#once again heres ames ONLY writing diasomnia
chernabogs · 1 year
Growing Season
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Inc: Malleus x Reader (2nd person terms used for reader; can be taken as romantic, but nothing in stone :) ).
Warnings: None! Maybe a little bit of political drama, but I mean... that's being a Prince for you.
WC: 2k+
Summary: It's time to add new roses to his garden in Briar Valley, and he considers all of the things he'll write to you about in his next letter as he does so.
It’s a warm day in the Valley—unusually so. Malleus moves soundlessly through the gardens, a tray of small rose bushes in his hands as his gaze rakes over the patches of soil bare and open for new harvest. The sounds of insects buzzing, their gossamer wings caught in the rays of the sparse sunlight that trickles in, frequently diverts his gaze from his task. Those same sun rays cause the black clothing he wears to heat him up to a point that he feels sweat forming.
Black is inconvenient in the spring. He hears your voice vaguely in the back of his mind as he holds the tray, your silver-tongued rebuttal about how leather and latex are causing his illness when he complained of being too hot before. His fingers tighten around the tray, and he kneels, the scent of earth mixing with the myrrhic one of the trees nearby. He can tell the last frost has passed as his pale fingers sink into the soil and disturb it, upturning it like a grave for the seedlings he’s about to plant. Briar Valley’s frigid air left little time for the planting of roses—making today an especially important one.  
He's been writing you letters. Despite the distance between you both—he, in the Valley, and you, still on Sage’s Island—and the inhibition of Briar Valleys non-technological lifestyle, you two had managed to work things out. He told you he was going to plant these today many weeks ago. It was one of those sparse, passing comments you make to your loved ones without much thought. Then, your most recent letter had asked if he was planting them still. Somehow, throughout all the exchanges you’ve had since that comment, you remembered what he had said. 
When the hole is sufficiently deep, he carefully—surgically—removes one of the seedlings from the tray and sets it into the earth. He pushes the dirt back and pats it down, almost loving in his touch. 
One down, six to go.  
The letters you two exchange serve as something for him to look forward to. Because of the way Briar Valley’s postal service is, they only come once a week—sometimes only once every other—and yet they’re so detailed it’s like reading a small novel every time one arrives. He tries to match your level of excitement; you write of your classes and your friends; he writes of his duties and politics. You write of your eagerness for holidays, he bemoans how these holidays no longer exist for him. You ask if you can see him this summer, he tells you of a wonderful summer estate that the Draconia family possesses on the coast—one he has a key for.  
He kneels on the earth again and sets the tray aside. He would get some odd looks from his attendants when he returned with flushed cheeks and dirt on his hands, but he doesn’t let this bother him right now. He’s sequestered away in an idyllic world—one of sunlight, and flowers, and dragonflies with their gossamer wings—and he isn’t keen on letting the attendants break the illusion as he continues to think of you. His hands sink into the earth again and dig another fresh grave of flowers as he places the next seedling down.
Five more to go.  
The constant flow of mail is noticed by those around him, of course. Whereas Silver and Sebek who know you don’t care that you two talk (if anything, they’re glad their Prince has someone outside the Valley to speak to) the servants, the attendants, and those who keep the inner-mechanisms of the Palace running are curious—and curiosity has killed more than one cat in its lifetime. He wasn’t surprised when an inquiry came down from the Senate regarding an influx of letters from Night Raven College. They have no business asking, of course, but the Senate has authority and he, who is set to work with them for the rest of his life, has explanations he needs to give.  
His knees hit the earth again and he digs another hole. He’d have bruises tomorrow; gentle kisses from the soil, reminding him of the brief labor he embarked in. In another life he would have found himself toiling in the fields for a living rather than leisure. Harvest is a key part of Briar Valley life; many he knows work long hours in the sun. He plants another seedling, gives another life to the earth, and sighs.  
Four more to go.  
You’re something he wants to keep secret for now for one reason—forbidden. A Prince may have friends, but a Prince may not love freely. It’s a harsh reality a tutor had drilled into him when he had made an off-handed comment about wishing to marry the charming character from Briar Valley’s mythologies he had been reading. It was a comment that a child would make—and yet the tutor had acted like he committed a grave sin. It was one of the few times he cried before an adult. The tutor had been dismissed—no one touches the Prince—but the lesson long remains in Malleus’ mind. Whereas I love you holds weight to many already, to fall from his lips would be a commandment set in stone. He cannot just say it to anyone. 
It’s by the blue roses that he plants the next seedling. He wonders if you like blue as he sets it down gently into the soil. Or perhaps you like green? Maybe yellow? Maybe white? He looks up at the roses he had been planting for many springs so far, each a different yet vibrant color. He’ll find your favorite and enchant it so that he can send it to you with his next letter. That will brighten your day as you continue your studies at NRC. He remembers how stressful they were, after all. 
Three more to go. 
His Grandmother had asked him recently about his influx of letters as well. Queen Maleficia, despite what many people presume from their relationship at a glance, is quite caring for her last family member. Although she keeps a strict, professional front to all, Malleus has been privileged to see her softer, more compassionate side more than once—and always directed at him. He admits, he did ramble a bit about you. There was much to say, after all; you were his friend, his confidant, and the person who managed to brighten his week in your own unique way even an ocean apart. She had watched him talk, her green eyes shining with an emotion he couldn’t place as a smile played on her lips, before she had simply said that’s wonderful, dearest, and let him on his way. When she received a request from him to investigate old Briar Valley laws for review, she had not commented on it, nor questioned him on his reasoning—she had simply approved it and moved on. 
The sun is still rising in a slow, tedious climb in the sky, and Malleus is beginning to hear others waking up. Servants are speaking of the latest gossip in the kitchens—which, admittedly, he loves to listen in on—and a few guards are making their rounds through the gardens. Malleus crouches a bit lower to not be seen by them as he plants the next seedling. He’d rather not be roped into an uncomfortably polite conversation following the lines of ‘my Prince, why are you hiding in the bushes?’ any time soon. 
Two more to go.
He had considered sending you another letter when the Senate had requested a brief freeze in mail to the Palace. They wanted to readjust the way that it was sent in to enable a more thorough checking of contents before being delivered. Malleus isn’t stupid; he knew this was their method of nosing into his personal business under the guise of official legislature. He’d been moody about it for weeks until your most recent letter was finally approved to come in. The one he’s planning to send next will certainly be longer; along with the rose he’d selected, he’ll be happy to discuss this latest change with you as well, alongside the law reviews, and the planting of the seedlings. You’ll finally get the novel-length message he knows you deserve, and he dearly hopes the reviewers like reading it as well. 
Two more seedlings sit in his tray, He feels terrible separating them, setting only one in the hole, and taking the other away. They’d been planted and nurtured together for the laborious months he fussed over them in his greenhouse—and now, they’re a gardens width apart. A small, melancholic grimace plays on his lips. He’ll plant the last one directly across the plot; that way the two plants will still see each other every day. 
How funny, to treat plants like people, and to try to keep them together even when they cannot be.  
One more to go. 
There’s a passage written in a story he read once: The Fae and The Fallow. It’s a book that had been banned in the Valley until shortly after he was born due to the nature of its content. The tale follows a Fae Prince by the name of Ælfric, who lived long, long before the Draconia family did. Ælfric fell in love with a human, Auðr, and entered a forbidden affair with them; their love had been deep and true—enough to inspire a four-hundred page epic—and Ælfric had promised Auðr he’d find a way for them to be together. Unbeknownst to Ælfric, another Fae by the name of Goda saw the two lovers and—in jealousy over being denied Ælfric’s hand—poisoned Auðr when Ælfric had left on a hunt. 
The Prince had gone on an odyssey of sorts to save his lover’s life, even venturing into the Otherworld to find a way. There had been battles, and betrayal, and all the wonderful pieces that a child like Malleus loved to read. 
But he remembers hating the ending of The Fae and The Fallow.  
Ælfric, out of time and losing Au��r quickly, had begged an ancient spirit of the Otherworld to find a way for him and his love to be together. In return, the spirit had turned them into fallow deer; their lifespans were shortened, but Auðr was alive, and as the fallow deer, they were able to be together without judgment and fear. The story had claimed the fallow deer of the Valley were evidence of Ælfric and Auðr’s story; their love had, in a way, lasted forever. 
Malleus had burned his copy of the book after that. The entire thing incinerated, save for one page that he tore out and kept close. In this scene, Ælfric has just become lost after a battle with a great giant. He feels alone, torn from his friends and further from his lover than ever before. Malleus tore it out of the book because he, in some strange twist, felt like he could understand Ælfric in the moment. The passage simply said; 
I have been in the darkness without the light of your smile to guide me Without your beauty to inspire me, without your voice to unravel me Oh, my love, my life You are a forbidden Eden that I seek; One that I yearn for when without, and I mourn for when denied  My paradise, my fall  I will defy even the Gods to keep you by my side
He considered sending you a copy of the tale with his letter as well. You did say you liked reading but something about the story—about the passage he saved in his pocket which now reminded him always of you—felt too sacred, too personal to give away just yet. So, he tucks it away, with your letters signed ‘yours truly’ at the end, and he bides his time, bides on the Senate, bides on old laws that are now being considered in review. It takes three years for a rose bush to grow, but Malleus will wait a thousand if it means finally having you. 
Your story will not be Ælfric and Auðr—this, he swears. He will not let any Senate, any laws, or any intent poison you as Auðr had been. 
He sets the last seedling in the hole and sighs, patting it down before looking up and around at the garden once more. The morning sunlight is golden, the heat now more bearable, and the flowers sway gently in a spring breeze. It’s beautiful, it’s promising, and hidden within a paradise of his own, the Fae Prince wears a soft smile.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
Soap Operatic Symphony (A Fyuuture Kid AU ft. Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia)
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While camping in the mountains during Camp Vargas, you encounter a monster exactly like the one you fought off with Ace and Deuce at the beginning of the year. While trying to fight it off again, a strange portal opens up in the mine and a person jumps out of it to your rescue. He says he doesn't remember much, but it's clear when you bring him to Crowley that this boy is also from your world, despite being a mage, and until the headmage can think of a better solution, he assigns "Yutu" to your dorm.
Something a certain someone has an opinion about.
notes: yeah I have nothing to say for myself, I have other stuff I am supposed to be writing but this wrote itself ok? ok. Anyway this is a future kid au where your son has come back in time to try and prevent the end of the world but mostly to make sure you don't die. You can see this ask for a detailed explanation of what's up with Yuu and my masterlist for other fic. Oh and the other dorms can be found here.
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In general, Jamil is going to be torn between being deeply suspicious of the entire situation and feeling like it's none of his business while Kalim is excited to meet a potential new friend.  How they act on those feelings changes depending on who Yutu is trying to interact with.
Kalim- anyone trying to get close to Kalim has to be watched obsessively by Jamil, and Yutu is no exception.  If anything the surveillance is worse due to the strange way he showed up, and Kalim doesn't like it but he understands.  For Yutu's part he seems really receptive to Kalim's efforts to befriend him, which is the furthest Kalim is going to think about it for a while, but he also notices the strange nostalgia and grief Yutu seems to feel when interacting with you and he really wants to help.  He's sure if Yutu would just talk about it, he could give him some good advice.  They get along really well!  But Yutu seems really reluctant to give out personal information… which Jamil really doesn't like. Kalim's sure he doesn't mean anything by it because of how apologetic he is! But he does sort of wonder if he's done something to make Yutu not feel safe around him... it makes him sort of sad.
Jamil- Once he got a look at that portal, Jamil realized that he didn't actually know what it looked like when you arrived at NRC.  He certainly remembers the mess Grim made, but not much about you beyond how confused you looked.  He'll have to ask about it sometime but for now, he's got questions.  Number one: who the fuck is this guy really?  His name isn't Yutu, he sure as shit isn't from your world, otherwise he couldn't be a mage, and his attitude towards you is just suspicious.  He has got to want something, and Jamil is torn between protectiveness of you and his adamant refusal to give himself anymore work.  It doesn't help that Yutu seems very apologetic to him specifically, he swears the kid seems to be apologizing for his entire existence.  It's weird, and he tells him to knock it off because it's not like he's his dad.  For some reason that just makes it worse.
Vil- Epel is the one to tell him about the monster attack, the portal, and the strange protectiveness Yutu has towards Yuu.  That last thing doesn't bother him as much as you might expect, as soon as he learns that you're from the same world he thinks it's perfectly natural.  Admirable even.  The fake name and desire for privacy doesn't bother him either, as an actor both things seem normal to him.  What worries him is the idea that something very wrong is happening in the background that he doesn't know about, which he makes very clear to Yutu after sending Rook to distract you.  Yutu seems hesitant to trust him, and only offers vague warnings about making sure Yuu stays safe and keeping an eye on Grim.  Well now, they can both agree on that, and wouldn't it be easier if Yutu cooperated with him?  He's not going to take no for an answer.
Rook- Oh?  Ramshackle Dorm has a new member?  What a charming surprise!  He's sure this will lead to many new beautiful experiences.  And he's right!  Yutu is very beautiful, but there's something oddly familiar and yet… wrong about him.  Like he doesn't quite belong here, and not in the same way that you don't belong here.  He looks haunted, his interactions with you scream that he possesses (or to be more accurate used to possess) a relationship that can only have been built over several years.  But you clearly don't remember him, and there's a painful aura of grief in his interactions with you.  He also notices, with a great deal of joy, that the same grief is present when the little one speaks to him.  Just what could that mean? The hunter is in no rush, he'll find out what that means in time, for now he'll keep dropping in unannounced to test Yutu's reflexes. 
Side note: I don't speak French so I don't know if this would be the correct way to say it, but I like the idea of Rook's nickname for Yutu being Monsieur Caneton (Monsieur Duckling), because of how he follows Yuu around. Floyd's nickname I reserve the right to change depending on who Yutu's father is.
Epel- He starts off a hater, I am not going to lie.  Protecting you is something Epel takes a great deal of pride in; he wants to be seen as manly, as the protector, as someone who you think of as cool and trusts to provide for you.  So for a giant portal to open in the sky and drop a new guy determined to protect you from the monsters?  He hates it, he really does, and that's BEFORE Yutu starts living in Ramshackle Dorm.  He's determined to ignore him and not let him into the friend group, which proves impossible because of how Yutu follows you around so fine.  He can sit with you but ONLY IF he accepts that Epel was there first.  Something he's really surprised to see him do?  He should be more suspicious of why Yutu is constantly asking him for advice or acting like he's cool for being so possessive over you but well.  It's Epel he really wants to be seen as cool so he's just not going to think about it.
Ortho- Ortho wasn't there to see the portal so he can't analyze it, but he can analyze Yutu!  And he immediately finds the Shroud family curse.  How curious, is this something he should tell his brother immediately?  Or should he skip the line and talk to their parents… decisions decisions but he doesn't have to wait for too long for an explanation.  Yutu explains himself pretty quickly when called out and Ortho is beyond excited to learn he's an uncle.  Less excited to learn about the impending apocalypse but he's sure they can fix it if they work together.  Now to double his efforts to get you and Idia together…
Idia- a second person has been isekaid to the NRC oh no.  Whatever will he do?  Well he intended to do nothing but Ortho isn't letting him.  For some reason he seems really determined to get him to hang out with you, almost like he knows about his crush he's been so good at hiding.  He can't complain too much, talking with you is weirdly soothing and much easier than he'd anticipated.  And Yutu's there too he guesses.  Sometimes they parallel play while Idia hangs out with you and that's nice.  It's sort of weird how in tune Yutu is with him though, sometimes he swears they could be related. A thought that Ortho is weirdly determined to encourage, and refuses to explain why... maybe he should be more worried about what anime little bro has been watching recently.
Right so dragon biology is weird and our knowledge of half fae is very limited.  From how Sebek looks and how Malleus’s birth is discussed, I assume the eggs produced by love is exclusive to dragon fae and other species just get babies in the normal way.  All of that to say:
Malleus- Yutu is an oddity from the jump.  He looks very young, but insists he's around the same age as Yuu, and Malleus swears he feels his own magic is a part of him.  It's like a precious stone has grown some legs and started walking around and talking back to him.  He's a little bit in love, not the same way he's in love with Yuu, but much like a parent would think of a child… perhaps if they get closer he can offer him the night's blessing.  He does seem to be lacking it and that just won't do, something inside him says that needs to be fixed immediately.  Lilia questions him on whether or not he's jealous of how close the little one is to Yuu, which surprises him greatly.  Why would he be- well.  He does wish he could spend more time with Yuu but that sort of envy applies to everyone, not just Yutu.  And none of those guys are so unafraid of him to have made him a friendship bracelet so there. 
Lilia- a mage?  From Yuu's world?  How exciting!  He's very pleased to see how well he gets along with his boys and takes Sebek’s shouting in stride.  It's inspirational how quick he picks up on how gullible Sebek is and immediately starts telling-  well Lilia supposes he doesn't know they're outright lies but the scolding he gets from Yuu certainly suggests they are.  It's all very cute, and something he really wishes he could be a part of, but he knows his time is limited.  He'll just have to treasure these experiences while he's allowed them, something Yutu is very willing to help him do!  What a good kid, he'll have to tell him how proud his parents must be of him.
Silver- A portal, a monster, and a new mysterious person… it's concerning.  Something dangerous has got to be happening with how worried over you this new person is, his name is Yutu?  Weird but then his name is Silver so who is he to judge.  Anyway he introduces himself to Yutu and he asks why he came through the portal and… isn't really satisfied with his answers.  He doesn't think Yutu is a threat, not to Malleus anyway, but there's just something off about this whole thing and it's his task as a knight to make sure the people he loves are safe.  What's that?  Well of course you are one of those people.  You're very important and- why is Yutu looking at him like that.  He's telling the truth, what does he mean that makes it worse? Is it his face?
Sebek- Oh look another perfectly average human who is ok.  He guesses.  Not that he's thought extensively about you personally, only as a precaution to make sure you aren't disrespecting Lord Malleus, you get that right?  Him cornering Yutu with a strained look on his face and shouting at him about how to properly respect Lord Malleus is something he would do to anybody.  It has nothing to do with him assuming that if this person respects Lord Malleus they will be safe for "that human" to be around.  Unfortunately, Yutu is not just anybody and immediately starts yelling back accusing him of disrespecting you.  It's like there's two of them now, just with different biases, rip everyone's eardrums.
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kingconia · 1 year
Sebek Zigvolt.
— He is so confused. Malleus is bad at technics, too, but at least he knows what the fuck phone is;
— Sebek genuinely tries to teach you how to use the phone, but you are refusing to use it, and saying that you prefer writing letters for him;
— Okay, he finds it cute now, because your letters find him in an expected moments, as a big surprise, and he starts waiting for them on the daily basis;
— But he will not write you back. Sorry, it would take too much time, and he is a busy man. But! He keeps all of your letters, and marks down topics from them that he will discuss with you in personal meeting. He is attentive, of course.
”Ha,” Jack smirks, leaning closer to Sebek. ”Are you reading love letters again? You are so red, it is embarrassing.”
Sebek is, indeed, flushed. He always is, when he opens your envelopes—you tuck in it his favourite flowers, and write such a beautiful things, that he can't help but feel embarrassed.
’My dear Sebek,
I hope this letters finds you well, and with your undying energy that lightens my day refilled by simple meal, or, perhaps, even a nap. And, please, accept those hyacinths. They are for you, and only. I hope you like them as much as I like you.
Today, I only wished to tell you the story of my...’
”Shut it...” He murmur to his classmate, pressing letter to his chest shyly.
The flowers you sent him would be in his hair for the rest of the day.
And no one would dare comment on that.
Lilia Vanrouge.
— Well, Lilia is more modern despite his age, so he is a little bit surprised by your strange habits. Just as Sebek, asks you if he needs to teach you how use your phone, but when you refuse, he gets over it easily;
— Your letters offer him the strangest nostalgia of the past, and he can't say if likes them, or if they are bringing up not his most pleasant memories;
— Lilia, I think, would rarely write you back. Yet, he appreciates how much you think of him. He, too, would rather send you an invitation for the little lunch date;
— Lilia doesn't keep all of your letters, but the most important ones are always tucked in his room, in the very safe place.
”Ah,” Lilia blinks, surprised as he notices only now, that there is letter in the pocket of his coat. ”How do you...”
He sighs.
The main mystery, of course, is how you continue to sneak on him, leaving all these letters without Lilia, actually noticing it? He has an extra hearing and sight not for nothing! What is the secret?
”Oh, dear Y/n. Here you are.”
’My ethereal snowdrop,
how had you been? Tell me, if there is something bothering you? Your students, your son, headmaster Crowley? I hope it is not, but if anything touches your peace—tell me. I will try to take care of it in the best traditions.
But until now, I am here only to speak of my own troubles as I hope you want to listen... This morning, though, started uneventfully...’
Lilia stops in the middle of the corridor, and starts reading it with the greatest attention immediately.
He already plans to find you right after finishing reading that, and comfort you in his arms after the bad day you clearly had.
Silver Vanrouge.
— He is flattered by the fact that you decide to spend your time on writing to him all these letters, and he doesn't ask you to use phone: he accepts this strangeness easily;
— Whenever he has a short nap, he wakes up with a new letter on his lap, and it is the best part of his day, to be quite honest. He also kinda puts all of your letters on the walls of his room...
— Once he decides that he wants to return your sentiment as well, and so, he asks Lilia to teach him how to write letters in his very aloof manner as you do;
— He writes not so often, but he tries really hard to do that everyday. And eventually his slightly awkward attempts became better and better.
'Good evening, dear and well-respected Y/n!
I genuinely apologise for writing so late this time. If it wasn't for Sebek annoying trying to teach me how to take better care of Malleus, I would finish my duties quicker.
I think, there is nothing interesting for me to tell you about. My days are all the same and your letters the only thing that makes them slightly happier. I doubt you will find it that entertaining.
So, please, tell me about yours, instead.
With love, Silver.’
Malleus Draconia.
— Finally! Finally someone as old and inexperienced in technics as him!
— Jokes aside, but Malleus is really grateful for having another old soul around. He instantly agrees on constant letters exchange with you, and he also considers it to be courting;
— You write each other so often and so much, pouring your souls in these letters, obsessively opening up each other about everything and everyone, that others are almost worried;
— Just let these poor victorian kids to flirt in their own way!
’...My agonising salvation, Y/n,
your letter arrived just now, and reading your poems, made my heart flatter with so much easiness as if it was the butterfly wings, clapping against the air. I had never dreamed of the day, when I would be blessed by such a treatment, and yet...’
’Oh, the malady to all of my sufferings, Malleus,
though I sent you a letter in a while, as I am still waiting for yours to return to me, I can't help but send another one, just right after, since my soul cannot bear this happiness all alone...’
”All of these... Sounds unhealthy,” Sebek mutters, confused, as the three of them stare at the desk of Malleus that is now filled completely by many letters; some of them are yours, and others are drafts of his, rewritten and scrapped down. ”Should we do something?”
”Come on,” Silver groans. ”They are just in love.”
”How can you he so easygoing when it is Malleus-sama that—”
”I think,” Lilia interrupts another possible argument between these two, ”we should just leave them alone. They are happy as they are.”
And with that, they close the doors behind them slowly.
They shouldn't had seen these letters anyway...
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local-ground-apple · 1 year
Jello hello could I request meeting Jade and Silver (separate) for the first time?
Sure ! I had so much fun writing this i am once again bullying sebek
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You had one job.
Yet you failed splendidly and gracefully. Oh, and with a loud crash as well.
You got assigned with Sebek to do your history project. None of you two was thrilled about the mere prospect of working together. You both expressed your disgust and lack of will to cooperate to your professor, who only ignored your loud and intense pleads, leaving you two to deal with the situation.
After a long (and loud) rant from Sebek why he absolutely hated to be paired with a weak and magicless human and equally loud and annoyed speech from you; you both decided to suck it up, do the project as fast as possible and then never speak to each other ever again.
That agreement worked perfectly well for you. You were never fond of Sebek, mostly because he seemed to be always reminding you about your mortal form and lack of basic, magic knowledge. Oh, and he was constantly screaming, which only triggered you. So naturally you responded with even more aggressive yelling to establish dominance.
You two were supposed to meet up somewhere in Diasomnia dorm. Sebek had explained to you the route at least like 10 times, yet frankly, you felt quite lost the moment you stepped inside the enormous castle. It was quite dreary and dim. You couldn’t quite make out your surroundings, yet alone figure out in which part of the castle you were exactly.
You were lost and annoyed.
On top of this, you were carrying a bag filled with various books that could be needed for the research and they were extremely heavy. Not only you were stranded somewhere in the dark castle that seemed quite scary to you, but you also had the additional weight. You sighed heavily, cursing Sebek in your mind.
,,That annoying, loud, green, insolent, bloody lizard”
You muttered under your nose, as you dragged yourself and your bag through another, never-ending stairs. Of course, he couldn’t pick you up after classes and walk with you to the common room of Diasomnia. No, he had to force you to find your way through it.
You swore mentally to yell at him the moment you finally find him. You planned quite long and elaborate rant filled with various arguments why it was such a douchebag move to leave you alone to find your way through the castle.
You took yet another step, silently praying that this staircase ends soon, as you were too tired and too exhausted to deal with this. Your prayers didn’t seem to be listened to. No, instead you were about to get a heart attack of the century.
,,Oya, Little One, what are you doing in this part of the castle ?”
A slightly confused, yet cheerful voice sounded right behind you, as you felt a warm breath tickling your skin, making every single hair on your skin stand from the sheer surprise. You let out a startled yelp, as you dropped the bag from your hands, spinning on your heel to see the person behind you. As you were greeted with Lilia Vanrouge hanging upside down, dangerously close to you, your heavy bag fell down the stairs with a loud crash.
You facepalmed, as you sighed heavily.
,,Well, maybe now this idiot will find me”
You muttered quite annoyed, as you eyed the scattered book at the end of the staircase. Great, now you would have to walk down once again to get them. You were positive that you were going to fight Sebek today out of pure annoyance with that god forsaken knight.
Lilia titled his head, looking at you in amusement, as he finally appeared right by your side. His eyes rested on your figure, as he was carefully observing you. He was more than aware that you were supposed to visit Diasomnia dorm today; after all he had granted Sebek’s request to let you stay here for few hours. He certainly didn’t expect that his fellow student would leave you on your own to find the way.
,,My, my, what a mess. I suppose I will have to talk with Sebek, however first we need t-“
Lilia’s words were cut by another voice that seemed a tad bit sleepy. Almost as if that person was abruptly woken up from a deep sleep.
,,Did something happened ? Oh, old man…”
You squinted your eyes, as you tried to make out the figure standing at the bottom of the staircase. Frankly, you were quite dazzled, as you held your breath for a moment. The man standing before you was simply stunning. His slightly disheveled, silver hair seemed to sparkle in the dim light of candle lights; as silky strands gently adorned his pale face. He was slightly rubbing his eyes, trying to wake himself up, as he tried not to yawn. Your eyes rested on his muscled arms, as he bend down to start picking up the books scattered.
,,Oh, Silver”
Lilia’s cheerful tone of voice brought you back to reality. You violently shook your head, stopping yourself from daydreaming about Silver, as you rushed down the stairs to help him pick up the books. You opened your mouth to attempt to convince him that he didn’t need to help you and that you could clean up after yourself, yet he stopped you, his words once again knocking out your breath.
,,Oh, and who are you ?”
He asked softly, as a smile lips graced his lips. Before you had a chance to respond, Lilia cut in. He was currently leaning casually against handrail, as he watched you two clearly amused.
,,It’s Y/n, Sebek’s friend”
That’s it. You had enough. At the mere mention of your classmate’s name and the word “friend” in the same sentence, you felt your blood boil. You clenched your fists, as a scowl appeared on your face.
,,I’m definitely not Sebek’s friend”
You stated firmly, rolling your eyes. Lilia only laughed in response, totally dismissing you. You could feel Silver’s curious gaze on your form. Quite bizarre, he had never heard his old man refer to someone as Sebek’s friend. He was positive his fellow colleague wasn’t able to form any relationship with anyone, given his difficult personality and loud demeanor. It seemed that you weren’t the exception.
As you and Lilia started bickering, Silver pondered for a brief moment. Y/n, Y/n, Y/n…Your name seemed familiar. He was sure he had never seen you before, apart from brief glance during your unexpected arrival when you managed to shock everyone. Perhaps he was too sleepy to properly remember your face.
And then he connected the dots, as he finally remembered one thing.
Recently, Sebek had been nagging a lot more than normally, making sure to rant about certain someone to Silver. Obviously, it was you who were doomed to do a group project with Sebek. Silver felt bad for you, you seemed like a nice person who didn’t deserve to put up with his colleague.
,,Oh, Silver ! Would you be a dear and guide our lovely Little One to common room. Sebek must be waiting for them”
Silver only nodded in response, as he took the bag filled with books, despite your vivid protests to carry it for you.
,,Of course, here, follow me”
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You’ve always stayed neutral and avoided every mess that Yuu with his friends ended up creating. You didn’t interfere in Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw drama, not even bothering to help prefect of Ramshackle dorm to stop the overblots.
You preferred not taking part in anything that could potentially be dangerous, avoiding anyone who seemed shady or strange (which basically meant like most of the students).
However, Yuu bargaining away Ramshackle dorm where you also stayed was the last straw that made you snap.
You clenched your fists, sighing heavily in frustration, when you were literally kicked out of your room. You didn’t even bother listening to Yuu’s explanations.
You were surrounded by idiots. That you knew earlier, however you never expected your prefect to lack so many braincells.
By idiots who weren’t even capable of handling such “simple issue”, as you had phrased it. In your eyes, the whole situation was quite easy to resolve and you weren’t listening to Yuu who declared that you were going on a war with something way more serious than you had anticipated.
,,I need to talk with Azul. Now.”
Your voice was firm and determined. Jade raised an eyebrow, as his lips cracked a smile in amusement. He certainly didn’t expect to see you here out of all people. Even Azul didn’t include you in his plans and equations, expecting you to ignore whole situation and lay low.
Oh, how wrong was he.
,,Ohh, is this angelfish?”
You furrowed your eyebrows and rolled your eyes hearing Floyd’s nickname. Frankly, you didn’t have the time nor mental energy to deal with his bullshit right now. You impatiently tapped your foot on the floor, as you crossed your arms on your chest, trying to appear more irritated and intimidating than you were in reality.
You earned only an amused chuckle from Jade, who was enjoying the situation a tad bit too much. He had never expected aloof and quiet student of Ramshackle to personally waltz to Mostro Lounge and demand an appointment with Azul without scheduling it earlier.
,,I need to talk with Azul”
You repeated. This time, Jade could sense tiredness, frustration and a bit of urgency mixed together in your tone of voice. You were quite tired, he supposed judging by your slightly disheveled hair, wrinkled uniform and dark bags under your eyes.
It was quite understandable.
After all, you were just an ordinary human who had no magical knowledge prior to attending this school. It wasonly natural that you would be trying your hardest to understand material and keep up with your classes, which would explain your visible lack of sleep.
However, Jade wasn’t letting his guard just yet.
Something seemed off about you.
Perhaps it was a mischievous glint in your eyes, barely visible to anyone else apart from him. Jade only noticed it, because he could spot the same spark staring right back at him in the reflexion of his mirror.
You may have been just a mere mortal who could be easily overpowered by Floyd, however Jade wasn’t planning to underestimate you just yet.
,,I’m afraid Azul isn’t able to see you right now”
You huffed in annoyance. Of course, he wouldn’t be able. Jade’s polite smile only seemed to widen at your discomfort.
Thankfully, you came prepared.
You glanced back, slightly tilting your head to your right, before your eyes were again focused on Jade’s figure. He raised one of his eyebrows slightly, asking you a silent question, yet you only smiled at him in response.
Something definitely was off about you.
Jade was positively right.
A mere second later he had heard a loud crash resonating through the whole Mostro Lounge accompanied by few other, concerningly loud sounds of something falling to the ground, disrupting the peace. The way your eyes slightly flashed with a glint of determination were enough to tell Jade that you were the one behind them.
He briefly glanced at his twin brother who was more than eager to go check out the situation and deal with any eventual intruders. Normally they would rush there without any hesitation. However, this time Jade stopped himself for a brief second.
He had never considered you to be a formidable foe. In his eyes, you could never pose a real threat to him or his brother. They would easily take you down in a fight, given their superior strength and abilities.
Yet his instinct told him that he shouldn’t underestimate sleep-deprived, stressed and desperate student from different world. Especially since they never observed you to estimate your abilities.
You seemed like a wild card to him.
,,Floyd, would you care to check out that noise?”
Jade asked politely, nodding his head in the direction of his brother who was more than eager to do what he was asked to. After all, he had sensed another opportunity to squeeze some poor, unfortunate souls and he was than happy to oblige.
Jade’s eyes never left your figure. You didn’t move in the slightest. You stood your ground confidently with a soft smile gracing your lips, as you crossed your arms over your chest. He returned your smile, quite proud of himself.
Your desperate, yet foolish attempt to distract him and slip past him to Azul’s office failed splendidly. Jade sensed that perhaps if they played their cards right, there was a chance you would return after few days in even worse state and Azul would be able to strike a beneficial deal. Of course, after doing throughout research about you. Checking your patterns, routines, habits and preferences to determine how to bribe you into signing a golden contract.
At the mere thought, Jade let out an amused chuckle.
You only titled your head, pretending to be slightly confused.
,,What is so funny, hmm?”
Oh, what a bold creature you were. In Jade’s eyes you were just a delicate angelfish who was foolish enough to confront a big, bad eel. Quite amusing. He would definitely convince Azul to coerce you into a contract.
,,Excuse my behavior. That was quite a nice attempt, I’m afraid it won’t work as you had predicted”
Jade stated calmly, as his grin slightly widened. You didn’t falter.
No, your expression seemed to change a tiny bit. Not everyone would be able to see the way your eyes glinted, as you struggled not to let out an amused chuckle. You shook your head, almost as if you were dismissing his previous statement.
Something seemed off about you.
Yet before Jade even had a moment to ponder over this question, you cut the distance between the two of you, standing dangerously close to the man before you. He didn’t seem alert, since he was sure he would overpower you easily if you tried to force your way through him. He was more amused, as he once again raised his eyebrow, eyeing you carefully.
,,You’re quite the confident one, aren’t you?”
You mused, as you didn’t move a muscle.
Something seemed off about you.
Jade was sure of this.
You had no impulse control and you didn’t seem to be aware of the consequences of your actions. You were playing with fire, tempting him and testing his limits. If Jade wasn’t so focused on your expression, perhaps he would notice the way you were slightly trembling. From fear or maybe from excitement, you weren’t quite sure. Adrenaline was running through your body, as you were counting seconds in your brain, anticipating the perfect moment in your risky and bold plan.
You were prepared to execute the final blow and reach your goal.
You were desperate and determined enough to do it.
Taking a deep breath, not waiting for Jade to respond, you gripped tightly the hems of his jacket, as you abruptly pulled him down. Before he had a chance to react and grab your wrists to stop you, you pressed your lips against his, knocking a breath out of him. Jade’s eyes widened, as you had managed to catch him off guard. His hands reaching out in your direction to push you away stopped midway in the air, as his surprised form didn’t dare to move a muscle.
You were kissing him desperately, pouring all your emotions into it. You bit down on his lip, earning a shocked yelp. However, the pleasant feeling was soon replaced with bittersweet pain spreading in his kneecaps.
You kicked him, quite hard, while your lips were still pressed against his.
Then, you abruptly pulled away, as you slipped through his confused form that was trying to regain his composure. Jade had reached for you, yet you were faster, avoiding his hands with grace, spinning around as you sprinted towards the door handle of Azul’s office.
You yelled, glancing one last time behind you. Your eyes fell for a brief second on Jade and you gave him last one wink, as you forcefully yanked the door, entering inside to face surprised, yet impressed Azul.
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Never got the chance to say this from how busy I suddenly got, but I really want to say this about Glorious Masquerade.
I've played Twisted Wonderland since JP launch, and in that time, I can count only two times that I was sad to see an event or a campaign end. It was the Octavinelle chapter campaign and the first Beans Day event. I was sad for several reasons, one of them being that they were the very first events, and I found joy in them. But I also grew attached to Octavinelle and to Azul especially because of those events. After those events, I never cared about the other events enough to feel sadness over seeing them end. Many of them were fun, and I got to learn so much about the characters, but I never felt emotionally attached otherwise.
Halloween events had always irritated me for being too long. The first Halloween burnt out many fans, and I witnessed this firsthand in my servers and in Tumblr. So when I heard that Masquerade was going to last till December 1, I had an "ah shit here we go again" moment but in a tired way.
But Glorious Masquerade was different. For the first time after two years, I would be looking forward to a new part. For once, I did not mind that the event lasted for more than a month. It was painful to wait a week for a new update, and yet there was a thrill in waiting for a week. Because if it was a 2 day wait, I think it wouldn't be as enjoyable since those two days are used to process what just happened. I loved every single moment of the event. Of course, Azul being the SSR for the event made me enjoy it 100x more than usual, but I was able to enjoy everything. I loved that moment when Jamil and co teased Trein about his wife. I loved learning that Riddle used to cut his hair himself until Cater stopped him. I loved seeing Epel use his UM to protect Riddle. I loved seeing Ruggie and Jamil use their UMs to use other students as bait. I loved Malleus telling Rollo that he views his magic as a gift that he can choose to share with the people he cares about. I loved Rollo and his complex relationship with magic and mages. I loved the high stakes that this event had. I loved the way Neige and Chenya protected Rook & Epel and Riddle & Deuce. I loved the concept of the extinct flower sucking up magic until a mage has no more. I loved even the diary scene that would have been cringe normally but was somehow endearing to see. I loved Azul finally revealing his UM incantation. I loved the rhythmic where Malleus, Azul, and Idia sang. I loved all the HoND references. I loved... everything. I was excited over every little thing, which I thought was not possible anymore after being exposed to TWST for so long.
When I reached the end of the Glorious Masquerade event, I felt so sad. I would not be looking forward to a new update for this story. I felt a sadness that I hadn't felt in more than two years, and I almost wish that this was the endless Halloween event because I wished the moments that Glorious Masquerade gave me lasted forever.
So as we finally move to new events, I just want to say thank you TWST for giving us such a wonderful story. The writing was amazing and spectacular, to the point that it beats out some of the main story episodes. I had some of the most fun I ever had this year thanks to this event. I genuinely enjoyed this event. As Diasomnia chapter arrives, I just want to say that I am really looking forward to what TWST has in store for us, and I can't wait for a very thrilling episode.
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kimium · 6 months
Tell me, friend, what has been the hardest and what has been the easiest things to write for each dorm fic you've posted in our Saw AU? (I know you haven't posted Scarabia yet, but if you want to you can predict what you think will be hard and easy for that one!) 💜💜
Hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask! I'm always so excited to answer anything related to our Sort of Saw Franchise AU. I'll answer this in order of my posted fics, just because that's how my brain works.
If you haven't read our Saw Franchise AU fics, here is the link to the series. There are mild spoilers to my fics so if you don't want those, read the stories first.
The Easiest and Hardest Things to Write for Each Dorm's Fic
Honestly, the entire story was easy to write. Since this first story was a surprise gift for you, I was extremely excited. That motivated me to write consistently and focused for around two to three hours. Though, a part I remember being particularly easy to piece out was the conversation with Yuu and Azul. I loved dropping hints to what Azul is actually doing while Yuu remains oblivious. Overall, this fic was easy with minimal "hard" parts to write.
The easiest part to write was when Malleus arrived to help Yuu out with the pushy man (Roy). I am a big fan of friends arriving to help others in tough situations and this was especially satisfying due to Malleus's status and power scaring everyone in the room except Yuu.
The hardest part was to not devolve Yuu and Malleus's errands to just tea time. Honestly, my brain is always stuck on tea time, but for this story I couldn't have the only errand be "go drink tea". Still, I smuggled tea into the story (obviously).
Easiest part was Leona's entrance. I had it envisioned in my brain, haunting me for a while. I love writing flirty, seductive, teasing Leona. I imagined how their intimacy wasn't subtle and how that excited Leona, satisfying his possessive side.
The hardest part was to not just devolve this fic into an M or E rated story. Dead serious, I had to restrain myself in this one.
Again, I found everything in this fic mostly easy to write. I love the dynamic of Rook/Vil coupled with Yuu. It allowed for this story to flow smoothly through the entire writing process.
I suppose there was a minimal "hard" part where I reworked the last scene to everyone going to a gift shop. Like usual, I wrote food once more, probably because I was hungry, before deciding "they already ate".
Easiest part was writing the dialogue and banter between everyone. Heartslaybul has a fun dynamic with personalities easy to bounce off one another. I also found writing the subtly of the murder (burning the evidence) extremely fun to hint.
The hardest part was the beginning where I decided to detail Yuu arriving at Trey's bakery. I felt there were many transitions and I worried they were rough.
The easiest part of this story was writing all the setting descriptions. I had fun with Yuu's opening thoughts at the grocery store. I had fun with describing Idia and Ortho's house as well as the film and games they were watching/playing.
The hardest part of this is without doubt, writing Idia. I am still struggling with his voice and find him challenging to write.
Scarabia (Not done yet)
I predict the easiest part to write will be Kalim and Jamil's personalities. I especially find Kalim easy to write and look forward to his bright, bubbly character.
As for the hardest part, I don't need to predict that; it's figuring out how to write the subtle angle of murder in the background. So far I've had: victims chosen (twice with Malleus and Vil), in the stage of planning the murder (Azul), post murder (twice with Leona's more explicit and Riddle's subtle), and during murder (Idia). Still deciding which one I want for Kalim. I'll figure out on my own soon though!
Anyways, these are my answers! I hope you like them friend! Let me know what you think!
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
Livia Lore, Hints towards her being the Final Boss
I asked @anxious-twisted-vampire if I should write this and I got a double yes in all caps, so here I am
Well, let's just state the hints then follow it up with when they were seen, how, and who stated these hints
In the battle, the Final Boss has a blurred face but was wearing a witch outfit along side a ogre mask on the side of their head
Livia slowly gets overly aggressive with each chapter
Her magic has repeatedly gone more haywire than usually
Her desire to stay with everyone at NRC has become yandere type obsessive
Her pupils are permanently slitted and her wings have turned the darkest black anyone has seen
And Lastly, the color changing mask
These are the most hinted for Livia, even stated by some of the professors teaching her.
The first hint comes from Aura who has her vision about the last overblot boss, which shows a blurred face figure attacking everyone and destroying the school in an angry rampage. It wasn't much thought of at first by her but she also stated that she saw Grim strapped to the bosses chest in some kind of glowing orb.
The second hint is stated by Deuce to Ollie, Oz and Grim a out Livia's aggression. In Ch 1 at the end she does show small aggression but not as bad as now. Ch 2 her aggression is slightly growing but still not enough to be recognized as suspicious. Ch 3, she was controlling it for Azul's sake by after leaving she destroys an orchard tree, and left claw marks on others. Ch 4, Kalim is taking note of how often Livia is growling and snarling at people, even threatening the innocent but it gets stated by Jamil that Fae Jaguars sometimes have off days so the suspicion is pushed aside. Ch 5, Deuce comments that Livia tried to destroy the Great Seven statues in a fit of shocking blind rage and got detention for attacking Crewel and Trein without provocation. Ch 6 Livia steals Grim and attempts to attack Aura only for Ortho to subdue her with ease, Deuce even stating that it was unusual for his "sister" to act this way. Finally Ch 7, Livia's aggressiveness has gone through THE ROOF which is revealed when she was the first to snap and attack Malleus head on in a crazed frenzie before escaping and leaving the others in the aftermath.
The third hint once again is stated by Deuce, since Livia tells him about her alchemy incident and that her lightning spell went out of control and exploded the students cauldron next to hers, which earns her a scolding from Crewel about safety. Deuce states that yes Livia's magic does go haywire but she's never accidentally casted any spells in the process. He comments on the times he had to rescue her back in middle school from her magic even getting hurt in the process but felt like it was worth it in the end. Lilia states the same, that Livia's magic goes out of control but not in the way it did in Potions class. Leona even mentions that Livia reeks of magic and that it seems to be "flowing out of her" all at once as if to make room for something specific....in this case which is the blot Livia has been stealing from Grim...
Number 4, Livia's desire to stay with everyone at NRC till the end. At first it was a cute wish she had made, that some of her friends agreed on but as time went on in each chapters you can slowly see her getting possessive of everyone and everything around the school. She yells at Ruggie to stay on the school grounds, she placed a tracking spell on Ortho and Idia to be aware of their positions and even told MALLEUS that she didn't want him going for nightly walks anymore and that she wants him to stay within Diasomnia with her. AZUL comments on his childhood friends behavior stating that "he knows possessiveness when he sees it" and that Livia has grown to be obsessed with everyone and the school. Livia also makes a scary comment at the end of Ch 5.
She says, "If any of you leave this school, hehe...haha..HAHAHAHA! Expect me to knock it over!"
Some brush this off as a joke, since Livia has said things like this unconsciously but always followed it with a "just joking!" which puts everyone at ease. Few notice that this time she is SERIOUS. Rook, Vil, Deuce and Epel all know that this time, she is not joking and Vil comments that this might bring trouble in the future when summer comes around.
Number 5, her slitted pupils. Livia's pupils have always been wide and rounded with a sparkle to them. Through our the first three to four chapters her eyes are the same but in Ch 4 you can see that her usual sparkle has dimmed and her eyes darkened. In Ch 5 is where her eyes are slightly less round and is transferring to slits and her sparkle had completely dimmed and vanished leaving her gaze blank. At the beginning of Ch 6 her eyes are nearly slitted and had been revealed to be entirely slitted at the near end of said chapter after she removes her mask. Lastly, in Ch 7, her eyes have dulled and her slits have stayed the same, she looks close to snapping in this state but manages to restrain herself for the sake of her Papa and everyone else at the going away party.
And finally hint number 6, her father's old general mask. It has been stated throughout the chapters that her mask has been changing colors to reveal the blot process her mask starts off the same in the prologue when reaching the ramshackle group and ADeuce from the Cave Monster. Yet, in later chapters her mask ranges from a variety of colors going from white to different shades of gray then black. Ch 1, the blot process had begun because of the white lines around the mask. Ch 2, the white has gotten darker shifting to a light gray. Ch 3, her mask is fully light gray with speckles of a slightly darker gray. Ch 4-5, her mask is a darker yet still light shade of gray. Ch 6, Her mask is a dark gray but turned back to white at before her reveal that she was in fact Ogre the whole time. Ch 7, her mask skipped over all the other colors and went straight to a pitch black, symbolizing that somehow she stored the blot in a place that wasn't her body but went back and got it back and now she's about to burst.
The person who comments on these is GRIM. Grim brings up EACH and EVERY color of Ogre/Livia's mask, stating that it was weird and creepy and gave him an awful feeling that something bad was gonna happen to them/her at any moment. Ogre also threatens Grim about the color changing mask, demanding if he though they/she were the enemy, even showing the growing aggressiveness through her hidden identity and giving some students an idea about who she was underneath the mask.
Phew! I did not expect all that writing, but I got too into the explanation, hehe...
Well, this is just the statement and hints towards everything, I am actually very excited about giving Livia the chance to snap because of all the bullshit she's been thrown into either willingly or unwillingly.
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 14-Legend
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Note: .....So I’m a few days behind. Not only did I have a bit of writer’s block, but I’ve also been busy with other stuff because of holidays coming up. So it’s going to be a bunch of one-shots until I catch up. I still want to do this because it is fun, but I’m also going to stay up until I get back on track.
There were a lot of tales in this place.
Stella looks through another book. There was some down time before she had to head to her club, so she decided to spend some time in the library. Ever since dropping into this world, she had been fascinated by it. Other than the obvious use of magic, it was so open and different from her own small world. With that, she wanted to learn everything about it while she was here. One of the ways is using the Internet, of course, but with so many books at her disposal of history then she might as well use it.
“Curious again, aren’t you?” A familiar voice says from above. She looks up to see Lilia floating upside down above her. She squeaked in surprise, almost dropping the book.
“Oh, Lilia! You scared me.” she tells the other. He chuckles before floating down next to her.
"I can't help myself when you have such a fun reaction." he responds giggling. He looks over at the book she has in her hand. "I see you're doing some light reading.”
“Oh.” She looks at the book in her hand. “I’ve been wanting to know everything in Twisted Wonderland and reading it seemed more fun.”
“I see. You could have always asked me about our history, young one.” The Diasomnia student says, which makes her giggle.
“True, but even you can’t know so much history for someone as young as you.” she responds back. He chuckles.
“You’re too kind!” Stella always thought it was funny how Lilia acted, as if he was an elder himself. “Since I am here, what are you looking for?” he asks.
“Hm. Not quite sure.” she admits. He hums before speaking up again.
“Have you heard the legend of the kind princess?” he asks her. She looks at him with curiosity in her eyes, which he finds amusing.
“No, I have not.” she answers.
“There was once a beautiful princess that lived in a faraway kingdom.” he begins. “She was kind and caring for her people. It extended to the others and would bring people from all over together with her lovely heart. However, not everyone shared her views. Three witches were jealous of her beauty, heart and kindness. Their coldness and selfishness led them to discuss themselves as three fairies to go to the princess’s sixteenth birthday.”
“When they came up to give their gifts to the kingdom, they gave her a spinning wheel. However, what they do not reveal is that if she pricks her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel, the princess will turn into a monstrous beast and take away her beauty. The only way to break the curse is if someone shows love and kindness to the beast and she will return to her original beauty. A cruel joke on the three, since they believed no one would accept a monster. And then, that very night as she looked over the various gifts from her party, she pricks her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel, turning the once beautiful princess into a monster.”
“Her transformed form terrified the people in his kingdom. None of them knew it was their beloved princess, so they ran from the castle until none were left. Confused and alone, the princess could only live alone. Legend has it that you can still hear her roar of loneliness on the night of a full moon in the Valley of Thorns.” He finishes the story.
“That’s so sad.” she says with a frown.
“That is true. Tales such as this are mostly to pass down to future generations.” he explains. She knows that deep inside, but the thought of someone alone just because of a hex put on her seemed so unfair. But it is a legend and is not real, right?
“Thank you for sharing that with me, Lilia.” Stell says. “If you have the time, could you share more stories with me?” Even if she didn’t like how the story ended, she can still learn about other stories from this world. She would like to believe in the hope that there is a happy ending for the princess.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I have decided I'll be creating a blog to post my twst drabbles(? I think)! Since my aira daydreaming is mostly chit chat and kinda messy and I'd rather send it to you bcs why not? sofkckwe if you don't mind that is, but I don't really know how tumblr works aside rebloging and liking stuff? So I might take a while? I think? Help? - airabu anon (pls I'm just asking for help I am in no way trying to promote a non existing blog)
OOOH hell yeah, go for it! I remember being nervous when first creating my blog and thinking that no one would want to read it but just look where we are now! It was all quite confusing at first and it took some time to work out how I want to run my blog. I´d be more than happy to give some pointers if you want! You´re also more than free to send some more specific questions if you happen to have any☺️
When it comes to starting your own writing blog here are some miscalaneous tips:
Obviously you´ll need to first create an account and think of an url for your blog. If you want the account you´re sending in this anon ask from to be completely separated from your writing blog then I´d recommend making a completely new account instead of a sideblog as you will still like, reblog, comment, send asks and follow from your first account even if you´re logged into your sideblog at the moment.
Try to make an introductory post where you write about what kind of content will be found on your writing blog and establish if you want to accept requests in the future or simply want to write whatever comes to mind. There´s nothing wrong with choosing either options ^^ Make sure to pin that post by clicking on the three dots near the border of the post after posting it. You can only pin one post but it will then always be the first post once someone goes to your blog.
For example, I also have an introductory post with links to all of my masterlists, rules for requesting and such pinned on my blog. If you don´t know what to write you can take a look at what other people wrote and take some inspiration from there! If you do decide to take requests then I would also advice on making a post with your rules as to what you´re comfortable with writing and what not. What fandoms you´re writing for and such.
Once again feel free to take a look at my own rules page if you´re unsure where to start ^^
Also while we´re at it: Start a masterlist as soon as possible because it´s way more managable when you only have a few posts and don´t have to go through countless of posts and link all of them. Trust me, it´s way more comfortable that way. I wouldn´t have a masterlist if I had to start from scratch now dklgdln
As for your posts themselves, I can´t emphasize enough just how important is it to tag your works if you want them to be seen! If you look at my own posts you will see that I tag anything and everything, maybe even excessively so. Add the fandom, the characters, if it´s an x reader than also tag it as that. fandom x reader (twisted wonderland x reader or twst x reader for example), character x reader, a unit or group the character belongs to ( the dorm or unit for twst and enstars, for example diasomnia or knights). Don´t forget to tag anything that might be unsettling or that might need a warning ( yandere, stalking, blood)!
Also this is not necessarily a requirement but I always think it´s nice to also tag what pronouns are used for or what gender the reader is. I always tag my newer works as “gn reader” for example ( and also mention it before the actual writing starts) so that people who might feel uncomfortable with certain labels or pronouns can better curate their experiences.
This is all of course assuming that you want other people to find your drabbles!
If you want your posts to look “prettier” then I recommend using official art if the fandom you´re writing for has it. I´ve sadly seen a few people on here just steal someone´s fanart from somewhere and use it as a picture on their posts without any credit given whatsoever
Hm, that was what came to mind immediately but please don´t be afraid to ask more if there´s anything you want to know or need help with! I´m always here to answer questions as best as I can ^^
More than anything else, I wish you lots of success with your blog!! ☺️
3 notes · View notes
littlehelpless · 3 months
✦✧ Past and Future Reunion (Part 3) ✦✧
Hi, again. This is the part three of the Past and Future Reunion and I am saying this again that this scenario is in Twisted Wonderland Diasomnia Chapter just to remind you. Once again, I just want to tell you that this book is full of ideas and scenarios that I want to dump it here and see if any of you likes it so I can consider making it as a full book in the future if I can that is. Also, this may be a bit OOC or something so please forgive me that and my crazy way of writing.
So please enjoy.
★• ° ★ ° • ★
Dawn has never seen Callie again on the day spring came. When he went there again through the forest on the first day of spring, holding Leia's hand to guide her in an attempt to excitedly introduce her to Callie because the latter was curious about the fairy he told her about, he noticed he hasn't seen the purple butterfly that was usually there to guide him to where the fairy was. He suddenly felt a bad feeling on his chest that something is wrong but he wanted to ignore it, hoping it wasn't anything serious.
Making their way carefully, he sees the fairy's house up ahead. Smiling widely, he rush over as fast as he can but being mindful of Leia's health as they ran over. But what he didn't expect was the house was no longer beautiful and brimming with comfort. No, the house was utterly ruined and old as if no one lived there for a long time.
★ - ★ - ★
"I was devastated. I would never forget the day that fairy disappeared out of thin air, her house damaged and any possible traces of her disappeared with no lingering clues around. as if it was a dream. I was determined to find her because I have many questions and things to talk to her about and the sole clue I know was that she was from the Land of Briar Valley." Dawn clenched the ring around his neck that hidden in his armor.
That day when he found her ruined house, there was a one small object that laid on the dirt of the ground. It was shining with gold and had a familiar gem etched on the center he once saw before in the fairy's hand. It was the gem of an Aurora Borealis Callie mentioned it once and showing it to him commenting it had the same color as his eyes. This may be her last parting gift before she had to go away. Dawn didn't understand anything. All he knows is that Callie left for unknown reasons but even so, she could have just bid him a proper farewell and promise him to visit sometimes. Dawn wanted to hate her but how could he after all the times he spent with her? She's too kind to hate for the things she shared and taught him so the only thing he could do was to find her again.
Revan kept silent, listening patiently to the story that was related to him by the Knight of Dawn. If he has to be honest, he may or may not know the true identity of this Callie because that name is an alias Callia usually used whenever she goes to the land of humans to visit her human friends or to vacation spots - her words, not his - she wanted to go once the Queen gives her day offs to rest and have a break from her duties, not wanting to overwork her friend. There's a high chance the Knight of Dawn may have accidentally stumbled into Callia's temporary vacation houses - her words, not his again - in one of the kingdoms or lands occupied by the humans in secret places that no one would dare to enter. But he needs to confirm it.
"How many years ago did you met that fairy?" Revan asked.
"It was about 20 years ago. I found her house on the forest not far from the palace in the Kingdom of Heroes." Dawn answered honestly.
Revan suddenly remembered something. 20 years ago, his mother-in-law, Maleficia, ordered Callia to have a six month break because she noticed how much the latter kept working nonstop for days and nights without even bothering to rest that concerned the former of how she was pushing herself too far for her duties. At that time, he and Meleanor were married but she wasn't pregnant with their son back then. During that time, the people of the Senate kept ordering and commanding Callia to do a lot things for them including some tasks that would require her to go beyond her own limit and strength and the latter never complained at these absurd requests because these are orders and she thought Maleficia may have ordered the Senate to give these tasks because she's the only one who can do it but what she didn't know was that the men of the Senate were actually taking advantage of her loyalty to the Queen and using her secretly for their selfish needs to the point they kept lying to the Queen about why Callia kept going on missions most of the time.
Meleanor was the first one to find out about the Senate's actions by accidentally eavesdropping on their conversations and was very angry they were manipulating her like that she almost shot them with thunder bolts in the air. With Revan and Lilia helping her together because the former shared the same feeling as her, they reported this to her. Like her daughter, Maleficia was beyond furious because she never asked the Senate to give such tasks to her friend, let alone those that were impossible ones to accomplish and called for the men of the Senate in great fury and ready to strike down her judgement. The people of the Senate were scared and afraid, never expecting that their princess would find out about it and now that the Queen knew about it, they were doomed.
Revan had no pity for them whatsoever for how heartless and cruel the punishment was because Callia kept doing the hard work without rest to the point he, Lilia and Meleanor barely sees her in the castle but always caught glimpses of her leaving with the Royal Guards in tow behind her. He always wonders if she ever get to sleep but it was always a wonder how she never developed dark circles under her eyes, too.
That's when Maleficia decided to send Callia away for a six month break since she's been working for six months so she deserved the rest. If Revan remembered correctly, Callia mentioned of heading towards the forests in the Kingdom of Heroes because she likes the scenery there and has a peaceful atmosphere where she can relax. It also matched the timeline when Dawn met Callie so that means the fairy the former met was really Callia although she disguised her hair color to make herself plain.
"Knight of Dawn, that fairy you are talking about... I may be familiar with her."
Silver, Sebek, Yuu and Grim are running away from the castle now that they have trapped the Silver Owls inside, successfully fooling them to believe the princess and her egg were there. They were with Lilia and Baul guiding them while Revan took the other half of the Royal Guards with him in another escape route, promising to meet with them later outside. But they weren't expecting to be met with a flying Knight that came down from the sky, stumbling on the debris as if he was shot from somewhere.
"Whoa! Who's that?!" Grim shrieks in fright.
The smoke was thick but it slowly thinned to reveal a white armored knight with long blonde hair on his back and a mask across his face. They gasped.
"T-The Knight of Dawn?! He escaped?!" Baul exclaim in astonishment.
That means some of the Silver Owls were not caught up in the trap but that was okay since they were planning to leave the Wild Rose Castle and come back for it once the war is over. Their safety is a top must priority after all.
"What...?" Dawn glance at them. "Aren't you Lilia Vanrouge?"
Lilia went to a battle stance, preparing himself in case he attacks.
"Leave it to me, Udaisyou!" Baul exclaim, readying himself as well.
But the sounds of loud shaking was heard around them, surprising them.
"Another great shaking!" Grim pointed out.
"The ceiling will collapse!" Sebek added.
After he said that, something has suddenly fall down and it fell on top of Lilia, trapping him inside.
"Udaisyou is trapped under the rubble!" Baul gasped in shock.
"No... Oyaji!" Silver shouted, not wanting his father to die in a place like this.
Especially when his mother is waiting for him with Malleus. As if on cue, a faint glow is seen on smoke that caught his eye. He widened his eyes in shock and disbelief.
"That aurora-colored light...!" he said, cannot believe what he's seeing.
"Guardian Fairy, give me power!"
The light glowed brightly and in a matter of seconds, they heard a slash of a sword slicing something. The rubble broke apart, revealing Lilia and Knight of Dawn unscathe and safe somehow. The former looks fine but has some minor scratches and bruises though. Then they heard a faint crack and their eyes turn to see the mask of the knight cracking up open.
"The iron mask of the Knight of Dawn..." Baul points out.
The moment he said that, the mask immediately broke apart to finally reveal his face to them all. Upon seeing his face in front of their eyes, they were shocked and filled with much disbelief to their bones especially Silver who looks affected the most of this event. He can't believe what he is seeing and wished this can't be true. But reality is cruel to him because if this is the truth then it hurts.
"This face is..." Sebek trails off.
"What does this mean? The Knight of Dawn and Silver... They both have the same face!" Grim exclaim in utter horror, not having any clue of what was happening.
"They also have the same rings well." Yuu remarked.
It wasn't just the face the two men shared but the two faint glowing lights on their chests are the same as well. They shared the same ring tied in a necklace together which means they both have a special connection to each other and may possibly love the same person they were both yearning to see, too. Silver sees the ring and felt his world about to crash down at the small realization that maybe this man could be someone related to him. Maybe an ancestor or something. Anything but a possible biological family from hundreds of years ago because the truth hurts his heart.
When Dawn saw the ring the white-haired man was wearing around his neck, the very same ring Callie left it behind on her broken house as a last gift, he felt himself beginning to feel something uncomfortable on his chest when a thought came across his mind.
"This ring was given to me by a very special fairy who left it behind as a parting gift to me when I was young. There should be only one in this world." Dawn explained, his voice calm but Silver can sense a hint of boiling anger underneath that calmness that sends a shiver down his spine.
He sounds angry... Silver thought, wondering why the Knight of Dawn was speaking like that to him.
"Who the hell are you? Why do you have that ring? Did you meet that fairy as well?" Dawn asked, gripping his sword tightly while trying to control the anger on his tone.
Before Silver can even answer those questions, they heard another rumbling of something that would fall down on them, alerting them of their current situation. Dawn wields his sword in a fighting stance, glancing over his shoulder at them.
"Go! I'll handle this!" Dawn said, wanting them to escape.
They were stunned by his selflessness. He was their enemy yet he wants them to escape for their own safety even though he could kill them. Silver and Lilia felt like they've seen this before somewhere.
★•° Silver's Overblot °•★
Silver couldn't believe what had happened back there. That man shared the same face as him. They shared the same ring. They even shared the same aurora eyes that his mother adores so much. Just what is the meaning of this? Who are his true parents? What is he anyway? Was he a mistake?
There was so much darkness in this space he was in. Probably his own blot he created out of shock and grief he had discovered back at his father's dream. It was too much for him to bear. The truth hurts him at the core of his existence. Everything he believed in his entire life are turned upside down now. Not knowing what to believe or who to turn to. At times like these, he wished he could talk to his mother. To feel her embrace on his figure, her warmth seeping into his skin as she held him and her voice soothing his aching soul to ask him what was wrong. But she wasn't here. His mother left him and his father behind for unknown reasons. He always wonders why she left them like that. Did he do something wrong to make her hate him?
Just then, a small faint of glowing light is seen on the center of the darkness. He didn't noticed it but then it sparkles to take him to an unknown place.
★ - ★ - ★
Silver found himself in an unfamiliar place. It was nighttime and he was standing on a bridge. Right in front of him not far ahead is a castle that was covered in vines around the pillars and rooftops of it. Almost like it was abandoned for many years now but still it looked nice despite itself condition.
"Where am I...?" Silver mumbled, wondering where he ended up now.
A sudden sound of footsteps is heard behind his back, startling him.
"It's been three hundred or maybe four hundred years since I last came here."
Silver widened his eyes at the familiar voice and whip his head around to see two figures walking across the bridge, presumably heading towards the castle in a stroll.
"Finally, a peace treaty was signed with the surrounding countries and we were able to return to Midorigahara. It took a very long time to get to this point. Really."
"At least it was worth it. This way, the world will be a little kind to all the beings here with no sacrifices to be made. Not to mention, I also hope peace would continue to go on for many thousands of years to come."
Silver knows those voices all too well.
"Are those my parents' voices?" Silver asked, surprised.
"Meleanor's castle is rumored to be an abandoned castle where anyone who enters will be cursed." Lilia continued, lifting his head to look at the ruined castle. "I can faintly feel the remnants of the Day Time Fairies' magic. They must have used magic to keep people away."
"Can't they see me?" Silver asked again. "Could this be... a part of the scenery in my father's heart?"
"Mel-chan would be pretty upset to see how completely damaged her castle is now. Once she comes back here to retake her home, she's definitely going to force the poor workers to clean and repair the mess of it all." his mother chuckled in amusement.
"I can imagine that." Lilia chortle with her.
Seeing how the two of them together, talking and smiling to each other made Silver almost want to tear up at the sight. It's been a long time since he last saw his father talked to his mother with such fondness and a hint of affection on his expression. There's always something special in Lilia's face whenever he looks at Callia as if she was the only one in the world on his eyes. Something Silver greatly admired about his love for her and wished he could do the same thing to his future significant other, too.
He noticed how the two are holding hands together, lacing their fingers tightly as they continue to walk on the bridge. His mother had a beautiful purple shawl with red camellias designs on it around her arms to keep her warm, a clothing he often sees her wearing everyday back at their home and wondered if his father gifted it to her or something because she likes to wear it a lot.
A sound of a wail was heard in a distant, catching their attention.
"Is that... a baby's cry?" Lilia asked, a little surprised.
"We should check it out. Come on, Lilia." Callia tugged at his hand to drag him inside the castle.
"I can hear it coming from the throne room." Lilia added.
★ - ★ - ★
The two of them arrived inside the throne room of the abandoned castle. Like the outside, it was also covered with vines and other plants that have started to grow on the concrete floors and walls all the way to the ceilings. They were careful not to hurt themselves by accident as they passed through the vines as they tried to find the source of the wailing. Callia noticed a small crib on the corner of the thrones.
"Baby? And this is a human! Why are you here?" Lilia exclaim, not expecting such a small thing to be here of all places.
The baby continued to wail and cry loudly, as if it was suddenly woken up out of nowhere and noticing how weird his surroundings are must have caused him to be afraid and confused. Callia grip her hands in a tight fist, noticing the unique characteristics of this baby, connecting the dots immediately of where this baby resemble from. A small glow is seen and saw the ring around his tiny neck. A ring with an aurora borealis. A gem that the latter knew all too well.
"This ring...!" Lilia remark, remembering who originally owned it.
"Could it be... that this baby is... me?" Silver asked, even more shocked but noticed a small detail about this one. "No, his hair is a different color. But the color of those eyes is..."
"Golden hair like sunlight and this ring... Are you perhaps a child of the Knight of Dawn?" Lilia asked, even though it was pointless to ask a baby who can't speak.
Callia remained silent. But Silver noticed how she was gripping her hands tightly like she was holding herself back for some reason.
"No, no way..." the fae didn't want to accept such a thing. "Shortly after the castle was taken over to Henrik, another dispute arose over the ownership of the resources and land. The Knight of Dawn and his wife Leia were certainly in the midst of the chaos..."
"Lilia, why not use your Unique Magic to find out?" Callia suggested, her gaze not leaving the baby.
The fae glance at her but didn't say anything to her but nod his head in agreement.
"Cradle, show me your memories. Everything is like a day gone by. Wherever you go, it's only a blink of an eye."
"Far Cry Cradle: To The Distant Cradle."
After saying his signature spell, Lilia's Unique Magic activated on the crib the baby was in, an attempt to search for the memories of what had happened here in this place. A spark has happened.
"This magic is... is my father's Unique Magic." Silver noted. "It seems like he said he could regenerate a little bit of the memories engraved on things..."
★ - ★ - ★
"The enemy is almost here." a red dot that was flying in the air exclaim, hovering around the baby.
"Now that His Royal Highness, who was hailed as the Knight of Dawn, has passed away, the castle is about to fall. The Land of Swords is over..."
"Leia-ojousama, please run away quickly! We will protect the prince!" the red fairy ushered the princess.
"Now, Prince. You will fall into a cute sleep until the sad battle is over." a blue fairy appeared beside the red fairy.
"It's okay. This ring strengthens our magical powers. After all, it was gifted by her." a green fairy was the last to appear.
The ring around the baby's neck glowed brightly, summoning a barrier to protect the crib of the young child from the incoming scorching fire that will soon engulf the place. The action of the ring surprised the three fairies. It has never showed such power when it was wore on the Knight of Dawn's neck everyday. Unless it has a purpose.
"The ring never activated a shield like this when His Royal Highness wears it everyday." the blue fairy remarked.
"Maybe the ring will only activate its shield when its owner is in absolute grave danger that could risk his life at any moment. If His Royal Highness has wore it that day and it activated then he would have been saved. But giving it to his son is still a good choice." the red fairy mused.
"If only she was here..." the green fairy sighed in dismay. "The fairy that His Royal Highness has been desperately searching for the past 20 years is actually Callia Shadalva. If he had known about it sooner then their reunion would be the salvation to save the Land of Swords."
"Knowing Callia-sama, she would undoubtedly protect the Land of Swords because she doesn't want those important to her, enemies or not, to die under her watch. She's too kind to harm His Royal Highness if ordered to do so and prefers a much peaceful solution than this." the blue fairy added.
"You can remain in this adorable form and have happy dreams until the spell is broken."
"Whether it's ten years or one hundred years..."
"Yes and when someone truly loves you appears, this magic will melt and you will wake up from your sleep."
"Yes. In a peaceful world without war..."
Before the red fairy would disappear, she said one last thing to the baby as if it was a wish for him.
"This may sound selfish but I hope the one who would truly love you would be Callia-sama. Your father never got the chance to see her again but he would be very happy if she was the one who would raise you instead because you would live the life he never had the chance to do so."
★ - ★ - ★
It was nothing but pure silence that poured over the room after watching those memories that was engraved on the ring. Those memories did held the past of what had occured but there is one thing Lilia doesn't understand. The fae glance at the female fairy who remained quiet, her eyes closed as if keeping herself shut from saying anything but knew the former had questions about that. He takes a deep breath, knowing this conversation may be hurtful for her but still needs to confirm.
"Callia, I don't want to sound intrusive and pry into your business but I need to ask. Have you met the Knight of Dawn before?" Lilia finally asked, looking at her.
Callia stiffened. Unclenching her fists, she rub her arm with her hand as she raise her head to meet with Lilia's red eyes that was patiently waiting for her answer, not wanting to force her to give him what he wants from her but trying to do the same thing she has done for him a lot. She opened her mouth.
"Yes. I did met the Knight of Dawn before or at least I felt familiarity from him during our first brief meeting back then in the Wild Rose Castle four hundred years ago before the war started. I never knew the little boy I met on that fateful day of spring became a grown man with good morals and strength." Callia wanted to smile teasingly but can't find it herself to do that somehow.
"Where did you met him?" Lilia continued to ask carefully.
"During my six-month break that Maleficia gave me. I told you I wanted to go to the Kingdom of Heroes because I wanted to visit some old human friends of mine, right? My vacation house is on the secluded place of a forest there, coincidentally not far from the castle of humans. Back then, a young boy with blonde hair and aurora-colored eyes stumbled by on an accident and before I knew it, I was spending the rest of my days there caring for him myself and teaching him a lot of things where I hoped it would be useful to him in the future. I never really expected he would become a great knight and tried to look for me when I abandoned the place at the forest." Callia sigh, wrapping the shawl closer to her, as if she felt the wind getting colder by the minutes.
Lilia knew she has a lot of connections to certain people in the entirety of the world because she lives way longer before Maleficia even took the throne but never expected she would even have ties to their enemies as well. He has no right to judge her or criticise her meeting with the childhood of the Knight of Dawn because both of them never expected the other would become like that in the future, in the current present they're in. It's also very obvious that the Knight of Dawn had attachment to Callia or else why would he search for her for twenty years? He may not be searching for her for romantic interests but maybe he likes her as a parent figure because overall, Callia acts like a parent to everyone as if she has done this thousand of times and treating others with shocking amount of wisdom and experiences she has.
It's not her fault nor Dawn's fault. They just didn't have the chance to reveal one another and be honest. Quite ironic Callia is eating her own words but not that he could say it to her face.
"I see." Lilia glance at the baby.
"Your parents and guardian fairies were protecting you from the flames of destruction but thanks to Callia's ring, you weren't harmed at all." he started.
"Ever since the day your country fell, you've been waiting in your cradle for someone to truly love you. However, as time passed, the magic of the guardian fairies must have frayed but even though they were gone, the ring still kept the barrier to ensure your safety and keep the magic going until it stopped once it sensed Callia's presence." Lilia surmised the facts.
The ring that Callia left behind for Dawn was to supposed to protect the latter from any magic including dark magic or even curses from stronger and malicious fae or people capable of casting it. It can even protect him from even the strongest magic and the shield of the barrier won't break because Callia place a fragment of her magical power inside the aurora borealis with an infinite amount so that it won't ran out and provide Dawn an unlimited magic to access to for his needs like she does. But for some reasons, it didn't activate any of that whenever he wore it everyday so that means Callia carelessly forgot to put a spell to make it automatically activate all those features she painstakingly placed it in hopes it would keep him safe for the harsh years to come.
Realizing that, Callia felt guilty about it. She should have double checked the ring. At least he would have been spared but if he didn't place it on his baby then the baby would have died on his place and she doesn't like that.
The baby, not understanding anything they were saying, continued to cry and wail loudly, echoing through the quietness of the throne room except for the two fae who were the only ones listening to him. Lilia doesn't know what to do but he wants Callia to make a decision. He wants to follow whatever choice she makes because he knows she will never regret it once she does so. After all, she knows the best for others through consideration and thoughtfulness including herself.
"Callia, what do you want to do?" Lilia asked her gently.
The fairy that was silent before approach the sobbing baby on the crib, her pinkish-blue eyes were filled with sorrow and pain along with a hint of guilt but after a few quiet moments, she sighs deeply and shakes her head with a small, amused smile.
"Isn't it obvious? I'll take him in!" Callia replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"This would be a great chance to teach Malleus about how human babies grow compare to the growth of dragons and faes. Not to mention, Revan-kun would love to know how to raise a human since he's been curious about that recently. Also, he's very adorable so I'll raise him. It would be a crime to leave him alone like this." Callia look at the baby, her gaze warm and soft.
Silver couldn't believe what he just saw and heard. The fact his mother, Callia, was more than willingly to raise him like this even though he was a son of the child she wasn't able to save, it made his heart feel heavy and conflicted. He doesn't know why but this sudden feeling growing in his chest made him feel hurt at a small thought that was forming on his mind.
"Please, stop, Oyaji and Okaasama. I don't deserve to be loved by both of you." Silver said, feeling tears beginning to form on the corners of his eyes.
But the baby in the dream continued to cry louder, wanting to be held or anyone to comfort him, to soothe the pain in him, to take pity. The sight of his baby self doing such a thing so shamelessly made Silver angry. Even though it's just a dream of his father's memory, the realization of the truth made him feel a swirl of negative emotions and slowly but surely came to hate himself.
"Stop! Don't cry! You have no right to cry, let alone deserving Okaasama's kindness!" Silver cried in fury, wanting to stop the cries of the baby.
Of course, his words aren't heard since this is all just memories placed in a dream of his father but Silver can't help but scream loudly even though it was futile.
Callia lowered her arms carefully in a gentle manner, slowly scooping up the baby boy in her hands, cradling him into her chest while softly humming a lullaby to calm him down. Upon feeling a nice warm touch seeping into his soft skin and a lovely voice is singing on his ears did the baby boy immediately stop his cries, wanting to listen to the person who was holding him tightly. Lilia approach from behind her, a hand on her waist as he peek at the baby over her shoulder. The baby's cries turn into a laughter with his mood turning good and lifted its tiny hand to reach out for the purple strands of Callia's hair, touching the smooth texture of the tendrils with fascination.
Silver noticed how his mother's pinkish blue eyes softened so gently at his baby self it makes the ache in his heart slowly wither away from just looking at her expression. She's already adoring him with so much affection and tender care that he feels so selfish for wanting her kindness and good heart for him. To give him salvation.
"Good boy. You have endured such a long journey of loneliness, sleeping in this small crib while waiting for someone to truly love you. Don't worry, we're here for you." Callia cooed, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
Her kiss made the baby boy giggle, lifting his hand again not just for her hair strands but to Lilia's finger that wanted to carefully touch him earlier. He let him do that.
"We should give him a name. I search everywhere on the ring and crib but there's no name engraved on it." Lilia reminded.
"You name him then, Lilia. I'm sure you have a nice name to give him. I'd prefer you do that." Callia suggested.
"Moonlight... Silver... I got it." Lilia grin.
"Silver. Your name will be Silver. Just like how the moonlight illuminate the darkness, you would find your way towards the right path ahead. What do you think, Callia?" Lilia glanced at her.
"Silver is a good name. It does suit him and silver goes well with the color of the aurora borealis. If only he had that silver hair..." Callia kissed the baby's cheek this time, really cannot get enough of his cuteness.
"May this be your birthday tonight, Silver. May the night bless you." Lilia uttered the words.
Once he said that, a sparkle appeared. The golden hair of the baby boy immediately changed into a silvery white color, surprising the couple of its sudden changing. Even Silver himself was surprised by this action.
"The hair..." Silver trails off.
"It changed from gold to silver..." Callia blinked.
"Could it be that the real hair color of the Knight of Dawn that shines as the sun was actually blessed by the Afternoon Fairies?" Lilia mused.
"Aww, the silver does go well with his aurora eyes. I knew this is a good combination." Callia giggled, nuzzling her face to Silver's cheek. "It does remind me the time when Mal-kun was born. This little one has quite a weight."
"We'll make sure he'll grow up to be a healthy and nice boy. With you and I raising him together, he'll be a fine man like his father." Lilia smiled sheepishly.
"You mean like you, Lilia. Silver doesn't have to try to be like Dawn. I only want this child to live a life that is for himself to decide. He can choose whether to be like you, his biological father or something different that's only special for him. I also wish nothing but pure happiness for his future. After all, isn't that what parents all want for their children?" Callia smiled, looking like a beautiful fairy under the light of the moon with the baby in her arms and Lilia's breath hitch at such a sight.
"As long you're with me, Callia." Lilia said with genuine love and affection before the two of them walk away outside.
The couple isn't alone for they have a baby to raise back at their home.
Silver was back again at the dark space, the memories of the dream are still being processed in his mind. Unable to believe the words and the hidden truths of the people here.
Okay, I'll stop right there since it's too long.
For your information, I used Japanese titles so I think the meaning of Udaisyou or Udaishou means General. As for Oyaji and Okaasama, they mean father and mother.
I may or may not making my OC the center of this scenario if you have noticed how much I write her down but let me give a brief explanation. My OC, Callia, has a lot of unbelievable connections around Twisted Wonderland because she travels around the world and made unexpected friends on her journey. I am trying to write her as a motherly type character because of her origins I am working on so I hope you aren't too disturbed by me constantly writing her down everywhere but I should warn you that this is a scenario and not an official fanfiction. This is a book where I wanted to dump all my ideas here and see which ones you look like here.
As for Part 4, I will begin writing that later.
1 note · View note
saatorubby · 2 years
Could you do a part 2 when they boys turned into children and their s/o decides to taking care of them? with idia, malleus & riddle please?
Ofc^ personally it was one my favourite hc's to write so it's my pleasure!
First part with leona, azul and kalim here
Part three with vil, rook and silver here
Part four with floyd, lilia and jamil here
Request: idia, malleus and riddle has turned into a children, now their s/o has to take care of them.
Pairings: idia shroud x reader, malleus draconia x reader, riddle rosehearts x reader
Warnings: none, reader is gender-neutral, word 'princess' is used for reader once(malleus)
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Idia shroud
When ortho found his nii-san as a child, a child that is younger than him, he nearly went into overdrive.
Ortho has always been a bit protective of his brother, but he really doesn't know how to take care of a toddler. He tried to search the internet but whatever he did never worked because idia was crying. Loudly.
So he did what he thought best, hand his nii-san over to you. The only responsible person on the campus.
When you saw ortho you enthusiastically waved at the boy, having taken him as younger brother as well, but then you noticed a child with him.
Ortho explained the situation and you were relived that it'll only last for few hours at most.
You take a look at the baby shying away from your gaze, you have to stop yourself from squealing at how cute baby idia is.
He is a smol ball of blue, also very shy.
Idia is a very behaved toddler, only asking you for his game console or snacks in between the sessions.
He tugs at your sleeves asking you to bend so he can whisper in your ear about what kind of snacks he wants.
Not bratty or demanding at all. He is very chill as a baby. Still doesn't likes strangers though.
"Y/n saw me as a baby." He whispers staring at the floor with dead eyes.
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Malleus draconia
Malleus turned into a child, you weren't sure how it happened but you found him crying in backyard of your dorm.
Malleus still had his horns, so you had to take care of them while picking him because they are sharp enough to stab you if not careful.
But once you picked him up, he just. Stopped crying. Instead was looking at you with his big green glowy eyes. You almost felt your heart burst.
Malleus, unlike idia, is very bratty and demanding. And he wants all of you attention on him. Because of him you had to drop grim off at heartslabyul, because you can't take care of two arsonist children.
You called Lilia, who was very happy to malleus as a child again, to take him to diasomnia but malleus refused and Lilia might have gotten the other side of his bangs burned.
Malleus really likes your presence and ramshackle and wanted to stay there forever and protect his princess from any bad prince who might try to take you away.
He said this with oversized white shirt pooling around him and a wooden sword in his hands raised high. A very cute sight, you should've taken a picture.
Malleus doesn't like vegetables, he on the other hand loves fries. You will have to coax him eat vegetables or hide them or grind them, for him to eat.
He will eat fries as a meal all three times a day and as snacks too.
"Fufufu...to think I would turn into a child. But regardless I am grateful to you for taking care of me, child of man.
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Riddle rosehearts
Riddle is still riddle as a kid.
Still very strict about upholding the Queen of hearts laws.
Ace and deuce were screwing around with a potion for the homework for the alchemy class (it was probably brewed wrong) and next thing they knew they had splashed it all over their dorm leader.
Needless to say both of them were ready for a beheading but when no shouts of anger came they looked down to see mini version of riddle.
So they can to only person they knew would be down to help them. You.
Riddle is such a crybaby. Now, he not only shouts in anger, but he also cries.
Riddle is a very good boy, eats his vegetables, does his homework, and doesn't mess around with the things he knows he shouldn't.
He loves when you read him a story before bed. All about the knights, the princes, the princesses and all those legends about the great seven.
But his favourite will always be the Queen of hearts.
He likes to tell you about her in his baby voice, his eyes shining as he tells you about the women he idolizes.
He still loves tea, though. He will drink milk if you insist, but he still prefers tea.
"Ace! deuce! As soon as I find them it'll be off with their head! But, ah, thank you for taking care of me, prefect."
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
— finding out their S/O’s lockscreen/background is them
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Part one | Part two | Part four
This part will contain Pomefiore and Ignihyde
notes: Ortho's part is going to be platonic!
: gender-neutral reader!
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Vil Schoenheit
Says you have good taste
You know that smirk he has on whenever he's pleased? Yea that. He'll do that when he saw your lockscreen/background
Doesn't mind if it's a public picture of him (from magazines, shows, movies etc where everyone gets access to) or a picture of him sleeping, he doesn't mind
But! he does prefer you putting a picture where not everyone gets access to, a picture only a select few friends know or a picture only the two of you know because he likes the intimacy
Why should you use pictures his fans would use when you have so many other private ones, accessible to only you?
Of course, it has to be beautiful and approved by him
After a while if he sees the same picture on your lockscreen/background he'd advice you to change another one. Surely no one would get bored of the Vil Schoenheit but isn't it nice to start fresh sometimes?
When you innocently say you could stare at the same picture all day everyday, always finding new discovers in that picture or simply got lost in his cute smile, he swore an arrow shot through his heart, in a good way. Rook get out of here
"Do what you want." He replied nonchalantly, turning away to hide his blush from you
You asked him if he could put your picture on his lockscreen and he said no
After your pleadings and whines, telling him to put it on for just a moment, just for you to see how it'd look like, he finally did
And honestly, Vil does not want to change it
He'd quickly click his phone off and brush you away, telling you he has business to do all because he wanted to admire it in private
Even though he said he put it on because you asked him to and that he'll change it immediately after, a few days later, you still see yourself appearing on his screen whenever he clicks open his phone
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Rook Hunt
Rook's heart would react in a way where it would be seen as keyboard smashing.
Of course! He doesn't react in such an unsightly way but his heart flipped so many fucking times and he swear he couldn't take this immense happiness he feels right now
It might not seem much but the act is so sweet! Setting him as your lockscreen and background? To see him everytime you click open your phone? Reminding yourself that he is yours? Absolutely romantic.
Rook loves taking pictures. He loves taking pictures of you. He has thousands and thousands of your photo both in his phone and in his journal. Oh there are some hanging in his room, too! Oh, he has a photo album consisting of only you, too! Oh, there are a few framed ones sitting on his bedside tables too! And-
But to think that you secretly take pictures of him, too?
Rook has really good eyesight, he's also very sharp so he knows whenever you want to take a picture of him. What he does not know that you didn't want him to notice you taking a pictures of him
You thought he looked peaceful reading a book and wanted to secretly take a picture of him like that? He immediately noticed and flashed you a smile. He's so charming! Holding the bow and arrow in the most professional way and his eyes stay focused on the front. You wanted to freeze that moment with your camera? He immediately lowered down the weapon and waved
Well, you took those pictures anyway. But still, you wanted one where he isn't looking at the camera and minding his own business but you never got one
Desperate, you went for Azul's help
The deal was only to work in Mostro Lounge for a month...easy, right?
Well then, you'd do anything for a picture of Rook being unaware of the photographer's presence
It was hard for Jade and Azul to find excuses and cover up when Rook spotted them trying to take a picture of him, and also muffling Floyd when the eel almost blew the plan up, complaining something along the line of "Shrimpy wanted to—"
And also staying hidden because once Rook finds them, he will not stop following and asking questions regarding their real form
(If you think about it the scene would be funny I wish I could draw 🙂)
ANYWAYS so one time Jade finally, finally snapped a photo of Rook
Because the blond was too busy admiring you
Rook's cheeks were slightly pink, eyes in beautiful cresent shapes with a hand supporting his chin, the hunter was lovestruck
Now that you explained how you got this precious photo, his heart bursted even more in happiness
You went through so much just for a picture of him? Technically the octatrio suffered most but we don't talk about that
"I am not embarrassed being caught red-handed staring at my love. Why would I?"
This man never fails to make you fall in love with him all over again
After that he'll (have a hard time) choose one photo of you to set on his lockscreen, having another internal crisis when choosing another photo for his background, because he loves each and every one of the pictures of you!
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Epel Felmier
Cries so hard this boy is so embarrassed
It was a picture of him struggling during the daily dance practice with Vil
Composure: gone
You took it when Vil surprisingly lets you stay in Pomefiore's ballroom and stay until Epel's practice is over since apparently the boy does better when you're there
Prefers you taking a "manlier" photo of him as your lockscreen but when you told him he looks cute like this and you like it, a small pink tinted his cheeks
Whatever makes you happy
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Idia Shroud
W-What's this? He's seen a lot of shows that couples put their partner's photo as their lockscreen, but people in real life actually do that?
Before he met you, he definitely thought it was a little cringe at first, because why would you want to show the whole world who you're with!? Don't they know that some people don't have a significant other and are lonely!?
But it's just so cute when you does it
Someone is actually willing to see his face whenever? Even putting it as your lockscreen!
He's a blushing mess, it's not even exaggerated to say he fainted after stuttering nonsense
Oh...it's a picture of him sleeping while he was cuddled into you
Idia.exe stopped working
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Ortho Shroud
(Platonic! Ortho's reaction to his best friend having their picture together as their lockscreen 🥰)
Is so surprised! It was a picture the two of you took on Halloween Week in NRC, doing the 'gao' pose
Does Ortho has a phone? He could do every research he needs on himself so...
But if he does, he'll definitely whip it out and show you that he has your photo together as his lockscreen too!
After that the two of you will definitely take more pictures together
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chibiwritesstuff · 3 years
heyya yaaaa~! I just finished reading all of your works and lemme tell you, it’s all so nicely written! keep on going and don’t forget to take breaks when you need it, hm? alright, me stating facts about you and your writing talent aside— may I request lilia, floyd, ruggie and silver? Angst with a happy ending please? You can make it angst due to a misunderstanding or sumn. but oh well of course! that’s only if you don’t mind. Take your time dear, it’s not good to force yourself alright? bye~!
I see you saw the note that even I can’t find anymore that Lilia always gets a free pass on my 3 character limit XD. Thank you so much! I have long ways to be a decent writer but I’m glad you found my works nice. The one with Lilia is actually based on my own experience at work and I was told that’s an anxiety attack so uh... Also, I do kinda have to force myself or I’ll just keep focusing on work and not have time for myself which is writing.
(I swear all characters are treated equally and totally no favoritism... oh who am I kidding? Hail Lilia)
Warning(s): Mentions of an anxiety attack on Lilia’s part.
Now, let’s enter this twisted wonderland~
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At first, he thought you just need something for Jade which he doesn’t mind. Everybody needs help once in a while.
But lately you two have pretty much stopped seeing each other.
Anytime he asks the trouble trio, they always respond that you’re with Jade.
Excuse me, if you wanted to break up with him just tell it straight to his face?!
He’s honestly hurt though. He thought you two are hitting it off really well.
Once he confronts you about it, you’re in the kitchen of Monstro Lounge.
“Wait, what are you doing?” He looked so confused and enamored of your look with an apron on.
“Ruggie, I love you and everything but I’m in the middle of a shift right now.” You immediately replied as you see Azul tapping his wristwatch.
“You work here?!” He jerked back in surprise. “I thought you are having a tryst with Jade!”
Cue to you and Azul spit taking (away from the food, of course, you ain't unsanitary) while Floyd burst out laughing and Jade chuckling.
Yeah, turns out you’re the current cook in the lounge to save up some money to buy him a gift for your anniversary.
Psh, he knows that. He’s just testing you… yeah.
Feel free to tease him about it since he used to do it to you anyway.
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Okay, surely you just need Vil for a question or two, right?
You keep making excuses to get out of his hair lately and he doesn’t like it at all.
Yet whenever Rook calls for you because Vil asked for it, you’re suddenly available.
His mood swings are worse than a pregnant woman’s so you better explain quickly.
“Floyd! I finally found you.” You greeted him three weeks after you two last have an actual conversation.
“Can’t talk right now, I’m busy. Why don’t you go back to Vil?” He snapped at you as he began walking away.
You merely blinked at his reaction and shrugged. “Okay, you gave me the go signal so don’t you go blaming me for it.”
“That wasn’t permission! Get back here and pay attention to me!”  He pouted and shook you violently. “Why do you always pay attention to Vil? I thought I’m your boyfriend?!”
“Well, my sense of fashion is wack so I thought I’d ask an expert.” You struggled to respond as you tried to hand over a box which made him stop shaking you. “Vil hooked me up to get these for you after being ordered around to do things… Happy anniversary… oh god I feel sick…”
“Eh?” He opened the box to reveal the Tenebres brand of shoes that he’s been wanting. “Shrimpy, thank you!!!”
Yeah, have fun trying to hold that nausea in because this eel ain't ready to let go just yet.
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As much as Lilia is a great person to hang out with, he can be quite neglectful on certain things because of having too much fun.
You don’t show it that much but you do get anxiety attacks when you get surprised. While not severe it’s still quite a scary moment.
It doesn’t help that you’re carrying something very valuable and very fragile to Vil when he decided to pop out of nowhere upside down.
“What you got there, (y/n)?” He casually asked.
A loud crash echoed in the hallway and your face pales up as Vil’s delivery is now on the floor, shattered. Just the sight of it is enough to send your thought spiraling as you can vividly picture Vil yelling at you for being careless and useless you can be. You are aware that your brain is exaggerating things but as your anxiety attack gets more prominent, the harder it is for you to breathe and rationalize which only made you panic. Your ears started ringing that you failed to hear Lilia calling out your name multiple times. You must have blacked out for when you regained your sense of focus and hearing, you can see a concerned Lilia hovering above you.
“Oh seven, my apologies little one.” He replaced the wet cloth on your forehead before continuing. “I should have known or at least notice you have anxiety attacks.”
When you’re feeling better, Lilia personally talked to Vil about the situation and offered to replace the said item.
Much to your surprise, Vil got mad at Lilia for causing your anxiety attack and even used his unique magic on the fae’s apron and favorite ladle.
Yep, the old man is currently banned from cooking. (Diasomnia sent Pomefiore their thanks that day.)
Nonetheless, Lilia is now careful about his random appearances and is now more attentive.
The downside is that he permanently has his dad mode on.
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This man trusts you a lot.
He knows you won't force him to do things he doesn’t like and respected the fact that his main priority is to service Malleus. The same goes that you trust him that you love him and he won't force you to do things you don’t like.
So, when he saw you spend way more time with Deuce than him especially during his sword practice, he wasn’t pleased.
He’s rather blunt about it too that he just stops you in the hallway around other students.
“Why are you hanging out with Deuce too much?”
“He’s my friend, Silver. Of course, I’ll hang out with him when you’re busy.” You cocked your head sideways out of confusion.
He frowned, still not like the ache he feels in his chest. “Doesn’t mean you have to do it every time.”
“Hey, I don’t stop you from being with Mr. Draconia every time but I get restrictions? What happened to being fair to each other?”
“It's my duty to be around Lord Malleus, you on the other hand waste your time on someone else’s company.” He defended and straightened his posture unconsciously to assert authority. “If you have free time then watch me practice or something.”
“I did that before and I ended up falling asleep on the hard ground so you told me to do something else instead, remember?” You can't help but be hurt by the contradictions he spouting out right now especially since you two have garnered the attention of almost all the students nearby. “Can you take some time to cool down first before we talk about this again? I don’t want any misunderstandings to happen between us.”
“So you can go back to Deuce’s side already?” Anger slowly seeping into his visage but immediately disappeared with your hurt expression.
“Do you trust me so little…” You whispered not intending for him to hear. “You know what, fine. I’ll go to Deuce until you finally get your head straight.”
Let me tell you now, he feels everything just came crashing down. He never intended for it to cause a big rift between the two of you but at the looks of it, you two needed space.
The entire day this man will try to talk to you again but by some unknown force in the universe, there's always something preventing him to do so.
He’s so lost he can't even take a nap even in the comfort of the forest animals.
Deuce smacked him to his sense quite literally. Like, our delinquent boy just punched the living daylights out of this guy.
Deuce has to explain that you two are pretty much siblings when it comes to closeness and you’re always talking about him all the time.
Be prepared to be serenaded tonight, Silver ain't letting you leave him on a bad note.
Well, more like that’s what Lilia taught him to do since he was young.
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otomes-world · 4 years
Change of pace
A little try of writing headcanon!  Vice leaders change dorms for a week and the reaction of the heads dorms 
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• The news hit him on the head like the wand of the Queen of Hearts. He realized only that now he was going to become the vice leader of Diasomnia.
• Surprisingly, he was welcomed, although not with open arms, but very well-disposed. Especially when, out of habit, he set the table for tea with sweets of his own preparation. At first all the students froze in the pose "I am not here, I am a statue."
• He, of course, knew that Lilia was not cooking very well.. but not so bad, right??? It seems that Silver tasted normal baked goods for the first time in his life.
• And not only he, even the unshakable Sebek looked at him with a look full of admiration. No, all of Diasomnia.
• Malleus was well rested this week, especially with Trey not being as protective of him as Vanrouge. Let's be honest, this was the first time his dorm was so busy. Draconia even invited him to stay forever, which upset Lilia.
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• Ruggie go to visit Pomefiore. On the one hand, he was happy to have a sudden week off, but not in Vil's lair! Hyena would love to sunbathe in the Scarabia and fly with Kalim on an carpet.
• However, now he is sitting and with a nervous look examines various bottles with unknown liquids. So, can you repeat one more time? This is a face cream, this is hands one... so this is for what? Why does he need so many pencils, he isn`t going to draw a landscape on his face.
• The second problem was etiquette. This is probably the first time Ruggie saw so many forks and knives. He used fewer of them in the dining room in a week than in one dinner in Pomefiore.
• Hyena already knew that Vil was picky, but after a week of living together, his opinion of him changed dramatically. Now he understood why Leona sighed in disgust every time someone mentioned the Beautiful Queen's dorm. Needless to say, he was jumping back to Savanaclaw?
• Vil didn`t appreciate the exchange program. He would still close his eyes if Jade or Jamil came, but why did a hyena come to his castle? Rook, of course, was still that thorn in one place, but Schoenheit greeted his return more warmly.
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• Jade went to the most mysterious, in his opinion, dorm - Ignihyde. He's heard that Idia's appearance in a dorms meeting is like inviting Malleus to tea.
• He never managed to meet him. Shroud spoke only through the door, and even then in an uncertain, stuttering voice. He somehow reminded him of Azul when he was throwing tantrums.
• Therefore, Jade and treated him gently, for example, brought food and left at the door. It was a mystery to him how Idia could stay in room 24/7. However, once again remembering Ashengrotto and his pot, thoughts of the unusualness of the head of Ignihyde instantly evaporated.
• For the students, Jade's appearance was a double shock. Still, not every day the vice-head of the robot is replaced by a living person or, more precisely, a moray eel. 
• Idia's reaction was easy to predict. Ortho was the only one he could talk to more or less. Who invented the exchange program?! He would have told the director everything he thinks about that deal if he hadn't been afraid to leave the room because of Jade. He hears a few scary rumors about him.
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• He ended up in Octavinelle. What kind of fool did the distribution? Jamil would like to ask him a couple of questions. Let this student shake and hope that Viper never finds him.
• In principle, his life hasn`t changed much, except that the responsibilities have become a little less. In addition, Azul paid him well for his job at Monstro Lounge. Surely, he still hoped to convince him to transfer.
• Students also didn`t notice the difference too much. Unless their new vice-leader didn`t frighten with a smile and treated them more kindly, as much as possible from Jamil's side.
• Between work he played board games with Floyd, sometimes the head of Octavinel joined them.
• Azul was more than happy that it was Jamil who got to him. He didn`t hesitate to take the chance to entice him to him. It is a pity that it was unsuccessful. His loyalty to Kalim can only be envied.
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• Oh, Rook took the news with his eyes shining with joy. Still, of all the possible options, he was sent to Savanaclaw! When will he have another chance to observe animals in their natural habitat? True, his enthusiasm wasn`t appreciated by Vil or Leona or all the beastmen. Hunt was known for his unquenchable interest in hunting, which the entire Night Raven College experienced at least once.
• The hunter wasted no time collecting all the things he needed. He is one of the few who appreciated the program. The blond arrived at the place before everyone else with a beaming smile looking around the steppes, which reminded him of home. Oh, this wonderful smell of freedom!
• Previously, Rook burned them with a look from the side, now he did it sitting face to face. The students shuddered a little and carried their feet into the rooms, hearing a cheerful whistle. Hot-tempered animals are united by one goal - to survive this damn week!
• Hunt, who still loves to chat, had a real blast. Not a single student left him without a lot of questions. However, Kingscholar still got much more attention. Rook got a rare opportunity to watch his life for seven days. What hunter would miss such a chance?!
• This week Leona has probably acquired a couple of gray hairs in his mane. The blond had bothered him before, but now he has become truly unbearable. As in the case of Jamil, it is better for the one who was involved in the distribution to hide and pray for mercy. 
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• “Oho, sounds interesting,” it was with this attitude that Vanrouge headed to Riddle's room to properly greet him in his favorite manner. Yes, he just hung from the ceiling as usual, making the poor kid jump up in surprise.
• However not only Rosehearts was so lucky. All students  have received such honor. Lilia never got tired of scaring cute kids to death. This was half the trouble of the Queen's dormitory. Especially, when Vanrouge decided to make his signature cake, which he baked every year for Silver's birthday.
• Such a unbirthday party will be remembered by everyone. He was forbidden to approach the kitchen. Riddle personally added Rule 811, which says "Letting Lilia Vanrouge enter the kitchen is punishable by head demolition." However, there was no need for this, the students themselves made up the patrol schedule.
• Aside from the incident with the tomato cake and chocolate tuna pizza-surprise, the third year was genuinely enjoying it. He loved everything, from the funny rules to the general atmosphere. He especially like playing croquet and feeding multi-colored hedgehogs.
• Riddle wasn`t happy about this, to put it mildly, yet a good deputy still needs to be found. Besides, Trey was his childhood friend and Lilia never tired of surprising him. On the last day of Vanrouge's stay, he personally planned a farewell party, mentally sympathizing with his dorm after the third year's words, "We will have to introduce the tradition of having tea drinking in Diasomnia!"
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• The wonderful child was very happy, he will be able to make more friends! Maybe they'll even make friends with his brother! With such thoughts, the robot went to the Scarabia.
• Ortho soon became everyone's favorite. Still, where else can you meet such a cute and friendly robot? He quickly merged into the crazy sands dorm atmosphere. Help with cooking? Sure! Need hands free to finish cleaning faster? With joy!
• Kalim, known for his sunny character and cheerfulness, greeted Ortho very warmly. He even threw a party in his honor, it's a pity that his guest never tasted anything. Flying in the skies at night has become a favorite pastime throughout the Scarabia this week.
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fu-aki · 4 years
Chapter 5
So this is going to be my attempt to summarize part 1 of the beginning part of chapter 5 (episode 1 to 21) of twisted wonderland.
Again, spoiler alert since I’m about to write out everything that happened, and I apologize for my grammar and horrible French in advance.
 You heard someone singing -> it was the scenes from snow white when the evil queen asks the mirror on the wall and snow white singing into the well  -> player choice: a beautiful women was watching from the window…/ I felt like I’ve meet that beautiful person before… -> you woke up from dream -> in the main street, you meet up with Ace and Deuce -> after seeing the statue you realized you’ve seen them in your dreams before
In classroom -> Ace felt it wasn’t weird to have dreams like that when you see those statues everyday -> you mentioned about in your dream “mickey” appeared in the mirror -> Ace and Deuce never heard of that name before -> Ace suggest to take a photo of it with the “ghost camera” you got from Crowley since it can even take pictures of ghosts
Crewel showed up and explained about “nationwide sorcerer training school culture festival” -> it’s a 2 day event with representative students from all the sorcerer training school, a festival with speeches and debates all about magic related music & art topics -> for NRC, all the 4th year students will be send all across country for internship and research study -> they will all come back on that day to share their experience and result -> end of the homeroom -> fight Crewel for the defense magic class
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In the dorm leader meeting -> Malleus is not there again -> Lilia mentions how he couldn’t find Malleus anymore after class so he’s here instead -> Idia questions if Malleus is missing meetings on purpose -> Lilia talked about how fairies feels time different from humans, and how Malleus have some troublesome karma on him as well
The meeting starts -> Riddle started reporting everything about the event -> but the “vocal & dance championship” has surprising amount of media focused on it -> Riddle was surprised since he thought it was just a chorus competition -> because of the time change and consideration for different types of music, now it includes singing, dancing, and performance -> and because of how popular it got, it becomes one chance for students to professionally debut -> and now it’s getting extra notice because the famous influencer Vil and Neige are in it -> Lilia commented how Neige is getting really popular online and on TV -> Idia surprised that people in Diasomnia actually go online -> Lilia “kuhuhu, of course, we are still just students in high school, we watch dramas and play games.” -> Crowley “Vila and Neige, 2 world known famous celebrity are going to appear in VDC, it won’t be an exaggeration to call it the highest degree of attention we are going to get in this event.” -> Crowley ask Riddle to make preparation in case of troubles -> Azul offered to help since he learned all about it from magic shift event -> Leona “hey octopus bastard… do you want your flappy tongue to turn into dried food or what?” -> Azul “oh my how scary” -> Riddle refused Azul’s help since he don’t want Azul ask for something later -> Kalim “just tell us if something is bothering you, we’ll help you anytime.”
-> Kalim “I can’t wait for the day of festival~!” ->  Idia “sign~~~… the popular guys just looks so happy everyday. I had to think about the day to announce our research result… if I just step on stage, everyone would be like ‘hey isn’t his hair burning?’ ‘could he be Shroud family’s…’ ‘what kind of dark research is he doing?’ aah I can’t… for person like me to do a speech on stage is just challenge level EX.” -> Riddle mentioned how the rules said student have to go on stage themselves and offer to train Idia for speech after school -> Idia said he’ll manage something himself (whispering) “I really don’t wanna have a farming event with demonic trainer Riddle.” -> end of meeting
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In Vil’s room -> Vil “Mira, Mira” -> Mira “what can I help you with?” -> Vil “who is the fairest of them all right now?” -> Mira “the account with the most mention of fair in web currently is… Neige.” -> Vil “Neige…! Finally… this time have arrived.” -> Mira “sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you. Could you please repeat what you said?”
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Few days later in cafeteria -> Ace, Deuce, Grim, and you saw the poster for the VDC audition -> the reward for wining the championship is 5 million Madollar to spilt among the members -> Crowley popped up and explained many corporation sponsored this event -> Grim wanted to join for the money so he can buy tuna cans
The song for audition is “piece of my world” -> Ace wanted to try so if he got accepted he don’t need to help set up the places anymore -> Deuce wanted the reward money to help his family -> but he never did singing or dancing before so he didn’t want to join ->
In courtyard you heard someone singing beautifully -> you saw Epel ->Deuce remembered the time he bumped into Epel last chapter -> He asked Epel why is he practice singing here -> it was because Vil told Epel to practice singing to the well so Epel can hear his voice clearly -> Deuce “does Pomefiore have some rules where you have to be good at singing?” -> it was because Epel has to take the audition for VDC and practice for a more lovely voice -> Epel (whisper) “event like that should just disappear…” -> “oh my Epel, are you skipping practice and talking with pigeons now?” -> it was Vil -> Grim “that guy’s leg looks like it’s 1 meter longer than MC’s!” -> Vil “there’s only 2 month left till VDC, Epel have no times play with muddy potatoes like you people.” -> “Epel, you too, if this keep going on you won’t be able to become the ‘red poisoned apple’ let’s go.” -> Epel “…But I actully don’t!” -> Vil “did you forgot the promise with me? Just come here already.” -> Ace and Grim was pretty mad and wanted to fight -> Vil “It’s not bad for a walk after meal. Come at me, I’ll make you into mashed potato.” -> fight time -> you are beat up by Vil -> and he only gives you 5/100 for the fight since you lacked the beauty when fighting -> Epel has to go back with Vil and Vil mentioned how it ends up like this because Epel skipped practice in break
The next day -> Deuce decided to try the audition -> so if they are accepted, Epel might got eliminated and don’t need to practice anymore -> Deuce “as a honor student, I can’t just watch him being forced into the things he don’t like.” -> Ace “I don’t think it’s very honor student of you to call yourself honor student.” -> dance practice time
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Kalim and Jamil showed up practice for audition too -> Kalim “honestly you guys are pretty bad at this, you look like a panicked elephant trying to stand on 2 legs! Ahhaha!” -> Deuce “man this really hurts when he’s not even try to be mean.” -> Ace asked Jamil to teach them how to dance -> Kalim “oh sure! Jamil is really good at singing.” -> Jamil “why are you replying for me! … well it is also review for me when I’m teaching someone, fine I’ll do it.” -> teaching time -> Kalim “hey, how about we practice together tomorrow too? Jamil is really good at singing, we’ll show you.” -> Jamil “! You just decided that yourself too…!” -> Kalim “it’ll be fine, besides isn’t it more fun when you have more people for dancing, singing, or partying?” -> Jamil “fine, just don’t expect me to be so kind.” -> Jamil “for now, let’s just clean up, take some mops from the storage room -> Deuce, Ace, Kalim “okay.” -> Jamil “Kalim, you don’t have to do it… sigh.”
Azul showed up -> Grim mentioned how Jamil’s evil plan was streamed worldwide last chapter.” -> Azul “why do you think the merciful me would end my classmate societal life like that?” -> Jamil “…you would.” -> that day Azul was just on phone with Jade -> Azul “different from Leona, I don’t have an interest to beat down someone more than necessary, besides it’s a secret that I’ve finally got, I won’t do anything to make the price fall like that.” -> Jamil “hate to say it, but thanks to Azul’s mercifulness, my parents and Asim family didn’t know the real reason I overblot. But the dorm students…”
Flashback -> Scarabia students questioned why Kalim don’t change the vice dorm leader after what happened
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-> Kalim “are you guys worried about me? Thank you! But… he was not the only one wrong this time, I’m also at fault. Besides, is there anyone in Scarabia that have not received help from Jamil?” -> student “that, that is true… if there’s something going wrong we would always just ask him…” -> Kalim “I know right? He is an excellent vice dorm leader. A lot better than me, the dorm leader. His judgements might be clouded back then, but he is still great at his work. He did try to expel me by manipulating you guys but… up till that incident, he has never hurt me even once before. He has many chances to do other much more horrible things to me, but he didn’t. Not once, in 17 years. I won’t call him a good guy but… it’s hard to explain but would you please give us more times?” -> students “…if that’s what you said so…” -> Jamil “…”  -> end of flashback -> Jamil “the chance I had for holiday was once in a lifetime, thought my life would be over if I failed, but in the end it didn’t change that much… surely something to be ‘grateful’ for. So unless I’m fired by Kalim, I’ll continue to serve him. And I’ll continue to show everyone how useful I am.” -> Grim “Jamil… your character really changed a lot after the holiday.” -> Azul “if you are fired by Kalim, Octavinelle will always welcome people like you with open arms.” -> Jamil “thank you for the offer, but no matter what happened I would never go to Octavinelle.” -> Kalim “Hey you guys~ if we don’t head out soon we are gonna be late for class!”
3 days later -> everyone is getting better at dancing and singing -> Jamil reminded them to sign up for audition with Rook in class 3-A -> Grim saw Leona and called out to him -> Leona: angry lion noises -> Grim asked where is Rook Hunt -> Leona “why are you trying to find that weird guy.” -> Rook suddenly popped up from behind -> Rook “hahaha, did I surprised you? Pardon. Conceal my footstep sound was a habit I had. I am Rook Hunt. The hunter of love that set his life theme as looking for beauty, helping beauty.” -> Leona “tsk, there it is, that weird guy.” -> Rook asked where is monsieur dandelion -> Leona “no way we are together 24/7, just take those herbivores and go.” -> Deuce questioned who is monsieur dandelion -> it was Ruggie -> the reason why Rook calls him that is because last spring, Rook saw Ruggie picking dandelion in the sports field. Ruggie plans to eat those since his budget is a little tight this month -> so Rook calls him monsieur dandelion out of respect -> Leona “that guy… is he really fine with eating everything that’s not rotten? He didn’t make me eat dandelions too, right…?” -> Rook “non non, it’s not poison, it’s not good to be picky like that lord lion.” -> Ace brought up the audition for VDC, we almost forgot about that because of what happened -> Rook “I apologize, so you guys are, human species Ace Trappola, height 172cm, from class 1-A with student number 25. Human species Deuce Spade, height 173cm, from the same class 1-A with student number 24. And human species MC with demon beast species Grim, height 70cm. right?”
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-> Deuce “how did you know our class and student number!?” -> Ace “and even height too!?” -> Rook “huhuhu. As a hunter, I have to at least know the species and heights about the students.” -> there’s no need to write anything to sign up, you only need to show up to the audition 3 days later in Pomefiore’s ballroom -> Rook ask why don’t Leona try for the auditions too -> Leona “who would go to a game event like that, besides, that annoying Vil is also there. I would never go.” -> Rook “the Vil with the beauty of metropolis, and Leona kun with the beauty of wilderness. If both of you dances and sings together it would definitely be beautiful. The competition between different types of beauty, it’s just tres bien!” -> Leona “this guy really doesn’t listen to other people at all…”
3 days later -> in Pomrfiore dorm lounge, you saw around 50 students who’s also trying for audition -> Cater was also one of it -> since he wanted to go to the event with the famous celebrity Vil -> Ace “isn’t that reason a little too light hearted?” -> Cater “really? I thought everyone is like that, I mean look.”
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-> pointed at Ruggie who’s clearly here for money -> Lilia popped up again -> you recognized him as the person who handed you the holiday card -> Grim “he wasn’t the sender?” -> Lilia “the initials are different from mine right?” -> Lilia is here since he’s in light music club and it just makes sense for him to try -> he tried to invite Malleus too but he said he don’t want it to become the exhibition of some kind so he refused -> Lilia “that guy is kind of shy” -> Cater “I feels like that’s a little bit different from shy…” -> Lilia asked why didn’t Cater brought Trey along -> Cater tried but Trey has to help Riddle with all the works
they saw Ortho by himself for audition too and was surprised -> Ace commented on how Ortho looks like an elementary school student -> Cater said Ortho is accepted into this school with Idia, and they always take classes together -> Grim “how much of a brothercon is Idia…” ->Ortho “don’t talk bad on my brother!” -> Ortho explained how everything was approved by the principals, and is not like Idia brought him just because he’s lonely by himself -> Cater “sorry sorry, we kinda got to excited while talking about it since the Shroud brother is like the 7 mysteries of this school.” -> Ortho “I want to apologize for getting too upset as well, I just don’t want you to misunderstand my brother…” -> Cater asked if Ortho is also here for audition -> flashback -> basically Idia made a software with his voice to read out everything he typed -> for the speech since he just can’t talk in front of everyone -> but Idia also got pretty interested in the sound editing world -> Idia “since virtual idol is getting popular, should I put vocal synthesizer in Ortho too?” -> Ortho “sounds fun! I wanted to sing too.” ->Idia “alright~ let big brother handle everything.” -> so to test how far the vocal synthesizer can go, Ortho is here to take the audition -> Ace was surprised that they can just make singing sounds from programs -> Cater said those got quite popular and he likes it too, and wanted to show Grim a video of it -> there was an ad
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Neige is promoting in the ad -> Cater mentioned how popular he is getting -> Vil, Rook, and Epel kicked in with sparkling effects -> Vil started introducing himself and explains how he will be the producer for the members appears in VDC
Auditions starts -> Ruggie sung and danced
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-> Rook “monsieur dandelion. Such a light step and bright smile. With manliness and loveliness combined perfectly. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “his way of moving isn’t bad, but his dancing and singing is still messy… next!”
Cater -> Rook “monsieur magcam. Your voice sounds just like the elegant sparkling diamond! I wanted to listen to it forever. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “singing and dancing wasn’t bad, but I can’t feel any passions… next!”
Lilia -> Rook “monsieur curiosity. Such a lovely form and singing voice with an alluring aura… Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “I don’t know why… but I can’t feel any freshness of a high school student from Lilia. Next!”
Ortho -> Rook “monsieur doll. What a brand-new style…! Your robot dance and singing voice, will be sculpted into my eyes. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “no matter how genre-less this event is, there’s a limit… next!”
Kalim -> Rook “lord gold! Your dance were just like the breeze that blow through the hot sand! And the singing that make me felt like flying. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “hmm, it’s a little bit better than the vegetables that’s just rolling around.”
Jamil -> Rook “monsieur mulch. As expected… I can feel your buring soul underneath your cool mask! Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “not bad, he’s the most normal one out of all of them.”
Epel -> Rook “monsieur crabapple. So lovely! Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “that kid, misstep again, no matter how good was his rehearse, it would be meaningless if he can’t do good in the real deal. Also, Rook. aren’t you giving out nothing but 100 points? Are you judging seriously?” -> Rook “of course, but it’s so hard to pick a first when everyone are so wonderful. There’s beauty in the neatness, and there’s also beauty in the twisted. Don’t you think so?” -> last group -> Ace, Deuce, and Grim -> Rook “…I see I see.” -> end of the audition -> result will come out tomorrow -> Rook recommend the trio to Vil
Next day, Ace, Deuce, Grim just got off from class -> suddenly an arrow flies across barely missed Deuce’s nose -> Ace realized there’s a piece of paper on the arrow -> Deuce “what!? Is it a challenge to fight!?” -> Ace “stop connect everything to a fight, let me see…” -> both Ace and Deuce are accepted -> you are also asked to go with those two
You all headed towards Pomefiore -> you saw both Kalim and Jamil -> they are accepted as well -> but after going in Pomefiore, students keep showing up asking for fight -> finally you arrived to the ballroom
-> Vil showed up with sparkling effects again -> apparently the students are fighting with you because you are accepted members, it was a warm up Vil prepared for all of you so he can start the lesson right away -> Vil “listen up, start from now on we would be the representation for NRC, and aim for the first place in the VDC. The members that can’t even win a fight like that is not needed. The battle has already started and all of you should be prepared to be whipped to shape!” -> Kalim “I don’t really understand but okay!” -> Grim asks why are him and you here when you are not accepted -> Crowley showed up and explained, in order to practice for the team work, all of the members will live together in Ramshakle dorm -> Grim wanted to refuse -> but Vil and Rook said they will give you all of their reward money since their goal in this event is not money -> which is around 1.42 million -> you decided to accept the deal after all ->Vil “now let’s start the lesson!” -> Ace “I thought the lesson starts when we starts living together?” -> Vil “don’t get a big head, new potato number 1. You are still an amateur at singing and dancing, we can’t waste a single minute.” -> practice time.
 End of this update.
Oh man it tooks me a whole entire day to do this… and to think this is just like part a of part1. The chapters are getting so much longer…
I Honestly felt like I missed up half of Rook’s nicknames since I don’t know French at all, basically got everything from google so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, Rook’s nickname for Epel is kinda weird, he call Epel hime ringo which directly translate to princess apple, but it is also a type of apple. In English it’s called crabapple, which kind of feels different then the Japanese text.
Can I just say I love the fact that we can fight Crewel now? And I just love how he call us zasshu while fighting, it probably referenced to like mixed blood dogs and all but it only reminds me of Gilgamesh lol.
Ahhh I really want Crewel to slap me.
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
2. WEB
Some random oneshot for TwstOBer ~ Enjoy please xD
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“Sebek, you need to find some other hobby. Do you want to try playing with my PC?”
“Human inventions that have nothing to do with magic? Hmpf! Sounds disappointing.”
“Well, well, at least give it a try, okay? It maybe surprises you.”
“... If you say so, Lilia-sama...”
That was how it all began. A simple proposal from Lilia had been his first and until now last contact with that world. And he still didn't know how he had gotten to the point where he was right now.
That day, in Lilia's PC, he found a program on the web that caught his attention. "Pass on your thoughts or knowledge!" It said. Sebek arched an eyebrow, and ended up creating an account outnof curiosuty with the first nickname that came to mind (Best Bolt) until he came across a recording function. Then he realized what this must be.
“I understand. It should be something like a journal, but instead of writing it by hand, you speak directly to it. Interesting invention, not bad for humans...”
And then, after clearing his throat and hitting the 'Record' button, he began to speak.
“... Hello? ... I don't know how this works, but I will try to adapt. This is my first time using one of these... inventions. It's interesting, but... Hm? Wait, why is there a light that is blinking on the side? Okay... I'll try to fix it. I don't know how the recording is turned off...”
Sebek began to investigate what happened to the computer, and in that time he wasn't seeing suddenly the counter of 0 that appeared on the side of the recording screen went up to 1, then to 2, and thus it began to rise. increasingly.
Once he finally fixed it, he returned to his starting position.
“Done. It was not a problem for me. What could I talk about today... Huh?”
As he was thinking, he suddenly saw an alert glow red on the screen, next to a speech bubble. Sebek brought the mouse to it and opened it, finding the words: "You can talk about anything you want."
“I understand. It even gives you suggestions... What a useful program... I'll talk a bit about myself in that case.” Despite this, Sebek decided not to speak the names of anyone he named... for his own sake. He didn't want to be embarrassed later if he listened to his own diary... “Right now I don't live with my family, so to speak. It's not that I get on badly with them at all; I went away to study and to fulfill my duties and my work. So now I'm living somewhere else, surrounded by... ahem, people. However, the ones I am closest to are... the family of a person I have known since childhood.”
He leaned back in the chair.
“One of them treats me almost as if I were his son, and sometimes I think he cares too much about me and pampers me too much. He has taught me so many things, and I feel that every day I learn a little more from him. I respect him a lot... although he sometimes takes advantage of me and plays practical jokes on me. I don't know if he wants me to feel comfortable and enjoy all of this despite being away from my family... or he just wants to play with me. He left me all this... equipment to test it and 'have fun'. Hum. I think once again he was right. His advice is always helpful.”
He made a mental note that he should thank Lilia.
“And then there is... the one who is the only person my age who has always been by my side. He is a very decisive... person, and too calm, I'll say. That is what makes him fail so much in many things. However... he is the person I have been with the most since children, and despite his failures and the fact that we argue so many times... he is very important to me. We do not consider ourselves nor have we called ourselves 'friends' before, rather it is that in addition to being one of the same rank as me, he is my rival and someone I like to continually surpass. I think he may feel the same way.”
For some reason he was saying things that surprised even him. He had never spoken so openly about Silver. How was this happening? Was he so comfortable talking to himself...?
“And there is someone else, who is who I am doing all this for and for whom I strive every day. He is the most incredible being I have ever met. Always correct, with the greatest power I have ever seen, diligent, perfect... It is directly my reason for being, I am SURE of it. I want to become stronger for him and be by his side to serve him whenever he needs me. I'm lucky that someone like him recognized my worth. He is my role model... Although...”
He bit his lip.
“... I think I'm not good enough to help him, protect him, and still be worthy. But I will be. Not because I started showing results later than others am I going to give up. That is something I am not going to do. I want to make the world see that I can become the best in my course... No; the best ever. And prove that he was not wrong with me. It doesn't matter where you come from, whose son you are, or if your power came to light sooner or later... WHAT REALLY MATTERS IS YOUR PASSION, AND STRIVE EVERY DAY TO KEEP WALKING!”
After blurting that out with a big smile and clenched fists, he soon realized that he had lost his composure a bit. He returned to his starting position, clearing his throat.
“... Ahem. For now I feel like I'm on the right track to achieve that goal. The first step is to be the best in my course. Or so I think. The people I... hang out with, from the same course as me are... peculiar. There is one who seems to be pursuing the same goal as me. But he still has a lot left. I notice conviction in his words but I don't see any improvement in his studies. However, he is stronger than I expected at first, and he excels at P.E. There's another... thing who wants to become the best too, but... I'm not even going to talk about him. That one is a lost case. There are two more who instead appear to be quite normal, but one only seems to have an interest in one thing, and the other... honestly, I don't know what to think of him, but he's very strong. And besides the four of them there is a... person who does not seem to want to improve on anything at all. Or rather, he doesn't seem to have an interest in it. But he is not an idiot, rather he seems like one, and I have learned from other sources that when he proposes it to him, he is capable of being the best student in his class. Perhaps he is the most suitable to call him a 'rival' among them. Although as long as he continues to seem so bored of everything that comes his way, there should be no problem... He also shouldn't like me too much. Although he keeps talking to me. He is an interesting guy.”
Sebek then took a breath to talk about the last person he was missing, after talking about Deuce, Grim, Epel, Jack and Ace.
“And lastly there is this… ahem, person, that came along all of a sudden. They doesn't have the capacity to be here, but they somehow got in and we're on the same course. When I learned of their existence, I felt that I had tried very hard to get here, while they had a special ability, although not the one that everyone else possesses, was able to enter without problems. It was unfair. I have ever thought that they were making fun of everyone.” He paused. For some reason, even though he had blurted it out, he didn't feel good about himself... Was that the whole truth...? It was then that he recalled certain moments that he spent with them from then on. “... But they are very clumsy. I feel like I have to be there to hold them if they falls. Studying with them is not unpleasant, they are capable to follow my advice and understand things quickly. I do not dislike those who strive to achieve their goals...”
Another notification appeared on the side of the screen. Sebek stopped speaking, a half smile adorning his face, and looked at the message, taking advantage of the stop in his monologue. Would it be another suggestion from the program...?
“How beautiful is love.”
The boy jumped.
“WHAT?! NO!!” He yelled at the screen, totally flushed. “H-How can a program say these things?! This is a joke?!”
The notifications came out again and Sebek managed to read some.
“Program? What are you talking about man?”
“Hey, there is nothing wrong with you liking someone, I support you!!!”
“Is Story Time over? I was really enjoying listening to you, Best Bolt”
“I have become a fan of yours! Will you talk about more things another day?”
“Your words are very inspiring!♡”
“Best Bolt u r the BEST!”
Sebek began to check the screen, and saw that next to a symbol that represented an eye appeared the number "5000".
5000... eyes?
“Hey. Did you listen to Best Bolt the other day on this popular app with podcasts that premier live?” Ace asked, as he ate his burger.
Sebek stopped eating when he heard that.
“No, but I have heard people talk about him to class people. He seemed interesting” Said Epel.
“I had listened to podcasts, but few that talked about personal life... And he spoke so calmly and in such a sincere and focused way... I wish I could do something like that” Deuce commented. Epel smiled at him, he felt the same way.
“I don't know who you're talking about” said Jack confused. (Y/n) and Grim were just like him.
“He cut the recording suddenly the other day, something may have happened to his PC... But hey, if he comes back I'll let you know for sure.”
Sebek ate without saying anything, next to them, who were talking so happily about Best Bolt, until...
“Sebek, youuuu... well, I don't even know why I ask, in Diasomnia you all are very old-fashioned, right? You don't use technology much... except Lilia-senpai.” Ace started to say, looking at him.
Sebek tried to avoid him as best he could.
“HUH?! A-Ah... No, n-no, I don't have interest in that kind of human-made things...”
“Heee... Well, I'll let you know when Best Bolt comes back anyway. Maybe it surprises you.”
“Y-Yes, okay, thank you” He replied, looking away... where he met the watchful gaze of (Y/n), quite close to his face.
“Sebek, are you okay?”
That was the last straw. Sebek quickly rose from his chair.
And with that said, the boy ran towards the exit, while everyone else looked at him.
“... Hey now that I think about it, doesn't Best Bolt look a bit like Sebek? That way of speaking, and everything he said...”
“Ha, ha. Good one, Deuce.”
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