#if anyone wants to send asks about them feel free 👉👈
man. I love my ocs
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
WIP Titles game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @annwayne !! ☺️
Let's see (in random order of priority):
Goodbye (Merrical)
Unbroken (Andor/Rebels)
toothpick thursday tbbaw2023 (TBB)
The Betrothal (Kalluzeb)
Rough Awakening (TBB)
Sandawuni va umtidagir (The Mandalorian)
How to save a life (Foxiyo)
Deconstructed reality (Kalluzeb)
A reason to fight (Kalluzeb)
The One to survive (OC squad, TCW)
The enemy within (Kalluzeb)
Uninvited (Foxiyo)
Praising Crosshair (TBB)
Everything I do, I do it for you (Foxiyo)
Warrior's fortune (Kalluzeb)
6 more for TBB Appreciation week (TBB)
The list has grown longer since the last time I did this (and these don't include the ones I have in hard standby) Oops 😅 That's my curse, always having an idea floating around my head. My problem is to finish them 🫣 Anyway... You can ask me whatever you want about any of these!! Please 🥺👉👈 Pretty please!!
Ugh I need to tag 16 people? Ok! Feel free to ignore the tagging if you want. No pressure: @takadasaiko @photogirl894 @renee561 @seleneisrising @genericficerblog @airlockfailure @yukipri @ahsoka-its-all-of-us @rachaelkelleher @probablynot-john @mistr3ssquickly @sunshinesdaydream @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @apocalyp-tech-a @kanerallels @fanfictasia anyone else who wants to do it!
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bihansthot · 1 year
Someone in the apartment complex burnt their popcorn or dinner or something and the smell is just lingering in my bedroom. Ugh. I’m tired and want more Syzoth content, we need head canons and fluff and fun! There are lots of wonderful fanarts though and that’s fantastic, I know I’m a basic bitch jumping on the Reptile hype train but I don’t care. I also want to answer more headcanons and asks and stuff so feel free to send me any questions you have. I’m still not quite up to doing fic requests yet but pretty much anything else is fair game.
I’m happy to do content for all of the Lin Kuei (except Frost, sorry I don’t like writing for women) Rain, Reiko and Reptile! Other kharacters might open up in the future and I’m happy to answer questions about any kharacter. Please don’t be shy! Ns/fw is totally fine as long as it’s not a full blown fic request. Please note though I default to an AFAB reader, I am happy to change that if you request it though, it’s just my go to because that’s what I am and I identify as female. Also please note that I don’t do ships, I only do canon x reader I might throw in some Bi-Han x Syzoth here and there though because I enjoy them together. I also won’t do canon x oc, unless I’m asked about my OCs Hallvard or Ice I just do not know my moots or readers OCs well enough to write them. I’m sorry! (If I decide to do requests again I might do canon x oc in exchange for art or a return fic.) Other nos are incest or underage or gore, silly for MK I know but I don’t want to write about organs lol I’m iffy about child requests, I don’t mind talking about my fictional kids but I can physically have children myself so it’s sometimes a touchy subject for me. So, I guess I’ll say kid asks are at my discretion. Oh full on non con is a no but dub con and yandere are ok I guess? I don’t love writing yandere if I’m being totally honest. If any of these subjects bother you though please let me know if you need a specific tag so you don’t see it by mistake.
So, yeah asks are open I guess? I will try and sprinkle in more smut fics here and there too because smut is life, but like I said I’m more than happy to write ns/fw headcanons and stuff. I just can’t handle the commitment of a full blown fic request right now, but small things are good and keep me active in the kommunity. Also as always please feel free to talk to me at me whatever I’m always down to talk about MK :) I can also always be found on discord the server is 18+ but very chill and self ship friendly, but also ship friendly we have different roles to make everyone as happy as possible. Ok lovelies I think that’s everything, I’m going to spend the rest of my night trying to smell something other than burnt food.
Oh one last thing! Please specify what timeline your ask is for! I won’t write for Hanzo Scorpion but I guess I will try for Kuai Liang Scorpion. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just need to know what Kuai Liang I’m working with if he’s involved.
I lied one more thing self ship and OC asks are always appreciated but not expected but I would love to talk about both if anyone is interested 👉👈
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
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well, hello there, my little crumb cakes. the rumors are true: your local feral malewife enthusiast will indeed be 20 soon, if you can believe it. i thought it'd be fun to do something special to celebrate my two decades on mother earth, so…
𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕙!
this celebration will run from march 3rd (mar. 4 is my actual birthday!) — march 10th. anyone 18+ can participate!
feel free to send stuff in now :)
are you excited?! here are the festivities i've planned:
🎁 — presents! can't have a party without presents, silly. but i wanna give you something! (mutuals only) send this and i'll write a little love letter to you, 'cause I love you all so so much. 🥰 
🎵 — hey, are we gonna dance, or what?! okay, fine, i'll pick the song. send me 3-5 of your favorite things and i'll give you a song rec based on those vibes.
there are party games too...
💏 — send one of these for a kiss, marry, exile (because I'm a benevolent, pacifist girlblogger who doesn't believe in killing. mostly.) send three characters (18+ of course) for me to decide fates for. can be outside of ST and mcu!
🪄 — send me this for a CYM (cast your mutuals) along with something to cast my mooties as! fruits, characters from a show, queen albums, anything! (**mutuals, if you don't want to be tagged for this, please lmk. no hard feelings 🫶)
📖 — send me one of these for a rec! this can be a rec for me or i can give you some recs. a fic, a movie, a song, anything! 
📝 — did you know i'm a writer? 👉👈 yeah, little known fact. send me a prompt from one of these lists (don't forget to tell me which one!) and a character and i'll write a little somethin'.
List 1 | List 2 | List 3 | List 4
i will write for steve harrington, eddie munson, and robin buckley. i'll also write steddie! NO SMUT. 
there's cake and refreshments, but make sure everybody gets a slice! 
🍰 — do YOU have a talented creative blogger you want to kiss on the mouth every time they post something? send me a username or usernames of writers, artists, gif makers, basically anyone who makes stuff, and i'll post it and let them know they're appreciated ❤️ and you know what? i would be none the wiser if you put yourself, so…
☕— this is an anti-capitalist blog, so i don't require an exchange of goods and services for us to interact. treat this like a week-long sleepover! tell me about your day, send me pictures of your pets, ask me advice (20 year olds are known for their wisdom btw), tell me your starbucks order (I'm a pink drink truther), anything! this event is, above all, a time to interact. so ask/send me stuff, psychoanalyze me, declare your undying love for me, etc. 😎
tagging some peeps i think might be interested under the cut
@cryinthecar @thesoftestpunk @thornsnvultures @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @starchildbucky @stevebabey @stevestummy @spideystevie @joellkeeny @starrystevie @cable-knit-sweater @real-jane
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eclecticmiasma · 2 years
F, L, N for Childe please! 👉👈
Intrigued by our dear eleventh, are we? A rather dangerous game to be playing. Based on the updated Yandere Alphabet concocted by the lovely dear-yandere. Please send them love and feel free to request me for any characters!
NSFW [Warnings: general yandere scariness, afab darling, mentions of rape, mentions of violence, psychological abuse]
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Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
What makes Childe a particularly dangerous yandere is his ability to get whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. He can battle anyone or anything at a moments notice, and the Tsaritsa herself has, unwittingly, shelled out more than enough mora to satisfy Childe's more...adventurous sexual proclivities. Darling remains one of the only things in this world left for the young Harbinger to conquer.
Therefore, as much as Childe looks forward to breaking his darling down to dust, he utterly euphoric in the increasingly rare moments she fights back. Just the glint of defiance reflected in her eyes is enough to cause a cascade of feral delight to overcome him.
Every time darling fights back it is a chance for Childe to display his overwhelming dominance over her, and he basks in every second of it. Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Poor darling. She truly never stood a chance. Childe takes advantage of darling's status as an outsider to the citizens of Liyue in the same way that he is. Right off the bat he offers himself as a guide, a shoulder to cry on, a friend. Though darling doesn't much appreciate him showing up at her workplace unannounced or popping out of alleyways on her way home and insisting on escorting her through the darkness, she would never deign to object. After all, Childe has been so kind to her without so much asking for a single thing in return.
The Harbinger takes her to outings on the Pearl Galley, buys her dinners she wouldn't have dared dream of, is actually quite endearing despite the nature of his career. She even suspects it's Childe leaving small gifts on her doorstep, little trinkets she's out in passing during their time together. He even introduces her to some of Liyue's most esteemed citizens, such as Mr. Zhongli.
Darling shoves any inkling of hesitation deep, deep down just as Childe expected she would. Right into the lion's den with barely a shove.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Darling doesn't have to directly misbehave to receive punishment. In the end, it is Childe's goal to wear her down until she's nothing but a mindless puppet before him. Beholden to him. Utterly and completely owned by him.
Physical violence is fine enough, but rather boring in our Harbinger's eyes. When your day to day is painted with blood, there is only so much satisfaction a good beating can provide.
Unfortunately for darling, Childe himself is never really involved in her punishment. Not in his traditional form, anyway. Whether it be testing his delusion or the limits of the Foul Legacy that he acquired in the Abyss- darling is routinely subjected to horrors beyond her imagination. Childe loves to threaten her with a future where he has enough control over Foul Legacy to stretch her open with its cock, and it's a future he very much plans to manifest.
Every once in a while, just to give darling some perspective, Childe throws her to Dottore, Pantalone, or Capitano. He finds the darling that comes crawling back to him after these little outings is the most docile, the most compliant, the most shattered. She clings to him like a child and sobs, soft arms thrown around his neck, begging him for forgiveness for whatever it is that she's done wrong. This is the darling that he could almost bring himself to love.
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honey-tongued-devil · 2 years
Can I request scenario 7, Stroking the other’s back comfortingly, from the hurt/comfort prompt list with Cassandra pls 👉👈
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↞“Stroking the other’s back comfortingly”↠
▶ Cassandra Kiramman x 7. (Stroking the other’s back comfortingly)
Honey, there’s a gun in the footlocker in the garage. If I ever say “no” to that question, I want you to use it on me. Okay, I had to recalibrate a little bit to leave the fact that Cassandra is cheating on her husband unnoticed. I mean, nobles often marry for convenience, don’t they?
↠Word count: 1.2k ↠No use of "y/n", gender neutral reader (no pronouns for the reader) ↠List: hurt/comfort (n.7- stroking the other’s back comfortingly ) ↠Pairing: Cassandra x gn!reader ↠Tw: implied cheating
[I’m joining the challenge "one prompt per day" so feel free to send a request, it can be either with a prompt invented by you or a prompt taken from one of the two lists you find on the blog!]
↠If you have any requests, ask the devil.↞
You hate everything about that place.
You hate the way chandelier crystals project little flashes of light on the guests' faces, you hate the guests themselves who move around in that ballroom as if they’ve been there forever, you hate the way the music hovers in the room accompanying fake giggles and the clinking of the edge of the glasses, but most of all you hate those gazes.
Those eyes look haughtily at the world, judgmental, full of a poison so exquisite as to deceive anyone who becomes a victim of it they should feel honored; sticky, they cling to the skin following people step by step, waiting for any pretext and slightest mistake to rejoice -the dress being pounded and torn, an elbow hitting someone by mistake making a glass of crystal shatters to the ground, a foot leaning badly that makes you lose your balance for a few seconds, sometimes it only takes a grumbling of the stomach to entertain them, to notice in their eyes a bitter fun.
The night passes so slow when you cross the threshold of Galas that time itself does not seem to remain indifferent to the jewels and gold of the members of high society, subdued slows down, and the only way to survive becomes to swallow that luxurious amber liquid that flows like a river in the crystal glasses, hoping that the sun will hurry to rise.
You carelessly watch the liquor go round in circles along the walls of the glass firmly held between your fingers -you have lost count of how many you have drunk but it doesn’t matter, the silent rule is "enough not to hear what the voices in the room say, but less than it takes to crawl out of this place" and as long as it works you’re going to appeal to it.
Cassandra stands next to a table, talks to a young lad -another counselor if memory serves you right- and two tall men, whose bare muscles and scarlet clothes embellished with metal suggest that Noxus is their homeland.
You can’t tell if she is getting bored or not, her face is constantly adorned with a kind smile and from time to time she lifts a gloved hand to cover her lips, in a sign that she is laughing. 
Or, at least, she’s pretending to.
The councilman next to her looks at you, darting the corners of his lips down with a mixture of disgust and dissent, in the same way a peasant would look at the dirty rat that destroyed his crop, but you ignore him.
You mentally take note about telling the woman how much you admire her for having been able to resist the urge to punch that snooty gouge right between the eyes.
You drink what’s left in the glass in one sip and wait diligently a few moments before getting up, aware that the slightest awkward movement would not only bring attention to you, but would also put in a bad light the woman who brought you with her. Then, you head for the balcony and lean your elbows against the stone handrail, closing your eyes.
The fresh air deprives you of those suffocating expensive perfumes and inebriates your lungs: the city sleeps wrapped in the night’s mantle, in that peace given by the silence and the lights off that allow you to see the stars.
Who knows if the people in that room have ever raised their nose to the sky to look at it, if the eyes accustomed to gold recognize the wonder of what is not material, of what has no price, of beauty.
The silence is interrupted by the quiet sound of the low heels against the stone floor, accompanied by the rustle even lighter of the skirt that at every step caresses the legs of the woman: you smile, eyes still pointed towards the night.
"Are you tired?"
"I’m exhausted, Cassandra"
She stays quiet, approaching in turn the handrail but remaining composed unlike you: the straight back leans slightly against the white stone enough to rest without affecting her elegance. A hand of hers rests next to yours, in a silent invitation that you do not refuse, leaning your fingers on hers.
"The blond guy has been looking at me for so long that I thought he had facial paralysis to a certain one" you whisper pouting a bit and the woman ripples her lips holding back an amused sound.
"Yeah, I’m sure you understood. I don’t like it here, I feel out of place."
This time your voice is more sad than annoyed and you almost regret having spoken.
You know that she took you with her because that’s the environment she’s used to, that she wanted to make you feel included, but at the same time you’ve never felt more trapped than that.
Her hand moves just enough to take yours between her fingers, stroking the back with her thumb in a silent gesture of comfort. You really want to be somewhere else, any little corner of the world where no one perceives you would be fine, where you can hold her hand properly and pull her to yourself, and she can laugh without hiding that lovely gap between her teeth that you love so much.
But unfortunately you are there.
The shrill laughter reaches you to the balcony, making your skin crawl in an imperceptible gesture that doesn’t escape the watchful eyes of the woman. She lets go of your hand turning her back to high society, then a gentle touch caresses your back, covering an invisible path from your lower back to the shoulders and vice-versa. "I’m here," is the simple but powerful sentence implied by her fingers going up discreetly until they touch your neck, hesitating when you tilt your head to the side to give her more space.
You see her just biting her lips with the corner of your eye, in a torn expression that does not fail to make your lips stretch in a victorious smile.
"Let’s go, Cass." It’s not a question, you’re not going to spend another second there. She sighs in response.
The violins are suffocated by the chanting, perhaps high-pitched voices of Piltover’s aristocracy. Someone yells at a waiter, a glass falls to the ground breaking and emitting a deaf sound of shattered crystal that accompanies the dramatic, exaggerated verses of dismay.
You hate everything about that place. 
You hate the way people break glassware into unnecessary drama, you hate the way everyone in that room shifts their attention to the same thing at the same time, like a flock of sheep with glittering crowns and rings.
You fucking hate everything.
But not her.
She hesitates, glances at the ballroom, passes her tongue between her lips, thoughtful.
"I can’t, I have to stay with the other members of the council. And you know that..." You snap up before she can finish the sentence, taking advantage of the fact that everyone is distracted to steal a quick kiss, on top of her lips.
You hold firmly her hand, aware that if you want to escape undisturbed you must do so now."Let’s go to my place then."
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justtuesdays · 2 years
meet the bombshells: beach hut confessions
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thank you to everyone who submitted questions. seriously, didn’t think so many of you were eager to meet these bombshells. and by all means, feel free to continue sending them in, all six of them are open to answering your most probing questions.
🎇[ part i ]🎇[ part ii ]🎇[ part iii ]🎇
confessions below for ig, tandy & marco! you can find their interview here!
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@dragonfly1399 asks: Hiii! Um. So, um, a question for IG 👉👈 will he, um… will he teach me how to play cello? Please? It’s a big dream of mine🥺 I’ll be a good student, I promise! *wink wink*
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IG: (whistles) “I always did want to do some tutoring. (wiggles his eyebrows suggestively) If I’m still available after this stint, I’ll drop by. Just drop your info in my DMs.” (Marcos chuckles, Tandy shakes her head) “What? You do realize the odds of us all staying in the villa are about—“ (counts with his fingers)
M: “You’re actually doing the maths for this? (shakes his head) The best odds is if two of us stays. (IG sighs) Or something like that, anyways.”
T: “Anyways— cellist really? You’re whole vibe says indie rock, what’s that about? (Marco nods, IG opens his mouth to speak) And better not be a sob story please, we’ve already gone over our odds.”
IG: “I had a knack for it as a kid and people said I could make a decent living off of it. So I did. No sob story here.” (Marco bursts out laughing)
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@richdesire says: hiiii marco *waves flirtatiously* tell me about your favorite places to go on a date? what qualities do you look for in a partner? have you ever been stood up or stood someone else up? i noticed you have a lot of tattoos, which is your most meaningful? can you step on me pls?
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IG: (cackles) “Holy shit! That’s a lot of questions for you, pretty boy. I bet Tandy and I can answer a few for you.” (Marco raises a brow)
T: “I bet we could. Hmm, seeing that Marco here has never technically been on an date, I bet they’d say— (clears their throat, semi-italian accent) Ay, somewhere private, just the two of us, private chef…”
M: “It’s all in the tongue, (Tandy practices a bit) yeah, there you got it. And honestly, going out maybe trying one of those DIY classes together. I rather have something to converse about other than our jobs. (IG agrees) Qualities in a partner, well patience is one, someone I can hold a conversation with is two. Besides that, I’m not really sure.”
IG: “You want someone to vibe with, nothing wrong with that, boyyo.” (puts an arm around Marco)
M: “I stood up a crowd at a pub. It wasn’t intentional or anything, I was awful sick.” (Tandy cringes) “Yeah, I haven’t eaten pancakes since. About the tattoos, most are tokens for special moments. I’ve got one for the first mixtape I made, another one for my first gig, one for my best mate Hanni…the others are random shit Hanni and my mates thought were cool.”
T: “Is this unicorn one of them?” (Marco smirks)
IG: “You got a unicorn? Let me see!”
M: “Oh, and the thing about stepping on you. If it’s alright with you, I rather we just exchange numbers.”
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@/anon says: What do you guys think about MC’s and their ex in the villa, together?
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T: “It’s a bunch of rubbish. They’re basically living in Suresh’s shadow. It’s f***ing ridiculous. Like give them a break. So they were ready to propose, really scary shit. Get over yourselves.”
IG: “It’s bound to be awkward for anyone trying to go after either one of them, but if you’re gonna let the ex get in the way, why are you even here? Shoot your shot or get out of my way. I had hope for Finny boy, but he was just all talk.” (Marco nods)
M: “Why sweat it? He doesn’t even have the balls to actually apologize. All MC wants is a someone reliable, who can take things as they come. And I’ve got a feeling we’re doing a lot better than everyone else in that villa right now.”
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@/anon says: If you guys had the choice to couple up with someone, who would it be?
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IG: "Before the last episode, I’d have said Finn or MC. Now, it’s just MC."
T: "A bit controversial, but Dana. Maybe, MC, but I need to see whether they’re into their ex or not."
M: "Don’t know— I want to say MC. But, if things had to go in a different direction, Kat. No I’m not explaining what I mean by different direction."
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stay tuned for more beach hut confessions for and feel free to once again, submit your asks to the bombshells. either way, i'm putting them in the hot seat.
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princessa-of-hearts · 3 years
DNI: under 18, over 40, no age in bio
hi! i'm dee
25 and 5'2 and bi (more attracted to girls/nb people!!!) and chubby but i have tits for days so it usually works out
feel free to send me asks or dms! i only have a premium snapchat! do not ask for any sort of free snap!!!! i will block/ignore you from now on
i'm a switchy lil thing that wants to fucking rail/be fucking railed by basically anyone i develop a bond with, and i'm a bit of an exhibitionist 👉👈
come be my (horny) friend. please reblog my pics if you like them. ❤❤❤ INCLUDE YOUR AGE ON YOUR BLOG. Don't be weird!!!
PSA: Not accepting nudes at this time. Get to know me first! Will block if you send unsolicited pics. // If you call me a 'bitch', you'll be blocked, sorry not sorry. // I don't do 'pic for pic' or 'follow for follow'. There's nothing that makes me owe you anything at any time.
cashapp: $princessaofhearts
twitter: @princessahearts
premium snap occasionally offered for limited time fixed price
totally about: exhibitionism, teasing/edging, subbing, daddy kink
exploring: assplay, cnc somno, domming, pet play???
not about: watersports, knife play, fire play, age play, mommy kink, spanking, choking
tags: /gpoy for selfies/pics of me
/the-book-of-dee for my text posts
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
May I ask for a match up 👉👈
I’m an INFJ. I focus too much on my studies that I start neglecting my health, if I don’t finish this project I won’t stop until I’ve passed it to my professor. I love learning about new things.
I like offering help to others since it fills my heart when I get to be useful for other people. My love language is acts of service, since I’m not good at communicating and initiating physical acts. I like taking care of others and would push aside my tasks just to take care of them, consider it being motherly.
I have alot of scars because of my illness, but I’ve accepted them and I don’t mind showing them anymore. I can be insecure and possessive at times, but I’ll never show it unless confronted about it. I help others but I can’t help others.
I’m an ambivert. I’m part of a lot of social groups and friends with a decent amount of people. I can get along with any type of person since I mirror their personality.
I love music and listen to it everyday. I also love singing and dancing though I do it alone so no one can see me do it. At first glance I may seem intimidating because of the resting bitch face, but once you get to know me I’m silly and can be an airhead.
Also I’m 157 cm. I have different fashion styles that I use, though i stick with something that makes me feel pretty. I can be girly or tomboyish there’s no in between.
Hello, love!! Thanks for sending in the ask~!
This baby would be perfect for you! He understands the need to help others and admires you for doing your best! He is an extrovert so he will help equal out your introverted tendencies, he might not always know when you need to recharge, but give him a heads up and he will be a good boy! 
He also can have a rbf at times, but deep down he’s just a puppy who wants to play! You will never be bored with him around, and he won’t ever let you feel alone or unwanted. His love language is physical touch, but he enjoys the little things you do for him just as much! 
He’s not as possessive as you might be, but he finds it cute when you confront someone about you two being together, though he will tease you and play oblivious at times! At the end, he will smile and give you a bear hug, letting you know how much he loves you!
Pudding is another great match for you!! She’s another extrovert, but unlike Yamato, she can understand when your social bar is low! She will be a bit more possessive of you, and this might help relieve any feelings of your own possessiveness. Even if it doesn’t, she will reassure you everyday how much she loves you and that she’s yours.
She loves to hear you sing, and will beg you to sing to her sometimes, especially if she can’t sleep, it helps her feel more comforted and vulnerable with you. Sometimes she will sing with you or come in when you are alone and take your hand to dance. 
She might be tough at first, but your kind heart breaks her walls and she feels the need to love you even more! She admires your determination and want to help others and will do anything in her power to keep it that way! 
This lovely firecracker is the last one I think that will fit you well! He also wants to help others and is quite the advocate for people in need. You two would be a great team on helping orphans or the elderly! 
His love language is a mixture quality time and acts of service, so he is right with you on doing little things together. He might be busy, but he does his best to spend the free time he has with you! 
He has his own scars and understands how it can difficult to talk about them, but he loves you no matter what and is happy you accept him too! He might not understand your possessiveness, but he just smiles it off and gives you a hug, reminding you he wouldn’t have anyone else but you~!
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rosemaze-reveries · 4 years
I see requests are open 👉👈 Would you mind doing headcannons for Malleus, Riddle, Lilia, and Vil X Female S/O (or gender neutral which ever is easier to write) and them meeting their future kids or themselves? (I’ve been into time travel tropes lately and just can’t enough) feel free to change anything you want to. Thank you 💕💕💕💕🌷🌷🌷
sure! I did half and half with these.
Visited by his future self/child
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Your son meets both you and Malleus at separate times, refuses to tell either of you who his other parent is, and asks that you not bring it up to anyone. He uses magic to conceal his horns when he speaks to you, knowing you’d be able to immediately piece it together if you saw them—and uncovers them when speaking to Malleus, as to not make him think he was half-human.
Your son is a little exasperating; he had no reason to come to the past except because why not? and he wanted to meet his parents’ younger selves for fun. But, neither of you can stop thinking about this, and go against his wishes to tell Lilia about your strange encounter.
Lilia has to do damage control for your son and wipe the memories from you and Mal, then go hunt down Mini Draconia to scold him before sending him back to his original era.
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If, for any reason, Future!Riddle came to visit the past, he would be extra meticulous not to meet his past self. He knows fully well the consequences and wants to prevent them at all costs. Present!Riddle only finds out when one of his peers tells that they “saw him earlier, wearing some ‘weirdly normal’ outfit they’d never seen him wear before.”
Riddle would know he hasn’t worn any other outfit today, so they either saw someone else, or a student is messing with transformation magic. He searches intensively for this troublemaker who’s pretending to be him, and he doesn’t make it very subtle—when he catches Future!Riddle and accuses him outright of being a student in disguise, Future!Riddle just goes along with it. He’s not a great actor to start, so that ironically makes it all the more believable that he’s actually a student. No one would ever know. 😉
(The kick here is that Riddle still hasn’t gotten any taller in the future so no one who saw him even suspected he might’ve been ‘older.’ The only difference was his new wardrobe!)
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Lilia has known powerful mages who could manipulate time in his lifetime, and he probably knows the spells to do it himself. But he’s never actually attempted them; he’s not even sure if he’s advanced enough to execute them correctly. He’s considered resorting to time magic should situations grow drastic enough, leaving it as a back-up just in case the world falls to war and ruin again.
Encountering his future self summons a grim feeling inside him. He’s not surprised to see himself, nor is he amazed or anything. He knows his future self has brought a message for him. He’ll ask that Future!Lilia spares him the dour details and instead only give him a brief overview of what he can do to potentially change fate. Future!Lilia’s scarred up appearance is painful enough.
Time magic is a heavy burden, even for him.
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Your daughter finds it very difficult to get in contact with Vil’s past self. Firstly, NRC is hard to visit if you’re not a student there. Trying to contact him directly will only put her in touch with his manager Adela, and obviously she’s going to discard anything from some random kid claiming to be Vil’s daughter.
Her last resort is to ask Rook for help, who’s more easily accessible. He’s no fool but he can recognize Schoenheit genes from a mile away 😂 He’s cautious of letting her meet Vil, but once he hears her out, he just tells her to make sure Vil doesn’t learn specifics (ie. who his partner will be) as to not mess with fate. 
Vil doesn’t believe her at first. This sounds like a prank, or a superfan’s attempt to get close to him, but he can’t imagine Rook helping with someone like that. When your daughter sees you for the first time, she lets it slip that you’re her other parent. At that moment, you can faintly see Rook’s eyes light up, Vil goes completely still, and you mistakenly think they’re doing improv or something.
Vil sits your daughter down and has her explain everything. Even though he’s still 18 at this time he sounds very much like a father here. He chastises her for being so careless with time travel, reminding her that if she had disrupted the natural flow of things in any way, she could’ve poof!ed herself from existence. But, this is severe enough that he will step in, and even utilizes his Unique Magic: once your daughter returns to her true timeline, the three of you will forget she ever paid you a visit.
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yandere-toons · 4 years
I read the questions they asked you about the Warner siblings, and I want to ask those kinds of questions too, I hope it won't bother you👉👈😔. So, continuing with Warner siblings, What would be the reasons why they would be mad at their darling? What would be the reasons why they would get jealous? Who would be the most possessive, sticky and aggressive? Would they get to the point of kidnapping their darling?
It's not a bother at all! Discussing these types of things is quite fun for me, so feel free to send questions anytime.
What makes them mad?
Dot - Denying her the fantasy of a perfect relationship. Disagreeing when she praises herself or taunts someone else, questioning her judgement, and rejecting her affection make her want to scream.
Yakko - Ignoring him. He thrives on feedback, and leaving him in silence is the quickest way to trigger his manipulative side.
Wakko - Refusing to indulge his appetite. A lack of home-cooked meals and the message that he should eat less are taken as an insult.
What makes them jealous?
Dot - Showing interest in anyone else. It can be as simple as a smile or a compliment, but she reads it as an invitation to replace her.
Yakko - Laughing at others' jokes and speaking to someone else for longer than a minute or two. The idea that he is not their favourite person is one he will never accept.
Wakko - Preparing food for and eating with other people. He interprets cooking as intimacy, and the sight of strangers munching on grub that should be his is the equivalent of infidelity.
Who is the most possessive/aggressive?
The Warner Sister has a violent streak much wider than either of her brothers'. She demands their attention and adoration at all times and never spares a thought for their comfort, believing that her devotion to them is more than enough to inspire happiness.
Is kidnapping a possibility?
For all three, yes.
Wakko will tire of having to travel to eat their meals.
Yakko spends hours debating conversation topics with his reflection and wishes they were in the next room for him to chat with whenever the notion strikes him (which is always).
Dot has to stifle her rage every time she thinks about how they interact with countless others while on the way to visit her. She wants the world to forget it ever met them, and that starts with removing their connections to it.
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leejungchans · 4 years
— juliet’s archive #4
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(a/n: me working backwards on juliet’s archive 💀 i made this with an app called social dummy so it’s not going to look the same as an actual youtube video so please ignore any inconsistencies🥺)
warnings: mentions of low self-esteem
note: juliet’s archive is her series of solo content on ateez’s youtube channel (in the same realm as mars asmr, sanchelin guide, etc.)
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(click on the image for higher quality)
— notes;
oh boy, it’s sad boy hours 😔
this video was uploaded around mid-2020, a little before ateez’s comeback
the lyrics (which are in both korean and english) were entirely written by juliet, the song was composed by both her and hongjoong, and he did the arrangement
as you may be able to tell from the title of the song, this was a really sad song essentially about juliet’s struggle with low self-esteem, and how she’d constantly feel that she was never enough for anything, hence the title “i don’t like me”; she doesn’t like herself, and she doesn’t like that she feels this way about herself
there is no real music video for the song; it’s a photo of juliet facing the ocean and the editing team at kq edited the waves to look like they were continuously flowing in a loop
the video ends with a black screen with the sentence “i want to like me” in both korean and english.
this song is one of the things juliet is the proudest of to this day; not necessarily because it’s groundbreaking or anything revolutionary, but because this song captures a lot of her vulnerability and internal struggles, and she’s grateful that she was able to put it into a song and share with others, in hopes that it will bring them comfort from knowing that they’re not alone in struggling with such feelings
this song was a pretty secret project; obviously their team at kq knew about it, but juliet wanted to keep it a secret from the boys (with the exception of joong since she came to him asking if he could help her produce this song) because it wanted to be a surprise
of course, after they found out about it they freaked out; even though the song made them sad they were super proud of her!!!!!
anyways 👁💧👄💧👁 this song is a huge slap in the face to anyone who says juliet is not main-vocalist material; okay vocals!!! we see you!!!!!
— atiny’s reactions;
no one was okay 👁💧👄💧👁
#WeLoveYouJuliet trended for a few hours on twitter after this video dropped
atiny’s want the studio version @/kq pls give the people what they want </3
besides the fact that everyone was a soft mess after listening to the song, they were so!! proud!!!! to know that juliet wrote and composed the song
she did that!!!!
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a/n: um hello 🥺🥺 so i posted yesterday about how i’m currently feeling a bit lost with my writing and i’m not sure what kind of content you’d like to see in regards to juliet or my other works...in other words, uni is really kicking my butt and it’s making me feel very powerless and sluggish :/ so while i’m not taking requests it would mean the world to me if you could take some time to lmk what you’d like to see from me 🥺
eg. more scenarios of juliet with the boys? how juliet would react to xxx? how the boys would react when juliet xxx? scenarios of her relationship with other idols? posts about any other info you’d wanna know about juliet? fics about a skz/atz member x reader? 👉👈
please feel free to send me any kind of feedback!! 💖
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- spam away lads (i see u and i love that we have similar interests, tis doesn’t bother me at all)
- send asks (i have no advanced knowledge or anything but if you’d like to hear me thoughts and express yours feel free to do so!)
i see lots making these so hey here’s mine
introduction: (no one asked but i want to comeout to everyone cuz i can’t irl <3)
- nicknames: Hoodie, Beez (short for ‘bee deez nuts’ dont judge me ;-;)
- non-binary, asexual
- pronouns: any pronouns except for “it” (he/they/any neopronouns/she -listed from most preferred to least preferred)
- can use whatever to call be tbh i love being a girlboss, bossman, etc… :)
- I’m Am in other words when you slam the keys A C E (haha sorry i had to)
- also btw when i use gurlies, men, dudes, kings, queens, etc…. tis meant for everyone & anyone
- me like emojis 💅🏻👀🌝😎🐝🧍🐮✨🌈💀
- be comfy
whats this blog’s about:
- mcyt stuff (mostly dsmp, mostly sbi and benchtrio, mostly tommy related)
- updates on streams, youtube videos (well when i myself caught them)
- gender stuff (cuz im rolling with the lgbt)
- sometimes random shit that i think about, life updates (that no one asked for but heh)
- sometimes doodles and drawings (with paper cuz i haven’t figured out wacom and drawing apps yet) —> tagged as #hoodie’s art
- streamers’ memes :D
- reblogs of arts that i find nice (digital arts, videos, edits, poems, texts, etc… anything that i find nice really) —> tagged as #nice arts
- reblogs of dream smp & origins smp tommy lore analysis —> tagged as #c!tommy analysis
- ao3 fics recommendations (all with tommy as the protagonist or one of the main characters)
—> tagged as #tommyinnit fics or #fics recs
- a lil thing i do is take funny quotes from streams/vids out of context —> tagged as #correct mcyt quotes
- i discovered thinking —> tagged as #thinking random thoughts
- my thoughts are hot? —> tagged as #hot takes(?)
- i will always try my best to provide contexts, tone indicators, sources of the clips, images, etc… that i post/reblog but i might forget sometimes (if u wanna ask sth just ask tis totally okay :D/gen)
- use of profanity might be prominent in certain posts 👉👈 just casual swearin’ (i mean this is a tommyinnit main so…..👁👄👁.. when im sleep deprived or rushing deadlines there will be cussin’ 👀, usually i don’t swear too much tho dw)
what this blog’s not about:
- any twitter’s drama stuff (stresses me out n’ shit so i blissfully live in ignorance, i will still be healthily informed but i won’t post about them on this specific blog)
- any morally, legally wrong stuff (eg: discriminative stuff)
this is my side blog that’s all for fun so I’m just here, thanks for following, liking, reblogs <3
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needleanddead · 3 years
Hiii I hope this doesn’t sound rude or anything but you seem really nice and approachable so I was wondering 👉👈 you seem like you reblog and draw a lot of people’s OCs interacting with yours and I was wondering like how you go about getting involved with that like community! I post a lot and people like my art but they don’t like interact with me or anything?🥲 I feel like I don’t belong and I’d really like to! please ignore this ask if it makes you uncomfortable!!!!! 💕🤍💕🤍
Every time I get an ask that starts with ‘I hope this doesn’t sound rude’ a little part of me panics hardcore sfhfsgh
Honestly anon . . . I have literally no advice ;_;. I often feel a very similar way so it’s weird to me that I seem like someone who Knows The Secret, I very much don’t! I am a very teeny tiny little blog simply tootling along like a train, and also I’m super shy and nervous and never want to bother people, so I feel weird pushing my OCs forward to say ‘hey what if our characters interacted’ to other people. So it remains a mystery (but one that makes me very happy!) that other people are much friendlier than me and make the first move by sending asks or drawing them or sending DMs or anything! Literally every time anyone draws any of my characters, especially interacting with theirs, my heart just Explodes Out Of My Chest. !?!?!!? I am never expecting it and I save them all to a little folder on my PC and look at them when I’m sad (… and a couple of them are my phone background and lock screen and stuff sfhjdgh).
I think making sure you’re interacting with other people in the community by liking posts/sending questions for ask games and stuff as well as using tags is also a really good way to get involved if you’re not already doing that!
If you feel able to make the first move, honestly just . . . drop into someone’s DMs and chatter, many people I talk to feel exactly the same shy awkward way as me but almost all of them will respond excitedly to someone else reaching out to them first! Please feel free to reach out to me if you think I’m friendly I love talking about OC interaction ;w; (also I am sending big hearts for thinking I’m friendly, most people do not have that opinion irl so I try really hard online and I’m very happy when people think so!).
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dumbdomb · 2 years
I wanted to send you a bunch of ask things, so I hope it's not too many! Feel free to skip some if you want, I just liked a lot of the questions.
12. Name a song that makes you want to fuck.
26. Favorite thing to be called during sex? (Names, titles, petnames, etc. )
34. Werewolves or Vampires?
39. What is the oddest outfit that you find hot when people wear?
64. Do in person kink events and conventions interest you?
71. Are there any kinks or fantasies you have that you wish you didn’t? What are they?
76. Any fantasies featuring supernatural elements?
89. Have you ever tried to seduce someone and they didn’t notice? What happened?
- 🦷❤
12. Name a song that makes you want to fuck.
teeth by mallrat
l'été by tallisker
eternal now by less.people
26. Favorite thing to be called during sex? (Names, titles, petnames, etc.)
okay, uhh 😳 yeah alright… these are just off the top what i can think of rn:
sir, angel, (leather) daddy, love, dummy, and vanilla terms of endearment like cutie, baby, etc. someone used to call me minx and i thought that was cute
34. Werewolves or Vampires?
with the upmost respect to both parties, i must choose vampires
39. What is the oddest outfit that you find hot when people wear?
oh, goodness, where do i even begin. i love alt style choices! i love all the different kawaii, visual kei, fruits, etc styles. i don't really know how to answer this because i genuinely like weird and unusual styles!
64. Do in person kink events and conventions interest you?
yes, but i'm not very interested in big conventions for anything and haven't had anyone i felt was truly safe and trustworthy to attend live events with. i was planning on finally getting up the courage to go to a local munch before the plague happened, so now idk. i'd like to attend something in the future
71. Are there any kinks or fantasies you have that you wish you didn’t? What are they?
i could say just about any of my harder interests, if only because i think it'd be easier, socially, to not have them. but it's all sort of part of who i am, isn't it? (like omo, blood, cnc)
76. Any fantasies featuring supernatural elements?
oh yeah, for sure. i've written about ghosts, slime monsters, vampires… i'm a lover of all things supernatural, unfortunately including the tv series
89. Have you ever tried to seduce someone and they didn’t notice? What happened?
i like to flirt. i think i'm being so cute and seductive almost all the time!!! it's usually platonic, as a joke, not really serious. i often think people don't notice when i am, and i'm kinda glad or else i may get myself into so much more trouble than i'd ever know what to do with!! i love to seduce but immediately get shy or sadistic as a response if i think it actually works. i love when people are overly flirty with me, though. that's not part of the question but i want people to know 👉👈 haha
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