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amenosperros · 9 months ago
Ma babies
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calmkicks · 3 days ago
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pombstv · 2 months ago
Wala ba reliever dyan 😂 #pombstv #thoughts #christmas2024 #onduty #newye...
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meawindia · 1 year ago
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hanglizue · 2 years ago
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📍CREAM CIDB - YTL Cement Berhad MoU Signing Ceremony. Muka serius tu tak pastilah either tengah imagine how to handle press conference smoothly macam Datuk - Datuk depan mata masa tu atau tengah fikir menu apa untuk berbuka puasa petang nanti. Terima kasih Abg Sam @shamshol79 , selalu ada sekeping dua terselit gambar saya. Really appreciate it. Jadilah buat kenangan #onduty nak belek bila pencen nanti. (Kerja tak sampai 10 tahun pun dah fikir pencen. Perangai sangat kau kan 😛🤦🏻‍♀️) Tapi sebenarnya kadang saya sendiri yang tak malu request minta diambil gambar Har har. Photographer pun sometimes kena ambil mood jadi kita volunteerlah assist bagi warming up their gear 📷 🎥 kan kannn? (at Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq88jmbypvQL5AO8mmlbWMDK34g0hlced0MJ1k0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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idandrieb · 2 years ago
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sijay143blog · 1 year ago
Maliit na masikip - 'ray ko poe! masakit Sabe nang wag na kasing ipilit
OMG! 😲 😱
Bska mapunit annngggg.... gloves
😃 😁 🤣 😂
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wohnmobilista · 2 years ago
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ianfulgar · 2 years ago
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The sets of blueprints are starting to pile up. 🙄🖋🏬🏠✍️ #signandseal #sign #architectduties #architect #drawings #construction #building #blueprint #engineering #architectural #architectdesign #submissions #permit #signingday #autograph #housedesign #philippinearchitecture #architectph #letsdothis #workmode #onduty — view on Instagram https://scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/351267775_972637720601517_832402063934324971_n.webp?stp=dst-jpg&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=m6h1dy7WnuUAX-teK6q&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfCIJbPfLw8kadiaeRY2vAh_Asq-_G2g5G5KYGPIzAy4RQ&oe=6482569C
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xamaxenta · 2 years ago
Luffys like you only took this job to hunt for boyfriends
Ace gasps and pokes his head out from their shared closet like i cant believe you think so lowly of me !!!
Luffy squints at him meaningfully, whilst he’s learning to swim, Ace is totally not doing his job and instead scouting for hot guys
“I almost drowned.”
“No you didnt, sabo was with you.”
“Sabo saved me unlike the onduty lifeguard.” Luffy retorts bluntly, rests back on his palms as Ace emerges in a hideous leopard print button up
“Yeah okay but youre undrowned, What about this?” ace strikes a pose and almost falls over when Sabo shoves his way into the room
“Nah.” Sabo and Luffy parrot in unison. Sabo glances him over with that particular curl of his lip when he’s distinctly displeased about something. Ace has two guesses as to why, either his fit sucked or Sabo was also mad about the Luffy almost drowned today thing
“Tough crowd.” Ace mutters and goes back into the closet for something less lurid
“So tell us about the guy thats got you all googoo eyed.” Sabo delves right into it, hes perched on the bed next to Luffy, “—i mean. He must be a big deal for you to ignore Luffy like that.”
“Uh” Ace pops his head out from between the winter coats. Conversing with a conversational Sabo who was on the cusp of pursuing violent resolutions was like tiptoeing through an active landmine field.
“Yeah. Hes really tall.”
“Really tall?” Sabo scoffs, was that it ? Luffy snickers.
“Yeah, and he’s like ripped.” Ace throws away an orange tank top in favour of a black one.
“Ew. Gym rats attract one another huh loof.” Sabo mutters, Luffy giggles and kicks off one of his house slippers.
“Ooh did you get lost in his . Big. personality too?” Sabo grins when Ace whips around flustered at his suggestive tone.
“Ace we’re not blind or stupid—“ Sabo glares at him when Ace snorts muttering a soft coulda fooled me— “you weren’t watching the water, you were watching that guy like a starving animal.”
Ace opens his mouth to deflect but Sabo cuts over him, god he looks so much like Mom like this Ace absolutely hates it — “Garp gave you this opportunity to prove that you’re not the same kid he had to bail outta jail every fucking weekend.”
Ace realises what Sabo’s hinting at, he could be ashamed but what he did with his time and this job was his business, “since when did you care about what happens between me and gramps?”
“I dont. Actually, i care about you and what happens to you if you keep throwing away these chances.”
“I wasnt actually drowning.” Luffy says after a long moment of silence.
“Yeah.” Ace knows, contrary to the popular accusation in the room he actually had been doing his job, “sabo wouldve buried me on the beach if you really were.”
“You bet.”
Ace tugs on the tank top, he’s running late for his date, he hopes blondie doenst mind
“That looks acceptable.” Sabo says in lieu of an apology for his prior harshness.
“See you later?” Ace pats himself down for his wallet and keys, Sabo nods and kicks open the door, it doesnt mean theyre done having this conversation but Ace is grateful theyre leaving it for another day
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Gaw dang
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lovehate31-blog · 4 years ago
im on duty again!!! lets work work work
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aibeelicious · 4 years ago
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Weekend duty.. 😋 #nurse #nursing #registerednurse #kfshd #nurseonduty #onduty #weekendduty (at Aibeelicious) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK3LjQ8Hqmd/?igshid=w00qwwcm3bs8
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franchisee-business-ideas · 4 years ago
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Don't waste time becouse the time for doing something great is passing day by day , start a business like AEPS , Money transfer pancard, Insurence, business that will give you a high return with lowest investment
क्या आपके पास दुकान/ofiice है ? एंड आप internet का उपयोग जानते है ? तो आज ही हमसे से जुड़े और अपना व्यापार बढ़ाये।
अपनी महीने की कमाई बढ़ाये Dogma Soft Limited की Franchisee मात्र 480/- रुपये में लेकर . विश्वसनीय कंपनी 1 लाख से आधिक फ्रैंचाइज़ी के साथ. अभी जुड़े व निचे दी सर्विसेज का लाभ उठाए
AEPS, पैन कार्ड पोर्टल, मनी ट्रांसफर सर्विस, बिजली बिल, रिचार्ज, EMI पेमेंट, कार/ बाइक इन्सुरेंस के साथ एक ही पोर्टल में 100 से आधिक IT Services अभी ले
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vinevsm · 4 years ago
I missed my youth life
Got this notification from Google pic 7 years ago
When I was living and working here
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antcelena · 6 years ago
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Downtown Tucson, AZ
IG: antcelena
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mwrobel999 · 5 years ago
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Coś się kończy... Coś zaczyna... Ciemna strona życia... #onduty, #paramedicpoland #emswroclaw #somebodycallambulance #inyourdarkesthouriwillbethere #paramediclife #polishparamedic #emslife #mywork #mylife #newdayhascome #lastdayoflife (w: Wroclaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HAft4IYYo/?igshid=1pdkzswaaaj9
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