#on this blog i mean
sapphymayeyeplease · 11 months
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tiny-tf-faces · 11 months
Fick frick frick I can't believe I missed yesterday's post!
Sorry about that! You'll get a double post today
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man. I love my ocs
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I got my 2nd ever like today THANK YOU TO MY FAN
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sardonicdoll · 5 months
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wanted to do my photo project this semester on the notion of mobility aids being extensions of our bodies, the yarn was done by a friend
edit: the shibari comments are one thing but if you put these non-sexual photos of me in my wheelchair on your porn blog i'm blocking you 👍🏻
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adyophene · 4 months
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I couldn't get the idea of Alastor holding Husk like that one ferret gif during his lament in the finale out of my head.
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bioethicists · 6 months
this is going to sound simplistic + i promise you it's not: stop following people whose entire schtick is being cruel or fighting with others online. even if the ppl deserve it! even if it's not a ~problematic~ cruelty! even if you agree with all of that blog's opinions!
it's one thing if someone snaps back when provoked or posts the occasional "get a load of this guy". nobody needs to play up respectability for people who haven't given them respect in return. but if someone's online identity centers around being needlessly mean for laughs + they're constantly seeking out socially acceptable, easy targets for petty cruelty, that's a red flag. there's a huge difference between not taking shit/cracking a joke + mocking others as your several-hours-a-day hobby.
especially if, when they are inevitably in the wrong + mocking someone mercilessly to their 50k followers over something petty goes south (shocking!), they become extremely defensive or block everyone or play the victim or dismiss it as "well, how was i supposed to know they were autistic? i'm autistic + i don't meow in public" or whatever.
this isn't a "well i knew all along" post bcuz nobody should be shamed for being in the dark about something like this but many of the popular bloggers who have later been exposed for serious harassment or abuse should not have shocked us. if someone's blog is 90% shit like "you should light yourself on fire because you watch x anime" or "look at this so-called lesbian bitch + her ugly fucking boyfriend at a kink convention- it's giving drowned rats", should it really shock you that they are also being cruel or abusive in less internet-acceptable ways? if they've already shown you that they get a such a thrill out of being vicious that they do it daily + are regularly rewarded with thousands of followers?
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redinkletters · 18 days
eating pussy from behind needs more appreciation if you ask me ! yeah, having a girl sitting on your face or with her legs folded over her chest is nice but nothing tops watching a lady with her back arched and face squished on the sheets, pretty pussy dripping down on her plush inner thighs and cute butt wiggling for your hands to grope it ! squeezing my face between her legs feels like heaven, with the tip of my nose rubbing on her pulsing hole and my tongue lapping between her folds— don’t even get me started on how it’s the perfect position for her to grind back on my face, while she babbles but it’s muffled with the sheets. so so dirty. you can also grip her hips if she tries to run away from your mouth sucking her aching clit, saying it’s too much. just spank her ass and tell her to say her safe word or just shut up and take what you give her… jesus, i’m getting horny.
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reineydraws · 3 months
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i dont have a caption for you lol i'll let shanks's heart eyes speak for themselves 🫶
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loki-us · 6 months
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It’s the casual way Mobius sets his chaotic boyfriend The God of Mischief loose on everyone. Mobius is so attuned to Loki, he immediately knows how he’s going to react, offering him a gentle warning or permission to proceed. And Loki carefully waits for that permission before he acts, implying this is a familiar dynamic that’s been established beforehand.
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izzy-hands · 9 months
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Our Flag Means Death + Text Posts [1/?] feat. Izzy 
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Seen a lot of posts about people coming into your notifications out of nothing and liking your entire blog, but here's a shoutout to the people who do Not follow you, who appear out of nowhere, reblog One (1) post that you are Not the op of, and then you never see them again. Where did you come from girl.
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 3 months
imagine how bizarre this fandom looks to the outside world. we're all gay asf and screaming about two middle aged men and making the most random references. we send neil the most unhinged asks and get equally unhinged replies. try looking at the tags "archangel fucking gabriel", "bildaddy the shuite", "welsh seduction machine" and assorted years like 1941 and 1827 or whatever else without context.
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toastybugguy · 1 year
why can’t gay people just be normal and say I love you, why’s there always gotta be some great dragon in the middle saying shit like “a half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole” and “you’re like two sides of the same coin”
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insignificantfailure · 8 months
Are you normal or does the slightest criticism make you feel like throwing up, makes you sweat uncontrollably and your face feel like it's burning?
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