notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 14-Legend
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Note: .....So I’m a few days behind. Not only did I have a bit of writer’s block, but I’ve also been busy with other stuff because of holidays coming up. So it’s going to be a bunch of one-shots until I catch up. I still want to do this because it is fun, but I’m also going to stay up until I get back on track.
There were a lot of tales in this place.
Stella looks through another book. There was some down time before she had to head to her club, so she decided to spend some time in the library. Ever since dropping into this world, she had been fascinated by it. Other than the obvious use of magic, it was so open and different from her own small world. With that, she wanted to learn everything about it while she was here. One of the ways is using the Internet, of course, but with so many books at her disposal of history then she might as well use it.
“Curious again, aren’t you?” A familiar voice says from above. She looks up to see Lilia floating upside down above her. She squeaked in surprise, almost dropping the book.
“Oh, Lilia! You scared me.” she tells the other. He chuckles before floating down next to her.
"I can't help myself when you have such a fun reaction." he responds giggling. He looks over at the book she has in her hand. "I see you're doing some light reading.”
“Oh.” She looks at the book in her hand. “I’ve been wanting to know everything in Twisted Wonderland and reading it seemed more fun.”
“I see. You could have always asked me about our history, young one.” The Diasomnia student says, which makes her giggle.
“True, but even you can’t know so much history for someone as young as you.” she responds back. He chuckles.
“You’re too kind!” Stella always thought it was funny how Lilia acted, as if he was an elder himself. “Since I am here, what are you looking for?” he asks.
“Hm. Not quite sure.” she admits. He hums before speaking up again.
“Have you heard the legend of the kind princess?” he asks her. She looks at him with curiosity in her eyes, which he finds amusing.
“No, I have not.” she answers.
“There was once a beautiful princess that lived in a faraway kingdom.” he begins. “She was kind and caring for her people. It extended to the others and would bring people from all over together with her lovely heart. However, not everyone shared her views. Three witches were jealous of her beauty, heart and kindness. Their coldness and selfishness led them to discuss themselves as three fairies to go to the princess’s sixteenth birthday.”
“When they came up to give their gifts to the kingdom, they gave her a spinning wheel. However, what they do not reveal is that if she pricks her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel, the princess will turn into a monstrous beast and take away her beauty. The only way to break the curse is if someone shows love and kindness to the beast and she will return to her original beauty. A cruel joke on the three, since they believed no one would accept a monster. And then, that very night as she looked over the various gifts from her party, she pricks her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel, turning the once beautiful princess into a monster.”
“Her transformed form terrified the people in his kingdom. None of them knew it was their beloved princess, so they ran from the castle until none were left. Confused and alone, the princess could only live alone. Legend has it that you can still hear her roar of loneliness on the night of a full moon in the Valley of Thorns.” He finishes the story.
“That’s so sad.” she says with a frown.
“That is true. Tales such as this are mostly to pass down to future generations.” he explains. She knows that deep inside, but the thought of someone alone just because of a hex put on her seemed so unfair. But it is a legend and is not real, right?
“Thank you for sharing that with me, Lilia.” Stell says. “If you have the time, could you share more stories with me?” Even if she didn’t like how the story ended, she can still learn about other stories from this world. She would like to believe in the hope that there is a happy ending for the princess.
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savanaclaw1996 · 11 months
The King of my Heart-Leona Kingscholar x Fem! Reader (TwstOber 2022)
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Day 6: Crown. From the TwstOber2022 prompt list from @raven-at-the-writing-desk. Enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of Chapter 2 spoilers!
Word Count: 1,007 words.
Leona sometimes wondered why he was even born into royalty. If one is born a royal, that meant that they could be treated with the utmost respect, right? Well, Farena, his older brother, got that respect, so why not he? He was also born a royal. It just wasn’t fair. But, then again, life isn’t always fair.
"Life is determined for you from the moment that you're born, it doesn't matter how much you try to change it." Those were the words he told himself, and he believed them. If no one is going to respect or admire you, no matter how hard you work to make yourself appealing, why even bother trying to prove yourself?
Leona was lying on that certain one patch of grass under the tree in the Botanical Garden that's reserved just for him. It has been a week since his Overblot episode, and he was still slightly weak from it. He was still recovering from his Overblot episode and the rest of the dorms beating him up.
The Magift Tournament really took a lot out of him. But it still didn’t feel like it was enough. He did tell (Y/N) when they were in the infirmary that he would give it his all at the next Magift Tournament, but the vines grown from the seeds of doubt planted in his heart started to ensnare themselves around it.
"Would I really be able to give it my all next time?" he asked himself as he slowly opened his eyes as he looked at the sunlight shining through the Botanical Garden’s domed roof. "If Malleus wins the Tournament again, then what worth am I?"
He let out a heavy sigh as he turned to his side and shut his eyes, driving those heavy thoughts out from his mind and getting ready to snooze, when...
"Unca Leona!” a child’s voice yelled loudly, making Leona jolt in his spot. That screeching voice...! "Oh, no..." he groaned as he facepalmed in dismay. "Not him...!" Sure enough, a little lion child appeared from the bushes and ran up to him. He leapt and landed on Leona’s stomach, making him wheeze.
"There you are, Unca Leona!" Cheka said with a bright, happy smile on his sweet, cherubic face. Leona recovered from the pain and glowered at his screech-box of a nephew.
"How did you know I was here, furball?" he asked grouchily. "Did Ruggie tell you I was here?" Cheka shook his head. "Nope. Auntie (Y/N) said so. She took me here to find you." he said, pointing at the person appearing from behind the bushes.
"Cheka was wondering where you were, so I took him to find you. Ruggie-san told me you'd be here." you said, smiling. Leona scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Of course Ruggie would tell you and Cheka where he would be.
"I brought a little gift for you. Grim and I made it." you said as you knelt down beside Leona. "I helped her!" Cheka added proudly. "Oh? What is it?" Leona asked, raising an eyebrow.
You placed your backpack on the grass and took something out from it. It was a white cardboard box. You then placed the box on the grass, opened it. You reached your hands into the box and pulled out a little circlet. It was made of copper wire with gems looped inside and vines with purple flowers adorned the wire, providing the finishing touch.
"What’s that?" Leona asked, looking at the circlet in your hand. "Stay still for me, please." you replied. Leona obliged as he sat still. His ears twitched as you gingerly placed the object on his head. A few purple petals fell to the ground.
"There you go. Don’t you look regal?" you said with a playful smile as you looked at Leona's new look. Cheka clapped his hands in delight. "Unca Leona looks so handsome!" he exclaimed. Leona raised his hand and gently touched the flowers on his circlet. "Okay, what's the deal?" he asked in annoyance. "I'm not in the mood to play your silly little game, herbivore."
"Leona, I just gave you a crown." you replied. Leona froze as he turned to look at you. "A crown?" he asked. You nodded. "Yep. I got the copper wire from Sam's Mystery Shop, the gems I got from the Dwarf's mine, and the purple flowers I plucked from the woods near campus." you replied.
"Cheka came and helped me tie the vines on the wire." you said. "Those purple flowers are purple heliotropes. They represent eternal love and loyalty. Leona-senpai, that crown is a symbol of my undying loyalty to you. Even if you can’t be a real king, you’ll forever be the king of my heart."
"Huh... Is that so?" Leona hummed as he looked at you, his annoyed expression slowly becoming that of fondness. Despite everything that had happened, him Overblotting and nearly turning everything and everyone into sand, you leapt in without a single trace of fear and pulled him out from the inky depths of despair, thus saving his life.
Even when he wanted to nap, (Y/N) would tell him to attend his classes. She had complete faith that he could achieve something, that he could be more than a second-born prince.
He then looked at his nephew. Cheka will one day inherit the throne of the Sunset Savanna; thus, he will have the crown. While your creation may not be a real crown of royalty, your heartfelt declaration and gift were enough to make the vines of doubt wrapped around his heart to wither away.
He smiled. "Thanks, herbivore. I appreciate it." he said as he looked at you fondly. You smiled sweetly. "You're welcome." you reply. He then turned to Cheka. "Thanks, furball." he said, tousling his hair. Cheka smiled.
He then placed a tender kiss on his uncle's cheek, making Leona blush. "You're welcome, Unca. I love you lots." Cheka replied. Leona just scoffed. "Yeah, yeah." he said dismissively. But still, he truly adores his nephew.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 20-Guarded
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
He just couldn’t understand it.
Cater made a point to know and make friends with everyone. Though he had some difficulties, that never stopped him for the past three years. Then the non-magical students came along, or the Ramshackle cuties he calls them. Despite not having any magical abilities, all seven of them and Grim were still an interesting group. They were all so cute and new to the world.
Then there were two of them that he couldn’t wrap his head around: Ambrosia Antohallan and Yasmina Awaba. Those two, in particular, always seem to keep to themselves the most. They were just as cute as the others, too! To him, they were the epitome of an ice queen and fire princess. To him, they were picturesque for the perfect MagiCam post. However, no matter how hard he tried, they never wanted to hang out with him.
Yasmina always seemed to be shy about it, always turning him down even if there was nothing else going on. Ambrosia turned it down, always and without hesitation. She almost had the same energy as Vil, but without the influencer background. Both of them didn’t seem to ignore him completely; they do talk from time to time. But when it came to taking pictures or hanging out, they wouldn’t take the offer.
Maybe they were just really cute introverts.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 19-History
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
How did he do that?
While everyone in history class was focused on their work, Dove was watching her friend Ace. Normally, she would make sure that he’s focused on his work because he tends to goof around or fall asleep. Technically, he was goofing around but this was something he does every once in a while. She doesn’t know what to call it, but he somehow balances his pen by pursing his lips and balancing it on his top lip. She noticed that he only does it when he’s extremely bored. She never knew how he did it or where he learned to do it. She asked him before on how he did it, but she must have spaced out and didn’t remember what he said.
She looked away from him and looked at the pen in her hand. She lifts it up and examines it. It can’t be too hard to do, right? She pursed her lips before putting the pen vertically on her top lip. She let it go slowly so it can balance on her lip… before falling forward. Thankfully, she caught the pen in her hands. She thought she had it! But that wasn’t going to stop her from trying again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
This is way more difficult than she first thought. But she wasn’t going to give up. She tried again, placing the pen on her top lip. She lets it go and it finally stays! She did it! Proud of her accomplishment, she plays with it by balancing it back and forth. It was fun.
Until it falls off her lip and falls on her desk, making a large clack sound.
And, because of the silence in the room, it was loud. A few heads popped up in her direction, including Mr. Trein. She panics and quickly looks down, picking up the pen and hiding it in her lap. As if hiding the object was going to make it better. Mr. Trein stares at her before going back to his book. She felt heat from her cheeks down to the pit of her stomach. It only lasted a few seconds, but she won’t forget about it for a while. She hears a giggle next to her. Turning her head, she sees Ace smiling at her. He still balanced the pen on his top lip, as if mocking her.
Curse him and his magic pen trick!
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 18-Animal
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Note: So I am REEEEEAAAAAALLLLY late on these. In short, haven’t been sleeping too well. So I’m going to be doing a crunch on these until I catch up.
It all started with a simple scratch behind the ears.
Amelia was doing homework in the library. Grim was being a bit annoying because he was just so bored with the homework. So, in order to calm the little gremlin down, she scratches behind his ears. She’s had animals before and knew one of the ways to relax them was to do this. It works and she goes back to her work while Grim purrs happily. She didn’t realize, at the time, someone saw her do this.
Later on, she meets Ruggie at the courtyard. It was a normal conversation until he brought up seeing her in the library with Grim. He makes a few snide comments, talking about how she coddles him and the rest of her group. She was annoyed at first, but an idea popped up in her head. She’s done this before, so while he was grinning so smugly up at her, she reached over and scratched his head. He was surprised at first before trying to shake his head away. But he wasn’t fast enough to shake her away when she found a perfect spot right behind his ears. He wasn’t happy but immediately relaxed, wagging his tail.
She can only guess that either Ruggie told someone about what happened or someone witnessed it. Either way, Jack decided to bring it up while they were walking around. She was surprised that he would bring it up, let alone care about it. But it was fun to see him trying to comprehend why someone would like this while also watching his ears flick. She couldn’t help but tease him a bit about it, asking if he wanted his ears scratched. Of course, he denies it but Amelia calls him on his bluff with his tail wagging behind him. They go back and forth until, in trying to prove her wrong, he lowers his head and puts her hand on his head. Right between his ears. It was his downfall, however; whatever he was told was true as she scratched behind his ears. She continues her little massage until he shakes her hand away. He can say all he wants about how it was “just alright”, but she was pleased to see the little blush on his cheeks and tail wagging again behind him.
After all of her classes and the rest of the day, she just wanted to read in silence. She went over to the tree on the outskirts of the school, where luckily no one was there. She sat down under the tree, the leaves on the branches giving her some shade from the sun. It didn’t take her long to get engrossed into her book. Time flew by to her, whether it was only a few minutes or a couple of hours. During that time, she didn’t notice anyone else coming up to the tree. They looked annoyed for a moment before walking over to her. It surprised her when there was a sudden weight in her lap.
“Wha-Leona?!” The Savanaclaw’s leader had laid his head in her lap, looking up at her. Before she could ask him what he thinks he’s doing, he grabs one of her hands and puts it on his head. She was too stunned to say anything or move her hand away.
“You stole my spot, so you owe me.” he said simply before relaxing, closing his eyes. She blinked a few times, trying to figure out if this was happening or not. It’s possible that he heard about what happened, but to use it like this… With a sigh, she settles back to her book in one hand. The other hand gently petted and scratched the lion’s ears as he slept.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 17-Shadow
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Dolphina didn’t like tall people sometimes.
She doesn’t really have a particular dislike for them nor did she think they were bad people; she doesn’t mind it at all most of the time. What did bother her was how they would act around her sometimes. More specifically, how the Leech twins would act. Without fail, they would be very playful with her height.
“Little Shrimpy is so cute and tiny~” Floyd would say, pinching her cheeks and stretching them out. “I bet I could fit you in a little fish bowl and keep you in my room~”
“Don’t be so mean to our little Dolphina here.” Jade would respond back, though his smile was quite the opposite. “However, they are small enough to be our shadow~”
All she could do was puff out her cheeks and berate them a bit. “I’m no one’s shadow! You two are just mean because you have stilts for legs.” she would tell their smirking faces. But it never stopped the jokes, though it was all in good fun. She can only believe so because they would laugh about it.
They were so weird.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 16-Shattered
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
She didn’t know she had to be careful with her stuff.
Amelia looked down at the broken pieces of pink rose. This was an accident. She was getting ready for school when Grim came running in, being chased by Dove and Dolphina. Apparently he ate all of their breakfast downstairs. During this scuffle and her trying to break it apart, her choker was knocked down from her drawer and dropped down to the floor. It hit hard on the ground and broke. The three of them apologized over and over, but she wasn’t going to be mad at them. She’ll give them extra chores later, but right now, she needs to get this fixed.
“How much?!” the brunette girl exclaims.
“You act surprised, little demon.” the shopkeeper says amusingly.
“I expected a lot, but not that much.” she admits. “How could fixing the pieces from a choker be that much?”
“Because those pieces are very expensive. You see, they’re not made of plastic; it was expensive glass.” That would explain why it shattered.
“I see…” She didn’t think her father got her something like that. Amelia was never someone who asked for anything, very unlike the rest of her family who always want expensive things. ‘You love roses and I thought of you when I saw this’, her father said when she opened the box it was in. When she was given this, he didn’t act like it was a prized gift or anything like that. Trying to fix this isn’t something she shouldn’t half-ass on, but she doesn’t have the madol to cover it. She knows that asking Crowley wouldn’t exactly help, so-
“She’ll take it.” A voice says behind her. She jumped in surprise before turning around to see Leona standing behind her. How did he-
“Leona, don’t butt into-” But he didn’t listen. Instead he went right up to the counter.
“Stop your squeaking.” he said with his usual smirk on his face. “You should appreciate kind gestures from time to time.” The gall of this man! Even though she didn’t want his help, he paid for his choker to be fixed anyway.
“Okay~ I’ll be back, little devils~” Sam sing-songs before disappearing to the back of the shop to fix the choker, leaving the two of them alone. Not only was she mad at him for taking over, but also confused as to why he would do that.
“...Thanks, by the way.” she says to him. “But I know you don’t just do things without wanting something in return.”
“Can’t someone just do something kind for someone?” he says back, but the smirk plastered on his face told her everything. “But, if you’re so curious, I hope you would take better care of any jewelry I give you.”
“What does that even mean?” She questions him, but all he does in return is smirk back at her.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 15-Run
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
It was a ritual of sorts they had.
Alex kept up her pace with Jack as they jogged through the courtyard. The sun wasn’t fully out yet, so there wasn’t a lot of natural light and the few lights from the lamps were still on. It was quiet with only the nature around them. It was always nice. She’s always gone on runs like this before; it was part of her regiment back at home and, even if she didn’t have to train for any events now, that doesn’t mean she has to stop because she’s in another world. When she found out Jack also went on jogs, she asked if she could accompany him. He was apprehensive at first, but she eventually convinced him to jog together in the morning.
They reached all the way to the front gates before Jack stopped. “Let’s take a short break here before we jog back.” the wolf boy suggests. She nods in agreement. They both sit down on the pavement and relax a bit. It was good not to overexert themselves, especially when they still have class in a few hours. She took a sip from her water bottle before noticing that Jack was looking at her.
“What is it?” she asked.
“I’ve been curious about something.” he says, piquing her curiosity. “You are quite fit and athletic. How come you’re not part of any of the athletic clubs?”
“Oh! Um…” She knew this question was going to come up eventually. She didn’t expect it to come from Jack, since he usually keeps to himself. “Well, I didn’t want to. I’ve been training my whole life back home, so I just wanted to change it up, I guess.”
“Are you part of another club?”
“Y-Yeah…” She was actually nervous to answer him. Not a lot of people know what else she’s into, so she didn’t know how he would react. But he was her friend, so it couldn’t hurt to tell him. “I’m… I’m actually in the sewing club.” she admits. Jack’s face and ears perk up in surprise.
“Sewing?” Alex nods. His surprise slowly faded, but instead of disappointment, he looked like he was… embarrassed? “I didn’t know you liked that. Everyone has their own interests and not just known for one thing.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. It doesn’t seem like he means it in a bad way. It was actually kind of cute.
“Do you have other hobbies too, Jack?” she asks.
“Well, yeah. But this isn’t about me.” he grumbles, clearing his throat. He was really like an adorable puppy. “I was just wondering because you seemed like you were hiding something.”
“I suppose I was. It’s usually strange for someone who’s so strong loves to sew. At least, that’s what I used to think before I got here. I guess I still felt that, even though everyone is vase in different things.” she explains. He nods in understanding.
“I get that. But you shouldn’t feel that way with something you genuinely enjoy.” Alex nods, agreeing with him. She watches as he gets up before getting up herself. “It’ll be sunny soon. Let’s head back to our dorms.”
“Okay.” They jog back to the dorms. Little moments like this make running worth it.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 13-Steal
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Note: I think this and the next couple of one-shots are going to be really short.
1. My creative brain is not up to par like it used to be.
2. I’m getting busier and busier as the holidays come in.
3. I just finished the Ignihyde Chapter (on JPN’s Twisted Wonderland) and I’m riding that high.
So I hope it’s still something to enjoy as I continue to be late on these days.
Things should be very simple. If you leave something out, then it’s up for grabs by anyone. Grim never understood humans who do this. He’s not a thief by any means, but why would anyone leave out something in the open if it was so important to them? You would either hide it or keep it around you! He was always being told that “he can’t steal things that don’t belong to him”, but how would he know!? If he goes down to the kitchen and there is a delicious plate of food lying on the counter and no one is around, then it has to be for him. Or if someone leaves their phone on the table, he’s going to use it. If there is some shiny thing on the ground, then it was abandoned and he’s the new owner.
Yet every time, someone always has to come up and tell him that’s not right.
“Grim! What are you doing?!” His face was stuffed with some delicious croissants when Dove and Dolphina come into the kitchen. They both looked shocked.
“Eamin!” he muffles out, his mouth not wanting to spew out the food at once.
“Grim, you weren’t supposed to eat those!” Dove reprimands him. There they go again. “We worked really hard on those for everyone to enjoy, Grimmy.”
“Yeah. Now what are we going to do, you thief?” Dolphina questions. He just simply shrugs. The other two girls sigh defeatedly in response. It’s not stealing if you leave things out. He will never understand humans.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 11-Alchemy
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Note: TECHNICALLY this is out on Day 12, but I was already finishing this up. I was also busy today, so there was that. Anyway, hopefully the actual Day 12 will come out later on today.
There were plenty of people around to ask if you needed help with homework. Unfortunately, Ambrosia doesn’t exactly like to ask things from people from this school. It’s mainly due to the fact that it’s annoying. What’s the point in learning something new if you always need someone else to tell you what you need to learn? Unless she was with her group or in the classroom, she would just study the material on her own and hopefully understand it enough. However, this particular assignment was giving her trouble. It is a potion that manifests emotions. Simple enough if she could figure out exactly how to make it.
So here she was, in the alchemy lab trying over and over again to make this work. But no matter how much she was following the steps and ingredients, nothing seemed to be working. She observed the boiling pot of dark liquid in front of her. What exactly was she doing wrong? Was she measuring the ingredients wrong? Did she put too much in? Too little?
“Is that Reine des Neiges?~” A familiar sing-song voice rang out in the empty lab. She couldn’t help the annoyed sigh coming from her as she looked up at the owner.
“Rook. What do you want?” she asked the blonde haired boy. He just casually laughs.
“You waste no time in getting to the point, little snow angel. It’s one of the many things I like about you.” he continues on as he walks over to her. She never understood Rook Hunt. A man who talks about his admiration for literally everything, even as a supposedly deadly hunter. He’s full of mysteries that he doesn’t want anyone to know about. It gives off some sketchy vibes, yet he’s kept around in other people’s presence anyway. “I was wondering why the alchemy classroom was being used, so I wanted to see who was in here. To my pleasant surprise, it was you.” he explains.
“Right…” If there was one thing she knew about him, it is that he is a great liar. He most likely knew she was in here and just wanted to figure out what she was doing. Like the stalker he is. “I’m glad to have answered your curiosity. Now I need to finish this project up-”
“A project?” he interrupts her, suddenly beside her. He was looking through the open potions book she had. “I see. I remember this when I was a freshman: a simple potion, in hindsight.” She honestly has no idea if he was making fun of her or not. She knows that she always keeps to herself, but he was way more meticulous about it. His green eyes switched to her, a teasing smile on his face. “You seem to be struggling with it.” he simply states. It clearly wasn’t a question.
“What makes you say that?” she asks him, even though she knows the answer. Rook was the only one that could figure out what she was feeling, no matter how hard she tried.
“Hunter’s intuition.”
“That’s just your excuse.” she says simply, making him chuckle. This doesn’t make him move over or give any indication that he’ll leave her alone. Even if somehow she did convince him to leave, chances were he would still be watching her from somewhere. “...If that was the case, then perhaps your experience could answer why I can’t get this to work.” she finally says. The satisfied smile on his face was overwhelming.
“¡Tres bien!” he says cheerily. “It’s quite simple what you are missing, mon ami.”
“Which is?”
“You need to feel a powerful emotion.” A few seconds go by after his answer. She just stares at him. Deadpan.
“If you just wanted to insult me, you should have brought Vil with you.” she says before fully ignoring the man, focusing only on the book. She can hear an exasperated sigh come from him.
“I would never do that to you, my Reine des Neiges! Especially bringing dear Vil in such a foul scheme!” he responds, overdramatic as always. “Non, non. You misunderstand, my dear.”
“I don’t know how I could interpret that in any other way, Rook.” she says plainly. She expected him to say something after that, but.. He strangely kept quiet. Did he finally leave? She didn’t hear his footsteps, but that wouldn’t be the first time he would walk around without making a sound. She was about to look up when she suddenly felt two hands land on her shoulders. She was startled, but barely jumped. “Rook, why did you-” Before she could finish, the boiling liquid suddenly popped, spewing out magenta smoke. What in the world?
“There we go.” Rook whispers, very close to her ear. “You had done everything right, but you were so focused on making the potion that you forgot what it was supposed to do. Such dedication is admirable, Reine des Neiges.” He says it so casually, like he was teaching her. In a way, he did help her like she “suggested”. Of course, not in a normal way like anyone else would, but she never expected normal from him anyway. The white-haired girl hears him chuckling.
“What are you laughing about?” she asks him.
“When I did this experiment before, the color of the smoke was also magenta,” he explains. “That was the day when Vil and I became friends. Such an exciting and warm feeling. I wonder if that’s how you feel right now.”
“Accomplished that I finally got this done.” she answers, looking back at him. “So thank you for that.”
“Of course, Cherie.” Rook responds with a smile.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 10-Half
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Note: I KNOW I’m ten days late into this, but I was super busy. But hopefully things will be more on track from here on out. I’ve always wanted to do this, but never got the chance to until now. Most of these, more than likely all of them, will include my OCs along with the characters in Twisted Wonderland, so keep that in mind moving forward. I do hope some of you do like these <3
Desserts were truly a wonderful thing.
Ever since having a taste of strawberry tart when he was younger, Riddle always looked forward to the moment he could have a taste of it. Whether it’s from Trey’s baking or a dessert from the cafeteria, it was always a treat to have. He can’t indulge it all the time, however; certain dates and times that he could indulge in eating treats were in place that he had to follow. It wouldn’t help him if he could just have sweets all day. Although, the craving of it never goes away. Even now he was craving something sweet as he sits out in the courtyard, reading some homework material for next week’s class. Right now, his mind needed to be focused on his work instead of-
“Riddle!” A cheerful voice rang him from his thoughts. It caught him off guard, making him jump a little. He was about to scold whoever distracted him when he stopped himself. One of the Ramshackle residents, Dove Carrolyn, was standing there with an embarrassed smile on her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” she apologizes. He does calm down after seeing it was her. Ever since his Overblot incident, he has tried his best to be a better person while also being a good Dorm Leader. One of those was opening up to peers around him, including Dove. He was surprised how quickly she wanted to be kind to him, especially after he treated her before, but he was grateful for the second chance. Ever since, he has tried to be more social and friendlier with her, like she is with Ace and Deuce.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Dove.” he reassures the other. He sees her visibly relax, letting out a relieved sigh. “Is there something you need?” he asked her. Unlike most of the residents in this school, Dove never comes up just to bug him. There is always something, whether it is to talk as they head to class or advice on something. He felt like a reliable friend when they had those moments. She perks up.
“Oh! I actually wanted to give you something.” the raven-haired girl says. He did notice that she was hiding something behind her back. He wasn’t a huge fan of surprises, but he can trust her that it will be something worth it. She brings the surprise out, holding it out to him. “Here it is!” she beams. Riddle’s eyes widened at the gift. It was a red and white food tin and inside was a strawberry tart! "I've been practicing my baking with Trey for a while and I wanted to give you my first tart."
"O-Oh." He was speechless. Not only was he thinking about eating a dessert, but now it was here right in front of him and brought by a kind person.
"Is that a good "oh" or a bad "oh"?" Dove questions, confused by his reaction.
"No. I was just surprised, that's all." Riddle clarifies.
"Oh. That's good." She says, smiling again. "I remembered that you liked whole tarts, so as an expert, I wanted your opinion while giving you a gift at the same time."
"I wouldn't say I'm an expert…" he says shyly. She was so nice. "Unfortunately, I cannot eat it at the moment."
"You can't?"
"Laws of the Queen of Hearts, number two-hundred and forty- seven: One must not indulge in any sweets during times of studying." He recites. "Since I'm still studying, I can't eat it at the moment."
"Oh… I understand." Disappointment was evident in her voice and on her face. She looked like a sad hedgehog when you don't give them a treat. He felt bad, considering she probably worked very hard to do this, but there were rules to follow. But…
"However," he spoke up, making her perk up curiously. "There's nothing in the rules that says I can't enjoy a treat during a study break… As long as I share half of the treat with a friend." He knows he was being very specific, but he would feel awful if he was just left with the tart without Dove around to see him experience it. Plus, it was bad manners. Dove smiled brightly again.
"If it's truly alright, then I would be happy to join you, Riddle." She says breaking, just like before.
"Very good." He put his book to the side as she sat next to him. She had enough utensils for each of them; whether or not she planned on sharing the tart in the first place was not important. As for the tart itself, it was fine. It was nowhere near the refinement that Trey bakes, but that wasn't the important thing. It was sharing the treat with a friend beside him, something he rarely experienced in life.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 22-Tower
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
Sometimes it did feel lonely, as if he was alone in a tower.
Malleus is always aware of his surroundings. He knew of his reputation as the next Prince and a powerful wizard. As such, many people around him would treat him differently. Only a few students would treat him like he was a fellow student, but he could feel that they are intimidated by him. He would revel in it sometimes; it was sometimes fun to see how they act when he interacts with others. As fun as it is sometimes, it would be nice to just have a normal conversation with someone.
Then he met Stella.
It was an accidental meeting, but he could also believe that it was fate. Stella did not know who he was, but wasn’t afraid of him. In fact, they were interested in him. It was surprising to him, but he was intrigued as well. This was the only Child of Man that kept surprising him. Every time that they met, Stella always seemed joyful to be around him. They would talk about their interests, with Stella always curious about him. Treating him like a friend.
For the first time, it wasn’t so lonely anymore.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 21-Sand
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
The waves crashed against the beach.
Ambrosia knew she would get in trouble coming all the way out here without notifying the Headmaster. Even if she got punished for it, he would probably just give her more chores or something like that. She would worry about that later; right now, this was about what she wanted. At least, what she thinks she wanted. During the VDC training, Deuce and Epel disappeared for most of the day after an argument. When they came back they explained they went to the beach in the neighboring town. Not only was it the first time that she knew there was even a town near them (as well as another other school), but it didn’t leave her mind. The two went out of their way to get some peace was strangely appealing.
She left after the school day was done. After getting information from Deuce, she made her way to the beach. It was surprisingly easy to find transportation to her location. Once she got there, she was breathless by the view. She never got to go to the beaches near her home, so she was glad to take this trip. It was beautiful. Now she was here, standing on the sandy beach just watching the horizon. For the first time, other than drawing, could she finally think. So much had gone on in the last couple of months. Until recently, she could only stand by and watch the others deal with the problems of the other dorms. It made her realize how powerless she was here.
Despite how she acts, she does like it here. She enjoyed the company of everyone, from her roommates to other students. It was nice to not tip-toe around her words and just be honest, though some would say she was brutally honest at times. She got to be around others, really feel like a regular person. At least while she was here. When they do go back home, she has duties to uphold. Because of her status, she would have to go back to that life. Was she even ready for that? Was she ready to face the inevitable?
“I just want to be myself! I want to stay with my friends! I don’t want to leave!”
Even if that’s what she wanted, she knows it won’t come true. But at least she had the sand beneath her feet and the ocean to not think about it, even if it’s for a moment.
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notmagicalstudents · 2 years
TwstOber 2022: Day 12-Hurt
Here’s the original TwstOber 2022 list: https://www.tumblr.com/raven-at-the-writing-desk/696367913180053504/its-almost-that-time-of-year-again-the-month-of
The more Yasmina thought about it, there were a lot of similarities between Jamil and her. They keep to themselves, exceed in almost anything they do but don’t want to be in the spotlight. Most of all, they both keep their true feelings a secret. For all her life, probably his as well, they were both raised to keep everything they feel to themselves. For him, it was to not outshine Kalim. For her, it was to keep her a perfect princess. Maybe that’s why, in a strange way, they could get along.
That’s why joining the basketball club seemed to be a good outlet for her. It was the one time where she can be around others without having to worry about being focused on. Everyone was trying to be the star player, so she can just play with others on an equal playing field. It was just a lot easier to focus on the game than the reality of her situation. She can only guess that’s why Jamil does it too.
Bouncing the ball a few times, she raises her arms and shoots the basketball towards the hoop. It spins a few times on the edge of the hoop before making it in.
“Nice shot.” Jamil praises her. They were the only two on the basketball court. Even though they already had the club, the two of them wanted to do a little competition: Whoever makes the most goals owes the winner lunch for a week. So far, it was 7-11.
“You’re just being nice because you’re winning.” she says, picking the ball up. She could see the smirk on his face. He wasn’t even trying to hide it.
“Is it so wrong to praise the competitor when they do a good job?” he asks mockingly. She throws the ball at him and he catches it with ease.
“Whatever. I’ll catch up to those points sooner than you think, so don’t be such a smart-ass.” He scoffs.
“You have a pretty big mouth for someone who isn’t in the lead.” he retorts back, preparing to make the shot. She hangs back over by the bleachers, watching him. To think that, at one point in time, he was a conniving liar. Someone that she swore to stay away from. The type of person that reminded her of all the liars she’d known in her life before. All of that hurt, just washed away for a moment. “Hey.” She must have been thinking for a while because, when she was pulled from her thoughts, Jamil was standing in front of her. He is looking at her with concern in his eyes. “You okay?” he asked.
“...” There was a small part of her that believed that he was still lying to her. All this time, he just wants to use her and pretends to be nice to her. It’s all possible, but… “I am.” she answers him, smiling at him. He smiles back.
“Good… Because it’s now 7-13.” he says, grinning like a mischievous cat. That immediately makes her jump up in shock.
“What?! How the hell did you do that? You cheated somehow!” Even as she starts yelling at him, his only response is laughing at her face, the brief moment of hurt was gone and replaced with something they both needed: healing.
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savanaclaw1996 · 11 months
Lunch Trade-Ace Trappola x G/N! Reader (TwstOber 2022)
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Day 1: Trade from the TwstOber2022 list from @raven-at-the-writing-desk. Enjoy!
Warnings: none, just pure fluff!
Word Count: 415 words.
"Awww, man! No fair!" Ace groaned in disappointment. Earlier this afternoon, he was standing in the cafeteria, eagerly hoping to snag the food item he had his eye on for the past three weeks.
But when it was his turn to get the food item that he wanted, he saw that it wasn't there, much to his utter dismay. Disheartened, he went over towards the table he and his friends usually sat at and slumped into his seat.
Deuce, (Y/N) and Grim all looked at Ace, noticing his gloomy expression. "What's the matter, Ace?" you asked, tilting your head with concern. Ace merely sighed. "The menu item I wanted wasn't there." he replied.
"Man, I've been eyeing it for three whole weeks, and just when I had a chance to nab it..." He then sighed. "Can't be helped. Better luck next time, I guess..." (Y/N) looked at him with sympathy. Ace really had his heart set on that specific menu item.
"What was that specific menu item you wanted?" Deuce asked. "It was a new brand of cherry pie. I heard that the bakery was selling them out. I kinda expected them to sell out pretty quickly, but I never imagined they'd sell out that fast." Ace replied.
"Aw... That's too bad." you said sympathetically. Then, you reached into your bag and pulled out a mini pie-shaped box. "Then would you like to have mine?" (Y/N) asked, holding out the cherry pie box towards Ace. Ace's cherry-red eyes widened when he saw that you had the food item that he badly wanted.
"Hey, you've got the last one!" he exclaimed. (Y/N) nodded. "Yep! I managed to nab it before they sold out." you said. "I see you've got my favorite food item in your hand." You pointed at a chocolate horn pastry in Ace's hand.
Then a thought crossed Ace's mind. "So, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked, giving you a smirk. (Y/N) nodded. "Oh, yeah." you said. "Lunch trade!"
And so, Ace traded you the chocolate horn pastry for the cherry pie. "Trade complete!" the two of you shouted triumphantly. With that, you both enjoyed your respective treats. "Thanks for the trade, (Y/N)." Ace said gratefully. "It was nothing, Ace. Besides, I was saving it for you." you said, giving him a flirty wink. "'Cause I love you."
Ace blushed. Jeez, was he lucky to have you as an S/O? "Love you too, babe." he said, hiding his blush with his hands.
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