#once he knows what he did under the influence of the moon
tigirl-and-co · 9 months
I think a lot about Goku and Vegeta being able to bask in the light of a full moon for the first time.
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 months
One Can Only Hope (Cregan x Reader)
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First of, I don’t know why this particular song was stuck in my head while I was writing but I think it fits the aesthetic of how the couple works together, also I don’t care that they didn’t pick this actor for me THAT is what Cregan stark looks like, and also sorry for not adding the last detail it just naturally went with a different approach
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'may I present my second-born child and my precious only daughter, (y/n) Targaryen, the heiress of driftmark"
(y/n) bowed lightly before the stoic man that it deserves to be noted how thick his fur was which engulfed him, the man nodded as a sign of acknowledgment to the princess and the young heiress (y/n) could swear that she detected a faint smile forming on his lips, to be quite fair no one could tell since the lords' lips were faintly visible due to his distinguished beard, once (y/n)s deep blue eyes met his there was an instant influence on her that cause her to slightly shiver, mostly from anxiety and somewhat fear of the unknown.
(Y/n) could only describe the sensation similar to placing yourself at the very sharp edge of a tall cliff, as one would gaze down at the water the little voice would whisper to take a plunge, release yourself from the shackles of overthinking, whilst your mind begged you to take a step back and forget about all of this.
Unfortunately (y/n) was well aware of the reason why she had to take this long of a flight on dragon back and introduce herself to the new lord of the North, her mother had put a tremendous amount of effort into making this a trip that could be enjoyable too (y/n) but to no avail, she did not blame her mother, ever since she was a toddler (y/n) would catch whispers of numerous people around her castle that would venture on whom she would marry, as the moons passed and (y/n) became a lady the pressure became tighter than her corset.
"judging by the tremble and pink nose you are not accustomed to such a cold environment"
"I'm afraid not, I am willing to try though, if need be"
She suggested as her voice usually would be colourful and loud- something that princess rhaenyra adored- was now barely audible, Rhaenyra dreaded asking this of her only daughter, seven hells the reason she even had (y/n) was because of her failed match that was created under ambition and desperation for allegiance, now she had to bare the curse of the prey becoming the hunter as she set her daughter up in hopes this could bring peace and safety not only to the realm but to their family.
“It is an honor to have the Targaryen family as our guest, I believe last time it was with Queen Alyssane, was it not?”
“Indeed, my lord, though I cannot recall if we have ever United our house bloodline”
“That is correct, such a pity don’t you think Princess Rhaenyra? We must correct that mistake as fast as we can, before all that let me escort you to your chambers, you must rest after such travel”
Cregan's humor was a breath of fresh air for mother and daughter, both of them felt more comfortable through his commentary and light-hearted chatter.
Rhaenyra was extremely thankful that her daughter understood why this must be done if she had to be completely honest with herself partially the reason she chose Cregan as her daughter's match was how the whispers of his strength and his handsome nature made it to the red keep, another thing was a desperate attempt on keeping her daughter guarded, mayhaps if she found refuge in the north of the vicious Hightowers pushed Rhaenyra to war (y/n) would be tucked away and protected by the Lord.
As they walked through the castle Cregan started blabbering about all kinds of things his brain could master, he was certainly nervous when he got the letter from Rhaenyra herself asking for her daughter to be betrothed to him, Targaryen and Starks had, of course, rumors of laying together but never being United in the eyes of the Gods, and to add the fact that the lady is in line for the throne, the wedlock and children would bring such different aspect to his house.
"the lady of the north has to endure the stinging sensation of the icy air, but I believe having a humungous dragon that spews fire on command should help"
Rhaenyra smiled at the slight declaration of interest and almost a very subtle way of claiming their betrothal to be a fact, it was (y/n) 's turn to nod excitedly and let out a small giggle, Cregan was not a man that went unnoticed, young, tall, strong, beautiful, any woman of her status would thank the gods for such a match and a part of her was curious.
Due to the small sign of hope (y/n) careless tucked a strand behind her ear, revealing a part of her to the Lord that he had never seen before.
“Your ear”
He said almost in a question, subconsciously his head tilted in order to get a better view, hastily (y/n) let her hair fall back again, concealing her left ear, flustered and internally cursing herself.
“I don’t believe I have seen something like it before”
“I apologize, I-it is-“
“Unique, I know that Targaryens usually have violet eyes as your mother has, however, I can only guess you found that boring and chose something entirely different, you have quite the taste”
(Y/n)s eyes slightly widen at the kind-hearted nature of Cregan's comment, (y/n) was born with pointy ears, her mother would always jest that it was because the fairies brought (y/n) to her as a gift, others would say that the Targaryens started to blend more with their dragons and that Rhaenyra indulged in blood magic to have the daughter she always wanted.
Gossip and fairytales aside, (y/n) tried her best to conceal that little thing like a well-kept secret that she now had pulled the covers from. Cregan only smiled, (y/n) seemed like a peach on a summer day, full of sweetness, and the nectar could bring back the dead, her smile could make your teeth hurt like how they used to when he ate pie, the pointy ears in his eyes only gave her a boost in her ethereal presence.
Despite that (y/n) had to acknowledge that the man was nothing but a stranger, she had witnessed countless loveless marriages and men that sucked the life out of their wives,  besides all of that she pushed those types of thoughts to the side and masked her dark thoughts for the future with a brave face.
(Y/n) exclaimed as she skipped over to Rhaenyra who rushed to her daughter's side, it had been months since (y/n) had seen her mother, and as content as she was with her new life no one could replace the place Rhaenyra had in her daughter's heart.
"oh my dearest, how lovely it is to see you, take a turn for me let me look at you"
(y/n) let out a snicker at her mother's request even though she complied almost immediately making Rhaenyra nod in approval, to no one’s surprise (y/n) had grown to be a proper lady, her red cape with the thick lining and fur, her hair down and disheveld from riding her dragon, plump red cheeks from eating well, and how could one forget her smile, shining through the realm and blessing her mother with a sigh of relief, Rhaenyra was relieved to say the slightest that her only daughter was taken care of.
"Princess, thank you for inviting us"
"nonsense, I would take any chance to see my baby"
"Mother" (y/n) whispered in embarrassment
"hush now young lady, to me, you will always remain the small babe that curled in my arms, you will know what I'm talking about sooner than late"
"about that, Mother, it might be sooner than you anticipate"
Rhaenyra froze in her spot, her eyes doubling their original size as an audible inhale of breath was heard, (y/n) 's eyes watered and her arms seemed to have a slight tremble whilst she took off her cape to reveal the cutest swollen belly. Rhaenyra stood still for only a second before she wrapped her arms as tight as she possibly could around (y/n) who did the same.
"no, my baby, why didn't you write me about this?"
"We wanted to wait this time, I believe you understand, (y/n) wanted to tell you as soon as possible, I advised her not to, forgive me, princess"
Rhaenyra might not have birthed Cregan though she had given birth to (y/n) and that meant that she knew when her daughter was hiding, like now.
(Y/n) wanted to be cautious, after they suffered an early loss of their first baby before her belly could even swell, inevitable fear overtook her, she had refused to ride her dragon for the first three moons and she did her best to remain abed as much as possible.
Thankfully, Cregan shook her out of it, asking her to take a walk as often as his duties allowed him to, he would also attempt to ever so casually bring up how her dragon kept all of the town awake from roaring and complaining, even for this visit  (y/n) only agreed after Cregan offered to get up on the dragon with her so she can feel safe.
"it doesn't matter, all that I care about is that my baby is happy and healthy"
"Don't worry Mother, the north has been extremely good to me"
“For that I am certain, well then, let us celebrate, my little babe is having a little babe”
"It is good to see you back and we’ll, my lord"
"it is good to be back, especially with such a catch might I add, tell the cook to prepare the Stagg for supper, give the wild pig for you and the others"
"you are utmost gracious my lord, the princess is waiting for you in your chambers"
"wonderful, do not let anyone disturb us, I wish to stay by her side until supper is served"
Cregan skipped the way into his chambers, he was too caught up in the rush of the hunt and the excitement of reconnecting with his lady wife to notice the nods and stiff giggles of the servants and guards.
He didn't bother to knock, even if he was indecent there was nothing he hadn't seen, secretly he hoped to see her swollen belly bare, as it grew bigger Cregan had adored to kiss on her belly and rub it as he felt the kicks and moves of their child, together they would make plans for the future, like making sure the babe receives an egg for their cradle or getting a wolf cub as a pet.
"my de-"
"shush, you'll wake her"
medusa had cast her spell over Cregan as his eyes focused on the most extraordinary sight, his lady wife holding their babe while she sat up in their bed. (y/n) had never looked more beautiful in his eyes, her hair falling past her shoulders as her arms wrapped around the child and her big eyes sparkling with joy.
The baby was wrapped in a white blanket and (y/n) slightly rocked it, it almost could fool someone that (y/n) had already given birth to numerous children by the graciousness in her moves, Cregan could pull a chair and watch this for the rest of his days, alas his curiosity and excitement rushed him to her side, sitting right next to his lady wife in awe.
"bless me, when did this happen?"
"last morrow, the labors started hours after you left"
"my strong dragon, you did this without me, I must admit I am slightly wounded"
"I did not want to send someone until I delivered her, make sure she is fine and all"
if it was humanly possible Cregan would swear he could hear her trembling heart, as her pleading eyes uncovered the insufferable pain she went through that held hands tightly with distress and a splash of grief.
(Y/n) ached for the babe she had lost, wondering if it had been a boy to a girl, if it would have their father's eyes, or if they would prefer music over hunting, Cregan felt helpless, watching his love suffer as he also grieved in silence, though now it did not matter, the gods took mercy on them.
At just the perfect queue, the small babe cooed pulling both of them out of their trance, simultaneously the pair looked down at the fruit of their ever-growing bond with humungous smiles and cloudy eyes.
"she is gorgeous, once you fully heal we will throw a feast, I'll send some of my best men for a hunt, you should write to your mother, and ask her if she can find Dornish wine-"
"my lord, let us enjoy her before we present her to the realm, she is barely a morrow old"
"she is a princess, our princess"
"Precisely, our princess, come lay with us"
as much as (y/n) comprehends the weight of duty and the strict order of customs that came with such wonderful news, she had grown up with a mother who had wrapped her and her siblings with a cloak to protect their childhood years, allowing them to be kids amid chaos and now it was her time to step up and build a fort that kept her happy and safe.
Cregan puffed out a breath of defeat before he complied and climbed as carefully as a man of his statue could
“Let me see, oh perfect”
“She will grow out of it”
“She better not, maybe the next one can have slit eyes as well”
“My love, I do not believe I can give birth to a full dragon”
“One can only hope”
Cregan jested as (y/n) laughed, the young babe had inherited her mother's ears, Cregan would often brush (y/n) 's hair away from her face to take a look at her ears, or brush his fingers over them as she laid her head on his chest at night, sometimes (y/n) would slap away his hand while he roared with laughter, others she would just bask in his admiration, thanking whoever took favor in her and gave her the man that loved her, pointy ears and all.
Requests are open!
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mysterioushistorian · 3 months
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midbloods are here! headcanons under the cut
Charun Krojib
agender (they/them)
master of conceptual artworks
surprisingly oblivious to cirava's flirting
Konyyl Okimaw
recycling is good
good pals with remele
trans woman (she/her)
likes to SLASH
big and tough on the outside, sweet and lovely on the inside
is actually a big fan of Nihkee Moolah, just won't admit it
secretly knows a lot about the Disciple
Polypa Goezee
still doing the job, regardless of caste
is now Tegiri's moirail. therefore, it's harder for her to keep her secret from him, especially with all these new bandages.
revived her blog for relationship advices.
troll sailor moon is her favorite
can and WILL beat someone twice her size
Boldir Lamati
shh! not so loud
he/she, unspecified gender
knows everything
she solves ALL the mysteries
not much is known about her. he just wants to do his job
short but tough
Bronya Ursama
cares for all her wrigglers. all of them.
elwurd was the one who convinced her to dye her hair, back when they were in a relationship. no longer together, she sees no point in continuing to dye it, so she lets it discolored
have you seen Karako? she's been looking for him for a while now
schoolfeds all the new jades
Wanshi Adyata
aspires to write a fanfiction with her soldier purrbeats OCs
actually believes in rainbow drinkers
real bookworm right here
A+ student
she's just a girl
Lynera Skalbi
still batshit crazy
Ardata's matesprit. what did you expect
is now genuinely interested in meeting new people
do NOT touch her diary
tall, but a little bit shorter than daraya
Daraya Jonjet
demigirl (they/she)
they listen to some hard shit over there
tyzias' moirail. rebels time
being a rebel teenager is hard. its hard and nobody understands
taller than lynera
fuck bronya. fuck lynera. fuck elwurd. fuck everyone. let her be free!
Lanque Bombyx
troll twilight fan, thank you very much for asking
vampire wannabe (he'll never be dracula)
this motherfucker gets no bitches
stop playing fancy good lord
Tagora Gorjek
sign here to agree with all terms *_______
galekh's kismesis-matesprit.
beware, he might scam you
hair flip
hates pirates
Tyzias Entykk
sleeps once a week
no... mustn't stop studying..
seriously girl, what even is in that mug
please take care of yourself properly
Stelsa Sezyat
still won't speak slower
deep breaths, girl
loves tyzias but worries about her revolutionary thoughts
big mother energy
always ready for dates
big fan of nihkee's channel
Tirona Kasund
spends too much time on grubtube.. unfortunately
her influences are terrible
yeah, we get it, you use memes to spread the good word about the empire
but please improve on the memes
considers stelsa as a mother, and tagora as a brother to her
would love to meet trizza someday
Tegiri Kalbur
only buys products of original quality. those who sells him fake products will be DAMNED!
worries a lot about polypa and how she must be hiding something from him.
more obligatory anime references
gets too philosophical at times.
surprisingly gets along with the other two voidbounds, even if they can't stand him
no longer wears eye contacts, for... his own safety.
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lucozadehulahoop · 10 months
A Question of Time (Astarion x f!reader/tav) part 3/?
Chapter summary: Astarion makes his choice, but his actions don't go unnoticed. Call it divine intervention.
A.N: Big thank you for the massive love on this! I've only been posting this fic for three days and the response has been overwhelming! I appreciate every single comment and it really keeps me motivated. The tag list will be posted below the cut because it's getting a bit long ahh.
Tags and T.W.:pre-bg3!Astarion, slave!Astarion, mentions of torture and abuse, demi-goddess!tav, eventual NSFW (minors stay away kindly, thank you darlings)
warning for this chapter: seggsual sention (eh more just dorks being dorks)
part 1 part 2 part 4
"Astarion, favored soul, I send you my own flesh and blood to remove you from harm, yet you do not take your chance to flee..." An ethereal voice sang to Astarion as he tried to make sense of his own surroundings.
Slowly he began to recognize the cemetery, the tombstones, his own grave... how had he ended up back there?
The moon shined brightly down on him, and slowly the origin of that voice materialized itself right in front of him.
Astarion may have not been a believer, but he could recognize a goddess when he saw one. Much like in her many popular depictions, Sehanine wore what resembled a black silk gown, the very fabric that created the shadows she was a patron of. Her hair was black and white, her skin deep blue like the ocean, and her eyes the shape of twin moons. Many were the elves who worshiped 'the Moonweaver ' dutifully.
Sehanine was also the only diety criminals and tricksters seemed to cling to. A favor from the patron of illusions and misdirection could make the difference between the success or failure of a deed carried out under the cover of night.
But she was not only the goddess those who worked in secrecy and trickery often asked for a blessing from. Love was the biggest blessing tied to her name, and many cursed her for being the protector of lovers who steeled away for a tryst in the night.
"Do not be afraid, Pale One." She smiled at him eerily. "I appear to you now to give you guidance. I am sure by now you recognize me, even though on this plane I have come to be known to many as Selùne in these times, but you have been alive since the days of the old creed..."
"Y-yes--" Astarion stammered, never once having thought he'd be entertaining a conversation with a diety.
"I know you have not once believed in anything that was not material, and I am not here to test your faith, little vampire. I have been guiding your journey through this world ever since you began to display all of those qualities that are so dear to me... the Moon has been your close ally in all of your deeds..." The goddess proclaimed. "I look out for my own, but now... you go against my design to deliver you from your wretched master. Why is it so?"
It was quite a hefty amount of information to take in all at once. Not to mention preposterous. Guidance? Protection? If Astarion had been so favored by the gods, why in the seven hells had he been crushed underneath Cazador's heel for two hundred years?
The anger didn't take long to boil up inside of him. "No. No, forgive me, your holiness, but there has to be some kind of mistake here." Astarion sneered. "I think you've got the wrong Astarion, because this one has been attacked by the Gur, turned into a vampire, and subjected to two centuries of torture at the hands of a maniac!"
Sehanine smiled down at him once more, almost as if Astarion's lament was something to be amused by. "It is not up to me to explain the trials and tribulations of mortal life, dear one... If I directly interfered with the lives of every being I wished to influence in a constant manner, then other gods would want the same and war would surely break out amongst us. I would not come to you if I did not fear great peril on the horizon. Your Master, Cazador Szaar, has joined a league with dark, dangerous forces... forces that are enemies to myself and other entities that keep the balance between good and-"
Astarion scoffed. "I fail to see, how any of this is my concern."
The goddess's eyes became pitch black and her form started to warp into something far more sinister. "Count yourself lucky I consider your quick wit as a quality, but do not make the mistake of disrespecting me again, vampire spawn." She threatened in a booming voice. "You will be turned into a sacrificial lamb to your Master's ascension to near-godliness if you do not flee now, underneath my daughter's protection."
Astarion was silent for a very long while. In fact, he could not tell how much time had passed before she finally spoke again, her voice once again gentle.
"I will not have one of my own be involved in this abomination of a rite. In fact, I will make sure Tav stops this event from coming to pass so that she may meet her destiny."
Astarion couldn't stop himself from speaking his mind once again, even at the cost of being punished by the divine. "Meet her destiny? Surely... surely you must know how powerful Cazador is. I mean, I've seen what your darling daughter can do, but she doesn't seem to have a single mean bone in her body and you might risk losing her-"
"Tav must die for Cazador and the rest of the evil he's created to be eradicated for good." Was the goddess's simply put answer.
"But... she's your daughter." Astarion failed to understand until it finally clicked in his head. "You---you set her up like a lamb for slaughter. This is why she couldn't keep away from me? Because you made her come to my rescue every time? And now she's... Hells, she's getting rid of Cazador for you and dying in the process because you can't look bad in front of your god pals? What happened to looking out for your own?"
"I may have brought her into this world, but she is not one of my own." The Moonweaver clarified." Too sweet, too good-natured. The only thing I can truly recognize is her beauty. But no, I have not spoken to her, ever. I thought it best she did not know the pain of who she truly is, nor how she will meet her end. I simply know how and when it will come to pass. Yet, it was quite surprising to see how deeply attuned to your pain she is... and in the grand scheme of things it drew her like a moth to a flame, right into Cazador's grasp..."
Astarion began to feel violently ill, and he couldn't understand why. "Wait, what do you mean, what are you talking about---"
"Oh hush now, don't tell me you care for her? I would find that hard to believe..." She grinned, her very nature compelled to be intrigued by displays of affection, especially when they bloomed in the most unlikely of circumstances."However, I must go now, little vampling. But do not worry, Tav will be remembered, I will personally make sure to immortalize her in the stars for her valiant sacrifice."
"No!" Astarion cried out as he thrashed on the floor, suddenly regaining consciousness underneath Tav's tear-brimmed eyes.
She had been trying desperately to bring the pale elf back to consciousness after he'd dropped to the ground unexpectedly, his red eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body wracked by convulsions.
"Astarion!" She shook him a little more for good measure. "Astarion stay with me!" Tav let out a little sob, never having come across a physical ailment she hadn't been able to cure.
"Hells below..." Astarion cursed, slowly managing to sit up as he caught up with what had just happened.
Tav was quite a sight for a creature who hardly ever seemed to be affected by anything. Tear-stained cheeks, her hands twisting in the fabric of her dress. Astarion couldn't recall the last time someone had ever displayed worry over him. And now that he knew the truth about so many things, he didn't deem himself worthy of it. "Cheer up, sweet, I'm alright." He couldn't help but say, pinching her nose softly between his curled fingers.
"Alright?!" Tav barked at him, huffing and shooing his hand away. "You dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and then you started convulsing!" She accused as if Astarion had done so on purpose. "You were completely unresponsive for almost half of an hour! How often does this happen for you to think it's alright?"
Astarion could think of a million things to say. A close encounter with Tav's dear old mom being the explanation at the forefront of his mind. But the implications of that conversation having undeniably taken place (considering it hadn't been just some weird dream as he'd liked to have hoped) were too painful to consider. He should have been thinking about the fact that Cazador planned to sacrifice him. He should have been burning with rage at the mere thought of his death aiding his captor on the path to becoming god-like.
Instead, all he could do was laugh, enjoying the way it riled up Tav even more. "Like a what? Darling, I must say my likeliness has been compared to many things in my lifetime, but a sack of potatoes has certainly never made the list..."
"Oh well, then may I suggest that 'obtuse ass' also be included?" She retorted, getting in his face as she was completely unamused by the way he was belittling her concern.
"Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the shape of my backside?" Astarion tilted his head closer too, meaning to snap back at Tav, but instantly realizing his words had come out quite a bit softer than intended.
"I-I don't see how that's relevant..." Tav whispered, mimicking his tone as her pupils turned into the size of saucers.
"You're the one who brought it up..." Astarion shrugged, as he had a very private laugh within himself at Tav's expense. She was so gullible, he could have eaten her up.
"No! You have misunderstood me. Please, I apologize if I have made you feel--" Tav was in the middle of expressing a sincere apology when she realized Astarion could no longer contain the amusement he was having at her expense. "You are despicable!" She huffed, doing a poor attempt at shoving at his chest before getting herself back up on her feet.
Astarion chose to admire her a few seconds more from where he was sitting on the ground. "Now that, my darling... is something I've definitely been called before."
Tav crossed her arms over her chest as she adamantly checked on his capability to stand back up on his feet again. "How will you know it won't happen again?" She asked him seriously, referring to the episode that had just transpired.
"No, I'm pretty sure I'll get called 'despicable' again for days to come." Astarion attempted to avoid the question.
"I meant you fainting!" Tav insisted.
"I've... got a pretty good idea of what I need to do to stop it from happening again." Running away from this hellhole, and leaving you here none the wiser, so I don't get any more friendly reminders from your mother, Astarion thought to himself as he swallowed down a knot in his throat. He looked out the window and recognized the familiar hues of light. The day was coming and he wasn't going to be able to leave until it was over.
Astarion needed to get his affairs in order and rest. Staying simply wasn't an option.
Not to mention, he was practically starving.
His gaze began to linger extensively on Tav as she stared into the fireplace.
"You've been up all night, darling---" Astarion snapped out of his reverie and began to fret as he started closing all the window panes, making sure not a single ray of light would be able to break through. "Surely, surely it would be good for you to get some rest, no? In your room that is --- far, far away from me, I mean- I have tasks to do now. Servants are terribly, terribly busy people, you see---" He continued to ramble as he not so subtly nudged Tav out of his room, guiding her to the door. "I must get to my work-"
"But you are clearly unwell! You're the one who must rest, Astarion. You're even paler than usual-" Tav protested, turning into his arms to look up at him in defiance once more.
"May the gods help me -- no, actually let's leave them out of this -- must you stick your pretty little nose in everything I do? I can take care of myself and I'm not the helpless little critter you seem to think you've stumbled upon-" Astarion had intended on pushing Tav out of the room, but all he was doing in actuality was bringing her closer to his body.
"Well, you've certainly given me plenty of proof on that front haven't you?" Tav spat and twisted her hands in his worn-out shirt.
Just like that, they were back to arguing again, except this time it wasn't amusing for either of them.
"Proof? Is that what you want?" Astarion asked her, losing his last nerve to hunger and exhaustion.
The curtain fell, and Tav looked back into the face of a vampire.
A.N: hehe, oh how I like to tease you so. Okay real talk, this is now an ongoing fic. Truly, you guys have given me so much love, and I'm overwhelmed. I'm really enjoying writing this story and I thank you all for joining the ride. stay tuned for part 4!
This story is also on Ao3 btw, for the people who prefer reading it there.
tag list (if you want to be added to the tag list, just let me know!): @d0nutkaky0in @i-just-want-to-sleep-97 @omggiannarosa @dead-giirl-walking @warbwarts @mrsfullbuster500 @uwomina @iyaesakura @cheeslyy @dragon-kazansky @bambamwolf87 @chibi-chi @orsomethingelseentirely @davenswitcher @adequate-superstar @ophelias-flowerss @tragedybunny @yaimlight @the-golden-ouroboros @candyladycry @babygirlbrainrot @mariposakitten @blobs-away @biganddrunkunicorn @astarionmisc @the-garbage-central @raviolixxx
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yantalia545 · 5 months
Yandere Germany, Russia, and America with an innocent darling
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He’ll see you a lot like he does Italy; Airheaded, gullible, and most of all, weak. Someone who needs someone to guide them in the right direction. Someone who would be lost without him. 
You’ll be given extra training when with him in order to harden you for the troubles of the real world. Making sure to keep you close as he monitors your progress.
At meetings, Germany makes sure to keep an extra eye out for you. Italy mostly just eats and naps at these things so he should be fine for the most part. You on the other hand, how many times has he has to give France or his idiotic brother a warning death glare for trying to explain something sexual or inappropriate to you. You’re just too innocent to be hearing something so tainting. 
So when he sees you all dolled up and showing way too much skin for a girls night out, Germany goes into overdrive. 
On one hand, he’s furious. Who the hell do these whores think they are for influencing you in such a provocative way! You’re going to get hurt. Some creep is going to take advantage of you if he doesn’t stop this! One the other hand, Germany feels great disgust with himself for being aroused by your revealing appearance. He should be protecting you, not imagining you under him by just the sight of you in a skin tight mini skirt! 
Try all you want, but in no way in hell are you going out that night. Or any night with those girls for that matter. They’re not good friends anyways. They were a terrible influence on you.
After a long night of furious lecturing, he may avoid you for a few days. Germany needs time to sort out his feelings. As out of touch he is with those, that night stirred certain things in him that he either been ignoring or hid from himself. Does he really only want to protect you for the sake of you being too weak to fend for yourself, or....because of something else?
With this question in mind, Germany will do the only thing he can do, research. Only after countless days and nights of reading several books from cover to cover on this feeling does Germany realize what it is. He’s in love.
This is were your trouble take a dive for the worse. Germany isn’t much for romance and he will take your innocent personality to justify for what he does. 
He’ll tighten his reigns on you significantly. Especially after that incident with your friends. You can’t be trusted to make the right friends? You won’t be allowed to see anyone but him and the very few he trusts not to taint you further such as Italy and Japan. You let others decide your clothing? You’ll wear whatever he gives you that day. You’re life will quickly be overtaken by Germany. 
He still can’t help his own desires from taking the reins every once in a while though no matter how much he fights it. He’ll be a mess as he has an internal battle with himself until he finally gives in. Maybe if it’s just for him then it isn’t so bad, right? On those nights, neither of you will be getting much sleep. ❤️
Oh Germany, If only he’d realize he became the one thing that he devoted his life to protecting you from.
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Being an airhead about these things himself, he’ll be caught off guard when you unintentionally ask him a sexual question that he happens to actually know. What dives him over the moon is the doe like expression you had as you asked him such a provocative question. Did you seriously not have the slightest clue on what you were asking? This in turn will cause him to blush and lie about it. He doesn’t want you to think he’s a creep for knowing just what it was.
After that fateful day America will begin to  realize just how fragile you are. Fragile and innocent things must be protected from the harshness of the world. That’s a hero’s duty after all. At the next meeting, America will declare to be your hero and swears to protect you from all things sexual and tainting. This will quickly lead America to becoming very protective and just a bit possessive over you. He’s your hero. Only he can protect you from all things that want to hurt and deflower your innocence. 
The others may find America’s latest obsession on you to be rather pitiful for you but won’t do much to stop it. They may only stick to backhanded remarks on how his own culture is so provocative but nothing else.
America most certainly will be knocked down a peg and ashamed of his own current culture and media at this point. He can’t lie, that may be the reason why he knows all these things but is still a virgin. America becomes increasingly  afraid that even his own culture could taint you. Maybe somewhere in the mountainous woods could protect you? 
The very next day you wake up in a bed you’ve never seen before. It isn’t long before that does America burst through the door and tries to comfort you by explaining himself.
We’re somewhere where nothing or no one can hurt you. This is your home now and no you’re not going back to your country. He’ll take care of everything for you. He is your hero, after all. No matter the amount of comforting that morning, nothing will stop your tears. In America’s mind however, this doesn’t help your case of being strong enough to be independent. You don’t understand yet, but he just knows you’ll grow to love living here with him.
He’s made sure to make sure everything is this cabin was everything you need. Movies, snacks, video games, and even plenty of space outside for you to explore. Not that you won’t be allowed outside without him of course. What if something happens and your hero isn’t around to help you? Or god forbid, you get lost. These woods has no one around for miles so it’s quite possible.
I’d say that America has more of a platonic relationship with you in this situation than romantic. He wants to protect you, not taint you like the world has done to him. This is just the thing he has to do as your hero.
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Russia won’t believe it at for the longest time. This has to be an act. He’s seen it many times and won’t become a fool to your ways. There’s just no way anyone can be this naive and get this far in life. The world is too cruel for anyone to remain soft. He won’t fall for it. 
He will take to stalking you personally in order to catch you in an incriminating act against you character. It will take a very long time to convince him otherwise. It won’t be until after many months of stalking you and your social media is he finally convinced. And he's in love! Can there really be anyone this genuine and sweet in this world? Could you be this sweet to him? 
It wouldn’t be very long before coming to this realization that he would drape himself over your shoulders at a world meeting and invite you to your fate. It was so adorable how quickly you innocently accepted his offer. Maybe you saw the loneliness within him and were sent by angles to save him. 
Once you arrive, you won’t be permitted to leave. You’ll be forced to live in his big empty house with no one to keep you company but himself. It’ll be cruel how such a large house could feel so suffocating when you have the large man towering over you every step of the way. 
You won’t be permitted to interact with anyone, ever. You belong to Russia now. Your only purpose in life now is to entertain Russia as his innocent, little, wife. Russia just loves your reaction to everything. Like begging to leave with tears in your wide, doe-like eyes. It’s so adorable! He may even just put you into awkward situations just to see how you would react. Their never sexual though. He never wants to taint your innocent nature. That is part of the reason he took you in the fist place.
The world can is a cruel place. One the likes to snuff out innocence and step on the weak. Russia would be the one to shelter you from such cruelties. He’ll keep you here in order to preserve what little light he was bestowed in this world and he’ll protect it with his life. 
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navybrat817 · 1 year
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Could you imagine, Rockstar!Bucky for a once not under the influence of anything during a show, only fueled by heartbreak because his girl finally had enough after the biggest argument yet. And usually, they fight and make up but she's avoiding him and the other guys girls and maybe even left the tour 🥺😭 But I cant figure out what the fight would have been about to have Bucky up there, pouring his heart out and his band looking on and not knowing what to do. And the fans confused but also loving the vibe 🥺🥺🥺
Look at him! If this is our White Wolf and Luna, I could see a fight happening because of a pregnancy scare. If he were to go down that path, it would be with you. But now? He's scared. You're both having fun and not quite ready for that, especially with him at the height of his career and loving the life he has. He isn't ready to give that up. Out of that fear, maybe he says something he shouldn't have. He regrets it, but expects you to come back after you throw the nearest object against the wall and storm out of his trailer.
You don't.
He'll see you after his show, right?
Not only do you not show, he notices your bag and some of your stuff is gone.
"What the fuck?"
He asks everyone where you went. No one saw you leave. When he tries to text you, they go unanswered. So do his calls. You haven't blocked him, so that has to be a good sign, right?
But you won't answer Steve or Nat's calls either. Bucky figures maybe they're too close to him, so he goes to Alice and Sunshine. No way would you ignore them. They've become like sisters to you.
Except you aren't responding to them either.
Bucky tries not to panic, but something in him breaks when he realizes you didn't take his favorite jacket with you. Were you cold? Did you miss him? Did you hate him?
Instead of turning to a bottle or anything else, he retreats in a bit on himself. The band, all of them, they're your family. And you're his Luna. His everything. How the hell is he supposed to pretend everything is okay when all he wants is you there?
How does he say he's sorry?
He wants your rage. Your passion. Yell at him. Tell him you hate him. He can take it. But your silence? You not being there? He can't handle that.
It's Alice who sends you the video of him on stage with the caption, "I don't know where you are, but we're worried. Just let us know you're okay, please."
It's a song he wrote for you, but it's tinged with sadness that everyone feels. You see worry cross the faces of the other band members when he closes his eyes and pour his everything into the music. He opens his eyes at the end and looks to the sky. You know he's looking at the moon.
Looking for his Luna.
"Come home."
You finally respond back with, "I'll be okay. I always am."
And you will be. You love Bucky and that'll never change. Maybe you'll call him in the morning. Or maybe he'll remember that secret spot you told him about and he'll find you there.
Because who is the White Wolf without his Luna?
He doesn't want to find out.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE YOUR AU!!!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!! op, your ideas are fantastic, you're really creative and an awesome writer!! 💫🌟
The monkiefam dynamic is so fun to read about — and pretty sad in MK's case, the poor guy.
Hopefully it's not too dark of a question, but how brutal does MK get during the primal moon? If he gets too violent with reader, does Wukong or Mac try stopping him or would they just let the natural pecking order happen?
I feel so bad for him, he's is gonna have a hell of a time acknowleding all the stuff he did during the primal moon week :/
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me! I’m glad people like my silly little things! (UPDATED to add a few extra characters!)
Thankfully for Y/N, MK isn’t too brutal- I don’t think they’ll come out with anything worse than a sprained wrist or ankle. The trauma will persist far beyond their injuries, however. When the last green moon of the week fades, he’s positively distraught.
Lining his hand curiously up to a slap mark on Y/N’s cheek to check it, tears brimming in his eyes when it lines up too perfectly to be a coincidence.
I don’t know whether he heartbrokenly distances himself or tries to make up for it with extreme smothering. The poor kid just wanted to spend what was supposed to ���just another green moon” with one of his best friends.
And as for Macaque, though he’d really like to help Y/N… he just doesn’t have the ranking. MK is above him in the hierarchy, so he genuinely can’t do anything to upset or piss him off. This only that accomplishes is him getting smacked around right beside Y/N. All he can really do for them is apply herbal balm and bandages after the fact. If he hasn’t had a seal applied to his powers yet, Macaque might think about trying his shadow portals, but… it’s probably better not to risk having two angry monkeys on his tail, demanding to know where he’s hidden their beloved cub/rookie.
Sun Wukong is crazy delusional under the moon’s influence- to him, Y/N getting thrown and tosses all around is just “playfighting”, so he won’t interfere until after things get genuinely harmful. The moment he hears his little “cub” scream and start to cry, Old Sun is there in a second, bringing them into his arms and cooing softly. If they come to him begging for protection and use a “Bàba” to sweeten the deal, they’ll have his shelter for a number of hours, so it’s not impossible to get away from MK… just very hard.
And even after learning that something as severe as a broken wrist has occurred, Wukong coddles MK and forgives him on your behalf, writing the whole thing off as an accident. Not that you get any less smothering then him- you’re now stuck in bed with stiff bandages and surrounded by young mountain monkeys and sweet fruit. In a way, it saves you from any further rough play.
All three of them are dangerous in their own ways, of course. None are outright above “disciplining” you, with slaps or bites or shoves. There’s no (intentional) bone-shattering or flesh-tearing, but they make you afraid that there will be.
After the Primal Moon ends, there’s a lot of patching-up to do afterwards. For example…
Pigsy has to come down from the constant self-drugging, taking more than a few hours to compose himself and make the rounds with his friends, calling them all up in short order. Once he’s gotten through everyone- Tang, Sandy, Mei, even her parents… then he spends a few minutes making sure he hasn’t gored any holes into his restaurant. Unlocks the windows and doors, but doesn’t flip the open sign.
He’s not up to deal with customers right now. All he wants is to check on his kids.
He’ll take MK and you out to eat today, he thinks. You’ve both earned it, after a week of isolation up in your shared room, under strict instructions to stay inside and come down for no one and nothing.
Red Son is always horribly humiliated when everything is said and done, a groaning and red-faced mess of shame. Another week of essentially devolving into a child, desperate for love and attention. Another, slow, grudging week of constant begging for skinship and words of praise. Needless to say, he’s pissed off and looking for an outlet, and beating on the numerous Bull Clones just doesn’t seem all too enticing… when he’s got a much squishier target who’ll actually squirm and yelp?
Sure, he’s not going to outright mangle you. No permanent burns. No shattered spine. And he’ll take pity on you eventually and stop with the torment. After a few months, he might even start to like you.
Let’s hope you get there mostly unscathed.
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odditycircus-2002 · 11 months
Medusa!Reader and Shang in Mortal Kombat 1 Part 9
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Spoilers for Mortal Kombat 1 Story Mode: Proceed with Caution
As you expected, you started to gag the moment the door to Shang Tsung's True Laboratory opened. However, what you didn't expect is learning that Earthrealm's protector and God of Fire, Lord Liu Kang, was a Titan that created existence as you know it! As if that isn't enough, some other Titan named Kronika made it so you too were a mistress of the vilest magics and married to the vilest Sorcerer to match, Shang Tsung.
Yet, it got worse when I learned that in the previous timeline, you took control of Sindel's body and made her do the most despicable acts imaginable. You noticed how your Empress glanced towards you when Geras showed her this vision, shock just as apparent. You had no words.
Liu Kang then tells you and Sindel how she was now meant to be the Empress of Outworld who ruled firmly, but fairly. With you as her loyal friend and a compassionate Healer to all. The former Titan then explains how you were never meant to become monstrous, how it was outside influences that have affected this timeline so that Shang Tsung, Quan-chi, and Shao became the villains they were once more. Yet, thankfully, they weren't able to influence you to join them.
That's when burst into Shang Tsung's laboratory with some of his soldiers with Nitara and Rain at his sides. You crouch down into a fighting stance with your sickles out and ready to rip and tear; while internally cheering on Sindel as she angrily reprimands Shao. Your snakes hissing and writhing as they leaned toward the General's direction, eager to bite. You and the snakes let out a hiss when Shao pulls out an amulet that shined brightly with unholy power. You managed to duck out of the way when a beam of red shoots out from the amulet, sucking Mileena, Kitana, Tanya, and Geras into it. This broke the camel's back, causing a full-out melee to take place.
You and Li Mei immediately partnered to take on General Shao. Although the latter has certainly learned a few things from his last fight with you, such as keeping his eyes purposefully closed or using the reflection of his ax to fight you, specifically aiming for your neck with his ax. Honestly, you probably would've loosed your head multiple times if it weren't for Li Mei pushing and pulling you out of the way. Unfortunately, General Shao manages to slip away from both of you long enough to make an attempt to use the amulet on Sindel. That doesn't happen since Li Mei kicks the disgraced General in the head hard enough to send him to the ground, with you following up with a stab to his solar plexus. This causes Shao to drop the amulet right into Sindel's hand.
With the amulet secured, you follow Li Mei and everyone else out of the lab. Not surprisingly, you're soon pursued by more of Shao's loyal soldiers. After Lord Liu Kang held the initial group back with a blast of fire; you follow it up by ripping off your mask to turn the soldiers attempting to sidestep or go under the fire, into stone; with Sindel finishing them off by unleashing her banshee shriek into the stone ceiling, causing it to collapse on the soldiers.
More of Shao's soldiers, including his loyal second-in-command, Reiko, were waiting for all of you in the upper level. You again partner up with Li Mei, this time to take down Motaro. As Li Mei occupied him from the front, you were able to sneak behind the centaurian and jump on his back. This did not make Motaro happy at ALL, as he simultaneously attempted to throw you off him and stab you with his bladed tail. However, you've been doing this sort of thing for moons when handling rage-blind Tarkatans! You bite deeply into Motaro's neck, however with only enough venom to hopefully paralyze him, as you hope to save more of it for later. Although, even sluggish, Motaro still put up a fight until one well-placed kick from Li Mei knocked him out.
The fight isn't over yet as you then had to fight alongside Sindel to take down Rain after he knocked out Li Mei with a powerful burst of water meant for the Empress. The latter also shares your deep disappointment in the High Mage.
"He disappoints us both, my Empress... I still remember the eager young boy who often stayed in my workshop for hours with a hunger for knowledge."
You soon showed Rain that you haven't actually taught him EVERYTHING you know about water magic. Unlike most of your opponents thus far, you refrained from giving Rain a lethal taste of your venom or blades. You internally scold yourself for being so soft, even though you know it's true. This fact is reaffirmed when rather than fighting with Li Mei and Sindel against Shao, you instead quickly attended to the Umgadi priestess Shao cut down. You hastily grab the nearby medical supplies to save them, although only one of them was still alive since the other died instantly from having her skull split open. Your steady hands worked fast to clean the wound, stop the bleeding, disinfect, and finally wrap and patch up the deep cut. Before you then get to work for the other Umgadi and Constables. By the time Sindel finally took down Shao and removed his forces from the building, lord Liu Kang was able to free all those who were trapped in the amulet.
You gave a smile when Sindel embraced her two daughters, sharing the feeling of immense relief that they're unharmed. Although, as Lord Liu Kang would remind you all, there's no time to waste to save the realms. You agreed and gathered all of the medical supplies Shang Tsung had lying around before embarking with your Empress. her daughters, and the others.
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bitterie-sweetie · 2 years
Stay up
Pairing: Joshua x reader Genre: fluff WC: 2.5k A/N: happy joshie day nat @syuperseventeen ! i hope this fic is enough to fuel ur delusions for the next while <3
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He calls you his favourite person, yet you have no idea he's hosting a party until you get the invite in the mail. Joshua Hong confuses the hell out of you and perhaps now is the time to finally figure him out.
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Joshua Hong is someone you can never figure out.
On paper, he's perfect. He attends church every Sunday and goes as far as to volunteer at all the events, sometimes even at charities outside of it. At school he's popular and well-liked by everyone around him—a teacher's pet, a straight A student, involved with all the extra-curriculars under the sun. Your parents love to use him as the standard every time you do something less than perfect in their eyes.
Well, that's because they don't know what he's really like.
To you, Joshua Hong is someone who calls you his favourite person in the world as he gives you his best smile. He likes to confide in you with all the latest gossip, and then listens attentively whenever you vent to him about your day and takes the time to remember everything you say. That includes knowing your favourite fast-food order and how you got the tiny scar on your elbow when you were five.
But the same Joshua Hong is the one who never replies to your texts except once in a blue moon, doesn't make eye contact with you on campus, and often pulls silly pranks on you and laughs when you fall for them. And while talking to him may leave you feeling cared for and appreciated, you often end up realizing he's told you nothing about himself. Like this party he's hosting next week—you'd think that the two of you are close enough for him to tell you about it, but he still hasn't said anything.
It's like he only pops into your life whenever he feels like it, and usually that means at the strangest times of day.
Hence why you're sitting across from him in the local McDonald's at 3am.
"Did I wake you? You look too awake to have been asleep when I called."
"Yeah, you did. How rude, Joshua Hong." You shoot him a glare for emphasis even though he's right: you weren't asleep when he called. Perhaps you'd been staying up in the hopes that you'd be hearing from him, but that's something he doesn't need to know. You also leave out the part where you had to sneak out of your window which wasn't easy at all; it had to be done if you wanted to do anything fun while back at your childhood home for the winter break. "Also, my parents are going to kill me."
Joshua actually smiles. "Don't worry, they won't find out. Besides, they say I'm a good influence, so you'll be fine if you just tell them you were with me."
It may be the first time the two of you have done this, but it's nothing out of the ordinary. The week before finals, he'd thrown pebbles at your dorm window to get your attention, and you both proceeded to make snow angels all over the campus fields. To destress, he'd said. And the time before that, he turned your shopping trip into the most ridiculous costume contest by picking out outfits for each other to try on. He still insists he would've won if the two of you hadn't been forcibly removed from the store.
"Good influence my ass," you mutter under your breath. "So why are we here this time?"
"I skipped dinner and got hungry," he says with such a straight face that if it were anyone else, they would've believed him. But you're all too familiar with his humour and strange antics by now.
"You really will say anything and everything, huh?"
"Yes," Josh admits with a laugh, "but that's why you love me."
At times like this, you feel like there is more to your friendship than just what is on the surface. When the two of you are at this empty McDonald's and he looks at you like you're the only one in the world, or when he goes out of his way to pick you up at 3am and comes prepared with an extra jacket because he knew you'd be cold. Somehow each moment with him feels special, like an inside joke or a small secret that only the two of you know.
And even though you don't see him all that much, somehow these are the little things that make him feel like he's your close friend. No, your best friend. Or maybe simply... yours.
You throw a fry at his face and manage an 'I hate you' in an attempt to cover up how his words have caused your pulse to speed up. Do you love him? Probably, if the heat at your cheeks is any indication. That's something you're still trying to figure out, but deep down you suspect you've always known the answer to that and being with him only seems to prove it.
It irks you to hear it said out loud so casually though. You hate how he seems so unaffected when it throws it out there and how you can never tell what he truly means. You can never tell what any of this means. What does it mean to be sharing a pack of nuggets under the ugly florescent lights of McDonald's at this ungodly hour?
But then he says something funny, and those thoughts are left forgotten.
An hour later, he's pulling up to your driveway. The streets are still as dark as when you'd left, the roads still silent. By then the exhaustion has started to set in, and you only have half the mind to figure out how to sneak back in through your window.
Joshua turns off the engine and silence fills the space where the low rumble was before. You reach for the door handle and are about to say your goodbyes before leaving, but the continuing silence has you hesitating. This is somewhat unusual—normally when he drops you off, he leaves the engine running as he waits for you to get back to your house, but now, the stillness makes it seem like he doesn't want you to go just yet.
Your guess is confirmed a moment later when Joshua turns to you, and you can feel your stomach twisting with uncertainty.
"So, are you coming to the party?" he asks softly.
Right, the party. How could you forget when the invitation is still sitting on your desk, untouched? It should probably be something nice to receive, though the sight of it only reminds you of how little you really know about Josh. You're close enough to be here with him in the middle of the night and yet you had to find out about the party through an invitation, instead of from his own mouth.
"Do you want me to be there?" You try to mask the hint of venom lacing your voice. It still leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
If he hears it, he doesn't seem to react to it. "Why would you say that?"
"Well, I don't know. Maybe because I didn't even know you were planning to throw a party since you haven't exactly mentioned it to me. Ever. I only found out through that invitation."
"Ah." He looks away and is still for so long that you don't think he's going to answer at all. "Jeonghan sent it."
"So are you only telling me about it now because you found out that Jeonghan sent the invite? Did you want to invite me at all?"
If you were expecting an excuse, an apology or explanation of some sort, you don't get one. Josh glances at you and there's an unreadable expression on his face before he shakes his head. "You're right. I didn't want to invite you."
It's a direct punch to your gut. His answer echoes your mind, blocking out everything else beyond this moment and the way your heart is being crushed under the weight of his words. Is this it? Has he gotten sick of you? Or worse—has he somehow discovered that your stares linger a bit too long and your texts are a bit too frequent to hide any of your true feelings?
He nods. "It's only because it's not a great place to be. Don't ruin your holidays there, Y/N. I'd much rather do something else with you that day."
"You want to... hang out with me that day?" you repeat automatically, frozen like a deer in headlights. None of what he's saying makes any sense—he didn't want to invite you to his party and didn't want to tell you about it either, but he still wants to hang out with you?
You've already been having trouble discerning his intentions and have been trying to convince yourself that it's okay. That what the two of you have is enough and you don't particularly need to know where you stand with him. But having this whole party thing blow up in your face is feeling a lot like the last straw for you. Regardless of your feelings for him, the pushing and pulling, the distance, it's become all too confusing.
Joshua must notice the look on your face for he continues. "Like, maybe we could do something more normal for a change? I know you've been wanting to do that. We could watch that movie you wanted to see, or go to the Christmas market? Or—"
"Josh," you say softly, and he stops. You take a deep breath and try to get your thoughts together because this is something you have to ask him now or you'll never get the chance or the courage to again. "I don't really get it. You don't want me at your party but still want to hang out with me that day?"
He opens his mouth to respond but closes it again, looking away.
"I guess it's not just about the party. It's that you—you confuse me. On most days we're good friends, maybe best friends or maybe... something more than that. But other times, it's like we don't know each other at all. I feel like I don't know you. And I don't get it; you clearly care about me but what are your intentions? What are we?"
Your words are left hanging in the air. It suddenly feels suffocating to be in the car with him now that you've blurted out what's been on your mind, and it makes you wish that things were different. But now it's too late to take it back. It's too late to undo this moment.
After what feels like an eternity later, Joshua breaks the silence. He lets out an audible sigh and closes his eyes, slumping forward against the steering wheel like he'd rather be anywhere else. "I'm not good at this stuff, Y/N."
"It's okay, you can tell me." You try to make it sound truthful, maybe slightly nonchalant. It's not exactly a lie, but why does it feel like one? Maybe you'd rather not know. Maybe it's better if the two of you don't breach the subject. "Just let me know what you're thinking."
"You're the only good part of my life, Y/N. The only real part."
"But I don't deserve this. I thought that if I detached myself, if I worked hard, then things might be fine. But I feel like shit, and heck, I didn't even want to host this party."
"What do you mean?" you whisper, but he makes no sign of having heard you. Then a little louder, "What are you trying to say?"
"I was trying to be perfect, Y/N. All the things I've been doing—the volunteering, the church stuff, all those clubs. The side projects. I thought that if I did those things, they would make me perfect." Joshua runs a hand through his hair but still doesn't meet your eyes, opting to stare out into the darkness in front of him instead.
After hearing what he said, things start to make a bit more sense. He might be talking around the question at hand instead of answering it, but the answer does seem so close you can almost taste it. Maybe you should be able to put it together by now, but it's just slightly out of your grasp.
You have to ask him one last question. "Why are you trying so hard to be perfect?"
"Because I'm not good enough for you. I did all those things so that maybe they would somehow make up for everything else."
And there it is. He doesn't say any more than that, but already you know exactly what he means now. He's talking about the other side of him, the one that you see the most—his eccentricity, the unusual adventures the two of you often go on, his spontaneous ideas that might not always lead to trouble but seem to be somewhere on the spectrum of wrong anyway. Joshua Hong is trying to make up for his true self by creating the most pristine persona, one that no one can say anything bad about.
One that might be able to impress you.
"Is that what you've been thinking this whole time?" You want to reach for him, pull him in to reassure him that everything is fine, but settle for putting your hand over his own on the steering wheel. "Josh, you don't have to be perfect. It's enough to just be you."
Josh lifts his head. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. To me and everyone else who cares about you. Besides, perfect is boring."
"Well," he says slowly, "I thought you'd disapprove of all the crazy things we've been doing."
You stifle a laugh. "Trust me, I wouldn't have done all those things with you if I didn't want to."
"So... can we do something together on the day of the party?"
"Of course." You nod, giving him a smile. "We can do whatever you want to do."
"Good." He leans back in his seat, looking so visibly relieved compared to just a minute ago. The corner of his lips curves up just the slightest like it's a glimpse of the real smile he's trying to hold back, and you can't remember how you were uncertain about his intentions before when everything is this real.
Everything the two of you talk about in the next hour only proves that too. He tells you about himself, about his likes and dislikes and favourites, about all the things he's wanted to say but have been too afraid to. He talks about the other parts of his life, about hosting this party with Jeonghan but it's really a ploy to play matchmakers for all the people around them.
Before long, the first glimpse of sunrise is on the distance, and you realize the two of you have stayed up all night.
"Hey, Josh?" You turn back just before leaving. "Does this mean you're going to skip your own party?"
Joshua shrugs, and when he looks at you the smile turns mischievous. "Jeonghan's not going either. But I'm sure everyone will be just fine."
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Out of curiosity what is the situation with flametail and Shadowsight in tbc. Who supports Shadowsight and who opposes him
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Shadowsight is largely an outcast, being seen as weird due to his mannerisms. His weakness and disability can make him rather frail, so many of the kits avoided him for fear of getting in trouble by accidentally hurting him. While he did have some challenges, that didn't stop him from wanting to become a Medicine Cat. He wanted to help other cats like himself, and he was always supported by his father Tigerheart. He would be apprenticed to the very elderly Littlecloud, who knew an apprentice needed to be trained, and actually welcomed Shadowpaw under his wing - a stark contrast to Flametail's experience.
Flametail preys on Shadowsight's insecurities and struggles, and he's good at it. Because Flametail was Shadowsight once. He was the outcast who didn't have friends. He knows Littlecloud, and Tigerheart, and Dawnstar, and much of the clan. He knows Hollystar, Harestar, Willowshine. And he knows Lionblaze.
Flametail makes Shadowsight believe balance can be restored if the "Codebreakers" pay retribution. Shadowsight is given supreme intelligence and knowledge of all secrets around the forest, revealing them and punishing many all in his desire to do right by the oath he swore upon - to serve StarClan and his beloved clanmates.
He has great influence and control over Hollystar, who spirals into paranoia after the betrayal of her sister and former apprentice, Sparkfire. This even allows Shadowsight to get Jayfeather and Lionblaze banished from ThunderClan.
Dawnstar has her reservations and suspicions, but as Shadowsight is her kin and medicine cat, she listens. Even when she does express doubts, Tigerheart is there to defend his son. After all, she blames him for the death of her son, Juniperclaw.
Harestar is the most apprehensive. He's uneasy when asked to exile Crowfeather, but ultimately does so in order to stay in Hollystar's good graces. He's worried about her, and his clan for that matter. He wants stability more than anything, and if Shadowpaw can provide it, he will consider listening...
Mistystar is... incredibly old at this point. Pebblefoot is at her side constantly advising her. It is incredibly stressful trying to take care of your frail elderly grandmother, helping her lead a clan, and managing a crisis that is targeting some of his most beloved friends and clanmates. He's a gray cat growing gray.
The only cats able to combat Shadowsight's posession and Flametail's influence are Bristlefrost, who was touched by the stars when she fell into the icy depths of the Moon Pool, and Rootspring, who can channel raw spirits in their ghostly form...
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fantasyinvader · 6 months
I keep thinking about how people want the Agarthans to be victims. Not so much that people are saying they did nothing wrong, but a lesser evil compared to Rhea and the Nabateans. I'd ask myself why people would want such a thing, as even in the route where you side with them they're made out to be evil that will be exterminated, but I wouldn't have to think about why that as. The answer is simple, they validate Edelgard's killing of Rhea.
And, really, it fits with stuff I've seen since the game came out. The people claiming that despite Silver Snow and Verdant Wind being routes where big reveals to the lore are given to the player they, alongside Azure Moon, lie to the player and that Edelgard is the only one to tell them “the truth.” Or that said lore pops out of canon once the player decides to side with Edelgard. They want to ignore that the same route not only paints Edelgard as a liar often enough that a chapter titled “Lady of Deceit” begins and ends with her lying to her army, but also reveals that Edelgard herself knows that her source was an Agarthan puppet yet she is still clinging to that narrative. They'll claim it's all a matter of what the player believes to be true and tell people to disregard the game's creators saying that they built Fodlan to support the story of Silver Snow, and that while Flower is about believing something else, how that leads to not only mowing down everyone who stands in your way because of those beliefs but also ends up with tyranny and oppression under the path of supremacy.
Or we'll get people who ignore that Claude's route talks about how we need to let go of misconceptions we may have about others by getting to know them, and how Claude's misconceptions about the Church may have been caused by the Agarthans feeding him info to turn him against Rhea. No, instead Claude is a manipulative schemer who should have killed Rhea as his final boss after learning about her past and how his ancestors profited off the slaughter of her people, and that Golden Wildfire is who Claude really is and his good route.
Because people want to believe that Houses is this morally grey game, where everyone is a hero from their POV. But let's look at that. As mentioned, Claude's POV blaming the Church is ultimately framed as him having misconceptions, and once he got to know them he realized that Rhea didn't have to be his enemy in achieving his goals. Not only that, he realizes the Agarthans tried to manipulate him like he says they did to Edelgard, and ends up taking them out before finishing off Nemesis. Dimitri's POV is based on his survivor guilt and belief that he needs to live for the sake of avenging those who died. He grows out of this thanks to Byleth teaching him he needs to live for the sake of the living and for himself, all while taking the Agarthans out by complete accident while Edelgard's ideals are presented as demonic while Dimitri's beliefs make him a savior. Meanwhile, Edelgard's POV is based on what her father told her despite her knowing he was an Agarthan puppet. She can't be swayed her path as she tries to lie and manipulate those around her, and the world supports the route where Byleth leads the Black Eagles away from her influence (making it so that the Black Eagles are the only class who can get their story-related character development joining any other class). It's either that, or you ignore the world building to walk a path that is based around hadou, which has negative connotations especially when contrasted with oudou, which is what Dimitri's route is supposed to lead to.
You can ignore this growth if you play Hopes, but Hopes is supposed to show how much of an influence Byleth has on their class and is not supposed to replace that experience. Shez can't give Dimitri or Claude the character growth they would have gotten to see the problems with their POV, nor can they stop the Eagles from supporting Edelgard. Shez just seems to go with whatever the lord says, adapting to the route being played, and as such enables each lord's behavior. Not to mention that Shez is hinted to be from Agartha himself, and even then the Agarthan POV doesn't paint them in a positive light.
So, really, what are people saying when they want the Agarthans to be the sympathetic villains rather than the game wanting us to feel sorry for the Nabateans? That they feel the game not doing so is a flaw despite the Agarthans being so racist that they view everyone else as non-human animals and therefore it's okay to experiment on them? That we should support their genocide of the Nabateans because Edelgard said things used to be better despite the reveal that they're the ones who gave mankind Crests while making themselves out to be gods? We should still think that the Church are the bad guys when the Agarthans are the ones behind the experiments, Duscur, the death of Claude's uncle, and so much more? Or that Nemesis was a good king who was demonized by history rather than the power-hungry asshole he's depicted as, the only real misconceptiont here was that he ever was a hero in the first place rather than the tyrannical bandit he actually was.
In the end, it's just people not wanting to let go of their own misconceptions about Fodlan. They don't want to see Fodlan for how it really is. If anything, Houses can serve as a deconstruction of the idea of Death of the Author. It's a game with some very direct messages, but the routes where the player diverges away from those messages (Flower and the entirety of Three Hopes) it leads to bad endings because, at the end of the day, Fodlan was built around those messages. It was built about the need to see people for who they really are rather than who we think they are, as Edelgard being revealed not to be the heroine but rather the villain is the twist of the game who needs to be removed from power. Also that people supporting each other is a far better outcome than everyone being left to fend for themselves, especially when the people at the top use their power to benefit others. But it's up to people to do that themselves, to figure things out for themselves rather than fall into the trap.
Otherwise, we're left with people defending the likes of the Agarthans.
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all-about-kyu · 1 year
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Summary: Who would’ve known your roommate was getting off to the thought of you too? Pairing: San x fem!reader Tropes: non-idol au, roommate au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language, usage of weed Smut Warnings: mentions of solo masturbation, mentions of wet dreams, dry humping, sex under the influence, unprotected sex Word Count: 863 Note: for the Tarot Card Drabble Event Requested by: @sanjoongie​ Special Tags: @anyamaris​ @hwasrie​
The Moon ➾ surreal, you drive me crazy, wet dreams, substances
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You take a long draw from the blunt you’re sharing with your roommate, San. It’s become almost a weekly tradition to wind down at the end of the week, chatting about random things while getting high together. It just seems right in a way. You’re not doing anyone any harm sitting on your living room couch while mentally on another planet.
“You wanna know something really stupid?” San asks with a lazy smirk on his face.
“What?” you ask back.
“I have wet dreams about you all the time, and sometimes… actually… most times, I can’t help but get off to those dreams.”
“What did you just say?” Suddenly you feel very sobered up hearing his comment. You’re definitely still high, but his comment shocked you nonetheless. You must’ve made a face cause he chuckles at you before taking the blunt from your hold.
“Shocked?” he questions, “You can’t blame me, really. You aren’t subtle about what you’re doing in that bedroom of yours.” he pauses to take another draw from the blunt, “You sound so fucking pretty too, like, god damn.”
He places the weed down on the ashtray before placing his large veiny hand on your thigh. You hadn’t even realized you were rubbing your thighs together until he had squeezed it. His other hand falls to the front of his grey sweatpants, palming himself lightly.
“If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll go to my room. I might be high, but I’m not a dickhead.” he explains. “Please,” you practically moan.
“Come here, baby.”
You nearly trip over yourself, climbing into San’s lap. Instantly you find a rhythm grinding against him. His lips are on your throat, leaving small blossoms of purple and red anywhere he can. Neither of you needs much making out to get worked up, though. You’re both beyond horny. Weed seemingly has that effect on both of you. You’re soaking through your flimsy lounge shorts, creating a small wet patch on his sweatpants beneath you. You can feel how hard he is beneath you too.
“If we don’t move on right now, I’m going to cum in my pants like I’m a teenager again.”
You nod and kneel up to allow him some space to lower his sweatpants just enough to release his cock. Without thinking, you release a quiet whimper at the sight of him. He’s rather girthy, but not to the extent you’re worried about fitting him. He’s long, too, long enough that you’re sure he’ll be hitting places inside you that no previous partner has ever hit. He doesn’t even bother asking you to take your shorts off. He pushes the material to the side, running his thumb through your pooling arousal.
“Wanna try something while you ride me, pretty?” you nod in response, “Pass me the blunt again.”
You pass him the previously neglected cannabis. His tip brushes against your core as you lean back to grab it, making a broken whimper escape your lips. He takes the smoke from your hand with a smirk.
“Go on, start riding me.” he tells you, “Once you’ve got me all the way inside, I’ll tell you my plan.”
You can’t be bothered to take your time, despite knowing he’s longer than what you’re used to. You get about halfway there and grip his shoulder for support. He uses his free hand to rub soothing circles on your hip. He makes a noise to get your attention on him fully. Then he inhales a large breath of the weed before leaning in to kiss you. You’re not sure how well the smoke transfers between you but the fact that you’re sharing a weed-laced kiss only serves to make you even hornier. You’re so focused on the kiss you don’t even realize you managed to fully sit down on his cock.
“There we go. Well, I guess my plan is foiled. We’re gonna share this blunt while you ride me, you like the idea of that angel?”
“San, please, please, please.” you feel like you may cry if you don’t start riding him now.
“Best get started then, huh?”
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COPYRIGHT FLOWERBOYKUN 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet​
Tag List: @sanjoongie​ @jaehunnyy​ @ericssmile​
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purple-plum-petals · 2 years
Could you write platonic headcanons or a drabble for if Moon hurt child!reader while under the influence of the virus, and then reader comes returns to the daycare a few weeks later when he’s back to normal but they don’t really understand that he didn’t mean to hurt them and Moon has to earn their trust again? Just some good hurt/comfort :)
—⊱ Forgive Me, Little Star ⊰ || Moon with a Child!Reader Who He Hurt when Glitched  
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮       Character(s): Daycare Attendant, Moon (FNaF: Security Breach)        Reader Type: Human (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)        Warning(s): Nightmare of a Traumatic Event (Implied Attempted Murder)        Genre: Headcanons/Scenario, Angst (Hurt/Comfort), PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP ONLY        Word Count: ~800 words        Request: “Could you write platonic headcanons or a drabble for if Moon hurt child!reader while under the influence of the virus, and then reader comes returns to the daycare a few weeks later when he’s back to normal but they don’t really understand that he didn’t mean to hurt them and Moon has to earn their trust again? Just some good hurt/comfort :)”        Author’s Note: This is my first time writing anything with a Child!Reader, so I hope I didn’t butcher it too horribly! I’m a huge sucker for hurt/comfort as most of you probably know by now so, whenever it’s requested, I have this insatiable urge to write it. 😂 Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I do apologize that it isn’t longer, though;;
      → If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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     🌙: When Moon comes back to his senses after the virus that was plaguing his system seemingly disappeared overnight, he was overcome with guilt and anger – anger towards himself over the fact that he had hurt so many of the children he had been built to care for, and guilt knowing how many of said children were probably now fearful of him. It had taken a month or two for staff to make sure the Daycare and Naptime Attendants were fully-functioning and able to start working safely with the kids again.
     🌙: You were absolutely terrified when your guardian dropped you off at the Superstar Daycare (rightfully so). It was a place that had once brought you so much joy, but now it only filled you with fear. Moon knew you were scared of him, it was pretty obvious from the look in your eye as you grasped at the pantleg of your caregiver. You begged them not to leave you there, but they assured you with a smile that everything was okay before giving you a kiss goodbye and leaving you under the care of the Naptime Attendant. Moon did seem as though he had gone back to his normal self, but you weren’t convinced – it was going to take time for you to fully trust him again.
     🌙: It started off small with Moon giving you some of your favorite candies (even though you were supposed to be napping). You sat quietly on your nap mat, your favorite stuffie next to you while a blanket was pulled over your legs as you nibbled on the sweets, your wary gaze never once leaving Moon who had been sitting criss-cross across the room from where you laid. You had asked why he had done what he did, watching the way guilt washed across his face like a wave as he told you in a gentle voice, “I was… sick.”
     🌙: Moon didn’t go into detail about his sickness, but he did ask if he could come over and sing you a lullaby just like he had used to, waiting for permission to come and sit next to you as he had before the… incident. You thought for a moment, still wary of him, before nodding your head. You grabbed your blanket and pulled it up to your chin as you watched as Moon carefully came over to sit next to your form on the floor. He sang just like he used to, watching as the gentle tune playing from the box in his chest eased you into a slumber. He smiled and patted your head, telling your unconscious form softly, “I never wanted to hurt you, little star… I am sorry for that.”
     🌙: Your peaceful slumber didn’t last for long when the reoccurring nightmare that had plagued your mind for months made its sudden appearance again. You remember the moment so vividly, almost as if you were reliving the moment over and over in your mind. Moon had been standing over you, watching you with unrelenting and unusually violet pupils as you stirred from your sleep. You had woken up and asked him if you could grab a glass of water before going back to sleep, rubbing your eyes as you did so. Moon didn’t say anything, the grip on the pillow in his grasp tightening as his pupils dilated further… You didn’t have the chance to ask what was wrong before it was covering your face. You couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t scream – you couldn’t do anything before it all went black.
     🌙: Moon heard your scream while singing to another child and immediately rushed to see what was wrong. You were sitting up, holding your stuffed animal in your arms as you wept uncontrollably. He rushed over to comfort you, but his presence only seemed to make you more upset. He told you in a soft voice, promising you he would never ever do anything like that again, as he held his pinky out to you. You watched as Moon made no move to do anything, his baby-blue pupils bringing you a comfort you had almost forgotten. You rubbed the snot and tears from your face with your sleeve, asking him, “…Y-You promise?” He just smiled, telling you, “I promise,” before the promise was sealed with a pinky-swear.  
     🌙: It may take a while, but Moon will do whatever he can to earn back the trust he lost when he wasn’t in control of himself. Whether that be doing things to earn back your favor like letting you sneak candies before naptime (which he would have never done before) or letting you play a bit longer before putting you down for a nap, he is determined to try and fix things with you and any of the other children he had hurt. After a couple of months and a lot of pinky promises, everything seemed to have gone back to the way that they were before the glitch had messed with his system.
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disfrutalakia · 11 months
Yeah fuck it, werewolf Forever thoughts cause I'm going insane in my enclosure.
You guys know the drill. Under the cut in case I ramble <3
I have two version in mind of how he became a werewolf, and they actually influence how I think he would behave on the island so like hold my hand and see my visions cause I will talk about both.
First one is that he was born as an werewolf, it came from his father's lineage.
I do think he would be a bit angsty sometimes about his dad giving him the werewolf gene and then being kinda absent, like specially when he was a kid on a full moon and had nobody to teach him about being a werewolf, cause his mom isn't one.
Eventually he kinda just accepts, he doesn't like the fact that his dad is rarely around and just sometimes gets in contact with him, but at this point he just accepts it.
If he was in fact born as a werewolf, I think he would act very chill about it on the island. like "Yeah I'm a dog some time a month, who isn't right?"
Now, the more angsty version
Forever was turned into a werewolf as a teen, after he had already left his house to do big adventure things (have no clue of what things but they are things)
It was one day when he was at the mountain maybe, very late at night trying to gather food or wood.
The wolf jumped out at him and he did try to tame it with a bone, but it didn't react. He was bitten.
He actually didn't realize it was a werewolf bite until a month later
Yeah the bite marks won't go away but maybe it was just something about the way the wolf bit him, you know?
The realization only set in on a full moon, when everything started to burn and ache.
He woke up the next day with no memories of what happened during the night, and a dead deer by his feet.
Not sure how he would learn to control his transformations, like make them less painful. But he would
By the time he got to the island, he got used to the full moon already and always planned his whole month around it.
But still, he doesn't want to tell people about the being a werewolf thing
Like yeah, the island is full of hybrids and non humans, but that's different (in his head at least, my guy is deeply fucked up)
Only some people know about it, like Cellbit and Richas (I think he would tell Phil later on)
But the rest, only figure it out during the happy pills thing. When before passing out he turns into his wolf form, because of all the emotions that came crashing into him at once
That's all I have for now, yeah
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melbatron5000 · 4 months
A meta about a meta
This is just weird, but here I go anyway.
Once upon a time, I used to smoke a lot of pot. We were all teenagers once, right? Okay.
A friend at the time had joined the air force, and for reasons unknown (Teenagers, right?) had bought an eighth of weed before she was due to go in. She called me and said, "Man, we gotta smoke this weed before I leave! I'm coming over, I'm bringing snacks, and we have to smoke all of it. Call everyone. I'll be there in half an hour."
I called everyone. No one answered the phone. No one.
My friend arrived, and asked who was coming to help us smoke. Fucking no one, that was who.
My friend said, "You know what we gotta do."
I said, "What?"
My friend said, "It's you and me, man. We gotta do it by ourselves."
Well, shit.
So the two of us sat there and smoked down that entire baggie. It took a hot ass minute. Finally, I reached for the pipe to take a hit, and she said, "It's gone."
Once we got over the shock and pride of having smoked an entire eighth between the two of us, my friend said, "Well, now what should we do?"
Which was hilarious.
When we managed to quit laughing, I said, "I've always heard you should listen to Pink Floyd while you're stoned."
She said, "Do you have any Pink Floyd?"
I sure did. I love Pink Floyd. I put on Dark Side of the Moon, and we sat in complete silence while the whole album played.
When "Money" came on, both my and my friend's eyes bugged out of our heads.
"Dude, do you hear that?" I asked.
She just nodded, blood-shot eyes as wide as they could go.
The guitar solo of the song "Money" by Pink Floyd is a bar fight.
The guitars begin to posture, then argue, then push and shove and punch; someone comes in and tries to break the fight up and is unsuccessful. Then the solo winds down and in one lick they turn back into guitars.
As the end of the song came on, there's that bit where the people are talking. "Well, I certainly was in the right." "He was cruising for a bruising." "I don't really know if I was drunk at the time." My friend and I nearly screamed. It wasn't just us being stoned that made it sound like the guitars were having a bar fight, they actually were having a bar fight, and us being stoned just tuned us in to the subtext.
Go listen, seriously.
And now, I can hear that bar fight every time I hear the song. I've never heard anyone else talk about it, I've never heard it discussed, but my friend and I both heard it, and the people at the end of the song were there for the fight.
What's mah point? My point is, I may have gone back to my teenage years and watched season two of Good Omens under the influence of a substance or two in order to try to catch subtext that is harder to follow in a sober state of mind.
And it fucking well worked.
I just might do it again.
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Also really curious about how you see Ludwig!
Seems really like the perfect role model guy!
Perfect role model guy? Maybe xd
I haven’t thought much about his past, but I think that he is also a foreigner (as many other characters!), or rather his family is from other lands. He himself was born and raised in Yharnam, but his roots are southern.
Another doodle to show how exactly I see him (It's Laurence in the left and Edgar in the right, nevermind xD) :
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What can be said for sure is that he is very cute!
A "father" for his soldiers (hunters), an excellent fighter, a strongman. An exemplary family man - in my headcanon he is married, and perfectly copes with the role of a father and husband. However, what he couldn't do is to be the "head" of the family - I think he is very shy and timid in private and in more intimate settings!
He's also a great knight! Like, a true knight (I mean not a medieval robber and feudal lord, but a really exemplary servant, master of the sword and sir in shining armor. I swear I read a legend about a knight with a magical, talking sword, (no, not Excalibur xd) It reminds me a lot of Ludwig, though I've forgotten the legend ;_;)
He has a lot of virtues, but his flaws.....
Stone-faced. Which made it hard for Laurence to get along with him at first. Ludwig is very closed and takes deeds rather than words. Laurence couldn’t understand his loyalty and endeavor to serve for some time, but when he got it – he started to fear that Ludwig will abandon the Church after discovering it’s dark secrets.
Ludwig is quite infantile inside - he loves strategy and tactics, but mostly uses it in games for children! And actually the one who got him talking and also befriended was Gehrman, who offered him to play a board game. Gehrman and Ludwig are good friends in my opinion and drinking buddies xd I just like to imagine them drinking a huge mugs of beer while Laurence sips juice through a straw from an exquisite glass. Both friends were a bit silly and eventually acquired enough local jokes that pissed Laurence off LOL
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Ludwig had nightmares very often, and a restful sleep is a reward for him. Moon influence – thanks, Laurence.
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He is Edgar's idol also! He dreamed of being like the perfect knight (but didn’t succeed xd). And I really like the headcanon that Ludwig picked up little Edgar on the street in his last sane year and gave him to the Orphanage on which the Choir was based. In my headcanons Edgar is stuck being 20 years old in a Nightmare, so I guess that's probably a pretty realistic course of events...? How did he survive his stay at the Orphanage, where children were "used" to communicate with the Great Ones? I-don't-know! xd I just like to think that way, haven't tried to seriously consider it.
Ludwig conducted the massacre of Old Yharnam with true steadfastness. That's why people started call him "The Beast" - he never once showed compassion for people turning into beasts. The problem is that when he does something, he shows no doubt. All his doubts and worries were left in Laurence’s hands, and Vicar was in no hurry to clear his image in front of people or dissuade them.
The Moonlight, after the incident with Old Yharnam, had been the only source of meaning for him. The moon called, the moon comforted, the moon promised. Under its influence, Ludwig forgot everything that brought pain, just as he had forgotten his wife and son and daughter, who had died turning into beasts.
Ludwig had faith in Laurence. Ludwig also believed in healing blood. It had healed his wife, and he believed it was the future of Yharnam. Vicar asked him not to ask questions, promising to tell him one day WHAT the Church was doing, but he wasn’t able to fulfill a promise. Ludwig found out everything for himself later.
Djura admired him at first, but later joined those who called Ludwig "The Beast." He could understand everything, but he couldn't forgive him for following heartless orders.
Ludwig had been an inspiration to Damian(Me? Not to mention Damian? HAhahahaha) during his years of service as a Tomb Prosperctor. Although Damian considered this service "unholy" (the old belief that the dead should not be disturbed), Ludwig inspired him to keep going.
And! Also he was a good friend of Maria. She wasn’t as naive as Ludwig, because tried to discover secrets of Research Hall, but they both had sensitive hearts. He was a good man and she valued it during those hard times. Also how couldn’t Ludwig not appreciate Gehrman’s best apprentice? Young, talented, kind-hearted – Maria was another «knight». (I love so much female archetype of «knight». I have some examples from other games and OH MY GOD, AHksdhfksjhfiwhe General Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX plus Lady Maria is a duo of my heart…)
I used to call myself holyvicar shipper, but actually no… I like it, as much as other pairings, I can even feel it, especially if feelings are one-sided (Ludwig is in love), but Laurence really wants to feel the same, but simply can’t. Ludwig is too easy for him? I don’t know. Ludwig/Maria? Ludwig/Micolash (lol)??? I appreciate any fanart or fanfics but not really into these ships. So Ludwig is married in my world.
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