#on the Dawn of a realization of just how messed up his admin is
shepscapades · 11 hours
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X isn’t big on hugs, but Doc does what he can. It’s the little things that help.
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blocksandbloops · 4 years
May I interest you in some fem!hermit!Tommy fluff for you in this trying time?
This is set in an alternative version of @redorich 's hermit!Tommy AU. Diverging from the Dream SMP's raid on Hermitcraft. All you need to know is that family trees are convoluted, Tommy's name is Clementine. She's trans, we love her, she has wings and has adopted Grian as her weird almost twin brother.
After the whole "Dreamon" and "invasion" mess the Dream SMP folk didn't expect to hear much from the hermits besides the ones who attended MCC. They thought that the two servers would just continue to exist, independent of one another. Just drifting through the void mere inches apart but never really touching.
Oh how wrong they were.
The hermits were friendly but they had absolutely underestimated just how friendly.
Apparently, the moment Clementine so much as breathed a word about how much she missed her biological family, Scar -ever the kind and helpful mayor that he was- decided to throw a beach party!
Since Clemmy's extended family was pretty large and they didn't want anyone to feel left out, it was an open invitation to everyone on the Dream SMP as long as they behaved.
That point was driven home when a few people, like Antfrost and his unhealed, dog bitten asscheek, mentioned how upsetting the Hermits was definitely not a good idea.
(Deep down they knew that the reason they were really doing this was because the hermits were worried about them. The Dream SMP was just a bunch of traumatized children according to them. They weren't wrong in that assumption but no one wanted to admit that.)
So, when the day of the beach party finally dawned, they all put on their least threatening outfits and packed up their supplies, (where Tubbo got the surf board nobody wanted to question) and entered the portal just like they had done a few months prior.
A few things were different though, the sun was bright and beaming in the sky, soft puffy white clouds rolled by, only promising gentle shade instead of the dreary air of yesteryear.
The shopping district had been rebuilt from it's smoky ruins and they finally all had time to appreciate the lovingly built shops and roads. It looked so beautiful and vibrant, you could practically feel the fact that summer was in full swing.
The smell of nectar and sea salt drifted through the air, sweetening even the sourest of moods. This is what peace was to the hermits. This was their everyday. They were so lucky and they didn't even realize it.
Some people were taking notes of all the different building styles with bright eyes, hoping to replicate some of it when they got home, others were suddenly hit with a feeling of bitter inadequacy of it compared to their homes. Is this what a world without war could look like?
But, no matter the gloomy musings of the few, they were all here to let go for a day! To celebrate the good times and to kick back for seemingly the first time in forever.
Their welcome party this time simply consisted of one person.
It was a strange sight, seeing the Hermits' admin Xisuma without a mask on, wearing a god awful hawaiian shirt that Keralis had thrown at him with glee the moment he mentioned that he didn't have something to wear, and again, were those, gods forbid crocks?
"'Ello everyone! Wow this is quite the turn up. Scar wished he could be here to greet you all personally, but he's still too busy helping the others preparing for the barbecue, so you're stuck with me for the time being.
Now, if you'll kindly follow me, we set everything up pretty close to here, so we'll be there in a minute."
The walk over to the beach was short, but just as scenic as the rest of the server.
Warm, golden sand, gently lapping waves and lush plant life. The sound of the hermits' laughter and soft music filled the air as the smell of the previously mentioned barbecue proved a welcome distraction from whatever the hell was happening on the far right side of the beach (the ZIT trio built a karaoke machine. It was Zedaph's idea. It was also a horrible idea but they didn't seem to realize that yet.)
As they began to debate a plan of attack, no wait. ... fun? enjoyment? eh whatever.
A tall man jogged up to the group. Some people recognized him as Mumbo Jumbo, that one british guy with the mustache. Others, however, as that semi-scary redstone wizard who managed to create extremely powerful potion launchers during the invasion.
He was dressed just as down to earth as the others, holding a tall glass of lemonade in his hand and wearing a (quite goofy) sunhat he borrowed from Ren.
He was explaining something to X in hushed tones (something or other about a minor fire at the barbecue table?) When he looked past the gathering of guests and out towards the path that they had come from, and screeched.
"GRIAN PLEASE I'M HOLDING LEMONADE DON'T!" X reached over and grabbed the glass from his hands just in time for a cackling, feathered ball of something to crash into Mumbo, knocking him into the water with an audible "oof".
There was wild thrashing as the two tried to orient themselves, Grian somehow climbing onto Mumbo's back.
"CLEMMY! COME HELP ME DROWN MUMBO!" Grian waved towards a cluster of trees to their left, underneath which a small gathering of hermits was enjoying a bit of a reprieve from the sun.
"NOT YOU TOO!" came the mustachioed man's scream of distress.
Clementine, the whole terrifying six feet and three inches of a woman that she was, took off running to the water at full tilt towards the struggling brits.
Mumbo, having already formed a strategy in his head, did a perfect T-pose and feel backwards into the water, bringing down a screaming Grian with him. Clementine did a graceful swan dive into the water (how she executed that shall be left for viewer interpretation) and happily joined the fray, even the distressed calls of Stress behind her because "Gods damn it Clemmy! I spent an hour on your hair! And now it's ruined!" couldn't persuade her to give up on her mission to cause as much friendly chaos as possible.
She climbed out of the water a few minutes later, her hair a mess and a bright smile on her face.
"Techie! Wilby! Tubbo! Thank you guys so much for coming! I'm really glad that you could make it." She hugged them each close, enjoying the comfort of having them all together again.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Techno relaxed his posture, trying not to fidget too much. He was getting better with crowds but it was still a lot.
"You may think he's joking but he literally dragged Quackity all the way to the portal because he was too busy doing his eyeliner and would've made us late." Wilbur snickered when she leaned in to hug him, earnings him one of her patented ear-splitting laughs.
"I got a recording of it!" Tubbo proudly announced, pulling out his video camera
while still holding an arm around her.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! LET ME HAVE SOME DIGNITY MAN!" The aforementioned Mr. Fattest Ass in the cabinet screamed indignantly as soon as he got within hearing range.
"Quackity you never had any dignity. It's too late for that." Techno flicked the duck shapeshifter on the head, earning him even more annoyed rambling which he just chose to ignore.
"Well, I'm glad that that's settled, now, I have some people I'd like for you to meet."
She directed them towards the group sitting in the shade, which consisted of False, (a now soaking wet) Grian, Stess, Mumbo (who also looked like a disgruntled cat that was just given a bath), Iskall and Ren.
Meanwhile Doc and Cleo had a little cornered off area they'd nicknamed the "cool kids club" (it was because around this time the sun got strong enough to actually burn her and Doc just felt slightly iffy about the water, since he was, ya know, half robot.)
Clemmy threw herself down on a blanket in front of a grumbling Stress who set about actually making her hair look presentable.
Niki sat down next to them and began discussing the merits of different styles to put Clemmy's hair into.
Ranboo sheepishly sat down next to Cleo's lawn chair folding all of his gangly limbs under himself.
Wilbur happily plopped himself down next to Ren on a blanket and began to hum along to the other's guitar.
Techno lay dow his cape, deciding that a nap was the best course of action in that moment.
Fundy hesitated for a second before going down to the shore to relax and just put his feet in the water for now.
Philza, the awkward dad that he was, chose to sit down close enough to the girls that he'd be able to hear what they were talking about without intruding.
Tubbo placed his stuff down by Clemmy's feet and ran out to the shore with his surf board in hand.
Going through so many conflicts in such a short amount of time really tires a person out, especially ones as young as the ones from the SMP so getting this afternoon of rest truly helped ease some of the stress given to them by recent events.
(Beach episode pog?)
Of course, this little get together wasn't without it's faults. About two hours in Doc accidentally trampled False's sand castle, who in retaliation teamed up with Cleo to dump water on him while he was relaxing.
This little conflict evolved into a battle to see who could build the biggest and grandest sand castle between "Team Himbo" and "Team Women" (one of those was coined by Clemmy). Puffy and Stress set up a good system of transporting sand from point A to point B, allowing them to move faster. False got placed on detailing duty while Niki brought refreshments for the rest of the team. Alyssa was mostly helping out wherever she could, as Cleo worked her armour stand magic to make their castle feel even more alive.
Clemmy just shouted encouragements and bullied the opposing team.
(The member list of Team Himbo has been redacted to avoid any drama about who might qualify as a himbo in the given circumstances)
Somehow the guys managed to convince Techno to join them, which immediately stacked odds in their favor to which Eret and Iskall, being the non-binary legends they are, decided to side with Team Women, now renamed to "Team Prettier Than You".
Their building contest laated for another hour before X decided to try to stop them (it wasn't because of the time. It was because TFC and Grian started shouting things about structural integrity and adding stone parts to the walls and the contestants actually listened when he decided that it was getting out of hand.)
Then it was time to actually enjoy the barbecue. Techno surprised everyone with how delicious his baked potatoes ended up. Beef also got to flex his skills a little with, as you guessed it, beef.
Tubbo and Tango sadly had to eat further away then everyone because the moment they got within ten feet of the fire something mysteriously combusted.
After that, the ZIT trio busted out the karaoke machine and the night went from good to great.
The old Team Star was dared to sing a rendition of Hermit Gang and everyone younger than 25 felt physical distress during some parts.
The sleepy bois (+Tubbo) sang a cover of "Your new boyfriend" (Techno got surprisingly into it) and then Wilbur swiped Ren's guitar to sing some Taylor Swift songs (accompanied by Tubbo on a synth he seemingly pulled out of nowhere) in that one weird accent he can do which had most people wheezing on the floor from laughter after the first song.
Niki threw down a german cover of Say So by Doja Cat. Grian, Phil and Tommy were unconsciously doing the parrot dancing thing. It was great.
Quackity sang something in spanish and Karl and Sapnap made over exaggerated swooning noises.
Skeppy and Bad did a duet. It was as adorable as it sounds.
Some other people also came on stage, belting out songs in such horridly broken voices that I'll spare you the details. Let's just say, nails scratching chalkboards would sound better.
And that was most of the festivities over with.
The last thing on the agenda? A meteor shower. How did they set it up? Clemmy's weird star child thing. The aforementioned girl was huddled close together with her family as they watched the comets streak across the clear sky (all electronics and artificial lights were shut off for the night) and Melohi played from a jukebox in the corner.
Fundy was laying his head in Dream's lap, the other boy was softly threading his fingers through his almost fiance's orange hair while leaning heavily on George and trying not to let sleep claim him as it had the fox (no one knew how this happened, all they were aware of is that the three had disappeared sometime during the sand castle contest only to reemerge having finally talked things through and come to an agreement that they all seemed happy with).
Ranboo, Niki, Puffy and Eret were collapsed in a happy pile just vibing.
The sleepy bois, who were for once actually sleepy, all wore matching flower crowns braided together by Stress's experienced fingers (and Wilbur's rather clumsy ones). Phil and her had managed to come to an agreement of unofficial joint custody after he witnessed Techno embarrassedly lean down to let her place a crown of golden flowers upon his head and saw his internal beam of pride when she called him "handsome".
The boys never really had a mother he mused, maybe she could teach them kindness where he couldn't.
Another surprise addition to the family was the owner of the third pair of wings in the cuddle pile. Phil didn't expect to end up with any more children at this point in his life, but Grain and Clemmy were practically attached at the hip and it felt wrong to even think about separating them.
He only hoped that those two wouldn't cause too much chaos especially when teamed up with Tubbo.
In the end, everyone drifted off to sleep, one by one they closed their eyes on their most perfect day. Praying for whatever might be out there, that they'll have many more moments just like this.
almost everyone.
Callahan chuckled as he walked back up to his spot with Alyssa farther away from the others. shutting off his camera after cycling through the pictures he took of everyone looking goofy while sleeping (His favorite is the one where Clemmy was very visibly munching on Techno's hair). He may not use those as blackmail but he sure ass hell was going to tease them about it later. He fell asleep there on that hill, drifting off to comforting rest like the others.
After that? Life moved on.
It was chaotic sure, and not perfect.
But it was theirs. They grew up slowly, learning to be kind to one another, how to grow with one another.
Life wasn't always perfect but hey, they had each other. And in the end? That's all that mattered.
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ʙɪɢ ʙᴀᴅ ᴡᴏʟꜰ  1 / 2 | 𝕁𝕁𝔹𝔸 𝟛 [Drabble]
ᴡᴏʟꜰ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ!ᴊᴏᴛᴀʀᴏ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
[Part 2]
It’s been stuck in my head-- yes I’m sinning I live for this shit okay ;; man I just need big buff beefy bois to snap my twig existence in h a l f man
Hope y’all enjoy this mess SKSKSKSKS and yes, this is lowkey an au where all the jojo’s are alive together and are family-- they a big ol pack
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ★ ————-««
As a child, we’re reminded of the various tales of horror and mutilation through history via nursery rhymes and classic fairy tales. Initially hearing these tales, one wouldn’t think much of it besides the basic undertones of safety and precaution to one’s surroundings. Yet upon further inspection, the darker images begin to conjure up and grasp at the reader with it’s terrifying corpse-like grip.
Dragging them deeper and deeper into the lore of a fairy tale’s true history.
ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ
Stumbling down the stone path, you couldn’t help but feel a sliver of frustration bite at your ankles. It had been 30 minutes--or what you perceived to be 30 minutes-- of wandering in circles. Every turn you took and every path you deemed new only brought you back to the same goddamn spot. 
Perhaps you were going mad, or maybe the map the town’s village head gave you was a fake after all! Initially taking this request was something you vehemently denied, despite being one of the few traveling merchants, you were quite picky in which requests you’d take. 
After all, the world you lived in wasn’t very kind to humans. The stories you heard from the townsfolk and from your own grandmother had you avoiding the woods that surrounded your quaint village. Though as you grew older you found an odd sort of serenity to the strange forest. 
Of course you still avoided passing through it at night, but your perspective of the woods had changed during daylight. Though of course that was not the case now as you stood stranded with no idea of how to get out of the godforsaken forest; and to think you were actually starting to actually like taking brief walks through it.
“Damn map!” 
Annoyed, you threw the tattered and worn patch of leather into your basket as you adjusted the deep maroon hood that adorned your figure. Ah yes, little red riding hood. Lost and alone in the big wide unknown.
“Just my fucking luck...” 
With no other option, you decided against a luck at fate as you strayed off the path you told yourself you’d never leave. Oh, if you could look at your past self and tell them the stupid thing you just did.
Putting on a brave front, you ventured deeper into the trees as the shrubs and greenery became more wild. The amount of rocks and dirt making for an unsteady path as leafs and foliage found refuge on your hood. 
‘What a fucking pain...’ You thought as you blew a stray leaf out of your way. Though at that moment you felt your body freeze as a sudden howl filled the once empty air around you. Suddenly feeling suffocated, you blindly ran through the forest. In hindsight, you should’ve thought this through more carefully, but fight or flight had taken up your thoughts and your immediate reaction had been flight.
What a mistake that was as you heard the sounds of heavy ground shaking steps. Each getting closer to your desperate form as you blindly shoved at branches and bushes in your way before you tripped.
Your breath knocked out of you as you stumbled forward and unfortunately towards the slanted hill. Bracing yourself, you let gravity have it’s fun as it tugged you mercilessly down against the unforgiving forest floor. 
Once settled at the bottom of the hill you let yourself lay there. Allowing your body the much needed break as you mentally went through a checklist of your body and well being. 
As far as you were aware, nothing was broken and no deep gashes had made themselves apparent to you. Thus concluding, you’d definitely wake up sore as fuck tomorrow with a side of bruises. 
That was, if you were going to see tomorrow. The sudden realization dawned upon you. As you were going through your mental checklist, a large burly figure had made it’s way towards you. The same one that had most likely chased you to this point.
Fuck. You were going to die weren’t you?
Staying absolutely still, you kept your eyes focused on the falling leaves as whatever had chased you stopped behind you. Despite not even touching you, you could practically feel it breathing on you. Preparing for the worst, you closed your eyes and wished for a quick death. 
Instead, you heard a rather annoyed huff and equally annoyed voice.
“Oi, woman. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
ⳮⷤ ── ⲇ ── ⳮⷤ
Unsure of what to do, you stayed frozen on the ground in hopes of getting by like a possum would and whoever-- rather whatever it was would leave you the fuck alone.
Unfortunately, that didn’t come to reality.
“Are you deaf? I know you’re not dead so quit the dumb act and tell me what the fuck you’re doing in this area.”
Another aggravated yet annoyed prod at your prone form before the mysterious figure finally moved. Thinking your plan had worked, you waited with baited breath for the annoyed figure to disappear from the area. Yet of course, that didn’t happen as your (e/c) met with sharp oceanic turquoise ones.
Not long after did a scream come from you as you finally moved and scurried back as you finally got a good look at whoever had found you.
The figure, or now identified wolf hybrid stood looking annoyed-- if not pissed off at your screams as the veins on the side of his head seemed to bulge in irritation. His brows furrowed in against his rather handsome face as he gave you a sharp and pointed glare.
“Shut the hell up! Your screams are annoying! It pissed me off!” He barked out. His hands shoved deeply into his pockets as his blue green eyes pierced into your own (e/c).  
Taking a moment to calm down, you slowly began to inhale and exhale through your nose as you felt your quaking heart begin to find a steady rhythm once again. Feeling better and much more calm, you finally looked up to the person who found you. Though you were surprised with what you saw.
He seemed human for the most part. A long black coat that ended at his knees with a gold chain accessory at the collar, a simple pair of black pants, a tight forest green shirt, and a...hat that seemed to merge with his hair? 
Over all, he would’ve seemed like any other human in her town. Save for the pointed wolf ears and the bushy tail behind him. 
Smart. Definitely intelligent. An annoyed scoff came from the man as he finally withdrew his hands from his pockets. A pack of cigarettes sat in one hand while the other had a lighter. With a swift motion, the addictive nicotine was lit and sat delicately on his plump lips as he pocketed the two items once more.
“I’m asking ya, what the fuck are you doing in this area? Humans usually never wander in this area unless they’re looking for something.”
Calm and composed, he took a drag of his cigarette before he made his way over towards you. Your own form seizing up as your fingers grasped desperately at the grass. He paused though, taking note of your hunched up and terrified form before muttering under his breath and stopping a quarter of the way.
“Tch. I’m not gonna eat or hurt you.”
You weren’t convinced though. Staying alert, you wearily gazed at the man before finally finding the courage to speak. 
“...I... I was on a request and got stuck in this loop because of a shitty map and decided to go off path.”
At your response, the man couldn’t help but feel a tick of annoyance before finishing off his cigarette.
“Did you have a map? If so, who gave it to you?”
You pondered this for a moment, unsure if revealing that would end with a massacre in your village, or if it would help you figure out which asshole pawned the fake map to your town’s chief. 
Deciding to take up the latter, you confessed to him how you came to your situation.
“I got it from my town’s chief who bought it off of some random merchant. He seemed convinced it was real and gave it to me to use whenever I went out to do my requests.”
It was silent for a moment, then a heavy irritated sigh came from the man as he pulled the tip of his hat forward. 
“I have an idea of who the fuck gave your town’s chief that map. I’ll get some solid proof though. For now, you’re coming with me.”
The statement had you freeze as you felt your throat close up. Sensing your sudden dread and fear the man rolled his eyes before continuing.
“It’s getting dark and it wouldn’t be smart to try to lead you home in that state. Tch, my pack will help get you healed up before I take you back tomorrow.”
With that, the man finally drew closer to you. Ignoring your whine of fear as he, to your surprise, gently grabbed your arm and helped you up before he began to drag you towards a path.
After some time of walking the man eventually let go of your arm as you began walking on your own accord. With time, your eyes eventually settled on an area that seemed more open than the areas you had been into prior. The cave and fire catching your attention as more creatures similar to the man beside you.
“Oh Jotaro! I didn’t know you were bringing home guests~!”
A cheery voice rang as your gaze fell on an even bigger man. Your eyes widened as you took in his huge stature before being once again surprised as he delicately holds your hand to shake. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you miss! I’m Johnathon! Johnathon Joestar, but you can call me JoJo! I do hope Jotaro wasn’t rude to you!” 
“O-Oh! None at all, he actually kinda...helped me?”
Your response gave the male before you a curious look as he tilted his head before looking to the stoic and quiet man next to you. When no response came, he went to ask you another question before the man you could now identify as Jotaro, spoke. 
“Some shit happened and she needs to stay the night, Johnathon. Is Jolyne back? She fell down a hill and needs to be patched up.”
Shocked, Johnathon turned to face you again as his bright blue eyes scanned over your form worriedly. A quick, ‘Language, Jotaro!’ and a nod as he gently tugged you towards the bustling fire. 
As you were dragged away from the blunt male, you couldn’t help but mentally thank whatever was watching over your dumbass as you managed to survive the night. 
Though you couldn’t help but honestly wonder. Who sold the map to the town’s chief, and why the fuck did you have to have the bad luck to receive it? 
You could only hope that the questions would be answered within the following day.
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miafic · 5 years
tw for suicide stuff
Geoff clicked open his email, and the first thing that caught his eye was a message from Awsten with NO SUBJECT in the subject line. Curiously, he clicked it; Awsten hadn’t sent him an email since he lived with the Woods.
Hey. I’m so sorry but if your reading this I’m dead.
Instantly, the blood drained from Geoff’s face. 
I just OD'ed on the pain pills from your cabinet and I’m sorry I know you told me not to go in your room and I’m sorry I stole your Tylenol but I just can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to feel like this and I don’t know how else to make it stop.
I need you to know that it’s not your fault. And I’m so sorry.
And I have some bad news, I was gonna bring the pills to the lake and then take them but I got all worked up and took them here and now I feel so sick that I’m just trying to send this email so I’m gonna die at home and I didn’t want to do that to you but fuck Mr. W I’m so fucking tired.
I’m so sorry but you will be better without me I promise.
“No, I won’t be,” Geoff whispered. He was frozen to his chair, hand pressed over his lips, even as students were chatting and laughing in their seats.
I set this message to send later so you won’t see it til after school starts cause I know you check your email like eighteen times before school and that way you can’t do anything to help me. I don’t want to live. If I’m not dead somehow please don’t try to make me live.
Anyway your the best dad in the world and yeah that’s why I hugged you so long and tight tonight after you read to me, I just need you to know that I love you. Fuck. Fuck. Please don’t be mad or upset, this isn’t your fault.
Please tell Tuna I love her and it’s not her fault either. I know you always need to understand everything or whatever so just yeah I’m just still fucked up from the incident and I’m done with the bullshit about how it’s gonna get better, it’s not better and neither am I so I’m done now. I am ready to sleep for a very long time.
I have a fuck ton more I want to say too you but I’m too tired so I’m going to sleep now.
My stomach really fucking hurts.
Yeah I love you I’ll miss you. I’m sorry I hope you’re not too sad cause I know you love me too. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't have made it past June without you.
Love, Awsten
“Mr. W?” someone was asking. “Mr. W? Are you okay?”
Geoff slowly looked up to see ten concerned seniors looking at him. “I…” he began, dazed. “I…”
They all stared at him in alarm.
“I am sorry?” he whispered, the words coming out almost like a question, and he stood and walked dizzily toward the door. He paused before he exited. “Go to the office, please, one of you,” he instructed without looking back. “Tell them… that I have left for the day.” And he set off for home.
He drove quickly, but the short trip still felt like it took hours.
Geoff was short of breath as he pulled into the garage and stumbled into the house. “Awsten!” he called hoarsely. “Awsten!”
Tuna came running toward him, and he bent down and lifted her, pressing her tightly to his chest. He could feel his heart rate quicken, but he had no power to stop it.
“Tuna, where is he?” Geoff breathed. Then he realized. “If - if he were dead or dying, you would not leave his side, would you?” He looked down at her and repeated weakly, “Would you?”
Geoff looked up the staircase. “Awsten?” he pleaded one last time.
There was still no answer.
Geoff shut his eyes. He didn’t want to find another lifeless body in his home, but what choice did he have?
He started up the creaking stairs, Tuna still nestled in his arms.
Please, he begged. Please do not be dead. I do not want him to be dead.
He pushed Awsten’s door open further and stood for several long moments with his eyes glued to the floor. He stayed still, just listening, but there was no sound. No speaking, no music, no breaths. Just complete silence.
“Awsten,” Geoff whispered, still staring down at the hardwood beneath his feet, “are you there?”
When there was no response, Geoff looked up.
There was no dead body; there was no body at all.
“What do you mean, he just left?” John demanded. “And why are you asking me about it?”
Annie Harrison crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re his only real friend here.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t spoken to him since August, so I have no idea.”
“Well, where could he have gone? What could have happened?”
“I just told you that I don’t know. Did anyone look at his computer screen?”
“It was his email account, but it had automatically logged him off by the time one of the students suggested we check.”
John sighed. “Well, the only things he cares about in the world other than books and his students are Awsten Knight and that damn cat, and unless he’s bailing Awsten out of some sort of trouble, I don’t know where he could be.” He frowned. “Although that wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, would it?”
Annie just stared at him.
“What did Derek say about his facial expression again?”
“That he looked ‘like somebody died.’”
John shrugged. “I don’t know, Annie. The only relative he had was his grandma, and she died before I even met him, I think. He’s alone.”
She sighed. “Well, if you hear anything-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll let you know,” he sighed, waving her off. He could hear his kids joking around inside his classroom, but he pulled his phone out of his pocket instead of going in to to quiet them down. To Geoff, he texted, Where are you? Admins are not happy.
He heard footsteps coming toward him, and he looked in their direction as he slid his phone back into his pocket.
There, staggering down the hallway, headed straight for Mr. W’s classroom, was none other than Awsten Knight.
“Grapes?” John asked aloud, and then he quickly shook his head. “Uh - Awsten? What are you doing here?”
Awsten looked over at him, and the blank look in his eyes made John freeze. Something was really, really wrong. He felt that much in his gut.
Suddenly, he worried that Awsten had a gun and was ready to finish whatever Michael had started. He was just wearing a ratty white t-shirt and a pair of thin, plaid pajama pants, though. His hands were empty, and he definitely wasn’t storing a weapon anywhere. The kid didn’t even have shoes on.
“Awsten,” John repeated anxiously, and he started toward the Lakeview High alum. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for my dad,” he slurred.
John had heard through the grapevine that a restraining order had been put in place to keep Awsten and his father separate, and regardless, as far as John knew, the guy was still in prison. “Your dad? Is he in Lakeview?”
With a shaky hand, Awsten pointed to the door of Geoff’s classroom.
Awsten nodded.
“Mr. W.”
Awsten nodded again, and his hand moved to clutch weakly at his stomach. Quietly, he burped, but he didn’t take his hand away. Instead, he muttered, “I want my dad.”
John zeroed in on Awsten’s wide pupils. This is so messed up. “Awsten, are you high?”
“I don’t feel good,” he responded, not answering the question. “I ODed last night, and I sent him a suicide note,” he explained in a tired, trembling voice, “but I didn’t die. At least I think I didn’t...” He blinked, confused, and looked at John. “I’m looking for my dad.”
“You sent Geoff a suicide note?” John repeated quietly.
“Yeah. Where is he?”
“Not here.”
Awsten honest-to-god pouted. He looked miserable.
John just felt disturbed. “Because he went looking for you.”
Right in the middle of the hallway, Awsten’s face crumbled, and he began to cry.
“Shit,” John hissed, and he stepped toward Awsten. “Listen - listen, Awsten, you’re still sick, aren’t you? We-” And then it dawned on him. “Shit, we need to call an ambulance.”
Awsten didn’t respond. He’d decided that it would be a good idea to sit down on the floor and bury his face in his knees as he softly sobbed.
John kept an eye on him while he dialed 911.
Just as Geoff finished his second trek around the lake, his phone began to vibrate. John was calling.
“If you are calling to berate me for my absence,” Geoff spat into the phone, but John interrupted him.
“Geoff, listen. Listen. We found Awsten. He came to school looking for you.”
Geoff was stunned into silence.
“He’s drugged out of his mind, and one of the paramedics seemed a little stressed about whether or not he was gonna make it, but yeah, he’s not dead.”
Geoff still couldn’t find any words.
“Listen, man, I’m sorry, okay? I know we had our differences, but he turned up at school asking for his dad, and I - shit, I get it now. Sort of. I mean, maybe not, but I get it a little bit. He’s your kid.”
“Which hospital?” Geoff choked out.
“Which hospital are they taking him to?”
“Petekey Memorial. Look, Geoff, I-”
Geoff hung up the phone and started running.
“…and he’s on NAC now to help his liver, and I think that’s about it. He’s going be here for at least twenty-four hours, and then we’ll have to move him to a psychiatric facility for at least seventy-two.”
“Yes - of course.” 
Geoff and the nurse stopped in front of an open door.
“Go on in,” she said. “He was awake a few minutes ago, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he still is now. He’s pretty confused, but let me tell you, he sure knows how to work a remote.”
Sure enough, Awsten was inside incessantly flipping channels on the TV. Geoff stood silently and watched him, just glad to see him breathing.
It took a little bit for Awsten to notice him, and when he finally looked over, Geoff could tell that it took a moment for Awsten to recognize him. Once he did, though, the boy’s face broke into a tired smile. “Dad,” he stated simply, almost like he was labeling Geoff more than greeting him, and he put the remote down and held out his arms.
Geoff crossed the room toward him, leaned down, and wrapped him up as tightly as he could without moving any cords or hurting him. “Don’t you ever do that to me again,” he said sternly.
“Which part?” Awsten asked, his words running together.
“Any of them.”
Awsten chuckled.
“It is absolutely not funny. You and I are going to have a very long discussion about this when you return home.”
“Kay,” Awsten replied easily. He leaned his head against Geoff’s shoulder. “I love you.”
Geoff exhaled heavily and sat down on the edge of Awsten’s bed, still embracing him. “And I you.” He was quiet for a moment. “You frightened me. Terribly. I do not think you could ever understand.”
“Yeah. I’m gonna sleep now, okay?”
Geoff sighed. “Awsten, you are treating this like a joke, and it is not funny.”
“I was waiting for you,” Awsten stated dreamily, ignoring Geoff’s words. “They told me you were coming, so I waited and waited forever and ever and ever for you to get here. They made me drink things and take pills and they keep putting needles in me. They said I could sleep, and I said, ‘No, not if I don’t get to see my dad!’ But now I saw you, so I can go to sleep.”
While he’d been speaking, Geoff had pulled back to look at him. John had been correct; Awsten was still being heavily affected by the drugs he’d taken. Geoff would be unable to reason with him for some time.
“What do you need from me?” Geoff asked.
“Just stay,” Awsten said as he burrowed into his pillows. His hospital bracelet made a strange sound as it rubbed against the cheap sheets. 
As the teenager closed his eyes, Geoff felt the strangest urge to reach out and touch his head. Since Awsten was so out of it, Geoff decided not to fight it. He set his hand gently on Awsten’s hair. 
Awsten opened his eyes and smiled lightly at him. “I’m in big trouble, huh?” he asked, and something about his teasing tone reminded Geoff of his interactions with Awsten from the previous school year.
Geoff started to say yes, but he hesitated. He wasn’t angry - not anymore. And Awsten hadn’t been trying to harm anyone but himself. “I... do not know. We shall have to see about that when you feel better.” 
“Oh, okay.” Awsten shut his eyes again. “Love you.” 
Geoff didn’t respond, but it didn’t seem to matter, because within less than three minutes, Awsten was sound asleep.
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17mounteens · 5 years
Oops (Mingyu)
In which Mingyu leaves you with an impression that he was expecting a birthday party and forgets to tell you that he was just joking.
Your plans for Mingyu’s birthday were simple: whenever you asked him what he wanted, he always said he just wanted to be with you, and if you got him a small present, he wouldn’t mind, and so you hadn’t particularly gone outside of that box.
If a simple birthday was what he wanted, you had no objections.
And so April 6th rolled around, and your plan was to prepare some dinner while he was at work, place his present on his side of the bed and, once he’d get home, make sure to pamper him.
Only, you woke up to him cuddling up to you with a wide grin on his face.
“So, you’ve got me a party today, right?” he asked, the grin on his face only widening, and your eyes shot wide open at the teasing tone he used. Mingyu hummed. “Will I need a suit?”
“I...” you began, somehow trying to quickly figure out if you’d missed something important during the days prior to his birthday. Had there been a talk of a party? What had you missed? Mingyu continued looking at you with a bright look in his eyes, and you got a small, nervous smile to your lips. “...No, it’s a casual one, don’t worry.”
“Great, I knew I could trust you,” he grinned and gave you a quick kiss before getting out of bed. “I’ll shower and get going soon.”
“Okay,” you smiled and watched him leave the bedroom, and as soon as you heard the bathroom door shut, you moved your gaze to the ceiling and blinked slowly.
You were screwed.
It didn’t take long to dawn on you that you only had nine hours to come up with a birthday party, including the food, decorations and guests, and you knew no one enjoyed such a short notice.
As soon as you thought about how happy it would make Mingyu and how cute he looked when he was smiling brightly, however, you merely sighed and thanked all higher powers for the fact that you had a day off. The least you could do was try.
While Mingyu showered, you took your phone and were quick to create a group chat with all the people you and Mingyu both knew that you knew he’d want to see at his party, and left a hopeful message where you explained the situation and invited everyone that could make it to the party.
With the message sent, you sighed again: that really was the most you could do at the moment.
Soon you got up, too, and had breakfast while Mingyu got ready for work. He left after giving you a goodbye kiss, and when the door was shut after him, you almost automatically sped up everything you were doing. You ate quickly, rushed to the shower and got out of it in record time, and it also took you surprisingly little time to rush out of the apartment.
You made a to-do list on your way to the nearest shopping center, your mind buzzing as you tried to figure out what all you had to take into consideration. Every now and then you got notifications of your mutual friends saying yes or no to the invitation, and you were delighted to see quite a few saying they could make it, even if it was for a short while.
The next hours you spent speed-walking from store to store, picking up some balloons and other decorations, ingredients, snacks and some extra gift wrapping material, since some of the prospective guests were worried about that. Before heading back home, you also picked up his favorite cake from a bakery.
Much to your surprise, an hour before Mingyu was to get back home you had somewhat been able to set your apartment ready for the party, and you finally sat down on the couch and took a deep breath.
Minghao was still putting balloons up, and Seokmin snorted when he looked at you. “You’ve done an incredible job, Y/N.”
“Thanks,” you grinned and gave him a weak thumbs-up before closing your eyes. “It’s been such a long day...”
“It has, but no time for a nap just yet,” Seokmin said and patted your shoulder. You shot him a glare, at which he laughed and withdrew his hand. “Okay, twenty minutes.”
“I knew you would understand,” you mumbled and closed your eyes again, and with all the stress more or less gone, you drifted off to a much needed nap.
While you rested, Minghao and Seokmin finished putting up the decorations you had gotten, put out the snacks and in general made sure everything was ready.
Time passed and you got back up, and more guests arrived little by little. When it got close to the time Mingyu would get back home, you could hardly keep a smile off your face, and as soon as he came home and you saw the bright smile on his face...
All the panic had truly been worth it.
He looked like the most surprised, joyous puppy when he saw you, the guests and all the party decorations and presents, and you loved seeing him like that. His smile only widened when he saw the golden letter balloons spell out “Happy birthday Mingyu” on the wall.
You were quick to walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck. “Happy birthday, Mingyu.”
He hugged you tightly while laughing. “Y/N, I really don’t know what to say.”
“You’re welcome,” you grinned and looked into his eyes happily while keeping your arms around his neck.
Mingyu snorted, and his cheeks gained a rosy color. “I... really didn’t expect this. I was just joking this morning.”
Your face fell for two seconds before you burst out into a laughter and hid your face in his chest. Mingyu looked at you in some confused amusement and stroked your back all the way until you lifted your face and wiped away the one tear that was trying to escape your eye from laughing so hard.
“Oh, well, here’s your birthday party,” you said, half-laughing, and gestured to the rest of your apartment.
“You’re amazing,” Mingyu said with a wide smile and gave you a breathtaking kiss, and you were only glad that most of the guests were conversing with one another for the time being, rather than witnessing the mess that the two of you were.
Whether he’d expected it or not, Mingyu enjoyed every second of the party, which ended up being on the shorter side due to the last-minute invitations. Neither of you minded, however, as that meant more time left for just the two of you.
When the guests had left, the two of you sat down on the couch, and you cuddled up to him.
“Next time, please tell me if you’re joking and I don’t realize it right away,” you grinned and looked at him warmly.
Mingyu laughed and looked back at you innocently. “What do you mean? This party turned out amazing.”
"Sure, but it was a lot of work on such a short notice,” you said with a small pout on your lips.
Mingyu smiled softly and looked at you adoringly, gently taking your chin between his forefinger and thumb and lifting it. “I know. Thank you, and... please let me make up for it.”
You could only smile as he leaned down to give you a long, sweet kiss that turned into another, and another, and into so many more that you lost the track of time.
By the time the kisses ended, you could hardly even remember anything besides the fact that the man in front of you was, truly, the love of your life.
Almost breathless, you looked into his eyes dreamily. “You can definitely continue making up for it like that.”
Mingyu let out a quiet giggle before leaning in for more kisses, during which he got you to sit astride on his lap.
Then, you could give him the simple birthday you had planned to.
Admin Scooter
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murderclubhq · 5 years
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The prom was going swimmingly. The floor was bumping alive with dancers and music after everyone got a good taste of the punch bowl and nothing seemed to be out of order until the auditorium lights shuddered, flickering before going black.
With the gym shrouded in darkness, the party broke out into a series of whispers until a spotlight flicked on, highlighting the one and only Norman Normal front stage and center. He was dressed in elaborate Alexander McQueen, far too wealthy for Normal Secondary’s prom, but he looked unabashed in his wealth like he was making a grand appearance. The haunting hum of a choir filled the room and announced his arrival like royal fanfare. You’re extremely confused.
“What the hell is going on?” you hear one of your classmates whisper.
“Fuck should I know,” you reply. You watch in slow-dawning horror as Norman began to descend the stage, belting a jazzy acapella cover of some pop song. 
He’s not horrible, which is the worst part, and as you watch him spin around the dance floor, you realize that the gymnasium had been overtaken by clones of Norman in tuxes like musical penguins doo-wopping a storm in a circle around one fiery red-head. 
“Well my body’s been a mess and I’ve missed your ginger hair and the way you like to dress. Won’t you come on over. Stop making a fool out of me. Why don’t you come over, Holly?” 
The room starts hollering at the display, all enraptured by the musical prowess of the neighbouring school. For all the flack the Alberione boys got for being a bunch of lifeless robots, they sure are putting on quite a show. Norman, for the first time in his life, looks like a viable candidate for dating as he’s leading the flash mob around the floor with artful choreography as the lights flash colours you didn’t realize the school had. 
Then, the PA screeches and you stare at the speakers, bewildered. The tinny ding-ding-ding of the announcement chimes and everyone stops for a moment to listen to what they assume must be Principal Graves telling them to cut out the fun. Instead what you hear is the soft strumming of a guitar.
“What the hell is going on?” your classmate says, hysterical. You can’t tell whether she’s excited or horrified at how quickly your prom night had devolved (evolved?) into a musical interlude straight out of a teen movie. The dulcet sound of a boy’s voice comes in loud through the speakers, this time a cover of Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors. 
You’re really confused now because both songs were of the wrong era but the boy on the speakers sounds heartfelt and earnest in his singing, even if he wasn’t nearly as energetic as Norman. It’s only when the chorus hits that you pick up the sound of a second boy but you couldn’t be sure. That was odd that Normal had two boys with identical voices already but two serenading their prom dates at once? The auditorium was too busy coming alive with speculation on who it might’ve been to give another thought to conspiracy and you decide that maybe it was best to leave it be.
As the voices reach a crescendo, you admit that you’re really moved by the performance, even if it was a fraction of the glitz of the Alberione boys. It was heartfelt and sincere with no need for glamour and you’re a little jealous of whose date they are. You look at Norman and he seems perturbed by the interruption, conflict written into his features as he stole nervous glances at the target of his song and her best friend. 
The singing comes to a halt as the PA screeches again. You hear Principal Graves’ voice roaring, “WARD!” before the sound cuts out.
Your friends are giddy with excitement as they flock to you with all the gossip that had accrued in the last ten minutes and you do your best to pay attention as you watch the crowd peter out of the side doors to air out all the vapors.
OOC //
Start Date: Prom Night End Date: Prom Night Admin Notes: This is just an announcement to recount what happened at Prom. Feel free to react to this/make threads regarding this or ignore it altogether! It happens whenever Violet joins the party.
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W H E N  T H E  P A R T Y ‘S  O V E R
: — ;Solo # 5
— ; Late August Two Thousand Nineteen — ;Trigger warning: Mentions of rape and death — ; Song: When The Party’s Over By Billie Eilish
— ; Admin Notes: I am in no way glorying any of these subjects. Please ask for help if you feel like you may need it.
❝Don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose you, can't afford to Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' But nothin' ever stops you leavin'
Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
Don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me Call me friend but keep me closer And I'll call you when the party's over❞
The gentle pitter-patter of water drops jolted the Parisian woman awake. Bleary brown orbs struggling to focus as she came to her senses. Her face pressed into the pillows, brunette curls falling into her eyes. Was she naked? Every context clue pointed toward a one night stand. It seemed quite obvious. But, that didn’t sit well with the girl.
As Elsa tried to sit up her muscles ached and protested every action. A soft gasp of pain falling from swollen lips as she fell back against the pillow. This wasn’t normal, was it? The petite girl had no recollection of last night. Or was it still the night? She took notice of the pale moonlight that peeked through the windows of the unfamiliar motel room. It looked like dawn was just about to break.
Without a second thought, she retrieved her cellphone from the floor next to the bed. Fingers began to fly across the keyboard as she sent a text to the person she knew would be here the fastest. The relationship between Ashton and Elsa was complex. But, it could be overly simple at times. They weren’t together but she still, Sure enough, there was missed calls from him — five to be exact. Probably wondering why the hell the princess wasn’t home yet to pick up their three-month-old son. Elsa took note of the time, 4 am.  So, she concluded her text by sending her location to Ashton.
Carefully, Elsa tried to force herself up again. This time her entire body lit up with pain, like a forest engulfed by flames. This wasn’t right, something was off. Why couldn’t she recall events from just a few hours ago? A one night stand wasn’t like the French girl. The sound of shower water cutting off caught the woman’s attention. In a daze, she sat up completely, clutching the duvet to her bare chest. Without a second thought the girl began to dress herself, finding the night’s outfit on the floor, the zipper of her dress ripped. After grabbing her black stilettos, the Parisian woman began to walk to the door, ignoring the pain that came with each step. It was almost like being sore, but worse. She mentally talked herself into waiting outside for Ashton, maybe finding the motel lobby and getting out of here. As she went to open the door, the deep timbre of a male voice rang throughout her ears.
“Now, where do you think you're going?” He asked in a playful tone, Elsa pausing for a moment, rolling her eyes at the fact that she would have to make conversation. The voice wasn’t intimidating or malicious, which put her worries at ease. Maybe they went home together and things got a little rough. Still, out of the ordinary for the girl but , she wouldn't put it past herself to hit rock bottom. “Home-” she began in her usual condescending tone, pulling the door open as she glanced back at the man. “I enjoyed whatever orgasm I had to fake but, I really do need to get going,” she stated, waving as she went on her way.
The young girl didn’t get very far before being tugged back into the room. The door shut roughly behind her as the man got closer to her. He was older, that was evident. He also seemed to be somewhat drunk, his breath pungent with Tequila. “I said, where do you think you’re going?” He repeated, lips grazing over the edge of her cheekbone. That’s when she knew, something was very wrong. “Get off..” The girl whispered eye’s wide with fear. When he didn’t comply and began to lit his hands wander Elsa got angry. Exclaiming in disgust as she pushed him backward, running to the door.
There wasn’t much of a fight between the five-foot girl and the middle-aged male. Clearly, he had done this often. She also felt weak, almost dazed. He easily grabbed her shoulders, pushing the young girl against the bed and not wasting any time as he began to climb over her. He only wore a towel around his lower half. Elsa instantly began to panic, her breaths becoming shallow pants as struggled under the male. Her face was pushed into the pillows, stomach against the somewhat dirty sheets. The man had her mouth muffled by the fabric, his hand forcing her head in place. Panic began to rise in the pit of her stomach as his hands went to mess with her broken zipper.
“Please!” she screamed hysterically, rare tears welling up in her brown eyes as she began to realize no one could hear her. The rooms were spaced out and the motel was small and vacant. Her heart was beating out of her chest, body trembling. In that moment her mind began to wonder, little flashes of memory from hours before playing over in her mind. She didn’t drink much at the club, just a glass or two. That was nothing for her. Things began to make sense and pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Before she had another moment to think the door swung open. Much to his dismay, the male forgot to completely shut it. Elsa’s cries could be heard not too far down the hall. To her relief there stood Ashton. She didn’t know how much time had passed or how long he had waited outside. But, knowing the male he probably got impatient and came to get her himself. The next minute seemed to flash by. Everything happening in a flurry. The male was off of her and on the ground. Ashton stood over him, fists coming down over and over again. Elsa was in a trance, curled up on the bed as she watched the altercation, quite detached. It wasn’t until blood began to spill out and stain the dark blue carpets that Elsa reacted. “A-Ashton. Stop it!” she shrieked out, scrambling off the bed as she tried to pull the curly-headed male off of the battered male. He seemed to be in his own trance, eyes glazing over as Ashton continued, unrelenting.
 The French girl’s screams were panicked, her voice shaky as she tried to stop him. It wasn’t until she managed to tug Ashton away that he snapped out of it. His face was splattered with spots of blood. His shirt was drenched, eyes dark and stormy. Even his knuckles already showed evidence of bruising. The man on the ground was lifeless, with no movement coming from his still body. The pair were silent, staring down at the situation that was now theirs to deal with. Her breaths heaving and rough as Elsa tried talking herself out of puking right here. 
“We have to leave, we have to go before someone finds out..”
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megamegaturtle · 6 years
gorgeous (chapter one)
Spencer Reid x Reader Fic
No Rating
Summary: You're early for your first day at work, but the universe is a funny thing where butterfly wings cause hurricanes from a wing’s single flutter. A story about how you and Spencer become friends and one day lovers.
WC: 11K
(First Criminal Minds Fanfic. Here goes nothing!)
Everything has a beginning and an end and yours starts when you pass through security at 8:05 AM. You're early for your first day at work, but the universe is a funny thing where butterfly wings cause hurricanes from a wing’s single flutter. Being early by 25 minutes has that effect as well, events brewing in your future that you won’t see until years later. Your every movement spins with faster velocity, creating a pressurized cyclone wherever you go. Gales under your fingertips as the world goes round and round and round.
Your true beginning started a few years prior, where you luckily got a job working in the administration and payroll department at your regional Census Bureau Office. Who knew that serendipity laced fingers with surveys and data of the American population? Who knew life held on tight as you moved your trajectory to where you are now?
It was a nice pre-beginning, a small start towards a government career you always wanted and maybe you weren't an analyst right then how you dreamed, but payroll paid well and—life in Los Angeles can only be so exciting and—there was a posting in the FBI and—
(You have always been defined by your ambitions, by your zeal, your need to strive and chase after things and be better and life had been so stagnant and—)
You applied, were interviewed three months later, and waited six months and thirteen days to receive your final offer after that. Waiting and waiting and waiting because bureaucracy is slower than glaciers moving in the Arctic. Slower than drip coffee pods when the machine is clogged. Slower—than waiting for your period to start when you are ten years old because your best friend had hers at nine.
(At twelve when it happens, you think maybe it began all too soon. Maybe childhood should have tried a little harder to cling on you.)
And then life springs into action, butterfly wings causing hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbeans and the world is ending as there is an onslaught of terrible news every day and yet—
You get a job in the FBI. In a Bureau people actually know by name. A step closer to prestige and recognition as you sign your name on the dotted line of your new contract. A step closer to an image you’ve always wanted for yourself because you want to be someone important. You want and want and crave to be someone important.
It’s human nature, you’re told, to see that grass is greener on the other side and you try hard to humble your roots, but the sun shines so bright as the future promises good things for those who work hard. And you’re not the kind that gives up, not the kind that goes home if there is work to be done, not the kind who says no to when opportunity knocks.
(Pride will continue to be your biggest folly, a double edged sword that is painfully sharp with a wobbly handle.)
You are a new admin and timekeeper clerk for a bureau built on secrets and hidden information. It's a stepping stone like how going to grad school was a stepping stone, how working for the Census was a stepping stone, how this will be a stepping stone to being an analyst or researcher or—  
(Anything will do. You just. Want to work with information. You want something fast paced. You want something that makes you think. Puzzles. Calculations. People. And you can be cross trained and transfer because once you’re in, you’re in and you just—you just—  
You want to think.)
You wear an outfit you've kept from all your precious new beginnings, wearing a milestone ring on one hand, wearing milestone earrings too. Gifts to yourself for being better than you were yesterday. Jewels to reward yourself because someone has to love you and you love yourself. Sometimes. With therapy. Reminders to yourself that hard work will see you through to as many as tomorrows you’re willing to see.
You wear a plum colored dress with plum colored lipstick. Contour carves out your cheekbones and you angled dark purple blush to make you look striking. You wear winged eyeliner and waterproof mascara that can thankfully hold a curl. You feel powerful, otherworldly as people smile a bit brighter and the several security guards all comment they have never seen a lipstick match a woman's dress so perfectly.
This is your reckoning. A beautiful, colorful storm and no one will ever be ready.
(Butterfly wings flutter against your heart and your stomach and metals that wrap around your finger and pierces through your ears anchor you to this moment, become armor from nerves that start to accumulate at the levys, threatening to flood every quarter of your being.)
But everything comes back to serendipity, to fate working in mysterious ways and metaphorical hurricanes as you wander the halls of Quantico, looking for Human Resources which is tucked away in some odd room by the vending machines the guard told you about because of remodeling and—
You round the corner quickly, happiness and giddiness soaking in your veins as you think of your higher pay grade, a song in your smile. A brilliant tune of glistening silver and persuasive chimes. Earbuds in each ear as you play your favorite song of the moment one more time, the words on your lips and a hum in your heart. Vocal courage, you think, as you sing your most favorite line quietly and maybe too much excitement as you bump into another human being and…
All their files go tumbling to the ground, clashing like thin cymbals and fanning like ocean waves.
The music that rang with every step  fades as reality comes rushing back, your rose tinted glasses cracking into something useless. You blink once, then twice as the concept of manners come back to you, your mortality recognized as you are filled with acute embarrassment. A surprised gasp escapes your lips as you see the mess scattered around a man’s feet. You tear off your earbuds and tuck them back into your purse, music still blaring from the tiny speakers.
Mindful of your dress, you hurriedly get to your knees and help the man pick up the files you rudely knocked away from his person.
Papers are everywhere as you collect them, trying to be as neat as you can. Without looking at him, you say, “I am so, so, so sorry. I—ah, today is my first day and I am a bit excited…” you babble. “I just—you know, new career and ah—”
(Your pride is a shaky thing, battle armor useless once you interact with another human being and you’re reminded that purple lipstick can’t erase social fumbles.)
He laughs, the first sound you hear him make. “No, it’s fine. Thanks for helping me pick these all up.”
Your bangs cover your eyes as you grab a page tucked under a bench. “Of course. I hate it when people just like…walk away or something. Biggest pet peeve ever.”
He hums in agreement.
You two work for a few more moments gathering the fallen files, once you have a generous stack in your hands you look up finally, stunned a little at a smiling handsome face. Long curly hair and hazel eyes greet you as pleasant warmth spreads into your own girn.
(Oh, your heart was not ready. Not ready at all for someone so cute this before you had a second cup of coffee.)
You check your watch and see it’s about 8:20 AM, panic brushing your insides again as you quietly squawk about the time. You hurriedly stand up as he does the same, noting with abject humor that he towers over your extremely small frame.
(He grins a little unexpectedly wider when he realizes you’re so tiny even in heels.)
You extend the stack in the space between you and help him gather it into his arms. You adjust the strap of your purse, time ticking in your ears.“I’m sorry about bumping into you again. Hopefully there’ll be no more collisions today. ”
He nods, looking at you a little brighter. “Ah, yeah. That might be good.”
You smile and wave goodbye at him, glancing down at your watch once more. “Yeah. Anyway, I hope you have a great day, Mystery File Guy. I gotta run and try not to be late for paperwork. Whoo!”
He fixes the papers to rest more comfortable in his arms, bidding you a feeble wave. “Good luck on your first day.”
“Thanks,” you beam, happiness fluttering in your being.
As pride will always be your folly, honesty with always be your strength so you’re not surprised when you pause and let the words fall from your lips in complete sincerity.
“By the way, before I go, I just wanted to say you’re really gorgeous and I hope you have an awesome day.”
The man snaps his attention at you from a page he was examining, caught off guard as he tries to reply. Honesty colors his expression, the unperceived positivity shocking him. Somehow he whispers his words of thanks.
You giggle as you turn on your heel to embark on a new journey in the FBI.
(It dawns at you hours later you forget to ask for his name.)
(Unbeknownst to you, he thinks the very same.)
You learn his name is Spencer Reid.
Doctor Spencer Reid to be precise and this is where everything starts to go downhill because the other day you called a man with eidetic memory gorgeous. You called a man with three PhDs and two BAs (maybe three if you heard the humor correctly about philosophy) gorgeous.  And the universe works in funny ways because you’ll be his new timekeeper and write his paychecks and—
Dear lord, he’s everything you’ve ever inspired to be wrapped up in a generally nice person as your new supervisor introduces you the Behavioral Analysis Unit and he’s there.
The man you bumped into.
The one named Doctor Spencer Reid.
In the back of your mind, you’re aware that he will not forget this because he does not forget anything and you try not to stutter, but you stutter your name anyway and he gives you a look of confusion because a few days ago you were this striking young woman you told him he was attractive and you know and he knows that and—
The universe works in funny ways as your growing admiration for the man before you makes you unable to speak.
(He’s everything you’ve ever wanted to be.)
(You don’t realize until years later that he’s everything you’ve ever wanted.)
You rarely have to speak to Doctor Reid which makes you count your lucky stars as months go by because talking to him is impossible because you have so many questions and questions and questions and—
You might have read a lot of his papers. It begins innocently enough. You’re just Googling him—for science and/or morbid curiosity—and there he is in Google Scholar and then you find his website that a friend runs and… Okay, you don’t really understand the math behind them, but the theories are understandable and you wish you were just as accomplished and talented.
And when you hear his name you feel a little more centered and focused because you’ve always needed a goal, you’ve always needed inspiration, and what is more inspiring than watching a young genius be so good at striving?
The East Coast is a little lonely, you think, one early winter day. Sunny California is across a vast continent and maybe, maybe, maybe you were a little rash when you packed up and left because adventure was calling you, but the East Coast is a little lonely.
Watercolor art prints and patterned sofa cushions can only keep you so much company. Who will see your teal and golden plates? Who will to come over to play video games and watch movies snuggled under fluffy throw blankets? Who will you invite to dinner one night after you cooked all day?
Your lovely apartment isn’t as warm with just one body. You need someone to talk to minus the lonely girl in you find in every mirror you own.
(Granted, there is nothing wrong admiring the self, just you can only tell your own joke so many times until it stops being funny.)
But friendship finds you fast one morning as you walk to the BAU and find the local tech analyst to certify timesheets for her colleagues.
(Sure, you could have dialed her extension, but sitting is the new silent killer and well—there is nothing wrong with meeting people. You can only talk to Mary for so long. The woman could easily be your grandmother.)
Your heels click once last time as you stand outside her door, hearing her voice muffled through the thick material. You pause with your fist raised and wait for her to stop speaking, not wanting to interrupt. But after awkwardly standing outside her door for five minutes, you think it’s best to try again later.
You sigh to yourself and turn to leave when the door swings wide open.
“Oh, a visitor!” she squeaks, asking about your name.
You clear your throat and tucking fallen hair behind your ear. “Yep, that’s me. Um, Ms. Garcia, I just wanted you to certify these timesheets are correct? I was told to ask you when Agent Hotchner wasn’t on site.”
She’s wearing a lovely shade of oxblood lipstick, her teeth far more than pearly when she smiles at you. “Yeah, the team just finished up their latest case and will be on their way home soon.” She glances at you and moves out of her door. “Come inside and I’ll sign these for you, alright?”
You nod and enter her office. There are computer monitors everywhere, much like a spy movie. “Thank you, if I’m not too much a bother. You seemed—like you were about to maybe leave?”
She plops herself in a rolly chair and laughs, logging back into her computer to e-sign if she needs to. “I sometimes get a little stir crazy in here, but my precious angels saved the day as usual so I thought I would get some fancy coffee or something.”
You like her outfit, you like the swirls and shapes of her dress. You like her snowflake earrings and headband and the way she smiled when she saw you was so cute you can’t help but ask.
“I’m about to go on my lunch. We can...we can go together if you’d like?”
(Winter is such a lonely season and you're desperate to connect with someone, to make sure that this move was worth it.)
Ms. Garcia peeks at you over the rim of her glasses, a friendliness in her very smile. “I think I’d like that very much. Lord knows I have to know where you got your blush!”
You laugh and find that in the months to come, things are less lonely with a new friend.
(The answer is you shop indie; loose powder blushes are best with a light hand.)
You go home for Christmas and run into your ex-boyfriend. Your heart calls out to him, wanting so much to pick up where you left off because you haven't stopped loving him yet.
He's smart, makes you laugh, is the one you've known for so long, that that familiarity is hard to replace.
As he kisses you, you realize he feels the same.
(He told you once that his home is California, but now he tells you that his home is with you.
A dark part of you wonders how long he’ll keep this claim.)
Winter snow melts and the seeds you planted in your friendship with Penelope bloom into soft laughter and happy conversations. You have someone whose office you run towards when paperwork gets boring and—
And she listens to your hopes and dreams as you crave to do more.
“My job,” you tell her, “is stupidly easy. Everything I do is stupidly easy which is fun and all, but I just…want to do more.”
Penelope laughs. “Okay, but I think payroll would hard. Like, really, dollface, there is nothing simple you do.”
You shake your head. “Nah, I used to work at a car dealership and I had to do all the math by hand. I had to learn how to do sales commissions by hand in about a month’s time. And while it was time consuming, even that wasn’t that hard. They’re just numbers, you know?” You groan. “I was just hoping for something a bit more fast paced, but I finish all my work so quickly and stuff? They’re running out of new tasks for me to learn because I keep getting them all.”
Penelope takes a sip of her coffee. “You should come work for me. I’d keep you busy! Plus, the department over here is a little understaffed in general.”
“Haha, maybe I can come train with you at least when I finish some of my other work?”
Garcia looks at you, thoughtful for a moment, and then grins. “Let me see what I can do.”
You get caught in an elevator with Doctor Reid. You avoid speaking to him still, but you have a notification setup that you get an email if he writes a new paper.
His latest one was about the mathematics for poetry formatting in books and how there is an algorithm to which poems are deemed best. It was a lovely weekend morning read. You left an anonymous comment on the journal’s page.
(You dug out your grad dissertation on universal global feminism and you’ve always wanted to rewrite it and submit for publication. You started a new document on Sunday.)
“Good morning,” he says.
You mumble the greeting in return, wincing internally that this will only add to your fumble tally.
He notices your bracelet, a lovely arrangement of turquoise cast in silver. A gift from your grandfather.
“Did you know,” he starts, “that the ancient Egyptians thought turquoise was a holy stone that brought good luck? And it’s goddess, Hathor, was a cow goddess and the mother, wife and daughter of the sun god, Ra. She was known as ‘Lady of Turquoise’, ‘Mistress of Turquoise’ and ‘Lady of Turquoise Country’.”
You briefly glance at him, taking a mental note to look up more about her when you get home. You’re about to respond, say please continue, enquire more because you want to know more...when the elevator dings and you—and you—
—panic as usual.
You brush by him, whispering, “Interesting.”
(You’re reminded when you had a Japanese teacher in college who told that Americans only say “interesting” when there is nothing nicer to say, but you know that’s not true. It was interesting and fascinating and left you wanting more! You know it’s not true, you just can’t…befriend Doctor Reid.     
He’s far too cool to be your friend, you think.)
Long distance is hard, but seeing Matthew’s face after a long day is worth so much. It’s dark in your room, your hair in a lazy bun with your big headphones your ears as you both video chat.
It’s getting close to 1:00 AM and you’re rambling about what happened in the elevator the other day. How awkward you were, how adorable Doctor Reid was.
Matt laughs, his voice a familiar balm for your anxiety. “Babe, I hate to break it to you, but it sounds like you have a crush on this doctor guy,” he tells you with an easy smile.
You loudly snort and bury your face in your pillow. “Matt, don't be ridiculous! Besides the only doctor I need is the one who I'm gonna marry,” you tease.
(Marriage is a fickle subject for you, both wanting a future together, but each of you stepping forward and back and your feelings hardly sync.)
He pauses for a moment, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well...if I get into Georgetown, then I think I can make that a reality.”
Doctor Reid’s comment in the elevator starts a fixation on knowing the meaning on every stone you own.
Pearls are for wisdom acquired through experience. They are also used to calm oneself and to balance out one’s karma. Natural pearls form when an irritant - usually a parasite and not the proverbial grain of sand - works its way into an oyster, mussel, or clam. As a defense mechanism, a fluid is used to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating, called 'nacre', is deposited until a lustrous pearl is formed.
Diamonds are created out of pure carbon. They have very strong crystal structure where the carbon atoms in the crystal are especially strongly bonded. They can form octahedral (classical diamond), trapezoidal and dodecahedral crystals. Diamonds represent faithfulness, love, purity, innocence, and relationships filled with love.
Emeralds are for hope; to help tranquilize a troubled mind. The characteristic live green color of this stone originates from chromium impurities built-in within its crystal structure at the positions of aluminum.  Emeralds come from a stone called beryl. Lots of stones come for beryl.
For example, if there is too much blue in it, then it is an aquamarine. The Romans believed that if the figure of a frog were carved on an aquamarine, it served to reconcile enemies and make them friends.
(You’re not sure if Doctor Reid would appreciate a frog carved on an aquamarine.)
Two months later your supervisor calls you into her office and informs you that on Mondays and Wednesdays you will begin cross training with Penelope Garcia, provided there is no payroll that needs to be completed.
Butterfly wings find welcome in your heart again as your run back to your desk dialing her extension. She picks up on the very first ring.
“Thank you for dialing Penelope, the Fairy Godmother for admin clerks!”
You whisper loudly into the phone. “What did you do?”
Penelope chuckles and you can hear her shrug. “Nothing minus give you a challenge. Plus, if I train you, I can take more vacation days.”
You sink into your seat, disbelief seeping from your pores as you try to wrap your mind around everything. “But Garcia, I only know basic IT. I can’t even hack anything or anyone.”
“Oh, don’t worry, my sweet. You’re the one that said you’re a quick study.”
You scoff. “I meant for like! Simple things! I’m really not that smart.”
Garcia’s voice is warm over the phone. “Oh, I’ll be the judge of that. If you’re no good, I’ll send you back to admin full-time, but for now, be ready for next week!”
Your mother tells you she's so proud of you. So very proud of the young woman you’re becoming, happy that you’re seeking out good things out for yourself, so pleased that you’re living a life she didn’t get to have.
Matthew is oddly quiet at the news. He only sends a small congratulatory text and then proceeds to tell you about his day. He had avocado toast and is helping contribute to why millennials can’t afford houses.
It really bothers you when he does that. Ignores your successes because he thinks things are a competition between the two of you. Ignores your good things to shadow them with his bad.
(Recently he mentioned about applying to UCLA again. That California is a wonderful place and—
You tell yourself to be patient and just wait.)
You’ve always been one to like getting your feet wet, you’ve bragged enough times how you just jump into things without thinking it through. And the same is true come that Monday when the BAU is already hard on a case and you shadow and watch Garcia with amazing speed find all the information she needs.
You sit and shadow her, awe and fear rolling off you in waves.
Your mind spins after that first case, trying to keep up with everything, but you heart hammers happily in your chest and you feel breathless as you reason that you’ve been looking for this all along and—
Garcia smiles at you, warm and inviting.
“Show me what you can do, Miss Smartypants.”
(Lives were saved that day and you were apart of that.)
You properly meet Special Agent Derek Morgan on a night out with Penelope for dinner. His warm brown eyes size you up, see if you’re authentic or made of lies.
(Since you started therapy years ago, you no longer need to stitch yourself with false truths.)
You proudly grab his hand and give him a firm shake. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you. Penelope says you’re the light of her life.”
His smile widens as his fingers wrap around yours. “You know, my Baby Girl says the exact thing about you. Says you’re one of the smartest kids she knows.”
You scoff at that and roll your eyes. “She’s a flatterer who only wants vacation days. Truly, I have a wonderful mentor though.”
You sit with them on a late spring evening, enjoying good food and great company.
(You’re finding roots here, finding a home as people slowly begin to enter your life and call you their own.)
You mother calls you sounding tired. Her cancer has come back, but she goes to chemo every three weeks and is doing well.
You wish you weren’t so far from home, but she tells you she’s proud of you, proud of what you’re doing, proud of who you’ve become.
“You’re like me, my love, always chasing after something better.”
You see Doctor Reid in your local bookstore, browsing for something new to read. You’re doing much the same, perusing the oh so stimulating romance section.
You could say “hello” or ask what he’s reading next. You could ask him if he prefers paper or e-ink. You can ask him if he’d like to chat or discuss the weather or...
You could ask him a lot of things, but for some reason, anytime you see him, your bravery runs away.
(You don’t know this, but he sees you too. He’s at the same crossroads trying to befriend you.)
Penelope’s smile is so wide when you enter her office, two coffees in hand. “Why are you so happy?”
She spins in her seat and sighs with glee. “Oh, my wonderful and local genius has a girlfriend and gah, it makes me so happy!”
You giggle, “Well, that sure does sound wonderful! Congrats?”
She babbles about super genius babies as your mind drifts away. You wonder when your boyfriend will trek out East like you did too.
Doctor Reid doesn’t write for a long while. Can’t when you find out from a weepy Penelope that his girlfriend was murdered in front of him.
(He didn’t even touch her once and you find that’s far too intimate of information about a man you don’t even know and—)
You weren’t there when it happened, not training or shadowing. You went home to sunny California to visit your family and loved ones and yet—
Who knew that nine days away could change everything in a man’s life?
(Butterfly wings create hurricanes after hurricanes after hurricanes.)
Matthew breaks up with you via text.
I love you, but moving to the East Coast can't be part of my plans.
The message flashes over and over in your mind as you jab a punching bag. You don’t really know how to use a punching bag, but that’s besides the point as you smack at it away anyway. And since you don’t get field time, there’s no reason for you to have a gun. And maybe when someone is so angry, they shouldn’t want to practice shooting for the first time at the range.
You jab too swiftly to the right and your wrist bends in a way you’re positive it’s not supposed to and you hiss out in pain. In a fit, you kick the punching bag and it does little to soothe your building rage.
“Hey, hey, hey,” a concern voice says. It’s warm and kind, like milk and honey. “Pretty sure pretty girls like you should know how to put up a fight.”
You roll your eyes and cradle your wrist. “Hey, Morgan,” you say flatly.  
He gestures to take a look at your wrist and he happily decides it's not broken. “So, what’s his name and how should I hurt him?”
He puts up both his fists and your mirror him, following his motions as he shows you how to punch correctly. You smile for the first time since this morning.
“His name is asshole and good riddance!”
(The calluses on your knuckles do little to ease your broken heart.)
Butterfly wings cause hurricanes and you’re sitting at a used car lot alone signing the contract for a 2012 BRZ in white. You’ve always wanted a sports car, wanted to learn how to fix one up, have a nice car to drive on pretty days, have one to call yours and—
Matthew didn’t think getting a second car would be worth it, said weekend cars were lame and—
—you realize once again, that things just aren’t the same.  
You’re not very good at driving manual, and you stall about five times on the way home, but it’s okay.
Doctor Reid doesn’t come back to work right away. That makes sense. The love of his life just died in a most violent way.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t hurt a little, don’t feel any empathy. A life is gone from this world and now there seems to be a light missing.
(Will she be a star that watches over him and protects him? Does he even believe in those things?)
You might not be his friend, might never actually talk to him because he makes you tongue tied because you’re constantly afraid of fucking up in front of him so you always fuck up in front of him—
But that doesn’t mean you can’t send him your sympathies in an unsigned card, your heart going out to him as his remains missing.
(You kinda get the feeling.)
You might be, might be running yourself ragged as the months go on. Torn between payroll and the BAU, you can never get a moment’s rest. You’re in Garcia’s office more than just on Mondays and Wednesday. You’re there all the time, trying to soak up as much information as possible, learning the ins and the outs of her system, learning how to use computers in a way you’ve never thought before.
(You might use binary code to wash away every trace of Matthew from your mind. Try and try to forget him and just achieve.)
You’re taking over her little tasks slowly. Soon, you’ll run all of the inventory for all the field agents in the region, you’ll fix small problems, reset passwords, keep the world going and going as Garcia saves lives.
It’s hard work, being backup, but you go forth and try your best because this—this is what you’ve wanted all along.
It’s late one night as your eyes feel like they’re going to pool from your head. It was a payroll day and everything bad happens on payroll day, but you stay late in Garcia’s office long after she’s gone home to better familiarize yourself with her system.
It’s not hard, but there is a learning curve and just remembering all the things, all the little odds and ends.
Garcia is making you code a new program. She said it would be good to understand computer pathways. You want to pound your head against the desk, but you—you’re not the kind to give up. You’re almost there. You can do this by yourself because one day she won’t be here and you’ll have to help the team.
You refuse to give up and back away when you’re so close to something exciting and new and—
You see Doctor Reid pouring over paperwork when you go to get coffee and you feel slightly more renewed. If he can do it, then you can do it too.
You sit and close your eyes for a moment, finding yourself caught in the suspended reality of your body nodding off to sleep while your mind races. Black spots fill your vision despite you’re sure you’re still awake, but you’re not.
You wake hours later at the table in the kitchenette with a worn sweater around your shoulders.
(It looks oddly familiar.)
Fall welcomes you with open arms as you find yourself in Special Agent Aaron Hotchner's office a bright morning. You woke up at five, unable to sleep because today is the day and butterflies are swarming with every heartbeat.
You decided to wear dark red today with lipstick that looks much the same. You adorn yourself in pearls, praying for wisdom and maturity, for—
(Please remember to breathe, one breath, then two. In and out, out and in.)
You can—you can do this.
Hotchner sits across a dark wooden desk, a neutral expression on his face. “I see there is something you’d like to talk to me about?”
You nod, refusing to break under pressure because the man can read every micro expression. He can’t know there is tension between your shoulder blades. He also can’t know that it’s taking everything you have to not bounce your leg as nerves course through your whole body.
But the universe works in funny ways as it did almost two years ago, and events lead you to here as you catch a glimpse of Doctor Reid and you remember that this is where the man you most admire works and this is place your dearest friend works.
And this is the place you feel like you’ll belong because you’ve always been defined by your ambitions and this is no stepping stone, but somewhere you clawed to get to as you stayed up late for countless nights and learned how to code a computer in less than a year’s time and—
You square your shoulders back and let pride sing like your favorite song lyric.
You grab your resume and letter of reference from the folder sitting across your lap and push them across his desk. You read about this, performing a power play like successful businessman.
“I think it’s time you hire me, sir.”
Special Agent Aaron Hotchner gives you the briefest of pleased smirks as he takes your papers.
“Go on.”
Everything has a beginning and an end and yours starts when you pass through security at 8:05 AM. You're early for your first day at work, but the universe is a funny thing where you cause hurricanes because you have butterfly wings.
You greet the security team as you have done each morning, the sun shining brighter as it glistens spectacularly from a diamond milestone ring. It glows and sparkles with promises of a better future to come. You performed a small ceremony between you and this new opportunity.
You make your way up the elevators, finding friendly faces along the way. Today is a beginning, a new one for you, one you didn’t think you’d find but yet—
You’re the newest technician specialist for the BAU and they haven’t seen anything yet.
You’re ready.
You meet Hotchner in his office as he extends a warm hand and takes you to the meeting room where you are formally introduced to your new colleagues as Garcia’s new subordinate who will also do admin, payroll, IT, filing, inventory, and much more for the team.
“A jack of all trades, a master of none…” you start to say.
“...but better than being a master of one,” Doctor Reid finishes for you. He offers a small smile, an attempt, perhaps an olive branch.
(You want to reach out, you want to accept it like how Athena would want you to, but fear flashes fire in front of you and you...can’t.)
You swallow, your heart thudding in your chest, your smile falling, your tone more flat.
“Yes. Exactly.”
His own smile disappears, a slow descent like embers in the wind.
(Oh, you think with shaky feelings, maybe you’re not completely ready.)
You surprise the team with your efficiency, surprise them especially when you carry a crate and set up your desk in a half hour’s time. Your kettle sits on the corner of your desk, filled to the brim with steaming water.
You set up your packets of tea and line them up accordingly, place the sweetener in their container, organize your lipsticks and rollerball perfume bottles in their selected bin. You have knickknacks and things and a small plant.
You already knew which supplies you wanted, place every pen where it needs to go, setup your desktop and login, rearing and ready to go.
You surprise them with the snacks you have, always prepared with a bandaid and lint roller and anything thing one needs off hand.
You surprise them when you expedite their things and find files they need before they ask. You surprise them with extra thoughtfulness.
It’s only been two weeks.
(You ignore that your desk seats across from Doctor Spencer Reid. You ignore that fact, but you still politely offer him tea.
You no longer stutter, but butterflies dance on your tongue, the beats of their wings taking the rest of your words with them.)
You both politely exchange “hello” and “goodbyes” and work well enough when he requires something of you, but there’s a distance that stretches two years long of fumbles and weirdness and you’re not sure exactly how to take it away.
(You know he remembers every mistake. You know he knows ever ill attempt. You know he knows a lot of things, but you doubt he knows that you just want to be his friend.)
You know it’s wrong how you are able to laugh with the team, you being you and slipping your way to patch up the cracks effectively. It’s just how you are, you see the problem and fix it because you’re a fixer and—
—it’s so wrong when you can’t fix the awkwardness that sticks to you whenever you see Reid.
JJ smiles at you, but there is a distance in her smile, the same sizing you up, the same decision on the tip of her tongue that Morgan once gave you. She wants to know if you’re good enough, if you are quick enough, if you are enough.
She’s just too polite to directly ask.
You learn quickly that Doctor Reid is someone she cherishes most in the world, an underlying easiness and trust between them. Her son is the doctor’s godson. A bond of family and forever intertwining their lives.
However, there's a barrier between you and her as you continue to unsettle her.
And you're not sure how to branch the divide. How does one cross a desert in the middle of a sandstorm? How does one exit a forest but have no map? Yet the universe works in the funny ways and you find her struggling to carry heavy boxes. Wordlessly you take some from her and give her a hesitant from.
JJ blinks then acknowledges you slowly. “...hey.”
“Tell me where to go, yeah?”
She blinks again, her mouth in a twitching line as thoughts speed through her head. After another pause, she nods and gestures not too far down the hall. “Follow me.”
It's a little stilted, but not impossible as you help her lift crates from one room to the next. There's a slight tension in the air; however, it does not hurt you. You don't mind. You're just trying to not dirty your dress.
After many quiet minutes, she gestures around the room. “Thanks,” she says as she wipes her hands on her jeans. “For everything. You're actually doing an awesome job.”
You feel warm at the unexpected praise, as if permafrost is melting. “Thank you,” you bashfully reply. “I'm still really nervous and I triple check everything no matter how small the job.”
Her firm mouth softens, understanding present in her blue eyes.”I was just like that when I first started. From media liaison to actual agent, micromanaging will always be my forte.”
You nod, sitting down and twisting your diamond ring. “Yeah, my business brain is good at it. It likes everything nice and organized.”
“Business brain?”
Your gaze meets her slightly before going back to your ring. “Yep, business brain. I’m much more relaxed when I’m not working. More chill, I guess? I just get really focused when I’m working so when I’m at home I kinda just...let my mind wander? Disarray doesn’t bother me as much and I’m quite messy much to my mother’s frustration.”
For the first time since you’ve met her, you hear JJ laugh because of you and it’s a nice sound. A bit warm and kind like she is. “I definitely know that feeling. The tunnel vision is real and by the time I get home, I just want to kiss my kid and husband. Who cares about dirty dishes when you get to lay in bed?”
Even though the two of you stand on opposite cliffs, the gap between you and JJ closes a bit more that day.
There will always be a gap between you, between the awkwardness that surrounds you when Doctor Reid is concerned. And he is one of JJ’s most precious people, a bond between them only needing glances, brimming smiles and inside jokes and—
JJ is more fond of you now, but you will not forget where her loyalty lies.
Will not forget where all their loyalties lie.
You have desks scattered around the office as the weeks go by and after forty-one days, you’ve accepted that your most central desk will continue to be the one right across from Doctor Reid. You tried to make yourself at home by one down the hall near the windows, in Penelope’s bat cave, and even at a small kiosk by counterintelligence.
But home is where your kettle is and the desk closet to the filtered water and the bathroom happens to also be the same once near Doctor Reid.
So you accept your fate and call that desk your home base, slowly giving that name to tell others where to find you if they need you. You say it in your emails, in your phone messages, in conversations had briefly in the halls.
“If you need me, I’ll be at my home base. The desk right across from Doctor Reid’s.”
(Of course, the other three get names as well: the windows, the bat cave, and the boondocks.)
But home base is yours as much as it is his in a way. It’s easier when he’s not there, when the whole team is away on a case and you can breathe without his all remembering eyes keeping detail of your every action. There is a freedom in doing the tasks without distractions and Doctor Reid’s eyes are inquisitive and curious things that follow your many movements throughout the day.
It’s unintentional, of course, the way his sight falls on your form when you’re there sitting across from him. They are not of lingering looks of longing from a lover or even jaded jealousy or fracturing frustration at the constant chatter. No, they are just learning eyes that can’t help but soak up information with their movement.
Maybe it comes from the fact that people have the eyes of a predator, always looking forward, always stalking, always hunting in slow motions. That humans have only survived so long by the ability to endure slowly, by always following, by tracing and remembering every detail. By pure stamina alone.
Sometimes you wonder if the Doctor realizes he’s a predator of memorization—of knowledge—his gift as easy as breathing, his mind a shimmering wonder. It—he—his mind unerves you. By one look and you feel exposed and the butterflies in your chest cavity break free and you feel very alone.
But you are just as human as he is, you think, so you continue to endure, continue to also look forward as you help a colleague reset his email and meet the Doctor’s quick instinctual glance with your heart hammering against your chest in both uncertainty and admiration.
If only you can be a predator of knowledge as he is, the world a book for your to reveal in every detail without forgetting, perhaps you would look at others so innocently and kindly without regard to their notice of your every movement.
You rarely speak full conversations with Doctor Reid. They are speechless and brief encounters as he tries to get you to open up. Mainly you just nod and listen before dashing. If you’re lucky, you avoid him before he sees you. But on the off chance you haven’t hidden yourself somewhere away in the vast building, he tries to talk to you.
(Bless him. Bless him because you’re awkward and you know that you shouldn’t be afraid but—
—the lingering fear of him always remembering your fumbles stops you from continuing.)  
He’s tried jokes. Awful jokes about philosophy and physics. Little literary tidbits that delight your day. You smile small, your face feeling tight and you mutter you ever rude American interesting again and again and again.
Sometimes you switch it up. Sometimes you say “I see”.
But of course when you go home and have time to process, you cackle at his hilarity
He’s tried greeting you, asking you about your day, asks what you’re doing, but his very existence causes your hair to stands on ends and you don’t know why and you trying and so—you barely answer him.
“It’s going well.”
Today you promise—will be different. You cannot continue to be like this around him as you grow closer to the people he loves most. You promised it will be different the day before and the day before that. But today’s a new day and you’re making coffee—
You feel cheerful at a dumb mug that’s ages older than you from your mother. A stupid mug for a worker in the cog and it’s faded yellow with the inside all marked up. You love this mug more than anything in the world because it reminds you how much time has passed since you were a little girl.
And you’ve always wanted to be just as hardworking, just as strong and powerful as the woman who raised you by herself for years and years and years until she found good love sometime later. You’ve always admired her and wanted to be like her and there was this dumb mug of hers that she said would be yours one day if you worked hard enough and—
It showed up in the mail a week ago, filled with all the sweets you adore most. Tucked inside rested a folded up note with her praise written carefully.
For my child, who has done everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish and more. Who makes me proud every day and who will always be better than her yesterdays.
Love you more than anything in the world,
Joy surges deep within as you take a sip of coffee made from your press. Also a present that came with the mug. A glorious French press to only add to your stylish ambiance you’ve spent years crafting. Shining stainless steel glistening and gleaming as hot water simmers coarse ground beans into something delicious.
You feel a little complete, your back straighter than other days. Today will be the day you stop being a chicken and finally cease the awkwardness around Doctor Reid. It just has to be. You mote it be.
He comes in not too long after you’ve settled down while going over inventory for the department. He says hello to Morgan and Blake, and situates himself at his desk. He’s a little late, you notice, knowing that punctuality is important to him, but you ignore his slight frazzled rush as you recount the number of items you’re ordering.
Anxiety cements your stomach as you force yourself to look up and brave him a smile. You know it’s not your best, but you try as you steady your mug in your hand.  
“Good morning, Doctor,” you say, meeting hazel eyes.
The mug is warm in your hands as you bring it to your lips to sip. You mentally pat yourself on the back.
He stares at you for a moment and gives you a tight nod. “Morning.”
In a flash, as if an idea has come to him, he’s searching for a paper in his stacks on his desk and you return to your inventory counting. It’s a start, you think. Just enough of something that you find yourself grinning a bit to yourself. You tally up the amount of one item and you’re quickly on to the next when he addresses you offhandedly.
“You know, you are lucky to work here,” he says.
Your pencil halts in your hand, a milimeter away from making a new checkmark in its column before you are entirely distracted. You swallow. You look back up, seeing he’s completely immersed in his search.
“I’m sorry, can you repeat yourself?”
Doctor Reid looks at you and smirks, though there is an oddness in his expression and you’re not able to quite place it. It...it unnerves you.  “Yeah, I said that you’re lucky to work here.”
You blink and stop breathing. Anxiety clings to every part of you, you replaying his words on loop. And he’s right, because it’s only by dumb luck you’ve ended up on this team and hard work can only get your so far and you’ve seen talented and it’s comprised entirely of the BAU and—
The gap between the two of you widens beyond compare and you’ll never be his equal—its just not possible—and he’s knows that. He has all seeing remembering eyes, Penelope the greatest tech whiz on the planet, the list goes on and on and you count each thing in lightning speed and—
(Oh my, you might need to write this shit down later to talk about in therapy.)
You nod only once, getting to your feet and grabbing your cell phone. You clutch it so tight you’re afraid it will snap, the intensity hurting your knuckles.
“Duly...duly noted, sir,” you say quietly. A crashing train rings in your ears. Your mouth is dry. “There’s coffee cake in the break room if you’d like any…”
In the corner of your eye, you see Morgan start to rise. You can’t bare to look at Doctor Reid and ignore further still when he calls your name. You can’t look at any of them, the difference between them and you so striking. It makes the diamond ring on your finger turn into lead.
Tightness expands in your chest, but you expel it instantly when you see a supervisor is calling you. And supervisors don’t care if you’re in the middle of reevaluating your self worth.
“Hello, BAU Automation. How can I help you?”
You escape the rest of the day from the prying eyes of the profilers of the BAU. You ignore their looks and you don’t see Reid for the rest of the day. You count your blessings. Each one a soothing balm on the burns upon your skin and your heart and your disposition.
You are in the break room washing the coffee cake platter that you realize you haven’t washed your mug from this morning. Coffee was long forgotten as your heart sped up too much for you to stand.  Makes you too antsy when you’re already in turmoil, you stomach too weak and your nerves too strong.  When you get back to your desk, memories of this morning smack you with clarity as everything begins to make sense.
You’re lucky to work here, he said. You’re lucky to work here, he said, he said, he said.
Shame floods you instantly as embarrassment comes like an unwanted bully taunting you. Your mistakes laughing at you once again as your mind thought too far ahead without all the facts. Without asking. Without understanding.
(You’re a selfish creature, it seems. Sometimes caught up in your own mind on your own time without a care in the world for others.
Oh, what a stupid and foolish girl you truly are.)
For there, written as plain to see in red letters is the phrase: tell me again how lucky I am to work here again.
Penelope confronts you first about it, catching you in the kitchenette as you fill up your kettle.
“Hey, lovely, I don’t know how to say this, but—”
You stiffen for a moment, before bowing your head, accepting what fate has in store for you.  “Please be blunt. I’m sure whatever you’re going to say won’t be that bad.”
You hear her swallow as she leans against the counter. “Well, as your closest friend on the team, we just—have kinda noticed—”
(You wince. You know. You know what she’s going to say. You know.)
“You’re really weird with Reid. And it’s super weird because you’re so nice and I’m pretty sure you actually read his articles and I was wondering if you—maybe had feelings? For him?”
Her words hang in the air, a squeaky echo that rings with your very heartbeat as everything comes swinging back in full motion.
You slam on all metaphorical breaks and refuse to let this conversation continue down this road.  Refuse to take your heart down this road. You shake your head and groan. “No, no. Just. I don’t have a crush on him. I just—” you sigh and sit at the nearby table. “I just—”
Penelope grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. “Did he do something wrong? Is that what it is?”
You laugh and feel heat spreading to your face. You can’t believe you’re about to say this. To someone who you work with because you’ve only talked about this with people detached from your job.  “No, I just...really...stupidly admire him and he...intimidates me…because I think he’s one of the most remarkable people on the planet....”
(In fact, you told your therapist the same thing two weeks ago when you saw her last. Before the whole cup debacle, you told her how you were failing at this one attempt of friendship and you were watching everything go downhill in a fiery crash.)    
Penelope blinks, her mouth forming a little “o”. She tries to speak, but laughs instead. Such a delighted sound spills from her and you want to bury yourself in quicksand knowing that it will never be like the cartoons.
“Oh, that’s rather sweet.”
You rest your head on your forearms. “No, it’s anything but sweet. It’s really weird and I keep obsessing that he remembers every stupid fuck up I’ve done so I fuck up more and...Penelope, it’s freaking awful. So yeah, there you go. I admire him very much and he gives me intense anxiety.”  
Penelope leans forward, her cheek resting in her palm. “I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that Reid gives them anxiety, let alone intense anxiety.”
You look at her straight in the eye. “Penelope, that man is a demigod and terrifying. Terrifying!”
She chuckles again, her eyes warm. “Sweetie, this is Spencer we’re talking about. He’s a bonafide dweeb,” she declares with mirth. “I should know. He and I are the greatest of geek buddies!” She pauses for a moment before her eyes narrow. “Hey! Why is he a demigod and I’m not a revered goddess?”
This time you laugh, a true smile digging into your cheeks. “No, no. Don’t worry, my dear. You are most def a terrifying goddess, but I happen to love you.”
Penelope stills before melting in her seat. “Oh my god, I love you too, you sweetest of sweet talkers.” She captures your hand in hers again, mischief and happiness dancing in her eyes. “But still, there’s no need to be afraid of Spencer, he’s just a dweeb.”
You focus on the texture of her skin as your heart thuds in your chest, your mouth in an awkward line.
“Sure, Penelope. Whatever you say.”  
A few days pass in relative quietness as the team is away on training. You’re praying that perhaps, just this once, Doctor Reid will be able to forget everything. Just once. Just one time and you’ll go back to your normal life where you’ll continue to be awkward and weird and—well, that’s the status quo you know and you’re gonna fucking stick with it if it kills you.  
Because, okay, sure. You fucked up the other day, but today is the day! And yes, the status quo is awkward and weird, but you’re such a glutton for punishment, such a person who survives on succeeding, that you go back to the drawing board and will yourself to try again.
But of course, you’re an overachiever. A frightened and terrified overachiever, but one nonetheless.
So, you do the one thing you’re elementary school teacher told you to do: you write him a letter.
A hastily written letter detailing your vague explanations for your odd behavior. Your apologies are peppered with compliments and fear sprinkling in loopy misspelled words.  You write only one page length, refusing to pen a novel. Because even you have standards when it comes to desperations and it has been two years of awkward miscommunications for this to continue any longer.
You stick it under his stapler and hopes he doesn’t notice it right away when he first comes in. You’re already knee deep in updating all the property passes for cell phones right now in the department, finding your stride as you listen to movie and video game soundtrack scores.
(You read somewhere that those kind of scores are good for keeping concentration.)
Doctor Reid pauses for a moment as he settles his bag down, his ears straining to hear what you’re listening to.  You can feel his curious gaze wash over you as you continue to do your work, but you lightly swallow and glance up at him.
“Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood soundtrack. It’s an anime,” you say. Your voice sounds muffled as you continue to stare at the screen.
In your perphiary, you see him nod. Someone across the room catches his attention and he leaves his desk before he even sits down.
You ignore the part of you that wants him to notice the letter. You know that if he does, then things will change and change is hard and—it’s a lot easier listening to the part of you that hopes he never finds it because things can continue as they are.
You let out a breath and answer an email instead, finding out that Kevin needs you down in counterintelligence to help one of his guys with a password issue. It will be a welcome break from the waiting.
Or dreading.
(While you’re away, Reid finally notices a note under his stapler.)
An hour later after dumb conversations, you finally wind your way back home to your desk to suffer under property passes when Doctor Reid all but slides up to you.
You yelp, placing a hand over your heart. “Oh my god, you scared me.”
His mouth is in a firm line, holding something in his hand. “Like how I scare you daily or…?”
Your eyes drift to the paper, thoroughly crinkled now after you last saw it. “I—I think the words I used were intimidating and awe inspiring. It’s truly a compliment.”
He quirks a brow, his mouth twisting more with displeasure. “A compliment? Seriously?”
You take a step back, finding air in your lungs again as you assess the situation. You’re tired of the tension that simmers between the two of you. You’re reminded of a rubber band.
You shrug, putting on false airs. “Yeah, a compliment. You make me speechless and that’s kinda remarkable.”
Doctor Reid looks down, the paper crackling in his hand. “That’s really sad.”
Your heart is beating like thunder in your chest. You’ve been avoiding this like the plague because confrontation is hard and you’re—not as amazing as you claim to be. You’re just a person.
(And so is he.)  
(And so is he.)
And relief rains down over you as you feel a giggle bubble in your chest. Doctor Reid snaps his attention to you, confusion marking his features.
“Are...are you okay?”
You suck in a quick breath of air, nodding. “Yeah, yeah. I’m just—oh god, this sounds so stupid, but I feel so much better now.” You smile is wide as you look at him, your shoulders feeling less tense and the world a bit more bright. “I’m sorry for being weird, but can we start over?”
The doctor blinks and quirks his lips in a wry smile, baffled yet pleased. “Um. Sure? Like right now?”
“Yeah, like right now,” you tell him. You stick out your hand. “Nice to meet you, Doctor.”  
You know he doesn’t do handshakes, it’s not his thing. Germs and whatnot, but he stares at your chipped fingernail polished hand for a moment before grasping yours. He’s warm to the touch even if his grip isn’t the strongest you’ve felt.
His smile is careful as hope digs into his dimples. “Nice to meet you.”
There’s a gentle mist outside as you leave to go home that night. Doctor Reid is not far behind you, adjusting the strap of his messenger bag as a sudden chill sinks its teeth into both of you.
A hung silence stills as you peer over at the man beside you, your body on autopilot to flee, but your heart wanting to root your feet into the ground.
“It’s scary how you don’t forget things,” you tell him honestly. You scuff your shoe on gritty concrete, the sound a clashing cymbal. “And I got really hung up on that. I’m sorry.”
Doctor Reid doesn’t say anything for a long time, the night air frizzing your hair. Your adrenaline tries spiking again, but you’re tired. You’re tired and you just to have clear air between the two of you. Forever.
His voice is gentle and just as frayed as you feel. “When I first met you, the very first time, I was the one who was awestruck and intimidated,” he chuckles. “You were this bright purple entity and you smiled at me so brightly and called me gorgeous. I was…” he pauses, “...I literally stopped thinking.”
Heat rushes to your face, a natural blush creeping under your makeup. “I agonized over that for so long, you know,” you tell him quietly. “Like I felt like such a fool because you’re truly are inspiring and well—yeah.”
It’s hard to say all the things you think about him--idealized and fictitious and real. Too real to share with a practical stranger.  
(If only you realize your feelings would spiral into something more fond than admiration, perhaps you would have jumped feet first faster.)
There is a magnetism between the two of you as you stand in the quiet. An otherworldliness where hurricanes no longer exists and all the butterflies sleep. A change happening quicker than you can think.
He hums. “I think—you don’t realize that you’re scary too. You’re actually terrifying.”
You snap your attention to him and he gives you a kind grin. “What? No, I’m not!” you protest.  
Doctor Reid laughs and it’s a good and pleasing sound. It lights up his whole face as he gestures towards you. “Yes, yes you are! You are so calculated and great with people. Always fashionable and you’re so intelligent. And teachable. You just...absorb information. It’s fascinating. And everyone knows that you’re an extremely hard worker and adorable overachiever.” he says with a smirk.
Your throat feels thick with all the praise. “It’s not that hard...someone has to do it...”
Doctor Reid steps in front of you and briefly touches your upper arm. “See? You don’t even realize that to someone else watching you achieve all these great things, that you’re terrifying. You have no idea how high of a standard you’ve set. You have no idea how remarkable you are. I’m truly and utterly impressed.”
The pretty hazels of his eyes have turned a warm brown in the poor lighting. You nod only once, your voice soft. “...thank you, Doctor.”
“Spencer,” he corrects. “My friends call me Spencer.”
Everything has a beginning and an end, but there’s not end in sight as you grin. “Thank you, Spencer. Truly.”
Condensation mists at the coffee shops window as you both step inside, unsure exactly how you got here with Spencer, but pleased all the same. Who knew that a lame letter would be catalyst you needed?
You both order your respective drinks and sit down at table towards the back, away from the chatter of college students pretending to study.
Both of you don’t know exactly what to say.
“It kinda feels like an awkward first date,” you tell him and you squash all shame that comes up from feeling stupid because you’re not stupid.
You’re not.
(You’re so intelligent.)
Doctor Reid--Spencer!--lets out a surprised laugh, almost spilling his drink on his clothes, but only getting the table. “Dear god, I hope not. I have been on a lot of those. Enough for this lifetime, that’s for sure.”
You giggle as you sip a tea latte. “Mmmm. I have only been on a handful. None recently though. I don’t date much these days.”
“Yeah, it’s a bit...difficult to date...in this line of work.”
You see him swallow and slight unease rolls off his shoulders. You think of a card you signed almost two years ago, tucked into a basket Garcia left on his doorstep after--the you know, the thing.
“Well,” you start, picking up the energy. “It doesn’t have to be! This can be--this can be, I don’t know a fun first friend date. Friend dates are kinda best dates anyway.”
“A friend date?”
You nod. “Mmmhmmm. Friends don’t let you know, just dumb ex-boyfriends who break promises about not moving to the East Coast with you,” you sing.
Spencer’s eyes widen at. “Oh?”
You laugh. “Oh no, you have to go on like--at least, three friend dates to unlock my tragic backstory. Like a dating sim. It can be a heart event!”
He takes a deep breath through his nose, trying to suppress a laugh. “You know I’m...basically a technophobe, right?”
“I might not be as techy as Penelope, but I think I have enough gadgets for the both of us. I’ll get you up to speed with my farming simulation games.”
Spencer runs a hand through his hair, this time actually laughing. “Do I really even want to know?”
You smirk and lean back in your seat. “Look, farming simulation games where I can marry a cute villager is important to me. You’re just gonna have to deal with it.”
“Because we’re gonna be friends now?”
You smile wide and pat the top of his hand. “Exactly.”
(Oh, how the future looks merry and bright.)
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another-tmnt-writer · 7 years
Emperor’s New Clothes
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Donatello x Reader
Emperor’s New Clothes
Author: Kitty
Summary: I was listening to the song and it just kinda hit me. Thank god, cause it broke my month long writers block.
Warnings: Piss-baby Donnie if that counts?
Word Count: 1197
“I’M TAKING BACK THE CROWN!” Your hand shoots out in front of you in a desperate, dramatic grasp. Your face shows nothing but pain as you sing your heart out, shortly switching to a smug and playful grin. The gritty sounds of Panic at the Disco’s Emperor’s New Clothes rings out through your speakers, surrounding you, taking you to your own little world. You may be standing in the kitchen of the Turtles sewer home, but with the noise pounding through your chest, your mind took you to a dark and dirty hole to hell, singing to all the souls that will shortly be yours. Edgelord. You were always dramatic, and always a theatre dork. Making your own mental music videos just made sense and happened often when you were alone. Being a natural alto caused a struggle with hitting all the notes, but every now again, you pushed yourself and could reach them. Today was one of those exceptions, hitting each note with accuracy and clarity. Your upper body ragdolls, only to fire back up as though you were made of springs. You hit your chest twice in time and continue to belt. “I’M ALL DRESSED UP AND NAKED,” One after another, your arms fire out in front of you once more. “I SEE WHAT’S MINE AND TAKE IT.” You fall hard on your knees and start pounding the floor with your fists until you spring up once more. As the song plays on you continue your dramatic little act, calling back to the video. By the end you’re panting but had a blast. Your throat hurt a little, but that’s not new when you’re trying to replicate the Brendon Urie. You return to your original task of doing dishes while the light and bouncy piano of C’mon starts up behind you on the counter. You sway and dance while scrubbing.
Naturally, unbeknownst to you, a few feet and around a corner stood one of the five people you had grown to care for so dearly. Donnie pouts between hushed snickers, because for once in a very long time he didn’t have a camera on him. He sighs and giggles at your almost childlike head bobbing. He gives up on trying to hide and enters the room, coming up behind you.
“Quite a show,” he remarks dryly. He tries to hold a serious tone for a moment but finds himself lightly laughing after a few seconds. His words make you jump. You become embarrassed, thinking, hoping, that he meant during C’mon and not Emperor’s New Clothes. You decide that he meant the former, because even the stoic and standoffish Donatello would laugh his ass off if he saw your ‘performance.’ Your spotify spits out Hard Times by Paramore as you stand in your embarrassment. A few awkward moments pass before Donnie’s half grin melts into his usual calculating and disapproving frown. A ruse Donnie didn’t like anymore, but had been keeping up lately.
When you had first met he truly didn’t like you. He was convinced you were just around them to sell him and his brothers out. You had even grown on protective Leo long before Donnie spoke a word to you, other than the initial and blatant “I don’t like or trust you. Don’t expect me to.” Sadly, the reason he broke his streak is because you had messed with his lab equipment while cleaning, thinking he’d appreciate it (the road to hell being paved with good intentions and so on.) He spent 20 minutes cursing you out for being so invasive, let alone careless, then spent 4 days sulking, cleaning, and restarting his experiment. Slowly, however, his brothers told him stories of you during family meals and patrols. They were all enamored with how bright your personality was. How much you could make them all laugh or how you could find ways to connect with them while barely trying. It was all they’d talk about.
“Seriously bro, I’m telling you my Angelcakes is something to see when she really get into music.” Mikey starts dancing in the middle of his sentence. It starts with swaying, then bouncing. As his brothers scan the rooftops and alleyways, Mikey drops onto his shell and spins. He starts breakdancing to the music in his head.
“Knock it off, Mikey.” Raph’s words cut his actions quickly and Mikey rights himself. “She’s not your anything... “ Raph mutters. Leo stays quiet, but a small fond smile warms his face at the thought of Y/N and Donnie watches his focus be carried away.
“Oh come on Raph, you know I can’t help myself. She’s just so… So ugh lively,” Mikey croons. “She’s so beautiful and joyful and wondrous and-”
“Shut up.” Harsh words carry across the rooftop. Donnie was fed up. If he had to hear about Y/N this or Y/N that one more freaking time he was gonna snap.
Ohhhh, Y/N’s so amazing, she’s so funny and nice to us and she’s a good friend and totally not gonna sell us ouuut. Y/N’s our new best friiiend.
As Donnie mocks his brothers in his head, an unfamiliar burn spreads within him. His words slip out of him before he can catch it. “Whatever happened to us against the world? It’s too good to be true anyway, you can’t latch onto every human that takes a liking to us.” The remaining three all freeze up at the bite and venom in Donnie’s voice. They’ve never heard anything like it come out of their quiet brother before. It had them all just a little stunned.
“Donnie?” Leo asks, approaching Donnie like a live bomb. He gets only a grunt in response. “Don, are you ok?” Leo’s hand comes to rest on Donnie’s shell, gently. Carefully. Donnie brushes off the arm and storms to another side of the roof, peering over, pretending to actually patrol unlike some people. As he stalks away it dawns on him it was jealousy he was feeling moments ago. Why was he jealous? He had no reason, he was just tired of hearing about her. All the time. From his brothers that he adored.
And always had the attention of. Donnie groans and put his head in his hands.
That’s stupid. I can’t be that needy, jesus… reconnaissance. That’s how I’m gonna fix this. Observe her, then I’ll have the evidence I need to shut them all up!
    After that, Donnie had started actually staying in the room when you entered, and listening to his brothers stories. He never used to. He observed, took notes, scrutinized. In a matter of days you had gone from constantly forgetting Donnie existed to seeing him every time you turned around. Eventually, of course, he realized he was freaking you out and backed off, choosing instead to ‘act natural’ and strictly observe you when you naturally crossed paths. Or so said his battle plan. In the end he did end up siding with his brothers, agreeing that there was something about you but his stubborn need to be right had overridden everything, and he went back to acting like you didn’t exist, but admired you from afar.
Hey guys, Kitty here. I'm gonna write this as hard as I can over the next few days and hopefully will be able to get y'all the next part soon c: As an exciting announcement however, your team of admins here at another-tmnt-writer have made a youtube account (channel?). Starting with this story, (and hopefully we keep it up for other stories,) if you click this link it'll take you to a playlist of music you might want to listen to while reading the story. Or not, you don't have to, up to you. Hopefully, soon enough there will be plenty of playlists up for you guys to enjoy c: I hope you guys enjoyed my first fic on this blog <3
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𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝙰𝚄 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 {𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎}
Here is the second installment of my mermaid au, but this time with nishinoya x mermaid!reader! This is going to be 1/2, so there will be a second part to this!
I hope you enjoy reading this!!
Hinata Shouyou
>Admin 𝕋
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Jeez, Asahi, I’m fine, man.” 
“Fine!? You’re fine!? You are living on a boat, thousands of miles away and you didn’t tell anybody!” Nishinoya heard Asahi on the other line. He rolled his eyes and chuckled at how worried he was for him.
“Asahi, your dad side is showing. And I am okay, okay? I know I should’ve told you guys, that is on me, but you have to trust me that I am fine.” there was a pause on Asahi’s side of the phone call, then there was an exasperated sigh. 
“Fine! Fine, whatever, as long as you are safe, you hear me! And if you don’t call me or Tanaka in the next week or so, I will come find you!” Asahi shouted loudly, making Nishinoya pull the phone away. It went on like that for several seconds until it went quiet. Curious, Nishinoya looked at the screen to see that Asahi hung up on him. 
“Wow, so he calls me to see if I’m fine, then just yells at me and hangs up without even saying goodbye?” he said to himself. Shaking his head, Nishinoya put his phone back into his pocket and put his attention back to the ocean. The sea was calm and quiet, and the sky was blue, not a cloud in sight. The sea breeze was warm on his cheeks, caressing him in a loving embrace.
There was a reason for the sudden change of lifestyle. 
After getting out of high school, Nishinoya started working as a salaryman for a big corporation, as one does. It was nice at first, all the money he was gaining and the friends he made along the way. But the as the months went by, Nishinoya started to realize something. He wasn’t happy, the long work nights were wearing him down, and his superiors didn’t care if he were to up and die like a fish out of water from working too much. He was disposable and easily replaceable.
Nishinoya knew that he was more valuable than that. Knew he wasn’t some corporate slave to be pushed around. So, he quit his job and used his money that he saved up to buy a boat, that also doubled as a house. 
It was the best decision of his life, and he was happy he did it. Looking at the ocean every morning, and not having the to deal with a boss breathing down his neck every day or losing sleep over an unfinished project. Nishinoya loved seeing the beautiful colors the sun would make above the ocean when it was dusk or dawn.
He sat in a chair at the back of the boat, a fishing rod settled next him, the bait in the water. He was waiting for the fish to take a bit out of it, but so far none of them wanted anything to do with it. He was there for three hours, and nothing. Sighing, he got up from his seat and stretched out the achiness in his bones, hearing his back pop. The wind whipped around his face, the scent of salt overwhelming. 
Thinking he should grab a drink and wait some more, he started to move to the inside of the boat, but heard splashing nearby. Stopping, he strained his ears to see if it was just his imagination, but there it was again. It sounded frantic, like someone may have been drowning. Thinking of the worst, he quickly walked the side of his boat, where he had his net, forgetting he didn’t wrap it up yesterday.
Grabbing onto the dry part, he pulled with all his might, not expecting for whatever that was caught to be so heavy. But, soon enough, he was able to get all of the netting onto his deck. Nishinoya dropped down along with the net, panting. Blinking, he crawled over to the net, noticing just how big the fish was and while he was unraveling the animal out of the netting, Nishinoya was starting to realize something.
It was an ordinary fish.
It wasn’t even a fish to begin with, it was a freaking mermaid. Mermaid. A mermaid. What? No that couldn’t be right, right? Mermaids don’t even exist, it doesn’t make sense.
But as he continued to stare, the more he knew he couldn’t lie to himself. There was a half fish, half girl right in front of him. Her tail was a shimmering red going down into a darker shed, a maroon color. Her hair was long and (h/c), covering her breasts. And her face looked like she was scared and angry at the same time.
With a shuddering breath, Nishinoya stared and watched as the mermaid pushed away the rope, frustrated that it was tangled with her tail. Nishinoya, not knowing what to really do, got closer to her to help her get untangled, but when she saw him move closer, she hissed at him, showing off sharp teeth. Nishinoya stopped his hand, but didn’t move away, showing her that the boy wasn’t going to harm her.
The mermaid stopped hissing, but continued to glare and monitor him as Nishinoya helped get her tail out. Once she was finally free, they were both still as they sized each other up. “I can’t believe this...” Nishinoya muttered to himself, finally finding his voice. 
“Yeah well, as you can see, it’s real. I’m real.” the mermaid said haughtily. Nishinoya gasped and his eyes shot up to her, bewildered. 
“You talk?!”
“Yes, I can freaking talk. What, do you think mermaids are uncultured or something?” she retorted, clearly annoyed. She could talk and has an attitude, Nishinoya thought to himself.
“N-no, I was just surprised--wait why am I apologizing, I didn’t even think mermaids existed until like thirty seconds ago! I’m kinda overwhelmed here!” he shouted, getting up from his sitting position. The mermaid watched with crossed arms as he paced around his boat, still trying to process what was going on.
“You seem to be taking this a lot better than most humans.” she commented, her eyes following him. Nishinoya stopped midstep, once again surprised that she could talk his language. With a slow inhale followed by a calming exhale, he sat down again, crossed legged, and faced the mermaid head on. 
“How can you speak my language?” he asked, his brows furrowed, trying to not have a breakdown in front of something, no someone, so fantastical. She tilted her head in thought and then sighed.
“I guess it can’t hurt to tell you some of our secrets, seeing as you are being such a good boy,” Nishinoya bristled at that, “we mermaids gain language of various kinds by simply making mouth to mouth contact, and tasting the mouths of the person who speaks that language.” she explained. Nishinoya was a bit confused until it hit him what ‘mouth to mouth’ meant.
“Y-you kiss people? To understand their language?” he repeated in his own words, a light blush across his cheeks. The red tailed mermaid chortled lightly, it sounded something like a laugh and something a dolphin would sound like.
“Yes, you small, adorable human, we kiss them to understand them. Too bad I already know your language, I wouldn’t have minded kissing you.” she smirked at him and watched as he blushed more, unprepared for her sudden pick up line.
“I can’t believe I just got hit on by a mermaid.” he said aloud, causing the mermaid to smile.
“Well, it is one of our most basic traditions. We see a man we think is nice and handsome, then we lure them with a beautiful song and drown them to their deaths.” this caused Nishinoya to look her in the eye with fright, squeezing his hands together. The mermaid laughed fully now, throwing her head back in merth. “I’m just messing with you, we don’t do that anymore.” she watched as he sighed in relief. “Or not.”
“Would you stop doing that! I might have a heart attack here!” he yelled out, glaring, which only made the mermaid laugh more.
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll stop.” she convinced him, leaning back on her hands, flipping her caudal fin up and down, stretching it out in the beating sun. 
“You seem to be a little too calm with all of this.” he muttered to her, inching a little closer without her noticing. She eyed him before closing her eyes and soaking in the sunlight. 
“I am, aren’t I? I don’t know, I’ve been caught so many times and released so many times. I’m just used to it by now.”
“What do you mean caught and then released?”
“I hypnotize by captures into letting me go. Usually they’re men, so it is quite easy. Men are simple like that.” she explained, side eyeing Nishinoya, giving him a teasing smirk. He pouted.
“I’m not simple.”
“Sure you aren’t. I believe you.” she giggled, obviously teasing him still. Nishinoya huffed out a breath and glanced between the ocean and the mermaid in front of him. 
There was a moment of tense silence before he asked, “Do you want to go back into the ocean. So you can maybe, I don’t know, go home? Also why were you even caught in my net? Why were you so close to the shoreline? Why--”
“Calm down, you are asking too many questions, one at at time here.” she told him, putting a webbed hand on his shoulder. He flinched by how cold her hand was, and surprised that she was even touching him to begin with. “One, I don’t have a family; been a loner since I was able to remember how to swim. Two, I don’t really have a home, I go where the waves take me. Three, I was stuck in your net because there are some very bad humans that are searching for me right now, and I thought hiding in your net would be the best pace to hide, though it was pretty stupid of me, I admit.” she explicated. 
Nishinoya absorbed every word, not really knowing how to feel about all the information he was given. He raised his knees to his chest, and gazed at the mermaid’s tail again. It was amazing, so amazing. Something right out of a fairy tale. “What are you planning to do then? If you are being tracked.” he asked her.
“I don’t know, maybe I can stay with you?” she voiced halfheartedly, clearly meant to be a joke. But Nishinoya didn’t take it as a joke, not one bit. Having a mermaid on his boat; that would be ludacris, and yet so awesome. He could learn such cool stuff about mermaids. And better yet, he could help her with whatever she is going through.
He liked helping people. Well, she isn’t a person, but close enough.
“I can help you.” he declared. He wanted to laugh at how comical it was to watch her whip her head around to him, nearly falling over in shock at what he just said.
“You know I was only joking, right? We barely know each other, and if you were to help me, then you will surely be in danger too.” the mermaid pointed out. 
“Let’s get to know each other then.” he proclaimed, straightening out.
“My name is Nishinoya Yuu, what is yours?” he interrupted her, smiling expectantly and waiting for an answer. She was wide eyed and confused by how willing this boy was to help her and understand her. Most of the time, when men catch her in their nets, they wouldn’t ask her questions or ask her for even her name. No, they were more interested in that fact that she was something otherworldly, something they could potentially profit off of. So, this is different for her.
But not unpleasant. 
With her chest filled with an unknown warmth and her eyes sparkling like stars in the skies, the young mermaid leaned over slowly and kissed Nishinoya on the cheek. “My human name is (y/n).” she whispered into his ear, causing his whole face to redden, all the way down to his neck. 
He was silent for a moment, trying to keep his rapidly beating heart under control, then piped up and said, “Nice to meet you, (y/n).” the mermaid smiled even wider.
“I think, Nishinoya Yuu, we will get along swimmingly.”
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sinmins-kitten · 7 years
Can you do a bts reaction to you squirting? Btw love your acc :))
Thanks for requesting lovely, I hope you enjoy~ - Admin B xo 
Kim Seokjin: Impromptu sex with Jin generally wasn’t a common occurrence, after all he was an extremely purposeful man. But today was different. After both of you had collapsed on the couch after a long day the last thing you wanted to do was move,however one thing led to another and a heated makeout session turned into you slowly lowering yourself down onto his painfully hard cock, one hand rested on his shoulder, the other on the armrest. You set a steady pace, but Jin grew impatient, gripping a handful of your ass and bucking his hips up into yours at an alarming rate, his spare hand working mercilessly on your breasts. The newfound angle had your mouth falling into a soft o shape and your breath catching in your throat, the sensation different to anything you’d experienced previously. “Let it go princess.” Jin murmurs against your neck after seeing your thighs begin to shake, trailing sloppy kisses across the expanse of your chest. A few thrusts later you came, and you came hard. Jin’s dick rubbed against a particular spot inside you that had you seeing stars and the pressure in your lower stomach released itself. A gush of warmth coats the inside of your thighs and almost immediately you feel too sensitive, your hips jerking away as Jin finished onto your stomach. The two of you rested back into the couch, panting heavily as your bodies stuck together.. “Look at the mess you’ve made sweetheart…” He says barely above a whisper, the realization of what had happened dawned on you and you groan in embarrassment, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t even know I could–” Your sentence is cut short as he meets your lips with a chaste kiss. “Don’t ever apologize because it may be the first time you’ve soaked this couch but if I have it my way it definitely won’t be the last.”  Kim Namjoon: Namjoon was passionate by nature.You saw it in even the simplest things he did, and your sex life was no exception to that rule. Tonight he was being particularly unforgiving, as you had been teasing him all day he only deemed it appropriate that he return the favor which is how you ended up face down ass up in the middle of his bed, dripping and with no relief in sight. “I’m so sorry Joon I promise I’ll never do it again.” You whine, almost on the verge of tears as you arch your back some more and rock backwards against him hoping for even a trace of friction. You were bitterly disappointed as he pulls away, the laughter behind you sinister. “Patience is a virtue love.” His voice like distant thunder as his hands smooth over your shoulders and down your back, resting on your ass for a brief moment before he raises a hand and brings it back down with a deafening smack, your body jolting forward as you moan involuntarily. Your body quivers in anticipation as he smooths over the area with his hand, sliding it to the curve of your inner thigh and spreading your legs further apart. He takes a moment to observe you before dragging the tip of his cock back and forth over your clit and takes great satisfaction in seeing you clench around nothing. “Greedy.” He states before pushing into you and setting a brutal pace, hips slamming against your backside in a loud chorus of skin against skin. You let out a choked ‘fuck’ as one of his hands shapes your hair into a makeshift pony tail and yanks you so you’re sitting up on your knees, your head lolling back onto his shoulder. He uses this position to snake an arm around your front and begins to draw figure eights across your clit, the pleasure almost to a point of white hot. “I think you’ve learnt your lesson baby, now be a good girl cum all over my cock.”You’ve always been good at following orders. Before you could respond Namjoon felt his hand and dick being absolutely coated and as he pulled out the sheets too.“You did such a good job love.” He says leaving tender kisses across your shoulders.“That was so fucking hot.” Min Yoongi: Despite Yoongi’s seemingly lethargic persona the moments you spent with him always seemed to feel so rushed. Including now, in his studio, with your skirt bunched up around your waist, panties around your ankles and Yoongi’s head buried between your thighs.“Remember we’re on a time constraint here.” You moan out as you tug at his hair, trying to pull him closer. “I’m getting there princess, you act like I don’t know what I’m doing.” Was the response you got before he takes his index finger and starts to prod at your entrance, eventually slipping it inside you causing you to throw your head back as you bite at your lip, stifling any noise that threatened to spill from you.Looking hesitantly up at the clock Yoongi weighs up his options. “Can you take another beautiful?” He asks against your inner thigh, you nod hastily. After pushing in another finger he finds a familiar rhythm but he knew it wasn’t enough to get you off in the allocated time he had left. “Baby I’m gonna try something, it might feel a bit different but you have to trust me.” Being too blissed out to fully comprehend what he was saying you nod along. He then re positions his fingers so they’re facing upwards and starts to make a calculated ‘come hither’ motion while reattaching his mouth to your pussy. Judging by the way you were pushing yourself into his face Yoongi gathered you had no problem with the new sensation coursing through you. As you got closer to your climax he used his free hand to press down on your lower stomach and within the next minute you were wrecked. Once you were coherent enough you took a second to look down at your boyfriend, his lips swollen, juices running down his chin and forearm, looking all too happy with himself.Before either of you could speak there was an abrupt knock from the door. Out of sheer panic you go to stand upright, only to find your legs disagree with this and wobble uncertainly before you’re seated back down on the desk chair. As the knocking got more insistent Yoongi scrambles to pull your panties back up then helps you to your feet. “Hold up!” He yells through the door before opening it to Namjoon. You shift awkwardly as Namjoon enters the room, greeting you while Yoongi wraps his arms around you from behind. While still staring at the screen in front of him Namjoon  questions the liquid on the floor. “Y/N knocked over a glass of water earlier.” Was Yoongi’s all too quick reply. “Yeah and that explains why your studio smells like sex.” Namjoon quips back.You could have died of embarrassment, wishing the floor would swallow you as laughter echoed around the small room. “I wonder if I can make you do it again…” He whispers airily against the shell of your ear while his fingertips danced across your thighs.Jung Hoseok: You would be lying if you said you didn’t lust after the way Hoseok could move his body, he was a fantastic dancer after all.Upon watching a particularly provocative routine that he had been trying to perfect you were left sitting in the corner of the dance studio, mouth dry as you rubbed your thighs together at the sight of him; disheveled, a layer of sweat had formed over his skin and his chest heaved from exertion. Safe to say you told Hobi how you felt, or showed him, which had then led to you being fucked up against the length of mirrors that lined the wall, forced to watch as he wrecked you from behind. ”Look how pretty you are Y/N, taking me so well.” He purrs in your ear before you spill all over him, wanton whines and pants leaving your lips. An animalistic expressions dances across his face as he watches the slick sheen drip down your thighs, he collects some on his fingers, bringing them up to your mouth. ”I didn’t think you had it in you kitten…you never fail to surprise me.” Park Jimin: Jimin had always been on the more slow and sensual side when it came to your love life, but something had snapped in him tonight and he was daring.You were at a friends engagement party, and it was in the process of food coming out and small talk being made that you felt his hand on your thigh. Not long after the entree’s had come out he was knuckle deep inside you and you were drenched. ”Are you gonna cum for me princess?” He asks lowly, your friends brushing your behavior off as he places a seemingly affectionate kiss to your neck, some might say the look he gave you following that was adoration, but you knew better. As the conversation took off and and left you as merely an onlooker who nodded every so often Jimin took advantage and curled his fingers, causing you to let out a silent moan and turn to bite down on his shoulder as your orgasm ripped through you. A satisfied grin coming over his face, his plump lower lip being dragged between his teeth as he felt what had happened. ”You made such a mess baby, but it’s so fucking hot.” Kim Taehyung: Kim Taehyung, a man of variety. Always open to new things, which is why the two of you now had an extensive array of sex toys.You felt like you’d been on that bed for hours, and came more times than you could count yet he still hadn’t let up.“Come on kitten, I know you can give me one more.” He coos pressing the vibrator to you again, his fingers entering you with a lewd squelch. He worked at you until you were a shaking mess, begging for him to stop but not to at once, you were barely making sense. When the tautness in your stomach finally snapped it was indescribable and you forcefully pushed his hands away, squirming out of reach. ”No more Tae..” You mumble, writhing around and feeling a distinct dampness on the silk sheets underneath you. You sit up in amazement. ”Did I just—” He simply nods, equally as astonished. ”You do realize I won’t be letting up until you cum like that each–” He places a kiss on your neck. ”And every” One on your jaw. ”Time.” He drawls against your lips. Jeon Jungkook: Dating Jungkook wasn’t easy that was for sure, he was often away for months at a time and that was never easy on either of you. What did come out of the whole ordeal however, was the incredible homecoming sex that followed.People say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it seemed to not only affect the heart. It resulted in desperate touches, kisses that were only tongue and teeth and breathy moans that filled the hallway of the empty house. A mantra of ‘fuck I’ve missed you’ and broken ‘I love you’s’ until you reached the bed. Tonight seemed different, tonight he had intent. You’d never felt him so deeply before and the pressure inside you built in a way that was different than usual. Your nails left red tracks down his back as he thrust into you, quickening his pace as you felt your mind haze. His name left your mouth over and over again until you let go, body convulsing beneath him. “Jungkook what the fuck?” You ask breathlessly as he nuzzles into your neck, peppering it with kisses. “What baby girl?”“I’ve…never done that before…and it’s never felt like that before I–” You were almost incoherent at this point. “Let’s just say I had a lot of time on my hands and I educated myself.” He reasons, rubbing your sides soothingly. “You get off on…this?” To be honest you felt rather unsure of how sexually arousing the now prominent wet patch on the bed was. His expression hardened. “I do, because I did that, I made you cum so hard we need new sheets on this bed and you’d best believe I’ll do it again.” 
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tumblunni · 7 years
Oh, and i can't remember if i ever talked fully about my Happ Redemption Ending Fic Ideas For Charon!
Basically HE BECOMES GRANDPA! The main redemption would come about through reuniting him with rotom, but then i thought way too much about what he would do after the redemption too. I kinda turned it into a whole fangame idea, about an au where dawn/lucas/whatever-you-named-your-protagonist doesn't exist, and instead we explore from the perspective of a galactic grunt and see the day saved through everyone's friendship with their boss helping to talk him down. And along the way of your character helping out all the admins and bringing them closer together, you'd naturally pick one as your favourite. And cos the protagonist grunt doesn't have anywhere to stay after the team disbands, redeemed!Charon would adopt you as his grandkid. Or you could get a new mom/dad/sibling/boyfriend/girlfriend/roommate with everyone else, and find equal amounts of daww! Tho i never ended up making this project cos i got too tied up in squeeing over these cute happy endings for sad villains and like... Couldnt write the actual beginning, lol
So yeah! Anyway! The charons!
The happy epilogue for him would involve him and his reunited rotom returning to the abandoned Old Chateau where he lived as a kid. You helping him through his self worth issues means he's finally given up on his dream of being a famous scientist at any cost, no matter how much it hurts people. But he hasn't given up on his dreams entirely, he's just now able to research pokemon out of pure passion for pokemon again, instead of for money. So he starts over again from zero in the place where it began! Him, rotom, and newly adopted protagonist get together to rebuild the house into a sanctuary for ghost type pokemon. He helps all the gastlys that haunted the place find new homes, and the people of eterna city stop being scared of the big ol spooky mansion. And he never becomes rich or famous for it, but he ends up strangely happier than he ever imagined.
So yeh that is my dumb headcanons
Oh! And also i gave him a team of a banette and a mismagius during his time with team galactic. Cos i thought it would help show his progression thru the redemption and foreshadow it a bit, yknow? Like he tries to be big ol grump and says that he sees pokemon as mere tools, but is oblivious to the fact that he's totally become attatched to them and hasn't completely changed from when he was a kid. Lots of cute tsundere-towards-my-pets scenes! I characterized the mismagius as equally as much of a grump as charon, basically like a sassy egotistical kitty cat. He'd be all 'hmpf i'm the boss' and have the nonverbal equivelant of a sass battle, always batting charon's stuff off the shelves and such. And the banette would be an innocent little soul that doesnt realize her trainer is evil, and thinks he's the bestest best ever! So by the end they'd also be happy now he's more openly affectionate with them, and super excited to meet rotom, and basically just imagine these self indulgent fluffy cute scenes with meeeee!! And i dunno how i was gonna justify it, but i wanted to somehow have him talk to his pokemon? I thought of the banette always being like 'Yes Doctor!' and then in the end he's like 'its okay if you want to call me grandpa'. And the mismagius having a rare moment of emotion and being like 'i was so scared you wouldnt come back' (regarding admins + protag going to the distortion world) And rotom being like 'aaaaa i'm an auntie now???'
Oh oh oh and developinh charon's relationshios with the other admins!! I liked the sass him and saturn had in the anime and i headcanoned maybe they worked together in the science division before getting promoted to admin, and maybe saturn like... They weren't really Friends but he kinda at least believes the old man could be something better, and mourns the lost potential? And then they actually could go from 'that guy i enjoy messing with' to a more friendly rivalry to a genuine friendship someday. I think saturn would be the most proud if charon ever became redeemed, yknow? Oh and i have complex thoughts about his relationship with cyrus! Like i think they're both intending to use each other- charon thinks he has the upper hand and this is just some god delusion dope he can bleed dry of precious money, cyrus totally has him clocked and finds him useful cos he's easily manipulated with that same money. But at the same time as they're sassing about each other under their breath, they often end up stuck together in a lot of situations, cos they're the two most emotionless/cynical ones. That sort of 'i don't wanna get involved with that trio's nonsense antics, oh i guess you had the same idea' friendship. But then also i thought there was a little more complexity as to why they're subconciously drawn together? Charon sees cyrus as a mirror of his young adult mid-fall-to-evil self. And as much as he tries to laugh it off that cyrus is still a little too idealistic to outsmart him, he also projects a lot of hate on him that he wishes he could take out on himself. And at the same time there's some subconcious part of him that feels sympathy for the kid and sees this as a chance to protect someone from going down the same path. (Though his pride keeps him from acting on this uncharacteristically kind impulse.) And at the same time Cyrus's own hate-friendship with charon is fueled by his past too. He still remembers how his own grandpa failed to rescue him from his traumatic childhood, so he finds it hard to keep his anger under control around a horrible old man like this. But also some part of him finds him almost... Comforting? Like.. He's at least honest about being dishonest, yknow? And he's not remotely scary. All those memories of being so small and powerless in the face of various adults, whether it was his actively abusive parents or his well-intentioned grandpa who failed him when he needed it most. Being in a position of power over that sort of trash adult is kind of amazing! But at the same time Cyrus starts to realize how pathetic and unhappy this guy is, and how he just lashes out to puff up his ego and pretend he knows what he's doing with his life. Plus he also can't help remembering the happier memories of his grandpa too, even though this new gramps couldnt be further away from him. So it's a very complex friendship of two men who have no clue that they are friends! When did cyrus start thinking 'this man's denial of his sadness is further proof this world needs to be fixed'? When did charon start thinking 'i should stop him from making my same mistakes'? And umm also i had the thought of a dumb scene in the epilogue where charon introduces cyrus to rotom and cyrus uses his tech skills to make a lil rc car for the haunted tangerine to ride around in. TEAM GALACTIC I KNO I LOVE YOUR SASSY INFIGHTING BUT ALSO HAVE YOU CONSIDERED BEING FRIENDS
Okay okay im rambling but basically Ideas
So Many Ideas
So little actual skill at fic writing
Okay gudbye gudnite lol
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hetaliawhatifs · 7 years
So... how would the axis guys (plus prussia and romano) react if someone used a really cheasy pick up line on them? And who is most likely to use bad pick up lines themself?
Alright Anon, I got one for you. Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? -Admin Jay
Germany: “What? Did you just…”Use Bad Pick-up Lines: Nein, Ludwig is too formal and would have a long thought out script. Ludwig would be caught off guard and may take it seriously for a split second before realizing that it is a bad pick up line. He would just sigh and look at who used it before asking them if they were messing with him or serious. If they were serious he would shake his head, but he would chuckle quietly. It was funny now that he thought about it…
Italy: “Aw that was funny! I like it!”Use Bad Pick-Up Lines: As an ice breaker, then he turns on the real charm. Feli would hear the pick-up line and laugh before smiling as he asks them to tell him another. He loves how funny they are and would love to use them as an ice breaker since people are more fun to talk to after they laugh. 
Japan: *goes over his head for a second* “Oh…that was pick up line. Now I see.”Use Bad Pick-Up Lines: No, he would rather be straight-forward.Kiku would blink a few times as he processes what they said, but once it dawns on him he would feel slightly embarrassed. He would take it literally at first, but quickly realize it was not. So he would just shake his head and try to recompose himself. 
Prussia: “Hey! I like that one! But I have a better one!”Use Bad Pick-Up Lines: ALWAYS.Gilbert loves cheesy/bad pick up lines, so hearing one used on him would make his day. He loves how funny they are and would soon try to compete with the other person to see who has the cheesiest or the worst pick up line. Whoever uses one on him, instantly gets a hug and a best friend, but maybe they could get more?
Romano: “What? That is so dumb…” *small smile and a light blush*Use Bad Pick-Up Lines: Possibly…it depends on his mood.Lovino would scoff and roll his eyes at the pick up line first, but if it was a good one or sweet, he may smile slightly at it. Though don’t mention it or it will vanish. He would tell them how bad their pick up lines are, but he would find it funny and may be open to hearing more, but only if they are good. 
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bakugou-ou · 7 years
雷 -Denki Kaminari x Reader-
Friendly neighborhood admin was freaking out as a result of a massive thunderstorm passing right over her house, so she wrote indulgent Kaminari stuff. Why am I talking about myself in the third person? The world may never know, but it just happened. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little thing I did to make myself feel better.
note: the kanji in the title is the kanji for thunder, read as Kaminari; however, Kaminari’s last name is written 上鳴 and doesn’t actually mean thunder despite being read the same way as 雷, it uses the kanji for up/above and chirping/ringing/sound, which is a reference to thunder and how it comes from above and booms.
“Are you okay?”
You heard a familiar voice as you laid in your bed under the covers; it was the middle of a thunderstorm, something you weren’t overly fond of, and you had taken refuge in your bed, hiding from the storm outside. It was passing right overhead, loud cracks of thunder shaking the building, bright flashes of lightning illuminating the room so thoroughly that even under a thick duvet it was easy to see. Why you were scared, you didn’t know, it just had always been that way. Maybe when you were small, you had enjoyed thunderstorms, you could have sworn you did at some point, but now they were unpleasant, especially when they seemed to be directly overhead like this particular storm.
The electricity in the dormitory had been knocked out by the storm, even the backup generators were out of commission due to the storm, despite being disconnected from the main grid. That alone was disconcerting, as the backup generators were supposed to keep the building powered on and protected in the event of a storm like this. At least it wasn’t an earthquake, or a tsunami, just an obnoxious thunderstorm. The building shook again, and you curled up tighter under the covers, a small noise of discontent escaping you as you buried your face in your mattress.
“I didn’t know you were scared of thunderstorms, ____.”
The last think you needed was Kaminari, the human embodiment of thunderstorms, seeing you like that. Of course he’d be fine right now, his quirk was essentially what was happening outside, he was able to discharge electricity from himself, like a Pikachu… Or a thunderstorm. He sounded so relaxed, it irked you. It was fine for him to be calm during a thunderstorm, of course it was, but you were having a bad time and didn’t need him teasing you for being scared.
Except, he wasn’t teasing you.
You felt your bed give a bit under the pressure of him getting onto it with you, and you wondered what exactly his plan was. Kaminari was always trying to be smooth with you, you doubted that this was an exception to that rule; still, it was comforting to have someone there, even if it was Kaminari of all people. You were friends, you got on well, it was just that he enjoyed teasing you, and flirting with you, and you didn’t need that sort of thing right now. You hoped he wouldn’t, and that if he would that he’d take the cue and leave you alone, better off alone than with someone making fun of your stupid fear.
“This one’s pretty bad, so I can’t really blame you for hiding like that,” He said, pulling the covers up and peeking into your makeshift nest; he paused as large flash of lightning came through the window, followed a second later by booming thunder that shook the building, a direct hit, “Jeez, I wonder how long this is gonna last…”
Kaminari, without asking for your permission first, pulled the blanket off you enough that he could slip in under and join you in your little haven, pulling the blankets back over the two of you and settling in as you continued to hide your face on the mattress. You had half a mind to object to him being under the covers with you, but another crack of thunder shook the building again and you found yourself moving closer to him without meaning to. Without missing a beat, Kaminari moved himself closer to you and began to rub your back in small, circular motions, propping himself up on his other elbow and looking at you, taking in the way you looked whenever the lightning illuminated the space under the blankets where the two of you were currently residing.
“Y’know, when I was a little kid, I used to be really freaked out by thunderstorms, too,” Kaminari told you as you stayed tense under his touch, “I hated how loud they were, and I didn’t like when they were strong enough to knock the power out like this one, which happened way too often at my place. But, when my quirk manifested, it was suddenly gone, the fear I had. I was just as powerful as an actual thunderstorm! I mean, I’m not stupid enough to go outside during one, that’s just asking to get messed up, but I like watching them. I get how they can scare people, though, especially when you know that sometimes people die during them… But we’re gonna be fine! It’s out there, we’re in here, the building is well reinforced. The electricity may have been knocked out, but it’s okay since nothing’s gonna short in here.”
“Not even you?” You teased, feeling a little better with him there, more than you wanted to admit.
“We’re still talking, aren’t we?” He responded, chuckling, “Sometimes I like to try and mimic the lightning outside with my quirk, but that’d probably freak you out right now, wouldn’t it?” You nodded. “Don’t worry, I won’t do it. But, I will stay here and keep you company.”
“Thank you, Kaminari.” You said quietly.
“No problem~!” Kaminari chirped, pulling you even closer, right up against him, “Besides, this is the perfect excuse to get in your bed, which I’ve been dying to do for ages now.”
You groaned at his flirtation, though you knew it was mostly a jest in that moment. You gently pushed him away, your hand putting pressure on his chest as you feigned trying to escape; you didn’t mind, this was nice, you wanted to be there with him now that he was there, and it was comforting for him to be his usual self with you even under that kind of circumstance.
“You know you love me,” Kaminari teased, laughing but slacking his hold on you in case you really did want to move away from him, “You feeling any better?”
“Just a bit…” You mumbled, moving closer to him and resting your forehead against his chest, curling up against him, “You’re an idiot, I hate you.”
“Oh, I can feel how much you hate me.” Kaminari snickered as you wrapped one of your arms around him, holding onto the fabric of his shirt just a bit and nuzzling into him, “You know, if you wanted to cuddle, you could have just told me. I’d have been here a lot quicker.”
“Shut up, idiot…” You grumbled, enjoying his warmth all too much; he smelled nice, too, was he wearing cologne? Or had he always smelled like that?
The storm wasn’t relenting, it kept shaking the building and sending bright light through the window, but it wasn’t as terrifying now, not with you bundled up under heavy blankets with your friend. Your flirtatious, irritatingly charming friend, who was doing his best to make sure you felt okay under circumstances that were clearly unpleasant for you. Kaminari was a good guy, he really was, he didn’t get enough credit for it. The occasional horrifying crack of thunder happened, ones that were louder and more intense than the rest of them, driving you to cling just a bit more tightly to Kaminari each time they happened, but he was more than happy with it, enjoying the contact.
He adored you, he really did want to date you, but he figured you were like everyone else he ever tried to flirt with, you wouldn’t take him seriously if he told you that he was serious. The fact that you seemed to be comforted by his presence was enough to satisfy him, though. This wasn’t about him, it was about you right now. The longer the storm dragged on, the more he wanted to say something, to do more, like play with your hair, or kiss you. But that wasn’t the right thing to do, you guys were just friends, you were just holding onto him like that because you were scared of what was outside, not because you liked him back.
It felt too good to be with him like this, did you always find him that enjoyable to be around? Would you have wanted anyone else to comfort you in that moment? The longer you stayed like that, the more it dawned on you that no, you wouldn’t have wanted anyone else there with you, you liked that it was him, everything about it. Oh, man, you were in deep and hadn’t even realized it. Or, maybe you had, and you had just pushed it off, not wanting to admit it to yourself, or to him, he’d be smug if he knew, wouldn’t he? He’d probably grin and say of course you like me!
Somehow, you began to relax, feeling the weight of your anxiety lift and instead be replaced with a much gentler sort of weight, the weight of exhaustion. You were tired, you needed to sleep, freaking out about the storm had taken a considerable amount of your energy from you. Kaminari was so warm, soft, comforting, it wasn’t hard for you to begin to slip into a well-needed slumber. As you began to fade, your grip on his shirt loosened, you took deeper, slower breaths, and you even moved one of your legs between his to be closer to him, to have more contact between the two of you. He didn’t mind in the slightest, he had always wanted that sort of thing and now he was actually getting it, getting to cuddle with you in your bed, you moving to make more contact on your own, without him asking. He moved the arm he’d been reclining on under your pillow and rested his head on it, watching you as you fell asleep completely. You were too cute, who allowed that? It should have been illegal for someone to be as cute as you were to him.
He thought you were completely asleep before you really were, jumping the gun a bit and leaning down to kiss your forehead. When your eyes opened just the slightest bit, he was mortified, he really thought you were out already.
“S-Sorry, I didn’t mean—”
You tilted your head up and put your lips on his to shut him up, enjoying the surprised look on his face as you held the kiss. At first, his eyes widened, and he made a muffled exclamation of shock, but as he realized what happened, his cheeks began to flush, you saw it under the next flash of lightning, and then his expression began to relax, and he kissed you back, his eyes slowly closing as he tried to get you to do it again. And you did, you kissed him again, and he smiled just a bit into that kiss, a happy little hum coming from him as he made sure your bodies were as close as they could be without taking your clothes off.
Kaminari pulled away, just for a moment, “So, does this mean we’re a thing now?”
You laughed and smiled, enjoying the way he sounded so unsure, his usual confidence not present in that moment despite the fact that you’d just been kissing each other, “You have to ask?” You teased,
He felt his heart thumping excitedly in his chest, and he wondered if you could feel it, too, how excited he was that he was finally getting to be with you. Who knew all it’d take was a thunderstorm? He kissed you one last time and then sighed; he was tired himself, “Goodnight, Babe.”
Kaminari had been fond of thunderstorms since he was four years old, he hoped that maybe now you would be, too.
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thekidultlife · 7 years
Mr. & Mrs. Yoon | Spy!Jeonghan
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((btw, gif is my work also so yeah))
Part 1 | Part 2
Words: 1473
Genre: Angsty??? (Im not sure)
((Cold War AU, anybody? Hahaha I’m such a sucker for history))
Plaisir d’Amour…
The turntable was turned on early in the morning. Yes…I think that’s the title.
You scuffled through the incomprehensible labyrinth of bed sheets and pillows even though you were still in a blank daze. The mornings had begun to get colder and days were growing shorter as summer transitions to autumn in late August.
Where was I again?
Surveying the room, it finally dawned to you that you were already a married woman. Yet it was not out of love that you got married to a man who wasn’t even there when you wake up. Even so, I still cannot forget that night we first met.
“I’m Yoon Jeonghan, your soon-to-be husband,”
You hugged your knees closer to your body and touched the ring which was held by the necklace on your neck.
“I can do this…”
You can do this, Yoon...Y/N.
You eventually got the strength to remove yourself from the bed and exited the bedroom, robe in tow. The hallway greeted you with the great scent of an American breakfast—bacon, eggs, hot coffee. Despite being raised in China; you had already grown accustomed to the high cholesterol breakfast after several years in the US.
Yawning and rubbing your tired eyes as you lazily crept downstairs, you almost lost your balance among the art nouveau sculptures whilst entering the kitchen. The large circular cherry table which was their dining table was already set and the food was pretty much fresh from the stove.
The Yoon home was not grandiose but, definitely not mundane either. It was a simple traditional two-story American home with a spacious foyer and decorated with various artworks and crafts collected as a hobby by the head curator of the Smithsonian Museum, Yoon Jeonghan. Though it certainly is marvelous to some, but it may actually be an empty home for those living in it.
“Good morning, dear. You have drool on your cheek,” a familiar voice whispered from behind you and you immediately jumped in surprise.
You turned around and saw him all dressed for work—a brown vest with his shirt tucked neatly inside and matching brown pants. His coat was hanging loosely on his arms as he was holding today’s Washington Post. His hair which had gotten longer was still remarkably auburn but his locks fell softly on his forehead and together with all of that was his signature smirk which doesn’t seem to leave him. Yes, he is my husband, Yoon Jeonghan...unfortunately though.
Frowning, you replied to him curtly, “I’d rather not die here in the kitchen doorway, so stop frightening me, please.”
Yet no matter how many times you expressed your disdain towards him, he would simply laugh it off and he did just that as he sat on his place in front of the table.
“You seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today,” he remarked, opening the newspaper which was on his hands.
“I did not, for your information. It was because I had to see your face so early in the morning,” you took a sip from the warm cup of coffee but then jerked after it burnt your tongue.
“Be careful, dear. I don’t want my precious wife getting hurt,” Jeonghan was glancing at you from the side of the newspaper with a smug smile, much to your chagrin. He just knew how to push your buttons—you weren’t even sure how he did—yet you knew he was simply doing it just to entertain his rather boring espionage life.  
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm and he simply chuckled. Why did I even agree to this?  
“I’m quite the ‘show’, am I not? Teasing me, torturing me…every single day.” In frustration, you finally asked as you angrily feasted upon the bacon and soft-boiled eggs. “If this is your definition of fun, then there is something clearly wrong inside that damn head of yours.”
Jeonghan folded the newspaper neatly after he heard your remark and propped his head with his arm on the table as he grinned. You were totally unaware that he was enjoying how you despised him, loathed him to the bone. Nonetheless, Jeonghan was still convinced that you were capable of forgiving him in the end and that was not what he hoped for.
“Have you ever realized how adorable your reactions are?” His unrelenting gaze was glued to you and it seemed impossible to escape those stares which had the talent of making your heart beat fast. You couldn’t pinpoint if it was because you were intimidated by him or because of the way he was looking at you.
“See? You’re making an adorable expression again,” Jeonghan laughed once more and pinched your left cheek, making you sneer and push his hand away before you could do any harm.
“Adorable, my ass,” you snapped at him, waving your fork with a piece of bacon at the end which eventually landed into your mouth. “You’re definitely psycho.”
Jeonghan simply raised his eyebrows at you in amusement, not offended at all by your harsh remark. He picked up his newspaper once more and continued reading the business section. You thought he would simply let your snide taunt slide, but you were hugely mistaken.
“Oh and so you know, I’m a sociopath. Find a better insult, darling.”
Jeonghan smiled at you but returned to his reading before he could enjoy seeing you puffing up imaginary steam from your nose in fury.
The only reason why this person irritates you so much is due to the fact that everything he does is an act.
The marriage is a front, a disguise, a disgusting lie.
Several months ago, Jeonghan was activated as a courier for the Soviet agents in Washington while you relay the information he collects to the GRU. In order to camouflage the illegal things you both were doing, the GRU arranged that you and Jeonghan must be married—in that way, you can easily give them the already encoded documents. However, unlike the other Soviet spy rings present in the US, the two of you were not fans of the Communist Party and are doing all these for your own reasons.  
“Can you get me Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ later?” You switched the topic and turned on your business mode. That was your coded exchange that meant Jeonghan must collect the documents from the agents and that Moscow needed to have new information regarding the activities here. The Korean War is still waging till now after all. The USSR surely wants to have the war plans of US and Britain.
“Sure, anything you want,” Jeonghan gave you one of his benevolent smiles again which was obviously fake. He then patted your head and messed your already chaotic bed hair before standing up.
“You’re going now? Will you have dinner here tonight?” You suddenly asked as you stood beside Jeonghan who was putting on his brown coat.
“Oh my, did I just hear my dear wife saying you’ll miss me?” he replied while grinning victoriously. You immediately pursed your lips and harshly tightened his necktie until he choked. You knew it was a bad move to fuel his already overblown ego and someday, you hoped to burst this bubble of his.
“Shut up, Jeonghan. I’m trying to be nice here,” shooting daggers at him with your eyes, his immovable smirk seemed to have grown wider instead.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be home by the usual time,” he walked towards the door yet as he was half-way out of the house, Jeonghan suddenly returned. “Seems like I forgot something.”
By the time he returned, you were already clearing the table of the empty dishes and was surprised to see him back with a concerned look on his face. You thought it must be some urgent matter but when it suddenly dawned to you, you rolled your eyes at him in irritation.
“Damn it, Jeonghan. If this is some joke again, I swear I’ll—”
What took you by surprise was when he suddenly seized your arm and pulled you closer for a kiss. It was simple and chaste yet it still rocked your being back and forth and when he finally let you go, you saw that there was a glint of playfulness in his almond eyes.
“I forgot my goodbye kiss,” Jeonghan murmured while grinning as your eyes were still wide with shock. “Wouldn’t that make us a convincing couple?”
And with that, you finally snapped.
“You…!” Your shoulders trembled in rage as you gave him a hateful glare. “Get your ass out of here already!”
“I will, I will! Well, see you tonight, dear!” he finally left the house while giving a winning snicker and you frowned.
And that ends the usual morning inside the Yoon residence.
Admin Hyeri
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zentheknightingale · 7 years
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This was so sweet my teeth hurt~ Thanks for this! X3
-Admin Bloo~
After a long gaming session on LOLOL, both of you were shocked to see how late it had become.
“It’s really late.” “Yeah, it is.” “…” “Do you want to stay over…?” “Uh, yeah…sure”
Eventually, it is decided that you guys will have a sleepover in the living room!
There was about two feet distance when you both first settled in.
That shrunk to a few centimeters in the morning.
Apparently, you both hadn’t anticipated how cold it would be. So you unconsciously snuggled into each other overnight.
Morning comes in, and you are just unwilling to let go of the warmth, burying yourself deeper in.
Your hair tickles Yoosung’s nose, and it wakes him up.
He sleepily pats your head, trying to identify what it is.
And you look up to see what’s happening, and find his bright purple eyes staring back at you.
You can feel his breath fanning your cheeks; there is barely any distance between you two.
Then you both jump out and try to pretend that didn’t happen.
Both of you were a blushing, stammering mess everywhere for the rest of the morning.
He was so excited to have you sleep over for the night.
He insisted that you sleep next to him on his bed, it is more comfortable than either of them on the couch.
He knew that he couldn’t take it too far; you had only just met face-to-face.
When morning came, you noticed that he had an arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
You turned around to find him awake; smiling at you.
“Good morning, MC” He whispers as he pulls you closer to press a light kiss on the forehead.
While you were in the shower, Zen was congratulating himself while preparing a light breakfast.
He was feeling very smug.
Take that, trustfund kid. I am a real gentleman.
Only to drop whatever he was holding the minute he sees you in his spare clothes since you had nothing to change into.
You two were planning to binge-watch the entirety of any musical Zen has ever been in.
You were slightly skeptical of making it through ALL of them, but Jaehee was STOKED.
You both settled comfortably into the couch with some food within easy reach.
Of course, an ENTIRE NIGHT of binge watching is impossible.
So you both fell asleep at around 3 am, in the middle of Jalapenos no less.
Jaehee was the first to wake up at the crack of dawn with a horrible pain in her neck.
Rubbing it, she realized that you had curled up into her side, and she fell asleep while resting her head on yours
The drool on your face caused her to chuckle a bit, and she grabbed a tissue to wipe it off.
After preparing two mugs of coffee, she gently shakes you awake.
You could definitely get used to waking up to that smell every morning
You had come to his penthouse while he was at work to set up for your first month together.
When he had come home to you greeting him at the doorstep with Elizabeth 3rd in your hands, he felt so tender and content and so at home.
You both had a fine dinner date overlooking the view from the penthouse, and chatted the night away.
Jumin invited you to stay over, since the guest bedroom was always prepared for you.
But, maybe you both had a bit too much wine that night.
You couldn’t let go of each other.
When both of you had changed into something comfortable, you settled yourself under his covers while he slept on top.
Eventually, you got him to come under the covers as well.
When you woke up in the morning, you reached out to find the bed empty.
You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that he was not the first thing you saw in the morning.
You then trod to the kitchen to find him with his shirtsleeves rolled up and wearing a pink frilly apron, flipping pancakes.
“Good Morning, MC. I hope you slept well.” He smiled and brought a pile of pancakes to the table.
“Prepare yourselves for the ultimate sleepover held by your very own defender of justice, 707!”
Saeran just gave you a look and said “I’m going to my own room.” And pat your shoulder pitifully. savageSaeran
You both just lay on his bed and talked about anything and everything in the dark, under his collection of glow in the dark galaxies mapped across the bedroom ceiling.
Eventually, you drift off to sleep, and he drapes a comforter on top of both of you and is knocked out as well.
You’re the first one to rise in the morning, and are immediately greeted by the sight of a drooling and snoring tomato-head.
He has efficiently tangled you tightly though, so you have no way of immediate escape.
Instead, you just look at his sleeping face, commiting the image in front of you to memory.
You’re still not used to seeing him without his glasses on, so you lightly trace a vague outline of them on his face.
When you reach the bridge of his nose, his face scrunches up a bit.
The sight is too much; you start giggling softly.
This wakes him up, and he feel like he is flying.
Seeing your beautiful smile first thing in the morning is literally heaven.
He pulls you in tighter, jokingly threatening to never let you go. You play along, lightly shrieking as he tickles you a bit.
You are both interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.
Feed the hungry Edgelord™
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