#on one hand it’s funny cause some kid is having their anime fan art displayed to the world
isopods-anonymous · 1 year
The best part about driving to work is the giant anime boy billboard celebrating a kid’s (presumably the artist) Highschool graduation.
The second best part is the second anime boy billboard with the same exact picture but smaller.
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feijuan · 6 years
Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis, Am I Right?
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This review contains a lot of spoilers -- I do not know how much of the anime is congruent with the manga, and as such there may be manga spoilers in this review as well. 
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On one hand, as we all ought to know very well,  
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But on the other hand, I think I liked season 2 of Fist of the North Star: Regenesis more than the first, somehow. I also hate to admit there were parts of season 2 I liked completely unironically, as ridiculous and contrived as most of it was. Such is often my experience with every Fist of the North Star anime, game, etc, that I watch -- though I expected it much less from this, on account of it being maligned by pretty much everyone I know who knows anything about Fist of the North Star, for
Being made entirely in CGI (though I still think it’s the designs that are awful, and not necessarily the fact that it’s CGI, but to each their own I suppose when it comes to visuals)
Apparently not following canon much at all, but that doesn’t matter to me because I don’t know anything about Fist of the Blue Sky canon anyway, which makes my viewing experience… interesting… because I just had to accept whatever nutso bonkers lunacy I saw on the screen as truth.
I berated the first season quite a lot, not just for issues in adaptation, but for issues that are almost certainly in the source material as well. I thought the setting was a ridiculously contrary backdrop for the kind of martial arts antics happening on screen, in a literary and in a visual sense. The martial arts themselves, while always ludicrous in the franchise as a whole, were especially so in Fist of the Blue Sky - and in Regenesis their visual presentation was frankly awful, managing to be both tacky beyond imagining and super underwhelming. The writing had serious problems that required -- I'm not kidding and wish I was -- a Magical Jewel That Showed The Antagonist The Truth to resolve the finale, and the backstory we saw through this Plot Orb was complete and utter nonsense, the likes of which I haven't quite seen in a very long time. This really doesn't even cover all of the issues in the first season of Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis alone, because the majority of the characters aren't great either, including the protagonist whose value largely seems reliant on being an allusion to the already beloved Kenshiro, and the abundance of small contrivances throughout to fuel completely unnecessary conflicts.
As objectively bad as Regenesis was though, there were some things I enjoyed about it, namely a few of the characters. I loved Fei Yan and Erika, and as much as I hated Yasaka at first, he grew on me – though that was born from the absurdity of his redemption that made it impossible for me to take any of his crimes seriously. On that line of thought though, what I often enjoyed about season 1 was the spectacle of it, and I think that’s pretty clearly evidenced by my liveblog where I was either losing my mind and frantically posting screencaps to try and even begin to understand what I was looking at and how it was possible, or posting about Fei Yan Being Great. And sometimes complaining when I had the energy to think about the awful writing, instead of laugh it off…
So that was season 1. But what did season 2 have to offer, and could it redeem the anime, even a little bit? Well, short answers: A bit more, and not particularly. So let's get to the list making:
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Things I decidedly didn’t like at all about Season 2
Need I even say anything about how the CG model proportions are still awful... looking Yu Ling's model makes me ache all over. But not only are the models in general still grotesque, but there were a few too many instances of flashbacks where characters were supposed to be teens, but they either had a kid model, or an adult model. There's no inbetween.  It's extremely weird and jarring when in one flashback Simeon looks like a 12 year old with similarly young looking Himuka, and then "a few years later" Simeon still has the 12 year old boy model, while Himuka has evolved into a 30 year old buff martial artist.
Fei Yan is Still Dead and Yasaka is good but he's not that good. This is admittedly a petty complaint but try to understand... Fei Yan was really good. And I miss him. Thank you for listening.
Fei He was wildly under-utilized, under-developed, and usually just a woman for male characters to make fun of or infantalize -- which is a crying shame (and unfortunately par the course for the franchise, ahem) because she was a link back to Fei Yan and his legacy. Having been partially brought up by him and idolizing him in her youth, she arrives near the end of season 1 to track down Kasumi, who she is pointlessly misled into believing killed Fei Yan for a few episodes. Later in season 2 when she does discover it was Yasaka who killed Fei Yan, nothing… happens, because by that time she has already come to respect Kasumi, so it’s trivially easy for Kasumi to convince her to forgive Yasaka just like he did. Once her initial motivation is snuffed out, she just becomes a detached ally of our secondary protagonist group, which consists of Yu Ling, minor members of the Green Gang, and the worst characters of the entire show!
The comedy duo. Far and away the worst aspect of both seasons of the whole show. The CG? The ugly art style in general? The casual misogyny? The non-canon mismatched cult planning world domination with nuclear weapons? That all pales in comparison to the damage these freaks wreck on every episode they are in.
Their horrendous “bits” are where like 80% of the misogyny this show displays actually occurs. Their boorish fantasies are used as vehicles for the only fanservice scenes in the entire run, and they make up ridiculous plans for Fei He to carry out that degrade her and make her a joke.Their bits are tone-shatteringly out of place and usually shoehorned into every episode since their introduction in the middle of season 1 at the worst time possible. I’m still seething about their prolonged scene in the finale where Yu Ling inexplicably rubs the metal-haired one’s head while her fiancee fights for his doomed life, and he pretty much c*ms and his metal wig falls off to reveal a single disgusting hair on his head -- we literally cut away from the final fight in the whole series so we can see THAT. LIKE WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
This show is already so far-fetched and often unintentionally hilarious that it doesn’t benefit in any way from having gag characters in the first place. It’s a net loss in entertainment value, really, because all the gag characters did was ruin serious scenes and interrupt outrageous scenes that were actually funny.
The whole thing with the vampire cyborg mad scientist soldier making pseudo-zombies. That was a lot even for Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis.
Oh, and another quick note about Fei He being poorly utilized: I also didn't like at all how she is revealed to have fallen in love with Kasumi in the finale... like c'mon. Was that necessary? They barely ever spoke! A woman can care about a man dying without being A Thing, Fist of the North Star...
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Things I unexpectedly didn’t hate and even sort of liked to varying degrees about Season 2
Speaking of Kasumi, he was a lot more likable in this season and I don't know if it's because we naturally got to know him better as we spent more time with him, or if it's because he just Did More Good Stuff than before, but I'm leaning towards the latter. I really liked his tender moments with Erika going up to the finale and his fight with Himuka was leagues above any of his fights previously in terms of giving us some actual meaningful insight into his personality and beliefs. It's a shame these moments happened in the last two episodes of the series... But I am willing to concede that they were fairly successful in making me like him just in time for him to honourably wander off into the desert and die. Thanks.
As much as I heckled the literally religious cult composed of men in black, mysterious worshippers with pointed hoods sitting around a table plotting world domination, mad scientist soldiers, and assorted martial artists, I ended up kind of liking where the story went with it and the themes that were developed in the last stretch. The second arc had a very on the nose stance on war and weapons of mass destruction as the worst of humanity's creations, and we see it in a lot of places in the story. The narrative unfolding at a time when World War II was on the horizon, the nuclear bomb schematics that had been causing all of the strife in the story being erased from Erika's (a little Jewish girl, as well) mind in the end, and how Himuka was driven to villainy by war and became convinced the only way to create a future without it, was to hit the Hard Reset Button on the earth's population. For all its shortcomings with dealing with the -isms, Fist of the North Star has at least always had anti-war themes, but I especially liked how they were more focused and rooted in history in this season of Regenesis.
I actually... liked?! The villains?!
Simeon had a motivation that was irrational and pathetic, but made sense because of his background. Instead of the story trying to redeem or sympathize with him, he is simply pitied by Himuka who usurps him and puts him out of his misery, which is very rare for Fist of the North Star as a whole. It shouldn't be as rare as it is.
While I liked the anti-war themes, Himuka's motivation felt a lot less organic than Simeon's in my opinion and required a whole episode to be dedicated to explaining it to us, which I'm not a huge fan of unless it's really compelling -- and I don't think it was. Nevertheless I did enjoy his final fight with Kasumi and the philosophy of it, which made it harder than usual not to bend to the narrative's will and mourn him.
They weren’t glorified misogynists or cartoonishly evil goons! 👍
Himuka betraying Simeon and becoming The Real Big Bad was also rather fresh for Fist of the North Star, and it's a shame that it was spoiled in the opening, because if it wasn't I think I might have been surprised. Regardless, shifting gears like that was a good move in my opinion -- even though, yeah, The Villain Is Your Brother, Again.
When Kasumi wins his final battle against Himuka, and Himuka says "I have always been a vessel of nothingness. There is nothing to spill from inside of me" and he like, turns to stone in the rising sun, instead of dying from his wounds? Did it make any sense? No. Was it was raw as fuck and did I love it? Yes.
Erika... her arc in season 2 is very bittersweet, but it is undeniable that I was relieved when Kasumi erased her memories. It's probably not kosher, but when I was watching it I agreed with the narrative's claim that her only way to be free of her immense suffering and live like a little girl should was to clean the slate, and months later when I think back to it, I'm still okay with it. A little girl watching her parents die and being burdened with knowledge that can destroy the world, and everything that happens to her and her guardians because of wicked men trying to get that knowledge from her... I can't really fault the idea of taking that away from her and letting her finally rest. Go play in a sandbox dearest Erika... run along...
Every episode felt like 5 minutes long!
So that's the final impressions of Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis -- I ended up having more to say about it than I thought I would, considering how I was speechless most of the time I was watching it... with a list of Positive Points that long, you might be tricked into thinking it's unexpectedly good; but despite everything I liked about it, I can say with confidence that Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis is not good. All of the issues from the first season do carry over into this one -- the contrived story-telling and egregious tonal dissonance, lackluster characterization and poor handling of character drama, and just plain absurdity of most things happening on the screen remain intact. Had it not been for a small hand full of likable characters and some good themes trying to pierce through the hideous hide of this story, it would be thoroughly unremarkable, perhaps not even worth touting as a hilarious spectacle of out of context screenshots.
I can't be too sour though, because then I would be dishonest. It's clear as day that while understanding why it is so maligned, I enjoyed many parts of it far more than expected, and the experience of watching it with my partner was fun and at times even emotional. And as much as I can say with confidence that Fist of the Blue Sky: Regensis isn't a good anime, I can also say with confidence, that Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis was not even remotely the Worst Anime Of 2018. I think it's very telling that in the anime community, being completely mediocre with bad aesthetics and bad story adaptation are worse sins than that of, say, The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar and Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody which are both "escapism" series that aired in 2018 and were rampant with pedophilia and slave fetishization that were popular on Crunchyroll when they were airing. Front Page Popular.
Needless to say, watching lots of airing anime every season gives me a sense of perspective and I use it, and so I am content with admitting that I happily watched Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis every Monday that it aired and often had a great time, oftentimes because it was an absolute riot to see, and sometimes because despite everything, it could be... decent!
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[Happy very belated New Years everyone! I finally finished writing something, so hopefully this bodes well for my productivity in 2019! Enjoy and thanks for sticking with the blog!]
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The Life and Death of Dragonball Evolution
  In the fall of 1998, just a few months before Kids' WB gained a record-breaking hit with Pokemon, Cartoon Network made their own landmark anime acquisition: Dragon Ball Z. For a series that would soon become synonymous with the medium of anime itself in America, Dragon Ball Z hadn't exactly had a smooth time making a name for itself in the states. Its first dub had run for two seasons and then been canceled as broadcast syndication companies just didn't seem too thrilled about it and others wanted to focus their attention elsewhere, leaving Goku homeless — a Saiyan without a channel.
  Cartoon Network began to air reruns on weekdays and ordered more episodes to be dubbed due to their success. Soon Dragon Ball Z began to make a splash in the home video market, breaking the Top 10 in video sales at times. In the span of a few years, Dragon Ball Z went from seemingly being a lost cause to a household name, as for many, Dragon Ball Z wasn't just another anime series. It WAS anime. And this, like with anything that becomes popular in the entertainment world, attracted some outside attention.
  $100 million worth of attention, to be exact.
  What followed would lead to one of the most infamous anime adaptations ever: Dragonball Evolution, a movie that remains decried by anime fans and its own filmmakers to this day. Its story is not a simple one, but one that deserves to be told.
  Part 1: Big Screen Dreams
  In March 2002, Twentieth Century Fox announced that they'd gathered the rights to make a live-action version of Dragon Ball Z, one that they planned to spend $100 million on. Now, Fox was no stranger to big action blockbusters based on comics. In 2000, they'd released X-Men, which gathered solid reviews and made nearly $300 million worldwide. Along with Blade, this signaled a comeback tour for superhero films, a genre that seemed in dire need of a reboot after the immense critical failure of 1997's Batman & Robin.
  Fox had big franchise plans for X-Men and began formulating the same for Dragonball — along with plans for other Shonen Jump series. And to show that they intended on making something that lived up to the grandeur of the work it was based on, they enlisted Dragonball creator Akira Toriyama as creative consultant, with Toriyama saying, "I have always drawn my manga with the desire to create something unique to comics ... But recent movies have surprised us by entering such territory that used to belong only to comics with wonderful technology and wisdom."
    But while a promise of a $100 million smash would seem to indicate a quick push forward, it wasn't to be. In fact, over two years went by before a screenwriter was announced. Ben Ramsey, who had written The Big Hit for Sony and was now working on adapting Luke Cage for them (this film would never end up being made), signed on to write Dragon Ball Z.
  This was long before Disney and Marvel began to gather all of their heroes under one Mickey Mouse shaped umbrella, by the way. Just a few years earlier, Marvel had declared bankruptcy and then offered EVERY property they had to Sony for only $25 million (To put that in perspective, Robert Downey Jr. would be paid $50 million just to be in the first Avengers.) Sony wasn't interested, of course. They usually only have eyes for Spider-Man.
  Ramsey was paid half a million for the script — of which the original version seems to attempt to flesh out the world of Dragonball. Krillin was there (for a little bit), and so was Pilaf, the Ox King, Oolong, and many others. In fact, a bunch of the more fantastical elements from the original Dragonball series at least made cameo appearances, even if their roles and designs seemed to be drastically altered for a live-action film.
  Ramsey seemed like a good fit for a Dragonball film. He's a big fan of martial arts movies like Enter the Dragon and actors like Bruce Lee and Sonny Chiba. He'd also eventually direct martial artist/actor Michael Jai White in the supremely underrated underground fight flick Blood and Bone. And a few years later, Dragonball would gain a man with plenty of credentials in the world of martial arts cinema: Stephen Chow.
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    Most people know Chow from the martial arts parody films he directed like Kung Fu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer, films that, while funny, also display a deep love for and knowledge of martial arts flicks. It had all come after starring in copious Hong Kong action and comedy films in the '90s, and considering the tone of Dragonball, Chow seemed uniquely suited to oversee such a project. But Chow would not be directing it, as he preferred to only direct things that he had created.
  Chow would sit in the producer's role and instead, 20th Century Fox would hand the directing duties to James Wong, who was fresh off of Final Destination 3. He'd also directed the first Final Destination and the Jet Li sci-fi/action film The One, but admitted that he wasn't very familiar with Dragonball at the start. He dug the script, but only became truly enthusiastic about the prospect of the movie after being sent some of Toriyama's manga, which he considered "amazing." In fact, before reading the manga, he revealed that he didn't know "what to do with this thing."
  He also wanted to "incorporate some hip hop or dance moves" into the fight scenes of the film, finding that they made things more fun. That claim remains questionable.
  The actors were also set around this time, with 25-year-old Justin Chatwin playing the 18-year-old Goku, James Marsters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame playing Goku's enemy/rival Piccolo, and the legendary Chow Yun-Fat playing Master Roshi. And then finally, in November 2007, five-and-a-half years after Fox's original statement, the beginning of Dragonball's filming was announced. Immediately, something seemed off.
  Part 2: The Hero's Journey
  In the Variety announcement article, it explained that while Ben Ramsey wrote an earlier draft, James Wong would be directing a script that he wrote. Now, this is not uncommon in Hollywood. Plenty of directors take a sort of editing stab at their screenwriter's material. What makes it odd, though, is that in the end, Wong would not be credited for the script that he "penned." Instead, the credit would go entirely back to Ramsey when the film was released, a film that was not yet called "Dragonball Evolution," just simply "Dragonball."
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    And where would they shoot Dragonball? Durango, Mexico, with Durango meeting the crew's needs in terms of resources while the film's production provided many jobs for the city. This might seem odd, but Durango was no stranger to Hollywood productions. John Wayne's The Sons of Katie Elder had been shot there, and so had Clark Gable's The Tall Men. It was also known for the filming of Buck and the Preacher, the debut directing job of Sydney Poitier, the first African American man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. But those highlights had been decades ago and Durango was looking to reinvent itself as a prominent hub for cinema.
  The Durango Film Commission was also extremely generous with presenting itself as a location option, stating that it would pick up important members of the production in a Lear Jet and offer them a helicopter for production at "no cost." While a backlot would be built for exterior scenes, most of the film would be shot in an abandoned Jeans Trousers factory, turned into a 1,000-foot long filmmaking facility for Dragonball.
  The process of actually filming Dragonball was rough, though. Marsters required a four-hour make-up job for Piccolo and if he didn't cool off between takes, he'd sweat the make-up and prosthetics off. The harsh desert winds damaged multiple set-pieces and Wong would tell Newsarama, "It didn't seem like we had an easy day on this movie at all," and that he wasn't sure what certain special effects-heavy sequences would end up looking like.
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    Regardless, the actors would remain optimistic. A few months after filming began, Marsters told TVGuide that Dragonball was "the coolest television cartoon of the last 50,000 years," had a "Shakespearean sense of good and evil," and that he was told that the film would cost "about $100 million." He lamented that the female characters in the original series "aren't drawn well," but "we're going to fix that in the movie."
  Chatwin, who'd appeared a few years earlier in Stephen Spielberg's War of the Worlds remake (where Dragon Ball toys can be seen in his character's bedroom) would compare Goku to Luke Skywalker. Chow Yun-Fat would say that he enjoyed working on the film, as did many of the other actors. Late in 2008, with the release of its first trailer, Dragonball was quietly renamed Dragonball Evolution, hinting that we wouldn't quite be getting the full Dragonball story, but rather a chunk of it. And in a few months, this hint would turn into a promise.
  Part 3: Ya' Gotta Wait Until The Next Episode For It To Get Good
  With the American release date just weeks away, a new round of press would center on one specific theme: Don't worry, it gets better in the next movie.
  Marsters had signed for three movies but wanted to make five, or even seven since "my character only really gets interesting in the second film." Chatwin said "there's so much we haven't shown yet," and seemed to describe the first film as mostly exposition, but still worth watching. Chatwin also noted that the sequel would dive more into Dragon Ball Z territory and that there was a script for a second film already written, but he'd only heard about it and hadn't read it yet.
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    On April 9, 2009, one day before the United States release, an interview with director Wong on Telecinco news gave an even more sobering look at the film. He talked about working on "three or four" drafts, though there was already a script by Ramsey, and that "In the world of 'Dragon Ball' anything is possible and there were many fantastic elements that I wanted to include in the film, but we couldn't really afford it." This quote would come after the reveal that, despite the multiple claims of a $100 million budget beforehand, the budget actually came in at half that, totaling $50 million.
  Wong seemed interested in making sure the film was grounded enough to get non-fans into the series, fearing that fantastical elements would confuse or drive them away. He mentioned getting rid of a "talking animal" character (probably Oolong or the shapeshifting squirrel-esque creature Puar) from an earlier script draft, and that while the manga had unlimited freedom, the movie had to be limited due to "the time we had and for the budget." He also said that he didn't really pay attention to any internet criticism and that he'd be happy to do another Dragonball film if it was the sequel "that we all want."
  The film had premiered in Japan the previous month, with Chatwin describing a plan to have him explode out of a giant ball at the Japanese premiere as silly at first, but eventually pretty cool. He also recalled being confused by the Japanese audience's silent reception of it, eventually rectifying it as the response of a "more respectful" culture. His take on the budget? "Dragonball was a $120 million film."
  But despite efforts like a tie-in PSP video game and a Shonen Jump Dragonball Evolution posterzine released by VIZ Media, nothing could stop the tide that was about to hit the film. It made less than $10 million in the United States (the 2018 anime film Dragon Ball Super: Broly would make over twice as much) and the reviews were overwhelmingly negative. Critics called it "uninspired," "cliche-ridden" and a "surreal mess," among many, many other things.
  So what happened? Well, to answer that, we have to look at what didn't happen ...
  Part 4: "A Strange Confidence"
"I was told it was a $100 million picture, and Stephen Chow would be producing. I get down to Mexico, it's a $30 million picture. No one's met Stephen Chow, he's only on paper. Aaaand I got no stuntman."
  That was James Marsters' response to a question about Dragonball Evolution at Monster Mania 2009, just four months after the release of the film. Nine years later, he'd say that he was told the film had a $120 million budget at first and that both he and Chow Yun-Fat had gone to Mexico excited to work with Stephen Chow. But Stephen Chow wasn't there, leaving Marsters and Chow Yun-Fat "fooled" and "cursing in the desert."
  So where was Stephen Chow? Well, a few days after the American release, the reason for Chow's disappearance from anything to do with Dragonball Evolution, from the production to the promotion, was revealed: No one had let him do his job. "Except for giving a few suggestions, I did not have an actual role," he told a reporter during a phone interview. "It's true that they did not accept my decisions," he added.
    And what of Akira Toriyama's role as a "creative consultant?" He'd found that the script didn't make the best use of the characters and their world, "so I cautioned them, and suggested changes; but in spite of that, they seemed to have a strange confidence, and didn't really listen to me." He'd also claim to be "upset" about it.
  Ben Ramsey, who'd taken a lot of flack for being credited with the screenplay, initially said in a 2010 interview "Go talk to the director about that one! That's his vision, not mine" However, in 2016, he'd issue an apology for the film's script, calling the experience of writing for such a reviled film "gut-wrenching," and receiving the hate mail "heartbreaking." He admitted to writing the project for the money, rather than as a fan, and didn't blame "anyone for Dragonball but myself."
  And when it comes to creating films that he's actually passionate about? "That's the only work I do now."
  For more of my Crunchyroll Deep Dives, click here to read Licensing of the Monsters: How Pokemon Ignited An Anime Arms Race
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  Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
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arimayusa · 7 years
thoughts on the tokyo ghoul movie
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so I saw it yesterday and woAH the movie was amazing, but I ended up knocking out before I finished typing up all my thoughts, but now that i'm done with all my work for today, it’s time to post my opinions about the live action tg movie!! :D
(this is really long and includes a bunch of spoilers about the movie so it will be under the cut)
Masataka Kubota is an awkward adorable dork, case closed & Hide was really well casted too! 
his cheerfulness and loud attitude really emphasized how opposite and introverted Kaneki is in comparison
I was happy to see that Kaneki’s desk was littered with books (like a crap ton of books), basically mplying he was a literature major without actually stating so + showing his love for books
SEN TAKATSUKI!!!! (sadly she wasn’t there but at least her name was mentioned)
omg Kaneki had such a stupid grin after looking at his calendar marked with "date with Rize"
only noticed it cause I saw it at the TG cafe, but Kaneki had a picture of him and Hide in elementary school taped on the top of his desk
the whole date with Rize was super awkward (especially the pasta part lol) but I think it created a strange (in a good way) tone leading up to the surprise of Rize’s reveal
omg the actress who played Rize was so good too :0 like the the shift in the pitch of her voice from shy and cute to the deeper, sensual one like in the anime when she revealed that she was a ghoul was so gooood
pretty sure the two people I went with were weirded out by how much I was giggling as Kaneki got flung around like a ragdoll by Rize
I thought the funeral scene was a nice touch, showing how Kaneki's been alone for so long (except for Hide of course)
Hide's drawing of a ghoul from the manga was still included even though it didn’t happen in Anteiku in the beginning (instead it was by on Kaneki's Campus notebook which was also on display at the TG cafe)
when Kaneki hallucinates Rize in his room, her shadow was a centipede on the ceiling!!! 
that was a neat reference thrown in for the fans since we don't make it to Aogiri arc in the movie
that was one of the many things that only manga readers would've understood (which made the movie even more fun for me since that means if was made with that intention and care)
askdflkef when Touka threw cake at Kaneki after getting pissed off I was just like "lmao he's gonna get you a cake for your wedding later you know"
once again, of course Nishiki was perfect casting
I laughed a little too hard when Kimi was embarrassed & Nishiki kept staring at her chest with a blank stare while Hide and Kaneki just kinda stood at the door to his room
the Kaneki licking Hide's face scene™ was so funny (there’s all the Hidekane we gonna get y’all)
one thing that was real cute (cause it happened several times throughout the movie) was Touka telling Kaneki that he was an idiot and to stop crying and after the 1st time (when he learned he could drink coffee), Touka started saying it in a teasing tone rather than an angry one
the scene where Mado and Amon were introduced was actually pretty intimidating, it was right after they killed Hinami’s dad and Mado had Amon smash the ghouls hands with a rock that got bloodier as he continued (luckily the hand was off screen) in order to open
Amon's actor whoo boy (even my mom thought he was hot lmao)
oh my the scene where Mado held up the donut and asked "can you fall in love with this,” Amon was just staring at the donut (but we all know he was nodding inside guys)
(ok now this is me writing the day after aka today and I'm already forgetting the order of certain scenes so this may be slightly out of order rip)
Yoriko was so cute!!!! her actress was really pretty I wish we saw more of her... 
I thought the food scene was kinda awkward though since it's wasn't at their school, but it was funny when Kaneki asked to have some too and Touka wouldn't let him have any
I was trying to look for Touka's bunny charm but I didn't notice it!! I did see something on Yoriko's bag though???
the “shuu” kanji scene was done a little differently but I liked it more
lol Hinami first asked Touka how to read the kanji but she didn’t know (because Touka-chan is bad at Japanese) so Kaneki explained
then Touka was just like "haha yeah that's it" pretending that she had just forgotten and Hinami straight savage calls her out, saying that Touka didn't know in the first place
Kaneki and Hinami both giggled at Touka and ahhh it was so cute, they felt like a family
the process in which Amon, Mado, and Kusaba determined who Ryouko and Hinami were made A LOT more sense in the movie than the animeit showed almost the entire process of them finding evidence starting from simply a string of fabric left behind on Hinami’s father’s clothes
*winks aggressively at Ishida and the director for the graffiti of a scythe and XIII in the background*
Hajime made his cameo the same way he did in the manga (and BOY DID I WANNA SLAP HIM RIGHT THERE that kid has a shady look on his face already I stg)
oh yeah the kagune! I thought they looked pretty decent actually
I liked how the scales shimmered and stuff, but of course some scenes kinda looked too CGI-y (especially the fight with Nishiki)
#blessed that they included the "I would be sad if you died Touka-chan scene"
the training montage with Kaneki and Touka / Amon was so cooooool (ok stfu Alyssa you just loved it cause you got to see strong Touka & shirtless Amon)
omg Kaneki apologizing after landing a hit on Touka for the first time was adorable ok
Touka's overalls when they went to HySy were really cute. I want to draw it when the movie comes out online later
idk why but I kept laughing at the little wrist watch radios that Amon and Mado had on their arms to contact each other???? it was just really weird and funny to see for some odd reason
ohh ok probably one of my favorite scenes was when Kaneki just started fucking speeding towards Amon's car which caused him to jam the brakes (bc some random hooded dude is just sprinting towards you in the middle of the street what else would you do)
then Kaneki just freakin jumps on it all slow mo and flips it over because he's dramatic like that
idk if this was in the manga but Doujima rotated and grinded Kaneki's kagune during the fight (which made more sense then a lollipop that Amon just swings around)???
besides some of the awkward shots in the movie, my only other criticism was that some of the fight scenes were drawn out way too long
Amon and Kaneki's was ok for the most part, but Touka and Mado's fight felt REALLY drawn out. they kept just standing and talking a lot
I tried it on when I was at the cafe but seeing Kaneki wearing the mask during his fight was way cooler and the shot of him unzipping it was noice 
when Kaneki started losing his sanity during the fight with Amon, Kubota had this really psychotic laugh that made me giggle a lot ahhh
yo guys there was a bloody tear from Kaneki's ghoul eye that dripped onto Amon's right eye (his future ghoul eye)... like much wow such foreshadowing director/ishida
near the end, Amon brings flowers to Mado’s grave, but sadly Akira doesn’t show up cryy
all in all I thought it was a very enjoyable, pretty accurate adaptation (definitely one of the best anime live actions & *cough* better than the anime)
I went with two people who knew very little about TG, except for it’s premise, and they thought the movie was really good themselves (although a little too much blood in one of their opinions). Throughout the movie there was a bunch of hidden stuff for fans & probably a bunch more symbolism that I missed so I can't wait to rewatch it in the future (I wish I could go see it again this week tbh) and find even more stuff!!
oh one more thing! the credits were really pretty with BANKA playing in the background and there was some cool art during the scroll
I got pictures of three of them: the Owl/Dog/Ape, Touka's kagune, and Hinami's kagune!
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franeridart · 7 years
after watching the new episode i was wondering if it possible for TodoBaku or is there moment that show Bakugou doesn't really mind about Todoroki in the later chapter ? and what's your opinion in TodoBaku ? how do you see their relationship ? Thanx :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh what a good great unexpected question - personally, I don’t ship it romantically one bit, but it is one of my favorite dekusquad/bakusquad relationships - I guess you might consider it something similar to an accidental sort-of-friendship neither of them seem to actually have noticed yet? It’s definitely a unique relationship for either of them, at least… they make it clear more than once that they Do Not Give A Fuck about the other’s personal struggles, I just can’t see them talking and finding sympathy in each other, but that just ends up giving them a kind of blunt and no-bullshit relationship that doesn’t stop them from working together when needed. I don’t know how to properly explain it, honestly, but they’re fun! 
I don’t know how much spoilers you want so I’ll keep this as vague as I can, but they do happen together more than either of them would like, and their relationship is a really amusing one for me - Todoroki actually cracks jokes with Bakugou around, though always with his neutral face and making fun of Bakugou himself when he does, and the way he has of just straight out ignoring Bakugou’s insults and fire-spitting and answering as if they were having a civil conversation is weirdly entertaining tbh
I wouldn’t say that Bakugou “doesn’t mind Todoroki”, but he does end up having way more important things to think about than his one-sided rivalry with him, and once he starts settling things with Deku the narrative mostly moves to push in that direction, which means that every interaction he has with Todoroki is either on neutral grounds or in the middle of forced cooperation, pushing any antagonism they might have to the background, really - also, the more the story goes on the more Bakugou becomes civil with the rest of the class, so there’s that too! Anyway, they’re fun to me, I wish to draw more of them in the future tbh
Anon said:I do laugh at Bakugou’s reaction on the podium bc visually its animated funny. But u r right that the whole thing is fucked. How is that even appropriate to do to him? And it takes until after his fight with deku many arcs later for All Might to say “we maybe sort of neglected this kid’s mental health.” Like wtf. It upsets me sometimes to think just how much All Might just doesn’t even *see* Bakugou. So much is wrong about this, from putting Bakugou on display to forcing the medal on him.
Blessed words all of them - it’s why I’m such a fan of the idea of Bakugou without even noticing switching his role model to Aizawa, actually? Aizawa’s the only adult figure in the whole manga who’s constantly been there for Bakugou, he has his future and mental health and reputation constantly in mind and works his ass off to try and help him along as much as possible, he takes note of everything Bakugou goes through, every switch in mood and worsening in personality and interpersonal relationships, and he’s always incredibly fast in nudging him towards the right path again - and Bakugou noticed. He trusts Aizawa to know him, follows his directions and accepts his advices, believes he’ll have his back without an ounce of doubt, that’s the tutor/student relationship Bakugou deserves 
I understand that All Might has a lot of problems of his own and he’s just learning to be a teacher anyway, but he found it in himself to be there for Deku, while Bakugou has been obviously staring at his back for the whole length of the manga and it took All Might 120 chapters to notice, that’s just plain sad
Anon said:What’s your favorite Bakugou headcannon?
BOI I have a lot! One is mentioned in the ask up there, actually haha but generally you can see most of them in my art? I like the idea of him being an artist a lot, given how both his parents are into it, I like to think he’s a rock-music type of kid, I have weird headcanons about his dorm room all including too fancy-looking designer furniture and one too many hero figures stuffed under his bed - he might have a fire extinguisher or two in there as well. Also, he’s a restless sleeper (more like a fighter sleeper) and never wears socks ever
I like to think most of his clothes are black because it’s the color on which the soot from his explosions is the least noticeable, and that he unironically honest to god thinks skulls are the coolest thing ever and can’t stop himself from buying every piece of clothing with them on it (first time he entered Tokoyami’s room he died what a cool place he never wanted to leave ever again); that he really doesn’t like the sea - or taking long baths/showers - because water washes his sweat away and he feels defenceless and it’s horrible, and that rain makes him useless like it does to Mustang from FMA (haha)
He names everything after fire arms (has an extensive, nearly to the point of being uselessly detailed knowledge of those) be it his special moves or his pets or his toys when he was a kid or every and each of the pokemon he’s ever had in any game he’s ever played - he’s a gamer! Mostly into fighting games, though they frustrate him because now and again he blows the controller up without realizing and he’s forced to stop playing, but he also likes strategy-based rpgs a lot (all his characters are called King Of Explodo-kills. All of them)
He talks in hyperboles most of the times, means a thing but uses a word fifty times stronger than necessary to express it instead, and he’s so not used to positive emotions that the first time he feels them it takes him a while to figure out exactly what it is that he’s feeling - he’s an affectionate friend, though he has weird ass ways of showing it, and this part of him is new to him as well since it’s just coming out now that he’s got the squad (he was nearly sure the kids in middle school were his friends, but what kind of friend leaves you to be saved by Deku when a villain attacks?) (meeting the squad made him realize he’d never actually had friends before, it was a bittersweet feeling)
………..okay enough, you asked for my fave and I just blabbered half an hour. I don’t even know which one’s my fave tbh hahaha
Anon said:as much as I like the anime, seeing the sports festivals always makes me sad because bakugou is still an angry kid, but at that time thats pretty much the only thing people see, while after in the manga, yes hes still angry but hes softer? in a way? idk he grew up so seeing him back at the first point makes me sad (sorry for the rant I have a lot of feelings abt this lmao)
He HAS grown, hasn’t he! I hadn’t realized just how much until I saw him back at the beginning of this season yelling at Todoroki the he should stop thinking about Deku and start worrying about him - it’s? Painful? He’s in a constant fight against the whole world, while now you see him way more with his guard down and just… existing. I’m so proud of him and all the good great amazing relationships he’s built ;u;
Anon said:What episode 12 needs is the bakusquad getting angry at how Bakugou was treated because you can’t convince me they were okay with that.
Hmmmmmmmmmm boy I would love that, but all things considered at that point, given how Kaminari and Mina and Sero reacted to Bakugou’s fight with Uraraka, I can kind of safely assume they didn’t think much of it cause they honestly thought Bakugou would flip and destroy the world if not restrained - Kirishima might have found it eccessive, possibly, but in that case too his relationship with Bakugou was just being formed, he didn’t know Bakugou enough to be sure he wouldn’t just lounch himself at Todoroki as soon as he was free
What I can imagine is all four of them some months in the future thinking back on it and going, man, fuck, that really was messed up, what the hell, and for a whole week Bakugou’s highly confused and kinda creeped out by how nice they’re being to him (at some point he starts thinking it’s a quirk) (they stop and go back to normal once they realize he’s honestly trying to figure out a way to unmake it)
Anon said:have you ever thought about…. ojinari (denki and ojirou) beings best buds or just hanging out? and i always liked the idea that baku and kiri get a little jealous whenever denki fawns over ojirou’s soft tail
I have!! It’s also pretty much canon, they’re seen interacting a lot - I don’t know about jealousy tho, mostly because I like to think Baku and Kiri enjoy Ojiro’s friendship a whole damn lot too haha Ojiro’s probably the only one who trains just as much as they do, really, he must be a great gym partner
Anon said:Holy mother of–the medal around Bakugou’s neck is just–I have no words but it’s such a really thoughtful and beautiful way to represent just *waves hands* I can’t explain it but it was really perfect and you’re such a great artist aND BAKU DESERVES BETTER
Holy smokes thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;A;;; I’m so glad you liked it, oh b o i and yessssss at least he deserves a lot more respect than he ever gets from anyone that isn’t his friends ;~;
Anon said:I know the chains and muzzle were probably(?) for comedic effect like “hahaha he’s so angry we had to restrain him” but dang I’m with you that was just wayyy too far. Crossing into inhumane territory there
;-; I’m so glad I’m not the only one that feels like this about that
Anon said:Okay…. but have you considered in the recent chapters….. platonic kirideku….. (please, I need more of their pure friendship)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I have, they’re pretty cute and pure and Kirishima’s a ball of excitement and fighting spirit as usual and Deku is kinda there trying to keep up all wobbly smiles and good intentions (he’s not used to the hype people poor child *pats his head*) which is amusing, I don’t mind their relationship at all! But as of now I still haven’t found anything about it unique and interesting enough to make me want to draw it? They’re cute! But they feel… sorta superficial? Like, Kirishima’s friends with everyone, and Deku’s friends with everyone, so of course they’re gonna be friends with each other too! But that’s about it right now. I dunno, maybe it’ll develop more in the future and I’ll decide I want to draw it, who knows!
Anon said:Have you seen that vine with the drunk guys recording singing backstreet’s back? The guy recording is kiri the guy angrily carrying the other drunk guy is baku and the guy being carried is kami
Oh my god this is the best thing I’ve thought about all day, bless you anon hahaha I can’t stop laughing send h e l p the angry look is just so Baku how did they even get him to carry Kami rip
Anon said:I’m sorry if this is annoying of something (mostly bc it’s not a question really) but I REALLY needed to tell you your art is awesome and you made me giggle like a little girl (especially at your kiribaku stuff), and I spent hours at it. You’re amazing!!
It’s not annoying at all!!!! Oh my god, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Sero giving Bakugo some kind of tape corset is just… omg Fran.
It’s not easy keeping the explosive friend at bay, but someone gotta do it (usually it’s Kirishima) (Sero works well enough when the target of Baku’s yelling is Kiri himself, tho)
Anon said:I just wanted to let you know that bnha has been all over my dash forever but the only reason i’m watching it is you. I found you through your haikyuu art (the bokuku.roteru comic to be specific) and I was sad that you don’t post much hq anymore, so I figured I would watch bnha so that I could enjoy your art to the fullest 😅 I’m only 8 episodes in but i like it so far!
I’m!!!!!! So happy you’re liking it, holy smokes!!!!!!!!! *O* thank you so much for deciding to try it out only for my art, oh myyyyyy ;u;
Anon said:Okay so… This is going to sound honestly terrible but… If Suneater needs to eat something to get his abilities, what would happen if he ate a human with a quirk? Would he be able to use it too?? Gosh. This is so morbid. Sorry for the ask.
DON’T!!!!!!!!!! worry anon this is a home open to every and each speculation as far as quirks go I live for this shit - also I might or might not have thought about this too (I have) and I guess as long as quirks are classified as physical attributes then he would gain the quirk? Mutations, for sure, but stuff like Bakugou’s sweat works too (he can use the venom in the animals he eats so nitroglycerin sweat is fair game) and probably body-shifting like Kirishima would work as well… I’m not sure about stuff like Shinsou’s quirk, but if there’s a gene or an actual mutated part of his body that can make him control people, then probably it’s be okay too
Please Jiki don’t ever eat anyone, tho lol
Anon said:I also am weak for the need vs want. I’ve actually said that to people. Don’t need you, I want you hahaha love you, Fran!!
Anon said:OMG Fran the comic !!! the soft kiribaku !!! and i love that Bakugou can still live without Kirishima but his live will be colourless, just LOVE IT !!!!!!
THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!! I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gingervsblondie · 5 years
Blondie Meets the Boss (1939)
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11:30 PM, Friday, 20 September 2019
Checked Wikipedia. This movie has the same writer, same director, and same actors as Blondie. No regenerations yet.
Welp, I checked the Wiki article for the last movie in the series, same actors still across the board. 12 years later not only was Penny Singleton still Blondie and Arthur Lake still Dagwood, but Larry Simms was still baby Alexander and the same dog Daisy was still playing their dog whose name is also Daisy. 
So uh. I mean, variety’s out the window. I have committed myself to 27 more movies with all these same people. And dog.
Guess I should stop stalling then and start the damn thing huh.
So there’s 26 episodes of the 1957 series, which kept Arthur Lake as Dagwood and recast everyone else, plus a pilot with someone named Hal Le Roy as Dagwood. The 1968 series had the child actors who played Charlie Brown and Lucy in A Boy Named Charlie Brown, so as a Peanuts fan I have that to look forward to. Peanuts being a comic strip that I’ve actually read extensively. See I could’ve dedicated myself to watching every Peanuts special. But that wouldn’t be funny. Also I probably have already. That series had 14 episodes, 13 of which aired before the show got cancelled.
Which, all in all, seems… maybe do-able?
Jesus that can’t be right, apparently that’s 13 hours of Blondie.
You know what?
This might take longer than I thought.
But I can’t be defeated yet. It’s day one.
It may take me longer than I thought, but I believe I can do this. I can watch all of Blondie.
Not because I want to. Not because anybody asked me too. Not even because it’s a remotely practical thing to do.
But for the goof.
I’ll do it for the goof.
For you.
So let’s keep going, shall we?
Blondie Meets the Boss.
Once I check Wikipedia and make sure there’s nothing else.
Alright there’s a radio series with Lake and Singleton. It was concurrent with the movies. There’s 42 half-hour episodes. They’re all on the Internet Archive.
...Fuck. I’m sorry, I’m not committing to those right now. Eventually I’ll get to them. Eventually.
There’s some animated cameos in Popeye and things like that, I’ll skip those until I get all completionist about this when I’ve watched everything else. And there’s two animated specials that Marvel made in the 80s. Those I can watch. I can watch 2 specials.
You know, after the 28 movies.
But before the 40 episodes of TV.
And the 42 episodes of radio.
This seemed less daunting when all I’d said I’d watch was 28 movies. I mean, still daunting, but the horizon was in sight.
Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. 28 movies. I’ll finish the 28 movies, and then we’ll see about the rest.
So if it’s still the same kid playing Alexander 12 years later, and he’s like 3 in this, that’ll make him 15 by the last movie in 1950.
I don’t think “Baby Dumpling” Alexander can be 15? Unless they go all Outnumbered with it. I’d be down.
12:00 AM, Saturday, 21 September 2019
They got a slow motion camera for this. For a shot of the dog. Not doing like a sick stunt or anything. Just a slow motion shot of the dog walking at regular dog speed.
Dagwood keeps yelling “Blondie!” in this one. Is that meant to be his catchphrase? Which he didn’t say last time?
You want to know something funny?
Before I realized what I’d done, I was entertaining the idea of watching, as a follow-up to this endeavor when I’m done with the Blondie movies, every Family Circus special.
But now I know that I won’t be done with Blondie for quite some time.
Over the summer I watched an episode or two of The Dick Van Dyke Show. I think Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke are probably more talented comedians than the stars of Blondie, but so far the premises in Blondie have been more competent from the point of view of structuring comedy. That Dick Van Dyke Show episode didn’t have any kind of pay-off. It was weird. If I’m remembering right, the conflict was that a guy showed up and was annoying, and then at the end he left.
But on the plus side, I don’t have to watch every episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show.
Blondie just said “You’ll kill yourself!” Still concerned about ole Dick Flournoy.
ALRIGHT. I’m 7 minutes and 50 seconds in. I’m going to take a break now. I’ll finish it tomorrow. I mean what’s the rush? I’ve got the rest of my life to watch-
I’m not gonna calculate how many hours of Blondie it is in all. I’m not gonna. You can’t make me.
My dad would probably hate this thing I'm doing. He's always saying "your life is this long," and holding his two fingers up. If he goes on he says something to the tune of "if you spend this much of it on such and such…"
But on the other hand, that one AJR song said "A hundred bad days made a hundred good stories, a hundred good stories make me interesting at parties." 
Well, 28 Blondie movies make one funny statement, that being "I am Euan O'Leary, and I've seen every fucking Blondie movie." 
And I don't go to parties, so.
See I think the thing of it is: I have seen every Godzilla movie. Because I care about Godzilla. Godzilla Raids Again kick-started my love for filmmaking. Every Godzilla movie puts filmmaking as a craft on display, front and centre. And there's a magic in creating giant monsters from rubber suits and model buildings. The magic that makes filmmaking so appealing, so special to me. Suspension of disbelief.
I have no such feelings about Blondie, because I know nothing about Blondie. The Blondie movies are not particularly culturally significant. In a way I think I'm drawn to them because there are 28 of these things, and I could've gone my whole life without knowing. It wouldn't have come up. I've never met anyone who cared about Blondie, actually cared enough to know that there have been more movies about Blondie than James Bond.
And those 28 movies, I can safely bet having seen one now, are totally unremarkable. It's like how Marcel Duchamp's Readymades were objects that he was completely indifferent to, testing the limits of art by removing passion as much as possible.
Not to say I'm not passionate about watching 27 more of these movies. I relish the challenge. It's gonna be fun.
I'm thinking now I’ll just do the movies, because "I've watched every Blondie movie" is a funnier and easier to understand sentence than "I've consumed every piece of Blondie media except for the comic strip, across live action films, TV series, radio shows and animation."
Yeah. No. That's not a premise. Watching all the movies is a premise. And maybe I'll look at the other things if I'm feeling sentimental about the project and don't want it to end.
That is to say, if at the end of the 28 movies I have somehow metamorphosed into a Blondie fanboy.
Anything's possible.
1:03 PM (The next morning)
Okay, I’ve slept on it now. Time to get back to Blondie. Let’s see how Blondie in the morning compares to Blondie late at night.
Dagwood just lost his job (for the second time so far in the series.) With no bag or suitcase, he went into his office and started packing all his things into his hat.
What a loveable doofus.
Okay. So.
The dynamic of this series seems to be that Blondie wears the pants. She’s the dominant one. Whenever Dagwood’s in trouble because he can’t just explain the comedy of errors to whoever he’s in trouble with, Blondie resolves it by asserting herself.
There was just a scene where Dagwood came home having accidentally resigned from his job. Once he’s explained everything to Blondie, she takes off her frilly apron, puts it on him, and says “Whenever I’m miserable, I just take a broom and sweep and sweep! You’ll be surprised how quickly your troubles will disappear.” Dagwood looks dazed, wearing the apron and with the broom in his hand. Blondie puts on her coat and hat, walking determined towards the door to go out and fix everything. “And have a good cry, too. It’ll make you feel better.”
A while back I watched Rebel Without a Cause, the James Dean movie, which features a scene where Dean’s character finds his father cleaning up a mess whilst wearing a frilly apron, wanting to clear it away before Dean’s mother sees. And Dean reprimands him. The implication of the scene is that because his father isn’t asserting his masculinity, and because he’s letting the mother dominate him, he’s depriving his son of a masculine role model and thus traumatizing him. I found this scene pretty repulsive. It’s not just a character acting in a sexist way, it’s a deep-seeded thematic sexism on a philosophical level. It supposes not only that Dean has to aspire to be as strong as his father, and not his mother, but also that men who wear anything like this feminine apron, and it would follow any other feminine clothes, are weak, because women are weak.
Now Blondie is indisputably a strong character. And while I think the scene I just watched was meant to be played for laughs, while it’s meant to be funny that Blondie is suggesting feminine methods of coping with stress to Dagwood, she’s not wrong. “Have a good cry, it’ll make you feel better” is Blondie confidently telling Dagwood to vent his frustrations in a healthy way.
Blondie’s a fucking badass.
Dagwood’s humiliation at being emasculated is indeed being played for laughs as the movie goes on.
Blondie’s still a badass though.
Snort Watch 2019.
Somebody’s breaking into the Bumsteads’ house. Alexander says “Sic’ em, Daisy!” Daisy (the dog) walks into a cupboard. A little puppet dog hand comes around the door and closes it after her.
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They’re playing up really hard how much everyone is mocking Dagwood for wearing an Apron and letting Blondie take charge. Not a fan of that. Meanwhile, Blondie has ended up getting Dagwood’s job at the office, as a result of her showing more strength and confidence than him.
I’m trying to process that.
Reminds me of that one Rocko’s Modern Life episode where Bev Bighead takes over at Ed’s office job.
More infidelity.
Fucking sigh.
I hope not all of these movies are about Dagwood accidentally looking like he’s out with other women behind Blondie’s back and then getting in trouble with Blondie over it.
Ohp. Nope. This time it’s actual infidelity. Dagwood just kissed some girl.
Apparently there were horse-drawn taxis in 1939.
Speaking of which: This movie released March 9th. 6 months to go until World War Two starts.
Blondie and Dagwood sleep in separate beds. Do any couples still sleep in separate beds? I think I’ve only ever seen that in old movies.
Dagwood Sandwich Watch 2019:
Blondie made this one. It looks like a cake.
“I’d be tempted to kill. Yes. Drown Baby Dumpling, and myself too.” -Blondie.
Y’okay there Dick? I’m worried about you.
There’s a bit where Blondie looks at a camera with the initials F. R. written on it. My mind auto-completed Franklin Roosevelt. Blondie asks Dagwood “who goes fishing and has the initials F. R.?” He says “That’s easy, Franklin Roosevelt.”
Getting film developed. That was also a thing. In the PAST.
Rotary phones.
Hell, landlines for that matter.
Dagwood Sandwich Watch 2019:
Alexander made one. It’s really hard to tell what’s in these sandwiches in black and white and 360p.
Dagwood just accidentally won a swing dancing competition by stumbling on the dance floor trying to run away.
What a loveable doofus.
Alright, one more down! Blondie Meets the Boss didn’t leave much of an impression beyond the gender politics side of it. More antics. More sandwiches. Life goes on and so does my quest.
My rating is: one Dagwood Sandwich containing a small fish and peanut butter.
Next up is Blondie Takes a Vacation. Which, interestingly enough, follows directly from the plot of Blondie Meets the Boss, which largely revolved around Blondie and Dagwood not being able to take their vacation.
Blondie Takes a Vacation released just 4 months after Blondie Meets the Boss. Which draws my attention to how quickly they cranked these out: There were 3 Blondie movies in 1939, 3 in 1940, 2 in 1941, 3 in 1942, 2 in 1943, 2 in 1945, 2 in 1946, 4 in 1947, 2 in 1948, 2 in 1949 and 2 in 1950. 12 Blondies were released over the course of WW2.
Hey remember when I mentioned that Blondie and Dagwood sleep in separate beds? Apparently they slept in one bed in the comic strip, and at the time that was shocking. Stumbled upon a list of facts about the strip while I was setting up the blog.
0 notes
japanheart88-blog · 6 years
Elf'd Up
We welcomed our mischievous little elf into our home about 6 years ago.  Over the last six years, I've realized this little trickster sure is the cause for quite a bit of controversy. 
You either:
A)  Hate the elf and keep him far away from you and your family.
B)  Think he's too creepy for Christmas
C) Feel like it's cruel to tell your kids the elf is watching them I mean, after all, they should want to behave on their own merit, right?!  If you're using him as leverage, you're doing something wrong as a parent, right?!
D)  Want to punch all the "bored moms with nothing better to do" in the throat for going to such elaborate lengths to position the elf in such ways that make you feel like a slacker
E) Have feelings about the elf that can only be explained through expletives
F) Love the idea, but not the trickery...ain't nobdy got time to stage the elf and pick up his mess 
G)  You're all about getting elf'd up...bring on the creepy faced little nugget and all his elf'in shenanigans :)
Let me just tell you that I've pretty much experienced all of the above.  
For the last few years, I fall into category G.  I am that "bored" mom with "nothing better to do" than place my little elf into mischievous situations every (ahem...ALMOST every) night before I go to bed.  
And I do it for two simple reasons...
These two :)
They get SUCH a kick out of the elf.  They anxiously wake up every morning and scour the house for his hiding places.  They can't wait to see what crazy thing he does next.  Sometimes our elf doesn't move and the boys typically assume he's too tired to fly.  We try not to make a huge deal about it.  Our elf is for FUN.  He's become one of our favorite Christmas "traditions" can I count him as a tradition?!?!?  
He doesn't go back to Santa and report...he just flies back to the North Pole to rest and give Santa hugs, drink syrup, and play reindeer games.  And when the holiday crazies set in, I'm not ashamed to admit that I use him as leverage..."do y'all think y'all should do that?!  Y'all don't want Elfabet to tell Santa tonight, do you?!" ...but those times are few and far between.  Not because they're angels...lawd, no.  But we've always wanted him to be just something fun...and magical... for the boys.  He really does make our holidays extra magical.  Just one of the fun little things for my boys to add to their Christmas memories :)
Our elf's name is ELFABET.  My oldest named him when he first arrived at our house.  That's a teacher's kid for ya ;)  Here are a few things he's done over the years.  Maybe he'll give you some new ideas?!?!  Or prove how bored I really am?!?!  Or maybe you just want to punch him in the throat.  
Elfabet arrives every December 1st and brings the boys breakfast, random trinkets, and pajamas straight from the North Pole (aka:  North Pole Breakfast). 
You can check out this years breakfast HERE.
Below are the elf ideas I shared with you last year, but before you get to those I wanted to share what he's been up to in the few days he's been here this year :)
Snap, crackle.....ELF?!  (I found this one to be particulary creepy, but funny nonetheless)
A little game of Pie Face for the win.  I used Cortizone cream for the whipped cream so that I wouldn't wake up to a milky mess come morning.  The boys always wake up before we do and there's no way I was going to wake up early to stage this one. 
It took the boys forever to find the elf in the fridge.  In fact, they woke up at 6:30, scoured the house, and said they figured he was too tired to fly back to our house so they gave up.  It wasn't until we woke up and went to the fridge for breakfast stuff that we alerted them to his hiding spot.  Haha.
And yes...Elfabet needs a bath.  In a bad, bad way.  How disgustingly dirty is his hat?!  Gross.
This right here is the boy's all time favorite .  They still talk about it to this day!
Elfabet got a hold of my phone and went around the house snapping elfie selfies with all of us sleeping.  He left the boys a note  (and some cookies) telling them to look through the camera roll.  If you could've heard their laughs this morning, ohmiword.  Best alarm ever.    They were in hysterics!  He even changed the wallpaper on my phone!  Sneaky son of a gun.  
This is what he got into last year that had the boys in stitches...
Left to right:
He packed the boys a nutritious lunch full of syrup, chocolate syrup, icing, sprinkles, and junk food.  All the essentials for a delicious meal.  And one night he couldn't quite make it to the bathroom in time so he left a little mess on our coffee table.  SO disgusting and so hilarious all in the same breath.  I live in a house full of boys and the potty humor even makes me laugh :) 
And finally there was one night he decided to help himself to some cookies, but he realized how awful those tasted and left a note for the boys letting them know he didn't like them at all.  Silly Elfabet!  Dog biscuits are for DOGS!!  Hahahaha
1.  Elfabet always arrives with a North Pole breakfast.  He brings Christmas socks, Christmas jammies, a Christmas book, and a Christmas movie.  And candy canes, too :)  The menu always consists of hot chocolate and snow covered donuts.
2.  He got into mommy's jingle juice.
3.  Drinking syrup in the pantry...after all, it's one of the 4 main food groups :)
4.  He turned the milk green...and my husband refused to drink it (and we wonder why my oldest is so picky?!?! ;))
5.  He rode a reindeer into town and didn't want to get off.
6.  He loves sugar and processed food as much as we do!
7.  Bless.  He's stuck outside!!!
8.  Reading to his Smurfs.  Smart little fella.
9.  He strung a clothesline from the Christmas tree to the drapes.   Then he hung up the boys underwear and himself...upside down!  This was one of their favorites!
10.  Drawing a picture of he and the boys.  Ha.
11.  Drawing faces on the boys in their Santa picture.  This is the one that scarred my youngest...FREAKED him right the heck out.  He pretty much screamed...then cried...and the picture came down.  This is when I was feeling like option E above.
12.  Wrapped the tree with toilet paper.  I felt like option F and decided this wouldn't be something we do again...once was enough :)
13.  Elfabet is a big fan of The Office, so he made himself a bowl of marshmallows and some hot cocoa while he watched.
14.  "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."...singing while wrapped up in Christmas sheet music.  See what I did there?!
15.  Taking a bath in a sink full of marshmallows.  When I woke up, my boys were helping themselves to a few for breakfast.
16.  Stuck under a glass in our cabinets.  He stayed there for a couple of days.
17.  The boys were worried he wouldn't follow us to Indiana for Christmas, so he wrote them a letter telling them he'd be there.  Reassurance :)
18.  Another ride on the reindeer...he likes riding in style.
19.  Watching "Elf" under the covers :)
20.  He got into the leftover Halloween candy...and then we had to throw it all away thanks, Elfabet!
21.  He made a shoe mountain and climbed to the top.
22.  Fishing for goldfish in the potty.  With a candy cane.  Landon's personal favorite.
23.  Made himself a little TP hammock in between the boys' stockings.
24.  Coloring a little something special for the boys.
25.  It was a particularly rough day at school for me, so Elfabet hopped in a cop car and pulled over a school bus :)
26.  Even Elfabet knows the real reason for the season.  He stayed here for a few days, too.
27.  A marshmallow message to remind the boys why we celebrate Christmas.
28. Ziplining on tulle right for the tree.
29.  He hung the boys undies on the tree.  They laughed like crazy, and then they were all, "are you gonna take those down before people come over?!?!?!"  Ha.
30.  He was tired of coming up with ideas, so he hung upside down from the chandelier.
31.  Telling Santa what the boys want for Christmas.
32.  He hung the boys Christmas pajama pants from the stocking holders.  This was the year the boys would walk by the display and run their hands along the pants.  Then the stocking holders fell over and all broke.  That was a last for that idea. feeling like option E again...dang elf!!!!
33.  Okay.  This one was a family favorite.  We all laughed pretty hard.  Elfabet stuffed himself inside of a roll of toilet paper and rolled down the stairs.  Hahahaha.
34.  He set out the M&M's for our Christmas cookies and decided to eat a few, too.
35.  See boys, it IS cool to do chores!!!!!  However, please don't use Soft Scrub on my mirrors.
35.  A little Christmas camouflage.
36.  Reading under the Christmas tree.  We recycled quite  few ideas :)
37.  Sack races with the other stuffed animals!
38.  I don't even know where to go with this one.  Mr. SPouse was all, "why would a Purdue guy do that to Elfabet???"  Ha.
39.  Instead of hanging from the chandelier, he hung from a wreath and dropped down a line of candy canes.  
40.  A little underwear swingin' next to the Christmas cards.
41.  Elfabet likes chalk art, too!
If these ideas are lame, head on over to my Elf'd Up Pinterest board and see what I've been pinning over there!  A few new...and pretty darn funny...ideas!!  
Source: http://pearls-handcuffs-happyhour.blogspot.com/2016/12/elfd-up.html
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avaliveradio · 6 years
Zita Barbara Talks About a Crush in her single 'Don't Stop'
Artist : Zita Barbara San Antonio, Texas
I started when I was three or four… I took that “big cardboard box” we all play with as children and turned myself into a Jukebox. I stationed myself near the stairs of the complex and waited for people to put change in me to hear me sing. If they chose to ignore me, I would pick up the box and follow them to their doorstep until they broke down to my cuteness, or shut the door. That doesn’t work very well after a certain age…for example, last week I was told it’s not Halloween by a confused neighbor. (I’m just kidding.) From there, I have done a lot of work developing my voice.
I auditioned and got into the Los Angeles Children’s Choir, but my family had to move. When we “settled” in Texas I was the “star” of my fifth grade choir. The music teacher gave me solos, duets, encouraged me to sing in a church choir she directed afterschool. I practiced a lot. By eight grade I was bullied out of trying out for parts in performances and “queen-beed” for my voice. It caused me to take a different route. I became fed up with choirs and started singing-songwriting as a way to introvert in music. When I learned how catty and jealous people can get over singing I started one-on-one voice lessons with the chair or director of the San Antonio Opera Company who sang opera herself. She was very “exclusive,” and my mom didn’t have a lot of money, so she work with me on a cheaper scale and invested time to develop me. Her efforts were not in vain.
In college, I auditioned and received a music scholarship awarded to me be the chair of the music department. I was double-majoring in business at the time and it was hard for me to keep up the ridiculous schedule. I quit the music program. I contemplated  “quitting music.” One day I got “hit hard” literally, by a cement truck. I always wanted to make an album of my songs. After that event, I just went for it full force.
Don’t Stop (Remix) This song is about being conflicted and having a “mind change.” It starts out explaining to a guy who is interested that, “My heart is torn in two.” In a torn state, freaking out over what to do, she lets him go. The song calls him to come back, “Don’t stop coming through the back door…calling from the pay phone…” She is basically calling out for a “Sancho.” Love nowadays is a complicated thing.
Yes, there is a backstory. It’s a very long story. It involves the car crash, running into an old crush, and mixing the two events for inspiration. It sounds like I turned my head to look at a crush and got into a car accident. That’s not what happened. Crushes are weird things that can stay in a system a long time. After the car accident (that had nothing to do with the crush) I grabbed at ideas I had stewing in me from all of my years in music. (It’s what they say, “It takes eleven years to make an overnight star.”) I dug up ideas I started in eight grade choir, high school, and even added some opera. If you didn’t notice “Don’t Stop” has a very “pop-classical” feel? Just take the melody and imagine an orchestra playing it and you will see what I mean.
As I travel down this music highway … I want to display more of my vocal chops I worked on growing up. I expect to put out some more “vocally challenging” work like Adele-type vocals or Whitney Houston to show off my range and voice. “I Need An Angel” is a first album. I want to introduce my music to the world with this album. It’s a good album for the “broken hearts” out there and people who like to hear something different, raw. A lot of the music is about the struggle to move on. “Don’t Stop” is the “I’ve changed my mind. Come back” song. That’s the last song I recorded for this album. In a loss or grieving process I suspect that’s the “bargaining” period.
I live in San Antonio… The music and art scene is up and coming. I like to paint. I paint a lot of butterflies and show my work around town. It’s a funny thing because I feel some people join my media thinking I am the artist, and then get off when I post music thinking they found the wrong gal and visa-versa. I am the same person. I am glad only in this instance to have a super funky name because at least I get a little “double take” out of it.
The music business is… a lot like the art business. An artist, in both mediums, needs to have their own vision and be hands-on to move forward in these careers. When I was in choir, I thought along the lines of every other choir girl, “One day, someone will hear me sing and offer me a recording contract.” It turns out getting bullied out of choir was the best thing that ever happened to me. It forced me to think differently than the rest of the music crowd. When I turned to opera I let myself explore hard core vocal technique that I wouldn’t have gotten staying in choir. By the time of the accident I started to think differently about music. It wasn’t just something I learned and then sang like a trained parrot. I wanted to “heal.” I found that using music in this way, expressing myself, has won me over a greater audience than if I would have fought to remain the “good little choir girl.” The moral of the story is that, in any career or endeavor, pitfalls are to be expected. What you do with yourself and how you react will make you greater. Every bad thing that happens can be an opportunity to grow instead of a reason to stop.
I love social media… When I started my Facebook page I had five people. Close friends willing to take a chance on “liking” my very unpopular page with a few posts. I started out discouraged.  The way dreams work out in a head is a different animal from what happens in reality. The way dreams come true in a dream is: one day you record an album and the next day you are famous. It turns out it’s not that easy. The biggest challenge I have had was growing my fan base. There is so much music out there it is hard to get “heard.” My facebook page is very popular now but it took three years of submitting my work around sites like Reverbnation or Soundcloud, then asking people to take a break to listen to what I have put out. I’ve even done a lot of “on the spot” performances in random settings hoping to drive people to my work.
Singles vs an album… It is easier to put out a single. To put a whole album together… it is work. It is arranging schedules of different parties and odd hours. It takes getting some ideas turned down and listening to advice. It is a true process. So clearly, recording one song is much easier than ten songs. I did a whole album expecting to put out a single. After I was done recording one, I felt I had another in me. Then I went for another one after that. I had a lot of material inside of me. I started a couple new projects and feel the same way. I want to do “just one” and find myself inspired to make another song.
I would love to have 5 minutes alone with… Probably the actual crush that inspired “Don’t Stop.” 5 minutes over a cup of coffee or something “innocent” would probably be all I can take in reality. This was a “heart pounding” and “dry throat” type-of-thing. My motor skills would shut down, and I would be reduced to blank-stare, fainting…he may then have to administer CPR…I would blow it all out of proportion and take it the wrong way when I come back to consciousness. I would take the exchange to be shared “moment.” He would be like, “Are you okay?” That old crush was always kinda awkward on my end. 5 minutes offers me enough time to apologize for being awkward without running into the above “Doomsday scenario.” (I said that just to be funny, it’s another attempt at a joke. I would never “risk it.”) Seriously, I’d love to spend 5 minutes with Alanis Morissette and ask for thoughts on my songwriting. I just felt that was boring to say. 
 I went to a “big time” producer … with my material and he wanted to completely “repackage me.” That was an issue for me. I was making up my album to say what I needed to say. It wasn’t about anyone else. I wanted to express something I held inside of me. I wanted to say something genuine. It’s very hard to “be yourself” in any art form. So many people feel they know the key to success, the “formula.” I am skeptical of producers who think this way. I have a degree in art. After studying art formally I can say there is only one “Picasso.” The copycats might make “good work,” but they aren’t “Picasso.” The only way to find true fulfillment as an artist is to realize your own vision and sound.
My sister and I went through college on our own…. I am proud that I put myself through school with my little sister. We both made our way through and excelled despite setbacks. It was the most leadership, determination, and perseverance I ever had the courage to display. I ended up with three degrees and I feel capable of more. 3 Ways that I challenge myself and how each one moves me forward towards my goal…
1) I challenge myself to keep in healthy. Without a healthy, mind, spirit, one can still move towards a goal; it won’t be as enjoyable an experience if a person walks with a pebble in their shoe towards the next stepping stone. It’s best to work out the kinks and move to the next step.
2) I challenge myself to create everyday. Recently I committed to daily writing towards a book. Most people think writing an entire book is challenging. It’s not so bad if it’s just a little everyday.
3) I keep a little “motivational quote” by my bed. I see it when I wake up, and again when I go to bed. It helps me. I ask myself what can I do to be productive during the day. I evaluate what I did before going to bed. A lot of people lose passion for life and start giving up on “extra energy projects” like their dreams. I don’t want to let go of my dreams so I have to be my own motivational speaker or cheerleader sometimes.
Social Media: Periscope: http://www.Periscope.tv/zitabarbara1111 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZitaBarbaraSanders Twitter: https://twitter.com/zitabarbara Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/zitabarbara Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/zita-barbara/i-dont-wanna-fall-in-love Buy the music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/zita-barbara/id991497774
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