was anything left that he needed or wanted to learn. You could tell this new teacher that you were being held captive you shuddered when you thought about what would happen if you did. You were fed, clothed, nothing bad was happening to you, well not any more. The scars on your arms were a pinkish colour now. Would anyone believe you if you told them? Probably not.
The swordsman dressed in all black. He had an accent but you couldn’t place it. For all of your life experience, it was sheltered. Hydra kept you in the dark about who they really were and spoke to you in English, well from all the very little you remembered. You got a wooden sword, obviously not trusted with a real one. Zemo wielded a real one with a purple handle, you didn’t know how but it suited him, a fucking sword. Who walks around carrying a sword? Zemo smirked at you and waved the sword in a perfect circle. You tried to mirror his stance. The swordsman placed his hands on your hips and you stiffened. Careful. He turned your wrist slightly, you politely smiled at him. You waited for your next instruction, but it didn’t come.
The swordsman looked terrified, like a rabbit in headlights waiting for impending doom. You dropped the sword. Shit. You darted your eyes over him, he didn’t look like he was in pain Silent pain? Your heart raced, you didn’t want to approach him in fear you might hurt him further. You looked to Zemo for help and all of your air escaped your lungs. His head was tilted staring at the swordsman, his sword was raised in the air. His eyes were flaming. He was going to kill him, the leather was stretched painfully round the handle of the sword. You slammed yourself into him, it felt like hitting a brick wall. You put your hands in the fur of his coat and spoke low enough so only he could hear you.
“Please don’t, please.” You rested your forehead against his chest. You begged him pleaded with him and ran your fingers through the fur. Zemo hadn’t budged at all. Just was you were about to tell the swordsman to stay behind you, Zemo pulled you into him. The hand holding the sword was rested on your back, the blade hoovering behind you, skirting your waist. You weren’t afraid for yourself. You looked up at Zemo, his hot breath washed over your face. He was fighting between your request and his desire, he opened his mouth.
“NO, Don’t. Show me. What’s wrong?” You knew if Zemo spoke he would threaten him and you knew how terrifying that was and that was only if he decided to just threaten him. Zemo gripped your waist painfully and brought his hand up to touch your wrist. He brushed his lips over your pulse point. He touched me? You nodded and rested your forehead back against him. His heartbeat was steady, unlike yours. You waited until yours slowed down and blinked back your tears. You looked up at Zemo, he fury in his eyes had vanished. You cleared your throat and collected your wooden sword. You put yourself back into position. The swordsman was shaking but held his head high.
“Everything is ok. If you need me to move, Zemo has to do it.” You put on your friendliest smile. The swordsman nodded and thanked you.
Later That Day
“You realise when I leave here, people will touch me.” You ate another bite of your dinner and waited for a response. Zemo glared at you and sucked in air through his teeth. You immediately knew you said something wrong. You put your fork down and peeked at the door behind you. You could feel the terror creeping up your spine. Zemo’s knuckles were white around his glass, it exploded in his hand. As it exploded so did the rage in his eyes. You stared at him in disbelief. He picked up his fork and continued eating, as if nothing had happened.
“Did you say something?” He questioned, you shook your head and stood up. Zemo sighed.
“You have endured years of being touched against your will. It’s more a question of your permission. The swordsman did not have it, so I acted accordingly.” Zemo shrugged. You sat back down and laughed nervously.
“Accordingly?” You shrieked, Zemo nodded. You leaned back in your chair, trying to comprehend what Zemo said.
“You don’t think that’s a bit excessive?” You gestured with your hands. Zemo smirked and continued to chew his food.
“I asked you stop killing people on my behalf, I would be much happier if you agreed to that.” You pushed your food around your plate, your appetite lost. Worth a try. Zemo took a long sip of his wine.
“In my defence, I only intended to remove his hands.” He took another bite as if this was polite dinner conversation. You clapped your hand over your mouth and breathed heavily through your nose. He can’t be serious. You blinked hoping you were about to wake up from a dream.
“If someone spoke to you in a manner that I found unacceptable, I would cut out their tongue.” He took another bite and chewed. Utterly unfazed by his words. You placed you other hand over your heart willing yourself to calm down. You swallowed the bile threatening to empty the contents of your stomach. Oeznik walked in, took one look at you and crouched down, he rubbed your arm. He spoke to Zemo in what you assumed was Sokovian, they went back and forth. Oeznik raising his voice while Zemo remained a picture of calm.
“Oeznik, Sunshine understands.”
“I really don’t.” You sneered. Zemo rolled his eyes, retrieved something from a cupboard and placed it in front of you. A Champagne glass. He put his hands in his pockets and smirked down at you. You picked it up and twirled it in your fingers. You briefly wondered if you could smash it and cut your wrists, Zemo couldn’t get you to any kind of hospital in time. Couldn’t he? The glass was snatched from your hand and placed out of your reach. The glass meant nothing to you, you had champagne with him on the plane, at the dance. The dance. The woman. I imagined killing her. You placed your hands flat on the table and shook the woman out of your mind. You took in a breath before you spoke.
“I’m not like you.” You peeked at Zemo through your eyelashes. He crouched down to your level maintaining eye contact.
“I know and I will never allow that to happen.”
Next Part: https://www.tumblr.com/zemossunshine/672842294727262208/sunshine-chapter-17?source=share
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cgsf · 3 years
Hannibal (TV) fanfic recs:
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
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“Sea Change” (E) by xzombiexkittenx | 4,375 | Will Graham is in love with Hannibal. He is also straight. This is the story of Will coming to terms with the fact that he's in a relationship with a man. It's less difficult than he thought it would be.
“In Sickness and in Health” (M) by BonesAndScales | 76k+ WIP | Everyone knows that Will and Hannibal are married. Not everyone knows that they are married to each other.
“A Great and Gruesome Height” (E) by mokuyoubi | 115,559 | In his mind, the fall lasts a small eternity. In reality, it's maybe two seconds. Will and Hannibal go over the cliff, just like they planned. Picks up where the finale ends, fills in all the blanks of the last episode, and continues through to their new life as Murder Husbands.
"Ladders" (E) by emungere | 134,129 | Will is slowly losing his mind in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. He makes a deal with the devil to get out.
“Nunc dimiitis” (M) by KareliaSweet | 2,557 | The four times Will leaves Hannibal over the course of twenty-eight years (and the one time he doesn't).
“The Black Dog” (E) by lovetincture | 6,987 | Hannibal is depressed. Will invites him over for dinner.
“A Flood in Our Hearts” (E) by Nanoonchka | 15,469 | As Will and Hannibal sail towards a new life on the other side of the world, Will decides a change in appearance might be in order along with some renegotiation of their relationship.
“What Dreams” (E) by emungere | 92,878 | A seduction through physical objects. It starts with a scarf loaned to Will on a cold day, but Hannibal, as usual, isn't satisfied with anything small.
“Total Work of Art” (E) by htebazytook | 3,973 | Will and Hannibal attend a Beethoven concert series. Naturally, all roads lead to seduction.
“Our Place in Time” (M) by inameitlater | 217,671 | Will remembers falling. He wakes up months before Jack got him to work for him. Months before he met Hannibal for the first time. Free from his past he decides to change events and meet Hannibal again.
“Black Rock Mountain” (E) by bokunojinsei | 23,964 | Will is a hitchhiker with questionable hobbies. Hannibal is a man who has questionable motives. When Hannibal drives by Will who just so happens to need a ride, things quickly take a turn from the questionable to the downright depraved.
“Faded Fantasy” (E) by Phenobarbital | 232,599 | Hannibal navigates his way through Will's heterosexuality.
“Provenance” (E) by drinkbloodlikewine & whiskeyandspite | 62,735 | A delightful AU about a rare book dealer, an owner of a high-end coffee shop, and murder.
“Crystal Ship” (E) by bluesyturtle | 273,192 | It all starts with an injury Will sustains while sleepwalking.
“Till the Bitter End” (T) by voxofthevoid | 10,324 | Will Graham wakes up in his bed, in his house in Wolf Trap, all but buried beneath a pile of canines. He doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He screams. Mizumono Groundhog Day AU.
“Despite” (M) by emungere | 3,709 | A bounty hunter finds them in south Texas, Hannibal takes exception to his treatment of Will, and Will gets a look behind the veil.
“Revelations” (NR) by StratsWrites | 846 | The lungs were completely ruined. Hannibal dumped them into a waste bucket rather than have to look at them any longer. The heart might have been salvageable, but not in its entirety. Hannibal would have to get creative… “Are you finished yet?” The tone was so even, so bored. Still, it was a voice where there had been none, and Hannibal’s hand jerked, scalpel tearing through flesh in a crooked curve. Will.
“Sub Rosa” (E) by gleamingandwholeanddeadly, printersdeadly, printersdevils | 8,979 | Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter eat ortolans, but the evening doesn't end there. Post-Ko No Mono canon divergence because...well, who needs an excuse, right?
“Kigakan” (E) by wolftraptobaltimore | 27,237 | In which Will, faced with no other choice in a disturbing case, asks Hannibal for assistance: “...kill him…” The first utterance was muddled by the crackle of the fire behind them. “I want you to kill him.”
“Gentler Means” (NR) by stoic_swan | 175k+ WIP | Will doesn't leave Hannibal's dinner party for his date with the Chesapeake Ripper. As a result, Hannibal alerts Will of his encephalitis that night and uses Will's recovery to explore his curiosity about friendship-- and what makes Will Graham fascinating. Hannibal's growing affinity for Will compels him to use a somewhat softer approach to influencing the man than he had originally planned, and Will isn't impervious to becoming the object of someone's affection after a lifetime of self-imposed social isolation.
“something to make yourself sick on” (M) by chaparral_crown | 15,973 | Will Graham is having a hard time adjusting to life after prison, and takes a day off following the discovery of Randall Tier's first kill. Predictably and ironically, Hannibal insists on being part of it.
“each according to its kind” (M) by chaparral_crown | 192,571 | Will does the only reasonable thing that someone fresh out of a mental hospital with no support system does - he leaves, and goes on a road trip to the Pacific Northwest.
“A Postcard and a Knife” (E) by Canis_cosmos | 37,855 | Pushed from his train and relying on a hallucinated stag to lead him to Florence, Will is drawn up short when he reaches a junction and his guide disappears. The path he chooses leads him to the right place, but entirely the wrong time.
“Rafraîchir” (E) by ElloPoppet | 60,095 | Hannibal and Will attempt to navigate life on the run after surviving the fall. Hannibal continues to groom Will into his ideal partner, only now, Will is an aware and willing participant. In which Will unleashes his monster and accepts his destiny by Hannibal's side, and Jack Crawford becomes their hunter.
“Turn the Page” (E) by DisraeliGears | 20,407 | After Hannibal went to jail, Will sold everything he had. He bought a motorcycle and ran. He ran...but eventually, if you run long enough, you'll end up right back where you started.
“Housekeeping” (E) by FKAHerSweetness | 96,562 | Marriage is a creature living separate from its components. Yet it requires attention, tolerance and care. Have you seen it? Could you recognize its deep wounds - and which one of you inflicted them? And are they ready to heal? What do you really know about this illusory animal?
“God of the Cold, Cold Wars” (M) by HigherMagic | 7,260 | Winston barks again, more loudly, and Will raises his head, humming when he sees the sleek top of a car approaching his home. The sunlight glints off the tinted windows and Will goes to his side table, watching as the dark-colored car comes to a halt in his driveway. The cloud of exhaust stops and the car settles with a series of low hums and pops, and the door opens. Will's smile widens when he sees who it is. Of course, he knows the car, but it feels surreal until the man himself steps out.
"Cheap Motel" (E) 🔒 by Lunarwrench | 15,132 | Hannibal's expression remained placid, a faint smile tilting up those lips, and he sighed again, one of his hands coming up to curve the warmth of his palm along Will's cheek, over the still-bright scar from Dolarhyde's knife. “My darling boy.” Was all he said, sweet and immeasurably fond. An ache bloomed in Will's chest, heat just starting to burn along his cheeks and ears, and he acted on impulse once more, clutching fistfuls of Hannibal's thin linen shirt, yanking him close and slotting his mouth gentle along the seam of Hannibal's lips, desperate to quench the constant yearning inside.
"your witness" (E) by boycoffin | 14,067 | 'We help get the bad guys off. That doesn't give you a sick little twinge down in your conscience, does it?' 'Not at all, sir.' Will gave him a long look, long enough to rattle some people, but Hannibal didn't show any signs of backing down. 'Why the fuck not?'
"If we only ever have one day to live, it would be enough" (T) by RoswellSmokingWoman | 4,143 | Will suffers from anterograde amnesia, unable to remember any day after the fall from the cliffside. Hannibal never gives up hope.
"Rogues" (E) by MajorEnglishEsquire | 76,984 | You often speak of feeling as if you are at sea. Alone and at peace there. I, myself, sometimes feel like I'm rolling on the distant waves but your light falls on me and I am known. Begins at the end of episode 01.08 Fromage.
"alive is afoot, alive is in command" (E) 🔒 by tei | 8,327 | Will hasn’t counted the stairs today, which is unusual. He seems to be at least considering it, though; standing at the bottom of the flight from the front hallway of the house to the second floor, looking slightly lost.
"Il falò delle vanità" (E) by More_night | 17,766 | Three times Will and Hannibal got drunk together.
"Loose Lips Sink Ships" (M) by capponi | 22,169 | Will moonlights as a host at a strange and exclusive intimate online call line, wielding his empathy to help even the most discerning caller get off. Hannibal is an initially curious and endlessly persistent caller.
“Pochée” (M) by ElloPoppet | 8,405 | H. Lecter (7:34 am) "Good morning, Will. I trust that this message is finding you well?" Will read the text, quickly at first, slowing down on his second pass. It was very... Hannibal, to be so formal over a fucking text message, and at this ungodly hour no less. Not that Will wasn’t already awake; he’d been knee deep in a crime scene for the last hour and a half, give or take. Regardless. For all Hannibal knew, Will could have been sleeping, catching up on much-needed rest in the confines of his three star, FBI-funded hotel room in the middle of shit-creek nowhere, Iowa. How uncouth.
"but it's in my roots" (T) by sidnihoudini | 4,001 | 'Shall we take my car? I can return you when we are done,' Hannibal asks. Without meaning or wanting to, Will feels himself blush a little bit at the idea of Hannibal returning him once he has been sufficiently used. 'That’s fine,' He says, instead of what has suddenly flooded his mind with the subtlety of shattering glass.
"La Maison Rouge" (E) by Randstad | 2,687 | Hannibal starts to show up at Will's house at the crack of dawn to make him breakfast, killing two birds with one stone: cooking is one of his many passions, and, honestly, Will Graham is climbing up the list.
"When it Rains" (M) by BonesAndScales | 3,068 | "This is Will Graham. I know you have a 24 hours cancellation policy, but I don’t think I can make it this evening.” What else are you supposed to say? Give a reason? He does not have a good reason. “Something came up and I—” “Hello?” Goddammit. Fucking landlines. In which Will desperately needs a hug. And who is Hannibal to refuse?
"Mizpah" (E) by StratsWrites & whiskeyandspite | 7,557 | Hannibal and Will met as young men in New Orleans, and fell madly in love. And then Will left. 23 years later, they met again.
"The Almanac" (E) by shotgunsinlace | 32,915 | He’s supposed to be the lure, but somewhere down the line he lost complete control of the situation. It starts with a social worker inside a horse, followed by his psychiatrist driving an hour to the middle of nowhere to bring him homemade pumpkin spice coffee, and ends with an invitation to a dinner party on Halloween. The week can only get so much weirder.
"Past Our Satellites" (E) by shotgunsinlace | 5,094 | The already peaceful office becomes an intimate space between them, with their seats pulled closer over the dark floorboards, and drawn curtains. The fireplace is their only source of light. Hannibal has carved the illusion of a reality all their own - warm and welcoming - and Will walks into it with wide eyes and open arms.
"Mangata" (E) by louis_lux | 4,036 | After the fight with Tobias Budge, Will takes Hannibal home. Takes place between episodes 8 and 9.
"A Nest of Blood and Bones" (E) by BonesAndScales | 3,443 | Will lifts his hand in a vain attempt to follow his reason, only for his fingertips to betray him and graze the cold silk of Hannibal’s tie, a terrible, conceited bright thing, a pattern too much on the preposterous suit. Very fitting for the man wearing it.
"down the rabbit hole" (E) by amare | 59,267 | He went to sleep in an asylum; he woke up in a reality not his own. Will's either gone down the rabbit hole of his own unstable mind, or he's ended up someplace else entirely.
"too much to ask" (E) by Karillith | 1,448 | Hannibal remembers dry heaving over the side of the bed afterwards. He remembers Will's hand clenched in his hair, too tight to be gentle, too soft to be punishing. Will's warm weight was draped over him, but it would be naive to assume the action was borne from a place of comfort rather than ownership.
"Rubies" (E) by emungere | 76,842 | Will invites Hannibal over for dinner. Hannibal brings him wine and flowers. A dissection of their pasts and the slow convergence of their domestic lives.
"get over that hold out" (T) by amare | 9,256 | Will's obligated to attend the annual BAU Christmas party. Katz wants him to feel like part of the team, Jack's just trying to indulge his wife, Price is going for the open bar--and Will knows there's no way Dr. Lecter would be caught dead at such a black-tie travesty.
"Clothes Make The Man" (E) by geneticallydead | 12,926 | Hannibal needs a new tailor. He finds Will Graham.
"Two Solitudes" (E) by emungere | 54,491 | After the fall, Will drags Hannibal out of the Atlantic and they find their way north to a remote part of Labrador, where they try to make a life together.
"Little Beast" 🔒 (E) by Nanoochka | 25,353 | Will wakes up after his and Hannibal's swan dive off the cliff. Nothing has changed, and everything.
"Fruit of Hades" (E) by Chidingtimes | 106,772 | The plan to trap Hannibal is in motion, but Will begins to feel conflicted as the desire to maim and mangle grows within him, swayed by Hannibal's compelling voice. Meanwhile, this emotion that Will strikes in Hannibal, can he exploit it to reveal him to the world. Does he even want to when he feels it as well?
"The House That Dripped Blood" (M) by coloredink | 2,168 | "This isn't going to help you catch Hannibal," Will said. "It's not about catching Hannibal," Alana said. "We're just talking. It's been a long time." Will gave a sharp bark of laughter. "Just conversations. Not therapy."
"Precious metals" (NR) by Crazyamoeba | 11,187 | Will wonders why on earth Hannibal Lecter - he who values manners above all - keeps wanting to spend time with him. Particularly when he can't even begin a therapy session without insulting the man who is the closest thing Will has to a friend. Hannibal doesn't seem to mind, and never misses the opportunity to examine the bruises that Will never means to show him.
"Summer Skin" (G) by lovetincture | 2,402 | Louisiana in the summer is hot and cloying. Will loves and hates it. He’s content and going out of his mind. He loves the boy who works across the mall and hates his guts. Which is to say, he’s a queer teenager in the South, out of place and going crazy and looking for a way to fit into his itchy skin.
"Sweeter Bitter" (E) by wormsin | 89,503 | Dr. Hannibal Lecter was not usually one to work with inquiring students, let alone undergraduates, since leaving John Hopkins. There, he had chosen his mentees with care, and now he was settled in his psychiatry practice with little time between work and extracurriculars. However, this student, Will Graham, had come to him via recommendation from Alana Bloom, and Hannibal's interest had been piqued.
"What the Water Gave Me" (M) by iesika | 84,051 | In the summer of 2011, psychiatrist and FBI consultant Dr. Hannibal Lecter travels with a crack forensic team to the murder capital of America to assist the New Orleans field office in hunting a possible serial killer. But bodies aren't the most interesting thing he finds when the water starts to rise.
"a thousand teeth, and yours among them" (E) by gleamingandwholeanddeadly, printersdeadly, & printersdevils | 97,291 | Unconventional New Orleans Detective Will Graham meets his match when surgeon Hannibal Lecter asks him to dinner in the aftermath of a murder investigation. As his relationship with the enigmatic Doctor unfolds, Will gets further entrenched in the hunt for not one but two serial killers: the first creating a bloody ode to family values, while the other vanishes bodies into the swamps and bayous of rural Louisiana.
"Out of the Rolling Ocean" (E) by days_of_dust | 15,062 | "You want me to stop?" Hannibal is deathly still. Will can see the cogs in his brain turning. Weighing data, considering biases, anticipating possible outcomes. Will almost smiles. He bets Hannibal wishes he had the forethought to set up some safety nets for this particular extenuating circumstance. A proud lift of the chin. "I'm wary of being mocked."
"Of Putrefaction, Saccharine" 🔒 (E) by inter_spem_et_metum | 53,826 | After narrowly surviving their fall from the cliff, Hannibal and Will embark on a journey that takes them across the ocean and deep into their own psyches. As they battle demons both old and new, will they spiral out of control, or will Hannibal and Will finally unite to become something larger than themselves?
"Eve of Dreams (Le Réveillon des Rêves)" 🔒 (E) by inter_spem_et_metum | 197,337 | Severely injured and once again a resident of the BSHCI, Hannibal believes his worst fear has come true. Will, back home with Molly and Walt, finds himself torn in more directions than his loosening grip on reality can accommodate.
"Bad Connections" 🔒 (E) by TiggyMalvern | 42,063 | “I didn’t think dripping wet with a layer of dirt and oil would appeal to your exacting aesthetics, Doctor,” he says, and he drags the first wipe meticulous and slow along the length of one finger, twisting as it slides over his skin. “Normally, no,” Hannibal says, and his eyes flick down to Will’s hands and follow his movements, “but physical desire is largely contextual.” His lips stay parted as he breathes. “I have often been attracted to displays of competence and skill in areas where I lack them, and I find I'm attracted to you, Will, in almost any circumstance.”
"Separately to a Wood" (T) by emungere | 13,891 | “What would you say if I asked you to marry me?” Will looked up, startled, and found himself staring into Hannibal’s eyes. He looked down at his eggs again. He wanted to believe it was an unkind joke, but it wasn’t. Hannibal wasn’t the type, and he looked too sincere for comfort. “I’d say you were nuts. And maybe drunk.”
General / No Pairing
“Push the Sky Away” (E) by Portrait_of_a_Fool | 93,622 | Will Graham walks out of his house in the wee hours of a late spring morning. As he goes, Will begins to delete himself piece by piece until there is nothing left but a few words written on his palm. Knowing only his first name, Will is a man lost to the world and to himself. Welcome to the summer of Will Graham’s disconnect.
"made it in my mind because" (T) by saintsideways | 857 | Will twitches, flinches under Beverly's well-meaning correction, imagines putting a bullet in her head, imagines how long it would take her to bleed out if he put one in an artery, a vein, in her gut.
This is an ongoing list that I'll update if I find more to recommend.
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sophielovesbooks · 4 years
Sophie’s Exhaustive Dark Academia List
For a while now, since my dark academia rec list was such an unexpected success, I’ve wanted to create a list of all the dark academia books I’m personally aware of, regardless of whether I have already read them, as sort of a resource for the community. I have now done just that!
The titles in bold are the ones I have read. The ones I would especially recommend (which, okay, yeah, are almost all of the ones I’ve read) are in bold and italics. Note that this doesn’t mean I loved absolutely everything about the recommended book, just that I think it was good or worth reading overall. 
If anybody is aware of a dark academia read that didn’t make the list, please leave a comment and I’ll update the list! Thank you! And thank you to everyone who has already recommended titles to me, helping me compile this list! :)
Also, just to be clear: My personal definition of dark academia would be a story that is set at a school or university or focuses heavily on academia otherwise (maybe the characters are in a secret book or debate club, discuss academic topics, something like that) and in which something bad or dark happens. This could be a crime (violent or non-violent), an accidental death, something supernatural going on... Note: Some of the books on the list (meaning of those I haven’t read) might only fit a looser definition of dark academia, e.g. maybe they have a dark subject matter and include some intellectual elements, even if the setting isn’t actually an academic institution. 
And now, without further ado, enjoy!! As I said, I hope this will be a good resource for the dark academia community! And I want to update this list regularly so that it’s as exhaustive as possible! :)
A Beautiful Doom (Laura Pohl)
Academy Gothic (James Tate Hill)
Ace of Spades (Faridah Abike-Ayimide)
A Fatal Inversion (Barbara Vine)
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (Holly Black)
A Great and Terrible Beauty (Libba Bray)
A Lesson in Vengeance (Victoria Lee)
An Education in Ruin (Alexis Bass)
A Question of Holmes (Brittany Cavallaro)
A Separate Peace (John Knowles)
As Good As Dead (Holly Black)
A Student of History (Nina Revoyr)
A Study in Charlotte (Brittany Cavallaro)
All Summer in a Day (Ray Bradbury)
As I Descended (Robin Talley)
Bad Habits (Amy Gentry)
Black Chalk (Christopher J. Yates)
Brideshead Revisited (Evelyn Waugh)
Bunny (Mona Awad)
Cat Among the Pigeons (Agatha Christie)
Catherine House (Elisabeth Thomas)
Different Class (Joanne Harris)
Dismantled (Jennifer McMahon)
D.O.G.S. (M. A. Bennett)
For Your Own Good (Samantha Downing)
F.O.X.E.S. (M. A. Bennett)
Gaudy Night (Dorothy L. Sayers)
Gentleman and Players (Joanna Harris)
Girlhood (Cat Clarke)
Give Me Your Hand (Megan Abbott)
Good Girl, Bad Blood (Holly Black)
Good Girls Lie (J. T. Ellison)
Hex (Rebecca Dinerstein Knight)
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
How We Fall Apart (Katie Zhao)
If We Were Villains (M. L. Rio)
In My Dreams I Hold A Knife (Ashley Winstead)
Kill All Your Darlings (David Bell)
Killing November (Adriana Mather)
Miss Pym Disposes (Josephine Tey)
Murder Scholastic (Janet Caird)
Ninth House (Leigh Bardugo)
Party Girls Die in Pearls (Plum Sykes)
Peace Breaks Out (John Knowles)
People Like Us (Dana Mele)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (Joan Lindsay)
Private (Kate Brian)
Shadow of the Lions (Christopher Swann)
Sleepwalking (Meg Wolitzer)
Special Topics in Calamity Physics (Marisha Pessl)
S.T.A.G.S. (M.A. Bennett)
Summer Sons (Lee Mandelo)
The Basic Eight (Daniel Handler)
The Bellweather Revival (Benjamin Wood)
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch)
The Case for Jamie (Brittany Cavallaro)
The Chandler Legacies (Abdi Nazemian)
The Club (Takis Würger)
The Deceivers (Kristen Simmons)
The Devil Makes Three (Tori Bovalino)
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks (E. Lockhart)
The End of Mr. Y (Scarlett Thomas)
The Furies (Katie Lowe)
The Furies (Natalie Haynes)
The Girls Are All So Nice Here (Laurie Elizabeth Flynn)
The Hand on the Wall (Maureen Johnson)
The Ivies (Alexa Donne)
The Lake of Dead Languages (Carol Goodman)
The Last of August (Brittany Cavallaro)
The Lessons (Naomi Alderman)
The Likeness (Tana French)
The Lying Game (Ruth Ware)
The Maidens (Alex Michaelides)
The Mary Shelley Club (Goldy Moldavsky)
The Night Climbers (Ivo Stourton)
The Orchard (David Hopen)
The Secret History (Donna Tartt)
The Secret Place (Tana French)
The Shadow Year (Hannah Richell)
The Swallows (Lisa Lutz)
The Truants (Kate Weinberg)
The Vanishing Stairs (Maureen Johnson)
The Wave (Morton Rhue)
The Wishing Game (Patrick Redmond)
The Wyndham Case (Imogen Quy)
The Year of the Gadfly (Jennifer Miller)
These Violent Delights (Micah Nemerever)
They Never Learn (Layne Fargo)
They Wish They Were Us (Jessica Goodman)
T.I.G.E.R.S. (M. A. Bennett)
Truly Devious (Maureen Johnson)
Trust Exercise (Susan Choi)
Very Bad People (Kit Frick)
White Ivy (Susie Yang)
Without Anette (Jane B. Mason)
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pitviperofdoom · 3 years
okay a lot of those are exciting but two of them are intriguing/baffling enough I have to ask about them. bound god and Among Us au??
OK so the Bound God AU is the most recently created, and is loosely inspired by the horror comic Fertile, by Ehud Lavski and Yael Nathan!
Jon and Martin are on the run from Jonah Magnus, an ambitious occultist whose experiments have left Jon with erratic and disorienting divine sight. In search of protection, they find their way to a town whose citizens all worship a mysterious and bloodthirsty god of the hunt. Their presence is tolerated, but they aren’t allowed near the town’s inner sanctum - which becomes a problem when Jon, plagued by horrific nightmares, finds himself drawn to it. After he almost gets in trouble for sleepwalking to it, Martin decides enough is enough, sneaks in one day while the rest of the town is off on a hunt, and finds the god in question. Specifically, he finds it chained in the basement with the keys to its release just out of reach. After a brief conversation with the god, in which Martin learns that the god is neither bloodthirsty nor happy with his current situation, Martin takes this newfound information back to Jon.
They do what any reasonable people would do when presented with this situation: they bust out the god in the dead of night, bundle him into the backseat, and hit the gas.
It’s my JGM god-mortal road trip romance AU. I’m fond of it.
So, the Among Us AU isn’t nearly as ridiculous as it sounds. It’s actually one of my more canon-adjacent story ideas.
In this version of things, everyone manages to get out of the Unknowing alive and un-Buried. Tim doesn’t die, Daisy doesn’t get tossed into the coffin, and Jon... almost doesn’t wind up in a coma.
Not long after stopping the Unknowing, Jon is found not-quite-dead at his desk. It’s the same deal as in canon; no breath or heartbeat, but his brain activity is going wild, and Daisy confirms that she still sees him in her dreams. What follows is a messy almost-murder mystery in which the remaining members of the Archives team, plus one Georgie Barker, try to figure out who the killer is. The main suspects are Tim, who came out of the Unknowing with a lot of rage and not a lot of direction for it; Daisy, who already tried to kill him once and never showed any signs of changing her mind; Melanie, who’s just been kinda weirdly murder-y lately; and of course Elias, who was responsible for the last two mysterious unsolved deaths so we might as well include him on the list. And in the midst of all of this, the survivors must contend with new management, random Flesh attacks, and most of all, each other.
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