#on whey
green-sun-wellness · 1 year
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scribefindegil · 16 days
We have a kitchen again so I got to make my favorite summer treat: Smitten Kitchen's whole milk ricotta with honey and seasonal fruits (farmer's market strawberries). Absolutely ambrosial.
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im eepy so headcanon time
fable usually messes with legends hair to help him fall asleep. ravio probably does it too once they get together.
because of this, he has trouble sleeping around the chain because he doesn't want to ask them to do that, it would be embarrassing.
sky picks up on it super quickly though
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penroseparticle · 9 months
Nothing annoys me more lately than "Going to the gym isn't a personality" like yes??? it is???
People talk about the things they care about, that they spend time on, that they put effort into. That includes their bodies?
I work with a lot of athletes. Like more than your typical amount. And they will happily debate protein powders, tell you they're doing a new training regimen, talk about Lat Pulls like having opinions on them is something obviously I have as well. Going to the gym is exciting for them- they tell me they hit a new personal best bench press, or are trying to hit a specific weight class, or are working on knee strength after their surgery. They compare times they threw up or got too dizzy.
The same way when I talk to MTG players they tell me about their new EDH deck, or talk about that one wombo combo they pulled in Draft, or this asshole at FNM. It's all just nuts and bolts for a thing they care about. I don't know much of anything about Knitting but a lot of my friends do, and I would NEVER tell them that "Knitting isn't a personality" just because I personally find it boring or whatever. Because I would be an asshole.
Going to the gym is a ~personality~, it's just not one you want to talk about. You don't care about machine vs. free weights. You don't want to know how long they spent working out this morning. Frankly, you want them to do the work at the gym and not give you a peek behind the curtain. You want people to look good, look fit, look how you want to, but not talk about how much work and effort it takes to do so. Working out to you is a chore, and an unpleasant one at that, so you'd rather they not remind you of it.
But exercising your body shouldn't be a chore, it should be something you enjoy- your favorite rock climbing place, the dance class you and your friends take, etc. These people LIKE going to the gym. They would gladly tell you about it. And if for some reason you are talking to someone who works out religiously but hates every second of it- first of all, yikes, buddy you don't have to live that way- but second of all, that person will not talk to you about the gym. They will talk to you about what they are actually passionate about.
You don't have to enjoy their hobby! You can think the gym is boring, or exercise isn't interesting. But like. say that. The gym can be a personality. Anything can be a personality.
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cqallenwalker · 1 year
You've heard of the Miku binder, but now get ready for
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The Miku sports bra.
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pancakeke · 7 months
I saw something called "animal-free milk" today and thought that name was oddly vague so I checked its ingredients and one of the first few was "animal-free whey protein". like ok everyone selling vegan milk is cheeky about it but some people have food allergies so you need to clearly state what the hell is in the food you're selling.
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mfjenks · 6 months
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They've invented some new memes😭
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chexingtonmixalot · 1 year
NON-sexual 🙅🙅🙅 adult👵 sleepovers😴
COMPLETELY PLATONIC 🧼✅ zero contact adult sleep overs 0️⃣0️⃣👌
❌❌❌❌NO SNUGGLING ❌❌❌❌❌
We know it gets out of hand
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afloralabortion · 5 months
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Clap if you think he should suffer
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theegoentropic · 8 months
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Supporting businesses mfs :>
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toonymoon-doodles · 1 year
Okay, I've realized that Ne Zha is my favorite character from LMK. He's so pink and elegant qwq
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Here's some things for this-
Without shading and the image that inspired this piece uwu
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oofouchstovehot · 1 year
The moon that killed my pencil, drawn in another magma held by @maudiemoods
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I know I’ve been doing a lot of magma’s recently but it’s a new thing I’ve never really done before and it makes me feel motivated when if this option hadn’t shown up when it did I’d probs be in a block :] +I like the chance to talk to other artists cause (as I’m sure y’all can relate) my real-life is pretty short on those, /especially/ during the summer months
(TLDR, expect a lot of magma posts!)
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nightbearsnebula · 1 year
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Doodles from @maudiemoods canvas! Had yet another amazing time.
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tolkienreader1996 · 18 days
Did some more cheese making, this time with chives.
This is the whey we collected from it.
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We also made yogurt in a insta pot, it cooked for eight hours then we drained the whey from that too.
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And here’s the cheese with chives.
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mofffun · 10 months
Rita's ringtone from ep28
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glamjrwi · 4 months
Sometimes I forget charlie has a cishet dude audience and I’m only ever reminded by it when I see someone refer to him as Slime like it’s such a tell
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